The Signal, 1898-10-13, Page 6• (• i N[STORY RFI'EaTINGdm 3a•utpatounreent ahioSie. OD, end r • port is received twining will be settled 4 Allmon the two Government*. The • iewspeper polemics, however, continue Luckless Paris Affected by • Gigantic Strike. 10,000 EXTRA TROOPS CALLED. Work/ageslsjalart to Violate and seek 15apMM • Pani gr mp.tbolle Sink. Wt& • Thew N U.kering 1■ aa ltoo■°,010 It.•olutlo■ Tk, Aethorltim Ar. Appr.bee- •tv• Coble New. Paris, Oct- 10-..Tbe Government has booed special orders to the garrisons of aumerous gowns near the amplest to send bensedlasely to Paris, bed Infantry mob. The Journal des Debate declares than thew reinforcements will amount to 10,- 000 men. The paper expresses the hope that the country 1s not on the eve of a 'evolution. All the troops will be sup- plied with two days' rations and sixty roands of ball cartridges. Yesterday has pared off gutsily. Proficient Faure, In - ✓ ead of visitlog tee Mom at Long Champs, s 114 bad intended. prudently ennateed'at Itaboolllot, Ditto ivoiding a , amonatra$lose - ONE MOBE TROUBLE. Wreckers 1n Fr Are 511.105 to Cheep by Oars Mold .trop• the Condition of the Hawes. Paris, Oo$ 1O. -Following the Dreyfus excitement In Femme 1s an upheaval among laboring men. The leaden are •Imlhg as a general oinks, with the pro- tested object or effecting an roono0:l0 'medullae which will change the ponition el the workers of France The Ores Indi- cation of tyle trouble oocurral several days ago. Paris joss now might be 1a a state of e dge. 1'roopl are dotted about all oval, we capital, almost all the places where work of oon.truelion M going on are guarded There le a manliest deers upon the part of the striking nowise to bring about a general oesation of labor I)7 any and every magna. Yesterday the house painter. passed • resolution oobismning Nome worktnen who still besltam to join he drikerre At a meeting of the abfnee makers eta of ebe speaks -s proposed the e xtension of the strike to the pr:minim, and said: "We need notoonoern ourselves with the pecuniary question. It we be game hungry there are plenty of shops.' There have been many violent *[arks during toe week at the big hotel thee the sleeping oar company to building In the Cbarnpa Klysee. Several striker' put In an %posarvn& the other day and Ilterelly pulled the men atilt working off ebe premises. At another point a laborer was attacked for oontlnaing to work He pulled cut a revolver and shot one of late argessaor 1n the nose. There has been but little occasion for any active distance on the part of the cavalry and Infantry so far. One or two bharges were made yee.erday to disperse the threatening crowd, of strikers. As Mary non•strlker mune& have • separate aware, many of them are being lodged and fed at their work. Between six and oven hundred beds have therefore been Installed In the ma binary gallery of the exhibition to aramnmadate them. It looks, however, as though thin will prove a work of supernrngntlon.arday by day the number of strikers increase. Doelde N Join the,NtrI5.. London, Ova 10. -The Times oorree pendent at Paris telegraphed yesturlat that the striklnp laborer+ rejected the Municipal Council', proposal looking so a settlement of the strike and that nearly all the unions and the men at work upon the greater part of the betiding' In eonrms of emotion have decide! to join the strike. M. Hello,-•. darning. Repine], Francs, Got. 10--6r. Jolty Melina, Prettier of the French Ministry ptereding the present Government of M. Brisson, who presided se a banquet of lbs AesaesNnn of-$sttwsy- Bnrploye. Isere on Saturday evening, uttered a seri- ous warning agalnwt the agitation and unre.t 1n Frans, plass troubles and strikers. THE TERRIBLE ORDERED OUT. •alr.hurr 1a a ting Cod Hood Haa Got Down to Serious Boaloe..-.War Material for Hong (tong. London, Oct. 10.-Tbe Marquis of RelMbary mfr lwtnrn,d to WS- duties at the Foreign Offloe In an unusually dogged mood, a complete antithesis of his or•dln ary gentle treatment of rho DM) fats He was extremely ,Lsgruntle0 at the way olBcial matters c0noerning China and Pa.hoda have been coming out. The British Premier seems to realize that trouble 1. brewing in the East, as large quantities of war borate are going N Hong Kong. About 300 tom of am munition were embarked for that port on Saturday, while the first-class cruiser Terrible hes been mdered to join her sister shtr, the Powerful, on the China station so anon as .mall repairs are o.m- ploted. These °ruiners are the largest In the world, and form a formidable addi- tion to Orest Britaln's naval force In Chingos waters. No Truth t■ It. New York, Oat. 10.-A able m".ge•e dated Pekin. Det. 7, la Thurlow Werra Marne. In New York, from II. H. Lawry, peeeldent of the Amertan Unlvmlty In Chins, dentes the truth of all the recent atorlee M to the suicide er ae.aa tnetlon at the Empero. No ono bas been killed In Pekin, the mileage says, exoepl siz melees, who were beheaded for attacking Europeans. The emperor has been de- posed. Tne Kmpress Dowager !Olga& Another U Report. C•Iro, 001. 10. -The report that the treasure of the Khalifs, valued at if10,- t40,00n, had been found and was being forwarded to Cairn, le without found', - tem. X limey baseless is the report eta/ Oen. Kitchener well resign toe alyder- R.W. Otarreaehin5, Pekin, Ort. 10 -rite Allures Foreign Ofl7n0 hen protested against the extender, Hu.efan .teem\ pnlnttng tat that It ie ewlee the atrens 1k of the detarhn,enta of tee other pnwrre. , Qaeerlae er th. Calm. Debt. Parts. tkt. 10. -The gnestlbn of the Cohan debt menet be settled to til the •omtnloetonen hen resolved frnah in- &notlons from their respeotle• go,orn smote The Merrloan 0emtni.ienets nee Melons to deal with Cuba In a .n.nmary ieab:en; the Npaalnrde from the point of H em that the protocol waa drawn up e nder the neeo,..lt- of potting an one to a adoration which had bermes thrsat.n- ly for lath nn.in•rie.. Tp! raiment, APYAIa. Musk Oev.,mr.awl Will o eatac • tremens 011ee. and M1. R.anrt- iendea, Cket, 10. -TA. Fro•eh Govern Avers, hoe weeded the invitation of the ibeirement of Groat Renate M noevey t FMnne (Whew from Fedoras. hy way of rfo Miy, 1. ,weer that 16 frog abatis kis with unstring ardor. - A Pa.ked• Mlw 'Perk. London, Oot. 10.-'1'ba Foreign Otnce las Issued • Fukud& blue book, giving the oorreapondeuoe Newnan the Freuob and the Ur.tlab Governments. Ito &n - sus show that Gen. Kitchener waa Ire 'eructed to sake troops wish him 1n order to wtfuroe the British demands It was ►ll true, loo, about Kitchener's arrival saving Marchand from being wiped out by I10rvlsh.e. Feoaeh 1MNrtal Partr. Parts, 00* 10.-Tbe Journal attributes the abdloatlon of the leedersblp of Ilse Imperialist party by Primo Vino' Napo- leon, In favor of his btotbur, Prince Louie, who le In favor at the Riordan Court, or being due W the hostility of the ex Empress Eugenie and influential Honalartista The paper adds that the fortunes of the ex -Empress and of Pointl- ess Mathude will be left to Prince Louis, Who 1a oolonol di she Czarina', lancers 111 iso Buselso away. '11i7FPrVL-iL .Zk AT HAII<OW. Toe '9"'N...s hewed In the - Treat, Pert on herder Week. Shanghai, 001. 10. -Details just re - "Mean herr from Hankow, the treaty port at the mouth of one of the tributaries of the Yang Toe Kiting, show that the Ore which broke out there on Sunday last destroyel 10,0011 trauma, devastated about two relies of built up ground, and del damage 40 the extent of front 54000,000 to 8,000,000 Melo. - • , The Kalar•• Repel Berlin, Oct- 10. -An Imperial council was held at the Palace on Thursday, at which some of for rulers and primes of the Gorman States wok part. In view of the Emperors visit to Jerusalem, and she simultaneous absence of bis brother. Presto Henry, His Majesty stipulated that should misfortune befall Elm w that he weld not direct the affairs of the Government by telegrapb, King Albrecht of Saxony should be appointed Regent A Great ntaasp l'o11.et1.. Stolen. London, Dot. 10.-A despatch from Parts to a local news agency says (bat a prloelesa Internatloual eolleotlon df poet age stamps ham been stolen from the oentrel poet ofllce in that city. The col- lation comprised speclrwna of every wasp t.wwtt let-.11s*ey years past by every oountry In the world. B.r.f.rd Tisom marquis Ito. London, Oct. 10. -T4s Shanghai oor respondent of the 'flutes says: Rear - Admiral Lord Charlwt'Heresfurd has ex changed thine with M'arquh Ise, the J apanese statesman. Marquis Ito thinks th.t the anti foreign polity recently adopted at Patin might be remedied by a joint repregentatloo by the powers. Nancy Galltord Admits Id..tlty. London, Oel. 10. -Awarding to the Daily Mail. Dr. Nancy Guilford no longer denies that she is the midwife of Bridgeport, Conn , bot declarer hermit absolutely innocent of Any connection with the death of Emma Gill, Why Are They Steele( Canto, Crete, ON. 10. -Teen 1s • gen oral exodus of Christians, Mussulmans and Iaraellss dike. All of the sseainere leasing here are crowded, and many per• sons are unable to secure passage. Great Plr. at Midway. N.8.W. Sydney, N.S.W., Oct, 10. -An ,norm pas tiro at Rod Fern, the principal .nburb of Sydney, bas destroyed the whole of the area rover& by business premless and dwelling bouess, D,., .s. .f Dead. Berlin, Oct. 10.-PrinonM Marie, the wife of Prince Albrecht of Prussia. the Regent of Brunswick, died Saturday afternoon at Kameaseaet4. She wee Demean of Saxony. The Queen's Health 1. not London, Oct. 10. -Letters from nal moral refer to the un.attsfactory state of the health of Queen %Octorla. Her Majes 1y, It appears, is troubled wltb languor and drowsiness,_ Caieells Free of Plague. ' Colonna, Oet. 10.-Tbe elft was yes- terday officially declared free of plagues MR, ATI.ESWORTH. 5.1•.1'.. RF-5IGN8. There Will Be no Eleetlua Tr1.1 at N The L So.' Vacant. Napanee, Oct, 10. --It was announnert on Saturday morning that H. E. Aylee wottb had resigned his seat as M .PP. for Lennox, and the petition against hit elec'Jco, which was not down for trial here to -day. will not be proceeded with. The petitioner withdrawn all the personal allegations against, Mr. Ayleswortn and will pay hit own costs. Indlsoreet sofa on the pert of over zealot= agents, which came to the respondent's notice, Induced him to vacate the seat, HARLAW'n RI('51 8TRIRR. Oates Aero.• th. roond.rteg steam., eleaffee lid 8arod Cargo. Halifax. N.S., 0.4, 10. -The Halifax INamer Harlow, Captain Mott, made a rich strike Tuesday morning, when she rvaobed the Deltas of Newfoundland. The Tbompsrm f.lne steamer Gangs", from Montreal for Europe, with her large cargo of emote, flour, obmese, ere., was ashore at Ferrate .0d the Harlow sated a large pan of the Meg°. She in now 0n her way la Ala port, having nearly 6,000 boxes d cheese on board. Tbmre l• 01111 N. Cl.. - Winnipeg, Oct. to, -Thom le•beelntely nothing new In nnnneotion with the hawk tohbsry, ezeepting the arrival on Satur- day ret A. ft Hereford of Montreal, Whitt in.penaor of the bank. The rooeaa- a1 every bank enrpktyn were searched, Ent nothing was found to atttnh enenlMnn to rely of therm. The etnployee are regarded as an exceer:fnaly steady lot of fellow.. The affair maker thine" 'ether bnnnm fnrtable for the °Melai). and their Mends, as the public annoy well wee how the robbery roved here taken place without lbw knowledge of .none one inside. A report, which was perelaWntly eli-. breed Rs.nrnlay night that the miring Mlle from the Monona Rank had Mean fonnd, rennet he nnnflrieed. Ofllnlale ,n t.rw.4rt In oho neater maintain perfect inform on the anbj•nt of the robbery mod will give no Information sheet way. Te Seiki • Kidd N naw.na. Ottawa, Del. i0. -At the next matte of Parliament, .pplla►Inn wi11 he mate fro an Aet ta inenrpnrete • railway rem - piny to bu.ld • road from 41» 11+1 of (:voltam Paso along the ikelton ?rail to fort Selkirk and Amens Ile. Lambert waa admitted oil tell of M.000 art 1slnrday Honer* Roblilard. .r M P.,and mr A11. Henry see h1e snr01M tee 39,000 wok, and Minden N,6N Althalleffreleeteethee BRITAIN'S NEWisiisigenneoung aro ses-ao ou. oI quote I]lsn, are gory aourf s un moment of the • Uuweroua uumber of inatnurlals they aim Obliged to ouoMd.r. Ta. schedule. shougb leatative, includes pgrloult.trel and an1- tnal produote and a Iet of taauutaotured lrilolss. The Intern atonal ounferenos is Mjourned to Nov. 1 at Washlogton. The leather waaufakturere bad ae interview with Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Canedlaa Coatmlseloss$ at the Chateau un Saturday afternoon. Ons of Them Is Tooupla, WMOMI 1s Without a History. SURVIVORS OF THE SUBMERGED. ang. 8.1ia7<awk'• AYp daaj 'navies ll -u. t\t I ease tslnodtf, I. U 11• lag R.perl.aeee of Gile.M aid Wes -lalaed .4. Illetaltl Hee Hls- • appoered-alit,*s Raw Net Deere N the Rooke. Vancouver, OM. 10. -The fdluwing news was br'oeghl by the mall steamer Warrlmoo from Australian puree, wblob arrived on Saturday H.M.S, Mohawk hes returned to Syd- ney from the Solomon group. She had bees on • punitive eip•dttton among the islands. Among the villages visited was that of Vella la Vella. TM natives of this place were concerned ID a murderous attack made on Captain J. Prat, • well- known Island trader. The Mobawk land- ed an armed party, who proceeded inland. The village wee !pend desensel but the Hohawk's men avenged the affair by Or- Mg rIng native huts and deetroying plantar - gloat. Subsequently the Mohawk o.11ed off Slrobo and ■rreated the ohlef of see village there, in connection with the gasass,:re of a 5.igbbortag tribe. Among tee victims were ten women from Rube ana. Some nasive girls had been oarried off by Strobe men as prisoner. *ad Ibe oad•In of the warship endeavored N obtain their rete• e, but .11 la no and the obis/ wa1 igken on in WW1 before the British Commlesdont, 0. M. Woodford- While en the Mohawk the chief became very violent and on one ereemioa be took "full charge" of the forecastle head- He was eventually placed in trans, but • few days later, after being transferred to H.M.S. Goldfinch, Vied to e soape by jumping overboard. The ship's boas were promptly lowered, and he was returned Io the warship, and subsequent- ly handed over to the native police •1 Tulare. H.M.S. Mohawk next prooseded to the Santa Cruz group, and the oore- mony of annexation of these Islands is now In progress, An omo.r of the warship says: One af- the mat lnesressing features in oonnao- tton with our cruise was a visit to Tom - pia. This Island le without • history. 1s people certainly are not Kanakas, wooly haired or stunted in stature. The whole Lerma oeredely warm to give eater to the Darwinian Idea of • submerged oontin- est, In so far that the formation is mountainous, while In the valleys it bas about 8041 people. Thew ars glgantb la stature- One we measured was rex tete No Inches, and the women are propor- tionate. They have long, stralgbs hair (the men,) which they dye a flaxen color, and which In Wok folds bangs over their eopper tinted shoulders. The worsen, on the contrary, have their hair cot short. Tbey may be related to Samoans or Maori/, but they oerwtlnly differ so mach from the Polyneslao as to mate their blistery mat internecine. Strange to say, also, they have no weapons of defence •1 all. A remarkable law ■ruoaget them is that they marry only once, a superatIUon being that It a inserted man or woman dice, no testier how many children there may be, the deceased's spirit has gone Mead and is walling for the Other !raft. During the cruise we annexed • rot - sena, at levet It was • volcanic island, one which at night, though nos eery aotlee, one could hear a muddles Dole" and sea a Ligasea !�yalt Tbliant In the Santa carxttibs': t -,cues The Island of Motultl or Kenoedy 1.1 - and, which has appeared on charts since the beginning of the-eentary, was searob- ed for In valeq and no Island sib& any- where near We position assigned. MORRIBLS ORATH. Perry smith. Aged 16, Had H1. Lep Cat to Plows la • Thresher. Fleeberwn, One, OM. 10. -Saturday evening Percy Smith, aged 15, eon of John rSrnNh, lot It 00*, 71, Euphrasle, aecldentally slipped on the teed heard of • machine at his father'. threshing while getting out of the mow. Both feet were drawn into the cylinder. One leg was mangled to the bSp, the other to the knee. Dr. Hthbey of KI on honey war on the .rens within half an hour, but could do nothing, the lad breathing his 106 Bud two boars after tee •stillestse+w'd. CRIMINAL _INDIANS. eotaras..t Descends That Lha Mvd.r- on n. Glrr■ Up te A.,wer C. the Charge The Programme. Walker, Minn„ Oat. 10. -Al the In- dian e00no11 held hereon the reservation • demand was,ptade by the (lo,ernment through Indian Agent J(utherland that the men concerned In the killing of soldiers near Bear Island he glom ap to answer the charge of murder. Marshal O'Connor and dhq troop. com- manded by General Baoon mored to the money on the reservation at 10 obinck Sunday morning. Hone baro been chart ted and another effort will be made to apprehend the 50 Indians for whom the marshal has bench warrants. Wban the troop■ melee at the Agency romans will be sent out and the men ordered In. In ase they do not respond Marshal O'Con- nor, backed by the troop., will go atter them. A WASHINGTON VIEW. Asrrlesns Spy Little Progress I0 Beteg Wade 0t Q..bee - Canadians That Only R.elpreelty Re eals@ Unasttl.d. New York, Oet. 10, -Tb. Herald pub - Hebert the following from IM Washington correspondent: "Hamm' have reached the State De partment from the American members of the nommlrlon which has been sitting In Quetta'', .huwtng that little progress 1s being made In settling the gemstone which are being cen.ldered. "I was told so my stoat, so tar as the department has Min *defied, some the questions before the oomrlrtel have boon finally disposed of, and they will be dienue.d when toe commission noon- Asass In the OW eta Noy 1. "The Meath and CAnadtan members. I was told, have Mom making exorblt.nt demands and are .pp.rently onwtlling In grant oonneedons In return for *hose which has been offered he the repro eantatives of chi" Government. "Thloi erten ta deeply regretted hy ad ministratlom officials, who had hoped that, fn view of the piMMnt retrainee between the two Governments, an arrangement for disposing of all the Int e ating queetenns I.,ts•e„n the United Rtetea. (boot. Britain and Canada nonlel be moored ed Into *ohms any grab 41(1 salty Thl. Plea a Dlw.reet Ten.. Quehen, Qne. , Otey. 10 ---lore Hrrarhmll olid slap (Galilee ahnftly, eoing there on the Drunk n*gshlp Hemmen Ise will be the lomat or 1.1.05 (lovernor Only. !leveret 'n1 ohm High C0nnmis.lnn•re left on Saturday for '.heir hon o5 It is timber shred that there Is . good penance* of everything but the reelpt*nity gqs,e.tian haing settled! and effort. are 5411 M'tnp med. to mottle that qum.tlnn. ton the 6trmee of Nle Rimmed tnrtwr5ght end Mr John Charlie,. M.P.. forming the - -W*TU. $1i$ GOLLtatOR, aslpb J.\aslea. goo of a c\leage Arekt- MK Killed %ear Rkith,. Whitby, Oak, Got. 10,-14elpb Joke- st.ou, aged 17. may son ot Mr, W. K. Jobostou, srohlteoi, of Chicago, was wheeling to bis bums here, which 1 Mat of the town, •boos 10 o'clock Saturday night, when he winded with Walter Shaw mid .1. W •{sou two other W bltby young men, Who ware return,: g from Oshawa on their wheels. Jobrsion was thrown Irmo his wheel by that of Shaw onto teat of Watson. which struck him on the head. Shaw and Johnston were rendered unoougoluus by the eelltdm, and Wasson was so terrified be was un- able to help bas comrades. Shaw, how- ever, revived 1n a taw moments, and, with the help at one or two others, acted vary gallenYy, 0e4witk1tanding bye owe Injuries, white wme be Ito ms•na =OWL In trying to save Johnston, but all was In vain, Hs wee removed to • eomfort- abi plans, and two doctors were hastily summoned. but Johosws died as 9.16 S1gday morning. Teti°w !AVMS IN BIBB • MIT•. Tweety Thoessad People lave fled Prone the Stem of W1s•Iselppl. "U.s pbla. Tess., OW. 141. -The }M1ow fever situation thruugbout the State of Missiestppl in assuming grave proportion& The area of tee fever bas ,o enlarged that Infection may be said to be general throughout the State, and there is not a seotlon that bas not been visited, Three Inter -State relined' have practically sus- pended business and several short lingo are on the verge of • temporary shot - lows doe to the lack of trade. Twenty thousand or more peel& have hurriedly left the State and are now refugees le northern older, eagerly awaiting the ap- proach of oold weather. Tbe disease con- tinues increasing 'seedily In Jaek.on, the utas appal. Since September 57 thew have been 44 crew there, of which 14 were negro/is. Only live deaths have bean reported slaw the beginning. Lae Pee Waste Hs wtr., Vaseoeeel� 11ia� i0.--, ' C11I8MW fi`1 the town 11 Raekaneok on Abe Crow's Neat Railway, named Lun Foo, wanted a wife and gave Web Chung, of Revelstoke, 6400 for • fair rompeabo be had. Lun Foo gos her. but Chung wanted the girl back, and 1t 1a geld got three Chinamen 40 abduct her. Now I.:In Foo has Inserted the tendril*/ adrwUsement in the Nel- son Press: To Wah Chung. Revelstoke, B.C.-Some one took my girl away, dressed In English clotbes, look. eke a Jap girl, has throe Chinamen with her. 5800 reward for returning her to Nelson. (Signed, Lan Foo, Keskabook). A GREAT MONEY CENTRE- •• ENTREA. Ita.rs.as Amount el Caseation Meek Meld Ise Montreal -Sallee et H.M.S. Talbot 111(1.d. Montreal, OM. 1. -The fact that Moak. real 1, fast becoming one of the great mop5y•eeatres of the eontineo$ becomes more evident from day to day. 11 was estimated nese yesterday that no lase than 46,000,000 worth of Can*dlse Pa. elflo stook is now held on margin on this market, much 'steer dorms than was ever known before In oonneotlon with that stook. Montreal. In fact, 1a far ahead of New York, and If the idea u realized that transfer book. are kept here tee total amount of badness In Montreal will be larger. So far mat of she trading In New York has been done for Montreal acooaot, but with the transfer books brought hare, New York will not agave alongside of the Canadian metropolis, 14 must not be forgotten also that the 01,- 000,000 do not include the large amount of stook that bee been parnhased ban and paid for as an investment 6n51bh r.11or Killed. One of the sailors of H. M.S. Talbot was killed on the Canadian Pacific Rall - way rook on the wharf yesterday mord• Mg early, 1t is seppo5.d by a .abutting train, of whir, t there are a greet malty passing to and fro at night TM un - nate mars was a Corn)shman, H. iL. Dingle, and was only 91 yedre of age. Ne Rad 1. Sight. The pamenger rate dlfBnulty between the (trend Trunk Railway and tb. Cana- dian P•c1&e Hallway promisee to feet le• definitely. Neither of the roads seam inclined to trate any conossslon that would tend to bring about a solution of rho trouble. O•., 84,000 Majority. IA Petrie claims that the majority against prohibition In Quebec 1s over 84,- 000 THE DREYFUS AFFAIR FACTS ON Wel10$4 ALL ITS DETAILS MUST NECESSARILY BE BASED. N ees Paragraphs tablets Nee Op the When Walter- Roble Work Daae for the Iespri.oa.d Pr.neb Caplet* Sr Mks De.eind Wife, Cel. rie4aarl sod the World-Rsewa Novelist xol0. Much las been said of bite about tee Dreyfus affair which is nut only interest Ing W Ftetcbmen but ib. world at large. No other subject of the day is per• hap quite as fuotoatltg, either. 1t illus- trates ol.arly the ?Gautier conditions ex isUng 10 the Ften011 Republic and demonstrates that up to a few weeks age the may sad not the Well laws govern- ed the peoule of Frenoe. Tse tads to which all the detail, ds ibi. *renewed case must be fastened have Mu, been summarised trona the original document: "l, Cape Albert Dreyfus of We Frenob army was 1n 1894, by a secret court- martial, 000vlosed of Neasok to France He was condeutnedge •'single document -a Wedmore or memorandum of Frenob '5058lary sooner of no tmpartamee oT *atue, alleged by ono of111e m.aatdinatal o f Col. Prey du Clam to have been found 111 the wastebasket of the German Am- bassador. 1. This memorandum was, ib* army's Impede oontend, In a handwriting td.n• Neal in all essential points with lbs handwriting of Dreyfus. 1be opposition experts °onward that 14 was In the hand- writing of Major Estrbasy, • trench military spy. "6. To lulluenos the oonrt-martial two secret documents were laid before them, but not shown to Dreyfus or his soonest Thps were two letters written by the military attache lit the Malian E mbassy st Paris and referring w French worse sold by a French spy, 'D,' The army now admits that one of thus letters telerred so another person and not to Dreyfus, end bot► the Italian •etuche and the German oda he, to whom he wrote, hays pledged ibawselass oon,lns- ingly that neither letter referred to they fns, and that they had no dealings what• ever with him. "4. In 189e, two year, atter Dreyfus' soodemuation and when the sgitattoo for • retrial began in earnest. Col. Retry, /, \\ �\\\ ' , if•sri r:• • -- ',twin /0 1N JAPAN. The Montreal Werehaa Wk. birppear- .d rem. Menthe Age Heard Feer. Vancouver, R.C., Oct 5, -Th. News - Advertiser pohllahei a ,tatement from Albert I. Lewis, the prominent Montreal merchant whose disappearance moose month, ago newel • ..nation all over Canada, which show. that hello le Japan, and In whfoh be says that he left home ander great mental and physical pre, - son, that Ela eondnet cannot be justified, that Helen P. M. Lewis le les only wife. teat the eowardly .torlso *bout her ate ab.olu*ly untrue, that gee wee in no wise to blame for his dlaperearance, and that b5 did not leave with or en *01000* o f any other woman. TM afgn*ore at- tached to the statement, whfoh arrival os. the steamer Yaet•gueb Mara treat Japan, hae been slsssNd here. RILL RR 111.11t1118 H, Applleatlea for Chamge .e Tee.. 1• Poet..'. Case RaMsed. Toronto, (M. 8. -Mr. Joggled Motors• eon he. given judgment On the applla• tion ley the Crown vee thanes the venue en tie sa/e et th. twee* tt. Ponton. Markle and Holden, from Rapanes to some other .nitabl, town, where 5 fair *Mai may be had. The defendants, 1t W1* he remembered, are eI srged with rob Very, N the Mailmen of the 1)nminlne Bank. The foamed judge refries lee motion, holding that the venue In these mow will not be cheng.d hy the retort nodose It Is finite clear thee • fair tr►el eannnt be had; moreover, that ■mfienew In snppnrt of ►be motion skew Doty the e pprehen.Ir.n, heed or npinlon of the dopnnennt" in the matter, and that Is nm .omelenl 11. refers to the lent that i.en rine and Addington Confined bete a population of 50.0(0, from whinh a Mtge panel may he drawn, and 10 the foot that she power of the Crnwa to ohellenge jurors is treater than Mat of the prison .te As ga•Ntlg.Gew ese4.,.d. Ottawa, (let 4 -The tievernmenl e*., 1t U andantino!, !, nw5.r.d en Irpalry into tee charges against the Vele n1Hn(ai*, end he* Mowed a eeentfltaelen to Mr t1g11Ha to maks Inquiry and tote set dr new anter neth. The commission arse forward hy sp.ehl detpstn5 at one, CAPTAIN ALLalIT n•terie. who had lust become the bad of tt» inholllgenoe bureau, forged • letter par porting to be • allot In the Italian attaobe'a aeries. In this forged letter Dreyfus' name ooeurred In fall. This forged letter was put forward as 1be om- alueiee proof that Dreyfus was goilty. Confronted recently with • aharge d forgery, Col. Henry killed himself. and It 1. accepted that `suicide fa confession,' "6. When Party do Clam was promoted In 1894 for catching and oonvleting Dreyfus, Col. Plcguart became the bead of the tni•Illgenoe bora-1. He wee Ws - missed for ouldeeiing proofs that showed air tended to show that the bordereen RM In Lha handwriting at the Breseh spy K.terbazy, and that Estrhazy had sold Fr.nee mens to the Germans and the Italians both before and MN, Drey- fus was arrested and Imprisoned. "6. The explanation pat forward by the armysand the governs»et for Ester- hazy's published letters denouncing France and for els selling awe -en is INN be did It In the regular worse of hie business. the bleier to get bold of ebe sortie of otter governments. Des ezpla nation of the resemblance at the hand- writing of the herders° to Ealerhazy'e handwriting 1. that Dreyfus, knowing E•terhazy'e buslnoea, imitated his hosed - writing the better to conceal himself. '7. Disarray and the 'overarmed have allmeed from the Ort that there 1s oder • videnoe against Dreyfus, which an In no otrcamatauoe be disclosed for 'grave reasons of State,' They allege that these reasons are so grate that any Met to sup - prom the Dreyfus agitation would be jus*fleble. On the other band, the friends of Dreyfus allege that thee. 00. tolled 'grove reasons of State' ere merely the cover for • cllgne of dttrepusble arrny officers and their dupes who have Leen conetering, net agalnn Prones directly, bot first agates' the Hebrews In the army, and latterly to defend them selves from exposure and diegrane " Col. Henry's sulolde forced the Cabinet N take anion, and • reetalon of the ass waa *greed upon. This led M. Geeslgwe, ire Ini.ter of War, to band In his restgnation, bbl. of lnlal being to Ma own mind firmly convinced of Dreyfus' golly. President Faure then personally request MMB. t.nrta Rt'd*1RE 0R5Trtt5. ad Oen. Zurlinden, m11101ry governor a Perls, to snort the war portfolio, sad imw'aeded In gaining Elm o0n5ent He, ton. has "ince resigned and given plate en 'len. (.hannln,- This mains that when i)rreyfus returns from Devil'. Island, off the enat.l of French Greene, where he ham been onnflnd In an Iron realm for morn than three year*, he will twelve a fair trial, for the new MIn11Mr of Wet 1s in favor of r.vluon. The iat.tt develop- m.nt is that Col. Ceterhary hes enn'mad that 080 of the 1,000 d'oomene ewe against Dreyfus wan furred, Should (apt. Dreyfus .rentn.11y more hie freedom dad be %rein lneveted,.tplt the tubiform •ed Iwert M whittle, by order at iso linerttparlbai. - • 1070051t alifbt iaf`R'(Fesied him, 1» will have to thank kis obermine end beent1M1 Orem, Imola Ingenue fnr the owin.nmmetinn Soma atter his %meal at 14 plow or exile he wrote to Mme, firmest, "1 rely upon, solve this horrible mystery." Then MN futbful wife, who bed ulured N share her husband's awful fate and Was prevented doing 1u by the French Government, seri to work to free the Cap- tain or at least le wore tar him a aW trial. She went to Berlin and flung her- self Mt the NM of the emperor. One word from him, site pleaded, would re lease her husband. "(lar, she Preyed, "Shall the German Embassy received uo Information from ()apt. Dreyfus." The imperer said theward she asked for, bet 1t was of no avall, .xt she visited Me Noisome of Husda. who took • Iwo tnl. ill to the ease and did what b• could to help the pleading wife. Next the Pope was drawn into the affair, and al.o the Queen Regent of SpeIn. All of there tmlbenl persons owl their Influence to impure • reopening of the Gass, bull with no success. Still She work which Mena Dreyfus did was bearing good fruit. The n ewI0 Pere waUnrbed to light shoat Dreyfus 'Lata and flax Norden took up hours that tiros Ilk• days. How their pens and wrote with gall about they come, and how unwelcome they some of the big people In Parts- Count A system robbed by &terplerwws 5aterbasy was tried on a °Large Gladly natural rest cannot be vigorous W to that on which Uroytus was oon,loted, strong. The panes are at fault .sl and altbougb not found guilty, the Net snub( be built up. Lr. \L'ard's Blood say was all In favor of Mm.. Dreyfus' Nerve Phys are the remedy that toed campaign. Then, Col. Ploquerl • fr1104 ot the lhgfuees, fought a duel wish 01141 MISS EMMA TEMPLE, Henry, and then tame the last chapter at Haarre eenferton and wield., Capt, -r. Mutt IS WHAT 5146 gays: Dreyfus did weft to rely on Iota 'White solve the trury horrible mystery, and „seta.,.+ aid o:',,trrti nwnths that aim will certainly succeed In Illarai 1"woof,.e tug her bu.be0d or vindicating his memory if be should die there can be so doubt whatever. Mune Dreyfus makes this declaration: "I ate ooa,inosd of my busbaed's absolute tnuoouo• and meas to prove 1L Jehovah, God or Provtdenee will m long orush his en.mlw and re store him to me." This predl.tloa cer- tainly seems about to be fulfilled. Mme. Dreyfus L still a beautiful women not- wttbatanding the trying time *be has passed through and the groat grief she has felt. 7,ola'e interest in the ease will go Into blowsy as one of Its moil interesting features The greet novelist, in an open letter, wooed a number of army *Moen of beving ooneplred to 0one00t lheytns 40 •5)eld themselves He was arrested, tried and sabtenoed to • year In prison, and fled from Francs The proration of the speech which tie delivered at hie trial was thrillingly eloquent, sapeolally whets he said: "If Dreytus he not Inwood., ia sty name perish If be be not Innocent, let me works perish. Be all I have deo* for tb* lttematue of the gauntry, by all I Ms N Mfrs Mr. 1 aery•r OAS M Y lass - 't Slee 0 The wavy rich• OA. Ilig'ht, u e over .aertlon and want u( r,. which Dieu 1 suffered gte.tiy onatr,.ua;t the shattered Conchtluaof my n.,°Msaa,� w411,1 1 was memo to Ind ser n.w( I4 towed a• werdat(we .ler Weld's 51aod ear,. PTO) that Is three months suds n tNrVM •truag, removed .H e.T„oa• nsubil batt up my *.1yale.l system and ear )),,, strong and we{11. They remorrd dpp„s d.ney, amid 1■ n.nsegqsar. lit *Nog free yalaabt,'rUL 1 lural forward to tk. hem hopefully. 1 k..• to thane your use ire a..oeee..•s ens bodily treatises he V proem good 51.atte tad strength. Wows trey, . aigaed, IMM* TE4PL*, Hesusgamo Dr. Ward's Blood and Nene eileahesk et ye nets per boa, t buses for h e a enemgtsu, or mailed on receipt of pprry N Te. Ur. Ward Co , rt Vietorls •t, Teresa Book.( inforawases tree. 11 •at. -d- A lad in one of the London hoot sebuols was found guilty of • .•noes is. fr•ntio0 of dIselplloe and was dimmed sr his Labor to tell Ela tpotber *JW 1, got home what misdemeanor he Nene m' (tad The next morning the a'b.iulmieas. called Johnnie to her desk, she° be following dialogue ensued swot "WW2. Mower Jehateerwifujeg.reag, your mother what tntractlou of diw'p0e you were middy of yesterday alet ase reprimand and bdnlehment p1 ,a tired) ' "Them, " was 145 sententlnn• roper "Well, and what did your mother "She said abe'i 11k* to wring fon neck for yea " No more diaolpllne reports wan real Wow to that mother WHEAT STOCKS SMALL. tisad.treevs statemeat ea Wheat steels, le the Redd t• Oet. 1 -Liverpool Dawe Tt1. erten. letarday Evening, Aug. Inrsdstreet'e .clement Of the w 'i el... stocks op Oct. 1 shows as Increase 'or 0 91,511er 1• Canada sed the United States of 10,'L16,11W bushel., and an literates abroad of 5.400.00) barbels --or oro themes. r5 Europe and America of only 15.50,1,000 stuhehl for teepptember, again*, an novena O :'7.011),000 bushels la September. mot. ler lyladlaa. United stator and E.repea■ trucks kre 04,1181108) bee►.-ls. The 1 lilted Moon ..d Comedian slacks are the small - Tb. Viesterelhe demesnes. "You may bank on • guilty conrkn•v almost every time when an umbrella e, n question," saki • New Orleans drummer "You me this 00.f Well, It came Into no et al•ee1602. possession quite recently by what they cal Liverpool wheat Marge eased se Sod per tbe'right of donna I' In a protocol I -ental to -day. --- -- ---_---- -_y-was esegletoes In 411.04*.fter land see 'fewest. •L Lawremse IBae*S5e wondering what the deuce 1 would ei when 1 noticed • oe.p under en awning trying to raise an umbrella It weather be didn't understood the fastenmmg. sad r the umbrella Moll was nut new thew oumstanUal evidence .pint him sumo elusive "So 1 walked upend sold Orly, That s my umbrella. dr.' At the maw tilt. I took 1t out of his hand Ile wilted at noe stammered something about a mistake and sneaked off. while 1 walked away proudly, ahelter,'d from • very moles now er 'That's what nerve will do. Ronda by the way, whom It rally la "-New Or. law TimesDemocrat) White and red Mose were tester, bet fae was ire Sneer. 1400 bushels sold as, ollows : Whyte al eater, red a4lye, goose ICM to tL7e,' Rorie' at Oe per baaa.f. Harley leaser. 200, busbies aelnos at 44* to 4151. Peas Inter; 100 bushels sold •t 524. to ifay add at 57 10 48.50 /or timothy ate 1550 to g4-50 fur ,loser, per too, foe 13 load - l'u:atoes plentlful sod easy at tel' to 80e per bag, APpleo sold at T o to 41,1;1 par 4L1. Rutter, 18e to Are for tee general nee with some choke dein from farmer: the L ets to special customers at lie in 22e foe wand roDs. Sala, 18e to 'CIM• for preers5 rya, sad a few ehnlre los brought De to 22, to spe- ral motormen, Poultry-(a1b.*s, 40t- to Meper p•MA YOUNG duets. 50e to 110x• jge..., r to 110ee k te,ry�rfK; turkeys dr to 12.: 50 rsmsd hip ! GIRL'S ESCAPE. )rllrassr et t)6.>S to est. 05d.•n,enf,<o�''' Y 00'.„ 'Seo-,4111"15'�`-_: ZIIB!!� from being a Nervous Wreft 14M born, r sers* dur; 6. n Watertown. N. T., Oct. el-00.efags M r HILBURN'S HEART AND minnow on Rotted of Trade today 111IPM blues September; sales, 5150 boxes. at.11%. NERVE PILLS. ted /seed': Masan 45.14. Leedne, Oar., (hat. 8. -At the mar*ttio 4 Imre to-dsr >QOt) bozos Sept, inner s.ke were hooded: MM, 104.e fe Wm; 50 rue.. Cogswell. Oet , Oct. t -Carrie Board did 5M meet today rbwa5.+v11M. Qe.. Oct. t -At tw. G eriCla- rttle Ilerst Beard te-d.y m feeterr.• .it• ferel Two Metre r'11.,.., Septesher r. e; one eream.ry. 12 beset hatter; 11444' ,,fo- rd for leiter: nn weirs Welt sad telrt•en- 'ts'.,•retb Mees ws• rhe Meted offer s'de /ver ,beese to-dsy, and not a bolt area a Id. Adleuried for nor week. rate to*ate Cattle lea.Ret. 11.,) Rnfaln, N: T.. Oct. ft-Cattle--At- fer(nga D' loads, prtarlp.Ily meeker.; widen were held *err eatll lfnnday. Calves were In light .nppty, geed 4 -065* all a ronpr, f bole, In .etre, 117.1) N gab; rest to rhlrr. 47.2ft to 87.75. rimer and 1asb.-15 loads on Bele; 95 mans gond and market a little strong mn rhr,ier arnd,'s of lambs. Choir. to rlt.riff 1, nil .. t.',.I5 to 65.77,: gond to ,Moor.. It". '0 to V83: nommen to fair. to.T.. to *5.73. fthrrp--!'hnlr. to .alre wethere, 65.50 to 04.r: 'nod to "Mee. 61.21 to 14.60: roti. •.n to fair. 43 to $$ 30. Tinge -40 rem. tfnrket stow ctrl )ower. The opening wee Ll r to 61.RIS ter boor• and tr',7n to 3T en /• r York• re Mg. -$'141 to 51,4. toter M. market declined sell IM Mils was IX.10 for rend extent BHtUb N.eketa. t,iverpool, 1111, e----‘12.110.)---No. 1 North. erring Os 014d; red whiter, 5. 101, Ne. 1 (•rel.. t40 *4 to Aa Id- eons. a. 4514: pees, 5. 2514: pork. 50.: lard 75. PI: renew. 40. ed: hams, hes.). I.e., ale: light. gee 5d: chert ret, 81x: r'h.ee., w41re, 400; notated. 42e. I.lverporrl--(tor-epnt wheat stedy, with en 1 Cal. et M 4d. rte winter et 5. Nil am No, 1 Nor., /. bleed. Fntnrra, If. 4)44 1•.r Oct.. 6e Med for Doe, and 6s 5444 for Mereh, Melee, 0e 4141 for I(.nr, referee, M 4+101 for Oct.. M 54 for Nov, ■N Dee. Mow, 10. 1M . High 1.Itht. 1t ie only during the honeymoon that married people anlerd s each other's pet dogs The elate heft bin finite, but he didn't try en make Kee think that he was • fur ba. Trow friends are people we know who doo'iaask us /o wino so ttrslf *Me Mer IR away. Other people's eztravaennome are meet diat*mtefal when we are short M rash oor sal tea. A cynic le alt.hee a young man trying to get old or en old man who 1. mad Mean& he Isn't young. The woman who ran (peek French near b always has a husband who ptrmnntrws It as spathe! Roomer or lets sten quit crying for th, mono and are thankful for • tamp that dovetail run mot of oil Half the w,rrow, of women 50nl4 tw avarhrd 1f men would only listen to than, when they want 5r talk. It le boner to be fn0le4 once In awhile San M 11re In a wnrl.l In which yon are dm ow1y nepertetsle pavers --Chtwgo 140 "ibgs palm re ter said 1 moot never Mtrt • girl with a see thumb-- she ereame always want her own war " "l.nok at my thumb, ass hew llmhnt is In Per the benefit of Cansd:an mother', who have daughters who are weak, pets ruo down or nervous, N» Belan✓er, 116 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario, made dr following statement, no that no one nest gaffer through ignoramus of the � masa remedy to use: . My daughter mrewa Very much from heart troablee at tislL- Often she wee so had that .he welded Vont, but land to int and gasp for breath. Bhp was so extremely nervous that kit limbo would fairly shake and tremklk Frequently she would have to leave school and finally she grew w weak that we wa mush alarmed about her health. I gate ate many remedies, but they did Dot sets Ile do her any good. Thea 1 beard of Ifilbarn'a Heart ad serve Pills and got • box of them, ant 1057 hare indeed w.'rked wonders wife bar. I can reoommend thorn eery highly es the best remedy I ever heard of for iompleint5 similar to those from white m) daughter suffered." Milburn', Heart and Norm P1115 now fall to do good. They cone palpitation. faintness, dlaaine,s, .mothering ssosstice, weakness, nsrvoa.nee ,Aleeplenu eta, 5nae mia, female troubles and general d►Mlfty. Sold by all druggists at boo. • boa ar three bore, for 61.96. T. Mims A Ott. Toronto, Ontario. LAXi -UVEB Pia INK on dm` as easy sod saturai suosioirr reraelflap all poisons awl Us.' peritise. They slay O siedP ' ties, Sisk Nsada.bar MMS INM. Ocf/apeia. Mar Steer ask Jimpoillss and f f hies Travellers Should always carry with thee stetM bfbr FOWter Extract of Wild Strawberry. ?be change et food and ars/1F to white those who travel ate .ubjeet, often Pfe' duo= an attack of Diarrhoea. whieb k se unplowed and discomforting as It may be diusiprose. ♦ boils of Dr. Fewis.2 P.t i d Wild Strawberry in yaw' VT 15 • guarantee of safety. Ooh h I0 dloadoa of Cramps, Ool or Dys.0NNryry, a few Sams will =al *beak MAIN, advs.,* d them llsss""" if N an old. reit. able »1ndy. With ever forty ysanf of sole• N fee credit, 05.00. rear%y1. re- neleal where ,ams ea* Ike( tlw dee t nes N54lRmand in e 1 nti 111 nail OtiiMr1/�1 b ss*df.9in. s'ilIire merr.h n *s 060. • 5.1u. *1gbye blow, . - •a. es 0.', .6,44. w -