HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-29, Page 8st Bargains Bargains t Bargains 1 DO YOB WANT Dry Goods, Millinery, Gents' Fur- nishings, Clothing, Jackets, or Furs, FOR FALL AND WINTER? DO YOU WANT THEM CHEAP? SEE THESE LINES: DRESS GOODS. The celebrated Priectleylilack Goods, all kinds and price.. None can equal throe goods. Special double width fancy Dress Goods, regular 25c.,at 15c Black Lineae Lining It Splendid range of Fancy Silk at frorn ..,a 19c. toil JACKETS. -- _ Do you want alto: Prioiea Jacket 1 ��. Doyon watt • SIyly.b.J WE RAVE THEM. CLOTHING. Men's and Boys' Suit. ; never so cheep ; all new goods. Men's Snits from $3 up Moo's Overcoats " - Bops' Bops' Boils in proportion. STAPLES. Lovely prints at. -_ ('ottonadee, regular 25c, 18c. Wrapperettes, only lac. MILLINERY. All the ballot c siL ons is Mil- linery. Lovely Hata at little price.. WALKING RATE, BAILORS. B( GLovss. The greatest valuer we have ever shown. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Wool Socks, two pain for .. 25c limit. Uedarwest los Bruer, Ties, Shirts. r Shrewd buyers who take the trouble to make comparisons with what is usually offered have proved our exceptional values. Furs a Furs = Furs Jackets, Mulls, Ruff., Collarettes, and C.perinea. Special Fur Ruffs for 50c. and 75c. each. See our range ---the best values in town. GRAND FALL MILLINERY DISPLAY ON NOW Good, honest value for every dollar spent in our store, and more of it than is likely to be had outside this store. We Buy for Cash and Sell for Cash and One Price Only. SMITH BROS & CO'Y. Wood' Fair., DOMINO AND GOiNO. TM ure i Notts egoista Y le fan bis.' ler •My. a asiseml feature ete elate is the art ex- hibit of 11 it &Opo ., Obese week Is tele bout advernewort. heti. tear are epee ter 11 A 1 bt 000t does.. 4.~ auto ghee our es sot .. 1t tea bare ar o...lre.dy..all lirburr J. Prtdw said Nov. your oder. ea the art of outing and dodger down be • .oleeos. $4 Yaw .peat Seeder la (isles. Britt. Kalem drove M Matra beaday. bliss rex, el Leaden, was le Mwa ler week. rite away by hoe Write,. inks MsDss ,... , w eesUtalty roared is ererm-while sewed &etltao,a.d carried a handsome bot- tler o1 white teem 'ash. brldm...id. Mos ti berth, Hares Tp., performeJ thee foss ti.. 1• prrfM41es; awd the groom area well sported 8y T. lapdes Atter pawkier of • ...ptwon ropier, the evealag was very pktaesstly ewer be reg. mere .ed speeh ashes. All iota Made to wubty the nese waits a user etwae.el.l i.urasy over tie ems el life. ISMINIPPARCITOK W. M. Stnolalt. of Brawl, was la tewe TVwiwy, tiept�7. last week. WasT.0-A good live .s (or wvmas) b Jame waw. made • brief v11t te Totes- ren • btk•-step in a highly enhgblwd to the past week. oesamaatty. This is as exceUoat ewer. the d Mea Oran) telt lest Thursday ea • seri. ( tear/ ter • perms MO capitol Wiener, as re Hay City, Mole .meed You a about eighty leave weekly. For further p•rtlealarl apply to the .s s*sly .f N• So/helots'A oaio.ioa, tad Tower feat weak. Sbeppardwe. Mr. sad Mme. Joke Biles. el Daagaaae., were le taws es Ther.dey. F. W. tiladtw, of twist, was in towel w brain.. llalordty (eat. (leo. M. *Mott rotator ea Woodsy from hie via.t w the Northwest. Alex. Dewey. et St. Joepb, wale in tows for o few dare the past were. J. T. (fours, M.PP., left Mwd.y more - tag oa . borers trap t. Tweet*. Jos. trodden, of Brstford, . rutttog ►ta bone to to.. for . few days.. Moe Belle N'iteoa, of Aube..., Wive. lo• day for 1)etrott ea se extended vain. H B Claw :, of lirodb.r•n,l'erto rusty,rt Herod e std ►sea here over ba.d.y. Moa Lux . rte n rtwu, of 1elem. .peat . taw daps s1 her hese hen the put M Ches. Narrow Ise Meeiy ee.rdng.to re- ra.o otta.daaae o1 the Ltw Soh oI at Ter. onto, UM Walter Horne end dr.rehter, of Mr. red Mn. Frank Stott were Tidtie HaaUeem, -.r., . uu,og tern. R .b •t Leo., a Sesfortk loll are k. 4.04... Mr.. Smith. Mie Lel Leu ori Marto J.. k, of Angs.; ire vielttpt et the reodeeo. of W. D. Tye. Mt. and Mr.. LI.yJ, of ntratteeL were the ream of Mr. sad tare. Edw. desanM ever Sudety. J.de. Magma bee Dowty hearse voter' hem •pp..le et vanes. porta. Yg .l, i-44KeMrieu rad use of ()alt. are VIeuror l•.r parents, Mt as Mr.Je•. 11'tlkiaseu, Kiwis -aye.' --- Cho. Warms, pharmacist, wee bete fir the other ai Ie • few a arks aro. nu o poi - Loa in No. York env. 0. li Smith. 110.11.1"i'. for haat l ark. was in tarn os Thursday visiting bas arrows, N. K. sad ole. South - Mime Teas ca.dry left o. Mocdgy „lanes, trtlseemib, w4.te .he ha. sato a hwpttel to take • oouree of trawler Miss Rothe Yarrow brit w Mondry few Aabaro% min sharpy et the millinery de. premise of hire. $e..t.n'. business. Mr. and Mos. Roans Cot end daughter. who had been .falling relative is tows,. re tuned last week te their beam at bowies - ton AIL•rt Daft. of the taer a .t•8 at re omen briery. hos been oo the not hat the peat ase days, bet is sow progresses" favor- ably. 'Lite Moses Laura fad haat Armies end. rhe tarmac'• Wry servo te drawing l a oleo., end through rig we ham bean extra bs.y tt lar been noes .unable. Free the oarless days of seise tbee entre seem to bays *eine end goo. jugs •t the meow Nee and growth wen •xellent. Thee when bay leg and barveMeg set in the .leran4 teat ly resod N are. and the Drops were harvest - .d with • degree of regularity Net ,nand .*•rely hare kms .urp.a.ed. This regal* soon etted for awry work, sad as • re- sult farm hands bare bad few leisure see110k. Bub sow that the tell .haat is sore sod tine Nrmaitog ....o. drawing to • *lass all will ba ase at Ubsrty te ej .y t4o Mahe of their labor. aLUEVALE. YDnDAY. Sega. 1Q64. Will Rookley is Bertin* is Dr•ytoe. Mn. Charlie Herbert Me tenured I. cm Toronto. 1111.41111,11111. l R CLEARING SALE Commencing Sept. 26th, 41 FOR OJS F \T'EEK we will sell everything at a reduced price. Here are a few of the Good Things to be Picked up : Hanging Lamps, best extension spring, former price $6.00 sale price $3.75, Banquet Lamps, regular price $3.00, sale Dunce $2.00 " tr 2.50, 1.50 Berry Seta, " 2.25, 125 TINWARE 6 quart pieced Tin Pail for...... - 6c 10 quart pieced Tin Pail for .t 8c 14'quart pieced Tin Pail for 12c 14 quart pieced Dishpan for 14c 1 quart pieced Dipper for . 3c Egg -beaters ...,.r,.., STAT/ONi i ly Panay Books, regular 25c., sale Best quality Note Paper, regular be. l► quire, sale price, 2 quirts _Js Best quality Envelopes, regular ice a package, stale pine(, 2 pis: -1 Scribblers, 300 page 4c Scribblers, 200 page SOAPS 2i Ib, Family Bar, 2 for - 115c 3 Ib, Gold Dust Bar lOc 12 bars Our Own Electric for 2bc Beet Gestate Soap, 3 cakes for be Large Twin Bar, Ckatib or Oatmeal 6e Also Clothes Pine at 1c. per dos. Them are only • few of the bargains to be had,at this .tore, ole asset far- , M M Mend this great sale. WOOD'S FAIR OORNBIB WEST -8T, AND 'SQUAWS. M,.. ( Dr. 13.yder and Andrea Ck.rB end Merril refereed to L Ate OJ...., Mir., alter visiting Mrs. S..ydeee enoth r, hire. John Collie, Miss Ida berme., t monger dau4kr of Liward Bosman. dew oa the L) h alter an War se of stoat a nor._ She was .lt ass year. of .gel. Tummy, IMO. V lir and Mrs. R. IL Delouse viirluit S.aforth last waq:""- Tfn."lifef..'e `t3' _1I ,_l_ �Yhgr ber'aister. Yr.. J. fa Mra. Story. of Menwt Fere*. was tirNlpt old breeds in the viefaiy bre. week. Mrs. J. MaDo•Id and obild. of Godariek, were visiting Mn. Jobe Gardner last week. Mn Walter K.therferdas. Wilma and Nolte Biokehl. who have been residing in rl4ete.enaa. ream* M tihrr tarmac Rema la the voila.s lest week. Goo. Frs.,r leave t. -day for Tenet,. .teen he will erred the Lu School, lar- iat mostly passed b4. Ikea year examina- tions. Miss Barnum tea retereed from her visit to New York. sad .ill take up her duties ea Ms.baet..' 1.18li4te 4brae•s oo O,Ntober 1st. Ker. Fetho West west to Clint.. Yon• der morning to Darer et the (ewer of o young moo 'tamed Creeds w►e died reeestly tc Mentwba. Mrs. W. D. OM era Hulas. 8.ve re- amed t. IM.lsehs after • visit at tb.l home o1 Mew Oox'e parents, Mr. gad Mee. N Dowsing. MW Adored* Jeobell,.t arose, • end- ear of 0.dortob Collegiate bastions bas gen. to Prober Creek, Alberta., whore rhe is taeobfs. eokool Stretford limo.: Miss Raters. of Godo rieb. who ban bora the guest of Miss ADM/0 Bookie for the past eouple of seek•. has two to visit friends at W'•.der. Mrs. J. J. Wallace end Member George Wallace, of Ottawa, who hod been visitor •t the re•tdoer of 1). K. Streckea, left last Friday for Tomatoes torr .sy tea. Yr. and Mn. John *Bothers, of Wood- stock, drove to taws lar Friday, paid a brief visit l the gentlemen'• brother. Stephen Mothers, sat lett ea tiatardeyj to eats other relative at Deasaacoe. limey will tom.to - /Are vtainily lora mouth. Mn. rooteray eon Mdldren, who W been visiting the teneers parent•. Mr. sed Mn. Jetta 8►ik.14, iia hard read, rens to rale homer Bay City, Allah . on Fri. dry. They were ....mpasf.d by Mime Fanny 8.lkdd, wise will make a visit .Iib her .tater. H. Baker. who ter eons seethe had b.es essawei se dra.gbtmre for the new els rater, kw reitooned to his home at K larder. Yr. Haber seep .d•wt..e of bee stay 8.r. to wester 44. irgpipes, and the re.ideats el that part et the town ebbe we enlivened by his mores will orb the dolor stereo .bioh were wort to go forth eel the *vasty aft. The pepafo1.ah mirth p0eeehrg "Bid. Tracked " will be at Victoria Oona How o. Oct. 7. 1f yea henen't ren R. ear them who did last .essee oed you'll be teen to go. THE WEEKLY seat ..T REPORT Oe•yoets. Sept. Is inn. fall Wheat 0 al to 0M Floor, badly. per stet. 2 16 1. 2 10 Floor. oMln. war an -.... .,,,t10 to 1 le Brea. •ti 1•r... r. .. �• 21 /0 talo 00 Shorts 1sta le Ora. •ti i .......................•M•sxl M 111 Yeas.. * .......w«w«...•.41.•t 1e W Hay. • ten ...••.. 6,11 la 11 P Pinnies*. 0.4411....-........«.. s0 et N le cos, barb meetllM. •else..«. ate w 1414014. . 00 le 0 Pelle ... h........... IAM II Iamb -skirl 00 to to Live Hon ............. M b 10 Steen. ••«......�.+.- 10 SO 11 Hair. tar lb......r. 1i is 11 (Peso. ear Ib._ ••••• le a 11 Dressed Hoof Beebehe 00 . Seti1tiall 0''" rg to se iib M DUNLOP DAY, Sept 27 Apple {Oohing be sew the go ban, the eoidmee Ming assisted by now strove Tb. maidens .od the obildren are .t it 1e fell foree. The bridge over tie burns the foot of MooDosalrl's Hill 1. leg to Goderiole bee Men repaired with new cedar stringers Led flooring, J. H. Berber bolos the owtraoter. A job of graveling is Ming does at the seer and by J. H. Herter. J•be Oke Is the W- agoner ler the township tethers. LEEBURN. MONDAY. Sept 26. Willie Lhklater was .p from Stratford 'Shia! relatives sed trlenda previous to re- turning w W.dn•ed.y to Wood the winter Ginn of r• Agneeltanl Cotters at fleeter. Tile le hie tbird year there. Perot sower, leas esterered from bis trip t. (7►le►arg. Dakota. whore be Hailed hie it -ether', Wo. awl C. Stewart. end other relatives. He le sew eeeweneg wary goer Mos shoot the mature of grab. la Dakota. Hobart earl Michael Foley bate returned from oo .n jeyeb'e 0841 to the late falx at ',nettle. Raster sem It that letters from the Forret C.Ig will .beer thew till thertatuss Nae, wire tory gel hack on ioomteat 01 - nada. The pleb4ub. sesol 01 -all "lhtnewf evening of test walk 114 set few a barge ,tteadnwee ow*, to re titnebiligly roan. 4. H. Clave. wee oiled be tie serf. sed the preemothirs were .penal by prayer by Rev. Mr. H►11, of one, .old laser the ems peatleamo tae. ea tatenrieg 44dt.ss in whir M rebased the ten name. utmost spates/ erekthities. Rev. Jas. Ha.11tee able peke se the voted t'bbh of tremolo. eel 'Awed the Ieseeiag web mayo. The t psrase poesy here hare elrerlatod pro bgiitb.I4.rster. red se Tbersdsy msh interest will be taken te *ten • sa)oeiy far. emits le embattles. WEST WAWANOSM. A soy Nap w.11lag eek pl.. N Os renters et Wei taaD.s5N. West Rswa- eeei. ea Wdeed►y ..rine, the 1th teat. *bee Mir Uoia YeL.wgdl, .biter o IUs wf).wrw. rot renew* tlenphMr o 141 Ism A WbaspIl, L.04... seer toed M ea evlye eel dame. 44101401, Wiwi Wawa. art Ike ..stege woman" wee prfi -*. eA le as lrfrw.• steam by the wee. A. M.wtay, In tie e..•rso et a bey Mabes, el boost poet The bide, eta tete OPENING SEASON VICTORIA OPifk HEM ON BI NIC}BT OzYLZ. A. 4. OC* UOV'g "Side Tracked" asrL:ra wt1a NNW HONOS, NEW SPECIALTIES, WIC. E. H. (YOolnroa, the great tramp. (isaisups Beim, the charming e .piano. Bristles is year . . Teeth.. are not pleasant, but you'll get thew there every time you use a poor Tooth Brush. Get a guaranteed Brush with our name etaluped on it. Yd you'll save annoyance. PrIo eL10} tba, 20c., 25c., 35c. and 50e. Your money's worth - ole your money back. T&IIM8 CASH ; 140 CRIDIT WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE, ea sten itis Y. BILLY Bowaas, the funny German. trot; , WV. ADMIWS1ON. 28. 35 & 50 CENTS. ...owed Pons as reveres. The New Gents' Furnishing Store. No matter r what your need. are In the ()anti Puruiahiog lee, we can please yoa. Our prices are right, too. J. A. HAL.PANY. GENTS' FURNISHER. 8matk.M. Nies% MoLiw'. Block. COMFORT xa1i t arfr ZTE> t, HOT WATER or STEAM HEAT - means comfort. No dirt., no wank ; yet always delightful heat. We are thoroughly nxperiennwf in planning and putting in Ste... or Hot Water heating pl.uta. Yoe may nave a wrong Idea of the costa of hot water heating. Interview ne and let nu give you some aoourate information. CTTU EROS Nuim,3teasittenaii'hdOt Warr ilia M 4110,.. seal ewtlr ■•ea WOR-SEL L The Cheep Stas Man." As I am too bury putting in a number of the celebrated Howard Furnaces, and doing the iron work on the new churches at Londeeboro and St. Helena, I will not be able to make my usual display at the G. N. W. Exhibi- tion this year, but I will have a full lime of ehoioe 000KING and HEATING STOKES and Furnace. at my store, which I will .ell at a great reduction during fair week. So one along sad get bargains from W ORSELL, T70 Ot14.1 WOVE MAY CAODIitIOH COA.LI COAL! COALI he Reid Stock is STILL GOING AT SACRIFICE PRICES, OUR READY-MADE CLOTHING Having purchased the Coal Business of Mr. D. 0. STRAOHAN, and having made very satisfactory arrangements with extensive Coal dealers, I will be able to supply cuss tomes with the beat quality of the re, nowned Lehigh Valley Coal in all size., At the Lowest Cash Price. OFFICE -In Campbell a oleo*, ear. Walesa. and t3quatre. R. MON llOLIKS NEW' GOODS FOR Fall and Winter Suite and Overcoats.. --- _ RENOT-U*DE CLOTHING CHEAP. My ore mtkn ('0.I and W then. Heeds sold by yard we made se la the Wet iae TJiCfiiigt OA.gas H. DUNLOP, Nem Rant et M.atroN,Podaleb. The Kensington ?unitive Oo. WANT 11Amitedr DRY ELM AND BASWOOD w la emelt greenlet raft are •he 1 Bo motet M Green Elm and Black Ash. is attracting many bas en, for our prices are right A inan's Suit for 13.00, and better qualities equally. low. OUR DRESS GOODS at 15c. and 20c., double width, do not need spy praise. Another shipment of Flannelettes to brand We have a line of GROCERIES which we are selling at low prices. 6 Ibe. of goo Tea for $1.00, worth 25c. and 30e. per lb. Call and see our Stock. Lots of New Goode in. J. H. PEDDER, Sscceeaor to S. J. REID A 00. Beatemall Stover -Pipe Vanish u its name implies, beats all competitors in the most important points,. Brightest lustre, least odor, quickest drying of all stove-pipI-$rnishes. 25c., 5 for $1, Take no otisa'. The Medical Herb Tea, best of herb nledieinefi� -Sassafras-Blood mid 8tenna :h"Bitters, 50c. =The perfe t Emulsion of Cod Liver Oils $60. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK. Agent for the Birkbeck Building sad Loan Oo. Loans on easy term.. The Ready -to -Wear Idea• • • • 4 Is what gives Shoxey's nothing 4th poop. That idea should suggest another to yon. The saving of half your Tailor's DHlfl. It does not matter what your Shape is, Tall and Slim or Short and Stout, Storey's Clothing will fit you and to all appearance yea will still be a Tailor Made Has. Bee that Shorey's Guarantee Card is Sr. this pocket of evil garment, it is worth rtaertlbertag. That it means Satisfaction or your Money Back. • GODRRIOH STEM BOILER WORKS. A. 8. QHRY8TAL, ..._.r ie d inglala BMA. IAesetr.tavr et all tide Of BOILILR8. Vesta Brant., Balt Yam, Skeet Ira, Works, eta., etc., Asa Delve b- Vagtae., Mattidaery Cutler, rte. An rise. el Pipes sad Pipe reap" Nadu sed Water 0.are. 01.b. varves, Olean Valve., lrdroten, !beton sod 1h. Ieslsta Cas.taotly se Rood at Lwow _ & �e.lat has of .rest Water .tri Bogsyke for me of earners and .18.r*. 14..*te rearis114 massed se A. s. 012T1tAL. to 4, P. 0. Ilse R. Yedeeteeb JEW GAN ELSVATO OOLBORNE & BURROWS are patting a modernly constructed grain abeyance in that grain warehouse. They are now in a potion to handle ..Y kinds of grain with the wort possible labor for (armere' delivery. Theyiwill pay the highert marketphce. for .11 kinds of grain, and win be in the market all the time 0OLSQRNIS A MINNOWS. RI/ to MOa Week wiasnttOaae COAL = WOOD -CHARCOAL and KINDLING. W. ate Mill at the .ttsseefiAsad, Belem Street, when we have ben e4}1'4:1:; y1ng oar saMro om.for a number of yeerill W. know Matail that suite yea. Orders left with our deli racy riper lie 1WoreolSe. lt'e slws esti .p M*.- t;: Mice will resat" apt a(dsliell All coal ereiied m k a soolus, talon otherwise cerisrsd. We run several Dn qo is osumectioe. CARING E a FUEL CO., near ea aoxN a 1 7, M1174 ANOTHER NEW ADDITION tear Lino Lies it STOVE We have 54ded the vorl8•*ids known Happy Thought Radiant Home r+• u woberIWOid 8.iwMOOulled1MS W . baulk Om w psis of tb. f.uewis le Arms Gurney Foundtl CW. Gurney -Tilden 00. Burrow. 8tewssl'i 1 Milne Clare Bros. VOW ren the dui.. of !p.a. here era of the sad ..r !.gale, ..ken t. Iran ne Z8Me ea yell >aM4g, ?z..g 3ar us lath e'*T LEEI$HEPHARIJ roe PLAITING MILL. fUTg111.1INEe Itgt, BllcI1Iiajis & Ryis fig' DOOR and BLIND Seg ver and LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES Cul Vert Pipes JAI iMWen' gr.letal ass sweet or...r .am Alt ewes omen • r- , -,et else. the oewingerrIlt - 1 VII MAKEewes.....e neaten in ale MIAs et SCi06Ve'AItut. qty •'rote Beal - .. 1 3.. - «