HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-22, Page 44 TUMIDAs, Dee. t9, 1818. E.& d M.H. Can we help you ? 10 sake your home happre' With Meek and supe i WW have Beautiful Pianos at prices within the reach of everyone $ u frees per neck I/• fro.taws Many Homes ere happier this ('hristms, thrusrh having dealt with us. 1slyours one d them! Our wish to all is a wen-) Christman and • happy New Year. EMERSON'S 1cI1 ilsllt lisase, M� GOD39R101B- IIEPRESERTIRO THE NORDNEIMER NANO & MUSIC CO , Of TORONTO. mut Offignal, re row= EVBRY-'THURBBAY M9lild�$O so e. es ALLAN SMT OODKRIcf. THURSDAY. MCI* lei CHRISTMASTIDE. THE weather for the put week or so has been ideal Canadian Christmas weather. It reminds us of when we were boys, and when • green Christ- mas wee a rarity, indeed. Some of our oontemporariei may fly off the handle at RCDYARII KIPLING for his reference to Canada u " Our Lady of the Snows," but THE SIOLLL slaw& by KtwLntn and Canada every time. We are not in the banana belt, and we are glad of it. Canada is in the latitude where hardy and intelligent men alE women jSroli'atiff"*Bire servation of a more southern clime doman't ..sail her people. We have • good average of sun- shine all the year roan], but we have enough snow and safeient frost to teach as that sunny days are not to be our portion all of the time. So here's to the old•fashioned °heistmae weather that we now have with es, and may the old fashioned weather bring with it the old-time feeling of gladness to one and all, as in the good old days when each endeav- ored to share the other's bonbon, Gad everTSWA, tMl; tip .xtlauiar that Christmastide was after all but • commemoration of that time when God gave Mu grestcet gift to man. HUMBUG IN THE LAW COURTS. TREKS are many humbug features to the law courts of Canada and every other country, but we question if ever there was any more absurd than the practioe of the courts in election cases. For instance, the case against the late Joss CaAI°, of Bast Wellington, was finally disposed of last week, by Mr. Justice OsLss, of the Court of Ap- PeI Morch last Joei Cull was .luted member for Bast Wellington, and his election was petitioned against inside of the required thirty days. Shortly after that Mr. Ca *-vat stricken with illness which ceded fat_ ally, and during the "constable ses- sion" Bret Wellington was unrepre- sented- After the death of Mr,CIAIo, the seat was declared vacant .ad • new election was called for. The Hon. J. II[. Gt'ssoa became the candidate and was elected more than a month agog, in the room and steed of Jonw Out°, deceased. Notwithstanding all this the peti- tion against the return of the bite Joni Cum was still kept before the courts and only received Its ouietn. on Wednesday of last week, when Mr. Jeanne Oman dismissed it. What WOW have happened had the petition tie before nes of the Mea cranky aim justice dispensers of this Pro. ohm it is hard to say. The whole thing looks like • Mage QS d fool business from this end of tits,k esoope. TITLES IN CANADA TN an interview recently Premier Ilium pat himself on record mourn- ing titles after • fashion that will menmesd self to every reasonable man. In reply to the question, "Are you eppeasd to Canadians receiving tildes t" he mid : " No, not when they are tha reaigniGdm of limportret serrimrm is the public, and are bestowed fat tie Nte only of the ps w'n. re. Mitiring them. 1 do not think, however, Slat 117 hettew•i ef hereditary tithe in Ida eonntry M desirable : het as • reward 1 ogrit, or be dluinpf bed esr•itr•, sad ills mnty, easy nae Nil i MIA* h'• • esM1sM with ere 0611111M..& d list or .Men d Grrvarnmwrt." ' .e. not'with.inneli,M, my own view 1 awe, and am eery st ragly vet ,.. .. im wlw, dreg -cop flosses a fortune, or at Mast • oumpeteeos, a title would, eloopl m suess r rw or spacial cases, be • serious bunion. It is • subject, bow• ever, upon which each man Is entitled to, .e,d doubtless will hold, his own opinion. 1 Pi! OPPORTUNITY HAS MASSED. THE Opposition in the Ontario Leg- islature are plowing on a stony hill. At the general election they got within closer range of the treasury benches than They had ever been slice Joss SANT) IILD MACDONALD was ousted, but they have been backsliding ever since. Some of their beet wen fell by the wayside in the March campaign, such as 8T. Join, MAuwooD, MILACRON and WILLOUGHBY, and up to the present the chance for getting any of them tuck to assist WHITNEY Is nil. None of the defeated men were big men, es politicians go, but all of them had had experience, and in the event of WHITNEY'S sauces. wou11 have been esteemed as Cabinet timber. In the care of MEACHAM and WILL- ounnu Y bye -elections in Lennox. and Northumberland gave each of them an Opportunity to Come before'tthe elec- tors a second time, but in both cases the last state of the Opposition condi. dite was worse than the first. This was particularly noticeable in Dr. Wtt-t.oUaeBY's case, as be was practically pulverised politioally,to the tune of a majority of over 600 agatnet trim. And so it has been up to the pres- ent, and .o it will continue to the end of the chapter. The HARDY Adminis- tration is bound to lacrosse ita ma- jority during the remainder of the term, and the Opposition may as well bow to the inevitable and devote its energies to preparation for the bottle royal at the end of the four years, in- stead of wasting and being wasted in the bye elections, as they hare beenap to the present.. WHITNEY hes proved himself to be the beat leader that the Con-ervatih party has known, so far as not setting the people by the ears ie concerned. but -he !nadirs- i.;.t-►+-sitl!'ti► •pined that byeeleetions by bolew{. would help him into office. • In • close fight the men behind the ramp.rte usually do the S1.adiest shooting._ POLITIOBk'�POtNTERS. sr The peopl.libe-to,f01Ian Hae leaders. fa' W:have known pteiitteti..s to pray- ed prey. r Policies are eterual. are uaasitoryl pri•upies panicle' .wily gete MI/ The rocket down to earth. if In polities, as in everything else, it rays to be straight. DM I1 you don't want to get out of poli• tiers, don't try to get in. le" A statesman should voice the thoughts of the people. Mr In politnw, u in war, I'rovidenc. favors tbs big battalion. r It's a wise politician who knows when he has shot his bolt. Mr The enthusiasm usually bubbles over for the politician who wins. r You cannot run m political party on a policy taken from a tombstone. Sar in the makeup of a ptilitici.nn bone goes further them Megane NI The man who tris to -carry water on t,,th shouklen is sure to get wet. Air The politician doesn't pray for rain until he sees the clout! in the sky. H The mus who keep. himself solid with the people is the best politician. r :After the election the crowd doe• the shouting sod the member takes the seat. air We swear by our intro leaders, and swear at the leaders et the other fellows. M There i. e1hig jump between • mere part'i.an and • patriot, and few there are who e000eeed in leaking it. if Intellectual ability doesn't always count in a race for perdamenty jet it .hoeld rereive coesM.,Nleler Or The &iianionds on the shirt ',WIN -Of the politician ars factory gime to the .y d the partisan om the other mule. or The walk; he politician who attempt& to run his bend against a stone wall will never be taken for • man of wisdom. LW The party standard bearer may not always 1. the strongest men, Mut Ito is the party standard -beer,.' just the came. r 1r 1. claimed by the politicians that, to get out the full vote of . party, the oan- dilate tr.nee he either very poor or very rich. r The ingrediests for a .tme/.fal party are : A Popsy, the Man, and a majority of the vote soot. flometiOleallthe sed only is c.osa.ary. or some politicises thigh that the order of biennium shwald ha: After the mn4at the pretest :.ftr the protest the enotsat; -a tart of ealiaan elude. r The pilitf *I polfe . tJ thio etnnntry, P•dorsl and Preeinwi.l. are frmetlaterl by THE SIGNAL : GOD OH ONTARIO .beets .care of men The 1 . wither et Linllteh•1..w lgeshq Q Campbells I theseseast es A{Llwtes, 1 ke. Mack White, the moll -known truism of tee Toronto Lerman. c 'I,b and Osgood(' Hall Football Cleo,write. I consider (mat10' tootle' Lalmeet unequalled ter athletes or hese tralaae I bare used It with the best .outs., and can heartily to eomte.ad It for tIBasss, sorroess, prala. and terms dr :g�w26 ICA and 1naw..- >b iakabl W eta who daly;fwtetele tray �i1ert-� 'Se ••A C••1e1ea.-•.• - tim," to what the seem i fateMke, - 1 \v r ur 'o nHet� tar jlovem ter, • lathes, was r.Hrrd te tM 8a.ou. oomti0t tee Relative from 4lstober p 4H56 INS asm 8 6130u 00 See -resides taxes.. , b 00 Water ruse-. b36 90M Meet rig Iighl.es324 18 Paha. oohed mato-196 00 *lb payable ,, ONO 00 Mulisad oM emsry , 14 60 lllevater steal; uses.. 13000 00 W v --- 36303 68 0389b0 13 SNAP SNRT$. -There iau't smolt eNglaties for the Tuwort tot item days. The Lih vel 'thrashing machine s still doing kayo..., although nut at the ukl stand. -Mr. Watr.iv'e "ezactly op- posite" rposite" policy dusni't appear to " go " with the electors. -This would be a good time for ltOIK•T MI. ULAN to see that hen c) 'tonin roller 1. i0 order. --The "Sweep of Victory " and the 1" Whacking of Whitney " continue Neth - out sign of abrtemeut. --Ltest advicea tie that the Con- neriative candidate for the Commons still wears the Turrsa toiler. -.The best kind of Winter for Can- ada is a good, old fa htoned Ceiseliai Winter -with lots of snow in it. -The Hon. Gsoa°E &CLOS Foaraa has hued attending the Consort ative obsequies of late. And he looks the under- taker, too, every inch of him. -We haven't heard any whisper about that "chewed ballot" this time. The loyal Opposition are busily engaged chewing the cal of redaction. -Some of the Conservative organs are not satisfied with the majority that Hou. el. Teed..aust got- to West Ham If hat's had got it they would be highly pleased•. -Up to the present the Him Our - POW) $dowse b western till. 0sw-beslsh1 fro consolation to the esteemed Mail and Empire. The fire in the West is too n"1 asl the enthusiasm is Ino real. -These foolish people who Moms time since were reviling Irises . for his wog of praise to "Our ;rely of the Mow.' are now resting thatr maxillaries and hat e taken to .now,abovelling. -As • wan r of rawhead and bliudy - bones literature flet Eminent Legalite, E. L. DIcT(IM,ott, of Wingeam, ie • dpcjdltl. sum's. His mauls& saw , a� tq i moots He knows the"iWn tbal. -w� are pleased to learn that the maims receatly made in thr North-east di trietof Wast Huron by ROeSKT Hot -wt., has lass very .ucoeaafuL He will mate tie ems, a hot ooiT'Icrrrn'g' ani -When Eche Hoa. J. 1. Tsars hauled old Bagot from its Bleu moorings last week, almost anything may happen in theeolitical siteetion. We learn u.. good authority AM -the hon. -Neiman will be in Huron pt..wtly. - -The Casediap Press As.oci•ttsa will holt its annual meeting in Toronto o0 the first Thunday and Friday in February. President " Boa" Humes, el Clinton; one of the met popular men that ever held the gavel, will occupy the chair on the otx;asio„i. -4401b MOM who to making things go just now is the Hon. N. Clara, WAI; Lick. He has had • steady job for sopa weeks past, supping soup at Washington, as the hired teen of the Canadian Manufac- turers' A.mociation. When there is any- thing going CLARK' Isn't on the other nide of the creek. ---Rumor has it that ARCH' BALD 1ILNEE, of Windsor, is to be the net Lieut. Governor of the Northwest. The Government might go farther and fare won,$. "Aw'Hti" MtNs■ has more holiest common sense in .Min minute than the haat gubernatorial appointee from Windsor had since the day he was bora. -Rome Ot our contemporaries find fault with the new two -cent postage stamp, hematite there isn't enough color in it. Well, just give Torav ATKIY0 a few more yeah and he'll put another squeeze or two of red into the reap of the world, and llat will give Midface • chance to work in the bright vermillion oo the postage stamp. ♦ - POLITICAL NOTE& Tie dash sI Hew Aloe. M•olsrlese, of Num Scotia, • Cene.rvative member ef the Senate, is anameiaod. Wednesday, Deo. 14th, was • great day for Uber.liem. Oe that day sir nae-eleo- Nes were held -Ove for th. Dimisios House smd oats fetal)* Legislators -tied the result was the retire of flys Liberabe sad ess I.d.peadent. I.. the Provincial elm the Is Rost Northemberlead,Jobe H.Disg- las, who had bean ses.at.d, win defeated Dr. W Ill uaky trio Maw by • maiorlty et 600. Dr. Willoughby, bsfses hit defeat by s majority .f 421 at the amoral .M*Iese last Mesh, wee one of Mr. Whitt.y's frost brash supporters. .fie West Leedom Dr. T. O. Johnston wen rstsreed te she Howe of Comes is sese='-e to J. F. Meter, who has bee .ppelsted jades. His majer- It, over Jobs Tarr.I1 OssservNv., was 969. 1■ Jane, 11106. thew ea.didats ran, sad Mr. Utter obtdmed 280 vote more then the tither ►wo eandtdats' together. Leighton 0. Me1•rtby. el Termite, no mode bin noels, the late Dalton Me - Conley, s the member for North einem. h•vlsg &doted demos Startle, Liberal, by 111111 votes. Mr. M.Ceriby bolds the near pw/Y.•t views s lits prdowmer, end is f 1 of either party. At the gemrel sleet(.. Deltoo MoOarthv bad • majority of 971 over the e.mbis.J vote of two opponents. i• Montmagsy, Q.. whore . ,massy had hese mewl by this *lemma of P. A. Choquette to the beet P.S.Merlins%Lib. led his opposest by MS yeas. The Liberal mai.rlty is 1896 was 242 la Issas, Q•s• , a Liberal was retsrse4 for the Bret time slam Cwhderat(oa, 0. IL Mardi ddoeme The.. *steer, (:eemrya- Mes, by M. 1. Jane, 1M6, th. late M►. Depose, Oe. , was .Tented by o.slamatle, The Nation n a Mae* Prl•eo, P. f4 i. , resit. d 1. • esiori$y et 66 fee Jabs Bell, Liber- al, over R. A. L0.rgy, the w.sltby end p�asppaul. OesaervMv. audklats. I. 1896 Joe Ys* bed a majority et 117 le Mk eon. eannee ... The menu was tans./ by Mr. t s's appointment w tine Basals. TOWN COUNCIL. Tee nosea nge Med tam W..a-1ae f1twN- ter end 0\. eswNUt. TM Natatory � mottlog el the term moo wooWM on TIoredsy. Dumber 16•h. The sly bowsaw deem me tt1 p•cslag el a mules Mbpaw..t•s the limes eommltte. se Live M. Iss.st.l saunas prepared ad pettliNsd, .s provided by watNe. The motto mwOn ttag of me muesli e bila Mat, Myr rem re mast Mos floods. CVO Mm*, I Ui.haaemonts-- 8.leriss 8 189 66 Publts work 143 37 Cbarity 44 38 Debeet.r. ales.*1626 62 B 11e payable 12600 00 Bink taterest 355 86 Waterworks m't'au103 89 K'entrto light 81 6b Public school manna 496 46 Mai, lead cemetery6 00 Klevator .tock met15000 00 Misoellaaoou. 67 b0 Leal improvomets, 357 32 30970 69 u•la es $7281 54 B ds.w ou head $ 46 81 Salaam in buk 7642 73 $1289 54 Ju. Reid. us collector, is submitting a statement of tee oollestor's loll for 1896, •sksa for an extension of time for the col- tecttos of the aoottat still dew Tim cab lector's statement was se follows • Total am't of Lazes on reit $28233 58 Amount .o far oollsoted $4,3557 93 " die000st allowed 383 02 ----523940 96 Helenas still to collect $ 4292 63 Besides the above amount 831 has bee* hills hated ta poll taz_ --e- la a000rdaaw with the o.Be.1.11s n quoit the time for the •olleottoa el the b.l- ance of the taxes was extended to F.br..ry let nest. A oemmeinoatiom from the limit of Mont - ono to r•for.ow to seoertt/u bold at their officio here on the tew.'s account was soot to the 8na.o. committee. A oommaotoation Item Dmitri McLeod asking that the property in St. Asdr.w's ward owned by hu tath.r-tu•Isw, Dredd Mcleod, b0 relieved from taxons was re- ferred to the court of rev.eiee with power 10 nor. T . o•urt of revision was gives power ti hot also a regard N the request of Mies Sarah B. Panama, of Detroit, that the taxes os tot 71, Reed's survey, belonging N her, be romiteed, as the said premier have bass 'occupied for • a utilise .t years by • widow, Mr.. McKay, free of sharp for rest. C even a igireht w.. Iron disc dlsem mikes ttteotion to • mistake is his sa.rmst, he bavtne been oesrpd for two dogs 'ben be had Defy oche, sod Atex. Johnston, mitten for ternaries o1 tans thes year oo eaomat if his limey 1..s t0r.eeh fir., were referred to the mart of revision with power to Got A sot. tom the s.matary treasurer of the ' stratleAr laail9il 10161111 caned atterites te the .scoot a the hospital •maim* t3.t town of Oderiob, ameeatt.g l $115 20, for trestroat of Forest Rale. A mrd from A. M. Feamefl Mated that Hale woo doing very Neely, mltho.gh the wooed be somewhat Mow in fleabag. His foot was mo* sae- e.mfelly amputated mad it is b.ped that be - Nee lost he will he able to leave the hospit- al. Thew oommaoioatiome were ordered to h. Ned. John Bilkeld wrote motif) lag the ooaooll that es the teeming of November 25th his cotter was upset at the sorer sf Waterloo a•. and N•.. George'. Grommet by teasing •poo a heap of earth or gravel throe.' up .t the saner. Thom ia the maw were thrown eat, the bore ram away sad both gather a.d hareem were dammed. ter N.1k.1d maimed bills for rewire. 011.15 for the cotter and s4 25 for the hareem, sol stated that he expect.d thm tows be pay those .moaate. Toe matter wee referred to the public work oommi.tee. F. Jord .u, chariness of the ►cord of health, wrote as follows : Year beard of health 1. NAbm meg their anneal report big to moles* the report of the medical health ofli,rr, Dr. Hennes, as embracing surly all it rll n•oesrry to refer to. Re ay add, to sever, that we have had the biota of compulsory water service. whro• ever the water maim sxteal to, soder oee- sid.r.Mon for some time. If wit spring the gaatlty of the water supply 1e as geed as • have miry reaau to expect It to he. Moos the break lm the intake pipe has hem repaired, both witchery .ad Ooasseial r•aoas could, we believe, 'mile mentos being ken is th.t der ctioo. Tho report of Ur. Helms, medical health (Ser, to the beard of health woo as folie es: have much plwui• 1a reperttag that d.rieh it. bees oomparativly tree from ima.. •f an telecasts. or epidemic eaten tiring the pass year There b.v bee. a w oe.es of typhoid foyer mid • few of e•mrbt rover, with • few deaths from mob. Lee .Friar the water ws eery dirty sed them wail considerable dl.otlofaettos. It tram found we were not getting water from • erib, through • leak to Lb. pip.. Sias noir I have heard so complaint attest the water. Last winter proved fiat der thea is incapable of oarryimg off me snares Sod water, sad that a et'emptiag to do serious damage may ocoar through the oodag of osl1•t.. Then m .away only remedy this defeat, vis.. M provid. ether seam toss the present sower for the die. penal of the flied water. A letter from the clerk of the town .f Waterer, seklar the oorep.ration of the amid la petitioning the. legislature for as eedmeet to tbe local improvement chars. the Municipal Aot, wet sent N the .pee- aom.iets with rstruotiess be report. A cem.uleatlo. from A. MoD. Allen, t*le that the aoonef of hes upmasa la moietie with Me promotive ef the eh - tor oomp••y was 816E 35, el which be had received 865, kowtow a balance of 888 35 11 doe to bite, le .00,rd.oe with an sr. reagenteet with the atoaod, was referred to Assam oemmitts to be reported epee TM following a000ante were referred te A.... oommitt•a : Cattle Bros., for prime and lariat water main for meter Is ver obarob,1120 60, other plumbing, 81.96; A flambee, supplier. 05 HO : Thom-. Warta, livery, 016: David fi•11, repmlr(y rodeos la exhibition huddle', 81.50 er, l'mwdicw, *tram for olimber's.psrs,$1.60: tea Probe & Rubes- Mfg. Os., Tereus, s sad esupWes, 0180.66: Willis. C. • se w 4 d d t. 1h its or so H to •r S 00 ant of w et• es vm the std .l3. to Ru t'. S .1 On h. What is Scott's Emul- sion ? It is the best cod-liver oil, partly digested, and com- bined with the hypophos- phites and glycerine. What will it do i' It will make the poor blood of the anzmic rich and red. , It will give nervous energy to the overworked brain and nerves. It will add flesh to the thin form of a child, wasted from fat -starvation. It is everywhere acknowl- edged as The Standard of the World. sOiDT'arre► FOR SALTS 131 JAB" WIL80 4. Bels Ag.t s .Ooderwb. ASTHMA CURED. lgof Toronto, MuNtertist airs, wain Otisum..1 by = tr rwrone.. o�bil o* or enar t . Kola Oampottind IL to • r•ooealaad tnetammsw ..slwlsg from Asha. that IM Seger use so tsmsorery ro1Mf Aal ma remuire. which re - beamed the worseatl.7 boron* until ttloam rte 46.04 eatlrely. Olarlo'o RdaCompoaad is not Ia this dam, It will pgratimestly 'ewe the worst stainN hlithele ri mart. ;Mamma, street, troubled w Tomato. was foar�tawelveQ'•sr, Yl Ma NOLs PLAeT. the ea, Ta tan fighta sleep tlh. .peat hundreds .f dollars with dealers. bat 00.ld not afford bar gen neral r.Urf. Atter bans' the first bottle of Clarke'. Kole Compound. shat began to .deep weU. and Naos taking the third bottle she has not felt the NI bt- ert symptoms of ler trouble. Olarke's Kole Compound Y the on,' positively gr►ranteed corn for asthma, sed kas been summands Wed In the Homs for Lonnie•. at Tor- onto and Kamloops. IL C. Three bottles are guaranteed to care ea: eve of Asthma tlotd by all drupelets .t $2 per bottle; three bottles with sere guaranteed for fib. The Griffiths a M•apperear Q. sob Chas - data imposorrts.i. 121 lOnurel street. Teem - to, or Yusee.vr, B. a HAY FEVER Clarke. Koh Osmpoasd is guaranteed to oars. AU druggiets sell it. V FOR BALE BY Jae. W1L.SON. -S•b• *Rest, Ooderfolt:- -- . WII..s & l'o, Tans, pipe *overtsg. No., 09 26 ; W m. Nohow !amber, $40 80 ; Hee- dom. Blood. C.., t..ei.. at B&Wogs, ter pimping /tattoo, :2161; Mei'oll Bret. & Co., Terceto, comma waste, 86 76 : Jam - thus Miller, lrv.ry. 320; Ca.edlaa li.seral B merle C.,, Toreete.ebetno liehe supplies, 016 30 and 06 87 ; Nakao' Cartes 0e., Clevled, 0 , 022 72 ; Alex. Kakbrlde, ht.okmmltNei. $1130; T1. Meabipal World, 8t. Teenier', cloak forms, ell 08 ; A. Mel) AUaa, hart wore, 815,66 Tae s000ant for the e.r,io.e el the are brigade was ordered te to paid. The clerk was t.a;rioted to pay Jolts Cbolwsil'. fare tet .,fes, ►. haves. bees admitted is the 11. u,. of R•fume there. The speeral manatees reoommended twat no settee be takes at p•e•..t in regard is Me yptiease s et tae Oedipal* Orceth do. for free water sad exempt ion from all bat nomiasl tai.lioa. The commute referred bask to the mama the matter la refereso. to the alibi watchmen. Mewed by Radoliff., seconded by Colwell, that Mita wale►maa Molted he refuted from bole ditties tie snob at the ed of the peiiedt pear for Inhere Wllogeey, sad' that be be paid his salary up to that time. Moved la ama•dmeat by Helene., e.00nd• ed be Marta, that Me smear in regard to the sight watchman be referred t. the .Boatel eammltlee to pt more .videsos as to /he esus of hu aaaide•t, ..d Sat be be potatoes' u and a+kad be brag is evidence eaiii a tai F.t.Y...PSelf set0 epode' ' oaMMIMs Meet es weiessai, creams. sh eke 21st day ef Dessr, as eight Volute., The amend.*.) was serried, and the spec& oommluee'e report, is •melded, was adopt- ed. The report el the oourt of rsasios, re oommoadleg that F. Smooth be ailowed • re- bate of $12 of tame on his platelet mill, es .cannot of the Bre which destroyed the old mill, was adopted. Tho imbibe work oemmlltw repertd that an arr•mreme•t bad been made is mord to the I.ylag of a sower -pipe oa Bras .Meet free Motor(a es. to Dr. Hel ms's property. 1 be committee offered to pay 025 towards the work, .sat the offs wee acoepu.d by the penes* .feasted. Les A Shopb•rd's te.- der fee the work at 18e. per foot aad 48e. for j asot les wee tempted, ooc.' • tiemal apes the •ooepta.ce by th• lel greeted pone.. the oommltss'e mopceiu.a, In regard te the polities for • sadam dela es mays street, the et maltase r.eem Wsd.d that as ast1.a be taken this year on aoco..t of the Weasels of the ese.n .ad the newel•l peel - ties ef the lows at the prewar Mm.. 1t was strssgly r..emmendd, however, that the work be proceeded with beet spring. Tbe report was adopted. The marks oommitten ree.mmeadd the parch ss of • eel of fonrtga m.les to b. Owed in tN grounds of the O.T.R. and No .notion M tbe seaman shed. 1.r nam., dor the purpose of w.lghing cattle. boyc,.to. 75....mittee asked for power to m.k..i- r•mto.wle with the O.T. K. for the Imams .1 ti. g o..d requisite and to mil fee ten• dors for the soaks sad the work a es.ary for pdaoag them is position, provided at Meet 040 is suhoerlb.d by persons interested in having them males at the steam. The report was adopted. Tee Rases* eeeeettteo recent intended tbo ppy�y.d . dl the I.IMwi.g emanate : reit Cat,Q7CO,814,43; Tn. 8nowAL, i620t Jamison Reed. 05.70 : McColl Ree., 836 60 : C. A. H.mbr, 87.OR ; N. D Roo". vie, $0.57 ; Steatird b•spital, 8115 20 : Jambso. held. 113: F R. Biegbam, $4 ; 8104 Bros., $13.30 ; Th. Star, 015,69 ; las Gemmel Ramie Ca, :$1.$8 , W. M.C1ymeas, 31.75: Tee blonAL, 811 30 Theeapee. Brae., 86 ; C..sd1. noses' h:l.etrlo Ca, 86 36 : Lee & AMph.rd, 028 94; Noll. Ronavle, 316 66 :J. H Worsen. 1, 09.15; W Lite, 8189.66 ; D. K Strachey, 028 45 ; Ae.vo. & Berle, 84.20 ; A Kirkbride, 84.06 ; J. T. Garrey, 1158 75 1'hs come mitts reported that they hod lstraet.d Moeda* to write to parents owls, the tow. for rent, No., to ply the emanate dee to the Ir ear., immediately. The state. meet of the amounts reeelvd from the treets arse by the Deputy rt.gietr.r for birth.. marriages •ed deaths w•aTeferrd lack to th......11, The topert was sdep.d. The o.aasn adjoars.d to Friday evwinr sit Ore► Haw Reid M ronewag aid m gnaiatue. a Ib. 4M. He is brakemen on the 0 P. K r X.W.T.. and is manna' the liaises et the 1811. Seger of his left band. "Neth the moralises mos mitred. HELLO I THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF 41 COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Tea I7 Scra�io� Bard*A1t1tfs3r$T Coal M Tee waistedaft Oest the w you me1w lilatee & 1... :.t .Maw. • „F 1. WM. LEE. .0 he Awe peem�jwey A1tt>bs • 6ODERIC1FflARfl4j1 CENTRE t ,,.e CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT WILL BY APPRZCIATBO, NO PLACE LIKE THE BARGAIN CENTRE FOR Xmas 811k Handkerchiefs Xmas Bills Xmas Kid Gloves Xmas Umbrellas Xmas Dress Goods Xmas Table Linen Xmas Ribbons Xmas Table Napkins Xmas Neckwear Xmas Blankets Xmas Underwear $ems Hosiery Xmas Curtains Xmas Furs Xmas Rugs Xmas Jackets Xmas Handkerchiefs Xmas Pur Coats Xmas Veiling Xmas Towels W'e do ao$ gbh away goodibut we do buy close and sell them. Js. ROBINSON'S HAMILTON STREET MILLINERY. MIS CAMERON has returned from New York, bringing with her the latest in styles and shades. Tho reigning colors are BLUES OF ALL SHADES, MILITARY PURPLE, CARDINAL and ROUGH RIDERS' SHADE. Miss Cameron does not hold openings, but evreyone is invited to call and inspect gol& and price.. ..dross =hut Saws.::: I have just opened up a large - .. .__ _ S onsignment 3AA- ..Lta..gd8)rated LEADER LANCE Brut - BUFFALO BILL d Otos-Cut Saws. ivory Bay 1a warranted. - Alao a full line of Bncksawj Axes, Axe Handles, Rtc. -,tf{mtlrtse<ue.-. lougylE'sliIllIPd1B STUI OR CUSTOM WORK - FOR REPAIRING FOR THE SLATER - FOR THE ' BEST IN BOOTS AND SHOES - give -TOSIPMCTICIL SIMMER call. Being a thorough workman, we cannot be imposed on by sabre of shoddy goods, and we do not buy misfit., damaged goods, or bankrupt Amite to Nell es first-class lint.. We keep the LAIDLAW, WATSON SHOE CO'S GOODS, and as they are splendid wearer., good fitters, and of the latest style., you should give them a trial. WM. SI 2vCAN, ITR. 0o1HR OP SART IrLiR AND SWQAIM TO PRACTICAL MOS HAN, AND got.. imam Ma ?O MAINS DOOT, OOD2121Xo31s- WISHING YOU THAT OLD OHt9TNUT-w A Merry Xmas and a 'Nappy New Year WR DENIM TO CALL TOUR ATTENTION TO OUR pew Iroci Or Gift Goods Beautiful Bronze Goods . Smokers' Goods The most 171$ 10 date Ihnaments - Fifa Gift Pips In Cages. ("lair welcomed in every refined home. 0s.ee. MSmoinrs' gets. Pf.e Nam in boxes el 10 mob and upwards; and many other lass. Purses at all prier i a asdnl PR - Welles, Mirror, and Mier line . ' Perfumes in Cut -Glass All the Leading Makers The most refined and plowing of all gift.. Th. New Styles are Very Beautifnl 26e to $6.00 Toilet Brushes in IIhnny, with Milver Mountinge. A new and h.ntf", lino for () fte. WO SELL AT REA$ONABLR PROSES WR WOULD EiKU YOU To (;ALL AND Melt 000D8 --IT I8 A PLKARURR An kinds d TOR.8T CASINO. ito BUOW TRIM. W $nit ail Purses . C. GOODS taiiiia�d !look. 1, „•mfr,.:. 'f 1