The Signal, 1898-11-3, Page 76V6.4 CRAVSHAY
e Well?" She altered Ib. 'Ogle .y la -
H, trurstle& without allowing a sign
*symptom of ber feeling to be saw in
Ids leer.
"I mean," and his voice grew a trill
wares sud aneteady-"1 meal that Sir
affray is the one Matadi) in your path,
me It is necesear7 fug your sake mud for
mine that Ib. obstacle .buuld be re-
▪ Lila clinched ben bands till the nails
r,.ar]. ran auto her palms, and the bit
ser lip hard in her agitation, and it was
:1. r minute before she trusted herself -
0 peat
Th,. Frenchman filled up the interval
bebuug a trash cigarette sed walk-
er up and down the room. He was
lad of the }Coss, for the strain of the
aumrnt toad Co bin, He was very pale,
std the purepiratioe same out in • line
I brads on his forehead.
"I thick I understand yon." said
,rola at length when she could trust
.raelLen tpuk.^ Aad what it to balk.
. n after -alter what you mean?"
He wee by the door of the rosea obeli
la spoke, and he turned and answered,
lauding still. He tried to speak lightly.
"What should happen?" --be cried,
rith • wave of the bands and a shrug
1 the.boaiders. "You would be free,
id I would claim you u my wife."
" Yott would claim met" she repeated.
"Certainly," be said masterfully.
Yost would be my wife" -
He stopped soddenly without finish -
g the sentence and turned toward tb.
"Wbat's thatr' be cried He rushed
the door Red tried to open it quick -
but in hie haste fumbled with the
&udle and then threw It open and
"coked out.
There wu eo one there, though be
',ought be could bear the whisk et a
rets, but be said nothing of this to
I wu mistaken," he said, returning
the room arid closing tbedoor behind
• I t moat be a &Til'o pits indeed."
,of Lola, "when it makes even you
waglue that there are eavesdroppers."
He made no answer to this.
"Wen: yeteinuw my riche now," be
aid. "It 1s the only ane possible to
t• t us out of this mesa Wbat do you
"You don't expect me to reply off -
and that I am ready to take pars is a
rot to murder my husband?"
"Wby not? You hale already tem
Seamed the part with me."
The malice in his tome and face made
Lela clinch ber teeth and flush with
Inger. Bat she did not let the hot word.
:hat rose to bar lips escape them. In -
'read of obie she eked as calmly as obs
need force herself to speak:
"How do you propose to carry out
'be plan?"
"Oh, there are 50 way& Any we
re • hundred drugs that can be got
eirltout difficulty will do all that we
need. and any one of • hundred oppor-
luufttra which can to as easily found
cr mads will let us, 'fiber you or I, do
It "
"And when would you propose that
!no cr 1"-sbe pried on the words-
'tebnuld do thio'"
"The .cover the better," be immerged
u coldly aa if be had been
ieme trifling matter of everyday rott-
en,. "1 eah get you tee drug, or you