HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-10, Page 8I nce tried will bls wrke neetesINse were given Mwer M sot V the patter. Tb. lell.wf g sosn.te win relined N have no other the $was wpmttke : J. T. Geier, s.rv- Isee at Mees $178.7Wi l 40nt3al1 Brea t Ase,118ernestia, oil, $16.60 ; W m. twos, seal, $180.6i i C. A. Hsmber, r VAS i Lr- D. Resewta, eeppbles Ie wat�ir- weeks, $9.57 ; D. Y. asset.•, weer for eleptrn light dep•rtateut, 1'/ 76, ad fee water works departures►, $80.70 ; J. H. Wanda, tad pipe. 19 16 ; Tn. Stueat., advertisers,* 90 ; Les & Shephard, week .ad suppler. webs Aoossets of Te Globe Ind The Mall ad Respire for adverbs. tee were ordered to be pall. The water sad Paht commutes reported that In unwise to the advertisement for • eseob,.isel e.g,soer to tae the pointless vacated by W. H. Saab • large autober ei ✓ eplicates*, had been received• asd es they W been umoNe to melte, ,soommendiag any atm for the poslttoe they .bsltted the Wes el the lollowlag appltseula, from whom they thought a choice ,held W made : ltd Book, (,od.ricb ; John M s, Mere Willies' ; Henry Stowe. F. Love, ,1 B. Kell all of Codeno► ; Jamas Welker. K s ; Wm. Petah, Atrors ; etua�- dee Mahn, Aylmer. 11 was moved by Ntobol.e., .tooadd by Marta, that the report be adopted. tar- ried. Reeve C.ompbell moved, mended by Holmes, that J. B. Kelly be •ag.ged se euperintsodeet of to eleotrlo light and waterworks pleat at • misty of $600 per .seem, oomenesdog 1st November, payable smoothly, bat duties as such to be (t.ttoed by the water and light committee, and that • bylaw be prepared for next regular meet- ing of to oo..oil on6rouug mime. Moved in s.endm.et by Prtdham, s.o oadd by Colwell, that the followieg be em ployed in oennwctoo with the waterworks and electric Inert department, at the sal- aries mentioned : Jobs Kelly, 1600 ; Harry Stowe, 1500 ; Jas. Andrew', $460 ; Ed Beat, $460. Moved t amendment by J. C. Mama. e.00.d.d by D. Condoles, tet We comas'* appoint a engineer to superl.towd to w.terwoeks pleat and the laying of water - mom This we. (+rebid. On motion of Wilson end Nicholson, it was decided that the voting oe the appot.t- mat should be by ballot. At this stage of 0. prowe¢leive • lot of irrelsvaat telk was i.dutind Wand motion sed scooter-mo1oN. whtoh did oo: brine forth .sy resul'a. were rapidly presented to the hoard, Family it wee moved by Holmes, poo.d- d by Campbell. ead osrried that thi teattw he IoW over soul .Iter the report of the special oov,mittee had hese dealt with The .perish 05.mittee reported that. harts, oo.Mdered the grating of reilw.y iaod,ties for oommerotal and elevator inter sots sloops•. b.rbof q •yaks, r....1 te.a-' d that tett Grand Trauk Itaiway Wallowed the privilege of lay Ind two traoke ileac the qu.y, one for a,mmerm.l tote and one for the see of ted (:alertab /Winter ad Ton- na Co., ooeditio.s N be regulated by the spousal committee ad 1octtoad by the 0000041, ad any agreeme.t arrived at to be eobioot tote approval of the Woo solicitor Th. report was adopted, Dunlop, Nicholson sod Wilson vo4ag may. The nasal then adapted • motion to ad jour. soul Tuesday might. At the miming Tuesday eight .l1 the members *sent Moron. Lavin, McLean and Colin Uampnell were prosect. A vote was 1 sen on the names of appllosu m for the position of waterworks asprineer sub- mitted by toe water and light ooms'at.e os Friday evening tin the Anal billet J B. Kelly reo.ivd • majonty. Hie salary was Sled at 1600 -and that of Hoary Stowe at $500; ad E. Beet wad appointed an es- .rtant .t $1.25 per day. By law No. 11, onbrmi.g no &gro m et between the town ad the 0 T. R , was read three times and pasted. TO. oou.dl adjourned after a long and wordy sessb.. _y - is the vend,. t .A those who hese tried the Baur G1ore-FiUi Pallerns equal in every detail to soy 9bc. pattern iu tit, in style, .04 to mems)), of materiel. PRICE, ONLY IiYull stock of Patients. See our rtylo.. 1Oc. Wrapperettea, oleering at 10c. yard. eaI only lc. a paper. Large rolls Batting, regular 12c., 3 for 25c. Spools, 2 for 5c. Rustle Lining,,only tic. yard. Hosiery, Ladies' extra. at 15c N lea, HANDKERCHIEFS. Nioe motored silk Handkerchiefs,. 6c' Laos and embebid- ry H'tidkercb'b be Lovely styles at 2 for 96c N rw (looms, Nxw Patcgr, Foa Phases. VSILINGB, RIBBONS, etc. BO�YsS'p��/� CLOTHING. Styles to snit the boys at prices to suit the mothers, and they are made to wear. Boys' two•pion Suite xv^Boys' Overou.ta and Pea Jackets. MILLINERY r I f • and FURS OUR SUITS (Mr Trimmed Hob tit you like btnr•matie, have •dainty touch here aryl there that distinguish t h e m -from ordinary retHie. r As for price -well, you cry - • touch that .sget two of our suit for one Ih .tamps them pretty, A the other way. a.. used at attractive low Special range for $5.00. pritaee. Are you looking fora pugs t FURS nice, dreary Overcoat See our line at $8 80. Jackets of Fur, Capes, C. -apemen, Collar ettes, Ruffs, Muff,, etc. JACKETS - JACKETS We bought them et hell price, that's how they are .o cheap. BLANKETS, LACE CURTAINS, COMFORTERS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, QUILTS, CARPETS CASH AND ONE PRICE. • Smith$ro's 'e TOWN COUNCIL. The tetra seam= bald It rear meeting ea Riley evs.b, Ise. There were pres- ▪ maysr Theatre's (is t►e slrir), reeve Ouspbdl, deputy reeve Wilms, sme.d dep- uty reeve Holmes sed mall*.,. (shad., Colwell, Tweedta, Prldhsm, Martha, Nichol - sea, Dwalop, Oaetelo.. Onkel* ad Red- aHds. 1 e ere seer's statement for Ootobsr, se fellows, was seat to the Gasses so.mlues • B•Iance from September 1350 27 R.cazrr.,- Ta a 810400 00 Wen setae 197 70 IeW.ate4. Heb. rate307 16 bill 200 00 8e►eal resat 160 00 Bills payable 2600 00 A.Oseaer- .. moot. of emend 18 00 Hdtla.d n.sseNrp 53 60 ltlry.tsr Oe. .tole 10000 00 23026 36 • PSI..DQDa,I,- Saimaa Priming, edverOWr Separate mime' Fin department C.li.riate I..l44. Palate weeks Chanty... Bale payable Beak interest Waterworks Wmrwrks noses, . . 11414 Pebble saw* Reheed t. A. Corner Masked sosseeery Oswty rate. ..... errs:. 124176 63 1190 65 38 60 100 00 4 69 2600 00 306 90 4 80 800000 16e 66 21 90 997 72 160 77 449 60 18 00 73 66 962 80 29 50 (ied1rleh elevator .. 10000 00 Inial Isseeeveneata . 198 9.S 21220 08 O. head..... $ 294 10 $2956 66 is bank 2732 46 $2966 66 The tren.arer reported the fellowi., mesas• paid eo bins by tbn towel clerk Mr the registration of birte, merrier". aeld deaths : February. 1897. 81080: Jeaaery, 1198, 031.90 ; 4.tal. $61. Tend nark 404040.11, es requested at • preview. ..shag, =Omitted • statement. as • fellow.. of •senate dee to the town for not by different perms.: J. S. Platt, one year, $40 ; Thos. Gundry, three ad • ball yearn, $36 ; Colborne & Barrow., two years, $10 ; Georm Bissett, terse years. $1.5. Tin Matem15t wee sent to the Beam* commit- tee la • oomm001001100 from_ the (donut Orga O.the council wee asked, is view of Me probable selarr•m.ot of tie Eatery in the Mar Niters, se grant the eempasy nom - hal taxation and free water tor all purposes fora period of tee years. It was stated that the iompay had never •mkd aid Irma the Nun, .ad with the exception o1 fres water sad tmmiW taxation had rseeivd =se, but limy were now being charged ler the u.e of water_ The matter was selrred 1s tho speei•l ommmittee to roppoort. A nets from H. F. Moos', statism that the amonet of insomnia on the nether* bendier, s Oot. Med was 175,000 end .iso that date had been t.•xeseed, was w ent to the Ammo, committee. A report el the tespeotion of the three Meant bollen .t the pumping station by a repreeeatatevs of the ftotlw isepectls ead Ionr•er» Co. of Canada was .eat to the water ad hint oommitte. With some slight .xcep4eas which were mentioned, e verything was ie good order. A oomm.eieatioa from the ..tratford hes. pital, in the matter of Forest Hale, stated that the disease h.n ex heeded down hem dem bones of the foot and that the only thing N be dee* more w.e to amputate the foot. re. omens of the ooa.0, , by whom a was meat to the h.,pi'al, was ,.quested before the operettas sterid take oleos. On motion el Twaddle sad (.range, tn. ol.rk was is - 'treated to reply to the stress that the council w111 sot rive lie oon.ot .ad w111 rain no responsibility An appltoaUoa from F. Smooth for a re bete o1 taxes oe bb mill from the time it was bunted down until it was robotic, less the slhw...t of a dy greeted by t0n nen- ail, was referred N the menial oommlttee to A =tides of owners of property on Keay. ,hest f.,. dnis se that street sad none - 'es i.s with to sewer at the south of Chas. NOira's,se se to prevent the ending of oil. I.ri aid oyerfewteg of the land is wet sea- ring. wan referred to the publlo works net - inn e... A within from paras' owster urop.rty e Rrao..t. asked for • brach from the sewers VioNrtst., to roe west ales, Broom•d. 120 fest, more or lees. The ppb. • New Goods THEY ARE COMING EVERY DAY. THE BEST VARIETY OF Chinaaiid Glassware to Ooderieh. Ie feat, you would have to go to the dike be fret a better variety. Yon must some is NMI Dee these gaols to appreciate thew. A FULL LiNN OP LAMPS Prost 2Oc. to $4. I SIM to 14.25. w`DOD' S PA=R, Wa '-t3T. AND DQUA.AD. FANCY OOLORSD Chamber Sets BLUEVALO. T1:718DA,, ho,. nth Mw Lizzie F!.aty, of Wtngbam, visited Miss lea Thomas. Jobe P,tlad W disposed of the Royal hotel and will remove te Bremen shortly. Mise Jame Mollwaia aad Miss 11..4 N.tterSeld, of Whgbam, spent Sunday is linevan. Mrs. Sickle wash I'ort Rowan last week attending the femoral a the late ondootor Rutherford, her brother. CARLOW. 11:.0DAY. Nov 44. Miss Clan Boyd Saa4ayed at Brined. Henry A11em is gradually recovering from his severe illness. 1l0beroh movies has knee onto °banged for the winter etsehe, service oommeoclog at 2:30 instead of et 3 o'clock. Mr. F. W. Mo1)sagh has purchased • very beodaomedrtyer from Mr. Geo. I'.,rt- or of Oderieb. The animal u • She saw An oyster supper wail held at tbe c6anse hotel Moody last under the sae pion of the .pets packers of this viotatty Odin Used Sallow', of Poplsr Bow, miter - trained • lane number of tri.n.1. at her boas, Ma.M-Wood Farm, or. Monday -wren. env. A11 restore b.viag spat en rjryeble time. A (;resne gave up paemesioa of the More Jed poet officio here to W. Howell as Mew day last. Mr. Greene, together with his den/titer, Mise A W. Grosse, hes oo.J.etd • very .uoo.pdal business for the pest y or, sad made teeny new and warm treeds whose best wi.b.s follow them to whatever sphere they may eater. BELFAST. MONDAY, Nov. 7. Scow and frost on 6 h net : no sleights, We000sntulate W. L Heekott, an old Belfast boy. on .eoartag to senior chem. plonetiip at the Oderiok Constipate (seem. A eery interesting W.C. T. U. recital and silver medal intern was bold et Da.g.a.s ea Tuesday evening last. The medal wee awarded to Yeas H. Allh, et L.ok..w. The apple seep Is' prank/ally saved. Roots ere mostly gathered la. 1 grain have eel. (wed from s blight sad are decidedly sa.11 in many places. Plowing is well made, way. Fall wheat ie far ahead. respite t0m but ✓ eads • ped deal of gni• t. going M mar• led. Pees un mend Meek .t 69i. There to likely to be . I..k of wood this fall. Russia may dig her 1,000 mala ditch' Ragland may ge *beet Ilk•els weltered t •prise ; (Memnon *sensual may Dome and ro, hat Wept Heron ea.uot go ar.pA- seated forever. We want • mea of pewee la the r)..1n = Hese and a man of out. tate a the Lend, b say Deihlag of the went *hi ad lever light. A* to Lib. oral osv.Dtles le Dammam this wash we bape to ase a wise seised= of ...414ates. Be ears you're right, tees go shoed, mid may the Orae ... reds. DU NLOP. Tva.nAy, Nw. 8. Mr. .Nb lir. .*eke (Ht. entente ed • Laps number of ser =wag people at due- t, prey ea Monday .tats 4W. Mrs. Jonas Rtrsegh, of Cederhh, Ilia (4..r . Gn.. ad Mrs Waste Orem, of Dodoes. to m.Np, were Messiest rioters h en Friday .f leas week. Bellew... of 1808 pose= very quietly lens Only me er owe piss were reseal. Mohs dame! a Huh, aIekal•ter verb M ted woman la the mrd.R. Ratudit/1r ma= same .saspeetell were iw 9..4. tell 1lemdoy Yes t1e ersIntept'. wfsdedllh bas. Tr*.ni11g it wield est baye k.pp sed. yes bet O. Herter, altarsams .1 lade leek Mea Rsh.t l leiteess. sae .t ted welt Meows within be teen •*seek. Od rIM, vale= Mea 48.0, Mee 0o WOWS email sass klty bleadnet mese far'.•... 10. piety alis -ed thefpyhteo M ted Wise resew, •",,soca by • walk dew. htektite le eve ▪ wren is ear edleeenttill the Magee el elstit ell.nsmeesed tem k to W mem boors. Uwe mewl lea •welt- ed them sed ewer 1!en.sspt sees ma= asp abetted ewer old MON Meltdbeans es eppil,-epes►.ead aped *Junin* w.si. brlad them together seats for • ped time to inane DUNOANNON. .'.useusv, Nov. 8. Col'sotoes Uarrik sad Tay ler are s *bele •unu.l rouede. The fish, weather let wesk cheered on Jatordey to rale and Now. Jobe Il•mloed, eon of Wu, Hereford, el Woes N awaseek, has ooa,u..su d 1 learn jhatedreemag with our popular barer. PuurteAi. -- Poston are up giving Deane .f the Reform wsvaatioa to tike piece ben e a Friday nut, the Ilth November. A large reprMntauoa, it es stunted, will be arwat au the measles. Toe bi.:eu. is keeping up' well in ft weekly appearance lte record of baptise. tinea, loretgu Lod beams, sled other readable matter me4o it as tetere.wog weekly visit- or. which te welcomed and appreciated by w hey. LAMS S,Ltrrwen -Dua,aaan .. . 1e he the centre fee shipping fruit, striae, sheep. lambs, bot .5, tattle, eso.,vla Leek - n ow. Large Dawdlers of ealm.ls pats through here after Wise wtsikIM es out market eosin. (heat. a Nona. -We w tali/wined th.t the Lew Presbyterian church at St. Helaas *..bo.,t completed and that it wall t. torso ally opened on Solidity sett, 1310 net. TI. oonrreg.uooel building committee and the uootrautore deserve credit for their soarer and pun. We are unformed that tt is L bu.Weg wb.ob, fa point of workmawhip, r very auiefsetor' le all mem reed. MTaangD.-The I.4..l d.ogliter el Jobs 3.110, .f Weal W.waao.b, fear wee old, did elter s v.ry e►.rt tlla.ee, sed the remains wow interred h lie s 15ns- ter y s Fnd.y of late walk. W. gm/sW- ixe with the purest is the 4e.s,....4. Happy Mild, to b. sakes from rhe troubles and trtal. of for mortal meas. Gia by aim Um aged sed the tease are better taken away by death, sad w. ere repeatedly remtadd of the .eowetly of hefK s. d l r the solemn .ummo - CunN.: Avu Golds.-Hu:Mira llrelesits la away era L visaing Nor to relatives awl Ltgs.tatecoe.. We with the ,serahle gentleman as enjoyable visit .ed rate raters limes Wee Alice Tbompeo. IS vialt- hg relatives and fnead. at Forest T K Doren left here last week no ha .MIAMI business trip N MLatN0. We wish bis • pro8wuts trip and eels return' fres the 4W tie Vrevtew. . Mise ttsbellalteoi., of the township of Hares, in the .ea'y N Rroo.. i. 'aeries( her sister, Mrs. Jams Kone, •od steno to eni.y herself. From another sene.peednt. Tt;otiA,. Nev. 8th. Io the Pre.hytertsa sh.ro4, last Seedsy evasive, as then was no service in the Methodist oharob b.esuee of remain to pro4roes, Rev. It. L. Hutton preached au •b4e ad isetenouve sermon to a large ma- gregatis. The Methodist aburob is undergoing ex• won* repairs, ad the work esd.rtakee b worthy of all praise. The tmprov.tn.et noted' a new churl, sow window., new doors, also papering sad (.alerts,. The re. opeomr services will b. (1) V 1 s to 271.1i tas'. Th. R.v. Jobs Looreyd, .f Leek - now, will pr..eh morning and events[, sad Rev. R H. Hall, of the N.le, to t4. after - o ne. & hot enppr will b, served is eke A4rloaltanl H.11 the 1.Ilowi.41 day, with the anal apemen. had mono. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Itioe'e *'ere Salt for table cad dairy. A young acs's debettog dub ie beteg formal in town. Sea the Reston ideals, Monday, 14 h, is that greed psaltery play, - .. Utile Trooper.' Warnes Mc/wan, of Heneall, paid his n inthly visit to the county ,Itrk's °See se Mosday. The ilceto■ Ideal. marry ate these esu. .oe..,y and soeato stltotd_ 1)n't admen to tem. The Howe of Alone bosmllW of -chi musty ooao,l will inset at Clinton ea the 45'0 lost. The mesiotpal oleeks of the openly will hold 'herr association meetleg at Clinton ea the 16th hast. John Hillier has bough' „ Rellev. w," R N Iwo.,.' .urns' -r roof lenre ea tete Malt - land. and will remove there len the Heri.e. Ors. W.etehv, .f B'y►h d. aghi. r of ear te'raamaa Mame.* Cor, n, we are [Mood te bear, resevwlag from her recent wears 111. 0../. Moody 'ween 'as' was the regale, Meting subs of be public school beset, bet again there wen set enough arabe se hared to tension bushier. 9. R. Mci).asall on Toomey otos dap. o mitted to gaol 1 y P. Y. Hsegor en the Mares el *an.i'y, 1e plea will seem M lore Jodi, Munn is des Lima Moe. 0e"rr• Ammo= was mareit•ene appoietd by the Provioeial W. C. T U to joie the prohibition deputation .Kiel' wait- e d epee the O-.rernm.,t last Thur.d.y. The ,nester mewing of to W.C.T.U. will he 041'1 in the Temperoco. H.11 s Moseley alumnae', .t 3 o'clock. A fall at- W.danee u earueetly rrr:neted. The Went !tors Lih,ral oasventioi will he held temo•row (Friday I at D)til.4saen at 130 o'clock The C•ra.wgtivr w11I mm.* Frld.y of next week at 8.ttb's Hill. Mir Edith W.athor.Id returned lee' week from Measomim, N. W. T., arta . vielt of two .e.tbe there with 0.r brothers. The early hese there did a greet deal of damage. Whoa Mese W.at►.rald ion there was • foot of snow on the erred. BORN CVTT.-I. Ooderloh. en O.t. f1a1, 'igll, to wife of 1L H. Cut*. of • eon. MARRIED CHISHOLM-POLLOCK. ()% torts Nov At 8t. Peter'. Mundt. Odertch. by the Rev, Putter West, ..Acted by Roo, Pane r Me Kase. Charnel IL C11.h1m. CNb.rs., to Mery Polios*, Oderleb. 000P1R- TROUet.-At to Vleters .n..c obereh seremage. God.rlab, s the 9'h Ilea. by Rev, w. nod one. linnet Rdw.ro peeper to Le.a t rouse, tooth et ('Bees. DIED. MONTOOMIRY. -at Twee= en Nov. 3,1415. Maitland R. P. Mo.tgemrmoo=ymoo=of Can A. r. M0Neestrl. of 9sderloA anal N reel. A very •eoorat.l .nt.rktemeet was pie as at the M.'hediee ehsreh, tthsppiwilate, s the .,eater et Tbaredey, p.tebre 2710. A et sapper of fowl ad other e5.d Were was provided, after whit= a % was reederel. Rev. R H. fall. of IQin, padded Rpesebes were Rivas by the dismiss. Rev. R L Haths ad acv. R Valrbtdre, of Dsolpenee. aid Roy. Ja•. Rennin, 04 Lesberm ; reeitat,.m. N T. R. Onrtie..nd Miss Tela Sprung. N N 1. ; Inewssmetal eal.etts. by Mt. sae., et Nils, sad Woo h, Mtn Ray tied W. t4eeramll. Yr. 8rowaell, obs Mr • same, of years has be.s towbar top.rlt.e Melte **heel, sad setts loam ,Were at peed«% wee pnesstsd with a purse er messy es salol* of eke ekarob sad Sebbu► ea►wt 14,. Beews l* ales was He reelpi eat el N address espr,tr.e eppn.i.Mas el W .ervloes both 1n oburuh sad Sabbath selnal, end ,.arse at 01. eppreaektag d.. pertere. We �iT ales ,. awey ell risk if you prat our Ouemitted Remedies -- wadeonlyby J. WILSON, Prescription Mg Stere. matte ,rr.l.TLT 14111 lee' rerun'. Telephone service at your dtsp.e.al all utuht. Gerieh Musical Socicly STA! COUNT COURSE J. WILLIAMS MACEY, Hum- orist and Ramo. One of Amer- ica'• favorite entertainers. 2. 000. P. LLIOTT, Personator and Dramatist One of the most powerful won in his line in the world. 3. REV. MORGAN WOOD, one of our brightest oratt,rs. 4. HARVARD MALE GUAR- TETTE, of Boston, the finest organisation of its kind in the United Staten. & THE " FADWITES' " LADIFF' ORCHOHTRA. 20 Artists. The finest iadies Orchestra in existence. MEETS lit TIE Ctil1RSE, UM Por sale at Mi.. C. A. Nairn's Store. Hemmed Nest, 19.. =Ma. VICTORIA OPERA 11ousE HARRY VIDWIAN, Manvers ONE SOL/D WEEK tortlg.00,,, ooday, NOV. 1 4 TM* PaOpL.rs FAVORITXM. she Bos1efl Idyls America a hest pspetar peered rpueisettn, ptee..1a4 a need et saemental Oomedles and Dramas, 05154., with to beasts fel nag enutied "TBE UTTLE TROOPER Spot Cash sears' mmmmmmttrm rtmm • -a DID IT I 1 3 £ The Dominion Bankrnpt Stock Co., LEalways on the akrt for snaps, bought E the Hamilton stock of Plen's and Youths' Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Top Shirts, Shirts and Drawers, Flannels, Blankets, ELadies' and Misses' Wool Skirts, Ladies' E Vests and Drawers ' AT 50c. ON S. E This stock, along with the balance of Ethe Colborne Bros. stock of Dry Goods, = Mantles and Millinery, bought by us AT 44o. ON $ a [MUST BE SOLD IN FORTY DAYS a,o E as we close up the business at that time. E'You can buy lam worth of Staple Goods for 3 SI 00, and $10.00 worth of Fancy Goods for $1.00, by Ai- a tending this sale, so 3 E DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE 1 an it will be We last one you will have. £ TIE DOMINION BANKRUPT STOCK CO., a • CURIE MOS' OLD STAND, GODERICH. a u1j11111111�11111ui1�lUlU a livery attention Paidb fpr MU NN swaoa ANmin Mncttaty Meeeeme may_d IOM'ttl.at ♦Iots5r pHeApa si a lite of mea el'M*k ♦Docs. aeon. bre eminent Palace Stook Co. Aiwa Lowey, date W paw Perth Ce. HALO fig. ruts We et Ma MoCLethy C t. GaAs. H. P..aT. bN of Jos. D. Cllote• (b. I.ovt.lt.r'att, 4th swot. autos Ideals. W. H. Daaut.., formerly wK► the Waite laxOCAJIaooady L, to meows. nub Bo•to. Ideals 1. 1. YoogUo. late of ate Madison IlleIgnie TliwaWm.. 8. Cty0ftta., late of 1.thr.,'s NIee�Qp, New ,sed sMmsler GpmaWtlea Ilaels ' fangs and War B egraphl'fal Views. Pwe.n'• popslr prime., tea. 1M. ay fes ' TMc (ARMCO, OvERS"oE LIGHTEST, NEATEST, CHEAPEST, WARMEST OVERSHOE 1N THE MAIIKMT• Itaserkall M. At01.eoa, P9 Sores. aro Soma Mr. Mitek .i Mfg Waryl (►r1151M'etbMtee . y !t ..i: 1 .M►A n Went?,uia'illi aWent?,dn r tarts w lett set's. eserrts � InoCOVERSHOE CO. FOR RALR HY .14.6. WIIAUN .1%131Fepeq FV Ali, Md Mee STRATFOIW. OMT. HIP You • • • Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Poultry and Pork, Apples, Potatoes and Grain to CAMPBELL DAVIDSON & CO.. BUYERS AND EXPORTERS, 86 FRONT STREET EAST, TORONTO. We Pay Highest igarkee Prices 41 Seat 8r our hies Lit. ZUBV7 GOODS FOR Fall and Winter Snits and Overcoats. READY-SADE CLOTHING CHEAP tet owe male. Call sad see them. geode sold by yard or made sp le lbs =met rehtes. T1AR.M$ .&8H. H. DUNLOP, Next Reek of Meatreaf, Gd.rieh. SW GRAIN ELEVATOR COLBORNE k BURROWS are putting a modrn(y contracted grain elevator in their grain warehouse. They .re now in a postson to handle all kind, of grain with the Ont poestbte labor for humin' delivery. They will pay the highest market prioss for .4 kinds' grain, and will Ie in the market elf the time. OOLBORNE i BURROW& text -rt Filsinger& Robinson. Wo have secured the con- tra,t for installing the Dundee Acetylene Gas Machine In North -at, lfethndiat Church, Ooderich. The machine will be at our store for about two weeks, end we shell be pleased to have it inspected by any- one ayone interested in the new light. . W( carry a fell line of Stores, Rlingc4 end Hoase- i''nanishing Ckw,tt-, Steil do all manner of Pia in Ling TI118IIi1BR & ROBI880N, ('or. W.4-.4. anal Mq EPPS'S COCOA everywhere for Of Flavour, Su - rior Quit , pand Nutritive Properties. 8ugally grate - fel andagsing to the nervous anddyepeptic. Sold onlyin 1-4 lb. i ane labelled JAilE8 HPPS tk do., Ltd., Homasopathio Chemists, Lon- don, 111aglaade Elli&EFAIFT SUFFIX EPPS'S CQCOA rLaNINo-:acr. ISTISUSSIS 1111111L llucIiaiialls : Rias igawvpaee tlel� SASH. DOOB rind 'ELIID Diadem r ate stab of LUMBER. LATI4. SHINGLES AM hndldtlt e .'1404i1 et trete,, Morteueo taeteeet wee.. Bohol Ptai$ne $ SDscialtY PUNA > 6 NOTICE A. W. 0 ORNELL tindertaker• & Embalmer IWC' AMMO, TO A. O. t1 14. anoxirj �wsastm M 11a 0 trot, sod 91 ,54• the at Sky= d