HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-1, Page 8.e._.-8
TRVW*AT, De116.4..1i»a.
Ch is tmas,,
is Coming 1
A New Store!
of Christman Novelties -Everything in
TOYS and GAMES to delight the
Children. and useful and ornamental
presents to please their elders. A glance
over our list will prove to you that it is
a money -saving store as well
Special Paper Novels, by such authors see
Coon Doyle, The Ihverso, Iowa Jean
Libbey and other. ; wane regular 26e book.
among them. Our price, &.
The best Paper Novel -the latest work.
.t Hall Cate, Jerome, Dums., Hawthorne,
Marie Carelli, Stevenson. Cooper, Tyndall,
sod others -only 10c.
A great lug Doll with ':olden Hair
only 10t'.
Deemed Dolls at lbs. '
Dolle of every description et little priors.
Ni.. Pine, Bagatelle, Crokiuole Boards,
Childroo's Chri•tmae'Bnnks, with colored Taresta. (peckers, Dominoes, Building
piotares, from 90 up. Blocks, ,Child's Dishes.
Novelties for the
Holiday Season. If
you don't know what
to ret year friends as
a present, visit our
Two Stores and you
will find it.
A nice Table Linen
makes • u•etul pres-
esent. A special 72 -in
Bleached Litten, reg -
11.00 line, for 76 centa.
Furs have never
been so faohiooable
as now. 1t is one of
the necee.ary artieles
of a oorW me -a Ruff
or Collerrtte.
Nile Sable Ruffs,
New Capes and
Jackets jest to hand
at the Lowest
How about making
youmslt • prwssat of amen ,
,caw OVERCOAT -1' (ler
line at 18.60, in Blue and
Black Beaver, will suit
and fit yoato•T
men is s, specialty with
us. A Suit from 50e up.
- Have you are those
lovely Neck Scarfs -jot
the thing to keep away
Only 60c.
Why not be warm this winter when it
costa you only 11.90 for • pair of nice Wool
Blanket. ; or comfort yourself with our
Special COMFORTER at 11.50 '
Lithos and Children's Jackets -We coir
suit you, mire. No trouble to show goods.
TtrieDAY. Nor 29.
Mn. Alen. Outten eel obildr.. vent
Tbanbe,tyteg with Mr. Clutton', p•r..ts,
Dem Brumfield.
T eskzpvieg of 1898 was quietly ob-
sery,d 1.n. The direr e1 many . boas.
held was marked by W pre epee of geese or
turkey .. the festive board. In the after.
n ese there was dairies servlw .t the oburoh,
Rev. Mr. Hamilton preaobi.g • person
u nited to the day.
The eagle lantern vews of the Salvation
Army &ttrtestd • fair maesoe.. Wed.ea-
d.y.vaneg last la the hell Staff-C.pIe
hanker neve en aide ddrem. referring M
orb et the views as shown. whioh Motored
he slue ef Londe". Copies of the War
thy were mid by em et the Army members.
Quito •..mber of our farmers d.ris the
peas fortnight have bese drawing bogie slabs
err mem-weed from the adjacent sawmills,
widest .ow.day. take the plasm of the roe
staring woods la the .apply .g of 1a.n.
Several farmers bane purchased coal stoves
for tient knob..., .ad the marred Dass
..y f6 sow them • tenure from their wires
ee th...bj.m of the weed ...ply, wbiob
thew used to b... to ..t actor • day's work
was does
Tu/anev, Nov. 29.
Mies Orssmece, of Nile, it visiting rola-
Wee her..
Mite Berth. McNeil, from near Detroit,
- upend the wisher hen, the guest rd her
.mat, Mrs. McNeil. lace week, with her
..edea, Charles rod Dore.. .8. enjoyed •
trip to Seshttb to ane some friend..
O... Morrie, of Guelph, spent Thankagiv.
ion ley reins trienae here and at (lode-
lodeMail. Friend, now of Kiogsbrdr, was
dews es • transient visit to Goderioh. Os
the .ay down bei nuked old friends hers.
Miss E. Hazelwood. of Hulled, who is
yWtlag hat sister, Mrs. Robert Been. seer
Carlow, wee the guest o1 Mrs. Allen this
Borth., Olive sod Chrome Horton. who
resided here darts/ the past year, returned
to the dronlar town last week Their de-
p.rtan *Hates •• gulf in our sehol and will
b. rs.rNMd by our lad folks .toned the
We have jut learned with rearm that
Mrs. D. Iww*on has received the ..w, of
to death of her .alter. Mrs. Andrew
Tamper, at flay City, Michigan, rod with
bar d•.gher Gr•.. has left today to at-
tend the tunoetL
A J. Horton, of Oderloh, who for the
pi., lifter mooths has oo.daoted the
hlecksn lthiar boner bore, has rented the
.hep and rssld•.oe to his renew, Hillary
Horton, who learned the mysteries of the
.nrtl units the tuition of i) K. Straohte,pf
(; .drr•h, and now them was 0 Mr.
Thn,mp•on'. staff at Doo1.000 until two
moat he 1.4e, .bon be came to work in dr
shop herr. With • herr number of friends
here and V Li•beer,, we wish him every
..seem no hl. mM.rtaking.
At this season of the pens, if you notice, you
will observe that many ladies and girls have oonghs
and colds. Thi/ .rises mostly from their neglect to
don heavier underwear n the tiny■ heroine colder.
We are prepared to meet your wants in this line.
Hine Pine Vest for Ladies
Heavier Ribbed Vests, fashioned
Pine shaped Wool Vesta, nicely trimmed
Heavier and Miner ......... 50 60 ?fi 100
r . , .
All Sizes. All Prices. All Cheap.
Twomey. Nee. 99tk. 18913.
Walter Heger has ntor•ed fr.m M•al-
Lharles Course sod Miss Mabel spear
Taakegt.ly la Riple.
L B. Duff and J Jokesters, qi Warmer.
spent Bandar as R, N. Dog's.
Mies Allo. 1►•e, of Chair, spool Thanks -
'term at ben home is the tillers.
Ti. At Hoa in the Frelm.s' hall ..
M. reran of Nov. 9616 order ihs srgtees
of the Y. P. S.U. S. was a areal soot. The
hall was Miry tarnished with rho oad
Main .ad two ley rows of small tern, as
ear et wkieh • game was nand. rod to
y people enjoyed themselves at rtes
.ad tb•a listened •creatively . • half-hear's
programme whfob wrested of g►••th erg
with great spirit by the ab.ir, .og•oed
noir planer by Paul Powe'' and Loa.
Pnotsr,a doer by Mere Eva L .1 and eeve
Ms.sr, • sole by Mum Lisa Marry .ad
noire toe. by Mis.ss Jaesv Rohr moo, Bird
MoCr•ckeo aged Alio* Duff. Keir..bmeots
weirs served .t to ..d of the programme,
whoa all retired to thou banal well plwsd
with the eyedag'e atertommenl. lb*
Society is • young on- as rat and Weir num-
bers tow, bus on that moony they proved'
tbem.l.es wary effluent ID aotert•iaiog •
Inge audience of people, young mid old,
who heartily (radar their thank.
-&1'- i/€LkNS.
A rousing political meetieg maaljetir
the ball hers on Mood•y ev..l.gb the i. -
tercet of the Moroi mandato ler t8• Pro-
vincial Legislators. Although Hus J. T.
(;grow was not perm it pens, be ora
mat worthily represented 8 J. A Hiyd,
of Helfer, was salted w the chair. After
fr.yi.1 • iast tribute te the perog.•ll1y and
sinoenty of Mr. t;arrow as the tried iod
&reaspred member for West Huron. be
called ems Maness. Stuart, Murray and
Mcereeti• for abort addresses. Ebb em-
planed full oonfldaocie in the Loral Oovere-
ment and our honn•rea oadidale. 1h•
speaker of tM analog, Dr. Inanimate, was
teen mtrod,oed He *pooch was truly
typio•l of to men -lull of the most 000-
VIDOIDg.rg.uleal. prw.ted to • pleasire
sod vivid style, with • frankness whiuh
captivated tie sour. •udteooe. H. refs, rad
to to boor 000l.rr.d apo. West Huron by
Mr. Garrow's •ppoinlmeot as • membra
without portfolio in the Cabinet.'Igor he
entered into the daosta 1 affairs of -Oot•t to
as conducted by the L'beret party under the
le•do.rahip of such mss se fir Oliver Mowat
for more than • •ivarter of • oentaty A
tiover.meob, like •o individual, he i000 -
oval until you prove et Rutty. It was the
province and privllnrs of to Oppositio, or
siy member thereof, to Lreg in ob•r1ss
sad, assuming the responsibility, prove
these charges on the floor of the Hoose. As
it is, no not of corruption or freed bas over
boas brought home to the door of the Oov-
.gfemese- 'TM ar.e, tar O$pairitrs.,t♦ritw
and speak freely of the extravagance of On
Government. They are privileged
to pass ralutioua sg•i&st any or all
of Ih• items to the hill of •xp.ndi•
turn, bat as • matter of fast only one hall
of one per rat of this bill has bras celled
into goestio. To the 99i per neat no
ezoeptaoe is takes. Sorely wei D••d not
worry over the i Denten tee dollar. It's
sly a matter of opinion anyhow.
Dr. Macdonald reviewed ills Strain
Bill, soles of timber limits, •ad other rights
wrested from dr Federal Government by
that ceerdy determination et the, Local Litt -
era Government ander M• leadership of
Oat•rie'. Grand ()Id Mr, from which t8•
P. (aloes is now reaping the benefit to the
erred ot million of donors.
The school system was also toa,hd upon
and shown to b. Importer to any other 1&
the civilized wend, sed **mainly better
than mouthing brosgbt forward ty Mr.
Whitney or ha party
I. moolasir, h. expressed the 000ad• m,
be bad In t►e people of West Horne to do
their duty on the rich peon. •.d selat •
wise whom merit is already recognized by
the Province at large.
Oppceitto questions or speeches were
solialt•d, but are appeared. Tb sne•tleg
olseed with • vote ot thanks to Ur. Ma-
douald, and tern sheen for to Quay, 1)r.
M•ado.ald and Hoo. J. T. (farrow.
Norma- The hood st easy 1n Duog► coos
for To. Berm Isar the oder of J. O. amen,
J.Y., oove •seer, t. who will receive or-
der for abserletloo. alerts ng and job.
work, and te authorized to give teener ler
ameutts paid for the gam.
llJ3f now will nett Dungannon 0 1st and
led Irlda►ofeach matte, All modern meth-
ods of extrusion and filling. and mattin, artl-
&4s1 teeth. Odle. next door to Medd'o tailor
shop. flour. I •.m. to 6 p.m.
TtrrtDIT, Nov 29.
Rerovet. -William Mallougb, jr., bar-
ite, purebred • store is Kinlougb. removed
Wen recently. W• wish him moors to
hie new loesti...
New ;ResuiexTti. - least week A. B.
Davison aod forty moved from Uoderiw
to our atllage'. Mr. Davison intends to
oommeoce bailors as coon as the store is
ready for ties stook of bardwar.
Wknot ittt.-Lest week Charles Prows, of
West Wawanesh, was wedded to Mrs.
Sidra H&rrb, of I'ebor.e. We extend
wogratuldiens to the newly • wedded
maple. wirier them • haply and prosper-
ous voyage over eke ma of matrimony.
Tx/ Str. -Rev. B. to Hotton became
..dd.sly all tut Saturday evening and was
unable to take port In tis• re -opening sir.
•tor ee S.ed.y. His many friends were
Mord to s•e him a far recovered
on Moody ev0uig as to be able to
preside at the entertainment on
Moody eyries.... Mr. Robt, WirgIDs,
a Ashfield, ie suffering from general de.
Cosham AND dote,:. - John Sorimgeeer
bed family, of Uederiah (formerly of Ash -
bald), visited lin. Sonmgeo.r s mother,
hire. Wiggins. and other relstivseon Sart,
day and Saoda... .liev. J. J. Ferguson, of
Weston oir0it, visited hie sister, Mrs.
Charles Olivle, lest week. Oe Sunday he
preached le Nile Metbdlet ohorch, while
Rey. R H. M.)! .ondeoted &tteromn mels•
In Dsarannr Methodist °Minh... Joseph
South, carpenter, formerly of Deo¢ann0,
but new of Uhlaawo, Is nattier relative', and
friends hen Matthew Sproul hag re
turned from Nen, Man -
Re Greeters Ssavras. -The no opening
serviese last lebb.tb in oonneetion with the
Methodist obareb have were larrely at-
teaded. ,moo eefloottone, whioh soot to-
wards defraying tie swears retuned to
Improving the edifies, wen eery god. The
tea matin, head se Monday rears under
the woo.. O. ike ladlelad the o.ngreem
Nee orae largely attended ..d was me un-
usual eases" . Thera was an abadeso, .f
eatables, and otter Me Inner man had teat
.14.ded erml ne mune was dboesreed by
Ur .bole addressee wore given by
Rev.. J. W lad W. Godwin, of Gels -
rich, R H. B_11, of Nile, .od R. Fain
ham of D.soause Tho proem& of the
entertolns..t were &bone /.96 and with toe
ametre ealleal.d en Saul*, will nearly
meat the sxpeadltare for reen..ttner and
beantifyiag the e►eroh. The paster and
hie o..gregaltoa hen rine to eoegnta-
late Nesn.dw.. their ottee ss.
jury &.oases Ise the Preset, se
or.• meld sass week.
O1ls1 Jostles' Sir William Ralph Merolla
nisi the automat sea jerk anises far tem
esesty et flares •r t8• neuro bass Imo
week. F•tlowl.g 1e r rooted es 1h. .uses
ldl.kuay n. wars. A. attire M set
aside se 'rendered as atiolonass.t el • Ido
ls•sreem miry. The roles .re mildest
as Scalar R. H. t'ei14s, Esser, mid F.
Nets•mt•d, Sealseth.foe FIE ; 1 T. (torr.w,
(10., mad R. II, Ray. Ramie* ler ash
Jdi ash -111, t.rY18I.. Wt lila M.
a'a newt from the platen' N David Themes
Pu►. y s • etortg.re t• seems Me espy -
meet of the advances dkr made by him sad
say terror payments ha might make ea r-
oars el the policy 10 geest►os. wish inter -
eat therms, and that the d.leadaat Wat-
e oa by la rata . eat to him took oily Om
pontos of Parser as mortgagee, and that
be is Islas to aooesst to tisuo pinata
for the money rearmed from tee
lasura.00 oomposy after doduotnin the ad
ware and notional, led there will be judo•
meat s000rdlaRly. It tee Duties diger se
to the amort of to derma, the amour
will be tacos by the hast registrar. Tree
win be .0 nest. Pretending' seay.d for
tblry days.
Bek. .r .L v. Jarvis et •L-Tbi. wee
the sour for revery of the vase of the
plant sad fixtures of this S•lhlord browsty
postponed from e thermemigre.J. T
G.rrow, Q U., for Mel; E. Campton, Q C ,
for deft. Judgment reserved with • view
of permttlug i 6. pantie. 1. settle the mat -
tare In yuceur•l.
Bowe v.. Rotel,' A. suttee for • neo
heelers be to the owuerabip of • property
e the voltage. of Brussels. E L Dick in
. sa. N'torbam, for p1ff. ; .1. T. O•rrow,
Q.(' , and W. M. Soutar, Brussels, for
daft. At the °natur is of the ams His
Lordship mud : ' 1 their the ore i. &otos,
la which • deolaratoty judgmeat .bald he
proaouoo.d, and I rand are dismiss to ae-
rie without costa mid without djsdloaing
epos the rights of the partes
Jwklii vs Needle?' se .1. - Actio& to
est aside as lr.dd..l the catyeyease of
laude a lite inertebtp ul Hoerr. E. L
Dlokinau for plff ; H. H Moryykhy, Listowel,
for deft. Aorton dismissed without oasts.
Fowler v,. Rion et al -Aetna to gatab-
lieh • right of way over load is the tows -
ship of Hallett Clan ow, Q.0 , sad Pm"'
toot for plff ; R. H. Conic. and F. Holme
. tied fur delta. Judgment entered is forme
of resod minor signed by oouwl
Smith vs. loll.-Aotioo for putnersbip
•ocort. The partum. who :ride in the
towoebip of Morrie, wen parlours to ship
pion hors to Meador, sud to plrimti(
took suttee to remover hie .ban of to
profits of to tontines*. G. F. Blair, Kilts -
e els. for pit. E Compass, Q.C., Ica ddb
Au too settled by mstsal oos.e.t hitters&
the patio..
Mo('orvle v.. McCorvi• •t .1. -Aotioa to
set aside • treat der of lode is the tows -
ship of Colborne. J. 1'. (:arrow, Q.(; for
pIQ. Philip Holt for what defad.o4.
M. G. Cameron tor dde0Jeut Jane Mo-
Millin. Jarsee Seed, Chutes, for fro ee
defendants. Hs Lordshtp--1 direct that
inclement b• enteral declaring tat the
trust deed in the pleadings mentioned is
valid, binding u.d *Meisel, removing the
truster and discharging than, &ad dlreek.g
that the lands a ymastics ba sold with the
approbation of the lood master as Oderioh
and the proceeds el the tale paid tato wort
to abide further order. Cora of owlets.
intlearing the Dora ot Me exoneration for
di.overy, to bo paid oat ot the moneys 11
paid in. If the Donne, or any of them, ea
desire, the judgment may set aside the dud
from the trustees to Use settlor, and the
dant from to attire's wtfo to the plaint.1
Resell v. Russel. -Action to 8..e .
0.s-•)! trust on the will of the tato Jams-
Rue.ell, of the vi'1.1. of Exeter, decl.red.
P. Hole and L Il. !Eckert. Mater, for p11.
()arrow, Q C , end F. W. Gldmar, Exeter,
for deft. By 000eeet of 000o..* His L, rd.
ship derated .bat j.dgaat be entered for
the plaiottff &roost ties defendant for 1600
without oats on the orient! 's tssu.ting •
sorrel rehire to to d•fedens in ler per
meal &ad &Ise its bag r•pree.otaUv•
Tho. Burrows was in Cliatoo last week
Mir Nellie McKaaale is waiter in Clio
Hy. t'ideao was la Se&forth on Thursday
Harold Turner bas returned from Wttsj�
Harry Is.r was op from Leaden •y.e
Lewis Adams vested Chiron Tbaok.giv•
inn Day.
Ed. Munro was a Clinton ot. 1'hunkagiv-
Ing Day.
Miss Katie ("riffle, of Ashfield, is yields/
is town.
Miss Ie000a,ol Mart Cermet, is visiting
to town.
Role. Clark visited friends st Woodstock
last work.
vintner/ her eons at
k' tloodetock for
Mir Brigham, of Colltos, was in rows
over Sunday.
Dour. Johnston drove to Kino•rdin, ea
Tbinday last,
Fred Marney •ad Hugh Jeaeoo drove to
Mateo Thursday,
Eph. Downiog, of Bruala, is ag.io em•
played la town.
Ur. J. M. Turnbull was in Toronto
Tbtukyiviog Dy,
Peter McDonald has rdar*Sd ban• deer
the a•esonie sailing.
Mn (:a. Coe is
Wm. Abbott tau goo.
• W
Jas. Stokes was up from S'.rathr• y for •
short visit last week.
Miss Twitchell, o1 Jlietoe, was visiting
e' town over Sunday.
Miss Laer. Aobemn visited 'Toronto for
• low days last w..k.
Malcolm Chidlow, of town, spent Thomas -
R. J. Aobe.on and Mies Eve Acheson
yoited Toronto tut week.
ing Day in Clinton.
Wilfrid Stevenson, of Clinics, was le
town oe Thaok.ivleg Dey. t
Mr. sad Mrs. A. i). Melees wen le Ter-
mite for Tbanliervieg Day.
Alfred Seoord, of Klncard:.,. was a
'1'haekegivies visitor i. town.
Rev. I. B. Wallets, of I.r•miagtrw, was
is town Deseret days Ms wok.
Mies Rohanins spent the Th,okeglvl.g
holidays at her home at %erioh.
Miss Therms Chisholm left a Setardy
for Mistrial to spend the Whaler.
Bert. Fltrnmmon. end Rohl. Warner, of
Ciint.., wen in town over Senday.
Es pointer : Mn. 'Tom, of Godwin., clea-
r relativr to Seoforth lest
Merdooh McDonald Is her to 'pend tl.
Mater after another season ea the I.ke.
Mn. H. Howell and daughters Vests sad
Myrtle spent Thank..i.iae D.y 1. Cli.koe.
Mimes F. Rites. M. McCreath and N.
Johnson seems Tbanksdvl.i .t the "H.►."
'Jetts s ole, ;r., rotorned helm last week
after eenersl swath'' .bass.. u tis. West.
%o s.. Keened, and Harry Pafelaa.s el
Stratford. spiel l'hank11ivfng Day knee.
Gee, A, J. Framer, of the le. Sehi et, 'rem
Oto, was home for the Tbankegi.leg hell -
Frank Jimmie, Ulm. Mei.teeh eel Tek
Turner were le Climes en Tbesiteglift
Mess List" R•therte•e, of Sodom edge
enrol, "pest a fav days set beam to Mid
0e. R Mere* el Guelph, spirt the
Tba.bspivhr assess r (iederloh .ad .I -
Robe Thomases, et Cotseville, epee, a
few day" hors lam week with R W. M. -
Mies Alien, daughter el G. T. R. Meeks
foresees Allan, le hare freer Pert Credit o.
• mitt.
Mrs. Nivea Desglmety, ef flooseardl..,
.pe.% Tbashiglytay ley telfb Meade at
0, A. H.mher mored wined y sight
hem B. nessinU. Mn. Rabe, will he
Immo sea Mem this week. Mr. Hsm►er's
father, when they west be see .. &•11106 .
lmaV ay. Cleres is One Remilmed Cps..
Within • period of stzty days, nee bee -
cease of ostler treated be Omens
Eska °outpoured slowed the marv.l... pan
wattage of needy Ong absolute ours, --ad
these agents sr. gathered from hospital
records. 119 a bottle ; three bottles for 16.
Sold by all druggists, or Tb. nrttytt& •
M•cpbso. (`.o., 191 Olareh serest, Torma-
ef his ssrieue illness, roguing V ab... the
ruse oodltls..
Mims Cotte, of Chinos, M whitetail her
sister, Mi. W. A. Row, who has bees is
peer 8. 1th.
Mr A. Wiwiirede Ball, et la Easier
publio'ohal, was home for tie T►aakagi••
lag oliday,.
Mr. .id Mr. J. Elamite epee% Tb.oks•
noir Day at Serino►, the guests of Mrs.
A. W. Stohis
Stewart Stratton left jdood.y monitor to
take a position with the Thomas Grime Ce.
at Woodstock.
W. Webster, J. Tighe end J b'ri;ady
were visiting Is Climes rod Se.fortb on
Tha.kagivwg Dy.
Time. Elam, J.P., of Priaceten, was the
guest et hie half. brother, Wm. Burrows,
far amoral days Issl week.
Sam Curren. rrYa. beebees.. ample�))d as
lisenstes iter roodto' --
. 1%.hk6-
giving holiday seas of hies
Itruarle Pat : Jaw Carter end wifa,wne
have .pent the Summer at G.11.rMb, have
retsroed to tows ad wW testa kala during
the Winter.
-ems aeguti
GrOtr, Flour, Feed mid NUM
The Grocery
ymt w�IT
Mw -ay -s- Nnd it so;' Mee I -U a.p he
best of everything in the Grocery line, such as Teas.
We have the "Grand Mogul" in packages, in
Black, Green and Mixed, which is extra tine in flavor.
Also a very fine line of Japan, Hyson and Black Teas
at the lowest prices.
The best Coffees, Cocoas and Chocolates.
Sugars of all grades.
A full line of Raisins. Currants, Jellies and Jams.
Canned Goods of all : kinds, such as Sai+dlnes;
Kippered Herrings, Smoked Beef, Lobsters, Salmon,
Pork and Beans, Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Pumpkin,
Peaches, and a number of others.
We have a variety'o( the best'Pickles.
You will find,m0RitameFlavoringExtracts
Peels choice and fresh.
k. 22i
Strong Baker's Flour
are the two best brands made in the world.
Wholesale and Retail in barrels and car Tots.
Choice Pastry Floqr and sztranfloe Family Flour
always in stock.
All kinds of Cereal preparations, including Far-
ina, Whole Wheat Flour, and Orr's celebrated Oat
Bran, Shorts, Chopped Oats, Baled Hay and
Straw always in stock.
One Naw only,
and that the Beet.
The hoot flni.htel ('utters, the hest material
seed in the m,structirn of Cutlers, in the
town of (ioderich. ()ell and examine before
pembasing elsewhere.
i carry alae • fan line of
Agritnitgral implements
Notts Rene' Roden• Mews*, Die Her
mw., Drilla, ting Tenth Borrows, of the
h.i.t aide t (3nob.hutt Plow On high
.Il kind*. ; Adam, Wager
,n.'. I i.h•r Wagons, Bobsleigh. and
Plows of
Drays of the beet quality.
• icholsori
The West -St. Grocer, Flour, Feed and
Provision Merchant.
JoII moo$,
01.1 , General AfS84t, OodeMsR
wndort d Tai
liontody far
soak and imam Nook
Edney sod Liver 11na11rlsa.
• ...a•w..... B. IS. ell eta( SS.
W. W . M.eVMt hd nen y,iead r
(ewe last nl.ht sod were atNe s p e,4Sl..
.t tl. rrldaos ef R. W. Leeks,
Mrs. Wm Byers, el Seethe •
femme resident of (tedeneb, spas
glyl.ghg with her mntber, Mrs. Drq
J. A. Refpeey was at Rttwmaevllie Igo
...k, h..)., Mae s.mnroomd there eee ate
meet e( the Meese of me see. lie retoraed
If eider night I..l. the hay beteg es the
way to reeevery. Mr. limemiy brought his
yeses/est sea .p with his.
eeee. ewe, ~
The sew tylees filessisey as tie
eras feeler, Is beeaeiy asspim4& Jame•
ser Bad bee Ibe left,
The (1 T. a. Y node' Isrg. q.estialss
N ass taws the 818440. t. poise Ihreeth•
*et Weitere Qmtarls. B.M .evten are
shIppta6 •
h, olee ef kor
egeMgMe, or., M Mie, R Asides hN "dr
Wei sad will be hem kw • smash sr
-m Mr, Sererwase hes yes seamed es
1hi atlas SHWA mbe'' beteg ter.mar
e* the A