HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-29, Page 5rest North ember 27th r store, if you a .et a friend our Store em with us you to use asure while store head. latest in ski It • ntnfi• we !tit arrives; anal day will ars• LLS, ND s ., 37.73 $12.00 h $15:00 yN code re. TOOTS tellers of pet stocks .'Giro_..- e latest , tong you will be Satisfied tt you get your Bouts and Show here. There is too reason why you ahoulJa't be cuvtower of our,;. A well velvet• ed stock, bot goodst lowest prices and rcurteoue treatment are the indents - motile offered you. The full stock is complete, and will be to'.1 at Lower' Price.' than you have been accustomed ' to pay. ST. GEO. PRICE Custom tt'ork West ride of Square, and Repairing, (;oderieb. - 18 THE DEVIL DEAD ? Yes don't believe is the devil sow As th.,ir fa, hers used to do t Th.yertel the door of the broadest iron To Int hie msiesty tbroueh. There isn't • petal of his doves hoot Or • fiery dart from hie bow Te ►w 1011e. to same or air today, Foe the world bee voted It so. Bat who is it muse the fatal draught That *Mee heart %ad brala, Aad leads the liar ut each penult year With tea baolrid ysouoasd'ob-tu ! Who blights the tolobS of She lead today - With the fiery breath .e bel! If the devil Ieo'tsad sever war, Won't rom.bdy rise and tell ! Whe doge the stops of the bilis/ setae? 1Yeo Mtge the pit for kis feet ! *he sows the tare is'(Ibatteldeceeiass : -. W herever God sows his what Tb. devil a vola l sot to b., Aon e1 coarse the thine le true : Rot who is desatbe*1.4.1 work The devil aloes can de! Tiny say be does see go around L.ke a roarlaa lfoaaow ; Bot whom shall we bold respaelbl. Fer the everlasting row •• - To be bead in bone sad oborob sed state To the earth'e remotest boson, 11 tbe devil by • s.asimoue eek -.-. •Jawibr&tainkta.ed'. Won't .omobody some to the treat berth. with Aad maks Ids bow sad show Hew tbe Mad. and Primes of s angle day Spring up! We wast 4 know. - Tbe devil la voted net 4 be, So of assns tb. dont'. got. ; Bot Maple people would lite to knew Wbs envies kb badmen on. THE TEMPERANCE COLUMN. (11Dttab RT TIDE w..'. T. U.1 • -11 prebibitf.s Pas prebiMn. es thanes day. Irby sot os toy .Nur day • -Weald you pr. kr Nat • non Mal waked fin yes Amid drub whisky --111 • late vide be polled today Is lever of prohibition, watch eke petitioning orswl into the tet seder this oweses. -A baker may feel ,road to on his sea at bon., bat so *ales•-kesper ever felt fay .4 seek/ hoe tea drink I:gsor err a bar. `11,e•+•+i,Qnwalknl'R-Ardalarel-NQgsine who waned see sanity retreat 4js.t.pe, tl.00h to thing wars peie.iblo. 0.ve the Broker' a .1.s.., today -U a mse spends twat' entombs W be e a whisky forsweatyyears, Mew for i1 at the ad of the term? 11 he meads it N nal estate or pets is la the bent, what thee? raoal,mos POINTERS Win pr.ktbaes prohibit! is a gsutiMa t4a4 ie .rely .enwere,l. Doss tee Mw against Malian annul endue' ! Dee the 4w sgal..$ murder previa, marts! Dees Mil law Walser bribery la eleotiem prevent bribery '• Tb., de sot. Yet so ma would be isms, aosgb to ay : " Abrogate these SAVE THE MOTHERS Dodd's Kldaey Peds Their Only Safety in Female Diseases. You have sten a bower nipped by frost, fade and die in the flush of its beauty. That is how women die when attacked by any of the diseasespeculiar to their sex. Woman's burdens are woefully heavy. Her sufferings are agonizing. Her patience is grand. Disease preys upon her. The light dies out of ber eyes, her steps become slow and dragging ; she loses flesh ; grows sallow, listless, droops like a flower. Then the dies. Her family is left to the cold mercy of the world. ' « Mother's dead I" What a piteous phrase. What sufferings base been ' endured before It was used. 'Why should mothers, wives, sisters suffer so 1 fhrj awd we Dodd's Kidney ' Pills will quickly and thoroughly cure aft uses of Female Weakness. They Dever fail. They give health, strength, ems.: a new teas of lift, Il.wa; hese nous of them on the statute hook.; they Jo not pro,tolt." 1'rohibihon will lateen ths moot liquor -very materially, des those who manufacture it would nut opone a prohibitory law. Toronto Telegram : It is pathetic to hear the plaint that it • prohibitory law 1, pawed, aider- beloved aider- must go the way o1 all alouhot, and womb from Canada. The throats that are loudest with the order argument would shrivel op union irrigated many times daily with stimulants that cos- set bo made from apple juke. A victory for probibitioa op the vont of tbo Wean -atm is predicted by the Globe 'wbtott bee made* waver. A m.ptity is Noouooed tut all the proviooes ezcapt Que• bac end Brain Columbia, and it ie polatd ow. it at during the tut hall dozen years Ontario, blaattott, linen Morbid Idled sod Nova Souris bays aggregated 266,498 votes for prohibition, Led 133,688 against it. -A eolt.TtffStteg etlfr Marboss-1armsd'y. Cbtoage. Toe Chicano Tribewraye that in a abort time °hooters will exist ,a every largo o.ty from Make to Goldoni... Five thousand buttons sad oarde were Lased the first new day., ten thon.e04 more buttons have been ordered, and the demsod et pros. est is grater than the supply. The organ- izero and promoters of the slab ars soma of the general sed trevellt.g pawner agoa4 •located at Chicago. The members are pleh,ed root to treat or be treatd. Great proton trod eminent divines fought smaimt the abolition of slavery net a sig. te eladdweademeob.aad-iidasipal Great fight easiest the prohibition ot the Itoeesed liquor trafo. Even the Bible wee called on to prove that sbr.sy was right, jun as some preachers nowadays are trying 4 justify Ifquer•driskisg •oil lamer sailing by The Book... But the ooneotssoe of the people was a better guide than the mental crook sal well•ponsed eophistries of epeeist pl.eders, and slavery had to go. It will be the same with the boomed liquor trade. A people w ll aria wbioh will wive it out, sad their goeoewurs will wonder that sty people let it nat. TUE .'0('04'11 A NAI.000-klErgw. Mae of the most valuaWd awK• of the Chatcb of Ea head is Torosn is a aloes at rhe ooy.er of Emig strong and Loader lane ab.re mors deists are 000000ted than in any ether ea. e la Ooteto. TIM demob also bus $9 000 ist.r.t ,n a hotel and aloes sear the c,roer of Kum sad Jarvis street, whits • third grey shop is maintained on the Adel. aide Knot property ot the same chetah. Is IT gntifyrag 4 Iwrn that last week the Synod of Toronto, despite the opposition of eaveral of its nvsreod member', resolved P get at of the ligoor booms.e net as seas a the loses will ober-V.-Ent Terata TnLae RUIMOIR TUE IRATE Op MAIER. Compared with other states, Make bas some Miami of which it may well be proud. Among them are these : 1. Tb. lowest rate of nation. 2 The smallest convict rector" 3 Tbe smallest peroestege of mortraves. 4 The Largest percentage of yea, estate owner. 5. The largest per mpt* saviors beck deposits Prohibition has evidatly dam. • good demi of good io 11.Jne. The Lot that the majonty of the people of Maine are is favor of the prohibiter, law ie dearly demoettatd. It ba bees the law of tie da'e tor over forty years witbat • repeal. Woold that have bees the cape i1 the people bad any reason to suppose • fail - are! About ton years ago prohibition wee made part of the .tat• acmtitatbu by a popular (tajonty after more than thirty wan' esprlesee la regard to its acted re - S010. THEY .MCUOLK KHIbKIT TODAT. It r understood tbat oatide .f the anis Mint of hie mission Is weeding the eon - !neon at Quebso, Sir .lames W later, tbe Nowfoedlsud premier, will all the stten• Men of Me Canadian ooumteslosers to the (aetbles..s of joist action of the govern• meets of Cand& and hgwfon.dlwed, with s view of endsavoeep 4 iopores the meters• sire whiskey omsggllig fete (limber, New- foundland wed the Maritime Provisos from St Pierre Miquelon, which hat been gni.g AO 1r • number of years, 8.r James Wm• ter entertain the Ida that with the' ap- *sanest of • British annul .t St Pierre Migne1e, the lllleit trade go Israel,/ maid on at present cold b, crushed out. Newfoundland tow tints and oasis premed the abj,rt on the Imperial Oen net with the purpose of isel.Uag Nat Francs should ?emirs • Brills)) somal at at. Pierre, knee for the representations bans not prodsoed the desired effect. Premier Winter think. 1t Camels were to joie Newfossdl .d is the donned It would receive a more favorable hearing. Th. 1!gaer smuggled into Quebec, N.wlomsdbs d'ad the Maritime Provisoes .sob osseus • from St. Nein would, It the duty were Mid foment. amount to • irge ram lee r.vwn.. Apart from the matter of revs•., it is very desirable that suoh • nefarious teethe should be euppreseed,-Ysret.ath (N.8.) Herald. Great Alteration and Sacrifice Sale AT PORTER'S OWING to extensive changes in my business through the institution of a continuous tele- phone service, it becomes necessary for our store to undergo tremendous changes, which must be completed as soon as possible. 1 have therefore de- ckled to sacrifice goods sooner than move or store them away until such changes are completed. This will be a rare chance to buy High Class Goods, like we ,aim to carry, at Tremendously Reduced Prices. The -first few lines will be WALL PAPER, BASKETS ""l -g FLOWER POTS See next week's paper for Prices. - .0, PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, „f?ourt House Square, GODERIOH 4e,MT nem. THE NAL : GODERICII ONTARIO. Tauasr,•T, amt. 2.9, 1898.. S W. ACHESON & SON. FALLL OPENING of ackets,Furs,Dresshoods CgRPETS. Commencing to -day, we devote ourselves to a Dress Goods and Jackets display. We call it a Fall opening Goads we have been keeping back for the past week or two since their arrival all now opened for inspection. DRESS GOODS: A gorgeous display of New 'Styles in Suitingtt and Single Costumes. LADIES' JACKETS : The great quantity are of direct import, and to us at a saving of purchased wholesale in this country English AH -Wool Frieze Curl Cloth Jackets, Black Jackets, heavy weight, and Blue, nicely trim'd 6 fancy buttons, Fawn, with fancy braid and Navy and .Slack, 25 In. stitched seams, sizes 32 length sizes 32 to 38e ' --.-.Ya38, at special, $3.25 $5.75 fully 20 per cent. less than if West of England All - Wool Black -Beaver Cloth. tailor-made Coats, silk taffeta lined, Black only, at -_=$9.85 Ladies' Fur Capes, 15 only, and a grand leader at the price, 32 inch length, full sweep size and satin lined, Astrachan Lamb, quality guaranteed, -extra special at NEW CARPETS : $14.50 VISIT OUR EXHIBIT --OUR FIRST DISPLAY AT: Taraijit8AX, WESTERN FAIR -NEXT WEEK. Our Carpet Department is very) young, but of sudden growth. Everything new and bright." There is a richness about our Stock that will delightshoppers., NOTHING TOO GOOD FOR OUR TRADE. Entire second floor of : our Store contains Carpets, Linoleums, Oil Cloths. We cannot attempt to give suggestions of the full range. From Irish Hemp Carpets at 1Oc. a ' yard, to English Ai - minister and Brussels at $1.25. RZeT'TTERICS 'S P.E3..TTERN'S_ We carry cowpletle stock. • Subscriptions taken for "Delineator," and single copies for sate at counter. At our Carpet Exhibit at Exhibition we will present free to every lady a copy of "The Delineator," regular price, 15c. The leading journal of Fash- ion, Culture and Fine Arts. We invite inspection. _W...ACHESON & SON. COUNT.Y CURRENCY. Monte : F. Embory oboe a wildcat ret day latelythat weigbed skates pomade. Clinks : Jae. Twitchell lett let weak for P.ossylvaoi•, owing to the serious Mi- oes of his brother, Edward. Mora.: A few weeks ago Jetta Hat gsrd bad hie sellar brae broke by Ne batt of • ball on the term of Abel Bradshaw, Ca Ile*. , liraesel.: Jr. Thompson, mow, bee moved his homily to Brawls from W rein ter. He worts at the Enterprise milt coop- erer. es top of kim. He was badly out around 14e head, and reosevd other kismiss. Easter : Oto Wedasethy inorn.sg, Sept. 14th. 1. the bene .f Wm. Treble, Harm street, was emoted • some that results is Keir Irrog another of 14 fair otenem. the eoarr.otiair parties being Boger Croaker, ens of Rlokard Crocker, of Exeter, and Mie Veda Treble. Mum : J. C. Gilroy lea gene a Bo- gies via Chlo00. It L cud that be le lsok• foe atter • stook et dry gods fro the western oapical, sad may spend the winter there to see how be likes it. Mn. Gilroy meow monied him a lar a Chicago, Where .he is Wtogleam : '=Its Wisdom L. O. L. tare visiting triads. nueived • oaeq.. for $112 65 from therG.T. friends., : J. T. Roes' grocery window K being the rebate snorted ea their rwaut w -as lee soe.o oI ottraoteo, lit wcck on aa• esarrie., count of two live alligators Ming enema - Motor : Dr. Hyodmas, who had bees 00 a few weeks' visit to his soaa, William and Dr. G. P., at Rana N.; Dak. bas return, .J homa. 8afrth : Mr. wed Mn. W. W. Hoff. mos sad the: toes, Norske, have gess le Menthes, Mweitob., where they w111 reside is future. Grey : Mir Bella Smith a home es a vast )row Wilkseport, where eke bad bees hoasekespieig for her breather, Rev. W. A. Smith, li. D. Casks : Yrs. Biddleomb. sod Miss Prwr hews retuned from %Mir trip to the Old Goustry. They had a pretty moth etw see NM way. Chat*, : Thome Allat and ween lett Int week tor Ionalail, Alberta, when they purpose residing wltb other membra of Me family to that vicinity, Grey : R. L. S4wet►l, late prinoipsl e1 Aleswedr4 tanks eohnel, wes vision* at Lorne° FOLIO moistly. Yr. Stewart porpoise studying medicine. Wing/ham : J.sepb Bullard, who was la- Mred by it board Meows from • saw t. N. mill, sad bilking him u the *adman. Is dead ot his injures. Hs laves a widow sad seven obildren. Yowls : Arthur WNtbaek and bride, of nuffalo, N. 1., are v..ieing at Wm. Ms- Cafe, aCafe, 7th ►is.. They are es took wddls)t tone. Mn. Wbttbsok was a Mia Symesds. (rmwty of BIy$b. Moll illop : Wm. Forte., has sold' kid farm a ab. Huron reed, is tete township, to Jaime' Croat.. The tarns annum, 115 n or es, wed was sold for $4.900. It e a good term, sad has good buildings. Mecham : H. F. Gordon. of the tows, had kik two rustling horses, " Woodon(e " sod Sc. Ira " *t Walkerton sad Gwen Tnoe -"}iilBettleO.rFtrwi..Ps Best -•.a sosad prise with them t. nob place: Sesforth: John (Moos. a former ref• slat of Seaforth, Om for savors] roan has home abeossetel Lamer is Sown has o farm of ds issailead aorta' add Ibib Ltilli'ldri over 2,600 bustle of wheat, b.md...thr Irak. Brussel : Tuesday w crake of lest week at the home of the bred., Mill ,trees, Rise. eels, th• marriage eeremeswas esiemets e between Will J. Resell, et Paw Paw, Yleb„ sad Mies Nettle Msy, owed daughter of Yrs. Y. A. Terabit!. dated. with quarters there. R. Watt brought thea Southerners from Chatham, when they bad bee enjoying (kitten air for the Dat ler. BoroaN : A very pretty wedding woe celebrated at 2 o'otock on Morday after. sou of lest week, at the redden°. of J. G. Troyer, where his deter, HUMS Kennett, yoemgen daughter of the late John Troyer, 1{ell Grea, prod married 4 Mable A. Rios, of Toronto. Egsondvtll : The remake of the late A.drew MoOa., who died to Toronto on Sasday of tat week, were brought here for interment is the 1(,moadv,lle oemet.ry. Mr. Mutsu was one of the potion resident of Tuckeremitb and lived to lbs good age of eighty:seven years. Enter : 1e will be sad news to nosey to Tarn of the death e( Was Uvsie Nalene, daovkter of R. Nelson, of Leaden. formerly of Exeter, which sad event took place in that oily Sept. 11th, at the age of Nasty• two years. t;aemption nem the canes of death, she heels' entreated that dread Moron esters' menthe ago Grey : 8sterJey mrakg 17th int., Adam Canny, d ep-sou of Arob. McLain, lee 22,aoa. 15, did aged 14 yeen, bseeaed had only beis ie;b.d three dye, although he hed►Msa bothered with rheumatism for some tisk. Relorg.msot of the ' hart w•e std to be thecae's of In death. Satrth : W. N. wawa has nalyed word .oafirmkg N. report of the dash of he don Reny. Deceased *slated in the Amrlose army at St. Psel and went so •Masala, where he ooM,aeted the fever wed Mad in the hospital in that Pity, He was aged twenty veers and alae moathe. 8esforth:" St. .lames' *Month woo a .*st,e of in'ereee on Tasad.y morning of Int week, and • large crowd sersmbld to witeeye tits mKrlogo of Mies Jets McQuaid, youngest dieghWo of 7dTie Iil4Qrllia, -at • the town to Edward Prend,ast, of Chicago. Tr The lutereettag oenology was performed by Rev. Father MoCaba.• Marlin: Jaw. Littiw-.t wteh-ar.e.t•- dal Mod might wily have 4.4 fetal n• suite. He Aad delivered hie load el Slit al Brands factory and was about ready to Burt for home whim • lead okp of thunder rite nesse the testa. blr. Little we arron e ft -Hie rig teed was guile badlyshakes sp. One of hie ribs wad Web.. baMu hip sad shoulder Mitred. Wtsgbam . Wm. Setts is nhevlg at N. J., 00d •forms "ad*" a (rows, M Se atbo.p4a at proesst, two et the railway employes at Nat pian. h•vtsg bee seised Gaels we employe of tis Drawly r wIN ea attack .1 Iypbdd fever. Yr. Ree, faotnty ; Mrs. Sahley will shortly joie her of Parkhill, Is renown' as theJsaetloli,awd Bebe. Mertes is Wrist Mr. 8stta's .Ike L9laters : P. R, Sibley, lett et Newark helve. Wfegbata : A happy ovat took plan et Ms been .f .las. dalkerlead, Walkerton, hrothr•Is-her of the bride, on Weasels, •valor, Sept 1416, *boo Y1a F4..s.. Renews. daughter a1 Wei. Hete% fereotly el Ne tows, wee P•rr.edto Jells Mambo. of Galt. Rewe: Jabs Ailledpie taN with • pal• (a1 a.eid.nt ens day namely whi.b ,ilgbe bare eon him his ht.. Re wee aiding es a lade lad of Iambs when by ammo memo Me Oakes of tbe wseon pre sway, potent mhos W t. Ike arena. dm lumbar Whop husboad hen, fad Neer old triode will be g lad to woke*. them beak. Wes Sadie Sibley was married f new days elan to a premises yne0g Amertaa ; James. the •sly ee., le sew dell e0glasr of that Ate. Hay : Mn. W.L Caldwell, el Me Zarb& read, Pet with a veto, palatal aosidems ems day reoeutly. It appear* eM was murals* freer milblae the awe, sad is peekn tbrssgh a tideway oM.ktlgwlta tower lbs hare. She had passed sae pall ekrehab, a.4 tree rss4tsg few eke eller, whoa no of eke app.v bare, widen are balmy, Ml spas bog left hued a r4 rattail epee tri. pail, tandem the fes -gear eit the fleet fake. The shook mamma hr lee a meae.i sad wkee ohs nibs/ ON bad brpps.d was mw me. prised 10 gad a piece of her finger on the lid of the pall. She oosld'careen realise that it 1..4 ooh formed part .1 her band. A phyak4s slaw amputated the linger at the snood joke. With the eswptio, of the smaller obttdre the lamely wen at the Loading fair. LIM.= : *dB. R. Mare, of the 8slwa- lion Army, is visiting his mother and other friends ben. Be bse lately been rationed at Brec.bridg., when he had the gnat mis- fortune to lam his wife. She was ill only • very abort tisk fad laves • little girl eighteen maths old ; her remains were in- terred at Lindsay, her former borne. As Mr. Moore dor not wish to return to Brao.bridge, it is likely bis nest appoint meet will be ,n the Ent Provinces. Setortb : The death of Martha lane 8teedil1 °conned at the residence of her mother, Jammed., a Wednesday. Sept. 144h, N. chose of death hoisp abases of the how. Lsstspreag Mkt Beegdill we• Mkeet ill with typhoid fewer, and, although she °TOSSUP. tb. disease, it 1.lt her health 4 tem. *seat aedrmitsed, and she readily f.11 • prey to the dist* which oossd her death. The d.oeseed, who was °ly thirty peva years of age, was • true Christian 000400. • Prlrsle.e Pleeevea7, "SOAK AND SwAn' it an ufalllble, painless amid sa•poeoom remedy for N. car. of Caner, Cartilaginous Moore, Sore Throat and a variety of .kin dinettes. It cores cancer ta any put o1 the body where the liquid as reaoh 1t. Send for °trainr giv• fee ihetraotiom how to apply the liquid. Bold at 60e per pint and 30. pts halt pint bola.. 1111OL*OD'8 LABORATORY, Ooderich R1os'e Pure Balt for table or dart'. FUNERAL NOTIO)/ A. W. CbRNELL ilndertaker & Embalmer SUCCESSOR 10 A. B. CORNELL iv B. -Oar Charges knee been a rally Reduced In order to meet the popular demand for Moderate reeved Funerals. Canadian Pacific Ry. IS THE DIRECT FAST ONLY - ALINELL-CANADIAN TO TARE FON Manitoba, the Northwest, KlondikeandYukon Gold Fields. LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. AOOOMMODA1ION UNSURPASSED. 3 TO THE PACIFIC COAST' pea ktoels.t4. viol �aP�N �ttrMi w dite w robs •.id I1Mds R.,114DozartF.E, 11D T. - awaiwazaac_ Great Removal Sale. As I am about to remove from Ooderich, 1 will offer from now until Nov. 10th, my entire stock of DRUGS, DRUG SUNDRIES, PERFUMES, TOILET -ARTICLES, COPIES, BRUSHES, SPONGES, CHArIOIS, SOAPS, PATENT PiEDiCiNES, SPECTACIES, Etc. at Greatly Reduced Prices. As a drug stock is a very difficult ene to move, most of it must be dis- posed of at once; so that it is an ex- ceptional chance to secure bargains in the above lineso • • • • -TALL ACCOUNTS must be settled at .once. Those re- maining unpaid on Nov. 1st 'will be placed in court for collection. • • • • J. E. DAVIS, Plim. B. Druggist and Optician, HURON'S GREATEST STORE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, T.Ht8 WEE_ Choice of 5 doz pearPP"button Kid Gloves, regular 75c., for 35c. a pair. Choice of 7 doz. line Frencli Kid' Gloves, regular *1.10, for 75c. a pair. MILLINERY. We propose to make values such in Millinery this Fall that 110 lady can afford to do her own designing. Come and see the great Millinery exhibit this week. SPECIAL IN MSS GOODS. Choice of 25 pieces Dress Goods this week, 7 yds. for $2.95, worth $4.00. Choice of 30 pieces Dress Goods this week, 7 yds. for $4.95, worth $7.00. 0. W. ANDREWS, Manager. FOR THE HOLIDAYS: At the correct thing is to have the best for your visitors, and you can get the beat GROCERIES ST-UP,TYY EROS, THE SQUARE, GO1)ERTCH. CUTLERY AND SPORTING G OODS Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives;,.) Razors, Scissors, Carvers, Butcher Knives, Bread Knives, of the best English and German makes. Stock now full and ready for Fall business. Greening Wire Cow Chains, - also a line of English goods Builders' Hardware,�� - a full line. Guns, Revolvers, Loaded Shells, Cartridges, Gun Caps, Primers, and a full line of Sporting Goods. Vtle Above lines at bottom prices and fair dealing for all from W. M°KENZIE Or TH= OHSAP HARDWARE STOBL.