HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-24, Page 4( ti Etk6,SIiia: a': +I:ca:.a ,.r. 4 T vispiy, Nig[y,.44, 18$8. w a THE t SIGNAr: GODERICH ONTARIO.__ PIANOS - AT L.E88 THAN HALF PRICE. The Greatest Cash or Installment Piano Bargains Ever Offered in Canada. Splendid Square Hams : - A fele N.e York piaou, 4 ar:tevea, r.w.wl ta.e, nays. 1.fft, Lift toga., 7 or! •• •• brilk.e,t one Boardman a (;ny " " 7 •' iron frame " " _ " swrt tone �'w Be tot 7 " ruee.o%od .1- good tone Toronto " 7 " a fall vase Buffalo " 7 '• " " " irutiful torte New York " 7 " " w-. " full mellow tuneMathuJwt New 11..w1 " 7 " ershe.trd tone 7o Chsokering 14rron ytanu� tars, fancy ro.ewusel tam...rred keg., ..ft clew tone Steinway i se ork patio, 7 atafa, n.ewuud tax, tarred kg., St.i,..y tone Hesor n u. Hasten 50 Dunham lot 0 IS 7a s* •• ala '• lee " lea " 145 " Inti na The above-tneoGunwl platus are in *Lund playing ttwslitioil and in perfect order. Every instrument Filly fiurasteet Isn't hiss This Opportunity. Writ* or telegraph your on.ler at •u.r 1•, , , EMERSON'S B/CVCLE AND MUSIC HOUSE WEST -19T.. GODERIOH. _ iepreseati g the Nerdbeiaer Piano aid Mimic Compal, et Telrssts ghee „Wiring, IS rustisasx. EVERY THURSDAY M'HNING ST D. alsaetWoiNT SODaiaO1.1H111a1AT. BOY. Ills 1m. RANK TORY TACTICS. THE esteemed Star, of this ttiwn,and The Mail and Empire, of Toronto,carp at ROMIIET HOLDEN the Liberal can- didate in West Huron for the Com - moos, because at ere time his father was assistant librarian at the Ontario -Legislature, and became his brother is la aloe Dominion public service. .--� Vonteinporaries must be h firmed for something to say agai Mr. Houma when such objections to his candidacy are put forward. There is nothing in the statute book that renders a man ineligible for a parlia- mentary nomination if his father or brother has oocnpied a position in the service of the country. If that were so, we should have had no young Tur- rlta in Parliament, no titian JOHN MACDONALD, and many of our b lest representatives would have been excluded. We don't expect much political wis- dom from our local contemporary, and we do not believe the faintedsem blame of fair play will be extended to bbe liberal candidate by that sheet. bat why The Mail should mho The Star's puerile plea is something we don't understand. Mr. Holmes' father is not in the pubhc service. We regret that he is not in • good position, for his journal- istic services entitle him to recognition at the hands of the powers that be. If he were in the public service it should be no detriment to his son's candid- acy. Mr. ED. Houses, jr, occupies a position in the immigration department of Canada, and earns every dollar of his salary. BORSHT HOLMES has no right, title or interest in the appoint went, and why the matter is lugged into the campaign is something that no reasonable person can understand. Let The Star and The Mail leave the brothers of the candidate' alone, and deal with the candidates and their political abilities. If the family tree of both candidates is looked at very critically there may be trouble in store ter Mr. Rousse' opponent. We have no desire to open the discussion ; but we are prepared to discuss, 11 ne- cessary, and the result will by no wane be unfavorable to Mr. Houma ROBERT Hot.Mea' father and brother are all right., sad so is the candidacy - of RoBEET HOLMES. If there is any legitimate attack that can be made upon the public conduct of Mr HOLMES we are perfectly willing that folie, . T. (;arrow, Q.U..of God.nob, lace uet 1990—il within et few days pact • amen Provincial of the Provinul Legislature for West on Hera The pan tion u similar to that bold by Hoa. K H. Bronson, of Ottawa, prior to sus lam elation and before his withdrawal from the Government, whin it became evl+ deet to him that his health would not per- mit of his loner anti to pabho life s as a member of the L.blei urs or w m a mean. her of the Government. Mr. Carrow la a barrister to she frost rook. of the protessioo, with a large and lscratn•o erectus in the aunty of Huron sad snrromdtog oouosi.s. H. u sootily able whether in the capacity of as advocate at 01.4 pride or no argaiog strictly legal gammon before Ib. full court -s at Osgood' Hall. l bore are few meat the bar in Osaario today who aro Mr. Garrow's equal when actin, is •ithrr of the above capacities, and fun. still who aro his w perion. H. ie • Milo of great Datum] e t to de•.loo•d bsay an ostensive legal Dra- ma, of the soundest judgment, of wide d accurate reading, and if parte men have ked ogee him u porbeagles oee fault of arh 1Lteelllticreoter isle tvc be ooboede.' net too moon to his oppoounte sod dale with them, if that u unduly.possible, too unduly. Mr Garton . •rton is not • speaker upoo pub Ito questions of the a.mbuoy.ot makehind, but be oke with ease and great force, logically and with pr.oisia, sad with that argumentative skill which obol. ar.rtres-him as a leading advocate at the bar. He u . mea who has slays pis sassed both in his private and p.blls life the entire 0008deaw of .11 chore who knew him, whether on hu own or on the opposite side of politica. While there wore • gumbo of members of Parli•mest who might awe bees called 8po0, se bees etter ohoieo eoald [gin- hair. bmade far the position whioh Mr. Darrow is called up,o to fill. ' Mr. Garrote will set 1,. a salaried member of the Gee- ersmst, and, u hoe been said, will not hold • portfolio. He would not have bees in a position le aooept • portfolio if there had bees Da to offer, as hie large lead practices would preclude his ao- ospeco• of • portfolio unless he were prepared to Make greater pecuniary earl hoes than be was able or willing to make, bet he will sit in Coosoil, earl the Govern- ment will have both L C tioeil sad la the Legislature the ad ventage of hie ripe sad mature judgment. of his I.ql and busi- sea kaowledee and of hie Industrious habit+ H• being. .ag1ost1n.ed.treuath to an aluady able Admiautr.tioa, and while cosgntuleitiag Mr. Garrote we also anoint - o boe the Government apoe having called to their oous•el. • man of his birth obarsoter sad great ability, Lod roe possessing In so Larne • degree she oonfilenoe of the Leght- later. sad of the satin country. Mr. (Jarrow is ef Scottish peonage, was bora at Chippewa. 0 aerie. in 1543, was educated at the 3odertoh Hire School, was Galled to the bar in 1969. .ad meds • Q.•ea's onuae*, in 1885. H• has beet, warden of the county oI Huron sod eau elecSsd to the Legislature of Ontario la lsso, 1894 and 1898. THE ELECTION IN LENNOX. THE election in Lennox Friday last resulted in favor of the Liberal can- didate, 1i. E AYLEswORTH, by • ma- jority of 109. This is the largest Re- form majority ever secured in that riding, and weds the constituency un- conditionally to Liberalism. This is not the first time the Liber_ elshave carried Lennox, but the majorities in former oontesta were so stroll that the riding was always von - ceded as being practically a Tory pre - Se* vee The election ,gust closed ,justifies us in r.ow placing it solidly in the Reform column. it ie there to stay. Tit l victory is far-reaching in that it was the pivotal fight of the bye - election campaign. Had Dr. MEA- - CRAM been successful Conservative oar Contemporaries should make it, but we protest against skulduggery assaults. However, if they prefer a rough-and-tumble campaign THE &n- eat is prepared to slosh right in end fight to a finish. Just say the word—is it to be CliraTERTIELD Or BILL STENS 1 THE HON. J. T. °ARROW. IT is with pleasure we learn that kr. Gummi has heen chosen a member of the Government of Ontario. We, who know Mr. GAasow .ad the abil- ities whish he undoubtedly possesses, are in a position to congratulate alike the Government which has seen fit to e•ll him and the man who has been called to the Cabinet This is the amend representative from West 41l.ros who has occupied s position in 'the Ontario Government, and in each erne the selection was of benefit to the Province. a credit to the member and •a honor to the eenetitamey. The felkariag well deserved tribute to Mr. 01.110 0e appears in The Globe ile Reser tea 1Jsetemm.t-(ie..rear, tae Oever Memos bas„ epos the ,e. • iteese"ag'Mlea ea Prewar Reed] M ssasngnee, 4.44.4 as • teener I. Pried sal A tweeer aNse *Mae* Met stock would have nip almost to par ; but the election of' Retsswoirre has caused a falling in 'Tory .ecurities, un- til the stock is now comparatively valueless. W.•.t Huron will now be the sae le of active political opera- tion., and the Liberals of the riding should see to it that their candidate receives the strongest backing that he , er got. The eyes of the Province are upon West Heron, and with one of the ablest mea on the floor of Parfia*' merit as a candidate, and with a pal- try that cannot be assailed mimeos- fully, uoeesafully, the party should achieve • triumph at the polls that should put ill f:tctiov. opposition out of the field, forever and forever. -_a BRITISH CAPITAL FOR CANADA. THE London norrespondent of The Mail and Empire says that Canada is on the verge of • boom, and that we may expert soon to sett flowing into this nonntry the stream of British capital which nan no longer And $ profitable outlet in Australia and Routh A.bina. Mr. MUMS, who has lately returned frees the Old ()wintry, it. 1 • partly uoafinns this view. lie spent some unto in Loudon forming valuable o0nuections for (lo plactug of Canal ien tuveotsttenta, and was thus brought into contest with men who are famil- iar with the pulse of the money mar- ket. Mr. Heaton says that it is un- doubtedly true that for various rea- sons the field which Canada offers for the investmeut of apical is now more prominently before the British put lic than it ever was beton. A very large syndicate has been formed in London to make investweats in this country, not only in mines, but i o industrial enterprises, and representatives of this syndicate will shortly be sent out to look through the country and wake • report. But there •re causes which will tend to retard anything like • boom tor some time to come. The British public has been impressed with • pro- found distrust of all promoter. by the disclosures which have been made in the Hoo*SY investigation. Moreover, Canada it gill oaitriskankase part of the country i. ictal ieneeenterisn the success of mother, however dis- tant it may be. Huudreds of thou- sands of pounds have been inverted in British Columbia and in the Yukon gold fields, end, before the: British cap- itaiiet dips further into his pocket to tikbeet in any part of Canada, he wants to see soave returns, or, at any rate, gopd prospects of returns, from the investments which he hat already made in this oountrv. POLITICAL POINTERS. gR The political ladder 11tH many broken rung.. v Clean men make cleats politics, a':d rue rens. die This time West Hurst Liberals will Ise organized. sr't.Aa7ow is usually ,ucoeeeful before the supreme oxaurt. se Now watch the mercury in the Liher- al thermometer rise. K It is mighty easy W toboggan from any political height. sr The practice of politics may he clean, but it hasn't that name. —. Some politicises don't know when they faee'ohot thoit'jn1f, er .1 thoughtless. seuteuoe has often un done ail hour'. able address. Mr Iu politica one travels either in a bad. wagon or in ao ioe-cart. fir Few brilliant talkers see,,georensiul leaders in politics, enema* or art. air Applause is pleasing to the ear, hut it does not always represent votes. • hucoeeeful election speeches aro main- ly so because of what is left unsaid. air There are three dames in politics, the soarer*, the rosters and the snorers. se• }tions people, ars ruk, make every. t hung except politica • matter ief prayer. se After you bate polled your ballot t'ie rnspotisihility rents with your candidate. t! You should always vote for the matt who txomes neat -rot to your political ideal. sg- lime will never make a latter run than he did in the trial hest in March lest. age When Joe* BILL put* his foot down it means that Jops's 6.1. 1. behind the foot. — In polities, • good deal depends npou which end of the telescope you hold to the eye. !t sr The way to straighten up polit- ieal kinks is to put the beat reef in p•r!i•- ntent. sr With proper work Houses can pelt a l*ntury run to his ernlit against Mc- i.aAw. dr I)id you ever notice thµ our aide al- ways Ito the clean men and the straight ways ! V/ A straightforward candidate is more that hall the battle in a political election contest. ar Your candidate may not 1w pure gold, but he 1. euro to have lee. alloy that the other fellow. AD There are two essentials to woos.* in polities : One is a good cause, and another HI a good leader. 5 The tinkling, symbol, the .ounding After coughs tied colds the germs of consumption oft�en gain a foothold. Soots &nn on of Cod- liver Oil. with Hypophos- phites will not cure every case; but, if taken in time, it will ono many. Even when .the disease is farther advanced, some re- markable cures are effected. In the moot advanced stages it prolongs life, and make* 1j the days far more comfort- able. Everyone suffering from .consumption needs this food tonic. Nhna& usauessa —le Mat stag development of Naeal d - tura. Japanese Catarrh Cure gime away past the points when even 'wet -Wags on the dl.eaw have been able to rein*. It's a pea tratlag• Dustbin. beano, sad strr.•sggttbedn5 compound, sllayl.g the Itdammatl•a and beating without leaving the slightest had atter-reeeltw Tae only guaranteed Catarrh ewe. 60e et all drug a 1.19 TOR SALE BY JAM WILSON. Bola Amor. O.dasIsk. HORSE HURTS As an effective healer for sprains, curbs. galls, splints, sore throat, roughs, swelling, sureness or lseawmatloo in horses and cal tie, (Irlfeth's Liniment halo proved a supreme success - as good for the horse as for bis master. P. It. Ritchie * Co, towhees In Van- couver, b.C., any: Wr coma der UrttStb'. Menthol Liniment sneyuatled for bolas. One of ours bad a Md /welling oa the lett leg, which was swollen to an Immense Mae. We applied the liniment and to two days the swelling had len him. We have tried manyIt." but have tound no- thing equal Y0. °°DIAR1O8GODERIC�I BARIIAJNSTEA1x BOILER WORKS, - -CENT RE A. S. CHRYSTAL,, FOR VALUE IN DRY GOODS. 4Moomme0, to Vaasa' ♦ tl105 Wsdaaturer of alt Clads et BOILERS, Rooke Stacks, felt Yaws, Sheet Irvii Works, etc., etc., AN Dealer is - Bailees, Mushinery Casting., do. All slues of hp.. sod lip. 1rt1Llii ., Steam sad Witter G.uros, Globe Valve. Meek vat..., Iaepir•tor,, Rimers sad It. j.ot•re Constantly oo Head at Loom A apeolal iia of steel Water gad H. Troughs for us* .f fanners sad others. Rapids/ promptly atten'.d to A. S. CZ*TBTAL, le►ie. ' P. A. tion 37. Oodertsa. IMCE' —PURE SALT Best Or assAiM,4 miEes rug LIIM AAT Aertim AT ALL ORVQotlST5-.lei QssfTO HELLO ! Ft/ftAL ft SE tiY JAS. WILb0JN. Sole A/.e., Ooderi.I. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Offioe not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mint be left not later than Mon day noon. Caval Advertisements aooepWtl uo to noon Wednesday of each week. brooms anal the nimble dollar bill are all potent political factors. at}E lfv+alr++ as teagesi is kyr iake.,rra k*, p•diticx• It's the had man ill politico who creates all the trouble. 40' The Liberal threnhiing machine is moving from place to place with the cane and greet: of a traction engine. tilt You esti tryst the average politico only until his 11401 begins to swell. After - that, wet an anchor In windward, THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND T.*d BI T Mall sera C IN THE MARKET Alt Coal untried ee the Market Sala wber you sot MY lbs. for • tea. WM. LEE. Orden loft as j,gj at eblePEAiLD'B Store t•eomptly attended to. — Once the party tanner is hatelpd to the etamlanl-treater it is the duty of the loyal party roan ass follow the flag. tor The political modulate who do.sii't need the kind ofioee of a whitewash brush is usually a good man to cotton to. III Will any of our esteemed Tory tom 1rores tell us what either Ba:. or MCLs$rt knows of the political history of Canada he man who mel be would rather be right than. 1a president hod correct morals, but he waau't a practical pubticia , sir Although there were no cat quota. Gots from 1.enoux Luft week the Whiteey- itess are aware that they met with a caters. trrphc. Sr We can understand how candidate Itns. Howie! Gadd have liver) without a brother, bet_Yir father was an ah.olute I1Mr..ity. err A fjetsli,b effort is being male to turn the temperance vote against Premier HARDY an the ground that hie Cabinet is *saw full all the time. K You might u well go hunting fol hear with snip, shot as expect to win an election by splitting a ticket. Stain to gather even time. W At the t;om.ervative ennveutiou at Smith's Hill Friday tat arrangements were made to relegate Roemer M(:Lue and demerit Bn:e to private life for all time. Ii' When first to parliament he went In vain he tried to teach 'em ; His wont, were wry, hie figura. tent-- _ A crooked stick was Mucrur. Aad now 1e'. out of parliament As one whoa glory dieth ; The tablet says he's crooked still ; " Here lh. Mamas" Beth." at The itettforth Kxpnaieor mention, • statement of the Hon. Doom Mluw to the effect that at, the next ee..io n of the I)omin• ion Parliament a bill will he introduced for the redistribution of the a nstitnencies, sad continue. " We hope that in making the redistribution the Government will make a reduction iri the number of onn.tituen• cies, as there is no earthly valid rami why the number of member* .hould not 1w re• dowel by at least ono -third." There i. just thi. 15840(1: The Province of Quebec i. given sixty-five member+ by the R. N. A Act., and the other Provinen, of course, have a representation in proportion to nov- el -111i in. The only thing that can bring about a reduction in the number of trtemhers is Q(telrer'e growing in population more rap- idly than the rest of the Dominion, thus musing a proportionately greater inorn•ae In the unit of representation than the in- rewm.e 3 the pop.kttion of the mtbit y *s a whole. A LESSON FOR WOMEN Mrs. Dowses. of Tsroat., Oared et Female Waksrs by Dedd's Kldsey Pills. Tenets, Nev. 91.-Tas ease of Mrs. Riles Dowses, .f 640 Gerrsedok, Ra•s,wka has bees restored M rfeerees health be D.dd'. Maas; Pil1s, after .ii years Of way tress female weakness esd potpie.NM .( skm kart, is omen/ widespread m.t.eset 1s tks rRst esd. Mts. t9.we.s write that sba sled Web IN-ealttrt kaiser area ad we. Wend if ese .f Tomato's mast premin.rrt p►vtllelale, witless derlvty tile beat h near The eve sox .t Dodd'. Kidney tyle.see t=we tells. ; •leht bease erect Mrs. Demme@ eco garnishee a ilagasa •�es ela'. ` -weatshield learn. DX .ice Wit !10W•.'. best Masa pm. e.a 4, M N d'urisavie •stray eseaen will sea an Task OdNTs �U 'Ane, SH,* eCflTT a ttie►1/i, mine r% Three. Duamiker Mb, Mks Seel madam tseetl rid. laoeaee Everybody is Talking about D. CANTELON'S F LOZTIR. He ,as Ja-�tereceived meter o., Lesd two of the �ew brands of sow ea that the world eau peados*, LAKE OF THE WOODS - AND - OGILV!IIS .� /MSS WUElran faeltae Made from No. 1 Hard Wheat. He oleo 5.444 Ile best beads et Oatarie Meier. t'ospie buying' Floor will 40 well by calling a D. caution. the p•etiosl bear. ad bo will tallea how to blood two- Manitoba and 0.1.14. row morrow se as to have • basad cal ra ily nom at • nameable prie., Orden wilt be promptly •ttead.4 to In PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES Wedding rakes with Alxa.ed Ming • •Prel.11y. D. CANTELO N. We do All Kinds of rloulding and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice, and tor little money. 711 kiln Bicycle Co diamiseei lIents'- Fiiriiisbings. I hsys some nice new goods for Thanksgiving Day. SEE MY LiNIKN OF HATS and CAPS, SUSPENDERS, • TIES, Etc. '`e''.♦!. A. HALPANV, . T Moa...'. w..k. Fall wind. remind in of the need of Underwear. Call and see the 'flue we are giving iu Wool Fleece Lined Shire and Drawers, Cotton Fleoue Lined Shirts soil Drawers, Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers. MEN'S FUR OVERCOATS, In Coon, Wamhat, Walloby and Dog. LADIES' FUR COATS AN n LADIES' FUR CAPES. OLOAYIHG. A large range of Heaver, Mil tons and Curls• TABLE LINEN AND TABLE NAPKINS, CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, in All Sims. LADIES' UNDERWEAR, in Fleece Lined Union and Wool. FDEE INATION MAJTLEB. The largest range of Ladies mod Children's Jaoketa, and the lowest price to pink from. BLANKETS, in great value. Flannelette Shasta, Uuion Blankets, Wool - Mankato. Well posted people1S-Qoderich and vicinity bay. Laplad that Robinson's is the place for value *did price. by experience NEXT BARGAIN DAYS ,DEO. l S'T- ND, _.-- AT JAS. RO B INSON S Beatemall StovePipe Varnish as its name implies, bests all competitors in the moat important points. Brightest lustre, Wet odor, quickest drying of all stove -pipe oarniahesr . " c., S for IL no other -" 86 The Medical Herb Tea, best of herb medicines, 25c, Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters, 50c. The perfe:t Emulsion of Ood Liver Oil, 36c. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Agent for the Birkbeck Building and Loan Co. Loans on easy term.. HAMILTON STREET MILLINERY • MISS CAMERON Las returned from New York, bringing with her the latest in styles and shades. The reigning colors are BLUES OF ALL SHADES, MILITARY PURPLE, CARDINAL and ROUGH RIDERS' SHADE. Mims Cameron does riot hold openings, but evreyone is invited to call and inspect goods and prices. Snider Rifles, I have secured a large quantity of Sas ,Biw l- am Belling at the low price ofm+ a $3.00 With each Rifle is given FREE a Ballet, Scabbard and Twenty Rounds of Am.amition. A large supply of :ANS, RIFLES and SPORTING lOODS - 'i 111111111E STOKE FOR CUSTOM WORK FOR REPAIRING FOR THE SLATER FOR THE BEST IN BOOTS AND SHOES f: k 01 .. . W.. give S TR PRACTICAL swum .rttem..--a call. Being a thorough workman, we cannot be shoddy goods, and we do not buy misfits, damaged to sellas first -clan lines. We keep the LAIDLAW, WATSON and as they ars splendid wearers, good ti styles, you should give them a trial. imposed on by welfare of goods, or bankrupt stooks SHOE °O'S GOODS, Mews, and of the latest maw= 01 EAR sra/tT ate sweliaa team PaAOryr•AL MOS HAN, AND srAe mime iron iso analog pony, O� w . 44 The Shat" for bol, of 18!8 for ()My •