HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-8, Page 88 Teo•POST, Dos. 8, 18E8. THE s&G : GODERIOR ONT4RIO. Chis tmas.. Is Coming 1 AND WE HAVE PREPARED ll'OR IT RT OPENING... A New Store ON KINGSTON -ST., UNDER OPERA HOUSE of Christmas Novelties. --Everything in TOYS sed GAB to delight the Children, --viii--usefa1 And ornamental presents to please their elders. A glance over oar list will prove to you that it is s money -saving store as well BOOKS Special Paper Novels, by such authors As Conon i)o)•le, The Ducbea., Laura Jean Libhey and others ; some regular 2& books among them. Our price, 5o. The best Paper Novel -the latent works of Hall Gene, Jerome, I)umas, Hawthorne, Marie Gareth, Stevensai, Cooper, Tyndall, and others -only 10c. (hitdreu'aChrutmaa Books, with colored • pictures, from Zc up. DOLL A great big Doll with Golden Hsu, only 10c. 1/reseed Dolls at 15v. Dolls of every demoiptiot st little prices. GAMES Nese Pimo, Bagatelle, Crokinole Boards, Targets, Checkers, i)lominoes, Building Blocks, Child's Diehos. OPEN ON FRIDAY. NEW GOODIE Novelties for the e•`r Holiday; Swoon. If t ler will find it. �l. you duel. kuow wJ,gt to Ret your friends As • present, visit our Two Stores and you A nine Table Linen makes a u.etul moo - sot. A speeial 72 to Bleached Linen, reg. $1.00 line,7 for 6 Dents. FURS FUM Furs have never been so fashionable as sow. It Woes of theneceeserry•rtielee of • oostume-a Ruff or Collarette. Nice Sable; Ruffs, New Capes and Jackets just to Fund of the L o'w es t Prim s. coke? NTS' FURNISHINGS .JIro ...rlrett..eaahia4, yo :self A present of a mime how (OVERCOAT 1' Our line at $8.50, in Blue and Black Beaver, will suit and fit you to a T UNDERWEAR for men is a 'specialty with us. A Suit from 50e up. SILK NECK SCARFS - Have you seen those lovely Neck Scarfs -just Only the thrng Be keep away RLAN>KiTS :Why not be warm this winter when it costa you only $1.90 fors pair of nice Wool Btuuketa ; rfr comfort yourself with our Special COMFORTER at $1.50 JACKETS Lotion' and Children's Jacketa-We tau suit you, 'sure. No trouble to show goals. CASH AND ONE PRICE. SMITH BROS. & CO. Leaving Goderich! OUR STOCK MUST -BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE. ffg:jN ALL LINES 1 TH1B 18 THP. PLACE TO BUY YOUR XMAS PRESENTS Here are of Few of the Limes : GLASSWARE BROOMS UNDERWEAR CROCKERY SOAPS SECRETARIES CHINAWARE BOOKS HAIRBRUSHES ORANITEWARE SLEIGHS BLOCKS TINWARE TOYS GAMES lied ether linen too numerous to mention. Ellen..aber that we mast dose at oar*, so the oo.t of the goods is not Vat aoaeidarattee. S►wrytbis►R must be .old. Hentereh.r the pie. -- 4... WOOD'S FAIR. W. HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE. sseese.lal meeUye at Lwrkaew end lite tali. Le(k•ow. A •Msiatl tseNtag was Mad la sewn ball, Lactase, es Tuesday, Nev. 210k. The ..eetag tris spared hy the preside** la .s able address, putting forth the olaits et the lestttat• and soling Wm progrem lead growth algae its Isoepsiea,A W. Camp- bell, Provisoes! rood lestruutor, wa Intro- duced to t4 eettiones, and Is bb usual able meaner pmetated W views ea road-makt.g: sod we Weald etroo.ly advise oouaoil.meo sad Weald -he eeluatl•mes M attend Mr. Gmpbell'o meesags, sad U they esanot leers impels' they mild as last rive the psblb the benefit of thou own knowledge. 'I be seat makes was •' Breeding sad Fediig Hep," introduced be M. Look/ wet. of Auburn, asd,jedgtog iron ,.s number of ge .iies asked, mach istereet is taken is iha industry. aINTAIL. A nesting was held at this point oil the •fternooa and evening of Nov. 30th, when a rood repremetaloa of the farmers and meal - toiled othose', of A.hti.ld greeted the Imita- te*. workers Th• president, atter • oral addrem, intro- duced J. •N. McKenzie, reeve of Asb• field, who Is • olrar toad intelligent way mode •atatemest of the expenditure for roads and bridges, and olaiad that the result was mut as .•tLfact ry as he would like to .mw Mr. Campbell, road tatruotor, was the next .maker, and •mune other good thins -M reoommeadd a rehouse tor the Improve moot of the statute labor system or it. abol- luoo •lbs.•het A. McD. A►Ian, of t;driob, spoke so " Th. Effects of Spray log During the heat Season," also the culture, pruatng, maour• log and general care of the orohard Mr. Alan was brimful of good advice, end his address was very •oosplble. At the •.smog ..esioo • splendid pro- gram, ooeolsii.g of roottatioos, soar, oto., by Mw Lo.bartos, Mi.. Barbara MoLen . an, Mises Mabaroba and Mr. D•Itoa, was glow ; Mr. C.mpbell delivered • masterly address again oo ro.d•m•king ; Mr. Allan spoke ole " Gold Storms, and How to Prepare ter Pars Exposition,' and E. Restos, el Cod.riob. saws • humorous and loterestlag address 00 his visit to the Old lead. Morita Daltoa, delay -reeve of Asa6•Id, in elegant and appropriate leoguas. briefly addressed the meetai1, after whit* the large •.dienoe arom and sang " (:d Save the flow." DUNGANNON. Sconce.- The laced agency In D for Tau BwlIAL le •t the office of J.O. WAan, J.P., 0oave!•ae.r, tat. who will receive or dery for eab.alpttoos. advert$• og and Job - work. and la authorized to give receipts for am0aata paid ter the same. /�IA. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF LUCK- . '3 now will visit Denim/toe on Lt and 3rd friday of each menta, All modern meth oda of extrmoting and tilling. and comae mot Moab teeth. Offloe. mixt door to Medd'. awe .bop. Hours. a a.m. to 6 p.m. Toah.Y, Dee. 6th. SANTA CLAUS. -AA Christmas seisms is approaching the wee folk are beginning to b. omit* jubilant in the •xpeotaelea of Santa's annual visits. 11.1.. --W• regret to have to state tbat Otme Augustine, of Ash8eid is UI. His rola• term and many friends would toe pleated to hear of lib reeevery in the mea future. CoeY4f.>erttrt:.-We ore pleased to able to state tbas 9.41Kem Radley, of Ash Sold, who 51r hese treepld with an gout form of k ttrcaduatly reoovsrimg WINTER. -It look, as if Winter had Tai les est in. Quite a gamtit• of •' the besaU la1" made is appearance during the last few they.. J.eklFrset is also making 51. pros. moo felt THI EL*TION --If entmnswm and 15. claims of • good oandidate of • Rood Go.. greenest ars to he oounted epos, Me Hoe. J. T. Darrow .ill be elected by a gs4w ., tial majority ma Thursday ttesk„ ' NTATCTmRY SETT -- Ile - - gbaras with Use status the maktpal 0.111.sd Of West Wawmoo.h will meet in the town- ship hall oo Thursday, 15th leak All pr - sew haying claims Noises tbie township of West Wawanosh should prmeet thew for payment o0 or before said date. and all no paid taxes should be paid on or hefore Dh same data Sea Niwi.-Oe bomdsy of last week David J.rdlie, of Ashfield, reosivd • tole - presto Worming him of the demise of Mr., Jardla'i egad father. William Golding, o Whitby. Mr. and sir. Jardine west thither to stated the funeral. The deceased was for a long time • resident of Whitby and vicinity, and was widely known and highly re.peoted. lie left to mourn his de- p•rter, a sorrowing life partner, to .5.. ne was united for about sixty three years, ea* eon. William, who resides in the town- ship of Soowdoe, mangy of Hallbartea, mad three daughters, Mesdames Elizabeth Maun- ders and Mary Childs, now residing in the town of Wbitby, and Ms. D. Jardine, of the township of Ashfeld. The drowsed was eighty -foe: years of age. The bereaved Moe the deep sympathy of their srtisaiut- moose in the bereavement. !t ' c held eh* *sly two or these .uOpr M..-.. ?be geed re..lt whey be edea IN Ice spirituel dv.esma 11 of the yews. KINQ BRIDOIL Tuaep•v, Una O.rTVASU.---- We regret le mad 4M deetb el Tbosw Daiwa. .5105 SNNk peas es re edaeoday, Nov. 30, as Tommie. Poe s.srly two years pare re.. dmeesed Sod oaf - bred from an 'merged ailment Md hod Use aessomenlid a gaiting relief. H. hardly deoided to to la Tweak, and submit to an eperaldoa Shed, after the op. Oration iad.w..stim set is end death ensued .t the tome sad mhos sated. The body was temegbt home Thursday eve- ntag. and the tumoral, whiob was lardoly at. Waded, took plan .e Saturday, the pall bearers beteg his elx uuuds, Jobs and J.r.miab C., Jobe N., Miobaol Jot. and Jeremiah James Dalton iso Jobs Hussey. Th• oba.qu.es were held at Si. JesePh'e obureh and were of an impressive o5erset.r, • solemn r.godm mass being oelebrased by Rev, N Dime, who eubs.gaentl• in the 1 1 swami, which was very .pprop- riste, paid • tribute to the dammed, whom the pastor nsd ksown persuselly and esteem- ed highly for his easy .ao.t.ut sad so dsrie goslitres. His death is deeply la- mented by all wee ta.w aim sed to his ion - mediate relatives the widest sympathy M expressed on all .ides. Requiesoat In pros. INGERSOLL PROVES IT. w.dd•s kldmev rub tee lastly Cure rer at.ddr at.s.•r. legersoll, Dec. 5.-1f there mould be obs slightest shadow of a doubt about the ea. Wittig ethosoy of D.dd's Kidney Pills, em .11 oases of kida.y end bladder &seam and rheumatism, the experi.00e of Mloheel Sher- lock, of logersoll, wouiJ positively dispel it for aver. Mr. Sherlock suffered uaom•.iy tortures from bladder and tallboy trouble, aggravesl by rk.umetism,for Are years. Every remedy he used failed to help him, until he basso to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. They oared hint guiotly, oowpl.tekv sad Wrmsaelly. Ilv,dd'. Kidney Pills should be used by ,very sufferer from 15w oomplalala They foil to cors, and .re, besides, the Met 50050 and .treast►oeer knows. ANNOUNCEMENTS - f arlblW.e owes a. 0e• Ssededigd•gg•, Willits a period of sixty days, sae he. deed eases of Asthes tr.at.d y (1sr5'o Kola Oompoend showed She marvellous par- eemtage or gleety -eve abeslate waseHs4 them figures are gathered from hospital dllhthree all druggists, oThe bottle" rthe tO.14s. M moa Co.. 121 Oben* street T ne21 - FOR SALL.BY JAB, WILSON. removed Is Uraebreek by the oatli g dews of the row et big willows is Treat of A Moboaald', property. Bayfield . Dr. dbepoard sad tastily kava *sae to Les Angles, Cal , where he looted. to koala. His practice is beteg leaked •Iter by De. Wei. P•llbter, who suoteed. blm. Tadremltk : O0 8stard.7 last. Mr. .ad Mrs Santee Cluf, ea the dlh ec•ame- .to-,i, oolo►retd the r obi.. wedding, 1s be- ing the twentieth aaseyersary of their siar- rlage. Morris : R. Miller ba purchased the McArter 100-.r. farm, 5'h ti.., for $3,800, including two stacks of bey end • hinder, Mi Arter boys are talking of voila to Mui• tabs is the Sprit's. Morns : A very lenity wedding took place at Les r.side.oe of Hsary lino. on Wednesday ..aping, whim ►b daagbter, Mir Carrie, was wedded tie WO. sober*, of Morris township. W1.gh•m : A. old •0d highly reopeoted reeideet of tbis'Owtaity paved away to the great beyond all his reside'oe to town ea Thursday last, la the poral of Petr As• donee. aged 87 years. . Grey ' W m, Lake bas leased Ws 100 acre dorm to Juba Brows for • term et 5 years end will retire trout farmay next Sprlag. lir. Lake is an old and worthy resideat. bowleg lived here for 3tt yew'. BesmilIer • A very interesting matrtmoel- a1 tweet book pace on Tuesday of last week .t the restdeoo. of Mr. and Mrs. Amo. Fisher, when tb.ir daughter. Feasts, was rand is the holy booths of wedlock to Mioheel Ohtr. W iagbam : While Gorge Whitt w.s dis oh•rglag bis dames el his blaok.mith shop, on Tuesday lest, he resiyed • e.vro kink rem a horse os ibo right leg. He has now to use orutobes and is will be semi time be ort he will be able le atMod to duty ague I •rev : Tb. regular monthly mseti.g of the "King '. Workers' Sewing Mom"iy wa held .t She hoots of the presideot, Mee. P. R1to5is. on Thursday, No.. 24th. A biz of clothing w.. peaked and stat to Toronto to be distributed armee the poet of that 055 y. Merril : E len.• t Littlefair, bib lilt, has add bid term to .. Craig, of Hallett, Ter $4,500. Th. farm oestrins about 21 cares. end so the Mies farms aro atlltl4 .se 'mw MT. Ltttlefatr bas seed hi. at . need fat".arw He 'stead" nutria* and will en to lilyth to h... W iog5am . Death bas removed from '7ftaghern on.• of ita oldest remdesto. W. 15,. week haws to obreaiole the death of John Carr, of town, wbo sawed into rest o• 1'usedsy of last ,seek is :he 75th year of hta age, after an illness of "osidee.ble lesgtb. Hallett • Ms L•wreso. Melville, one of the earliest pioneer. of Hallett tewnehip, parsed over to the adept majority on Tues- day Imr, at the age of 69 years and 2 kith. The ..d event took plats at the homes} hr dasehtr, Mrs Jobe W.rwiok, 8eaforth. Ory : Oa Fi iday • most worthy remotest the pence of Thos. IdoF•rlane, 2d sok., rey. paired away to he Great Bowed, aged 78 yours. He bad been suffering for • year with dp". Mr McFwas born in 80otlaidro, Do,ming Lo (:starld•ane •bout 57 Seen ego. Waltea : The trueness Ede& E. be. 12, Grey arid McHUlop, have mimed sh services of Wet Ells Lemont, el Isabel, •t • weary of 1190 There were diM egg masa" and the malriw asked rweepd tam 11190 to 1294. MM Lamont Wit • Sod elms certificate. Herparbey • Oa Monday, lima W. Dyes' died at 150 reeideoes of her a.b.ad M H•rparbey, .Tier • lion/fog Moose. The daeoased had Enol •illng f"r a year or mors, but bad only boos ....,.d te bed for ahem four weeks, the sew of death bang Rice's Pure Sista ter tabae or data. I have waited • carload of British Gel - embus mhiogles, which 1 am prepared to sell at prices to suit. F. Swerru. 3.ves, furniture, parlor lamps, .lo., to be cleared out Wore Christmas. Gr.s'. Bargain Hoose, Hamiltonat. Woed'e Fur, whiob 5a bes. earned oft here for • number et yews. is to be stead at the end of Bite year. to the meantime ea muoh as possible of the stook is to be sold, sed hsr,pins may he *emoted. Read ' the aivertneedtent on pegs 8. POLITICAL NOTES. Tea kill of the Seat Elgin °lootio. asaa, •sainst C. A. Brower,Censervative, was me- oludd on Deoembr lat. Jedgmeet was reserved. Nommatioes to 011 the vaomaoies u the Legislature for Nipiest.g and North How loge will be held Tuesday, December 20; the simians Tuesday, December Z7. John R. Bather, Liberal, and Col. Kerns, he Comerv.tive, are the candidates is the , st - Local elecome winch takes woo. tedey in e Melton. Ths same candidates ran at the tog general elsction. r- Tse sonata mettle* of East Heron Lib- Q . era! A.soci&Uw will be held at Brussels o0 Friday, 1)eo. 16t.11. Dr. MoDei•Id, M.P, A. Hislop. M.PP„ mid others w expected to address this ptbrisg. Asothr Gaaoreatlye is oat. A settle fMet was resehod la the Rest Elgin Lena Itleetloo ower, F. G. MaDiarmid, obi Coto a00•atra member, roamer the meet, and Mtfk tarty paying his own coins. The laminae lye-eleotios in Fagot and Meatm.goy, desk.°. will take pleat es the same day as the.. fa North 8istem aid Wee Limbtos, Ontario, and East Priam, P. E.I. Wedamedsy, Deo. 14th, es t5e l$1 :9•1. e COUNTY CURRENCY Brussels . Coiie MoArtbur sad WUI Mosier are Some from their kip to the Old Country. Zerich : Samuel i.,vigood has sold his farm to Mr. Broderick and intends moving to Zurich. COMING Aqb Got Fu.-Mmiaow McCor- mick mid O'Caosor last week visited !needs sed •cone/stances at WiogOam. They re- port bawls, had • pleasant visit Joseph Hatboro, wife and daughter, Miss Eva, of Rlyth, formerly of 1)am*ans.w. spent Sunday at tbe resident* of Mrs. gathers' tweets, &oars Malleugb and Mrs. M•Ilough ....lo.sph Smith, to whom refrenoe was made in our last as on • visit int tour, is eejoying himself immensely among his friends and former •cguaintaiose. 8 J. A. Boyd. primeipel of INHaet pdblio'ohool, was is our village nn Satur- day sad was the guest 05 the principal of Dammam poblio school. We were pleased to sae him look and feel so well sod Mosey. We were sorry to hear that be has re.lgn.d his position se prfooiple of the Belfast school. We wise him the beet of ramose wherever be may koala. DUNLOP. Trainee, 1)eo. 6 Mrs. Geo. M•oPhee has Roes 00 a.i.it of several weeks to friends and reialives at Illor. and Lowden. Mrs. John Oke and daughter Nellie sod Master Willie Glazier sejoyed a pleasant Omit te Sbepparthem Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Yonne wore at Kfngsbrldes 8etaedey of last weed •tte.d- lea the funeral et their nephew, the este Thos. Delius. LEEBURN. Tceepwg Deo. 6. Th.,. .f11 be a 0Sildree's barytes at the choral on Sunday at 11 A M. Mr. •pd lire. Doerr* Falfmrd and demob - ter visited relatives near Porter's Hill this week. PotartcA,. Mr ammo. - Netwlthslasdlig the stoney weather sad hoses drifts Melo day miming there wog • fairly .tta.d.4 gathering at i.sehirs hell at • polities! mb.tl.g In the Iatoireet of Mr. Osr•w. A. Chattels was mailed to b5..5otn, and ad- dresses were ghee by 1'. Mbisatesse, of Leek..., sad D. Mo0lUsetddy, of Gee, - deb. wbi.h war* tkrowrbly immesi fed by toe..dios's. The meeting nosed with the seal aeon fee Queues and oesdldate. The aewtl-.sesai .leetfsa .f officiate for fhb emoleg teem of ell menthe book plus M /a Chewier' E•dee.or 8e0hty eteet�eg Wade" o►tMwg.fof met le Se livessar wheel mom e1 ode .Meld se Iwo : Sim Ediok week' Sial remelted Alex. 4 01 pr*tddM ; M.rt$.. 'kW t: M. HoOte Meeselwl, de itwaresary t sore... erelary imine d SAeolis . ..d 4.stere hl ealbevales Mpertersood by �5 Moist star be emit to the Dwelop Ore" : Mre..lw. t;oombea r.oestly pre. Meted her hn.l,xod with • .•lueble gold w•ah and abate. Arbor* : Ons day last week, while out feeding the obiokens, lora 8. C•Idweil fell, breaking her hip hoot. Wingham : J. Kline and homily lett 1541 week tor rkafortb. Mr. Mtn( teasels ping Into the hotel bareness is that tow.. W inghem • Matthew Elliot", of tows, hoe opened • chopping and ebiagle mIU o0 the 12th r000essioa of East Wawaoceh. Cranbrook : The Bach 100..ms farm bas been sold to G.orgs Sperling, 16th men , for $3.960, that gentleman bevlog rested his other farm. Cranbrook : .(e old I•idm•rk has bees DIED. PINE'. -At 13 Dem street, Toronto, on Nov mbar lath Haasah, relict of the late tieorg.,F. timet. 1. her nod year. M ?HERON In Ooderich, ea Tuesday. Decemberwidow of the tate Oa tpceHOee Matheson, ugh Matheson,aged 67 years 11 ineethi. s mid The faecal will take place from her kite resldemee. oor. Wallington aid Quetta-sta.= Thursday, Deo. 0th, at 1 AO P.M,. a Maitland monetary. friends sad aegeaintanoes ars re• epeettnuy invited to attend. Please mitt Gowmrll. THE WEEKLY MANN. T REPORT fall Wheat flour. family. per ewt............ 111oar,65 Rr pewt Cots. w bis i,S' °e". hum.. , glilliftrils"h•e: .no.eted. i ace, .... 600WCR. Dec. 8, 1808. 8e to 066 10 So 2 10 60to160 1 00 Solt 00 1 00 513 Op fe to o r7 waoee so to 600 10 to 060 14 50 e IA 1;o to 0 16 00 to 2 76 0o ta00 00 to 0 00 ri to 066 16 t. 400 010 to 016 011 le 15 010tit Oil sunken, Geo re6/6 0 e' to • 3S Lsab-Nk W Live Hers Ib = ., .vww 0aR ee ressed Boor, 54.14 Barka. par boob Sepias. ON THE EVENING OF DDOIfi[BEB 1 there was steles out of toy Aui5. Rotel. • • Imps blasttlipmpic Nam Is se esus. ehefforahaving limasesm�awo••edllabaeslyr they aro well ■, p, it F rink. Ont. timiltv Wanted 1(iluk.-wit WANT 200 POUNDS WOOS= bettor k set 0� sal tPC:w•.psew4 paid.Wev n0D Mora t. Predwas e�ert�► fIi 11 It TO ADVIBUTUNISUL Natio*&anise nu CSM , 55u ial!'k te IW /alertly leen. mesh 1r lei I her tar hee Tse eedsty bre Ice Imes Is week- d y sites. °MICS Adlee seder yerkinRgog ter wemus ewe yam, mad ' with. n buJ alt to 6061Is Sher lime rPetie..,ItsJ sseoese have hese rota ash week. CHOICE SELECTION OP' McLaughlin Cutters �..� One °lase only, and that the Beet, PORTLAND GUTTERS PIANO -BOX CUTTERS PLEASURE CUTTERS JARVIS GUTTERS The hest tirii.he,i Cutteiw, the Met material used in the aoMtruetioit of (:atterx, hi the town of (:dderich. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. I carry also a full line of Agriattarat tlfpleelnents • Ra B. SMITH DRY GOODS 00. GOderleh, Ont. $palbrtth. Ont. Splendid Opportunity For tie peovle To Save Money! Stocks to be Reduced 0k -Half by Jn. lit, 1899. MILLINERY The &mandato has gone forth, and Miss DoNo(1H is fully prepared to cut Prices in two to Blear out our stock this month. A feature in this Sale will be a table and show case of Trimmed Hats. Very Special Prices will prevail on all Ordered.Work. FANCY DRY GOODS visit -Ogees five times the lation of Goderic.h, and where will you fled a better appointed stock of Fancy Goods, and, like the Millinery Department, with an expert at its head ! Millinery and Fancy Goode go hand-in-hand in this respect. How quickly the customer knows whom to consult in Millinery and Fancy Dry Goods, and if she pays 25c for skilled labor in building a Het she has the satisfaction of knowing it's Strictly Up-to-date and the price of material used In its conetrdction is not inflated. GENERAL DRY GOODS -A CLEAN SWEEP is to be made in this de- partwent=Dress (foods.Silksand Staple DryGoods, Gloves, Hosierry, 'Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, hildren's Head - wear, Ladies' Coate and Furs. R- B- SMITH. E 0. W. ANDREWS, Manager. �ul�iluli�� lis loll lu�11�11 tU _ ifie 1piRwp...ssow else Shorey's Ready4o-Wear i " Rigby waterproofed FreizeUtters. Wee pone west, 34 or. to mt rid i The with yrckeat.- Deep S --ib throat tab. -Doable stach- edd btar. Raieed sT. 54 troches. MaeBlack, BLe, MEd Brom, •J Drab, Claret, Heather. Oefosd, Bie,,i,- 3 tare and Obits mixture. Waterproof, Windproof, Frostproof, Comfortable. Sold brat sup•Mbille Arlen New Soaks ts#Itih telom7 6 • 713 3 Shorey's Gesramtee dell is the pecker, of count. Twilit ole seeing it, ft b a geed aware guarantee. 3 f.. AOER!N1Tk A /0 ! DELIGHTFUL CIGAR That Makes of Every aye who Tries it J RefT1lAY a Cr M ONTREAL. olffro Noxon Rroe.' Rindeni, Mowers, Disc Har- rows, i►rils, Hering Tooth Harrows, of the heat grade ; Cockahutt. Plow CON.'" high wade Plow. of all kind" ; Adams Wagou Co.', 'Lumber Wagons, Bobsleighs and Drays of the best quality. JOHN N0$, 01 3 General Agent, God.M°h, and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice, and for little money. At .A 04 the correct thing is to have the best for your visitors, and you can get the beet .----GROCERIES STtTRD7r THE SQUARE, GODZAIOH, - 10%.16/91 1101 Woolosiothdasii Tows y .end L1a►111i■w . saMswarses we 1. r. hMYC�(aL 1W Cows pUou of the liked. She was 5 years of ego Clinton : Mr. Freaeh, at the " Castle,' hod as over supple .f y,.*.... es Thanks - /Oleo Day, these who esgise.rd numberkpt over 75. Siam the LMptre of the iis5ewtlos it is estlm.td that swift 7000 Mar os the reelater es riMter,, Amoebae Inlb.lo was r.o.Oed se Tuesday. No. eta, M the person of Thee. Leathern, of eme- fert5, aged 62 years. Eweish : Mr.. Imola Zeller died ken week at her home in 7.,j.. The deseg..l lady. *be wee 71 yeses of sem. settled e• • farm ea the blind Ina, Hay, whoa 10 was all e forest. Ren her hammed stearal cep a Ise form. 01 lar. roan slims beim bee Beim la eke •Med.. Her .aehe.d, end is se yaw d am, earsiams her, aid has she Masers y.f.0 V the severe I.ss he has sesemeed. Hay : T►. sea, !Mads of Plied YSiesy, of Plow, NiMa esirrtat d '� wet wR bo ioasw M lei 1M .s Nlid 1jnad red. 15I. •oreshiesessialasFt hat Y by base ler Ike widened mom* the fist of 150 family, who base tome at Eli* 5arowod by demob is the WWI, rare w pea f._ km 'y-eah. Sitsi deb*. norm, w Ptesp 5, Mea., webs 5k gaoler, lefoom Berle, of HraesN. Mos M bas 4.1818 *06.45 of wheat 'kb yes' sad 1,00) Moble d ori. 130 meld 1,860 bushels et w5ssk. sod M betties 3,000 fee • rise Is the amekee. Alm 16 r 16 years sines Aar. Berns wet ten Idoemo s. He hes 410 awes of Mad sew .ad is deka Ina. Mk wits was • Mks M0N.b5, of Marro smash* Leathery t W. ranee te halm i f se .1e es, the lssb of deo Mask Hewlett, whir end *mat met tam as Mesh, meets* at ih.s wok. The a.agud b•d toes M with VOW Mer ter sate or feet eel. 5e epees M all tae medis•I skill end bed Ind., f Maids sewed de is her she was ass alio to edibles,/ t5a dkeems. Mate Amdash was as •mi - siker e1 Helsel Maiesdiet 55 05. • e Verset Os Wed! leek James Joa.. resoledr1�* W .pi. tram him Gal, Mie!►. imsweras e.., was I.e Iler sad James. es lae.ems *b eId- ew, 1P Odes, WkWed N she ids mel mile. R. wee 'Heidi/, toe/ the evapestileek Ma Ile dos. was Mier .�44�, s mapeasmimphist�. of • ease. b Ile was r wed 1a Ma +•eh« ..d Old te.ete i bebMw.gl.*Wow ThileggA Ifeeehleg Oho sad sews, . HO* as saesSip Mr eel breeehe e5. body Sem.