HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-10-27, Page 2• -'t
The Signal
e Moo=
Torras of $heedp*loa
gmoan, he Mdi.eeo ..8 U
months ...• le
year " 100
Advesttdsg Rosati
eLt eae fand
,, eredlverttaeremeuIceter, Unehreah
sure..pomt Luartlou- M,vuuru.1 by •
aoalarutl a ale.
Saslow esrde of six lines aid under, 06 per
Advernsemena a Lac Found, strayed. 811,-
14mune• Vaasa. tole -Mom Wanted. and Bal-
e rs Chancre N antwl, 1101 eiceedlog 6 Lusa
•uaprren,rl ser month
Houses on Srl. end Berms on Bale, not 10 se-
wed Shoes, r1 fur 'rat m huh, Om. per subs►
gamut mouth. Larger arias fu proportion.
Any aerial notice. the object of which is to
the pecuniary benefit al an individual
roM eumtany to be .ered an any
sd eharged ronWee•orduy:1y.
Loral notices in mayoral type nee ear pre
wprd. no aota0e las thou rte.
notices In ordlwry reading type two
}ea a ler ward. No note• for leas than Ys•.
odees for rhurehes and other religiose and
vuant lraututluus. fist s'sa.
Outecrlbers who fall to receive Tex 9o.At
regutarty by malt, will confer • favor by So-
euloting r of the fact at ea early • date es
henen • chauge of address is desired, both the
Ed and the new addrer should be given
Publisher's Netts.
J. C. LS Touset, o1 Gade•rtrh, hal been an
dented Leal Travelling Aseut for the Towa-
,,.f■•i)aaoaopf Oodsnek, OolIArne, Aandeld and Wm
Loral poetic. i s bier the district are
gaporered to reodve subscriptions to TO
m NA&
i 0111_communicatlons must be addressed
D. litoffILLITO
Tan Wuaat«
Tslepttooe all SO. Ooderlcb, Oat
framed. Pae.teat.d a.d rreeervad d
11)by Paragraph., for th. t• 1 M
rltait seal tingle. -- rerwaal. ro)Itlea/
tiatar.lay evening by num aegro•s,
beaten Into lusens1W1f$y aDd robbed et
1be anions reoently atom° from the
home of Prof. Hohar1un, the Dominion
Deity CuutmleelOner, were valued at
POO. A purr ooutalulug X67 was also
10 into
Os Thoreday night the residence of
MM David Ooldle at Ayr was entered
by burglars and Yaluatlle silverware was
Molten. 'the Gale and Preston polioe MT.
ru,l 1 r..anhtr. a olue.
stIciDRS. , Jesse Jawee. son of the noted baudll,
11. juryhas returned •verdict of sub arnes10d on she Oars. ut having guilty
( knowledge of the moans Mlaauurl Paths
0140 in the ram °robeterm band, "1h"". train rubbery, has been released on 12,100
1l ilkingou, whore body was found In • boll at Kauru Clty, Ago.
cistern at L'Aularoux Alexander Wiggins, who mhos Charles
Til! FIRE HECoRD. Hare at • char/earl In Mohnen. Town -
At Listowel tbo .t:*Lleeowned by John'
ship out, night last week, has left the
Shank were de
badly damaged by e. o00ntry, wblhe bola vlctllu still Ile. In •
'the brick resldunoe of Mr. Greer, In Prualrlous condition at lavender.
Lludsty was d'e rayed by Ore on Thur.- The wife of the ate Prof. William
day night. Mrs. (bear was alone and Board of l'hlladelphta 1s on her way to
barely e•oaped with her Mc The house the Klondike to atWmp{ to secure the
• nd moments ale a total loss. body of her husband as evidence against
those she believes /o be his murderers
TM body of 16 -year old Daisy Smith
of Shamokin, Pa., was founi rtddlod
(len. Brooke has leen dlrwterdby the with shot and her thrust out open with a
U. S. War Department to consider the kslts. lidward Krlre•gr ham eoafwaed
vutject of a parlaanent garrison for the that he killed this pal because she jilted
Leland of Porto Rloo, him.
1M Spanish troops shipped to Spain It. A. Beaulieu, said to be • defaulter
up eo data number 6,617, not Including from Montreal, bots been arrested at
those who w111 aril in a few days, which Plat1burg, N.Y. Up to lost August be
will make a total of nearly 9,000. I was dlscouot clerk In Hank le National
R AILRU.tU Rl.li41t1:L + Of (Otago at Montreal. He will Matt
ex tnd l tion.
FOR age ow WA
The Stare and Strip's will
'raised at San Juan on '1'
T1a new Grand 'I rook elevators at
Midland? and ()wen around w1U b• ready
Udslfto Luelnees tote weak.
The bylaw to exempt from taxation the
Canadian Pacific yards snit works as
-Yannourer. lj C,, involving el Prowl
01,000 odd, and In future possibly 1180,•
000, way carried ou a three-fifths afffra•
ties Tote by 21 majority. Labor was
organised agalnat it
rued... 11.00 son
ra11Md•iapmmr. Leo p.es.
iffell aid *IF ••• 10.80 p.m.
MgIl all aad Exprom. 1.16 as .
sad praes \' 5.'0. gm
Mixed G -R pas.
*(� NICHOL10 N, 1. D. 9.
au uLSTaL 1114*
Rooms opposite Ow
Gold Filling, Crown and Wit •
Yeses homiest*.
Yergwe-Latest and approved
for all dental operatwtie. Preservation of the
N atural teeth a 'penalty. Once . Cor. West et
'adhesion (up stairs). Entrance on West K
• gnrger (Lately aea,cated with Dr.
Mee*, of monorail. (told and porcelain. arta.
Ica' teeth mounted oa geld or aluminum beam,
aperlal atteolon gym to the preservation of the
sauna teeth (lice In McLean's new block.
% %tf
ac- OMce: Brum street. the rrsld••oce
lately occupied byy !h. McLean. Night calls
Iran residence Telrp'.o"e :a. ..
▪ _- -
tor, Notary labile. Canadan Bank es
Oc.meres Chambers, the Sq' •re, 0oderleb.
• tor NoYr7, oc. Ohre ever Medi id Hall,
apart, doderlek.
• tor, Qmtmieeloner, ac. Murrey to lona.
=Cor, HamUtan and tot Andrew's streets
WY, est leo
M. OMee: North at., next door 9mxag
Om. Private Funds to lend at lowest rats of
Interest. 8060
Attorneys honchos, tc-, Guderkb. J. T.
Sorrow QC., W. Proudtoot.
ars, Solicitors In Chanter) ac., Ooderlek.
M. Q Cameron, Q. C.. P. Holt. Dudley Holmes.
• commissioner for taking and receiving
recognizance. of ball, all l.vlts or afrsnetlous,
depoettior or solemn declarations In or con.
Inss an a•Uon salt orproee.ding In the
h Coartd Jwttr•e, ash. 00011 of Appal for
o, er so any Coot y or DIVIOk Overt.
211 transactions carefully andomptly ex.
gated Residence and P. 0. aldree..--DunSan-
sea, oath emit
Money to loan, pirate funds; also first
slims tarns to rent or tell. Houses and lues a
eat or
tfor Ws E. N. LEW1S,Barrb4r, 0od-
ricmamma Mice. opposite Martel OWL,
ARA Kos cent Notre discounted L. REA-
„S0EL Ogee: Opposite Martin's Hotel, halm
• • dent Insurance Arent; at lowest rates.
Omer : Cer. Nort1et and lgume, Oe4rte\ N
Paas of Private Pandit for Investment at lowest
ROW! PROOIiDFOOT. Mortgages. App17. to OAb
Real rotate and Money Loaning Agent
Only first -clams companies represented. Mersey
b Led es straight limns. at the lowat rata of
a ng in any way to salt rife borrows,.
d door hem 8gaan, Wen .treat
-cb. fdvrt
AO R.pelr Wanda". at Rerorahle Prima
Fermi ,at Implements for sale. Wa.htn.ryy, new
apd •ern ul hand. Iw uuht and mild. Engine
and9�d.rre for le e. :..r or Bates, old owe*
np, corner Cw•hn ,n .d jTrafalgar etr.ettMJ-
lr.rais Agent, Ooderieh. Ont. A5gwwnt
London yayid Lane .hire FIs. Iry Cn , the Grrre
Dly,rlct.lOf IMO seta, Aw asses stiandad \r. a
say p►n of the twenty, m ll
TOM 11.01 Ogi1SAIr *UtyriONHtl
sad land Valuator, erlhh Ont. Hav-
ing lad oorld.rable ex a the suction-
pM is 1• • ar
to dlllargo
satishoticie allerr
fa Orders left all tea's hetet
.05.0411 mall shim addnst, P. O.
learet•Rf attesde' to. JOHN 0 •ry
sr, 1.08 41
TO1a0i1Al. *116*?.
1111•11,111•4111 IJORNllfia.
The Hamilton jury In themes of Robb,
who was sued for $10,000 damages by
Tempter. whom wits dad trona a kick
given by jiobb'a horse at Hooktoo Fair a
year ago. has given a verdict to favor of
she defeadant. To.. plalatlff bas to par
the roosts.
A ala On the new poet office at Wood•
Moth has basso ohoesn.-
Tbe storm barge Aragon hu beeh i- Paying 011 wells have been bond on
(reed from the C*.aide Rapids abeal on the woos ooaa of Newfoundland.
Pointed Paragraphs,
Yesterday's neglect causes two-thirds
of to-dey"a won -7.
Ail that Stan wants here below Is a
tittle more,tpaa he's gut.
It's all work and no play for the un*
who pimps tale organ.
Fashionable calls might p11411117 be
calleed a game of cards.
Worth makes the man, and 11 1.0(1011
bgured In dollars and ceutr
luta of Dien sy'mp•thfse with the
moon when it readies Its Last gainer,
A cat may look at it king, but she
won't do it if there is a mouse la alght.
The world is full of budding genluoe.
1 ut the wajority of them get nipped In
the bud.
fres a moa'■ Intent to crave power.
nld if 110 can't bully mother gran or a
417 he gets married.
The critic may not reed doe-tklyd of
tie author's book, but the author reads
every word of the criticism.
Some bushande and wives are dfvor,
ed on account of a misunderstanding.
and others because they understand
. ell other too well.
there never was, end never will ba. ,
universe! panacea, in one remedy, for all
1i1. to which flesh is bele-the very nature
of many curatives being such that were
the germs of other and differently seated
diseases routed In the system of the,
patient -what woald relieve one 111 In
turn would aggravate the other. We
bare, however, to Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound entedu&laseaed
state, a remedy for many sad grevioua ills.
By its gradoal add judicious use, tLe
Iraitest 17atems are Id )uto convalescence
•nd strength, by the influence wbicb taut -
nine exerts on Natuna own rostorativea
It relieves the drooping epirlta of those
with whdbr • cbronio sate of morbid dem
poodency and lack of interest in life is •
dhow, and, by tranquilizing th. nerves
diepo•es to sound and refreshing sleep -
Imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses through -
Which she ran during the big gale. El.otlons In the Territories will to held out the vet m, streugtbeuing the healthy
On Saturdny the n.-boo°er Nassau was on Nov. 4, nominations. Oct. 29. auimal functions of the system, thereby
sunk In • collision et the mouth of the Snow te11 1n Cb6•ago for over an hour making activity • necessary result,
h.etrolt River by the steamer Colby. The years.Thurseiay night. It was the earliest 1 t 86 rtreugtheuing the trams, nerd giving lite
lues will reach i ru,uuu. No 015 vise to the digestive organs, which nadirs/1Y
killnll. A movement Is coo toot In Toronto to demand meowed substauce-result, im-
Tbe Government has awarded contno10'stalillah • consumptive sanitarium near Proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
for the fortnightly winter steamship the city. Toronto, have gtren to the public their
service between SI John and Liverpool, They fine carters who allow para of superior Quinine Wine -at the usual roue,
besets to dull •t Ilalffai both 'Arts, to their loads w drop on the strafe do To• u1d, ptAu,(wl by the opinion of retention,.
the Allan ao•l Dominion I.lues. this wine approaches ueare.1 perfection of
ronco now. guy in the market -.e dnt; .s selllt
The Banc of 'Toronto has ms
s won the ca
,*galagF cM h' vine Tito lnsurap., Co, www
-, Retty-
The cur( ' t'bll7'Blirleitta1Lrt A oon•ciouanen of responsibility quick -
An eartbquake felt a Viealfa, Cal., on ens • sense of duty to be faithful. To
Thursday rooked houses on their founds- know that one le trusted 1. an molts
Mons, broke oroctery and aroused many me0t to prove one's self worthy of oon-
It has been decided that the loronto
Coofereno• will meet on the seem*
Thursday In June, ISA), ■t Owen :sound:
Hey. John Watson of Grarenhuret has
been appointed to the 100U113 NOM,' of
h:mmenul Reformed 1plsoopal Church at people. Adams. To trot a child Is to aid a eblld
Bid ignite. Four hundred packages of dairy but- to sot In the line of the best that le ex -
Archbishop Chapelle of Now Orleans tor, 1001105 over Limo pounds, were pected of him. There le nothing that will
has been appointed by His Holiness Popo .hipped last week to Vanoouver, B.C., tend to keep a man up w his highest
Leo apostolic del.gute to Cuba. This la by' Minuet -low Man., shipoe15- standard of well-being like the thought
Hume'a fleet recognition of the changedA partial upon by the expert who has that be It loved and honored by one wbo
oondltlon of affair,, The appointee daolosers examining the books of ex•Taz Col• a worthy of love and honor. Then a
speak English, 'p•nl.h and French. loner Keough of ilohote, Mar., Showa inspiration and • steadying power In the
THE DEAD.• probable shortage of {118,000. knowledge that one has become, however
Wthlam McKittrink. wbo fell downtime unworthily, as object of "much lore aad
stair* at lis bane In '1'urooto on Friday It L now sated that Hamilton10111• mapr.7ers ,•
afternoon. died on vturday. 167• the Toronto seatptar, will execute ny
the statue of the a10 Aaxander Macken- Saw Condones* Stomp.
B.v. Hazelton A. Spenser, pre,fdtng , zfe, and that Mr. Siebert will f°tulsb The soadon la to have a new po.Mg.
elder of 3t Johnsbury Ua1,-Id , Vt., is theed
pal.• stamp, so stamp collectors aaa. Th•
dead of heart failure, aged til yeah. He Judgment has bean entered In favor 0f tuaeon for the change a curious.
was born In Lynn. Ont , In 1897.
The Egyptian pontos stamp has a
ere.oent as a watermark, but the water-
mark of the `ioudanes "tamp is a eros.
And good Mehommedaos object strongly
to apply their tongue to mucilage that
adberee to the sign of the cross. They
want to !Pik a nv.oent.
So %be present aeries of Sandanese posh
0'110n11y revolted from asphyxiation by age stamps are, eay the collectors, to be
nattiest Ras. withdrawn, and than with • cresceat
water -mark substituted.
1>r. Donald A. Taylor, acting assistantthe 'Toronto Street Railway Company for
w rge»n in the litneral iheplt*1 at-Fort-FortArag•irat the Klectne Company of
McPherson, Is dew,' of perlwnttls brought Amer101 •t Chico for breach of war
on by hard work In the hospital. inti of an electric enentor.
At North Tonawauda Airs. Orville C. The Masonic testimony of H. every.
Burton and her daughter Inez, aced 80, Hawaiian Islands, worn Mason. every
were found dead In bed. Death bad against going there, as then is
llttie or 00 opportunity for thaw wbo are
unemployed of getting • livelihood there.
Jobn F. Mlnclslr, whoa previous r•0(•
Skilled labor tar exceeds the demand.
dente was Canaria, was either murdered
or committed suicide as Cincinnati OD
t'tlday night, as his dead body woe food
then. He was • Roosevelt Hough Rider.
• g.•►NR,` IMWiRO Q/_ MARRSA011 u•
Mae Way.
's • young woman vibe makes
dome she do 1N'
.rtthinetb to • primary
TM two-year-ol t daughter of Robert
Hyndnean, Ottawa, conductor on the
0. K- R., was tart Ibly madded at her
father's boa, and U beyond recovery.
At the Ontario Wheel Company's
works, Oananoque, Byron Keating white
putting • belt on a shaft used a atlok to
do w. TO "tick whirled around, strik-
ing blm in the stomach. His injuries
. re so serious that he may not roomier.
Jamul K. ('londennln, • millionaire
coal merchant of New York, died at
Hooa.v.lt Hospital from injuries received
by a runaway team al Central Park
Clrole Sat°rdaf afternoon. He. was presi-
dent of the Areola Coal Co. of Nov
The horse of Mrs. NU.. and .on of
M.rrit ion.on Saturday shied at a hole in
the high bridge ,r meting the hydraulic
race at the Llntoln Paper Millet and then
started to book. Both jumped and Jura
11 Ilene, for the horse and _whom- are
low at the bottom of the deep •
Tbe Torouto Reform Association and
the Ontario Liberal Association w111 ten -
dr Premier Hardy • banquet on Nov. 16
In the Toronto Pavillon.
M. Henry Allen, the civil •.tgfoer
whose disappearance In New York, was
telegraphed Intl week, baa been found
and has returned to Toronto.
The Duchess of Marlborough, formerly
Mise Oonewlo Vanderbilt of New York,
gave birth 8. • son et London on Friday.
Motor and ohlld are doing well.
It is likely that the (laltr's mime con-
tinent* will meet in St Petersburg In
January. The quanta' of dlsermament
will be the only question diamond.
The Ray. Dr. John Henry Barrows,
organiser and preetdent of the Parliament
of Religious wblrh was held In Chicago
during the World's Fair In 1898, wHl
visit Toronto this month.
The flea:d }Amite 1. tired of law and
N le unlikely they *111 mutest the right
of Howard Ooald to half Ora money left
him by his father for marrying the
entrees Violas Katharine Clemson.
Billy Batsman, (sat lake, bobelketepr
and popular 'porting man, who bad a
Dominion Unvernmen& permit to take to
• (largo of whiskey Io Dawson City, bee
✓ eturned to Winnipeg, loaded with Nug-
get* aild ioawMn of the detentev,
The National Council el Women of
Canada en Thursday presented lady
Aberiesa *hire address at the final
meeting prior to the departure of her
L4dyablp trade Canada. lady Aberdeen
was .ready moved is replying.
Right Hoa. Joseph Chamberlain, Wil-
ts& ol.ontary of State for the Colonies,
with his wife And daughtr. who haw
Loon •luting the Endtontb In Mesa -
'humours, salad tor England ea 'Sedates
417 on beard the Whits Scor steamy
Major Cromwell of Wtndeor Imo NO
sen" to telt far sti monthe it Hammon
tee stealth, • bteyote.
G 0. Masa, the Maw* wallerWeels
sloth, bee bash eommftte6 fee 11.1 ea
fibs Aerie st amhsuzling pity tithe
The p,evMw officers d the 00.1.mf
on Thursday eira.l In the woods some
Ho.kong Lake. neat Lindsay. a lane
1111011 whiskey mill.
ik. Nastily OeIM.wd will baba extivadl-
tla,, and *111 go e0 the Mod when the
Aosta** oakum week !Ando, attd tell
W she left 8$dgeport, Ossh., weestly.
R. Fula',, pafddent ttrlhe IIulbs
OMapsa,. ohMaw IPM bold t p
An amalgamation of 24 planing mIll
plants, Involving about 115,000,000 In
capital, is now being planned among
leading npreeenativee of the trade. TM
mills proposed to M taken into the deal
are located in luteol•, Wlsooneln, Michi-
gan, Mlnneeoa and Iowa.
Daring the firs nine month• of ibis
year there wire Luau* by an 1 x Canada
amounting to 17,477,380, of which the
Insurance compasses will bane to bear
88,980,040. Last year the 'arms were {ti,•
186,920 and the lnsura0o• companies'
proportion of ft won 11,,i68,920.
The City of Toronto on Wednesday
g ranted 1400 to OM triangular show of
the Toronto, Ontario and Amerloa.
Poultry Aseoclatlons, :o bo held in that
city on Jan. 10 to 14, both Inolu.ly.
The show *111 be the arsenates p0u,,-y
gathering ever held In the country, over
8,000 entrlw Ming expected.
While the 9,000 minors were attending
the funeral of thele dead oomrades at
Springfield, Ill., the 106 Imported negro
miners were smuggled out of the city M
St Louis Me, The attorney et the Vtr-
den Coal Co. says there nisi be no fur-
ther attymps to land Alabama necrosis at
the mines, but an attempt w111 be mad*
to fix the responsibility for the tragedy
en Governor Tanner.
Because the meets of the Pullman
Palms Car Co. exneeded the par value
of Ib stook by mon than 118,00,000 the
dlrenton on Saturday increased the espi-
al stook 60 per Dent. and allotted 180,001
shave to the prawns stockholders. A
quarterly dividend of 88 per Shan was
authorised. The annual entement tr
the year ending July 81 .bows gross
earnings of 110,674,968 and disburse -
fonts of 8$,180,96b. net sarninga 19,•
Railways 1w ladle.
TO railways In India o. Marsh IIsi
1896, aggregat d 25,454 miles open and
senetloned, of whleh 21,166 miles were
open or traffic, leaving 4,298 tulles under
eoostruotlon, or snthnrtsd. This was a
Dot increase a< 760 rnilea
Melee N..ai Derontlwnl.
Fathom -A measure of six rami.
1'mrret-A tower for the prossotlon of
the gunners.
Crow's Nest -A perch for the lookout
on the masthead.
Jamb's ladder -A short adder with
W0011 rung ■04 rope sides
Capst*D-A machete 111.4 04 board
ablp for lifting heavy weights.
Armateen t -A term expressing 001-
11011,517 all the guns of a ship.
C•►Ir-A knee, heavy chitin mod to
retain a ship in plate at anohor.
Bow ('tenser -A rain monnted la the
bow to fin as retreating 'remote.
Bulkhead -A partition separMlfOgeea-
portmenta on the same diet.
HInnaele-Tbe enmpase box of • ship,
with a light to .bow It at night.
Gangway -1 h. aperture la • Ship's
silo whem persend enter and depart,
knelt --A nautical mite of 2,086 yards,
equal to about one and one 'eighth statues
IHeplarement-The wet?ht In tons of
the Totems of water displaced by a ship's
Drbetee-A 111.4 eirenlar belt ase
ertntrnr for protecting the inns to a re-
volving turret
Monitor -A sew, as•r1y ft•Mtselloa ed,
armored mesa, with sae net tyre Wrath%
oath eerrylwg two gess.
Bniige--A platform above Me roll es-
t.adlag scams IM dock for tree eosveul•
GOOD et the ahip's ntfplars.
Oonatttg Tewar-Aa aransad towel,
where the wheel, engirt•, telegraphs, ekm ,
Oro tooteed aad trent *hieh the mash'
Y 6* s0( M dimer Ms men duels. •
Eight hours' sleep.
Sleep on your right die.
Exercise before breakfast
For adults -drink no milk.
Daily exercise in the open air.
Lire int- country it you tea•
Hare a twat to your bedroom door.
Hey. frequent sad short holidays
Keep your bedroom window open all
Eatlittle meat and see !bat It 1• well
Do n0( Lath your bedstead aab* 1M
well. •
Avoid Into: ire Me. whieldlostroy those
Watch the three D's -irking water,
doolp aad drains.
I. not your ambition wad hey Your
Kat plenty of fruit to teed the celle
which destroy disease germs'.
No cold tub In the morning. but a bath
at the temperature of the body.
Allow no pet animals to your Hying
rtoma, They aro apt to carry about
disease Serum
Out of Sorra.-Symptom., }leadache-
loen of Appetites, furred tongue, and gen-
eral indtepoattton. These symptoms. If
neglerud. develop Into scut. diatom. It
lea trite saying that an "ounce of prevent
Hon 1s worth s pound of care," and a
Little attention at this point may save
months of sickness and large doctor hills
Tor thin complaint take from two to three
9pff Parmelee's Vegetable P111. on going to
bed, and one or two for tbree nights In
.acce,don. and a care will be effected-
111.• r .8 w••e,t..bas
'Too Inde blood In the brain le a fre-
quent canoe of hetdeche. and may be
1 -moonless!' by the ache being on the
top of the head, M constant dlttsinras
and by anises in the not The best
cure L a slight stimulant aorta as strnntt
tea or coffee or bot soup -anything (het
Ineresse the circulation- People ,
wbo suffer with these headache. Should
always sleep with their bead. low.
*, « 11.n,1 ,t e:trpn
Coronlnm, a chemical element klth-
erto found only by spectroscopic et
ami utton in the min's Corona, has
leen found b7 Prof. Nasld In the
gasses given off by Mount Vesuvin.. It
is supposed to be much lighter than ity-
44.4 A.iiv.?idioms.
The moat ectivp vnleano 10 the woad
M Monnt Esng y, 17,101 feet heat, DIP
40104 on the eawtern (tido of the An-
dre, Rnnlh Am.rirao it has been in
ct•t.tent eruption since 1718, and the
'tonna of its .xplealems is sometimes
besot at Qnito, a distant» 0( !80 mike,
!T having beth counted is aa boor.
To t.1191.. A 101.1, 1N ONE DAT
Take La Bran. Quinlw•- Tenets. An
Druggists r✓ n d 1'•e o, ••..v I, It We to ranthe
154, Mono Rmpenr kat hie d*min-
lea aek.owielged *Ter 4.!11,000 squsnr
settee of the earth', surface, a territory
roe fnnrih larger than that of the Unit-
ed States.
rlIflyd't L almost for NIMIMRi s.
The lutes* eiuvw sew w4alatlae.ate•te1M 1•
,.rod nil When bitter wpm the Fond,
law It to a teemed filled with nil. and the
v,lsoe wt11 rime ant and hat to the air
imre of the Houk.
When fhb Blood Is ' Pure and
Rloh It Will H.RI Rapidly.
Vole Sae{ Doseastr.ted to tint Cr.. 01
l heet.r l:ewl.y, Who Rad Dere True
1400 rt Iib a Itu•ulas Sore. for Moro Than
Prom Tim 'Iliums, Owen Sound.
In the township of Sarawak. Grey
C••uuty there le probably no better
inertia Or respected runner thou TLoa.
(ilwley, of Kest Liuton P.O. Learn-
ers that his nephew, a 7ouug led now
shout ten years of age, hid Leon cured
of a disease of ha leg, which three:"a
ed not only the Ions of the lits. but
010 of the life of the little fallow, a re-
torter of The Times made enquiry, sad
was are Conrinoed that the wunder-work-
lntc powers of Dr. Williams' Pis* PRI
for I's(. People have not exllifittM{
themselves. Meeting Mr. Gawk la
oue of the drug stores of the tows, K'
wire ashrd if the reported cure was R
fact. His face Ughutd up with a ening
as he said, "indeed It le, sir. 1 was
afraid we wore going to lona the lad,
but he is now as well as ever. he..ny
and strong." Asked for partkalnra, Mr.
Gawky did the must notaal thing �n
the world. referred the reporter to his
wire, who -la telling 160 case said: 'Get
the month 0( Ikotoo tier. lg7f, m► +ser
phew, Chester Gawky, who liv,•s with
us, became &Mictee, with a severe pada
In lila tem In a flew days the Imre 1.-
tekfit-badly swollen and manful, SA
the f•w, physician was called ini. The
raw wasU• peridexiD5 ono, but It wo.
decided after a few days to lance the
la- Tie was done, but the wonn•I
inflicted would not heal up. but became
a runnlng sore. The little fellow scan
was reduced to almrat a skeleton This
continued thmtigh the winter writhe,
•nd we thought he would nerSr got tiff
his bed again. l0 April two of the beat
physlMns of Owea Sound operated nn
the lel; for dia'aao of the bone. In spite
of this treatment: the wound continued
to situ, mod we wino in despair. To
A00ust. w friend molding In Man'.toa.
i ..nlwha, adrlo.1 us to try Dr. WII-
1L:ma' Pink Pius. We eromme.ced to
nee them et once, end In a abort time
several pieces of the tome came n0'
wt- deo -ewe; ee t -before tip *pt,lld
token fonr boxm the leg wee e•m•
plrtely cared. '1 -hie was over a yt or
ago. and (•hrwter la now w ll sal le
airing In the left leg. which eaaad the
trouble, as In the other. Of ,-dine. 1
nromme°d highly the ti -.e of Dr. "81, -
Hems' Pink Pills."
Such Is the story of the fourth rune
which It ham been oar pleasure :0 I. --
tort from Owen Bound, Clir.8r ')ow -
ley Is growing op into a crone lr1,l,h•
lad, and it 4 hot adding enn•h.•r :ti
hate to 170 WUlismi Pink fills to .1v
that they wore the ne rrmert lit h',
r'.torstinn to h.n1'ly vigor,
iDr. Willi.". fink Pill. 0 -este new
hind end err this way drl..• ,Ihrn•e
from the eytSm. A fair •.r'tl erll! r.on-
. nee the most .keptie'al. Solt •Maly to
h„1ro, the 'emptier arnnn,l which Fran
the fids trade mark "Dr. P1-i'l Imo' Piet
ilia for Pole People, if y car M'nkr
dope not have them, they wilt be rant
post paid et 60 cents a box or mfr bnlet
for $?.fu, by sddroweing the lir. Wil•
llama Medicine Oo-, Brnekv!lle, Ont.
Owvveat rthat m
The same words Or words pr000unoed
alike, may have dtff,rcnt meanings to
different people, se 01 the following Inci-
dent given by The Ainerlran Meeeenger:
A farmer stopped 1n fronted • Michigan
city electric plant and asked • bystander:
What is that 'ere building, • taator77"
"No, • plant," was the anon.
*BIM do they mks ihmel"
"Cuisines." replied the wiled
Iva/soWhat w they wade -6 besbef t"
" We sell them by the shat. "
The farmer pulled hie bated. scratched
ha head and drove downtown to market
'G v '
Germany offers a remarkable object
lesson N the world In the way she mot-
et/es her forests, cod where, in fact,
forestry hos been reduced almost to
an exact whence. In that conntry about
11,000.000 anew of forest lands are own-
ed by the state. and the yearly Ievenne
hr not len. then O20.o00.004). Aaloat 20.-
080,000 acres of tweet lands ate .weed
l•y private IOdividnak, and their profits
are almost as great. During the syn
ffty year, thew romans have bean
eenrtantly on the Increase, owing to the
mom Intellectual management, Irreppee.
dye of the market price of the eanlmr
wall the Thee Av., can. t
A pertinent triathlon 1. asked le The
New Pork Evening Post: "Will !VV r'
ever come a time when, !meteod rt
boasting of the miles of asphalt pea,
meat in our cities, we can describe
the excellence of the country roads?
When. Moroi of taking of the col-
leges and high sehnola in the towns
we can be prnnd of the education gluon
to fanner; sons and daughters in the
conntry schools/ A time when farm
IIf. 1111 tens to Imply loneliness, drudg-
ery and Intellectual stagnat1nn,And when
to live In the country that God has
made will loo thought better than to live
In the towns shit man has iuilt?'
Word's Lllhee..t Is t a Reel
hoof sneer, broken, one pound L ,ne
Beet brown .near, oar pnttnd two
shirt'* is one port
Whin eager, powdered, oue pound oat
teem Is one quart
it nifty he only trifling visit, but neg-
lect 11 nod it w Ill '..vers in (Anse In your
mitt., and 700 *111 soot - i -' to
entitle rhengea at*4) Otautdtp.se to bath
rough.. OM) colds a eannot avoid tb.0n,
hilt we Vol effect • core by lowing Hick le's
Aetl-Conanmpttve Syrnp, the manikin*
that hoe never leen kaown.to fall In car.
ing oeughe, colds, bronchitic sol all of -
tertian' of th. throat, Intim end chat,.
TibaakteL •.
They weer of the trredoewt•hly snobbish
typo. One of them hoaved s sigh and re-
arked-"Whas • pity It 1s det•h toy, thee the
Print» of Wale doesn't I1ve is the Vatted
" Wever mind, nM chop Be thankful
for what yoe have It's smoothing to he
living on the earn earth with htm, you
knew."-wsbfngkat Star
00050... to Palo Fahead !..hien
Pair hahyd people are mid to be heeem-
Ing 10* namwrrwa Own formerly. The •a -
ohm t. Jews Were a Self itliffild hied, News
tiny 'e*. with few •seepele. s, Ogr11, So
ft is In a Imam *moth with 51. 1ti54,
srnnn. whom 160 yeses eon • dart Weed
puma was almost unknown.
rREE.! 46« le Brecht
ury ossa WNW•s
II ..t mil a Mt Real , sod
n wW .end yaa M e!
Ai(Wl il0 CA0N0YJ. • eat•
halos w Ioroam tie M W
for Das a11yyrwp oats, pat s evil *8.. bold ma
es me Mahn a the DraYhl�/ttl�r�s uwaa
this if seat add. Nolle 04liMier, enure
meo.N1 .....tee
TIMIAL: 1111PPLY 41St1 Tossorro, 0•,.
�) �►�1 WNW ' r..0 Day's Work
BM'111111111 --r M
we err• sea b r Woe. Mit • aae,a
Sir .visas re.• e.r mintas.a �•a1( Syn.
•eaace .•yn•e.taa dd ty
omans ajte
.. *5•r•a riot, Arse:;
61.611, r•w Maw/. 0414•10 1.0.0 .,d
Nand les noca
piton. amore. War, ,.
gees ue•pir• wart n e.l...
a•neapetanyQ M Vittoria M. T•rest•
IRiI• floe
Winoas ahurld iron Wits
1.18.• Ito luty M1l11.•ry.
To the dainty wolna• who wishes to
keep her bate up W 1540 saadard without
a grant outa7 of muntly or oonslant to-
w ers so Kadam• Mllllner, the practical
hinn given her cls..... by • finit -class
leacher of millinery may prove worthy of
xoamideratiou. 1 h tees velve'e•a, says
ills woman who knows, tt bettor than
silk velvet, so tar as durability and keep-
tng fa order ars conformed, for making
or trimming lute laid will 000 soil •
good quality of velveteen, as a little
. leealog will make It se god as new,
while • few drops of wager on Silk velvet
makes little %animations hard 80 re-
mora. For black hate, chip or straw, be-
ginning so grow nuet7, liquid shoe polish
may be used to good advantage. I1.Y
should be brushed every day before Ia7-
lag aside to term the dust from grinding
In. Artificial Mowers drooplag and
crumbed may he bttgbt.ne.1 and tresbend
by shaking for ten minutes through the
seam from the boiling teakettle (Ostrich
feathers respond a the Donee tee.tm.•5.
A good quality of ribbon oak's the most
durable, and consequently ohoapwt, of
ail hat trimmings. sanding the moisture
of the via or flying dust of amino
streets er oou°:ry driving better than
Sowers, teatimes or Moo
Howl ornaments may bet toads as good
as new by scrubbing 1n bol stapenda,
using a sell brush to reach the inter-
. 8*0.. then pol*Ahing with a ehamoW 'M
titling In sawdust, lo 1500,•10 uW blank
thread or French lame dip into • solution
of weak grteu 10a, then spread out upon
several thicknesses of newspaper laid
upon the Ironing board or other Bat sur-
face. With a pin pick out each 111'ie
point or scallop, cover the are with
sheets of newspapers, and put • weight
on the paper, allowing It eo remain
twenty-four boon. Fine white tan's,
Oilcan ribbons and .11k., mny be freeh-
and and cleaned with powdered mag-
nesia, or, if not too badly solid, wills
hal flour -taking can that it 1• not
kwwned in the heating. rprl.kle the
magnesia or flour upon a smooth abase
of wrapping paper, a7 the milk or Isom
upon the paper, and sprinkle more mag-
nesia Wier It Covor with another sheet
as. paler, plan • book or tome 11565
weigh. on the paper, letting It rest there
several days Take the fabric up. shake
well and brush with a soft brush, For
Lees that require stiffening rinse l0 •
pint of woos, In which gum arable the
also of a pea ID d..eolveri. roll about •
bottle and pull or pat with • soft Dowd
until dry.
011... a1 Ilorrewte.
The olive ylelda an abundant crop onus
In two years. Tbe season when olives • e
plentiful 1s called by theount•dlnl "1'anno
gesso," or the fat year; the other,, when
they are ware, being "Panne magro,"
or lean year. In the month of September
the fruit beatnik, turn a bluish hl•ok, but
it Is not tally colored till October It L
often attacked by small maggot, 'Toch as
an found to cherries. and then It falls
teem the fret.; but, though the olives are
partially spoiled, they ars picked off the
g round and a0 Inferior kind of MIL made
from them. Tbe longer they remain oa
the tram the beater L the quality of eel
they produce.
In other parte of Italy they are seldom
'Mitered before the month of December,
but ow'bo coast of Sorrento 1t L generally
Deosseary to harvest them earlier. In 1.11
the crop was abundant •red promtmd*e111
but, owing to the wast of rain in tl� and♦vgo,�
the fruit became dry and .briv,
when the heavy rains tame in Bap0tmbes
much of 16 rotted and fell, and meet d M
had to be gathered before it wassailed,
spoiled. In such • semen the and Of OF
tober w111 see the item entirely duupetld.
and the fine crop will bring to • poor bete -
vest and produce an inferior quality of ek:
-Chambers' Journal
Not to she T5 5.4 With.
"Of counts," he said to an offhand way,
"1t goes without saying that a beautiful
girl like you must have had many offers
of mwrri.ge. "
She blushed prettily, and her eyesseem
ed to may ' M course,"hut she did not an
ewer otherwise
"And of moans," be want on, "I would
not think of making who any of the mon
wen or anything about them, but I am
interested In knowing how they dolt"
Then the roused hermlf.
"Poe here," she said, "are you trying
to get pointers for • proposal to me or to
some other girl?"
Thus If vis that she pinned him down,
as It were, and brought him to the point.
-.•.-«.,Me .p „„4 *40114100.
Five Within roiling@ are ',quintet
with a sclentifirnlly ronatroetrd mac-
adam road -the rnrth tonndallon fast
be thoroughly compacted, est•h of the
three layers of atone ma.t be made per-
erfeatly firm and herd and the final dr•.r
ilig of stone screenings must be rolled
Into the 1ntenticee.
flow's 'This?
Wood* One Hundred 0 ,14n R.w.rd ter
any elite of Catarrh that eat not be cared h
Rall'. Catarrh Cur..
181.011118111 a (0. Preps. Tniade, 0.
Ks, the ineden .o, in m known F J.
Cheney for the lot it yrsrnqL, and bele.. him
perfectly hhoow r.a) a In ell huilnese trapyetIone
and finanel•By able to rarrl wt any oblige
kers eines by tear gra.
West & Tryst, wholesale Draggl.t., Toledo, 0,
Wal4Ing, Rieman a Marin, wholesale Drug -
.ISM, TM.dw, Ohlo,
REIV Ombrrb Caere le t.1.o laternsily, ea.
1n. direst Spin the Wool and mms,o.e►_.
Owes of 0, of Palo. 74r. per 6nlas.
8nld by all :null.... T..1) 0.n
,lsi• he..
About $1.00M1000 4 about to be ,peat
by the Apt*erg prorinM for the eroa-
tion of new end improvement of old
roads. The mnmleipetity Qac hilted
cycling Entre to send lelog.te.e to a
meeting, when they will be c neulted
fie to the roads, wherever poadbio, ire.
ins ado suitable for cycling.
Hloard's Want Corsi LlGrtp)S.
Trireme Fgwwtped With .r.rs.
An limpet knows as the water bo.s.,
neon hoe a fernier parr tit oath- his
10*. being used a• Melt. die 'whets
o hie bee*, as Is Chet entitles there u
two resistant* 1e She p.ogr.sr
(Both Bare and Well Done)
It pays to turns with sheep
Get the sheep sheds ready before the
sheep have to come in.
Sheep do well when too closely
manned, even lu winter.
Exanuue the feet of sheep Keep
1 em clean. Olipp off the toes and any
ragged horn.
Sheep wiU suffer awn frten cold whist♦
their coats are wet In the fall thee
007 will when covered with snow At .
So.n. stockmen claim that four sheep
may profitably be pastured with mon
cow, and not materially injure the pas-
arture for the mown
Sheep running with cows seem to look
upon them ai their protector& and will
ron for sorority to the cows if dogs 01 -
Early ewe Jambes are the beat when
• year old. They will breed earlier and
tarn off heavier fleeces Man late ones,
and are gnite sure to winter better.
The number of sheet. (n this. r0anttry
bas fallen off 10.000.100 within dm
years, and yet w• import more this
halt the wool we use.
Mawr*. Northrop & Lyman (!n. are the
pmprtator• of Dr. Thoma.' Zoleetrlc Olt.
which le now being sold to Mime, M
lusutlties throughout the Dnnlntun. it
ie wehoomed by the suffeelpg invalld
eret:ywc'hora with a.utierae of,j��. bh,, ,
lreean+.4 1 banishes pain end gtvls Iridian
Pellet Thi. valuable wpeclOc for almost
"every 111 that flesh 1s heir a," le trained
by the sufferer as mom precious than
gild. It Is the elixir of life to men, •
wasted frame. To the farmer It Is India-
n -nimble, and It .bould be is every
I, use.
ittaard's Liniment tl a kit Hilt Restoret.
I un •. a erre of K r k l off.
. rt is mad that the following exprdl-
est w111 tars • borse of kicking: Put
the animal Into a narrow stall is at
has both sides thickly padded. Sur
pend a seek Bi1ed with hay or straw se
that It will strike his hens, and let
the horse and rank fight 0 out Be
sure end have •itinga arranged se
that the horse cannot hurt hlm.df.
The week w111 be virtorioaii every time,
and in the end the Dorsa will ales•
It:n.4 refuse to kick the sack Of an}
King else.
Date AIM, -1 wag for seven years • suf-
ferer from Broncht.l trouble, and woad
be so hoar.e at times tb•t I could scarcely
speak above • whl.per. I got 0o relief
from anyrthingj till i tried your MiN-
ilea gave relief end six bottles made a
complete ours. 1 would heartily recom-
mend It to an oue suffering from throat
or Inns tronhle-
Frederlcton, J. F. Vass l: mL
A Table 1.e th. rook.
Tea eggs are one pound.
Wheat door, one ppes��gqdd In the UNh
Indian meal. one mad two omits M
• quart. ' I • :.j1,•
few, M M
Leese t • -
� vrc�e beew Sar __
re,etnM111fiIt�a�I r•r estetatdN
B. A. a Moran Oat.
00 YOU WANT A 1* ?
Lo; RtaEE.S
and 0.541* Ins np s Int
BAlfl[,w T
11•401,12 [ .
161 ONwYMAII !#ter
T. N. U.
• lawful,w':
RY tiM.ga w. sad
c4* el
Tag Newmann Il0awuee *.LARK.
cwt• 55400, ewe.
Write 6r A•e.rw...t to C. A. Fl•tM1N0. pti1
Me AMiMO*!k.
iM..M. Oat.