HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-1, Page 4" 4 T1solllesv, Del,. 1, I89& A A A As A A A A A a..l1• M 'LJV..'J.. SIGNAT : GGODARIOE ONTARIO yrora:u`" - PIANOS - AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. 1 The Greatest Cash or Instalment Piano Bargains Ever Offered in Canada. Splendid Square Pianos Gyle New Vogt piano, 6 octave., ru.ewwd trodden „ 7 tee Boarders & Gra, " " 7 ' Iron frame V elp - Boston 7 1,,xwoat Hauttanan Toronto 7 " so Harmmie Buffalo 7 ,. ,. so Dunham N.. Y wk" k ) -- llathudek New Haven " 7 So Chid .d. Beatonrusty Yrause, flak, rose",oaf use. rase, octagon legale, .Mar tune, brilliant be " sweat tune good In K •' � FJI cmc e.n " •• Steinway ode piano, 7 ewes, re uud car, terved lege, Steinway tote baautdul tuna " frll o,ello"a tate" " ',chows! none •rt .•arsed tag., sweat clear use 1b above-mentiond pianos are in sound playing oondition and iu perfect order. Every Iistruat Filly tjaaraateed. Don't Miss This Op srtssity. Write or twineh y our order al oto to EMERSON'S BICYCLE AND MUSIC HOUSE WEST -BT., GODERICH. to resegtiflg tie Whim Piave slid Manic Csupasy, el Tawts. Mie Signal, RD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Rtr E. RIMMILLIC111111111T BODIS1011. T1UUDAT. DSC. IUSX THE LEATHER COMBINE AND MR. BECK. LAST session a petition went trom the Huron tanners, caking that action be taken against the sole leather com- bine, which has been endeavoring to spread its tentacles all over the coun- try. The petition was signed by Semi Baoe., of Goderich ; JOSEPH Bice, Ealtford ; and 0. t3. Maw* ik Sow, Clinton. SborUy after the petition esu sent the Doe's firm's tannery was burned down, and soon after that Mr. Bean, the secretary of the leather combine, came to this section to en- deavor to get the other signers to withdraw from the petition and sign a oonnterpetition. The SMITH Brothers refused to be • party to the scheme, but we are in- formed that Mr. Buttes was more =c- umin' with Mr. Baca, the gallant Major not being able to stand fire, and surrendering without firing • shot. The DoANE firm refused to be ca- joled or coerced by Mr. Bu&sa4p.nd have expressed the opinion that .ear soon as the combine is put down they are prepared once more to establish the tanning industry in that town. Had it not been for the double- dealing of JOSEPH Baca, strong pres- sure oould have been brought to bear so that at Clinton and Goderich two well-known establishments would have been enabled to continue to carry on a legitimate business which had been in operation for nearly fifty years, but which is now practically Inoperative. What has Mr. BECK 10 say in de• fence of his double -face policy in the matter of the leather combine t THE STAR IN A SAD BUSINESS. OUR esteemed contemporary, The Star, is not adding greatly to ita cred- it in the matter of political judgment when it tries to get up • WIWI war be- tween Clinton and Goderich for the MUM that ROBERT ROUSER is • resi- dent of Clinton. Clinton is in West Huron and ROBERT Houi u is an elector in the riding, and possessing, as he does, good qualifications to enable him to represent the constituency, his fellow- Reforn.re in convention assembled have seen fit to entrust him with the party flag in the coming fight Be- cause of that The Star would make e bog -town of Goderich, and wotild ad vise every resident of the place to vote for MoLaaw because he lives here. It world be in order for the esteemed Clinton News -Record to raise the town cry in favor of HOLMES—bat it won't. And while on this subject., is the ab- surdity of The Star's endeavoring to favor a town man not appa•ent to everyone who has watched its course for the past twenty years? Why, in that time, with the exception of Mr. F. W. JOHNSTON tend Dr. TAYLOR, it. has always advocated ontaideri, and we have had Poems, and Wesson*, ER, and RowsRT&, and CommetT, and PATTERSON, and so on, and The Star never got into position to state that any of them lived ontaide the corpora- tion limita mod might feel inclined to steal the courthouse from off its found *Soca. If The Star is really of opinion that Godiarieh townsfolk should support Roemer McLnew 1 moans, that gentle- man lives in Goderich, pays taxes here, sod kelps his eye on the curt - huge, why should it lot support the Pisa. Jen. T. ()ARMY,' beeline' he also is • M aYmsg si Oadericb 1 '; Our sekeemed oentampora-y i• ea - 1r hes tent and is very 0114. MAKE THE MAJORITY LARGE. managers of Mr. Baca'' campaign' and once more the old story, " Give him • vote to save him from being snowed under,' going the rounds. This specious plea was worked for all it was worth in March last, and a number of Liberals, tram sympathetic motives, either stayed at home or toted for Baca, to help him from be- ing overwhelmed. They wou't do it again. 'Ibis time the Liberal voting power of the riding will be fully demonstrated, and the majority will be such that Mr. Bsea'e dream of statesmanslup will take the shape of s horrible nightmare. The Liberals have got together once more in West Huron, end the majority figures in favor of Hon J. T. Gameow will be safely in the hundreds. Swell the majority. THIS election contest in West Huron which will close at 5 P.r. on Thurs- day, Dec. 8th, should result in rolling up an old-time Liberal majority in the riding. Every man who votes against JOSEPH Baca on election day will be doing that gentlemen • good torn. Mr. Baca is a jolly good fellow in many ways, but he really cannot afford to go into politics, and his friends should vote against his candidacy on the lith inst. so se to ems j ee_iN7m himself. There is no use beating about the bush, for everyone knows that West Huron represented by Hon. Juges T. (JARROW, with his parliamentary expenenoe and ability, will bold • larger place in the public eye than if the membership wera.held by a back bench representative of the Opposition contingent. What West Huron wants is a rep- resentative who, on all occasions and under all circumstances, will be able to rise in his place in the Haus and give satisfactory evidence of the faith that is in him, and not be con- strained to back up all public ques- tions by merely saying, "Me, too," to the remarks of • previous speaker. Upon that boar there is no question as to the relative abilities of the Hon. T.-bl'c Row and Mr. Baca, and the duty of the electors in the constituency is to hold fast to that which is good, to continue ita confidence in Hon. J. T. GARROW, and to elect Mm by • thumping big majority. (,yarrow is the Man for West Huron. Make his majority • large one. THE PATTERSON CANDI DACY FAKE. THE facility with which the Tory newspapers are making up political ghost stories u only exoeeded by their celerity in knocking them down. Saturday last The Mail and Empire bad • " scare -head " that Lieut. -Gov- ernor PATTaasoe of Manitoba was go- ing to contest West Huron in the Lib- eral interest, and take a seat in the LAURIER Cabinet. This was published on the assumption that the Liberals of West Huron were like the Tories, in the habit of taking anything in the shape of • candidate that the machine might suggest. But the liberals of Huron are not that kind of people. They do their own thinking at election time ; and as they ailed up Hon. J. C. PArrsesow when he ran in this con - 1(1101107 as a Tory in 1892, he is al,out the last man on earth they would select for a standard bearer at the present juncture. They have bet- ter men at home. Mr. PATTamiOW may g.1 to Essex—his valuable serv- ices are not ren tired in Huron. Of course, on Monday The Mail and Empire crawfisbed on the story of Mr. P,trraluow'R candidacy, and showed that tLe story was an invention, but that does not shut, the mouths of local To•it is in this quarter on the question, enol they will munch the morsel from now until Mr HOLMES is elected. THEY HAVE GIVEN UP HOPE. T II E local leaders at the Conservative pally in West Hseoa have given up all hope of snaofiiefl contest now pending, and are in a funk because ,.hey claim that little or no practical avoidance has come,jo them from one side Up to the present none of the lead- ing lights in the party has smeared, although it is intimated that iowes WESLEY HT. JOHN, of Humber bog fame, will throw language over the oonstiteency presently. Mr. Were - way is also expected and, should he come, will detihtlass put up as strong a tight as possible But the time for the Tories to capture West Heron has Pa end, and the train will newer again "slow up" at that. aWiott. The heart is eaapietety oat of tea POLITICAL POINTER& - R The eyranellMM►eete is set always a safe one to dielifit — hi a perfect peaked machine there should be no tog -slipping. t1W My sol, don't start into politics un - lees you iutend to learn the trade. fir At this stage of the game it looks \cry much as if JoespM Bice had shot hi. holt. tor Running two bye -elections 041 000 tidy ns like honing two ring attractions iu a-ir 1'Ue under one canvas. or True independence is to warn your (party if It goes wrong, std to stand by it when it is in the right. Q Lennox was the turning point in the bye -elections, end it turned toward. the Manly Adminietratioe. Sir A little erxvuragernent from a politic- al standpoint often results in the undoing of MI ordinarily decent man. .11r Dose Seng for rater Se pa firm p14li, tide, but it is the only thing smut met ha%e to depend upon for Mention. tar Running a political campaign without metes is sheet as profitable an shovelling snow with a three -tilted for k. Kr When the enthusiasm fur the candid- ate begins to weaken before election day, it is time to look out for squalls. ar Everything counts at election time- cven shouts But, after all, shout. are only about., u"1 hallote are wasted to do the trick. sr To hear the esteemed Star yap one would think that stste.man McLi&N had the Goderich court house attached as • pen- dant to his watch shain. - 'SNAP SHOT& — Hoo. J. T. GAaaow is • farmer's t ot who does credit to his breeding. —Workingmen,vote for the Govern- ment which has enacted advanced legi•Is- tial In your interests. —The eyes of the Province are on West Huron, Vote for the mon who will do honor to the riding. —Don't vote for Beni and be sorry afterwards. Vote for I;Aateow 4.3141 (./11 O 14010 will have fro mune for regret. —What it Bece'R policy t To get M. Mr. Oakum is interested in .ocutiug gond levislalion for the Province. —WnrrwgT iz ooming. Let every Reformer bear the Opposition leader. It will increase his love Inc liberalism. — Keep up West Huton's record of sending clever nein to the i.egislature by voting for the Hon. JAN IS Ballow. --It is as much to your interest as to Mr. (lassos's that he should he elect ed. Vote fora good man she: you hate the Chance. — West Huron may l -e represented by A tack -bench member of the Opposition or by s Cabinet Minister, according to the way you vote next week. — Ontario is the -Daly Province in the Dominion that is not in debt. ft in the only Proving* that has been continuo ously under Liberal rule. —Our Qoeservtive friends who ere taking part in the canvass are chewing a good deal 'limit en alleged chewed halls. After the 8th inst., to nee an expree.ion from Kipling they will have "a haul bullet to chew" instead of a ballot. — There may be nothing in Mr. Gleno W'. new title. H. w•aa honorable long before he was " Honorable." But there is something in hie position an a Cab- inet Minister. There M hard work and a chance to do esrrioe for his Province. —Hard work his brought Mr. Ballow to his position as one of the Inti, Inc lawyers of the Province. Hie early life on the farm gave him the stamina which has enabled him to persevere in hie work. The farm is the place tohhrieg top. bays. __ _ PuLITIOAL NOTES The ...i atlas fee the l'rovtneul bye - skeins le Ran Nortb.mberlaad takes plass Deoamber 74, polling nn 1).es.eker 144. The eandldatea w111 be the rube se as eke general eleet/w, Jeb' Douglas, Liberal, .ad 1)r. Wia.agbby, OprssresM,e. Here lees. of The Mall and Rmptre 05 - taws earresesedeare swiss : Deihl*, the Ministerial erpleastise *bat W Feies.) bye-eleotiee Is West Hary bas b.re poet - pelmet because .f the k-revta.id e..tea* there. the raster le r*vf.si that the MUNI .f the paNpwrtla* Y that a deal rem te bare Rea .1. O. Pette se. sass the Liberal O.bb.t apse 41. eeNQ.•ma• ef the M.ei tabs 0.v.r.ae.Me. In whi.b ems be weeld ne fat bis old sesetlteeeey of Walt Berea. The ..m e11115.40, eeatrib.*ad In (hide ✓ iot to .Id of the Algoma wad Nertbw*n "IP•"•• 14 tm*safalty he - !envisaged by G.., Beak*, btsdsesee. BOOKS AND PgRIOOMOALS. L.11.1-41111.4 Mutsu TASLa-1M 1).n.m- 14* ho as of lierpore Rous' T. b'e •ell+ b.• Oltristmea doable uumber, with s .poets lllusuaated *ever from a outgo 1 y Mar Mad Parrish. It will wont. tasty four pages el reading matter. instead of forty• eight wee ss usual. and the leedlsa holiday story, •'a Kyoto 'loamy Basta Jj'taae," by Percival Rldsdalr, will he illustrated In colors Irises draw.ege by :Kieran' Penfield. A. supplsmeats will be gives two fall -paged colored plates, suitable for (ramie', of war subjwu, trom pouting' by F C Y -,bo. HAarste'a MAG axons run D•t blsan. -The assossoemest of the contests of Harpee'. Magesine for December shows • large °flasher of short stones written by well- knose writers and disunited by prom - Moet artiste. 't'he crestas one, "014 Captaas.' by Miles tiewsnw.y, is tlluetrst. ed by Howard Pilo with .even drawtag , Matsuiog the frontupieos in color. Amon' the others are " A° Emeralds of Rooky Cau)oo,' by Bret Herta, illustrated by Peter Newell ; " The 1'seor d Nutmeg el Salute Sae." by Ruh MoRo.ry Sieert, il- lustrated by A. B. Frost, '•'Pb. White heron, " by Foos Macleod, illustrat- ed by Aleut E. Sterner ; " How Santa Ciao, wee Saved," 1 y Mary r. vas Deoburrb, illustrated by W. T. temedlev ; sad "Th. Uo.xp.oteds.se of Mr. Remo. 901.14.," by M.rgaret Deland, IUwtratsd by Howaed■Pyle. -- • A BhAVTIicL CanYsras Num Bea - 1e Saturd.y N.res'r Chilliness appear some very hue sturlett. The bwk is this Year *Marred from forty to .s .nty p.ger. Edmund E. Sheppard gives an historical .pisodi ut t;uatemala, the Kdlasr of Jou Aparioiu, a tee of the events leading up to the upwinatioe of President Barrios lest winter. This r illeetmted from photo- graphs taken o° the spot, and portruta of the leading characters, Daly cue of whom is new alit,-although;tie intricate tragedy op.sed but eighteen mooch' aro Two Weeks Before the Mast, by l-harles Lewis Shaw, is very humorous, and illustrated by R. G. Mathew', W Mocked; The Colossi's Guest, by W. A. Fraser; Rebel Met Rebel, by Mack ; Tb. Rejols ag of the Stoat Gentleman, by Marjory MaoMurohy ; Within a Year, by Lady Johnson ; Love Me, Love My Dog, by lire. J. K. Ltweoo; The Miller'' Heel, by Octave Tbaaet; Christ- mas hristmas Fabian, by W. Gamey Beaham; Clarion - saes With the goese,by 9 A. Tooley-ibs.e are all inure 'tang sad artistically 'fleetest. ed. With the book are two colored plates, one showing the Big signal used in oonvey- iog to the British flan hel.oe's immortal battle call, " Enelsed expecte every man to do his duty," age the ether entitles "The Mystery of the Moro," of which J. W. L. Foster, the well -knows artist,ssys ; "It is a oomplimeot to Canadian taste." A Susrr a4M M canoe Owe. Japanese Catarrh fury -gee alz beim- bey them •t ou. tl..-eppll exactly ete- cording to the direction's -sad If you an set cured see your druggist; he will armors to pay you your wow back. There's • posltire gtmmutee with every box that apama. Catarrh Oar* will cure Ne eure. you getour seamy back. Uuarantr, is *very pace. 40 cults at all druggists. 111 FOR t4L y 1Ae W'II.SON Bole Agee*, Oederloh. ASTHMA CURED GODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE POR VALUE IN DRY GOODS. Fall winds remind u■ of the need of Underwear. Call and see the veto* we are giving iu Wool Fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, Cotton Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, Boys Fleece Lined blurts and Drawers. MEN'S FUR OVERCOATS, Io Coon, Wombat, Weave) auu Dog. -111"8121".1414. ''R' Dart' °ice LADIES' FUR COATSMom& yields A N n w ><w neat. Naterhe Angles . LADIES' FUR CAPES �eMy Medical wishes has by the discovery of wuaderful botaolral product pot a per- manent cure with!. the reach et all hu- manity for this most dlatreming and here- tofore Incurable ■rslctloo, lad today It Is bele``'nlver.11 tented the world over and proving the welcome balm. Clarks'. Kola Compound has proved the unfailing formula and testimony 1. written every dal of the cure. It 1a .ecompllabin`` In cease that were considered hopeless R. D. Pitt of Kam- loops. B.C., suffered for ie yea= from the ��ug�sgpgpg ail ala the �I vcuuld ` get mom the diet skilled physicians was that he could be only temporarily relieved, he would always be troubled. He took one bottle of Clarke's Kola Compound and got great relief. Thea bottles cored him, sod. to use his own words, " having suffered u I have for Trent, 1 can appreciate what a blueing this great remedy must prove to sufferers from asthma." All druggists roll at. Two dol- lars per bottle; three bottles, with cure guaranteed, for ave dollars Orlrsthe A Macpherson Co., Bole Ca•adlati Agent.. 121 Church Bt., Toronto, er Vancouver, B.C. It HAY FEVER Mutes tuar ids 0empome UI i7rns+lela seed N. taiert es'a FOR SALE BY JA8. WILSON. 80. Anew, Gsdenob. RICE'S aest rem Tait, Mir( AND IUSt PURE SALT NOM AMERICAN CII tMCAI. COLusrra SOLE MAKERS --- GODERI�M,eN1. Dollar and Cents 1)4'ISIEa LAnMM' HOma JOURNAL — p,�! gre p• JwMa i�k,uets is Ladles' li«mwaaseetea ear. er*r11SC _. passes all expectatio.s to the variety of its literary oestents, in the interest and excel. locos of ita pioiorial featured., lad the wide raege of articles aimed to solve the problems n,Hdant•1 to the holidata. toed is . eatable 000tribution ea '• The First Christ- mas Present," telling of the gift of she Magi to the Christ Child, lad another recants/ "Washieston'sChristm.. at Valley Forge." Edward W. Emerson takes owe back N "When Louise Alcott was a Girl,"and givers somedehgbtlal glimpses of her Girlhood, her horns .n4 her duly lite. F. Replicate* Smith's new story, " A Kentooky Cinder - alta, ' will afford the Journal's readers great pleasure. Other Sotto' futures aro "Old Peg." sod the 000tto.ation ut " The Girls of Came Arcady," '• The Minister of Corti). see" and "The Jameeow in the Country." Edward Bok's editorial page makes a special cilia for the remembmioe of those who am glens at Christmas. ',Christmas Deletion o° the Cha8ng•Dish' 11 the theme of Mrs. 9. T. Rorer's article ors reeking " Brightest and Best of the Sow of the Morning," the Jouroal'. prise t hriete MU anthem, is the manus) Imams of the u.oember Journal. The Curtis Publishes, Company, Pbiled.lphla. Oa. dottier per roar ; tea *este our oopv. A water Meter has bras placed 1. Knox ohurob for the blowlog of the pipe errs.. I* was put astyD. W. Kut A.Co.,of Wood - stook, and works satisfactorily. Geo. Buskin, mtesiooai v, gave a short address to North-st. Methodist church on Sunday evening, at the oxou of this pastor's sermon, i.1•e tutetdata of the Algoma and Noribweet oolp'rtsgs miesiou. and made a vigorous appeal for a1d in the carrying on of the work. USE SoitiTlliNo Et sg. Lest they should, though with the beat inteotiuoe, spoil our elegant pew gra.ohthic side walk.. we would warn the junior catlike of tie stores which are fronted by the saw pavement that salt has • very juju/toes t Heat upon it, and that sprinkling the pavement with salt during the Joy season is sorrowed to ruin it completely. At lout, so we have read ; lad. anyway. the salt manufactured in Goderich is too guid to be trodden under foot. How a person can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsiom is hard to explain, but it certainly happens. It stems to start the diges- tive . machinery working properly. >•t. You obtain a greater benefit from your food. The oil being predigested, and combined with the hy- pophosphites, makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh - forming power. All physicians know this to to be a fact. All Arugylsts; tut, sod glee. 4COTT • IOW714 Chemb.• Teasels HATS! HATS! 1f yawl require a new hat, 1 ran milt tons, berth In giudity and in Pries. 1 have the Latent Shaper. and Styles, and you cannot do better than 'Garet my meek. J. A. HALPANY, 04TNTa' FURNISH w Kent aide aware. Mnl.e•a'e Meek. ONs DOLLAR or even Firrit Caws a bottle for some REDS DIl is a very high figure, espec- ially for the kind whose virtues are on the label. The poor suf- ferer with pains and aches who uses them will get no relief. The druggist who sells them will be blamed, faith will be shaken, confidence weakened, and trade lost. There are some MEDICINES and REMSDtss that are dear.at- any, price. Not so with OUB a u A R A N T E E D REMEypp}�IES anti MEDII.INEs used in our Dispens- ing Department. OUR REME- DIES are good, honest, well -made preparations, and if after a fair trial you get no relief we hand you`back your money. In our I)ISPENSINo DEPART-NE/a we use the very beat and purest drugs that can be obtained, re- gardless of price. and test every ounce as to its purity before dis- pensing them to our customers. Don't be afraid to bring your doctor's prescriptions to us, be- causn.THls STORE is under the control of a qualified Cbemiet every hour of the 24. Telephone 45. Night service. Terms—Strictly Cash. J. WILSON, PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE. Buyers :.... Yon wish to know what to bey where to buy, and where your dollar or dime will go the tarthe.t. You will find SMITH'S BAZAR the ngbt place. Nowhere else in town will you find my great an assort- ment of New and Beautiful Goods to select from. CLOAKINO. A large range of Beaver, Mil- ton' and Curls. TABLE LINENANu TABLE NAPKINS. CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAR, io 'AL Rises. LADIES' UNDERWEAR, in Fleece Lined Union and Wool. LADIES' OOMBINATION UNDERWEAR. MANTLES. The largest range of Ladlee and Children's Jacket+, and the lowest price to pink from. BLANKETS, r osis gloat.. value. .. ELnnelette Sheets, Union Blankets, Wool Blankets. Well posted people in Goderiob and viduib Illaiw horned by experience that Robinson'a is the place for value and prioe. NEXT BARGAIN DAYS DEC. 1ST a 2ND. AT' JAS. ROBINSON'S Beatemall StovePipe Varnish as its name implies, beats all competitors In the moat important points. Brightest Lustre, Fast odor. quickest drying of all stove -pipe varnishes. 25c., 5 for $1, Take no other '—*The Medical Herb Tea, beat of herb medicines, 25c. Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bittern, 50c. The perfe:t Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, 35c. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Agent for the Birkbeck Building and Loan Oo. Loans on easy terms. HAMILTON STREET MILLINERY. MISS CAMERON has returned from NewtYork, bringing with her the latest in styles and shades The reigning colors are BLUES OF ALL SHADES, MILITARY PURPLE, CARDINAL and ROUGH RIDERS' SHADE;. Miss Cameron does not hold openings, but evreyone is invited to call and inspect goods and prices. ....Cross - Cut Saws.... I have just opened up a large consignment of the celebrated LEADER LANCE and BUFFALO BILL High -Claw Goods in Fins China, Japanese Curios and Art Goods ; English, Oerig*fl and Austrian Goods. TGFo Novsltlos and Gallas of every deaoription, at prices to Boit all pockets. Come in and smear Grand Display of Holiday Goods, whether you buy or not. it is only by seeing that you can forty any ides of what we have collected from all quarters of the globe to please our easterners, We are confident we oan please you in Variety, Quality and Prlee Something to merit ___a11 teas. and requirem.nta, _.SMITH'S BAZAR. NL[T TOWN HALL WILMER SMITH. Cross Cut Saws, Every Saw is warranted. - Also a full of Bucksaws, _Axe Handles, Etc. flO1I1YIE'-S HiflDWdHE STORE POR CUSTOM WORK FOR REPAIRING FOR THE SLATER FOR THE BEST IN BOOTS-- AND OOTS —AND SHOES • -give__ R OSHA MAN THE PRACTICAL $HOEEAIEII e 4. call. Being a thorough workmen, we cannot be imposed on by sellers of shoddy goods, end we do not buy misfits, damaged goods, or bankrupt stooks to sell as first-class lints. We keep the LAIDLAW, WATSON SHOE OO'S QOODS, and an they are splendid wearer+, good fitter+, and of the latest +tyles, yon should give thein a trial. WM_ ArawR OV RANT agar-, URI $*Aa•1 1111 Tohas liitlit. IIIOs 1>AGi, Iiii[r mote A.t+T Pot firs b.AVbi SOOT, 0 oaz zxo .. "The Signal' for hal. of 1818 for only 15c •