HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-29, Page 6..r,.... OIi11.00K IN INE ERSi. From Present Indications Thera Will Be Squalls Soon. admiral aorrear's Flagship rad S 1 Other Srlttsh Warship Suddenly, Lave Wet U.I Wel Under 114,4I.4 Orders --TO• ReelaraUu of R Aslan Yrad..rtaaroe HAMA the Cble.ee Tbrere Gives a. Ugly Tues to Affair.. Wel Hai Wel, Sept 88.-Tbe British bxttleahip Centurion, flagship of Vtoe• Admiral Sir Edward H. Seymour, the seunmanAer of the British fleet to Chinese waters. sailed suddenly on Friday, under sealed orders, accompanied from Che -Foo by the battleship Victorious, the first slaws cruiser Nerolasue, the seeond•.lass tweeter Ilermlone, the torpedo boat de- stroy. Fame, the torpedo beat destroyer Hart and the despatch boat Alacrity. 1t le supposed that the destination of the SIH EDWARD R. HSTMOUR. dist is Te Kc, at the entrance of the river landing to Tien Ten, the port of Pettit, for the purpose of meklog • easel dewoustrattun then. Nrltl.h Consul P to Shanghai, Sept. 96. -The $elfish Con• e01 hs.. et:steed a protest against nut &WJdon.of the Chinese eRhr skvie aanppf•g the steamer Eldorado end searching her for Kang, tee Cantonese reformer. ' Is 1s reported that Admiral Seymour, the British navel commander, 000trm- plates landing • party of sailors and marines at 'L'a Kn. The Taotal (governor) has asked the aristaooe of the British Consul In capturing Kang, whom be describes as a degraded ortminal. Then le no doubt that 1t he is arrested be will be promptly exeented. 11a11r.ad Communleatlos Stopped. Berlin, Sept. 20.-Tbe Frankfurter T..ttuug's Tien Ten correspondent says that relined oommuntestlon between that place and Pekin 1s mopped. 'Then are serious rumors concerning the situa- tion In the capital. Remy tied. a Refuge. Shanghai, Sept. 26. -It 1s reported that Kang Yuwel, the Cantonese reform tr wbo 1e. a000sed by the !owager impress of being tmplloated les deslgn4 en the Emperor's life, and who recently S ed from Pekin, arrived at Woo Sung, rear tare, on Saturday, and took retells en board • British gunboat - WHAT KANG SAYS. Tee Emperor Secretly Warmed Him e. Skip -Manche. Ag.lest Cblaew Is t8.. Position. London, kept. 96.-Tbe Times' Shane - kat correspondent telegraphs: "On the arrival of Kang Yuwel as Wu Hung he was placed on board the steamer Ballarat, which .&ls for Hong Kong to -morrow. In the cosmos of an Interview yesterday 'he .1.1.4 that he left Pekin on Tueeosy In compliance with a *acini message from the Emperor warning him of hit danger and urging hlin to obtain auUtenoe from those Interested In the country's welfare. He further stated that recent events' were entirely due to the action of the Manchu party, headed by the Dowager Empress and Viceroy Yung i.u, and including all the high Manchu officials. The latter were displeased M the Emperor's leaning toward the reform party, and deolded• 10 restate the regency of the Dowager. The Dowager Empress' party Is bound by an understanding with the Rumens, where- by the letter, In ron.lderatlon of support et Hnsslan lutere.ty, nndert•eke to Ir' serve Manchuria an the seat of the dynasty and to teethealb Manchu rule to China. In porsuanne of the oompaot the gradual .ubetltutlon of Manchus In all high offices and military commando began last year, under the direction of toe Dowager, thus creating a series of fr(etlon with the Emperor, whose" de. thronement was frequently threatened. The present Government 1s entirely Mao• oho as opposed to Chinese. The Influence of LI Hong Chang 1. new subordinate to that Yung I.u, and 1s likely te doer.... "1 i., Emperor's health b.excellent and his capacity for wort[ end asgerners for pregame are remarkable. Ma Majesly is convinced, however, that It will be lin- possible in overcome the nppnoltton with• out the aeet.tsnce of Kngland, which he endeavored to obtain for his recant pro- gressive mWures. "Kenai Yuwel urges that England now has an opportunity to Intervene and re- store the emperor to the throne, by doing weals, k. aseer4, she w111 earn ib. petitude of the Chinese people. He also observes that unless protection is afforded to the victims of the coup d' eta* it will be impoenlhte henceforth for any melee official to'upper% British Interests" The �n' ed that the hither NOW DREYf US WAS TRAPPED toot and 11 le reported' that Russia has offered the Dowager b'mprva. Me .ervloe of 10,000 troops trent Port Arthur W keep epee order In Pekin If necessary. le 11 slated that the British fleet In Colne oaten has been Melded between Te Ku and 8 baaghal, nuder omen to intercept Rath - sten trausporte to the event of all IMP tempt to land troupe. TOLD MARCHAND TO GO. Illetess Jack HAMA at Washed. W8.110 the Frea.k protested Last of - the LArvisbild Combed. London, Sept 90.-Tbe Dally Tele- graph', Otero correspondent, telegraphing to day (Monday) *eye: immoral Kitchener found the French at Fashoda Re nod- ded Major Marohaud that be had express lnstruotiona that the territory was Hrie- b and the Frenob must retire, and offered Mem passage to Cairo. Major Mareband absolutely declined to retire unless ordered to 4o so by his Govern- ment. No fighting occurred. Major Marchand wee given clearly W under- stand that the Hrltlah Insisted upon their olebwe, and the net hue been left to be settled by dipluataot- between the reepee- tee Governmente. General Kitchener sent a long official despatch to London, hoisted the Union Jack and the Egyptian euslgn. and left as a garrison the lith and 19th Soudan - see Benetton' sod the Caiteron High- lander to protect the British sag. Col. Jackson commands the garrison. ... tltekewee at Vosd.t•mwe. .---- Oftlw, Sept. 98, -General fifteenths. rommanding the Anglo-Kgpyttan szpedt- tlon, hat returned to Umdurmun, having eswbllshed poste at Fashoda and on the leant Hever. The troops did no fighting except with a Dervish steamer en W way south, which was °apt Lost of the D•Aibbom Cra1 wl- Esterhazy Confesses to the Fam- ous Bordereee Authorship. Stow th. Prefe..lo■e.1 Seidler Weut t. Work to Carry Out Hla Superior OM- oer's W Lb•. - Cunv/acrd r'ruw CIroum- 5t1w..s i'nat Dr.1te• Wes Guilty. It. - - lamed the Materlet Evidence Real Culprit W.. a Ma. reared London, Sept. 98. -Grant Rlohards, ,.ub'Isher, has *soured the pubdoetlon rights of Major Krwrheay's 0unfeselun of hlr connection with the Dreyfus eaea. Tbe statement will be contained In a book of the see of the ordinary sax shilling novel, and will be tented as soon as possible. Th• 00 '• R•••Iatl,.ae, The Observer yesterday morning con- tinues Its KaWrbasy r.velettont, which began lest Sunday, In • long article, the mows salient fe•tute of whloh Is Celeste Rstarim:ye disclosure, made, at Is arert- ed, la tint pesetas of more personv than one, that he wee the author of the famous Dreyfus bordereau, which W wrote "at the request of Col. Sendhen, Dow dead." "It was intended," he satd, "to con - statues material proof of Dreyfus' gulls It was known through a French spy In the service at Berlin that oer•aln d000- ments had retched the Garman general staff which Dreyfus alone oould have *busload. It was • list of these doou• menta which eon.tltuted the borderer. Dreyfus had been tested In *sterol way*. For instance, a plan for the concentra- tion of troops on the so,.tbe•stern frontier had been dictated so him, which was nim fantasies. A abort time afterwards sur spies in Italy informed no that the Melton staff was making modifications Sueklm, Sept Mn-'l'heony ergentz.d to the fcnlficatlona around Nice, which re.unent of the Kha11fa'a army was do. corresponded lothe changes announced In tested and its last strongboll, Oedaref, the linagliary .cbem{4lciaigd 110._.Iasi-, aapturel on dept. 22, after three hours' tut -•, lend fighting, when an Egyptlantoroe'~ "Then Dreylue managed to spend long tltgmbering 1,800, under command of holiday. In Alsace without befog Ip- Col. Parsons, routed 3,000 Dervishes, of patently found out by the German au- whom 600.. were kllled. ...Three British . fhasia8.-. 'ee.y arrapfMoas sign, for 111 officers were wounded and 97 Kgyptban was almost Impossible fur a French 031dllre !Oiled and 60 wounded. officer to remain for any length of time ' in tee 000quered provinces wtthout being Galta.t Slat t. Have a Rot 1 found out. In fact, then was oonilder- London. Sept. lids -It is reported that able morel proof against Dreyfus before the War Office has granted to the 21st Infantry a short furlough In recognition of its bravery at Omdurman. t)therwiee the regiment would have gone direct frill esuReseaelle.i a0ia• •der • awe T's••'s' stay. A 000rding to report, it has now been arranged ' that the regiment shall fins oome to London and mareb with full equipment from the docks to aha Knights' Bridge Barracks, receiving an ovation throughout the marob. A clone tutees, oomposed of ►11 branches of the military aervtce, are making serenae- meets to present the regiment «fib a gold shield oummemoratlre of its famote charge at Omdurman. TO t0E11.CE TRE SULTAN. Fear of the Greet rowers *Ig. al Agree- m..t Is That Effect Home, Sept. 26. -Within 24 hour. Oreat Britain, Russia, Franoe and Italy will append their .lgnatnres to an agree - meet for the peelflatl.m of the inland of Clete, Including • plan for morale( the Sultan Into submission. The scheme hag for some time been drafted, but Its en- forcement was delayed to invite the psrticlp•tlon of Germany, whloh country doollned. At the beginning of the weak the four power will send an ultimatum to the Sultan of Turkey summoning bin§ to swept tee project, and Informing him that unless be deer to measures w111 be taken to enter*, his compliance. The powers have Irrevocably decided to settle the Cretan question immediately and will not he,ltate to send 'their fiesta to tba Dardanelles, std beyond If necessary. Ataee4( Sew. Freta rkltipptaew Landon, Sept. 96. -Tb. Globs treys Worming tnformatlnn has been received by the Government as to the position of the Brttleh residents In the Philippines. The British gunboat Rattler of the China station has been ordered to preened with all possible speed to the Island of Cebu, In the Cantel part of the Phllip- pines, when the British community Is said to be 1n Imm.nent danger teem tb. natives. Th. Emperor Very 11.8.. Landon, Sept. 98. -The Pekin ooere pendent of the 11a11y Mall says. The heed e0nnrh at the palms Inform* me that the /Emperor la .erloney indisposed and tees els death u sot unlikely.. LI H.oa'. Enemy Arrested. London, Sept. It. -The Tinted' Pekin eorrep0ndent rye: "Chaeta Yin Horan, the Caolotteae enemy, and rived ef le lits, Z'bang, who is charged with harboring Rang Yuma 'ham boon arrested. He is low nnder Mal by the Board of Punish- ment. He will he 'stripped of all his stenth hs removal peeing increased pawn to t.t Hung Chang. The °Metal. general f wslnnme the Remmers return to ',never. but the peeps are Indifferent. Kenai Ynwe1 Iv rheraed With ennspirtng against the Kmpee s flowerer and hes then declared en one law end hie •rrwt As been ordered." RUSSIA OVri** Ta00Ptt, The Dad of Christopher Columbus. Hay ma, Sept. 98. -Capital n -General Blanco has ordered that the remains ret Columbus, which are In the Cathedral titres, b isenwporled 90 Spain. Ol.d Suddenly at O.etph. Guelph, Ont, Sept. 98. -Andrew TM - too. of the firm of Talton Bros., manu- facturers of pea berveaten. etc., was a1 nlg factory on Friday night in his usual gond health. He went home about ten o'clock, retired at eleven, and was deal before twelve. The burtttng of a bloat vessel in the bead was ibe cosies of hie death. New Out of Danger. Plantagenet, Ont., Sept 26. -Bon. Alfred Evanturel, Speaker of the Ontario Leglulature, wbo hes been very Ill for several days, has taken a nhange for the better end on Saturday evening was con stdered out of danger. He le still tonIIaed bo his room. Ce.e'. 211.1... re..weed N..us. Th.lr Rome Iles Ite.. RI•.►.d. London, Slept et -a sperm) d.sp.Meh Ssn Mangled lays Mat Rtes Ynweeo other kits bees unwept 1t. I'.ttti and intoned te death. The ddsp.trh atm that 8.), (:Made wtkntald, the Rot Woke, pee ltstbeeti.w.0 that Kan' -bola M pretested hem most •h O'awl•te beide N5 beeps, Mite reicselag 1t mate 15.0150, • DomlaI.a I.11,. Get. the Subsidy. Halifax, N.S•, Sept. 1k8. -It Is reported hen that the Dominion steamship line lese secured the subsidy for earryng the Kngll.h malls between Caned* and 'Eng- lund tor the seethe of 1898.29. Mr. M. C. Camera. 88111 Very Weak. London, Ont., Meet. 81. -Mr. el. C. Cameron's condition up to a late hour last night still continua. unchanged. He Is still 1n s weak condition. rgvga AT DA WSON. the trial took place, hot no material proof. Ce.vlaeed of Dreyfes' Ga111. "Cot. Sendberr, who was an Alsatian, dee theyfes, trot Intensely anti -Semliki, determined .o forge this proof. He was oonvinoed of tbeaooueed man's guilt, but it was neomenry, for the purposes of the court marital, that dooimente should eine "I was estaebed to the Intelligence department. my duty being 10 watch the mnvetnentg of iullitary *Washes aooredlt- ed by the powers of the Triple Alllanee. When Col. Sandberr sold mete write out the bordereaa, I did so without the slightest oompunotlon. 1 am one of those men who, soldiers try profession, cling to old mediaeval iradltions of tnllltany dleolpllne. Wben I resolved an order I obeyed It lmpllcllly and without gump- tion. uittion. I wrote abs borderea0 bemuse Col. SaLdberr told me to do 10. I knew, of course, the purposes It was Intended to serve. I knew I was oommb $ing • forg- ery, but 1 616o knew that all Intelligence departments In all countries were run on preeteely the came lines and that it wag Impossible to achieve remise iu any other way. in the Von Tauaeb can. tor 1a. stance which made ea great a eneatlon to Germany, Major Von Taasoh confessed to having committed forgery, adding that thee crime wee nothing to the infamies the Berlin staff had forted him to com- mit In connection with other matter. 7'eerrfore, the court attempted to Oleo*, him. He ultimately reoelved the mini- mum punishment prescribed. end has since been released ions before his time. Maaafastor•d 5ellewo.. "It is nearly always necessary to manu- facture material evidence against splen, because otherwise they would never he punished. The borderean having beeu written, it became a necessity to give 11 the indtepeng•bIe ate et an autientic document, as you know It was supposed to have been stolen from the Osemed 6mbaesy. Col. Schwsrekoppen (formerly German military attache to Paris) denied ever hay.ng assn IS. What he said was perteetly true The borderma was hani- ed by an agent d our Intelligenne depart- ment to the porter of the German em hooey, who we. • spy in our service. The porter gave it to another agent named Genest and by him 1t was brought to the tntelllgenoe department and then docket- ed and nnmllerakb. • 7nnoment obtained from the German Emteey In the usual course. Is thus reoelved official baptism. Int D.6wec• of t8.. Law. "beast exnloslvely upon the evidence of the bordereau that Dreytne was con- demned. The document privately shown to the officers of the eonremertlal sew fetched from the War Office with the object of oonvincing the judges, should they show signs of wavering. It was the letter containing the 'De Chenille de D-.' Now. this letter, which be genu- ine and wee really written by (lel. Shwar.koppen, did not refer to Dreyfus at all. The general staff ons etnollelefy aware of the tact that ' D-�was a me. tan Months, a bnlldtn-dlnirtinter, who before►. supplied t German anisette with p of the Fortin Hens near Nies." The e ajor add that the ease agatnet bins ihed In elegance of all law and Justine. He said the veiled lady who appeared in the ease was no other than the wife of Col. Do Paty de Clam. More 10..$1.d relies Rented 1■ View of mew O.t of Employment Vittorio, H.C., 14ept. 28. -Major Tei• rpt, paymaster of the •Yeken fore of Candlan mllltle, arrived on the steamer Amur Saturday morning. The health of the troop* 1s azes:lent at Fort ,Selkirk. The nurses have been ten' o9 to Dowses.. wriye there are sold M he 600 na.w of fever. Major Talbot says trouble Is anti cereal 1n Denson dnring tl,. anprreeh Ina winter, owing to the igtes bomber of even nut of employment. (:nmmlwloner Orllale will recommend seeding another detachment Of troops -6o men -in view of the unmet legnlrements of a strong forte. That Story Was a rare. Ottawa, Sept. 211. -That harrowing *tory whitll non..e from iMwann City via Seattle, alleging the leant levee nen on the Canadlan tenet In the "tenthly" Meet Ing marines" hetween Fort at. John and 88. Nelsen Hirer, Ind noting the arrtvae then of "tee gree eine 0f eel pilgrims who bled the mats," it roe erAM M M. Mounted folks dopsrtm.nt as n ornel "fake." W• bathe .ntheette esel rawness *add a pi -n nteenl alet.1. 0t the meter tense atheism the Nebo!) .1r e0.5 tunnel§ item and the Peers, lewd 80.te.4 of Meet Ing sa$eeps, 18 Is »18Wn b 1101111,111 WITOILcf reeky, broker ground. ALL 1 YE1 018 FRANCE. thew days hes a wu8s.1uo, but only the eutearn and jram of the glgantlo wire - pulling leaks out, Sir Wilfrid and h1s oolleague, while deslring to be Informed o' Uwe views of every Canadian tndoatry, are dteouatag- tog deputations tram here. They would prefer Instead that memorials be for- warded. The amount of oorreepondemn received deify 1s suunnous end the band - Ung Maned requires the efforts of • large oleHwl staff. Congreesman Tawney of Minnesota is .,hrinplonlug tie tuwber interests of the Northwestern Starr. 1d. 1s undoubtedly the most polished -lobbyist -in the Anol.01 Capltel Speaking on his mission hen Tawn.3 usld: "A duty on lumber going Into the United Metes is newswire. Your labor cwt of production 1s trinlug, while the low stumpage tax is soother advent ageous factor .ump•red wieh our posi- tion. The high grade lumber of both countries goes abroad. We could not own. Pete to our own home mane on the Inferior grades, unity we utilised for 901110 purpose every portion of the lug, stamp, sawdust and all. Our people en- gaged 10 lumber end .dependent indus- tries ezceed the entire population of Can- ada, '1 hie shows the interest we have at stake," HON. DAVID MILLS, Attorney-G.e•rel of Canada, Swing • Tory N.w.papq* for Alleged Im- portation of rrlat.rw Halite', Sept 98. -Attorney General of Canada v. The Herald Printing & l'ub lbhing Company le the name of • salt just ouuimenood la the Superior Coen of SHEEP IN AUSTRALIA. new Wool flu'nweeethesi Is Coadueted an • IMg Mate. Tbe 'bearing seasuu in the wool ooun- tries of Australia, says • writer iu the Loudon Sketch, is the moat itt►pottaut and the Dosiest of any which 000ar in ahtwp rearing. Tbe swagmen has an op- portunity which be doe. not like and usually disregards, and the Etlgli.h ca- det baa no reasonable excuse to remain idle. The opening of the sheds is not simultaneous, for as the hot weetber Domes down from the equator, those runs away back -where it is too hot to aurae and one never sees the kangaroo - start Dotting out some weeks before Nova Scotia. The plalnters elelw le sheep walks in lea temperature but against the defendant for 11,000 nenalti cooler region& The shearers and the bocurred by the defendant for violation of mneleren travel in their own mobs, and the provisions of Section 1 of Chapter 11 in many oases work the same circuit of the Acta of She Paellau'ent d Canada, Ids "id1 toe IO -b , Shein Australia is earlier titan in ante!mein slaw ei se4gn of Iter Mijesq New Zeeland, so ninob so that when the Queen V Ceteris, $U fellows: Freya and merry band has tallied out the °entracte atter the pawing d this Act It shall be with the "oornetelk," "gum obewing" unlawful for any personcompany, pact . and "banana" egaatten of New South nerehtp or oorperatloe In any manner M Wilke. Victoria and 6iusaat¢sad N resp•$ the ereasporfaNun 'at t"1mlEIF skips t0. Llanrilatd, arid, PlYing the lion at hay ellen or baseline* tete Owner ' Medellin the sheep of the Three Wands, d& under cent set or agreement, parole or special, express or implied, made returns in rim0 for the early wool clips rennet to the importation oar. IrpqR�1���among the Uod forgotten brake of t' tldYbuch alien or faielirner"ecu' perTrt a-Queenal&nd. labor or service of any kind in Canada. I Prior to the shearing is the sheep The anti anew out of the allegro 1- portatlon of one or two c olnpositor. from New York at the lame of etre strike 1e. the Herald olllw two months ago. The altuatles 10a• Raaebd a RMI Attirmlue stat.. London. Sept 116. -The alarm Ing situa- tion In Penne rivet' the •t entlon of Europe. The excitement Is Increasing hourly, new revelations and developments are expected sod • mfltt&ry coup deist would not surprise anybody. Slight deteonetratiOn• wan made late Sunday afternoon. bus the °rowdy which setheved were quintal dldy re.J Try a. pollee. Farther Poetpea.d. Perla, Peek im.-Tbe Cabinet W 1& Saturday and decided le postpone 115 deae.tme es the gneiss on sit the Deepened eseist,n of the Dreyfus .tale 90111 to day. nwing to the eteenne trent the meting f 1ho Minister of Finan*,, M. Pelted, ane. the Minlner of Agrtoultnrt., M. WIRE PULLING FAT QUEBEC. 0..• of t:w.le aem'a Rost r.D.h.d Lobbyists M Fre.... twinkle, After Tke1r Owe latere.M. Qnatee .Rept 1148 -The member, et the Anglo-American ('omm)eslne, in nester ca forllltats tater labors. haw end-dlee led leen enmmltense Pnllewtng Ah. method enrolee at Pert. In the leering Nest erhltrwtten, they «111 f sport from time to time The A rnw,cnn rspr.eengettv,w are over WIminwd with optnlonv and slaws, and many art them see *ntagnnl.tln- Te harmonise them end sleet the (laasdtans half way 1. nn .mall task Nearly every alternate A merloan vellrw at Qe.bes Tel* CONV1LeTl0N IS CLOeSD. For weeka the homestead bey been bathed in red clouds of land, which rise from the draftiug yards s. the abeep play "silly devils" when they are worked- Tbe yarders, with despair written on their floes, know that they Th. 0t. Andrew'. RyNMrh.ed at neean.1 nee °°mull t� ib14A�4.t earsa i8.*4*d .e �te omer. e' ee •• 6i li 1O t'belimite at their endnrnnoe. Hamilton, Sept 114 -At Sesurd•y'1I�fting on cool days is pnsaible and s.1ston of tot± Brotkerbood of St. Andres► oonventlon the first Sunday after Trinity wan fixed as Hro*h rbood Sunday. II was meth decided that self denial meat be observed. The eleoti00 of the Dominion Council for the ensuing year resulted ss follows: Arthur de B. Treraalne, Halifax; W G. Smith, Truro; H. C. Tilly, Se John, N.B. ; D. M. Stewart, St. Meeting, Mon- ier); James Jepboott, Church of the Advent, Montreal; Judge Seethe-, Perth; G. 7. Hunan, Napsnse; A. 8. Kinder, Stesihroy; J. I). Cheetee, Slmooe; 7. R. Smith Sed J. Howshrd, Hamilton; 0. D. Martin, Winnipeg, W. H. Paget, Hersey: N. F. llavidw.n, H. B. Street, W. B. Smith, 0. K. Streeter end J. A. Cense Toronto. The rplmventetives of the Intnrn•tion- aJ Committee were sleeted be follows: N. 7. Davidson, T. R. Cloagb.r and A. P. Tippett. The oleslug serviette were held yens -- day in Const Chureb Cathedral. Cburoh of the Ascension, end ala tvewell wall - Ing tm Asmo01attea Hall. 1nONET11.10'. DISTV*RED. C.aple From 10108.15.., Yellowed 8. t.es- dow. Ont.. aid Gre.m Arrested. London, Ont , Sept. 23. -On Saturday • roan/ couple regls.ered et the Ortgg House as Mr. and Mn. W. B. Smith, Almon', Mich. They were well-dressed, good-looking and spent all their time la one another's society, and 1t was evident they were on their wedding tour. Yes- terday aftarnonn Smith was taken to Port Heron 1n the custody oN detective Ryder of London and Sheriff ieinorveet of Lapeer County, Michigan, with the Arlon* chargee of burglary and forgery hanging over bens. His weeping bride of • week accompanied him. Smith denies all knowledge of the crimes Imputed to hint, and says he Is prepared to prove his Innocence. He 1s a telegraph operator, ■ Ld is wen and favorably known to Almont end Lapeer. Hs is but 94 years of age. Mew. Snrtth, whe Is completely pro.trated by tbe arrant of her husband, U the daughter of a wealthy fanner. wbo owns 200 sores of land nem Almont. The affair Is :hely W create • eonsiderahle sensstlon In Almont. H• Had rlv. wlvra ' Toronto, Sept. ea. -Henry O'Brien, the bigamist, watt given 4v4 years in the Kingetnn Penlientlary wben he pleaded guilty in the Police Court yesterday. The primmer admitted baving three wives, two of whom wece 1n overt, but were not a.krd to give evidence. lnspeo' Mr Archibald plaoe!I the number as six. PERM AI's "THE DEWET ISLANDS," Oengresemea raver This NAas. It Philip- pines Are *.eared. Washington, slept. 21. -If all the Phll- fppinea are totem by the United States, Cnngreea will probably rename them. Many of the Senators end Representatives who have vlslted here lately hare .ug gested that the new po.eenmlone be wiled the "Dewey Islands" Concrete w111 have the task of re- naming all the !elands which have recently tome into pneeee.lon of the United State. The Republic of Hewell Will be changed Into the "Territory of Hewell," and the Island of Porto Sloe w111 probably he known a tee "Terri - Serf of Porto Hiro." may be compamed with but few detona- tions of a sulphurous character; but on *wordier, whoa MR be asked cm CONSTABLES HAD VOTES. cost!' A Apt,arl Randa OA • Judgmot Sutrl.lug eke ONtNtIN A the hardy 0ev5csreht Turunto, Sept. 9e.-Tke Court of Appeal tended out judgment law Satur- day Afternoon on the three questions rub• milted by the Attorney Gemmel regard leg the question Of She constables' vote. The queetloos Wore se to whether & coo• stable employed by • deputy return se ofboet fur the purposes of an election end ;told a reasonable fee tberetur should (1 ehesntltled to vola, wbethur persons stn• pluyed at reasonable work during au elm lion by deputy retarulog cause .b, uld be dleenlIUed W .ole, and whether u per eon supplying anything fur the purpose of en aleottoa, such as rentlug ■ room as a polities !teeth and was paid reasonably therefor, should be dem:M led to vette. Tows were the three questions which tee scarf answered in the negative. Thus all such persons are, ktoordln5 to the }ods ensu1, fully sunned to vote, and the con- tention of the Hardy Government is sue t•lned. MANIAS WOOL IX AUaTLL(A. the sine roots and blisters are raised ay the drinking water yard work of any description is bell -to swept thenen el{ and inadequate Australasian colloquial - igen. The wool washing Drew is another band of experts who "bump the billy" free, sheds abed. Tbsy scour the wool and attend to drying and packing. In New Zealand fleeces ar'e.beled up with- out washing, but the sands of Australia -increase the weight so much that the expanses do not swamp the return& The bales will bold about 76 fleeces, though this is no bard and fast rule. An ap proximate value Is 410, and the cartage prioe is all contract The groan of the wheels, the crackling of the whips, the creak of the load. denote that the clip is &Imol gathered, and when the jour- ney begins the patient bullocks work with a will till they drop on the burn- ing sand, exhausted by the scanty food the shortness al water, the pitiless sun and the strain of the weight. The jour nay is always a far one on those back runs, but where they strip by bargee the monotony contains a pleasant change. To load the barge and slowly to float down the stream is an idleness which all men appreciate. To lie upon s hale and gaze upon the gooW topped mountain range, the wind- ing river, the torrent on the slopes, the undulating paddocks melting intn'ipsoe, to Listen to the bleating of the sheep, the lowing of the cattle, the neighing of the horses, engender a passion for the lite, which 'teems supreme. It is finer than the life of cities. It lifts the idle dreamer to a paradise of nature where, with gnu and rod, horse end dog. he can enjoy sport, Indulge tastes and love animals. to tested, Agate, Hamilton, Sept 98.-A. I.. Steres, the furniture dealer, and his alert, W. D. Gook. faunal Wm.,tese Hoeg more 19 meted, yesterday The adjourned charges alpines them, conspiracy OW &strand 'e.wdltor., and theft, were celled at the Pollee Court, and as no lege ga wen allied fee the defewee, they'll/WV West op For tile', . The magistrate d.ollaed to nerim5 ball end application was made to the County Jn.igo, who *zed the amount at 11,200 and to F48O0 thee -lies for each. Ball was not foNkeom)ng and tea defendants were held. Week, Conway ef oats MIw11g. Toronto, Sept iia-ite•fe enemy', whose parent live 1n Galt but who hem a sister here, mysteriously disappeared cm Fanners' Day of the Indnetrlal Pair and has net been *sen by nue M her Dien&g eines Her mother le probated with /Flat, and the pollee neve been a.kat to Meese her. Ski is 17 vein of ago Teddy R.n..v.lt for 0a•.rn0r. Rantngs, rapt 28.-Tbe elate. A pea. paved by the Media. scheming M kava mintrnl of the Hennhllran Mute Grethen /boa, and Id 10 named on Tmwdq, eon tales the name of Thermions Naunevels of New Yak, for Heinenor of New Yerk Stela Rang. Chong e. A vl1tor to the cattle ranges in the territories nowadays after en absent -e of ten years nods many changes. Some are surprising innovations. The enonomy and commercial prudence that bm2lnees men elsewhere have had to employ to be s0ose*uful in the peat few years bay, been carefully exercised by the cattle- men. Many economical metboda that wonld have been thought contenmptible in managing a herd and ranch a doeen years ago are *OW practiced on the range& The day of prodigality on the ranges and of the glory of cattle king" and Queens has gone. Nowadays the bodies of dead cattle are paved and sold. No one thinks of leaving the pelt on the animal found dead on the range. Time was when much pinching tea* left for the poor half breed Indiana Even the pills orf benne tett atter Aebeetling opnretione are mood and made a eonme art revs..,:*. The fertiliser that went to waste on the raugea is want at so much a ton to bortkoltoret dWr#ete fes w. In the orchards. New s4$I'da are in WlWrte by «hicb time cat peer and tour on the 1.erves are saved. A half doyen borne' end cowboys do twice as much work mud raver twloe as much territory as formerly. The breeding of the bend is done by improved contrivencee that wave knit the tiva.-Field and Farm, Heed I. the nese. Employer (Ireeribly)-(:onfnnnd that boy 1 He's never atoned wben he is wanted. i('lcrk-I think it meet In berellitery with him, sir. Ilia father tea pupae - men. -New York Truth. "Felts nne," meld he am he stalked from her prearmee, "yore now took npotl my farm far the last tine." "Well. your bx.ka «111 be imprnvsd by weenier w meek," replied the kind girl -New York World. DOURLJ* TAACre TO TORONTO. 0. P. a Has Rogan the Work Front Montreal -The Merl• Cslooy. Montreal, Sept. 96. -The double track• lag .t the Canadian Pacific Hallway between Montreal and Toronto hat already been commenced with vigor at tees end of the Ilan. 1 his improvement WA authorised by the .tunboI lets at the Ian anneal meeting. The officals Nay that the nefee between Montreal and not Queen City 16 very 1 sgeste4, aid, no doubt, a oomparattI* short elm* will Wane& before the satire motion 1e$ouble. !reeked. The Meth Colony. Rey. !ager Lomita* arrived Mew yea tench) in the interest of his HMIs oeigey A Keg Lab, 190 miles east of admen - ton. He gays the 82 families already edablb.bed ate doing well add that three is room for 1,900 out or the 9.000 8ng- 11ab, Scotch and Ironies Melts families eeatev.d ell over the American and Canadian Northwest. D.leata.al. aws.etry. Belleville, Ont, Sept ed. -Mrs Empey et Marmon, wbo was tried beton Judge Loner on charge. of anon and re•ieting arrest was found guilty, but. as the judge held her to be subject to delusion- al tnesnlir, she wassail to prison during pinnate. WHEAT EASt..r,....v.,, h1_te•dey wan • Very Quiet Dag .5 Video,* - 71i. Toccata Maekeq- Lave Stook Mmtet& Mterdar leveeing. ant, 1L Tie Chicago waist martet ped ee- trtmeb dell to -day, sad at the dean quota - these ter alt dell..rlte were lee to fir' be- low yesterday's caul iligerve, Liverpool prices fen .5 %d to -Aar. and Parts quota- tions, 20 to 01 centimes. w►11. Antwerp advanced 1251 teatime& Loading Wheat Rackets& Following an the atuuog pr.evs today Y Saporta at centres: Cosh. sept. Der. May. Ckinge ..5.... 5u self to are M 64 4 New York0 741 0 ante o ,ti'i at. 1.eW. , , .. 0 v 0 e75t a 'i em► 0 1111% Milwaukee ... 0 67th 0 Key Toledo -.... .. 0 71 0 fin% 0 Detroit .. 0 • 0 115 0 theta 0 Death. No. 1 Northern . M 0754 0 6751 0 p11 0 ere Vetere, No. 1 Mtnntrpoils . M 7. 0 MK M Wilk O a Tedestoo No. a Lard mewl.. 0 en .... .... .... Tonnes. red.. 0 A .... .... Tommie" at. Lewr•aee yta•k•a. Wheat rooter, 1580 Wiles needing at Iva log prices : N'Mte 11405. red ins tS , goose 30, to IOe. Earley inner: 8egp_ .ereld at the Mata steady, 1000 bedede melee at 27e to YAK. Hay notikanged. 0) leute Wiese aR 27 le 5460 per tea for uaoothy, ala 53.70 to IS,io for clover. l strew l; Leer keels sod at el to Mees per tae. --- - Dewed little ode M 16.30 to 49.73 Per ` otatoes pl•etbad, iseeteir at 75e to at r p Apples plentltd• genies at 75r for «1.4 - falls and 51 to 41,26 for medlar, base. pecked A few extra choke benefit 51.30 per MrrN. Batter grace: shote* named rails from farmers' beasts to sfetel 1 customer. .old at 21e to 28. per Ib,. the bulk ening ■t atoms We per 1R Mae, 1Owrver, gold as low as lar. es firmer: strictly seaside lee to Ise, wtags few very 'nese from fartners',ter het. by the single dolma et 3r4•. t'hleheag, 60e to eM•, and durk.. 66r to 76e per pelr; geese. 7t• per Ib.: turkeys. 12c to 14. per 1b. chimes Live S141ek. Chteagn, Sept. 24.-II.4e--Iteilmated saw• snipe to -der. 21!tn: Ian neer from rwt•r- day, :t4%); market fairly active, steed. le 18 higher: 1181,1. 5.9.6, to H Mu,: totted. RIA to 54./71,; heavy, 51.13 to 44.0; renll:h, to 19.66, I 61110- Re.dpts, 800. Market .lmtet end earful ,, ,d. nest 41.fate Cattle Market. Gee Nnffalo, N.Y., Sept. 21. -rattle -- None on see. calves is nib* empty ■red about gra- lower. (lidkw to ettre reels, 37.75 to 11t. seem and Lamle -There were e.1 !nada en tale. mare teem enfilletent ter tee .M- rr.ad. Trade Mow and 10r lerw,r oe how'd, hut Measly fro ra'me'p. Iambs, .hone to se- tts. 40.40 to 55.%0; goat ro choice. $6 to 4.140;-.rs»the to fair. 34.So to 5S. Rheep. .Acre. t0 mitre AIM. 54.38 to 54.:,0; good to mitcop, 54 to 3.4.2,: r•0mm0n to fair, el to bean. Only part .t the ate/Inge were amid and the crow wee doll H»g.. Mime were R6 Iced. Ones:.; mar Its germ.,' he:ter •t an adratue est Ce ,m dt0rebl. gond Yorkers. 54.15 to • lYS matinee. 54.1n to 54.1.1. prin.lpalir 1x154: plink Pk.78 to Mean: mocha, j1.:ac to 53.10; warm. F1. V0 to 5.1.30. Clem Markets. Coarsen -1i e, ylee., newt. ii. --At. me Cow. erdrrtue (fierce Board today peace sue 918't mused- Thirty rectories oerred 1461 Maes cheese; ' 00, creamery offered 6070 pewees tab hotter. Hotter, 19C bid: no melee. Oar hnrtdml and se7r.ty-.dx axes sold t0 O. W.Itea-k h.r 1. 111 bogs. rad to H, 5. mhos ter Se 06 hoop. ends to Retard for *i4.; rte, August reake, ro Hibbard hit wise. 'few .ofd 6221 boxes: rel.. ag pelts M. Ademereed to Oct. 1. Watertown. N.T., Sept 24.--aelee of thee.. Oa Rn.rd Or les4e tsd,77 401*8 beers. emetic Ikesember, at 0r to Or, ha'k at ler te wase; market settee cad 1 LIIM ►ughm{ Asea intense of last week. OgrM•sidteg. N.Y.. dept, 24.-741neteen lets, 18848 lessee 0ereed: w0. Nd. no este.. L,tor, en street, tesla. sold at Wee: baleen h,.'d,nr.g' ter Ott. I,,,ndnn, out., Mot. M.- Dir11 factorise ppegtered 1406 testae Augae ase**N geld; hoe .r 200 at 5e. 800 at apse, 240 et 6 10atic. 76 l et OTCs': mrrke2 ante., retie.. Ma,kpls. Liverpool. *pt. 9t.-12.trt- No 1 North., _elements*• err, *tock _elementoled «191.1, lig • .YTS. 1 ('*1., 0.. 9d in 6g Merten,; rn, Re o.,.i, oma*, 6. ?d; pork.30s; land, 7nt fid: teems the M: Mete beevy, I.0., afla Ild, 1gh t, tela: short est, 31.; there.. whiter, 111e ed met- cnA. 40s . blverpoo1 (hose ---Spot wheel tem �y7,, �wtti es ti fwinter at 21,4011 Futures 61 tltd fee rept. ee MM far iia• and Int tt44 fee Vetch. Meleee,, 5. laa44 fe•tepee S'ntmoa as itted f 4144 for Dee. moue, 1(41--41. (1st. amd M CAN'T EAT. i , • y.'�� i • UIgeetwnlis the vfooN0 111 (tfens the ems oflch, D is thefeet late e.ergy. Pew ?ceases pellet dive, tion. If your d(gsatiaa la impartial. d Toa cannot At what you 11ee without dis0oafirq It you caseot oat when you ought to est, the time has coat. when you .hou1J take Dr. Ward's ftluod and Nerve Pills. HunkIttor tee best *AA Tek. theca Pella 5n4 get hungry. Yoe ts0 warn eat what yes wt Il yes Mee In. Ward's )ills WHAT Theta 14[5170 ARt; My system was entirely n/nreeawd the nee of Dr. Ward's blood and Nen. P11y sad 1 vetted.' them o marvellous strreath sad nerve builder for dyspepsia 1 wu w sick ted miserable that 1 •earl 4 to hat. se lite or merry telt in me. 1 suffered so at . times that 1 thoogbt death would be Atter for me. I had triad Doctors and differesl Clads of medicines, Out e.1 sled to do e• Amy good. 7 am In every way now • well woman, and hem bees for moetk.. *nor* •iia, thea. Pills 1 was Web that !Mould m sot keese Webpp anything ie 8(0,5514. 1 s0 •- vender tits opinion flet amnesia could no be cured, bet tow 1 am satiated 0 an to. oared. for Ions able to eat like any health! women •0d keel bettor in every way. They have built me up also, -1 now sough several pound' more thea 1 ever did before 1n cue. elusion, 1 would advise every woman &dieted with poor dtge.tfon to give Dr. Werd'a Pale a trial. MKS. 1. 5 11FAT1OM, Fort Colborne, Oat. Dr. Ward'' Blood aed Wena rills are sold at t+ testa per boa, s bores for 5• e., at 4r,. ` ts,- -mailed ea reoelpt of pre.. by • Dr -#era ts. ye Wined& at., Tweets S eek of latormatl .-ks.. 1. • - -me -. Tow 7.titN.. Weepes.d M. Termite, Sept. 14.'-Ths end M the petition .ed erns.-p•titlnn In Month Welfing*nn was rw,'h,w1 et (lagndle Hatt yesterday mnrnlne beton' twn judge% of the .lenliml snort, Mowers . (.ler fled Mael.nnan. Col. A. i) Msrdmulti, Q.Q, of Iln.lph, was prww'nt en behalf of Me petitioner, 141. W 111(.m Plater, rsaahr.S Mejnr John Metrl., tee f.lheral member, e nd announced that nee selene would be petered. Mr. Leith Gathrf. of (Inept', for the petitioner, 1tn11M, eglslesl Henry 88*4,8p, the Cnn..rvsNvt ren41A&te, merle s docile en0nnne.m.nt In regard to he petition, whenopne herb were ete- rnised. ltmlseed. T1ad isd i Nleeet . Thaw le reedtroneelrely t tar river 1s North Carolina, but some folks w111 nM believe It An ofd JohnnyRob tent the following Mary or bow the enk.se found it. When the Confederates evsr,ated W ein- tngton, N. O., /bey rolled 1,000 barrels of ter end turpentine Into the river et T.f1'e More, and two months now a steamho•h the Colonel HUl, with 400 Yankee prisoo- oreefsalg Mem Weeishory to 71asb1nglhtl" to he exchanged tied up at the wharf le IA the boys bathe They stirred up the ter at the bottom of the river and were aasnd «tib tt from herd to toot W bee we orae upon then'. each man had his ra- tions .f mea in one hand and • small stick In the other, scraping and greasing for dear life. ' Hello, Doyle What's the matters' I leaked And they 'replied, 'Dnesed 1f we haven't found Tar river as ISA ; the whole bed Is covered with pitch. ' " -New York Prete The 10158.50 leer Jesus tesehee the beet sad the truest end highest ide of God that 11 le poem be for man se cooe.lve; and of e11 the doctrines of God that levo ever bees taught se pmesested In the world, We alone tan satiety tee moving* of man's spiritual 'Ware and enable the 0301 te rust secure in the eoneclowmttg that the arm of lbs Almighty and tee All good is ever othete el.ed to protect and th- read. Weald you seek after • teacher that ma lead you up 1.0 the tunas of your being, &red pled your spirit In eommon- ia\With tot fled tee made It, and hash year anxious fears with the assurance this the love of God L with yee, and that the arms of H1s moray circle you now sad mermen, you moot find that sacred tsaeher 1n Jesus, ter In this respect 1t te hes that "other men make like tole MSR." N CARRIAGE MAKER Suffered ten years from weak heart action and nervousness Cured by Milburn's Heart and Nene Pills. No trade or pr'ote•aism le exampl from Messes or derangement of the heart and *ileus& The prevent.* of work and the mental worry are bound to prolate esehale M etespi ae a sooner w Ie1s. 1 �\ IL 1( Mr. Donald Campbell the wga-kasw$ ' marriage maker of $arriNoq Ost} said f "I here been troubled off cad on for ten years with weak action of my Inert end nervousness. Frequently my Uert would palpitate and deter with greet videnee, alarming me etheedingly. Often I bad sharp pains in my heart and could not deep well •t night.I gni a boa of Milburn's Hsi end Nerve Pills and from them de- rived almost immediate benefit They re - Mored vigor to my nerves and strengthened tbyentireeystem,removingeverye kmn mp di nerve or heart trouble. end ging me to restful, healthy sleep." Ilbera's Heart and Nerve P111. care polpdtatioa, throbbing. dissy aid front ,peals, nervousness, sleeplessness, weak- ness, temele tronblee, sitar effects of gelppa8 de. Prise Ida a bra or 1 for 11.96. e1 ell druggists. T. Milburn AOo., Toronto, Ont LAVA-UV<R PILLS sere tieaetlps- Lem Rl1ewa•ssa. Olet N..dasb. OP/ e.e.st Ther eta meet (eye. Mete* K isikea. Neth pin seta prfe eli• SKI "! had Salt mho lmn of the wont kind, as our famil r doctor called it, ►red cotttd cot get anything to cure me. I read of Burdock Blood Bitters, and determined ter try it. I got one bottle •nd be- fore 1 not II half of it i could tell it was doing me good, and after RHEum taking gilt bot- tles i was per- fectly cured, and to -day am happy Woman at being curedof thatterrihiediseags." Mas. MAGOAL2RA VOto', Rhineland, Ont. B. B. B. Is the loot remedy in the world for &term, Snit Rheum, Tetter, Saeid Head, Shingle*, lioile, Pim ples, ,Oren, Ulcer* and an Rood and Skin Diseases. 3