HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-10-20, Page 1a
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i 'ani
Ravlog readve4 a mostle7 se batier
berg from the lower lmem i .elmm,• 5.
I west N
m hems ll are7maws}lot��ow.lB l et .lir .*ftmoloss Doan,-,
Ntsrr 1prL eels we Mil give you sU
irefer saL It wig ley yea to tall. W. J.
rap saw
Hodge ltraeride Wood and /roar /or ,hair.
Nigel leaders wtU be received
{by the
u.dardmisill up to 10 o'oleca.
d Irai�t.Mtb�
0y. 1 for e/1 the timber
moss oke Miler& Over se the Orame
t�•NWl lYoeg�w Badger sod
7loswo a u stated la
ram for w whole l0 theof eno tb.0 1st
most be remend mut-seso les lot
ay," tele. Terme the bet -
IMO o 0I mouths
dam ere
ALBUMD O.s.d• C."1"1"C."1"1"111.14.Mit C.mwy. 1W0111.0.
res Well.slnr t� Apply rrent. senor to Y
CAMP dfiLla e�
pa i A L s OB RIINT.-TRE
gg�� tggr eels K ter rest,
.r.stsrsis\.I. ►nos bow r
see Albre{ Ntr.eis.
�gg��� K ity m&g a MK } R
)f)QSR. °Medi&
acres 01 taod 51 fere of ttoatk street.
Alio bees, he a1Ns• las and o•rt. For
Portieres. apply to UGH DUNLOP.WWtee&
few booms es Hl.oke at. 0 evens.,
eters Dad ge0p senor. � sod soh rater.
roe and roc. freer.' APO, to *0118.
coed $ Meek &TT.t N. KKss head. es11
SOLID 8111 110tTS111311'l41L1I -
That larw solid brick how situate cm
Let N. °ss. 0. TOws of Under/e., won goo or
.or of Mod as percher, Er Mit require.
Ther. h • first ohms ceder umbar the house.
This Ma .any desire':e peep*.,, tor P
lar .od trait mtewtaa. (hoot neoh.rd on
premMs. 8.11 eat sad suitable (for tt he aa..
Monsters of brisk. Tern(
to Andy ens promires to Roo Mclt,twN. or to
W.. CAw►01. Irr5Faaer At.01. West+,.
Hatsblasee's ears*y in the Tows of
1Omogderteb. apse wider is emoted •. os dwell -
Dated •tk lismomber• 1M
a.Apolpolr1 COMMON. 10LT & HOI.MEe.
e♦LE--The bele* residence orartookl0g
the river sad MDs (en0.'rly occupied b)' the
ate A. MseDer00tt ••q.. Master 00 Climecerf
Ose et the most valuable sed desirable pro.
peruse intens•. [tams dwelling Maser
L h s two-storey
Herat* street Weell&�) s'iloe mpo%losogoepih
ishMr. �odissastoos we WaddellThe mad •dtolntng merle
agar w 0.T s. Pedes. formerly ooeo$d
to the M.. ;Moe .Tome. _ neer sable.
10 •od O ♦ Rl1Ovt' t PKOD)!O(yr M
Tait♦Rel w 8011.1,09.. NodKMb.
♦ aaeool merlon of the awn °email
was hold Eat Friday erring, there betty
let do sy ree
the s mayor, reeve, p
>ad depoy reeve, 0o0sm11on Colwell, Prtd•
Imo Mortis, Dunlop, Carer, Crider .mel
The mases of the eerier msettus were
red lied oosfrmd.
The report of tea water and light commit-
tee embodied the following reoommeod.-
Woes, whioh were &bopted
1. Thai la the matter of W. C. Wllrn &
Co., re barrel o1 oil In dispute, the
town.0o.pt their offer of 40.1. per gallon
ler 43 melons.
2. Toe resignation of W. H. Smith, water-
works engineer, bas been accepted, same to
Mks ptoo. on Nov. 1st.
3. That the tens advertise for • meohan•
isal engineer to aka Ib.rge of the water,
works plane. M. NICII0LAo!, Ch.lrmoo.
0. olotioa of R.d.4Ae sed Holum ee
vertaemeot for r .sgtaeer will be hemW
1. Mal rpm .od Toronto belies..
As sorer of $16.50 ajjbe Slat WOO?
!erred to tbe firer conlikiree.
The report of the public works MYltt.e
wee reed and adopted. the reeve voting
soarer iM adoption. The oommittee re•
pored tb•t they had ea restated for tender
for the Eylse of Rr.00Utbio walks opposite
the properties of Robt McLean. Thos.Ttlr
&.d J. W. Smith .ted roared tendon trona
live different parties.
The lowest tender was Chet of A. B. Cee
oar at 913. per angors foot, to whom was
•warded the 000ttaot.
A number of arrow referred kir
finance oommtttee .t lost °ming w
pared and ordered paid.
1. the matter of Mn. Wilms for dam
yes for iojoris received from • fall, an
S 8. Skry for •rret0.0e s cyolone sutler
ere, oo soar was taken.
Th. rooa.t of F. Smseth for poroh a
cems•cry dwelling was referred back
the oeaacil, which ordered peymeot o1 t
The o0a0al then &a}error"
the pelaoipal end the Inspector. This was
tollowed by a wrtttes eiamin$Woo r pay.
ohology. Mr.T,lley lett Thursdayatarnoos,
leaving behind him • grant ot • boltholiday
tor the abbey. ,.sorer., of which they tn•
teed to avail khemsslvee, we aodentaod.
when the Godedob-Clinton n football bask
tomes off
AT CURLS ORtyni.-The eouety jell
bas two um.tee-Helen Bowler, of A.b-
field, • woman of uo.00ndwad an.40 1.
awaiting removal to an asylum,
collo MoCoeh, of tltepbes, who was rat up
last week for thirty days by Cbarle Re-
ber, J P.. for malicious injury s property.
SlttlitiOne Vio.nt.
`. Joao " - Wirt happened to " Wh
Happened to Jones" is what is porslio
m.sy lovers of the opera to tows. T
1.01 ie ,het owing o so ..rider at Omaha
he tempest will he uneble to appear
till Monday,the 31.s-wbem any oeslsoto
vie to what really did befall poor Jones w
b • ex Omar.
Fos LAM. Owt.Y.-Mrs lies, repress
tog the hr.. Iodise Medicine Co.. will
at Craig'. 4.t.l until Mesday, the 24th, 1
the osrp05e of glrim fore rosetttton
Witte •Mletsd with 00mplei0ts peculiar
their eel. Consultation from 10 o 12 a.
from 1 to p. m., sod in the evening fro
7 to 10 o'o'ock.
Arris SHIrr.NH.-The ehlppine of •
s room on manly at the O. T. 11... rote
amoral mrleeds slog seat off daily'.
o + be Bt 1 trh market. The shippers an
Canteen. Cloture ; 1011.1 A Milch
Whit. klitett Godwin towashtn. and
FDIse&L TIDO 901 STATION. -00 Toes -
day 1*ers0w the remains of Mrs. MIller,ef
Brantford, moths( of Mrs. Were. former-
ly of this town. arnyd here sad were lo -
tarred in Maitland oometsry. Mr. Wee...
formerly Io the employ el the U.T.R. bees,
bot now resident is Coed es,onto piste
in town to
arrange for tea funeral, TM ser•
frees she ration red ecu private.
•bee at the grave were oondoetd by Rey.
Jeerer Wilson Mrs Miller had resohei
the rips ofd age of eighty -ane year aid tem
"A Taus Truss lion." -Tho °harming
entrees Maud Roadster and her 0gerl-
lsst roomy will appear at the Venom
lepers House os/ Monday erring. Oot. 24..
Mies Henderson *owes strongly reuomm0od-
d u em &rust of great dr nair &bury.
The play for the opening night Mil be the
pIItoreeque dome, "A True Irish Boy."'
Moor sew and pleasing Miser will be h-
troduood. Miss Henderson is • l.'anadian
sod deserves • royal welcome. Popular
priors during the three .irks' ..maMll.at.
Adult, 30o. add 20c ; children. 100.
o gloom ever tea.Mgkborbood. The hinted
wee ens of the 1•,'Pm* ever held in Tiverton,
there being .ver an. ha.dred Masons is the
prooesiw, iealsdi_ ( ..nbun of tee ordef
from eey51.1 .serwdisg plate..
Doss To Lospos.-Oaeer Leaden is the
our oldest nal -
doss loft this nKetsg
mime of Pear Boz. Ferty•elgat yosr.
back of rat July be cams to O•deeleb• and
did his first statute labor h the town,
td at the
whish had set Mos Moorpers _
ume. H. hag always 4... • ...t1ted Ey N.
sod dy lreepier* is adds w•o knew him during rbis .0
josrn Dor..
.Up0W0 DtO Ko Oho YEILtU-
CIIDDY. Ty W.ot•dt
wanel es.
s usenr�saws
fmlrf aUll wet 1a
metr eel dem 00.µe1ha ad sentior
met la • good rush 1.p solsta 'I
to ability. iter. z B.
or hours daily ter ksix nye o week abard talking sad nd
orate, with tan dollars weekly. willAedress
NOW IDSAS 00.. Towpath
WANT = for w IKPK1lrMILCHANtet 14e CAL tem
wool ab Marge
etSe h�a ts-
..eta tram,.
ned.••b. eats experts.se. eufor.ss.. �
gemeemony implIcatiesh whir MU ;I:
1110Bint•ol.aO� Mo.. wse Toesdas. wiwor
neer. fe 1t.
kt r °sell. %test) : Georg* Powell.
Ne.hiet A Dudley, Brlgbtoo, and F. O. M
row, Barker/Loa.
He rte STII.L WrTH U0. -We are glad
koow Orr J W. Broderick dose not late
re leave Oderlob. He is .till dol, bo
arse here, bat not .t the old @toed, My
reamer to the .1015 1e . 1 neo occupied
M... MoOsughtss.
• .sock of boos sod shoos. ►o ••
with him ILL . Oart.U•7, spent
summer helld.yfag 00 Maskoke
Us is DOTNo WILL. -A Mtge
MM Clore, the late orgra% of North
Methodist ohareb. to • fried in tem
of her .ppontmest as ohuroh now di
r. 1 organist ./ Asheville, N.C. Mrs/ Cb
recision 1. tht. oosseotlo0 remaneat1
the amour of 8600 per annum ; 1805 is
dour, of erne, to Der salary as t..t,set
as sea Asheville Celemo for Yore W
Mies Cb.o wrier tar the oeUege is
.Isely tarnished sod has tranMfal
She likes the 8..tber8 people very
A RAU.wAr SMASHUP -The God.dnb
sod Stratford line of the 0. T. R. is Irving
.te .baro ot .aooidess throe days, but fore-
man* rather lois el Jatw. Lieturd9,
•veoiog the mixed true which arrives hen
at 7.40 P. r. cams to grist • abort di.41�
wt of Citron. Just what salted
break -down is not 'mown. but It u sae
mis•d that a stone block worked
off . oer
failure • ,oh was loaded stems, and
the track mused the msobief. roux freight
pas and the bowie oar were donated.
Considenble damage was d' to err of
injured. TM
tbe oars, bat no 'person )
p.a.sspere were tr..oterred to • bis oar, in
whiohthey preessded on their way The
•ordiary from Stratford was art to tea
scene o1 tea wreck sad el!.red rbe trsok
The 10.50 P o talo ■ or delayed several
hours. •rriv.Og at the station her abort 3
o'clock Sunday 0010001.
ism Wurtxws-800 }Louis. -The follow-
ing remarks from the htscardiDe R.yiew
todlo•te that Moir robe 1s sot u•ctly
se.isfi.d with Srseardre'e water oossee-
e•.. There a oeeatnly room for improve-
ment in the stellar revise on th.bro�t?
"It will &)wart t.prW
•ts • my*y y
elese boots de net ply Oiter
Wirier Windsor -
rests. The City of fes beim carer'
paaese9only so • .tele tun,
staple uses TIN Center and Csmbrt•
had • reporter that world hong • dog yet
they did • tremendously largo tourist bott-
oms. of b
badly meddled lo
rah 01 lege rad bas bar oompar01•ely
colo ewer Ass% bat her moor oonttsud to
do berries opasinodwwally. drawing pager
ger traffic in spite of bar ownership 00d rep-
u tation. The City of Leadoo aid sot pre
toad to do any more than • little noel bum.
Bees, with mids4tbt excursion trimming..
Praelloally, the Windsor -Soo route has bees
unoccupied, cattle the O1ea Sound sad 0.1-
li0gwood routes to the Soo have bees ore
eorkd, several vessels of these Uses lying
idle Oren re no more tom ler domino
ooffito on the Windsor -Seo route but there
te gilt. edged busume olilolfor • lir of
new, trim, erre lied y poser
...odor summers- I1 tea Beard el lead. bis
-.tr1ca* rice r4 do the winter It ought to
ret tato 00 openuon with Southampton,
Port Eigia. and Uderiob, wail try to leave
A late ready for next year. Acres to runnier Kin -
mailer le got surprisingly Or
rail and baste there is abundant reason why
the town should demo the aseslano0 of the
waver roots."
S*raek•s. C. A. Huber, Dudley Holo
•ad W. T. Wes' were sleeted elope tor the
es.IOS. A 000.....ti.e was eelooted to r-
oots sew members ; the memberebip fee for
the seal.9 )••r will be 43, It was decided
that the same of the 1•a Capt. T. N. Deas
0/y should be weaved on the Mores medal.
A oom.slli4S5 was appointed to take the awe
emery steps to .sours the medal lett to the
dab by the late .x ebertff Gibbons.
1� t err ter0. 04a 1a KCL
ly t ., 191 V - - 90[800.5.
M w vy.^ rttpgvwe ravel gssete ty.
OM LIN PUSLteatlri fXh.'IaOam
CLARA eH ow nossotits�M pwl
IVA g skew see
Nor1 metboe a fM14f
d -
M Tomato sot Morn sod *eery. .
as 0-iVer
Ur51 sew
Timber of Pass. PN•
Presets Clavier
ma Thew,.
♦ pppralty off W V1
1artea M•od for Tort
., *rte will pu,rOe (M Torero Oresme
"gem o ...heti.. se the Rei l sea 117
Shane Road
119111114111 PiO't1�_
A R mat. DessavID ArrclirT1111R.
T. BOatedo, for may tsars 55015.r
Sir O11,* Wrest sed, .res Sir Oliver'
tl(5msl from the Premiership, to tb.
est ♦Mornay-Oemeral of 001091., has
calved the appoutiont of s0Oret For
..0 w
17-ereated D•part°
sod., the Premises' Government.
Bsekdo is forty•twe yams of see
monied to the dang\Nr ot the tato
Swaneal, of Odertoh. The appo00tm
• very popular one, .d Mr. Basted
bac the tocoolent of osse.roas mrrwgen
y t.
5 rr'-
( the
and is
C. los.
est is
• bas
Rev. D. SalTON r DEAD. -Rey. Geo.
Sexton, D D . LL D., dropped dead em
14. 11th leer. at the homer George 'Larry,
itch whom be lived, a abort dawns from
3t. Ceiba/Ines. After errs • hearty dra-
w M osmpl•rsed of • pain at hie heark
sed alarm remediately fell down ad .x-
p'red. Dr. Sexton was born to 1832. and
was seamier for the Ep..e.pal miniery,
but lot the enrols .04 took up mdiah*,
practising in the sty 14N.4ow- Sootle.d,
for come toss Liter he joined the 0..-
t 1 *berth,
ate. Aftasome years he rem appoloted
;enterer for the Seery for the flowerer
Week before last eke %rto,*h Berm re-
ceived word from Torous tb•* they were to
May the Orogeville team a. Bramp*os Wed
aesday, 12th lost., to decide which of the
teems.beald have the ohempiosakup- Th.
Teo. .s4•Ktar, of Toronto, it seams, de-
limited • game to Ortri/le, and by what
looks like • soostvnotlot of .bo
rules el the Ameriatf03 all gators played
derag Ms 1100.o by the Tecrmseh-F.Imr
wtrethr.w0Nk l..vio4 Orangeville and Se. -
fortis trod The Beavers regarded the treat -
mea. tore& tide to them as erste, tet try
bowed to t8* derriere of the prouder. and
0o the appointed day the m•toh took plant
.t Brampton, resalry re the defeat of the
Brews by ex grow to fire. The 8..lortb
men played Int .mly at the beginning, and
•Dowd .Mir opposeote to take three gore
to fire minutes' play. At the sod of the
tooth game they bad evened thongs up, but
the nett and last goal wont b teal/aeries.
Tbe from was a mesh or, and the last
pert of it was played with mint on • side.
Thi 1'leaforth teres was composed of the fet-
lowiog players: P. Mulcahy. goal ; W.
Hswk.haw, post; A. Bethune, o0rer-
point ; J. d.. Morrow, first defect*. ; W.
McDougall, second deform ; W. Blackford,
third defeats.. ; W. 11 Briefly, more ; T.
Hatcher, tIi•.1 home ; Hogb Jack, aeoond
home ; T. Johsror. first home ; H. M. JOoh•
son, outetd. ; J A Jacksto, reside t R. K
Jackson. field eaptun. It looks very mash
lite the a000a1 of • nasty scheme.oa000ted
ky *he Eastern Morro. moo to keep the
dlest.'piwMiP wnnarm. foes 6.001509 over
the Seafood% grounds. The Beaver won
lea regular series, whioh was ail they were
.xpe0.d to do, rod the Brampton game
does sot by an• means prom emit tea
Duffer. are the bettor tear. W. do trot
know as yet whether the Beavers will take
steps toward. mooring the reoogaitlon of
their claim to the oh.mploosb.p ; there des.
not .sem maob to be hoped for, however,
from the of8oals who allowed .uoh • sobers
to go through.
of l.6delily, sod oasis to Canada 1. 1884,
obi. he eatered the Presbyteries ministry.
Ur Sexton was Lb. sats. o1 ..•vol books
of a ooDtrevereial o•toro. Hs so. ea able
letterer end writer and • preloaed ocrisolor,
rd for 00111e years sada • living by
mg and the sale of lou books He w
ill00 G
remembered by easy edaricb, as be
lectured bore several times, nom*ttm a ask-
... • stay of • week or more in tem.
1N Tlix (IULUM$S Or
Costo of the Potreo Work. Dspartm«' ,
Ottawa, arrived to the private oar •' Cum
berland " at 11 All Tuesday Tbe party
drove to the harbor, repeated the •artotr
weeks, sad loft again with the 2:30 train for
Montreal. Mr. lute expressed blms.11 a•
p{rwd with the progress made is drdm-
{n,gt •ad the oompletloa of the new elevator.
After looklot over the chart of the work
already done 00 drdgiat. he Mattered the
erotism 10 oh.rg * to oostlnae until the clo-
aked depth is obtained, so that the largest
reseed or safely eater and dtecher11 at 1M
elevator. lt evtdentiy the the Governer to furtherintention
the r0.ar5545 of
Caosdtao pens and thus build up the o.rry-
ing trade in Manitoba groin.
SAVO*: ()DOUBTS --Moseley .veoiog last
• ammeter of *1. friends of W. A. Bord,who
for come time met bee bra the efficient
teller .e tea Bank of Mwtreal here, g.'a•
err at the Ilalleoral to may goodste o him
m *be eve of his departure to Retook N.
W. T. In 'be woo that hoe elapsed .hog
Mr. Boyd oast* to tows he has been enowes-
el la rater • host ci (rieudr,5
de'manly deportment .ad pleasant man
.ser made him a iteoero favorite, sad tt is
sot to be wooderd at ,hot there was •
goodly gathering of Lu triads at the Bel
%oral Monday evening. The ober was oo-
:ap'ed by D MoOillieaddy. and •m opt
hose pre sent were R. D. Grant. R W.
Lagan, [h. WNWy. Jas. Reid. H. O.
Moms, W. Calvert, P. Walton, L FJ
sod. Frank D.0h0m, Obes. Shephard, C
Sbannr, W. W. Macvisar, H. Water
•ted others At the ol.es of an ex -
reset spread, the *harmer briefly referred
o the oars of the g•tbermw, and .poke of
Lb.. many good qualities of head and heart
of the guest of the wresting. 111 were Bob
ro part with Mr Boyd, but it was believed
o be is ban best (0teee51 that he .hoo.d fol•
.ow Horace Greely's advice and ",go west."
However, his friesde bed 001 to give him a
gold send-off and • little re nembr•aoer, se
Mt he would esteem in his wears home
the good old ossa en the banks of Lake
Huron. Mr. Boyd in reply Nma8.d bis
friends for their sopraniw of eeM0 rte&
their token of goodwill. H. erred mei,
forget goad old 0.LOrleh sod the Meads be
bad made darn, his soiree here. he o o d
e was
not given o ea
snob .pkl09,
ewers them all that Wm the
bo tom of
Mortthee ort he apprommod titre
.xpre0 S'( to hies Is the assembling of eo
many of his friend* to roses bias up prior to
his deportees for his now sphere of labor.
Speech, song and mueiesl selects was Or
order of the evening so* after Ili. " wee,
ossa' hoar meet the MA" wheel '• Aeid
Long Sy.. " Merl • pioiiilly spent
.vssleg. Mr. 8.yd West M aka • posh
• Ion is the Bank of Msttgaal at Regisa,•d
the 0ed.rleh grade *ere will find him
wither fella, bat ea mod se they make.
the sew waits was esmme0ced las*
Alfred Orem, of Minneapolis, who ba
n{n ator abllwo.7. hevist tea contract
o ers.ss of ilk. 8q.ere to hen t
walks are : TM Molsao .ad Tilt bloc
old 0,.bo kiosk, 130 for on the sea
ret i(asest., 106 foes es tea .Orth-eas
.1 K,sgo/.D-lit., all of 1111. 61m.
There will be alio • sew walk o, 4th
side of 13*h.51e
., a disase
10ft. Inds. Tae estimated see la
"NM the awe's .bora is 4180. TM
Is sada( Ili. spsrrwam of .tree W
erk w
111 the
. The
be sew
k, the
th *id.
1 side
e wort
t. and
8722, of
ARNIN0-Ta18 18 TO U E
TV mltew se mole alert
or\saw tea g00►i&riaMg•�Knwwlv{19K..0.y
AM' same 1RSH. A. Y. 42.
for gg. � SIM
?Rt RMPwsud i`ur •
11. Norm
Drop Mojg51sit.
to t tea isms lglr�M1e.aat of
July. LOANS.
oses ors ♦ serart °Ouse10 4.mode
atifive, ea!! *is sed a Mit perstmt.
--The two year arm of the present max
tier of the early error rapers with the
ctot. of the year, and rusty Mork Lure
Ire week m5*18 the nee+wry paper to
the attires appointed by the rosily ore -
oil to receive sormiwts.s tor the next term.
The following. who are •11 maalaip01 olerlu,
rano the .lean tor the
No. 1(Aahfieid, Colborne own of UoderiO4)
W. (nether, Yeller,; �I,. 2.(wssbIpCampball,
Godorl h,Hdlett. Clint..), N.
H*yieldLoadoe�lred. Hose, Z iah ; N. Stutter,
Uaborse• Bxet r),04oeter Prouty,Hay;
Oo Monday altsr0000 • skies ot bergs/
sees be observed about fist mils/ out es
the l.4. The fleet consisted some odof rf steam
Berges anbores, d two tow be
420 footers, and 111 e.ideouy loaded with
ooal and bound up the lake. In th• strips
were the Oorala, Joan Primes and barna.
Caled0.10, Polynesia. Stephen Hall
bor(oa, Veronies, Amboy, Liodesy, MMis•
tiros and barges -which all passed 1p
the river Sunday erealag. Oa Tae.dsy
two steam bores, orderly deterred tram
the fleet, were sass heading down the lake.
TM whole fleet was evidently hugging this
shore, owing to the heavy rut wind. 'Che
Orris, • men barge drawtsg 16(1.atte
in tors tor
olter, but was
meals Craterrof the Evelyn•
trlermd by Cop
whioh ren out., thee the water would Dot
permit of her sstr0eos, helot tera feet lower
than usual. She the. put .bout and appar-
ently struck • own. for 18. river.
bo. Bo)e 160. Wail POp.r-Porter/ 6
Book Store
Stoves, sto -Ureses Borneo Betio1
82,500 0l Now floods -J. H. Pedder8
Next Bomar 1My.-J a.. Robison.. • 1
Hew to Real ---Urs. Huth M0UrMNsm1
Carpet. and Odolotbs- W. AOhsas&8e• 5
E.rtneer Wanted -Tows of li.deeioh
troy L.dlesOaly -Mrs. Ilse 1
Cool -F. Barlow Holmes 8
Hosiery and Coady -Wood's Fair 8
Jookw--Smith Broa. A Co 8
Maud Henderson --Viotsrt0Opsr.t* 0
(lay Bre. Mu.trels-Vloteria Opera -
Room Sobs. 1
Stoves --LM t Bholhard 1
Mointef• *Mir- W a 0.mpbdl
Oa1AT No5TIews.rgm* FAIR M
-Treasurer H. L. W suss will be
pay w Gust Northwmtere fel
from wider my b rdere usy .1 sssba a
preemies of the chew, is balm* triad
dln.1•1. "Hilt* hs etpeden05 at the
.tabules is fresh le his mid, 1.
over the prise list tor the vermin of
an7 obamges welsh he dons*. o4
These lists will be hand. a this
reeler .sash,.., to
thus owl* will likely prey* of vol
wash was entered amW%
v0N'. here. le the green Taos was
~de withdrew,•
ready te
✓ 911.5
• S
: sseb
to leek
ns, be
O. Mo-
No. b (08eHUlop, Taokonmltb. Seafarer),
0.,ees of l.a.tlest mows Nabbed. nailed
and Soars.
0..se to the corners heavy Roast wird
the water in the harbor is two fest below
LM usual le,.L
The breakwater LIMN/ t8. Irest of Ike
elevator is brag finished off as priori and
the rubble* poste pissed.
The dyer.* by wbiok (M di...tor will
he lighted bag sot been retailed ea yes, al.
r 'rub the motor to drive it M ready.
The (team b•r.e Algonquts a the fire
(T.m weseel exerted bac. DM will
geese shortly, and will be followed by
the l:osedale
The elevator staff is working 11 hour
pee day this weak and • elft work. till ten
at night. By so doing it is sorer the
elevator will be ready to receive grain by
A. O .illi;, small; he, 6 (Wey,Meerie,
8r.assa►. F. 8. Sort. BormiteMi No. 7•
(Woe W • Pec re Porterfield. Murosoh
00. Ram Womanish, Rine,
It Olo Weenier), Jos.
Na R , Week, er 'Ter s, Voues will
Cora, Wroxeter. Tb.oe esu
rosin nces00otloas en the last Monday but
lir le D.esmbr-whish w111 he December
19th -.ed khe elopers will take Err,
► the
weeks sr, en Josloe
e5(y tad, /
other .a.afpai aleotlo0a.
Ad bills
1'' immt0&T ot11.13.a• - 8.te of fares steak.
fade) a 16. . pais, •*a a the pwertz
s• Osei,w,
gerpe�s,tgr,rgeeeI1mNg s 0 sat w tea Non
Mr• it 014 snit sold ecu Ors sad Join Loot, e eels
will be MONO reser,
Oerrie rank Pori, . ens id Jia
Nasky, morabsed M met and •
twee hie sea Mentes by Ws* Mew*
fres M Mays*
TeleineSSIM t Use FItg00rNMk, 1us 8
'0*507est�rNiM� M, M bar
Ass. is ieet ease �e M 1151br
pedis. 14. imam Mr Imes Mere
Rim's Per Halt for able or dalrr.
Mrs Vera Wigan& is violent at Lemdss-
R J Arms visited Toronto lent week.
MIM Beep Homo is .Wtisg a* Wood`
stock. -- __ ...- -.
M.r Marion %globoid 1. Twist eh tan'
R. A. B.yly, of Louis% was is bows r
Rioe'. Pun 11•:1 tar ass et dairy.
Nett Berger Dsye at R.obiaoon's, O..
2714 and 28th.
" A True Irish Bey "-Monday .resit
BOE, in Victor" Opine ..ass
Tee old favorites "ting' Bros" -- Vio*s W
O)oera 13ouesb'itN .7a O!5. 2714 -
Hare you .i.s Le & Shepherd's met
weather skip! It saves your foal bill.
Wonted - Chain Miter. 17o.; dried
apples ad poulide Kook Whg1.m.
Next Borers Days at Kob1.oe'a. Oo*.
27th and 280h.
Hs.s yon left your order with Lee t
Shephard to bare your moves put .p T
They have Al meteors.
Sores, oo.l and wood
pipes, ~Tete, furniture.
gain How, Homiltps•5*.
I here (noshed • carload of British Col-
umbia shlagl55. whioh 1 am prepared to Nall
•t pore to snit. F Susumu
Lee d Shepherd have the largest 545Kt-
t of ore and second-hand roves b
awn. ._
The old favorites, Guy Beg. Misetres,
will be to God•rtoh on O.t. 27th. asst
Tburday, and prorates an eotereal0M*
whiob to better than emir.
Mr. R els- tat on 1•Ntew'Itrtensteee
Ilooday moroi$g-
Wm. Proadfoot has
Torino *hie week.
J. Greig, of Seaforth, made • short visit
o tows skis week.
K. W. M.Kes55 left Moodsy otter -tour
Oa • v..*1 to Loados,
H. Bich, of Paris, bis bees spending
..veal days In town
Archie Hadden, of Buffalo, is visitior io
ossa for • few weeks.
Fred MoDraid, ot Ottawa, bee bees roe
rattier the old tows.
Rev. E F. Arwtro^r, o1 1'uckernsith,
was In tows this week.
John Williams bee returesi from • trip
to Detroit and Pittsburg.
oe • trip to
G. 0. 1. [4TT.Aar 8octery.-Th
Ise proms wee (.dead at she
WAWA. t lex
day og: I n
usesral address,
dexo, Was Z. A H1k+•s SAM.,
Dotson MN
Mr. Ind*. ll Ones W
is/ 1. )5aylss ; U C. I. Journal
One/ 1 ipoi
drawer Md
S. J /,ml�k. moselel1.Jeuenl.W.1Bww," Mime IMk
M .1
wt ; r.eiketis,
dressflan *be Qeseu. The pelosipol
payees. .aII MA a s.NeraNI
Tis Moos. BDtmot. Itramorr s.
Tilley. Prirkessi el sea
Mall as Meta .elute the ike&id.a
seb.i set week. Oe Weese MF
Nee sale were �uteig .p, M.
afilkessimi the motel
g j..l 5$•.7tembeet•.•u* 0. 'lti111der
tau eetwM}
Orn WAsa1ose ABROAD. -Is many di. -
toot para et the globe ore smattered me,
roma and old, who, questioned as {0 he00
end 1.101117, would respond snbestta10s4ly,
" Hod.M* tJam•do,"- sod set .mhos• o
pt.*b of priio. Our oli tows hos trot
.broad men of Woks ted brews. sod sos
who as, is Us whist of battle, hose an
essay witb int Wter00m. 0.4.180445(0 Y
sprinkled tea a.ntlaeok over. sod prim sits
otsasploeoe• 00 Ms Ws
war. Over half a done= eber Oululsh
boys participated 00 mutat ..,Iles. Ose d
them Oedema boy., Om a. BeMOrss.
when.l.Wrest00q Inter avows wawa....
has Mr threes the thiel of w eco Jot
hill episode end Sse*•gn de Cuba esimpa !
Asot8er. a .Islwar* son of Erb. Pm
i yse, •Del • tradser of Tito SIONAI„
hes bah &beard the holshle New York.
Bre Jehastos, also • farmer typo ss
Tel Blair AL, was alas (hoorah the
Must of battle Moral S•rltege - an lie
oras of which, writer `ihimself, of awaps ori
d 1n this papsrThe-
bes beards George Plaikn who ..hated
ss the dynamite erulo0"BelIV1e "tra'uwy
the Br.,illar °miser " N.ohtere7," sad
Is sew ea newish at his home to Bdlal,. g
n fellow-
last Fri-
er peed.
Moss rod
Min 0.
address, the
o. de Bl",
seossi, U.
We Or
ishie ed-
Fred. B. Holmes torotly puroh..sd the
old Hawley building a* the dock, and dor
ins the prat week contractor McLaren has
rwrovei 11 to the Trams lot &dj sest to
firm... shoo...
A !seem elevator to he ran by Mom
will be plated io the eler.tor and will ran
up between the winding stairway. The
lift M 4 ft. x 6 (t., and will be used tor
light fright as weir as peseagen.
boners, dram.,
as Urees's Br -
J. MoN.a*bon and family bore tone to
Cremes, we a0d.r.Nnd
Mies 080141150 mads a brief 'wit to her
beat. at Stratford last week.
MW Ere Aobe5or returned horn. on Fri -
d.7 from a .telt to Toronto.
Wm,. Crete and Oen Wiggins 1e11 on Sat-
urday monolog for Cleveland.
Geo Thompson, of Price's shoe store, is
retro at his home Is Stratford.
R A. McCready I.1* Mosdsy morning on
• trip to Toronto and other porta.
Wm. Haddon and wife, late of Buffalo,
have takes up their roaPeooe bee
Stephen Bathers and family war vatting
with relatives .1 Demesnes NO weak
Ches. B. 1Wwerd.ofTim r.essry Times
Aloe. Tamale. le speeding it Me weeks in
owe. _ _.
MW Cos m at 111,kk. having -ism thither
on .ossa, 0f the More of Me Neter, Mr
The bap Hares left Tuesday seeming to
ow up the dredge belonging to Porter A
Bowman, which has been dredging is the
barber there. The )t.elyn supplied her
plea. as seeder to the drdre Arnold'.
C.W.A. bulletin Wad r.eently ooe-
'aies the e11Mi01 retorter of the treader i
of Also. McIver to the professional olw for
prior Amor 11014od 1a his mord attempt
ole Orebro bed.
The Collegiate lustier* games, whieh
were to have been held Mae Frider Sher.
berm., were postponed lede*oltsly on r -
oma of the wet weather The msurmiug
reemlttee is mitre for • hoe day to bring
ea the epode
A Lensro 1'1vsome ( Utwte ohms
I.i.d the tl..1► d i0ae i .n G
.r of .he Twee*• W.tdhmaa wh1.A MEM
red no eines hoarsen
that dealt reek*J frost rises suaatalsed
Is as mstden* Twee Stye promos' to kin
death. Mr. (.8.940 .d a e sp••tee were
ddvtsg ts 1.ver\Ken .ted e• 1nrn*01 • sur•
ser Father M.rtely M was *reign wt sod
f.11 heavily on bin hese, notelets/ rresem•
aloes kr aDom Ns re
hem bet
ten rretsteed
M• sse.sod Nal metes Mr. OSA' drove
M Uderwod, mind noel day be ~hod ale
day h as s/0... Up s NM .100 he mem
.d M b. an rl,4*, .ts/$boli p ►Mt M new plain.
• eseeeridist bat at sight b•
W M pa .ed desk uuss.d Ie
t�etr0 M Ms Ntsisdds al two donforte. M1.
Q.ek� mess 5M.htas•,.f001 vers el .ge
H. was • Matiia&M
sod eves wm.eeIs. .f siert
sod s LiberIds Nits.�s.4� w m Noe ossistary N I s
Nil Ile, 8. was very 9. JI( rm
Oto _rim 101.Ile& t1131� IMM nes*
The approsokse to the track through the
error are beim graded off and this week
will likely see W ells sod through the
Miltllmg. Its a0dontod that the O.T.R.
track may be extended to Lee's warehouse
erg .he retards.
The .Mies/ 1s the upper stow et the ele-
vator is Bashed. and only requires the per•,
suasive power of the Immense rope gable to
set it 1. seethe. Th. system of rope trans•
mission of power as spotted to the different
apparNus is err novel.
It will l0 future be only a two-5'xy bald-
ing. with dot roof, lora Odra, ,miner
one bomb.
The eohool board meeting oalld for last
Monday swears was wt held, there being
0o gserum.
ROD(. Campbell, of the lighthoaee.reperto
that from kis obeer•at1ons the past west
the *• Walt for last week •0o0nted to two
W. 4... to thank Mr Warnock for the
gift of erne luscious grapes 1'hey were
Rorer. No. 13, bat w. (000d nothing en
looby about them.
to regard to th.Weet Burin .leot:os pro
tee*, ism underrood 111.1 ween the ogee
oomes up for trial on .Thursday sett the
.eat will be veered.
R. 8. Smith her premed the 0.1...
dry roods .took at 4•afnrth. C. W. An-
drews is at Seafor•b sspriatrd1ng ter
disposal of ere stook.
Mas Fisher bas ,dais formed tr1 .1.510'
is elooneres aed will give rather .1 bier
popular Osbert..aterels.seto 00 Vloterto
Opera How .t an early date.
Edward Parr, sot of Jas. Farr. East et.,
lou b... in the 4.059141 at Stratford ler
nomm time wftb an •tt.ok of •ppeed101W.
H. is now truer 01eog .sly.
The Ouy,Rres. Minstrel. w111 ban their
annual parade es twit Thursday, the 27• h.
1'ho oompeoy i. Iarg-r toe ever. New oos-
tames. new Ides sad neer fres are preesot•
d and the entertainer.% is op to dol.
Mrs Gasdry and f.m.ly, who up.* th.
summer at the Torero plans on bre
Maitland, have mowed into tows &gab ant --
are o0sepyl0g the late .x .berlff Gibbous'
pleas, wbto8 they have lever for a roar.
In the maltiplieity of matter requirlog
our 0(1.0000 of lea we Degleetsd te MM.
tion before Or fast - of wide Wpo,t-
anoe-the the pries of " the roll el life
age been rdesed to five ossa per Oman
YesterdayYesterdaywas weddlegeday-ek l.04
of thus joyous .vena skim plass
is whiob Ooderieh peeps were oenapiomos.
Thare my have �8...... mor. -bat tea* le
enough of • good thug for one dry. r so
more wen hosted lip
the Ortlha High Sobool was barrel doers
• weak ago lase Moodey morning, ted MM
Williams, of Ooderiob, • iseebor .f 1M
150o0i, staff. 0500 to vigils her sheer M
Hl5bad Creek until the ee.pINMs of lir•
rangemeste to resume teenbiog.
Three a oar local bloyolista oompetd in •
12..Ue beediesp road roe 1s B.y6eld: during
the fair. There were leo Muter tD the rbcs,
emeses. thea) Maitlead Humber, startled
mat eh with Jewett, who rode rider protest:
Darius 8•IIewn, with • 3• pl u.odt buwarns
awarn4s/ pl•o. 1 sad Divider,
B. w
4-m00.to led ricks 71h po0ltss• Tear.
was an wraiths* MOO beelines the two
. anter mes,Jeweto whisks oy Daly # see.
atter amiss Humber to per tan one of
•he twelve miles. TM o.Kee wag from the
40.05'. betel to Yenta wed return. Time,
55 46.
Alex. UoI.or has vinare id t A
▪ *moral *oral weeks' pomp -inkier
was Mcleod u the Term/ Wank, Toros -
t. 'I be dailies say that Melva( and Dae•
Mr are the Metre pair in the province and
their plokupS sad pads/ were marvellous
Is the moot u the reporde, taoy alternated
.s {skis, the •k•spios over 28 mile. in me
bap osMe►r •ted dtAlbs 4(1$ 8•1f -moil )n 62
osenode-hath eves% k.ssk{ng the r.00rde
esdw•ys. 'modenaHy, however. Melee
jar. the '•pro." erre and next year will
roll np bis k.toke' mrd co M tea Meier
Ins dealt 0.580.,Jest Weed, sotan
d • Me
wises of Mbar MIN* wobble. A/ M
reset{ Wroxeer.omps *S$4look sok 1e
. • fin m•1e rest lot LEE MeenL wag m-
.. te isah swiss
Nam. sod
The .low•ber boilers were "bred op" last
week owl enerythr, ford matafootory.
(7ootr•1151 Tr•omonbso'r • n d several
of the elevator Milers present were de
Bilged with the initial te* The "tester"
is expired this week from (bit whioh
will &rally test the working of the moohio
The 'doo•.. M now being roused with
its shootlrg of g lvantsd Iron- the en.
smith r tlreir swingint platforms having
rubor an airy job, The upper portiere of
the building has bean sheeted and the bins
are Ming gradually oevered. The rough
rather o the past day, r se, has inter-
fered with the work oonsider5bly.
W. H. Polley, of Quires olty, was la
tows the oast week for several days vatting
ba brother, A. W Polley.
WWI Brea, a at Blyth epo&t Mrs.di to �oher
proforlooal 00pam f
who hu been seriously SII.
Albert Johnson 1.11 on Monday ter flees
fell, Amtottri0, o join pts brother Samuel,
040 is working there as • millwright.
Rev. Jas. Gerrie left for London yester-
day •tremor M attend the funeral of his
san►, Mrs. J. yttr erold, Prisms ave.
Mrs. Riob•rd Coulde and three ohlldren,
of Piero, ars visiting Mee Cospis' eater.
M. i.obt..lobnseoee, Waterleo street.
The suboms Edward Blake, well known
her, was worked in Collins' Isles ea 10ok
Island lest Heredity. She was leaded with
comp supplies from Sear. Capt. MoAuley,
term sly of the Jars •ed now of eh..tr.
J. J. Long, whirr ren out of this port, re-
tooled the rook at Wrrsr, seating that
the blow on Saturday was tee worst 1a the
forty years he had wiled the lanes.
The sambaed for the orspenewes of tbe
inswies leg is am to oleos and the
twirls &Err will fre ie position by Saturday.
liplike the Rig Mill elevator log, the tam
one bang porpondieslitrly over the ves-
sel to ors unloaded god will drep right into
titit bold. Tbeimosieseilein will allow aa.
folding beak late the elevator the emote'
likely Irene protected front the weather by
a hags rubber uremia. The powerful We-
ir tackle, Gabbro, eto.. os. reedy asd only
*wok Stitt stettrat ef tier wletsweepe. **ANA.
were massfastiered is Matsui iteid
err lo fish for some alterstioas, before
being shipped hors.
Althea/8h no deists saws has been re-
mind bore, it is oersted that by
Mils Wm ter reamer Janie, whir re
ash by the Peallie are KM/WOOL has beep
raised and %ekes to Menne ler repairs.
Wrookist Mee wero born ts saltily ready
Ilft Mt lest week. Nevem! divers tem
the Allaterkle• 1111014 were doers rid room -
owed 01800 . wetly oll the Odds/
god lo mob lbolossids/ Ss saw of tiss was,
asd s yawl. Me Itas bees lyitie es as even
keel wed wee SIMI ditinagod. Tee one ft-
tamied fres Ms miler line to the ham mil
is sheet tem tor Immo.
Hea. J. lawn Tarte MisiMer al Palate
Works. oessespasisd by kis primes sitore,
tary. Nr. Obtains. sad 111/60/00
Mrs. Greg sod daughter Evalyn, 01 Sea -
forth, were h tom ler • few days the past
week sedan, Mn. Orel*'. panes, Mr. and
The Oodorieb ireritos Nub had their erg-
sais•tios snails/ is Mt omen eleirlee
@din is Measure bens ea Irediry evesiem.
Owls' to She wet mosties Moro was not •
were Nested Proildast. J. R. Simms'
A. sisdosem, H. A. Mord remmernms,
O. A. lissiber, 1t. W. tarns, Dudley
Release D. C Mosslesi sod L R. Darn.
chirevite Ammell•sloot *Ill he smile
mid, sod A. R.. 0100110se. Thresto, awl A
ash ail. NIL AdOssioNes simediss. D. 0.
ornimer in
town frolics
Fridey last
It le now near* a month sines Me date
at which It err expected the Miry rate
war word oats*, Mt tbe lead raise aro
h▪ olding oub for better truss from the 0. T.
R. Lee' may the war cantina* I
An apple tree at the mom of Toronto
...ow, and Reiner& read whioh was ever.
greater part of the rook etierimg lip 1. fdto
Mr the Er annually pow forth Its Illoefok
ond this year has a monsidentilo mop of
Baldwin@ as large and welLoolored as Geo
would wish to fr.
muter whioh le as far in *demure a the
sickle or the hoe es the mower is ahead of
itre °radio. Wish Its or • field of oars den
be mit In infinitely lees time titan with the
old book -breaking method It has twee
tasted tbia fall and proved to be • great 111110 -
owes Mr btraohan, whose inventive genre
never rests, oleo hat mad° and sold quite •
bomber of hie improved evaporated mph,
press this reason.
Maud Resderoos is " A Tres Irish Boy,'
Vitoria Otters Room, llswilay. 00. Ditto
James Name has takes • positios mom.
Robert Sharma bas ...wad into his sew
heleh two -emery dwelling cm SO David's
Wilmette Adeline* 0 Thomism, of
liederialt. seri am wore here ea Tosieler.
Kr. T. lased. basis' Ws Milldam. wield\
woo ressotte Misted by fire INN romirsd.
wood ot 26,000 barrels of apples.
pet in over fifty pampa In title •Igioitrihis
mat two mouths.
er for No 6, aad IL Mind tar No 4,
OEM how rotompliaile Ms mods/
Motor • William% Welsh, re of Ares.
Welsh, Harr Street, died twit orook *be
Loudon Asylum where he bad hem mallosil
for spersda of a year Am twesty.dve
rears ot ars
Hesiorth Roy. Mr. More, who Us so
Rm. Dr. MaDosiild the motorail, of do
Presbyteries More& la this toms for the .
met six orestlie, promised bie
bore Sabbath ovenine. lost week aed loft its
RA Rite 011111V111. - Weduseday, 00.
Mr. MVO the ?Wit Warn