HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-22, Page 1t,+
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22, 1898.
Its d 44 L.
0jlammlmesm t.t1 ws
t►' Itkh IDN. was mmlnas,d ter the
mina et musty oounotllor for tin above
Jjarlot teemadaa the toe/Miss of Asb9.11
sad Osiborse sad tie tows of G.4.$.d Two
reuses* you Bleated me •s me of the esanty
eou.cUlore for Me district. It my course
rorty the loss two years la refer -am to
minty affair's bas .net with your approval.
my I sow ask you to remw the support you
oe usly gave me in Jeau•ry, IMI'7 I
• Means will ...tee held on the tad of Joa-
aann Mt
Yoer. very
b. fat Deeeh,
Ladles sad sad Oatlemen : Ueda the
oahlasl Amendment but of IS
the apeman for UN will be oom.
end at the mayor aed six cousailore
water wen satom by geseral vote,
redudagd se mei
Weelip et the nasal from slxtsea to raven.
n• the ooaties of reeve. to wile►aeleelectedeet
me for IIA. is new dose away with. I bag a
ray that 1 am • °end/dM. tor the paeans of
one of the six eeuasllleve to be elected and
MU be rimed te bath ler en port at the
a,o�rmiIseer e*otbs. w I hope my conduct at the
cossdl bard will have met with your Wpr'o-
nae:en. For the leferwtlsk d those o octan
who are o.mparetivels Massagers I may my
1 ben always aka oas.Wersble interest is
reships( miKere. havlag repressetd 8t.
Psrrleab ward for several years between MO
sad IMO sad durly Ian sad 1901 eat at the
cams oousoil board se d.puly reeve and
trim UM to 1990 me tem clerk. • marl of
raven years. es that there are very Iso who
*�s•n � tee same 10 1p
setoal eske
7TaetnR I may have the port of the Moots
mss. •sasdd tamales you hr me s. ram
0.PIN tar •1.l.sulgo.mad you W
gggtggman-- of lb* assess. 1(Main.
:� i .Yamtt.• X, CAMPBELL,
IF M! Mir tSijpjlltt,' Ittant.
. ' sew of t.*d at fest of South etre.',
• berme. Moen Mem sad Dart. For
--r'euisry.) rIRISH DUNLOP. tt•
That lines solid brie* heist' situate on
Let 1t, Co.. 0. Tows of Ooderlel, with lee or
ran amend lead as purchaser might moire.
Thee le • asp elm Misr oder In Moes.
T*is be b very deelr.hle 000,0.1, for gar lee-
iy and tract gru.aoo. Good orchard on
pr•ed.se. Sal sle7.54 Mudge tor the mb.-
.fsetr'e of bark. Tun..s to wit i an•ba..r-
Apply es Rmis
a•• to alto. McMR
AON. or 10
WM. _OArrnam. Immo. Agent. West-st.
r 8usilw's Serves is the Tows of
Gedtetsb. apes wllak is greeted • Moe d well -
1 D•toees.ltb tt.vtemkr.1908
oedeetM 11
Illtsiensas Vassal.
wessa. Ube ease If mill yam a
.14,08. et de5ktisa rcharool r. goad miter..
ambitions and mdsssAoa.. was dad employ
meat In • mod muss. with NJ per mond: end
Ilavo 4 _asTeeedMtsg to Milky. REV. T. 5.
etas wort bird talking and writing tee
been Ola ter six days • week ad will be
temAddressde1W. tinkly. Address
NEW with WWI Ott. Taut&
t N ter nestles r permas'st-
ly t •a�am ter 'Jidda : As Eaeyolopw`dta
x08.4 ve ettreyg.•' la dye royal quarto volumes
THi UNSCOIT 1UBLI Hie* 00. TTa weekly.
/posaef.rt►et. Methodist elmeb, We
d NetMel Ceseerv5eery. New Tort. will re-
��tmmwtart' std edvem0ed-la
.��vaes. ortp" - a. •d trrmesy. 84.4*.. "TM
a. mower.." Mmge•la-. Dderl08.
• tent V0ys sto{leesp for pupils
la plane sad
to 005erv. les methOda te 1ine 11
ef Puss press, Theory. Sight Re•d-
flag sed Ear TrelnIag. A specialty of the
WW1 Practice Cartes emend. The VIrglI
.0pmrtam ine mai rte asd by Mai". A. W. imud*
Method for Tonne Caddies. tins
wUl pursue the Toronto t'osserntert
4ss e. SD R�e1Nma ea maladies at t fed-
PubW Nagi.
N UT10E.
e. .pes1Q general maatlM of the share -
',Were of tin Eesm0Btm Forel tun
Masaf•Marly pgmgmy, or Ooder.h,
Limited. will to Mil at the ',.momTS
.alert lo the tows d aderlob on Wed
aseda1. th. al) day of January. IWO. at the
Year of **o'clock 1n the fo•eeooa. to reoelV1
the directors' report to read ve .nal sot spm
an offer ri5ed. or say other offer that mar
be made, ter eke purchase of the property ..d
business et the company. or to take sal other
miss ter the e.ndmntlag r di1peeleg of the
affairs of the eemm.y.
Br order.
OOlerla8. Dee. 11_ IfM. It
Cases Tried r Um Seeemh•r alIUSgs •f eke
(,.ally Veer{ of Naas•■.
At the County Used leaf week the follow.
lag err came before Judge Masson :
Spm r.. Tasker.- Ao(1ou oo a promis•
eery note. W. M. Sinclair, Brussels, fvr
; K. H. Collins, Exeter, for dela. The
j1ury brought In • verdiot for plaintiff for
5272, summit of the note with laterest.
Pr.oedugs stayed bill the •snood day of
the next .tune of this Court. Question
of mete reservd.
Fewoott vs. Roes--Aotlon for the prim
of ash pets, eta. W. l'rondfoot for plff. ;
Philip Holt for deft. 1a em.Mss of aeon -
e el f rte iatiR,ijidal sM .-1014'1
!kyle' be axed. _
We sbove were INO-rOrMilibil bends
the Court.
Quem vs. Thee. Deva. -The prusaer
pleaded guilty to stealing • pair of over-
shoes at Clinton and was ssatgood to eight
days is the musty gaol with hard labor.
P. Holt fen pe ismer.
Qom v.. Jas. West- The prisoner
pleaded guilty to •tseltag an ovroo•o st
elision. sad reoelvd the some aseiteoo1 as
Devine W. Prosdfoot for toe primer.
Queer ve. Wm. Steals, -The wand jury
brought in • Was bill molest primmer for
Malls* 155 barrels of apples .t Brumfield,
and afar the jury had bees swore, Mr.
Cameros, on behalf of the *town, said that
as the prisoner lid made restita:teu to Me
person aggrieved he had so desire to tier
the am any further, and, .t the requra et
the jades. the jury returned • verdlot of
sot entity. W. Proedt.at for prleoaer.
Doha vs. illtraitoe (G. 'r. , eation
.gest at Godertob 1. ---Some time eco Wm.
Dalin was tined by the pollee meg istrate of
Gdenoh for oomaittle/ an ..raker M the
ll '1' K station ■pon • tipsy named
Sheppard, and this was an appeal by Deka
..•lost the oenviotioa by the police Menet.
trate. Attar bearing evld.00s the jory re-
versed the magistrate's dsotsie0 and fond
Ma Dela was not guilty of the alleged .s -
lank. L E. Dewy for Doha ; W,
Ilroadleet tor Santos and the Grad
Trunk Raliw• .
Osseo vs. John Pfr.mar.-The grand
jury brmagt.t is • tiros ball against Pframm•r
for welt epos Geo. B. Cook, • obild of
eight yam of age, in the /township of Col-
borne. After witness for the Crown Md
been beard mod the members of thePfrnmunr
family batt given evidence denying the
whole thing, the jury returned • verdict of
n ot guilty. L R. D.oser for prisoner.
Owing to the death of Mrs. Lewis, M. G.
Cameros took the plow of oouory Crows
attorney Lewis, prosecutor at the .Basions.
The onert adjourned on Thursday. the day
of the funeral of Mn. Lewis, se • mark of
respect to the Crows attorney
settee 'kat I wilt all o w se ase to skeet
pa best on t FlanIslaods r as. part ofAar one my
.eaI.4 fes trespassing.dal MKS. if. mo will Y, AT•
TRULL Miasmal rk. lir-tl
all better 1. Mal. era Iwo-ppoUl*4
.e.TM pI4,.a wc..i yMr • 0 IM HwAue
M. Produce Men W. J MORROW.
Tookohor Wanted.
A. D. U. W. -The reveler means of
Maple Leaf lodge. teo 27, A. U U. W.,
wilt be held es tauxadap. NNtli of Doom -
8r, as 7:30 r r. sharp, whom the nomime-
nim ad election of ol4oen tor the .s..lne
year will take plea. A full at*edaooe is
p•rtioelarly requested.
Deere or Iles. Lewis. -0e Tueeoay,
Dee mbar 13th,ahe death d Mrs. In Lewis,
wife of the Crowe attorney for the emery
of Herm. took place as the result of par
alysia Mn. Lewis wen. staying at Onelpt
when obi remand the fatal stroke. TM
remains were brought to Godriob on Wed•
seedily and were interred at Maitland cera
story on Thursday .1teroeon.
NaSRLY 524,000 or Taxes Palo. - The
1418 el Deeamb.r was the rase day m which
taxes oesid be paid at per, and ens dilatory
10Msm has now to 000Mbute as extra five
pr oat towards the memo" et the .orp'r-
MM. Up to 1)e en hr 14th 523,529 was
paid in. which with the disomot/, 5383,
makes 523,912 amok from the tax roll.
TIM ie about $700 better than law year's
Ameaw the lid d peerme.y Medan, wee
passed the examinations at the Oe1Hge In
roma•s law week was C. H. W. Nowise,
wan put in bio four yearn up te pillets arm
in S. B. Hak's drag More in Pule. Mr.
Newton steed high up among 48... who
mend with honors. and also di.ided with
tau other' first place 1n the subject of
pb•rri.oy. Tb.n were 123 Modem writ -
lag spm the "'amanita's.
C. O. F. ELUr-r.Ornogsn -Al tiss regu-
lar mean/ of Cart Goderioh, No. 32,
Canadian Order of Foresters, held T...dy
evenlag, tat following offioere were elected :
Jamin S. T.it, C.R ; John T. Thompson,
V.C.R.; William McCreath, fie. -m.; Thea.
Betrwe, no. -sec; William Lane, truss.;
Henry Retab.rd, chap.; William Taylor,
A.W.; Willies Naomi, .1 W.; William
Joh•eon, 8.B,; James Stewart, J.B.; Dr,
Taylor. Cour' pbyeiesan ; James
Court deputy and representative to High
Sesttoe No, I, C.Ibrn. 1w*hip. for
the year Iles. Ap,teatleae reoev.d up to
Dee, flt8, Ital WILLIAM JON �a ..
NoUos to Oteeditotlew.
1le no abased of Mama O. Ruryr, tradte,
as Stsedtr Brothers, ea the y:S0ie of
°Moira, be the County o/
Theron. /wseltwet.
Sales a Mahe gam that tbe above Mei-
mit W this daymg4. as seagsmont to Jae(
F dMedd
1.bm estate far Me Mes
kidse�t pm4ftt�an,�g gg��Mre of
w� akrept ref.t e e lbs OiSes et Gibbons. 111altra
ler lathe Old of wed . os. P$dsy.
NM, Mia. at tn *'sleek 0.w. for
i Air angesle 5418.41 tinsat � .ore re terse the
the atm
y.Al peneul bivtnl del erslset IM
bt 1 eg w *rgleb*OeWM rias er
t� pt 111 day of
era. •. --N���.w„i�5
the Empire ; they may be used on domestic
or foreign mail matter, jest w the ordinary
two -cep' stamp is. On sad after Christmas l
day the two Dent rate os letters mauled te
Great Britain and • number of the ninth'
will be in Offset.
11AzoNw Onicgz..- Following are the
mantes of the Dew oeoers of Maitland lodge,
No. 33, A. r . and A M.: W.M., Geo. Porter;
8 W , W. D. Tye ; J. W., W.F. Clark; em.,
Roes A. Recoil ; trees., E. Despise; 8.D.,
F. J. T. N.ilel ; J.D., R. W. Loam : ohap-
Isis J. Miller ; I. G., E Campmates ; w
8., Jas. Leo.rd ; leis. 8., Jobs Tuner ;
D. of C., H, W. Ball ; organist, B. D.
de Pridry ; tyke, Thos. Huobrp. Mait-
land lodge has &e mpted the invitation of
maim- 8oa . nage. Umrlow, b beid •
nest tsetaust*o.-of-.Noor+ la they latter
lodge on the festival of Ss. John the Evan-
gelist. Tuesday, D.oembr 27th.
TOM Liowro WUT Dnn.-Last Sunday
maniac during .the envious is North st
Methodist aburob, something went arae
wash the ...... . gas mach's. ; the ohoroh
was filled with the odor of gas and finally
the lights wen* out. Fortunately, it was
towards the d.as of the serene, •pd the
oomgreg.1*,s peed oat quietly. TM
meobsota•1 expert of the firm at Dandies
+bloh m•mafm1rd the machine came to
town and Impeold it, and stye that the
large bell of the gasometer was n some way
pat out of place sod bso.me jmmed, and
that this caused the trouble. H. has so r-
rangd it mow that the mishap of Sunday
might oma not Door Nista.
A Ta1Duyu no TRU Papua. -At the
mentos of the Youag Men'. Debating So-
otety last Thursday evonis,, • debate was
held on the ,abject : " Resolved, that the
pulpit has dupe mon &bo the pees for the
advancement of °ivlllration." The •farma-
'lye was upheld by H. 'theses, A. Duff •d
1'. Terser, whsle S Ma91•tb, Rob. Andrews
and Gen. Wilms took the opposite side. R
W. McKenzie was the judge, and his de.
oaio0 was la favor of the.eg•tive As was
pointed oat by 1M judge. the press sad the
pulpit work head in band so much that it a
• hard matter to distinguish positively be-
tween their respeotive fa1otio0e, and the
addresses of the debater, tbemeelvso.hewed
the existence of this di(5oulty.
CH1DR'5A0 Svorrteo -At this' .e.sO.
many of our reader" are oadgellip* their
in the attempt to deaide upon what
they shall give_ en Christmas Day to these
near and denier Iitis. It its 8114
fir, lomdlm10, t• Mask et sellable gifts.
bat . Mimeos to our advertising columns
will doubtless art.t the perplexed ones.
Look over the numerous a0eoaaoemeou in
thio issue in which Christmas Rood, .re
milled to your attendees, and the problem
of what to get for this or that one of your
family or friends will be simplified. More•
over. remember that the advertiser is the
man who has odbdesoe in hu good■
and is wllliag to ro to rxpecee sad
t.roeble to help eheppen in obtaining what
they desire.
Ho,. Ma OAunw iwoio 1e*, -The
oath of offices was dmtaketered to Hos. J.T.
Orr... M P.P., the now member el the
Dawn Calumet without portfolio, es Fri•
day morning, December 16th, at Torooto.
The oeremo.v tarok plan at Government
Homes in the preselects of his Hisao' the
Lieutenant-Ooveraor, Premier Hardy, Hen.
Richard Harmers, Hoe. Wee. Harty, Hon.
Oso W. Roes and Hes. E. J. Davis. he
oaths of elle/iaooe to the Qom and te the
Executive Canna of the Precisoe of Os
tarso were administered by John R. Cart-
wright, Depaiy Attorney Oeoeral.d clerk
of the Exeoaure Coaodl. The osremoey
took plata at Go,er•me.l Ho.me owing to
Sir Oliver'. pbysi.iaa advising his Honor
Dot to attempts jouraey to the Parliament
bnUdtegs in his pretest state of health.
PasapTn DAT AT 91. AJD1gw'S WARD
ScwtwL - W edsesd•y 'Harmon of last week
and apart at At. Andrew's ward school
specially for the reception of pants who
might weal to a what manner of 'miming
their ohildren were receiving. Io spite of
the stormy weather, about sixty yieitorS
were pgeesat U.MI three e'olook the or-
dIsry eebool work was carried on by the
to mhen, teles Waimea (principal) and Mies
P.resee, W parent. showing m.el interest
in tete work. Atter this all 'trembled in
the pnmmp•l'e roses, when the pupils ease
patrlotio songs and listened 4. •ddre.a by
several of those present. Rev, Jas. A. An-
derson, B. A., took the opportunity to give
n ine good thetas to Parente sed pepid and
to oompllman• the teachers. [0.peetr Tom
and Messrs. Ball. C. A. N•ira and H. Am-
ateur also spoke, both Maim and umbel
are receiving words of praise. The my
.000erfol prooeeoinge wen brought te •
oboes by the singing of the mama anthem
Treetop Onlgls was enable to be present on
memos of Meese.
ROYAL Terris's' Orrir irR4 - Ranks
Ues.dl, N.. 103, R. T. of T., oo Monday
male elected offieen for the aiming arm
as follows : Select omnoillor, Jobn W.
Vae.tter ; past ooasoillor, Hugh B.a :
vim ° nnother. Miss Edith Wiggins : 06.13-
laln, Thai Burrows ; secretary, Maio
Bertha Baia ; fi.anolat aereary, Thomas
Natal ; trimmer, Mre. C. ampMll
herald, :reds Newell ; guard, Wm. 8.im ;
ceded, D. McLeod ; deputy herald, Mrs.
Jas. Stragh ; mletain smeary, Miss
MUs,Ctr*L Nort,ATioo..--The meeting
for the reeavieg of nomination. for • m.ynr
and mix aoaaoillore, to be elected by the
NM 5. • whole, and for • pubtio .ohms
Ire.(e for molt word will be held at the
non hall on Monday evening nett, at 7.30
r.w. Tbe Weston whose arm expires this
year are A. 8. Obrymal, J. H. Colborne.
Jae. Beelssas mid Jas. Cr•Iga. Teen we
00my rumen 5. se possible oandid•Ws for
.00blpal oflioe, bet alter nomination might
the Motors will have °en:Melia' In plata of
rumora bo deal with.
On ('obycn. No5INAY1nls. --So far as 0 m
he learned np to time of arbitration. the
following are the nominations for meet
nesolllere for 1899: No. 1, Ash6ald, Cod-
o -het.e and Gderioh town ; J T. Odd -
therm. Alex. Yeas, .d Philip Holt No.
1, Hay. natality. Raydeld ad 0..eall
Gee. Magma and J. Toruses, hy so-
elemaYm. No. 5, McKlllep, Teekeresl*
. ad Safonh ; T. K. Hays and 3. B.
Mal.... b ,0dmatla. Ns. 6, Grey
Kerrie sad lrmr.b Meme. Bryce, Ken
• 5d Bowman. No, 7, Riot .cod Wow
Wswse10h, Myth and WISFh•m : Donald
Palletise and Alex. !heart, by animosities.
Scnoo--Last lbsndsy was wean' day
at 8t David's ward sl,.el and, se the
aftereoon was da., there were preset •
Is. comber of parents and other friend'
interested in the work of the ohhdres. The
rooms were decorated with Lm, and essay
of the vieftor expressed .their surprise at
finding the eoheol me bright and loheerfal
looking. From half past one iinboll throe
e'oloi:k the ordinary sobool work was tarried
en a the different devisless, the Tinton
pain, from one room to the other to in.pest
the work. After • shore Intermission Tie14-
ore and pupil' took their places is the
junior room, where • seas of welcome was
suns by the ohildree, after whish Mies Rees
De Yearley gave an address of weloome,
Then tnllowd • program, consisting of
reoiat(oss and p•triotin songs by the
pupae oddness* by l .y, Jas. A. Aaderms,
Rev. Wm. (lodwis, Mr. Rnohensa and* m-
e peotor Tom The prooeedi.*s were brought
to • close by the 'ngfne d the national
mann The Mohan -Mies Wiggin' and
Mies MaIvr--are te be ooawntal.ted up-
on the work they are doing, and both
timbers and pupils epee the soncessfol
earrylae oat of their p•reets' day program.
Toll bark/UAI, Two • (Deer Po.TAar
Stair- -it te sad that miy •.10.11 seater
el the mew imperial pussy pes teas w ices
ha'. bees Ia..•d, sad that wyea lhI. gopply
i n8atted the issue w111 bosoms .bseln'
1154 • eew stamp will be Imaed fee Impaled
mom prongs mirocees. hasty Mk.
sbeeld .make b ban Ifni
A ou.r bel Ma new 0%&* s h
. caged si the God.rteh pea*damfen ode.
H CelwUl,Ermat Ghgory,Edmasd Geiger,
T B. Hooper, W_ H..alltoo, Fred L•wreoae,
Joe•th•n Peek, Gs¢ H. Rattan, Edmond
Strong, Alexander Ted.
Venous' DAT a ST. PATa1Cx's.-On
Friday •ffernooa Ides • large number of
Manta visited St. Patrick's ward school
in resumes to as invitation amt them by
the bombers, Mimes Bonita and Le lour!.
The regular work of the school was taken
up until 3 r r. Some of the parson were
e pesally unmated la the junior division,
others in 18. s.alor division and • few in
both. Thu special interest depeetdd a
the oIa in ablate their obUdrea were.
Some .t the visitors tad Dot been in sobool
for may years. Them were surprised 10
sen the great alts5ges in the methods of
te.eltm.thaln-w.rk. .41.240t tread the
✓ aves as d.11gked with' the order and the
master of CM pupils' work. The exer-
cises were • credit 1. trobere ad pupils.
That the attendance of so many parents
. 111 prove • beDetlt tot be school is oaten.
At 3 r r visitors and children were seated
in Mir Barrio's room, where the program
was oommeumd with a coag, "Little Deatda
lion," by the .mice ala. This was fol.
lowed by • mg. "Com., Little leaves." by
the juniors. Rev. IL Turnbull then /.n
short address oe truth and manliness. His
IIIasIratioas wen excellent and he was
listened to with ekes attention hy the
pupils. He complimented forbore and
pupils on the quality of the work he had
sego, end mid that • money value Gould not
be plod oo the domuonal advantages so-
joyet by the °htldretl. Alar several songs
oy the obtldno. Rev. J W il•on gave an m-
oonlit of his early eoheol days, mntrse0eng
the work of the present with that of the old
days. " Don't Kill t8. Birds " and " all
Things 8eunNfut^' wars .ben saw W the
pupils, after which Rev. J. A. Ad.rses
gave • *bort Mines. He oompiimented
the eobool on the vi5nr_erd ex .Llesoe of
their dagger ' Tbe Honey Bee " and
"Down In the Valley' were rendered by the
pupile and a °losing address riven by iwpgo-
tor Tom. "Gd Save the Queen" olosed •
very pleasant .fberams'eamebes.
The •ooual Christmas tree -and entertain•
meat Io omeeotlo0 with 8e. George's Sun•
day school will be bold on Friday, the 30th
lass. Pants/Mrs will be rives in our next
The Ladies' Aid of Norte -et. Methodist
ohuroh has presented the parsonage with
two beautiful upholstered parlor chairs. The
gift is mach &annotated by the minutes'.
Oa Mond., evening, Deo. 26th, the V..
ten• -el Sunday whom steads holding •
Xmas tree entertainment An exmllsat
Mamma an the torn of • cantata is being
At the morning and evening envies' in
North-st. Methodist ohuroh next Sond•y
the oongrewstioo is asked for an offering us
behalf of the saper•aenaWs fad of ebe
Methodist oburob.
Next Sunday Sunday morning there will be •
ohtldres's comm is V,otor,. .. Methodist
ohuroh. The pastor will preach to the
obildree of the lawny school and the .i. -
log will be tarnished by members of the
Sunday .cocci.
A very pl .sent time was .pent last
Thursday evening by those who attended
the parlor .0.0.01 .t the rand/mos of C. A.
Nairn, ander tin empire of the led'..' Aid
of Knox obarsh The proms= included
solos by Miss B. Wilkineon, W. W. 8t0d-
deft and Waiter B.obman, as iaatrumestal
duet by Mame ISeatrioe Darrow and Claire
Reynolds and a number of ..booboos by the
Re.miller orohestre, under the direotloo of
George Stewart. During the evening
several ooll5e soars were .trunk up and
joined is by those pr..est.
Following we the names of the oR-
oera of Knox ohuroh Y. P. 8. C E., re.
molly •ppolsted for • arm of nix
montes : President, Rev. J. A. An-
derson, B.A.; vim -president, Wm. Std•
dart ; mond vise -president, Walter Boob -
man ; reoordlsg secretary, Miss (rowan :
oorrespoodleg eereary, Mrs Luo Glb.on ;
tremor'', Miss Mary McIver ; missionary
treasurer, Mie. Bells Wilson ; om.mere of
oommittees - lookout, Peroy Andrews ;
prayer meeting, Geo. Andrews : social, Hie.
wood C•mp•ime ; music, Mise Lon Gib.00 ;
dower, Mies J Nairn ; missionary, Mir
Belle Wilms ; relief, U. Stoddart, sr.; lit -
entre, Miss Ceuta.
The Presbyterian and Methodist. mase-
(0(1055 will °beery" the week of prayer by
holding union servbras follows: -Mnnday,
Jan. 2od, in North -'t. Methodist oharoh.
Subject. Ceofeeden and Thanksgiving.
Speaker, Rev. Jas. A. Andaman. Tuesday,
Jan. 3rd, In Kaox °huroh. Subjoin, The
parch Universal. Speaker, Rev. Jasper
Wilma Wednesday, Jot) 4th, regular
prayer meeting le all the °Miroh's. Then -
day, Jan 5th. in Viotoria•st. f•huroh. Nub
jest, Families and %book Speaker, Rev.
Jasper Wilson. Friday, Jas. 61b, is Knox
ohuroh. Subject, Foreign Mlrlo55.
Speaker, Rev. W. Godwin. The myier
will eemmm10 at R x.18.
i'HRIIITMA* AT Re. (moms's.
Fellewiop Is the order of the Chrletmee
Day moles' .t 8t. George':
8:30 A.M.-HOLY 00Mr0o1oN.
Hyena 76 and 388
11 A.r.-1(ATTNO ANA-*OLY 0018181711107.
0oeaiaf Hymn. 78 Mendelmeha
Proper Psalm, xis Mact
z1. • Betusbtll and 'furl
11111..... Brine
1. D.M'ri-m In �oviepst55 is �
Offset Hymn, 157. "Members' Hpebr
Kyrie Elan. Brews N (7
lilorl• Tibi 08
Hymn 73, " W ieebester Old' ; r :: t ..
Hymn 77. "Admits Fldeles" Healing
8.110*.. Brews in C
Hype 3R13M.Maw•a
Glerla 1n Rxmlele - Brows 1. C
Sensfeld Ames Stainer
7 r.s.-o.imsorh.
Tea Nonni. SCHOOL. K *vn..Trm.. -A
meeting of the beard of stammers for the
meaty of Herm wee Meld in the man
bow, Godwin, to finish the work of IM
•xamioatos ol the mosey Model Scheele.
Then were la atteadanm .t the two Model
Aeb.oa eft' -fent modulates, 26 in God.
rtsb sad 29 I. C1letee. of the, three
failed 1n meesrlsagg the required number el
marks. The felloensgl iwer. .neem sl 1.
semis* third -obese eertl6astes ,.114 for
three years :-Ddrick,- Clare A Bean,
Tilly Hey Brachy, At.). Dale, Foamy A.
Gray. Mand A. Hears, hem R. Lwekhrt,
Soaks Asa Mrr111, Ban M.R.ipat, Mare
table, Amite E. Wkiddos : Wm. 8. Bean,
Norman (Areb, Andrew Orr Dixon, Chas.
Dew., N. Bents G1llssk, *11.. Jeskell.
Harvey Lose Jas. A. Md1'.ggart, ,bon.
Pertness, Wm- R Roger", Wm. Ryder,
Timid WM. Meese, - Mabel f7aTling,
Oda& Orden, Kate Campbell, Magee
ILM)• Florww Rini. Mateo Melees, Rolla
M.N.b, Mrth. M.Cle.gbsa, Remi. Ma
Teedh, lista teams., Des► O'K0ilMy.la
Rath. Gnat 1*h.phrd. Rasa Mimosas
Harr' R. Master, Arshor Rem. Jerome
Nicholls, a gafl•toan et Mph standing is
musical matter. ,.ad ae of the best 'coon
ip Octario,wr eaea*ed as choir maser, and
ender his tuition the members have im-
peo►ed 000slderably, so that the mosso on
Christmas will mooed scything hitherto
given. The appointment of Mr. Clewortb
as or5asist is also an .oquisitlm, and the
organ, which has been repaired bud Im-
proved is may ways, will have iia full
merits tasted. The following program will
be given
moo sAas, 10:30 A r,
Proosesiesal Volpst•ry
Amines Me 1.41.104
Kyrle Rleisa C..00ae
OK * EtrSI1*. t ()e.ee5e
Credo MannaAdes. F(Hlm •
Agnes Del
Divine Prone"
Recessional Motu*
viands, 7 x.18
Dixit Dominus
Landes, Yueri
Lauder 1 rare=
Adeste910.5.160.1eltFr da , l , ,,, r, a •,
Vern Creator
0 Ulundi"
Tatem Erg.
Divine Patin
The Angelus bell will ring at 6:30 A. it The
first Mm, .a were the separate school will
Meg, Will beat 7 A. r. and the .00.54 Mass
et 7:30 4. w.
Rice's Pun Balt for table or lairs.
Tbe glft-giving season a upon as and the
e eleotlm of suitable ponta is engaging the
minds of many. What could he more mosot
able than a photo from Sallow"' art studio,
oor. Montreal et. .nd Square 1
New Year resolutions will soon be in order.
How would 1t do for roU to reselve to wear
during 1000os17 well fitting clothes, each as
your Mends ttkero tee you to and "nob as
you Gan get from Prld ham the clothier 1
Lee & Shepherd have an elegem; line of
pooket knives from So. up.
Calms, Bros.' old stand is being fitted
up far J H. Pedder, who will remove to it
TM Collegiate Ieelitata .pd the public
schoois oleos today for the Cbrietma. ym-
Nom, •od w111 reopen on January 3rd.
A reptoduotioo of • photo by R R. Bal•
lows was pabliebed in the Christmas edi0ec
of the Globe, mimed last Saturday. I1 was
• pretty lake some.
Th. IMOD, of Ben. H. Robtn.ao, of Gods
rich, appears in the list of Nose who named
the recent junior examination at the Ontario
Collor' of Pharmacy, Toronto.
Wm. Binh,, who had bis shoulder broken
sad sof bort he • bleyais Minim several
Ayia *Mite. mos .been .fumed to
List{' 11th*, la tow improving nicely.
Through an inadverte ay the name .1
deputy reeve Jae. Wilson was omitted from
the list of those preemie in our report of Frf•
d.7 evenaw'a council meeting, oo page 4 of
this Issue.
Itis said that no fewer than seven lode
of hay and also • lose of gram were upset
between Dunlop and Daolop's hill on Mon-
day. This will give an idea of the "tate
the rod" were in this weak.
Jonathan W. Martin, of God.rioh, was
saoowful at the recent anti eorvios.xamin-
aeon" He wrote at Hamilton •od passed
the preliminry and qualifying examination.
and .l.o ao examination in book-keeping
Opmlee Rymej77,"Ades'. Fidel'" Needling
Proper Peals, .t Oaseley
ozs*d .. , 4* lakes sad Zloty
M.5.16tat Torr is I
Name i$mlt►is
Asthma Oar
Behold, i bring yes toed Dillies,
which eh•11 be te yon sod all peo-
ple ; ter eau yeti is bora this day
is the *my of David s 8•.i,
Halt le Chrat t*. Ierd.
Hys.79, "0edde" Smith
Hyena 197, "St Deer,.",... ,...0...tldt
Sevesfeld A.mm Steiar
10010sdamiy after the mels the mesa
" Shepherds R.j.lee," , I5 the Field with
their Flanks AMdles," mad " Gard, 8*wes0ly
Carol," will be sem.
gr. ralaa'a mtuseraan 8YTlflr.-._
17o.; oboists turkeys, 'undrawn, 10o. Every-
body giros 20 Mc gr•sul•eed. G. E. KING,
W 'wham.
Get R. W. Mollessi.'s prior on skates
beton purobseieg.
A aloe line of useful promote for Carte*
eras sed New Year's at R. W. MoKenzie'..
ties them.
Have yon sea the new bre lamps
Leet Sbepb.rd go► In yesterday T They
are the best value I have seen."
I have reoatd • carload ot British Co1-
umbl..hingles, which 1 an prepared to *ll
.t primes to snit. F. Ss um.
What is ulcer for • Christmas presort for
• bey or girl than • sloe pair of skew 1
Les it Shephard b.n them from 35o. up.
-1!gnat res on seen 40e. axes derive p.1
were1' A taw st . nae , eT R:. W- .
MoKssa1it84'.' fi
's, the place were you me ret
hrdw.n sheep.
Don't forget the Christmas entertainment
by Knox ohuroh Sonde, sobool next Toes -
day evening. The roods are not very good
for travelling, but Santa Clime bas promised
to at0.sd, ad h.'1* be there all right.
Mn. Byers, who was hon wish bur hus-
band last tall, writes from Liverpool to •
Mead in tows that they had Mel, .moom-
pllehed that moth of their journey to India.
They were to leave Liverpool D.o.mb.r 9th
by "City of Cambridge." Mn. Byers sends
hied regards to her God.rioe friend. and
sala.m. from Sandi, their little Bengali
Don't forget that Gen. W. Thomson s
Music Depot ?s the Mei hones in the °minty
to purchase your Christmas and New Year's
preeeou, in the beautiful Normwith piano,
Clod.rtoh organ, Now Nfilum., White and
Queen sewing machines, guitar", violin.,
mw4*Mm1, mouth awes, .it *lads of
manual tostrsmaie, sheet mesio, music
books, etc. eta 5-21
Rtoi • Pure Salt for t.b1e and dalr7.
Miss A111. Johnston has gone to Berlin.
Ward's M0Ewan was in town this week -
Hooter Hays returned last week from De-
D. 8. Cluff, of Woodatmk, was in tows
We week.
A. K. Robertson is home Prem the Dental
School at Toronto. - --
Mise Franks will sidatiiii ZeUdaye at
her home .t Maple.
Amos Gox, of Chicago, is speeding • brief
holiday term in town.
Ed. Campaign* retara1d last week after
hie seen on the lakes- •
Rev, I. R. Wallets, of Leamington, was
la town last week on badnem,
,lohn Kelly, of Myth, was in tows on
Moday.ad paid 'l R■ St0NAL • 0.11.
Herb. Robertson, who aught the put
year at Roda.y, has retuned borne.
Mrs. W. H. Smith and family loft last
week lie join Mr. Smith in Fort W*IUem
Dr. 0. C. 8baneoa went to Brantford
again tie week to visit his brother, who 1s
Hayden Willimee, of the link of Cem-
mer10. W alkertoo, a spending hie holidays
in laws.
Arch. Dickson, of the University of Tor
onto, returned home for the holidays on
WIII R3Uott, of the Ottawa Normal
School, is .peedug the holidays at his home
is Goderfoh awnehlp.
Mimes Lizzie Cootie and Maggie Johnston
left on Beanie] Wt to speed (lhratmae
with frieds le Termite.
W. R Miller, tee well-knowe represents -
Moe of the North Memnon Life Iesaranos
0.., was 1s laws last week.
-Mite Robot adheres reterembillielMitiier
(nm the Ontario 8.485' College, Whitby,
to 'paid the holidays at home.
Miss Minnie Campbell, umber le 8t.
Gere public school, notarised home lest
week for the Christmas holiday,.
Mrs. R. Henderson left on Monday for
Wadbm, whore she will .peed the Chriet-
mas(1d• with Mr Mater, Mn. Walter Green,
•.p1 other (rneedm.
Mimes M. Skelton and Jesel. Robot...,
stodgier of the (art Normal College, ar-
rived from H•miltea os. Saturday to spend
the Widen hers
Mrs. James Rebl55m, 91111 red, Oodorlob
towsehlp, (alt es Wednesday for Cleveland.
Oklo, where .be will le tM future reside
wit8 her daughter. Mrs. Lever..
(. (AN.emea day 88. sham d 14 PMr's
aboreb mill reamer es esbaele• mere al
Nor'( -a- The real weeny In Dungannon
to. Ta•Stamm isat lin oeofJ.O. WARD,
J.H., 000ve7).noer, ten, who will motive or-
ders for subscription.. .deeme ng and job -
work, and Is authorized to give receipts for
amounts paid for the mime.
Vf•now will visit Ilan:annon on let and
3rd r r.Jer of each month. AU modern meth-
ods of extracting and filling. and mating arti-
ficial teeth. Q oe, 11x1 door to Mdd's tailor
shop. ,Hein, Para. to l p.m.
T11g8D41. Dec. ?(lth.
COWING AVD GOINa.-Ure. Tbompeoo,
dress maker, lett here this week to spend
Christmas with relatives at Forest.
Rxxxsoiaa,- Annual tea meeting of
graham church on 28th Deo. See bila
for prtioul•re.
Caoecl, Nora% -Rev. R. H. Hall, of
Nile corona, occupied the pulpit of Rev. B.
L. Hutton last Sabbath, both mornieg tied
mooing, very aoo.ptably Ref. B L .mut..•
t1a omdsoted anniveegary .ervloe at
ear on the tame day smith great •oe.ptbaos.
O17s Nsw Bateman.' 8Toas -A. R
Davison kse opened oat his hardware, store
and int.,nde to keep • fall line ot termer,'
and hail,l •re' Lrdwrs. Mr. D•vleos has
had a long experimm in the hardware Lupi-
ushnen and should be able to meet the want.
of the people of this district in his line. He
has adopted the seam of dealing only for
oath or produn (baster and egg.)
8018008. 5NTgsrafx1INT -There will be
• 000eert held in the Agricultural and
Driving Park As000tatioo'• ball on the last
.ohool day of the tern, ,Thord•y •valor,
the 22od, ender the •aepiom of the teach-
ers and pupils of Uung•onon Dublin sobool
An exoellmt program of ma,io, dialogues,
and rsolt•ttoas is in store for all present
A large attendanoe is antioip.ted. Proceeds
w111 be applied for books for the pupil.
Amrtg*NT,-Quite • number of .spirants
for the oouaoil of West Wwamseh for 1899
are in the field. J. G,haon, the orwet
reeve, and R. Medd, the ore.mt
deputy -reeve, are intending oandid•tes,
as then is to be no deputy reeve. William
Bailie nod Wm.MoQuillao,lormerly onusoU-
lors, alp Chas. Taylor, Donald Murray and
Joseph A. Mallough are aspiring candidates
The new oounoil will be composed of • neve
and four ooanolllere.
Conan Oorncn. Noon' 41107. -The
nomination for county eoanolllore for No.1
division w5. bold In Oeagm.0. on Mm -
day, the 10th. Wm Brothers, the genial
and effiaieot clerk of Ashfield, presided as
nomloatimv °Bios. The following were
nominaai as oandid•te.: Philip Holli of
Ood.rloh,Joe. Goldthorpe, of M•itlandvills,
Horeb Genet, '1. E. Darnin and Hugh
Chamber", of Ashfield, Alex. Young.
reeve of Colborne. There was • fair at-
Modaoos of the ratepayers present.
Thos. Feed, who for the pea year hes at-
Mtmd.d the telte. Ido en Teeeday to
000010/510 Me Celerity ..arse Is L Asmmp-
Um, S..dwM8. Dares Ida stay ham Tem
male many Mesas, wheat need wlier ge
with hen. H. Y • nephew et gaoler GIBS*
and 1' Ford, el Mtew.
Rises Pan Ita't fee table er done -
Bargains 1a stoves at W oradl'0 lt.tet.
Meek Mk)...
3r*e.• •way down Stoves at whefisal.
1tt,.. at W.reell'..
t far Wlaghaes, with ht w derv,esda
TU..PAT, Dec 20.
W • regret to know that A. T. MoDoneld
is . 111 very low with heart trouble,
I. N. C•sead.y, of the Globe Loan and
Investment Company, ie.doo, visited his
mother, Mrs. C. M. C.'eaday, last week.
O. Monday evening, Deo. 260h, there
will he • team. 8..i.* held in the Methodist
ohuroh. Mies Whitney. of Ooderioh, will
sine • solo.
John Jones, who has been working for
Mrs. C M. Cs.10dy during the wtoter,
worked on the come farm Sl years age,
when the late Mr. Camay wee Selig. tie
marks away Masses
1MnWOAv, 1)n. 19.
Andrew McMillan, of Brandon, Man., r•
rived last week on • visit to relatives here,
H. has been In the West several years and
bis leets as w Me me Mudispesetw1ahMes.
Adm Green, of the tewsship of Ashd.ld,
is probably the oldest elector who exercised
Els franchise in the recent West Huron bre-
election. Mr. Orem was bora near Bolton.
Remised, in the year 1800..ed thes has al.
man moiled tie 000007 mark ; and, •1•
though crippled with rheumatism. he is
otherwise in good health. O. December
SM he oast hie vote in favor of Hon. J T.
Darrow in sub division No. 4 (Port Albert)
The a 101111 other very Old *loner. la
the tewaship, het Mr. Orem, we believe, is
the oldest .f tams •11.
TvssDAT, Den. 20..
Mir Ada Mwk•y of Godertch, was ie
guest of Mir Jane Stirling this week.
Atter an abeam of eight years O. Stew-
art is boot from Galesburg, Dakota. os. •
that to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0.
Tumour, Deo. 20.
Oar popular readmits. Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. MODouald, go on Tu'day morning of
this week to visit their children and gnod-
oblldren at Detroit and Windom. We
wish them • ple•.00* time dada/ Mei,
• beano. from 1115109.
SOSOOL NOTI,B.--Thorsdev d fid wink
.si11.be caked Stith .. ••WL maiming of .7;
parents and friends of the soholre in this
motion to the afternoon. Lesson work la
the o1..see will be taken in the differss%
forme by fallow-t.acbere, and • short pro•
gram will be givso by the miniere and
friends. The soboolbou . ia beteg neatly
decorated for the occasion. On Wednesday
next the anneal meeting of the swum will
be held at 10 A. r.
MONDAY, Deo. 190h, 1808.
Will Rookley has returned from Drayton.
Miss Mary Fltlker has returned home
from W togham.
Min Id• Dialog, of Cranbrook, visited
Mrs. Georg. Hudson.
Rev. W. J. West is in Toronto *his week
o1Hoi.ting at the marriage of EI. mash.
Miss Mabel Coulee* has retarod from
vialtrng her brother, Edgar, .t Ripley.
-Mee JMmtemsc, ed Fordwreh, vidted bar
daughter, Mrs. R. 0 llasemors. last week.
Mies Fannie Thompeoo• of Brothels,
meat Sunday with her friend, Miss Agate
A motel tea will be gives in the Metho-
dist ohuroh on Thursday ev.omg, Deo. 22.
A111 are invited.
Mrs. Duncan Stuart. • former resid.ot of
Bloevle, but now of Roeesv.ld*, Manitoba,
is renewing old acqu.atanoesbipe to tho
Remember the Christmas esterWament
in the Foresters' Hall, Friday, Dec. 23rd,
given entirely by the members of the Press
byterian 9. 8. It is going to be 1 e ooe15.
Mooing, Dee. 19.
Rev John Young, of Hamilton, vatted
relatives in this vicinity last week.
Our teacher, Mir Boyd, leaves us .t
Christmas, to the regret of the satin amm-
. po, 5. *he has proven herself to be a meet
.*batten' teacher.
The A.bhath sohool Intend bolding their
animal enaralnment and Christmas tree
00 the •veslog of Deo 2204, when • good
program will be presented by the ohildren,
e nd st 1te oboes the gift& from the tree will
be distributed.
Municipal maters we mooning °oneider-
• ble attention just now. Our present reeve.
Alex. Young, retires, as he is • oandldlta
for the position of ooun1y oouooillor. A
number of persons aro meotioeen as possible
aspirants for the reov.abip and oleo several
tor towoelup oounoillore.
1 he anon.l meeting ot the Crlow auxil-
iary of the W.F.1/.S was held at the home
of Mrs. Alex Stirling o1 Wednesday, Deo.
14th, when, notwlthUimdlne the inclement
weather, there w5. • g , x1 •ttendanoe of
Iodise. The following offioers were ,leered:
Pres., Mrs. R. M. Young ; 1st vice , 91ra
Johnston ; 2od vim., Mrs. Howell ;
Mise Stirling ; tress„ Mar BOIL At the
Mose of the meeting a beautiful te•obel.
Rib1. •000mp•ntd by • most flattering ad-
dress was presented to the retiring peed.
deme, Mies Mary Morrie, who, with her
mother and aster, h5. left the 000grewatfa
to reside in Oodrloh. Mrs. Morrie and hr
daughters merry with them the ..teem and
good -will of the entire oommunity
For PrNwal.g r•me5. N.m mad fMlld's
a edaey rill. O.ees.
hag.t.e, Ileo. 19. The presto.. (Ilty
has given Canada a mejorlty of her greatest
sad met famous men. Sir John A. M•o-
4.5a1d. Sir Oliver Mowat, Air George Kirk.
pat,(ek, Air Klob.rd Cartwright, and army
ether getable psres.alltlas ream t8e elty as
their hem.
R ttir5im i. O. Ism fames* as the seem of
many d the most wonderful ate starting
mum by Dedd'. Kidney Pint Nan ter the
Irate P items
Item mother le dale1 to tea tees list el
M.rea fir. R.bert Orr. Rse-et , reverts
seas shoe enemiesR fes mare with bladder
Melds. dead'. Niamey Pills emopl.Wy
eared kir. Meek all ether remedies had
114w.y eity nen • Mmiler se
Twenty -Eighth Annual Christmas
Display of Choioe Meats.
a, meLaas Is Still ea the From( With a
(Metre Cetlertee. N Serf, Pork,
1804 Dressed Pinney.
In mule, eleven head -two armies heifer@
fed by Alex. Glenn, Colborne; four 2 er-
old heifers, very fins, fatted by Wm.'Taa-
.too*, Colborne ; one very large 3 year-old
heifer of ohotm quality, fed by Tiohbone
Bros.. 6th eon., Ooderfoh township : two
first, ala beaten bought of Amebaoy Allen,
W horoe ; and two extra fin. year-olds, fed
by Capt. Wm. Young, Colborne.
In dreaded hog", tea very choice .Ines
bought trop Wm, Ryan, Aehdeld ; also tour
little dandies fed by 1'. Johnston, Ashfield.
ie I.mbe, two fed by Chris. Johnston,
Oodrioh trwsship ; also two fed by Hall
Routledge, Ood.rieh township.
In fanoy dressed poultry. • number of
birds chosen from the flock of Thos. Fear,
of Hallett, and • number loath• from dif-
ferent farmers In this v(daity.
Alio a fall line of oared meats, hams,
br.ekf•es baton, salt boon, lard, oto., .te.
Citizens of the. town and surrounding
0astry are requested to call and Import be-
fore perohasing elsewhere.
Place of business, corner Mast -et. and
Wishing you all • marry Christmas and •
happy New Year, Youn respectfully,
R. Mc Lame.
SMiTH-le West Waw.aceb 11th con., os
the Mb ult., the wife of }, Smith, of •
NICHOL.- In Lnoknow. on the Ind Inet.,tbe
wlf" or D. Nlnh.l, 'maker. of • ea.
ANDKSW.-ie Aehdepd, 13th eos.,on the Ilth
beet" the wife of Ir.e Andra w, of • sen.
BROWN. -in Lucknow, on the 0th Inst., tae
wife of J. N. Brown, oonnollior, of a .ea,
MORWREN - MiLLER.- At 180 MM'e4I.1
.me Ripley, os Wedn..d•y. Dea s-
r Ilth, U10, by Rev. F. ew..s, Gouge
M. Megwe-n, of 9odesl.8. to Y.rf AM
Mlnr,onngeet daughter of Thomas ILO -
ler. of Ripley.
T•11 Wheat Oas�sow'
natiliti MI
Flenr.Irref _
te ay
Flour. Week per e'ttl........._, le 1
Dem p. w«.........r:rtnerts� h M tee*
•• •.~ .......
:� ....sa..O.. 410010 ..• .01 l 4
•..a..,.•..,... 1 30 ta 5
116011111 •••.....,eM,Y. • t9 .0 it
irsik n--'- se ate= •e 1
10. . . ams•Alm •dome *ea
ts .s..,tsa..... /IN .«.
m p 1* ....«_.�..wes.
ser ill
1i r r)tesf, ions ejtj ..
_.._. • -