HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-17, Page 2The Signal ZV$RY THr'KPDAY MOANING 1111 b. 1[.tl FBL1CIIDDT: Terata et Nrbesrlptls. t EIlloatk In Wearies• 16 Qa 'south& Imi Osla fear 1/a Advertising Retest• I�•al and other casual: advertisements, pc per tae for floe Insertion, and 3 cents per line for each +uhe.yueot luwrtlou. Measured by a aonierell Male. Basiueas cards u4 six lines and under, 06 per year Advertlaenwuta of Lot. Found. Strayed. &t tatlons Vacant. tlhuallon. Wanted, and Huai. ems Clete,. Wrested. out eieg aedl a lines Nonpareil. et ..r month. Houses on Sale and Farms on Sale, not to ex - mod s hn.e, r1 for Int mouth, rhe, per subs*. quest wuuM. Larger advu to proportion. Any special notice, the objs•t of which Is to pronate the preuular, hyaena of any individual or cu,nlany, to be cotb tiered au adv.rtlsemeut and charged aecurdtual v Local n(aflrea in numeral' type one cent per word, no notice lees than tic. Loral notices In ordleary reading type two rents per word. No notice fur Ice than 6a0. Notice for churches and other religiose and benevolent Instltutlou, hall rate. Sd eer- ent who fail to reedy, Tan Hotta. feqs[ darty by mall, w111 confer a favor by so- - "terming rt'1 the fact at is early a dale .a pwllde. M lieu a .image of address L desired, both the old and the new address should be given. Publisher's Nodes. J. C. Le Tues.`, of G,derich, has been op printed les•al Travelling Agent for the Town. ilia of G,.)erlch, Colborne, Asheeld and Wee wul„sk Local postmasters over the district are aim empowered to receive sulscrpptlona re) Tu Bwaal., *11 communications must be addressed D. M.OILWCUDDY, Tris Sweat. Telephone Call 93. :Coder:kb, Out /111Y10D&Y, HUY I7..111 ." TRAVEIJNQ &GIDE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. amid Mixed. 1101 ars. Maps std l:xler,y 1.30 -Mall sad 'AKA. 10.0 poi beraliT. Mall and Ex prem.. - . 1.16 am. Malt and Eapa,Ys ' r.10 pea. Mixed 3.s p.m. DEN 'r 1S'TR Y. M. NICHOLLSON. 1.. G ri INOI sralLiS011. _cotug, nuwu a Specialty. Petra Experience. Xi* M. MABEE. 11 D.S-, L.D.B.-DENTAL Sorge se -Latey, and approved methods for all dental eperan.na. Preservation of spa lateral teeth • specL i '.. (lIlce : Ga. West it . ged square ;up stain_ Euuauee ou Wet st J M. TURNBULL. D D.S.. L.D.R.-DENTA • Sanction. (lately automated with Dr. Moe. o4 Montreal. GAM and porcelain. arti- ficial teeth mounted on told or aluminum Lees, special attention g([iven. teethe preservation .1 the oaten! teeth Genre In McLean's new bl.-k. Oaf MJ DICAL. 118 HUNTER-P1iy*iCIAN, SURGEON, lea OMNI: Oruro street, tM residence lately occupied by Dv. McLean, Night calla from reeideure. Telep',a.e IS. LEGAL AND C'O4VEYANCLYG, e �t RNEST HEATON-BANNISTER, SOLICJ- tor, Notary Pukle. t'aoadlan Beek of O04erce C6amhen, the Square, Godericb. 15w-ly 1 LCA Newry, o O1aNry, 'Q.C.-HARRHITER, SOI4CI. uer%Goi•r1ry. Mee over Medical Hall, M • O IOHNRTON-0218QLICI- tor, (i,mmlselouer, kr, Money to loan. Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew'. street*, Wench, Ont 154 lip G HAYS -BARRISTER, et/LIC/7'OIL Ire. Office : North 51., next door stuar. Alice. Private Funds to land at lowest Tates N interest. lig, GRARROW k PROCIIFOOT, BARRISTERS, Attorneys Solicitors, Ac., Guderlch, J. T. Darrow Q.C., W W. l:'romHoot. CAMERON, HOLT Il HOLMES. BAERi& lin, Solieltai In Chancery, kc., Onderkk M. C. Cameron, Q. C., P. Holt, nudity 111330 s, T • 0. WARD, CONVEYANCER, kc„ AND commissioner for taking arid receiving 4 pos�tionecor su�Inaffidavit. declarations in ..or rtliow. ern6,g�p loo action suor fwec•'ertina lu the HIIti. Court of Jwoke, the Court of 'Appeal for All or le -a 'nvtsio,, Court. este/Idly peom1d1y exe- cuted. Residence and P. 0, address--Dimran. eon, Ont. roOtf LOAN v AND INIIIRANtE. MONET TO LOAN='FIVE PER CENT Mossy te lean. private fends; deo Int class fauns to rotor sell. Houma mad lots to r1� fer sale. E, N LY W 18, barrister, God- '$ ONAGER, CONVEYANCING AND ne- Aa• Dwane. office. opgaslts Mantle's hotel, t3od•rio►. MONEY TO LEND' ON MO111'OAGE AT 6e e1�_er cent. Notes discounted 11: MA - 0881. Mee: Opposite. Martla'a Rotel, Code- rick. LI•J. T. NAFTEL-FINE, LIFE AND AOC'. • cleat Insurance Agent; at jjppt,t,-.r�a Jett. ,®/set Cur. Iterthet. arid Square, 004.rle►. 14 MOSSY TO LEND -A LARGE AMOUNT sates d Private Reeds for Investment al lowest ROW i PROtsOUDFtIUMortimer T. Apply to WAR - QA DCLtF FE-0EN ER A L MR CRA 1fCE ft. Real .u. e. and Marey Leaning Agent Only Inn stns companies represented. Money to lend on straight Iteoe, at the lowest rate of pindtte�rrest going, m ing In any way moult the borrower. hoSecond and door treat West street, detoads - NEN MACHINE SHOPS. --e NEW 'MACHINE BHOPS-ALL KINDS OF }2 -ph. Work Brno. at Reasmahe t'riem. !asst sg Implemeota I. r sale. Machinerynew abd a.rund-hand, bought and sold, g,81,ras sad Roller s for ea e- !nand : Batos, old regret p.Ir•a.tt co, nor Victoria and Trafalgar streets. J. MAITRE RCNCIMAN. ,g,M AIICTiONRAMINA. 9'HolIA8 OCNDRY, AUCTIONEERN AD I•munnee Agent, Onderteb, Ont. Agent Dietdon and rr , t Mutual Ins Go..hthe Sales attendedr 1 Dre Ins In any cart of tM county, tq ly TORN E1401 Git'tIRAL AUCTIONEER and Land Valuator, Goderleh, that. Hato Ins had considerable eaperlenee In the auetinn- Mth: trade, M le 1n a position to dlaeter(• aaltsfar tIoonitai1 commission en- hinted*1.l by ma foils addrer 0 der�h 8«0* .. rsrrrntly attended to. JOR11 KNOT, tlonnty A ucdeeer, tInf-t f TONSORIAL ARTiBT. �• P$ITEEL . TONSORIAL ATI .m Not rn pebnttlwr r nems .,w Mew asst deco te MARRIAGE LICENSES. (• LANE, 111•1111;11 OF MARRIAGE 14. • • ewers, Ged.rteh, out sella Tiwrvl y, • ' Phe (Mktg from the Plano). -De gee Pals, kir. Phi -kelt, Lir 190, but I •m tbinklne of iehleg )wens I have a frond M. foe elm . dea't p11tt taro Mit►-Iadewd I lien tit•! 11 or 11 the ils33Rt les maw slruekf+,:Chioara Newest. fOINGS OF THE WEEK ITEMS OF INTEREST "ROM AROUND THE WORLD P rafted, PanetuMd mod Pr••essed b Vlthy Paragraphs ver the rerun' ad Pea/Abel Peeple - Yeryal, Peptise wad Preatable. st'ICIDItg. Charles S. Delr.ytaa, bookseller and etatloner all Halifax. N.8., committedl A Moistened delegeoion has reuueal.0 suicide Thural.y afternoon In Um cellarthe Federal Uover.nu rnmt not to eu,,00 of his store by (mooting himself la 'the' unine la the owe of the Lau ot t iteylubol. head. & Co.; Montreal, now Lifoso toe ha TIM DRAM. i chequer Court- for defrsudlug the ems toms Msec tel the territory aft Louisiana • hue deed years aqui Cklef Jusilce Meredith withdrew the charge of tuatalaughknr and suggested time the case go to the jury as ono e1 etmruol assault, The flabnrweo along Hs Late Erie shores hers received notion 30 the a Sect that their present homes peru.IM their eshing for herilug durlug November bliss Mary O'Connor, • young woman whose home is 11 5futtruel, was un Tbfuedey deported to ('anal* by In spe:W1 1)e Barry Dom Bufielu osier the alien contract lnbur law. Dr Youmans of s sit. t C •har1sssdl d from the effects dt a onus shaped piece of Blase which got Into 111 II throat while he was partaking of a dish of appy enure at his supper. POLITICS -CANADIAN. The Haultaln Government has been overwhelming 1ustatued la the North -The Outwits AmhaioiogIeal Museum west elections. Ur. Breis the leader of has just been made the recipient of up the Opposition, was defeated by Mr. A. L. hefton. • TILE; AGRICLLTCI1AL WORLD. '1'n. vinegar trust for the Province of Ontario Is • tact, and the wer.. a: King .too and Haalltu• will likely be nun oantreeed In Toronto. To the pulite tau move weans b Dears per gallon reduction 1n vtuagnr, wards of two Dimond Ipeclulene of In dlao relic*, presented by Genres K scald law of "'the Fore " Balsam lake, V lo - Soria Cooney. Jake Yarkely, ■ gardener near Stout. Algasquln Park will 1e steet*d by t6s villa, raised from two acres of ground Outsew Government with centioo. 4 three mous of cucumbers, two and a quer- herd this winter will be plecat en an Sur tone of cauliflower and fifteen bushels island In Ceche lake, on the 0.A & of oolong P.4. line, wbere they will be ellow•d ** FOR ile:Y or WALL roam at pleasure. The herd will be care- fully gunrdwd. Hereafter British Columbia will not rola College In Toronto with tlra.aword sell ',this or timber except unuer special cern by CoL Dunn et Hxl.daya through circumstances. 1 he new pulley, garotted t1s cheep p of the i..bt Brigade, and .leo on Saturday, will run In the direction of the Vlearia Crow he won on that owe - idea fee his bravely. RAILROAD RUMBLINGS. TM Canadian Pail 110 earnings for week Hon, Mr. Patterson, lieu►-Uoverr.or 4 Manitoba, has presented Upper Can - Government leases of lands for legltlmate purposes, and speculation In public lauds la to be ended The Saul0. sty Marie News says that aNiaf-•GM. 81 were •ebt,000, antnn ooetomps .• Masts to agates* Cn8utgl If the **lees••• Inst year, the decrease being •3,000. quire all ladies going to the American The earnings of the Grand Trunk for Souto Is weighed on the olhcoal week ending Oct. al were •729,1h9, and before coining to Os American die old Mr the corresponding week last year was for on returning 11724,957, showing an Increaw of 81,239, , Britain protect, her subjects At Hato The a anis Allred Betaneourt was &moulted by absorption of the >t. Lo Mo., • Spanish officer for wearing the Cuban American Brake Company by the13. West- emblem, and was pules. Ho we, • Brit. Ilghouee Air Brake t ospanv has be_en�,yk p,lvet Mad 1I*. JeroeBrltta'" lila rngei far -the rCHi Ai�n L cupliallrad Vice-lau'on■ul, would not Isaaraec l'apt.- pt W.1309,000. (lettere! Blanco 'u palace final the was was teletext It took some bouts of yarslat.00e. TMR RCLIG1101 • WORLD. Rev. Charles J. James, SI. A., has asnnldd his duties as rector of the Church of St. Thomas, Hamilton, which congregation has leen without a pastor for months- Mt. James comas from St George's, Montreal. The net ordinary rsysaoee of the 17.1• led State, Governmesl last demi year were •403,321,360, an tneitame of $57,• 197,830 toter those of the previous year, while the net ordinary expenditure* were dEtGhhllbolt trual.ase .Jute peenet. wistsvissweeseirerreir fore the Montreal Municipal Cumru:t'e•, The resulting deficiency -11Fieel647,_47 exceeds that of the paet.ling year by •'0.994,793. Ironical Ifs. and dellvtrel hie argument In favor of tax •xempil)na for church and charitable property. The representative of the 1.abo4 Council followed and said the laboring people wanted . all plOperty put on the .awe taxable basis before the law. CRIM3 AND CRIMINAL,. Chane. Nelson, col ,ted, was electro- o utel at 12.29 Thursrluy at Columbus, U., for the murder at Howling Green, Ohio, of James Zimmerman. At Rochester '.gorge A. Smith has been ooavlctd of corder In the pint de gree, for the killing of his wife In Churohvlll•, Monroe County, Sept 9, 13397, Peter C. Kramer, a farmer who lives ■ bout 10 miles from Detroit, shot and killed an old tnan named Carl Sobulta, whom be found In bin chicken coop on Thursday night. Peter Allan, 401 years old, • night watchman at tic• Grand 'trunk sheds at Buffalo, was shot and k111d early Theirs - day whale on duty. 'the Identity of abs person or persons responsible for his death 11 • mystery, but they hollered to be safe-creekeifb' B�rF!-Ott - Before Maxistr•te,psnlo• at 'Torotoi* on Thursday Edw..ei )lartustt, the G. 1. H. watchman, accused of shooting at Hugh rberlian, was committed for tele!. The Maglstrste refu,et to grant ball, but later allowed hlm at liberty ea bonds of 8600 web of Aldermen R. D, Urahs= and Dunn. PVRMLY,TH .s0*AL. Harwich Township" Connell have chosen 0. M. Baird of Blenheim to emceed W. IL Fellows ea Township Clerk at a salary of •altl - Hoeth of the vad in y. 10. ** are ne the neasloe on enF F lab- trans - h to t) reeve of gs the a Mr. All sorts and conditions o[, Sten women and pill/reit faewelied the Earl and Countess Aberdeen in Toronto oft Haturday, culminating In. a magnIdtent banquet at the Pa•ilion In aha evening, rt whlch)altes were present, and at whip.'" di Her Excellency made an after acute meth. .1. W. Hart of Clemson Cottrell', the new superintendent Klhgeten Dairy school, has arrl Kingston. the school opens on No 1e Lel and ('ouotess of Min on their way to Canada to ileus duties of Governor•t)enersl, 1n sea to the Karl of Aberdeen. Tbey sail the aootsman from Liverpool for real on Thursday. J. S. Webster of the Marius and edea Department Is soled to M ferred to the new fishei1a• brans nta:to. Mr. Webster, who L Ottawa Kant, will have torssi reeveahlp. He will be assdatatt6 Basted°. d • t a t CASUALTlt5, John Hall of 'Toronto had his feta radfully cru.lhed on 1toredav night by trailer roans I n n t a over s m. It Is likely bey will have to bo amputated. By the expiation of a new boiler at the Oil City, Pa., Boller Works on Friday, wu men were killed, two fatally Injured red • dozen more seriously hurt. • Herman Plate, Who was plowing on he (arta of Henry Martin, near Elmira, was killed by the horses, which Dag away from hhn. His nook was broken. 11111 12 -year-old eon of William Smilers was unloading furniture at Comber, whets the •ho,,,s started, throwing him from the wagon. His Internal Injuries mused his death. A tramp while stealing a rid. on *be Atlantic express harem• caught by the *1e, and was wound round and round nil be beoants an one/weenie:Ode mus of flesh. His remains wens discovered at Qu'Appelle, Man. A farmer mimed Hashes, Cote ewer Irumtln, will• driving over the O.P.M. raring a few miles .sat of Loedos. wag mirk by • train. The horse 'was kilted ad the rig demnit1bed. Mr. Hughes' jnriea era •nderateed to he serious. J ames Davison, a young man about 110 ears of age, was Instantly killed a1 the.r Y.k road wowing on the C.P.R. et Guelph at 0 o'elek Thursday morning. ile visa driving pito 3nwn whim naught '6 the aroselna by an Inemnfsa pals. The big steel Might steamer Mnrltan. dreabed into *be Stemma, a big steel freighter, at Buffalo early Friday morn law leThe Rlarunea sank almost /eft mdfiwater.ly t• et feet d water. The dam - see will h• from •10,000 t 51 o 0,000. Ne bdy was hurt Q*CLA 55381RD. The m•nsfeoturme er-mtmlepseto �s 0. K. have termed • Duet 1t caa[ret11 110 gee u. pamt. at the prednetto The Rent Mille Company of C1t•hsam, att Ont., en Theray *hipped 6.00e brothels of hand -pinked !mane to Havre. Franey 13* teals, Me., will attempt eft bold •r. world's fele 1a 1901 In hotter te the pe 0 • 1a •• 1,411 a man Is able to gale tide tie (nine everethlug. If a man is windy be is apt to mike tethers pneumatically tired. . 1 t the tongue Is leas deceptive it's ks dose the heart ie more so. if a man is igmsrant it is Impossible to defeat him 1n an argument. If a man is devoted to everybody eft is devoted to nobody, If all tombstones •rs reliable bad people must live forever. If baste makes waste the messenger boy is antthing but wasteful. If the world owes every man • Se - Inc tramps mast be the collectors. if you burrow trouble ;on must put ap your peace of mind a. collateral. If a Kiri advisee her young man not to lend her bro•her money Iet!eS din hive. Ir out of sight is rreTfr51t of mind 31., n all blind people must ,be IMenne- 1 f a man Is outwardly hire IMAM' q, 'sere "Discretion is the better pert of valor," If love weren't blind the corer might see the dog before it 1. ererta,tiu,gly too late. if candles were made in the shape of a cn"s some people would bear them tt all four ends. if entre playwrights would vaccinate Moir .ploys before staging them they rri_ht take. 1f a man le a coward bels scored and al need: if a women is a coward she is petted and enc(.trnced. if Inn see a email boy chiming a bee Ind afterward* hear him yell It's a rnre alga that he has ,'n ght it. FORTIFY YOUR SYSTEM Against Rheumatism and Kid- ney Trouble. TARE KOOTENAY CURE. If you are tired orbave a pain In year shoulder, arm, leg, or back, you are sur- prised, as you have been so well e11 sum- mer; hut yen forget that the system need". a etreh(;thenfng and preparation for the water. The pains you now have are -• demyemd from the organs of file body for a tonic tent will build Ton op, and enable you to throw off all the impurities your blood hoos been accumulating during the worm ..mann. K.o,teuay Cure is the remedy that will do this, null sworn testimony from inn deeds, similar to th • one herewith petit. Ilelied, w111 be sent you oa application FRISK: Wm.1 Wood -Roberta, 43 Main 8t. West, Hamilton, (Int., says under oath, that he tad R6aun,ntinm during the winter of 1396, and hollered great pain. He further fates that he took Kooteuay Core and was cured by Its nee, since which time he Ow no fear of lnclemeut weather, but looks forward with pleasure to each awe sun of snow and ice. He heartily recommends the mediates, which can be obtund from your drugs gietordirect from THE 8.8. RYCKMAN )1kD10ENle CO., Limited, Xeseentea3 Ont. "'Safe in the Arkin of Jeans' t. Fanny Ore.dhy'. favorite hymn- her favorite vont of the more , thea three thoussod that bars come from the lilted tett Of 1131* blind tvhttpoier," tiny the Ladles' Home Jotrrnel. "it was written In fifteen minutest One day W. H. Ikosne called upon tier --Mir Cros- by trod me--andsaid, 'I hers forty minutes is which to catch my train, .ud I want to take with me the wools to We music.' And he hummed the mel- ody. 'Can you do lar h* asked. Mies Crosby replied. 'Ali right; I will de It.' in a quarter of an hoer the hymn, 'Rees to the Arne of Jesus,' was cum, plated. it was an inspiration,' she ex - Wales," TO CORK A OOI.6) He O1111 DAY T6ke Iwxatle• Broau Quinlo Tables. AU Druggists rein^A the money I It falls to nor• Me RR I1OT CLOTHES ALON F. M l 11 1T TAKES MOR[ THAN A SHED TH B TT MA [.DOD O K --- A SOLDIER. A Condition That Frequently Causes Much Suffering. Mra Marry Olturd, et Reatvalle. 1'tepee the Valise of Dr. W1111aes•' Ptak robs 1. Tile Cesdltl.u. From the Acadlen, Woltvllle, N. 8. Thr cans o* Mrs. henry aurora, or h.•utvills•, who s,u,e time ago was cur- ed ured of a distressing malady through the medium ) tt', i rib of 1 r. Il xws' Pink Pills, Is or peculiar slue as lllustrntilag the rapidity *316 which this remarkable ml d.ctue operates. A represeutxtive of the .tcsdi•n wb„ called upon lits. Gif ford the other day to elicit informal:MS ccu,rruing her cure; found her to be • very intentge•nt lady, and a beart7 advocate of the use of Dr. Williams' I'iuk rills. Upon learning the object of his call Mrs. Gifford expemi ed• her self as pleased at the prospect of having ars ot)portualty to give publicity to her nrnarkable cure i have told -all my trends about It," she said, "but hors often felt that it was my duty to have a statement of my ase published is the p.p,'r*" Three years ago this spring m7 system was in a badly run- dowQ state• in this rendition 1 was at- tacked' by • heavy ,old and an enlarg- ed tonsil of n great rias and es- tivate pnlnfultrree For nine weary months i was unable to turn my bead and my health became such thi t I could not exert myself In the least. Several physiein0s were con- milted. oo-silted, but without the slightest benefit Tit• swelling was finally lanced but the operation ooh ag.revated the matter as my blood was ei impoverished that tine incislun did not heal but developed into a running ewe. D*spn eney -seis- ed nae and at times i air of wished that I was dead. At last by a happy I inure i wee advised to nae Dr. Wt4 lir.nw' rink Pills. After using a few boxes the swelling-diefki-fired end per- fect erfent health slid buoyancy of spirits re turned. Simms that timer Mrs. Clifford has had Implicit confidence in Dr. Wil- liuma Pink Pills, spd has seed them for any physical disorder of herself or children with the name happy results. 1)r. WI!liams' Pik Pills create new Hems. Altai up the nerves, and thus ,141"lee_ ie.'sn-Lem aha xestgm_.la.baha anus of eases they have cawed atier Ill ..i3,. r w.dicnes had failed, thus c.tablrhing the claim that they sr* a 'nerve) among the triumpbe of modern medical science. The gentile. Pink rm. are sold only in boxes, bearing 'Die full trade mark, "Dr. William.' Pink Pills for I'ale People." Pn.tett yourself from Imposition by refusing any pill that does not beer the register ed trade mark around the toe. If in dt•nht send direct to the Dr, Williams' Medieine Company, Brockville, Ont., and they wi11 be matled to you pott paid at 50c. s boa. or dx hoses ter *2.H. isedem•ed, As amusing story 1s told of the edi- tor of a go ahead evening newspaper, IP hn, in the eternal rushing to preen to get ,ilu'md of the opposition. wao eon- stently impressing upon hi* rwf,.rter the: nec.sucty of condensing all news. A terrible boiler eiplakn had takes place on board • hag skid lying at Ports- mouth. "Piet down there so bard as you an," ^ba said to one of his men. "It you catch the 11.20 from London Bridge you'll be there goon after 2, and yen. can Just wire something for the ex:rs special -hut boil It down." S1000 atter 2 o'clock that ateamoos they got a wire from blm: -Terrible exlib don. kMfphomene Boiler empty. Engineer full. Funeral tomorrow. No Sowers." $100 Reward $100. Th•readorsef til, paler will he pleased te learn that there la at hoist en• dreaded donee, that .lea' -0 has ►r.^, able 3) a -e ie all tis mares, and that U Ccarrk. Hall's Catarrh Cure h the only peal,• cure known to the medleal fraterohy. Catarrh Winer a e. ••dto- ti.ntalul•rnw, requires a enustestl mai tr.•t- ,nent. Hall s Catarrb Core Is tate. na-0 meting directly u ea the blooI and me•'nr sue. fogies of the system thereby destro+lag the feealatlon of tMes, u giving1 the pei lest atrena"h by buil g U3 3h•. ie•nutlon sad 111111•1 1 iff native In 4.4,g Its work. Ths pmpr eton have so mueh faitl, in Its . males p wen tea tMy eller One tfandred Ddlare fur e,r . i,, t'!at It lolls to rare, sand for Ids/ (*testi miss,. Ad,:r.,e F J. CIIZNEY k Co., Toledo, a. 'sold by Druggists, Th. 0.gl.wleg .f It. fir -You look good enough to nit thin morning, Ethel. SM. -Indeed! Why don't you eat me then? Hr -My doctor bold me to avid sweets Told by rigors. 8t. Peter's, at Itoue, lost suLe0•,••• W build. Sweden and Norway export 20,071 tuns of tnnlrhre annually, The •vera Iernm till s equal to 430,- 000 gallons per erre per 1101111 Theannual production of potatoes In the world is about 90,710,000 tons, The nuurbeT of blind in the world is estimated at 432,100, exclusive of Chins. Thirteen billion tons of coal have leen mined dbring the nineteenth cen- tury. It is eetlmated that there ars GOD bucteria 10 every ten cubic feet of air in the avenge mom in a city shop Between 1660 ■red 1RR1 more than 111,- 000,000 buffalo were killed and the ani- mal Is now nearly extinct vhf 1,000 men who marry it 1. found that rig worry younger women, 679 starry worries of the seine age, and M elder women. Totally Deaf. -Mrs. H. E. Crandell, Port Perry. 'vrrltq: "r contracted a severe cold last winter, which retuned In bay Ieootn- ing totally deaf In one ear and partially o In the other. Atter trying various remedies, and consulting several domes, 'Without obtaining any relief, i wan ad- vised to try Dr. Thomas' Relectric 011. i warmed the 011 and poured • little of It pate my ear, and Indere on•.h.lf th• Bet- tie was need my hearing was completely n•atored. I have heard of ret her reale of deafness being eared by the use of this medicine." she 1.d stet. "Have yon been married preytona17?" s►kt•d the Re, nen clerk. "fitly'," wild the tonna sad blushing ""flat paw, be says he thinks married too previously polls Journal serfs Ullman OEtN NrMlmt Kinard's Windt Ceres Distemper. Net e1 feteseeretal waive. Olsten and darns •re ahnnA,tft' along tam Onif of t?telitornfa, hat they ars Inferior in sire and gamuts t0 tine. sold In Viae semens *n*,Mtt. end the rust of Ice makes them valveless for export. fa then anything Caere annoyIs than baring your cora neonis there *orbit's mors dei tins than getting rid Oft 7 Holloway Corn Cur. win As It Try It sad be soaNnesd, se floe Fllppast Yeat\ L.Prm.4 Wk.a rle L'mderteek to Peee In the Val. farm .f • •.r la alae Meese e:s •I F•rle.a►. A young,otltear of ens of the local nem• ponies is bum• 011 • iurlough. Naturally he 1s tate reelptent d2 • groat deal of sown tion. This dames nut alone frau, his numerous friends, but from the goner.) publk, which 'Mt. -although the novelty to wearing off --regards the returned cul diens with special eye. This applies With special fume to the feminine public ell, ala particular chum Is • loud youth whose soul Is filled with regret ev toy time be thinks of his lost 'unitary op- portunelles. Nevertheless he chaffs Lit soldier friend unmercifully over what he calls cheap notoriety. "I tell you," he wild, "it's nothing but the uniform they they oar'e for. It Isn't the man by any insane. 11 they dm lied s turnfleld scarecrow In soldier clothes, you'd nod pretty girls by the score throw tos.jiltsweattswiesseetes rural fence " o," I4 the soldier stoutly, '•you're wrong: It's • manors of man and ,in form- The man alone wouldn't to rum alter, and as fur the empty uniform - well, there wouldn't be auythlreg sttrao tire lu that either; but take the man and unHortu together, .cd there 7uu have ft.' "Wouldn't any man do," sated tit sarcastic youth. "No, he wouldn't," retorted the soldier "11 takes • man who looks as If he be longed in the clothes W draw the eight sort of attention " "Nonsense," said the chum, "Any old masculine would do and I'll bet on 1t" '• How much?" queried the soldier. .'111 bet you a spotted fail uesktle that i can put on your uniform, go duwn tows and attract the very some kind al alien tion that you do." The soldier reflected • moment, "It's a r'," he ,Mid. "Try It this even log, Put on the clothes and let rue know tL.seeult." So the confident youth donned the natty suit and trlmtued down his f,,w lug MIN- turhe, and put on the jaunty cap, "You make • very sweet looking war- rior," arrior," said the rap soldier, 'Don't Ito" flippantly returned the youth an he gracefully touched his cap and pins too, ted through the door. • With las shoulder squared and h1s o.p pcljed down over his eyes he started rot tin nvet 14w unhlwsell „mrd nod te•3ook • secar.at Imwgdswlgleg ly In fronrlt nl ton pretty girls 111eVitin 7111}Q'(isM1'imit eilinF,oa'j on board turned to look at blm, and this tilled hla heart with delight. He ant boll upright, wondering what the pretty girls would think of him. He didn't really expect to lie kissed, boy hs was prepared for almost anything. Pretty soon he realised that the girls were whispering about him. A word or two caul to him above the smooth roll of the car. His ear. were n ralued to the utmost, and his hearing 4 abnormally excellent '•Pretty, isn't het' murmured one glrl- "Yee, quite Ono pretty," giggled the ether. '.fent oat of (be bandbox," whispered We first (•Irl. ,"Or the tooth hag," said the other girl. "Why, Sylvia!" than • so(t duet of gig- gles. "Hasn't be • lovely oomplexlnnf" "Hasn't be? Not • mite of tan." "Perhaps he wean a vett." "Why, Lord" More giggled "Can't be a real soldier, can her" "N{boo. The Ideal" "But the anitoAnt" "Perhaps the real soldlere,Oreot away and forgot hien." Prolonged giggling. "Ob, Lura, I've guessed IL" "Well, what 1. It?" "He Isn't a soldier." "I guessed that." t'He's • recruiting oMcwrl" A few momenta later the make believe soldier stopped the car and alighted. Then be walked bark, "Jim," he geld as be flung 11,e cap on the chiffonier, "you've won)"-C.evel•nd Plain De•lt'r, Worms came revel-Ohnew, mettles( restlesanews d u riuu sleep. Nlo. ho- G env e.' Worm E,terrillnutne Is plenum,. ,ore au.l effect web Ifyonr d'00131 t has nes lu stock, get him to procure It for you. Rn11w.r In cal., The Chino", reilwey from Shanghai to Wu Sung is nearly complete,). About twenty years ego the Government bought this rad, engaged several thou stool coolies to Mar up the rail. acd sleepers, put theta on a eh,p and dump •d tbem on a desolate spot on the coast of Formasa- A Last Resort. "There is only one thing ca that can make me economise," "What Is that?" "Not having any money to spend-" earth Uonreenu gsevo•• "M7 girl's father seat me a bill for their parlor clock." "What did you have to do with IST "1 set It back every eight and got It all out of order." *laud's Liniment Corm Colds, ete. Vienna has s cabman who has been fined twenty times for trying to bring bleycU.ts to grief. S mallpox 1a the roost infectious die- ease, t►ease, Thea camas rwdes. Baddet•k, June I1, 1E97. C. C. RiCHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs, - Minard's Liniment my remedy for NEURALGIA. 11 ryluves at once. A. S. MC,DONALD. Ears ebl. valeabls Wad, Clues .M Cline by wiling "tiny i Paas. N 16 moo sack. Sod yew Meyers rte• and u. Pastas IoW R+rrekl. N. morn respired. fuss ill pim al.., ell lb.masl Or die Tape lams in the William. o M dis•.ndw sed heft has nee a Oefwtr buss og•nd a aeraing Pik. this pews. eh. Watch U eukl is may he rdtereed.'. Ueatee 1meghly wee me dr. and felly tm,•a r Ji r•pw eeeu .mine. THE 0181 7111 CO., Freehold Building, Toronto, •sL til! �'� ► ' •• pwa•.aebr.s.wrr.w..�... .r"�• r Nam Day worWskd��`.2.. - . wa I..a t nsds▪ .� ▪ i r• hav d a. ls a•m•sprstaly G N YktwyatTw.ep 81111101t NMI LIVE. Though His Physician Pro- nounces His Disease Incurable. Bright's Ptissaws 1. Not Isear&U., fee Dodd'. Kidney Pills Have Cared It Thousands of Times, and WUl Cure It Thos•asde of Times Again. Toronto, Nov, 7. -Newspaper despatches (tow Pekin, China, brlug luformation to the effect that the Emperor is dying of Bright's DI•eaa.. He Is natter the care of • leucons French pby'iclau, who asserts that the Emperor's complaint to "an in- curable Kidney disear-" 'That la whets the famous French phy- sician is mistaken, There L no Incurable Kidney dieters. Every disease of the Kidneys is curable. Tbey, pike all other diseases, yield readily to the proper remedies. 1'be erriarrl•uce of the put eight years has shown conclusively, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that there ds on. rem- edy that will cure any case of Kidney die ease, no matter bow severe, no matter how long it hu run. This remedy 1a knows throughout the Eugliah-speaking world, to pby'lctans and laymen alike, by tme of DODD'S ltbw'4YTtttt .. W name ..„.. "" When Dodd'a Kidney P1111 wen first fn• troduued, medical men were skeptical re gsrdiug their power to cure Brigbt'■ eta - ease. Expertmeuta were made, in ernes that hal tinned the skill of 1120 matt emi- nent medical men on the American we buena, 08.605 that had been given up as bupeles.-fataL To the •atoul.hn.ent of th. medical men, D"dd's Kuluey Pills worked • complete cure lu each and every ase. Thenceforth they were reco,cniaed an the only kuowu cure for disease.' of the Kidaeys, including Bright's baseball and Di•betea This place they bay. held since, aad holt to -day. No other cure for these dis- eases has eye been discovered, although many worthless Imitations of Domld'a Kid- ney Pills have beeu placed on the market 1f the famous Freuch pbysiciau, under whowu care the Climes* Emperor is., would use D odd's Kidney Pills to the caw oft his lnperiel pails*, hhl recovery would be rapid and certain ' • Br'ian 1111'. Motb•re. "itss-sa interesting historical fact that nearly every man of great deeds who also possessed a great cbarsater had • mother of a strong, fine nature, with whom 1s boyhood and early man- hood be dwelt In close sympathy eves when at a distance from her," writes Frances 11. Evans. In the Ladies' home Journal. "Probably /he moat disagree- able man sordidly of all celebrated men was poor Thomas Carlyle, *how die positioa was nervous, melancholy and grottrp7, hot In the mishit of his labori- ous life, and severe mental ludn,try, he could always find time to write• if- f,!tctlonate lettere to ifs Mother, full et the respes•t, tenderness and considera- tion he never seemed to feel for meek greater personages. if a mothers hand holds the leading strings of • mae'm life he will hold himself es s1'oorely as did Anthony Hope's Primer of Ze•nda, with lila motto, The King can do eft wrocg." The greyer items ol for A plen•nnt, safe and reliable antidote for all affection," et the throe" and intim is folly mit with 1■ Biekle'a Antl Cen.omptive Syrup. It Is it purely Vegetable Compound, and acte promptly and magically to outdoing all coughs, colds, brnnehitls, in Rammer ion of the lung., 9(9, 1t Is so palatabl. the • child *111 net refuse It. and it is pnt at a price that will not exclude the poor from Ia benefits Lemma far t\e Maeda For the hands that have become ter ned or sunburnt. fust before going to t's'd bathe them in warm water and soon: Men rinse them in tepid water en that all the espy water has disap- peared, and then dabble them with lem- on yaks- It your skin 1. very senaitive dilute the lemon jute*, but when It M applied allow it to dry on the haters. Bleep 1n gloves, sod after the third night's ate your hands will b. as fair and soft as the hands of any the of Ithekeepears's heroines. -Ladies' Home JouroaL - �hud'e Liolmect Cures Distemper. xat ..r isonns•Tellal Vales. Oysters and dant! spa-- esnatinst along tate Onit of California, but they is are inferior In size and quality to 100611P mold Is the eastern markets, and the oast of ice makes them valueless for Net Do-te-Date. "Leet ►1s place as war ever. iosndeat for the Dolly Whoop, 1 oodemtand7" "Yes, i believe the reason assigned was that he was not op to -date la his methods. Toe wee he got bold of a good piens of news, end is wetting it oat he failed to devote 4,010 er 5.000 word* to telling how he got 11 before stating what It was, Oa the contrary, he gave the news fiat." Maui's LI[Imest Cures Garget le Cevs. rt W.eie a. al.., "Pd name work another day," observed t1S dead boy ahnwntan. "It i smith Werk Piet este awe hole gyne." •' WhM1 that," sold the proombee, *he was aliftlye ready M get Into • aere Hang.. rd ISM to.abtbu Dewey •1 the Oma- ha pease jahilth e* a EO and 111timate if 51 • bad ttdaYdw "-Otrwha Wand-Hee- tltld, IT CURES RHEUMATISM And Au Kidney Troubles. DO NOT TAKE OUR WORD - WRITE THE PEOPLE. Here are tome of their names, and more w135 be furnished FREE on applica- tion. Sworn testimony for Eivotaaty Care stands unchallenged : .Rev. Thomas 005gb•pe, Beater k Peter's, Hamilton. Ont. Right Rey. J. M. McOaokfa, Velvet. shy of Ottawa, Ottat/1t Ont. Mn Sarah Bardiek. d10 Park Ave., London Ont. Knights .1 Maetab.ea, Sanaa Tent No. 11, Hamilton, Ont. Charles Brlttal., Gusttpki,, Ost. Mrs, D. & Pratt, SI Sirs* Ave., North, President of the King'. Denghten, Hao iluin, Ont If yen desire any farther tntormatiea, write the the pens*., Or •ddremi He E 8. hkCKMAN MK1)iCJNE 00., Lund, Hammes. Ont ' 'T%s Vo,er.l . 1 m a tear. �M r' bank on a guilty egged, Mice almost every time when as us brella to In question," said a New Orleans drummer, "You see this oaf Well, it came into m7 possession quits receutly by what they tell the 'right of conqucwt' In a protocol. I was caught cut is the lain atter lunch tad wood,,, log what I would do whim I noticed chap under as awning trying to raw at, umbrella. It was clear that he didn't understand the fastening, and u the umbrella was not new the dream, mantel evidence against We ,egg air civaive, "So I walked up and cilia 6tmly, That's m7 umbrella, sir.' At the same Ym. 1 took It out of his haul. lie wilted at, one stammered r,niethieg about a mistake and sneaked off ably I walked away proudly, 'bettered filei a very moist shower. That's whet serve will do- fi wiser, by the way, Whose It really lo." Dyspeptta or l:wtigeetton is occasioned by the weal Of nettoa in ti • biliary duns, lose of'vtthlity he the slamsch toseeret the gastric julon, without which digr.tios cannot go on ; also, being t J• pnucipal rnrt.e of Hewdache. Pam,,,0I e's Vegetals. I Hs taken before going tol.e:Irmawhits, nr.er fail to give relief and effect a cora Mr. F. W. Ashdown, Ashdown, Gat, writes: Parotelee's PiIIs one t ,.ihR- "irktl'1 1Thrf-IYu bfhir make., wliic hare lu stook.'" Tine Bet tled. l,.., 11e -"Did you know It would east $760.030 10 work a battlesh p for only se hoar?" $hs -"And let you growl about the little money it coat mother and me foe a carriage the other afternoon" -India• s•pole Journal. folic and Kidney Dlfflcnity,_ $r• J. W. W;!der, J. P., Lafarget'ille, N. T., writes "/ am ,object to were attacks of Col). and Kidney Difficulty, and end Perm* lee's 1',14 afford me great relief, while all other remedies have tailed. They are the beat medicine I ham ever used" L fact o great 11 the power of this medldw **cleanse and purify, that Maws* of 411 moh1e+tery name and nature am drives from the body. sweet 0lit Mabel -"Do yon think the wars. have ave effect upon the price of We dies?" Jack-Wonldn't be surprised if 1t NL They oar everytbing'u go up." )djtbel-'Then why don't you get • supply now?" le there anything more annoying ens having your corn stepped upon? 1. them Anything more dehsh,ful than medal rid o? It 7 ilollnwee's Corn Cure will de 1t. Try 1t and be cow/limed IarewnPau Ne, Ahs --i think that :Mr. Lye mast be • divorr"d men. Ile -Why so? She --i1. told me some them ler her years ■go that he was wedded to the 340th, net, Never too tire. nerer to grow awl( to be patient, sympathetic, tender, 1• Ir nk for the budding firmer and the geeing heart: to hope always, M Gal; to love olw•gs-this Is duty. The smut we hire to go toe l More often then the recti L pretty middling ears to bs. The one who cooks the beet. SONGS I OC n Ib. latest New •i 1104 eeeer .s -Weed. and Made, mat restlit Amy Wren In remota. d.0.d offer. Rend todev, J. . O' Ra ao.y Mesio Co-, meshed i.oea lett, Torun t,,. WANTED a a CanaSe t•canveai sat sell' a irs1 sdeards0 arake Owl w miter, No eecurlty or t► quired. Liberal eamm'vinn. For eanksid r `°dries 6. C. DAVIS, HamIIt011, Dat. T. N. II. *sr 1e a std5 onsets weld die amuse lel •e.. (MI . 0... ReasM- All who ste a ler "":"", le lird. O e held •ren -r. 1,;r It. Rod Pe Ani •....a.:.e.n' .-.. 4. A. Inaba Z. Pnnr,re. IIEE g ee at aie ase Mane(aof meows 4011. Seed yew ad 4 1 iJR •ate .M.watf fuer tM tpy'•t/' aad w' M".did. A Awa_ wbsellatratsseeXint rwaistikados ie paw �t'It $0 AM!a1M M.E. T.red11. 98I. l _1