HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-11-10, Page 1Iril y r' THE BEST 18 THE CHhAPEET THE SIGN NT tap j 1 I' SIGAl, tri THE HIM. .y OE DOLLAR A Y'E1t1 IN ADVANCE 1` TO SECURE THE BEST RK41U LTS PLACE YOUR ADVERTISING IN TOR COLUMNS 0T THE SIGNAL HODSEIOH, ONT. M_ FIFTY•FIRST YEA11.---2699 MONO N01 ICL -WE WANT 2010 POUNDS reitIyr' N prim nod two eased ole..11 c Ma a a. Mahe* ash rwi.. pad.a word et apohe at the Hamilton t. Predate item w J. MORROW. FOOD SON Or To ROOL 11l0 UM -STORE AND SIX AND A 1 MU desks et sad lb* village of Poet Albeit lea aides hem Oedipal' .ad *eves from Detymssos ..d sl: frau Kls(sll on the meta aid to Ituwardiee. Panama ua be stern Itt Deesmber. rye farther particulars *ern N .HENRY OTWAY. 8h..psrdto.. Net L'OR BALE -SEVEN AND A HALF Welled cad at foot of Beath Meek Aisea lyres area pates sed east. Por P041004011, mealy esHUGH DUNLOP Wed - SOLID BRICK HOUSE POR SALE - Thee rrga ootid brick house situate a led U. Ca. 0. Tawe of Oed.riob, with eve or tai scree of land as purchaser m•a st require. There to a fat Jaen natter sadist the testes. TW le a very dsdrebr mean', for sera lag ad truth Ibmwlast. Geed orchard en Mesaet bat. Vera te Miett tbe ttnrahYnr Aprb •n peemisee to ago. Melte/low, sr to W _ _ tawreme Lilat. Weston. 'DOR BALM -LOT* 6Y AND 70 L` Btesita--i tisnq in the Tows of 0.40108. ■pea white le mead • nice dwW- Ati liw. pt.mber. test tea CANDMON. HOLT 8 BOI.h[1a. M 11 /itisllt101u Vfa to U7ANTED-YOUNu MEN AND sr eider ease if s.11 yang e WM,. et hid Atwater. pad *Ikea, ..hitless and ' 4aKriotr. e.a And empbr mess 1e a teed canes, Ori N i per isra*E and atT. S. I p h.S r 1444917. Atli WANTED -MEN AND WOMEN WHO *ow werb hose ,.444 g and w084.g ea boors 4.117 for M1 e q e • weak mg willbe masa with t.• dtllm a*ekty. Address NOW i1)14*C0.. Teresa • WANTEWANTED --TEACHERS AND OTHER D--TEACHERStsWII area tar vera0es or le rmaaea4 IF all .sl041 ler " (ea.4* : 8a xae,e4. 144. oNs • matosholeo _paid weekly. r weal. A►e royal gametealma PUBLISHING 00.. 7.0.,. -11140. 11188 CLARA SHARMAN H18 STiLL • few vses.dss res pate is arse sad t8.or?. Opo.tW amenities le glee. to •.ni.lo aossedlas es Cotaorvesery a.wede. 1Mt-tf X118.1 MILDRED CAMPBELL, PUPIL K Tyrone° Coa*esystery c 1esYo, rewriter et Irene mod theory. CeweOrvteey methods mod sad ammo WNW,. Yonne wed say atresY-- r beoe e kat se 10*41 - MIS.' ENNA ANDREWS T.*08ar et Plasm Nye 00ra. awl Theory. A .p1d•lty et ticei TIrf Iha.tloe Clavier Also Bl.I00rtes Mashed los Toone Chartres. par trlklidemte otU woos the 1'P'e tats Cwm.rre tTsrmnri as ihnues m lbs ReslAeaee. Mt Psblie No11 s COURT 01 APPLlt. Melee le berate Oren that • wart will be held. psrses.t be t8. Ontario Velars' Lia. AM, ti ale saw the Judge or hew County Court of the Croat, of Karns .t the Court B oma en tis lath dry wf Nevemi►ss. 100, et le 'Week a the Ihrese.. to bear *.d deter - aloe tic ting us .epialat* at amen and s.lml... is the Vetere' test of the msorl- r.11ty of the sows 0f S.4.r1M ter 1.16. All pentane haytGO b.ot.ess at (8. Comm Mr required te attend et saidse. sad ram WI. MI HLL Clerk et Taws of rise. Data this flet Oust. thaw. Sift COURT OF APPEAL. VNotic. le byreb gloom that • mart will be held. paruwt a use Ontario ✓chess Ad. IT HL Ho.or the Jadgs of the Demote Court of the (teeny of Hamm at the Mira. Mai hall, Carlow. es the Lith day or 407000- 0., IDlI, et 100 each 1a the forearm, to bear had detrmlao the ..vont eomprlsss of er- rors and Mnientome In Iles Vetoes' LW of the muunicipality of 18. Nin washer of Colborne f it All psi seat hawks bowmen. at the tart are required te attend at said time and ares. T. W. MctJ{INl4 Clerk of the Court. Mated W 4 tad November. Nil. nth WARNING- THIS 1i TO OIVE wala that t will allow notate le Meet r hast ea e be It late lend. oras • part of sey property. Aar sae dots/ en .1.11 be pros abet for tresparine. MKS. H. Y. 41. TR11.1. Judgement! 1.,k M -U NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS Th. Herm sed Braes lean sad levee' moot 0.111laey will reduce the Ivrea on deposits totems per cert from and after the first of July. nett. LOANS. Lea ell A 1 enoarlty tontine to be made . Ore, ass die ad • MU fair asst. Interest. 07714 HOWACx HORTON. ~MONSOON, 1101600. Emails" NOTICE TO CREDIT - U RA. !w 10. Estate of Hew, O. Omierentlfar or the 7ornt a Goder(ce, to the Cara: of rn Hrw, f4estrw.wt.0avtswor o% as Nora -West Territorial. Notice a hereby gtvy that ander "The Trustee Am" R d. O. (171 (1• . 1*, that all av).g claims he sora or ether at Vela tis aerate a tt*MMMMM rte Hoa. M, 11. Cava •Hf.the ? a d Meer eh a t}. 5*sl •( yo eta 0..0 t .8. ded M 0tk day a a-pwior, 1 are fp seed meh mita day 1 tie tied Itis alters for Job WItts.O y0., H. carmen, to en.NIp0 eat the erre see decease& Idamad satstnmadt seeusrftles, it yy b `!01 biters the ld W W J ,t WWW, . torn Aid farther take lam that the told on - setters alter tha MM let 4y .1 Dto.mbie PO4 promo/ to W MMNt the ltreoswda K to gs,aq •oteea0{gM the parties Ntltld timers rWarl.aty to the Malmo white tuvl .t emit then settee, mgr Ilio" 5400 • „.1414 watt hit In Botet yne **tea 810.1.4 et of tut dol.18.4 Ilb y M had rause In the time et dletrlbetke tempt, Ai dOM at L*00 !tW t at 4 SbS,, loo 11M11uu No OT R A1)01"1G11 SALES. MI t yeele ash* MIa .ted 14 `0e me le II . time.! mlea lilusoar. Nev.mher 22.d. -.8.M M teem (tea, (•purmgete sed hea.kb.ld 4i1.4.N, 8. elms et the mews at tee late Ftedeisk hoot , ma ie/* 911, Algae tread, Oed0A08 to %Woo, Rovotitmor TIN, at 1 o'. t • et Um 1r, T<0Af*w. ar*1M► (y TWOS. Ottlr*aT, •.Ale.ew. Mry, the -greet- "mu set 404l(1.4 t•ar•. .Hl he 14 This n ow!inmeets (} Waal Pala. will ^. .. 1 wP'"+14 t- r.awna.ewe '• .8. 'a taw •t -..e x ...mete fee OOX 18 A FREE MAN. •eh nee Mist ernieray by tae liatewdm - A Pepalar .er*M.., When magisstrates Seager and Horton Wok their mete is to .ours room of Lb' mart h.s.. os Saturday .41.7.00a to giro their decision in the case of William Cox, en his priliminary trial on 18. charge of murdering Frederick Beattie, to mat room was well filled with saes who were aazloea to hear wb.th.r tee awed was to be dieeberged or to be bald for trial .t the sprier salsa Mr 0.p sat beide bra cooti- es!, Philip Holt, sod look,d muoh hotter ler his few deyi release from confinement. R N. Lewis, Crown oroeeoutor, elm was is lel. place. P.rfeet edam reload while polio. msgbtrste Seeger reviewed the how in relate° to the ow god the tallest poiate i• the evidence. Mr. Reggae .aid : W. hase given tete attar our vary meets! attention ts Mew of it Lag • vegy important sad momente.. cane ; and it M but right is • naso w mo- E.atous, sad wbiob bas aroma .o much pobllo attenUes-bd.g, is feet, ose of lb. meet Import•a% cases tbet we aye had lo this *minty for nay yearn -that w. should Ames thm re..oee spurn which we be/ oar de - came. Tee Nara is that of weeder, and the d. *see is that N. accused did what he did is selt•d.fa..a That is allowable new by N. .rimis•1 ood..f Canada r snarly, la old• en times, there was n0 atm thlag m ..11. debase to • oras of bomioide. A mss who killed soother was oo.v1ot.d, ••d 18.t be did it in MIl1-defense was • ate/ is wbloh 8. had N *eek for .amain. clemency, and • garde. was granted almost as a ate/ of rem as New, there may les eirome mamma ander which bemired. may let ooa- .tdend justifiable or exou..ble. 13410141161 46 et the ortyrls$l ad0/ter*so 1% ae feilet*t't '• k.eelyene aai.wf.4ly malted. met bgvmg provoked ..ob •wn1* to jostled, Aar! he ease `e**1 or 4rwra b.dsly hare/, if be Melee It under reasonable .p- pre0..etoo of death es grieves, bodily berm from um •i.l0.c, with wbiob the aeesalt was originally made. or with wbiob the a- satlaat argues kis purpose, aa,l if he be- lieves, on reasonable gros.de, that he oy- sot nab.rww preserve Malt from death .r grievous bodily berm." Teat is. I think, eery ear end very easily ood.4.Nod Is .•o. 280 the dlffereat alma of bomiolde are ales M4sed, sod by sub sues 3 bowioi& whisks is sot oulpble u d.elared sot to b. an Mimes Ni.., seder sec. 45, the latest satbar el the criminal ado appends some net.e which are had upon ata whish ore r•oognizee as I... H. say.: " The fora need by way of self •dottieo.enoeld be proportioesu to sad . bould Riot exceed what is necessary te.Told the •tteoh wait le b.tag &deeded. A per• sea must, if he thereby kill or srtody &o- jr0 8* anaemiet, .how oonolasivsey that that aide of ddesding btawlf was realty mammary to prleu own lib or avoid series. eserve bodily harm, ..d that tMrs uskr It 8. r.0,.ot.d *• (ar *. 1. oo*ld .od 8.4 .o Aber mase left of euoo..elulty r..rtisg or emapseg. la fast. all force teed by wily of . off delves mW in order rit be justified or .messed es reek premed irom aeororly. Teat is te say lief It ons only be justihed ethos it is oemmesry for lb* .aide.*. ee prev1101 of an offered i.jary." Se the law is very plain. la • oe.. •sob as tale, where **appears (or where it le proved •1•(net him) test • matt has takes hams life, it li.s epee him to prove, and it must be prod oeseliri•ely, end that all the esvtdm leet. here mentioned Oro primal .1.,. be nose • weepoo in sell -defence, that it was •.oetwary to preserve b* own Id., *sd that before using it be bad so either meaus of eaoo..efally reetetteg or s,cepiee from the attack. 1 admired tat to be the defenes in this os.. -roar all these isgredleste were present 1. tide ass. It has aloe b... suggested is Nle defeeoe that the aka was fired by •ooident, that Mr. C.1 did net lead to shoat Bet 1 think •eoordieg to the evidence that Dart of the defame ovine% be eat*i0d, beano it eppers that b. cooked the w..poo. 8o that the whole defence in the mss0 le this Was he justified In shooting, deliberately, this mss aeries the elrogm.maom ? Did the tallier .4 this an rise irom ..•void• able necessity, .Itbe.t soy feel% on the part of the wowed ? Now, is order to seem. vie this, r Umm first place n. should ooa- elder what wee the stars sad the extent of Ua danger that be was la (if..y).1 the time 8. bred to shot. 1.d t0 oousidriag that, of amuse it is important also further to eon - e ider what was the character, weal was, tee naiad, sad the temper .f the preen who wee making the await upon him, sod sae molly. et to what their phydo.l relation. were, that is, hew sus stood as regards be physical madams to the other. Aa to .at frame of mind this you* tem, 18. deceased, was is : The o(rcum- . Msre. are of the most patsfol thereat. Th. deesead, (1 seems. b.oem..o inleta.t• d with this young girl tb•t his •eteetlons-• first leaked epee se being merely brotherly kindness-bw•m.• public sandal, and the rya of the parent Mean* open te the (•e► test ,heir daughter was being led sacra, by her brother in-law ; sod they remonstrated •sd endeavored to etas 1t. They failed in tae, sad la dollen** of their remonstrati- ons sad objectifies this young man still pa- ned her ; sad waiters oalmtn•td • week age last 8.terdsy night, when this yeast girl wise bad bsena'e se infatuated with 11. wee Hideout to ere with him from bet barn., to take all her aloe/togs with bar ad 'ate go tad live with this yoga an fw .ver." These are the word. 1. t8.set deem. What was the reason for Mr dots` MaIt le gstt. olein that .he left •geed home ware *he was well treated, and her sister sold she tone[ w•e quite oap•hie .1 dales the work es the farm without her sis- ta 1 se there Was no oblate to hr leaner her haw,There enol be cele one Ala -we all 8.. what that ie. The ,.newsy, tee violates and 18. p.nlet.ao1 with which the d.reaend pursued this girl .hew the, The eiremest•iem ars et The most painful tied. Why, the Meowed even made the . usgest4e8 to the yoga/ wemss t8*1 if my - Ales ek14 herpes to lila yawing wife, only twe yens married sad with her as .t 0., brat, he would merry Mit girl. Whet tbe tea w..rd N tee bin ler is ..methis4 that we sanest speak of here. That he d.• . ,red le drig icor down to hell there Cali ke me Ababa. The as snows to bate glut 8iMeelf up sempl.tely to this pomlaa ChyeawM.aret *hew that It was m emissary .88. ; and the temper et* welsh 8. red demos Met he wee terribly 1e m sett. Why, when the snot w mwwe.al to 8.r m0Aw'. 0.!044., who eats laid be he dying .erg to this atter, be saw., "Ya sweet ge, it 1. enly • Drama," Smile the awe- mgmy metes sad he agate refugee le let her is. ted Il is eat esti' the defter ...a. • w 51en.41* ler her, tallier ter that tea seetbor will du gelato she does go, .04 ea• rel her .Isar 1.14.4. e10111 her gates, sad ma eatN Amb. i t he bona. sed finale eat tele Met 14.81 I'. that ...dltlea, Nat M *flaw, his to de bete. The. Mies M dew tat her ge h. gets Into • hew• Ism ad theme hum wife sad save ft is kw s• .r .a. ... btu tic.Agemel hat• 01 Y, 10, 1898. ' r still it 1.... Thea, Monday atomism be invades hle father. -10.'s premises with the avowed letee$US of vetting this girl away. He asks ber Ont into the rig end be will drive ber back to his home. She te11s him that she has sees her ad weal vo with him, ad he drives away with aura ae 1 grls4ieg hie teeth, sed nearly °micra0* Ile falk*r-I*-law in his tem - pee The dam ed'e wits says in her evi- dent• that o. M. oder be seemed to Nlak the girl would ossa bool„ but a Tuesday attersuoe be Deemed to thkak that his father - la -law would sot les the girl return to his arm, end he le very starry. sad on Wed. easy morning we are tad by the wife what took plans at tie br it: table: that he was la • great rage and Said he would lake her Iib by Mob's ; thathe would mur- der the .eeseed's family, .Ii Leat Ltly. Alt Ws shows that this a0 had `wholly •bee dosed bimeslf to ht* iasat*1ie paled fat this young girl, sad to his nog at the fa- ther. whom he lake upon as tibe obit lo• stream* to tits way. Notwlthelandieg this, he still holds on to the girl's olotb.., and b • way teat horrifies his wife be ewes orders that she u sot to give 8.r same °loth.. to soyene ,10.1)0404 to the girl herself, and thea only ie hue passes. Why tyre this ? Maid), se • dragnet to dreg the girl tato sa ether pitfall. Is teen any wonde, that the pergts wasted to keep the girl hie/*s ad Rot the cloth.. book ? That is the stats the men wee in en the Wednesday monde'. As to their physical eooditioo. The ev1- doee show' that toe yoao4 moa ble •' eery powerful young fellow, strooely bent, and • as of bid temper, while tics priees- es, M w. all kale. is ear* middle •a aid, ear/ to Acrd work on t8e farm, is seta !ahem se be ooee was He certainly *ea no atob for the young sea- He timid not bop. to bold his ow. for • mou,ent i. the bends of this powerful Tonna fella* sparred on by he patios sad by his twteil per Tbis is t4' au that the prisoner treat oar to most to the orohard this Wdse.d. mornis,. Thee when be goes to tie orchard wiled does the evidence *bow ? That Mr. Com wee at say fault • I iloV& *a' .here tis fault aver in 1e going tate the orchard, he.peeke pleaeostly to his emairlaw, aedl he a met by hlow* and threats. The *vi-, deoo. in very clear. Yea have all the e.i- deaoe here very clearly. It le mama tbai we should have the evidenee is caw of murder so olerly brought out. The ao- rtae.* eines himself up, and NIB his whole story. That *tory is repeated i■ the witness box. It is oorroberated and supported by w ey'-wieseee who saw the whoa thine. Thiele,y of the daughter le exactly s mil•- • r that told by the prisoner himself, and from that it sppe•rs that the very moment be .peke to the deceased the latter jumped au and mode • rush upon him, harlog maths ad threat. that be would bay. hie hest', blvd. He says, " Yoe *re the man 1 am Iwkua 4441 ; 1 me alter your heart's blend.' H. then jsmp* at bits end soya, (1y Christ, I will bate your heart's blood before you leave this orchard," .ed strikes 41Ito • violent blow we t4 tea The ee- ourd lay. te him that he has a revolver and to stand beck The does not step bite . t .11, it only spars him on further, sad he grapples with .8. prewar, followio* it 0p, .hoe the prieonr thrc•teae to *boot, with the w.rde, " By Christ, 1 am tbirwU.g for ,t, 'ebonies that hie violent temper had get a.mplete mastery of the mw. Who ass eey, had that man get hold of the orMoaor that eterela4, bet 10.1 the death would have been the ether way, end that the deceased would mew les ea hie trial for murder is stead of tis .mused ? The priseoor believed that at the moment of the finny of tits abet be was io immineot peril ot hit life. He ay. the deceased had clutched hold of *Ie shoulder so that there was no ohanoe of ea..psg• The seas.4 treed to maps from the attack ; he bad retreated some 4S fest, MINI whatever thetas they were from the tree-prombl) 38 feet, back from the tree ; bad retreated beak ward*, ever ..nir4 the 4.0.0.ed, sayiar, •`8t•o,l book, take care, Fred, I hay. • revolver *ad I'll shoot," whir Fred gam " I am %cantly tor 11.' The primmer shill repeats, " Now keep beet, Fred, or I'll .hoot/" repest'ag that and baking up all the tisk. Them at last, se the deeeaeed had him grumped by ase arm, sad Ms miter Mad on hit throat, the shot wee fired, 'there eau be net qualities, . t that moaner the shot was fired h self- deteno.. Tare was so other way out of it i think from the wry ee was pursued there was so way out of IM. He retreated as the law says he should have done, he retreated as far as be could hark toot, .ad at the last moment, when to name's hand was oa hl. throat .ad he was about to be overpowered, the shot wee fired. It Ir urged that be had se business *bra New, wee this trouble sae fault et the prisoner's? it is argued that he sboald n et balm boos there with the revdver. Now, i Mak the* the *vides.. show. that the pr4.o.or Mu used every moderation through this paha matter. There is no doubt tat for • month or ell weeks be was grieved with t8. moot (.10..e feelle4, ate ✓ y father would, and he resales himself with elm pru es% self-retr.lat He tries to talk with hie .win -law ; he meet' him o n the reed and se a "Iwant to talk with you ;" the deo replies, " I'll be downed (4 yta will," sad ..0r1y drives ever him. He says erne roan for he going was te .r .hat state of health hie daughter, Mrs. Beattie, wee is. A father may has the right to •illi but married daughter. Time he weal for the olahea whin* were held as • dreamt over** young girl to at her lo - to the deceased's @Intohee .gain, and 8. writ there very properly. Wm It net Ie * very way proper that he should re that He waled to keep hie daoghtr how.. The deewd showed every 1.tentioe of *till pursuing her sed he no doubt theatht he would .looted in so doles. And what was mot* sellers! Man for the father to go there lied attempt to save this 70* ....I? It e gait* .Mode, tat she weal* o* deemed dare by *b* mea Wee he te stead pare sod see hs d..gbter dragged dews? Sem ly ren was ample reuses ler hie lalortr- roe. Surely H • father had ere riot* to take the atter .p,who had • I mese* see where any full o4 Me 1. she.n la the evl- dmea 11 w' oro simply to end • mar for trial bis*nee he aha smother11,06 peaNw Hough it *r* at be 0a rle0tly J.slgd.d, thee we shah de w e Ne o•*e, ▪ etberwies 10 le urged very irreeeply by the Grew* NN we ere set. U. try Ale sass. Now, tw seethe of 1t* lel.lnel Code with* tires.e se what Niel le verb deaf. See. 594 pro - •Ides Nat t• w8.. all 08. *11...es et the pint of the lwentsut1N and the •m•s•d have be/ beard, We Jo.Uoe .h.11, 1f epos the .hale of the •H4esee he is of epistle that no ref11ei0N ea le made ..t le pal the armed tree Ole trial, dhieherte Idea." And 1e t mete by the aslbaw, to that sep- ta., he 0ys 7 White wlu.eses re pre. Irked .ed ruirleed .s tis es* .f the pini error at We prellwrary e,e*Mt►tlea, the WIMP were te be hileaed by t8. tion, toads merely to expiate proved in support of the Avg* Rea N oboe/ the prlwasr's 10oo.000, e/1 thus have made out or' behalf o ac. mused • deka*. which would rep,; aey further prooeediugs un0eo.e.ary, 1 if the prisoner'. witnesses 000tr•dtot 18 for the prosecution la material points, tip ma would they be a proper ono to be to e jury to anosmic and decide weigh 1 alo two coarcting Catenate is the teeth ' 1 (bink that what is me..t is tic : 11 there is soy leestjso, goy reaaoaable ubt, as to it. helm l..Ma•blo or nor, thin we are not to 'targe the accused. 0 But wber100.. la DO 'two wits bete t6or. u DO IuNoa 4 witaser sad the whole tis plain, mad where , hey show beyond • gamma, a I an sure bey do, that this prlwaer bas been guilty o fault and is not 41eatlty of any Dune, d wee perf.oUy jos ifi.d in the abatis*. so we aro board is opo duty to him .ad te- pablio to discharge him. Our duty le not only to him, but to the oommualty, that this sandal should not bA dragged through the matey ter the out six months if then is nothing to try, for where 10,rs is no ef- fea0. It is riot in the public interest to ..ed • sumo for trial. W. hold that We prisoner is guilty of ne efface ander the law, .od that he ought to be dioehar4ad. Hera Hertea, J.P. :- 1 wish te say that I hilly amour In the Sadism) that have bees delivered by soy aseooimu, Mr. Seeger. W. spent some three hours last eight in folly reviewing every 0irmmetaa0. 10 oo..ee- Iton with tills ore, and 1 feel quite o00• wl•oos•cleae teat we have but clone justice to the prisoner, ad 18Nl.e hays done so mon tbsa justice is dii,hrgeg Lha a.• owed. Mr Beaver -Ur you erre dlaiergred. The feelings of a large *umbo et those is tis •edam. toned root in the •ppl•me w0iob greetd the decision, and whioh gain- ed aossiderrabli volume before beteg check. ed by the oonet•blee ory of •'8i*n..'" Mr Holt turned to his shat and took his band, and in a few minutes Mr. Cox had received the oongratalattea..1 many of those pres- ent. Mr Dewe asked that John $nes, es the o -•astable who had first preferrerethe shorge a4alast Cox, Wald be bound oar to prose- cute the.nee at the next raises. The Doc• stable refused a acoade lanes, end, ee be w he not oompell$ble la the meta, the ('rown ooas,sl's request was Maimed. . AROUNDI TOWN. Beilmiso To Teso.,-Tbe following nil. HUMS of Goderioh Model hcb.ol have se - curd abaci' for 1899 -Allen Jeokell. *t Themes Rod ; H. L.o., in -4tepbis,4 N. Ftekbeioer, at 8blpk• ; MI.. Wblddely,om Hayfield ; W. H. Rewire, rd Asher.. No DAMuat or YArtpc-0e/egieh\bee now en lower than ee,NIlate emery area, net °ousting • camber of dryres& *arae whioh have 4reeerl . as aa djese•. The tee latest to ■iia 1 the Diet an Nese et Morrow & Gboper, ee Hematites shorn, end Y. u: Nroholson, West .trees. Boawen TO DOATH Ito Usr*orT.-A 1).• tat% dispatch states : Patrek M*rpby, aged 40, .bo lived idea is the reer•eff b. bleoksmtth shop, corner of Ohm* sheet and the Michigan Central railway, was burned te death and the .bop destroyed b fire at 2 o'clock on Randy arca( was • native of Huron moiety, Oaten*, where hie events still lire. He bad been in beetser where band oat since coming from Unwinds five yew .ge. Ootru To CALIFORNIA. -W• are sorry to have to *0000005 Mice departure of James Ed.s.Nop sad homily, of let 14, eonoe•.ies 2. Goderieb towus►ip, .bo intend leering seat weak to reside at Iitveresd., ('aliforee. We lope they will rad prosperity is that, new Immo, but will at trail to keep • plaee to thew memorise for fierce meaty sad De people. Mr. Edmoseten has rated be eighty year. farm so Georgie Warmer, et Clla- 104. tes, .04.* 11125 a year and tales-* leer resW, CALL Us Ur Ao•ut.-W• were oslled to the eslopboo" the other day sad op obeying the suma.o0s our •ureolar.s.Ubllities wins (toned by the well knows stales of "A Hot rine," oomiog in w oleo d4tisot vcias from the knew 001 where. • learned *1. awards that the plea/onto. ods mated from • Oromopbo0. in Jam.. Wilsoe'e drag are, ad that the machine has quite • re- pertoire -1e tact, i. • .hole mhos( el show. It ie of •:the Columbia maks, and Is the best we hail beard. 00WitaNelltu int Pam -Tis OP LAW .- Rebt, 8. Roberto., son of our towoemsa W. W R.hrbon, is oommeedor the peso *ler of 1.w at Stratford with John Idiogtoo, Q.C., Crewe *Maury for the wonnty of Pr►b. Mr. Retortion come- yew ago studied 1. with Moon °arrow & Proud - feet, of Om/oriole gild eines then nee been e the o4B0. of A. M. Ron, w0*ly matt oak ret 1 ork, at Teresa. The firm of Idiantes & Robe. -tees w111 date frim the 1st of December, WHO CAN Boat Tilts t -We have .1 - ready **tall meque4ld • number of OMA thing. la the way et garden and oroard products. Now Jam.. Break• eortd4e Demes forward with an- other termed breaker. lo is • Blew helm, pippin, weights, 21 mecca, sad mea- suring 14 look.. In circumference The op ple (retch wee grown by Mr. Breckeerid,.) is very ..11 farmed, !sob. sloe, .-node alma, and se della, when tat proper time comm, will ban • rate to mato6. Two Ti.,,. Yrr Ig THE Ntg*rniyTH OaafvUi.=Lately we have oot(md two of 0dii.iiisperarles offering their paper teem tales 0000 tie begis.iag of the twatle% 0Otary for 111. It's • ma offer, .naeidor- eg tat tee twentiMit Dentary does not b.• *e esti) January lot, 1901 De they mean it, r did they mak. • rebuke ? W..bell tet oh.rm ter tea May sad kept e8e beetle's will he able to amend thea - offer Ware their eee.m1ben • wee le ..d ololre teae Team' paper far • rime et et.. Taw LATE MAa 11,0, M Lana- Thew did a Oodere► tewa.hip Msday. O.t. 30.1., Margaret M.Leed, let of t8. late Robert Mol..ed, at the •R• gewgaw eight yawn. T8. elsteated wet • Dative .t ire - Wad, o.4 maw N Mi. wisely with 08. early ..Mlen. Abort flirty three Taira aro Am wee assrr(.l to tin* Iso, Robert W.(nd, who prgieesewd Dor by mottoes years. Rim leave* • ferst)y et taw. 0bildree t Will J.M, Asps. Ant ate Omni, .11 .f whoa rends 46 the 8.mestes4. Ise SG, Masked ..s'.amon.O..N.k wrote* Ten ANOrrte aE Poinemsts.eatde et We past 'rook or' two avowal aged of young mow have 6.o eaiiwoblt dotoogo to property le the way of ewnrkt4 4.11 4.8...,, taboo ,1 mise, ate , IA drat,.., mew ed the taw.. it a time Hass foolish poste e/0,. stepped, sail fit res peM.twn u *amp* It wit Tb.. 8x411.1. will gee that tbe has to M with to **Hing d • , .wd dada at the f p Ilssi* el the '.tag" ,st - ,)k (1 the tsncteelrM . -„.., •-• ►.a ..F.'.r.++r. ...e.«wa ` OW here are Wheemai ton ..g - =alb's, hal e f kiss ought to be time is • *Mr' et bo• I*g allowed to grew u - ensues* by foolish poreoie. Btroa■ Tex LMe r OMB. -Behar* udge Marron, ea Friday Ism., • further io; estlg.tioo was held a thecae* of Helm owler, of Asbfisl4, who .4s oommitted to gaol on the cargo of Ismael Alter the bearteg of •videao. Miss Bugler was rm wooded to gaol to be fortb•r dealt with. Tail JomT7 Hours or Ramo. -Clinton New Ere : A oar Mate was naiad tato the house last week in the personel Patrick O'Co.aer, for fatty years • resident of Ash- field, •ad well -u -do before rename over- took him. • • Tie Salem/Ms Army conducted religious sar.1o111111 oamd•y last, ' ' The bread 0entreot baring expired, fresh tenders were asked for os 8aeurd•y, sad Mr. Kirkby. the new proprietor of t8• Ceown bakery, wee.0eoeeful is gentle the work of applying thus article for the. next thew months. The House requires .boat sight loos of bread • year. Away Doors SMITH. - A roost bane of the AuaviMe (N. C.) Daily Chuen mase the *Bowies nfessa0. to • 4.1. resident of Oodenoh : Tb. 8mb recite' of the ease given by the teachers of the As= College ler Yonne Women yesterday ease tog to an sa0•sally ley. audience. Mir, R,u. Chut,tbe teacher of voice, Meg twice, aloes. is bet wooed Dumber, the pathetic "• Just a of Old," she we/ • hearty resell, and she gave • bright little as •bout the tate of • 1ympaN.tlo apple, very ab•rmiog- ly. Mies Cbu*'s yoise is • deep, well train- e d oontnlb' also beard te adew- tago 1n 18.1L.•si.l d with Mise Flore.o. Lawre, whom _Why • clear •g4-.* pia eepraee. Trey Ale Arrkac,ATSD.-The Weed stock Tim.. in He report of • recent .otr- tetnmeot In that town makes the following comment :-Every number on the pronate was itself • t rest N the •odim0.. The sly - (44 of Ms.. Aobesee, of (,odrloh, 0nd the reolt.Uon by hare. Greig, of Seatortk, were all that the people bad been led to exact. Mi.. Auhe.oa alba with • sweetness of e1• Dreesion and • omomad of toss that showed the e1oeileooe of her training, and. ooapld with • voice of great purity and range, made every oro 04 her otatto0e • mesa! treat that was highly appreciated by the large audience. Mrs. Orelg's forte, judging be her chola of abjwt, is the pathetic yla FaotT Faor tar■ PACIFIC. SLOPS. - W wentabowa mato days ago by 8. Meese • n umber of •polm and pert* as samples of what they grow out in British :2olumbis. We .11 bay. • pretty good oa.oeit of this :cod old musty of Hares in the fruit -grow. tog he., bat it looks as tf we may soon have to take off our het to the land of the sada gee. The pears were of t6e t)uobees and the apples e1 the Al.xasder and pippin est- ates, and laden, oetor and shape were tra- y .De.dkd They were grows by W. R. Mere., of Versos, R. C feraerly of Ooderieb. Tb. truss .huh peodaod them r, re sold to Mr. Mega. by W. R. Robert - ea, of town, and were pot in by 8 Meg. w94,hslea *• nett to his son In the Spring of 14 Ie 367 DAT. -The steamer Seguin, with the first wheat for the new e*vtor, arrived on Tuesday from Fort William, Of ber alargo of 40,000 bushels, several hun- dred bushels were wet and were diapoeod of to penmen is tew.. T8. *legate bed • rough usage down. 8bs le • steel barge aid wee belle at Owen 8.sad. Everything em oo0oecttoe with the elevator worked eat• lefeotorily. and after the cargo bed an dieobereed the Sallie cleared yest rd•y mooing. It le worthy of note that the do- strata.' by fire of the old .ilevaer heck nee .n the morning of the 6th of Novem- ber. 1897. and on the 8.8 of Neeembr, 1898, the first grain wee received tato the new elevator ....The sea. Cnmot arrived yertrd•y from the peousda with lumber. '1'41 BORFO1 io.Au Petrone of Vlo tore Opera Hoard will please note tart time attraction is, without exo.pteon, the very beat popular -prised eempe0y tae monoga- mist h.•. ever _had ►a pirate of bruin - Mg here. They ploy noir the lope* elate and are admitted by the press to be to meet retard sad op -to -date company on the toed. Thew play• .re all new and of • most pleasing oh•r•ct•t. They carry .11 their own weary and scenic ahoy. for toe proper produotsoe of each play, and are patronized by the meet refitted •adb.nowe is every place. Don't miss seeing them, as they •r0 really first -ole/. Don't he afraid to come. The oomp•ny has been on the rood for tett years •ad the is their wyeetb tour of Can ad.. One solid week. Plan open Saturday morniog •0 Porter's, PoLITH'A L -There wee a good •ttendeaoe at the meeting of the Literals of the town on Marley evealof. Alook 8••nder,, choir man of the local immolation. presided. Mr. °arrow wee celled upon for • speech, and wee attentively listened to as he diwaerd the **oast matters in the field of Prov 1t.e1.1 politics, ad spoke of the w0►eets-. Loral sad Dominion-wbleh are soon to b. fought. Later in the e•esie4 the chairman Mae rave • good address. The haloes. of the meeting wee the Mains of delegates for the benventlnn tomorrow(Friday)it Desiree - see. A oomplete del•g•tics was appointed, and erresmatNIr med. Is menet ion therm with, Rip will be at the onrnr of North• et and the Square at 10:30 o'olnok bootnrrow ander for the ooe'eyanee of delegate. and sphere who may wish to go. The mothering •t D.ng/snson well as • most Important nee, ee w*a4id•tee will be selected to bear the 14byre1 bna.r• is beth the Federal had Previ.e4.) cosiest.. The oon•ee*es e gelled to meet •t 1:30 r r. Muunasen Ito NEVADA -The following press dl.patsh from Loe Angeles, California, dates Nev. 3rd, reported the coast death.) t•k. Monod Ilea of Jager Rdmonetes, .t the Bayfield read, (edeMok t ewusbip : " The story of the murder et ewe men 0n Ike dew en of ..others Nevada Is April met yaw has but bean told by Ne metag et the murderer. Mn. My.n wee married ea Mndgy last, &ad es Teed.y oho onefoeee4 that Jetta Hamm*, with whom .he lived at the time, killed peers. Esr.lke, • veterinary ser4ees el .ethers Oalifenie, ..d Peter FJlme0. e re, of (Leede, • a.04r*eter. The two me*.disappsared le N. d..mt ecoid tee time of thorn was towed. Mn- Myers, with her .mmll Any, oesempaeld H*..ek hem !loathers (NiIlfnru* to gait Lots (h the way they fell is .Ith *0 .18. w0d Rimes. Kos. R.seek wasted 09.. property of the two M, and ruts nlghy whew Is the wild 000000.4. 0eatry et Nevada, 41. told Men. Mean lie .as romp te kill Ness. Abe vied irately te diwad. him. R. abet that beta es hay were aidoop, hsrtd the bodies seder name ..d leek wiser betesiele n. Sire *la. Mn. Myers has it.d le her that Rae. oath would kilt liar at the 0.1y wiener of ale shims. A*.seek le se. a 14.. Reessed `r. 1 a"ero . H. 111 •e ,t seaman " Mr RA •0t. ,t"Ms! last eat sal • aorta D. MCGILLICODDY, EDITOR. Iof ere, left for Caldera* Mist ahem tee yew are. He resumed and spout the sur - mm of 1896 here *•d went track is Jsau.ry, 181/7, to dames of some bore.• He wee coming home to Canada with • number of good bort.. la April last when he mat hie fate. The parents and th. other members of the d.eeased'r family have our *moor' sympathy to their loss. . COLLEGIATE INSTITtiit GAMES. Tee averts Come OW Wt Week -Eames et Om Winners The sport* committees% the Collegiate In- stitute, who bad been waiting ever MI long for the weather to elear, took dvets/8 of the fire days at week and oiled lb* games oe Wednesday afternoon. There was • large atWnd•ooe.t theevrioultural ground', where the garnet were bold. A. the pro- gram was too long to he oomplet d that aurae, It was at first wnonaeed that the ►emsloder of the tame world be held oa the hollowing Saturday. law 4 was thought beta to go en with AMIN oe Tbur.d.y, and fortunately 084. wag' 4s.e, for ou8sturdsy It yidepheiaai•.- --e The oomp.alloas were Item, ..4 u►.iwe4 that the wheel atoms 000sid.rsble etkl.1. to ability. 1l we may be allowed to portio• maize, we may .ay that in chosen*, vault - toe compa trios specially good work was done. Howard Salle vanit of 7 ft. 5 in. is • feat womb recording, .ad Sam. Draper made • very good ..octad. to others of the comp.Utioos Mee be exoelle.t showing was made, as will be MINI by the figures given in the Dat of wio.or.. The prow are N be distributed *1 the roosting of she Literary Society this (Thur. - a• -y) evening. Followiar L the lit of agente, with the neat of theee who took Bret and .eooad plan... Standing bread jump (...tor)- 8. Prat - ;tabard, 9 ft. 4 in., 9. Draper. Kooning broad jsmp (junior) -Rea. Her. risen, 12 ft. 1a., Frak Edward. Resales bread julep (esalot).-13: Prft- eherd, 15 ft. 10; is., W. Heekett. Running hop, step and jump (iuoior)- O. Mauer, 31 ft 2 ie., R. Harriette. Running bop, stem .red tome (metier/ - $. Pritahsrd, 35 ft. 10 in., W. Hackett. Stilt tees (lsaiee)-F. 8asaders, C. Far - row. Rosining high jenny (senior) -W. Edward, W. Haokett. Volt with polo (baler) -R. Harrteoo, F, Sased•rs. Vault with pope (*.sloe) -H. Soil, 7 ft. 5 4.., 8. Draper. Running high jsmp(jadnr)-H. Worrell, R. HrriMI., 100 yard race (o.nies1-W. Hackett, J Masses. 100.yard rase (*mon- P. Tye, R. Hr• risco. Qaarter•mlle r.ee(eeoior)-J M...on, W. Hackett. Potato race Omelet) -H. Memos, F. Ed- ward. Tbree•leged rase. -S Deeper • W. Ed- ward, W. Beydiea • P. Turnbull. Boys' bicycle rare, ea mile -W. John- ston, 0. Godwto. s 9eok rens-H. Mamma, 8. Draper. rilew bicyol. pate- W. ,Johusten, 1). Bellows, Felon* tame► -S, Draper - W. Edward, Bert M . mire R. BoeU. leir: b.cyea rano, balf mil. -M. E. Tom, M. Olivaa*. Obstet* rami -8. Draper, J. Muss.. Ifrll-mth res -J. Maroon, W. Hackett, Tag -el -war ( Collegiate Iustitate Ira Model Sobool)-(JoU.gtate Instituto, in two straight pulls Hurdle rase -8. PrlIobrd, S. Draper. Coesol.tim race, 100 yards -8 lane, A. MoTo,gart The ..,,it ohampton.blp wt* won by W. L. Hackett and the junior championship by R•g. Hareems The prise for each of 1800 i.• 15 -vol. set of Dicker.' works. CHURCH NOTES. The new Methodist church at 1...d..- bor.' is to be opened on Sunday, November 27th. A choir has been organized in Viotoda-.t. Sunday school under the leadership of Mr. Hamlin. We andereaed that Mr. Nicholls, of Bet, he, is te remain hen aa abate -leader at 8t* Peter's eharoh. Acme of the ci'`en%y sad err - late at Clinton ♦'t' •lleedd "penes from this town. Kloc•rdl.e Reporter : Rey. Mr Odwie, of Godertoh, preaohed in the Methodist ohuroh here on Sunday. Loge 000gre4a- tio0• wen delighted with hie er110006. Orcealey and Heater, the evangelists, after a month's work at Clinton, leave this weak for Muoeapolle, Minn. The meeting. is Clinton roused great interest, were well attended sad doubtless have a000mplubd muoh good. Rey. B. L Hatton, pastor of the Dao- vea0on Methodist oharoh, was 1• teem ISA' Friday. Mr. Ha1tc.'s oharoh is a*der going • renovation, sod in • few weeks the completion of the work w111 be celebrated by • .tectal **role.. North-tl. Methodist oharoh in • few weeks will be lighted with the new Illamio- eat--•eetylene gas. Flleiapr & Rohm. tea bay. the coatraet of patting 1. the peat, sad new have the maohine-an 80 tight ass, anf.otured .t Dtodas-.t their store. Rpeoiel evangelistic services are Mang held in Vietore.et Methodist °harsh et 7:30 mash evening. Church workers and the ges.tsl pobits .n eordllly invited Rae. M. J. Wilms, R.A., et Heemiller, will prewh es McNulty .ed T.seday evenings cell week. Aesiysnry and lbsakNtrlog s0rvi..a twill he held le Victoria -et, Methodist •hme0b ss the 10M .f tht. mostb. R.. R Clerneet, of Onterioet. 81.tbdlat Mimeo, Climes, will preach morning and evening, sod • platform meeting .111 be held en the Monday evening hallowing, at whin* pop. sir midyears will be del/mewed by ite.0 R. Mlllyerd, of 011.1.., W Rigsby, of Blyth, pr.sIl8.b alltelowidoe oosfenaee, J. W il- liea, 412...1 Wirth -et., awl J. A. Ander. see, H.A., of Kea eharo& epeeist mask Will he 'adored by the *heir tad others The Nortlise. Methodist quieten, board mrd es Teesday enures. Tie financial report was very eneoaregiog. Th. follow- ing won elected be ballet se stewards for the easing year : 8. P. Halle, M A , R. W. McKee.i., Jemleeen Reid, J. Stokes, .7...ph Whitely, W. R. Rebeeteee, and Walter Pridh•m e. P. Halle was unanimously elated to the oAiee ed recordist, .7.ward. The hard appoint- ed A. Farrow, () Anhwm, N Ni,otJ. debases and J P. Brows as It. renre1eM- Wires se the masianne oommit4es of the 9ae4•y ssheel. W. R Rehertaoa and R. W. Magma, • ware •penlsid •./Mare et 4ha shureb ammonite tee the year. T*e tnllMl.4 Seeman% wee ghee at the NINtrtereet by MW 1114 W.hb.14 W. Graham Hededn, Is Ner►a-0t. Mot*ndiee ekereh 00 Mns4•y streaker : Orman ale, Me.. Mildred Corneal,* mediae, "Her Hsehand," Me. W.hb: song. "The Death ed hobos," Mr Hndedee: t•Ydiee frees Tanya, MI.. W.1). - e0... Mies Campbell, tong, "Mese." Mr Hod. - dee; reading, "Little Cheats." Mien Webb; son., ••%Vasderug Child, Come Hoene," Mr Hododoo; reading, "My First Elooetion :,lase,' Ml.. Webb The attendant,* was not se large as was •zpsoted. Mien Webb is • plait*.looutionut. Oa Seedsy tee• the mooed •asivernmry of the opening .f the new 8t. Peter's was eh - starred. The alts of the shsro* was pret- tily decorated with flowers .ad maids t8e beautiful Adios flags were flying ID hector of the 000aiion. Low mass was oelenr.ted 10 730 o'clock A r , high masa at 10:30 A.M. aim vespers at 7 r r. Rev Father Kreldt, of Niagara Fall,, N. Y , preao0ed at .soh of the 'attics, t0..ubjeat. of hie duooureee heiog, reep.00v.ly, " Let your ooavere.tloo be in Heaves," " The Temple of Jed," sad " The 8.oritioe of the New Dew." The rev• *rend gentl.nsa, who is tm. Provincial of the Order of Mast Carmel sad is well knows es • ma..lo0ary worker, is en earnest and elegant speaker. His first sermon wee pr.atlo.l and lo.truotiye; the others were more of • demised cheater. F.Ner Mo- Rasa of St* Augustine, officiated at veaaan aid beaediotteo. Special ennela was pro- vided by the choir, who were *...ted by H.milwa Nicholls, of Berlin. Mr. Niebell.' beautiful Noor voice Yam heard 4* two aloe, " 0 Selateri.," In the morolag, and " Ave Maria," at the evening ser,ioe. Tbe duties of casuist were ably duohmreed by Chea. ('lewortb. On account of ticm vet y dtoagreeoble weather the .srvoee were not so largely itNoded as w.nW otherwise h.ve been tat msee. ANNOUNCEMENTS- Rtoe's Pare eat for rbl. or dairy. Crowded hooses everywaen tree► the Boman !deal.. I have re0.ioed a carload of British Col- ombia shingles, which 1 am prepared *sell at primes to .nit. F. yrasrr. tt arm ire, %Ake` 1ejr$iir droll apples to *8. nrapor•tor, quick 1 want ail I esa get at the yery highest prlo... I) F. HAru,t. Lodt.e, den'1 mtsa ..sing ne.11 week'. •1- 17004*on et 18. Opera Honer, ee IC le 18. meat refined oompeoy ever brought here, Reed prise ootides to duly papers We b..m just received oar amnia' .bhp - .lent of teas direct from Jaime. W. sell • Japan tee .t 25o. that is hard to bast ; one at 201. that is • wonder to Emmy. Our teas mod oofeee take 0o eeeo.Ioo. . emelt, wtodow display t*1. week.d pO. M,E,t,t.l8eolro 180 Hamilton -•t. grocer. r COMING AND GOING. Rlre's Pure Salt for tattle or dairy. r There is oonsider•ble difference of oyyla e es to Tasoods betwosn Itnolaed and hone, bat ever ons has agreed that If you want the beet to the photo line yon can have it at R. H. dello wt . The beet In rail alto *ad ...meets are to be bed at T.J.Prldbam's. the peopl0n clothier' Ho has the finest Maes at all romans• and la Pall goods the show is particularly good, J•a. Clark returned from Wiertoe o0 Tuesday. Walter Shaman bas resorbed trent the Kloobtke.' Wen. Yule has returned from be trip he the Wait. M,.. Lab. of HelmesvU10, wee is saw. 0o Monday. E. Heaton has nlaraeb tress We WO M the Old lend. Mn, Crabb has nursed (gaga hsla le• Bay City, Miobi4.t, t, -- Jobe Armour, of Vieeieleek,pia bend vire te tows this week. - Mra Chas. Crabb, of Hempen, is epeatihtg slew days with lire. Ctebb, r. Clinton New. Reoord Andrew McGawe area in Oodrioh • few i t jr last week. Mateo News Record : Mrs Jetfereoe peat Sudsy at her borne la (leder**. Mrs. Alex. Craig's has returned from • tripes Cleve/sad, Detroit sad 8tntfeed. Miss Brum bas returned tress Blyth sad has been spending • few d•ye in town Mils week. Clinton Neuse Record : Mies MoKaiar,.t lidortob, is the ruse* of Mn. W. G. Doherty. Rev. H. T. Crowley paid • short visit on Saturday to Rev. J. Ham aed f•mQy, Sort ict. Mrs. Reynolds, r.. W ipso he Terrage, where she intends, we mt4eraMte, Us opted the winter. A, 8. McGregor, of London, rep,..s 4* the Sun Life Asturen0. Co., is in town for • tow days. Laohoow S.ntisei : Mrs. Norman Mathe- son and daughter Della ara yisttl•g triads is God.rioh. Clinton News Record : Dave Mole, et the Odrioh Star staff, visited (deeds la urns NI Sunday. Clinton Nauss Reword : Gibe. Dario, Fred Platt and John Walters, of Uodriob, were in town on Sunday. Chas. Hawkins. of Windsor, formerly et Sheppardtoo, was acinar feenem i• this vioitity Iasi week. Mism Oliver has ret creed toNew York •iter a visa of several menta with her mother and sister here. 8eefotth Repeater : Miss.. Maggie Fel. miner sad Annie Whlddon, of Goderieb *peat Moeda! In Hayfield. Mn. Thomas Tipll.g, of (ode,l.h, fru the goat of her sister, Mn. T. F. Miller, of W ro:else, for • few days. Leoknew tvw.11nel: Mises M.yme Me- l•or and Marg Campbell, of Ooderioh, are visiting Meade la the village. Clint.. New F.r* : Kra. E. Martie, whet bee been oldies friends are, retorted to _ Ito haws a 0ederl.11 this weed1..,_.....,w.,,,,r.,.,rr wikr-- Clinton News Raid : Mn. J. IL ONO. well visited her daughter le law, Ora 111.4 *rtweil, 10 Oderlob on Tuesday. Glisten News Re.rd _ Mies Molts... et 'vrsasm.' Oodgt'nh, spent Friday with realest lm awe we ber wee to grit la Detroit - 011at611 News iteeerd : Mr. sad ala Charles Copp sa4 family, of O.d.e408, wore gaits of Mt. sed M. Wm. Step oe Um - day. (nem. Penaf.ttes h.. ,etered to town. W. enderoteed hot has glee up his kneel - tion of gilder out Weet sad ay rentals le ' ane. Motes News Retard Mn. Felker n tered M ber home in thvtori.h on T,ede• .her speedier • few ,lays be tows the Rua of Mn. R. B. ('eulee . Wm. Rebertece reteroa4 hewn 0.dmit- d•v of last week tress BMA* Oei0ssbiet We regret NN k* Walsh to two toe (roe WovN, tednetory, a.4 bop* It .MBe t be et ,e- ntre, 0.wsr4 left e. T8*tr 4.y her Twee. to, where 0be win reside with bee ss.,Cbem ter B. Edward. Ilia latter, with his sbildres. Oke bed been ,Welting 1a taw., m*.,ts4 to Tomos No muse day.' Mine. D. S. (ad said 081100. Mew Nae J te 0..4.4.08 be reside M r Mire beef ., , -•i r eartsn are thein.. be Mt,.... • -jig 4•