HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-15, Page 44 Tivama*v, )ss, W. IMI • • e and its pleasure and good will. Make others happy with a good gift and you will enjoy your Yule Tide all the better. WHAT IS NICER THAN SOMETHING IN MUSIC ? —a Piano (such am we sell now at Out Priam), a Beautiful Bell Or- gan, a Mandolin, a Guitar, or even a Music Book or Sung. Something that will keep green in their memory long after something trivial ham passed out of sight and mind. ANYTHING IN MUSIC nut in stock will be ordered and delivered promptly. We have a nuwber of good Violins which we want to clear out and have decided to cut the price one-half. This le a good opportunity to get a good violin fur less than Wholesale Price. EMERSON'S• 1ht �z�gnlax, iWV16RY THURSDAY MOR 0001111011. THURSDAY. DOM L MIL THE 'OCCULT IN wLs'r sU11c,N. " THE result of the bywleetias is West Huron will be hailed with plea- sure by the friends of Hon. J. T. GAseow. It proves that there is • legitimate Liberal majonty in the coneltituency, and that when the occasion requires it can be got out at the poll. There is no doubt that the heavy snow storm of election week told to mane extent against the Liberal can: didate, and the sympathy whine of the Conservative candidate and his friends also kept • number of Liberals at home. Now that the contest is over, every intelligent elector will be well satisfied that the riding will odntinue to be represented by Mr. GAaltow, who will do credit to the position in every re- Bet above aid beyond all other eondderatkaas is t`s fact that the elec- tion of Mr. Gamow at the present juncture adds strength and solidity to the HARDY Administration, and guar- antees the prosecution of faithful service in the hest interest■ of the Province. The country is safe. AN UNSCRUPULOUS NEWSPAPER FOR unadulterated cheek and pre- meditated lying, The Ooderich Star may wear the belt against any of its Tory confreres. In the campaign just closed in West Huron there were many ceases in evideooe that were easily seen even by • novice, but it is when oar contemporary undertakes to deal with matters on the outside that full vent is given to its penchant for falsifying the reoord, Here is • cage in point which recently deoorated the editorial page of The Star : The Ottawa government have pla.,ed ceders with Amerism firms for over $900,- 000 worth of palace oars four the Intercolot. ial road, notwiUntanding the fact that the Canadian Pacific, hoe of the het equipped companies in the world, hie all its urs trade in Canada. Now a Grit paper is authority for the statement that an order for snow plows haa also been pieced with Lhe Americans. Even that stoutest of (iii papers, the Moncton Times, edited by Joh T. Hawke, says this in wrong, and in t words : "It seams • moot extraordinary ,thing that with all the experience Canadians hav had in fighting snow in Canada, they are net yet able to turn out •mow plows good enough tor the Minister of Reileaja. It pla bad enough for him to Owe his orders &arum the border for *keying, dining and Brat -class cars and t000motives, but one would suppose Canadians had ingenuity and skill enough to ooastruct the snow plow..' Now, The Star knows, if it knows anything, that The Moncton Timer is not "that stoutest of Grit papers," and it should also know that Joico T. Hewes is the editor of The Moncton Transcript. The Times i& one of the mast rabid Tory sheet+ in Canada and dating the old regime did the TRgsr colonial Railway printing at enabled the cabal that ran it to wax eubee itted : thew enough to drop the insinuatieu and use .Mr. Blair's name directly in this motion The New Glasgow Rataprime,'}►hTch had articles ta-TbreVimeme- amumed, considering the r boldly,. .• with they welifirede, tbai l h. L Ia1ee IIW authority for uta insinuation. The Enter. prim did not adhere w the insinuations but baewed our oredemporarv'e insinuations tealogical sequence. But with what re- sult! Herat. Mr. Blair instantly placed the oat• ter in the hard.. of his lawyers; arid Messrs. Sinclair sod Patterson, of New Glasgow, and E. M. Mat:Dooall were the .counsel kr the Minter iu the proceedings. The I?uerpnee article appeared on Nov. 76, and was entitled "Boodle/ Blair." it wee simply a rehash with • little more directness of The Time,' uuluuaUoons ; but haat was the result! The Enterprise dis- covered that our contemporary had no let ell-•te eimeden 'sad imissio ioun agatuat Mr. Blair, which it had unfortunate- ly for itself interpreted too literally, and this week publishes the following abject apology "In our leading editorial last week we made a very .dyers and unjust charge against the Hon Mr. Blair, Minister of Railways. We accused him, it will- hr remembered, of having accepted • tribe from an Ameri• can firm with whom he has lust recently placed an order for railway care. Our at. tentdrnhaving been called to the natter by Mr. Blair's solicitor, we wish in the fullest mariner to withdraw this charge, and ti ex - prime our sincere regret that our columns were made the vehicle through which it was gleno to the public. Of the falsity of this charge we have not the slightest doubt, and we had no grounds at the time of pub- lication for supposing our statements to Ie true. W' have differed MA may again differ from Mr. Blair upon matters of public policy, but we hare never had any reason for supposing that Mr. Blair was actuated by other than the hest motives, ,,r preju- diced the public welfare to serve pmsgtal ends.'. After having vMiffed , "* led"and abused Mr. Blair, chis Tory journal declares itself to hare head and adds : "We never had reason for supposing that Mr. Blot wae actuated by other than the or that has ever sacrificed bthe motives public welfare to serve personal ends." The Moncton Times is no more "a stout Grit paper " than is the New Glasgow Enterprise, and the Gode- rich Star knows it. THE TERRIBLE FELLO THE Star last week gave what it called " a partial list " of the " gang who worked the machine " in this riding. From the way in which The Star started off one would think that the names of $ lot of burglars, and cracksmen, and knuckle-dusters and plug-uglies would,have been submitted but, strange to say, no such diet was produced. '1'o the contrary, the fol- lowing names, with others, were Hon. G. W. Ross, Minister of Edu- cation. Hon. E. J. DAVIS, Provincial Sec- retary. II on. R. HAIOOVtT, Provinctai $ • fat at the public expense. The follow- ing article from The Transcript of Deo. 6 will explain where The Times e lands, sad oleo refers to the apology to Hoe. Mr. BLAIR by the New Olan- gow Enterprise, where the .diner of that .hest was forced, like the editor of The Star some years ago, to " eat the crow, feathers and all, and no gravy," es Mr. Ostia tersely put it : Ineedsr after dander haa emanated fmm The Moncton Timm against the Han. Mr. Blair se Mmiseer of Railways, but usually in the form of • nattily pw.nd iusinuattoot. On Monday our contemporary was more then usually audacious in its insinuations. *ought to bee& as to the ihrumm.,,d Red - wee .mases. with the admiemkm he two 'dory M. P's. feelecting Mr Powell, that -raw tree we mei-noting by Mr Riad, The em ha tudawtt, says, "n„r,.peim may ' tgttlh Peered," but rimae is gunk '• nl+.r•• will The Timm be mealy Treasuror. Hon. Joos DRYDEN, Minister d Agriculture. Dr. MACDoNALD, M.P. JOHN McMILLAA, M.P. Major Mo scar, M.P.Y. A. ]dome, M.P.P. dcc., hc. Now, when one reeds these names he is not tempted to button hie Dost or hold down hit breeches pockets, from bar of being despoiled of his poe- nemiesta There is not • name on the list but has won an honored place in the history of this Provinoe, end when the Merragto+ and the Toone will be relegated to the limbo of political oblivion these other names will stand out brightly in the history of Ontario. Verily, this Is a specimen of the fairness that The Rtar siwsye uses towards its political opponents. THE PRIDE OP MpgoL BOOKS. Mr. 11. W'Rot., to Minister of Edo. ratios, said in hie speeds here haat Teensy .renin that A man could mend his the h Scll thool, at is non only npto for 3 Nous for the O°o"e'ac7 hooka Thaw aro thousand. 01in Ontario whom at Mer is Res' therry. net 10 tsj as Nit a de Marais willies with truth- is dirwntly and a at sardie with their expire_ awe, and nSao who will thus attempt to tatmlead the pnhlie is • paw example for the 'meth of oar schools. 17M.rinh Star The Sear knows .e little about the rmaSMt' that it cannot quote oorreetJy • • THE SIGNAL : GOODRICH ONTARIO awes the awes which Mr. Roes gave. Thee Minister etiiduoation chaffdeged truthful eentrsdictioo of his state• went in .ea$eotion with the price Of school boohoo end Mr. Winewsi oo the followI evening discreetly re- frained from taking up the challenge, contenting himself with the silly in- sinuation which The Sear echoes. The matter to cue easy of investigation, and if Mr. Ruse' statement u untrue The Star should quote it oorrectly and then disprove is ; and, to give it a Hart, we shall inform it that the figures which the Minister ;eve were $5.90. What does The btar make them SNAP SHOTS. " Nut for Jog. Come again, Mr. Wermer. Hon. J. T. OAtaow, M.P.P. Now, Jos, will you be good ! Who wouldn't live in West Huron ! • •• Your humble servant " is discharged. Juesra Bac&— , Teen's sato place like home Next electiou we'll ban a pair of Boas running. t:Alitow Is getting " Hon." all right, thank sad that VI the ether tl•Iiase members M tkie 'its has uort pimps a11W'"RYkllliii6 aThr. His -set" w tbuu,tl, when the pulley of the 1:uveturnnut is determined, wuuta for ea much as any other Minister's. It la atate,i that anus important utruges are sat ouisteuiplateni to the negulatioot of the fisheries, now that they are under Pro. einem! wastrel, l'ee prime object of the Department will he the preeervetiat of the W ; revenue owtaideratiwts will be kept in the background. In the belief that the fish have not been properly preserved, the first thong to be duos, it is a,id, will be to plates still further restriciiuue µpow the use of the iiab net. Our eateerual contemporary rays Tex YtonAL recently referred toe " (:overutueot thrashing machine." our esteemed wntem- perary is in error. We never at way time ur sat any pinw referred to a Coi.rumeut threshing machine. We would have object ed to a machine to thrash the Government. Probably cur esteemed contemporary hes referents. to the term " liberal threshing machine." We would ask our sstoented con- temporary to be more accurate. In placing the credit for the splendid majority in (Atd.rich for Mr. OAaaonr, the efforts of J. P. Wirrete must not be over- looked. At the Opera House, on the even. ing hefore the electron, Mr. Worrell' proved conclusively, in an able speech of an hour and three-quarters, that the Opposi- tion Ilse no policy -at least, none worth mmlioniug- ardl that the government's meard of six std-twentY_years, can not be - _- D! 'G' Liberal party is We told you that the Lb. -Coo. candidate tinder heating obi iion to ]dry WxJritr,, Mr. WatrNST say. his policy would be Mr. Wenser-Tina melee to be the long to do exactly the opposite of what the Gov - Jute that bas Ito terning. emelt dove. Then, he would squander the 'MP WHITNEY (reading the eisetiml re- Sondra of the Itovimr, instead of spieling them wisely ; he would have • t'al.uct of torus/ It is time for •than Re corruptlrtaats, in plane of ons of hocest Mr. Bate "there's nothing like leather." teen ; he would mot the blind, the deaf and I'olutice is a poor buatrt... dumb, the insane and other wards of the r . Penrose. adrift, instead of caring for them ; Mr. bit you'll be our name •if he emelisgire Umber berths to his friends, you don't exercise diatretio.L instead of selling them at auction to the Kart Wellington, South Ontario, Lennox, htgheet bidden ; he would have a debt, in - West Ritmo, Halton.. Next ! stead of a surplus ; and generally he weakd adopt • policy of wreck and ruin. No " AI1.1 the last state of that man is won's wonder the elector,' mark their hallos than the lint." -Luke, xi. -26. against hie candidates. Arne AVMSeamme .- emeorter, tset• Hestia • "'— little ' -little chap. Just see him grow. ROOT. MCLEAN Icor the evemug of the 8th)-" This is rather a cold lute for roe.' We haven't heard anything about Mr. Rotuma' father end brother for the past few weeks. The editorial fu)mioatiotu of l'he Sar for a few weeks leek will' now make racy reading. The vtorlon/ man cry meet Fare been wed to effort rio11n in-Ifatrirff trherte they elect- ed a Barher, -ornehody has written : Twinkle, twinkle, little Star, How we wonder whet roe are. KIPLING is being vindicated'ae against the chaps who took exception to hie " Lady of the &soave." Dear McLgAx,-I don't knew justlSM where I an., but I write to let you know that 1 started out from Baliford to go to the Par• lumen building at Toronto, and 1 thought 1 was getting along tint -rale wheu a bag storm eame up last Thursday and buried me. By five o'clock in the evening there must bare been 46 feet of snow on top of tete. It's a warnings, I tell you. They say GAltauw got through all right, but the On -t rued doesn't seem to -get drifted up tete way ours does. Say, Mawr, I don't know bse yer'rd fetter grim up ttmt ides -of yours of trying to get to Ottawa. You'll find it hard trsvellnig. YOUR Hraa,.s NIR%ANT COMMENTS ON WEST HUnON.. IT ItN'T THgag VOX THAT PCKPONs. Tomato Totems... Te Dia McGilli- euddy breakwater at Gdenoh harbor did not pretest the reset' waver et dv.rdty Whetherism eagol4og the pshtiaal hopes d Moja[ there be sleighing or wheeling, Joseph Beek. the rave for the Commons will be Made on • • 5 a pair of "Bobs." MB nQmN'T NERD A RROAPNONIL Hamilton Timm : They My ween Da. Maim. Baca declared that he wo ukl never Motelliouddy .ted as the Stonar• office accept the position of Minister without doer law night and 'boated •'Evia -go - portfolio. And he never will. br&i h " eke Tories e.. et Sbeppardtos seek to the open air. beliwriag an earth- Ysa, the Liberal threshing machine wa. 'isake had .trsok (,d.rl.h Mwssklp. in evidence last Thursday. Two men named • • • Bevy and KRaRP were flailed. Two Noo1 WEN. Ne Strstlerd Its....: Ts. re-election of it Major Berk boasted of hie title from the Hoa.Mr. Garrow in Wert Heron sad Mr. on: Go,ernord:ereral. it'e not the title, het Barber in Halter retinas two good men M tum • • Tke last stage develleep.aeat of Nasal (le. tarrk. Upstart.* Catarrh Vitro vast •war pa the potato when ens specialists ua the 41,.a.. haarys�beea able to reach. It's a pens• e tracing. ag, healing aad atrearrtbed cumpnead, •flaring the Ia8amatI.a a heating wtteet leaving the slightest Ir after -remits vat *sly guareateed Catarrh fare. jt#, at all d gists. 119 FOR SALE /It JAW WILSON. Sd. Agee., GWertoh. ODERIdll'1ARN'cEg SORE THROAT (Poet every family has 11s sublecto for sore throat. It's an ailment that demes In a twlnkling-develops. dan- geroualy In an incredibly short tlrna The speediest relief and the surest cure le what you look for In the emergency, &In, -"My daughter was troubled with • sore throat which was much swollen. Your Menthol Liniment was applied at ulgbt, and the omit morning all soreness had she appeared. It 1. certain! good for more throats." J. Woodward, 1 4 Slaw street, Tomato 0 CaRIFFITFIS„ riEMENr FOR VALUE IN DRY GOODS. Fail wind. remind u■ of the need of Underwear. Call and see the ',elite we are giving in Wool Roes Liued Sbirte and Draw Lined Shirts end Un a^' Cotton Mleec„ MIuiIL �' 1PleeoD Liotti 8btrts and Drawers. BUN'S FUR OVERCOATS in Coos, Waubst Wallaby and Dog. LADIES' FUR COATS AND LADIES' FUR CAPES. CLOAK Na. A large range of Beaver, Mil- ton sand (hurls. TABLE LIN= AND TABLE NAPKINS. CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAR, in All LADIES' UNDERWEAR io WooFl.ieeoe Lintel Union and I.ADI*8' OOMBINATION UNDERWEAR, MANTLES, The largest range of Ladies and Children's Jackets, and the lowest price to piok from. BLANKETS, Blak Union Blankets, in great value, Flannelette Sheets.,Wool 8iaaa Well posted people in Golierioh and vicinity have learned by experience that Robinson's is the 'lace for value and prior, • ooLoraw Tie teener APPLIIIRk Mt GA LA BY JAS. ��WILSON.DRUCCP0111-2111 OMIT, JAS• -Sete A 'Awwmye.' be in a pe.itiee to glue seaad assay whioh will he of hest to the aortban sad middle portio . of Waders Oatario. wbtoh have moi bad • repel ...etir.la the tatter reused for many year,. This will compare him for • d•pertsent, Would • racaaor 000ur,wbiott his 'miasma abinties aad flee executive powers tborougely Si bim for, Mr. Barber steads io to treat reek of to bummer mem .1 the Provence, a mai whose judgment and adyk'e would be prized by any institution, •sd therefore is • most useful mita in the Hew, Tee Wooten of bath ridlaie are to be eesgratulatd se to wadom of their e alectioes. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. „ 151 OLD VANHlontD WINT$a. • Dundee Ramer r -Tees wars roused liar a geed old fa.hieed esoweerm, jest to m- onied them of old Woes, are prebskir eatle- fled now fl ,t It meant •e awful et .1 d IInsp. • • • NaN+l qts r'Ovnr n,. Ottawa Journal : Te Iffy assnMi of Odawa did itself honer .a ' 'ejeg ev.sieg by to tarp majority by Midi M voted is hoer of reducing the Dumber N .M.rmee is ten far .sob ward. • = . e - rear $IOPSI R•gi.a Lamar : 'Tae emesis .t as. Ninon liY Inti -lJppogitise w bee... els venomous and natal: that indeed .f dsioe him berm rat is doi.g bum god. Lisa may to. fore • mu for • ladle while, but Nv.r per mepee tly. A YO/COL&1 Ottawa Citizen : Jades F,rgmos stands abut 6 feet 3 laches &ad weighs .wly 300 pesttd•. 1f any of the Naga.., mob bed laid kande ea him, hie lerdebip wesld have • was '. downs” iseteater. Or p.rbapsps ht. .n•Oaet w.sld have Rat ifs bead 'sus • • 5 A$OTHER roar welt Londes News Complahm is made by the Tarr papers bemuse all Am bye•e{..- Hese were sea erosela se el se same time. But they forgot ties es gee@rsl Mw amid be passed to •over nab swag Byeeleo s"..s ars a&esd by .erasi eveeleekttm. w, If there (weld be • law passed waking oe.psktrry for all m..ben a die es • fain date, .r to be .n.e•ted et the same e, or to take ethos, si.altamwo.eh laws would be quite possible to Dies the bre t.otl.m. ea to .►.e day. • • • PREVENTION .Byre$ THAN CCB. Holwevgeoe ladep.ndeat : A yeuog Id et Beavertcs bas been wrested on • oboree of bretally marderie, as old mss. The bey had a very bad reeerd, sad wee rseemt- y let go ea w.pesded eeetesoe. A lad .f similar *harasser wee treated in the yame way at Wades', sod be also murdered m old eta$. Then mems ten often to rte an awful perversity about se way pitlee- thropp gets In it. work A be that is the man behind it, that counts. the Legislature Mr (,arrow, as a member That big meeting by W.mrxt in godr_ of to Government. without portfolio, will nch on the evening before the election was _______ — • groat vot.-maker-for the Grits. Mr. WHITNEY teen to like budding what be calls a "policy" in the air. So long an ft amuse. him, it doesn't hurt anybody. Mr. Roamer McL.ait woo't try to work the poverty cry. No, no ; he'll point with pride to the brick Mocks and the amassment roll. In regard to the election just held, West Huron mirht adopt the words d_ Jamul' it mr.o'., of U. S. A.: "I mmsmyd y,an i 1 mine it." e We would call Major Baca'• attention to the fact that the defeated cartdidste in Hal ten, Col. Kase, elm hada title fres the Oovernor-(lereral. We asked The Star whether it was going to carry oo the contest • la Ctasmpi.I.D or Bat Sri.. The Tory organ chow BILL Beesn. 'Ned, said. Candidates for the Ontario Legislature should me that their ticket to Toronto reeds " via Rotor Railway." The Oppoei. tion line can not make proper connection, with the capital. The last issue of our esteemed local con- temporary gave evidence of splenetic feeling of the mad virnlent type. Another such attack, say about February, will on hard with the old jade. The electors of West Karen showed last Thurwday that they did not want the inter - (pewee out the returning °Boer in the elec. tion. They wanted to elect Mr. (JAzaow themmlvea, and they did it. Thurday last was a bad day for the mili- tary men who tried -4o break' into the bogie- leture. A limber lathered Colonel Kneen in Helton, mad a lawyer iswted an anter re- straining • Major in West Huron. The paper with the allayed " Quality, Quantity, Circulation." doesn't appear to have been hey more truthful in its for/mist of the result in West Huron than it is in its statement about its "Quality, Quiddity, Circulation." " On the been of the March vote there was Ido againw Mr. Hotman. Thursday last veiled therm egeree down by ICO. In Feb- ruary . the remaladmr will It. wiped of the .lata and the majority pat on the Liberal side of the idOK •tasa.r.i Mr. lattsnsee' sot '"an easy tithe." A. a member of l* V&hi fret hes hes the .ante s•l•isory pnweradlipp,p .d the other Kim.. tore Te dlglel1101 between his pealflle, • If you arc ill you need a doctor in whom you have con fidence. If you need a remedy you want one that has been tested for years; not an obscure, un- tried thing that is urged upon kwwa dtong. he bestir baeee,.d oab.t offw•e eabt. forrteBb. you, or on which you save a =Wed murder. few cents—that is no consid- eration as against health. For wasting in children or adults, Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites has been the recognized remedy for twen- ty-five years. hoc. awl $..eo, dl ekagpt ts. SCOTT & DOWNS, (.UNm., Tomei. Next Weds HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. Everlbody is Talking about D. OA TILON'8 FLOtTR ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND `'p>!! EE1rr Soralitoll ailard Coal IN TllMARKET AL coal weighed ea the Market esays, wher yea get WM luta for • ten. Orders len el Stere h OD ca Pie has Just rewind umber oaa load hem Mantoba. Hetwo of thee beet rbreads 01 rio r at hand bas Um wend cam produce, LAKE OF THE WOODS OGILVIE'S roam WIUlpwa <iu . Made ram No. 1 Hard W trot, Mee aaM-'re beet tem* se bated* air, PbN• buyfa. PIser will de well hy cantata os. U. (sora".., tam /ramiemimager. and tr will t.11 you how le plead the Wmo)ls•be, and Ontario now together se ea. ban • brat 1.l rasa, Flom as • resew ale pries. Orders win he premmtty weeded to I■ PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES win. LEE.;m,••"•s Cates wills Messed lag a Lai p+eepsty K.mde°C De► T'CANTELO N. tLTON STREET MILLINERY. MISS CAMERON am returned from New York, bringing with her the latest in .tyles oil shades. The reigning colors are BLUES OF ALL SHADES, MILITARY PURPLE. CARDINAL and ROUGH RIDERS' SHADE. Miss Cameron does not hold openings, but evreyone ie invited to 11 and inspect goods and prices. ....Cross - Cut I have just opened ap a law consignment of the celebrated LEADER LANCE and BUFFALO w e will have ow handsome stock • et Perfumery, Hair, Tooth and Hail Brusher., Combo, Deeming --Cameo, Manicures, Sliver Mounted Pipes, etc., etc., opened out and ready to Pell. All Freak goods _ no bargain counter staff Conte and me our Rhony Goods Cross -Cat Saws, Every Saw 18 warranted, Also a frill line of Bucksaws, Axes, Axe Handles, Etc. BILL �Ia WILSOBOLYII'S_fihIJIEIRE PRRBURIPTION DRUG BWRBN, STORS WISHING YOU THAT OLD CHESTNUT— A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year OR CUSTOM. WORK FOR REPAAIIRiNG ,snEIC�'f FOR- THE BEST IN BOOTS' .AN•E8.... ere o sins Te CALL i'OV1l AT INT!OP TO Otle, iota srocx or ---- Gift .. — rift Goods Beautiful Bronze Goods The most Up trickle (Irnamentw-- welcomed in every refined home. Perfumes in Cut -Glass All the Leading Makers The meat refired and p,.ing of all gift.. • The Now Style. are Very Beautiful /Se to 56.00 Toilet Brushes in Abney, with Nilv.r Moeirtinrig�ses A new and heeniifnl linr for (1,(t.. All kinds of TOILET CASES. We Suit W. 0. 0001E VC I Smokers' Good&._.._ I Pine (Jiff Pipes Is COMM Cara. Shiloh/we' flee. Pease Cigars me ,in hoses of 10 each and npwarda; and many other lines. Purses at all priose ; • useful gift. wallets, Mirrors &n.i other time. WE NELI. AT REASONABLE PRICRNe WR WOULD LIKE YOU TO CAL.I. AND NEE (tOODq_IT ISA PLEANIIRP. TO SHOW TARM. all Purses ! Be ori Block. SHARMAN THE ' PRACTICAL SNOEIIUIIER 1 emir Being a Thorough workman, we cannot bs imposxd on by seller of .hods goodie, end we do not buy mis6ts, damaged to sell as first clays lines. goods, or baskrbpt .cooks We hemp the [AIWA W, WATSON 8008 001$ 00018. and of they are splendid wearers, good filters, and of the Istat Ittyles, you should give thein a trial. WIZ_ Helga ell or Daft WHIM ARO eQVA$ll. law eaeommay Mee , Awn gnu A•bwY res ewe ..or, O-