HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-8, Page 4TRIIaIOAT, Deo. 8, 1898. TIIE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO HO, FOR xnAS e e • • and its pleasure and good will. ¥eke other happy with a good gift and you will enjoy your Yule Tide all the better. WHAT IS NICER THAN SOMETHING IN MUSIC ? —a Piano (such as we sell now at Cut Prices), a Beautiful Bell Or- gan, a Ilia\idolin, a Guitar, or evea • Music Book or Song. Something that will keep green in their memory long after something trivial has passed oat of sight and mind. ANYTHING IN MUSIC not in stock will be ordered and delivered promptly. We have a number of good Violins which we want to clear out and have decided to cut the price one-half. This to a good opportunity to get a good violin for les than Wholesale Price. EMERSON'S. flu Agsxl, w sen nam EVERY THURSDAY MORNING nos. s MEIMS AP T YormaioB. THURSDAY. DSC. a la UP. GUARDS I AND AT .'EM .. AT a critical time dur- ing the progress of the battle of. Waterloo the Guards, the piok of the British army, which were bold to reserve, were got in readiness to take part in the fray. The troops of NAroi.sotr had been makittg,bavec with the regiments of I I Hri11i Wk sad had almost come to the b ii.t th at the a s,. osis -'With buglecall and cheers the FrAii& isgio°s were got in readiness to burl against the British picked force, and e• they • um being assured by their aids that they who had driven the allies before them would also be in- vincible against the British force. It was at this juncture that the boa Dabs ria is e saddle and gave the command, " lip, intends, and at 'em !" The result is history. The British forces rushed to the attack, and the legions of N Arotsoe were scattered, never to Dome together • Thursday next is the critical time in Writ Huron. The Warren foroes,under command of Major Bscs, have beguiled themselves with the betid that the Old Guard of Liberal- ism in Huron is dormant, and, having had oomparstively an easy time in March last, they now think that they have a walkover on the present 000•- sion. They never were more out in their reckoning. Bowes of stalwart sup - porton of Hon. J. T. GAssOw, robe for one reason or another were be- guiled into staying et home in March last, are now to be faced, and when the poll is wanted Thursday next it will be found that the hopes and sepieslions of Mr. Bscg and his friends have been shattered once again and for ever. To make the victory complete the mejority should be made so large that an attempt to foist • legislative novice of the calibre of Mr. BSCK upon the riding shall never again be made in West Harm. Let the battle go on, and let the slogan of the Old Guards of the Lib- eral party be, " Up, Guards, and at , 'am r south, and now Mr. Warren, an able man with a weak cam and • weaker following, leads the attack. The people are aware of the oon- ditions and they cannot be fooled in to giving up old, tried and trusted servante for men who hen not dem- onstrated that they are possessed of the first principles of statesmanship. They will continue •a in the past to bold fast to that which is good. Hon. J. T. GARROW is the Man for West Huron and Hon. A. S HARDT is the Premier for Ontario. SNAP SHOTS. —Vote early for (JARROW. --......We've-get'eta" cid the.riiri:" — Mark your ballot for GAaROw. —Why should you vote for Baca Wby7 Why? — lf TUPPIR is to rule, be sure you vote for Bacot. —The tearful brigade are still work- ing the sympathy racket. — Every vote impelled by • Liberal is a vote more for Major Bncs. —Vote early and then work until five o'clock. GLeBow is the Man. , —The sawdust has been let out of candidate Beci's sympathy appeal. --West Huron wants • legislator, and one who knows how to legislate. —Put the majority this time up so high that there will be no need of • returning officer's vote. — On Thursday night st five o'clock his address will be Hon. J. T. GAssow, n.0•. M.PP., Goderich. -Major Bic is all right., but pol- itically his place is on the home guard —not on the fighting line. — In the battle on Thursday see that your gun is pointing in the right direction. Vote for GAftsow. — "Pity the sorrows of • played not would-be politician," won't work this time. It is time for • change. - -Baca claimed the seat for West Huron when he entered tb. protest. Why did he abandon his claim' —In the election of Hon. J. T. GARNow a strong supporter of a tried and trusted Government will be se - u red. -I[ osndidate BECK insista upon kicking he will become painfully aware of the fact that there is • brick under the hat. LOOK AT THE RECORD. THIS* sad a -t to Moral party in °Mario will stand the closest scrutiny. Its distribution of public moneys in the best interest of the Provinos has been such as was Dever the portion of any other state or province in the world. . The members of the Government have at all times had the goodwill of the people, and, individually, have been esteemed for their high character and ability. The municipalities have tela sided asd assisted ; railway e°terprin has been promoted ; institutions for the blind, deaf and dumb have been wasted ; the farming industry has bean furthered in every branch ; pub_ fie bulldingo of all kinds have risen as so by the wand of a magician ; and the taxpayer has not had to grumble that ►is pocket has been despoiled beosa.P public progress has been initiated and eudaiaed. For twentyeevsn years tate Oevsrnaaaut of Ontario baa been as ▪ • •d without woesse, and tits indioa- w that the Oppdtisn will be aneneoesdnl for many years to —Were it possible to .end • sup- porter o[ Witmer from West Huron, where would the gain to the riding cons in i - We don't hear so much about that alleged " stolen ballet " since Major Brice hid to back water st the nomination. --No newspaper or platform speak- er liar yet stated that Hon. J. T. GARROW is not worthy of a plaoe in the Ca&inet. - I t the result of the election will get ri.l of the political bee in Mr. B.cs'n bonnet, is will do • grand ing for him. dirt to find • vulnerable piaese limit Ilbssra! Asiseinienatiee in gosh the bort eat of Jam iLAcoonata j Mr. Maids a beanie flghear, was ; sea leader 111r. dews bermes he sissy ROM to —A large majority for GAR$ow will moan :t walkover for Houma. Every friend of Houses should vote to swell GARonw's myority. We can Mann Major Rana and his Moods that the full [orae of Hon. J. T. GAnaow'e @apportern will be ea the fighting line this time. —*est Hares has now its oppor- tunity to vote for a Cablnet Minister, and West Heron will seism the oppor- tunity. Geed for Wed Huron. --Omsdkdnb Roos skims that the byteeleeliea was •prang epos him. Wali, be knew it was based to ease, the staeakeyy time wee complied with, • Gamow gel the same time in which to prepare se Baca, and what is the latter kick*/ about? —Aapiraat Hem has evidently been reading Bsar Huffs' " Man from Poverty Flat," and tries to make the application. It's • poor business. --The "snowing under" Sunday acid Monday Isn't • ciroumstanca to what will happen the Oppodtion can- didate he West Huron on Thursday. —Candidate Brea is not working hb gravel -pct campaign in Colborne, and the sand is out of Li.,, so far as the other municipalities are oonct.rned. —Don't loiter around your home on Thursday. Poll your vote early for the Hou. J. T. UARsow, and then see that your neighbor goes and doss like- wise. —Did ft ever occur to any of our local poets that Mader Josses Rena Arne; with --- Gel it law Deal —" If I bad nine day. I'd knock the ter out of him," is the clasaic maaaer in which candidate Bice throw up the sponge at the nomination. —Three pimeks in BACK'S platform : The ea,lf with the cough, The pig with the spots, The ram with • tail - Cough, spots, tail. —Outside of the bitterest partisan feeling can anyone give one good and sufficient reason why Mr. BECK should be sent to the Legislaionp at this par- ticular jqu lurei -Don't'ala.ken your efforts at the eleventh haat bosom*, you believe you would be pleased to do him honor. �1 lo should they not also appreciate the foot that he has been honored at the bands of the Ontario Oovsrument and that that honor is reflected upon Uoderioh and West Huron? —GAaltow and Baal( have both been in the county council and both have occupied the Warden's (heir. GAasow was Warden because of his ability ; Baca was Warden because be wire -pulled for the position GAseow retired voluntarily from the council ; Baca was turned down by the elector of Colborne. You see there is • dif- ference, after all. —Boy—Who is that man, father, with blood in his eye, cowing towards the straw stock 1 Father—That, my .on. is Winton OAureaL1.. He is going to talk farm- ing to u.. Boy—But why has be blood in hie eye, Sather, ey deem by talk ruling 1 - Father—He wants your f for to vote for Bscx. That's why be talks farming ; but never mind farm taik and the blood, your father will vote for OAasow. Delicate children! What a source of anxiety they are! The parents wish them hearty and strong, but they keep thin and pale. To all these delicate chil- dren Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites comes with the best of news. It brings rich blood, strong bones, healthy nerves will win is • walk. What wanted i1 • majority for 0A1130 will di .tion. It is make the other chaps dirsy. —West Baron wants • man on the front bench ea the Government side of the Hoare. It doesn't want a vot ing maohias on the back benches of the Opposition. Vote for GAatow. —The Star talks about the " lesser lights " on the stump for Hon. J. T. GAssow. Our esteemed contemporary maks. no aliesion to the tallow dips that have been put forward to provide political light for Major BACK. —Why doesn't candidate Bice taut politics, if he knows soothing about politics ? L he doesn't know any- thing about politics why doesn't he either go and read up or go off and rest himself and his audiences. - Mr. Bees claims that he should be elected because he is • poor man. Why doesn't he quit fooling away hie time laying political pipes that leak, and buckle down to business, and thereby beip his bank account 1 ---If you vole for Major Bice, you vote for Wairggr, and if you vote for WarnriT yea vote for Turrsa. TOP - PI' is b000rary president of Warr- aST'. organisation Baca, Wu freer, Tema, bed Ike greatest is TUrrcc --BemiaR for votes because a can- didate claims to be • poor man is a pauper's dodge. The candidates are running for the Legislature, not for the House d Refuge, and we have yet to learn that Major BscsJi. • poor man. --While the friends of Mr. Baas are calling for sympathy for him be- cause a new election is on, why don't they give seem of the sympathy to J. T. GAaaow, wbo also participated in the old ideation, and has now to run •polo l . —The Star says Hon. J. T. Win- now's appointment u bogus, and in the next breath it mays the Cabinet position hal been given Mr. OAssow as • bribe to the electors. Now will the esteemed Sear be good enough to tell us what it means and where it is at t —The Star is in great business the election. MI}OasLL is pleading for Bann and Tots is financial agent It reminds es at the two tramp, whe joined head,te work the same router. One of them went up to the doors and begged, w}d0 the other chap earried the bag. growth 'and prosperity to them. No matter how delicate the child, it is readily taken. sot. end Vac, V •^•Kura ICOTT • .OWN?, Cbrmu.., Toren.. HATS! HATS O ser saws ereasese rinlmeaa Griffiths' Menthol Unloosed Is the greee. est esrsttve rimer'r of 18. mgr. Pow trams ste.ele. nie.prse sad those to the very boas, ba.Wee palms and aches with a power laipossIDN with any ether ,ea.y. Usenar rtessath.emirate* tome - clews all soreness. All druggist; eta FOR MALS Bt .IAS WILSON. Sole Ages'. clederieh. Catarrh What 1s Japanese Catarrh (tire t TAs newest, safest. surest, moat pleasant, harmless and only guaranteed cure to- day. It is a pomade or Mattoon' to be inserted In the nostrin. the natural heat of the body warns and malts 1t, and b7 the very action or breathing it L drawn hp tato the nasal passages. In au instant makes Its potency hilt by the opening up of the disease -stopped ohannele and the soothing, comforting sensation that follows Its appltoatloa. The dell pains leave the head, the inflammation is al- layed. the foul breath becomes sweet and that .shdistressingaod th sensesmell returns. In the throat sae. and to a vithlyshores tr 011 , crow Use of the treatment, the- whol•asist h sltsdlcated from the-.yatem.- Int ON tlsepte : contains n0 engine or oth- er daa.srous narcotic, and there's a guarantee to cure In every package. 1n. 1 wee troubled with Cbreale ca- tarrh Is the bead for tweatl-eve Tear.; weal bsndrrds of dollen with specialists without ally perms - was eerwl wftb lapsest . Catarears rh go them and there's never bre. a eptof a return." J. a. LITTL. Portcullis - Mattes. R.C. 50 trots --all' Druggists er by ma1L FoR Me1.R B` y jpf1 w.. �Te 801. Agra., erioe. 4slcyourDealer for RICE'S PURE SALT Best for Table and Dairy Next Week .. Me. riMobsrwv,s,i oris see stock of Porfgmery, Hair, Tooth and Nail finishes, Combs, Dressing Cases, Manicures, Sliver Mounted Pipes, etc., see., opened out and read to Pell All Fresh Oood. -- no bargain counter stuff. Come and see our Ebony Goods. J. WILSON, PRR8URIPTION DRUG 8TORs If you a new hat, I can suit you, both in 'ty and in Price I have abs Latent Shapes and Styles, and you temot do better than inspect my stock. J. A. HALP*NY. GENTS' FURNISHES,. Routh side Segura McLe.a'+'E1.ek. OODERIOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, 9essee+er1.OtrgM•i I Brass, e•aabet.gr of •11 blade of BOILAM 1R.S. Smoke Stacks, Salt Yam, Sheet Iron Works, Mo., etc., AM Ds•tr le-- /Dikaos, M..tlnery Ca.tlags, ere, --M elms sf Pips sad Ptpe Meting*, IM ad Wass G•gte, Glebe Val, '""+gtws ., Heed Aest.es bsdw:: yes A speotal nos of lited Moor and Beg Troughs fes see of fanners amid ether.. Reeafrtsw popsy sM.ndsd be A. S. 0!syvr'AL. Jsat► P. O. nos h. eedmisa. as ayers ...... Yoe wish to know what to buy. where to buy, and where your dollar or dime will go the tarthest. Yon will find SMITH'S BAZAR the right place. Nowhere else in town will you find ro great an smart - moot of New and Beautiful Goods to .elect from. High-Olass Goods in Fine (Mina, Japanese Curios and Art Goode ; English, German and Austrian Goods. Toys. Novelties and Games of every description, at prices to suit all pockets. Come in and wooer Grand Display of Holiday Goods, whether you buy or not. It is only by seeing that you can form any idea of what we have collected from all quarters of the globe to please our customers. We are oonfident we can please you in Variety, Quality and Price Something to meet all taat.s and requirements. SMITH'S BAZAR. MIXT TOWN HALL. WILMER SMITH. WIOHINO YOU THAT OLD OHEeTNUT-- —Ws hard to please some people. Usun Hew% 01 the Etter, finds fault with Rosset nowise because he i. aswting J. T. GAasow, but U$IAH doesn't say • word about BOR:1T Mo. Liam sleabiag round in favor of Iowa Blot. UIIIAH b nothing if not crooked. —Joss W. 8r. Jong, cit Humber ply fame, was not embed to .peek at Rlyth os tlatnrday seeming. He Toilet had spoken at Clinton on friday, and ewe evening,& week was all his Moodsdeemed wMttls'ban him in the Mist. He is else of k .1jer Raoc's leaders. Tote for GAaww. A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Tear Ms .hist 'IS CALL TOON a'rrsgrmg WO 011 Rim nes or Gift Goods Beautiful Bronze Goods Th. most Up-to-date Ornaments- welcomed in every relined hose. Perfumes in Cut -Glass All the Leading Makers The most renal and pleasing of all gifts. The New et le. are Very Beautiful -!6e to 10.alb Brushes is Rbeey, with Silver Maustirrw.. A now anti heasti1.1 Una for Oto All kinds of TOILET CARR$. Gamow had grana prise al geoit-pitrMag all of the 1ewa.gallt GODERICII BARGAIN CENTRE FOR VALUE IN DRY GOODS. Fall winds remind no of the need of Underwear. 0.11 and ser the nlue we agiving in Wool Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, Ootton p ro Lined Shirts end Drawers, Boys' Fleece lined Shirts sad Drawers, secs MEN'S FUR OVEROOATS in Coon, Wombat, Dog. LADIES' FUR GOATS AND LADIES' FUR CAPES OLOAKING. A large nage of Beaver, Mil- ton sand Curl.. TABLE LINEN A N D TABLE NAPKINS. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, . . • - is All Suss. Well posted people in Goieriob and vicinity have learned by experience that Robinson's is the place for value and prior.°oo LADIES' UNDERWEAR, is Plasm Lined Union end Wool. LADIES' OOMBIN A TION UNDERWEAR. MANTLES. The largest range of Ladies and Children's Jackets, and the lowest prioe to pink from. BLANKETS, in great value. _ Flannelette Sbsts, Unica Blankets„ Wool JAS. ROBINSON' HELLO 1 Everybody is Talking about THE OLD D. OANTELOWS RELIABLE. F L 0 -la R E. has Just noshed mediae as. load trees modern. llo has ttt�e warm fthe b s breads eYRwr band wedges, ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND $cI11toll 9itlT fiord Coal IN THS MARKZT Ali Coal w.lghad on l. the Market Soaks. wber you get MOO lbe. s. LEE. Orden left .s Lis S Sten pre.puy attended LAKE OF THE WOODS - AND - MINUS MOM wu111na PLY. ]rade has No. 1 Hard inns Flarro atress the bast broods et Onion* People baying clear win do well by on D. Osatelea. u.preetleal riser. lig will tell you bow se blead rho Mealte s_ast °stark, slew tM'Mt.r seas to bay. • bestial NI really Fees et • r•os•as s trtor, Orders win be ere.oet7 •Memid.d Oe PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYBTZE PATTIES ,r w e atiltet-lam a ham. a D. GANTELO N. HAMILTON STREET MIWNERY. MISS CAMERON has returned from New York, bringing with her the latest in styles and shades. The reigning colors are ' IMAM;'fiF ALL SHADES, MILITARY PURPLE, CARDINAL and ROUGH RiDERS'INIADE. Mise Cameron does not hold openings, but evreyone is invited to call and inspect goods and prices. ....Cross - Cut Saws.... I have just opened up a Large consignment of the celebrated LEADER LANCE and BUFFALO BILL Gross -Out Saws. Every Saw is warranted. Also a fhll hne of Bucksaws, Axes, Axe Handles, Etc. oggyiji's WD1Pdfl8 STOIE Smokers' Goods rine Gift Pipe. in Cass.. Cigar Cases. Stacker' Mets. Fine Cigars in here. of 10 each and upwards: and many other linea. Purses .t .l1 prices 1 • useful gilt. Wallets, Mirrors and other lines. WR HRLLAT REASONABLE PRIMO WR WOULD LIKE YOU TO CALL AND ARE GOOD. --IT I8 A PLEABURR TO SHOW THEM. We Suit all W. O• GOOD L. Purees Bedkail Block. OR CUSTOM WORK FOR REPAIRING •THE SLATER FOR THE BEST IN BOOTS AND SHOES give SHARMAN s y - Tilt PRACTICAL SNOEiIM( �-- a Call. Being • thorough workiasln, we team* be fspossd es by sellers of shotfBy goods, sad we de rest buy sl+., damaged good., er botanist Meeks to sell as first-elese liana We keep the LAIDLAW, WATSON 911oB 001 00013% and aa they are splendid wearers, Rood Alts., find of },ire Waal styles, yon should give them a trial. onus= a saws sneer Ann soVAtti 70 mamma saga nig, Ata Ona Ae11P1 sea tip MAIM 11e" 0 ODABl*E0:. lanai .NaseaihaatiselliiiicklaaeL....