HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-29, Page 4TivasDAY, Sept. 29, 1898. E.B. d! M. H, SWEEPING REDUCTIONS To clear out our stock of Wheels we are offering bar- gains unheard of before in Goderich. UNTIL TIE END OF THE SEASON we aid rent good wheels for - 10c. per hour, 7.-n•. per day, or 82.00 per week. See no fur anything it: wheels. EMERSON'S Rioyole sad Music House, and Cleveland Cycle Livery. itht tfi naz, IS PORLZ.HRD EVERY THURSDAY M+)1tNING ST S. MKttLYe711bt eo1.81M7C1'rTHU1fEDAi7811PT.:g71tBB. AN EXPLANATION LAST week, on one of the iuside pages of Tns Siug.st. a diagram of the plebiscite billet was printed, without our knowledge or consent, in- structing the electors to vote against Prohibition. This week we have endeavored to get even with the fellows who connived at the scheme, by printing the ballot as it should be marked, and publishing s word or two on the subject. THE LICENSE SYSTEM. SOME of the speakers on either side of the question of prohibition would have us believe that the license system is something which has collie down through the centuries ; that it came over in the Mayflower, and was treas- ured by the Puritan. as the most val- uable suet which they brought from tate Old Land. This is not so, as the lgstem in Canada does not go back one hundred years in the older olio- tricta, and is of later date in this cor- • ner of the Province. `Those of our readers who have read, " In the days of the Canada Company," by the Misses LRAMs, will have observed that BACCHUS was king in the early days, that there was no restriction in making or drinking liquor, and that whiskey as a beverage was almost as common as water. These were the days of pork and whiskey, gone, thank God, never to return. After that came the period of the prohibition of the private still, and the evolution of the licensed distillery, brewery and retailer of ardent spirita and beer under Government and municipal control These were the day, when the liquor interest con- trolled the members of parliament and made and unmade municipal • and county councils That condition of things continued in Ontarionntil 11176,when the Crooks Act, a strong measure made up to a large extent of prohibitory clauses, be came the law of the land, and a new order of thing. was evoked. The shop license holder was prohibited from carrying on the business in connection with his grocery, as be had formerly done, and was given to understand that if be sold whisky he wa prohib- ited from holding any position in the town council. The tavern licensee also was prohibited from holding public office, and was prohibited from keeping his bar -room open after eleven P.Y. on five days of the week, and from 11 P Y. on Saturday to 6 A.M. on Mondaiy, thus securing entire' pro- hibition on Sunday. - In thin way the temperance senti- ment has grown, and Cbday even the antis admit that Ontario occupies s front place ameng the temperance communities of the world. And, say the antis, we are proud of the position Ontario occupies, and Dr. (inane and; his amoetetes, who furnish the ammu- nition for the antis in this campeign, claim that the progress of education toward. temperance should be allowed to continue, and at the end of say twenty-five years the country may be Toady for prohibition. What right has Dr. ORAwy,or those for whom be in the apologist to, claim "; that be or they have had anything to '$ do with the temperance education of Ma poet quarter of • cautery i What ✓ illht haws you to believe that those who oppose prohibition today would ten heed WI to hstp legislation dirfcg tim twenty -11m yawn i Beery Map Isrward that temperance haa usatikh besa by Gown. Yaw li as prohibpit�s'�,� k'1tW.- • •, , Illllw�( , il;, m Novo or any other champion of the lioense system put • finger on one lute of teniperence 4•gialation ihst any one of them has been instrumental in plac- ing on the statute book 1 The thing cannot b done, and,u in the past, the advancement of temper - 111100 legislation is in the hands of pro- hibitionist. and is being 'aided or as- sisted by Principal GRANT or any other anti. The dut% of the hour is to vote for the abolition of the importatiop, manufacture and sale of intoxicating' liquors. Pulverize the whiskey powr. HONOR THE MAN. THERE is one man in West Huron that the temperance people should honor and respect, and that man is ROHRRT HULrlt6, mayor ct Clutton - The beet way to tell one'sfriends is when there is fighting to be done, and the temperance people today are looking for friends. We are on the eve of a Dominion election campaigns in Huron, and, of all the men named as possible -candi- dates, ROBERT HOLIIXR, and be only, has placed himself on record on the platform in favor of prohibition. After 'he ` 9th t th, softie of the other chs emay endeavor crawl in under the canvas, bu duty of temperance people will be to gaud by _those- otter irft.. . them -whom they''v i td sail - .7 Clean, honest, -upright men like llayor Hotel's are few in politics at the present time, and the electors should take every opportunity to in- crease the number, • THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO anti Ccbiuet sand law utfioer such might be I re i •►`h to battle lee Ips Blare and BMlpsa, tha case, but with live tuft it's difereut, I!•.,..y • town se vilbas f•, Uatarte but had la the tremble in front .f *meager semi se 1)ue•t be tattled by stories of whisky bey who b .d sea name and testas %° t h d dine and buut-leg. monopolists_ Illicit th. npseb bit Mdbts of ..s. tlgbtlsg ter %enders of whisky, as well es uuuutartuiters AO °hen ooaatry, and if they sheered al Its and other lawbnekehi, have gene to jail be. victories tars may have bees b tbo•• sere ic,�r•u, and will du tat again. just a touch of relief that thew .N step nearer Its o;o•e, end these ions • day's w li ALe►t, of Walkervine, gats his marsh °serer home. But rhosg4 a m°tu sympathy ietwep ea:ht, 8t♦e+fur neves his fast horses, the he countries wa as • J t ttgeadoreq It other whisky lookers get the milk and honey uriRfp, it t r•••d-fsreber book, b fdned In the An*to-8azon lave of fighting that ii s w.tldivde-pod an Cambium Katl..m... id love of dyentun, the natural peri.e 05 -men whose lathers oared out homes is the toast, acre td by the *ports of the mono try and farmed b/ an W age:atiga ohmita 1e Iodi. end in hle5 , is feet, wherever AIMS an to be burrs or lighting does. Casa- dloos are found -a fact that is pert amounts for the ooustty'e rather slow growth io pop- ul.tion. s • of this life, and the whisky -drinkers get flip iw,rb htvtt�at 1 eke jim-jem.. tri Never mind that statentuut about mit being allowed to make cider out of worigy apples. The worm will Omen one of thew days and get'evt. .bith the fel- lows who put up such ergUlneuts. • is You say yktfhava,IiO suns, and that b ir•retums ere Ito enticement for your,laugh- ters. a/Gry well ; hut how do you know tip t o,je of thew: ,latha you may not get_a druuk..,t mat -N. -law into the family. I O read The Expositor one would thick that its editor was the victim of a w&u- tonn attack. Such is not the caw, For wane years past hr has assailed the editor of 'fns. SIu..11. through the t„Inmuuicati u,rduntus of The .Expositor -or allowed a gang of p 1,1 1111 Ihietes lie d„ nT; -whish missile the same thing, -without tuurmur on our part. but patience at last crewel to Is.: a t'ittw•,. and wIwo he .dared editorially to make +w more than •day. at ld• k , , l bougk. , yi111e - tw -giro--bias HUI WAS ♦ CIRCUS. Windsor Itemise: Then wermet many offload etedemenIe tied outlines of oampattl°s from Oen. Ki 0i3•001' in the yellow journals, ••n' he was Wed to be in potwwioa of Khartoum o1 a airtalo4baad boast tare with both feet and ell•baade • temple of days ahead of time. A LAtt+r Cl,NITkA,T. �,t►iogstoo Whig : The ooclrsot wblcb the Anglican Ukuroh, through it. provincial •yod, haseommittd to the Oovenmeet, le • large one. It is to rind out why the birth rate u lower in Ontario than Id Fresba It's t fine subject for study, and it will soupy the time of some elderly philologists: lie 11,w of hit own gruel. Now he whines, and to endeavors. to.k'ny that he was e. er Au ap- t the plieant foe otlitx'.. The luau inu.t he crazy. Why, for years Ile was a marriage h,rnw. issuer in, SeaLwth reel he vyl;yvl the j..i. s.I Antal by fIrtlI YLO PROHIBITION'POI,4 TERS. rsr Ifas the liquor traffic made 3 iii rich tit I'ruhinitiou and Prospknty rye ahkg ts, 1),,,i t refrain frons toting -Zn 'Thur.. 11,9. lie a 111811. 21.11 you don't vote for prohihiti))u•cuu -tic handling ,t live wire. ear The fight in the same 1,1,1 fight -n;t%e i h.• Brewery or save the &,v. t*. No man evei attained eminence by .hawing inspiration tram a beer keg. Fir Don't pin your faith on the argument „f either a pled or a groggy preacher. aw' roaur duty is to pulverize the whisky p'wer, and lou have a vow] chance to do it. Sr leave the do,rof the grog shop open, nod it may lead.* our Inn to,*n open grace. 24 lit t'L n*A should a:enter ter to _your fame. CALM -.did tLAt _._..___ sr You would Letts he a.crank prohi- bitionist than it salooliatic on the 29th of Sept. Sr II you don't want to have asore heart or wear crape on your hat, vote to diem the liquor traffic. td Canada expecte every MAN to do his duty today. The other fellows may do what they please. LI' Whisky will knock a mane man silly. If you can drink whisky- without being in- jured you are not sane. is So long as you permit License to sell liquor to last, just so long will you be a partner in the bnamess. K If you c'an't quench your thirst with anything that it not intoxicating it is time for you to stop drinking. ter Uon't alwse the mer, in the liquor business. They are lust ss goal as you are, w, long as they have s license. , 14 (hi this liquor busiIIeit, to use the language of KIPLING :-w• Thsdoors are ours to open, anal 1Mr doors ii4 ours to close." tw Te hear wane..of those chaps talk nuc would flunk that the abrogation of a whis- ky law meant the dismantling of a nation. 11 Honor bright, wouldn't you rather wee your boy die an innocent babe than that he shqul.' live to he a besotted drunkard 1 t* Why pay for u-hooling your boy and Get eloping his train, and then permit the open lor,r of the saloon to rob him of hie in- tellect. t! The treating habit is the worst fea- ture of the license system. Kno k the lie need Farr out and yvu will get rid of the troatlrtg evalem. ti' Decent men treat now and are treat• NI, but if there were no open bas decent men eould not be 1111)11. ell t411-40t4:0/De boot- leggers and blind alley M 14.0,. ts+r Tek�...•::. perefie`Ai I11,4etyik:.1-ltnA4T ml• v,catoa for the antis is uttiori.lIe4 licelise., He doesn't preach the name doctrine at Queen's University._. 1 If it wasn't for iv -hang personal lib. erty there would Ic no walla arouml lunatic allures, and no holt. and bare op jail donee and wln4m'... Sr With the exaeptiem of s disonleeed liver and a red nose what tae any old toper to show for twenty years service it the shrine of flamers. air of mares the prohibition of whisky wont bring about direct taxation ; but even if it did, there are worse things than direct texatiun-whisky, foe i ✓ What Ansa it matter whether the wane made by the Saviour was IntooMnting or not The Almighty male se.�m bet you are not expensed to swallow thew LI list, says en* ehap, " Th. Govern - meat wo e't enact legislation, mad If they did Nast it, it would he m treed letter." That% Aso old Idlest 1 If you were PNmia he triol 10 hold 411 lie it -even after he re ,rived the nomination in 1894. As to his application in uomiet•tioil with the regip fry Whet', while Mr. DH'ksos was vet alit,', his denial is of no saltie, as the document was duly signed "M. Y. hicLaA," and written „n. Expositor writing paper. liut perhaps w mer Seaforth •E.•reutuzv wrote the bor. deeau instead of The 'Expositor 'URxt-rrs. _ ----sows% ar-Vrr'wristml4f6,v, TWO 111ANns or IIU1tos. ' Hamilton Spectator : Is. tbi United Sinus the b.tte-sortrred hero is receiving mush &tterttoa, while in Cooed* the bottles soared hero bee the cell. • '- s • ♦ WASTI OP TIMI, Celeste Tribune : Mrs. Potter, of Kerma City, sewed 1110,000 in the llining 01 her skirt. and • thiel foaled it. 11 elm had niers. Iv left the mosey in her dram pocket It would hate been eetirely sato. e : * postman maarscrras. Th. Mail and Empire : Th. termer pro- hibition plebiscites resulted as follows : Fee Arai wit Ontario 192,497 110,757 43,756. 12,;s5 :Nova 800tia Ct7eereM _Y siig 1:823 Manitoba - - -18,037. 7,115 Total 260,408 132 150 these votes were tette° by tie legal Liberal l.overnmeot• under a promise that a msjcr- i,y would proj.os prohibition. After they were taken the rayons Uoverem•ate found • oo0.titutimsal dtffioulty whish was re- ferred to the eosins. Then, is satloipatbw 01 a federal oeetest, F. 8. 8penoe moved at the L beret 000v@att.s of 1893, to whlob be was a delegate, that a Dominion pleb4olte be hold. s :txu'laataltr,im �opn�,mb.}°.. Below 1e the vote given in Korea Omty in the Provlaolal plebiscite in 1894. VOR AGAINST 494 273 50 38 117 64 •,140 19 308 196 265 132 297 92 262 71 421 214 375 -172 468 252 346 369 248 280 179 167 106 429 129 86 163 100 89 25 Ashfield Bal field B y:b Brussels Clinton Cohorts. Etat Waw.aesh Easter Ud•riob town (ioderiob township Grey .,,. Ray..,.. Howlett ♦ MILITARY YATTtR. I ''•-•"'-•.� Hallett ..... ...................344 Chatham Planet : It the aesthete of the IefcKillop 258 Sp&obh array 'maid have shot off their riees Sreiorth ...... 288 as well as the members of th•.8peeis6 I .taoley ...284 Cortes las *beet off their mouths, Uccle 'Stephen 351 Sam would now be the 00e suing for passe Tuokenmith 2Z0 s s • Tura ben y . P94 BRITISH S,'HOOW IHIJ• etticHRD, WWII Ij (Tabora. 361 Diadem Deily Mail : Corporal puaeme°t Wer amwsoaah 327 m 2 aside as mash la ladies' schools as 'n those Wroxeter 2788 for boys, vett' Isis kept quieter. The girls know they deserve their poniabmemt, so Total vote tor yt -i&k. it wltb a god gram•, dry their Toted vote await tiles, w'sootk thetr.weeloasd tits.'/IN soy MIS know, not even their parimte, that they Total majority for3243 7066 3'423 3823: • If your-thildrerf ate well but fist robuulstsi,onof they neeCodd AODERIC11 ,Sob �'s EmBARGAIN CENT liver 011. We are constantly in re- f 4 ceipt of reports from par- ents who give their children the _emulsion every fall fer-a month or two. It keeps thein well and strong all winter. It prevents their taking cold. Your doctor will confirm this. The oil combined with the hypophosph ites is a splen - (lid food tonic. tor. sad Vox, •tldemists. aeon a towftt, Ch. 5., T0e•,e. AsKyourDealer for RICE'S Best TaasaAry HELLO !OLD - - RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWA+AND TUI BY$T Sorailtoll Hard CoalINTU* MARI:gT AU Coal weighed os the Market Boates. wbar Toa get mu 15.. for a ton. NPM. LEE. Orden lett ' at LU a Ston promptly attended to.. =mamma STILL ON DECK YaZ7'2YfE'S BICYCLE LIVERY If you want to.leern to ride the wheel, "1"*."";'"'' "Ikr e'QuL r, If you want Repairs, you will D find a vulcanizer, a brazier, an enameller, and a competent workman THE PLEBISCITE BALLOT PAPER. Are you in favor of the passing of an Act prohibiting the importation, manufacture or sale- of spirits,fhvine,- ale, beer, cider and all other alco- holic liquors for use as bever- ages ? YES. X NO. If yott believe in Prohibition and Prosperity, mark your Ballot as above. have had a taste of the rod. Some of tbo.g whining ben would do well to follow their •ze mpls. HOr *Torr. Hamilton Spa/Meer ; The talk about coaling swim" ie the Pacific, sayeewn .z abaapi, brings to nootleotIea that Import - Ha sealing staff.%-tM ostler. This latter has b000m. • horsing goat ea, so t0 .peek. & • • A RONAL ILLnnTRAT10N, 11,bosygeoe Isdepsodent : TM roar rider on a tandem blcycle has been acquitted. •hite the trout rider was fined for Minion • sidewalk. When a pig goes throegb a fence It is no use blaming the oerled•up MIL 0 • • •Two- mews tm, f+[. '. Hamilton Times : A surplus nodes Tory rml• le a c.rtels evidenoo of sieesetul ••ste/nt&nbip. A surplus under Liberal of o faille that -.watts.. A ra • N • ti • Mike ike ismehGg of the MAU sad Itmplre. fo • • • smuts ARS Oy'111t. Tweet* telegram : 1t 1. 16against prang Mr. Agolneld., of . Philippines, that his early edge Ilion was sadly nosiest. d Bit If this unfitted a mast for political Rsef.la.se, what ss. bloompateat 10 would be. foe example, our ewe oily amain. • • 2O8R TRAM YORK. hoeeat• Telegram : The Court desiettl•d thatseahles A. r1bs te v te, wblob meads that 1•tten address. d to Hee. A. 8 Hardy, P•rIlaison Ba11d- imp. guess's Park. Teams, Res la no dun. est if Meg maw isr at leant her tiers Seri 'In nowise sloop. Toeeat• Telegram • The @amber et Am• sentaa,.palfertne to be seem en To eab'. strata speaks the 'stereo U&eada h 1d is the Isee war. sed ie probably the meet siewerfml name why (Amide's sympathy was mreemly with the Amerism% he the Rot Aad pat Prem Tomato else@ did('- -ms FALL FAIRS. ■xETfl, 1'he annual show of the South Aaron Ar• rlo.itanl Bootery, in eo.jumollea wits the Stephen and Usboroe branch, was held in Exeter on Moseley add Tuesday et last week. The weather was favorable sad the atb.danoslarge, 4611 being token at the gate. Tae oxhtbite In the Inside depart - meats were moans, exoepthig felt and Bela. The outdoor department, were well shad, the show of stook of all kind* being ahead of termer yearn. CLINTON. The ROTOR Central fete was held at (71R• ton o° Tueecay aid Wednesday of last week. The weather was delightful there MIS an iaore•eed aft edam b. sz- Whit to the Inside d.parnm.at wap ip to the average ; halt was better than morel. fherd was a god showing o1 horses. sad the otter oataide oiawe, were •batt the same as venal. There were eev,ral spools/ swoo- n/rocfeeiwdmg oittfblios danioiig, bagpipe bley.t* faits, a bi4.. .jag manta and • oaks walk. The gate raooipt. were 4350. - nosed Zurich fall fair, held ea Tkarsday last, was •'had .nooses. The ball was shod to its stalest, ail lines bolsi well represeawd. Then was a geed crowd, but the rats kept many book. In all, she moiety feels proud .f the greed nooses, PAIRS ro el n1LD. 0514? NOR•Sw.wmuN, Godwin* Sept. 97, 28, 2e. • W.waneeh, Heletrave, Sept. 29, 30. Kieessdise, Omt. 4, b. Melons, fs.ksew, OA 4, 6. Werra, Myth, 11.1. 4, & Rest Rene, Aram.y, Oft 6, 7. -* a Oct, lot /a , /ahead .M sad .red Wa , D-� Oa. II, IL (listen : MK Rerr, of N•hr'•eka, who has beim ,5u, plods has•, retaraed beam lass week. 8he was to have boss ie. ••mp&sId b.ek py Master Carter, sea of James Carter, has the youth rale away Irmo Mona Meda, etesrwl.g, ad mold stat he heed is Limo te Ina At YULE'S. If you want Good Wheels and Best Attention, be sure and go to the old and reliable KINGSTON STREET, Q9DERICH. YULE'S BICYCLE LIVERY Everybody is Talking about D. OANTELON'S FLOD"R He hes Ju t reoalvd arise%, oar load from Manitoba. He hes now on bead two of the best broods of hoar that the world mu produce, LAKE OF THE WOODS - AND - OGILVIE's num wrgelPia MILL& Made front No. 1 Hard wheat Ho &leo k ops 15e beet breads of Omtaiio Floor, tmPeople )uteloa.*therprractioal baker, sadcallingh will tell you how to blend res Maaleoba and Ontario Flour together s a1 to bum a Waal (111 family Flour at • reaeoucie patoe, Orden wIll be promptly attended to im PLIFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES aDeWefdddle. olio« web Afmiad leis* a D. CANTELO N, We do All Finds of J IOulding and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice, and for little money. ¢,+ Hudena klde a•, WELCOME ! LOOKERS As was... As BUYERS. '4 • • When our many friends visit the Great North !western Exhibition held in Goderich September 27th 28th and 29th, we Invite you to visit our store, I Will be a pleasure for us have you call. If you a tired, come and rest ; if you want to meet a friend make the appointment tb meet them at our store if you have any parcels or wraps, .leave them with us until you are ready for home. We want you to use us in any way that will add to your pleasure while you are visiting our town. Make our shore head. quarters for the time you are in Goderich. JAS. ROBINSON HAMILTON STREET MILLINERY. MISS CAMERON has returned front New York, bringing with her the latest in sip, • and shades. The reigning colors are BLUES OF ALL SHADES, MILITARY PURPLE, CARDINAL and ROUGH RiDERS' SHADE. ^-114.1:anasaaa.siowaota-tsvidoperstun '3mt evreyone m -__y. invited :•....-- call and inspect goods and prices. to • Any Time So as not to keep the ladies waiting for a formal opening, we wilI place our stock of Fall Millinery on exhibition just as it arrives; sal will be pleased to have it examined at any time. Each day will Sr, an addition made to our stock of TRIMMED HATS, • FANCY WINGS AND QUILLS, SPOTTED VELVETS, AND OTHER NOVELTIES. MISSES YATES. DO YOU IIUNT? If so, the following prices on a few lines of Breach -Loading . GUNS . will interest you : A good 12 bore Double Barrel for - - $7.75 A Damascus Steel 12 bore Double Barrel for $12.00 A Damascus Steel 12 bore Double Barrel,with Greener Crossboit, for - 0. -r • 0 MOO Also a full line of the Winchester ,Arms Company's Loaded Shells Come in and examine the stock. No trdnble to shoe; goods Rougvie's Hardware Store. POR CUSTOM WORK FO'i REPAIRING FOR THE SLATER FOR THE BEST IN BOOTS AND SHOES give SNARMAN THE PRACTICAL SHOEEARER �--a call• Being s thorough workmun, we cannot be imposed on by 'ellen of shoddy goods, and we do not buy miifi to sell as first-class Bats. damagedRes, or binkrRpt stocks and Ws 4 eep- `i ffItikw, - �Id'I'9'd1� : -HOB' WAW - styles, you should gyve them a e ttrientlitt B fitters,�a of the latest ,, w - Ste- , J•R. 0o1atR Or RANT MtIMRT Agra @Quest, 711 rasortOAL MOB SAN, ARO MILS MAIM POS 1e1 W,A?I& Red!', O OD>ORIOiI. `The Signal" for ba1. of 1898 for only 15c and TMs 11111.0191 "sok sad *Ream 111014. lismodr tar Edney rd •Lltrllw 1 ,soli r. n.s-ss...... I. d. 1111. 11♦a.141"._ A.11""" r• ..m.