The Signal, 1898-10-13, Page 21
The Signal
m restimulate
BT D. tte(enLueVDDT.
Terns of Nbeerlptaes a
of o,tM advwsca. I ser
es h
memettlette a ,a.... I M
Adiverhsd.g $M..s
ialaTpe.% and other casual adr.rtbemenntts,, Me.
sach eubsetuli t tt ser and sMo sured perbylaw
tseryrrell stale.
Business Ards el six ilea and under, he per
year. AdvertWments of Lost, Found, Strayed. 91e.
settees Vae•aut. Situation. Wanted. sad B
eats Chances Wanted. cwt .&sealing 0 Maes
Iripa��11,el per month.
ses" oa Bale and Farms on Sale, not to sa-
ssed •Uar el for Int month, 60o. per Galwayplat ..ik Larger advt.. la proportion.
Any special notice the ,act of which V le
amen the pecuniary bengal of any Individual
�r eospany to be
be considered ea advertment
sad charged eecadtngly. ens ant per
Loral notices In aopatdl type
mrd a settee less than fb.
Local notion In ordinary reading type o
M ss per word. No malt* for leteen toe.
Micas to Mumble and other r.11glo•s and
evident t a ions, half rata an mos
regaled, by mmatall, fall
will receiveto
erfavvor byw
1uatndna et of the fact at en early a daas
When • change of address Is desired, both the
oil and the new address should be given.
Publaher's Netts..
J. C. In. Towel, of Goderlch, his bee•. sf
pointed Loral Travelling Agent for the lentis
Mips of Oudericb, c6lborna, Aaheel4 sad M•.
e postmasters over the distrix as
enamored to receive subscriptions te Taft
All communicator's must be addressed
Tits Swear..
Telephone Call M. Goderleb, Oat.
FitUR ia(t ,-OOPrtN: 401.°- "-
Mired UM am
Malt and Express lets, p.m.
el a• -ii let p.m
Ms.1 and Espresso Mile pies
Mall and Express
Melt cud Exprres
f 13 aim
I', beta
S Jt ,,ea, I ettcttl tL
Ethel )l Grager asespeed '1s- 7ssr M
the- beyond at St. Phomas by the Paris
mesa and opium routes, but felled both
► +.
Pge.N. Paretwbd sed Preserved !•
Fliby Paragraphs far the Perusal el'
Practical People -- renewer; Pd1Yee1
.yd P adWbye.
sPOftTIA(it y -
Tie l'as Beale of Montreal b beating
Webb to the Sauter Lacrosse League
rar.a en Natant/1y became champions of
the Save in their dna year as tnemuera
h i.e first 'Moment of apple" front
Rota softie to Loudon for this etaaon,
aes..autlag to nearly 10,00e barrels, real•
izal the spleodld price of from N to $4.60
per be: rel.
11t• asaeesors' population returns ter
Hamilton show over 61,000 inhabitant*
to the Ambhtuue t liy.
'I he Asa: semen Comm la loner s report
shows that ' Toronto a population has
De Teased during the prat year by 8,84$.
The Cameros Highlanders, whioh it
was reported Ueoernl Kitchener bad left
at Fnabode. are returning to Cairo
'the remains of the soldiers of the Uni-
ted states whit died in Cube, Porto Hiro
or the Philippine' aro to be transported
to heir nettle laud for timid burial at •
ant ty1 lblw.uuu.
A barn containing about one hundred
to a of bey, belonging toUeerge Mitchell,
ue..r Cobourg, way totally consumed by
Me less about 81,990.
'l be barn owned by William Clemens,
end rneted by George Giles, was burned
se Psalm, Oa., with the season's crops.
Mr. 011es was in,AAa ay.mow with a
l.t„tern-and alippe.t.
In the statement just leased by the
g 1'. H. there M an lacrosse ot'MI1,431.01
The recclpla from Flan. Ito Aug. -81
ever the same period last year.
'1 he Metropolitan Railway, • trolley
Nue out of toronto to Richmond RHI,
will be extended to Newmarket 1s the
Bourse et two months. Ultimate t1 ti1Y
land at • point on Like gimoos.,
ewes Da Fal- ai'R..LL1t
-w....-e ah •
it T eta
. Margsoe-Latest and approved methods
for all dental overact -res. Preservation of tM
natural teeth a speewhy. 01es: Gtr. Wase he.
sad equate (up stun.. Entrance on West et
Surgeon. (Lately 'seasoned aeon Dr.
Dtxoo. of Moab—esp. G,ld and p,rteleln are -
heal teeth mounted on cold or alMenute bases.
'pedal attention Oren to Me preservatfoa of tbe
natural teeth. -e I. McLean's new MockMad
tatiD1GAL. -
Wbe. 00a :'Bruce street, Me residence
lately oerected by Dr. Mclean. Night cabs
from residenee. Telep .one 6n.
Nu tor, Notary Public. Cuadlia Bank a
Commerce Chamber,, the Square, aoderi h.
• tor, Notary. c. OBlce ever MedI•al Rall,
Square, Guderich.
tor, (ienmissloner, kr. Money to loan.
Offices: Cor. Hamilton and UL Andrew's streets,
Go erich, Oat Me
e be. Cave: North et., next door Samoa
Dare. Private Funds to lead at Iowan rates et
intense: gAd
Attorneys twlkdturs, Ar., Oodsrieb. J. Tr.
Garages Q,C" W. Pradforit.
tet's, Bolleltoa is Chancery, •e„ Onderk►
N. a Ch esroa, Q. C., P. Holt, dndley Holmes.
oemmlesloner for tnklag and receiving
reeognlzences of bail. .aR.Ivita er ailirtasiona.
depositions or mime declarations In or eon.
tr»tn any aetlob wit or proceeding in the
High Court et Justlee, the Overt of Appeal for
Ontario. or In any Count lee DivWun Court.
Ail transactions earefu fend ��es1d1 lutenoted. Reistdenee sad P. 0. setts• -Deutan
f ..
wualon that "the reports I read in the
tawepapere ere numitl5►had bosh."
Cloacae Wee b•e been appeased clerk
of the tItle Illusion Court of tb., united
oou titles of Nortlaumherlaud end Dar
bent la the room and stead of Daniel
Kennedy. deoeaeetl.
Justine Augustus Van Wyck of Brook-
lyn, a brother of the present Mayor of
(Mawr New York, roteived the New
York 1/mammoth) nomination for Gee -
G enoa on Tburslay.
J. W. Franck, proprietor of the
Windsor Hotel, Klux -esu, put himself
upon record on 't'hureley as being fator-
able to prohibition, and u tutandl'.a to
support the measure He Is one of the
oldest botelktepers in Ontario.
Rev. ll. M. M. Hackett, a Trinity Cd•
lege gradual. with several years expert•
sow In India, has been appointed princi-
pal of the Montreal Menem in the Tbeo-
logltal College at Montreal. He comes so
Ga..ada highly rasutnmeuded by n.ngilak
I/aj•.r Walsh en Thursday presented
his report to Hon. Cliffori Slain at
Ottawa, In wblob ha reoommeodl the
material reduction, If not total abandon-
ment„ of the Yukon geld royalties.
Experience shows that the ro;el',laa age
lot oullectinl a,J nn t. ' . __ natftry.
('SIMgMOO. eaAh$aALL
Milford Young, convicted in the Belle-
ville Police Court of stealing $76 from
F. Dobbs, Sbanaonrllle, was sentenced
to 15 days to jell.
Beton Judge McDougall on Saturday,
Mrs. Margaret Maly was found guilty of
procuring her noise. Bassa Donnell, for
Immoral purposes.
Adele** - lepefved Ism Val sq
aging ire seaweed al aleettgEtb ler
twsen the Turks mid • number et
Armenians from RURAL About $0
Armenians were killed.
-Robert Moore, who shot Livingston
two years ago, has been killed be Con-
stable Lock of the Neese's* Masted
Police, while I:eslattng arrest. He was
shot through the bowels.
Orden for ball have bean granted for
Kenneth D. McLean and George Nessa,
proprietors of tie Burke Falls lieeeom
in jail- at Parry Sound charged w1;$
criminally libelling Judge McCurry.
Frank lebtevre of Oentllly hes been
•o.areltted for trial on a charge of tour-
ussing longed bills of the Dominion Bank,
Napaee4 in Throe Hirers( The evidence
against him was sang. He will be tried
next Marna.
ba ntifl•.TcThAti,ali dSad 1•5_,
z 11 of Doan village was found late
Thursday night taigate to a tree in
Aaron 000,1's bush, near the village. He
ball committed suicide. He came from
England 10 years ago, and was 68 years
et age.
The resignation of Rey. W. H. Waimea,
pk.tot of icnu:a•nel Church, Hamilton,
Ilea been acceptedd.
Triennial Conference of the Ger-
men Bapti.ti of .he United mates and
CanWitat St. bouts, Mo., has been Os -
eluded. after a session extending over •
week. It has been decided to mat In 1101
at 0.rt$a, Onttria.
Her. W. J. MuCaorhan of 81t.
Andrew's Church, Toronto, will u•
nines to the musses of a few days his
Intentions "deb reference to scandium.
of the calls from the two Chicago
&bmoth.. "McCormack's" and the Third
Money to Man, private fonds ; elan Aad
Mass fares le rent or ell. Hoce.e and los to
rent or for sale. E. N Lb.V' IS, Barrister, Ded-
surance ohm opposite Marta s hotel,
ARAN per Bent. Notes discounted. C. SEA.
MER : Opposite Martha's Heal. Gala
ACNIAgent; ►t lowest rata,
(Sea: Cor. Nortbet, sod Square, (R&M*. M
ANA of Private Funds for Investment at lowest
ratee es
MOW a PROUDFOOT. Mortgages.Apply to 6A4
Abs Real Notate and Money Loaning Agent
Only Irat-claus enema,tee represented. Messy
to lend on straight lee' •. at the lowest rate et
Interest going In any why Meet the borrewer.
Oece : Second doer then ,game, west street,
G abriela. LUSO
tillialliKbailileeheltettelhirk of Elebo was
tirrohn treat) his rig by his bores run-
ning away, and he way so dangerously
hurt that hie life le despaired of.
Frank Bedloe, who played with the
Stratford clot, last summer, had three
rlbe broken while playing baseirall at
Duudurn Perk, Hamilton, on Saturday.
Charles Mason. • well-known farmer
se Clinton, while driving home Duel
Oedema Fair Thursday evening, upset
his load and, awning his head en 0 -
N ous, was Instantly klllei __--_---
Gibson Pratt of (lore Bad, soil 11, dell
from a verandah to the ground and,
striking his bad agatuet a pteoe el board
• projecting nail pierced the skull, and
be has died from- his lnjnrlss,
Little Mor Maltby, four years old,
son of A. J. Whitby, tailor, of Sundrldge,
Out , wan burned to death Thursday
Might . Me bail been playing with
snatches, and set Bin to his clothing.
Two H. Js 0. southwestern freight
trams collided because Engineer Right -
wanes disobeyed orders in sot side -track -
Mg at DHlaboro, ied. Itighenoese jump•
ad and was badly injured. He admits it
was all his fault. Two brother, named
Daniels were killed and also John Ice. •
brakeman, was killed. Brakeman Hat 'ay
sod au unknown, colored tramp were
Dr, Fisher of Amherstburg is dead,
aged 76.
Druggist Richard Rowntree was found
dead In bed at Merr,ckvllle on Thursday
Hoa. Charles F. alien, a member of
New York City Cunnll, died unexpected-
ly on Friday.
A telegram from Seoul, apt ;al et
Cores, reports that the Crown Priam is
seriously ill with dysentery.
-1: !NG ort Ki.t)\1 la.
From Teretag a Windlass at lila Day If.
Mu become a' Mloing Plutocrat and a
Speculative Meager Some of Ilia ('bar-
Reuben Ooldstsln of the trucking and
erpres. term of Epstein A Goldstein,
New York, Is charged with having
s',oleo clothing valued at about 820,000
from a number of Melee* •lothiag
wenitfjc&Anars -...:•yt,,.-r...+-•.,�...,,
Mrs. Dr. Guilford has beesa arrested to
London by a Scotland Y,r'd detective ea
a charge of murdering amnia G1,1 at
Bridgenorl, Coon., and dismembering
her body. She was formally charged and
remanded on Saturday at the Bow States
Police Station.,
Bertha Betlsteln killed her mother on
Sunday at Pittsburg, Pa., and later put
four bullets into her own body, from the
effects of which sae cannot recover. The
obey explanation Use girl gave fur her
Mrrthle deed was these words: "I waits.
en to die and did Lot want my mother te
Ute and fret over my death."
QNCLA.slrs ED.
s.. Repair Work done et Ressosabte Prima
Tanning Implements for sale. Machhsr7 new
ape sashed -baud, bought and sold. Engines
and Boilers for sae. >;'and: Bates. old wagges
etrep, earner Vlcidiln nod Trafalgar streets. J.
1. Laurance Agent, Goderich, Ont. Agent
London and Lancashire Fite IesCo„ the (lore
District Mutual Ina. Oe. kaki Weeded to In
any part of the twenty. In 1y
iris' had roml,lcrvMe .iperienee la the anti en,.
Bering trade, he is in a position to dimmer's
wch thorough satisfaction all cotnmlalons en-
trusted to him. Orders left at Buxton's,pphotel,
Or sent by mall Wide additwjI YN 1. Coo t-
earrtally attended to iOH y
Au !Uneer. 354
J• Lmama
age oral to
eltsmpoein . end every
telly stseeded to, aced nose
rgl w
Overage te
The late O. W. Wicketeed, Q.C., for
many years clerk of the House of Com-
mons, lett an Sate of $1100,000.
Etta Alla Sebum, daughter of Hamil-
ton Sebum, Decent Falls, a nook employ-
ed be William Chaplin, Ht. Catharines,
was suffocated by Ps In her room on
brlday night. She was about 94 years of
Tbe body found at Port Rowen, Ont.,
on Wednesday Is that of William A.
Barnes, who was head waiter on one of
the Buffalo 'Irene* Company's Innes
during the mummer. Barnes fell ever
boatd neer Cleveland and his body drift-
ed clear acmes like Rile.
Col. Joseph Id Rennet, • philen
direpis;, died on T'hureday in Philadel-
phia of Brighe's diatom aged 19 years. He
donated 40 acres in what it now a see floe
of Fairmont Park. valved at $400,000,
for the erection of the Methodist Orphan
age. It is estimated that Col. Hannett's
amenity amaseted to $1,000,000.
Ales. tinnier, aged 57, feet over Ifo
tens, aasietant chief operator Great
Non I,westeen eieere h Com n To-
�tr 11�tteln�itr'�t t�ttl'r't'ee+rit
\lone.,; morning of typhoid fever He
Wale , member of Ole Queen s oven Reit
mon. and pertlelpated in the memorable
Frohn Haid of '66, being one of tbo Bret
to ro m the frost from Torentn es that
During the hat two years several Men
hare basal glveu the alliterative title of
"King of the Klondike," but to none hue
N been more fitting titan to Alexander
MacDonald Physically, mentally and
financially "Big Aloe" is • loader Ito
bee the largest Interstate and the most to
liueuoe of any luau in the golds d111rlet
Thomann, he is intumKtng - '
Alec Maei)onald le otic of the newly
made Pluto e'rats of the Klondike lens
than two years ago he was turning awtnd•
larva for $3 a day At torrent his wealth is
reckoned at about 53,14)1,000. His rise has
been phenomenal A native of Nova
Scotia. MacDonald lett that bleak anti
moneyreee'mousey to drift west several
yeers'>iefgf• A 'hod attained Ma majority
In Colorado* went to work to the mutes.
staked a slag, and accumulated about
$15,000 He Nought he was a rich man
but he Inc his fortune and Iola every
Bent in mu dna than it had taken
him to get
Five years ago the big Nova Scotian
drifted to Alaska He had learned • lot
about placer mining, but he was without
'r pttal, and so be was compelled to work
for other. For throe year* be did this
uncomplainingly Then the Strike was
Made on Buua ize creek "Big Alec" t•e,k
a vacation and joited the rust' He new
late In starting, so the creek had been
etakal when he mavetd He returned and
began to borrow money Few among the
miners had given Alio credit for peewee
ing aoythtng but Muscle end agood heart
eo It was with difficulty that be 'crated
together about $400 Then be went to him
e Mato r s� rceliened
1 aTn't'�otng to work any mora' he
said. "I'm golug to get rich '
The next thing that was beard from
him was that he had bought No. $0 Bo
name from a disoosueged prospector For
eight dreary months MacDonald worked
his claim, living precariously Then acme
the clean up. Well, "Big Alm' souk
8250,000 out of Mo. 80, and It is estimated
that there Is still something like $1,000.
000 left in the ground. Refusing all offers
to all, MacDonald began to buy claims
right and left Be plunged. Sot only did
INhAN tgh.4eNeq. de,Yer-that betted eaa'wad
but went In debt for as much mon as he
could. Wherever thew was • good claim
be was sure to get either an interest to it
or part of the one next to it. That is what
has made Alexander MacDonald "King of
the Klondike."
After him there are • were of men, one
of whom is me rich as another lie 1s t5
feet 2 inches in height and not partic.lar
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nev. 94.
Al Matanzas, Cuba, twenty deaths
dally true starvation occur at the street'
Sixty-eight thousand owe hundred and
sixty bye dollars has been already sub-
scribed to the Gladstone memorial.
in a railway collision It Croswell, on
the Oder, Germany, four persons were
killed and many seriously injured.
Mews. R. Carroll and J. H. McKnight
of the Credit Forks Mining Cr- will
build the new post office at Ingersoll.
The prim is $111,487, and the building is
to be finished the 80th of Nov., 1899
On Friday an electric storm ss
deluged Berlin that the Simpson Furni-
ture Works had so suspend operations
because of the water pourlag In from
Xing street, and the trolleys came to a
Mandell I I.
Eighteen vessels were launched on the
Clyde in teolember. The tonnage of 45,
991 Is the record for this period. 'the
total for nine months L shoot 800,000
SODS . A few fresh orders during the
month have congested the yards.
The proposed big trust of the silver
and diva -plated ware manufacturing
firms of the United States has collapsed
as it was thought by the beads of the
vartoae materna that It would be tromp
able of prole -yielding administration
At the (:ori' demon etrasion on Ronda,
in mammy of the Irish rnelotlons of
1790, 1808, :848 and 1867, a resolutios
wait adopted congratulating Irish -Ameri-
cans upon their pntrlotio efforts to pre-
vent the forming of an Anglo American
Sales of land for September by :be
Canadian Pacific Hallway lame Depart-
ment show that stn motive demand still
continues. During the month 18,007 acres
were told far $66,936. During the earns
month last year 16,000 sates were sold
for $54,814.
The American Public Health Assad• -
Mon adjourned until next year :n Min-
neapolis et Ottawa on Friday. They
finally decided to do all in their power t
disaegNnoe the not of the long tuba
feeding bottle for Infante, and elected
officers. Dr. Bryom of Toronto is on the
SIADSILOSS sacra's .
. sere.. Geddleh, O�•LasitatAQh ty
"VIM Shoe tlMaao *
di0vI�1p,. aiG►jdield tit WI, pa.
Alhll�l ARNO Lime the gold h•AW
ages Woe. fres Ovine►
4 H. J. Israel Tarte opened the Peter
seta Contest Fait to Friday with great
Cel. Jelin Ray was swore late eines
se i'eaetary et Sete. Washington, on
Lient.•Gut. Ste Henry M.('vallum at the
Rays: Engineers ha. town impoliteed to
the Gnvevnsgehtp of Nswf,nndiand
Aedyard Rlpltng ass Ind eminent to
espies et Mehl short .tories the amiss
yew fee 56,000 aetmo, ar an ayes.* at
11 ti.weed.
't PMdee fair •Mutat ,.antler Ie:
ndest at Weise *bent she some
A Dlna.trou. Practical Joke,
One of the ghat premiss, jokers of the
British navy was one Jack Hathern. Its
wee effleer et the watch in the day. wL<o
it was canto try for the guard to pr..e n'
mems to Co', ofilner cnmman,aug the
vessel whenever he left or board', I the
ship. One day Capt. Burdett rein:arke,l.
as they were going through th;s c„sen
tunny before be went ashore: ' Hr. Via
thorn. I am tired of this gnsrd; don't
cell It again when I some hack. ' lia-
thorn did not, but he maniged to •urprl.e
the captain quite as thoroughly as if he
had. When that dignitary name over the
gide on his return, be founn twenty of
the after -guard down Ott their hands and
In them for
knew, with swats serving
manse and tells, with the mlrxenlop-men
on their backs with cutlasses drawn.
llatborn himself was astride a quarter•
master. The captain was dl.tine:h not
detlghtel with the spectacle, whereupon
Hathern explained that he euppmed that
p(}pr Sb. old fashionhad proved Jen,
rami, -ii foal e i t "Favalry might prov
welcome. Hathorn was dismleeed froth
the service for this hit ot pleasantry. -
fleshed Tails on Whew•
tcan in Retail Stoles.
Belts set In alnmatum-
Sonp boxes of celluloid.
T'wu tutted covert cloth.
Small girls' pique frucka-
Ileuas ties have sandal etrepa'
Cooled paper in moire marktngS.
I.uug-shaped bolster pincutcbaut ss
Quill feathers In tong curving effect'.
Titin o' Shouter tape fur all travel -
(•ttlfon isd net � to black and
white. t stair' it
,'lain black satin sad heavy taffeta
Rich purple shedes !i plain. tall dregs
Meek taffeta waists with pique tuck
alta aped linen table itoven for crewel
Cushions of cress -stitch wool embrol-
Bl:u, k net for gown embroidered le
Tible centres of solid renaissance Ise.
Silk and wool plaid sad melange dregs
Senn-bromidefpr for sew Louis
XVI. (oats
Long and abort net veils bordered
with crepe.
Iiendre guipure lace in medallion and
open designs.
Aisne striped talletla for wattle and
prat u1 mea.
Tcrseatry curtain, In Oriental colors
f'n? doer, -
5 S 0-111 , ttwd never will he, a
snlveral rytnmeea, in one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is heir -the very nature
of ninny curatives being smelt that was
the germs of other and differently seated
disease, rooted to the system of the
patient -what would relieve one ill In
turn would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable In a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for many And grevioo• ills.
By its gradual and judicious use, the
frailest systems are led into convalescence
end strength, by the influence which Qui-
nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives.
It relieves the drooping nitrite of then
with whom a chronic state of morbid des-
pondency and lack of interest in life U a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves.
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep-
Impe.rts TSgor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, aromas through-
out the veins strengthening the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity • necessary result,
strengthening the frame., and glue
to the digestive orgatts, watch niton
demand Increased substance -result, Im-
proved appetite. Northrop t Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Nine at the usual rate,
and, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any In the market All druggists sel1It
Didn't pwdle.tie Artie's.
,S disappointed fish peddler ens be-
. laboring his slow but patient horse he
the street the other day, and calling out
his wares at intervals. es: ".Herrin',
bertha', fresh herein''," A tender -heart-
en lady. seeing the act of cruelty to she
horse, called out. sternly, from an up-
per window: "Have you no mercy!"
"No, mum," was the reply; "walla'
but berrin':
Which Has Made a Wonderfu
Reputation Throughout
the World.
livery Vera Pabllehed Is IuveetgaSed bl •
Seep anal bl• M.eap a per -Th. Advertiser
Bu Looked tate and UITe. Melee the
Yartltuicra of (loo or thee. (aro.
From The Advertiser, Hartland, N.B.
The Advertiser has Come •cross still
another !Listener of the remarkable;
curative powers, of the famous Oahe !
ditto remedy- ler. William, Pink Ma
for Pale People. )jr, William 'retitle
of Lower Briglttnu, a pruutinent luta
herurtu and farmer. canoe very nem
being a cripple Rom rheumatism, the ,
dread dimwit' su prevalent along the
St. John River. Mr. 'ftdlie is new II
yesn of age. Five years ago he was
taken with the first symptoms of rheu-
matism -over exposure, the struts
hives and the genera hard life of
the lumberman. paved the way ter the
lodgement uta' the excruciating then''
--'Hue symptoms first manifest , tRe
pains through the legs. asses Gtr
hands. Gradually merlids�+--taw
wane. At intervals there would he
an abatement of the maiody, but fol
months each year he was very nearly
helpless. The pain was so agonising
that seep was out of the queetton.
and to work was impossible- The at
flirted man had so ohs reed of the
wonderful eMency of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills In eases similar to his own.
that he resolved to try them. He says,
however. that tie was not hopeful of
receiving much benefit, as he had triad
many met/lanes without any good result
tohowing. He began the nee of the
Pitts, and b the time a couple of bores
sero used be found they were helping
tilm Thus encouraged he continued
the nee at the mexlbc er and gradually
1, (Sreneeff left ,flew he ma*
sleepsoundly, and enjoyed an
excellent appetite. in fates. otter as -
log Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for keel
than (we menthe. Mr. Tedlle says he
teeny' himself In the hest of health.
He is now a warm friend of this incest
medleine, and urges similar sniferers
net to experiment with other medicines,
lint at once heron the nee of Dr. Wil -
Verne' Pink Piga
Itlleumatfem. treaties. neuraltria.
partial paralvmis, )ammeter styvht
nervous. hamdnehe. nervous prostration
and uMeseee deependlns upon humors in
the blood, antes a. aorofuta. ,!tonic
erysipelas'. etc.. all disappear before a
fair tr.ntm.•nt with Dr Williams'
rink Pula- They give a healthy glow
to pale and willow complexions. gold
by all sleekre al. prat MJd at rale. •
hex or six boxes for 41.60 Lie addrew►
Ina the Pr. Wiliami Mebane Co.,
Brnekville. Ont. Thu not be persuaded
to take some enbstitnte.
AL•ZANDta siacsoEAI.n.
as to the clothe be Sats. In the front
room of the little cabin where he rolls up
In • blanket at night when ho stop's at
Dawson are two boards propped against
the wall. Only of late have the two boards.
risen to the dignity of three unassuming
account books le sharps of a man who is
the king's secretary But, haying them
tuxoriey, the king continues to carry his
accounts In his head. Sow would be know
that the amount hooks were right if he
didn't? Aa a boy he learned to read and
write, which was er,nsidered enough for
any boy In the rural part of Nov lie,uta
to know If he had received an educati',st
perhaps he would have inure respect for
written language When a elan grief to
hintwith • long written contract, the king
"Now, I tell you what I'm going to do
I'll remember just what I told you, and
I'll do it if you don't like that. I'll do
besimes with somebody else.'
If he goes to any man in the Klondike
and rye, "I'll give you $90,000 for your
claim • month from today,' the man
knnwi that be will see the $90,000 on that
day The moose' of Ms clean up this year has
made him literally a fetich The first me
omtnendatton of a claim put forward by
Its owner le that the king ham looked it
over with a view to buying it Probably
the king has
The king does not drink or smoke. He
never plays taro or hangs about the se,
loons, and his legs are long. A part of his
superiority is his physical fltneea, for no
man In the Klondike can travel o many
miles between the different creeks and tie
Sween the creeks end Dawson in • day M
A1,si Macfonald
The king has an army of partners A
partner who will always, be on the claim
In nerving his awn interest by petting the
most gold possible at the IceKexpense out
of the ground must also serve the king
and the king's long legs marry him about
from property to property often enough
and at such times as to protect the inter
erst of partner against partner
Most of the newly rich In the Klondike
are Inclined to buy the best clothe. in the
market, and they wear large nuggets on
their watch chains and for mewrfpine The
king dresses no triter then any other
workman, and this helps bins to glow
from the workmen the information that
be needs
The king la not fond of books or maga
Mom or of the thnntor-not yet lie airs
be tout never thnnght Mott fre-ttnit Mur
rind. lie le ass Army a.. gnlrrri,'rmharM In
the army Wherever he pees there are al-
ways men waiting tome him He U pone
,pisadiitott •thea he. liewenedoo► $Ingest
that he. enjoys til thee he would rather
iers,. n Mg thing than a little thing any
day 'So long as i stink to what 1 am
doing now," he says candidly, "I em all
right, but if i get to fooling with Mho
things i may loss all i've got."
FuAwr'le T *Loam
Take fAxstive Broom Quinine Tablets. All
Drugglpr refund the money if it false to cars fee
A Peebles.. rattily volved.
A little girl who had been studying
fractious. wheel told by tier mother
that eggs were nine cents a down,
called out to Rob, her )oongeet broth-
er: "You don't know how meets that
is apiece, Mid i do." Robert thought a
momentt, and answered, proudly. "Yep.
I do; you get a cent apiece for alae.
and three for nothing."
Still Another Trinmph-Mr. Thomas S.
Button, Suuderb,u(d, writes: "FoF four-
teen years I was afflicted with Piles; and
frequently I was unable to walk or sit,
and four years ago I was cured by uatng
Dr. Thorne.' Eclectric Oil I have also
been subject to Quinsy for over forty
years, but Eclectric Oil eared it, and it
wan a permanent cure In both cases, sit
neither the Piles nor Quinsy have troubled
me shoe”
She Hoped ea.
"Phe human frame," said Che pvoeese
or. lecturing at the high school for
girls,"changes completely ooee la
seven year• You, for instance, His
Budde." he cautioned, Coming to •
pretty girl of seventeen, "when you are
twenty•tour will be Miss Budde .o
tenger" .
"indeed, professor, I hope not," idle
said, with a presety blush.
The following from Hailfai may be
•n object lesson to denier In horses and
admirers of docked tall•. An oRbvr
temente, arrived wanted a charger. and
a Mdse.. nn,lsrMw,k In provide rine lie
vodnevd • very fine mare at a mat of
1900, with a nertifieste my to ennnlnss..
Oil being taken to the eftleer the dealer
was astonished by his saying It will tot
suit. "Way not!' he asked. "it t. •
eplendtd animal." " Yelt " said the nil age,
sent its tell le docked, and'the stabs 's
r.gula;l me prevent oe Roan aabng fd, Rev
Majesty's admit are the" horses with
doeked tells are not to be need In the
wage•." The result was, se Hallpolaos
sea , ji2jaiss of Unittaikt, the
Man Coed for ed
M Me
Ream I nfleeweea
Faeh Otte of ms Is bound he make the
little circle in which he lives better end
happier; e•eh Of as le bound to nee that
ant of that small atolls the widest good
may Bow; *ash (If Ile may have fixed In
Ne mind she thnnght that reit of a single
household may flow infirmness which
Atoll att,nnlat* the whole eommenwe lth
,sed the whole chiliad world.-Deaa
Opposite Effects
"Darrel that new brass band tuske
year blood weedier
No: it makes It bol."-Dsbrolt Fres
rrela,ed'. Lenseet Meg.
The largest bog in Ireland is the Bog
of Allan, which stretches across the
eentre of the island, east of Shannon,
and covers nearly 15,000 acres. Alto-
gether there are .early 3.000.000, acres
of bog In Ireland --that is to ay, about
one-seventh of the total area of the
country is bog.
•inard'1 Llniaeut fa Rbeisdllsa.
Ther Wroth* .coat Alike.
A By had fallen into the inkwell of •
certain author who write• • very bad
end a very Inky hand. The writer'■
little boy rescaed the unhappy bisect
and dropped him n i a piece of paper.
After watching him intently for awhile
he called to his mother: "Here's • fly.
mamma, that writes just ilke papa."
NI„edhnanda ant r.roelooe,
The bloodhound. It is claimed, V not
• ferocious animal, but, on the con
trier,. an exe'eedingty benevolent one,
ranking In this respect with the Rt.
if the earth were not enveloped with
atmosphere. the temperature stn the
surface wergild he shout 1t4 degrees he-
bss• .aro Fahrenheit. '..
▪ li je 1lAta.s mom, tam's se trash
eggs p be had th the same& this torr
sh ffba 'u awIp
go oft at once and get germs etnned
egge.'•-Obitrago Tribune.
tren awe Watch.
ew• t,ay's Work,
•� tN, .d6w. w we seers ,w
y��r1 IaLl sea Item/et... u M
r�aM•e !rY
e res al�••riat....u.�ry�no,,,�tr
a:.'. we teed the
s.awas Aa,, a. W~G, tt"..
rate ,etles • Meet= the pp,_'"e'
• messag•(MlyA ar Dawn st.r.r.ea
Fetal.,, 1',reur+Pit..
The minority rule is that d Lk. 1 a
A door washing match eight he tem
ed a scrub race.
The sharp.. lousiness man Is cleat.
prepared her dull lanes.
Atatrlmooial matches sometimes kht
die flames of jealousy.
The villain is alwuye caught a oke
act -usually the lent act.
Variety is the spice of life -especially
• first-class variety show.
A woman bee no use far a milefy
man, yet she alwat• likes one clogs, •
Nothing will blind a man so srillir
ally as throwing gold dust le hie qB
The man who is hound to get mat,{d
is seldom satisfied with the binding%
White flowers worm by a girt tante
one of purity: when worn by a man of
The pen may mightier Mae It,
sword. lint it Isn't ah killing es D.
pretty typewriter.
The nearest appe'ns -h'di a hall hearing
watch is the sirn where 4t Is otraeio ,
ly kept In storage.
Pampered with the amount a me,
wants in this world, it Is Pira r'aing how
little be can manage to get Moog with
ef. a;et plow., of rhang..
A sporting looking man undertook
to have some hue with the train boa,
and offered to buy • me -cent newspa-
per It tate boy could change a 120 hill.
lite boy was about to reject the offer.
when soother passenger dialed him a
large and heavy• canvas bag. "Take
your change out of that." be whis-
pered. The boy opened the bag and
found it full of pennies- He counted
out 1.155 cots ts the taeetloea pmase's-
ger. who was Lara $sengh to keep to
Ids bargain. .It was afterward learned
that the seeaenmndating pneemvtger
was connected with a penny-tatbe-
slot ecrmpanr, and had bets making a
collecting tour.
Dyspepsia or Indige.tiou In occasioned
by the want of action in the biliary ducts,
lar of vitality in the stomach tosecrst the
gastric juices, without which digestion
cannot go on ; also, being tele principal
canoe of Headache. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills takes before going to Madam awhile,
never fail to give relief and effect a core.
Mr. F. W. -Ashdown, Ashdown, Ont..,
writes: Parmelee's Pills are taking the
lead agab ite ten other makes which i have
lu stock."
How's This ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Retried for
an. ease of Catarrh that ea not be e
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY a 00. Props. T'4edo 0.
We, the underslrsed, ilave k.... , p 1
Chewy for the his lb year*, and he tees Ma
perfectlyb,aorsb eln all bushier manometer
and •uauaady chic to cars, out ser 'AA.p
,boos Made by their arm
West a Tram, wk•,Iesel., Drusgg edo,Dreg.
Welding ginned A Narvla, ale
gis,s crledo,OOhio.
Hatt • Catarrh Cure la takes laternally, act.
h, g directly epee the Goat and nous -„us ss.
faces of the system. Price rbc. per tesla
add by all Druggists. Teedmoala$a sew.
Know • "Hollerda,."
A little boy spent a holiday is the
country •t his grandmother's. Sul e a
good time as he had, running and roe
Ing and shouting for ■1 be was serail
At last night came, end tired and
•keen; the little boy ought repose -
grandma!" be cried. as tie kissed
her good night, "now I know what a
hollerday really and trnly in., for I've
hollered all they loegr'
DsAB SIB.• -I was for seven years a wit-
ferer from Bronchial trouble, And would
be an hoarse at times that I could scstafy
speak above a whisper. I got no relief
from anything till 1 tried your MIN-
tles gave relief sad six bottles made a
complete cure. I wi tali heartily reeom
mend it to anyone suffering from throat
or lung trouble.
Fredericton. g s' VAgsusLao.
An Rap.elwse.d Rs•beed.
Mr. Snootier. (to watering -Vacs
Sobel cler—Be mon*lanmon*to Savo
me called at tone n r
on sect tomorrow
Hotel (Teak -Phar o'clock?
Mr, finnetw•w-Yes. Ain. A— is
with hies, anti I desire her to be ip ,11
time to catch the nine n'ebockr traits,
The Ment et Had asses.
Roads are had because:
They are nes proper'y graded sad
Adequate drainage Is p0$.
Itlrpaira ire too long delays&
Unsuitable material is used is maktas
Tho mock material Is put on at w
The work Is done at the wrong tot
Too mock Is spent for material.
Too little is expended far labor.
The work is done by incompetent
(lustant supervision la not eotory►
-Good Road&
No family living In a bilious country
ehosld bo without Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills. A few doses taken now and thea
will keep the Liver salve, cleanse the
stomach and bowels from all bilious matt•
ter, and prevent Agpe. Mr. J. L. Pries,
Shoals, Merit!' Co.. rod„ writes : "I have
trick( • tax of Parmelee's Pills and lad
them the beat medicine for Fever sed
Ague I have over mai"
.4 Victims ..r Nan Resd.
"Smothered to death la the dont el
the public highway" la the verdict K
the. too • jury sitting in the lase
cf..4tiltrltjitk"i,'°!st'Qttbatl Bin4
14 7" B kgsard tame to town mil
started home to the beat of the day.
A mile from town be wu overcome by
the beet and fell from bis terse. The
dust at this pasttcuktr point was ON
inches deep and very fine. Bsckgaad
fell on his face and wail doable to Mit
,,Herd's Wisest Is W int.
Perfeetl, Natural.
Itumbleton-It's funny about Waver.
ly. On shore be is an ideal of courage
and fearlesaoe•s---a veritable man of
hoes; but once aboard ship at sea his
mettle seems to leave him. and he be
cewnre as timorous as a child.
Flutter -That's natural enough:
you era hardly expert one to be a mo
of Ilea whoa Ws a -board. .
hoese (e•
betas ewe
resel.g toe a welt mm.14145e11 madlrlsa _..
guy sella. Liberal enmmlsslow. No tweet
dy ar Investment required. Address
B. . A. Sprong, Hamilton, Oat.
Q � ��jA Imlltovd
Bo�,i ,fish b• t
' ttaa ov^d
1,maA1 Korth Dakota sol I ;.n 10 tS (weara
rATMENTB. a I.le,* b rear.
se or writ.. THE TRCHAN Mona
,Sanaa, SanaCenter Jluch,
Si Till TtifUMAN 1g ggflttfg..�
CssewNL Saellae Ce"
r.aaraetseed by Rouen( 1160•. a CO..
Teraana. net.
T. N. II. • IHS
111 ills Pt.ACB TO ATTRRD Wyse see dame
SmMer tdeatise er i`sm's. Is shsttssd.
£means Ages, Aneasss.M hes-
C.A.11it[IMO .I Osa
Why will you allow a cough to lacerate
your thtrat and fang. and run the risk of
filling a consumptive's grave, when, by
the timely nee of Bick)e's Anti-Consnmp-
dve Syrup the pain can be allayed and the
danger avoided This syrnp is pleasant to
tl.. tote, and unsurpassed for relieving,
healing and eating all affections of the
throat and lungs, colds, cough', twat -
▪ etc., gra
"10. really awry foe Mr Msmktnn the
other night," said the man who is given
to gosalp " Yon know, he need to be quite
• Wager be his yemth."
Did his voles fall Mat"
'Nn; M didn't give It a chum Rums
tbougholeea persern eked ham te sing N nt
old hes sob. 'lot All Obey,' le the gra
atlas of his wife "-Washlagtton Star.
itnerd's Ltelmiet the best Bah hiller.
tasty tt....te.,
Reidy morning exercise is denounced
nowadays by the majority of hygiene
teachers. At that the.., they say, vi-
tnlity in at its lowest ebb, sad seeds
the dlmnlettnu et food
The eteptssnt Ma 46,006 mends la
tie trunk Mem while a ora hes only
177 in his *Mire body.
A Rlradlke Riser.
Demme w*oe Dsee-Pie ser Pete Is • rein
ler old mismft•-see of the greedy. grasp
ing kind.
.Tanta Jahr►--Tlut'e right. They sty
that every eevenkig the old skinflint gets
ant isle pas nr mu eters end manta '.m
ere gloats ever 'Ater Hite men de ever
their mem" I1 the story boot"
errs Latest taro LATIN"
We site s►h des
ekes rad
darts.far wham*
d„a Lkyn Cot 5.51
B e. i.hv rates as
stab. Seed d -
thee rad ew tfAward
sad see at yef•
add sew TreattLin. IN rt
�vatted. OA Ds Bev
tons siting felt''
1, Moeda „ "ad
de witch. wetem.
err •tees setae►' alt.
l Mambo tea line"'
1 1 l ' wh"""Yieg
II 1�►� ,
ser:. !
A JS AAeea1M ,l.
Terata. OLA.