The Signal, 1898-11-17, Page 5You will be Satisfied if you get your Boots and Shona here. There is no reason why you shouldn't be a customer of uurs. A well select- ed stock, best goods, lowest prices and courteous treatment are the induce - Mots offered you. The fell stook is complete, and will at Lower Prices than you to pay. be sold have been 0••••,000 'SIGNAL.. .aatiT.sicR • TuulmDAy, Nor. 17, 188C.. 5 SW floor of Forliamest your views, the nem of the meat Liberal Arty from thus beetles of the world. 1t soy *.au bele has • word to say easiest me, cc teal. that I sat L es the dedgest or bad also, saw 11 It • time to oily It. But, pwwN ty the auoo- Nos, 1 bed the right to olelul 1..s nguro e, outlet and wboleeome support of every mare of y... 1! youwilldo your du, y, uspwa apes it 1 will du Wee. 1 will wseo •s siw..g e tight s• I know how, u home. • baht as I koow hew, sod that is all 1 mit you io do. (Cheers.) TUB DOMI►IOM NOMIMaTn'$. " Tin rumor bee roue ahead that 1 was • eaadldat• for the Dm:nolo* nominstles. Under some oiroumetaooes I 000ld have 10 - accustomed awned .s to have bees in seine Meson • dot' to myself to de fro, oeoa5M5 the Lodi How is generally regarded as the little house- ' the lower house. I have been in the trout of the battle, sock .e It is, for some years past, and bays bees. I bops. oeabled to M- onad my 5eefuloem as • politicise, sod 1 might patently have looked forward to • nomination M the other Hoose. The edsomg u an uoelleot one, to • lawyer especially. Some of my friends said,' • W by doe%you seek it!' 1 will tell you why I don't 5.d it (aid 1 am not seaktag it at all): 1 oowtder that the post of City, bees, the poet of duty is the post of danger, today is the Looal House. 1 am go;reg to stand by my old friends in the L,osl House. until they are out of dttnjoulty at all minute. It le of more oo0eryaeooe to - 0.y te carry West Huroo for the Local Hoose than it is tor the Uominioo. This is the battle grouted, and there is nothing to binder Wast Herat gtvlog 200 of a majority." (Cheese.) ST. 6E0. PRICE, Custom Work and Repstrlsg. West side of Square, Godericb. (ARROW AND HOLMES APO the Man for West Huron. a Large mad astbastsette te.,astlee- tn.rrow Nmasated by Acelaesatlee -Nlss5e Leads all ineeopetetere ter Use C.sss..s. Tomato Globe Report. DUNUANNUN, Nov. 11.- The Ltbsrdil of Wast Huron were called epee tidy to perform the .omewhes nausea wk' , ifl -«+essimt padldatee to • *tee by.•iMi51me ler both Iii 6iisi1l sad Denta- te.. Houses. Thin plass was Mosso at the i oD,wtioe tows because it u preotloally i. the coat re of Id riding. Aud that 11 is is the ...tr. of so small rldieg those delegates who bad to drive twenty•we moles to rrsok the ee.,..ties sad twisty one miles to resob home agnea w •bund•utly able to testify. Tae drivls( had to be dons seder midenater 000diltone without the prelim - 10017 mid wiling .colimausetion Then weer sir Moan of row a the level sod t hree foot drifts slo.r t►y farce and dashes, sad se severe was lbs knot that easy farmers .entered eat in their bob sleighs. Abe wintry aspect of things gen- e ra)y was of softened, either. by halt a sale oaLke Harm, white towering hake of grey s.ow•ladea *loud. drifted sod threaleaed bot did .otbtag worse than feria the bwkgrsusd ler a eoeed of rare be.uty later in the day. Noterith.t.nding obese adverse oo.ditieer felly 250 fanners .head- ed the ....tios. About nee null of than were delegates to Dee or the ether somiee- tiowe .bout to be meds. For the lobi House there was but we seme mentioned, and the o om/Ytloa seam 0a.otmoosiy tendered to J. T. Gsrrow, (,j C., the late member He theaksd the delewstes to ids usual frank mangey sad referred to ch. rumors that bays 515.5 list... th• rounds of the (:oes.rv.wve press to the effect that he wee .beat to Mater Domielea petition. For the bandana Hew there mu . super. abidance of esadidata., but the Ilei was fis.11y redwood to tbr•r, namely -Robert Holmes, Mayor of Clinton, and editor of the Clinton New Era. ; Mr M. G. Cameron, i;edgebk, sea of tee late Hou M. C. C.m- eros...0,l. L. Grant, • sturdy Scotch ismer from Abbasid. All were 5lro0g me* red say od would have made amidst de - Witte. Toot deice fell upon Mr. Holm.., .ad the ftes.rsi teeing le Oise the donee was • Lies ora There bar ben s teener/ abroad that G.derich "Magid be eo.sat with sae .f the rtdisg's reprea.eatives. Gtb.r mmatofpalitiu wished to hem the bones of sending a member to one of thg' hos... sad it le perhaps p.rtiosluly fortun- ate that to Cllatea Ill. the boas of heist the home ot the .L.did•te abode for the i'ommos. today. Clinton 1. Lha reeogaisud pivotal point t. West Here* Then fir. Helme@ has mach Isfls.aee, !add boon =oyes fa the last awe years. Mr. Helmm is pi5d.st of the U.Md5. Press Asseelesies, .ad preadult el the Havoc Osesty 8.bbsth Sobool Asedielios H. to the sea of Mr. K. Holmes, formerly .seletase Pronanal Librarian, new of St. TWIN TORTURERS! Catbartoes, where Mr. Holmes was t, rs 40 years ago. Mr. Holmes' lather parohw d the New Era la 1866 and the present can- didate, who, it ay be said, was bore wart bud sprinter, saw married the daegbter of . printer sad sow they have a *umber of little printers. It the byword of West Hsros, "Aa (Anton woes, w goes the rid - 1.5," s well founded, lir. Holmes Intl no doubtedly be elected. Dr. itiol)onald, of yt tosbsm, K. Y. ler Seat Huron, acid Mr. Ales. Smith. liberal orgastser, were pros. esu at the °moieties. I►gsOLOTION 01 COMDOL0Ha. President Preudloot explained the objet of the meeting, end referred feelis/ly to the death of the late Hos. M. C. Cemeroo. Secretary Coate read tae minutes of the • saual meeting of the A..oulotioe, after wbtcb Hugh McPhee, of Asbdeld, read • resolution of oosdolenos with the tidily of dente H... M. C. Cameron. He peaked i1 by reading • resolutieo of oengr•tulattoo w tt had deo 10Nod«1 to present to {A', "Tlrineroo at the oo0vsotioo called tor Septerllber but poet,,osed. This resolauoe, so orneriest." of pleasure at Mr. Cameron'. edv.00emsnt, Lod alae full of hope that be would be long 'pared to enjoy his exalted position, made very sad reading is the tight of later sy•ote and coaob.d the delegates deeply. Retorting to Mr, Cemeroo'5 demes tbe resolatios stated that "th1e ev.Ot ie owe whioh tha Liberals of 'Nest Huron, to sem mss with the sway Nomads of the deeded all over the ooastry, Nneerely and deeply deslore la the demise of the Hes. M. C. Cameron the causuy hes lost an able, ex- pended sed distinguished statesman, eoe w ho oar devoted much ot the velu.bs.time ase energy to the Ldvauuement e.f thet.ter- sets ot our o0mnlen codify. 1'he exalted position held by the deeded at the time of his death is a tribute to his semory and s reoogowoa of his emus.t ability sad statesisan1blp. We extend to Mrs. Came, 0o and to all the members of the deceased gentlemen'. family our earnest .0d .19/0111re sympatby. and trust that • kind Provideooe will Beats and crowfeet them to their sad bereavement." The rewluUoo carried in s eked wind was mon etaloent than words. No. i ;i020W it1•N0MINIT.D. For the purpose of the cooeeouoo, Hobo. Currie, East Wswoce•b, was plead fa the ubelr, sod Wilbur Menton, of the Doherty gegen work,, Clinton, mod as .eor.tery The lollown* .arsuoeers were •ppouk.d l;oderich tows.btp, Joseph MoChtskev ; Goderiob town, Aleck Saunders ; COutoo, Kara Taylor ; Hallett, A T. MoDuaald ; Eon Waw•sesb, Win. C.mpbell; Blyth, N. H. Young ; W tegham, J. A Mortes ; West W.wanosh, Alex. Stewart ; A.baeld, R. A. Carrkk ; Colborne, Jeri. Tubb. The fellow• tag committee ore resol0uo05 wasappo($ted: Wm. Preudfoot, Godertob ; Dr. MoDoosld, W inghem, and Had McPhee, Ashfield. The somsu.tioo for the Loos) Hoose w bent entered Opts, and Mr. barrow was re - Lumbago and Rheumatism made Harmless by Dodd's Kidney PHIS Lumb.go and Rheumatism cause endless pin and suffering. Every man and woman who runs chances of getting wet, or catching cold, is liable to suffer from one or both. Our hospitals are hill of sufferers from these diseases ; none are more pain- ful. Every nerve is on fire ; every joint is a centre of agora ; every mus- cle an area of torture. To move hand or foot makes the victim shriek with agony. Rheumatism makes more cripples than all the railroad accidents that ever happened. Twisted, mis-shapen caricatures of humanity, who cannot walk without misery, are to be seen every day. The kidneys are to blame. If they aro healthy you needn't fear Rheumatism or Lumbago. Dodd's Kidney Pills keep the kidneys healthy and cure Rheumatism and Lumbago. Dodds Kidney Pills ALWAYS cclm. DOMINION NOMltt AT1000. The tollowisg nominations were made for the Domioion vacancy Robert Holmes, Mayor of Ciiotoa sad editor of the Clam. New Km, by Dan MaGillt^.uddy and Wm. Sallie. M. 0. LLmeron, Godenob,by P. MoCartby and Den McIver. J. L. Greer, Astakd , by Morgan D.lton and U.pt. Yoaog. Wm. Yroudfoot, 0ederbh, by J. Sands and Joseph bail. Yellin Holl, Goderiob, by J C. Matto and John Koox. Wm. Coate, Onion, by 1' Pee000k and J. Smit b. _... 1).n 1A,Otlhouddy, Goder,on, by Jacob Taylor .ed G. S. Cooper. Morgan Dillon, Aehbeld, l.y Wm. Froud• foot and J L. Marta J. N. McKenzie, Ashfield, by W. W. Coate and Wm. Proodfoot. J. C. Marne, °•deride, by Dr. and Wm. Proedloot. Till *1,0993es00 Mear.. Marton, McKeon* and Dalton deeliaed bristly. Mr. MoGillleudd► also 45olis.4 sad to doing s remarked joonlerly that he was going to let the person getuat the nomm•uoo ruu Ibis time sod be would endeavor to help him to woo. But :f the osodidete lost. and the meet wee re.opened, be sainted them that be would run and win the oo..titowcr for term next time. (Ap- plaud I He spoke of i he strength of his eas• filets, Mr. Holmes, and the eleme.bs which conduced to :hat strength. Mr. Me- Gilhoaddy prod toted that the dais• anomie would "unmet down to Messrs Groot and Helms., and expressed kit 'tlltagmmes to support either one tl them. Meese Cote, Holt sod Preadfoot ds- , h,.d is the order uam.d. Mr. Orson an - concord th.t be would be the o•odtded if the delegates considered him a strong enough dao. For his ant phbtio appe•r- aooe Mr Gnat side • strong, even elo• y0eot. added, president the arguments is concise and well cohesion terms. H. suited that he war • meetly* of Steaksd, but bad lived in the riding for forty yew. He ex- plained his aseooietloo with the Patrso or - demand, etsung that the organiser In "InvWng him said there were two spacial features of Pitroolam whish woold sod did appeal to the farmer. Gee object was the mutual improvement of the agricultural cls,, the next was that they wase trying to do awe. with the credit system. Whoa be beard this his heat expeaded for the order, rr ,.in.1ly as he war told that then were so creed limitations sod on: hid to hinder soy - es* from ezerois0g his political views. "If there were," assured the organiser, "I would not h. here." Mr. Itreat gab/toned hie name and become • leadint member. But atter • time the Paned thought it in their interests that they should be rpreamt- ed by their own order i. the PsrO.a..ts. "And, g..tbms, " clod Mr. Griot. •'whore they brought that proposition' is at the frost doer of our lodge. I and several others walk- ed oat at the hook." (Applause 1 Mr. Grant added that he worked is the follow tug election for Mr. trarrow as her never wormed before in the liberal interest. There way, he u.srted, o malarial difference be- , wenn the Liberal and the Patron platform. M. O. Cameron vias deeply touched by the kind tolerators to his father, sad is well.tbooght-eat address urged that he .►euld be allowed to 811 out the unexpired Time of hie father's term. Mayor Holman of Chutes, who followed, objected to this es an legends plee. The The late M Cameron had, he urged, veld terily reeigued to Aesop hither hoboes, sod had not been the member ter the ridlog when be died. Therefore Mr. Cimeroo's .rgameat did of apply.. Mr. Holmes said he was a bon Can•dten and had been for twenty years ..gaged In petho life. He referred with pride to hes loog dieser as mayor of CU.tos, sod, .1. iho,:h he disliked talking shop, he raid he hal been oomptisenld ea the .daslatetn- 1100 of oleic .ffaln by _.oaeervaleves and Liberian alike. Clinton', be a.ssrtid, was the pivotal point in the oo.test. MR 1.01.11!1 CUMIN. Three banks were lake., reaaltt.e la the nomination el Mr. Holmes. Beth the ether then Hunter sy`(eialreRy lloGsv,u, , CAbknlds, 41 1 other awe was meattooed, sed at the ex- piration o1 five minutes Mr. t;err0w was the elated, .mid.t applause, to 1.1 the .hastm- oas obo,ee of the ooeventioo. ma .ia00.0w srgIKM. Althesah suffering severely from • oold, Mr. ()arrow male. characteristically frank address. " 1 thsok you vasty sincerely.' said be, "for the renewed'videaos of your confidence in me I have always had most successful nominations esti oo two ooea- mod had fairly suoodle' retinas at the poll 'I M last time, however. somehow or otter, wit rams short 1 think, though, that It was one of those slips that take plea now and thee even in the best rein hated o.wbinery, sod I have of lost wu- 84..cs that the Liberals of West Huron are sante able to return me •gala triampbsntly i often Oink that tLer• are stronger 011010 this riding thin myself, there are men who oast do • greet deet mor• osovemieg then i o.n, sod do more buttonholing And thee* are one moo that wmetimee triumph at the poll. I suppose 1 mut have some ooboe good yoblike0. i doe's kuyw exsa1 what they ars sod I km not ger11Nto catalogue today. There must be aomethtop that makes West Huron L herb stood by ma as them el greys have dotty. All limn do here is to renew the promise that such se you knew me you can always oeuet on Sod isg me. (Applease ) 1 am sot mach of • hypoorits. whatever es. I may 0 That I am without faults 1 would be the lest teas in the world to pretend 1 hese phony of them, I h.,. some .,mise ; Last 1 .in awes of. No mm can live in Goderioh cid practise law for thirty years and not make seethes. A lawyer must be true to the tntaesG of his onset, remedies. of politica, ad bemuse of thee he tenet mak• gems..emiee. But, having selected ane, I ask yo0, gentlemen, to do what you can to rotors ire (Applause.) i wast to be re. Brad It I am selected, set .0 snob for my ewe sake, not Indeed at .11 tor my own Mks, but tor your sakes. You are here to- day discharging • eeriest, duty. here to .deet a candidate who will represent apes This Week's Specials: Pretty little Cups and Saucers, 5c. Good Purses, 5c., 10c., 20c. and 25c. Good Tooth Brushes, - Special line Tooth Brushes, 10c. 5c. each Hair Brushes, - Dressing Combs, Bide Combs, - - 25c. 10c. and 15c. - 8c. a pair of IS es Watch Show Window for Special Prices. Our Telephone No. is 100. Don't be afraid to use it. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, Lir ......«.. W. ACHESON& SON SPECIALS. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES -- IN - DRESS GOODS. Ladies :--We received this week a very large purchAse of very handsome novelties in Stylish Dress Goods. They have arrived late, b_: ` price is much less than regular. Ladies' Dressing Jackets of eider down flannel, all silk ribbon trimmed, in leading colors, very comfortable ec desirable goods, style as $135 here shown a FLOOR OIL. - T CLOTHS week in great de- mand o-mand for halls and under stoves, in 1 and 2yds wide regularly i5c sq. yd. 20c., for . . French Kid Gloves, 2 dome fast'rs, heavy silk back, gussetted fingers, new shades of Browns and Fawns, all sizes, 5 3-4 to 7, quality guaran- teed, regular $1.25, I Ladies' Frieze Jackets,all- wool,extra heavy, latest . cut in style, high collar, -Blue, Green, Black, 03 - regular $4.50, for . 42 -In Ladies' Cloths, e'- heavy all -wool and fine finish,in new cols.Blues, Greens & Browns,. 65, regular 75c., for Heavy Union Carpets, 36 inches wide, ten new tterns to choose 2GC. rom, reguiar.48c,at J BI'k Crepon Effects, Floral ec Wave Patterns. C5C. regular 75c., for INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHESON & SON. EIGHTEEN MONTHS' PAIN ended effectually sad rot -mammals by Meddles Kidney P111.. Central Waterville, N. B., Nov. 14. - These dull and cane days of November are terribly bard rat the kidney.. Net oo. perdu in a hooded escapes. liwkech., WNW Iew'A1tt.am,, lmmeheurn lead similar Kidney troubles are a 9.l.014101 es 1.Ilen leaver. Dodd's Ktdoey Pills are the only sure and oared ours tor !deny complains. Th.y fail to our*. 1n proof of this, read what Mr. F. W. Herrn. of tins plain, dye : " After benne suffered for stabbed month* with kiddy dimmer, being unable to work moot of the Lime, .0d having grown worse while t.tint other seliolw, I used three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, which effected • oom- plata .ad oerma055t oars. " men made strong rase. A. moo es the oboering was oeool.ded M. 0. Owneros took the floor. " I beg," e.M bo, " to offer my oougratsl•tions to my head Mr. Holmes, .red to make Ms .t.Nese.t .sew that be ons have all the support that it ie passible for a to give him. (Applause) If hes odder the impression' that i •m .bio to tender him soy effectual service I. lido cam' p•Igs all he has to do is 10 Id me k..w to- morrow morning. sod I will be with trim with pleasure to the end of the GOA" (Obo.r . ) I pan .es5ro von, gentlemen, freely sad candidly." eald lir. Great, the other mad!- d•t., " that the preeeedInrs whish h.m Immo carried to . o..olu ion this afters oo have remittal tD my favor. 1 ss .xweessIv obliged to you for the rasuIb of the vel., for it has lined as e.ersess responsibility trews my .51.ai4.ee. 15 leas vender my 050550 to Mr. Hamel .11 b• 1as rot to de is M ..11 epee .a' ((Clew.-) Mr. Or.at 516.5 shaved .md lir. Qtmes.a ue.ndd tb5t made emesintess. -Abe Iaomisatiesf1Isralt be H.e bower e bower r. bass, we r.s sAesw..m, ..id Mr. Reims. "1 sppred.te lees. tb.m I t0a tett yea the .eiM...te es. pre...d by Mr. 0ssese..md Mr. Omen 1 iool tb.t it was sea small ..slaw .4 f eitag, is far as feellsg Is asmeerled. tMM tbsy are *hie to ..y the it mbrees weirdo Mist they have. I caa easily s.dm.la.d their desire to resolve the •.01•.11.n jun ea mach se my .sem destre. Their t I.A.5 were probably lest as great es also, Ned 1 applying. thew wbrIle1olbrObIl. 11111111111•0110 .eN1w..tb. And mbar I 1y .mt M ..y M .. that 0.11.. that W BRrwwwill an M sees by g1sep- hest .. yew ems. I w pe.p.eed to de ..wyielup MN I am p5bly d.. I will .mese ops • pesiebl ..ansa lee as need - 117 as T .am WNW .y bmslm- BIN was. every obsess to lad OW ems rash s- d1ilNy Joe wow ipso We. and 1 51.1M.e who oke sways ssaile.bs sod sappers of i. Liberal ekwees a! MS gaamd .li Mdse ani m sill 1.11 M Si Irl ler L benit prim• .elles tCbsaw.l lI.,lel use ssolissalwit Sew seesm par. ems, W .b. n...Msa Mid Osiris 0.vgem- sesta won read sod siAswwi, .mel as _RMlihri sestrywlrtkrmeaSdass r' s COAL ANO WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We are .till at the same old eland, Nelson Street, where we have been supplying our customer for • number of year.. We know the fool that suite you. Orders left with our delivery rign or at Worsen's stove and tin shop and at oar office will receive prompt attention. All coal weighed on market moles, anted otherwise ordered. We run several Drays in connection. CARTAGE I FUEL CO., JOHN S. PLATT, Manger. 62. 2617.5f {'hone The Kensington Funiture Co. WANT (I/mited I DRY ELM AND BASWOOD In la ema'1 quantities. They .re also 1 the market for Green Elm and Black Ash. AN ADDITION to our Large Line of OTH ER NEW S T 0 -NT IC S We have added the world-wide known Happy Thought end Radiant Home WE MAKE/ Sewer and Culvert Pipes Jul dream b.. 4 In. N 1a a► Adis C...era/eas. 1011141Trt FOR PAIOE$. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO mei AD .AIDS Si . a.. OACTOITT AT 4i110091. - ONT( We Myo eek essarel r (1.d.rteb el t1ss. sal all t1s..,brr kiwis 0 B.ok'e Stomas. • WI beadle also w' pegs of the Mkwla Wm ern.: gurney !Foundry 00. Gurney-Tflden 0o. Burrow, Stewart ds Milne Glare Eros. Maar yea the •bei.. et goods trees live el tb. lomat sad west ptpmrr makers 1s Wads. Lot as i7sase It Was Unsling. Itaaa it.1WW/aias sad !stalling toQOR!'S pER1OR uEE' A Look J. g. P01111'! STOCK (1N' r` N Dry Goods -AND- CLOTHIN"O- Will satisfy you that the Goods are worth all that is asked for them : -Heavy Linen Hand Towelling, for e. 5c. a yard ---fists Towelling, for • • •a' be. " Heavy Flannelettes, wide for 5c. Tweeds, for 20c. and 25c. Good Table Linen, for v. , , .. 2oc. Heavy 60 -inch Linen, for 25c. 40 -inch Apron Oinghalws, for ...........:10c. Flannelette Skirting, for 8c. 6 -lb White Blankets, for 12 25, worth 13.00. Dress Goods, double -width, for 16c. " 27 -inch Pongee Silk, in all colors, for 45c. " 41 In CLOTHING we are showing SPLENDID VALUES in PP• Y'. Y S Our IE:1T01145a'cer Overcoat is a-strrer:'seller: - -~- - A Mans Suit, for 13.00. Odd Pante for Men and Boys, in all qualities. YOUR INSPECTION INVITED, J. H. PEDDER, ei4'c.Olci Stand, Goderich. HURON'S CAatEST STORE Stock to be Reiluced $2OOO STAPLES, FURS, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY AND MANTLES AND A SPLENDID RANGE OF KNITTED WOOL TAMS, HOODS, Etc., All at prirox n,-ve-r h, -for,. ..tier.-) in (;o.l.)rich. R_ B_ gm- =TH_ 0. W. ANDREWS, Manager. FOR THE HOLIDAYS: 0 "NEW FLORIDA" T H au - THF. SQUARE, (IODRRiCH. the correct thing is to h tip the bt•it fi r your visi.ors, and ycu can K.•1 th- 1›'rst GR CE ►- I AN6 /A ST U E DY .- 331=t08- U.E & SHEPHARD "NpW BERMUDA" ,CUTLERY A N D STEEL OVEN COOK STOVES ARE THE RIM Of BAKERS, P O R T I A r IG D S aND TMm S' v GOO " New Art Amherst " 1S THE MOST ECONOMICAL 005151(5 NEATER COAL STOVE I8 THE MARRET. gooey /Stove warranted norm( or money refunded. and guaranteed for atm year .5.1051 breakage. J. H. WORSELL rsa =11/12 rsoTa XAZ MIA ACM(' pet C3 OI RIGH Canadian Pacific Ry. IS THE DIRECT FAST ONLY - ALL -CANADIAN LINE TO TARE 105 Manitoba, the Northwest, Klondike and Yukon Gold Fields. LOWEST RATkS. FASTEST TIME. AOOOMMODA110N UNSURPASSED. 3 TOURI T CARS A WtEK TO THE PACIFIC COAST "1, -11 :11.1R. We McKENZI R_ RADO.t4tP .E1, _ al Zi .J, Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Razors, Scissors, Carvers, Butcher Knives, Bread Knives, of the best English and German makes. Stock now fall and ready for Fall • business. Greening Steel Wire Cow Chains, also a line of English goods. Builders' Hardware, a full line. - Guns, Revolvers, Loaded Shells, Cartridges, Gun Caps, Primers, and a full line of Sporting Goods. Above lines at bottom prices and fair dealing for all from 01 TSL =KAP IIIARDWARII ST"OOZ.