HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-10-20, Page 6.,. SIGNAL -i GODERICH ONTARIO E.BecIM.H. WE ARE PROUD We have meson to be proud of the goods we rep resents Sterling quality at reasonable prices G our motto, and it brings us new businese every day. NO1OBUIIEB PUNS, BELL d TIAS OhANS, licIUINEY & BEATTIE IICYC.ES. and the best Inver of small Roods place us in a position to cater to the tastes of the most fastidious. We are selling Cleveland second-hand wheels at ridi- culously low prices. EMERSON'S Bbyole and Music House, and Cleveland Cyole Livery. cifiguxl, M rvfl(itW EERY THURSDAY MORNING sen R. isssaucai NT RODQiOd. txuaaaAT.-OCT. fila r as. COMPLAINTS ABOUT THE YUKON WHAT'S all this chewing about the Yukon that we beer of 1 Are our friends of the Tory press -so stumped for argument against the Government that they are compelled'. to make mountains out of molehills, and are anxious to give their oountry a bad names Granted that Minister StrroN hes not begun to sprout the pin -feathers of angel's wings ; that Fkwcsrr can't swear at the Klondikers in miner's vernacular ; that Judge McGolas esu satisfied to carry out law and order in its integrity ; that Major Wotan was opposed to oontraband grog in the Yukon ; that the payment of royalty to the Government was not a bit pleasant to the Yankee miners, Ac.,nkc.; well, what of it? • What right has any Tory newspaper writer in Ontario te raise his bray against the Government of this country because they have not been able to reach the unattainable The Yukon is months away from this country, by way of travel. Ti,, oonditions are so different there f•,om what they are here that those of us who have not been farther Wrat than the chain of lakes, or flintier North than Muskoka, can form a -very indif- ferent idea of what is w anted within easy reach of the North Pole And yet, some lr.en who cannot conduct a 7x9 ahem A with benefit to tbemtdvas •t la* Abed= M lfrsction of their lfmite' i number of readers must, forsooth , let themselves loose in sa effort to show that Canada is the Poorest governed chunk of territory 04 the fr.otutool. Brvee up, ye chatterers, and, in- tim": of turning ea tri abuse tsp,'give • bas good pointers to Sirrow and Slrrou's men, if you have any pointers to give. If you haven't, then, for goodness' sake, give us a rest, or pre- pare to get kicked. WHAT'S YOUR OWN OPINION ? THE following ealogfum to the Can- adian Fall has been going the rounds of the press. We don't like to tnrow bricks at the weather -it's a useless occupation ; but, brethren, to tell the square, honest troth, is this the sort of (tall you have been baying in your re- spective localities this year 1 Hette.aH roe °orogen I Poeta may sing of toe ))•ay of the spring- time and extol the manifold beauties of a day in June, but what period of the year m we everio sly compare with a (Ihdian gall 7 What of the mellow sunshine, with its softened glow, the eonetent blue of the unchanging sky, and all the golden glory of the leaves! Italy may Neve beautiful laodeeopes, and the sire of France ma • he salubrious and invigorating, hot for Can- ada's an- adis healthy sons and daughters there is no place like home in autumn. We agree entirely with the concluding sentiment. Every person in this oountry of compulsory education ought to know enough to stay in out of the wet. ser t fibs : f a ler Ali who WAll regret to learn of the death of ' • Ton" Cowie, of Galt.. At one time a Liberal of the Liberals, he (hefted gradually fmm the moorings a hie old political faith, until in the yeah between 1818 end the day of his death no stronger expment. of Tory pun. el$y.-that is, if we.dmtt that Tories have principles -Lived in rent land. Sat Tory though he baeamm, Tow OowAs wall %brays • goal fellow, and no time ed to bald • worm place In the heart. of ill who ire hie furies or Tnry. He was . ee,„o tf urs Mets. and the loather and the hand wMssN geeat wove an inspiration to him at GalmIlmates gatherings at all times atxi oe. 1 stn& deme orpiment of the lis P., anrvwrling te •r lata, three ween taw ran who a weld Wa rm lits r Wallis deluge, and M- 1- 2 ray • Ow we have taken Imus *1St bits en tint leases el tin Torry plM lies aper wee .ria. woe tea diA not admire the fortiefulaess and thought which he put into his utteraiwes. Hir death removes another of Sir Juan's 011.1 guard," the flatware of which are feat growitlg fewer by the winnowing of time, and au old political optimisut in preen and en pletlorw make no mew's leave to pay time tribute to the memory of the honest manhood. the chivalrous tt htiug qualities end the eloquent tongue of Tor Cowes. SNAP SHOTS. ier Packed eonvmstiols never wpnsss1 the will of the people K All political huyuete begin with roup and end with "Soup !„ ear Ykrtleatusrlli 1. lunacy on your part ism the neatest of somehxly else. der le pelitios mesh aro guided not so much by pi as by interest. sr The hetet that holds the ladle is the baud that shapes tate destiny of the party. !a The loudest temperance shouting did not bring the best results in the meet pis biecite. fir Never oak any man to stay in parlia- ment if the staying means that be should sacrifice himself. sr MATT QUAY Tan's the only practical politician who has undertaken to " slake the plum tree " in his uwu behalf. MO Ouej of these days the people will dart to do their own thinking, and the profwricual politioian'e job will be gone. Q When J. P. WttITti1Y said there would 1e no eaw offs, he counted- without toting " Tried at Toronto " into account. tar From Europe we learn that the busi- ness* of emperor is likely to have au upward tendency, if the Anarchists have their way. Sr For a man who hu out truckled to the war correspondent., Sirdar Yrrcusesa is getting a fair .'tare of high-class adver- tising. Sir Did you ever notice that politician& ou a platform never .tome to blows ! They !lbw ylg( foola. iu. the Trow. do, !Io .bhp lighting. r< While you aro cheering for the politi- cal chiefs tloa't forget to give one more for the men behind the guns, who do most of the fighting. • iter It isn't true that the people in Que- bec are .till v otiug on the liquor questi on The vote &freely polled is sufficient for all practical pr irposes. gar liar does it some that most of our leading f tclrttwana, without toiling or win- ning, li ve well while they are in the flesh, stud leo ve good legacies when they depart ' WV Huron stands well up te the bead of the -temperance column in the result of the nmoe at plebiscite, and there isn't a protes- 'aor al temperance lawamitn In the county. f! Thp controverted election ease in North Perth has been diamimol, the prti t.iouer paying cote. The Conservatives in that riding have been done 1311.011i4, aur to speak. SW When twenty-two cases -eleven Lib- eral and eleven Conservative --are dismissed at Osgoote Hall in one day, it may not be a res -off, but from our point of view it looks mighty like one. sr Notwithstanding the eacrifioes that are Raid to be involved ui representing a constituency in parliament, how many we meet who are willing to immolate them- selves on the altar of their country MISSIONARIES FROM INDIA. Aerosol et the Wee* Carried e■ at Aeon - eel. .engal, ladle. The Rev. W. P. Byers, miwioaary from India, who has been to town mostly, 1 • Caradlan from Stratford, Ust., although worklag abider tee Methodist Episcopal Massienary Sootety of the United States. Tbis moiety is tarrying on work is bwenty-five laagaares. and now, alter holy years, bis • Christian community of 110,• 000 oon•erts. Of the.. 80,000 ars members and probationers, and there are 30,000 children is schools of various grades. As insane 84 foreign missionaries are 134 native erd•ie l mistletoes, 510 local preacher, 764 exhorters, 1,070 teachers. 660 Roble women ; and Iast year there were taken in- to the oharoh 15,489 oenverta. Mr. Byers was over tee years in India be - tore returnug on furlough, and nse oven re gaining health in tit, his native lend, tor the pest eighteen montes. Hie first year 1. India miasmas in Caloslta, after which be went out hi the district to found • missies •antlers al As•ssol, Bengal, a places eleven miles west of Raoiganite, five boars' ride from (;ale.tta os the Emit Indian Railway. At the oleos of hie mooed year he was ',sealed to Caleuta to Mir Charlotte Forster. of Georgetown, Oat., who went eat 10 join him is his work. They have been shorts' together among • quarter of • mil- .11on people for the put eight years. The work developed rapidly and now 'there are three immobile la the district, ma- vens in ten •i11y.s, a boarding wheel for 'bey' and one fer gime, • leper ..rlom with r headred inmates, • home for the antel.t- •ed children of leper'. wad twelve native preacher• and teacher,. In the west sena 110. womeo Mr. livers is assisted by • Fisopeon lady who i. in cherge of the sins' e"hoot, the Bengali lady evsamilrt, Mtge Roam Biter. a Bible women and two teeekers. Th. Lasaset dep.nrs.ata .1 week 'ray be olwi8ed es follows (1) Evagelletio work, oemprisi g dally VI.. i. the villages and bs'�s�te-to itt the workes.gn tend au obuf two. ituner•ting is also done in tents in rte tool wss.ee, when the mis.aou.ry and his helpers spend several menthe among the distant vil hive ) Medical work livery missionary, by reams of ht position, whether he hes. had • method trab.isg nr not, mus become a mafiosi pramitloner, sod huedr.ds of Met people some se him for Setmest in the coarse of • year. Wh.a 11•sa are saved cad people are resters. to health, they aro mere disposed toward Christianity. awl the �wsaaoskis spa ter Me raaspHs. of The Gospel (b.) kAsatienai w o r k t le &Mer that the ehfldw el the s ayer's fay be Mutated sad brought tip mese gagw fully thee they .sold Is le Ma Abeam whore they are swrmusded by Meiatreee le. Nemeses sad Malden ;metier, se easy as pmedble res gathered We beardlent .sa.ab, wows they are msght and MUM is. a fire Cee��'dlsr*Itls► they roars ie lkalr vI). .oto ep111s dew. sad be eotaplss mor pee le the a ema_»y. A. Mase SBI. tatbe see, ter eke mess purl. Andrea .1 very pear peep*, end is ata emu erpbaao mad •4 will.. , titled 4 blebs bsetraa N Is ow emery shah their sapper. shield .etas treat Amerces. Ti. tumult whish sweet over the oessIry IW year carried elf 8,000.000 et the pipit, sad left tbenwde of orphane to be oared foe. 'two thou ud N those sal me, tk. hands d M. M. R. miaioearle. sad they are stela. supported by ChrisH•s !Heads 1. Amari a Si tae oast of $12 • veer each. 'P►.n are day schools also. (4 ) Work emoaget the lepers. In 1891, tkreesb tee b.sev les*. of • Scotch Isdv, as asylum was opened •t Amami' tor lepers, Nasty have fogad • refuge there, end nearly aU who ester the asylum become Cbriatiao.. Whoa leaving for America kir. Byers asked the lepers la kis asylum wbat seeseage they bad for the kind (reads who oestributo Seward their support. They bade him ooa- vey their "proem" and "nomo.hkars"-love end gtwtico -and Bey that •'they were as happy ee they could be gad heed everything( they waut.d." They pray . very day for their kind beashoilo s, sod gamw of the" lepese have died trlumpbas► Christian death.. (5.) Wosssa. work. As many of the women le ladle are kept la seolusioo and 'say net be then by other mos than their awn hotheads tied brothers, women workers are necessary to go among them and teach them. Therefore the work among the women ler to be w-eied on os parallel hoes to that •meat the mea. Then .re as real 000vereioas anima rh.ee as we .r In this ooaetry. A little girl came crying to the miesies ry one day, seylog she waled to rive herself to Jesse, and when pointed to Him .he fell on her saes mad prayed : " O God, I have been doh with spleen end can Italy hav'jhol' (gravy) to eat with my ries. I get angry and cry. Forgive me, make en. rood, and kelp me be lite 'jhol' " Mr. sad Mrs. Byers brought home one of the little Bengali girls from their girls' school, and Soendr'. brown Ates sad brtpht eyes oenviaos .veryose the& snob children are worth saving. A ml•si•rs•ry's work i. manifold. H. has to study languages, preach the Goapel,tonad ohurohes, train workers, write and translate books and trots, open schools, build, sad be the ooutractor and brick•m•kee himself, teach school. inspect .onool., keep books, deuterium medicinal and be doctor for the community ; and last, but not Issas. he hr to be matah-msker for all his ooeverts when they wish to get married. Mr. and Mr.. Byers ezpeot to to India next month, their furlough laving 'spired. Many geed wishes and the °rayon of those who have mot them will follow them to that Waft field el labor. WITH THE U. 8. TROOPS IN CUBA. • Vermeer Cedsrkb My Writes as Interest- ing Lotter on kits ttsp.rteneeo. From time to time oar readers have had portions of letters written by (lea R 8..bea.., are .1 Jos. Iam.1•ma, en, tare, sad now la the civil aervioe, Santiago de Cuba. Resister his sister ie Toronto re- mised a very interesting epistle. womb we aro ands to reprdaoe In pert. Siooioeed m the letter is a tintype, taken in ('abs at • "Cuban -American mileage fotogr.fr•,' of the intrepid Goderiob bey, now a U. 8. °Wises. The letter is dated August 22nd. sad was written rather under difficulties is the arsenal of the military station : " I have seen more of life than most mss see in ten years, and mere than I ever. • few Years ago. expected to see la s11 my lite, • • • Ot our camp life et Camp Eaton end Camp Alger, Va , jest aft.. leaving the Soo, I may say • word. The beautital dte• mutes, fine bathing facilities and beautiful weather, together with the accommodation for the mem at the Miobigan camp, cos hosted strongly with the heat, dust, dire and eoaroity of water (even for drinking) of the Virgin grounds. l have not suffered W I moot for water since oomini to jabs as 1 did at Camp Al,.,. • • I hope to be more regular in my oorresposdem a hence- forth. For a while, twenty dollars and even fifty dollars oould not buy stamps or paper, but now 1 am in • poeiuoo to write more frequently. l will try to tell you • few of the inoident. 1 have persemally men not any talry tales whish I have heard, bat only what I myself have men. Old Virginia, Jane 24th. -We left our camp and I rode oa • male wagon to ions Loring, about 21 miles. being almost choked with the dot. Yon oould not see the front mules from my seat es the top of the inju- ries. ngrigs. The morose appear to stand the fine dust, whioh chokes end blinds, .11 right, as they whistle and yell at the mules We took the train for Newport Newt at mid- n ight, molehill 10 A se , Juno 25m. It is a be•.tiful town, and we were allowed to bathe in the ocean 1 luxury cadged of er being in Camp Alger for three weeks. 1 Med a day off in Washington to take fa the sight. ------------ - We -------- We left oa the oruiser-"i"ard« -the ooeverted liner which firmemly plied tostween New York and Liyerpssl, end olio ■estate • speed of 22 miles en beer. She is mot very heavily armed-dopendbg more on her speed then oa fleeting qualities. (Here the writer stew that h. U wtlttng by tM hetet of • single roadie, and begs ladolgenoe for any dips in writing.) She intact the 9th M•ss.ohu.etds and two battalions of the 34th M oh'g•n-roe 1650 men, and moors - rid the repair ship " Vulcan." The hent es the down trip wee fearful, the best being crowded and the bop having to deep es look. The staterooms, saloons, s1e., were kept for the officious. My oompsmion and myself, busy with reports and office work, did not have to sleep on deck, gad had the beet stateroom motioned to noncomml../esed 00 ten. The field ratious issued to us were hvd taok,00rned beet and teetotal, (maned) and coffee (of • poor quality.) For water the men had to line up and wait perhaps hall an hear before getting • dank. Theo it tasted of the hold, and many poor fel lows fell out, vomiting, before their turn mane, the smell from the hold was ee over• powering. The officers would have boon giad to glee toe -water from their supply but • marine on guard would not allow 51 We reached Stboney, Cube on July let, and disembarked -the heavy the soaks; us all To add to the usoleamot0ess, i1 start- ed to rain, and • tropical shower is het Ilk. • northern shower, by any •mean.. At this phos the head office and roundbooue of the .lnrangs iron Co., and hareem' K.K. Co. was situated, mal es, the band and two oleres got into it sate the shower was ever The town t small sed wee crowded wttl Cub as w1 the tiro. We had then a roe, meal of oeanha, Relfsee sneer ale sod haret•taek. 'Mei place has sista been be -nod. There bad been set.h'inhed heepot ale, and with their huddled oosditioe and filthy eeirons eremite( mooed, the danger of isfestlon esu greet. The henget- •1ie were mood to the hills behind the teen asd tbeC.baa.wattn.L White ai Mamie that day we saw nor first real sight of war. Two men of the 33rd Miohdes' eye. bresrbt la deed sail ars wended. ft woo sot •ay oh.erieg to sr, thee. poor finagled fellows brought in, but still la she nut of spirits and fokisR wl►h the mend Orme However, we soon ►.anti are 1 to these stelae sad did not mind shoe at all. • At ton .'Mock that sight we got order. to pressed 1e the treat. 15 oasts rather he'd epos n, as moat el Om boys had se feet oe the war dews. R.wever, we were for .mai orders, sad did not grass end M • short time were marohisg t keeeigh a New forest. Med. /Wks, leas. ermeba, vises, .reapers, grebe gad Imoes% of mere klsd- ysa bees me idea el is. V. a tor. rlbh sae wore oat to wrdes. sad me matter he., tired roe swam ties drop .a► ee 1. the weatil s eistIllbell at asp. To dote week. boom bees bbeleek and 1f est irked se e deMtw,werlitse be he killed and tubbed by emen s baud ei Sp - lards et Other. W. amebas ell might sad arrived babied tbe Bring line sheat d hes*. sirs we were sada Are ter the Int IMO Oe vibe ee the read 51 the ►B1 and 1. Irks See Jame /0. nh.reoboeten Wald enay dselaeese. haliete Erse 1be fig. std pas M ike Amwioan lbw pmsi wow t I •nal► overhead. Yon ooeld boar the • a y, " sip," ever mensal. Bob e Sarpekeet.re would bemIi spotted sad the buil ✓ ight above your head shot Ikroosb. Fur. 15ent.y nose of the "Boo" oompasy saes were bit. Before ooetisense 1 should toll you that .1) eight lose we were passing erring* of wog ided men ea the read. The worst oases were Wag carried ia the male w•goat, bob moot supported themselves with two sticks, oe .gels a man with Daly hie arm shot throat! would be helplos • centred' who was Rot In the les, or wester than blm..11 Soots Seats as thee., ell tired out as the men were, did not tend to elevate their spirit. I r.nssmter well one poor fellow wboe. we met jun et davligb/. Hle Miele taus from the *rim down wee snot &way. sad he was bstug led by smother mon with • bullet 1• his arm and a hospital mpa. About *Ionia o'oleok we were pat is • Bully es the lade e) the tS•. J* hlll,whors it was quite warm. 1 h sun sees best dews Barony sad we had preotloeily is oe•er. I lay does very tired under a Ihorabueh and theses the solos of burette* simile and musketry was Writhe 1 dept tor • temple of hours. W hen 1 awoke I found this nix or seven of our own men had bra hit 1 remember right here of Wag macs sae n erd on amount of the breakl*g of my pipe on which I had lata. The ,"p•niard. were now Petting the reale and location doles better, end were mediae boot. to so think and fent that it we. dangerous to stand ap I'ruaeatly we were . eat farther tip the bill and ley down. It wee sale to stand op here, though sot to go above or.below • oortsio slant in the bill Wbile here it raised heavily' .ed manned all afternoon and evening. The boys bad, by command of their otho.r., throws away everything exoep►esotaeas and riloa Thi affiance themselves had torn off .11 their stripes and cheekier *traps, as the shooters took particular pains to knock sharp- shooters e nv looking like offioen. When the rain Dame os,ho ono had anything to cover. Mis- sed with, .ad when dsrkoese came oe we just ley down is she long wee grass and d ept very soundly. Nix of us were a little more fortunate this the rest, having found bolt a blot -kin. Wo ley un this, using it to keep our shoulders off the damp ground. Ise next day there wee some firing Is the morning bat did sot last long. About the 6th or 7th, Goodrich and myself walked batik to the leediag,where we foetid • great change ended. The hospital tants severed the entire higher portion and extended clear to the 1•(lt0.l tracks. Men is every stage of mutilation and wounded in every oenoeiv- •ble pert of the body were Ilia, .beat en the nota. The more 000vlseoent walked up and down with their heads in ttodker- obiets or limped .bout on crutohas. Six hundred yard* to the left of this was. woe enclosure and horded to here, with• the guards catty tow lest, were .boat lin hun- dred madred Sexo'th prisoners. 1 de sot re member when they bed been talented but think It was .t El Caney. The 33rd boys were guarding them and got alt kiw& of relies. Oos of than was mesa enough to take tan dollen u Spanish gold for twenty b.rdt•ce. 1 bed • few relies myself. bat when disobargsd I had to tura be my haver- sack, rifle, etc., but can gat others again. From Siboney we went look to the cop n ext eyeshot. Oa my return I legged ten pounds of tea, tares bottles of lime jukes, eta, for the use of the boys is our teak The next tow weeks were naintereeWg-ee we jest lay .toned eating and elespl.g. Our fare wee the regulation hardtack sad oodles. You can imagine with whet delight The boys greeted m. when I walked is with the tea, eta The coffee we got there luted like burnt peas, but we timed alteewude that wee the fault of the cook. At Mils camp we hes to go ball • mile for water. About July 10th we were Need to (Ten• are! Shatter's headquarters - which was se .l.gant place, close to the water --but it was too good an experience to Set lose. After two days they aimed us op into the mountains again to support Grimes' battery. Han we lee &round bat I did sot &1Mw myself to get --as Dome of the boys did -so limy that It was herd work to move. Some dela we went up te the battery, tut neves when it was in •*tion. W. got • good view of Mi. oily &ad when Sampson was bombarding. It wee a grand t ight to eft up oo the hill mid wateb the shells ezplodmg in the catty. Of Dour.., the battery was conos.10d. Wo meld not see Sampson's ship but meld heir the wideli- has of the shells and thenen imam* island of dust and smoke -apparently right from the centre of the buildings in plain view. When the dirt cleared away the beading§ would be there jest the ..me -tae .bolo hernia etruok fire, o• Callen sir hawked feet away. 1'o tie it •ppe.red first .a if the he 11 nes bat been "lowered to piece The next move we n ids was aver on the hili shave Heel tiro de Cabs, and been the sickness been. S,m.timre as few se aloe meg would be able for duty oat el • oompany numbering age' y. About thirty men did here of pwsnoit.us malarial fever. Almost every one had it, though meet re- oever.d. It to bat whet care, • man will pull throarh withen► may serious effects. I have bad it but • Mumps and sft.otive dose of gsiaiae wt Me lip &gels. O• the hill ben, the .djj.tsmt being away I had all his work to do &lose no one else knowing &uythieg about it. I worked from breakfut,6 A.r Omni long atter tap,9 i r Applied to Adjatast-Guise) Hach tor die- ob•ree ( w5ioh came from Weehingtor by wire) and was appointed to the Med nervier staff. I am sorry not to return to the Soo, Ties onto and Goderiob as 1 had promised my sort on returning hoose, I have to week daring the hottest part of the day -9 to 4. The evenings .re delightful) o.ol sad I think the olimate le very good -although it reins every day at this .wen of the year. Later it may be hotter and dustier." Goderloh evaporsted apples 1,4! be on many E•ropean tables next winter, i). F. Hamh.k is making large shipment to Freese and IGermay. He has thirty.6ve ban be .t work at the •venerator on Nelms street, and ship" two carloads of evaporated front weekly. To Thin in flesh ? Perhaps it's Natural. If perfectly well, this Is probably the case. But many are suffering from frequent colds, nervous debility, pallor, and a hun- dred aches and pains, simply because they arc not fleshy enough. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophosg phites strengthens the diges- tion, gives new force to the nerves, and makes rich, red blood. It is a food in itsea„ tauwet Mem, v *eights. SCOTT a sown. clienan, Toronto RicEs.'i PURE SALT NOCTa1 ANIIStAN MIR IKA 011,oea SOLE RAKERS - Gootni(.n.oNL HELLO! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Till Warr Strata IN THE MARKET Ci1 All Coal weighed on the Mart.t Scales, Mese you gat MAI lha for a tea. WM. LEE. Orden left et LU ♦k ar&EPL81 'a Store promptly weeded to STILL ON DECK ! isesele� BICYCLE LIVERY If you want to learn to rifle the wheel, Go to YULE'S. If you want Repair you will fieri cvulcaniser, a Lreaier, an enameller, and a competent workman At YULE'S. If you want Good Wheels and Beat Attention, be sure and go to the old and reliable KINGSTON STREET. OODERICH. YULE'S BICYCLE LIVERY Everybody is 'rifting about D. Ce01V'8 PLOD r IGODERICII BARGAIN CENTRE This Week Extra Value in Blankets Extra Value in Flannels Extra Value in Flannelettes . Extra Value in Hosiery Extra Value Is Gloves New Shades in Kid Gloves, just reeeive4 Ladies' New Fall Jackets, from $2.00 to COQ, the beat value in town. Great Value in Men's Fur Coate Ladies Fur Coate, NEXT BARGAIN DATES : Thursday awl Friday, Oct. 27 and 28. -AT- JAS. ROBINSON Beatemall StovePipe Varnish as its name implies, beats all competitors in the moat important pointe. Brightest lustre, leant odor, quickest drying of all stove -pipe varnishes. 25c., 5 for $1, Take no other. The Medical Herb Tea, best of herb medicines, 25c. Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters, 50c. _The perfelt Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, 35c. W. C. GOO1)E, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. AEl.t for the Birkbeck Baling sad Loan co. Loess on easy terms. HAMILTON STREET MILLINERY. MISS CAMERON has returned from New York, bringing with her the latest in styles and shades. The reigning colors are BLUES OF ALL SHADES, MILITARY PURPLE. CARDINAL and ROU0t1 RIDERS' SHADE. Mies Cameron does not hold openings, but evreyone is invited to tall and inspect goods and prices. DQYQU HUNT? 1,1 'so, the following prices on a few lines of Breach -Loading • GUNS. will ifllt you : A good 12 bore Doubler Basi for - - $7.75 A Damascus Steel 12 bore Double Barrel for $12.00 A Damascus Steel 12 bore Double Barrel,with Greener Crossbolt, for - - - $15.00 Be hen jest received smasher (wig from Manitoba He ler now os two or the beet treads et floor the world eau produce, LAKE OF THE WOODS AND - OGILVIE'S WOW" wisalr$s ■sLu. Msdo teem No.1 Hard Wheat He ales keeps the best brands or Uatarlo Flour. People baying ?leer will do well by ca"log on D. Casbeion. the praote:al baiter. aid he w111 tell you hew to blood the Manitoha and ost.110 dicer ►gretber ...s to bane a besets mal remits ?lour ata reasonings prise. Orden w111 be promptly attended to In PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES Wedding Caine with •lewd feIea . ./.tatty. D. CANTELON. Rao � �� � E UNE We do Atli Kinds of Moulding &RAH6 TSI "NEW FLORIDA "NEW BERMUDA" STEEL OVER COOK STOVES ARE THE EINGI er MENW, awn mese "New Art Amherst K Till MET ECONOIICAI NUKE NEATEN COAL ATNF IN THEpBANNIT. �ep e( ewdg ash g §eee''idr rrw,sir mitpl.ita J. H._WORSEIJ1 seem anger run GN,DIBR,IGH and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice, and for little money. N11 Th Kim Blcych pq Rdielion aCDla]tXc . Also • full line et the Winchester Arms Company's Loaded Shells Come in and examine the stock. No trouble to show goods ROCYIE'S WdHB TORE OR CUSTOM WORK FOR REPAIRING FOR THE SLATER FOR THE BEST IN BOOTS AND SHOES give SHARMAN THE PRACTICAL SHOEMA&EH �-a call. Being a thorough workman, we cannot be impoend on by sellers of shoddy goods, and we do not buy misfits, damaged goods, or bankrupt stocks 1e Sell as first-class lines. We keep the LAIDLAW, WATSON SHOE WS GOODS, and as they are splendid wearers, good fitters, and of the latest 44114'4, Ton should jive than a trial. N7724... raj hJ ague' 005.55. Or aa/1 . awn sve•u. TO rlaom& mo. MAI t Are ares., .o /aux? . we =MI6 s°a'r. D OD202111034. 'The Signal" for bal. of 1 t ,1 1 / for oily 15c Illosisthellaed Toile WOlemaidif fa wiles, $ sl.. Wpm 1.104 ..r 4JI1 1w�tt w. f � o. 1, S. •o rinninefN►, . ,_ .t8 s;:.lorio:SFlemet'thhaete;.r1..' ..A AAA