HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-24, Page 8Ii a Taotfaoav, Nov. 24, 18118. A Bargain Week And why a Bargain Week at this time of the year ? you will say. Well, our Stock iy too heavy -a Mild Fall and heavy purchases leaves us crowded, and Weare going to Clear them Out AS PRiCE WILL MOVE THEM. ALL NEW COODLTHIS SEASON 1N DRESS GOODS. MILitNERY. •..AfArte res a- taklaat. : .etc• hurt'. T w s o d Drew Stud., suitable sfor (o..ti n e. nud Chil dreu's Ihensea, which are going at 25c I 54 -inch tostanlr Tweed (trees floods, regular 60c. to 75•'., t' 11 (\\• -� for 3.9c Another lot at 12,, c .. .Just ,think. tier. prigs of Pruitta for bauble Fuld t;uudl. Nice Fancy Black Goods in the celebrate I I'RIE'TLEY'S, at 50c Special wide colored 1-el.etee•i, for Trrim-- ming. or Ihesees, regular 35. , f.,r CORDED VELVETS. The newest thing out for Waists, ill all the new ,hales -- a regular 50•. 'lCin_e for 35c Warmer'ihtui Silk ; nothing pret tier for an uxtrt W;ua. 7417I41y ••• Flannelette, for %Aa..t. std 1Yr:tpperr, all new Iwttertr., milt 10c •- A _ha►vy stork ii, NI Winery, which uimit he reduced, ,gal prior will .lo it. Special lute Sailors .utd Walking Hat,. at 50c We will trim your Hat free of e Think of th,d. 'Ton buy the mat.•ri.t,.. WI/ triuta arm all -laLL plait figures and our style. in Trimming. the hest. GLOVES*and HOSIERY. Fall Shoeless I-uh.r' Kid Lined NI atm, with fur tope, regular 75c., fur. Chinked,. in toe smile kind. Lanus.' Anna'. It:auutIvLs, 1 DI) Tlie la,a w That's what we nay. 111 wIII 'tot when coo we the - line. All the . non Should he (11.25. THE WEST STREET Groceiy, Fluor, Feed Proiis!ou STORE_ TICLJCPHONF No. 72. The Grocery Department is still to the front, and you will always find it so, as we intend to keep the best of everything in the Grocery line, such as Teas. Wehaire-the' ' Qrandr"MMfig'ul "-in packages, -In Black, Green and. Mixed, which is extra fine in flavor. Also a very fine line of Japan, Hyson and Black Teas at the lowest prices. The best Coffees, Cocoas and Chocolates. SugaT4pt_all grades . A full line of Raisins, Currants, Jellies and Jams. Canned Goods of all kinds, such as Sardines, Kippered Herrings, Smoked Beef, Lobsters, Salmon, Pork and Beans, Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Pumpkin, Peaches, and a number of others. We have a variety of the best Pickles. You will find our Spices, Flavoring Extracts and choice and fresh. JACKETS - JACKETS .1)o yuu want a Jacket ? We have it just your tit, purse and person. About 20 Jackets put on a table, tube cleared, worts. $.5.00, for $4 75, Needles lc. a paper. 3 large rolls Batting, regular 18c. 8 for lye. POYS' UNDERWE H R. bbl; l,j• are-atflLppi i:tl care. We have • ery sae alai even prier.. Those ni.r fktete•liuevl Underwear in liar.' .bca a1 -n. X18818' UNDERWEAR. Ribbed and plain, from tow Baby eve to Lathe.'. The priest yon will fila) are right. HANDKERCHIEFS. %At. are lit the M.1.1 in the Ifaolikerehief troth.. t rouge the Iargr.t, moll prim an the nark. Colored Millie at 5c \ire .x.lored Hantl- lerchiefa for children, lc., 2c. and 3e. each. Lovely- Lair.iiI,wrt • eel '4u.liu Handiter- thief., the kind you would expect at 2&•., Swing 2 for 25.. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. NICE .VNL1l1'AR\I. Hots' Reeh•ra, to beet irieze, airs. 2o it, 32, reg..Iar g3. u(), .,fearing at $2.00 Buys' Two -PIRA*: Suite, Kuno'(h ercoabt, Men's 1 hemline., Men's Suit -a. F011 raugn.in stark. SOME SPECIALS : Extra hem v Cottonton., only 18. Fine 72MeltBleached Tattle Linen, reg- ular 11.00, at 75,. 1(e•gular 25e. Ticking, at • 19e• Costa' Spools, 2 for 5e Black Rustle Liuutg Bazar Glove -Fitting Patterns, 8e' equal to any 25c. Pattern in Style, in Fit, in Economy of Mat, rid, ONLY 10 CENTS EACH. (SASH AND ONE NRlCE.. 5m1thBrosa Co C01d weather and HEAVY UNDERWEAR vo together. You have the cold we.bher, we have the ret. UiII' WId9'M6 UOEBYESTS From 15 Dents to $1.00 apiece. All Site.. All Prices. All Cheap. WE WANT TO SE= YOU in our gtA,rty We want you to ties our tarp stook of the moat desirable CHINAWARE ghee r1 ie Oed(mieb. Om* one. come a11. WOOD'S FAIR, women WIII ST- 3 r AND BQU &R&, and Strong Baker's Flour are the two best brands made in the world. Wholesale and Retail in barrels and car lots. Choice Pastry Flour and extra -fine Family Flour always in stock. All kinds of eine! preparations, Including Far- inly Whole Wheat Flour, and Orr't-celebrated 'Oat Meal. i Bran, Shorts, Chopped Oats, Baled Hay and Straw always in stock. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. M. G. Nicholson, The West -Sty Grocer, Flour, Feed and. Provision Merchant. LOCAL NtWIIN a111EP Out•Id. 1t is cold sad bleak and dreary. but Imide erne el' 1'rldise'i overcome it le snug and worm-. le yen es.'t go to Merida. vex can Ito to Prtdlam and he made oomfertable. R. R. Sallow@ 1s eenttnnally alsoott.g mess women and ohlldres, and then tickling them to death but as he shoots with • ttarpera, and does the other part with the floe photo* he tuna oot. he la never arrested. People mem to like It. Eddie Tarr a d again alter hie long Ul.... The mem' factory added roar new halide to lie staff lest week. Mir Smith, da.ghter of Abraham Health, is very 111 with eppsndieltu. Tb. lam Roe. Y. ('. Cyeree is hie .111 deviated 111,000 foe • (feet(e oobodarahlp es Vers'. U.tvtwmty, Kiernan.. Is who b. awed the M. C. O were- uMlarrhip. 7. Jean. is is weepy tie Weibel Rall, resew ity J. k. Davie, es* repine pot than f. • s.mpleta ..w peek of drug.. Leak fee ate .see..eereser le mil .Meeks les... if oho r.m.rs elder dad their wast late sin Mit tapers ere 'Ai Madel, the low rates whlah ►atlwap tr **hots hove keen sej.ylne ter moetbe pest ay mos be dY- a. textualist. 1'i. U P-8 sad O. T. 8. a nhot. It(m have bad their hoar!s tern her for some days. T.tltf. Reeder'ck hi. rented the More now occupied by tie. Muse. Yates, next to that aeerpld by himself, and ezp•wt. to be 111 p•roNee of oke whole plena in -boot a torose►. Ceetracter Cesn.r premise to relay ams1 -prow the porting@ o1 the rran,Utble side walk whloh are set sat deetory. H. was paid 80 par newt. of the e..Maet prim of It.• perk. Kibilllowlisr. tits rareo trauma from Ask; doll who had base sse4,d a las gut here totem. weeks, lets Wednesday of Inst week few the t,esden Aeyllta, la charge of $bale-- of that leeritwttsa. The an Wradh, wg@ eall.d cat .a Sam. day att.vrees on aeeewt of • Mese a1 the Mvvds ternary. Tia4 ere was le tie red el tk. at6$ldle, obey, bet it wee stllesomld Ware the dreams rssMsd the ..sass The sebeeaw Sophie, whish km jest bin H*d op at Ronda ter the waw, tuned d.h/eee earyoss of towhee to Pates Rdw.rd sad Irk els lire sorrow et .tippling Slee Semis t.. Frames River. ?MAY a *Mt lee S.4. allOaa Mira Positive nud unlimited moble..- Is the Kula pinus s nature's sure remedy tot Aetkmo hes been abundantly swtalaod 1 the many remarkable cures ubtalsed through the use of Clarke's Kola (.b It le • great dtsrurrry. Eu40teed ben the medical -ren a tee everywhere. Over 11110 mere •beulutrl cured 1a gaareatvcd. Sold by all dra YOB SALE IAJAS. W114(.N. • somber of Dara -m than asy one wiling ves- sel has .ver serried from Oeteratao Bay to Harare or Pols; &dwaed 1. the history ul them plow, and sallies both way.. Th. Sophie u owned by the Ootarto Lowther Co. sod is • (lodenoh• built boat. Chief Justin, Meredith a holdt•g the masque, solar at the court house this week. lack of .par precludes our to vault a report to this issue. 110 Tuesday polite nmekeral. Seeger im- posed a 10. of 11 nod owl• upas the Ire• man of he gena of well who u•Ioaded the steamer Rosedale en her latest arrir.I et r5m elevator here ler infnugte@ upou the Sabbath day in the work. Thom who attended the pod orm•sees of the Katon Ideals at Victoria Opera Hoo.. o. Friday and Sstsrday evening. 1..t week had the privilege of voting in • oenteat for• reclining chair gives by the ,•empany Tor 156 met popular member of the oxen band. B. I). brant won the ohar. eat we It oadgment was given I -y ,ledge Doyle for the plaintiff. In the Dival.s Court suit of timbal Dudley, Me Itrigbt- tah, p.pl* h ernewa ernes slabs cad Waked Port. -, of (ie..rsrh towsahtp, ler sea -eh • livery of apples which the drtendauts ofa- lraoted to deliver to it. plai.ttf.. Judg- ment was for $49 i6 and mete The Young People's Guild of St. (:.ora.'s church held their monthly literary emotes le St. Genre*', school room last Torpedo! evening. The following very interesting program wee prre•td : Solo, Mimi le, Natal; essential, Mir C. 1..* Teem'; ignore - meatal. G. Holt ; redtalao., Maio ZTye roadie,, Moes IC. Williams; redo, Miee Todd: read'r.. L. Williams ; sole, Julio C.nl. ; recitatiea, Mir M. Weatberaid ; reading, W. Natter : Od Save tb. Mss. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Rice • Pre dna NT -table or dairy. I hose remised a carload of Krituh Uel• ■mbia shingles. whloh 1 am prep .red to tall at priest te snit. F. 'tlee•r,i, M f:. Nkehe4oa hr ism mei •.d another ear of 4tIf from f:r..t.n. made hp rhe Lodethe W. .'s MIll-rgCompaut. Their boat p.tet t al.d . tr,o. b k•r'. 11.ar 1•.upet • for w arty ctbse bread Ist:oi• the world. Ho Lordship B stop 11.Ww1. i. rzpecr ere ie v til, at The reetery� 1. fleder.•I. ea Momlec ors', 28:► Io0.,aan u. •he •.o men, at 8 u'cl .•k, he will d.I:ver h e ,a a ..• ler leaute en The Holy Loi•l ".e x•.r..o•a. '. room. AL a-t.i ca. •.hat 1, ev.:l tbemet lr•s of t hie opp •r•u•• r of 5-• r.+.s 1.. L •hr;, .pet. k e. r 1. • 'r tot , s• 'me . n h,.et as he has ,'smile ,o a.nr.l linin • • •-p ,• 11-.' f.r.awrt ,.,.,,....y. .h'..- .• n, b. • the door. Rsm.mb. , 8 e e'ech yea I. PORT ALBERT. Ti ('1..(t, \' or 22x4 Au'•n'At.,--UW 1.,..,.l'uno.eebamsc$ M.1'fgerl• Bswk.0 epee: t Send . T:.,.,. Lee arrived I ems on �u .t, day sight asd 1. m. lie* 511 amnia tl vi -r, Mr. sad Yrs. Reid, el the (Marto comes o tos, Aohasld, wished at tis bows of Wm Carey os bawds,. I)aclltmattl-•Mrs. Shaw and Mra Kioh- udeso, .1 Titivate, left last week ler their home. stow • purist astir with relative* 1a this vicinity. Mi- Leas Brows left for London 1..1 week Rrrt.kis, .:.-Henry Utway has green his G ore, 1.•. I r stewed by Mrs. J.A. King, a en" n' ,...n'. We wish it <fvie* it a n sod tidy epees, mice. - Now Sri, • cgs -Mr. Hamhe, broth or of our popular .tags -driver, hm token chargs of the general store lately *moved dy Mr. Hewkens. He ie fitting op his m tabl,.bment wit h . over stock .1 gods. Sv!iu•v :titivate -08 Semler Rev B. 1, H.ttou, of Dearman. preached, in OpPresbyterian church, 0 very tstrre.rtne termini to a lop cad deh.hr.d o.ngreg.. tic, taking for be theme John i-13. Rev, K F.irbairs wen awsv 'watching at nt. H.les's SOMIrr',llNI: I';V1 ,rAI. (ler sduetio.al hall was need aotse.hat roughly on 5.lor• day night Som ammo .perts kept the great loll pealing 1■ evil., of M. ~noel , n- deeron of the tielet oarless who .lid . heir he.; to gad them out. Search where they would, satbr* could be loanl to oauw th- he11 bo rise. H.traver, newt morning was . eon proof that the oo.em hoods were nn• o f the vaeiehiee ole., but those of reel boy. who had enemiku.ly tied hinder (win. to the boll sod I1,., carried the .'tint 1., out of reach of cry one who might .ori. them 1a the selgbbnrbood of the eohoo!. CHOICE SELECTION OF McLaughlin Cutters �... One slime only, and that the Beet. PORTLAND CUTTERS PIANO -BOX CUTTERS PLEASIIBE CUTTERS JARVIS CUTTERS The inert finished fetters, the heat material need in the onostruction nt 1'utters. in Inc town of I;nd.rich. Call and examine lefore purchasing elsewhere. 1 carry nisei a full line of Agricultural Implements Noxon Bros.' Binders, Mowers, lbw, Har. rows, Trill., Spring Teach Harrows, of the host averts : ('+rk.hutt MOW Co 'a high grade Plows of all kirido ; Adams Wagon ken'.. t ireher Wagers, Rnhsleigha and fraya of the heat plenty JOHN KNOX, 01 3 General Agent, Ooderleh. NEW GOODS FOR Fa1I and Winter Snits and Overcoats. REM -MAIN CLOTHING CHEAP My owl Make. Gall sad see them. _�}.a1 wyawl W d w ad. .p a w the Lass et ,raliaMR CLAIM. H. DUNLOP, Nott Moir of Mwtr•.t, Oodoylsh. Il mmmmmmmmmmmmnmmni -.GREAT-. Closing Out iu (lOdtfijeh, at the Store of EThe Dominion Bankr�pt Co.,Stock COLBORNE BROS' OLD STAND. r 1 Tremendous Out in Prices I E A. Clean Sweep to be made 3 of everything in Dry Goods, Mantles, Millinery, Ready-Ilade -11 Clothing, Top Shirts, Shirts and Draw- ers, Ladies' Underwear, Flannels, EB l a n k/� e� t s, Housefurnishings, E Cottons, .etc., -etc., E FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS, • ao we ppositively close the store in Goderieh SATURDAY i DEC. 3rd, preparatory to moving out of town. Goods (telling at rear than Half Regular Prices. - We don't want to have anything left on our handl" to r THIS iS YOUR -$T CHANCE. DON'T MISS THE BARGAINS. E E E TIIE DOMINION BANKRUPT STOCK CO., s COLBORNE MS' OLI STAND, GODERICH. 5moit-E.. (rico • `�- IGS J.RATTRAYd C! MpNTREAI r - Clearing Sale As we must vacate this store on the 19th of December, we must dispose of our stock of MILLIN- ERY by that date, and to that end we shall offer everything utterly regardless of cost. Startling Bargains --Come and see. MISSES YATES. Shorey's Ready -to -Wear • Made from pure wool, 32 oz. to the yard Frieze. Five pockets.- Deep claps, inch collar, with throat tab. -Double inch- ed edges -.Raiz -d seams. Length S4 inches. Nine colors, Brack, Blue, Mid Brows{, Drab, Claret, Heather, Ozford, Nee'si:- ture and Ohre mizture. Waterproof, Windproof, Frostproof, Comfortable. Sold by .11 reputable dealers fro Ne a Sisal tis British Colombia for Shorey's Guarantee Cardin the pocket, of course. Insist on seeing it, it is a good square guarantee. Filsinger Robinson. We have secured the con- tract for installing the Dundas Acetylene (Gas Machine in North -stn Methodist Church, Ooderich. The machine will be at our store for about 'two weeks, and we shall be pleased to hate it inspected by any- one interested in the new Iigbt. We carry a full line of Stoves, Ranges and Howse - Furnishing Oix li, and Ifo all mariner of Plumbing. FIL8IABBB I ROBINSON, Cor. West -et. and Square. NOellloefel Te alsrile S1S and I -- TG KILL. tfTg8IIf111$ UR. Bllchaflalls& R11ynllaa SASH. DOOR and BLIND mom 10.4 -- 51 LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES dad In loo's a0eeYl el every doses:•-.- 8ohool Furniture t Beeoialty NOSE WORE FOR FAMILIES ettMWwait •r • somber i • Mat hem. wog Wl� lis • etc roes IN w.14r Ia• wgt c;; Mot h, N ea 411 ear Is -time treys's' Mas .me•� ror aafare •e. C . .jrve LealiasRHe.. tremolo 1 Illsonaly tar Weak and Moshe Nlra�l Matey end Utter Teme7 M.eLaN. ewrltlaq /slog. '11w.a......�r .. 4. a.