HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-10-13, Page 5• THE SIGNAL : PAMERICH ONTARIO. • _..121//WEAJ. Qcl 1 1898. . You will be Satisfied if you get your Boot' and Show here. There is no rs•son why you 'houlttu't be • customer oft uta. A well selet.t ed stook, best geode, lowest prices sod courteous treatment are the induce- ments offered you. The fall stock is complete., end will be sold at Lower Prices than you have been accustomed t) pay. ST. 6E0. PRICE, Comoro Work West side of Squats, mod Repairing. (Iodation COUNTY CURRENCY. Me„ i, : D. L. Steseb•e has be.. re -ea. egad as t.ieher at Be.wetews ter 11816 se u wombs of $30 pee ammo. Kuhr : Beams. C. Baal jr. sad it. C. Teemons bare purebeeed tM •leotrm light piss► free the joist Meek company. smoky : Pomo McDougall, of Blenheim, synth of Malw(t WEww of tee led ass., passed away a Mesday et lost week. Moms : V VFbaee bas harvested oboes 1,300 poseds et Marty tram W bees. H. ' oaths its theca with 18 solemn of thew bdseteiouu bale Meads. Ushers. : George Kansa has pen/based tM J.h.e farm as the 4th sea Debase, wawa he has reseed Is lYeite . Herts will tors but. Bother. Be.millsr : John" More rase with on ecoidwt which might have nsdMd le the for of sr ere; while Maputo, wood • piece of .uos flew up, kink.; um Is the eye Kiat_ : Mika Haywood has deposed of Its 100 acre farm, With lot 13, Doe. 3, Co tors,, to Bsm'l Roth. a $..noes, ter • tom over 16000. Mr. Rowe takes peon lS. tam WL W : lbs 2081 owes of load ba loagiag to the Mtwara '.bats so Um" lad. eeasyaor of '1 shred for sola by a.otlew, woo mot sold. 17.860 was in. Wh- et bid .ad this was 'Mop to Ms remove bid. &seas : W. H. Mid.bo hew soot exhi- bits M throe Fall Fin as Wednesday of last with wish the hollowing results •- Tora+fMi.111. Teves ; sawed, 2N i amid Blyth, 34.78 n al Not bed for throe fain se see day. Braman : Dr. KalbSeiseh How. very 1NW hapovewewt I. heath sod oathsrs N• showy sh.•for the bother takes stew, •. s.&isS from Tomato will be et and. rb Demises they friends with km s sos•dy r.ssvury. Move : It Y rw.rtad that Will. bloomy, . f ladles Hoed. N. W. 'r.. will baso ever 2,000ewng a filler Massey, who sad 1,000 ot 'gots the three. aen. sNy is viscus out lbw, will be Moe at she alms et this maithh. grater : At the rusidosos of lbs brides wombs. on Obs Mk the , by the Roy. Dr. Willoughby. Dewy fitisrnaw. of Ua- tory, the oatw in the bad. of thou nosy to Mir I4s, adorn danger_ a EU 6..11, Homo Moose. W iegb•m • Orew•Il E. Ways, orbs W bass teller in the Mak sf Hsrllta hers, has bis tr.edorred' ts she brooch of Ms teak at Wrathy& f5oehtg • promothn. Mirth What for Ms sew boss he was teedrod • farewell sapper at JHu's roe - marmot by W friends n tows. Hallett : Os Tbrodey *TIMIg Jabs Yong, a nthloot of Hartford, n tkr tows - skip, ler this w bibsr mark died as lb. rash el Worth essayed s.vwsl troths We when be way thrown set of • baggy. Ho naves • the, they boys.a Iter throe Yrs. hers the .m1 rnd mr Bombard, .f if.,. Two of the sees ger in Manitoba Ch•lleeger room the farm for Ova years, at • rood flours, cod raise pwseesba th. first of Northam. Ms. Yuoe rotatos 1►. thirty this on the Hallett aids, whish w Mrpose ..lug for stook. Urates i Owing Is 1M Moth of his wife, Thaw Kays, .1 the ban Yee. ewe r age deeded to root W very bus farm, sod hos join s.ipred • tense la the person of Ames CMllenter. of > •wa who one who d sssk t al. as b held t run down Mr. der Mat slow ► glees DYINf BY INCHES! OH, WHY SHOULD THE SPIRIT OF MORTAL BE PROUD Mullah . Tea trusties M E. tl. No. 6 have r -..gaged thou missal hsMar. J. H Lowery. toe sort year. at the seer, salary as be has Dass reoevlag. Whew he finishes this year, Mr. Lowery will have oompletod tea years' awvioe in she Seouon, sod the fent of his re-a,sy'mat year atter year is pbuadaet proof of lbs eroellewos of tbo work Its r dalyt. Ba�Sad Sheppard, ng to 'wiill bath, ass/ Molar sold his preotms here to Dr. Palliator, • promising and smoothie yeseg praeliliosw, is ebou. to leave, sad his ft•tsda la the Methodist obareh, of which Is les boas • very pealous member. as well a. noordi.g stwert. showed their imam - mottos of him, by giving him • haedhoere prissy, •o.wmpastd by so address. Wl•gbem By the reeavel of Mr. and Mrs. Job. Naa1•edo m Braetlwd, Wisg- ham loess two of Ito *Mon and mast respect- ed rwdeata Mr. sad Mrs. Neeleode hod resided n sown for seedy a quarter of • osntry. Mr. Noelaads will tied it more 000yeulest se High Treasurer of the Ccc• edam Order of Ferroslrs, se the bead ethos of an ardor is dteated n Brentford. Wew•sos : Mrs. Jam. Waggon/Doe is oontiaed to bar bed through as attack of typhoid fever ; with good methyl trent- meat end W aesmtaooe of • treinod sorsa, le We pony of Mies Rigsby, her many friseds hops sone for her ree.vury. Job.' Moss, jar., ie also aaD.rlas with typbaid: favor, sod it r the wish o1 W soweros. Irtewda that be way soar he able to •Kind to kis regular duties. Brown : Lost Friday *math shoot 8.30 i slaok as • numbs, of shtldrm were playing •rased she bead stood, aa is, often the sneteo whew the Band is giving it. weekly •smart, • very sod cad fatal soot - Mat et warred in whisk James P•roy. woad sea d Al... Forsyth, King street, aged 8 years, the his death by bring run over by Albert Oskley's berm. la she they is ed • thous is this ower wore Wm. Oreewands sod Albert Ashton, who woo driving beeoward having sears at of the gesso's Held yard. The lad was throat by the of h ens sad She islet wheel of the weans rim ever aim, artrbn his skull madng mld e•o isant death The sal 'teat allotted • greet dui eif sympathy for the bereaved. troderrb 1'0 : Vee of the "West rest darts of tics township eaddealy passed away m Sealey aftermath et lost week, is the poToothed.ss of William Townd, of the Buda' liner Diseased be. beer ailing slightly of late, hist II was oothhollielot4 re fair o s/•J be was is Charm. r wall as over. 8..day aftrs•m he and Es. wit* were waking about the h•rsyerd, whew he dropped dead without a moment's weroleg• Is early IW he was a sailor. bat be Me bees a readmit of lbs towasblp for about forty years. Hs was mania throe times, mad of the lase family leaves three boys add Har girls, ono at the latter batt the wife of Andrew Holliday, Ssamin �Colborne. lbs, e. Ho as wpresid ral goslMy, sod lb.. large Bamber whit attended kis tuerel to 'Hayfield sow»try showed the reopen is whish he was bid. But Dodd's l.doey _Pills will Ye_tRoaew use. Thousands ad parsons die is dm prime of life because doctors think Bright's Disease and Diabetes incura- ble. But Dodd's Kidney Pills cure them both. They haw cured thousands of cues. These diseases and other Kidney complaints are u common as ordinary colds. But people don't realize that they are asbctrd till the disease has eaten deep into the system. Eves then, Dodd's Kidney Pills will posi- ti Cure. of peoflr aresir Asir : feet, incl 1. tat realise ii. They notice one or more of those symp- toms : shortness' of breath, loss of memory, failing sight, ravenous appe- tite, pale or reddish urine, with brick - colored deposit. scalding when urina- ting, constipation, nervousness, pains in the loins. Their only her is Dodd's Kidney Pills. They won t faiL They never do. This poem Is attribstd by WON, to Ak•v be Luau's, hat wraasemly. Mt. LdssS•s woe • groat admirer of It and epee offers/ 160. while be was Proddeht ter tha ne=e d w •atter. Is was written In Wm. Kau, • Boottlslt pay. who died is 1826. Io seat. Sense at woo ma axpr.eaos el rho laulfly of On own lite, toe he wee but 30 with hig died and maths living shot ',mold his day.. He was • peat of • high order. Ob. why sbeold the spirit el -1110111i be proud Like • swift Meting meter. a feshflybtg A f Mad, lbs Ifgbtlee. • break of the we - *i Fla Salk MB Ala to his rest m the gays. '- The naves .f He eek sad the willow shall fade ; ea Ile stlurd around, sad toem.er be laid As Ib youth and the old, the low sod tin high. Shall crumble to diet sad together shall lia The utast s mother atMsded and loved- Ttte moiler. that latest s affection who proved ; TM tether, that setter sad slant who blessed, Each, all are sway to Wal dwolllag ot rest. The maid, a whose brow, es whose obsek, in whose eve. Shoes beauty sed playas -hr triumphs And alike tram the =lads of the living unused Aro lb. memories of monolog that loved her sod praised. Ths hand of the king that the setellaSSL horns The brow of Its. priest Met the mltisbttS wars ; Tb eye at she moo sad Ms heart of lbs breve, Ars kiddy cud lost la tar depths of the ‚revs. The imams, whose lot was is sow sed to reap The Modems who climbed with Ma yam up the stoop : Tb beaicr, who outdated is search of kr (^.bread. Hai►'imded sway like lbs gram which we tread. So the maltittlie pan, like Use flower or the woof.N That withers •soy lot Math series/, So them�AslutYea ea Mapp ams be' Te n3sot -every Lao that be. them tam sold. For we oro the some or tethers have bus: W• w u s sate sights that or When n have sear ; W• drink lbs sass stream, we w tbo mete me. Aid res the .sero thus, that our Whore hays ria Tao thoaghm we are thinking, oar f tbero did thlmk From the Moth wig aro shrinking. our fathers did shrink, Ts the life we ore diming, oar tethers did otnr. Rut it speeds from ss all bar lb. bird on the wing. They loved -but We *My we oe.not um told ; They .oer•ed-bet lbs boort of the haughty is cold ; Tiny irisvd-but so web fry' their slum- bers will oath ; They 'eyed -bat the magas of tour glad • •soy is dumb. HIS NARROW ESCAPt. Mr. Jobs N. Bobeook's Enperlooro with ilodd's Eldon PUIs. BberbM labs, Ont.,Oot. 10. -No random of this plat is better known to the thou.. .ads of tourists and sports== who visit m .-silly than is Mr. Jobs N. B.. b Iiiib SabathMr. Babgshas had they N o:• perlsiss, hot abs hawsers/ ssapo he .ver hod he titin of is She.. words: - "Altar twentysen of pain, mused by grovel sad other Kinsey osenpw•t. I am pleased to ba aids to stets that I Mee bet osmpletay and by Dodd's Kldsmy Pills Dur,sg these years I hays spat handmade at dollore for gegen sad remedial', bus ably Dodd's Kidney Pills helped es." . SLUM/ALL. Toe•peyt Out. 4th. also Lisa Mooser visltd in grew. Will Hwy wee visiting n Clinton. Tbs M soy Dal visited • couple of days Is Winpbsm lost week. The romaine of the late Was. Pattering. who died Is Detroit, �lher ed d I bora Meeday. Dsosesed vola W. ACHESON & SON. CARPETS CURTAINS Our large Carpet Departit ont is this week probably the busiest store in Ooderleb.' 'Prom our advertised in- vitation to Ladies to call and tbspeet, the result has been most satisfactory. Carpets in all the new designs in the prevailing soft, rich shades, new for this season Axminster, Brussels, Wools, Tapestrys, Ingrains, Unions, Hemps One of the most carefully selected and largest stocks in Ontario. Prices as low aS the lowest. We invite iaspectibit. W. A.0HESON & SON. A. J. Grigg, J. C. Lye..; Malay ot ladles,, S. Appleby; gems, Mouton, bkek•broested sad, A. J. Utfgg. Ung• irwts; lrewn•br.e t. ad rad, A. J. lhsgt ; pilo, A. J. ragtag, J. C. Lyng ; sewbriobt, J. C. Lye.' ; any other variety ed faeoy baster, m. Cortar, Roth. Look ; Pokis bantams, Walter T•y• lar; red caps, Calls Campbell, W m. Walken; turkeys, b Dom. MnMiohesl, I. Salk• std, jr.; row, Eebdw, (i.e. Irwin ; •ay other variety. Jobs Solksid d: Boa, Ties, YoMtohasl ; drake, Roses, 8. Appleby,W, Wally : Patio, 3. C. Lyng, Una Irwin ; say other yaein►y. Moo McMHM.1, 8. Appleby; gutsy fowls, Jos. Whitely. Wen. Carty ; e.11.ottn nbbtm, Cohn Campbell, Jos. licks•. ; ooll.otiss pithily, Jas. Maws. pea McKay ; ins la r in opera- tioa, W ilw Ben. Bredieg pith -Boohoos, J. U Lyes, Jamb Fisher; ambles, J C. Lath 1 mud 2; !althorns, W.A. Res, Wm. Wonsan; Wyan- dotte., J. C. Lyng, Jamb Fisher ; oasts, A J. tfctga ft. Kisthrtd. i If heel. t Xs/ Munro, 1 and Y ; Mlneroos, J. S. Hoorn, Robs. Dank ; Plyeouth rooks, J. C. Lyons, J. Nawaseb•; Darkly, Jesob Mahar 1 sad 2 ; Hoodoos. We. ' Carter ; Spanish, J. U. Lyons. Misoalewua- nagng' J. H. Worsen, MW Nairn ; parrot, Y Nabs ; eolkotao• of stuffed birds sad ammsfs, R. Lente:. nes •CTS. They dlod- oh -they did -we, thing" that are sow, That walk oa the turf that ll.s over that brew, And mak" In their dwellings a traasimt abode, Meet the Ware that they mot on their pil- grimage rood. Yea. hepe sad dospoadeacy, *sears sad polo. Aro mlylod together in saneklsa mad rale, And the rain sed the tear, sad tbo soar end the dirge, Bull fallow each other bM urge apo. "urge. Tie lbs wink of us .p; 51 the drarebs .1 a breath, From the bkmom of health to the painless o1 death ; From tbs glided solos to the bier sad the shroud. Olt I Why should the spirit et aertl be proud. • r.so.tesu fatswvrr. "ROME awn SWAB' le as rfaBbl•, Dateless oad Dew-ptho.tho°e.°a remedy tee the ears of Cuss, t)•rtitagnous Users, Sore Throat and • worthy of ski& diseases. It oases ammo to soy part of the body whore the lipoid user moth ik Send for mother gra. ram instrootiw bow to apply the Mal. Sold at 60o per pint and 30o per bill pint Was. Odono6. McLKOD'S LABORATORY, A Rare Opportunity ! I BUT YOU MUST NOT DELAY. I -AT' ALTERAT�O Profariosal List, Oil -Any subject. Mos MoKeams; landscape, C•.ediao mbfect, J. A. Fowler; msrine view, J. A. Fowler; Mirth or fruit, J. A. Yowler 24; Mull lite, M hes YaKesie, Yd. Amman Lb., Oil -Any subjoin, Mit I. Aobooe, Yrs Campbell; lesdsoepe, Mrs Comptall, Jain Diokw; maths Mew, Jades Doyle, Mrs Campbell; handicaps. Godetish barber or the river, Mrs Camp- bell; Mrs A. C. Johnston: animals, Mrs Campbell. Jody Doyle: flowers or frdb, Mrs A. C. Jammu, Mrs Campbell, still life, Mrs A. C. Johnston, Mrs CompbeU; or,rinel, Mrs Jobesteu. p,.fwt,eal Lim, water.stmt-Aay urnS- jaot, Mw Fraser, Miss 11.Kasts; Iced• hp., Casrdles subject. Ella Fres,, J. A. Fowler; marine view, Ella Fraser, J. A fowler; &aimals, Elle Fraser, J. A. Fos ler; Bowan or fruit, J. A. Fowler, Ella Fraser; still lite, Ella Freon. J. A. Fowl..; copy, soy subject, J. A. M Bin Fra- ser; me000hrome, Ella Frain', .1. A Fow• ler; pencil or they.. drawls,, Ella Freon' YE sad Mk sketch, Ella Fryer, J. A., Fowler ; crayon portrait, Jamb MoKes. rte ; pouting cm silk or oath, Bus Frees,. Amamr I.nt, water .slur. -Ary subtest. Mies Aebeeon, Mrs Campbell; lsedaoeps. R ,. Prowess Wallas, Mrs Awbroo e; marine visw,Mrs Campbell, Miss L. Adams; Isad.oeps, Oederlok harbor or the river, E. Au•atweok,,ltev Provost Watkins: animals, Mrs Campbell; Sowers or fruit, Mn Jabs• sae, Mrs Campbell; wlgi.el, an subjoin, Mer Campbell: meeoektpme. Judge Doyle, Mrs Jolson.; penal Sr rayon dnwmo. Yrs Johssta., Judge Doyle; pew sad Jab sk.tob, Mrs Campbei, Rev M. Tomball; painting es silk or soils, Mrs Johe se; se. ehlteeSUesl drewtog, J. A. Fowler, W. F. Hldt; ammo., moabies as mW drewiwg, J' Great removal Sale. • booed for bettor things from or mesh bees is am intim. St. H•lew's new Pr..byteries church will be opened thous the and of the present masa . Mr. MoDowell, of Dessy)brook. Is le•vug this week to shrewd the introit Sonool of Medusa Miss Clore Males I. .spsoted home from Manitoba cad the West iau week, via Duluth sad 'tarsi• The first of • swiss of baaohers' district ime.tia/u was bold is Les's school oa Sat. urday last at 1.30 r. N. A number .f roosts minas we,. drawn op and diomwd. The attewdsaa, ellhougb not lull, was vary sotlafeotory and tha ewWedesm displayed mpsaks we'll for tb• earthy of the Aahbsd leachers. 'aro odmoete the moths cad to es- tablish c 1, ofwioscl sonic soon( teach. ars on tin prim* principles of the stover mark • DIED. 000H.- Is A.hfmld, 12th con.. limit. lied. Palmer Geese,. lsfmat son of James Cloak. Ootsnh err'os1. Lueknow, aged 7 mostba PAYNI .d ._am t• Payne.. edt oi:errsTRUE to NATuRE and BEAUTIFUL in EFFECT =net, Toronto. robot Marr Apes belevd wire or Joba 1'•yne, aged 61 7rn e.d 7 mouth.. BORN. CHISHOLM. la Isobars oa the sib of _-- As I am about to • remove from aodetich, I will otter from now until Nov. o-,..---_ DRUGS, DRUG SUNDRIES, PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES, COMBS, BRUSHES, SPONGES. CHAMOIS, SOAPS. PATENT MEDICINES, SPECTACLES, •• ,_ at Greatly Reduced Prices. As a drug stock is a very difficult one to move, most of it must be dis- posed of at once, so that it is an ex- ceptional chance to secure bargains T• in the above tines. • • • • ALL. ACCOUNTS must be settled at once. Those re- maining unpaid on Nov. 1st will be placed in court for collection. • • • • J. E. DAVIS, PHM. B. ----- Druggist and Optician. THE GREAT NORTHWESTERN. tithe► 111111 omMMeg green Lase Wak- Moalkfr, Latae Arts, Wraiths. Me. - rotruray. graham', light, Jamb Fisher, A. M.D. Ail... jr. ; brehmes, dark. Oso. Irwin, 1 and 2; 000hins, whit, J. C. Lyme 'nohow, Luff, J. C. Lyes, Jea Pestlasweltbe dorkles, silver grey. O. W. Irwt. J. C. Lyons ; Homburgs, spend, We. (otter, Ed Monro ; peeotllyd, Wm. Cotter lad ; bicak sad whits, Ed Belabor, Wm. Carter tied So•sish. J C. Lyme, pea Irwin ; le/hsrn., any other variety. Walter Tay• ler, J. C. Iso.s ; brows, Walter T•ynr, Wm. W alae• ; Holiday, Wm. Carter, J. C, Lyes; Polak, whit* mDsted bnsh.W.. Carer : any other minty, Wm. Carson 1 end 2 ; Plymouth roots, Jae. Ward, J. O. Lynes ; whim, Jae. Ward, J. Newoomhe : buff, Joe. Ward; Wyandoelos, whits, J. Fisher. Bea Dodd : bas, J. U. Lyons, We, Wallace ; silver Lead, J. 0. Lyees, S. Appleby ; lasrshaes, Walter Taylor, J. O. Lyons ; black r whit Jams, J. C. Lyme' ; Minorca, Mask, Delis Campbell, Jos. Whitely; white, Wm. Carter, Jamb Fisher; :s/bnOrtLyu 2; dAJ g. J.Lyng; Wells wlaagg A. J. Grigg. J. C. Lye.. ; Mal or ladies, S. Appleby t gats, bantams. blk- hrestd rd, A. J. aria 1 sod Y ; pile, A. J. Orieg. Robt. NEslass ; deokwhat, J C. Lyosa, Robs Malwm I ssobrlgbt golds. ev silver, i. C. Lys.., Cell. Cam 1 ; moy Alm variety .1 tesey, Lilly Wthelor,Robt. Doak ; Pekin Weston,.. Water Taylor, Cabs Campbell ; rd ape, Wm. Wanes, J. O. Lyes : turkeys. broths, Tbs. M. Mishatl, Wm. Wakes ; gams , Fikda, Jim. WbMsy. ludo . Use. I ; Deimos. Wee� Umtata ; say other variety, Jobs Salkeld g; - , M.Mishoal; Molts, A lathery, THOSE who bought Flower Pots, Jardinieres, Waste and' Work Baskets last week were de- lighted. We still have a few left. Look sharp. They are yours at about half their value. OTHER BARGAINS : 10 rolls al 100 raija T !40 « 150 p'k' j's ghtly damaged Tisane Paper, be. per roll. f tt r • tat N1 i , 12 rolls for 96e 4 " " !6e 10 p'k'gb, 95e 4 " Us PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, ila.tn: lrelW' DAM O. W. fowls, J. C. 1w.; say variety, Thea M.Mlak•d i steam Iowa, We. Oaths. Spring Ckteken.-Beahwas, Ygb..1. C. Ljsss, Robs. Doak : Malvinas, mark Oar. Imp 1 sod Y I ss.hies, whit, (Use, Irwin. J. 0. Lusa ; .oehns. bef, (ler. Irv,* J. C. Lyme ; ambled, partridge, Om. Irwin. Wm, Carr ; darkisu, silver grey. OM levels, 1 sad 2 ; Heathery. sp•a*lsd. Wm. Carus, Jen. YrWbhwelte ; ,swing. ft C. PsesAstbwakS. W e. Carter Mask sed wkit,RdMaoowxu2i J. u Lyses. Woo Irwin ; wkfbs, dt,a bleak Taylor, Wa DarerIs,aetes, blah, Wm. Wellies : mem W. A Nook We. Wa. less; Hoodoo*. J. (1 Lynes; P.Irb white um rese/, R. 0. PeMintkwb a, 1 orad Y ; Plyemik rash, Wm. Asatsy, W.A. Rose ; wbfte. Jobs Wood. Ildd Maths wyasmser, wfina, Jeseh Fisher I ted l l bd. J. C. Lyme I rod 11 ; ails basil, N. A Jae P.Mlethwdb ; Odom W. A. i and Y:Iwewtbosa. U Year%. Welke Tat. hg ; Ad•Furte t, Oa.. Irwin t Mimmepr, Monk, D. O.s,sns, J. !t. Severin ; width Wla.tumor, /Yob Tither ; gate. Mssh- u...- , �A, ,l. Oetgo. Oa& WaRs t Ham.- 9� ,w w.m•- 1 emit Y; September. rho wire of john Chisholm', et sem. ARE PROF. DORENWEND'S CHISHOLM. - la Latham m the :iib o! HAIR GOODS STYLES sepsisuswits b• tin wof J•0105Chla►olm of • son. A HK WILL BE IN Alit 111Awnro. Pea -.whip. pain, Mrs. T. Realtime. Nmv. Y. Turnbull ; ornamental, Asdrew (;.Des. Mrs. T. Brailloe ; writing, III. Mass puptis. Gram Robertson. Daisy Rob- erts ; IV. say pspib, Cbrietabul Asdr.os, Kat McDonald ; diewiug ILL anus pupil., Minot Leniga', Allow (Jarrow i IV. oleos parpl1r, Christ obeli Anderson, Mosso Bean ; oeilo.tleo of writing and Maoist sredmeoa by four pupils, two In Ill. oleos and two in IV. slam, yob pupil is famish • spesimew of wrl•lag amid a oposiem of drawing, prizes given by J. E. Tem, 1.P.8.: mese A., lot, Howard Roberts.., Vidc Brows, Orme Disk..., Oran Dyke'; group R 2nd, Nino Mar, nes Striates, Graham Robin.., Cora (.LME ; map of (uteri., colored, Reggie Tye, Mn T. Batlltes : special mention of ootored Ype of gamy end South America, by Mayo Ty.. FULFON D.- In lwsburo. on the god of Oste- bw, lbs, wire of Dao. YUKord. of • daugh- ter. COMFORT -=�rlshv6 DUNLOP. MONDAY, Out. Std. Jaw Young is potting • now collar floor in his boos, this walk, using brick and ..mist for it. Mrs,Jwph Morrls,with her sou Herbert, sad Mr. aid Mrs. Os.. Stewart, of Bee miller, won et Norwich, O.ford .suety, at tag weddisg of MG; Morris' son Jew. of Bafalo, Wd.edsy of lost walk. We, with • largo thole of friends barn extend oar Marty oesgreleletlons to -loess, wishing him every moeer. Thrashing was heisted hero Monday of last week. Janne Cousins, a former well• Mows resident, was at the staff doing duty for M. motor ports v, who woo away us soma prwieg beelsw. The loofa' dS.tew- enee of Roth. Shahs►, lboaegfarism ad Am - here, left plleemitn�gelmmpraed'lbe ess wbever Mstil .y63..4Ellif IM,RZTani 'a - 1St" Hot Water aM Steam Heating means comfort. No dirt, no work ;JON always delightful heat. We are thoroughly experienced in planning and putting in Steam or Hot Water heating plants, You may nave a wrong idea of the Dost of hot water heating. Interview us and let us give you some soon rate information. bb ba mould down any of the nal satro- ver.alats so She question of hely rale for Irehad. TM age oath baro lest with of tee death .•f Utas. Crisis, a Wdarioh towe.hip, wM Mel free /M .fids M • fail tree a etraw- steok as • tkwsM.f soar Broades. is fail. log he Saes le mouth with the beadle M the fork with whisk he bad boon watts, aid N ewteeod labs kis groin Ho we. aka is the baspial et Broadly sad diad than yro. days Mbar. The body this brought Is Mama sad was mat there by kis Ma- thew sed Martha The formal wrist ware emdowsd by Rev. father Wast, puttee of God. rah as/ Mame A O ebe reties. maw day lath TN d.sennd was a brother of the Les Yrs. Beaty, tett dW hen a VA - rusty, 1827. GODERICH, AT HOTEL BEDFORD;. Tuesday, t Oct. lath Yr Rb ALL KINDS Dr LADIES' AND DENTS' MAIN GOODS STILES to IWsysll.ng� sad abode I Curl,and Straight, In all Hveything new and up iodate. Hie Fail My es title sea•oa sloe, all precious efforts. Come to h'" chow rooms and see. Sts lee tried os,. sod advice as to what le moat becoming and how to mono beautiful hair given free or chary. Ba emir to avoid overcrowding. THE DORENWEND CO., LIMITED, TORONTO_ West hair taken to ezebang• or omit paid for It. Whim and gm saad.o wasted particularly. eI HOTEL BEDFORD, ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 FOR THE HOLIDAYS: t- - tis correct thing is iS - - far your visitors, and you eau get the beet GROCERIES STZTRDY PROS_ CATTLE B11.00. THE SQUARE, tiODERICH. limbers, Stedtters and MeV U T L E R Y A N D Wee olds of lgusre, mut Sturdy Bess. FUNERAL NOTICE A. W. CORNELL Jndertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR To A. B. CORNELL N. B. --0w Ohargrat have taw O+vwl y Medward be order le meet the popular Iamass/ M Al ort a Prated 'Yawata Canadian. _.. BELFAST. Mown•,, Out 3rd. Jos. Statham kg rapidly rs.ovetfng fres a sawn Olay. Kra W. J. lingo., of flsySsY. Is vWt- los Awls Mrs The malt ..t the emismt s M pot satisfy - tory ns lbs prohibition party t. W m disNMe 9ia. roast vote le miry traYfsiut, bat we SPORTING GOODS Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Razors, Scissors, Carvers, Butcher Knives, Bread Knives, of the best English and German makes. Stock now full and ready for Fall business. Greening Steel Wire Cow Chains, IS THE DIRECT FAST ONLY - ALL -CANADIAN LINE TN TUE FM Manitoba, the Northwest, KlondikesndYukOn Gold Fields. LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. A000M1dO0A1ION UNSURPASSED. 3 TOURIST CARS A WtEK TO THE PACIFIC COAST, .71===e %sir )1%;:tat R Builders' Hardware, a full line. .1 Guns, Revolvers, Loaded Shells, Cartridges, Gun Caps, Primers, and a full line of Sporting Goods. Above lines at bottom prices and fair dealing for all from • RJi1,DO2.ZFFlil, ♦onT�r'r, - GGOzaw1w=rnr_ I yid W. MKENZLE, i