HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-17, Page 6BOTII SIDES( UNITED.
In Face of Common Foe Litter,.
als and Tories Are One
Lard RIle b , the Were at Omd.rmee,
In Groat Dymond -Tb. Makogan
Manu ley Reeamod sed A.at. Ad.
d - Marchand Loaves
('.Irfor Fa•hoda Mow
th• rrsaeb Will Lo....
London. Nov. 14.-81r Edward Grey,
Liberal member of Parliament for the
Berwick on Tweed Division of Northum-
berland, .peaking at Asbington on Sat -
gado, night, volved the opinion of Lib-
ertb on the subject d ICgyp$ 4 future,
saying tbet although Ursa', HrlMle weal
to Egypt promising and Intendln
•vaeunre, atroam,wnoee had created fresh
obllgarlon., retaking In a position which
'any "1'I1110 -'e'Jvernmetlt wan bound i0
mantilo. Heeald:
"While oat very scuta po111t has been
settled by France . decision to wttbd
frau Fasboda, yet the sky 1■ not egia
We aro obliged to recognise that
"Athoswitharew, teem remains In 1
• feeling of Irritation and sore
While the fmptesston remains that
• treated trted them batably, we know
notations lations cannot be placed perman-
ently on a tetter footing.
Asquith re. the Far Fest. oc
In the ooaree of • speech on the oa•
Moo of 18. opening of a Liberal Club a1
Padtham, Lancaster, on Saturday night.
the Hight Hon. Herbert Asquith, Home
Secretary lu Lord Hombery'a Cabinet,
spoke at length on the identity of inter-
e stsbt the 17alted States and England
1n the far East, where, he saki, Am. rip
was destined to become a great power.
The pretence side by side and the oo•
operation of the two Englleb-.peaking
powers would vitally affect for the better
the whole future of the far Kest.
:-- •
boat. He mild ilea the b0.4 cruised
around all night, but
sever hoed Me
The coxswain u( the Lizard lifeboat
add be believed that they oould have
saved many lite. if tern had put off to
the Mehemet Immedi• sly
Surgeon Timor testified that he eon -
versed with Capt. Griffiths at 6.46 p. s.
on Sept 14. He wee la the bested' spirits
end greatly pleased ris
ned with e rblp's be-
Boatswain Crulkemek wee celled b'
the stand and said that every effort was
made b gel out the boats. The able(
°Mloor. he mild, ordered bite nos b wait
b loosen them to the orolnary way. 15
was Impos.lble W launch owlet'
to boat, owleci
to the 11.t of the ship Tbe enquiry wax-'
edjouroed until Nov. 94. _r
Kaiser Will Not Laad.
London, Nov. 14.-A despatch b the
Observer from Berlin says the German
Imperial party will nee tenant any Span-
ish port Owing to Spain's interpretation
of the ♦till ea a manifestation o, synars
pathy with Spain in her preen; dlle-
aulty, she will have to turo Ibe pia.•
g So pre of a formal ,l.lt from the Kaiser.
LI Han Cha. sbvod.
[ i ei
Pekin, Noy. 14. -LI Hung Cheng ba[ �!
been ordered So proceed to Ti Nan, capi-
tal of the Province of Shea Tung, to
raw concert measures with the Viceroy of
red. Shan Tung to prevent further Inunda•
ough tions of the Yellow River tlloang Ho).
Erb 181. appointment is regardel es virtually
°nes. shelving Prince LI.
Honored .t Dinner by the Q•een, 1,4
Was Cleaned with H11111,
London, Nov. 14. -Lord Kitchener
Moues to he the meet entertained man
the Kingdom, he not hent allowed
!rest mach, resting to the nxth of Soot-
hed on, day and to the south of Rog -
lead the next. After leaving Lord Sall.•
bery'e piece at -Hatfield, when be had
anent a week, he wens. by special oom-
nsLd to Balmoral to the the Queen.
.Mudurn Society says Kitchener stopped
at Aberdeen for dinner and while tins
engaged the Empress Frederick arrived
on her way south from palrnor.L SDe Ot
ecce went to hie hotel and asked 80 Ess
the Sirdar, and the two batt a pl.sasnt
eb.t till It was time for them 80 go to
their aepante trains.
1'ne Uentlewomao says the modesty
with welch the Sirdar received the
Queen's ecngetnlatlons °banned Her
Majesty, and the soldier was touched by
his Queen's gracious kindness.
$sward. to Hrrtl.h Oarar.,
The rewards to British ofioere ana
men engaged to tut recent suoosssful
campaign In the Soudan are not ended
by the bestowal of medals and decora-
tions. Lord Wolseley, In a special army
order, issue] Thursday night, states that
gratuities ranging from A8 for ole five
of private soldiers to 6228 for the Major.
General, are to be paid to every officer
sad soldier employed south of Wady Haifa.
10 *sesela4eaa., upon reoommendstlon
.f general officers oeomrnanding lo Egypt,
0ra104tles will be reserved also by officers
and men ereploysd et Wady Haifa and
Assouan. The unit scale of pecuniary
reward 1e 63 to the share and the number
of shares Is on • demanding male from
the Major General, who will be credited
with 676, and the Brlgadler.Genenl,
who Is to have 667. it is not yet known
how large a sum will be necessary to
carry out this order of the War Depart-
ment but undoubtedly 15 w111 bs very
Ambiguity 1• the Baft.4s -tae Calm*
Trial Not Coneladea - Evidence
T.ken 1. Cto.e.Potltlon.
Stratford, Nov. 14. -The South Perth
election protest awe was resumed op
Saturday morning before Chancellor
Soya and Mr. Justice Meredith. - The.
prtncfpal charge taken up was that re-
garding 14 misprinted ballots,' claimed
for Monteith (Coneervathe) and so re•
garded by the county Judge, but welch
were rejected by Mr. Justice McLennan
on appcal.
After argument, their Lordships *n•
b6tinoed that they hied de -elided. that the
election should be Told, because of It not
having been a fair one, owing to the
misprinted ballots. They attached no
censure to Anyone for the occurrence.
Slime W4TUMAn.
He wag just a common sinner,
But he'd buy a tramp a dinner,
An' he'd sort o' try to put him on his feet;
An' a feller fright be needy,
An' his raiment worn and needy,
Yet he'd stop an' visit with him in the street
• He made no ado about it -
Would n't brag around ner shout it,
Yet he did a heap to help his fellowmen
When he'd find a fallen brother,
In some easy way er other, ,
He would make him organize himself again.
IIo had money an' he spent it,
Er he gave away er lent it ;
Seemed -eve if the more he lost the more he got
Made altsorts o' big donations,
Ilelped support his poor relation,,
An' ho bought a orphan school a house an' lot. t•
Never heard o' him aahoutfn'
Ner a-settin' 'round a.spoutin'
'Bout the everlastin' wickedness o' things;
But he iltst went on a findin'
Deeds to do an' never mindin'
Much about a crown er harp with golden strings.
Yet the deacon's folks (it's very
Ilald to say it), they were merry
When at last death came and caught`him in tEellmh;
Fer they knowed the devil got 'im,
An' it served 'Im right, dod rot 'im I , '
Fer he never had united with the church.
4\'"rt_ q` eP X":0144M* * **kW*
ron_ The counter -petition was thee taken up THE NEW LINGERIE.
1„ and several cases of bribery testified to' 'A Caren Cat time Important Point,
so In Mr. Montelib's behalf. the money for
whish, It was alleged, was furnished by With Trimmings !'err and sort.
W111 Cost 10,000 I'oend■ and Take Firs
Years to writs.
London, Noy. 14.-A well-known Lon-
don publlsLer outman that Mr. John Mor-
ley will recotve 6.2,000 a year from the
MacMillan. for h1. Gladstone biography,
and that the work w111 oocupy nee years.
This is not excessive remuneration, area
the magnitude of the Lars Is considered,
Then aro more than 100,000 letters on
Rte et iiawardea. There i. much talk In
polities' olrolse about Mr. Morley, of
virtual retirement from political life, le
view of thle five years contract. He would
not have mode this arrangement if be
bad not lost Interest la polities le 000se-
gnence of the death of Mr. Gladstone
and the failure of the Horne Rule cause,
Let. Lord Mayor's Record. -
London, Noy. 14. -Col. Davie., who
Mind as Lord Mayor Wednesday, man-
aged to establish a Mannion House record.
Aeco ding to the Bridal Weekly, he
dined mon folks than any of his prede-
sem.ors. The nuniber of those who sat
down at table with blin In the oouree of
his year won no less than 20,000. 'The
new Lord Mayor, Sir John Voce Moore,
b • wldcwer, red the duties of the i.ndy
Mayoress during 81. term of office will
devolve upon Mrs. King Farlow, the only
daughter In • family of nine children.
Msrebd Start. Out
Cairo, Nov. 14. -Major Warehana, com-
mander of the French expedition at
Fashode, started yesterday for that point
with Capt. Haratter. Oo their arrival at
Faahod■ the expedition will Immediately
retire by ways of Sobat, eoathweet of
Fashods, at the lunation of the Sobat
River and the While Nile, from which
point they will move overland to Jlbatll.
the French poet In the gem Morita, as
*8. west coast Of the Gulf of Adm.
t. Drerfes Bend?
Paris, Nov. 14.-1t was reported her
bat evening that Dreyfus is dead.
Tb. tremor 1e andaeatmltdwes .yo• .tees&
sone a mysterious telegram received from
Colmar, capital of Upper Aimee, aimed
by .n unknown eorresponnent So fir a.
can be asoelwlned, then is no °swat
eonfirm*tlon of the report. Tbefatller-in-
law a Dre7T111 elstfrallt4 it
Mr. Guilford rte the Way Reek.
London, Nov. 14. -On the Canard
(Ane steamer Lapel•, which NM/4 on
tiamrday for New York. was Mrs. Nancy
Watford. rte Bridgeport, Cone., EOM
mite, who has i,.e0 sa'tr+d'bd b sand
Mal for the murder of Emma (1111 of
llssthlectrm, Coen. Detersive Crnnyn of
11144pnpar9 le le *barge of the primmer.
Baskets were deed, Rot meth...a veers
Low. la Slotting mor.
Le.4ea, Nov. 14. -The MOtege, es -
was esoldnw A ran Natally. A
bee of the aeasegnsed trialed that
• reeks, and pm every poeelbl.
M the Mekepn whoa be saw
TtnelomMyly, ks mkt, tk.
the Menthols' was ateMaa le-
aw•wats et Ms RatatenthIlthlithe
the With M Iwaseb4sg the
Mr. Graham of St. Mary's, secretary of
the Conservative Association.
William Tobin, a bertender of St
Mary's, acknowledged having paid out
varlor sums to voters, which he said
were furnished by Graham. Thl4eOrabafn
denied on oath.
The judges decided that no corrupt
practice had been proved on the part of
the Conmervative candidate, but that the
votes of those who had received bribes
should be thrown out. Mr. Bristol aeked
for a scrutiny of these vote., eight la
number, which will be taken up when
ooart resumes at 1p.m. to -day.
Several Tbeewed Dollars' Worth of
D.strselloa at River do Loap.
River d° Loup Station, Qos., Nov. 14.
-A terrible explosion of dynamite,
which caused damages to the extent of
several thousands of dollars, took place
Dere Saturday at about 11 o'clock la the
mooing. A bo0.e oo the Station Hill. In
which was stored a large quantity of dyna-
mite, the property of the Waterworks
Company, caught fire, and caused the
dynamite to explode with terrine tome
Some of the bases nearby have been bad-
ly awaken up, and some of them have bat
few panes of glare left In their windows,
besides other damages. At the station of
the I.C.R., also, several p.ne.'of glass
were broken, the freight shed doors
bunt open, and at the repair shop all the
windows on one side of the building
were completely detnolkbeo. Fortunately
the house was away out 1n an open field,
otherwise there might have been some
los. of lite. The origin of the fire 1s un-
known, but 1s supposed to be the work
Of an Incendiary.
Th. Dlsekarge IaJur.s Mem. Breese .(
8tomffville, Ont , Nov. 14.sA
peculiar shooting accident eaarred
Saturday morning at the home of Jobe!
Brown, farmer, who lives about a mile
east of this village. Mr. Brown owns a
breech-losding rifle and h1s son had load•
ed It and brought It Into t8e bedroom
and laid It on the bed. A little while
after Mrs. Brown and her daughter en-
tered and started to tidy up the room,
and the daughter, easing the inn, took
It off the bed and In so doing accidentally
pulled the trigger and discharged the
gun. The charge took effect on Mrs.
Brown. Dr. Rowan of Stooffville being
hastily summoned, fond the bullet had
pierced the top of the long and gorse
through the shoulder blade. Although
the wound is serious, Mr.. Brown is In
no Immediate Sanger.
Tbe Coal Company M.h• an A[reonmat
With the Mee.
Carlinville, 111., Nov. 14. -The differ•
'noes between the Chicago Virden Coal
Company at Virden and Auburn and the
striking miners have been settled and the
shafts will 000n be In operation. The
oompony agreed to pay the State scale of
4n cents per ton, but did not want to
tear down the stockade. Finally the mom•
piny aaoepted the offer of the miners
that they wobld take It down and charge
the hxnpany nothing for the labor. Over
11,0 witness.' have been summoned by
the grand jury, welch 14 now nvestigat•
1n4 the recent Virden riot, In whlo:l so
many men lost their Iltes.
Omen Gala the Beet Owing to Some
P.rnl lar Werk.
Winnipeg, Nov. 14.-A oonfuelon of
Fenn and hip, spoc.lal marks oat hall.te
Bat r`versed I1n rruit of the East Cal-
gary eleetion. The first return' gave
.lame. Reilly the eleetion by A gond
majority, but on H.tnrday the returning
otilrer declared A It. (:roes sleeted by 68
irritant,. Siston'or majority In Bann hati
been maenad to 90 on lee neownt, and
Dr Brats say he will protest the entire
vow oast at me poll, ,
The 111 -Fated I.peat- Teres..
Name, Noy. 14. -The tug Posen's°
froth Hantlego de Cuba• which has Men
visiting the stranded moist, infanta
Marla Tawe oto Cat Island, n.s arrived
here In order ea tannin a permit M wait
on the .hlp. HM w111 return to Cat Is.
land immediately. The endow I. lying
one mita telt share, .ad In tee fathoms of
water. The natives ham destroyed the
temporary deck and have cerrfed away
everything moveable,
tadruNewg Breed Trash Men.
Windsor, Oat, Her, 1.-A. G. Manley
le here eceseIng and esaslslwg the
teleses et tee O. T.R. eta the et tedard
Wei et this asmpeny. Time are aero' ale
paMeat N the N.5 sod answers asset
be'Iigsa. Time arm abet 105 M te
it manatees and Is W1R probable tate
three west. SdeIt.
The complete transformation that the
het aeseon or two has effect91 in the
out of gowns and wraps has been t f-ne-
oeaily accompanied by an equelhy radi-
cal change iu the shaping of the under-
garments, and styles in the latter can
hardly be better indicated than by the
following items from an illustrated re -
rime of "tee new lingerie" given by
the New York Sun:
Tbe nightgown of the immediate fo-
IDre is gored and trained sud nioet elnb-
I ately trimmed. Especially doer this
; apply to the nightgown of the bridal
at The Ochm is a feature of the newest
nightdress, and is a moat becoming part
of it. Sleeves are left to the individual
taste, or rather to the iudividual form,
for the very thin woman is not apt to
look kindly on the nightdresses with
elbow sleeve, or very short one.. This
season the short waisted effect is much
sought in nightdresses, and laces and
embroideries are inserted bsyadere (ash
fon. Bayadere tucking is cased with good
effect on undergarments, and quite a
wide spree is left between the tucks.
How the chemise eves came to be
oompletely ousted no one seems to know,
but the truth is that it disappeared so
entirely that It comes back almost in
the manner of a novelty. Formerly this
garment was worn nest to the skin un-
der the corset, but it is now more fre-
quently worn over the corset, doing
duty as a corset Dover and short skirt.
Tbe moat highly approved design is
rather abort, falling just low enough to
hide the drawers. Most of the newest
models are made to draw in behind at
the waist line with a ribbon, so that
they fit the figure as snugly and az ooth-
ly as a fitted oorset cover.
Drawers are by no means so wide as
they were last reason. Very few fell
umbrella drawers are shown, thin de -
sign having been greatly modified. They
are narrower and fit very snugly and
plainly about the hips, baying no.gath-
ers at all in front and on the sides, and
aa few am possible In the back.
Both the very short and the long mus-
lin petticoats are cut after the newest
drers skirt patterns, and their fit is
faultless. Their tops ere sheath shaped,
and they fit hack and front around the
top without , gather 0r plait or even no
mach an s pecker. It goes without say.
Ing that they flare decidedly at the hot -
tom, and on the long petticoats three
hoe edged graduated ruffle.. are made to
fall Over one another and are set on 4499
attached tare edged flounce, which
make. fonr fluffy reifies about the fret.
That little garlryegta-tkq,coraet cover.
playa an important part in the encesr.
or failure rr women's wardrobe, for
upon it (leporello the fit, or richer the
correct Fut, of her bodices. Short Frere h
Conal covers that creme only to or just
• trine deism the waist are made to ad
Dere closely to the Ogore by meang of a
drawing string at neck end belt line
The new motel. are very dainty trifles
Some are toeked all near vertioally rer
boriznntally and othera have beyariere
or him inserting' of lace or embroidery,
or both, let In
Biretta. rev Cent *.me..
Late tomatoes are preferable to the
better ripened one. for child sande, he -
Mane, while eerily cooked tandem, they
retain their Poem and .an make . more
attractive since says flood Hrnak.ep-
fog. Pare withont ir.lding four quart'
of tomatoes a little .ndarrlpe, Halve
sroawi.e and remove the weds. Mein
on a towel and shop tine. Chep two
hire mimes wed two rad peppers (sap
eretely) and add en the prepared fret,
with gee -half a capful of grated Wirth
radish and telt ora eeptsl of .sassed
sued, the teblespoo.fal of whdla pp
per, one cupful of sugar, one tablespoon-
ful of ground cinnamon, one-half a ta-
blespoonful each of ground cloves and
meas and one quart of vinegar. Stir all
Well together and cook slowly and
steadily for one and one -halt hours
(longer 11 too thlg3, -Seal bets - -
H. ..kola Brevities,.
Robber thimbles for typists and
pianists are intended to prevent the evil
e4ecte upon rise nervous getem of mil-
nitantly pounding the sensitive finger
tips against the solid ivory keys. They
come in nets to fit ,the ends of the
Anion, according to • New York ex-
U.efnl soreens are bow made with
shelves and many and various pockets
for darning and mending materials,
buttons, wax, strings, tapes, needle -
oases, scissors, thread and sundry other
things needful in the sewing room.
Floor" made of paper are ■ German
invention, for welch it is claimed that
when onoe laid they oatdb and bold no
dust, owing to the absence of either
cracks or joints such as occur in wood
flooring. Besides, they are said to be
Colored bed ooveringa of all aorta,
provided only that they are in artistic
and soft hues, are quite the thing.
A small iron which ■ man oan heat
over the gas, just as • woman does her
marling tongs, and use to give an lm
maomlate emoothnea to his silk hat, it
a convenience lately contrived.
The Fries* and Grinner raper Aba.-
d....d-011dea Rope Ornamentation,
Of late tt baa become quite the fash-
ion in banging wall paper to dispense
with the usual frieze. This is the case
often when the ceilings are high sod
oertaiuly where the story is a low one.
It Is argued that the frieze tends to di•
minleh the height of the room and to
detract from the beauty of the wall. A
heavy frieze serves to overload the ride.
e nd decreares the effect of pictures and
furnishings. Sometime. there is a finish
of a narrow molding. .At others a strip
one or two inches wide of silver or gilt
paper, cut lengthwise off the roll, an-
swers the same purpoee. An elegant
snit of parlors lately redeeorated in
green emho,aed paper on • cream gton°d
bad no finish at the top, neither were
there ceiling decorations, but a plain
cream ground ioetead, aye d writer in
Good Hunsekeepng, authority also for
the following decorative hints:
Greatly overdone has been the ceiling
decoration busdnees. Pyrotechuic de
signs and bizarre arabesques in paper
have bad their day, ave with the very
ancnitivafed. Where the plaster la
cracked end uneven and needs covering,
• plain "fiat" paper of *single del irate
tint may be need. A more expenaive
and bandeornerceilsing has band painted
corner, and center in light, faint Ione,
In • parlor roses or wistaria or what-
ever flower matches the color of the
principal furmiehings clambers or in -
twines. gracefully fading toward the
middle of the room. In 0 chamber the
morning glory in suitable. All the cor
ners are unljke, though the name mo
the is repeated in eerier, style*.
Gilded rope, of a rite corresponding
with that of the picture, is a favorite
decoration for the edge of picture*, es-
pecially for sea view.. The rope, at-
tached by *mall nails to the wooden
frame, its then filled with sizing er var•
nish to prevent the stnkitlg 1n of the
gilding. At etch corner three fiat loop.
are fastened to the frame. In country
cottage* homemn'de or pine tables may
be covered with rope. With it the lege
are tightly wend, while bhp eldges its
closely covered with a romans pattern
is (irilek Prem, circle following circle
In as endless, char. A knot with ravel-
ed ends fonr inches long is fastened at
each corner, and the only space left un-
covertei le the top, which is Enppnlef,
to be occupied with the lamp and Its
The Mane 01Ie For Te1154 me..
The men and women of imolai* Greece
and the famous beauties of every clime
always understood the fns of oil In the
toilet, aye an authority, width gives
the following hut: When Sansei oil Is
seed, It clopr up the pore' and readmit
the skin snares, bat toget•bk 04111 Pooh
as the Greeks seed, fess the seta.
There are roomy thine that ds not seed
ledritrtIne after a hath, belt there are
way others width are ha ted by the
the tit floe vegetable oil, sloth ea almond
4r.SaB, *Mob tarnishes food te the ate
end lea wpo1 ate in the gibe
The Captain of the III -Fated
Vessel Tells the Story.
Thor Were Porfetly sober, Bat In.
toadod t. Star on Board sod
H..e • Used T1111.o N Ith th
Pr.vlalone and Niue fur 41
Moa for els Mootbs Own
M.. Lost.
Montreal, Nov. 14. -(fere Is the story
of the master of the Westmeath. Cep$ln
Johnson said: "We left Autwerp Oot
22., mid bad zoos very ham weather,
but all weal well until Nov. 2, at 6.40
p.m. TM weather had moderated shortly
before, but jam at that hour she tall -end
shaft broke to the aura tube. From thee
Run until Nov. 6 the meal labored mile -
lowly at the mercy of the high sea ma -
nine on the 6th a ve...l westward
!wood passed u., but owlet( b the nut-
rias of scow tailed to p.roslve our sig-
nals. We were In 02.50 N., 60 le W.,
about 800 miles trout Belle 1.1., when
the .bets broke, and when on Nov. 6 the
Muutevlesan oleked us up, we were In
68.04 N., 47.810 W., having been drifted
to then by the wlod.
'18. Montevldertn at once made fest le
as and towed us for nearly four hour*,
but 000ld hardly get+leer.geon In three
Lours and forty minute. she towed no
lilt miles against a strong S.F. T. Thee Tbor Ash tor W1,1100,000.
the om loch steel hawser attour chedacre to 46 Pklledelphte, Pa., Noy. 14. - The
fathoms of Dobe broke, our .ruse had h Steam•blp Company bee filed a
rudder fallen ill, but (tad Jammed agelna the 1011 in 5hb city agnln.t the British .hip
post, and eco our semi would sot
areQrem.z.ablre b "neve 011,600.000, the
Ds. The Monrvlde.'t hung by for talkie of the lest French steamship La
and thou ran under our stern end and Bourgogne, her cargo sod freight, which
8004 us see could not tow o., and ..keel
all hand, to prepare to leasee We could 'fie souk on the morning of July 4 off
only get away by the lifeboats, end the Grand Bents of Newfoundland, M
had b nu►e tour ttjpm, the 11"' .t 90 sellld.Dg with the Cmtuarsy.hlre. The
p.m. and the jut et L p.m., as we trans Untied Stalls, authorities eased the
fsrred aigour men ourselves.
"W Nit we got on board the Montavl4-
an we called see roll and Num four
men miming. This was a surprise. as
we h.d been under th, impression that
all were saved. However, Captain Mac
dougall al ono, sent h1• chief officer with
• twat and crew and three of our men to
search the Westmeath anew. One of the
men suleequeotly turned up on board the Sp ei the addreemi of H. G. Tasker,
Montevl.lews, and the other two, who solicitor for defenCouri and Crowe ♦t-
were Bram.., were found la 58. donkey larney Sleet•. Court adjourned et 11
swrrrOslsasr--6hsy hat►.towed tlfMmsdtvks- �' � �1 'se -��lz-
away. Then questioned they said that anis LHoWrAec° reviewed tM evldeno,
26 fO 1.
18elr L.rdship• Peasider the Osr
t hongo• W Ith,.ut V..asd.tl.a- Ad -
Toronto. Nov. 14.--Oo Saturday Mr.
Justice Street annouoeid rust the Orr
'harem la the West Lurk election peal -
Soo petition case inns. be nousidered
wltheut foundation wed Mr .luatice Fal-
sooLridg. uouourreb n Lis learned col-
league • decision. 101. places shower. at
le b 1 la favor of Hill. And now s 'tong
forestall be the whole budumes hL the
soars mesh again on Monday, Deo. 19.
William Oilman was recalled 0a bathe -
day morning, when the Judges delivered
their Moues be the ■bots offset Ire the
Orr mailer and Ids orateexemnatlo.
was gemmed. He swore he had made no
bet as So atm remit of the trial. It was
T'ueedy nlghl, not Monday night, that
he had been et Nurse's Hotel. It atter
wards trrusplred tba� be had got very
chant on that coterie bad song songs
and, n tact, knew very little of whet
happened exce .. t
that M woks opIn 1
1 his
.hair at boom as 6 o'ol.wk next morning.
He considered the bargain with Hill par-
iettlT (onset Wiliness complained that
be was being wandied all the time be
was around the oourt room and 5. didn't
'elide the :dee
George Wilkinson, a boy who had Iasi
the interview of H111 and Ullman, re-
membered overbearing the former re-
mark, "I'll get you the money.'He bad
Sold 581a to 1t. John afterwards In U11 -
man's bearing.
Am the evidence for the defenca 000td
nes be heard before adlourntee,s It was
sol proceeded with. TL. trial was ad-
journed till Ileo. 19.
G otnartysllre Friday eight and souk
*barge of ha. The owners of 1.e Boor-
gomue olalm that the collision was do., to
neglect ort those In charge of tete
The alert Jeer Dlygre.d.
Owen Sound, Noy. 14. -Friday eight'.
maim of the Bart libel ow was taken
they fleeted that there were provisions tour bear. laity. T'to jury were out nearly
and wine for In men for ave. orati weeks toot and tailed se agM
on bo,rd, and that 1t should last two
mon a Ioog tints, eo they proposed to
stay on b.anl and have a good time.
These men were perteotly sober.
"One man, however, we never found,
• German -American sailor named Mel-
ler, from Baltimore. He and two other*
of the crew had broken into the etore-
room and broached the spirit. and were
deal drunk. We looked after them the
best way we could, and several men
assured me that all three had gone In
ate bosh, hot evidently he had fallen -Th Late.t ye.tatl.a..
overboard Somewhere.
"It was very herd to keep track of the
men, as they kept climbing op and down
all the time.
"Weep we lett the Westmeath .h. bad
10 feet .t water to No. 6 bold, and she Is
doubtlese .t the bottom of the oosan now.
The .crew man have punched • kale In
her She was Ioedrd say deerly with
sugar, cement and general cargo. Leading Wheat Markets.
"We are now all told 41, and I desire ruaow,i.s rer, eke clewir prkse leder at
to moot blartlly,th.nk Capt M$odo3mll lmport.bt centre.:
and his ones for fop all the kndnw M Ms dingowk.dlo Nee. Gee, KU.
shown nor" New York ....6...'. . woe*,74w 0 71
71% %
Mr. Lags ,., O m O 0 M%
Mliweake• . 0 CT%0
Trade ... .. 0.709* 0 0.ltilTrade
Dvtrurt 010 .... 070 0 7o
1.11.•ath, Na. 1
Sottisen' 0 1714 .... 0 en 0 soil
Duluth, No. 1
MIn❑eepoil. .. 006 • alb • Nib
Lard (•ev).. 0 a ,.
Torwto, red 0 A .... .... Nee
Temente et. Lawrea,* Hadar•
Itect�ts et grata .W utu.-r fares eves
were very large, KILO bushel's, ay jay
of hay which, together w.18 treR, V I .
tabes. better, eggs .ad poultry. made nte
er • at the largest markets foe este*
Wheat Sneer; 1100 bushels wad at fet-
icide( prase: White 74c• to 741,ee, red 74c.
grew. - yr to Th.
barley rmer; 1000 besk.te sod at 60e. to
L sealer; 100D boatels sold at It11ye to
mar arm: u loads .old et et to 08.50 per
tee, and .we bed s( p0 for timothy, .•d
cllwer .t th to 67
Dreamed tem-irellveriee fair sad prices
Oran'? .t 116 40 to 54.90 per cwt.
Foilsmen ple•t.ful at ode to (6c per mt.
l'onr..ry IlrotNW: chlrken.:nw• to The per
I,51r, duet. 40e to Mur per pair. mem Se to
r'e per h.
Nutter easier turkey. atlrie to the, tie I�with choice
1". 11,4.1 del"y at tall- to 21e.
Eggs. •trurly new-1dd. were starry, sell -
los st 'K.' to 000 per dos.; held over 20e
to 1e.
air %% 111,14 Laarl.r for W aeklsgtoa.
Quebec, Nov. 14. -Sir Wilfrid Laurier
lett hail lust eight for Sion tree l, tied -
wall set out fat Washington to -slay bat.
Mod the sittings et the Hiatt Commis-
The what Market• at Cble.ge and
Lism•pool Wert( btreag N nets/Any
Ilatcirday Bve*teg, Na. 11
Today's wheat markets were eoe,rwbat
rtru.g mid 54verpo.d futures adva•.ed 'at
per cents! OD a gaud dewaad. Ports wheat
to -day .dressed 5 to 10 oe•Uetse, guar es
lag the same thing.
CWrw.v futures were fairly strong in
• mpaiey sad ,.e higher seat p Ices n the
Northwest. The market cloned tee per
bushy' alae, than yesterday.
Third Company of the Orden P.►Iloo
Yonne Protest Against DI•►.ding.
Havana, Nov. It Ordee Publloo
form, cavalry and Infantry regiments,
was dieb.nded on Saturdry •tear • part
payment of arrears had been made. The
Orden Publero oreaolaatloo has cased
M exist ethos Saturday. Tbe trouble lead -
Ing to the disbandment of the force began
with the protest of tits third company on
Tbureday morning beton the palace.
Gen. Arolae, Military (governor et Ha
vane, ordered more than 4,000 troop.
maimed Ie the outeklrts of Havana so
numb Info the city, where they arrived
at nightfall. At the bpd of a portion of
these troops Gen. Arolae marched toward
the Or1eg y°blleo quarters, where the
protesting thlnl oompwr.y was drawn up
In the street under arms. The regulars
mimed to charge or Ore apes their
brother soldier. when 'ordered ;o do ,o
In the hope of intimidating the men, who
were finally penmrded to retire to their
Th, military precautions in thin city
eo°t1nee, regulars doing patrol duty
being quartered In the aquatic and stream
of the town. It Is underetoal the ring•
leaders to Th reday'e doing sell% be Mast Bd.l. Cattle Market
eaTM'ted• ---- -- -. -ti East entr.ln, Nov 12,-Reeeh,b st see
--�Ld throng(' cattle rheel. Sed hogs during
Rnterprtmtng Jap. In R.C. the 24 hour, eud"l st Iran to day were
ale,113 cars; sheep nbs. 13 aVancouver, H.C., Nov. 11. -For some hn-rybesCattle,100
month, Janine.. fi.hermen have been "r'; "h"rp and Ism1c, 7 cars; hog., 14 rer.
working rso a big trade le salted salmon au or ('.tele- Jtw•clpttts•e� beld d s.1, .10.1, ig lesdm,
from British Columbia to the Mikado'. Market wunchanged;hteh were
no for Improvement
es le,
kingdom. Saturday96 Japanese fisher- e 11400 s pp hair
ps mond. C.Ivee were la I gDt supply, fair
men lett for Seattle to embark on the 'lsnund mid loser. Caister extra, 07,10
Voppoo-Moser-Ketose steamer for tome, shee'" #7.75: gond to seethe, t7 st: $T.6A.
They are sending elm tont 01 fish 0a the eluding 7ttlords held overassadl4 leen,
same horst. It is expected that this trade ('anw4l.n Iamb, T8. market was doll a
Will Inseam b emelt proportions, and It muse tat ectlre mod higher ca Iambs.
1s promoted to charter vessels en l eebo c, pa i t$ .x ; e mS,>6s to ib le sod
sleeted for th•r work to pa°lolly to M. $Let Sheep,
of .n o extras t54, t,r.o
ph OetwJen to M. RL.ep, ean:ce to
Vancouver and the Orient. $4.!10; good to choice, 64 to 54,90; Ooossoa
to fair, 61 to $8.75.
Coat Mia. Irl•m•ter. Cheese Markese.
Vancouver, H 0., Nov, 14. -Then has Canadian and 110 Nov.
cries• cheese�Rer d
hese nn' her dimmer 45 Om Oral minsa sr the Cantwell (teens rod (tatter Road
A report from Seeman° say, there was a 1319.71;74MFour be a wars preeeat,
gee explosion In No. 1 shaft of the Van- Nought 5 t0� Hes Alexander.
sourer mines. The gam 'severely burned Nr 1 MlWood 2 75 for A.
* .4 .Mite. and
the malinger, W. M.G Wood 0 tow a ti d a Oe. TDe
rs•ror, Donald Pa • Dri•e woe RV: !k was tittered err rise Ase
inane, Kdmond Rd mon de, James Pries, cricaa ehr►,e end reh,med, D'ifty tab. !f
George Lae, Pees Hugh and Frei. hares, beau were .tile St 1+r. Aa 1M. was a
about head, face and hands. George Les meta mar eting, ng. there. se
end members of the bardpree•ar
ba4 on. oK tie loge bmken, 1'ha mine edthe prnddent; Mr. Denny, w1tt a yah•
sen. ordered b W elo.ed for • bw born •her gohd•hraded ears..
by the oogl mine In.peotor. witertowe, N. Y,. Non. 14 -Market etlrtag
Dad Amer.. Foley, hero large w•klt!
toe: rafts! at Se; .t Ma*f
gamey to oat ea, unh 1ltnrk, Oe; 101) twin.. Ile., Andrew secs bis
toter, metals (ictnMr.
Schley, having asksd, again for sect eery•
Ica. has been prnml.ed the command. etre
1481111wo sri.e.gmNMach lch will be re-
5...W,•I.ed In s short time with bme of
the flne•t cruisers In the navy, to exhibit
Ibis A n'ertene Rag eredlwbly es the Kum
peon nor( ees.
a•hfngton, D.C.Nov. 14. -Admiral
R. 11. Hammond, under arrow at
Hemel .n for sn alleged rwlndling ram,
It Ton.,w.tnda, N.Y., w111 be nxtr•-Ilt.d.
1.41111111.111116 How to L..'..
Bir James Paget spoke epos one ems -
alai et the lapereanes et leaning M
leas," sed 'Mowed that tbewledge, not
I>rmMl.Mly useful Ie itself, may he the
means 1f dove/epilog the power et team
tag. The ealM..tlen et the t*seib et
Murales l et Ineomearablygrea ha-
gnrlaaa Yare m the meaegajlsmf.s�
le ebe 1Ml9eat, thle festally se thweleeel
fiat whoa seed artery howled,. mar ike
QNsily .8505.44, r a blithe pwy1.jsg
far eke b.Meae at NA thea 1. t1illsr41
by the terga• mod MANS 'Ones 0 ht-
leensaelee. bels qd away y?bee
tr _
w* t
the 1
abuser the power .t Nadas se Mes55
5 NIMMtea at wl.1 gsOslsab' what Is
British Markets.
Liverpool.:Nov 12 119 40) -No. 1 Nest.
�AMts.-ve-itre: red whiter, se stoat; en, 1
(.al., res 10d to (1. 11d; NM. As 10504; pee.,
'. Iwo: (web. Ma; lerd noose ose 1M
14; Mem, heavy, ie., 24. e4• light 5).e
short rat, 90e; cheese. welt.. Ks; M,red.
Ll.e p0oI.Clore-Rorer wheat dell at es
1(k1 to es 1d tot Se. 1 coo. ROA M 41,44 ter
1 Northern Red wlntor ratan" vest 1d for Dec. rod 8e 10M4 for Marry.
[[g�lee, Ss 1.at d for spot. Futures, b lt�,1
Msreb, '1Fglasr, iM eat as Sid tee
50.5,50., aeras..•
"The apple map Is siert *his gnaw
"fJesdansl'FP We lata to 1.Ba
an theme deka n MMg MM 4gpIM"-Denelle
Free Prase '
"Jath Moak d bowleg So lethal bard
disposedteat and eel ess�dDi v
s aw
et, Maw
t ebd le treI the taps apa 1 sea M
at MB et M b . e Oar
sumo of lie 8grt kit talbtwlas w ms p. .
thus sew. "-Wabhepst BSaR
Early Accidents
Celina Ufalon9 s
A Casa that le Caught. TT ah'
When • lad about eight years or
fell roto a cellar a dast.nce 01 fro
striking• on wy heal, "0d CaueinYLondon, Eng.,
Cua5io• a1 lM brain. 1 was takes to
o 'Lha Sruda s not recovering 'u,te sIsmcbpow 35 Seen old and limn tote
actidenl until I be -,,se taking Dr. W. y
PiUNoa live moot,', eI had beet wbj '
fainting spe•t!., newer boring roorehLt�w
weiskr "-1)4,108 an attack 0l f.int�n te,
1 gi: w older thea spells became A,
frequent, haled longer, and kit 'se"
teat vitality. 1 was weak, l ata inirh
or stamina, alwt♦ys v wdnusnengrh
down -hearted; in that every
and every person was goinat gain t me,
and lite only had a dark bide tot,"m. M
appetite was poor moot of the time, bu 1
am now ha y to say that, 9 Der ,,l
Dr. Ward's Rkwd and Nrne Peds,tl h,;
onl had
r one fainting spell, 'shortly
I began taking them, 1.'
hesitation in saying not 1 have
Pilla cured me, , Bel _ �• 1S an
pilla I always looked fora (Ik1'I,g4 semi;
sot more than two weeks apart; nen.
I would be greatly surpri.c,l at :, retvr.
rence of these spells. Life is new i,r t
-the constant, morbid, down -hearted feel -
is gone, being replaced by a contest-
, hopeful fnc-bng. 1 feel like wrkmr.
My appetite is good, and in every nrpri:
I have experienced I he health and etrrn(;th
restoring properties of Dr, Ward's [nape
•red Norse Pins. They Certainly tate
proved a great blessing to me. Van
fon7()(lid), Thomas Stanton, Belch.
Dr. %Yard's Blood and Nerve Nis
are sold at Soc. per box, S boxes fur Oa•e0
at druggist., or mailed on receipts( price
by The Doctor Ward Co,, Li•w.&
Toronto. ...
Il w'
Al 11
eTl r
Abe las tl
A Dunnville Jeweller's Wife
- Jt! MItaueses HEART An
Mr,. D. E. Lavelle, Canal Street, Dees.
vine, Ont, whose husband keeps a
jewellery store, acid is Oris of She tet
known and most progressive citizens/
Dunnville, Oct, gives the following d►
script iron of her recent experience is the
use u( hldburn'e Hart and Nene Pith.
" 1 took liilburn's Heart sad Nero
1ri11. for weak nerves, diszine.s, palette.
Goa of the heart, entothering melba
sight and sleeplessness, Before I mese
them I could often
restful sleep. z
my nerves wereten so unstrung that I
would start is alarm at the least ears,
and easily worried.
Last February i commenced Iak..g
this valuable rnedscine, and it proved t8s
right remedy for ..yr weak and shattered
n ervous system.d
Milbere's Heart a
Nerve Pills restored my serves to •
strong and healthy condttios, gave rn°,
ler and normal action of the heart.
"I sleep well now, acid am better V
every way, and I recommend fuss
heartily to all who suffer as 1 did."
Milburn's Heart and Nene Pills, Sec-
• box. or 3 for gr :j, at all druggists
T. limonite A Co., Toronto, Ont.
t Plan re CanSMtla std
none ase RaHe.ea.eta, Dywenn. Ern"
pill esu mead pef6,s . awd 5. work eine
eat a ripe ter pats. Prism 7/e, all .rurtYY.
i1le-1 think that Mr. i.yre Most le
• divorced man.
lie• -Why so?
(the-1fe,told DN 'rime three or Nat
bean •go that bet was wedded to the
Never ton tire, ney.i to grow folk
he he patient, sympathetle, tender; N
trot for the hie/ding flower end the
Opening heart: t0 hope always, gds
Go.); to love •Tway.-tbb Is duty.
Wert. and Kesel.
A "need" Is ens thing; • "want" Y
another thing. We went • gnat may
nom things than we need. A good panes
waste the child M have whatever M
needs, and b ready M emir such tidies
ter his It within his power. 5, weal
M • salpsble parent who would g1' W
15114 whatever things be wanted wbaibM
ire a.titd them or not. A parent ly to
fate, see to the duty of keepl.g b1..6111
hem hamlet many a shies be waste, es
well as emeriti' for the ebld whatever
he needs. Our Heavenly Fatter Is Irma
*0d hers et pawpaw le this ease 4I.ettt
bastion of gifts to 511 safldren. He
knowetb what things we Da.* Deme at
Wove we ask film. W. hal Him the
things that we want. We ought l M
gratotnl tbat Ood will gat give as the
things that we want unless He lower.
that we Slee have need of them.
From Ear
To Jaw.
"Rath kath bee• for years more or bet
salbjeat to eruption* os my skin. The hit
elide of my face from the toils army ear
half way dews my tow was lo a M
bad .tato-being almost raw, esekke
shaving vary painful I was advised M
try B.idoek Blood Bitten, Owe hittM
perfectly cured net. I ma bas.ttly w
Oomtne.4 B.B. B. to oft who wafer crow
way tilde disease." 0. WHiT4. Carie*
vat., N.W.T.
B. B, B. curse Stdt Rheum, &Tem•,
Tetter, Shing'l.s, BoLI., Pimples,
Sore+(, V ken, a n d all forele
d Skin DIeaa... and
Sfuptlon., from the
sltalid.t ptmpl. rte
the went eereheises
-a m