HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-10, Page 2tt•
The Signal
Is rcht.leeao
TtiVll;!tY THl'IteDA1' VIIHNINth
RY D. lir/11.1dCt'DDT.
Tette et 11abeorlptle.ns
Ona month le advancet e Y
Tires month.,"
lex mouths " .•••A• M
Otte year ..
Adrer6lan[ Rates[
raI lid other casual ad r.•rt(seuteute, g)c.
per Ihw (.r *1.1 Monition, Wed t 8,00j per IIW
for each .doseoua.t intention. U.•eaurd by a
eon brei I .rale.
HollthOs cards of ata lino and uuder, Si per
Adoertleemeu4 of Last. Found, *frayed- &6
eµlo,u Vacant 1ta.iiun. Wanted. end Busl-
as. C Weatwl. not esee.dtu$ t lines
monigr0Ltt south,
Home" on sad Farm$ on Sale, not to ex-
ceed t lines R Int mouth, lee. per aurae -
grant mutate trey advt. . to proportion.
ith 1a to
the uD�art W w
preen re prersr, wne6t A any Individual
or company lope eotiaidered as advertisement
.nd otarge,jl aenerd1ng11.
Lori notices. na,pareli I;pe am cont per
word. no nodes e'sa then see.
revel notices In ordinary reading type two
En4 ho
per word. No noties for leas tion e.
odees for churebM and other religiose and
evoke' Iostitetiues,1)11 rata.
til1l.0rtbels who tall to reeelve T1s Moshe
quail ng us of thelelwill confer a favor by p
fact at as early a data
When . change of addres 4 desired, both the
old and the sew address'Mould be given.
Publisher's Notice..,
.1 C. Le rouse, of Duds;cle has been age
pointed 1."••1 Travelling Agent fur the Town-
ship. of Ooderieb, Colborne. A old and We-
e u,.eh.
Loral red to'semesters overw are
empowereds the d
empowered to receive sateen to TIN
an $.nL
All communications reek be addressed
T1s 1e
Telephone Cat Goeeteh One
TBUBYDJT. NOV, 10, 1096.
lien ant.
Ktzsd f Express 1._'dt . t lip
e .m111
Rapers w.su p.m.
11 and Evers. .,. 7.16 a.m.
ii and Bzprrs 1 m p'ln.
teed $36 pan.
MXICHOLb1IN, 1.. D. 8 -
e • • pa•Tat. t 11(1101.
Room eremite the Poo d )glee.
Gold Mug, Cruww and Bridge Work
Years Experle.eS
Li.-tleryn.n.-u/tat sadapproved methods
for all dental operat(etu. Prreenration of sbo
eaters/ teeth •.I•a•(altv. oiled
t a onor.st a eSWIM!.
and S.Wee sup it ... n
Pruned, P1araaated .aid Preaerred •
hltby Paragraph. fee 4 PM...L M
re...limo People - Persease. PUttloel
y pe Preetable.
The London oars are oumpletely tied
yp, 6bn mea l.avlug gone on strike M 0
o'clock on Tbos•.dy att.rsoeo.
RAILROAD eft l$LUl(ill
Hy Nev. 16 tie Crow's Neat Pre
Hallway from Orenhrook a KeoSSa*7
lathe, Will be read) for neR1o.
OUR. 1111611.
Mn. James Sawyer of Wilburn com-
et ltled suicide In her garden on Friday
by cutting her throat with a valor. 8.he
had been /n poor health,
The Provincial Fat Stock and Dairy
Show will be held at Hranttord Nov. $0
and Deo. 1 and 2. At the public meting
W be held 'Nue. 80, prominent speakers 01
continental fame will be present.
Mr. Gibson'' oorrect majority is East
Wellington was 612.
1 b nomination for the meowed aleo-
tious for the Nu$bwest Territories Legis-
lative Aae.mbly took plane on Friday.
'I be Ove storey printing office and sta-
ttrmtry estaDll.bment of J. • A. lloktll-
Ian of 11.111.7;, which 1s one of the oldest
firms to Canada ant has • oentlwntal
reputation. was sompletely gutted by ere
on eaturday. The toss 1s about 550,000;
tuaurano., 514,000.
Shortly before 8 o'clock Sunday night a
rear .red p
ocourt.d on the
Trunk Hallway neer Park, when two
frell[bt intoe wake together, wise the
r..ult that it dozen .r so at cattle were
killed outright and the care ■m•.hed.
the soglneer of the moving train was
serlonaly inland, but no other psople
wan reported hurt. spout Oto 1n cash. •
SPORTING. telt nor knew ato
anything that was Stout
Capt Theriault of Company No. a, 87t} on about me After coming out of the
Then'■ honor among Canadian
tre toot Battalion of Tesmis:oust• ..ad Hlmouskll touvulaion, which they tell me usually
hailers. Mol;ill College, Montreal, has found guilty of having embezzled last looted fro.. fifteen to thirty minutes. 1
decided not to accept their elm from June 0161, balance of s ohequ, of feed
Queen's et Kingston • couple of weeks delivered to him by the Federal (lover -el would 6611 166° • ht'ar7 deep from wtieh
ego. They teoognize the tact that they mens for his company atter th.laes Dams * I would awake with • dull, heave feel
were fairly defestbd, but the paw was •t Ley., hag tion wntenoed to Gaeta:
Ing, and all the muscles of my body
Nivea them by the ntirnsdcJ[GIR1A hr lutea. I is 1iP+lk1 aMlt.wxttay.
s.msohs .411..ao�es laU and In • da7 •or two attar the attack
If report speak truly "Ormontls, tbe At for adjourned proceedings
horse of the century, the horse fur wblek Tbursda7 al London le she oem el 1 would be able to attend to my fern,
W. 0. B. MoD7nuugb of San Frone.ioo „M1I." Brown. who Isaocasedol sb.o6- work, but, strange to my, every fool
paid gtbo,000�+'a few years ago, will ran Ing and killing t'oosable Toobey, toot months atter. as r'gular u • clock. 1
be on his wet bank to England. 11 1. wltnesw were examlrl.d, who collsotly. would be raised with a fit which al
said that the dab of Westminster. 414 ly teethed to the tact that he was seen wets came on in th night• Yarloae dot
former ownor hat offered 050,000 for the et Str@thro7 en the fetal day and was
11urma's. (lately ui,*i$ted with Dr.
Litton. of Montreal:. Gold and 1e reej.ln. are -
anal teeth mounted ou gold or aluannum bars,
sacral ettrution sire, totes preservation of the
'antral teeth. Office In McLean't newS5 041,
M. OSc.: Brise street, the r.Sidenee
orespied by Dr. McLean. Night calls
rsidenee. Teleyinme M. ,
E�' 6RRATt;kt-BA RRII4TER, 901.161•
tR, Rehr) P .Ila•. G...dla., Bak .f
D.raxee Creasers, the Spam Ouderleh.
• „ 169-17
ter Navy, e, tMeoe over Merit. el Heil.
ter, One m..slonrr, hr. Money -to luau.
Otaces: Cor. Ham1to• and W. Aodrew $ street*.
Goderleb, 4*L
prows lands I)eparement. Be reigned
his poUtloo .boat tour 'months ago and
went to Keelson' In bopst of revaluing
hie keal►h Caprie Fronts was 76 years
et age, and leaves a widow and • small
Mrs, Uorieg of N.v?markst la 510
worse off thaw irate *he went 60 Heal -
ford Falx. .1 plokpootee took ha purse
Hansom entered he Bolton residence
IN +rytiOM iloor,c eloe--et.stdent of the
Woodbridge Fair, and stole a fur over-
use fur gauwtlate and some ladies'
Crows ones against Cline el
that of shouting els wife with
are 1
Intent t0 kill, postponement wee asked
uottl t a bprlag Arises at St. Cathar-
ine., and It was granted.
Jobu Legg, who drives a baker's wagon
•i Hrec,ndele, wbHe drlvin[ ease of
Fairbaok, sear '1'urowto, on 'rburmda1
pee panages of
mil for • Yen
sass Whoa
. (To mon nn M
. ever reties
blames*A lawns them
ger Wok. Yeas land
anyrum um re
nasioa ..�1110riit$*Yto Os.It+..
r•. TORONTO. O.r.
night, was stunat twice by souse one,
the bullets going through the o.rt raver.
Austin Bowen, found guilt) of eon' -
e plreuy to rob Mr. McLaughlin, iba pay-
master at 011ites Boos.' lumber mills, A Fenlon Farmer Tells of HIS
Braeside, near Arupriur, was ..Mood Remarkable Gtltt0.
a Ottawa a seven year* in the peal$.s• .
Twenty -enc cattle, est et 66 bead, At 1:plar Interval. Ro was emigre to
whl oh Mr. !lean of Toronto w1* pastur-
astur rut. ami. D.."'" Tot• all" t►• Tran►l.
Ing at Marriage P0104, Lear L.11eyllle,
were driven off by a man who fairly
reprm.inted himself as Dean's 100. The
polies are lnrestlgatlug.
(Orate Aob 7, aroused of sea 01Nng
and robbing Odlllon IM.ohsne at Sassy
Point, near Windsor, may let have to
stand trial for murder. D..oben.'a bead
Is • masa of bruises and his nervous 575
tem has received a terrible 'honk.
Jeer) Hamer, betel proprietor, Wil-
liamsville, got Into confflot with a mask-
ed man who orowdel himself into hie
house, and wan 1110117 .hot dead. A ear
vulvar put to his breast was k000k.d
away end • bullet grated Helmor's faxa,
cutting through the lobe of the ear. The
assailant 'reaped.
1 homer Joy, of the Ore et 81•011041111e,
Care K Joy. clothe" of St. Catharine,
while going borne about midnight on
Saturday eat attiwked by three masked
niers when almost at his own gate. His
sister fout.d hlm usoourelotts. His gold
watch and chain were taken, beeldel
area lee.rabe•-Now free Prom Ina
Mal nth.
From The Warder. Lindsay, Ont.
Mr. Robert McGee, of the tib ass
cewloo of Fenton, Victoria County.
says, in speaking of his cure from this
terrible malady: "1 am IS lean of age
and five on m
the old hoeotead wham 1
was born and have lived Tway' sinew
and where my own little family were
born. Ills part of Fenton la known au
Mielee's Settlement, there ere se many
of that name living in the /lcinity. Net -
e7 in my life did I know .bat • day's
sickness was anti /larch. 1191, .best
without *n
sow u ccause7 k
any warning. I was 'stricken down with
an epileptic at. It crone on in the
night, muskeg great conoternados la
the household. as my wife, who never
saw anything of tbe Lied before,thought
it was m7 end; as for myself I neither
ContaaratIv Dlasaaeoe.
"Apnuoatnure, you have rkt4eeQ os •
tondo. two 0r three fluter from 1luoula
park to Fora Sheridan. Mew tar le lit"
"Wolf, when I rode with lam Qulok•
step It Mr .1)01111 fuer m11es, 0114 When 1
rude woes M les Weir
king It was 1►2. "--
Ghlatlge Tribune
Jr* ea Chose.
Mrs. Harlem -la's a shame the way he
burn. hie unwey.
1dr. Hereon -We might area! get used
IS doing that °univere, my deer. There'.
plug W has coal trust tide winter. --24.
Yurk Journal.
• he. Ogee: North it., nail door inner.
..Oleo. Private Funds to lend at lowest rates of
1 I, rot.
A ttnras75 mind toe. hr., 0.n 110011 J. T.
Ostrow Q,c., W. Proudloot.
CAM'SRA8 i 0111 & W8.MF.P. HApRRIS-
M. tem, s ro., .0 Ruh. Dedle j*.drna.
M. Q thumps, Q.
Property Oases*' Tremble..
"We wanted to plant trees •lung oar
pavement, but we couldn't."
"Why not?"
"Too 'many eleottto light polar"-Cb1-
sago iieoard. -
tors and oprdalist were consulted, and
ftMOUS tnoroughbrOl stallion, an$ that trained to London, whore he was seen late I took several different medicines, but
Mr. McDonough is likely to accept. In the •fteroogn. 1W further bearing without effecting a clue: Several do -
Th. second -clans rruio.r Ausplena hal
been ordered to pr.wsed troru Vl,torla
11 C., to the neighborhood of Tahiti, •
branch blend in the-outbern Pacific.
was adjourned. tors said the disease was Incurs
VWCLAaslP1ED. read of Dr. WUlianti Pink Pills In the
r ewe:omers and was advised by friends
The convention of the American 9.01- ,1.bo bad erperlenced cures from *then
117 of Municipal Imprunm.nte will Ings seemingly dooarabfe ailment*. to try
Compelled by Female Weakness
to Give Up School.
them. In Noyemhrr. 1891. I colrtDitne•
.bowed the nnettle ot the furore engaged. Cblcago'a lake 'not b battered 111 .poo ,.d. and kept on taking them regularly
end won high pralow for them from teed from the Indiana State line to Kvanstou fat a Teal. Tb, dread.; period twee.,
$o7moor, commendor of the British fomes end beyond, and the total damage a ape 11101 pawned „main w•ithnnt a rrdetitlom
to North America - if •t 081,500.
soof my trouble. and 1 It that 1 was
Tb. Acme Wrklai Ca'p
S*f et Tan The Marchand Government of the at lull released from tot. terrible ma-
Franclseo, hes roads a regimes upon tbe Province of Quebec has offered to provide 1 ,udy. I am now in the best of health,
TT. S. Nagy D.per.u'ent for authority to boron slumber* to the Anticosti settler .04 1 attribute m7 con to Dr. W11
rale the battleship Milne. The company. if they should be legally ejected. Hems' Pink Pills:' is tooversatl
ilks for no money. Th. Williams Company ShW Galt I.with Mrs. McGee sbo said that bet
?YR 1aRIJ0IOt s WORLD. will move the plant to HramOton. The bn•Mnd's trouble was the casae et
Rev. Di. J. H le.rrows, who was , 0011oern, welch a1 groom* has sixty em- hio.t nd'ssentr7 'Racking ber nerves111 and
President of the World's Parliament .t I ploys en its pay roll, will be meted
general health. as she was always lbw.
sur.0 ' hChlthe delivered he leo- within amont4. Ing In dread, and could newer enjoy 1
ton on "Christ the Universal Mao and, The New Tort Wool Warehouse Com• nght'e reel
The eligbteet noise would
startle ber, and If it bad not been foe
the kindness of a neighbor, who a1-
n.a75 came and stayed at the house
Hurt night. she believes she would ho o•
broken down altogether. She also ist
thankful for the grant change that Ras
twee wrought, and Is only too glad to
let others with similar a8irtion■ know
that there is a remedy fee this terrible
1)r. Williams' Pink Pills mire by go
ins to the root of the disenet. They
lee cabin ironer for taking - a.4 malting
recognisarc•rs of hall. affidavits' or serm.tiona,
depositions or solemn declarations In lir cou-
crrnb,gany action. 'hit w pr.014dinar in the
High Court M JuNlce. th Cast of Aopeil for
nnlarie, w h, any Cuun e9 Dir4ial Levert.
All tramietl"na rar.dul $ sed promptly eze
ended. Residence and P. 0. oddness --Dungan-
non, Oat. SWAG
A shah sites of H:,li'nt on Th*r.day 1a Toronto l0 1899.
1'111 sbo Megan so 11.0 Dedd'. Ktdnry
rltl. Hoe .18. 1n tt•etthr cad strung
1"add'• ttld1.7 rill. cure
Bt. Ounegoode, P.Q. Oct *1.-Tbsi
rare of Mrs Ellen 1)oweort of Ger
•rat! Street, 'furouto, has a parallel in
this place. Dodd'. Kidney Pi1s bar,
utuuglit happWcsa into a .trtekeu hour,
by restoring . beloved daughter 1.
health and .trength.
Mr. P. Dubois' who resides at Nu
100 Napoleon Hoad, ID [)tie Owes tell.
the • acy is hese ward*: "Fur many
mouths my daaghtet endured the ago
mei ut 'Footsie Weekaees' lad KW -
'ivy Disease. No remedy we used gave
her the Least relief, and she became st
ill, filially, that she was obliged to re.
m from *demi for )
mule at
home fT
threequarters Of the time.
"Hy a friend'. *Seim. I bought a box
of Dudd's Kidney P111s for her. and was
delighted to see that she began to let
better alun,st immediately atter begin
nine to use them.
"She has taken in *11 four boxes, and
et today in better health than .ke eve'
enjoyed In her life before. The is strong
and healthy and goes to school every
T cheerfully certify to the wonder
fully btne8vial effect of Dodd's Kidney
V'Rt1 is"ty?lfm er- pldiehllr-" lros®ie; 161.
bewidea my daughter's care, I know of
instances In which they have complete-
ly cured the sufferers."
Women who suffer from any of the
diaeeees peculiar to their sex, can bed
no other remedy :hat will relieve their
sufferings and permanently care thei-
ctlnplalnts so quickly 1041 thoroughly
as leidd's Kidney Pills. The testimouy
of thousand* of won.en who have bore
cured proves this 1.evond dispute.
D.414..4Cidney Pills go to the root
Of the master. 'They heal and streugib
ea the kidneys. and so remove the
taps, of disease.
.�t�, ▪ tund*.:�lau cru
elate ipe.s-. 0e end lots* 1"
recto ler 0110.- • 4oltat18., Bet' roe Go.1-
eavlour," at Toronto on Thursday.
Tb. Proiloolal Sunday School convene
tion alerted the following *Moon at
Peberboro: President, Thorne* McOilld-
d T General Secretary AI
pony. with assets of 0919 600, chiefly
not.. and s0000nts, and liabilities et
stool 0275,000, we. pot into the halide
et a receiver of Thursday.
cuddy, Toronto; anere A ten seconds earthquake @hooked
11714 Day; Coereaponding tiem'*tary, MIs. !Ottawa early Thur.dey morning. In -
Jamb A. Munroe; Minute Secretaries, mates of residences on bandy 81111 and
*i.i jJ 1'ibb, H D.. lgllnton, ani ) Uitm*ur street was awakened. 1t ex-
. • "'"11Hi1. Pb.D., Howmanvllls; tended its vibrations to Sbawville
Chairman 66 tb. Kzwutivs, Mr. J. A. Tb. official statement of tat British
?swoon, Toronto. Columbia sealing industry for She reason
PURELY PERSONAL - just olossd shows a total of but 97,4165
ed.* tare. • I.li,ape Marllii s hotel.
oodsrkh. •.
*Per oent. Note. 4:er.r•led, t,. St•:A-
GER. OMet -upyoode Matda's Rotel. Gode-
F-J. T.11RAFTRL-?i*11:Li*S ARD ACCT..
. dee Inort str Agri % aallar t )- 1
Omer: Cor. ]lurch-st, m fa
ofPrivet* leads tar Inv. tmest et lover 1
neo on Bret etas Mortgagee. Appall to OAR
David A. Wells, the noted economist,
1s at the point of death at his resides**
In Norwich, Conn.
Judge Harrison of Naualtno has beer
appointed • eotuml0.lnnet a Inquiet irate
the New Westminster Ore.
. Real Estate and Monty Loaning Agent.
Only Ant -.les enema/dee represented. Money
to lend on straight 111:,•. at the lowest rate of
Interest going,In env ww.y to suit the borrower.
pQSmkroee tiet•ondoor from Square, West street,
Oodsleb. Dobe
eoEW MACNIIIR 8/601'8 -ALL 1174186 O!
Repair Week dose o Reasonable Freres.
Farming Implements for ole. Machinery new
and second-hand bosaend '.014 Eng*
and Boilers for base.
Stand: Batas, 014 waggon
Shap cotes Vittoria cad Trefelgsr sweets. J.
Skins for the flet of thirty Ave alchem-
ies, renew and build up the blond, fee
by tat the lightest catch In many 4 strengthen the nerves. thus driving die
Thaw distinct esrthquake chocks were I rare from the -ya.rro• Avoid hnits-
Wit to Cleveland on Saturday, smith Wing so
f tione by ins:.11ne that every box 7n
about ten 'woods in length. The quake purchase la prelo••ed In a wreporr bear
Ing the full trade perk, Dr. Williams'Willim
Pink Pills for Pale People. If yonr
dealer does not keep them, they will
be sent first paid at 40 . a hoz er
.1x boxes for US by a dreeing the
Dr. Williams' Medline Oo.. Brockville.
No tree of the wbsruboate of Irvin
was not even enough to W nott0ed gen,
Wesley Peters, the 11 -year old eon et lerllo, *imps hi buildings and on
Jobn Peters of Barrie. hat not yet beer s *grep
secured. H. disappeared vary mysterious- I Yr. Jostle, Ferguson Ms decided that
ly from his home on July IJ• 1tho Landon Uusrsntes A Accident Com•
!palsy, who went .sru.117 for Coiling
Captain Arthur Lee, the British milt.
1 Treasurer Sanford et :;,more a the
tory *nacho who witne.sed iba 8ght164.;*mount a 010,000, must be held Goble
at El Caney and San Juan on behalf d
his Oneernment. will sail for RDgla,*
from Washington neat Tuewhot. ee
stet and es' Ina
a, Co.rre ibatilire ts.es .t ded bi hi
say pan of the emery. toll
O,R�aN 1N01 O8C1t1RAL AU(TTIONZRR rastllra
tiffiC ilea . y . i tea.. •nca he inci17."" Tuesday by hie horse running away and --sh. toady
cerin trade, be 4 In • position to discharge throwing Mm 1n trent of a Terror [ked I arso.t ho bis maim?
with teornege esttalettna al eaten ntetmw 0tH Lute hurt .ted seri ' Js Mat silt
Railway trolley ear- exonerates
t eat t• ignite • Reg:me.,t.
es the county for that amount
Mlm Clare Hatton of eb _ WL GANSU
Societe has wrltteo Pr.. eut McKinlq,
She asks If the Ooveram.tfl .111 comet.*
Saturday afternoon the steamer Georg* tb. work et dlstrtbutfng relief to the don-
Mpeneer of Fairport ran into look t and oentradoe or. If not, If it Is the wish of
carried away three gates. No locking can til. Government that the Red Cross
be dons at Pert Dalhousie until the break Sootety should geo.foae to tie ge-
L repaired. Sir Julian Panocetme, the British
The vessel which went ashore on (locos I Ambaessder, end I'owtmeeter-Oenwnl
I.land during Thursday night's storm Smite on Fetnrday efilied their signe-
t' the schooner Qneen of the hakes, from tures to lbs parcel post treaty oetwees
Montreal, bound to New Ulmegow, S.S., the United States and the Britleh enleey
with • oargo of prodaoe. On 5atarday of Trinidad. The treaty Is drawn up In
the penlight's 708 Mr off, and sok bgr the regular form a the ■nlvenal poste
in tow to Quatro. unlot.
Ry the ank0lg of she, .nhosner 8e. I The grand stand of the Nertbwest Bell
Peter 1n 1•k° °mari°. off odna Point, Park, Chleago, an old landmark, hes
Thnr.d•y morning. six live wan low, been demolished b7 • mob a men, we -
including Mrs. John Cir101B;-Wtte of the men and children, with the ald of • trot-
septaln; also the mato, John Mt:Cr•te of ley �. The trolley rar was hltebed to •
Kingston: • seaman named Bosworth, Irmo supporting the root of the arend
Sited 11 years, and three Swedes Capt. I stood When the oar was started the big
Griffin Is the only "twelve. root fell in with • .rash.
E val..w wwrb,
esoa1e4 r�d •;.
•egb•1eg iY.rh• Mm! disMe ,„„.l egg* and trey guaranteed
▪ war le wTSarasdmsmla
�QO., Freehofdtpw atOUte
Toronto, ct
FrrEE_ er mecum ear.
.._�»•One Day's Work
••iii' see .1 e« a.. n..n e
' IeY "... awe sen t y
siY...../ w te.W ,r
IP•le.a.l.•,Y.p..,. 1hsaW agree f
a.aeseesl.nr t. MTMw4atTww9
t -t rateetst.
They both lived out In tete suburbs
where the air of the plains ■nd from
the mountains fame the flame. of love.
T'he date had been fixed for a beige,
Ode and for days ami days and days
the young maw had anticipated the
trip. Just ea the robe tad been pro
petty arranged to keep the dust from
interfering with their beet clothes they
started -but she told him to stop!
"What is It dearest?"
•'Won't you rail the dog?
"And what do you want a dog for?"
"1 hate to tell you, Morrisom."
"Confide in me. dearest. Should out
epemiee burn me at the stake to extort
the secret, 1 would Dot _violate your
confidence." . -
"fben I can tell you- If Towner fo!
lows ms be will not be at home when
we return to bark said wake tbe ole
folk■ DR and in that way they wall
never know how late it was when we
got back."
Tins. t. A wake.
There will come a Nine when oar pee
Pie vitt welt, s/'M_Use .oarmtttw et
thin bnsldiorat �it N, or use-(iover.gaest
will disintegrate and die. 1t fres
through licentiousness a tad. n and
that ancient Ram.
death. And however mach we may at-
teurpt to hide the unwelcome truth
fuom our eyes ear own nation Is march-
ing on In the path that led Rome to Its
daughter. "Righteousness efa11e111 a
notion, but stn is • reproach to any pea
TH■ DEAD. Richard P. O'Brien', proprietor and
Mies Barter, ono of the leading .Moses editor of Mentr.al Town Topl, e- pun
and workers in the W.C.T.0. of Canada. I11abo an apology to J. Marshall hill.,.).,
died In Montreal of pneumonia and heart la wbleb he says he has
a the
fallufe. The late Judge Duekte was bee I alleged .oundal 1s St.
.t*) -brother. 10bareh and duds that so far Si Mr
Ih. G. H. Cooke, • Medical pr*etl• Williams M .0Doerned the °bargee wow
Donor Of Thorold. was foetid dead in bed "false 5(1.1116111 sad wltbdel any (*wide-
st his rooms there at noon on Sunday. It Sar 111 8611th -t'
Is sunpoed that he had taken an ever -
does of n•r•ot(n 0•r"r. amid Attar.
Col. O.' 1. Wet'. no, jr., 1a dead ot 701- "There U • great deal d dlffersso•,"
low teem at Nov York. He .aught the Ishe mid with . rapier*, :'between the way
Jth110 outing aap� rpslal coma•ls-
■ Doer to ascertain tn. 01106 malear7
rendition of the elty.
The verdict of the coroner's jer7 ell
Fraley ol[bt touehlitg the death of
• gees parte �Ipon .y belore.. k• U
married •
nd• e"
"Yr*," replied 1h. Psnnywles. "Be
fere st•rrlage, whew be glees ber a 511
bunch et 0.90641 eaya,'Tbank you, lslnl�d'I Llallleot Gres MAW .F
1' Dat after, wheelie giros bee 0...ede. roe Tough Steak.
A tong% steak may her made 06.1.0
It relieed over night or for a few hones
With baking sod* 1b(eerbonatel• Wmab
very quickly and dry well beton pet
dog In a very trot frying pin. Thi. M
.ometlmee more convenient than brol'
Inc and If the pan 1s properly lint and
Horning dnly attended to the remit nil
be very dollar.
Wasted -A skilful dentist to ell ihe
teeth of a geie.
Wanted -A cook to prepare dinner on
a mountain range.
Wonted -A set of artificial teeth fat
the mouth of the 'ttMla.ippl.
Wauted-A crown for the brow of a
W.nted-Several hundred women to
scour the country.
Wanted -A well fitting ghat for the
toot of a mount. �..
Wanted -An energetic barber to shear
the tare of the eartb
tit.d--.l lady to false► 1110 �s of
Gd od Hope.-
Wunted-A else mar a Oath the
Si illy Islands.
r r w and never w111 a
here never be, aa,
universal peewee, in one remedy, for a1:
ills te,whloh flesh i- heir -the very nature
of many curatives bring rich that were
the germs of other and differently seated
dlasasoe rooted in the 'einem of the
patient -what would relieve one ill to
tore would aggravate the other. Ws
bate, bowever, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable 1n • sound unadulterated
state, • remedy for many sod grsriota lila.
By 1ta gradual mud judicious nee, the
frailest systems are led into convalescence
.nd strength, by the Influence which Qst-
lIj1114 � a•O .ta."M tetra
iIr ii eves the drooping eplti4 of chow
with whom • chronic state of morbid des-
pondency and lark of Interest in life 1s •
dlse*e, and, by trangylli.ing the nerves.
di.pors* to sound and refreshing sleep -
Imparts vigor to the action of thee, blood.
which, being stimulated, eoura@Stbrough-
eat the veins, strengtheuiug the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making aot1(ty a nsc.esary result,
Krengthentngthe frame, and giving 111.
to the digestive organ., which naturally
demand toereased .ubetaoee-molt, Im-
proved appetite. Northrop .t Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Wine et the ostial rifle
mud, gauged by the opit,tou d .creuu.ta,
this wine approscbre'mania perfection d
.*v in th. market All .Iruevate ram
V learnt W Q eanst t
"=.andel" rated the ti.rma1 emyerM.
••1 eaanyt get 11 throos8. n17 Mad
Woe earth got on ere I wee born
Oe what 'twill do er he_ wssb1 lat(•• same'
The proprietnn of Parmelee's Pills are
oonst•ntly re eirtng letter. similar to the
followtng,which explains itself. Mr. John
A. Beam, ��fafaterino, One, writes: '1
never nerd Alfm.'dielne that can equal
Pm:melees' Pills for Dyspepsia or Liver
,nd Kidney Compinlut*. The relief ex•
perlenoed after suing them was wonder-
f»1-" Asa tele fanny medicine Parma'
tee', Vegetable Pills can be [even 1n all
-u•.. regniring a Cathertle
A Life Saved. -Mr. Jen,r, Bry•.nn.
Cameron, stet,: "I was connrted to my
bed with Inflammation ot the lenge and
was given up by the physieinu' A neigh-
bor •ilvesed me to try Dr. Thomas' Eclee
tric Oil, stating that his wife had uw•d It
for *throat trouble with the ler results.
Acting on his advice, I procured the mali-
eine, and lar than a half bottle cored mea;
I certainly believe k saved my life. 1t
was with reloct.nos tb*t I consented to a
trial, as I WAS reduced to such • state
that I doubted the power of any remedy
10 do me ally nye-." -. ..
Ha 1.14 111e Soot.
The deatinetlm between the parish
rector end the curate to tie old days
le illustrated by a story of an old rec-
tor. Retnrving to his pariah after hie
autumn holiday, and not1clog • wenn*
at her cottage doer with ber baby In
her amts. he Raked: "Has that child
bran beptiseelr' "wen. sir," replied
the coarteaying mother. "i shouldn't
like to say as much as that, bet 7oer
ynitng m■ came and 818 what he
or by by sail toRbt Wet., tli�tAetiP O . caw motorman and eonduear
narefeYl am. so. JOHN 1 02, County
*macaw. 197 tt It AILD» Keeling s death In Callfurela
is w'nnnneed. H. .at formerly a r..ldest
?081OR1AL ART1*?. of Rallies. where ba was reglewae of
des& ter the ninety of that near H•
Jo1SLY. TONtvORl L ♦ Hat was feria eit S. Ii. Keating d Tweet*
/. •a4Odl0nulgaa end grandfather of Lieut. Keating. wM
sad ea0ePg67' ,,ti, hes pat ea glalo.ay diad 10 Attlee la
isatY for se ... M.8.
TM tttesa et She INS Marti Hartes
se liaMMN-lie ThwiefiNg wag ifidaffea
b7 • helps •Vehllr 06sssma �m/ do -
- seThe llamas, WWI w 1111 Dead.
read Soares, de lles1R4m PMepeerp,
ialeM Templar, 11tH Ile Anneal serf.
age M the reser re 1[iue and Wellingtan
sheets, *ad walked a H•a11es Came-
MTM ouch et Oafttds Fed. Freaks, et
Vas eedM.e et kW dridietw, Mee. tle.ea-
tl ISM, ell 0aisiiii, rimititts, Is se.,
tomsn.s moist rmtlt*1n se lies 0i
5AIRIMAOR 11CfltSld.
LANK, 11)1int M ARfli AOR pity 1ri-
• fir, Oed.rlrh
aced•• the Istree..-
"Jstlh eat set mem Via. Jelsesm
Oise ate"
• "Wby1" 06* tells her that every --
•"Maas et her lib las happened
it coots about $14,604 to equip . rya
Iment of infantry, with ■slform..srms
ammunition, Die-, exclusive of ramp
tutlit, and to mallyds • regiment of
1.000 nes world entail se expenditure
■ptu•oxlm.tIn[ 5400.645 In found anm
berg, depending epos the $.0091 M tae
rel nod the boetion of este emernand.
Of Oslo .um ghost 5157,40 or enn-
•idershly more than one-leslt. Is charger
able to P7.
t 'r..Av •0letm•t.
The otter 1er the fastest iwinimleg
ensdrnp ed known. In the retry it ex
habits an •efo*lstlisg egbilti.- Ipwimmleg
In e f irly bortenettsl pee tion 'with the
7restset .rah Mord and darting along
beneath eke entree* with a speed egad
tt sAl tllpiiMer trj that at Issrry ashes
A Wetter POWs.
A clergyman wag v.ry mach vexed
by one of his congregation. An old
man used to go to sleep during the * 1
mon. The clergyman offered tbe old
man'. gr.nd•on • penny It be would
keep his gnnd•ire "melte. This went
on all right for a mouth- One Sunday
the old man went to sleep as nmol.
'I he clergymen naked the boy why Ike
did not keep hit grandfather awake
The boy answered: "Yon offered me .
penny to keep him awake, bat grand
father gives me twopence not to div
tnrb him."
Illnerd's Lllimest Cora Gorget Is COWL.
reel. and Teeth womb.
An excellent wash for the month and
teeth and also for the hale le made by
tt'o.lring two ounces (about bin even
tabieepoonfwlel of borax In three pints
of boiling water: while still warm add
to shy a teaspoonful of spirits of ram-
pior. Bottle and keep on the wash-
stand: when ready for use. add pat
nmonnt of warm water. -
Cure Your Rheumatism Before
It Ge.s a Hold.
Tare Ryan's Kootenay Can
Thousands Have Been Cured
By Its Use.
During the oomlog winter a large por-
tion of your tine will be spent indoors.
Want of exercise will cause singes!
blood, sed as • oousequence the kidneys
will not perform their functions. Yoe
become dyspeptic, have pains to the back,
hips or lulus and loos your appetite. That
means rbeumatl.m. Look out for it
Ryckman'• Kooteuay Cure invigorates
rod purifies the blood. Stomach troubles
dl.appeer lm from one tomer' days. some
lianas few doer. Is suMeteut. it two•
wieutiously need, it anter tails to curs
rbatm•tlem, neuralgia and kidney coo-
plalut. All druggi.ts sell 11. For 85.14-
100144111* writs the b. S. Ryektuen Moll.
rlu• Co., Limited, Hamilton, Opo
lir.. ,. .he Itt.r1'.
By being boiled milk will usually
ktetl frond for nearly twelve hours, it it
is placed in • Cool larder or cellar
which is well ventilated; but the woo-
llen taste It imparts to ems, la a draw•
back to this meats of preserving it. 1t
will be found • good plan to add halt
a teaspoonful of powdered borax te
each quart of milk, stirring It well. es
that the borax may dissolve gnickl7;
this should be done as soon as the milk
is brought from the dairy._ Putter
should be well washed in borax sea WI
ter, sod kept 1n a bn.is of cold water,
to which borax bas been added. Cook
ing butter which has a rank taste may
be made sweet by this mean., bet
plenty of borax ahonld he used, and the
butter moat be well worked with les
ter spoon&
A Ceileatles Mane.
"Did you get bark that gold 51 which
your little boy .wallowed?'
"No, the doctor said he would key 1e
la memory of one of tea most remarkable
cases these have conte under bis sbasw'
*yon. •'-Ooobergs A ltonhlad.
Tram prodneesannually about 100,000
Ions of chestnuts.
The dry obeetnut contains nearly as
meth nitrogenous matter as hark), with
more tatty and • trifle les phosphatic
In some parts of Europe (be chestnut la
es Important part of the diet of the peo-
ple, being used as • sub.Ntute for reale
lel breadmaktng.
Dickies Anti -Console p: i re Syru p stand s
at the bead of the list for all climates of
the throat and lunge It acts like magus
In breaking np a cold A cougb is soon
subdued, tightness of the ellest b retleved,
even the worst saw of consumption is re
Hived. while In recent cases 1t may be
said never to fall it Is a medicine pre-
pared from theaetivis principles or virtues
of Novena medicinal herb., and can be de-
pended upon for all pulmonary arse -
1 Joh .or he chemeloa.
Ambitions Wife -Toa were the rheas
pion football player at college. weren't
44� Hgtbend--•Y-e-s m'dear. Why?
". m8.1tlwls wtrr-Obe nothing. noth-
ing. Only that ten.•week clerk le in
the parlor with our daughter *gala.
'g cc - 4* -..,.q. * r. i'•
'alae ewers" tja
.t the Mise be
ea DORS A 001.91 J1-01t=-t►it
Take laterktirg ruin.) Q*tolue labials. op
Druggists refare t• money if It fat's 00 .Ara m*
El.etrta ItaH9*vs 1w Esta}..
Out e[ Int different lines of electric
railway In Enrope 173 lines are opent
e.1 by the overhead trolley. eight have
the underground trolley, eight the third
nil eyete °, thirteen .storage er accumu-
lator ran, and there lino a mixed ns -
tem of overbead trolley and accumulat-
ors at certain point• Is the Itne. The
break is caused by the melektioss
against trolleys In a few European
Shard's UElmat Cara Dlsltberla
, at.-'• .g tial.
1a order to capture fish • Rooth Ar r
Wren tribe whips the water with the
wood of a tree Which contains a ssb
'there having A narcotic Influence ca
the fish. which are then readily camel.
Dee to th. 13.tat.8.
As Aestr4*m professor, wits barges
1s the value of hygiene, declares that
Fmgland largely owes her supremae7
ever other nations to the national bath-
tub, and that the only sure way to
ontatrlp England Is to beat her V the
tees ef water.
IlIlsrd's Unmet ares C61d1, etc.
Created p..nth,.11 e7a....
Tb. OrlentatI er Bolsters indulge in
► 19.801iar paatlete, whlet Is .said to re-
semble "football on horseback with n.
aides.. A decapitated goat takes the
platy .f the bail, and ISO beadsmen
ese•shet fee it
Sorry That H. *noise
He-D.tii0g, all the world Iov.e a
She -Thea you won't be afraid he
tackle papa.
Teo Mach for Rios.
A Mina, enrr..pnwdent Oldie
tlbatga la Moment of the dlsmmnelvere
ef • wesld-he smart piing lawyer, whit
Nelly, in a ease et assault and battens
asked an old .las of Me v*eI.It7 at whet
Melones be was tram the pails* Wheel
the a.gaelt elapp red.
"Jost tour fest flee Isebs eel a halt,"
*a0wee.4 the .tens.
gees dame len M M a es.or sabot
the esenve1.
'•D�sesr I .xpen0eI seine feel sr.ghr
Is 1I kite and se 1 motorail ie."
11 ells.
Min dt,Mr1,.ns 11 Waste Oae1, 57lserwt K. T..
writes t sees peeMees MS tat man?
Made of "shim ptedefetsm a hern-
iae, Pelfedwrll j,a satelfeeleill 1 ot,maoh. 1
Ips to dime
OW ender Saimaa of 't)y.p.pata se fir
digestion.' Ose box eetlrely oared tee. 1
dam now eat anything I abode, wit40111
distreestag me is the tout." Tithes Pills
de net amass pals e e griping. and should
he need wises a embank le respired.
6401, welt the pale, 1►eak.
M=yeter hornet wits
►tflMlheg li egyWritten sad
weaknea«s which will sap their lives
sed bring them to earlyp*11ee, Meal
In the bud .1 serfhood before owning
to the dowse' of wnm*hhtt4d. 'Kash
sooty Cure' will gave and aside then
to porters health 1f given be time
Mothers, ah. so 1t that you do not delay h
providing them with this reliable sed
sure oars, which le endorsed 177 s meat
.110. latelltgsss and grateful people of
0s*ot• and adjaatull wrath... For sale
hp per druggist er the fl A. 1R7ekmaa
tifthisith Limited, Hamilton. Ont.
Baddeck, June It, 1897.
Dear Sirs,-Minard's Liniment r
my remedy for NEURALGIA.
It relieves at once.
prow Their Teeth.
la Peru It wag (trete the whom toe
dnrnrstie .Huta to ham two of tbt
tipper frost teeth extracted. Than alr
mace Indicated their sarvitSde
1.1.111••• of A11 Lt4.tda
£UIdasal Mperim0ats by Pest. tile'
wet hen sinews Mat Retied ttydregts
is by flet See Yghtest of an knew*
ilquNs ill■ dwelt) lea owe-f0orte .lei
that of erste", asd, 1mfi0e117 moough,
this baseaso be be the Mete retie N
deraliN thee hydros.* in the t*eeor
tate age' lei the air. Heeetotlte ibe
Hghteet Squid known itu bra Susi.
sed marsh gee, whirls pnaessses *hose
*9.41the Ilse sanity K water.
a esterase awl ell 11 well d
Good *sate. Ifo eemrityrer Wixom
DSS, Namilto
T..N. U.
t; JjJ'yf/(i(ildfiTrviuee
D0 YOU WANT "iris
w'It' " g"
eowaees C l ,min :err
TO LCARM 4T Z lsity'ijb oogbot c°"e
• 1.sis@ Ora SMG A. 11.1.1111.0•
mo1�w. �tkb ser
1•= tae
te. tit
seek art os uioi rd
t gd_
as A.- P4 g.