HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-1, Page 2The Signal
is remiss
Teams et ilia10 * S*•e I
Wwowt.. in 04100••••c(.1
ee ..m bs,
ell rolls .,Y 1 m
Oce year
Ad•vertldag Marne s
L egal and other casual advertlsemea1, Mo.
per ILw for Nem Inset unu, and 3 oe ow per Ilea
Mr each suI..yuat iserUou. Measured by •
seasoned scala.
8Winees cards of six Rhea and under, to per
Advertisements of Leet. Fouad, Strayed. Sit-
10•atioe. Vacant. SlIs* tone Wanted and Bal.
e ms Chance Wanted. out exceeding 6 line
volarelle 11 per month.
Houses nu tole cad Forma on Bale, not to a-
w ed a Iiues, t1 for first month, 'terper subs..
quem month Larger advta In proportion.
Any *peeled nutk-e. the obje.•t of which 11 to
promote the p•eunlarr bensot of any IndlvIdel
or compauy, to be oateldered an WNgm
sod charged •eeordlngly
Local notices In minaret type me .sat pea
oord.nnotices try
no Bobo. les Own Mcreading . type twig
d• t M" a•t
Bubeerikwg who fall to receive Tea 81o1aL
regularly by null, will wafer • favor by •o•
qualnting et a the fact at as early a date as
Whet. a change of address la desired, both W
lid and the nee Stirs should be glees.. -_..
Publisher's itches
J C. Le Toole', of Ooderieb, W been ape
pu.uted Local Travelling Agent for the Tows
shies of g,yiencb, Colborne, Askaeld end W-
Lo.•al postmasters over the distort are the
etu;.,wered to receive subscriptions to Teta
80.3 it.
All co Berges eelous must be addressed
1 H Jnli.•L.
Telephone pall at. t;oderk h. Out
THCRSDAY, DEC. 1. 1888.
Mixed 1.0'e
7.0 p1.
Map t
Mail and Egress
Mail and 115.1 m
.$ta1tT. -
Mdl and Eepw* 1.0 am'
• aud.Ex prow s In p'm.
Mixed era pet,
•-c oto
�.t NICHOLS• di. L. D.
i.+• 0e0r Al. $V0011108. •
Rend mppsolta the Poet OBea.
Gold Filling. C4owus and Bridge Wart a
• erlalty.
Is Years Experlesea •
L. If WABEE. Daft..6.D.•.-D1124AI.
>terttsuh-letea and approved mess
I .r .11 dental nervations- Preservation of as
e a oral 'loth •n,erih). t)Ace: C„r. West m.
w .1 *mare ;up stairs,. Entrance eve W.et K
▪ 8nrp.00u. (Lately a.ex'.tted with IIs.
[Samba MoeIrW)I Got*I and porrehtln awe,
eclat tooth mounted on gold 0r aluminum lases,
special enrolee givee to the preservation of the
.•aural teeth(df�e las Alc4.esa's asw !bele- _ J
an. 00.-.: Bence •.rent, tea residence '
lately occupied byDr. McLnas. Night calls'
trona residence. 1 Tele palm 64. I
ae tor, Notary Public. Ca.udla,t Bank .f
QommsrceChambers ;thetSnistis S9od.ncb.
• ter, Notary, be. 0111.. over Medical Mall,
Squire. doderick.
as O. JOHN8T0N-BARRISTER, 801401-
• • tor. Commissioner, tee. Money to loan.
ORees : Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's streets,
ooderich, Oat 60d
Ile. Mae. North at, next door 8w1Net
once. Private Funds to lend at lowest rates of
Interest. . M60
Attorney, Solicitors, be.. Dederick. J. 1'.
Darrow QC., ti. Pr.udfoot
C $
tees, Solicitors 1e Chancery, k., Ooderlei
M. C. Ouse
res, Q, C.. P. Holt, Dudley Holmes.
eomalestonr for taking sad retreh/ug
recogmladiaoes of bell. affidavit" or Warmadooa,
depositions or solemn declarations In or cote
oernln` •n Dellimsuit or proceeding in the
High Court ei Justice. the Court of Appeal for
Onlarlo, or h any County or Dlvtsion Court.
All tamer -done carefully and promptly axe
gated. Residence and P. O. address --Dun .n.
w oe, Out neatly
,11110811T TO IRAN--FN
Mosses loan, private funds; also Aral
elferns to rent or se I. Homes and Iota to
not or for We. E. H. LIE 18, Barrister, Ord.
Ce8518011, OOItVEflNCINO AND IN-
suraaee e0... opposite Ma.W'a betel.
161Gw pTer '0 01LEly D ON 111sni.dd.. A{,O,R AT
BER. Oreo.: Opp elle Martla's Hotel, Gods -
✓ ice.
--Cal J. xAFTtL-11RE,1.IFE AND A1)01.
• dad lrser•nee Agent, at lowest aces.
MM: Cor North -et. and Square, Ooderleh. U
Am ef Private FeMortgages eds for lnvtelm,•nt et Iowan
NOW &PROclass UD/WT. , Apply toOAR-
• Rai Estate sod Money L•anhlg Age.l
Only /nt-clam (nrol s• 1.4 represented. Money
W lend on straight b., t. at the lowest rate of
Interest ening n an) w r tomtit the borrower,
Ogee : Second door Ina.. Spare, West .treat,
eoderlcb. Monti
• NEW M3 illtfiti ALL 11100 OT
Relalr Wore don Si Rnsonabl.• Prices.
Ve1015't Im bene• t* f er nle. 81rhiue�ry. . new
mo - d ewer is.'4, b.nneht and sola [eosins•
and 8ediere f pa e. Ilio o1 : 8:.rn. old waggon
aline. •ler�rrtnrls sod Trafalgar streets. J.
SAI'4ai1 RDNCIMA8. aFtl
Irooranee Agent, 0nt,rrieh. Ont. Agent
London and L*neshire Fire Ins. Co., the Gore
In•irlct Nutual Ina Co. Sales attended to In
any part of the comity. as 1
and Land afoatnr, tinderieh, Ont. Hay-
ayIng had ronelderaMa e.p.rfence to the •uellun-
s wintt trade, Iv (a In • pnaltlun to dleehares
with thorough aetl*teetlnn all ennemtminna en-
treated to hire Orden left at Buttons hotel,
er sent by mall to his address G derleh P O..
• elrofully attended to. JOH!i KNOX, t'onety
A10 20.... Int m
Panned, P.aetuMmd sad rr...r• ed h,
Pithy Paregrapb.a 10r the reread or
Practical People - Personal. Pulltl.,rl
end relatable.
The earning%, of tee U.T.H. for the
week ending No`. 14 ■bow an Increase
of *19 009 otter the same p..iod lest year.
The figora are: For 1808. *641.68$. and
for 18.1, *600,674.
Mr .1 1'. U.irrow, Q.C., of Uoderl.•ln,
bas been numbs a member of the Ontario
Uoverument without portfolio.
the Liberal C.lneervativss of West
Huron bare named Major Beck as their
candidate for the Ontario Legislature,
and Robert McLean as sandldaa for Oa
Jame" Jj11g•t<ar. hoaatggk. Canidae,
A etas oeloegtog to A. Dingman at
Southwold, Ont., was destroyed by Are
on Saturday morning.
Seven buildings In the John H, Star-
In's sbipysrda at Wass Brighton, H I ,
we• Stood Saturday morning. The loss
1s 1400,000; ensured.
las • fire at Taylor "lies'. bsid 1n
Hamilton four wagons, Dsar171100'dick
ens, three horses. two hoes sad • los ut
bay, straw gad (odder were destroyed.
'She loss will be *1,600.
AS buildings at Port Heady of the
British Columbia Wood Oil Company
were burned on Saturday morning. '1 Isla
was the only will of Its kind to Canada,
cad had just oommeno.d business.
Mr Iebastfne, an lahan residing at
Toronto Junction, was thrown by the car
on the Turootu Queen and Donors route
at midnight o '.Sginjday, whilst trying
to hoard it, and had b is leg broken
1'4. British steamer Peconlo err! .ed
S t New York on Friday, having un board
18 shipwrecked spoon taken oIT leo
Dutch bantam Johanna, whlcn foundered
en route from New York to Honolulu.
A collision at right angles took RIME.
In the Grand Trunk yard" at London
e arly Friday morning botwoen two
freight MOD, . Fireman Jetta. George 81
Was hurt, but not taallyand no me
+ova• AoiooaA. Tia***� l
bo fog
1 wenty Toronto youngsters hacked aud
'bopped away boards and pleas of scant•
Dug telt in the cottage, 6 Evans mienms
On ::a:urtlry it fulfilled Its prornlse to
fell, and three 0hPeire0 weir buried la
the ruins Hobert. the .•year old eon of
Welham Bailey, wa. killed outright, and
Willie Hrash, 12 , and Fronk C'oges-
ha11, 10 year", were very badly Injured.
6'051 Rite OF W tit.
The movement of United State" troops
to Havana Province will began within
ten days.
Nambardler Grey of A Battery King-
ston, was reduced to the ranks and sen-
tenced to Imprisonment for a period of
41 days.
It 1. announced at Glasgow that apool-
fieations will shortly be laved fur the
construction of four first -tits cruisers las
private yards.
Queen Victoria w111 shortly hold an
investiture at Windsor Castle and w111
p.es.D1 the Soudan .lecoratloos. She wl'1
personally Invett General lord Kitchener
of Khartoum with tb. Brand Cross of
the Bath.
The Peace Commiselen at Paris drags
on without accomplishing anything. At
Washington Insinuations are thrown out
that the reason the Spaniards will not
allow discuolon of Philippic.. finances la
because Spanish officials wish to conceal
enormous defalcations. Jl
Admiral Dewey has Informed the U.
B. Navy Department that he has con•
'Vatted with a Hong Kong firm of wreck-
er to rats three of the Spanish war
.rserle sank 1n the battle of Manila last
Mavuny. The cost of rat.dng the chips
and potting them In thorough repair will
be $504),0510.
"Jack the Hoz-Puller" has been ring-
ing false 901 alarm" In Chatham. the
council offers *60 award for his arrest
A riot occurred In the penitentiary at
Columbus, Obfo, on Friday morning.
OD. guard was killed and two oonvlct•
family 6001
Thieves entered the sable of Mrs
Winter on the ninth oonmeslon of King
1'ownsblp, and took a valuable horse. •
n ew boggy, barna, and other equip-
ments The name night tble.e. tool •
valuable fur overonet from • Hc*omberg
Samuel Talbot and Alfred Wordley, the
two Toronto lads who set firs to 606
King street east on Guy Fawkes' day.
were up for senlenoe In the Pollee Court
yesterday, Wardley was committed to the
Penetangulshens Reformatory for three
years and Talbot for two years.
A Soolal.stlo conspiracy has been die
severed anions the •tudenta at Wareaw,
idea and Vienne in R..asla. Five b0p-
dred have been arrested and 00 exiled to
81Mr1•, M) of the letter being sent to oar
potted banishment. Two hundred hare
boon expelled from tea unlvanite.
Former Mayor F. A. Magowan W
Trenton, N .1., his wife, formerly Mrs. .1.
A Barnes of Toronto, and Mrs. Con-
MMnoo W7013, slater of the latter, are held
at Erle, Pe., ter abdaotfng little Beryl
Barnes of Clevoland. Mrs. Magee:on wan
formerly MIe itdlth 14144el1or Porkdale.
At tbe.Chatham Allen od 1'hnrsday
William MaKrsbl. of Cedar Spring" was
found guilty of providing and *Ipplying
e n nbnozloue drag and sentenred to two
ler" In King.ton Penitentiary. 1 he prl-
* oner 1s well connected and was roderted
but • few weeks ago. The drug Odle ad-
ministered to a gill named Jerner.
The final Interment of the late Prises
Stamarok will aka plane on Sunday next.
.d train a1 Humber ruuturlt and was ran
over be Hiroo man, has Bled from tilt ID•
juries. He was iI 7eare of age and leaves
• widow and areamonths-oldlufant.
80111.1 PICI100SAL.
Mn. Jaime Brown -Totter. the actress,
Is seriously 111 1.. Londuu with pluutlsy
Her (audition Is.erlous.
Capt. Dreyfus, the French 111.;. 00
Devil's Island, off Fr.uuh Guiana, Isar
been told that his case is to be revised,
Mr. E. •. Dawson, • mining tnnloeor
of Bombay. traits. L in Ottawa. 11s will
look over the Canadian sysain of east".
License Initiator Flath of Dray too has
g one to the Pasteur lustl*uis at Naw
York He was bitten by a doe which
died of rabies
President Timothy Dwlgbt of lals
University resigned on TLundny, tl:e
raslgu•tlom to lay eOer1 84 the and of
*ble bolverslty year.
Lord Mints was at his oftioe at the
Ottawa Parliament buildings for the
lint time Friday and received the con-
gratulations of the Minister(.
Nellie Northoott, the 13 year-old daugb•
tar of John Norlhooss of Ird oou Hay,
Musa b7 • sited deg. kw* isal 4a'"" an
W *'9 jJjpatltute
hr.andAin. Keuneth =eam
art of "Pltarrowbolme." Bullock'sCam-
ars, near Dundee. ostentation their silos
160 year) wedding 00 Wednesday.
John Harris, a000rding to els own
statement, has gold flee claims on Hun-
ker Creek In the Yuko' for *60,000 cash,
the purchasers being e0 Ontario syndi-
♦t the Clyde Hotel on Thursday night
the County Councillors of York and their
friend. dined the tstiring Warden, Mr.
George High, wive was presented during
the evening with • gold beaded cane.
President Faure las decorated Queen
Regent Cbrlstlla of S00'31'164 the Grand
Cordon of the Legion of Honor. He was
recently invested by the Queen Regent
with the Order of t►. Golden Fleece.
The Royal Canadian Humane Assoola-
t10n has ■warded • medal to Hobart
Darling for conspicuous bravery, rlsklna
his life In easing Wilfrid storm from
dn.wnlug in the old canal at Merrltton,
Oet. 2u last.
Sir John Bourinut. In addressing the
Harvard Uradnatos' Club at Horton,
Maes., pointed out wherein Caoeda hod a
batter Government than the United
gates, and be asserted ltd one future
was not ateorption Into that country.
MIss Ida Smith, teacher of the Iniaoa'
school 1n Merrltson, is now the proud
•Stustussog .gLajag Medal for lite saving of
the Hoval Canadian Human* Association.
Mite Smith, during the recent cyclone,
was Instrumental in saving the Des of
many of the children eutrus.d Id bee
Quebec Province 14 talking of furolsh-
Ing free text books to the public school
Canada's trade In codfish tis Porto Moo
has been dentroyed by the extension of
the United Sates shipping laws to that
The future of Toronto's new hotel
looks rosy. Se far about *1 uu0,000 has
been subscribed, $100,0)0 within the last
few daps.
The bag of gold that disappeared so
mysteriously from the Bank of Montreal
at Vanoouver, 11 C.. a fortnight ago has
n ever leen found.
Forty returning delegates from the W.
C.T.U. Convention decanted the grave
of eke late Fiances E. W Illard at Hose
Hill Cemetery, Chicago, on Saturday.
The Canadtao cruiser Petrel bas reined
a lot of gill eels belonging to American
fl.bermeu at Sandu.ky, 0. which. It 1s
claimed, were not In Canadian waters.
Andrew Carnegie has sent • cheque for
*1,000 to the promotrre of the Boston
movement against the suoexallon of tee
Fhthppine Islands by the UnIte1 Sate,.
It 1s ann0an0ed that Sir Thomas J.
Lipton of Loudon, H:ug., *111 convert Isla
tea, coffee and provision business In the
United Hate" 10a a *tock oomg/oy in
J • and 08MLB•Ns nn premises naming.
ehaepnnln` , and every other remit-omeet etre-
hilly att.,ded to, and n no but romp -mitt hands
employed. Mr Leon's now Meek. rout door a
eni8s4 R1eh•nge bowl.
• .os
ne, eh, bet 0411 ly
Awa-.. ._..�
11,.- •Irt.'e .f 11 15•1 perk.
ORINbeln1 tAl q., that *ben fret-
' Ing..aie tt .� Mico Adm,* li tiviii `off
4t., T'r ta,ies; whoa vending. but pot�
fiwtingt bat4tes; sod when trrei'ied
~' , 'Si
tele foot, or at the rete ee .rivet
" •n.. Jllew� .. -
Mr. Edwin Morrleh. a Galt grneer,
wee found dead In ble store early 'Ihun
day mnriing.
The body of Mr Edward Miner, who
wee aeoldentalle .bot he his ,lenriker In
law whits nut hunting, has bsaa-iSaogbt
to afatt•w•. • 4
sir Stuart Knill, herd of ibte fires .i
Johu Knill & Co, writ lard Mayne tri
London during the /•sars 1502 93, fa dead
Ho wits born In IH:4.
,tend Naylor, sr , • prominent resident
of 6asst. Oat., died l4atnrds7 evening of
heart failure. amid et. He bad been War-
den of the county and beth ether nubile
S 1lootle.W1lbreham, first Earl of
lalhem, 1s dead. He was born In DOH
and was forrnerty Lord Chamberlain and
Deputy Grand Master of the English
Fry Mamas
Mase Whet Marlowe, Meals of Jolla
Marlow. Taber, died suddenly be the
I(nloketboaker Then**, New York, dnr•
Ing the peeforrn.ncs 0f "The Christina"
nn Wednesday night
1111lA,e Kennedy, an old bachelor of
Semen Grimsby Tnwe.hlp, 76 yawn of
ease, we found dead 11..1#4 edge of •
wads between 4lmishvllIs v111.ga and
hie horn. en Pride, eitllel1•w. Death
we dos to Mart .l1.** ,
James Nees, the
1. &ME meman
W1• III Redarlali
During the four month. ended October
*1, the aggregate trade of Canada has
been bettered to the extent of $IU,I60,780.
The increase In imports was 111,868,744,
while exports ducre•*o 12,707,174.
Ruola Intends opening negotiations
with the Vulcan Company, Hoblcau and
Krapps, to build ex5O.Te dockyards in
Rama, to snooks the Government bo
effect a speedy Increase In the nava
The first woman architect of Eod,and
Is to be admitted as a1. associate to the
Royal Institute of British Architects.
ribs succeeded In paving with 810
!moors the ettingsnt examinations moss -
w ary for adnllulon.
A meeting of the creditor of J. 0. •
S. D. Warrington, the Insole's' obeys
exporting firm of Montreal. was held la
that oily 0o Friday. The assignee ex-
p s d the opinion teat unsecured areal
tan will get bathing.
Dr, William P. Senolbaugb, • donfltrl/
of Port Byron, 111., 1. suffering from the
effects of pranks played on him while
being Initiated Into an Insurance ledge,
He tell on an electric baiter, sod fatal
paralysis 11 threatened.
The Dominica Government lost It nem
Saturday morning. at Osgood', the Mg►
ter -In -Clambers refnsing to grant 08
order bo compel Fog and Holloway to
attend at Welland for so examination for
alleged breach of Ike Allen labor Aot
The healthy gl .w .1l015 ps tying from the
cheek and moanluc and restleeeneas at
night are •ore syreptonis of worms in
children. 1). nor fail to get a bottle of
\totherGravee Worm Exterminator; it
is an effect nal medicine.
•1 ..-m.o. es hoe . the Heads.
Por the hoods that have become
tanned or ennhnrnt, just before going to
led herb@ them in warm water anti
asp: rinse them in tepid water, too *hot
all the sanity wester his disappeared.
srxl then dabble them with lemon plies.
If you akin is very sensitive, dilute the
lemon juice, but when it Is applied al -
I. w it to dry on the hands. Sleep In
glnrea. and after the third night's rare
7onr hands will be u fair and soft as
the hands of any of Shakespeare's hero
iters.- ladles' HOMO Jrwletl•1.
li!td'* Llalluut Caw ;argot la Can.
Idear Ow T•l•.h.e
A gold eels manes from one to am
(48er two billion tlmae before the ramp
or Impression upon it becomes obliter:U-
evl by friction, while • silver colo
(llnuges about three billios two hundred
sod fifty million timee before it be -
tomes ,entirely effaced.
A ftherie ..ttesa 08) .0...
M•gldT*te (to renal) -f understand
that you distinctly refined to do the work
Olen yoe by the mesterei' the workhouse.
(;wenal-Qnite int.. yr worship.
Magistrate -What ane your nrsoet
('asnel-Wall, Ser erneethip, 1t we for
non,eteee• sake. In the foal plass, I'm
gut • .pneelentioes hohj milt be weep.
In the eanond, f'.. got • ronsole0Hom
hnhje.ekm en the meatier. and In the third.
lbw gnd • o0nsnientMas bohjeotlolto yea.
And R91t7 a000tidnttona bnbjestlon• ale'*
beta. thyro {Sema of a bloomin h•msletse-
Mnntor, why, envelp ma. Meth ask its a
take my d71n berth sg'lel
pea ma•rlwle0r dire .
Tells How He Wes Cured of Salt
Ills etagere, Heade •.d arias w.1. a
61... of Crooke and Soros. by M.u.a .f
e1 hien H. 53 •• V,..LI. to Work.
To the Editor of 710• Enterprise:
1 bare read from seek to week Is
)our paper teetimuulula from these wbu
haw bt•ru cured through mug 1)r.
V illauts' Pink Pills, nod as 1 have ea-
pe-ricueetd much benotit !rum the uve of
that medicine, 1 bell. -.e it my duty to
let others kouw they .an be relieved
from a very panful .malady. 1 am mow
75 year. of age, and am at the present
time, and In tact ever .neo I look a
.volae of 1)r. Williams' Ptak Pills
about two years age.. have been enjoy-
ing eat -elk -tit health. Before that time
1 had been ailing fur 'tome montitw fin -
4 wrheum.
-cvo* mostir-etr--t q- hands
Ode not tong atter- ler Shit splicer
ane* before l wets unable to do any
work •t all with my hands. I resorted
to all the domestic eines 1 could hear
of, but the Melees kept os ka course,
gtdtiug worst •old wor.e,upul the plalws
of my bands and-'Dis..aalsers were a
masa of cracks. open sone and hideous
scabs. I then got medicine from the
doctor. which I used fur severed week*.
with no benefit whatever, -m7 bands
atilt becoming more and more crippled ,
with the disease. My general health.
too, et this time woe poor, mad 1 got
diecouragevi altogether. believing three
Oen no help for the terrible omplsint
that was gradually 'omnibus over ui,
hands and up my wrists tow my
arm*- It hsppeoed one day -Iii ver-
ert.u0 with ■u acquaintance t Dr.
N•Llliama' Pink Pil1s were me 'ed in
cs.w.eetinn with some other rase in the
ueigbborhood. sad it was suggested that
I try them for malt rheum. 1, -had not
much faith in the trial, bat et/deluded
to get a box and see what good they
might do. To my great delight, after
tnay m
the boz. 1 found an lmin.ve,•nt
in the_iondidoe of toy hands 4m S got
rag boxes more. I did not use all these,
for before they Were gone the diems*
bud vanished and my hands were as
semi as ever. The new skis came .m
tie smooth and fresh as if nothing had
hen the matter. I took no other wadi.
. 100 while toting the pills, and the whole
praise of the cure is due to them. ►ly
gvher.l health was also greatly benefit-
ed by their use. and i attended to m7
work with more energy and lm better
spirits than 1 had done tor • member eat
)ruts. I h•... been ii. excellept beAlth
ever since for a man cot m7 7ess and
:,• sign of salt rheum has since Oppesr-
ed. The box or two of Ptak Pills
which I left named were Mitre b7 107
wife and did her mach good. I cannot
speak too highly of iir. Willil#ms' Pink
Pills and ern plmsd to give, testi-
mony to their merit, hoping others may
thereby be induced to use them In eases
like mine. .
The editor of The Enterprisf tan add
that Mr. Chedey is a repre`��otative
fon oar living •tont three era ilm from
the town of Bridgewater, N.B.. and tea
utmost reliance can be placed.' 08 b11
statement -
1)r Williams' Pink 11114 a
Mond and in this wry .Irl
from the system. ,A fair t
wince the mom skeptical. 9
boxes the wrapper around w
the toll trade mark "Dr. ' W'Mi.. -'
Pink Pills for Pale People"' If yo:b
dealer dope not here them, then will i.e
sent pool paid ef 50 rents 6 box. nr rix
boxes for *2.5t1 by eddre,ttine the lir.
Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville.
rifidrl'1 LW,Int Cues Diphtheria.
A O..wd Lh•Im.nt.
A writer to the hou hold columns of
a northwestern peter gives this rrcipe
for making a liniment for m011 1.nd
heal": Drop • cracked egg. 'shell ■nd
all Into • pint of strongest elder vine-
gar. Keep covered from dust and allow
to gland tW the egg ■0d shell he". cie-
appeared. Shake well ash strain. lidd-
ing a gill of turpentine. Always eh1ke
well before using. as the turpentine does
sort combine readily with the eineg•sr.
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there Is at least nae dreaded disease
lees Pisses has been able to sun la ■11 Ps
daces. asd that Is Caton,. Halla Catarrh
Cure Is tea o.lr positive euro knows to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a •neMltu-
tfonal db.rasa. regalr.. • ennetltatlneal treat-
ment Hall's Catarrh Cure b taken tetereally,
acting dlretetly mien the 14. ed and macoas see -
faces of the system, thereby deetror 14 the
feesdatten 01 the doe ,•., and giving 18.
bfent strength by billldlog up the constitution
ed asaWlns nature In doing Ila work. The
more have so much faith In Ib rnrail,.
minim May oder Owe Hundred Dollars
or env 'a.. 'halt fails to ears. Send for list
of te.Hm nlel'.
Address F. J. CHE`(ET • Co., Tondo 0.
'Sold by Drugglra. tbc.
Tba r.w.r e1 Coal.
Am Interesting calculation has been
made, which shows that the energy
produced by • pound .0f good coal
equal" the work of one man for one
day. One. square mile of a seam of
coal only four tet deep could there -
f( -re he made to exceed the work of time
million men for twenty years.
Te. ■.set'. t era work.
The human hurt 11 so quickly rdpsss
he to every tooth of fselleg In the mind
tits the (people of ancient times thought
Gat 111 Wes the abiding plane of the
and •11 literature, both sealant amid
moss, anafes many poet,' r.ferasttN
to this leteresting fact
The amount of work performed daring
the lifetime of • person living se the
limit et Inman life pr..*Ib•d by [Diff
i1.vld-threescore and ten yen -by this
small tot powerful eagle. M alma* In-
erebih.ls It 1. eta Sebes ,. length see
fear in diameter and beets M an average
70 times • minute, 6,500 thaw an heat,
100,1100 • day and 81,791,000 1n this
enures et • yam, so that the bort of •
man 70 years ate bad testae ever 1,aMt-
1100,00e One,
int• vnd , heir
Th. memos given that birds de Mt
frill off their+p]Irwch Is because they oar
not open the foot w het the leg is beat.
'1 1,u. a hen while walking will elem. Ile
toes se 14 milieu the font and open Wada
as it Smells the stemma.
t'nttt,.r• 1...cowee
klkr Some•*le•Oritat wsa s bright
mew% yen mode a few n*wn..nts age,
flow did yon mowers to rear Ill
Mr. Accident-AI/row It from a Blip sr
the toss(,
it la mild that the prwwnt or the
•»nth of mens spends on food for •
family .1 five AA oversee of twopence
Salta Good Servant
S Timmer* the palate and tumid
lulls WM a gargle of salt and wider
1. U edfcaciuua.
.A of .alt oat the tongue, tulltlw'
et. 10 Lu00tea afterward by a drink a<
mid water, 00100 (urs inch Dm+e
Salt hardens guar, makes teeth whit,
and oweeteua the breath
Out lower., way be kept freak' by
•(ldt0g .alt to the water.
Weak ankles should be rubbed with
• euluthun of salt, water and alcohol
'Dyape eio, bewrtburn std indigestion
are relieved by a cup of hot water an
which a small spoonful of salt has been
Salt end water will sometime• revive
an uncouseibus penom when hurt, 1f
brandy or other rettledis an not at
Ilenlorrt%ge from tooth -pulling le
stopped by tilling the mouth with salt
....1 Water.
N'rak god tired eyes •re refze.hd
by bathing with warm water sod
salt. -
Puliie speakers .ad gray acted .It-
ers ate a wash .of malt and welter before
and after miu.g the voice, as it utrrugth-
eus the omens of the ttuos .
:salt rubbed Into he scalp er oeea-
aiouelly added to the water la waab4ng
prevents the hair falling out.
Feathers uncurled by .damp weather
g ee quickly dried by shaking over fire
In *bitch alt has been thrown.
`ink alw.y• should be eaten with outs
•is1 a dessert fruit salt used should Is
specially wade.
If twenty pounds of salt and tee
pounds of usunate of ammonia be dl►
wired in seven gallons of water and
beetled, many fires may be prevented.
By splashily •0d .praying the burning
si Octet the Bre is room .xUnguiahed.
An in.omhustible coaling 1. immediate-
ly formed.
Add salt to the water In which black
and white cotton goods are washed.
Flat Irons- mal be made .mwx,tb if
rubbed over salt.
Clopper and glom may be quickly
cleansed by dipping hall' • lemon in
hue salt. then rubbing theta over mbain-
.4 objects-
Lnwteiveed_aalt ahs remove gains
from the fingers- 1)o not use soap after-
If a small teaspoonful of fine salt be
ridded to a quart of milk it will be
pr% .led 'iirelt "'and pure toe 'level*:
die )..
Eggs packed It salt can be kept
several months-
.% pinch of Milt added to mustard
preveutI It souring.
.A smouldering or dull fin may be
cleared for broiling by a handful of
Halt thrown on any burning aub•taWil
will stop the smoke and blase.
"treed ionntltciently matted becomes
acid. dry., raid erun.blew.
Out of Sort, -Symptoms, He.dache,
loos of appetite, furred tongue, and gen-
eral indi.!x,..t.0n. '1•I.ea .yrop10mo. .f
neglected, develop Into acute diw..e. It
is • trite saying r hot an "ounce of preth01
tion le worth • pound of cur," and •
Mule attention at tri• point may save
months of sickness and I*rg. doctor bill,.
For this complaint take from two to throe
of Parmelee'. Vegetable Pill* on going to
lied, and nos or two for three night■ In
*wc..sion. and a cure will be effected
One Day's Wolf
♦��ehelt�'N N
The Odorless
Crematory Closet
Awarded LHplomag at Termi-
te. Leaden •ad Getter
Rzkihnloa.. 1.95.
Belsey P.diswtu, Publk Buildings, Motels. Schaal awn led Sal.
�giWb. he laud la attic or cellar, batt) room et alditol k14r .aa ' 'b
say plate wham there is • that er chlewey. TM price belt Ica Placwealth
reach el ad. A peel resa
d win vers Ille•trated Pmapthd. A41a**a N
0 GENERAL HEATING CO., LIMITED, Hamilton. Ontario.
Progressive Naeeteas•
(lags are some curious Mt aCea la
which itch word contains me more let-
ter than the preeeedlug word]:
I do MA cane about garden parties, al-
though receiving wmberleee invitations
1 am not ter? sorry Walter tumbled
headlong, *creaming alarmingly unut-
terable maledictiooe
"I go," was that hero's answer, doab-
le( forwards. Napoleon's battalion. im-
mediately surrenderittg-
1 go ten miles every Monday, through
pleasant woodlands, ofts84o*.s judo
cloudily accompanying excursionists
1 •m sad whim fancy brings mucking
memories returning: detestably impor-
tunate, occasionally dheappolntlag, un-
questionably disembarrassing. unret-
sonableue•s, conscientiousness.
a;>a1•:4f r me tad alacile 4:'tlsetut Nipper
overcome jaundiced prejudice'. innu-
merable traducements, determisately,
u arse rai na ble misinterpretation, ebar-
aetorl.tically intercommunications' lr
eompecheodbleaes.-(:(ides Dalt.
.ret. ,•en ,re•,ble,
Waite tot, want not
Never play at any game of chaos
Ilee to -day is worth two to -morrow. -
We never repent having (vitae too 111-
Nothing is troublesome tact we do
Pride costs us more than hunger.
thirst sod cold -
Never run into debt tales Teta gee a
way to get mat *gain.
Three things to be careful of: Health.
reputation, mosey.
Silts sogry, count ten; *boa very
angrycount • hundred.
The pleasure of doing good la the eo17
toe that never wawa out
Early to bed and early to lis asks
one healthy. wealthy and wise.
Smelt sod steady gals give compe-
tency with traoqulity of mind.
It any one seeks evil of you let leer
life be such that am nae win belles
'here is danger to neglecting • sold.
Many wise bate dled of consumption dated
their troubles from exposure, followed by
scold which settled on their langs. and 1e
• abort time they were boyo d the .1111 .1
She best phy.clan. Had they used Bdatles
Asti-Consumptho Syrup, been It was
toe lam, their lives would have beim
spared This medicine has no equal for
tiering eoaghs, colds and all affections at
the throat sod Wags.
R1. Last Request.
Soiled Sammy -Kin I sok Ter model
Leader of the Olffllanter---Oartln 1 Amer
we g.ts tier rope round yer nook we peat
ye on • lox an then kink. 1t from aider.
Soiled Hammy -Anything but • soap
box, ole pard! Anythlog but a soap boll
-bet gyp Journal
SI.eplesvtesw doe to nervous exelte
mento The delicately constituted, the
A"sncter, the hn.ines man, and those
whew, sons. ion ne reshot.. great men-
tal strain or worry, all •Offer lee or mon
from it Sleep Is the greet restorer of a
worried train, nod (0 get sleep .'lawnse the
stomach from nil Impurities with w few
doses of Pnrmelee's Veritable Pill., gels
tine rooted. coot :d ding no mercury, and
an gtaranr.od to give tatiefectbn aa• the
mosey will he nfwl404.
Radklle. Vs the Ch Ildr.w.
"Children," say • physician, "should
bo taught the use of a napkie us wipe
the health frequently while eating, for
hygienic as well as tidy purpose.. (.444
*ores, eonwnon with some children, are
often the reeult of careless eating moth
than anything else. A trained nose
oaderatands well the leee'atty of keep -
rag the comer, ref a patient's month
clean while yewdtng-rhlldnu aught to
be angbt how and .by they should de
limn Want C1rii Distally.
w'orld's Lug..* 2.,brarr,
Thea Lrgwt library Is the world le
that of Parte. It rooming upward St
two million printed books and as has
deed and Witty thousand amonaeeripts.
Tl.e Rrltlek mmaelm contains about one
and a half million vn5m.'., .ltd the he-
rprhl library at St. Pet.rsiworg about
t8rat same nnmbev. These ems the tare -
vet lateselss hi the world.
l h,.•tntaw Mnrd•r Law.
le Abysdnla ft 1. the lithr that the
mnrd.rer be turned over is the rein -
ti tea of the dead para(... thee, If Wel
piety..ta pet him to death in the sat
n1A111157 In *4*04 the a4arderhl pees*
ease nmoTM.
} Laard'e Want Cue* Coils, *fdt "
Wive,. r..rrt',n 1' ,over 11u1b..
When bulbs are forest. water for t1M
firs time veal heavily, eo that It 1. •
certainty that the water has penetrated
to the bottom of the pot This, then,
will be wilcdent until the pot is Mist
from the dark 000l plate to more heat
mad light. When the pots are set away
for the bulbs to undergo the rooting
process It is • good plan bo set them 0a
cinders. Tbis not only Insanes dr.tln-
age. It •ecidentully oyevwatered or
soaked r some way. but prevents 11s
liability of earthworms working their
sly ftp though the hole In the bottom
of the pot -Woman's Horne enemas -
Baddeck, June it, l$97.
Dear Sirs, Minard's Liniment is
my remedy for NEURALGIA.
It rt/uvn at owct. , _...,
I amides .1 w Dema
With the first day of the new century
the ancient Austrian coin, the kteabrr,
drops officially out of circulation, after
a currency of something like 400 years.
It is retired in atrnrdanre with the con-
vention estabiiabiug a roamer currency
of purl value for .11 parts of the elle
Ore. It used to be circulated treaty in
North as well as South Germany, but
for the last quarter of a e.mtUry 8•.
net gots beyond the Austrian frostier.
T. Ceder Kotler Oroi n,
Procure four ounces of parsley and
drip Me leaves from the MOW: chap
them finely and boll for two meat.•.
Dain, dry h • oapk4n and at amide til
Quite cool. Soak four ounces of ancho-
vies for tete minutest and peas through
• sieve. Re -churn. (r prmdble. some
fresh batter. and mix lute It the awn
two hlgrodients. This 1m maltYe SW
r•dwiehag. int biscuits, rte
"it le a Great Public Hrneflt"-Ther
slgnlfcant word. were need In relation to
Dr. Thomas' Kelectrlo Oil, by • gentle-
man who had thoroughly tested Its
eserlte to his own case -hoeing been
eared by it of lameness of the knee. of
three or fonr years' sanding. It sever
falls to remove sirens. a* well a* lame -
nese. and 1. an Incomparable outmost,
and eorreetive.
Sowed Frost AbeSMlty.
in Westphalia. has bees
saved from a piece of absurdity by the
interrelation of the Prussian Govern-
ment. 8t Lambert's church has bees
recently "restored." and adorned with
• neve Gothic tower. Oa the old tower
hung the iron cages Is which the &w
*baptist "prophet." John of 1x7.1...
and his followers were exposed after
their execution is 1936. As the lie
jerk cages did not harmonize with Om
Mees tower, the tow. wiled to enhetl-
tote elegant Gothic cages, but the Pros-
! elan Government has ordered the ,old
'ems to be hung up again.
Se Sibert•. If • man 1s dlsmnHsfitd
with the most trifling acts of his wife,
he teen • exp or veil from her faces
and that constitutes • divorce.
144005551.4 tot D. IN DINE DAT
Tab ee- r.. -:ens: alt
promo's, .M.M.lo/ .1 It .0 at.,.un.see
T. Mead w I.e ..reef . tone.
Msekimto•bes, which with antnmed•
rtiltm maedis YlaeNwlRlllt, ,11Y1Y �Yti 7
ed when tors in the following Manner:
Dla.olve pole pieces of pure iniia rob-
ber in naphtha to create a stiff pr#,
choose a pure of stuff as numb like thit
w.terproof material •a possible, and 'p -
ply acme of the cement to it oat to the
ton edges of the mackintosh. 'Ikea
bring the torn parts over the new ma-
terial to,torm a p:.tch. and pixie •
weight over the turn part until the cls
me01 ie quite set god firm
How Mr. Joseph Rickards Won
His Freedom.
arlgbt'e Dimes. Held Ulm In a Dewily
Orlp Wilel. Notes., Cold L....e
TitI H. t'.ed 11.44'. Kidney P11te
Ther C■red
Hamilton, Nov. 20. -The Ambitious
City ls never behind her deal, Toronto.
In any enterprise, commercial or other-
therwise, and recently would seem to bare
made fair progress towards outstripping -
her neighbor la one respect. Tris.. eke
plumbers of lure. of Kidney Inseams
effeetrd here by Dodd's Kidney Pills,
Hardie • day passe without record-
ing a ran by mess of this famous sad
wonderful medicine.
Interest jus Dow la centred is the
came of Mr. Joseph R)ekaed". of 134
Emily "treed. Hundreds of Hatmdltot
Inns know that Mr. Rickards mitered
for more than .I year* with that ter
rage complaint. Bright's Disease. Hun-
dreds know also that be eop.aed the
bee medieal aslsteama 4. oould secure
Met without rwcalv'hj breis care or re
Mr. Rickards le sow hale sad Marta.
Leath, and happy, •md 41. deUvera.ee
ls due entirely to Dodd's Kiley Pill•
Writing of hie ems he says: "1 weed
many remedies that were advertise M
cure Bright'" Disease, but nose et than
gave me oven temporary .01106. L sa-
o-not describe the severity of m7 suffer
lop. Timm were terrible
"I was advised to try Dodd'. Kidney
PBL, and i am thaaktd that 1 took
DIM advice- I need only tour boss
but they dram *worry vestige a BrWW1
Dismay from my meteor and mode e
Hun et me."
A atatemeat like Ode cannot be light.
ly passed b7. 11 carries a aewade a[
hope, gad freedom from Masse, rt
health and Mappines to every =saw
le Canada. Dodd's Kidney PI11. should
1e In every home Is the land- Kidney
Disease' cannot filet where Dodd'.
Kidney Pills are need.
OSNGS latpd New 0c
7a.lheO.0 1595 eneeemewee�.etyay
sl ad In Cases.
If*� Mahood I.oas is
N. V. _. 19*
it 1a said that 1a Paris there
00,000 doge. or nae for every urge IB•
teases B*
e e. EEKtY
The. $.s Nasal
Marks. hell wittn
Ts me TS, OWN dabbed VIII
!s 0000 set..MA. TEs am Ndaa Ie media M
lam, la the er the .echent's Oft=
t.'•.'. •.*, yea need a demerit Saler
M .ate sea.4d watt WryIee.Pec els Aircrew are
Of tk• A. rheas Prinslp*l, Ow lt•sL 0r
W. 'Pe neat nae
tea, rhea nein
dlre,lnr wlljw/I.e
'l�Nm dr.■. I.ern C n.A■
terr.ann f* 4".�''*10 aa..a9t . `. J Resor. tee cwt cut
prrar .s las*.,•, ,, ea,I.. 1* 1 ►•conn
A tall saaaery K}•lM w*M10001. drew •sA wet
IOtersstln. ak.ftas W Mead(*. M Wpwp,.*.pesePiA.
erling�Artd51R Ni e *w it (,'
eMn glee'4\''
Ayses4na, le • regular sac / 1 ,� I, gok.d. BrII eM Pm
■■ i teen eew5R yntk.
srlrads. wnw. card
ISE ' eln.e,y, :4 ear
� IM e.trk. t,rrpdiA
iipp7(}1''��R Al. Wtril Agewln. Anew*'••
vI BMTE5N ►DV F,RT I '► ( 1 watA. I .r.nwsd.
Item waw 10561 the .04 of dist fop •1 , 0 1 I. • a.wk.'s..e• caw►
Qt Sae 140 1/ Nubt h; w4aaM ; .I a Soot mud
Hao,08'. t t 1 .n g
sonTeroits Dally mid 1M .00 (1 ass year .
cwt' E log Glebe tee a*.1►e feta year p /
RNo sI.t egau to this has ova bee nada IIIA• V '4 1
Tee* (rex 111.t of tkl Mni peat eard with t1%J AIeM1d1 N S.
]nor nee• end rasa, and tion' espy M - oar.
ia. fin wql M Meat 011, Areas T'eseeN.
.Qtr P511811851 co.. L1m10.A,
� TAlg