HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-17, Page 8TIURIDAY, Nov. l7, 1838. Bargain Week And why Week it this time of the year ? you will say. Stock is tow heavy -a, mild Fall and heavy leaves us crowded, and a Bargain Well, our purchases Weare going to Clear them Out AS PRICE WILL MOVE THEM. ALL NEW OOSIt IN DRESS GOODS. We have • table of extra heavy Tweed Dress Stuff, suitable for Costumes and Chil- dren's Deese, which aro going at 54.inch Costume Tweed Drees Goods, regular 60... to q75�c., 39 for Another lot et 121,c Just think, the prism of Prints fee Double Fold t ks*L. Nice Fancy Black Goods ... the oelebrate.l PKIESTI.iy's, at 50c Special wide colored Velveteen, foriTnni ming; or Dresses, regular 3&:., for CORDED VELVETS. The seweet thing out for Waiste, in all the new shades - • regular 50c. lite for Warmer than350 Silk ; nothing pret- tier for an ex t r Waist Fancy Flannelette,' MILLINERY. A heavy stock in Millinery, which roust be reduced, and prism will do it. • Special line Sailors root Walking Het. at We will trim your Hat free of charge. Think of that. ' ou buy .the material - our prices aro all in plain figures and our styles in Trimmings the beat. GLOVES and HOSISRY. fur Waists anel Wrappers, all new patterns, only 10c Fall Shades. Leslie.' Kid Lined Mitts, with fur regular 75c., for Children's iu toe sante kind. Ladies' Astrachan flaunticte, $1.00 ;-heat Kri knows, in town for $1.00 That's whatT we say. So will you when you see this line. AU the new Should be $1.25. JACKETS - JACKETS Do yuu want a Jacket' We have it just your tit, purse and person. About 20 Jackets put on a table, to be cleared, worth $5.00, for =3.75. Needles, le. a paper. 3 large rolls Batting, regular 12c., ....3 for 25c. BOYS' UNDERWEAR. .._gam Hey are ow special care. We hire every sire and every price. Thome aisle fleece -lined Underwear in Bo e' e' CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. NICE AND WARM. Bove' Reefers, in best frieze, sires 96 to 32, regular $3.u0, ;leering at $2.00 Buys' Two -Piece Suite, Hoye' Overtwate, Men'stdverocats, Men's Suite. y true alsa ¥ISSES' UNDERWEAR ..L Ribbed and plain, from the Baby ass to Ladies'. The prices you will find are right. HANDKERCHIEFS. We are in the leaf in the Handkerchief trade. Our range the largest, and 'price on the rock. Colored Silks at 5c. "Nice; colored Hand- kerchiefs for children, lc., 2c. and 3o. each. Lovely Lace -insert- ed Muslin Handker- chiefs, the kind _you would expect at 25e., going 2 for 25c. Full range in stock. SOME SPECIALS : Extra heavy Cottonadc,only 18e Flue 72 -inch Bleached Table Lunen, reg tiler $1.00, at 7&' Regular 25.. Ticking, at 19,. Coate' Spools, 2 for .. & Black Rustle Lining 8,, Bazar Glove -Fitting Patterns, equal to aa7 >tb0. Paltorn.3n Styk, in Slit, in Economy of Material, ONLY 10 CENTS EACH. CASH AND ' ONE PRICE. Smith Bro's & 0 Cold Weather and HEAVY UNDERWEAR eo together. You have the cold we tther, we have the rest. LAIIES' IIJTRtIJIII VES TS From 15 cents to $1.00 apiece. All Sines. All Prices. All Cheap. WE WANT TO 8U YOU to our store. We want you to see our h. stock of the most desirable CHINAWARE shoe a is Gedr{eh. Oome old rem* all. -`OOD'S F.,AIR, OONif*A WEST -8T. AND SQUARE. • Tiffi-SIGNAL : GQDERICR ONTARIO. Noncia- Vie Weal woo la D for Two wiellit. N at the woos of J. Uualriar, J,Po ce• 'Sneer. tn. who will rebel ve or- ders fog me otos eilyertiwag and lith- e -ere. and ie eutbusiatid to eve reeniela fey amounts Pal4 fur the saw. g 1 A NEWTON, DENTIST, 011 LUCK - kg. new will vise Dualiasacia ate la and 5rd frriday of etch moot*. All modem meth- ods or extractlea sad allies, and authisur mu- ds:lel teeth. Office that door to bledd's talior TVIMPar. Nov. lb. Dietrich Coyne.-- There wee • very light docket for the Divisioa Court thia month. There beeag ealy oae ow, Court was ad 41•so• of the OiestOsuous stormy weather elaas Wedaseday night of lain week, the blithways are in a bad oriedltdon for travel. SAD Sawa. -Lest Sabbath James Rose received the sad pew. of OM deatn of Wm. Moore, brother of Mis Kush Tbu dews. ed wee helm et Seattle W• eynipathise with the relatives to their bereavement. Vitali ILL -W• sinnerely regret to have be sane that Mrs. Joao., wife of Hoary Jonas, who resides ea ememoton 4. Wiwi Wawanosh, os very ill. We should like to hear of her restoratioe to health ta as neer A es Tios Sam. --Its ascots' sole of atm& and implemeate which took place Friday et leet week oil the premises of Angus Mo Demean, lot 16, conosoion 4, West Wawa - nosh. wee • toossasfni me. We are intern- ed that good prem. were glee* for every ar- ticle offered for stale. family are preparing to remove from their Present residents., on Albert et. to the prem• tees known am the law Donor McKay a roue, Southampton -et It is reported that Mr Devisee. hardware merchant, and feni• tly, of Gudesioh, will oecupy the roc dew vacsated by Mr. Armstrong. week Mies Louisa lett here on a minim saw as Ripley and other points .... R. Clenden•ine, of Golerich, arrived here on Tumidity of last week on ao extended visit. The %hoorah!. gentleman looks ii• yet iwit• chirpy, and apparently alloys life. and we hope he aNy chetah. to do so for mait •ND -The Meth- odist church is undertows repaint. W• lora also that owner to the loorewei at - melanin it is bstine enlarged, sod when tin. Shed will look well and furnish greater sc. oomodation. Ties work is beteg dewily O. Begley, one of our building coutraotere, whom eatiefeatory work will be done. John Gay, another of our popular oon• tractor.. La ti,ting op the lower floor of Pentland's public hall for A. Devisor who intend., as soon as floe work is daished, to roomy it as • kardware mere. Oar pop; o'er " vet " is improving his livery cable Is making other improvemeate on prem• Mee. He is a hustler What with Dew porches, Dot wire Noose, and the new maw, which is on itie road to completioe, Doneenoon la boomiag. John Woods, of the 9th conoession of West Wawiteneh, is construoting • beautiful residence. It is • hriek building ani le plumed on s high loot - 1100. giving it an imposing appearance. G. Begley has the wizen CHrItt-H NOTEN ---'1H1 SIGNAL was led to ot the new Presbyterian church at Si. Helots would take pion on the 13th, in- stead of oo s'abbeth, Nov. 211th. the oor• rect date. Arrangements are beteg seeds for the re opening celebranon of the et ki• Mist church on Sunday and Monday, Nov• ber 27th eed 28th. Oa Sunday Rev. John Laaroyd, of lhoanow, will preach at Hali, of Nils, at 2:30 P.N. will give a special oratoo to the Sabbath eohool and those in sympathy with Sathath school work A 001.e:inert in tieh•lf of the repair fund will be taken at och of the three ser•• hes On Monday eventeg, from 6 to 8 o'olozk, • hot supper will be peeved in the Agrioultund Hall by the ladles of the oon gregationelhis will he followed by toddresess from Rev. Jiver Wilton and W. Godwin, 61 Goderioh, Rev. It H. Hall and J. Lea. royd and resident insisters. la addi lion there will be • program by the ehuroh eon, 25 mots. iloSDAY, Nor. 14. The Beemiller orobeare Mewl holding an entertainment ors Wednesday. the 23rd inst., in Gledhill • hail A good Program may be inputted. One ot attractions will be the wonderful eramophone. Admission, 10 and lb eta., or 25 ots. a (maple. DUNLOP. TUE:RIMY, Nov. 15. A few weeks ago we Doted the severe ill. nese of Miss L. Barker at Whelsor. ,She hes since died. Her brother, .1. 11. Ranker, attended the funeral at Windsor on Monday of last week. 1), Cummine. the well-known leader of the Reformers in this district -No. 4, Col. borne-- with J. 0. Stewart, of Leaburn, at. tended the Reform teniventlen at Duneannon Friday ot last week. Harry Aiken. a resident of the ciroular town, hut lately returned from a stay of some months la the Northweet, in the near nelehharbood of Regina, paiel • short, visa to Meads here prior to visiting reisideee at the Classic City He was employed on • raoch oat there. and gave quits an intermits. ing recital of his &droners. in helping hie employer in driving cattle to ?dontana and go lamming oat0e required for butchering on the ranch while la the saddle After twenty one years abeenoe from England, our mos fellew•toweemen, Geo. Bean, sr , now of Carlow, left last week on • visit to his native rsounty. orkebire, gee his parenta and other relatives there. Ae a farmer In our township he Ins been very stiocesslui rued bait alweya horn In the teed with his andertaklagt He la to sail on 1 he same vessel as Orneada'a retiring Governor.General, and vo doubt he can Five end Aberdoe soma good pointers on fermi', Is Ontario. TiiRsDar, Nov. Ath, 18911. Mr. and Mrs. X Peachier, jr., are down from Sean Ste. Marie visiting relatives and friends here. Rev. R. Henderson. of Auburn sad Cer• low Premoyterian obarobeepresabod here on Sunday last. He wave an Impressive mi. .Iatnes' epistle MOltrier.No•. 14. with Sallaild Bre., of the Hayfield road, for • heft The trasetwiles will omke Depravation et nook is our section. Lisburn fanners are ;Away' so the neve is Oer lona! perossatore ef Peek's bad boy duly eleserved Hallowe'en by sakimi their raid se the tall laIrd• farm awes. nth year be rearnsbared the provisos visite sad elhained Me gate tie thry Gould sot nova Several elderly men ware badly pelted with apples. Use of theta whe passawed speed iseerly easetnek the wife* tie 'data- TI7OIDAY, Nev. 15a. Our termer towasiews, Dr. w. a. Ahem, whe 'lofted alaillag •14 Maeda hare Coale the past masser, is now prostleing Me pre - Modes at Poker Prairies, bliss., 11.S. Ales abrartbser, who west to thseiteris settled as difereat pont* le sheerest wheat /retries arta of Ceosade. returned es Them Am et last wash Aselezatisoataws reesived as haters* kag tress *sr femme hilser- Neakeka away brew the sthr sod beetle O 11P tare's Yaws City, lettere ts• has bees wood hs• at the wideness°, Arthur Polon. forty -ems outride** and feu parolee:0a wore leased. Harry writes to les telline of • few iimidesta of his nay tbere. Near Wm is 51S b(.IIL reeilise Tea finieu... while the teacher of the scheel smilles also Is wriktsg • letter t• cheer • lonely Wit in ern vena- lly. Harty'. letter is pertioularly Interest - log whoa it tett, el Harry Hall, a ome.tass• Lechers boy who sow lias • doe fano, elth buddiogs, eta., but wants • peruser to share his joys aad sorrows. He la alo • great tauter and trapper. leaving slats itti- narrows Man sad deo, sto. The writer met Jobe Rena another former Loiters bsy, sow aa Nary* Rasta* ou the lekse of Mus- koka. .Neettil bee hail • grand tans boat - lag with him ihnisie •01.0re• kind trtioiries_190 made lot Archie Hover. who opens Pet imaitte ithre last vor. Tag 810N.O. • inset. prized weekly rialto. •nd sissy 01 it• onliseri het r Ar. promptly on tIva• to receive it as the easterner, and seed Bret of ell the aims ef dear old Limburg', so dear too Me hearts Mame far from home. 1111sellpave Owls la Owe Modred Oases. ---- We Take away all risk if you use our uanuiteed Remedies; - matleorily by .1. TIAN, Proscription Dreg Sim. Muss mut asa-sp ittpiT Teispboas arias at )our disposed all night. 1 dred mem ot halms treated by Clefite's Kola Ovirsaosead warrwed the marvelous w- astage of alnety•five absolute cures -end these figures are whoa] from hospital records. SS a bottle three bottles for $5. Gold by mill dreuists, or The ensue; a micymnion Co.. lei Church irtnet, Toma- FOR SALZ MY JAS. WILSON. Bargain ounter Sense: A drug or medicine whose only merit ie that it can be told cheap is , not one altogether calculated to in- spire confidence of customer& No customer would expect good results from a medicine sOlti under an un- known or doubtful brand. This ap- plies all along the line, especially to our Guaranteed Remedies, made by ourselves. retrial, ,eloubtful. no.partioular kinds Br e sold M any price you. choose to offer. Our Guaranteed Remedies are not thie kind. They are not the bargain counter kind. They are reliable pre partitions guaranteed by us to gise satisfaction, or youi money back. Our Physicians' Prescription De- partment is also a leading feature of our adore. Au impure or an inexact chemical will taint with itnperfecaon every prescription into which it enters. The hoped-for good effect will be 1rssened, deleyed or prevented. Who suffers niost-physician, patient or druggist 1 Sornetimer sometimes another, sometimes all. Lack of purity endangers commercial success It is impossible that our Dispensing De- partment should enjoy wide -spread and oontinual preference unlese it were distipguished by using toe hest drugs the market affords, and hoeing it managed at all times by a quelitied chemist Telephone service (No. 4.1) all night. J. WILSON, Prescription Drug Store. Sure Cure for orist and Basso. Oa. of Aimee, ice's favorite entertainers. . 0E0. P. E Personator anti Dramatist. One of the most powerful men in his line in the world. 3. It EV. MORGAN WOOD, °tie of our brightest orators. 4. HARVARD MALE QUAR- TETTE, of Boston, the finest organisation of its kind in the United State& The finest Ladief Orchestra in 5. Fur sale at Mr. EL A. Plaines More. Reserved Sesta 10r. extra. ,artrrImmmmtrttOrttmtrttrffmmtne E Spot + Cash I DID IT IThe Dominion Bankrupt Stock Co., I always on the alert for snaps, bought E the Hamilton stock of rlen's and Shirts ancl Drawers, Flannels, Blankets, E- Ladies' and Misses' Wool Skirts, Ladies' 1 Vests and Drawers Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Top Shirtss, This stock, along with the balance of a Ethe Colborne Bros. stock of D Good Mantles and Millinery, bought by us 1 MUST BE SOLD IN FORTY DAYS 1 E as we close up the business at that time. a fr4TYou can buy 33.00 worth of Staple Goods for 31 00, and 310.00 worth of Fancy Goods for 31.00, by at- tending this sale, so DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE 1 4E_ as it will be the laet one you will have. E THE DOMINION BANKRUPT STOCK CO., E MOVIE BIN' N.! SUM GODER1CH. /47,for.,04, ? elcaytammes g)/?. 41:)&.‘talC LEE & BERARD'S Anti - Freeze Come In and see ear line ef New and Second -Hand It is worth your THIE (ARDIGAti OVE 5"" WARMEST OVERSHOE IN THE MARKET. TO PUT DO ea vs rut ore. ten lievymen. No BiTrallaL for Women , Misses and Children A NEW COOK STOVE At any season of the year there is 00 greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is with cook stoves like every- thing else . there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will bc pleaeed with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN CATTLE 33R013. PIEKSteasitters NEW COODES lall and Winter Snits and Overcoats. RENOT-111110E CLOTHING CHEAP AO ewe mato Oen and so them. ip=iteig by and to meal nip le the USW STRATFORD. ONT. Kele lank rif 0114411111116 The CARDIGAN OVERSHOE CO. H. DUNLOp, Clearing Sale ! • As we must vacate this store on the 19th of December, we must dispose of our stock of MILLIN- ERY -by:that date, and to that end we shall offer everything utterly regardless of cost. Startling Bargiins-Come and see. MISSES YATES. SHIP YOUR Eggs, Butter. Cheese, Poultry and Pork, Apple, Potatoes and Grain to CAMPBELL DAVIDSON & CO.. BUYERS AND EXPORTERS, 813 TRONT 87111111T UST, TORONTO. in Pay Eigliest Iota Priam 41 PLAITING MILL. Bookman & SASH, DOOR and BLEND Dealer, le all Ina& of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Woo; Furniture Soeqialty Filsinger & Robinson. WP have isecured the con- tract for inetalling the Dundee Acetylene GRR Machine in North-st. Methodist Church, Goderich. The machine will be at our store for about two weeks, and we shall be pkameil to have it inspected by Stay - We carry a full e of Furnishing Goods, and do an manner of Plumbing. Cor. West-st. and 8qt late. Weadatfal Tends and teil/19 Send for oar Pries Liet. EPPS'S COCOA. - nor Quality, andi7utritinNveG Distinguished everywhere - for Delicacy of Flavour, Supe - Properties. eity grate - fed and oom.f to the nervous and elyirptio. Sold don. lingl&13 1. tagirtSfartik-JC EPPS'S COCOA A. W. CORNELL A. NOSE WOM We treat the of families to de wharf erszerli the et • imam sar air. tem awl fri go Ilt• per le taw *owed nes as Rime Steseressess. erserartineerear or It 1 Weak amd laws Illes4 Wail and Lbw Tommiliss