HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-22, Page 5Xmas Slippers. Nwlee the time you will be wondering what to give for Christina,. . We should like to help you to decide. What would• be niter for the wen folk than a pair of House Slippers f We have several choice kinds and are selling them at close prices. In LADIES' SLIPPERS we have a large variety, both for evening and house wear. carry a full line of Ladies' and Gents' Skating Boots. Wishing you the compliments of the pawn, We also ST. GEO. PRICE We do !'Met Oath Bepslrt g. Nest Silo of Spllare, fioderich. A True Christmas Story 111 J. J. waIWUT. w ELL may the old adage be repeat- * then track Is talked *brasier thea donnas, ea the fellewi.g Illestr.ttea may prove. gloves year ago this most& 1 bad boos speedier 1.1. evading with irate friends is Sea Po moiao° and, biddies my hoes and hostess good niebt, i jumped ea heed e V•leaeta throe' moble oar bread for the pier u the let el Marlon street, to &this the arrival of ase el the visas steam ferries oat take yen three* the bey to either Oak - toad, Alameda or Berkley. As it would be -gems UN* nee Wert Ib• best weld M is 1 .trsWd over le the dhed eu the wharf Where Iralk Migtiyn. barge sad • •umber el ether hrttolee wore offered for mifw Beath - boding shloh 1 bad sot sees it eo many year.. "AS kat my native piece came in Mehl and with it • neither of familiar objeote Itaklag jams the throe as 1 bed lett them lona the, wits° 1 was a boy. little or no change having apparently takes plata dar- ts* so long an &treooe. 1 sok. leagued 11.5 why 1rleeds. although grown quite old. were fortu.aely still is the land of the living. Without much dilbo01ly 1 suooe.dod u Adtng my old home end nervously rapped .1 the dear, wbu:I was opened by my whether, sad, beading os$ my band,! expiat- ed bar to remove as with that warmth sad affeouoa thea our lone .spastics a°Ud for. To my surprise, wises 1 Galled her by the moss ..d..ri•n name known to the E line IOw4... she repulsed re, and asked me when I wanted, *in she altercation which occurred my tether appeared e° the ..ens. As 1 rave - ✓ oid bleb ar000e.zplan.tic0 toltarged has 11 was of ae •vuL I esplus.4 11 she air• osmet•aees, sad over sod over ain.ssurd them 1 was their see ; but notwitbste.diag ithR • Mak the w* of watt* &obviated my my 'Art. 1 weld nay soothed in msktng the d testi*u. m rawly, "Hit rag m Lsv. Wits aeoessary tmprtrto0 on their moods and His eta," I heae4.4 the rhea m asst.. • wasp resedly called so impostor. dM oWr f• ►mt, wooer 1 pamfalt mos gbh ' You the imagine my feelings better at.aoe, he remarked: tithe 1 the d..erib. them, after travelling _gums eee, dr ; bat eve yoo oat an es Ir ere0hivs such • terrible mod aiaturl Rsi�I1•uw !" reoepIioa. To add to their belief of my as- •aawaria( ma la the adirisawa, kit re, tempted imposition, they drew my eaten tion to & little frome hunt on the wall 10 plied : `8.'s a 1. sed 1 was over there • year watch was.helohd • newspaper outing dm tigr ; bat 1 will take gelid oars I wtli e .ver ulllag the lose of the ship I went out en, tie m oe lo.11n a i ..hetes tom as.. I with .11 oa board. This was snob 000.1usl vs live. tholes*, to them that say farther attempt Edwina my surprise at seek as total to esebE*h 107 Identity watld only be threat, he added : throws sway. As • result 1 became dozed '•l.eok hen .00 700 base a newer of se with roger sod aiesppot.tmeat, mod wlth- saer pet saw; she lamas, sed t yen will out another word 1 dealt the little motors Melee le •til I M1 ha the my swinger' Jew. A.1Jnrr . with my 4** whisk thumbed I M1 seems seemed him sotblsg would it. oontonte 0o the floor end, half crazed, ive ma somas, pleeee„, .ad h. Drw..d.d rested out of the house. ie Minn t-mniW' Now," be added. '• yeti know the reason "A aa M yens age 1 loft Engd as I will unser go then stun." • hey es • small vessel bead for New York, A. 1 was pant°g • 11t41. impstlmot •b wt misuse M amuse lobe .ad mektng myosl my boat. as It would be the boa that night, tesefal w eorperehtihe for my I held out my hand to etharally ah1 fohis r d. ....Iwo Eyeeytkla, may well seal Nit moot htresting ',tory, modd bid him good• thank trip win lowly aver, whew .4 I04lailgamroe. 1. tuanuI one to they Iola • misssa Is mfrm me that his fraud. had .t lath Naiad out their mutake, sod that he nod reostved a visit from the British Vi*, Consul • day or two berets, who had been requested to And him sod implore him e write. 1 had sow oo time to lose, ea the load sad 1a/ Talonls of the ferry soot me off is s harry with the great crowd on my resent to Berkeley. The Petah Toru, Corbin., 1898 erne ee 1. Mho the .1ti. was 1060117 wreaked and all ea Mrd were lost thane myse who wee saved N peeing d . taken to New Yank. Then I Mees ob. hinted emplitynaI, and in the mom el • low]oar� fel !spelt Menfortably off. "Meet bovine ..mnaa'.sted with my fr•tsnde M heta.,wbe bad no doubt. rend me 1 did, el the Isss of beth vowel sad ll heed.,I �e�• te bate • sloe/ desire te ge hem. .•d give Hem all • .rent surprise. With Ws reslutbe V ml.e 1 hammed to pot my heutihs Me emanates. sod set pars. en Mer el the poet liners bed Ir old r+�04 a Of tea end Zamtherm yon r.dliy endr0Mud how. aster He einum- eteswia, my mind the tilled with omotian 1--nnd .ssjasute se Meeh day I peed seriously 4 had dews the desk thalami the •p- ptena of lath "A gdesdid rum throes the Atbes4e sees briniest nee. however, to Liverpool, .d 1. due thane I found syealy ssssl. d m • railway earriye �d tee the little viWge that pas M bulb • The various seethe cog the horsey proved Imere.1tag, se 1 pima 1e quirk eneowton the Mil tvyenvered obsnhes,ehe great other hMmsen.the Oaths of pan. the thatched an - Yrs and the Myor-etrmesbiag Mlles e1 therm SAYE THB "OTHERS Dsdda Kidney Pills Their Only Safety in Female Diseases. Yon have seen a Sower nipped by frost, fade and die in the flush of its beauty. That is how women die when attacked by any of the diseases peculiar to their MS. Woman's burdens aro woefully heavy. His sufferivi are agonizing. Her f_iflrem is L Disease preys upon her. The light dies out of her eyes, her steps become sow and dragging , she loses flesh; grows oi, 11141-06, droops like a Sower. Then to lisr. Her family is left to the cold mercy of the world. Mother's dead I M What a piteous; phrase. What sufferinp have been endured before it was used. 'Why should mothers, wives, sisters suffer so P Ary wad ,s.. Dodd's Kidney I Pills will gakkly and thoroughly tore fie moos o[ Female Weakness. They sever fail They give health, smith, assege 1 a new lease of life. • COUNTY CURRENCY I Left ever from Wt week -I Gesubrook : Chas Dames 1.s leased • farm sear Pooh, Perth *,rely. Clinton The Salvation Army hen col- lected the megni6osmt sum ot over 170, the oatoome from sell denial wroth. Clutha Mr. Searle i. .ersteg- • eon bead, having smashed the of his halters by sllowieg • stth* l wood le fell apes it. Climbs : Toro pared away at bar late resides** to Clutha J... Hall, reties o1 the late T. Gill, 05 the ripe old she of 76 years Clinton : A gold w.toh-&o heirloom le the family -wee lost to the wow the other d.v by ies Carder, but was fortunately feud. Koster : Mary Nertbeett, wife of the late Wm. Rodd, Exeter North, died ea SMs- .rday, 3rd im a., •gni 62 years and 8 oaths. Blyth : Herbert Aehbory has gone be Tboreld, where he has •soured • Altoona° as book-keeper to a large flooring milt of hie dealers& : Mosley Masten, of Washing - tea Blase, bas been elating bis tether, Wm. Masters Mr. Masten is a.uooesstal term- er fa they State. Brothels : W. K. Hahn, who was laid off work on the G. T. R. emotion swine to an attack of typhoid fever, resumed his psltiob IMI week. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. and Rim Martha Livermore were solemnised . t Ike hems .t the bride, Olathe, .n Wed - senility 'thetas of Ire week. Me•lortb : Junes Soots, of Rorbero', la. Made retiring from south larch life and hem. I...ed the Isiah residenta 01 Mr StameU, end will shores remote to tows. W. W.w•aesk : trustees of 8.11. Mit 2 have seen 6* 5 oha.ge the tewb.r Ing ,he analog year, hevlo& .u(.ged Mr. Cherub, of Uodeeiob, at, • mollify of 4130. Senfr5h : Mro. Ales. W Ileus last w.sk received the .ad labellihresee of the death sI h er father, David Lamd.o, of Almeia% &visaed. H. was .leo . brother of Robert Lambdas, of We town. tarty : Sliver Corner. boner lathery .old 4,400 pomade of buster to C. W. Riley, of lsgereoll, .t 19 oM. This was the output for November. Mr. Riley be. Detrained for December make at the same price. Tsekremith : A very plo.saut event o0 oorr.d at Auobenh.y, T.okenmllh, on Wednesday 4.00100 of loos week, whoa Mir Mary uproot. daughter al the I.5. Joh. 8ys1, won molted is marriage to Adam Hay, ol oo.f.rtb. Morris : Shortly after 630 oa Tuesday •venleg of lase work the log bora mod Inane ( rosary oa the 50 -sore farm .f W m.O.kley, li moles south of Brussels, were desbroy.d by Aro, and she ooh hoe as well. Clinton : We are pleased to note rust Rebs. Corin, r.e.sely et tee Termite World stag, has been engaged as private oeoretsry to J. S. Willlsoe, editor of the Globo. Bob was sure to obtain .omethutg of pr4misww, sod he as reolvisg the moa. *ratelaHess et bis Iriouds. Brawl': Wednesday hvtts of last weak Rev. Joe. Roos, B A , tied the mstrl- monW kbul Mamma Donald Marry, of AS. weed, sad Mrs Bush Rutherford, of Brum N U, .e the res death 01 Al... Peebles, Quess-s. Mrs Peebles sad Mrs. Kanter - ford are doter.. Gederiob tevs.bip : Miss UugsrMU- ler, of this tewaablp, went through the sp 'edea of intim • IIkz.ol removed- bet emove -ben eye la the latter part of August. Ara other one was also removed &boat two weeks age. and the yeseg lady is now tree from the trouble astray. Brsmele : Mies Mamie Cameron, l Souris, Mae., is hen on • visit W her fa- ther, Wm- Cameros, Cburoh-s*. It Is sever years sloth Mir Cameron was home. She has bass keeping house for her brother WU. Baro. Mr, Cameron has two eons in the West and botb are dotes w111 Vsforth : Mn. M. A. Coulter, teeohr of the primary department of the public' school, mel with •painful .widest, mod one whiob .111 matins bet to the house for wine nate. 8he dipped os the gr.notilbio path - mem in front ot the Cady block mod (.11,51. resale being • bad sprain of ore el her e ak los. Clinton There ps ppd painfully .writ' rio'Wedoosday morning 01 last week, at the home of her tither, Albers -et., Mary Elisa- beth, eldest d•oghtor of Henry Carrick, se the age of 24 years mod 6 moothe. Demoted lied been ill for only some eight day., hav- ing merely caught cold, resulting in erysip- elas, width earned her off. Hlesenllle : A.othr painful Isooldent h /,S41 Md. Leafs ares, tibsegfe, fly Minn Mbee bas et belaid up over Maas. White patteg hie oow in the stable be in some manner gas several of his fingers severely jam mod, oats of them out so otsrly off ghat he bad to bare It impended se. sties day. He carries 11* hied it . ding tend .ellen moa• .id.rsbly. MoAillep : Wefate s� elle the - wind htaBgeeoh of the death of George Henderson, of the 10th ooaol(sleu of Mo- Killop. eldest son of the Ise Jamas Honda. ens, which .ad event Wok place as Friday D•oembeit Zed, after an Meese esteaidiag over • period of Dearly twenty years. al- though confined to his bed for .sly .bout mouth before his death. Holmsevllle : W. Yon, oldest atm et J. W. Yeo, who had boos la Manitoba dose last August. got boar • there Nae age. IA las relatives !lyre i. eentk.n M.sW0M, whore he spent aloe* of the time. and es' - loved Meseta splendidly. He was also in the midst of the Gelioua setHemets, and .peaks of them se ea dadestrioas ohm. Brawls • Rev. 8. J. Allis lost hie berm year-old e r - year -old daughter la • very sad manner: Mr. Alibi was dusting off the top of • blob glass oapboerd mod had removed • nnmbsr of bottle• for that purpose, peckish them lin • ben en the table. Eos, the little gist with the help of M chair, olimted no en the tattle and got hold of one bottle ooatslady • smell quantity of asrbobo acid. = lig. .he at oath pat It to her mouth and drank the oontene. The mother's sites - tion was oalld by the little on: s rasping, and • phy.ioiea was summoned, ren while household rerrdi a bang sod. For sev- eral hours the little girl lay to • hate of coma, bob after • while revived (Kreider. ably, but was bothered with chill. and fever. Her month and throat were severely burned, from, which she suffered • great deal of ;sin until her death on the woad dry fol- lowing. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Walton : A oolllotloe was takes in Gaffs 000gares TowNMmtr. ebaroh for the Msrritto. Preabyterimo thumb, 10jsred by the eyeless last I.Y. Saterday, Deo, 17th. 144L.. $7 42 was reoeirs-1:_(;Nu,7 sass pavement to •d W. Wswsomb : t f. Jeaea, l the fifth Dos 5th and &leo oa 1511 of Deo. Minutes lime, was m•rri.4 as %.tlead a the prawn of last meetings rend sad paired. Moved of • large ooner•gauon of intimate friends by Jobe Woods, .hooed.d by Jamas Joke - to Nth Jessie Thom. sten, that no bottom be takes la regard to Eimer : Joseph Cobbldiok has par- oommuulostion from John 8.lkold with (hued the interest of Stewart brothers, of regard 10 Bwaffield bide -rod. Moved by ere S(.tor grlst mill, &ed will tete posses. Thee Chunblll, 5sowdee by C. Williams, Moo on Jimmy la. then the baboon*eteeenes he Wald : - Grey : Mus Lizzie E Streoha. hu thee • grata for three years, Canada Co., $29 snored as • teacher to the Klmwood pablie 20 ; W. OMlelemsb, 410.12 ; R. Campton, school for nest year. Miss .Inst.. holds 413.60 ; D. Joheutea, $20.76 ; W. Marney, • 2od ol&sh *,rtibeste. 510.86 ; Jas. Ces.olly, $14 76 ; Mrs. E111- tit. 51I 28 ; 8. Rathwell, $8.00 ; B.y6.ld oorpooMtioa, 53 60 ; Jas. Mau, $6.24 ; W. Currie, $18 90 ; F. Lennard. $852 ; $ Baker, 56 10 ; J. B..e.r, 56 90 ; Jas 50.. Domld. 59 90 : Tues. Benne, $10.60 ; eoas1B, eeteteee at heard. $120.00 ; olrt'e salary, $106 00 ; treasurer's Mary, $70 ; beard of heath. $10 • Feb.1515 /M gravel. W. ACHESON & SON. Pracllc�l Presel Tor MM. Our large store waa never before so stocked with pleasing Holiday Goods. For been alert in purchases of Gloves for Christmas, Dress Waists and Dress Goods for Christmas, Furs for Christmas. bright or o0 largely months past we have HANDKERCHIEFS. Always appreciable. From the brilliantly pri..t.d figured ones at 3 for 5e., for the little tote, to fine sheer linen, em- broidered and lack trimmed, at 20c., 25c, 30c., 50c., 65c., 70c. Patterns and style just a little daintier and newer than in ordinary stores. KID GLOVES. One of the most important factors in our store. Largest and finest new Holiday stock ever brought to Goderich : beautiful colors, new dome fasteners, newest trimmed backs. Prigs : 75c., 11 00, 11.25, 11.50. Gents' Ties in latest styles, Men's and Boys' fine Underwear and Gloves, Men's Silk Scarfs, _ Men's fine .Cashmere Hosiery,-_.-. Men's Fur Coats, etc., at CHRISTMAS SALE PRICES. DRESS GOODS. Such a demand for fancy Black Goode and plain Ladies' Cloths. We place our magnificent as- sortment at special December cut prices. Fancy plaid or check Silks for waists. Best Taffetas, pure silk, at 75c. a yard -special. LADIES' JACKETS. Still a large and stylish choice for December at from } to 1; reduction in prices. SASKATCHEWAN BUFFALO ROBES. Those famoan,wslmeit V11iJef�titoctible• goods ---s large choice in blacks and browse, in all colors of linings. in Brussels, Tapeetries and Axminster°. Linoleum., 2, 3 and 4 yards wide. CARPETS `BIITTEBICK'S FI IOI~1'1TTEBNS°`IbL IN STOOK, JANUARY SHEETS FREE. W.-ACHESON &SON EPPS'S COCOA' rnc kARDIGAN Distinguished everywhere for Delioacy of Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and Nutritive Properties. Specially grate- ful and oomfor•tinv to the nervous and dyspeptic. Bold only in 1-4 lb. tins, labelled JAMBS PEPPS & do , Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, England.. MIL= Alf .ureas EPPS'S COCOL (macs ERIOR UNE' ,f, ler w "' 400. 6 °$IRAN Brussels: Harty Gooding, nephew of Rev. O. J. Aber, bas moan from Brantford sad w111 make b* home h Braun'. Hb motor did last swath. Maths : The saps** of Herbert casual Opening Xmas Sale at ...--,Porter's New Store Some Ristraord/nau'1 Valise : ._ CROKINOLE BOARDS, 35c. each. ' SHEBA, the newest game out. - 1k" It*'`'''- " SNAP," " The House that Jack Built," " Peter Coddles," and all the other popular games, from tic. up. DOLLS, from 5c. up to $ 1.00. BIBLES, 25 per cent. off. PRAYER BOOKS, Special discounts. Full line of Roman Catholic Prayer Books, Poeta, Booklets, Presentation Books, Wenders sod Oards. Nothing like them ever shown. LEATHER GOODS and ONYX GOODS, new and artistic STERUNO SILVER GOODS. HAVILAND, ELITE, and other French (Chinas. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE OA?-'. b..' M.. 100. t items Wast of old Bend. Clears Ham Besse* aMdrw H. Hibbs. $16 02 ; Elliott. 52.76 ; W. Bal, 46 42 ; W. Worth, 533.42: W. Who, 417,76; W. Monk, $ .90 ; A. C.erefee. 5101 S. Wilton, $90.24; Jae. Connell, $ .66 : W. Johanna, 54.80: F. NeCartthy, 57.32 ; A. Drysdale, $7.02 ; D. On, $4.50 1 O. Puller. 41.06 ; H. Dyke, 5 .18 : D Wright. 51.86 ; Tobe Jervis. $2 46 ; H. Young, $7 50 ; 1'. Cine n, $16.78; W. Elliott, 52.30 ; H. E Miller, error of petbmccter is statute labour, $1 ; J. Sheppard, althea tom reloadd, over throe tulles from mama, al, 43 20 ; Alva W. Wo,, eohoel M: reloaded, over throe miles from school, $1.72 ; Ar• Shur Wiloa, w et hall for township meet - lees for theear 1898, 530: J. R. Bailer, stet $3 64 ; Memoipsl World, Mee - thin supplies, 5619. Moved by Thos. Cbarohill, ceeasded by Jas. Johnston, that sollsotor's time fr elleeticg tezes be en. tended to Dee. 26th, 1898. Adjosrsed to m*,* per steate. NIXON BrpnpT, Clark. COAL -AID CHARCOAL and KINDLING We jare still at the sante old stand, Nelson Street, where we Moo. 10011 supplying our customers for • number of yaws. W. know the fnel that sults you. Orders left with nor delivery rip or at Wor.ell's /tame andl tin shop and at our olliea will racaive pro,spt. attention. All noel weighed nn market scales, unless otherwise ordered. We run meson Drays in nonn.rt4n,,. CARTAGE N FUEL CO., JOHN R. PLATT, Meager. Piepes 62. 96117 t1 '1'11111 NEW FLORIDA" ANn 5 "NEW BERMUDA „ STEEL OVEN COOK STOVES ARE T1IE KIWIS BF BAKERS, 0100 TNN "New Art Amherst" It TNI MOST ECONOMICAL 00081.E NEATEN COAL STIVE IN THE MARKET. Every Steve warranted mesa or mosey > and guaranteed for one ser •(.Inst J. H. WORSELL T13 CUAP OTOVJ ]LAN Iona 00550 0011 QODI7RIOI3 PLANING MILL. ESTABUSWs IEE•.: iluchailalis & Rhiyuas BABE. DOOR and BLED Deakin In lI hods e1 ""- LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES Aad bandies m0.(t.i .r .herr dearolrlb School furniture a Soselaltl The Kenainllton Funitnre Co, tIdm,tedl WANT DRY ELM AND BABWOOD h lap or mall quantII 8s Timmy are she 1. the m.rkr • Green Elm and Black Ash. LIGHTEST, 1:ATEST, .^,HEAPEST, WARMEST OVERSHOE IN THE MARKET. r.' The Quality Attracts The Prices Sell `. J. H. PEDDER'S ALL EXTRA 000D VALUE: Finest Ave Linen• Table Cloths ; Napkins to match Fine Linen Towels Fine Bleached Table Linen Pure All -wool plain and fancy Flannels UUA°ANTanD UNeatKINaaaa Union and Pure Woollen Blankets. IF YOU BUY 1S2R*, YOU 0411 PUBCSAIIS C000 READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING AT Lowest Prices; Best Quality Men's Overcoats Men's Ulsters Boys' Ulsters Men's Suits t_ Boys' Suits Children's Suits Call pd See for Ya rself 1 2'1 2% ==S)ER nth* OLD STAND - OVERSHOE Look oat for the opening in a few days of 13isk's New Drug Store in the Horton Block on the Square, nett door to Central Telephone office. Call and inspect my stock when making your Xmas purchases. S. E. HICK CRRIIIBT AID DRUGGIST - • GODERICH, ONT. 4 or Women,Misses and Chilled POR SALA 00 ALL n"O° MALMO.• rhe CARDIuAN OVERSHOE CO. !"RATFOPD. ONT. LEE & SHEPEIARD wish all a very merry Christ- mas and a happy New Year, and thank you for your pat- ronage during the past year, and they assure you that their Goods, Work and Prices will beequallyas good the com- ing year as in the past, which has been the moat prosperous year the bu*einesa has ever ho, vIAbb they attribute to' GOOD GOODS, 000D WORKMEN GOOD PRICES LEES & SIIEPIIARII Clearing Sale ! As we must vacate this store on the l9th of ber, we must dispose of our stock of MILLIN- ERY by that date, and to that end we shall offer everything utterly regardless of cost.. Startlisig Bar ns --Come and see. MISSES YATES. NOME 1110MI F14 MUMS wt50.11*s. we efSet lebI, Ia 'I-aifie, wads r .prra m*5'. , M fa.1M p0 Mlle t owes Yssue a. w{ta wMisewentAcaos.te times...aQ *1sma'+Mbgwss 01 eww.wnwe sa■.nrp o•... whew. Inspection Invited Any woodsman, bo' be ever so herd to please, can be suited from the immense stock of CROSS -CUT SAWS and AXES to be fond at MoKeozie's. Our stock of the cele- brated elsbrated BUFFALO BILL Cross -cut Saw has had to be duplicated already. The price and reputation they have make them go like • boy getting away with heft cakes on • cold winter's day. SKATES We invite young ladies and gentlemen to inspect oar beautiful line of States before purchasing. We have them in ►11 styles -Club, Hockey and Racing ; also • Special Skate for Ladies only. The rage in Toronto this year is for the oils hated Bowen HOCKS'? S111Ta with puok stopper. We have them 1 MeKE N Ziti Tsui next tool UY swum= 0111,AP.