HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-24, Page 6A IVIG SURPRISE TO BRITAIN. The United States' Medial:&& Navlpation Law at Porto Rioo. CANADIAN SHIPPING. KILLED. ere Deily Chowder Aim• Wonders W ' Deer gam win fast the Des M the Ptlllpplsee ea Writhe ,.,. Seale WIII Aesept a rl..•• het merrier ter toe Iedawda. London, Nov. :1. -The Vienna oorrea- pondent of the Dally Telegraph mare Following the advice of Amore and Germany, Spoaln -will accept America's offer of oompensatioa for the Philippines. 1. ,osurthlog eir:.ver ('owing - The Daily Chronlale In an editorial on the Iflepan° Amertenn situation this morning, after oxer •sling "eomo appre- hension that we may hove leen mistaken with regard to the Anglo-Anierlwtn en• - tatspts.-1oe1nAs3eg11g"ttstleblfabmant of a -dearth' navigatlei te* In Porto Rlro," and asks: "}e • still graver dlseppolnt- meth coming onre cloaiag of the doors to our commerce in the Ybilppinnr?" The Chronicle then odds It is a rather " dlegatedng fact that no sooner is American authority fonually eetabllehed' over Porto tiro than a melin.v.1 navigation kiw Is pared, kill- ing at a single stroke an important Puna• dfan ihtppfng trade with the ldand and making It Impoalble for any but Ameri- can ships W trade between Amellea nod her new colony. Through Spanish low, Madrid, Nov. 2I. -The Rapped predicts utter cheesier *o Spain. "'1 he policy of England," the paper says, "has irritated Europe mod excited the UDI!ed Stare. Atka Cuba, Canada 1s very tempting, as are also Jamaica. British Guiana and Cape Colony. to too years we shall see Grath Beite1D caught by the UoIte1 firths. That day will be her death, and 1t will be her own doing." GERMANY WANTS A TRaATT. Ca.ade'a Prrf.r .flat Tamil mai 141t the ratberlaad. London, Nov. et. -Following up the Anglo- German political ootnpact in Africa and elsewhere, pressure Is being pus upon Hrltieh Minister to meet German views in the matter of a new Anglo - German treaty of commerce, This pressure le warmly .upported by the German semi-official pries. The Frankfurter Zeitung says that Mr. Chamberlain's friendly utterances on Wednesday respecting Germany should be translated into action In treaty nego- tiations. The Voealsobe Zeitung relieves the British Government of blame for the a_e- ley. It says the British Ministers are nos re.pon.Ible for Canada s action In Intro- ducing ntroduoing a preferential taut(. 15 doubts wuether tae Government of Canada will permanently maintain its present •td- tode. Canada is thus once more a pivot for British polly. A DYNASTIC: SHUFFLE. Des Cartes Said to lee tb Cerl■5 Klan Latinos, Nov. 71.-A curium report 1n regard to Spain's future Government is current in diplomatic circles. It is that then w111 be a °hangs of dynasty, but a peaceful change. The Queen Regent bs said to be eonvfneed d the eepelwnese of her son ever reigning, and has, upon the seek* of the Emperor et Austria, decided soon atter the peace treaty 1s signed at Paris (and every Oso now re- gards this ea only a question of day.) to quit Spain with her family, and Don Carlin will be proclaimed King Every- thing 1s reported to be &ready arranged and the army and °lore), ate alleged to be eager for the change. Awarding to tee prog-'amme, Don Carlos, so than as things ate running smoothly, will abdi- cate In favor of be son, Don J•Imo. WORRINOMRN'• COMPENSATION. Mr. Chaaib.rlaln•. New Art Stud. the Appeal Court Tut. London. Nov. 91. -The Court of Ap- enl on Saturday decided the fleet import- ant nue under Mr. Chamberlain'. new Workmen's Compensation Aet. It related to the explosion on the Manitoba at Albert Docks In this clay on Met July 0. The owner appealed seater the judg- ment of the County Court giving to the widows of two uoloed•re 1300 each, and to each of the five injured men it • week for life. Counsel for the ocnipeny argued that a Mop unlr,ading In dost wan not "a factory" within the meaning of the Act, but the contention was re - sed. A FRIGHTFUL, RUMOR. T. the Rffeet That a Garman Stmeilmr Is 1.0.) With .tea on Hoard. London, Nov. 21.-A report entirely aneanlremed was In druj.I.S yesterday that thea ete.rnehlp Ville de Cobin. (the Cohlenz 1 of the North German Lloyd Line, ham fnundnrel at ..a with all on board. Lloyd • &genie have received no ISw• on the iublert and Ire owners of the steamer believe her safe. C.IleOlnn .f Cigar Feed.. Berlin, Nov. 21. -The "Union of Col- lentnrs of Cigar Enda" hes join feared its annual appeal to amok.re to send In the cigar cuttings aneumulated during the year. The appeal - 51,0. ■ list of the eta - nn h tl . where the offerings will be re,etved. Than err chiefly Doi residential of women In the hest of anelety. 'I he union In now 1n ate thirtieth year. With the premeds of Ite annual affliction of cigar ends a Christian entertainment 1e item to 1,901) paupers. Jahn Marts lase 18.tlr.. Loudon, Nen. 21. -John Marley has written hes Montan. Burgh oonstltnente that In hla opinion he ems render the Liberal party no hotter arteries Wm In writing his life of Gladstone. Ile helots that. If It honoree neeeesary M will retire Yum Parliamentary life in ol.;er to sou, rata the work. Mr. Morley 1r now 00 pan old. BADEN-POWELL DEAD. tel of a DI.ingwl.k.d fa M.t ),else SI - 1.1.t of His 1•e ,tieal lid Literary Aeht•••t..nI.. London, Noy. 1M. -Sir (.mgs Smyth Roden IbwnOI, the ennfnent pw111ttnfen, deonntnisl and authority on colonial S entra, who Lau represented the Klrkdal. levialem 01 LIesrpool la Parliament 1n the ('ansrvatly. Intertselatnes 1081, died en -day 1n 81. Kiat yoae. air (emerge, who was beta Outs d se per 94, Mr. waa 1 M .8 I li Ilse, Rehr fossil, Profen.,): of Geometry 'a Ib. Uairerdty of OslonL whose Megaton Orme waa wr4lru to demonstrate 18.1 treat* air reverter are to harmuar tether tbaa autalretds5.. air Qeurge's vut''ter wee • daughter of &. dlatingslabed Odtl.h Adwlrwl 104th. Ile was prepared talc Oxford at Maribor - Milk mad graduals), trop the Unlveeel'y w188 1oso". In 1$1 ,tifuuing the Chaerel- (at's prise fur the 50J11 b essay. 1n the Interlude belweeu leavlug Marlborough and teklem up hes U•lverelty rddence, be tra- veled fa Iod1a and Au.tr&fa, and vim:ed the primeval Euruaean cities, en well as the Ossee. The art year of 111 University career Mw published 81. "Mew Homes for the Ofd Couutry." This Imports.' book was pro- nounced by The Leaden Times • "erelong work," The Loodo. Athenaeum drdrrlag It to he "au enc eiopedla of memorialise kneel. edge." This volume was followed by two Is political economy, "Protection and Bal Times," and "State Aid and &ate Inter. Terence," la 5,MO be went to the Weit ladles to Iaveetlgate the effect of the eager bounty tyetem on Wert lode sugar plant, and two leers later Mr. Gladstone appoiuted him s sp...AI commissioner 'u report upon the sdudnbtr.tfon, revenues aad expenditures • t Great Brltalo's colon:.. 1n the West Indies. Iib report, rontared In the books, was regarded, when It was published In POO, as • complete summary of West In- dian Affairs. Iu 18)16 be went to 'Wfinelf Africa aad joined Mr Cherie' Warren to Be.•huinolo0d, t.alstlug bum I. dlplomutle negotiations with the native chief.. At all* fluke be mode r tour Of lar.v'tlgetlou in Basuto- land. Lululand and other places la that pen of Africa. In the winter of laite87 he was le Cu- rds mad -tae limited 'Stites deaL wg yp • etntement pt details 1u the aabery dispel of whir Mr. Joie ph l'heuibrrlaln was ear avt.ently rommIMlooed.10 negotiate a Anal lrramgeme11t. - In the autumn of 1887 the British Gor- ernment. sent him to Malta as the col- league of elr George Bowra. who arranged the drtalls of the new Melte coneltutlon. (t was at tills time that he received the honor of knighthood. In DWI he w.s appointed joint commle- alufler en the condition of seal bite is 140 444 DCA.. tad 10 18.. 1QUuw1Img 15X Pat-. ti.•ipatwt to tbe detlterettons of the joint ronitnimlou ■t Wshlua•ton. He was • moat luduatrioas and prolleq writer. a been sportsman, and, socially, • treat favorite 1. the House of Commove THE POPE'S SUCCESSOR. Camillus' Gibbon. of Haltlmorewlll MP Caadldata. Hat PaMlast- 1. Now the Favorite, Rome, Nov. 21. -The rapidly waning health of His Hulloes+ Pope Leo XiII. brlugs the time for the selection of an occupant for the chair of St. Peter near. !t 1s a role that the election of the new Pontiff shalt not take place until the Cardinals throughout the world shall have time to repair to Home This 'rag not observed at the last election, owing to the precarious condition In which the papacy then found Itself In the presence of the Italian Government The election of the successor of Pols IX. was hurried through before Most of the European Cardinals had time even to set out, but Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Bald• more, has interposed a formal objection to the hurried gathering of Die coming conclave. if alive, he desires to have an opportunity of being preeant. 1'611, too, le the formal desire of Cardinal Moran, Archbishop of Sydney. although In his ow It 1. probable that the request will n ot be granted. Unquestlouably. Cardinal Gibbons will be a eandldate, altb.agh 1t is thought that he has no chance of elec- tion. Of tbe other men who are promin- ently named -one of wborn Is almost tertian to be Pope -these are Cardinal Parotids', Cardinal Vannutelll sod Card- inal (16tt1, all men of fame In the Cburoh of Home. leo XIII. blmmlf has more than onoe of late expressed a judgment that his moat fitting s000eror 1s Cardinal Glrolamo Marla Ciotti. TROUBLE POI' UNCLE SAM. 'Apteaido Domande Ab..leet. (slop... d.so., or Fight to e\. Death. London, Nov. 91. -There 1s much a51 - Melon among the Filipino reprwnta. twee In Europe over the Philippine dna• .t1o.. Agonolllo, the representative el Agubnaldo, called a meeting of all the Filipinos In Paris and London to mesa him In Paris, when a oommlttse was formed with the objsot of doing every- thing possible So induce Frame 8. recognise the mo -called Filipino republic'. A telegram was sent to AguIualdo. ask- ing for fnatroetlon., and the followl.g reply 1. said to have been received: "Insist upon .boohoo independen.sr otherwise fight to the death. We are tW united and the Government 1. promote. Ing smoothly. A11 the Independent tribes of the mountains are submitting le Agulnaldo, and the chief. are bringing 1n presents of gold." A F h Spy 1owteued. Berlin, Nov. 91. -The trial of a Fremeb spy, leader Damn, for betraying import- ant military secrete to Frame, was opened before the Iaperte' Court at L 1p.lg on Iattirday. Dsoou'.a000mplism have not been traced, but the evidence Doter to German wintery men being Inculpated. The spy was eventually, as - Maned to sit years' Imprisonment, to 10 years' loss of oivil right@ and A pollee supervision. The public' prosecutor said Death was an agent of aha French Intel- Ilgeno (apartment. Hlgh.r Tar on Aa.rlean Horns. Bremen, Nov. 21. -TM agricultural societies of the Duchy of Brunswick have begun an agitation In favor of higher duties on American horses and of a pro - Teton for three months' quarantine on all suer as shall be Imported. The agita- tion has already been oarrfed to the length of petitioning She Imperial Bon- d earatb, or Federal Connell, b Mite action on the ruattr. Under th. Pref 1.11 Tarlf, London, Nov. 21, -The trade and navigation return of the United Kingdom for the month of October, just lathed by the Board of Trade. anon. • notable in- crease to !Deports from Canada. Th. Pett.. T,1.l en Monday, Belleville, Nov. 10. -Mr, E. Guns Pon ter and Col. W. N Ponta°, counsel for W. H Porton, are finally engaged In preparing for the trial, whloh op.n8 Monday. Porton hfineelf hes gone ear \npenee, and will prs3oally serve a number of subpoena. In the Tielelay Of that town. That ledla.'. Death. Wlarton, Nov. 19. -The jury empan- elted to Infinite Into His death of the Indian Chariest Jadjlwan, who fell from the balcony of the Queen'' Hotel hen, find that It la impossible M say whether bla death woe accidental or otherwise, though there Is room for suspfnion of foul play. ('ase for 510.000 .t It,.rrl.. TnrOntn, Nov. 19. -it was refiled at tegoode 11Nf1 nn Friday morning that Mrs. Franklin Welke, whose husband a flrama.t, wag 8111ed In a railway aril dent last April. *hall brim on her action for gin MI0 damage* at Raeder Chlet Jerk's" Meredith gave her the option of Barrie and Parry Soul. The Mangoes. Moen 5,4o1. Nltpnnet.. Nov. -f1 ... !be Antnntn he Arras open n b4 before Mr Justine Fratteo.r The while Intermit e.nh.e en the beak robbery Diets of William Pnntnn, Mete of Bell.vUle, Pare and Holden, ONTARIO'S NEW MIM1STER. Mr. J. T. Garrow, Q.C., Celled to the Provincial Cabinet. A FRONT RANK BARRISTER, A Mae of Great Natural Gifts, tied of Sound J.dgwoat aad of Wil. mud Aeeurata R.adleg-Plot a Flam- bouyaat Orator, Mat . Ironer fel lid Loges Publl. speaker, Toronto, Nov. 91 -His Honor the Lietubnaot-Uovernor, Sir Oliver Mows%, has, npon the recommendation of Pre- mier Hardy and his colleagues, wiled as a member of the Provincial Administra- tion without portfolio Mr. J. '1'. Darrow, Q.C., of Uoderlub, since I8O0 - until within • few days past -member of the Provbootal Legislature for West Huron. '1be position 1s sinner to that held by Hon. K. H. Bronson of Ottawa prior to the last election and before hie with- drawal trona the Uovercineut, when It became evident to hila that his Lealtb .Mehl& .8o&eermlk eLlskitzlormar onhena-- aaoe 1A omelet .:.Lte-me=.s-Jowbee -of the Government. • A. A►1. Lawv.r. Mr. Darrow Is a banister in the front ranks of the profession. with a large and lucrative practice In the County of Huron and Imrounding cuuutlea. He is squally able whether In the capacity of an awn• mete at n1.1 prlus or In arguing strictly legal questions before the full court at Usgoode Hall There are few men at the bar in Ontario today Who are Mr. air= row's equal when acting In either of the above committing and fewer .1111 who are his superiors. He Is ■ man of great' natural elite developed by an extensive Legal practice, of the aoundest judgment, of wide and socureb reading, and tf party men have looked upon him as posseeing one faultlsl • politics' charm - tar It !s that be ooneedee too much to his opponents and deals with Stem. if that is possible, too tenderly. Not a /lamb t Orator. Mr. (narrow 1s not • speaker upon public questions of the flambuoyant kind, but be .peaks with ease and great force, logically and with preelslon. and with that argumentative skill whloh ehareeleriw hem as a ltadtng edema's at the bar. He 1. a man who has always pothered bolo in his private and public life the entire oo.bldenoe or all those who knew him, whether oe boa own or on the oppo.lte side of poltefo.. While there were a number of members of Parlia- ment who might have been called upon, no tester choice oonld have been mads for the position whbob Mr. Garrow Is called upon to fill. Mr. Garrow well not be a salaried member of the Government, and, am has been said, will not bold a portfolio. He would not have been In ■ position lo .crept a portfolio If there had bean one 1b offer, as hos large legal prao atm would preclude his acceptance of a portfolio unloose he were prepared to rake greater pecuniary .escrifioes than he was able or willing to make, MO he will sit In Council, and the Government will have both In Council and In the Legis- lature the advantage of his rips and mature judgment, of bis legal and bumf - nem knowledge and of hie Industrious habit.. He brings unquestioned strength to an already able Administration. Mr. Garrow is of Scottish parentage, was born at Chippewa. Ontario, In 1848, was educated at the Goderfeb H1514 School, was called to the bar 1n 1809 and made • Queen's Counsel In 18)15, He has been Warden of the County of Huron and was alerted b the Legislature of On- tario to 1890, 1894 and 18th. QURTILLY'$ NARROW slicers. A Master Meteor Fall. 1■ Om Freq\ Barque'. Path. Philadelphia, Nov. 91. -Captain Gerbil of tbe Frena barque Qoevflly, wbleb arrived bete yesterday from Bonen, Yvonne, says that on the night of Nov, 15, a huge meteor flashed out of the heavens and fell with a tremendous splash directly In the path of his vessel, throwing water 11815 Mr -the Er and drenching every man who was on the deck of the barque. The entry In the log book .'sates that the flash occurred wben 40 miles ears of Caps Henlopen. TM orew, blinded by the fires white glare, whloh surpassed the sun at noonday, fell fainting with terror to the deck. II was afterwards found that the enormous name of whir -hoe metal had cowed the tem- perature to rise from 54 80 86 degrees by the Fahrenheit thermometer 00 the deck. Incoming skippers say that the QOevllly attracted monh attention In the river with one side blistered at though .he bad been through fire. AN ADDRESS TO LORD MINTO Proofed by the Mayor .d /5erperatle■ of tae City of Ottawa - Ottawa, Nov. 21. -Lord Minto was presented with an address of welcome from the citizens of Ottawa In the City Hall on 8atarday afternoon. Mayor Ding - ham read the address. In 81. reply Lord Mento spots of Ottawa and predicted for It a great future. His N.eeliury'. Stas The appointment of Earl ilInto's 'staff was gazetted Saturday. it Is composed of Major L. 0. Drummond, Soots Guards; Military Secretary and Governor -General's 8eoretety, W. F. Leannes, Saito Guards, and Lieut. J. H. C. Graham, Coldstream Guards, A.D.C.'re to Governor-General, and Arthur Goole, Controller of Hones- 63101. onnskj1d. Rolled ,n Montreal P.11c. Statas5, Montreal, Nov, 21. -Iddon Halton, 15 gears of age, now lies dead In Notre Deme Hospital. He was arrested for be- ing drunk on Saturday. in the same oell were two other men named John McGuire and J. B. Hosteler' Aneording to the letter,4who was examined by Lieut. -Col. Hughes, Superintendent of Pollee, McGuire wee drink and was down On hie knees saying he prayers when Baoon name In and a1 once sharked Mm Mnnelre In .df•defenne mired hem aside. Haeon fell over on his head, fir18. Ing on the end df the rolls and Inflicting • armor wound ?flood flowed freely and the Injured man was taken to Voce Dame Hospital. where he deed soon atter. A w.gae.t t. Queen's. Kingston, Nov. e1. -Queen's llnlvers- Ity Heel hae heen notified that a begaeet ham been made by the I.1. M. C Cameron, Lieut. Governor of the North wept '1errlt.wles, of 81,000 for a (Melte enhnlsnhfp. I realest (trent w111 pnhllsh a hoot, In whleh he will define his attitude on .8. prohibition monition. A •10,04)0 Manic .y (corner 1..e. Winnipeg Nev. 91.--J. R Hiller. rmmm.rnlnl traveler, hoe lest clo.od tee eel. of a ens er int on Halter street. Nei .no. en th.. It.nk of ?)Qtr -d 01 that Or. at, C... !„in.l+••nio fIDore of 510 11 e, casino The sale ewe qu4.ahfough l,y M► 1lss, Pswnrt. her$.t'r, eeemsnep cl Mlnnalnsa. Mr, Meller nenght the lel In 1811 for 52.000. . ANOTHER CONFESSION. Iona. illl.tt add te Nave Allele Ad- rltted the herder .t Old Nr. Murray. Wblsby, Nor. 91. -Edward Elliott, the 16 -year old son of Jcaepb Elliott of Beavreen, was brought W the empty loll bore oa Saturday nlgbl, entre M w111 remain until the Spring Arla/r be stood trial on the °harem of murdering William Murray al Beaverton on the afternoon of Saturday, Nov. 18. 1'b. lad was boron Mailssrate Brum on Satur- day, the eyldenoe upon wblab the oor- oner's jury found • verdlot a1 murder be lug »pealed, the result being that Elliott was formally comml/ted for 1.1.1 Nothing further was elicited at this spurt nave the fact that Elllotl had, In u Interview with his father during the afternoon, and In the pretence of 18. 000- stal•W, reiterated h1s former oonfsaslo., declaring teat he 15.d Download the deed, and o0 one was with him, adding the oonsoling to, l that his unfortunate vietlm "died easy.'' - Telt with Inspector Murray. 'Toronto, Nov. 21. -Inspector Murray returned So 'Toronto on Saturday night. He was a000mpanled by Constable Smith, in oharge of the prisoner Klllottt, W prisoner being ou hes way to Whitby. "What do you tbiuk of the ease?" es was asked. '• Well," said the detective, "tribe 1s • cane somewhat similar to that of the -t lltsan sit eider al -43.11, -stunt.:-Lek* like Allison- Ila hoses, suns rentor pe yes and balm, that same low brow, show - dog • low artier of Intelligence, and he also hips the name skull formation as Allison. "Ills oath against Slllott L strong," continued Mr. Morro". "1 don't Shluk there is any doubt about hie guilt lie has the wont romped of any boy in Canada. And he is like Alison to hie barbarous treatment of dumb anlmale 'Pine boy Elllou win sake a eat and deg out fes eyes and use the yes for ba1t. Then he w111 drown the eat. He has a recon] for shopbreaking and Lroeny, and le now under suspended 4e0tence for horse stealing. All this charged to. boy not yet 18 year of age, and he's small for bis age at that" IDENTITY OF THE UNKNOWN. T. Meivoy, • Montreal Tailor, May Haws B... a Murray M111 Victlm- 'RI.red Doing WWI. Montreal, Nov. 91.--eTbe uokDown man killed In the Trenton accident is thought to have lex a T. McEvoy, • Montreal Mllor, who had been two weeks tbe .aesr letP'- 4- <)•.'01- 1b9113evllle. n O vy is suDpoed b have a tamely In Montreal . Mr. Broderick paid hem off on Saturday night last, and It is though) that he was on the 111 fated tram on his way to Toronto. Th. IRewr.d .t B.Ibvlllw Belleville, Nov. 21. -The Injured in the ho.pltal are all doing well. MoNamr are'. oondldoe Is more hopeful. Arady Always a Sober Ma.. Peterboro, Nev. 21. -Mr. B. J. Brady of Asbburnb•m, a brother of Engineer Brady, killed In the Murray Hill d1e•r ter, bas published a letter denying the • allegation that his brother was Intosf- aNed en the morning of the collision. He kas always a sober mas,, bis brother lays. Mr. Brady also adds: ''Hl" regular trip was from Belleville to Brockville and thorn, and w ben called on Tuesday morning to tate the westbound express be said to his wife .bat he bated that western Mp, as be was Dot used .o the road, bet be supposed be would have b take 1t as then were several of the t - eaters off.' 51 Mlrlsg. Tero.to, Nov. 91. -Mee 'a. C. W. hood and Arthur Ooodoblld, son -f0 •law and son respectively of the labs Charles Good- ohUd, went to Belleville on iiat0rday to resevsrlh. - valise and purse of the de seared victim. They got no trace of the valise, and teoovered but trio( the money the deceased had. Two pounds are mine Mc, while any Canadian money be may bays had has bort loet mask M. A Ds.oreato wll.w Drowsed. Dwronto, Nov. 21.-A sad accident •aeurrd hero about 9 o'clock Friday evening. Mn. Brant and Mn. Markle were engaged at leaning the omoee of the Bay of Quints Railway at the Hash - bun Company's wharf. The latter went en empty • pall of water, and not rstur0 • Ing In do) time, a search was at once mads and be tbe aid of pike poles this body of the unfortunate woman was re - severed about 10 p.m. The dee.gg.d wM a widow and leaves flue oblldreq.'v f On Thursday the Infant ebfld of AIM Bowen, Dessronso, fete Into • 11111th td water and was drowned. , .._.. _,. T.5 FaANZ SIGEL - - - Old Time Sobore .r Probably Lose with 1•r Crow of Nim.. 1t. ()stearin'', Nov. 19. -The eehoonr Gen. Fong Sigel Is still mlsetng. She was naught In the great storm on Lb Kris last Tburd.y and was thought to have foundered wits all on board. Ail the other sflips that were out In the lake when tee storm some up Mee been Mari from. Tee Sigel tarried • orew of eight men and • woman gook. The veal was ecmmaoded by Capt. Cook. The Morn was at its height last Tborday, at which time • fisherman of Cedar Point, wham name to Vellgo•8M, said 88.t be was blown down the lake on h1. little oat beat. H. suooseded, however, In making • landing on Green island, where Light - keeper (lbesat reported that he had men a small whoopee napelle In the storm oft the I.laod. Glheant. 1/ Is eald, counted six men and at least o0e womau clinging b the 1.1411 of the ship, but they were afkwards swept sway. The whip that Glbeaot enea Is now thought to be the Sigel, and It 1a the general opinion that she foundered east of Oren Island lull Thursday night with sight seen sad one woman aboard. The ship has had six day In which to report, bot she bag not done •o. That strengthens the belief that • •e he was •f loot. The Sigel was a voles) of 810 net loos, and was about ib years odd Th. R f 051. sena. The dread uncertainties of war have led many volnnsar soldiers to make a oro - ?melon of religion before going to the front. Their new elrnomstan .and proh- able danger* have 'teatime/ them to a acnes of their spiritual noel■. Dentition many mei. will be led to an eternal en - naming tinder the bonne of IM ernes by the late war. God finds Deane • large variety of nlroamstarw,,. In ironer, seedless men to o knowledge of 1811111 teal helple•sner, and sometime. He lets the storm of war Marh them that they have mithe anchor nor harbor. TM stirhnr of bops In the (' trillion '• haven el rest I. what 51111 Mead In this world. Rag Arerloan Prnt.•dw.. W a.Mngbs, 0 C., Nov. 19.- News name to the Navy Department ypbsrd*y from Admiral Dewy. He cabled as fel lows: "Charleston and Cottoned thrived en day from 110110. Cat.mand.s report that the enter* ielnnd of Panay la In pnoeasefo0 of /he Meleager ()tenet llnlln, whir+ ta defended be 8Ml Spanleh trolls A 11 leve4yn ,•arenas.• M.re hag for Amer ten protectlnn 'f he Idand of Negro' h.• declared In.lopntotenee and desires Amer lean protection. IN A THICK FOG - As Overdaa Train linos Dews a tires of 14.vvl.. Nene J.rwy City Tw.ly. Mallreder. Dead. NOV York, NOT. 19. -II is now dein• leggy known /bat Medi* hien were killed and sit Injured by being .trunk by an eastbound Peunsylranne Iteflrued toils at the Ilackeneaok Iron bridge just me- ad. of Jersey yesterday morning. lee men were hit by 18.s train during. thick tog. 1M train wbleh ran down the gang of worknaeo was . local from Milltown M Jersey 0187. It was du. In Jersey City .t 8.90 a.m. Tbe fog delayed the train end Engineer Jobe Van Oalraud was endeav- oring to make up clue. His train waa running .t • bleb ne of speed. H. did not suppose IMI men ware at work In the lug, and thought nothing would 08.1,0ot • quick run 10 Jersey City The tins ne knew that his train had run Into the mon was when the engine jarred. He heard the ohm of the wuundel, and as IMOD Y possible, be brought his train to • mtop. The men pawugers got out and aided the trainmen In • ooching for the bodies of the vloslme. The fog had not lifted and the aytib.S bed to teal then. way. 1 he dead meg all I1v.d In Jersey Clty. Three of the men ktllel were Irish, and Die other vlotlma were either Polos or Itallau.. Dougherty, the man supposed b be on guard to look out for approach• Ing trains, was a oon■hlerabto distance uD 1Jle .3t*ck trula.fha neater Women oink h. evidently -dal amass she trate, ter be g ave no warning. H1■ body waa hurled n inety test through the air, WHAT CAU*ED REM °ISATIS. Dr, Brows mar. die Braises.. H.r Body tt'.re (.need by t'e.leare. Teterboro, Nov. 19.-eAn Inquest to e nquire Into the death of the child, Stella Iunoben, who died holds .lrenlier. oum1tanc'es In Monaghan on the 54th Inst., was held to the- County Council chamber .8 2 o'clock oy Tbureday. '1M case 1s a very p 00111.' one, the testimony going *oxbow that Mn. Facey, who adopted the child, had whipped her on several occasions, and that the little girl bad been seen several times with bad bruises on her bead, face and body. Mn. Faoey stare that the child died from the effect's of falling from a chair. Homs of the neighbors suspected violence, and refused to do aaything uutll tee doctor carne. To one of the wieneeres, Mrs. Facey had stated that she did not want the child, these elm was tired of It, and would part with It any time Dr. Brows, wbo made a oast mortem esteefrnahrw-mer 4e the eeodeet.e that the bruin found on the dead child were mused by •loans 1 b Iaquest waa adjourned un.11 Mon- day ahsr000n. TBE MOH COMMISSION • Joint Coaarleel.e •1 Waehlagtes Neve. to Ceaelado at Cbrbt.ue.. Waahlogton, Nov. 19. -Members of the Anglo American Commte*ton, C.nadtana and Americana, expressed the hope yes- terday that the oowmlseton would oom• pleb SiIlabors beton the Christmas holidays, but they are not yet willing to stab that • treaty will be framed mver- Ing the many subjeota of difference be- tween the United State* and Canada. Ties commission bold Its ..oat salon beginning at I1 o'clock yesterday. The joint session was brief, and the eommleston adjourned until Tuesday ail 1 a.m. The two sides bold siestas* sett - sloes doting tb• afternoon, and moat d the time until Tuesday will be given to separate meetings The sole object eon- ddered yesterday was reelproolty. Is he understood that the Item of live animals is receiving spselal attention. The prospect of an early settlement of the Behring 8e qq eetlon waa Improved by the receipt of word that the two officials who have been making an ap- preleal of the value of the Canadian seal- ing nee had completed their labors aad are now on their way Se Washington. BON. 0. W. ROSS AT C1ATU*M. v1NM Palate and Private se\eete-Pr.. , baiter Fatal Aeeldeet. Chatham. Ont.. Nov. 19. -Hoo. George W. Rams, Minister of ideation, arrived Ire yesterday and paid a visit to the Collegiate Institute. He highly esmpll- mented the H1gb School Beard on bay- ing moth a fine school and very plummet surrounding& In tlate afternoon tbe Min- ister visited the McKsough, Central and Model Saloon' and Ureullne Academy (convent), and was warmly esteemed, t -As each lnetituticn the Mlnbtr made d appropriate address. While engaged at work on the scaffold- ing of the oil well" of the Fatrb.nk Co., Bothwell, Archie McCall fell. striking tee ground with snob form as to fracture hie skull and be now lies In a preearlotis *audition, bnt alight hopes beIeg en- Wltalned for hie recovery. His wife has been summoned from Petrol.. Healey. the M.tee Ma., Dead. Pbfladelpbla, Nov. 19. -John W. Keel- y, the Inventor of the Keeley motor, died yesterday at his \ere la this oily from pneumonia. He was eaten 111 on Satur- day Inst end matlnued to 570w .te.4117 worse until bis death. Mr. Keeley was el rears old and tears, a widow. BURNED TBR OMANOR 1,0005D, Archibald Foster of Artatme l& ftell.vod to B. 051. Man. Owen Sound, Nov. 19. -High Con- stable Noble of Markdale, has leooa n; to jail Arebllald Foster of Artemena, who was eommlttd by Justices of the Team Roe, Pickett and Struthers, on a charge of hie being dangeronaly Inane and of threatening to •hnot. When ennead Mon- day Ilam be was carrying a Icedec revol- ver, and was about goitre to Mr. iMoan' onion, evidently for the enemies of shoot- ing hint He had threatened Mr. Marsh, Mr. Sproule and otherm shout the village. 7 he evIJ.noe Mateo before the maglr trnten *bowed that one of his IIIno ons w*. that several et'a propel" In Markdats were rnhtdng him. ()wine M his belief thee h. Orangemen were against him to tome way, It is theat a by 00•1141 Leet h. find '4. ()ranee lodges recently burned; also ✓ Sproole's buildings. He has bean nearly weak as dense for about flee etre. 1 he anal interment of the LM P,Mnoe N meat r k w►11 tette Dines on Sunday next Hew Ideal Mn. Frnpley-Is 1t true that ynat denghter Ne11ie is engaged to Clemens (:I Ippereont Mn. Himmel -Yea, they are to he mar. sled along shout the holidays. Mn. Frlpley-Oh, 1'n1 au glad/ He has been after n y W'tnnle off and on for y.ara, and I've bre•n o., afraid he'd gat in- to the family. Ah, here's Nellie. (51...w het.) You dear thing, I must eongratty- late you I-Clevdamt feeder. genelele R • "$tete, Ard tip," sa14 his Wend.: Meet - Mg him on the revel the Ater mild morn. Inc. "How numb .lo ono Trod re art. It 0111'Two drillers and • half," retitled Aril Op. shivering 'fir, money wee) mloI neer, and thr nisei moturt,t 8.ore , i, hie way to bra un ale's.--('hlrmgn Tri hone. CHICAGO EASY AND FIRM, The Wilmot Markets os satardgy-The Loral Urals and Prods*. Sian • bete- Lel.at Qs Sienese. Mlaeder Iheideg, Nov, 111, Live w taturee we0s steady dday, clothes i:1 per metal b to - below ireiervlay's earl char:+.. Parte wheat de caned 10 to 13 croJmw, sed dour 6 to A6 centime.. lower for the du '1 u'• ehicago wheat 111. net ..p.'ts'd easy, nut neon up Late eb1 reported export bu - leg, ciente( lfle to 14. above ye.telday's close, needles Wheat 1Rarketta. Following are the elation pre,-oa today at Ialpon.al contras: Cask. Nor. Der. May. <tl ago ,.,5..,, p 01 4110 ag14Mt 114114 New York .. arra 0 731 0 71 M:Iweukee .., 0 at11, 0 HIL St. Lona .. , , arra 0 78(4 a 7014 0 IIY Toledo .. ... ..,. 0 72 0 7 Detroit 4 7014 .,.. Y 7074 0 70 uLlotb. Nu. 1 Northers 0 57 .... 0 este 0 6314 D'-. no. I hard...., ,. 0 nen .. ,... Mimeettpole „ a r r a 0 6814 0 es% 0 elifl f• runt,,, Nu. 1 • lard Mewl ..089 arra Toronto, red .. 0/to arra arra arra Terr.at. et. Lawrsaa Market. Heeeiple of grain were light -1450 bashela --:k) loads or Lay and H )4 strew. u•Itb • large supply of puullry, butter aid vete t. beet. Wheat ---Red and white sto6y, with seas• smiler, OUP bushel* selling as fallow.: White TM• to 73.•, red 73tvc to 74e, goose i ! iota BarieY steady: 400 Dwae1. sold et 30o to 611yc Cats steady; 6110 Morris *old at tieyc. ..--Waramoritabrates aped atm tu.19310. ..Juga. ata 'thy. aad nb,6a to 43.8u tar clover. Straw Mead). ...ern 1'alds selling nt 17.50 k .els.-I t[syrae•d hog. wen, water at 55.23 to 1.7,60. 1'w e4,rw acrid III 80r to 110.• per bag. Mutter plentiful elt ler to 210• for 1 Ib( Rdb, tbe latter prier being mild for No, choler dairy to apn'bJ customers. Itgg.-Choler, new laid, ..ahem, el 254 to :aa• _per doe.. while rotor that have l,.n'n interred for three to four weeks were wortle ■ (.allot 1A• to 2i.•. 8.50 super -AU kinds sit pu.duy were pleatf• cul, hh prices easier. Cho -tens .sed all the wee from 2'.. to TSc per ps1r. aped gen- eral rue was •tabout l3ct o 3h...turke 7.' to 1,A• pre Ib. yea least Buffalo Cattle Market. Kest Buffalo, Nov. 15.- 4'attle-7h»ry were 13 toads of ear rattle, a0 lanadla.s, whe.•b wee. held for Monday'■ market. Market weedy. l5alres In moderate de- noted and feeler. A fire saes of extra calves were made at 51.20, bel the basis for pretty good oast was O. Sheep and Lambe -Werke( 'bowed so Im- proyemeut over put few day. Total eller tags were 3s lords, 11 load' len over art T paid. d tee.' (Lrlada Iambs. Markle weak and -very Irregular ea' 401rlalald OF enmdeslon. Iamb.. timbre to extra, *Lop 4.110.2[1: good to .hallos. 56 to $3.14: eons moo to falr, 54.76 to 56. MDeey, ch.dee to earn, 54 1.114,28: 511c.d to eerie, 55.73 to ea; e.minea to fair, 33 to FOTO. [.aeon Oat.. Nov. 19. - anpty ore fan teet a egret T red 5710 October; sales. 126 at 8kkc, 411 a1 Ifs,.-, 840 et 8 15-16r. 490 as 8r. &.n a1 Wtie. Market more adore then last week Watertown, fI Y., Nov. 19.-Jisles ea board of Trade to -day. MO bu.xs lame a; De to 111.e, botk ss 914x, teptrmtrr and October make. All taught for home trade. Wettish Markets. Liverpool, Nov, k.'1. -1128),) -Ne. 1 North.. spring. 0a 115.1 to Ile 1m -d: red *Inter. .:. Id : No. 1 Cal., b ailed: corn Is 1014d: pias, ba lad: pork. Sly; lard. Yrs; terra, 19. 0d: mem. heavy. 1.... Ts: IIgM. 27..; ' Mort eat, M. 6d; flare,, white. Oa. es; colored, 44. IAverpowt-4*ase•-*pea wheat steady at a 10d for No. 3 Cal.. M Id fur red winter awl en Aid for o. 1 Northern: led *Inter fa Does galet at M 14 for Ike. std le 5544 for Marv -h Maine. :In 11114 • - snot: fit - terve, 1a Inlet for Noe., 3. 8rb4 for Ds,. ■ nd 5s 0114 for Maroc. Finer, 19e 6d. T■et SWCIP*OCTTT tstriarrtOn. T\. Qu.etleo •1111 /1M.r C..eld.eas/a. e1 Was►I.gt.a. Washington, Nov. 11. -Tee Anglo- ♦mertesn Commission held no wenio4 oa eatnrday, but the two sides help mowers mnfenoote for tha purple of arranging their date for the next joint .e..Ion on Tuesday. Reefprocfty oontlnued to be the main subject of discussion, and It was u nderstood that the lumber hem was r o.Iving eo.idderabl" attention. It 1s probable that the fres llste In the Tariff A.I. of Canada and the Hotbed Sere will be Incorporated to any eeolproelsy agresme8 wblch may be resew, and 1t Is pointed oat by members of the I0 - misatoa that abts w111 be imperious In g iving lbw fres limes • permanent form as parts of . treaty, rather than In changeable form as part of the general .tatare. ItesM. the articles on the pres- ent free 11x8., efforte are Ming made to extend thee* lista as tar as porlbbs e0 products In whloh the countries do tree "ems Into competition. 05151T50 43 TZARS *00. C1.1es. w&wt.waw.. From the Mas 1451. Left Her lewd 11.r nab.. Detroit, Mleh., Nov. 91. - Hata Uri(Un Jobeaon of Simone. Ont, has filed • bill In the Wayne Circuit Cour! against David H. John.on, her husband, for a separate n alntenanoe. 88. avers that he deserted her more than 11 year ago, came to this city sol as a wagon maker acquired a forting of 928,000 r upwards. She mays they were mauled in Wingham, Ont., October, 1864. and lived so.ether In Stmooe until the following June, when he left br, that soon after- wards • ehilo was born to her, that for rears she was obliged to work at any old kind of drudgery b toppers herself and red.', that In September lath des learned that the bridegroom of 44 years ago was 111 this city, that the name here and found him and that he refused to have anything to do with her. She asks the emirs to decree that he Mall pay •11 the cora of her sole and girt her a tarn quarterly, safflrten% for hr malntemsnoe ONE BILLED. ONR MAT Dolt. Crushed by a Derrlet Ru Over by • Tr.'., Montreal, Nov. 91. -Two .0.14enta took plate here Satorlay, one fatal and Ha other of • very grave nature. Wllh.m MaLede, an English sailor on the look- out for ■ .hlp, was where along the fanny*, and a derrick fell over and crush- ed the poet fellow to death. The other oast wan that of Ferdinand Parads. 49 years of age, ,who wall run over by a C.P. H. Main at the Hoehelaga Stook Yards about 8.40. Both of hie lege were terribly crushed just below/ the knee and ht .111 probably die. A H,.wlltnn Wonsan Fund Dead. Hamilton, Nov. 21. - Mn, Isabella Hervey of 179 Cathartee street north, Hamilton, whose only pet wee a (unary, and neer had callera was found IoM In her bed Friday mornlbg. Tee body was badly dbacolor.d, she n,us/ have diel a week ago the feathered rmgstr 1.7 etnrved to death as the bottom of the sage An Inquest w111 be bold. 18.lars .f lira. 0.11f.rd. Rridgepnet, Crane ., Nov. 11t. -Interest In the Yellow M111 Pend wngely has Men revived with the resnrn of i)r. Name 41n11/ord M this city oa Saturday evening In amegatly of offbeat The noted midwife .noel 1. New York 1n the morning MI reed W steamer I.neanla from Q15.51gwie Mot Liverpool. Pester ?Mee e t 00. Toronto, Nes, II.'a.William Poorer, the Inen arrested at BWlend landing N Feldey ley Rewash. niter Finsen, She hrnngM'1witm• Msegl.W.ss 55111. on Age. nrday, and fined hog and enea and /lee month In jell, wig! tbe alter -nettle of lit month. addldoa0l Make One is stib* W, \fim • tgor ff1it Vitt -to work and to win -to keep ncum maul w a soured body- to laugh at worry, VIWya -to ward off diseaoe to comm. quer obstacle -to transmit health and strength to your posterity, VITALITY -t0 %resist the fearful "train aid tension of modern life to m:eke up for the constant drains of overwork. Dr. Ward's Blood and Nenrpills reefer ell three essential qualilieS on lite u. -r. THIS EVIDENCE IS AMPLE PROOF. Bebore using tSr. Ward's B100(1 :u,d Nerve Pills I felt weak, nervous and n,n down. I had loot weight atrndi;y f,,, some timet my circulation was pun, hands, feet and limbs were cold, I .har felt weak and my muadaa trembled. after the use of one box of Dr. Ward. Vida, 1 feel Wm try old se1L l ivers>tiisad Ave pounds in weight -and lee pester, in cheerfulness- 1 now walk firmly, my muscular system is strong and me "blood rrculateavigorously. 1 have morecumlo,, than l have experienced in years, 8, Wand's Pills have done more for me than any medicine 1 ever took. PETER CAsimcHAal., 13 Bright SL, Toronlq, Oast All good druggists can supply you. 1f they won't, we will by mail. Pnce Sac. per boa, or oboes, for ii.eo. Tela DOCTOR WARD CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont. FOR WEAK( GIRLS AND BOYS Dr. Ward's blood and Nene P1t1., PUT YOUR FINGER -- ON YOUR PULSE. if It Is Weak sr irregular deal Nese. dq te Start *be as* o1 51111.,.'. Heart a•1 Nerve Pills at enea. With a 111005, steady, regular pulse w may .zp.et vlg°rou. baaltlt. WM a weak, irregular, intermitl"f Cr -we w ten at once the vitality V that i izsyand Faint Spells. Smot►• ming and Sinking Sensations and anther i er tions ars bound to ensue. By their action in atrwngthening lbs heart, toning the nerves and eel -whew the blood, Milburn's Heart and Nene Pills relieve and cure all diose distremisg conditions just enumerated. Mrs. B. Croft, residing on Waterloo Street, St. John, N. B., ears: " For some time past I have suffered from pallor, weakness and nervous per testier, 1 had palpitation and irregstar Mating of the heart so severe as bs eause me great alarm. i was treated y� relief. ysicians, but got no permanent "I am glad to say that from Minters's Heart and Nerve P41s 1 derived the Ont real benefit that i ever got hos any medicine. My appetite is improve/. ivy entire system toned sp, and jcaade ao less than cheerfully recommend ther pills to all requiring a reliable heart .al nerve tonic-'• Nese Mary 8. Hack., Sett Bey, Oaf . ssya laza-Lithe Pills erred beret eke Reeadla, Iran wh41 the W tattered ler • year. 1==.i ladles Parte as a\..Ilfter. A Navajo Indian ora hide mon talk within tbe folds of 81s blanket than. two -busiest basket could bold, and am w eaassfolly bide many stolen snicks blame our yes. T8. settlers eking N• Sa* Juan and Aalmas Hever., daring Wer early days had to pet all tbetr weal - able posl.teeions into one earner of Uwe places of abode and and guard whoa the Navajos, were visitors, which was Soo tregteel ooeurrenee. "Cblenyab• gel"-mea■lag something to ea► -was the first intimation gearally time r Isdlae was near -wham • ball doaea. They rarely .waled half • don b n umber, as obey, Ilk. 184 ♦merle.. bots, 8.1 learn./ thee the malls .un8 stood • bettor grew a getting 11s1W56 M eat. OM day 18 - s sable, M W south bent lbs Mae Joao ROW three bachelors were partaking of /t* eves105 meal what a Navajo with a OM ye walked in. An treed to winch IM Indian's movement, but he bad 1851- • 80 get aev.ral articles Glider W blanket and would Dot have been dee* .d band not an ancithnl befallen kilts. A batehee which dipped from one of H. fold. In bb blanket fell, the .harp Mads oat a lone g.eb In the oalf of the leg Tee Indian looked to tbe root of tn. cabin as If wondering wheys the 8.5e40 bad fallen from, but the blood "Turtles from the °pith gash b.trated him. BM blanket was shaken, and a butcher knits. miner's ondleatlek, several oat theism' • package of tob.reo, all b.lwl)dM1 N W sable, MI se the earthy NW HERRTBURN "In the Spring of 'Sin, i was attacked with Dyspepsia and Heartburn. So sever. was the pain that i could not sleep or sit, and i was troubled with headache most all the lime. 1 remained In that state for three months, and tried everything i could think of. At last (iso day i read in the paper ab(wt Burdock Blond Kitten, and thought 1 would try it. Great was my surprise on Altering the Ar.t bottle to And I could eat better, the headache ISA me, and before I had seed the eeeond bottle, i was complete!? eared i cannot advise too strangle 19 sufferers from stomach trnubfea to M R R.B." MRS. WM. GRATTAN, fa' diantown, N.B. The universal testimony from ell parts of Caned* gives the palm of victory over .II diseases 01 the atSIosac8, Liver, Bowels and Blood ..eta - .etre -• IQROOfiKi tl 11 Ju ul vat tl Vw peso ear! g rs ace bel hug, • 1' Sad pt pt. . lb IM e fie 4 lb Iu.c Owl til ate g Ps tine Pre void gr. snob Into f t1 IWO lf141 lett b exx He 14.4 ID IT hods d tb Iwo As eh elide d18 mu] SINel is I it' eat bs n there 8Md* Gotta' my. A at al Tb 1M I by 11 Pow and and I asp la sit 171 the 1 head kwon Ing 1 it At spirt et lb lar.. pad., tang; mon Sete M c pion) anal ha cm alert who As tins to. Bo He and, wood ed til lifted 1'b too Id tato Is ea kr tl Be shod( Men hie Pr enol • t, •