HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-17, Page 1a•
.r... -, :.rpt .,x,,,,,,.•
18 THE IIE9'I'
Irtl'ALVI-• rue,
of Chutou.
of Gotten*.
Beery Elector who has the interest
d West Huron at heart should poll
his vote for Darrow and Holmes.
Don't split the ticket.
ILod111/?w d 1>VYrYf ll.
.arose. Mal seta= .ad loan sneak
enone! gpd rota collected.
Mudd toMmoss-- MoL.u'e Bloekrke
�fo! tt
rig.. OrIeb.
'Tessier Wanted
1 ; 7bawtthy of OsiprN Ilismtllrl.
ftMs gRSMMatw e_rd srtivy. Danes tm
• Jaer�yy�� IJr/.�
1! .wDoor . Z ;leett
roll bettor 11. prints sed two poead
pro 44. We�K QMNd a►Nei lit ties H•a0price
t. Padua, hero W. J. MOKi OW.
POPS iriniii r t reP.i
Road and Sea{h•/L- has mash Massaro
to Wani1nagg the idiom ell Yed•rieh ord m Ma-
lty that chole moused be make or do over all
artistes In for. gesallhoth, •eltanttes. oto.. • a
Terme rosessablee prows tabes for the
goaded taught %emu perfectly a u.a.broom a > ladies
per nate or To Rant.
kali soros of lord b the village" of Port
Abort. len melee from Hodertck sod ryes
from Deom eves end six trot Khali on the
talo rand to eio ardtee. �Poseesolm coo be
sives les pplr b .JI NRYr.OTWAfM
Y. eopordtos. portleolar1
serge of laid at foot of South street.
Aloe horse. harness, .s isad •set. For
ortioars. applyBLOM DUNLOPM1ur
TbMsW bdi biome nitwit* ea
W 11. Cos. 1 loth the or
w orae of Atabnwt ■'gM rayls
Ther. is • Mgt miler seder the Mao
Tins Is • ma ore.. -or for goalies.
he sod fent Good embed ea
or"nimble tpfib..
glamors b4b. toips s
Apply me premises to Ren. McMullan. r to
Wm. Colosimo, hoarsens Accent. Wsst•a.
lett d
I' Hstii ms'. irvtp Is tko Town of
ttlsooddesk tapes k r emoted • Moe dwell -
Dated tib e.st..b r. the
Illttuatioe. Vaasal.
go�mf1vr1 r.44 ones If .till young h
a�51ttless mad maw gN1t*�ea • p10
ts0i meted le &N I1. DY. T 8.
ss�p v.
IAN/KO, Ta...►..
Dan work heed talking mod writhe ten
boon daily for six r • week and w111 be
os0dat waft too donors sadly. Address
NEW WHAM O0., Teresa
ass. far tarries or permassM-
17 M gen ORsad$ : As 11oorate odls
1011t�401 vwreyl1s"ii �, �1. gve real mart* volusses.
Prese.I.U5 et .rises .t Vel Thereday
Niobr's •estlrti.
'ibe Collo/pate Institute Literary Sudety
met last Thursday "venlig, .boo the fol-
lowing program was presented : Inetrumes-
tai, Mi.. May Unstop ; reading, E. L. Wil.
lime ; G. C. 1. Journal, Mir Grace
Strang; reading. Mise Ethel Rillume;
quasi= drawer, 11. 1. Moog, B. A.;
G. M. 8. Jourusi. W. R. Rogers ; vocal
eel•, Jobe Carrie ; pse1ateuon of prises to
wlasdre 1b the recent gunge, Mr. Strang ;
woos' solo. Mtge F. Coswlly ; God Save the
Queen. The grad feature of the meeting
wo the preowbtioo of pores. There are
come those" 1n the het given below from
tilos of the .noosesful oompetlton in last
week's Ices, as in ooa000tioo with • portion
et Om Routes • rule held that no soon than
two prises mold be held by one person.
Certain prism were Blotted tor • few of the
emote, sod the rest were drawn for by the
athletic seldeata Tee dopuoo of this plan
resulted in eeaoidsrable onamonmt, spec.
tally V the saes et oo young moo who drew
two oak.. sd also. by • luoky stroke, two
jaobketv.s, so that be was not without
mesas of •' divvying up." Followior is the
peso Int
Standing bred jump (emirs) -1st, 8.
Pritobard, values (W. J. Dowdiss) ; 2nd. 8.
Draper, mho (D. Castels).
Running broaA jump (jasiorl-let, R.
Hunros. polr•of slipper (W. Sharron' ;
Sod, F. Edwad. two heir Dote (J. Frittl.y ).
Russia( bread lump (seoiorl-let, 8.
Priteb.rd. "1itss" (G. Porter); 2nd, W.
Hackett, 'rode (K. W MoKs.Mie).
Rssoteg hop -stop (junior) -1st, O. Mo-
✓ e., book ; 2.d, F. Edward, elk hands.•
Roles hop -stop (osior)-int, W. Ed.
word. mol (J. Brophey I ; 2.1, 8. Draper.
oaks (Mrs. Si....).
Stilt rare (Ia.1r)-1st, F. Sousderr., alb
tie (',itid1 Ehti Y ; 8.4,'N3. -1 omni,
oady (Vn. Carroll)
Reaping hi(l jump (seaorl-let, W.
Edward, sock scarf ; 2.4, H. Snell, motob
lana• with pole (janir)-let, F Sound -
ere, " Exploits of King Arthur ;" 2.d, H.
Meson, 11b oandy (R. B Tat).
Vault with pole (emior)-1st, H. Scali,
" Mson'i Pres " (Jae. Ystee) ; 2.1, W.
Bryrdg•e, ssokUs.
Ramis; high jmp (feeler) -let. H.
Wool'. solders 1J. Hslpany) ; 204, M.
C•,Ihnrae, cep sad mover (C. A. Nair).
100 yard ram (emir) -let, J. Moro,
root (A MoD, Alla.) t tad, 11. Marti.,
"holm sag (G. EUW*).
100 reed rams assist.) - let, P. Tye,
u mbrella (.4. P. Melees); Hod, P. Snell,
mile roe (ostler) -1st. .1. M•saoo, nop-
kie-rte•, (IT. T. Welsh); 2nd, H. Lang,
knife (0. N. Devi.).
Potato roe (Lois.) -1st, Harold Masaoe,
dshai rad (Mr. Jordss) ; 2nd, M. Colborn*,
" Tellers el the Seco ^
Girls' bicycle race -let, M. E. Tem.
Houle memo* (F. M. Dunham) ; 2nd, M.
Olivier, 4dee, pbotes (R. 8sltowe) ; 3rd, K.
Crottle, idor. photos (T. Kropkoy).
Thre•.legued race -les, 8 Draper, .Atte
v. •t, W. E (ward, lilt lea (0 Whtrerly) ;
tad. W. Bretons, 1'b Deady (C. Black -
stows). P. Toenail. op and ammo.
Boys' bieyele rode. 1 mile-lst, W. Joh.•
stem, bilis. ossdy ; 2.1. O. tiedwin, boa
(C. 0 Newt'.) ; 3rd, F. Manger, toe elite
(W Johnston)
Sok roee-let, H Maroon, dressing-oae
(J. tVllse.) : 2.4, 8. Draper. knife (N. D.
Slow bleyole nm -1st, W. Johnston.
white shirt (J. H. PMder); 2.d, D. Sal-
low., month ergs& (O. Emor.oe).
Obstacle, reoe-lot, 8. Draper. off links
(Humber A Mon); 2d, J. Mimes, lib.
candy (C. Harper)
Half mils rsoe (open) -ler. J. Mee.na,
lamp (Leo A 8bepbsro) ; Tad, W. Hackett,
mike (J Smith).
Isaias' Taos-lat, 8. Drapor, hide (J.
Wool'', Woll), W. Edwm
Halyard. e.&esd 7...b
(J. E. Davis); Bala B. bbelia ttsktis (J.
a few vassal I\r fold* Is Moe and
L. .1 .. 50 ()5 mit Y puree to 01441
seecrdrg to Oma mM11MR tMN-1f
or Toronto Osagss+atery K Rosi,
d plea .N theory. Oeaarva.ery
sed sad mune 1p.4it. Yoram add
eforlefernombieae had on aeNtm-
tloe at reeYm
..,14 Queebs.+.. 1180.14
or P1a... Piand Theory
♦ Tao 1*fet 1iMt V1,re�1l Pr..des Clavier
w� �l hamIli ete. ;Hotbed for Yong
.111 pane* the Toasts C5..or
eft MgNradh. at 11.
1Mr1ta..L lltna/.
• 7.7
• goes
fPatblle Motley
sees that I Suer some to shoot
or buten t1. POO •ii4• or My pan of my
TA[hg�irfor� daldN.Rsum 1� 1„ bre AT•
The Harr.. awl pra7lesa Iced tams mast
55 t r.. pewiin jhs oast. OM sn4 ma tonhe deposits
J01r. tazt.
0� •1 LOAMI•
ertrissee to be mad*
fan • oe, ung fes a per esat. meet.
i zssuiOMa 1fotlee.
pogo gain
R -re colonies of boo ger which 1 wtL
t.1. acoo dello sob. This fe a bargain Iter
Peer18t!<R firse . lot ono &ooa,e.1. S. CWbonost of the mse.
F1B�R. neod4.
IffStlaid its Oredltog'ar-
1. the Betale of Frederick Beattie, Deceased.
pssss a a. eia1R*e Vitro i :II:rg tkeWTms.a�wbOpN� of the late end -
SeatM sMmaitse
hwas died
�or sheat
too tit hi
IA. ore re -
x 01 t 1142111•102 smote of
_ with fallg}iwpf oar.
. lss1d
ere -
of and • wassmst of w israpfic. If u bold
by them ea r beers the dor of T)scem-
br. L 6. Mg. T\• said admMlstraMi stir
the saki bah W of Dee•enbs .su
w111 preod
�i�el.�1 pest 45 ss tettlad hehsad estate
lite =nilby tee e1Nme of Mash
she .ha
tag bereliad 5511., sad will ass be Halm
�Rjnwdil�lat' 1 .shall
a'g.inon T ew
1411%Mkir der ow
tame et O(1anlo i. this 11a1�x eim-
b r. A.D. 1�. 1811111..
8.bia...), R. Snell, mouth organ (0. W.
Tug-of-war, troll. vs. Model Dobeol-
G.C.I:,5.vs haircuts (Bropbev and Moore).
Hurdle ran. -let, 8 Draper, Meobaetos'
loeptuts ticket ; 2nd, 8. Pritchard. 1 pair
hoe. (8mith Hem).
Co.ola100 raw, 100 yard• -lot, M. loo.,
lokatsod. (J. Boons); Zed, A. MoT.ggart,
budk.robi.f (A. Munro).
Senior championship prise ---W. Haokat,
1 set Deimos.
Ju.for oh.mpionshlp prize -R. Harrtsoo,
1 set Diplom.
TI. oommitte., on behalf of the .obcel,
demo to ezpre.s their thanks to the frlmde
of the (i C.I. who oontribeted prism or
money for tee sport".
Legal dales.
A 6/a1001 IMJOur. -Carl, the young 00n
ot J. H. Worrell, is.ufferiog terribly from
an teary witch he roomed one day last
week. While playing leapfrog .110 some
other boys bre struck the inside of his thigh.
Martino thee bone trod 00wiog a greet swell-
ing of the leg. 1'b* boy is delirious put of
the tion with the miens* •gamy, and Ma
oodltto ••uses grave fear*.
A 000&.tTIoN.-Or •ttstics has bees
riled to .n error in our report of the pro-
oeedtare of t8* tews ossrl in last week's
issue. It so *sited that M..en. Dunlop,
Nicholson and Whore •otd •gsi.et eh*
doptioa of the epees' eesemittee'l rso.m•
meudauo In regard to tie laying el rail-
way tracks along the harbor 'may. This is
iomrreee ; It appears that the oemmattoe'e
report woe adopted without • divustoo.
A TIAvilLLINu EvAN0curr.-The so-
n co0o5ment that evangelist M. Myddletns
Wood, res'esogues oareetmr.er1. "The Ahead
Coming of our Lord Jones Christ " •ttraced
• large number to the Temporaries Hail on
Moody Grimier, the piece being well 1311d.
The evangelist is from Kiog.too and *tyles
the rsh(toue body to which he belogs the
C.tbolio Apostolic okoroh He hoe given
•o address to sae= place of over 5,000 opu-
lstiro in Cont d.. .ad is mew malting the
town* of from 2 500 to 5,000.
TH■ Dsraort FATAL/T.-Last week wee
published • report from Detests to the effects
that Prtriok Mvrpey, • native of Huron
000sty, was burped to death in Nist oily so
• firs which destroyed bar blscksmttb .bop.
The Smartt' Kzpbsltor says that the de -
mood, echoes none* was Mtobael Hngb sad
n ot P.trlek, was a so of the lets Mlcbol
Murphy. of McKillop. near Beeohwood.
He learned hie trod* with Tb.mm Hill., of
Egmo•dvills, and woo well •DJ favorably
known lar them ..ighbrhod.
Yooru MOO'S D.sentto Soclrrr.- On
Friday revising lost the Toeing Meds Do-
betIog Sooie'y m.', adopted • oonNJtatioo
and elected oOo..s for the first tern. As
Om maize footloose, the soctery s formed
for :he pupae of ',ragtag out m*teot ora-
torical god oo.tr.vereial tel'ot. The organ.
izaloe alto will bays • imolai side. The
officers ore : Presid.ot, M. J. Whitely ;
ens president, Arthur Co rk ; oerersry. H.
Turner ; trea.urr, Albert Doff ; oriUo, J.
W Vuater ; 015oaitiO4 commute., M.Ivie
Howell, H Balkwld, W. H. Robertson.
The *misty is to otos every Tburds, •1/11
at the Temperance Hall.
Barnes or R.ruo. Norma.-Cliotoo New
Era : Thoma Idealisms, of McK Ilop, sad
sixty-five, died Tos.day ; mho remota* wen
interred in the Irisbt.wo amatory. Mn.
Williams, • Brawls ,.wake, h•.1 t8* mis-
fortune to slip o the floor of the satin, -
room nod hr -al her leg, the cobra day.
Joon Ceolw.11, Ooderioh, was admitted as
en inmate this week. tor the sacred time.
Three veers alp h" ran away from this
bore. and o tie 5th of O.tohr he ran
away from the Perth Bouse rat R -lure. Mr.
and Mrs. Whit*, the newly -appointed man-
agers of 18. Bruce Hasa of Holum. were
bore on Wedoesdsy getting potnten.
SHIP or SOODERthH, _ �! �y
• .ert•tspayload to the martlsee *sWo.R fmis d la
daM t5s #a and
ef M rOK. A1, D. IN'i mads to elh vM�.r
11.4... 1.1. got or *4.,
bols1. u Ice a t!. T..0 d - ea
lad MAa< l0
haasoros of
the said
tsar ores.
es, Md edge
at • sumo
was this
wines tire
I. of
0.*es asibie 05. 1t �tgt0. (1
haOssamiso ."nee
mad. • good impreentoo. George Almonte
as an Irishman L bard to hest, and hie
singing and doctor were uoelleot. A
number of ow .psotalttse wore iotrodood,
in which little Mime Helen mode • decided
bit. She also took the I.adise port in
Myrtle Fares "and was badly applauded
as .very appearance. On the whole, them
two playa were op to the average, and If the
osmp•oy is muoometsl is keeptog it up to
thi..t•udrd full boo... should De scoured
tor the rest of the week. The '• Little
Trooper " was played last .i(b1.
AT TH5 POLICE Coast. -As th• result of
• raid by orsenbles on the home of Mn.
Martin. o• Dunlop's 1111, across the river,
on Monday night, two memo riling them•
solves Mrs Mortis and Mn. Kukbrtde and
Alex. Ktrkbndo, noose' before polio. ns-
aietnte !Seeger on Tuesdayaftuos ..
Mortis on thee oherge oMoping • disor-
derly hour, 'he other woman as an isolate
and Kirkbride se • trequeot.r. They pled
ed guilty, odd on promising to leave the
runty the woman were Blood to ro on
suspended sontwoo. Kirkbrtdm was re-
manded for senesce until .-day.
Four Now Wtrrrlsans B l:.-Wob•ee
bas permitted by • friend of the writer ta
peruse • letter r.ostyed recently from Bid.
Molmmss, of New We.tmiwter. Wepub-
lish some extracts which we think may be
of interest to • Dumber of our residers : I
am just begiooiae to feel settled after tee
Bre, which was • Porker, I ciao assure yon
it burned all night and well on iota Sunday
moraine o the.bosioees portion of the oity,
with the resale that there woe very little of it
IBL However, oho oltzees ars showing re-
m0rkabl. enterprise in rebuilding. and be.
forslong it will be didioalt to tell that then
ever had bow • fire. I m feeling as usual
aQd,felti.1 se fat as I poesib,y nen get. All
my clothes are too small for me sod It 1'
ocestinue I .i11 have to adopt the Chinese
dress, whioh coils for oo fit and is always
comfortable for • growing ma.. Toe
weather out here is all that mold be de-
sired, hut st any moment the winter rains
may .et in and then all is over for • .oath
or so, tut I gases we can stand it, and, any-
way, ...Oil hove to 1 do not' know
w On I om going to get home again. but I
do not think I shoal 4..ve the look for •
c.uple ot years, anyway ; and even then 1
eh.11 nook I m fortooau The writer
o..neludes his epistle by asking to be n -
' ,mooed to the boys aid exptmiaow • wink
leo hear from mini of them.
011114 FI1Hea'e Coy, eaT.-- Tbe Dslearts
eotertainmeot vivo iu the Opera House
last Friday evsiog by Mir Fahr and
pupils war frosted by an andienos moderate
in pout of numbers, but highly•pored•tive
of every number prseed. he entutW-
me•t nem of o unique and most Interesting
character, • refreshing ohange from the
stereotyped form usually presented, and
should have poked the house, pit and gal-
lery ; and it certainly would ho•e done so
had the people ooderetood what • delight-
ful evening ems offered them. Where all
did 00 iron, ti is dtaosh to select any fa
special comment, bot one of the moat pleas-
ing numbers was the •ppssr000 e1 Bites
little mammae --s grcup • f fifteen little
girls, in white, with their dahes, .bo gave
• most charming performance without •
hitch. Tb. Groton march by eight young
fedi.. god " The War ot the Rose," by the
same, were really excellent numbers, which
presented some taking oboruoes and tab-
leaux, of the beauty of which it is impos-
sible, to nye any idea on piper. In ell the
cambers the little ones were charming re
only oh1ldren can be. A n0atamime. "I
T),.'. Want to Play i. your Yard," by
Vora Whitely and Jennie Coesteloot and
•' How to Speak • Piece," by Henshaw
Murrey, Ore worthy of opeoiel mention.
Mise Fisher recited in her usual inimitable
ray e, sod was oompolld to reepooi to an
soon. The andleac* were one anJ .11 hod
In their praise of the whole affair, and Mies
Fisher is being urged to repeat it. W. are
mot able to say that this is decided ups,
but bespeak • bumper house if the enter.
%inment u given again.
AN INVITATION. -'1'h. pano'e of the
ehildrs •tt esdlsg the Model School sad
others htecwted id domtten are ordially
Invited to stood neat Friday •fter000a with
the e141dree In the school to see how ordis-
ry ohm' work is o.rried on la the different
rooms in .h1ek their obildree are Wog
to.gbt. After intermission Om ohildnn
and visitors w111 all meet in the •sm.mbly
root to hoar short addreuee ea eduastloaal
work by the resident oaths delay, the a-
mmeter, trustees and otbor geotl•mea.
Then addresses will he interspersed with
choruses by the children,. At 1:45 sharp
the proceedings will mmmen00, at which
Unwell jot/mooted are reenestad to be pres-
J. Wtu,rArtt MA,'Y, Htrtroste'r. - The
Woodstock Sentinel -Review .peaks highly
of the entert•iameat (owes by Macy, too
humorbt, In flat town. It says : , The
npeuimr of the People's Star Donee at th.
Opera Hoge Ise night was mist oueptetoue,
then bailor oa oppv.oitive sodium that
filled til theatre from pit to gallery. J.
WUlltae Macy woo the attraction end tor
nearly two hears bee entertained tate big
crowd with oeleettiew that were humorous,
nativists or dramatlo, a the fumy seemed
to take him, Mr. Macey is art • stronger
to WsedMteok. He woe ben before, and
Meat may omen' for snob an exeop4s•lly
Imre sadistic* tennis ost to hoar Olin last
eight." This strt•taer will appear i■
41.dletek .ere Me.dey sweeter, at Victoria
Open Hew,
91111,LILANT 8.1.4051 OWNING. -A rano
Meal 1s i5 store for Goeterleb e. Nevmmber
0 .4, lobs MW Chariots R. Whet.., •
prortaene Christian E,tdeeyor worker, and
for some years editor of the pastor depart -
meat of the F.eM•ver Herold, who L also
Prow;.oial WOO '1' U. organiser, .ill deli...
o. addresses " 110a.a Roans." In t
Tetp.rees Hall, Wm WI441m 1.o tsH-
ler pl.tfdsi 1p0at... mem of the brtglIiist
lady eraser. la Canada. lir voles hos often
bass hoard at tit/tame I*tra5Ms.o) (Kr st-
L. Eeds'sr meet k m.. and .o lady *Maker
bss NW SW canto* resehat. She wad
eltatesmaii of lis iiatSRtat for f4. world..
W. C. T. II. easwaet1.a ietd Let year i. Tor.
oats, • p.siHos that de.s.d.d Mut highest
ezoe.t100 08:11tm 11t L to be hailed that
(..d.risi will give ►w • worthy res.pth..
Ad.tesl1., • elver .oll1.tiee of nos 1000
til.. 100 CMk will be Ohm st 6 r.w.
Iilee Whirs. will nee ddr.. 0a shams
1r1.N.i ten the Temporise* Hall e. " Child
IMltsn ale Pleiades se Pent,. the 1eA.-
was net Smother. sad Oblldr .'e Rigbte."
pown&WM on belted. Mrpeelolly
ga k* et • mew
im aro. 5 tele
,.iiit theOD A
lll5a a aMm4
isepeetMom t .. «115 v..d.rs
waters seats to the maellea
of Ooleber
Tin Bagmew f*a*ta.- A fairly lam
eidis5' winos* On eptrd.( phy M ski.
glfiligr5y *4 the 111414 • Open Rio.s es
dolday evmlW, lobe. t1. 1..r•eet dee...
"The O'ssem'fotef.," well prssmted ha.
Mead of 11. stvtwttud Lief. Trooper."
Iran ging w1. op se eheaso,, ..ad a boa
ben wee Naked to eat emirs. Trete
whether that the lead bad loot Its drawl•/
peers et Not MOM other ammo thesomps
playel ' Mysh Fera." is • sat1.r.iaal
themeb astltmimtt.. 1..s. Nevertheless,
se even Witter .fit.. Shea that of the bet
eight wen 4wM.aW fell Dues hlly_eegrW
All the were the
• god father and kiad, •fleotiw•u tomo
baud. The hen -el, o the Monday follow•
lug Isle death, ....e very largely •hooded.
Durbg the "ono Rev. John Kay paid a
tribute to the boor, honesty god Chruttu
mahatmas of Mr. Husbeod. A tow remio-
i0000ceo ware etyma by Rev. T M. Jefferis,
who, forty yeah loo, ked lobored in chords,'
work with the deceased. He spoke of his
simple Christian valor and devoted work.
The Ookville Star toy . " He was • mu
unnereal'y respected, and it may he said of
bine that be had no enemies. During hie
loop .ervlo is Teol•Irar's 0000011 and the
oounty be anomaly ohsllooned ' any mu to
produos evidence of one lostonoe wherein
be knowingly did wrong.' W8.• .0rsged
in • recent political campaign the same
•halloo,* lore riposted Rvery person koew
of his honesty and his anis and soros were
sever questioned.''
Tho pastor will preach a thankWWt.lyt
sermon tD horth.t. Methodist ohurcb next
Sunday morutog.
The annual osyeotio of the Epworth
League and Sunday Sohool A..00iettou of
the (ioderiob district of the Methodist
oburoh will be held here on January 17;b
and 18th.
Special sysageopptio esrvi.1.. • on beta,
held in Vtowr(• st. Methodist March this
week. Rev. Me Wilson, of Beomiller,
pre•aubed o Monday and Tuesday evenings.
All are oordlally invited t •tun0 then ear•
The Salvation Army throughout the Dom-
inion of Canada bays set •port next week
for their se'( Osumi effort to raise money for
the •z1.mstoo of timer work. The loml
oorpen'JJbo8gb (yw to DImber, ore making
• Myer. ■tr.(r1. w .•tee .n •mount larger
than them of any previous year.
There will be tbaokagivteg servtooe in
Victoria-st Methodist oborob pert Sunday.
Rev B. Cleme•t, of (j.tarto-s1 Methodist
church, Clinton, will pr.•ooh morning and
ev.omg Oo the Mondry evening following
• pl•tiorm meettdg will be held. Rev. W
Rigsby, of Blyth, Rev. R Milly•rd, of Cien-
to', Rev. J. A. Aedersoo and Kew. J. Wit.,
eon. of Gederloh, will spook dor.ng the
evening. Music will be furnished by t8.
Dhow, and oleo by Mies Whitney. Mise
J. Wbitlly, sod Mr. Stoddart. Mies Mt1-
dyed Godwin w111 000►nbuu • recitation.
At t0is meetidg of the trustees of North
street Methodist church held on Tuesday
evening, after • 'earthy dismission 1t was
unanimously resolved to withdraw the 000-
oert which had been arrsavrd for Thanks-
giving evening, and to dr4e strongly upon
the oo0greg•Yob, ib ocoeidarotlo of t h.
withdrawal of the concert, to make the
tr.wtIl offering of the services on 8a.doy
n ext suffioiently large to moist the trustees
in folly mouse/ the ioor.aed exposes 1n.
ourrd by putting the Dew light into the
ohurob. Th. trustees foetid it Deoewry to
oaks a ( heags in the hghtios of the oburoh,
.mil new etroorly .ppenl to toe congrega-
tion to bolo them meet the expose. A lib.
•rad thank-o0ring on Sued .y next will do
u, bey 1.8404..
DEATH or Mow. Ro.swT Drcgsni.- (h
Modoy, Uateber 244h, Mn Robert Dick-
son. of Detroit, a former .OMi-knew. rest
dent of Grey and Brtewl., pared away as
the kgs of sixty-eight years, Tbe deemed
bad been in poor health for *emsMea 9he
was a sister of John R Great, of Winnipeg,
81... Want, of they towasblp, Peter
Gess., of Cleveland, and Mn. 11. Spe•oe,of
Gedored, Sed sister -to -1•w tf mho late Jam.
Dickson, county registrar. The nmales
wore laterred la Brussels oemetery os Fri-
day.Oetob..28th. Mary beautiful floral
tritNrtse were sent hy relative and Detroit
friends. Mrs. Cakes woo the .Iden
d0nehter of the late Petr sod Isabel Gnat.
oho was bon in Proton county, Nova
Scotia, and Dame to Stanley Ome•thtp, this
00only, in 1832 or 1863. Here e1. lived
until her morri•g• with her now bent•
partner, Rohe. Daimon, on Avg. 3rd, 1848.
He took'ble bide to hie home i. Roxheere'
sad they lived there until 1866, whoa Mr.
Dichosa paroiaeed 176 sores on the %width*
0000ssslen Choy ny township. '1'ho family
roods their home there until they sold the
farm and Mr. and Mn. Diokee. moved to
Brawl.. 1br45 years age they went te
1•:rois, when the subject of this note*
peened sway. Mn. Dolts was the moaner
of fourteen obildren,.im of wham are lino*,
via. - Aroh. G., ot Detroit; W, B , Jea. and
Reba M., et Loonies, Oak. t Jetts, of
Cartwright. Man. ; Harry, et Crystal ;
'Pies ,al Eaoanoba, Minh. t Mn. Wormer, of
Fletweed, Amfalbeh ; ted Mn. Holly, of
llekolt. Mn. Haltom was • Mud hotrod,
motherly, selgbbrly .em•n, who enjoyed
the esteem e( all lobe knew her. Dues,
1.r Biases she pet Wetly sad u.00mpl•Iuleig-
ly beta the palm and died with • trustful a-
aCosee that all was welL rhe , ,
wen sotompasiod by Mr. Ol.kw, kl.55M
.Arei.od James end daughter Mr...l W.
Kelly; Peter (frost, of Clewelesd, Slid kr..
of Ooderlck bomber and HMIs of
Mr. •sl Yn. Moth* Wel
nor weeks 1a Uoderteb lest year Moities
Mrs. 8pse..
O(l��lTo�AIT.-Mr. Robt. He.dusos hes
rse.l.d word et the dock el her stele,
eintne Hmshend, of Oskrilk. He had bows
Iaog health 1.. some time end was ad-
vised by bhp Moeda a sad..re as operation.
O. ))(,•mels►, O.t. 171*, the operating took
plbls aped ha need M well sad then wen
red Isere of M. mower, ; 1.t ea Thurs-
day hdammmtles Mot le sed M paned gent-
1 41"1s. P'134. Oen 21st, treeless la
> ice wines he hod erved all ate life. Mr.
Hesb0md wee n 4.N dtby•svenel year. H.
wee bora la the nasty at Halts= and n
early ►IN be wan tor seven or eight yore •
tohmel tsekar, eftsrwsrde enierf.g epos the
�g�II of ,Rrte.R.n. F.. dxt•en yore
*0 w5a • ...bor of the m miolppsat'( eeo•ei1
K tha rwYhrp of Trafalgar. Rohm meaty.
sod (rte Nelwe Fera had • seat as the
ceaety Dowell. 1. 1811 he w45 Mooted
warden of Mho swat? 1. the trowel
Prevneol eloosiss et 1A1M ito was saw seasd•
and -beater f..'til Wenn of Halal. Tbe
dstes4 wee 5N*1SoI ale* se *haft
m..d u at hr death WIMNO
at tk..Sakti lee Nen.O.1. Nadir
or drifted and went aground Dear the island.
The tog Huron, however, soon polled her to
the duck without much difficulty.
The steam begs Rosedale arrived me
Saturday night from Fort William with
69,000 bushels of groin for the new elevator.
The uploading proem continued into Bun•
day moroiog, and from about 9 r r Sunday
*wni0 till Monday morning, when the
oleo for the North.
No more lumber .owls are expected phiri
year, the somas befog praotIeall7 eloi.A,
Of the Mobi hney fleet, whish has boo ply-
ter betwou here and Tbeeeeloo with ince•
bey for Dynan', oily two schooners remain.
The M. L Brook went ashore near Thee
salon during one of the moot ti. blows.
The ono soaped, bat before • tug arrived
to take her off ha old craft went to Moss
sod is now. we understood, a total wreck
The Fanny Campbell mot .shore 00030 time
410 near Jobouto's Harbor, sod 000 be
aoudad Dot. The Corboode is now laid op
at Sulu, and the Cataract a in port hen.
A lotto, hap been reoo.ived ty Kebt.
Campbell, ligbtbouse keeper, from Thos.
Plunkett, clerk of the divisoo court at.
Ibeford, is reforeoo to the possible, moor -
dry of the body of his son. On Ootober 16th,
at Au Sable, on the Miohigan pout, Jobs B.
Plunkett was drowsed off the saeam.r Des -
mod It u thought that the body may
have drifted soros, the lake at or pear to
Goderiob. Ammo bearing of the finding of
• body would de • kindasa to the father
by writhes or wiring oo hie ddreoe at Melo
toed. The drooped young man was 29
veers stern
A Kiamrdiee despoteh, dated Nov. 11th.
says : Thai et omb•rg• Bannockburn,
laden with 70,000 bushels of wheat and
b•.iog • ono ot seven 0300. is whore in
flftees fest of water, sandy bottom, two
miles south of this port.. 14 th• weather
continues is' arable no .*mous damo(e i5 .o-
t.ioip•ted. A tog is expected from Prat
Huron tooigbt to assist her. The mewl
wts.t,sobe pouloo¢4yy MOW torr. Tbe
Bannockburn is owned by the Itodtr.•a
l'ra..toretion Company. She be full of
caster. She le in oommond of Copt. John
Ireton and the wheat is coosigned from Fort
it ilium to the Ogilvie Milling Co., Moo
tree'. 1 he simmer is olaseed Al and is
valued at 4115,000.
Later sews u to the effeot that • tag,wrh
• fall le Nohow .uttlt, left I'ort Heron logo
to the aentstone. of the Bannock Duro, hat to
the meantime, early s Saturday morning,
she l..,1 bees released without maoh damage
and had resumed her eons down the (oke.
The C•thollo ohuroh in W Ingham ha n•
neatly undergone' a thorough ting
proems. The roof has been r.-sbingled, •
(untos Mooed in the 'moment, the honor
of the building Motored and painted, the
altar improved sod new carpeting lold,mnek
nig the ohoroh quits attractive and comfort-
able. Reopening servioes were held on
Sunday Oot, 30tb, Right Re.. I) D. U'-
Coaoor, Bishop of London, ofolatii.g.
High mess was celebrated at 10:30 by Fr,
McKeown. TMt. was followed by • 000firrm-
• tles Dei vin*, Two Paodidates promoted
themo.lwea for oee6rmotloo. They wen
examined and 00r.fully hotfooted of oon•
o idenblo length by the Bishop o.d tem
ooefirmed. to the analog then woe ves-
pers. followed by • sumo delivered by the
Bishop. Notwithstanding the very un-
favorable weather, the attendoso at bode
sarvfoes was forge, every •vailoble end be-
ing occupied. rhe choir was wised by
Mw Donovan and J. Damao. of Seaforth
The offerings for the day omouoted to •
little over 175. The day's cervices were in
torment/ and .uoeu .f.L
The Presbytery of Herm met in Clinton
on the 8th 1.0. The deputations appointed
to vier% the wonted charges gave esparto,
whish were meshed, one of winch was very
e0000r•(ing, namely, that of mho deputation
who .lens4 Unto ehuroh, Goderiob town-
ship, whioh stated that the said ooagreg•-
tio0 had volved to increase their 0.5trlb.
Nona for whipped by the sum of 130 or paw
Oily more. Oho •leek stated that the its-
rembly'e oommittee granted tile supplements
asked for bt the Presbytery. It was agreed
to appto•s df " the remit on the supply et
vacancies." Meows. Glen god Ketobm,
students for the ministry, were
o.rtified to the senate of Knox Col.
lege. The report of the auditors
of the treasurer's book was received and
adopted. Sessions were instructed to take
action, is order that the request of the At-
sambly, respecting missionary committees
h csgr.gettons, be Parried oar. The Rab-
bet!' school eommlttee rpeommended that,
imbed of bolding • Sabbath soheol oeo•o•
aim, one sssslo of the 000veotlm of the
Society el Cbri.t4. Endeavor be devoted to
the eonmderotlm of 8abbsth wheel work,
Ties resmmendation Yeas adopted. hews.
AndertNs and Martin were appointed to
.Moms tie annual meeting of the Women's
Foreign Missionary 800iety In Janio•y
netts. A resolution resp otiag the Math of
Dr. Coleraine was adopted. The next reps -
lar meeting .111 ba held In Cllotea on the
17th of January at 10:30 A. If.
The steamer John J. Loo`` arrived ea
clumsy from Warton with thee fishermen
and thole families who have retuned for
%be waiter.
TMeehemwr Cataract arrived De Mo.d•y,
light, freer Sarnia, having roe do hen for
011..., 8M will Lav ter Pine Tree Har•
hen Os lead loather for Mania
The *14.8..... Ontario, of the Phony
Ln., bee ben pr.h.eed by Capt. Jobs
Common *ad ethers, of Port Hale., and
will 1. sayrtad into • Iambee-orris..
It to reprlr4 that the rases Mao and
niter M the 0Mth of t1. 84. Clair Rfo..
wee Mawr 4orws lest TBmM.My SON darts
tee etas. The 1144.1 M est of the .e1. ice•
portant in Oho nage, as all warners see
guided by 11 is .o.15g Into the cher.
A .sawho4.tool *Mit was watched N
Moo .Mot the desk. Das day hest week.
1'.. Mg *merlon ..art, several miles net,
bad hos le *irks ler memo tea, sad win
abreast eye vend tel.5d, wino\ o..rtesy
was presently rot5r.d In the other. The
whistles were heard shae, alhomgb rather
The 'Anew 0,5ltesne soloed ea Test
day hem Tondo with 600 best .f Mal for
Ate• Lea r- Tse sehr ►warted a pMt'
sloe went/ Nr. piss., lira maty
NOS t1ltlAdad len NOW .n pl buy. The
*bra de aeon et
MD tag olessa4
day abet from Chatham, where the schoon-
er a laid up.
J. U. U'CooneU, deputy re0Ltror, was at
Chatham thio week on official bummer.
Norman Manion, lobo had bow sailing
on the eohr. Kolf.ne, has returned to town.
N 11. Smith, of South Bro. & Co., b in
this week melodist/ Christmas no0-
Harry Turner lett toeterday for Wood-
stock to ink* • pennon witb Th. Sentinel-
H. I Strang, B A., attended the meeting
of Om senate of the Uo•vonity of Toronto
lest Friday.
ltd. Posenore n vnlit.ghis brother at 80.
Louie. He is teal:ug first -rat* alter Isle
roost 11loesa
John WI1lisms left lot Soturd•y for Cor -
soon, Veozsolo. His brothee Jo/mph 1.
loomed then now.
JMepb Mallouab, who bad hese sat110g
on the mhr. Erie Suw•re, returned to woo
on Monday everting.
1). F. Haml10k leaves this norotag to
wood a few day" oo • trip East. He will
vent Tomato and Port Hopo.
F. O. 9o•o., of the Duston deportment.
Torooto, war In town on Mooday. In 001 -
mention with the' deportment.
Rev. J. w aeon attoaded the ualveraary
of the Blyth Methodist dread', hold on
Monday ..sing of this week.
Mien Miller, of Teresto, MiCourtio, ot
Holm.vill., Dad Mien Halle, of Nil., were
M et 's at Mn. Lane's last week.
J. A. H.Ip•ny war in Toroota week
for the purpoee of pinking up thethis 1.145*
things in the gosh' furnishing hoe.
Ju. Tait o•d Thoa. Burrows, of the C. O.
F. lodge, naiad : he brethren of the Boo -
miller lodge on Monday sight last.
Coot A M. MoOr.gor has awned Ise.
to spend the winter after his .e.ao.'s tiffs
In command of the Govromw1 survey Its•\
Mae Tomo returned to Philadelphia ea
Thureday. Mrs 'tome .i11 follow shortly
and they will spend the winter there and in
New York.
Mien E11. MoMath, of the Bayfield road,
rotor -rod home last Tbor1Asy from Toros.,
w hen ethe had been eag.4od ea • t.anhar ere
the cooeelona1 staff of the oily publics
.ohools. Alter New Years she will have •
petition on the p.rneasent'staff, and and
then .ill rem►ta 0t lone.
Next b•rg.io days at Robinson's -Deo.
lar and 2nd.
Mies Maud Sharman is very ill with
typhoid fever.
G. F. Emerson's store has been renav•ted
ta p eaters ion for the sonar business.
Next bargain days--• line of ladies' jack
eta, was 15.00, for 11.50, at Robiosodo.
Wm. MoCrestb, janitor •t the county
court hones, is 000boed to his bed this week.
Jos Hobo, chief engineer of the G.
war bore for • law hours vestrday as a tour
of lospectioo.
H Henson Guest ho been re-engaged as
teach., to Y.B. No. 10, Logo,, township
(aur MiubellI.
Mlohael Farr has purohosed and entered
into pngeeeuo of the hotel in Soltford
r45enUy kept by Ben Mass
Lurie Adams hoe retuned from Oliveto
and i• again employed io 18. tuning de-
partment of the God.rioh organ factory.
Hugh Ryan. of Cho Nile, • former student
at Gederloh Collegiate Iusutete, is r.00ver•
i.g from an illness of sev.r•1 weeks' dura-
The plan for the Macey eoamrt will be
open to enbeoribsr. 04 Porter's book store
on 8oturdor, and t the public on Msdayo
Be surs to soon • teat.
Mrs. Hopkins is down with typhoid
fever at' tee hospital in Paterson, New
Jersey, whioh she entered 00031 time ago to
receive training as • nurse.
On Saturday moroiog • " peg -154 " who
had arrived in town the previous dight wee
up before the polio m•gl.trate and wee
outwitted to gal for six months as • va-
grant. H. gave the Dame of John Perkier.
The verandah of the British Exohoags
hotel, whish has been resting o temporary
supporta once the loyihr of the gr000hthio
walks was begun, woe last wok fixed pr-
ssan.atly, *soh pillar resting op • neat
.ten. block.
The ooze 1 meeting of the Ws.t
HuronTeshhrs' A.*otatloo will be held st
Exetar on tele wood Friday oil d•tardsy
of Morob, 1899, and if the oo0nty ou0oil
will grant Thursday • three day.' meeting
will be hold.
Judos Doyle yesterday gave belement
in the Diyl.io Court sun of Cameron vs.
Bradford, allowing Mn. Cameros 147 for
damages to her bleyole, whioh was belay
rldd.. by Mn Small when the latter was
ran into by Bradford.
The Mitob.11 Advocate talks shout .n
apple ..*aurin. 124.. in olroomfr.no.
+bioh beau their reoord down thy.. The
Advoeote should have seen the 14 -in. beauty
to our nffio wl.dnw. (loderiob ia head,
goart.rs for the apple -Rowing Indus'.ry.
Th. •griooltural editor of • journal sate :
Tb. ammo for burning limas is at baud.
This is • and nf.o.w. prattler.
Take the leaves ate voter bask yard or gar-
de, cover that 1444.417 with throb and let
thorn deoempw daring the wfatr. Yee
will leave • mound et the eldest .oil or
compost in the.pring.
TUESDAY. Nov. 15th.
William Smola arrived home tot weak.
Robora Durnio visited the Port o time -
Mien Etta Yellow is visiting Moeda la
Mr. Hamlin is to take aborts of one of
our goosed storm.
Mien Jenny McKenzie, of Goderiob, le the
guest of Mien Vold.
Farmers are Oohing advantage ot the good
weather to do their plowing.
Mies !tato, of Dungannon. 1. visiting at
the home of James Crawford.
Mee Hart, of Arthur. is .Skier • otsoh
to her friends around the Port.
Jack Riobardeon lett last Thursday far
the "Soo." He lust adds one to the 'arm.
D umber of the boys who boa left for other
pert.* thee tall. His many triode wish him
Allan Bowles. Dor former teacher, who is
now attending the Normal School, is su-
gared to 'tomb next year near Belfast Mr
Kiliott, the promo: teacher ben, 1a noon -
raged tor 1899.
A weak ago Thursday /Are. King sea
family loft the Port lo, Winghem. 111.
leaves only the ore store. However, Mr.
Mom. is tlnng up the building and llksty
we shrill soon •gala have • pair of sten, to
our town
The Christian Endeavor mooti.gs are be.
nonce, to be better •ttendad thee they
have been slow spring. Mies Mary Moho*
led the last meeting, the topic attar, •Tbe
Good Fight." The next is a mlesleetarr
topic, to be prepared by the missionary
mentor ttes.
Rlee'e Pure Salt for table or dairy.
The hitless Tall winds don't w"rry the
who weer Prldhrm'u o•resa,
U soh., too, are seat, .*.pirate and these
&sough for ell.
Ver. will always he a division of opinteu
la regard to rival Dud dates. but there to no
reced sr when the merits of the work of R
4411... L es kw die tido. His moos is
1a frost.
Mw Brom returned to Strati..den 8.t
J.. Clark mad. • trip to Terosto the
peat wed.
Johan Mitchell hes rotund frau bit trip
to Monad.
Will Cootie ..haloed yesterday fro Baa
derby, Ohio.
8a Clair Tweedy released es r riesy from
• .sit to Curtis..
Wm. Wall.es abased trews South Bay
on Friday of lain week.
Mir Ida Hal.os, N Client's, visited
Meads i. bo. 8Ne week.
P. noleemw, banister. of locknow,
was 1. tew. Ms Thursday.
R... A. E M. Tb.m..-, el kl1..;11o, vis-
ited hie bees bort this wok.
Wm McDe.aM reterued Ws .eek fro.
Who T.hermaoy habits noses.
dans Newell wee ot bo 1..t. at Oa...
t4r1. for ■ brief Spit the pmt week,
Mie Neal Odeill.r , .f A11ield, am re.
Mimed M. Wire is tlm whiter ..iop..
lie. . morodl, , o hod� moat
Rice's Pun Not for table or dairy.
Dost miss the bargain dye at Roblos•s's
-De. 1.t wed god.
I have rooted • o•rlood of British Col-
ombia shingles, whioh 1 am prepared to w11
at prio.e to sit. F Monson
Have you • tioke1 for the People's Star
pours*? The greatest value poeslbls for
your money Buy • tioket before Macy's
eonmrt next Monday night. Only SI ter
flys first-olare .stsrtainmeute.
1f any of our adore wont• to see somo-
thieg epeol•Ily good fa the line of s=tereo
John Knox can chs. him Dome elegant on.,
from the McL.urhlin Carrie/pi 11o.,O.hawo,
at hie w•reroome on N.wg•ta st.
Rio'. Pun 8.11 for table and dairy.
Rrowla : The Rroe..le Mmnoesns' In-
otit.to has been obonrad to a free library.
Hallett : T. H. 445002, bomber i. Nn,
4. Hallott, has been r.-eovoved for 1899.
Exeter : Mr. W.Iker, of London, ham
stereo a •los to Exeter, and intends torah -
tog the Gorman languor.
Drysdale: Oe Weda55d.yy 01,81, Nov 2,
the ynae/estdaarhtr of Mr. and Mn. H.
Talbert pared away.
Biyth : While play no on the sobeol
grounds • young son of Edward H.s.U1 had
the mlafortnoto est se of his lege broken.
Blyth : J••bo 8. MoKioes (sou of D. B.
McRtenos) left town last week to arum•
man*geroent of the lugs bwiana d Ms
'Ante. 8. kloginaw, of Toronto,
Chase.: Footer Glbhnr., wrishwrrM
Mesa Towson& Glossa at., fell eat .f sow
pl. trim the other day, 011ghtrM oa 1M1
hood. Dud hea hg himself severely for the
Gederloh tewpsblp : The ether day • yew
bon.4mg to Fred Tewoll, Maitland seems.
dee, got sewmHhiog ledr.d to It. thresh.
and an effort woe made to dislodge aha
same hy foreleg • whipatmk dews the
mimes threes, 1.% ems whteetork nj.wd
the ulmsl sand e. osd its death.
yon nett N 0
... U
..... .........:..0Mng�t`w4
Loa/p.sied.��nl.,,• N
Lod M
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