HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-10-13, Page 1THE BEST 18 THE
, DTflMfr•
Vist Yse
t is"..ri=NG ? WBPAPi3R OP t7RON OOT.TNT -
_. *MOW iteestais
I ANNUAL rtsuu ierwilt ? THE
Ooderichedlowbold Ia
Lane's °Moto Cosisor ."day me -
se r o'clock. se
the miming
moo on lataneted ' a t M roans' game
lavlud. C. A. HUMBER. Tow. mat
I Bavagsg reosIved a quern, of better
es from the Meer Provinces. I want to
p(bete tram amongst some 9nt-alar but-
mskere. If you will 0511 at •or psllot.
IInattioOs.' It ill pay oh yo 1t. mot W. J.
FOP Malec
y,lye Malet•fais 1 Wood sad howl for Sale.
Iced lenders will be roosted by the
donigued up to 10 o'clock A.m. of the Seth
4.. lW& for all the timber and iron In the
idge across the Melded river at the Cane-
s ompaay's Falls Itreve, Ooderiob and
ilborne toweehlps. Tendon to be stated is
lump sum for two whole et the sapamtruot•
e. which most be resorted not Liar than lot
May. )ins. Terme :-l0 ' sash and the hal-
e 0u approved Joist noes in i mouths
w ef
1LAN,' k
LFKW W11.Lt1101it Commtmlraaa
got_ ._.-iaalMs Company. l Koala
.pier NM Or TO Rent.
▪ bones
ad and Wellesley Meet. Apply W ar,,prOZ
the woo•••.
udsml.aad effete for sales for rest.
tbertedired or unturniebee, her house c/a
1yypel atcorner
Of r ieside•Nowce or by mod tose* sal t MCI L
151115. Goderlo4
dd.i8f teed tat Nal 'Mt bore sweet.
js a hres hareem pb stns sad earl. For
,,thrash., apply toMASH DUNLOP u
00DE8110Me WIT,
Wad. Tbreagb a Grist or sleMen-team•
tem. fuser sad alberwles.
The regular meeting of the town uosnoil
was held on Friday evasion last. toured -
lure Pridham, Mclean, Dunlop and Rad-
ollfs were absent.
The minutes of last meeting were ap-
proved and aimed
The treasurer's itatemee% for Sept. as
below was referred to the hash cemmit
J That Late send brick Kase sites** is
at li. Co.. C. Tows of Uoderteh. require. might
is a drat elms of Mad ea miler
snder the hew
his is • very deMrebie moms, fortem
ea and feet 'Towne.
moms. sir slay and seizable for the man.
facture of brick. Terms to suit purchaser.
stya1y ea prrmtsee to Ciao. MCMa®oN. r to
Yea. Correa", 11SWMoe Agent. WeeteL
Balance from July
Non resident lands
Maitland °smeltery
Water rates
Electric light rase
Leo.....- Billiard hal l
Llano -Bills Payable
Jostles' Fuse
Elevator stook
754 71
17 60
28 00
36 45
349 17
60 00
6000 00
6 OC
10 00
10000 00
917151 93
Salerno ... .. 189 66
Print* 63 00
Fire Department ... . 9 20
Public works 964 69
Chanty 2 35
Wile Payable 6000 00
Beak Integer 206 36
Water. titrk 'kw .. 68 82
44 ii," 409 46
Viewer's light " - 246 29
Public s hools 443 45
Maitland cemetery 5 00
MisosUahwus 14 60
Elevator stook ... 60000 00
-_16901 66
Halmos .eA;,;'1360 27
A oummraleateon from E. A. (Amoy In
reference to removal of hla drain digging
machine was referred to the public, works
C IN saes ea is t. coeewbs 10 Colborne
twazblp. Ntaeay acres are .inured and la •
ood slate et In
rear yledd15v 1 ez!sat frTei acres al
nesse and
u ser hu/NLp me 0rei•etam and la good 005
Mos. ineomisg fowl time
▪ mee. el del g way u
FRANKPer farther a 4). L4
rRANE gALldm W6, d 1), I,IMowsL
▪ ilstablaosie Survey In the Town of
ledmiob.epee 'Web Is emoted •• airs dwell.
nsDatedd SIB 8sptember. illi
• to CAMEROS.ISOLT R 1101611101.
BALE -The bald readers overlooking
;hs Maw sad lake formerly °coured by the
)aMaster ID C
Das of t. valuable sad desirable
frame dwelling hove on
South Neeel isansediasy it t Brit.
eh lembeinge Honk
Yr. Andrew Waddell.
l The dwelllsg house sad dlotelag grwda
tear the O. T. It. mtstled. twmeriy 000eplsd
M the Ls J Tye.. t reactions lapricey *edit
ply toOT
> °HAs W R p i ryh.
of the atemben haat takes the speoial oath
w 000neotlos therewith ; so that any m-
elon already takes by than as • mart has
been illegal. Sullioteot notice bad sot been
ruse of the meeting of the mart. He hod
attended the nvulon meeting with • mat-
ter to prosiest to sham but no one had ap
Han • little difference arose between his
worship, who thought that the oonditious
had been complied with eo far as the inter-
ested parties were 0000erned, and the reeve,
who contended that the proosdure as to the
passing of the bylaw should be •aarding;to
The little dust got so confusing that some
one on the benches chimed out •'
" Time"
Mr. Campbell was .blare on the spot and
regneeted the major to toll • oometable to
eject the interrupter.
Wises matters subsided the news atone -
Mea in his contention that right sups bad
not been takes, especially it regard to the
assn of metres. Rim worship attempted
to 'side-track the speaker, but in this was
unsuccessful, for the reeve bad the floor and
had all lbs privlleres pertaining thereto,
and refused point blank to be equsloh•d.
A peonies was then promoted by Mr
Campbell from property holden about the
Sonars, favorable to the laying of the walks
in 99. The parties taaluded ths names of
Masers. Jordan, Horton, Aoheson, Sturdy
tires., McLean, Whitely and Heys.
Mr. CempbeU explained that one diseest-
tost property owner in • book oould pre-
vect,dld he wisb,tbe laying of prasolithio in
freed of that block, and alter an objeotioo
sten as tbb.aotioo could esly be taken after
two years In the present otroametso,»e,
levelly, the town would have to advertise
eaoh portion of the work undertakes, and
debentures would have to be trued piece
contract theeo sea ! do
H 'ssolenoidtla b11
his motion did Dot catty Its would join with
the majority to try to carry things out sue.
On • vote It wee found that:die motion had
only the suppose: of its originators,' be mayor
polling his " say " along with the majority.
'rhe matter of the tot, a's share of 25 per
Dent. of the cost was dummied. The reeve
thought that the eeaoent should be 40 per
coot. as per bylaw -at least that worst.
agetor the Squire and lege for other
'l'be mayor thought the causal could
make it 15 per cent. did they se cheose ;
at her towns had doors et.
Mr. Campbell retorted that became other
places had gone astray, was an town why
Gdericb should.
This aroused his worship'. ire who de -
vet ,d his energies to attempting to switch
the reeve off the track, hut the letter would
not be switched off, and protested that the
.noyor should not usurp authority. 1f he
would only come doe.' on the Boor the
reeve would reason with him.
The mottos adopting the 26 per Dant. was
carried- It merit here be explained that
all mopeeee•- law, and to tearing no old
walks, will be inalsded '-a the •motto, ea
which the percentages are paid.
On motion the debentures were male
pay yeah.
inale 34 was ble in tes.psrded and the bylaw
ouried ; his worship affixing his signature
end legalizing It with the tows seat.
The ceunoil then adjourned.
The oss)or and chairman of the public
works o..mmittee wore appointed t* stewiedLi
with K. C. Hays on the matter of • halm
ler damages for grasl takes from the
"• gravel pit," which property is now offered
to the town -4 lora for $300.
A. •pplhation from Wm. Garrett for ro-
tisseries of arssesmeas was referred to the
t.00rt of Revision.
Request of Jane Struthers for remission
of a porno& of taxes was also referred to the
Court of Revision. .
Notions of call for Payment as 1080 shares
of Elevator steak was referral to the bo -
ace osmmlttee.
A. appeal from • animas' oommiltse of
rewritten artist for relief for the vtotime
of the recent eyeless to that district, was
referred to the demos oumenittes.
A oommuatoatics from Mn. Miry Wil-
soa asking for damages for injuries reoelved
from a fall last year, was referred to ammo"
oommlttie. Mrs. Wilson claims that whoa
se Klogeso-It rotenone from oberob ens
• trot daring fair time of last year, site
said set see the road and tried to dad the
side walk when she fen near a lamp post
acid injured herself. The lights bed teen
takes to the exhibition, beam the claim.
The following aeceusts were referred to
the lissom amltaittse : Wm. Ksteon. 856 -
46 and $3 12 ; Qin*. City 01 Co., $10.48 ;
Wm. Ise. 8628.50 ; F. 3meetb, $70 151
Packard. Ebetrio Co.. $8 10 ; Jamb Faber,
b0 ; Cattle
es., $12 60 $ otAraoll L $1702, Jeb. Bulbar,
$9 60 1 D. MoDooeld, $5 80.
The raper% of the fire "enmities, embady.
tog the fellewng reoemmesdatlone, was
adopted : "That /ha fife warden and sweet
issteotor, respuotteey, test the tire alarm
betwsss the fire ball aad pump house every A SWORD BI.oSeoYrxo.-Mia Hassel'
est anda metallic, msthat is two labia to fire Sower let 13:tlbird snsemlos. Gaslereeh
eat of repair. Aim li.mpls 6t. township, last week showed as seine rasp-
OIMiMt' extinguishers at "pi of 1'e be pYtebnsd han r reed L..mb...I plum twigs with this
That • soal ell►yaw wowed ear'. emotd Brow n of Whams on them.
'ANTBD-A GOOD OMRAL SLR.. by the Underwriters Assoeiaten bemoaned.
If Summer It'd stayed with ne cinch lower,
own, MEAT tit Mss., finefLli- Isd i• I. to put nonowigsl I' low sal by al nen. the fruit ses•ou might have been on us
CUDDY. TT West.# olden. lo pot in ten alms ammo by are n•
spe tee. The gams roams applies to the Willi
request that thew teen slop is the hall roc Porins. -One of the finest comedies of
unity. Issuffoloot aaseimedatian is an• modern ams is. "What happened b.e
other ,bstaele Jones," widish will be pissest
ed m -
That • fire alarm be pM b ibe house of the pasty wbtob bas rased the finest reputation
tows teamster, silo *$9 boscrolled as • is New York. Montreal and other cities.
tlteman. The Victoria Opera Houhas
Homo management
That the hook end ladder awn is fully secured this artistic company for Wdnes-
equippd, and the brigade NsM like to day. Oat. 19. Go not lore the opportunity
know where the information was gathered of *ester this high-oiashomedy.
as to Its inefficiency. That 200 feet of how
be purchased.
The fire engin* will now be tested every
month and a record kept of each test; and
a 16ot-sale-power light will be olaod in
the hs.. tower. A samba of •chola. for
rgelpnt of firemen will also be
The report of the market o.mmlttee la
refsrisoe to the pri abrw of • new set of
scales for weighing begs at 'Ostia° was re-
ferred book to Ike eomseittee for further
The report of the water sod nicht nem•
mitten with reterenoe to the mat of morose -
Mg the electrical pleat was referred back to
° mmines. The cost, se obtained from
veriest elaotrical compaals. epee t.aed to
be $4,000 -..
Tao mooed thea djearaet:
ler. Ij. C. Stisobas, oeaaoillor l.J. Frldlam
los. Raid and B. 8anita. The foam& was
largely attended, sad many floral airings
were not in by mistime end friends, tn•
eluding wreaths from the Uoderiob public/
e choed trustees, the publics sobered Mather*
and lbs Goderiob dramas' oompaay.
Cassell. the well-known uoemopolite.
who at times has written oepital loners of
travel to Tug SluNAL from Europe, Asia,
Africa, At -trans and the levo.American
oountrtes, dropped in on us on Monday
altuu000. and bad • word to say about
things in general. Since he last wrote to
Tr. Sunni- be has hese to Manila, and we
are la hopes of drawing • letter from bins in
connection with that much -talked -of part of
the world.
Dirge or J. J. CLAM:K.-With regret
we learned this week of the death of John
Jeffers Clerks. trier' of The Tiverton
Watobmen, which took oleos at his home
on Friday last. The remains wen interred
In tis 'Tiro -toe oemetery with Masonto
honors on breday altern000. Mr Clarke
some seven or sett years ago workd on
The Gderioh S. r, leaviu4 Dere to take
control of The Woodman. Mr. Clarke was
• great sufferer from rhrum•tue for many
lams I whether this was the oasis. of death.,
we base not yet aortal.
Karr f-Amtber load which mandates
s11 previous retards was baled into town
last week by Robe. Kirk, of West Wawa.
non, who with • single team drew 207
bushels and 10 lbs. of oats, making a weight
of 3j tons. The bags made a mammoth
load on • hayrack. and there wee difficulty
in gettiag the load under the eoverug is
front of Colborne B Burrows' grain ware-
arehouse, where it was unloaded. Residents
a.-• o•aYoeed against at ending agape should
a whole granary or hay Mow appear c/a
*shook Moat sea etirteeie.
you upset your lead before ratable, here T"
•' Only once " w•• the reply. This was the
lint team brougL. ,into tone stogie handed.
Its roads were in snob a wretched ton.
deism that two men were in the habit of
going with every toad to right matters whoa
an upset occurred, watch was quits fre-
roquent. Mr. Buchman was • taller at the
Reporter effce en Thursday In company
with Thee. Wilson, seoretery of the Herm
society, and Jamts K. Mol)onald, of the lad
nee. Mr. Boob•aan was born within • few
miles of Stirling castle, in Scotland. and
jest across the rod from J. R. McDonald'.
turnip's*. Hs is a hearty old geatlem•n
on the shady gide of seventy years.
PRIER DAY AT 8T. JoKirus Cotharte A
plsaeta' most leek place at the moron
on Moudav afternoon, being the earl die-
'fibutioo of primes to the pupils of the
God nob separate sehool. The program
was dmir.bty rendered, and those who
took put showed in their delivery and de-
pertcent the careful and conscientious
training of the Sisters. The prizes were
distributed by the Nev. Father West,
Judge Doyle, who 0000pid the platform,
giving an interesting and instructive d-
drr s. The proceedings were brought to •
aloes by a short oh from the Rei. lea-
ther, in his usual pleasant style, followed
by the National Anthem.
Cou.sulAT$ INmrrrUTE TRUSTS'S.- Tb.
bee rd of Collegiate Institute trustees( met on
Thursday afteecoom of last week. A num.
her of accounts esu• ordered to be paid.
It was decided that J. E. Hebei 'boold be
attended $2, amount of ez•mirttoo fee, as
be was sot able to write. Vesta Ws*so
was allowed $2, one halt of the term fee,
,its amount of her sister's beviese peed fail
lee and not hoeing attended except for •
short time last term. Mr. Jeekell, the win-
ner of the Adamson sohol•rship, is nut in-
t -riding the Institute this year, and in non•
✓gaence oro not take the .ebolanhlp, re
under the regulations as w,..,.er moat at-
tend the school the following year. Mees
(:race Strang, who stood second in the ex•
&mi•ation, aos.rdingly takes the s.bolar•
ship. On motion toe trnetles gave Instrue•
mens that $25 each be paid to Grace Strong
ad Vesta Watson, the winners of the
Adamson scholarships, at the times stated
in the regulations.
ORrrTART. - tether of Huron's old
retire has passed away is the person of
Samuel H. Waraoak, father of Wmj, War -
nook, of Gederlok, wbe died to Algoma on
Monday, the 19th of SeptemMr, at the age
of eighty ewe yrarv. He was biro In County
Down, Ireland, and same to this country
with his person at the age of Wass. Ho
served as apptestloshlp of seven years at
larmiag wear Montreal, thew amms to Upper
Canada, and atter living in several different
plasm in the Province, settled in the town-
ship of How_ok thirty-ciese years ago. Her.
ha completed the bringing up of his large
family -ewes boys and three nrle. Then,
as they all wont out tato the world to do for
rhemeelres and he suffered the lose by death
of his wile and oomp•nlon in all the strug-
gles of the past years, he moved thlrtsee
tears ago to Almon. where he took•up land
sear nue two eldest sone, and lived on it Len-
til three years ago, when he west to live
with his eon ,1060. He had fairly good
health. until • few days before kis deed -
'INS ATI MDR BAtueL-There did at
her mai-team here on Sunday, October god,
Margaret Taylor, wife' of John Bailie, at
the eve of sir y.atz years. Mrs Bailie
was one ot the old settlers in this district.
having come from Amherst island to West
Wawanceh is the year 1843, being at that
liar eleven yeare old. She resided on the
homestead -lot 15, oonesoeo 2 -until three
years age, when the family removed to Ord -
shoe. Some time ago .he contracted •
severe oold, which settled open her%anes
and which she was arra able to shake of.
Betides her aged husband, she leaves • fam-
ily of sloven ohlldren t -W illias sad Jamas.
lath promiess% resd.an of West Wawa.
sigh; Mrs. A. Kirk, of the game township;
Mn. J. Parrett, of Blyth ; Mrs. Munroe,
of Buffalo; John, Charles, Samuel, Norman,
and Mrs. L Clerk. of Los Aarelss, Call
fermis. Tbe remotes were interred at Don•
gorse as Tuesday afterms& of last weak,
her old eel n t reaoeote to the
many Maids
a:tend►ng to pay ay tbeir
doeeasd. Rev. Mann. Wilson and Hall
were the officiating clergyman.
73, but as be was met fultlling o.e of the
°seditious of the sohularehip, by remaiuiar
at LM school, it goes to Mir Uraa'Bbaage
who took mooed place with 68 per rat.
The second of the Adameoo seholarah'Ve-
tor general proboiestoy in form lI -was woe
by Mir Vora Wetoer who made 70 per
omit., Mies Cora B. Ferguson, with 680,
making "a close mound " Mr Strang spoke
of the put work of the school and the en.
oonraging outlook for the future, the num•
Mr of pupils now enrolled being consider-
ably in advance of tics number at this
time last year. He also made aoknowledg-
met of the splendid work of his **Itemises
on the teaching staff, and of the kindly feel-
ing toward the eohool held by former pupils,
of which many evidences had been given.
The tollowing sonorous were given during
the evening : Tetras" ental duet, Miser
Claire Reynolds and Beatrice Ostrow ; reci-
tation, •' fbe Outlaw," Mir Coral Vivian ;
solo, " Mona,,' Mise Jessie Gibson, Illse
Campaigns n000mpaaylgg b Medlar of the
Model School Jowl. O. E Raton: Is
strusisntal, Mw Grace Venison t reading et
Collegiate Institute Jou'nal, Miss Orme
Mtr•og ; Instrumental, Orville Godwin ; in-
strumental, Mir Elly Tye. Oa motion of
Rev. Mr. Turnbull a vote of thanks on be
half tsf ahem audience was tendered to the
p.riirmiw of the'vming ; and the proceed-
ings were elated with the raging of " God
Save the Qeeen.'
GOpgiticu TALOI.T AT BLTTI.- The
Blyth Standard gtvs the following •ecoest
of the oencert given la that village last week
by • number of young people from I;oderioh:
It was the st .tion to give a grand mnsmo-
al and dramatic entertainment In Industry
Hall on the *mond night of the Blyth fat',
and the Goderiob ljamatio Go. had boss
sugayrd to prevent the mono drama, "The
Irish Senoel Master." Owi•w to she death
of Mn. Wm. Mitchell. mother of • tend•
ins lady in the oommoy, which sad event
occurred la Goderich this week, the com-
pany were u3ahls to printout the drama as
drortistld. apd oo•.aq•osUy beoaght ever
other talent and game • thud Impromptu
°encore. Those who took part in the pro-
gram were.-Mis Tabor, elocutionist ;
Miss Aoheson, violinist ; Mia Whitney,
soloist ; Mr. J. A. Halpeuy, combo, with
Mia Kate Campat ta, •eoompauist. It la
a long time mace •Myth audience bad the
pleasure of hearing so good as eloorlonist
as Mus Fiber, and her work proved her to
be an astern ,err of mon than ordinary- db-
ilt•v. 1'he violin rioting of Mies Aobeeen
and the singing ..1 Ws Whitney were
much appreciated, as was shown by the ap
planes that greeted them at every appar-
ent*. 'Mr. Halpsm'y Led up the numb awn
of the program and did so in a manner that
was &reditable.
wotmsn. or shot oar M still young la
spirit, of undoubted charsestor, goad talkers.
ambitious and td•stroue. OLD lad sonar
meet la • o,id
_ wss14-11.-R. month B.
aaa work hard talking and writinlg ten
hours Sally for six Saye • week and
y. wi1ll1ll ho
.oatest{ with tea &elms
NEW ID{A800..Talrsaso.
bright men for vacation or psem•se•t-
ly to emboli for Canada : As KoetelOPs'dL
of the Country.- Lie nue'•fid vollummes
Ne dMlvegg,,
al fpw vaeaaoSs tor pupils In olaso and
smnial attentleo le puna to "...halo
amordiag so Osarvatory seethod.. BM it
of Termite Oosavutov'b(.
Sugar of rano and theory Oresbev
sSheds end and course Usekt. Terme and
say ether lefrmatlon ss he bad os aies-
liss at eastern.. M Quebec -et
TTY as .YY egf a Piano. Pips Orem sad Theory.
A sp. re of the Viirg I I reetice Clavier
AIM Kl.d.rgartee Method for Young
yea the Tomato Oonsane
q _eau win pursuelhrmeoa application at the ReeNepee.9A
Dr/wasla Road. Ye
maim that i will allow so was *ober
or brat ea the flwislads or am part t my
property. Alas one doing en will bit pro-
s eeu{eg 1e . ■115 H. Y. el
TR11il. IMIAsrb'w"'mead 1Ufp. ,
'Ate Huron sail Braga Lean and fever meet
0smwwt.redoes letterset
ntdrat of
i.eaas as A I.satinto he Se
at gee. sad Ave sad s hull per
SisNAL was pleased to hays a visit last Sat-
od•y trom Wm. Bailie, of Welt Waw•soak.
the well-knowc presideot of the West
Hiroo Farman' lusher*. Mr. Billie had
• .loos cell and sustained sayers injuries in
• runaway &ootdent throe months aro end
still see retohe i. but fortunately the pros-,
peat is that there will be no permeant
A ROUOR Ring. -Word has been re-
ceived by hie relatives here of the illness of
Waiter Shannon at Skagway. The first
portion of the illness was spent in • tent,
from which ha was taken le the Red Cross
hospital at Bkapway, a number of mea
drawing him in a boggy eighteen mils over
• road too rough for hordes. Later news
stats net be is recoverng. Tb. oompl•ist
le typhoid fever.
STTILt. Tear ('own -J. Ball, of the 4th
nen., Gederieh towshtp, delivered a mon-
snr load of peas last week at the grain
warehouse of S. Sloane O. the load were
96 bushels of peas which made the stales
groan to the 5700th degM-or almost 3
toss. If this mama -breaking badness ass -
tines, the council will have to trek seri-
esely of widening our tboroughlaras and
Haim, the telephone and rsctrio light
wires edergroead.
Dios AT MAUL? STK. MARCO -News has
boon reeeivd hon of the death et Thos.
MoLaugblu. • former pupil of (iodermob
Collegiate forint*. His health for some
time nal sot been good, but as it showed
an Improvement this summer M west to
Sault It.. Marie at the bogl'ising of the
fall term to t rah Wheel. Tb• sendttinn of
hie health again became very usestlsfao-
try, red he took 'ask Wednesday o1 lest
weak and had ea Friday. His hems was
SID RD. -The opera season was
opened last Friday evening at the Victoria
by the prosaicness of 5eammou's oomdy
• Sidetracked ' balers • well filled house.
The company was evidently sidetracked at
some flag -station on the road, for it did sot
get up steam till long past 8 r r., schedule
tame, and when once under way shunted
slope with occasional spurt. sod delays till
abyss an hour of midnight. It eertaialy
eon not lay ;dem to beteg a fast expreea,Ior
vet could it be classed in this category of
freights, although • heavy bill of foe was
included in the rolling stook and was the
sustainaag feature, except on • few heavy
grades where • number of moeegrown and
caboose-oolored jokes were switched off on
the audience as brand tow goods. The
funny aids of !ifs ea the rail Is dspiotd is
its different ph•ss-the ometpresoot hobo
bobbing up serenely at every slop along the
male. As • king of the latiar fraternity
0. H. O'Connor, as Horst s Irving Bootle, is
rale one --s through ticket man. The
,at of "gat." be gets off would ndece one
to believe that hs f. • compiling factor to •
cut rats joke scheme. B. is oertoinly a
wh. Ie circus train is himself, and every ap-
pearance is the occasion for another round
of mirth. W. et. Conran, as Mils Wel-
lington the express &tent, is • olive, young
actor who displays much fooling in his lines
and altogether made a good impression
Officer McGinty is use of the finest, and
made divers bits with hl tittle olnb ; his
antics are certainly very catching. His sol•
ution, or rather dissolution, of the tramp
.menace was very satisfactory -to hlmseH.
Fits (rebheld, bogs of lbs seoeion gang, Is
another man of various parts, lama of the
joists, however. bein' a little eat of kilter.
H4 yat.t-spissing propeasit el amount to a
mania which becomes quite mementoes*. A
good strike was made by three l.dls of the
troupe attired in aatiosal metmes-the
Stars and Stripes, lbe Colon Jock sad the
!.ons Star ot Dobe making a pietureegea
Wisp. The singing of the latter would bard-
ly pass official Inspection, although the
chorus work of Lbs company was good.
'liars was oosstdrable delay hearses sew,
although the tact that all the oempaey'e
scenery meld not be used en the stage was
rsponeiblei. The pianist is • best °las
musician and gave some sparkling numbers.
At a whole the play If on • par with the
avenge, and .s the first of the season was
enjoyed heartily. Nr Vldese mut
bre oengratalated on his ba.fsgsg•like non•
auct of affairs.
-trim Broom ---
Returning officer Jamas Yates Ira Thurs-
day lass made the ofbolel decimetres fee
West Huron. Following is • correct state
meat of votes polled for sad against probl-
bittoo, showing a majority of 1125 la favor :
Polling Division For Against
As►Mid . 1
60 23
111 18
3 Is
4 31 36
6 4 , 14 68
6 42 28.
,.._...7...... .,42 16
• 382 193
Majority for 189
Gederioh 1
43 28
36 23
3 62 24
4 lig
" 1'L"
b 35
6 49 44
7 26 8
Dppitreraat Stern -Smith Brea Y
Now Befeber Stead -J. H Grahama
A Rare Opportunity -Gee Porter 6
Btoyoles aad Orman --Oen F. Hairs84
MIIIn.ry-Mimeo Vats 8
k manure S&Ls -Wood's fair
Whet Happ000d to J oar - V a leri
Opera How
Dry Goods and Millbury -R. B. Smith 1
tiemovut-J. W. Broderick
The 005.011 ..eyes that we .ball Mame
Thom. sod This Tear, see.
A epeeist meeting of the teen osuell
Wes held Monday evening, all the manbsn
bs(ng present.
His wershlpmtplaieed that the purpose
el the i.setas was to 'las, the bylaw is re-
gard to the laying of lbs new ,rano
stdew•Ike. It was time action should
taloa to g., the work andet way as gdto b•
ly as pegsible.
Before the bnslaem at the oveans was
takes up, Clerk litlohell real the reeipna•
tion of Eeglrer Stnith, which had bees
handed in, the some to take .fest Is two
week. The mater was referred to the
wooer and light committee
The 'leek then prooeeded to road the by-
law, but had not goes far when he was n-
terrepted by reeve Campbell, who "bjgoted
te the work piag as this year. It would
be mere adylm•ate to srras'e sad
ler the work diarist the mister sal rirtirsvo
to de the whole Sstesirs sett year, Isete.d
of dam the work p e smeal.
Mr. Camptall tnttede••d • COOK me -
imbed by «earner ktoLeas. that saoetiso
be takes this It ebee
beMet all189, hat the be am
ler. Cam boll oosldenl the matter Awl
set boss taboo en a. It •hoald have teen
A epsehl mating should not be, paid r'ee'f
not have Asea slid. as the matter could
have omens 'afore the rooster meeting of the
meMp. Hs understood this what lag was
galled betr►ese seines particular mestere
wore present at the regular offieVoll end
the mattes meld met he pasted thread' thou
S. was gefte tadigssat that entitle was sot
plvss mesh of the menti.[ •d chase SSr-
Mod mob maim as tiniest. ti,eipt$Ms was
aloe taboo Is pawing the bylaw, s lbs
awatm woe alt being esmpllad WM.
lbw** Se Opel mtge. of rev Wonh ter mom
All lath iebt ite iIto to she itiVof fair et 5 a'
Tarttlaniy, Oct. 13th. --Pale ef farm reek
sad impiea.es of George Ourroll, let 9,
lake reage, Ashdod, three mils from Pert
Albert, Sale smtneaess at 1 delcek.
Jour Knot, Anehengsr.
Teratim y, O.,.8(111. -Bels of farm stork.
la•tewtesss, hay, (Me, its, this properly
of winiam N. IN 2, e.essl•.
toss.• Manisa el umbers*, st Garbe.
semmseeg et I e'doak ea the ahem date.
We. Saab herald 10' brat sod Me ads
twin he wilt sS reser e. Joao lUtOits
Thee great saoossa, " What Happened to
Jones,' Oot. 19.
Wanted - Choice bettor, 17a; dried
apples and poultry. O. IL. Kum, Wlagham.
I hays received • carload of British Col-
umbia shingles. whiob I am prepared to sail
at primes to suit. F SrlwrH.
Green's Kormain How, Hsmilies-st , for
sewed -hand wood sad coal stoves, drama.
o•tpem, furniture, at Oreee's Bergen
Ladies. clean your kid gloves with Mil-
ler's pitying, for sale by $mIth Bros. B
Co. g sarsee. a. Perrin's and
all best mak.,, kis $1 met ',arrested.
The big►-ileal►,firtiefie aimed( " What '^
Happened to ,Yenta, will be at Visions
Opera How on Wsdne.day, Oet. 19 This
is ens of the season's greatest enao.ssee at
blestreal and Toronto
t W. Broderiok has moved to the stor0-4 ""
lately mounted by M. E. ltoNaughtos, ander
seat door to W orsel l's stove store. W e have
just received our new Fall and Winter stook
at boots and shoes -all brand new gods -
and have now one of the best stooks In tows.
The store is full of up-to-date shoes. W•
buy for oasb and sell for Dash, and that
means cheap goods. Try the cheap store.
No trouble to show goods. Repaint,' seat,
ly dons J. W. BS001*N'o.
292 174
Majority fee ' 118
K. Wawanosh . 1
Majority for
W. Wawa'o•b. ] 76
ff 62
• 3 41
297 81
Msjrlty for 17 216
elbowsl elbee
2 31 33
3 81 21
4 33 34
234 106
Maturitylar • 129
I.sderiak tp............. . . bl 10
A TowWtA! idlIND To Tam RsnAfl.-
The onetime to the moats et Terenw Uel•
versity were oendedd mast weak, and H. I.
Strang. R. A., heedmaeter of Uoderieh Col
Wino iastltote, Is om of the two High
Sebes' reprsentatives *lotted. We con-
gratelata Mr. Seesag upon his high panties
is the sets., of his fellow meohere, sad the
latter open having en esthetes/die an a-
tleatst a Mr. Swang to represent
ibis meat* of the Provieetel Uelver lty.
ase'nbly room of the Collegiate institute
was well filled last Friday arming wits
those who bad gathered to participate is
or to witness the oomm.sosment sterols.
The dotis of the chair were dlvoh•r ed by
principal Strang. Attar several numbers of
• muster and literary program had been
given, the dltribstlon of eertlfo•ts and
prixes took place. Al one by one the boys
and girls sapped forward to the platform
the boys who moored one and of the rami
kept op • rattle of implants, Increasing no-
oaren•lly to a volley of hand•oLppleg and
°beers when • particular taverns mad.' an
appearance. A large number of secoeesfel
candidates at the departmental sermons,
time received their oetif nates from Mr
Strong. Harold S Masson was Lass Galled
to the platform and was pre..osd by Roy.
M. Turnbull with the medal given by that
[.oilcans for $speral profdesoy in tics ru-
ler division of form I. The young man
mads a normals/re of 72 le hie .aamleattee.
The preeentatlos was followed by as earnest
and thoughtful ddrw to the students by
Mr. Turnbull. Mies Olive M. Turner was
the reolpieas of ex-mayor Shannon's medal
for general proficiency is the puller dlvl id
of form I. Her perosalisgu was 71. Dr.
Shannon made the presentation and in a
happy speech congratulated those eonaeetd
with the school upon the mealiest work
dome. The washes' prises were oreseeted
by F. Jordan. Madman et the trustee
beard. They wore awarded as follows
Mr. Strias s prise for wooed plus IG gee-
errl proficiency In form I. limier division,
Trask IGlward af
71 pora4." fl b.:lenrles'
primes-- form III. porno literature. Miss
Grace Strang, 70 per Bent.: French of form
I. rrenly dtvleloo, Miss May Newton,70 par
sead t.,a•Miss Mess T et Freseh of Isom I.
jinn, dirge**, Mies L's'e baits, 75 per
met. MW M.ells'smiser -fermi ,serer
divbba, nritbuads, Mae J. Maud Sperm :
•timbre, Jas. Morris Stenography, Wm.
HIINNA MM RM'a.js miser -Watery of
midst d lvMlm1, of form I., Jamas Masson ;
path literature of joiner division of form
1., Mies Olive M. These. Mr Jordan
meds • mass& Mat was highly appreciated,
oonsaiksg.as It did, /he sa•esnastnent that
be would give • modal for sort year. 'Iba
prenapal, ea eeeason revered, hire ex
pa.atIsns to regard eo the awarding of the
garbs eesMde•see and pntao in oeeaa-
hos with ihe Paw Adamae atswarial
sekoarship., he seabed %has Is the math*
amass! aratabsemea is term Ill. Aliso .ltd•
MO W ohtabood fii 1444114 yoffileaterbi
a 49
6 67
6 46
'Lb* gramilltblc walks are now w
(s the excellence of any work trom the
of H. It. Sellouts. In photographic work
has taw peers -try him and be convinced.
The weather of the past few days is mild to
when we may Galat it later, so provers by
getting_ your winter overcoat and clothing
from F .1 Prclothier.. the popular clothier.
Material and workmanship are Al and prices
suit the light pure.
The open seams for quail commenesa on
October 15th, bat no quail may be sold sr
Mrs. Seeger was the judge In the buoy
work and arty departments at the Luoksew
lair last week.
Ties 1 winter show of the Hares
Poultry Association will be held at Clinton'
towards the end of January.
Jamey MoLeod, who su.tsised snob se-
vere iojaries as the result of a fail from •
scaffold in Toronto two winks ago, is re-
ported to 1w improving steadily.
.1 Rodgers, of Uoderloh township, laid as
information against D. Prow, who is
charged with assaulting the fermsr's eon.
The out, mottoes up before magistrate Manger
this worms,.
The tollowiag Militia order has boos
Mud : 33rd Huron lattalioa of nfsatry-
To be Lieutenant Colonel. Major Jobs
Arthur Stanley Versos, via Willes, trans -
Anon MoNovtn has purobasd the Merl
ion property overlooking the harbor park
and W. Green has bought the Haldane ost-
tags facing the labs. F. N. Lewis effected
both traufsre.
J. A. Halpasy ha been making a big bit
as • surer and character psreimator. At a
oo.eort in Goderteh Tp. ree•ntly he was
down for three numbers, hot limns a ssraa-
11,11• fi3 ser they " tank him in sad he was able
to break away only atter appe•nag saghi
Ilajoillr Clinks .1...........
A Rita.. AUt.D Stan. -Irons The Elnear-
eln. Reporter we ollp the following son-
nerning as old resident of this seotlen : At
the Heron a:heel r' held in Ripley, John
llechsaan, of Colborne township, wee the
oopable judge of wavy draft homes and he
!cave steeliest ilabbfiation to the exhibiMws.
The people of the township of Hama who
bad no planers of his sogo•tet ace were
glad to most their old friend Altbougb up
is pmars he is yet hale sad heartyand je
galas able to hold hie own in dols, o
ken., a position he has often Ailed in his
own manta town, (iederioh. He is ma of
t►e old worthies of that sesti.a He has
attended fifty tall exhibitions la &iedertck.
and few H say have a like reoerd. While
is Ripley he look eeseM_ to .iter ooernt-
ol•tlous to the ens sad daughters of sable
e lves who bad made such • grand othltdtlmu
of .task, peados* sad fairy work of ail
kinds which M olalsaed vs. seoeed to nos.
Tux LATS MRS. Mtrrrntt.t.--After a Wag is the Dominion for 92 Allowed et quality.
sad palatal Blows °Maris* H RwsaeSa, Re was also proof the hoar deet. Nm
wits of William Mitchell, town elera, Tamed by the directors of the matey. I(es,ing
away on 9aardey, Downer let, In her remnlaat. he referred to the Masse la
forty eighth year. Mrs. Mltokell was the wesat• since s enhi day Is Fsbreary, 1640,
eldest Aasgu'i ef /b. ass (hems Hwasen when he tank Into Rineardlas the era led
sad wee well and favorably 'mows Mroagh- .4 sugar kettles from the Oadari ih Ieasdry
out the .nasty. RN. Jas. A. AmtmaeS which ease atm the minty of Brush At
enmdsoted the funeral renis on Monday that' the, Allan (timers W as reef se his
•fssresee', the Mtermset manna plies Is she amble for his homes. *hem Mr. E.ehsnsa
body plat M Maitlead .amsgsy. The mail mashed the beak on Ile Ids Owe the Me
bloe'reemint inapilrlth.mpmm.su mayor Bab quail.n salted him wen :-" How shim Rd
.L 91 18
raj 11 20
oat t6
194 166 W
11s uSSy fr.
YMCA riTUtrtlow
Maj. For.
AehMid 169
Godotloh Sewn "rev's,• 118
East Wawasoeh 223
West Wawasesb .... 216
Colborne 129
Goderieh township 221
Oliver's' 29
Total majortty for 1125
Following are the figures for South
Hume. Every municipality eeriest Hay
favored prohibition :
For Agalast
Seafortn 180 135
Hay 207 229
Hallett 342 89
Taokeremtth 237 128
Reaeall 104 19
Hayfield 42 21
MoKinep ..215 162 Thor. Hacketap has received the appoint -
Stanley - 303 66 meat ot sexton of North st Methodist
church, Mr Fears, the former sexton,
1630 843 having taken op farming •gals.
Majority for prehib'tt05 711
The Collegiate Institute sports will be
held as the Agricultural Park on Friday af-
earsee. mat, oommaealag at 2 o'olook. Is
nadide. to the regular aehlstlo oomp1Mtissl
there will be a football manic betwess
Ciiatos and (lederiob school football S.
The friends of the Collegiate Ittellieee lays
kindly oentributed the priss. /be giablle
Is invited to witness the gamer. -------
Hands.me, beautiful, and neesmiyk are
the styles of hair mediae prodaied by Pref.
Dereawesd this seamen. The fall rayls of
hasps, wigs, fronts, switchs,eto., are mar..
eels of beauty, end every lady should me
them. In a tow minutes the pref. oan dem-
onstrate what eostitnts the essential
points In a handsome woman. As he has
isereaed territory to saver, he eansot visit
here as often as heretofore, to call on him
now at ihs Hotel Bedford on Tuesday. Oot.
The anniversary •ervlom In oo•neotlon
with Bethel Methodist church, Ooderieb
township, will be held on Sunday and Moa -
toy next.
RAY. 8. J. Allan, of Brussels, °ooapled the
pulpit of Victoria -se Methodist church on
Sunday last. Rey. Mr. Godwin preached
at Brussels.
RAST HTtson.
Every municipality Is East Harm gave
• majority for prohibition, es Is shown by
the tollowiag summary of the vote :
For Against
Blyth 76 62
Brunets 94 87
Grey 390 166
Hewlik ' 466 192
Morrie 256 149
Teruberry 296 49
Wise -ham 227 111
Wrozeter.. ,.... 56 19
1460 814
W jelly a. pfeMklNs 1046
'r& get the total tube of Hum *sooty, to
the drys for the three riding., given
abet., most he added the vote of Osborne
Ewhioh Is In the riding of Sorb Perth).
nter and Paphos (which are in North
Middl•ser) Doing this, the total majority
for prohibition In Heron is tossed to be
Neat Tuesday 'Toning Is "Sorel Evening'
" Victoria Street Kpworth League. All she
young people of the church and oonrrega.
thin are Invited to sea present. A good pro-
gram Is brag prepared.
Rev. W. P. Byers, the missionary from
Ind'., addressed the 000gr.-gation of North•
st. Methodist church on Sunday evening,
speaking particularly ot the wort •mese the
lepers. Mrs. Byers sang • solo. In the
afternoon Mu. Byers gave as InteresdN
talk In the Sabbath sober) sheet the boys
and girls of India.
A musical and literary entertainment will
hs held in the lecture room of Knox ohsteh
on Friday evening, onmmbonl'ng at vi
o'olook, and will he under the auspices ui
the MoGlltivr•y Minim Band. Mrs Tomo
lawbnok. Stpmw' m,A Tya
M Them s. will take pert in the prow
and will be &misted by about sixty of the
ehllders et the band In soegs, dialogues oma
eartaltos. A silver collection will be
aka as the door.
yolk aoatwetl
West Harm 1968 833
Routh Harm 1630 819
Host Herea 1860 814
lisberee . 964 49
Fester 171 107
Stephen 319 749
6202 3001
Total majority Is, prohibition,. 3,201.
•t What Happened to Jima," OtA 19t1.
bred Shasaaa boa taken a polus as
li.ok-/.epsr 64 She BedIsod.
Oa Monday moat* as Oriental entsrtata•
moot was given by Roy. W. P. Ryon, of
India, In North-st. Methedie% shwreh,
Kigkteen persons were u the platform
drafted in various °enemes of the East,
mast of them very remnants Named..,
the little Smash girl, appeared as • Hlada
bride. Mr. Byam who was •.fired as en
Afghan trader, made utaresdstt andante.
linins is regard to each of the differed' pee
pia rawaimitsd : and Mr. and Mrs. Synge
GM latter deemed as s Parse lady) sang
several of the taa/s in Eastern leagues
whish the inhabitants nes to motet Is the
spread of the gspsl is iadia. Tisa enter•
talammet sped am" is*astlug sad InaMast-
ive. -