HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-22, Page 8} • Two Stores °"�"'"Christmas Novelties. Everything am could think of in the Present line for children or their elders ; and the bessy of it, our pekes are so small that you can give two Presents for the money formerly spent for ons Come, and see if that is not eo. DRY GOODS STORE THIS SQUARE. NIDE PURE maks useful and arxeptable Pres. enia. FANCY GOODS STORE Grey lets. B I,a c k Astrachan Gauntlets. Fur top Kid Mitts, VVer75c. fur 60c. enlaanedrinSeal Aetrsel auJ_okess HANDKERCHIEFS and GLOVES. The beet Kid Glove in the market, blacks and all colors, regular $1.26 for $1.00. Nioe ice Baud kerchiefs, a great bar. gain, 3 for 26r. Colored Silk Harm. kerchiefs, & and 10e. White embroidered Handkerchiefs for 5,-. each. I,tEWS FURNISHINGS. Just receired, the new patterns in_ c - tan• sy colored regular 750. S Spec- ial for Christmas, as 50c. Heavy GreyFlan- nel Shirts, y 50c. Silk Neck Scarfs, Filsinger a Robinson. Ws have secured -the eon - tract for installing the Dundee Acetylene Gas Machu)* in North -at. Methodist Church, Oodericb. The machine bill be at our .tore for about two weeks, and we shall be pleased to have it inspected by any- one interested in the new light. We carry a full line df Stove., Ranges and House. Furnishing. hoods, and do all manner of Plumbing. a 11'..111 mike ' err ! SANTA CLAUS comes once a year to gladden all our hearts, and to rive friends au oppor- tunity e to a�ear their good wiz by gives presents - Have you decid- ed on all your pres- ent giving Visit our Stares and let os hap you to decide.-' BOOKS make useful pesetas. We have a spacial line, by the bout authors, cloth bound,oaly 17e. Beat paper Novels (come and look aver ear lint►, all standard authors, regular 2fic., only 10c. tliristmas Cards, lo., iia:., 3c., 4a;. and &. each. Webster's Unabridged l)ictiooary, regu• lar j1.00 for 65c. PURSES. Niue durable heather Purse, Lk. Chi'll's Leather Puree, 3c. Lovely Parsee, with sterling silver trim- mings, very new. Cor. West-st and Square. DOD RJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, /uees•rwa earwig a Assn, a tasutset.r'er air all kinds et FOR THE HOLIDAYS, At i the correct thing is to have the bat for your visitors, and you eau get the beet GROCERIES ST u RDY' PROS. • THE SQUARE. GODARIOH. NEW GOODS volt Fall and Winter Suits and Qyercoatp READY-MADE CLOTRIUG CHEAP Ery ewe lush& o u sad ns taiga Goods mid I1ss hr yard or Blade up is the Latest TieRI[B 0A.88. H. DUNLOP, Next Raab a Montreal Wderiek. BOILER$. Smoke Blacks, Balt Pane, Hire( Ins,To Works, ets,._pMc., AM= b Christmas Y•slelNry L1sMu� i•. All sins d Pipes sed Pips listla p, Steam sad Water (images, Glebe Velma, Cheek Valves, Implretesa, Shooters sad le. }•cera OkmteaNy ea Head as Lowes A line of Steel Water Gad Nei. T e ter nee of farmers mad others. RNmirlae preoptly amended N A. S. OfifkTOTAL. tealy P. O. Bea JR. Y•d.rlea. Buyers ..... New Ties, 25c., 36c. and 60c. Lined and un- lined Kid (710ves. PANS. What lady doesn't apprsoiate a 'good Fan ! - Satin "tainted Foos regales 75c., for 50e. Niue Gauze Fans at 750. Extra value halms' Mown Tipped Fans at 26c. JACKETS A MILLINERY. Sarvains in mil ttnpry Ter fihie iweiT two weekar. Sailers, regular 7&., going 26c vernier $1.00, for 150c.Trimmed Hata at hand price. JACKETS : .A few left. Spac- nu,regulare, tor um. Yuan clear all Jackets now. if you have a jaeket need, our prices will emit you.. TES. Lovely patterns, only 10c. Y ANNELET.TE. Extra wide, heavy Twill, at 10c. BOX RIBBON. An asserted let wits Ribbcrne,ifron Me. to 50c., going m 25c. ' A NEW COOK STOYE DOLLS of eviry description. Little Balk, Sig) Dressed Dolls, ant Our Price the then OROKINOLE BOARDS. Only 51c. Each. Duty a few left. JEWELRY. Nice Go'd Bracelets, only 25c. Nice Carboni Diamond Ring., 50c. Child's Neck Chains, 25c. Tie Pins, 10c., 15c. and 25c. Bazar Glove Fitting Patterns, only 11c. NEVER 8UQH LARGE VARIETY. NEVER 80 CHEAP. CASH AND ONE PRICE. At any season of the ye$r there is no greater comfort than $ good reliable Cook Stove iu the kitchen. It is witn coot stoves like every- tbing else : there are good, bad and indifferentvarieties. We know you will be pleased FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges O�z..T. .A.T CATTLE BROS. Plulen,haItteraiTimis West see or Pewee. next aloft Brea CHOICE SELECTION OF McLaughlin Cutters �. On. .las. only, Gold. -./.m.. SMITH BROS. &C 0 TPORTLAND CUTTEthat tiRS A ennui sg •atm% Srrti intim Cur. -sue eta b -. ea tlaa to at ddrsetleatf-.M 11 ly weeny. net eerie lees your deyglet be will arrange te 7t �oe yew no back. There's a �et.nt Ours nosey back. life ens ren get year weary beet. 011111111110111 In ovary .••ties. W aceta at all drew eta. >S FOR SALE BY JA& WIL ON. OUR DISPLAY OF XMAS CAKES Brume : Seeker A YeaeM.e have shipped 140 to of haled hay t. the Hes. dry 4'..., wke de the (render .ad dudvvwwyy cta awl/lip for the O.T.R. The Brarsskr Sem forwarded 10,000 bashois of eats to MOO I est year. jNextWeek... • we will have our handsome stook PerhiNail Brushes, Comb, IIi1rr..eesaooth ai�un,,gd� came, Manicures, Suver Moast,,ri Piped,' etc., etc., opened out and rest to esu. All Goode - nu 1'isrgaiu aoonter stun Come end see our Ebony Goals. this veer is the largest and finest we hare' ever marls, sod, we are conMent, not only the best but the in the town. MyChrist mas es are made only from the finest selected fruits -the bed that tamely can ley t are adulterant is used -nothing that wil in nay way cheapen the goods or diminish the rich, delicate flavor of the true fruit cake. Af-TELON'e---- PMty,'year Mies, Tarts, Gula Mk ail Siert hast, Ike flet ad Lily Fibers, nares►M.nnKses, hm, ars as good Al the test made la any airy is Cared. Aar maids cordon an eomiq in very well tide roc Lost year we did a large wade, extending to the side., and we have cert wedding ease all over this Proviso.. 11 is just as wall to ld you know ..a o o leo heads hr Ulm is i. 1a�� mod esesemsel.g ordersPima wed is y' as 1 will ad .1.1 he. trona row mall Dew Yeses. • mom O�lat w sail ► yass umi �jow '1 NT i,LON, J. WILSON, PRESURIPTION DRUG STORE.. Canadian Pacific Ry. IS THE. DIRECT FAST ONLY - ALL -CANADIAN UNE tri Tin FM Manitoba, the Nc rthwest, Klondike,aldYukon Gold Fields. LOWt$T SATE& 'NITWIT tIMt. AINDOMMODATION unet aero. 3 rilITAttiAtelkil St_ RADOLIIa'File 1ti=31M. - dOD1.D►IQ;- PIANO -BOX CUTTERS PLEASURE CUTTERS JARVIS oUTTEsa The beet finished Cutters, the best material meed in the oansrtrection of Cutters. in the town et Goderich. Call and examine before purchasing ukwwkare. I carry also a full line of -Agricaltaral Implements Noxrm Bros.' Bimlers. Mowers, Disc- Har. rows, Drills, Bprin r Tootle Harrows, of tfi' Abad PiowsradetCoolshutt Plow of all kinds Adana W hags Co.'s Weber Wagons, �lidbskigh. -and Drays of the hest quality. JOHN KNOX, 013 General Aj.nt, dod rl h. HAS _Htza 1 foe wish to know what to bey. where to may, and where your dollar or dime will go the tarthest. ---Taw-will End 821111 '$'.__.. BAZAR the right place. Nowhere else in town will you find ro peat an assort- ment of New and B'esutiful Goods to select from. • H1sh-Claaa Goods In F'in. China, Japanese Curios and Art Goods ; English, Gorman and Austrian Vis, TpFe. Nmrs1Wta. of every description, a& prices to snit ad pockets. Come in and see our Grand Display of Holiday Ovoids, whether you buy -or not it is only by seting that you can form any ides of what we have eoliected from alt quarters of the glebe to please our customers. We are confident we can please yon in Variety, Quality Gad Prins 8 omethi,pl meet all tates and regsiremeets. • SMITH'S BAZAR. -NIXT TOWN HALL. WIL1fER SMITH. I RICE'S PURE �SA We do All Kinds of Moulding and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice, and for little money. - Bit7de {Iii., ILlaaltsie C.1-073$iiZ08- 0 a aid i mem ch . 1. EIS ■I• ■Ii •,. �r. lsri Ali TOBACCO ■ -- - ---•- 0. Moog 47116- s l ► In I 1=11171111, n mmmmmmfr2 R. a SMITH DRIP GOODS 00. a CIIALLENGE SALE ! AT 95 CENTS. Pewaey's French Kid Glover, every pair guaranteed, regular $1.25, for per pair 950 5 -yard length Blouse Bilks for 95c 7 yards heavy Grey Twill Flannel for 950 10 yards Grey Felt Miamians for 95e 10 yards Grey Flannel (Twilled) for 95e 121t Silkiline Print, dark colors, for 95e 3 yards Eider Down for Ohildtea's Coats for 95o 20 yards Ameriesn Challis, for 95o 10 yards Wrapper Flannel for 95o 25 yards Flannelette for 95o 25 yards English fast color Priest for 1 yllo 8 yards Cottonade for Heavy Black Beaver Cloth for per yard 1.. 95d CHALLENGE SALE I AT 36 CENTS. Children's Black and Colored Kid Gloves, 4 pearl buttons, situs bi to 6-1, for 35c b} yards very is* diosd linen for 36o 7 yards Blue and Whits Checked Lass Lap:... , 350 ,rh 3 4a. 4a• Nele.sienese „ ,°. '"' 6 yards doable fold Skirt lining for 350 b yards Shirting and Apron Gingham for 36o Ladies' heavy Wobl Ovsiheee for per pair 33o CHALLENGE T.LENGE SAALE I AT 15 CENTS. Double.fold Wool Brains Veiling, per yard 15e 38-ia. Striped Skirting, per yard Indies' flea 0.11., 2 for 161. 2} yard' Freesia Quays. ter 16e 4 yards Bleak Skirt Liable for .. C%ildrea's .ad some Lind Kid Mitts, per pair lb�o Ws eemaesee a .loath earlier thea meal 1. mike a Grand efernyiSwitipSale iI all MIliinery ' X and Fancy Dry Goods. both14 moiety* a new hat, I Ala exit yes, Loominy .ad In Pries. 1 have the do bonerMho Styles,rt �.. a...bt J. A. HALPANY• •EN *• ruwlYra'Mrw. Ikea Me Sews. YaLesa OINsok, R. B- O. ihm ager. , _rale"7-'-3a!"sr •-cs- - Leaving Goderich! OUR STOCK MUST BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE. BARGAINS iNALLLI Crowds all last week, and everybody went away satisfied that this is the store for BARGAINS ONLY MORE- DAYS! SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SLEIGHS AND _LAMA'S. WhttT ST. Asa SQUARE WOOD'S FAIR. F. JORDAN !um pleaswi in s•:nounciug to his old friends, and as many new ones as possible, that he has re -opened business at the old Ntand,, with a complete and en- tirely new stock of DRUGS, CHEnICALS, PERFur rs, TOILET ARTICLES, HORSE and CATTLE AEDiCiNES and a large variety of Fancy Goods, suite for • XMAS PRESENTS . lasetweasehosbsgke Th. Dispensing Department will always he under his own supervision, or that of a. thoroughly competent assistant. F. JORDAN. Shorey's Clothing,. - fel Yldk• INS MN eMlliM is cut and tailored in the best es, sewn with linen thread and gives ayour boy lust thaappeezance you would most desire It L a mistake to age. sociate prim. style t dose not abet any moss tocuta garment to 6t tbaa to cut it badly. It is sold by all up- to-date dealersud has Card Shorey's Gnatantes in one of the gar- ment ll. hich IDRr wary bide. Bee that you get Sho ersmabn and take no other. e ram rAA Tins theiedy IP 1122 rn.1lil Gtr �. Said.andUm: Toaiik - weeeee.ak... 1. O. fi..sL.el�. eeMsass.ts. u. • , t _� ..�k ly��; itt4 sok