HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-24, Page 17t_ • THE BEST' H! THE CHktAVEST raw E SIGNAL IS THE BEST. ONK DOLLAR A 1 E t" IN AI)VANCR tonal. THn LE.A.zawa' Ni']'WBPAPBR - OF HURON OOTJNTY. FIFTY-FIRST YEAR -27m1 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : NOV. 24, 1898. TO SECURE THE B*DT RESULTS IPLACE YOUR ADVERTISING IN VIK COLUMNS OR THE SIG -NAL OOD*It1CH, ONT. `y r! Vit llui yEI1ioo VOTING : Thursday, Dec. 8th, '98 LIBERAL 11 Ccolra I CollhIIIi1t li001118 ITutepiume w Ramie) damilton-st., 6oderich. • HON. J. T1fIARROW ere Ilkaber of the Marie M,ertmeid. Vote for Garrow I THURSDAY, Dec. 8th, 1898 larrah for the New Member of the heremest ! Wanted X1 OY ll'It. - W B WANT 1000 POUNDS roll Beller is wine so two-poutod ells also 3s00 des. eggs Ijl4heet e..b pr.se paid. We want doled esRio. at tete (Hamilton t. Peeler !tore. W. J YORRUN'. Pur. Slade Over. Ik4kt 8, A.lecCOLL,COR BR!TANNIA A Road •.d Meth St. hos mach pleasure 1e intrados the Mile. of Ood.r(ch ..:d v ear Icy that she M pre.ured le mho ado over •1l anions l• tor.4 satire, aArrN, s., etc., re. Trims reeresh0. (1r'ees taken for the nt••de 4 /1oer tailor tlydmm eel 1•A es t•.•bt Nest 0.414 1erfre,ly es�yre„ njohat,. For sale or To Rent. 'p 0 LKT.-STORK AND SIX AND A half seise.e Mad la the •Ore 0 Pert Aloore, tee mar from Ouderl„b mood seven from Dostro•es sad S'I from KI*tul es thea morad to Noseardu.. en�h elyea lot Denomber. Forfar' art/ Is HENRY OTWAY, RN. l. NOW - FR BALK. -ONE HUNDRED (100) acres of mate farts land 16 acres cleared lot f7. 000•.1.4.. 7, Regrowth. proem Co wears MRS. ANN MARTINDALR. lis Hair e4.. Loader, Ont. 1711 4t FOR $ALii-SRVE_of finoth area. N AND A HALF mom of � f Are • hnt eharem, p.kbwino and ore For articular., topple HU NH DUNLOP. Wor- t. UMW C�OLID BRICK HOUSE FUR BALE - ►7 That Irma sold brick hoose situate on Lot 11, Dos O. Tows of (Roderick, with ere or tee sores of load me purchaser m'oht require. fret There 1s mo et dam molar seder the hone. This M mo ono desirable peop*ety for gar tsu- Inr and fruit screwing . .0.1 nrehsrd fro roomier rtm1. slay mod suitor. for rhe men. nfomnre of brlok. Terms to suit purchaser. Amply ea ntemle.. re (Riot. M.•MAHoN,or to W 1i I;AMPn4Lt., 1°.re.m Agent. West -11. Y.Y tf i.TOR SAI.K-LUTB h9 AND 70 i' HuteW.00e'e nerve. to. the Town of Ood*rich, upon wits& Y erected • elm dwell Ing tore. Dated 4th aspiensher,1011 Ary to CAKIIRON. HOLT k HOLM)CP. 0.14 Bttaation. Vacant. WANT ED- YOUNte MRN AND women. ofubtd*hrrier, sto.4 f rill WYt Immilous and indaetrtotw. can led employ meat in • 0.o1 cause, with fit per mouth and 'p••ard., .coerdtne to 1M11ty. REV. T. A. 1,tvo( erre T....,.,, WAN rED-MF.N AND WOMEN WHO coo noun doll, for six ok hardne eek aadnd twillt1. covert sato 4.s dents weekb. Address NEW IDEAS 00., Treat& WANTED-TEACHSRA AND OTHER M testi•s e� p.rma•.e4 f 1 to t far • : Ao msere_iwoodla of she Coalry,' is n tsysl q.•t4♦ ?Slim.O, No deNvSr1•f, PUBLISHING ,n ys4d Tiros THE t.[N PUB i6UlNA VA TSrorfe Mtuto. kr ISM CL RA • SHARMAN SAS STiLL •i ■ few vsaa.lse tri N$L 1sN•ge and 'beery. SN,,L1 sttestle• is give f• tombola aecordlag to Osesan•t•ry m.oheds• elol-If-t. M 189 MILDRED CAMPBELL. PUPIL .1more 14of Terre iid�reory. of M are.. *abode rate and ht. eeerms and et y other leformothr ear be had on anpIlea the at renames, 94 Qu.b-. , lea�btf Penile Notl4ltw W A R)I f N 0- THIS 1S TO OIVR soap Om I MEI *Mew se SN to .00ct f ee t y t Reny el Ofprmy Meted far • er Aoft y, AT• TRILL. ludgwwuq rk 91.11 MKItTiNO OF HURON COUNTY OOURQ11. tof he ToRo Tb. osoM Ma• mOsbww. b Me•!1-�atMM//��� ■ Ilse 6th day ser Welt LANK, NOTiCTO011.i - Come Hu on cad r e s Loaa anode Ia ole meet le throe peageL N M ofrom Oafter UO ist M JM,. mase. LOANS. aLease fie 1 SO its M Mie and n ••l • east. te7u Ab. Por derVid • Loot. LOST ON TUEMDAY, NOV. 15.h, AN ostrich feather boa, between Mrs. 1)asN'a sad toe &tuere or oro is •4 the Square. Tho Rader w111 kMr rewarded. Please leave it at Two direr. iMee oras the PostotIto•. 117111 Tenders Wanted. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 111`99 The undentgoed will roosters tender• for ..polies up to noon on MONDAY. DRU. 5, ittei. for the supply of butchers' meat. butter, dairy and creamery, trivia* price ofieh,lour, oatmeal. potatoes cordwood, oto„ ter rhe followlog 1a.4lt4tbae donne the year 164. viz Al the Aiytum for the Insane In l'oroa'o, London. Kingston, Hamilton, Mlmloo, Brook- ville and (Mina ; the Central Prison sad Mercer Reformatory. Torras s the Reforma- tory for Rore, Presto uieheoe : the lostltu tims for the Deal and Dumb. Belleville, and the Blind, at Brantford. Two sufficient sureties will bo reamed tor the due fulfillment of each 0011tract. HptclSoat,00e Red forms of tender can only be bad by making •ppllea ,on to the Bursars et the respect re lottttutlo.e. N.B.--Teodoro are no. required for ibe sup- plyof meat to the Asylum is Torosto,London. Kugstoo, Hamilton and Mimioo nor to ch. l'entr•l Prison aid Mercer Reformatory. Tor oats The bort or any teo..er out neriestily ac ce ted.. Newspapers lasert4ug time sdvertisrmeni without aut1.orlry from the deportment will pot be paid for It. ('4.n.44 R. CHItt4TIK. T,.,/. CHAMBER LAIN.JAMES NU\ 'N. inspectors of Prison/ sad Public Charities, Parliament Bultdlage, Toreros Nov. 11. 1!•16. 1701 2t TRI'4UER3 FOR 'WOOD.-TEN1)EK *III he vedbyoffan10Deonu'm I2tk Pest, for /0 cord. of green hardwood• molt maple or beech. cordwood length, spilt ad pied in goof .rd ; one half 1 , be d. Soared by the end of /se arr,Red the balance by the 15th Ma-rh, Ism. The I,west or any leader not oeoe.wrl.y soared. W. LANE, CO.'l rk. Ust.d at Ooderlch, November tt 4594. 27912t. Loan. and in.uranoe. CHARLES Il SHAM, GENERAL IN - sera ,°. red eetste�p•� I�s•. or Howe. rooted and rents O Repair. O tu•ded to. siao•- Molma.i Bl..k. Macke! manor', Oeder:ol► 2703 it Tcaoher Wanted. y�EACHER WAN IED FOR S. 8. Ni) 5, Colbor.e ; nista or female teacher having • second or third Jams Ger, Dimas Ap- . V personally or by letttrio ••7 o1 the muter - . 14..1 trae4ia mattes rel r .fid earl .Ise rey4mooisa J.HILPff' HKTHLRINOTON. spite P.0 1 JAMES WATSJN, Nile Ir 0.1 HAMILTON McWAN\Uel, Donley P. U Dar Nov. ort. I1NO 1701-2t. TEACHER WANiEII-FOR S.S. NO. t, Towosh'p of Caboose IBosmolerl. Maio Qualification. sed ...tory. Defies to roma thee ea ti• 3M of Jiaa.r�x.��* Ad- dress, JpMits JEytlillf. sear .msmrw.n p.0, Oat 270.2• BEE., FOR SAL: --I HAVE 1'%% 4.NTY BRE., ooa Or of bra. for which 1 wt1 .k' es* dollar rob. This Is . bargain fo tea keeem., •e 1 am going out of the Maris P.,7160111, eke. lot 6, coo. 2, ED.. (olborse 17.O2t. Notdo. to Creditor.. , V OTICE TO CREDITORS. In (M Eafrtfe of Prrder(ck f/refile, Ifectasrd. Take Reties list wider Cap. 4b, H 6.O. f7, all persons hoeing crime as 0..dltore or otb•owis. apl•a the mute of the tau Yrr4. erten Beattie, of the Township of •idnr:ob 1 the County of Home, ynowi.o. who died os or about the 76th day of October, 11!96, mere galred to send le mach ctalme,dul proven. to the uoderslgari. 0olleitor for Imparts Beat. tr. dmisletrotrlx of the yersoo al mate or the mid deoes..d. with full perticulars there- of. sada statement of mcurltla. I' s• held by them, as or bofora this 16th da, a )anon tor. A. D (Sat The sod dmiobtratrlx after the said 16th day of I)eoember will proceed to dletrlbute the proceeds of the .aid estate •0r Rest the parties ..titled therno, having reward may to too claim. of which .he shall then have had settee, and will not be Ilab e for rob proceeds or an pawl thereof to any person of whose claim •h• *vett not 'hen have had notice. PHILIP HOLT'. 'toll 'nor for the Adminlantrlx, oo,,.erlch (lar. Doted at aoderich, this 12th day M Novem- ber. A.D. 1146. 117643•. Legal lla1M. jr i(ORTOAGE SALE OF VALUABLE ilL FARM PROPERTY IN '4 lit TOWN- SHIP OF 00Dt1tl4 H, Pennant to the power of sato contained in • °ertaln mo,trare bearing date the fah del of Notch, A. D. 1M0, mde to the ren dor, and which w 1j ,be prodund at the time of sale, thele wit' bd•old by pubic •nylon. at ..oy- to.. ketal, In this 'loon of Ondetich. on Thursday. the 1:.th lay of December, 1148, ai t2 o'olook noon. by John Kaex, sincct�tms•r,'be following ►doable properly. nameiy.tot num Mr dn.iy eight pi) os the Maitland cermet W on of tee Township of oederlob, In the (bnoty of Huron. nooulsl.4 eight acres of land, morn ot leer. and oleo pan of lot number twelve 11211n the sixth 000oesston of the said Toweabfp of Ooderiob, mat•iel.'. four sorer two roods end thirty -eve p•rche•• and des- plbed as follows : Uorommtoing at • Mike planted where aha diction (Inc beano* 111• North iso South batvesof saki tot twelve in- tersect' rho Dee hawses lot. M sod 9e, la t5e Maulaad rooftree of rho old Tewn•hl• of (4oderieb. These. North 7 dearer. 64 min- utes, West a obelus and m Rake. Thence dos Iter, 10 amine. 3 deka 'Throe Borah, 41 he g rew. 45 nitrites: West, 11 °bolos and 81 hake to the plea. of brioche,. The above is • first -close farm. Waded on the Huron read about five intim from oode- rinh. The buildings imam of the following a One Wok dwelling house, nee frame Awe Ong house, • good barn, a able and • Arlan.' sited. There ta • good hearing reared. 15 • Oren of 11.11 wheat In good condition, and about 10 sores of fall plough's*. The ee41 M day and eta loam. Thoreau about 1100 rods of fir Ormolus n the premises. Tete fences e re In good ooadltloe. Terms 16 per gest. el the time of sate sed the baleen wllhla t0 days thereafter, won psesw•Ies will be given. Th. tido deeds may be Irapeeled at the iodine of this Yoadag'• sone - Fp further psnsol.rs apply to the auction en or le the 0eelereneed. 04IIRRROON. HOLT k HOLMES, JOHN KNNOOX, Vendor's Ha,dtors. Ars Doted 16th ey�mnb.r, 11411. 170(IR THE WEEKLY Mann T REPORT trail Wheat h 6sloflel0w. N0 44 um W Veer Wall& gar surf.... ..... ... t to M 1 10 riosr.=1111011............... t..1. p59 ewe 7 110 sir f b tit.. ....................... It 6') Io1, 0p66 • 16 M toil al =II y� $00•10 rit.E k41b so 4ebon .... ........ !NM/yi Merest kola sapaetse, ti den.... tH44 te If 16 IIfOdNrON i•' ••••••••••••-• .. II'M la 36f1$M - 10 le ... 2 14 1 M �� �. rawiId I . , t . T ,.NJo:: .1, . NEWS TOWN COUNCIL .hotss es the antra, •.le1-/ealkly meWns. meld Last .rids, Night. At the regular mooting of the Roth ooun- al put Friday 'visitor there were present mayor Thempwu, reeve Wm. Campbell, first depaty•reeve 'iV',lsoo, snood deputy. reeve Holmes and c,uootllore Colwell, I'rld• boon, Martin, Daolop, Nicholson, Colin Campbell, C.oseloo and Craigia The mayor roamed the chair. A lurcher oell of $10 per share on the stock In at the elevator company held by the Iowa was referred to the finance committee. A oommuulo.tioo from Cameron, Holt and Holmes Informed the 0000044 of the firm'. tote:aioe to take pea:medtogs the fol lowing Moad•y morning le regard to th • • ubaooe oceaNd by the keeping of hogs at the market plies if the ooueoll should not wooer take action to have the nuisance ' Listed. David Hey, their client to OM molter, complained that hie property bad Orin injured asd his bealth eadaogered by the filth whfoh •ooumutstes at the market from thin rase. '1'be mattes wall reterred to the minket committee. Au •pplirtioo from sheriff Reynolds for eleo*io light moor Ito his r.id.00 soy rebored to the water and light committee. 14. Re colds thief e Y e h aril rslutre twenty Ilghes, A o0mmuoia.tioo from ,I. M. MoLeod, staUug that several complaisn nad been made to him because of the d,toultyy of finding be ree,deooe at night o• •000uoi of the darkens* of the 'tent, and 'egg rating 'hat a 32 condi* power Brit be placed so that people could w his house, was seat to 'he water and light oommitlri Miss Sarah K Pueca* wrote from Detroit ,tato, that lot No. 71, Red's surve t, be. tonne LO her, b.4 been roomed• by • widow, Mrs. McK•v, for • numbs of years free of any oh►r4e 4,r rent and asking for remiselou of the teres on the load in coo- ud.rativa of Mrs. M,Kay's bong permitted .o 000.py to premier real tree. The ,cart of revision 1s to deal with tae matter. Th, 1. 1 curio* roam* were referred to the bean rmmlttee : F. K. it ngham, 4 Kul, plants for four:u• b wins, $4 ; Can alias Ge isnot KISot1b Co., loroeto, 6 arc tlobee and holders for moms, 96 36 ; Boohoo- .° & R'tye••,lumber, e:o., 595.37; Stevens Mfg. Co., Loodo., wat•twork• supplies, 14 20. The oaert of revision recammtlbded ; 1st, feet Mrs. Juse 8a -others be allowed a re plosion of holt her taxes ; 21d, tLat oo •e• tos b5 1 kr regarding the application of Un. Rib .rtsoo sod Wm 4,'ovr for ra- o4mio0 of sing Cox ; 3rd,'b.t Wm Garrett 'n allowed • remissioo of $2 50 in his tax os. I'he see.ed claw was am.a,d by proved - .g for • rebate of 51 each to .ton. R,b.rt• soil •11 Wm. 01...r ; and the report as •m.d,d was adopted. The •penal committee recommended that F. Boo eth'. appiastbo for • robots of meat' ea ►1. grill b, referred to the curet ht.re• anion, anti that no action b, taken thi.,y err with reference to the town's tattoo over the Mvob•utw I,stimate libray and lormiur • Tree puhlo &teary. The GoAerioh Org.. 0..'. o•,mmesioatoo in regard to (tin- ware re.warse and exemption from all but nominal taxation the committee had laid over for finer• consideration. 'I'be report was adopted. There eau some diwn5ioa in reward 4, ,'ghtwstcbman MoLeol, wbo for Sono ether has boon laid off dater as the result o • brokoo arm. A substitute has been per Beaming bis duties. The special cummitcee Roo n.truote 1 143 report on the outer. 0, motion of Good. and Nicholson th. metol o worke oommittri were instructed t,. tots the 0eoees•ry supe to stop people from driving nn the bnol.r.rd.. Hylaw No. 12 of 1898 was put through all th. oso.e.•ry .rates for its final adoptien TM bylaw eooerms the appointment of the employee in coereoti00 with th• water- works and electric light systems. John B Kelly is sup.ri.t.sdeno, ohief eoeineer and d.otrtoiao of the worse works and electric light plass. He also has oharge of the .teem fire engin• and of thm fire alarm and is to superintend the laying of water m.iKs. He le to be on duty from 9 A.M. to 9 r.r , and also at any time when riled upon in ease of fire sod motormen eooident. Mr. Kelly is put in full charge et all the other employees ooe000td wish the works es - numerated, and i. to 4.0.1,. for his novice. 5600 • year. Henry Stowe is appointor.' es00nd ream, to bo en duty from 12 o'clock midst's/he notal 12 o'clock noon anti also at say time when the tittle( engineer i. •beebt. HI. salary 1. 5500. .lames An drew. is firmest and assistant elect noise. His hours ars from 12 o'clock noon nail 12 o'olook mid.fnht, and his duties Inoled. all the line work and Tamp trimming H* u (0 tredve $1.25 par day. Rdward Berk I. assistant engineer. His hours of duty are from 12 o'clock noon to 12 o'olook mid D ight and biz wages 51 25 per day. The oonrdl then edjenew.d• AROUND TOWN. PROIIP 7IV. Ca/Mil*ren -It le rumored that M. Lookbart, James Jobestoo, Donald Patterson and Alex. Stuart will be oondld. .W for the minty ooaeefl In No, 7 dbtriot at the fortboomleg eleotfo.m. Tie two last * amid arm tell presentr•Oreseot•tly. of the district. Rows or Rornoa-Two more tamales have her admitted to the oonty Huse of Refuge: -(:eerie Butserworrh, of Seafnrth, aged forty-two Tears, and Rl1en May Bar gesa, of Bayard, who 1e only twenty two goers old. Beth are ■ohjoot to fits, whish makes eight of the fames who are the' afflicted. while three ethers .re blind, three hellion and thirt.ss idiotic. Rsrnwetoo TO Oo01.4.:a -8. E R,ck, who was In thm dreg basisses on parte for tka poet twelve years, will epee a dreg store it the Horn blook le the extern of toe weekn or se. Mr. Mak was with Mr. Jed•• here for mosey years prior to his eom*S.N., bsehrtgee os Porn, sad we are pleased M tom able se welcome bpm aid aloe Mrs. Hak to ear midst ores wets, Termini? MEert'o. -The .•Seed poet. leg et the Ud.rieh siltedee of the West Hees. Trse&.rs' Asaeob/lon will be old h the Model $4oe1, OedaMob, a S•t.d•y, Dsitemhar ird. et 1 p .. The mabjeet ler db•aleses win be " Readfag Th. fellow - ler mweewo are to take pert he the tome ins of tkd ..►tees : First hook, Mem tell : .woad book. Mlle Berrttt; Dowd beak, Mies Boyd ; fourth book, Mr. Soviets. N. Two w ea, floer•tary, V**Mea' I..lretre4t, - AsperlIten4et t u.i, 54 s seestsm..t ef the dates tire 14tloolde of V rms'.' loeti t ntee will be 4eW, sap. that N. ser esdiee .1 nam 301 eras the &,•e6 t>1 1e thou eatery. Tbs fetal aembiMfp a the alit day .4 J.Iy Ma 644 for .lest sail �m�.Steass ., It wilt he NAG 5y the site N t S medisti art Der - hop the, yid bee meetl•g, *or. herr Mad 11,270 shimmies aloes ; 126,094 path uh. Isindedih•Lotroidepo 14 le Tillaid11111 MINN MAID rened donee tee ek dedeb. • nee tae «4>fflw ABOUT moorings ►ave berm arranged. 'lite follow- ing merino have bees arronged for in this uouoty ; Huron Ease-Wro:ser, Jan. 16 ; liruewl., Jae. 18; Loedeeboro', Jan. 31; Bluevale, Feb. 1 ; Fbrdwiub, Feb 2 ; E1h.), Feb. 3. Huron South-Bruo.field, Jon. 3 ; Exeter, Jac. 4 ; B•y$etd, Jae. 31 ; D. m. Feb.wood, 1 ; Far.loh.r, F.h. 2 Huron West-111,th, Jen. 19; ('.tion,, Jan. 20; Wiogham, F.b 23 , Luuay.boro', 1'.b. A4 ; Helmmvllle, Feb. 25; Duoganneo, F.br*7. TnANtraxttu, To Mu'Tr.1L,-IL B. E'er• mos-, lease of 4b. Hack of-3os.aseeeo: ekest foul, has bees promoted to • similar position in the Montreal offl.... He left on Moud.y to noun" h 05 duties. To. Stratford 13.aonn says . fJtat Mr. 1 •rooms was very pop- ular with the °attom.re of the bank and citizens gr. orally and they very moob te- m'. his departure. He was waited upon by • number of his friends j tet b,for. leav- ing and made the ew'"'bjeot of a presentation. Mr. Parsons is • Goderioh boy and we are glad to hear of hie promo:nn CoLLIC'ATI 1NOTITt Te LIT/MART SOCtelry. -The neat meeting of the Cohevut. 1.sM• filth Literary Soo sty will be held on Fri, day, U.oember god, when • program made up of town talent will be given. The lead- ing mast/Moe- vocal rod Iwtrum.oul- of the tooth are to onotribute eelwtions. Oo the following Friday •v.oing, D.o.*Ler 91.11. the Society will hold aootber meeting, the feature of which will b. • debate on the .ubjnct : " R,.olv.d, that the Spaniels Am r.coo war was unjwtiSable." the de- bdters to be, for the aflirmati,., two gantlet men oft 'ratio* prol.saiuo from Ash field aid, fur th• n.g.Uve, two represent•• fives of the Collegiate 1ne0WWte. i.oam. Nowt- Is tin Nee of the taro - ship of L'gan ,., the township of MoKillep jadgmeat was given at Osgood• H.11 loot week ox the appeal by plaiot,ffr Irom the jedgm•et of Armour, C J , at the trial at Goderiob dumiseiog the rotion, which was brought th recover from defendtnte the sum of 5378,38 and for a maod•mus upon defend- ants to bey that sum and rntere.t from 1rn is rad owoon 4ibis therefor, pursuant to an •ward made under the Ditches and CVaterooarsesAkot, to confetti untie of pro- ooeding. taken by a re.ideut of the plaintiff towushlp for tie making of • drain which b... 6tt.ed rated the reetdents and lands to both township.. The .401.11000 raised were: -IOW bother the porno who t.ituted to proet$lthm woo an owner within the ones rteg of the Aot ; (2) whether the de- fesds 4s here estopped by •cyetaxnr from rrieilg the' first qus.Uoo, and 13) whether proper solace wee given to some of the perms wire loads ars charged by the sward. Ti.aeLj'rity of the court hold that the defendants were "stopped. Aortal allowed with onto, Burton, C.J U , direct is,. Oat row, Q C.. for appellant.. Shepley, Q. C., f,r d.fe.daate. A QU tea Or ass. -A mooting of the "woom_ew^.4•te Trico/ tea weary' Ne►� Mao oh -Wdaeoo toy of lam week, %Vonrusty. Ltoe, .sty ol.rk,w•sdse'e. oreetdeI4. mod Wm. Cate, toe 0 0104k n Clanton, *Oa etmrtetrwarer. The roma 10., to Affray exprswe., or heed at 251 Comm tire were appow,od aril a program for th. 24,1{4. meeting, which will ie held to Clinton. [text June, woo arrasgd. The form. of onl'jeot of disoutsioo was to regard to the oustody of the voters' lilts for parka m.htary elections. The clerk of the prom of 14s minty now has the i applytog of the.. Bate. and the pelquisltes in connec- tion tolewl1h amount to • ooemiderrble sum at rob contest. The oar►s claim that, ea they bays th. work of preparing the loom and the •000mpaoiog responsibility, they should hays the distribution of them and should reoem• the ter, *.eh clerk in Ma own 100040171411y; and tb.• Dominion and Provincial 1;averomtnt. '. it be pe. .tuielied to amend the Elections tut so that tin clerk of moots muaicipality shall be re °ermired as the legal custodian of tie voters' Int for his mneloipul,ty, A \Y'o1R.N.. is Tull SOUTIJ.-Prem The C*tbol,o Journal, of Memphis, Tea000.ee, w• clip sit •000uot of the wedding of • young noon whose boyhood days were spelt 'i• Ooder,eh- George, sop of Alii. Ed- ward Sk•0000. We 000gr•tul•te him op - 0o tae event sed wish the couple long life and hseptuw : The marri•ae of Miss Julia M. Braun and Or 0. Shannon took place in Sr. Mary's ohutch on last Tuesday morn - rag I Ootober 15] at 9 o'clock et i th nuptial mw. Roy. Ether Sb.onoo, pastor at Mokwt•, Tenn„ • I,rothar of the groom, pertormed the oremony The oharob was welt filled by (Honda of the voung couple. Miss Rrrqe is one el our most popular voong Iodise, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hrane, a highly esteemed German fam- ily. Mr. `{h•nnon is an •seepttonally clever young gentleman, has resided in Memphis for the rot ten yoart, and holds the rmpon• sib,. position of auditor and orihier of the well ksowm arm of Sites & Ames. The happy yams 0011ole were the recipients of innumerable Leoutlful weddl.t sifts, and start is life with u,ehtest propeoto and the best wishes of a world of friend., THE ONTAItre RXPIRIMONTAI. UNI"N. - W• gave reooived the program of the nest 1 mooting of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union, watch is to be head at the Agrioult.r•1 Celle** at Guelph The pr0000dinge will oommonr with a pub. Ito meeting in the large Convention Hall on the °Ilers grounds on the evening of teosmbsr 71111. There will be six sessions is all, mid the mooting will eine on Friday afternoon, the 9th of De°mher. The rom- mary results of the geld experiments oon• dusted toe year on ever three thdosand farm* will beprese.tod and discolor! ab the meeting. 1 his, along with the reports on n0 operative work in hortteullaro, dairying, hoe knots,. ail physics, and tea weeds of (barrio, should make the meeting 15(1.1.11. 0,4 sad profl4hle to all who attend. W• intim that Prof ('. F. Carnia, director of th. osrlooltarsl experiment station of Iowa, mrd Mea. S. T. Rorer, prfaofpat of the P511. • ddpkia Cooking School, anti an ••.Dotal• filter of the Indies' Home Jonr.al, bays bees spared to speak at the .eating. The Delp& fat steak and penlhy show cud the assail a eet4eg of the Ontario liostKeeper.' Aeseela'i.s are both to he old is (lselph ea the 6th, 7th and 8th el Dene tb.r, and the asenal mee4.r of the lleelpi Poultry Msosl•tion on Thursday of aha same week. Arreupmn.ts bare beta roads with the railway 00Llpaae• 1K roasted race. M Owalpk to 5M5.d the H1perimoetot Dale. esetinit.ad Ns ether lasei..ttne events whisk take plan, dorhg that week. All ..asitia reear ling railway nor, et0 , mha.M be wadi to C A. 7..,lt,, R1.'y, Ar- rleltard O•ll.'.., 1; eelpb, Oat. AN Orroa'ro Iirry team Rtrreu'aMa -it le retorted Moat the steamer Canners I. to ha pet ea a now rants sect year. This w111 leave the Woodier -age rests, suttee ho the pante done the east when of lake Haran, entirely sugewpsd. it le to .e looped Moot • geed Ilse et biota win be soo.red for this rests .ext comms„ aid that Oedersb and MI6 ether lake 0518, w111 have heftier water dkg.eeties Moo Vey bore loll Per maul Thu ‚.i.,.,,-,., yb0emoan along Pierre mama tie el �: HOME. far thermals bas had thio benefit of vet y 1it- tl. eterprl•., The following item •ppwred in the 01cb, at week: The etre l-ar- mow, which red to rda to different parks from this port, about five years agn, le now the only steamer still r000teg oo the Wind- sor, Detroit & Sec I.me route. For the last four years she hos been running out of VV'tod.or to the Soo, taking in the most •ttraetivs points •loop the Canadian shore and to OSorvion Ray on the way. Sinus the lose of her sister steamer, the Cambria, to the' Il0R.1t has kosolwtssdsiat Lie setw++l the stogie • eemer-do not -pay enough to warrant further attempts to develop the traf o. The ninon is entirely too short. 0o1y in part of Juno, all of July, all of Aug• est and a 'malt part of September is the tourist Wrest sof001.ht to 811 the °opacity of one M,•t. During the root of the year she must remain Idle. The general manag- er, Mr. Brown, will pat the Carmosa on • sew route pert esasoo. Sb• wall run from Meckw•w to Oollisgwe.d toed ratan, mak- ing stops at the North Channel Island. sod other pleasure resorts 0n the way, The route is already occupied by • line that starts from Uollingwood. Li,'EN:r TRANSFER:. -A meeting of the West Huron Brae onmmieeiooere was held at Clinton on Monday last, when the fol• lowing trapper{ of horses were meds • Ben. Mason, 8.40ord, to Miohasl Farr ; ,lona than Emigh. Blyth, to Henry Jame., of Hruseel., who bee taken obarge of the ('om- mero,al hotel at Illytb ; Charles Milo*, of Clinton, to Thos. Bell, of Loodeeboroagk, who boo lewd the `i -trio's hotel at Clinton. Hocna _or R*yool Comity -etc -The House of Rohm* committee of aha °eoty (toenail, re. pitting of Messrs. Morwai, of Heart' colones. of Deborsk, hotelmen. of Fest t , and Stuart, of West Wr waoosh, nether with Wm. lane, 000017 Mork, and Wm. Costs, lwpeolor of the Home of R*I.ge, met at Clinton on Tues. day of loot week. The sonnets of the House were audited and found eaU•faolory. The principal easiness before the committee woo an i.vestigaliun Into oborges wade by inmates of undue *event T on the part of the managers. The oommittee found noth- ing to substantiate the oharrss and pawed • re{olutioo exonerating Mr. and Mrs. French, A °mmltt se, oomposed of ward*. Mc4:wan, 1)r. Shaw sod inspector Crts,was appointed to arrange for the immoral of the lotions inmates to as asylum. It wee apse decid*d to hay another oow, making lour which the House will have. I'A•INTN DA. AT TIM CENTRA,, --A large Dumber serol 4 them.elyee of the Invltatioo extol.d to parents of children attending school and otb*re intimated to school work to stand the Central school on Friday afternoon la.'. Until rooms the ts.obers went on with their usual work in tee pros- eons of the visitors. Af4rwards pupil. sad visitors rather.d in the large assembly room and !tamed to • program of speohes and choruses. Address., were gives by Rev. W. Godwin, How. J A. And•rsop, R.r Jasper Wri.on, Rev. Mask Turobull, R. Hritoo, trooteeeH. W Bell and James Buchanan and inspector Tem. 8. P. Halls, tl A.. principal of the school, presided. During the afternoon • member cf palriotio ohorres were riven by the school children, who sot. red heartily into the spirit of the songs. Jost belbei the closing of the aft*r• 00011'. prcoedtogs a holiday oo Friday neat was prupo.ed. The principal referred the mato, to the trustees 'want, sod the am• n0enoement that the holiday was to be granted was greeted with • tremendous oboe.. It was altar five o'clock when the singing of the national anthem brought the pleasant leathering to • olr., The boys and girls kept 100.1 order, sod the visitors were well pleased with the work of the school. SMEPPARDTON. 7'ctnoil, Nov. 15, The following pupil* of 8. S. No. 11,A.h- Geld. have rocorsstully pawed the promotion examination. Jr. H. to Sr. 11. -Addie McLeod; f.vim• Cantwell ; Viola Bogie ; Agnes Hawkins. 8r. 11. te Jr. I11 -Roby Hawkins; Wm. 0entwoll ; Mattie Hawk,n', Jr. III to Sr. III -Wesley ;Graham ; L rile Corey ; Pearl Bennett : Jame* Young. ARH4IELD. MoNDAT, Nov. 21. The Z on trays who went to Manitoba on the harvest excursions are getting home At the annual mobilise of Zion Sunday school. Joseph Hackett was (hoer superin- tendent. W. ore sorry to learn that Mr.. John Mnrdorh a esrionely ill. We hope to hear eon of her recovery. A thunder shower In the latter part of the month of Nnv.mberlasomethn, remarkable. We had one loot Friday LANES. TU136DAY, Nov. 22. Arable Johnston is having an auction sale thio wink to dispose of his surplus stook. Th. lino weathrr of the pest week has been taken ad.aotag. of to 8aiek the fell plowing. Owing to the opening of the new church at 8t, Halon'. ea Sunday last, no smoke was 5144 is the ohuroh here. A few from here ettendd the services at St. He1..'s. The ohuroh here is this work nndergolne ✓ epair., whish have long been badly needed. We understood it 1s to be papered and painted afresh Inside, brides Mune other. wise repaired. Max Wilson, of Luokmow, his the job. A sheeting matob was held on Friday &furore not toe promises of D. 1 aylnr, on this onnornie. Th. loos. were to pay to • supper and dawn, whfoh was held at Routes Spindler'• on the same evening Wo have not been Informed, bat sapper It was a .uoosooful afar. DUNLOP. TUtan.v, Nev. 22. Hay premiers hate hear is our midst late. ly. Dogs from (irwlerleh 5I11d sheen ricer - Ina to H. Morris asd T&°. Tiobborwe • few sightsego. Our well k•ewi leo emporia... the Kt obeeler le heir enlarged •ed fitted with the taut Improvements for next year's simply of foe. Our •rehit.et 1s doing the week. Thts yea's eopply of the noollhe material le already embalmed. Masa Resets Otheer, er Oederfeb, gave .Id Meade here • trareton4 visit this wise. Tu.Mey ash%.f tact week Mr. sad Mr. James Yessg, sr., getannt.ed soy d um, aclehbere, toolbar with Mee& sod rho. Mage trees Lieber.. 0edgbh, •d Elepelrtd•, •t • dalootep party et bthen lam . hewer *8 the i R•b W. The wile mon et goo optimism madam woo larood Gee IU u� htz. rm. in Mei bees .a do sera f01 tko one hadearieg roma Aran. W. D. MCGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. some saw raasa-John Hussey, of Kings bridge, and Wm. Farrish, of Dow...oc The hoot and hcs1.e ably par totaled they duties and to all the party it was on 1*srag of thorough eajovmeal. CARLOW. 11'ENDA., Nov. 22. Some of the young people of Carlow met last Friday eveuiog for the purports of or- geortog a literary and debating society. The following officers were elected :- )'raideot. R. M. Young ; vice prooident, Miss Boyd : aoretary, Milton 'l'yodal ; treasurer, A. Johnston, the firs0 Owe - ion w i 1 be held on Friday ev001og, Nevem• her 26th. at 7.30 o'clock, Red mtatuyis .111 be held in Inane .very twit weeks. We think this movement will he rd met benefit to -tree young people of thio neighborhood, both morally.od socially, and will help to oultivate a common interest anion them. W. hope all who are interested , , the so- ciety will take advantage of this opportun- ity to Dome and join and help make It a .00 - ow. LEEBURN. Tommy, Nov 22 John Stewart has dem. the mason work on tbS Diller of E. N. show's house. This week the Women's Missionary Aux- iliary of the church meets on Wednesday afternoon at the trichinae of Mrs. H. Mac. Manus On Thanksgiving Day a apeoial oarlike will be held to the church at 230 r r. A oolleotioa will be ta'eo sop 2n aid of the home mission' of the church. An embassy from the Salvation Army barrack. at Goderioh were out her* last weak oolleottog supplies and money for the Army fools. Oo 1V edoesdav nista of this week they are to have • magic lantern en tertaoment at the ball, with • silver col leotion at the door. Dsooiog parties Tuesday sod oitthu of last week were er b .' toy large number of our %ouo4 people, who all heartily «,j yod them. One was held at the reide000 of Jame. Young, .r , of Dun- lop, and the other at the Point Farm, Mise M•Ilory, of Stratford, went home lest Saturday 0110,. .1.y .1 several mouths to our section. During her sojourn she made • large number of frisode in our social oirole and .he will be meek missed. NILE• 1•(CDAI, Nov. C2. S. Sheppard I. not going to put hie hats up this year. Hugh Ryon is not improving as fait ea bo lneods would like. Moes Ethel Dost,,w entertained her friend. ou Friday evge1ale. Rev. Mr. Ferruson and family, of Wee ton, ore visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Otr I arts, J. W. Jackman :, preparing to build • sew bun. H• la 00101 ro use ceu.eot for wa11., 1 he flue wormer the last' few d.y. has •cabled the torment to add 7J.'.044a and blush up the 1.11 plowing. Mrs. MoVittfe and Mrs. W. Jones have r•torn.d home atter • prolooged visit to their 1 waJi in Or egbrn put of the 1'ror• ,nor. l;efore this issue of Tea MD.NAt. appears one , f our popular young Iad,e. will here ohaoged kir name and gone to live 10 " the Hub." Miss Sprung has reaigoed ber portion as teacher In the junior department of hale .cuool to attend the Normal. Shy has beep • rood teacher. Politics are all the rye around Ler• Some of the aspirants tor county oouuoil membership have on the was paint, bot we think it Hoih Girvim takes a notion to go into the field h• will mak• it hot for some. one. Soo how n, k•ookod out three Wow., nosh follows on Dungannon .how day ; and Ashfield will not forget him. We think wo ought to have one farmer from thle di.triot. tioderich town i. • little too selh4h In this matter. At the Methodist ohorch Sunday last Rev. R. H. Hall gave • very interstitial discourse on the suhj.ot, " Abraham being the friend of God." In the ev.niog Rev. Mr. Ferguson, from Weston oirouit, 111,0 an eh:e deli from the text, " Tny Klordom oome." The nam• gentleman is to preocb the thanksgiving sermon on the eve ning of the 27th. The quarterly board hat a.k.d rho onngregatinn for • thank arena( of 565 We expect they will rooters it, a. Nile appotmtme0t has always done the rigr.t thin, in tie nent,agd Mpe*wphifbut'yte" 4f that -01 tti do 4*,e slime now. Mr. Brownell sang • solo at the morning service, which was well received. DUNGANNON. Nortt's.- The local ogre, In Dungannon for TH11 BIuN.L oar the 0 nee of J. O. W•N1, J,P., mu/e7aorr, to., who will reoelveor - ders for subscriptions. adverbs ng and Job. work. and Is autborird to 41.e reeelpte for amounts paid for the same, el A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LUCK Vf now will vitt Homeroom on let and 3rd adds, of each month, 411 modern meth ods of extreeting and filling, and mat!nw anti- dotal teeth. Oslo.. next door to Medd'. tailor shop. Honer 0 a.m. to 6 e,m. TUrsoaT, Nov. 22. Rtrovgn.-Rev. T. L. Armetroog and family have this writ removed Into the residents' of the late Dr. Jas. McKay. OON.iRvATIvi CONVINTION. -Q ,.tit a number of Cooservativee took he 6110 o;.n ve,Noe held all Smith's Hill on Fraley of last week. OrnrtAr VI.r?.-0o Timothy, the 22nd, lha gonial and eosr'etio public tohool io aorta for Wool Huron, J. E. Tom, official. ly visited I)utgwnon puhho sohnol. A reference to the resale will appear in Tits Swam, In the near future, CHURCH OPINING AT ST. HILL'', -A goodly Dumber of our utters •t.oded the °prolog earyloe. held In the new ohur.h ar St. Heb..'• 05 Sendav, aol the yea mwenng Nasdaq evening. The eo•gregatles wee highly Inroad le the matter of weather on the 50505400. PwvAetteO ms Wiellen - Wm. McN.1 ly, general blacksmith, le, in addition to his owe steel[ of home-made ratters nen sleighs, ramming • amply et Getters and •leithe of the heat werkmaa.bip sed latest styles. whish he .111 disposer of em essential)). primma i.speettoo of them by them who intend to wiriness le cordially Invltd. Cnwtyo AND Uoton.-Leet nook Wm 1 Turabell, of Brantford, 1'. l ' , H.C. R er*aniser for th. I O.F.,vhird thbrethr.0 et (4.ar► Wtwasneb, Ne. 1227, amid report- ed the ordvr to he prognosis* Mrs A.0.3.5*ses. el New York City, bon an extended "heft to her parson, Mr, sod Mn. Plate, wbo here ...try meat.' is ear aril. Inge 11175. MoCermfek retore.d hems Ns week .Iter horn • pbssant visit to 411.54e at. Wits/Me, tiesesel1 sed elver prate Mrs Page. el Utbridga, arriv- ed 19011 eiffinday of laot week m • •felt to her woo., (leergS Horse. 1t le annuli Due years shoe the time et her let visit, Wcs� Huron Bye-EJcou PUBLIC MEETINGS to the interrat of Hon. J. T. Garrow will be held se follows : Clinton, Monday, Nov. 28th, at 8o'clock p.m., to be redressed by the Hon. O. W. Roes and others. St.rr�Hxno1on.. Mond .y,^Nov. _ 28t41 .ddllm--- Wtnicham; "1lttidtt, Nov.- 29th, at 1) p. in. Pont Albert, Tuesday, Nov, 29th, u 7:30 p. m. Blyth, Wednrwlay, Nov. 30th[, at 7:30 p.m. Benmiller, Wednesday, Nov. 30th, at 7:d0 p. w. Mr. Hook, or •qZ-one on his pehalle labL - Too d opportunity to speak. OOD•RAVE THE QUEEN t at ,awe_ DIED. Goderioh. on Saturday. November • Ifni, IRM Hartbobmew Kra, a native of county Olen. 'reload. I'A PS1'. - At Sarnia, on Wednesday, Novem- ber 23rd IN6, Samuel W. 1'apet, former- ly of Ooderlch. Tho Funeral will take plan from the O.T,R. P atios, Ooderiob, on Friday. November :mut. at 1;36 o'clock omit.. to Malt nod °meter,. ohuroh, ezohauved pulpits at •f 1.1,000 serv- ice. It is pleasing to note that the opine of Christian unity and good followeblp is toreea.rd wer.wrwroreat hareem tate different religious denomto•tioa., This la in it should be, and complies with the to• ju0ct!oo to dwell in Unmet' unity and harmony Next Sabbath the morning and evening services la ooeneotioe with the re -opening of the Methodist church, which h.s been repaired and his undergone oo.• eiderabl• tmprovemeota, will be 000duoted by Kar. John Lsaroyd, of Looknow; and io the •furpoou the Rev. K. H. Hall, of 'Vile circuit, will preach te the Sabbath *ohool children. ()wing to thea savior there will be nosavior 1a Eakin. ohuroh next 8abertb. BLUEVALL. Ti *,,,* y, Nov. 22ad, 1898. VYm, Itta...r was In 1.istow01 last week. Mrs. A. McKeon is recovering from • severe masse. Mies Blanche Jaminoon, of Ford inch. vis- ited to the Whir. J. J. Messer, of the Knox -Morgan Co., et Hamilton, visited his father last week. tire. John Robertson has returned Erose a three moo►be' Tutt to her seas is diaotaob•. Mrs. I'oor.lough and no Willie, of De... deo, who had been vu,uog at John Hall's, returned to their home lost week. John Pu►lend is not going to remove from B:uevale as was stated. It u erteat - .4 het will remain hers for some time yet. The Literary and Debating Society boo been organized for the oomrsg .e000n. Eve, tone should help to make the meetings of 15te society a *4coem, An ".t hon.." under tie soapier of the Y. P. 8. C. E. of the Presbyterian oburob will take place on Friday esoniog,Novsmber 251h, in the rore.ters' Hall. Admission., 10 sod 15 rots. A good time is eXpooted. One of the old residents, 1n the person of Kobt. Sibbsld, paved ,.easy 10 rho groat heyood las: Wedosdey,111410,. Deceased nod been oiling for some time. He resided with Mrs. K. King, of Motivate. He loaves • wife in Michigan, het oo family. The Presbyterian Sunday sobool are pro - paring for their 1 emtert•iomeat, to take pia° oo Friday evening, I) osmber 23. The entertainment this year promises to oral all others of the past and will, no doubt, be a grand suooese under the man• agement of the efficient organist, Mies Angie Herbert. COMING AND 00I61G. Rise's Pure Salt for table or dairy. Jas Wilson made a brief 01111 10 Tomato tho past week. Mae Franks is spending • foo days' boli - day. at London. J.'. Wilson looses this morne* ow trip to New York e,' y, Art. Carrie is .pending Thank.*jviog With relatives and fennel. to Loodo'.. Mrs J W. Vaeat.ter is making a short 'rip to Stratford and Brantford. M i.. Ma, Or fR., daughter of Griffin, ia visiting at Mount ('camel, Mr. Roes, Vico, , is a'. 1..,.. hie morn inn on a vont to Siraetord .ad Tartly.. Mies MoLollao, of ch. (1. (' I. .teff os •neodtog th. Thanka,tvIne ho ,lave at S' rat - lord. Mise Campbell and Mie• Edith ('amphell have returned from • visit to the (iron Cn y. Mr and Mn. 0. A. Humber are at Bow. m.nr,ile visiting Mr. Hnmber'sLther, wbo o seriously ill. T Lindsay Williams ie ependin Thank.- Ronne with his Neter, Mrs. (,la. • So.d.es, east of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. B. Mason and family, for- merly of the Saltford hotel, ha.e gone to 84th for • short visit to Mr. Masco's tether. James Kilter reserved last week from Manitoba, where he had her .II summer. He has porohwd a farm a8 Morris, Mon Mies Morten, of Toronto, spat a few dare last wed visiting Wm Acheloos. Sloe had I ,.r noncludd a series of •vangeh.tlo members •1 Mitchell. .1. R. Davie left, en Monday for Whither, to *hint plane he boa traesl.rred hie drug business. We hope Mr. Davie will de s largo and lucrative boohoos In ht. sow portion. John Rein, ret Niar►ra Falls. h. Y , •r - rived no Moseley from New York .l y to attend the feneral of hie father, the lase Bartholomew Kate, which took pima so T.sarlay morning. Mr. end Mr.. ,l.hn Me'l'avl.h, of Mures township, raspy of Kroft, ware 'Wise the farmer's Aster, Mre R. Hendersom, laser week, and w111 art friends In Clinton and Wingless before rot.rofag home. W wore .toot Weaved to Myo • •iefit Zoos Saturday Irom mer old feted, .1 O. Wed, of i).agSenon le was same months siege he had poen in twee hdese. Wo hops that with ttotproving health he will he aNe te *•t is mere frrq'Mntly A.realest. F. 4eateker lies returned to work •t Leo Mise Eleaser Molding and her deter ow' lteoery, sathoeit et i2 coo.. the Miss Naomi. were le the sde•.yno g snow si e M kit N ANA Weer. Someday ekm eaIAN r' •eemom Abf. ,1, De04.ol teacher e• L`ei sem N aibllra� -ikrm. i , , e.a.to,, prior for tMmot Fga�Dry