HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-29, Page 1Stock
or our prices are riot
better qualities equally
slash, do not need app
Flannelette' to hand
orthe lower Prot /Ma, I want to
to tam amass wile 1roll-Moss but
ier aka. If you will call ad eur Wore.
Raga St. Godard& we will give yao 6.,
istworatiene It will WI yea to owl. er. J.
arobereles &entertain at Tamale.
Ths Methadon atonal ounforone Wooed
ea Thorsdai lost atter • session encoding
wide rause, sad we hays endeavored to gin
MICE*. 6 lbs. of ga
Li :30e. per lb.
EIS in.
for to S. J.REID&a)
her the latest in .tyles
For Oslo.
eat _Alitela and toot 11.11,_!. bar:sia.
Apply WV CIIPO. W. THOMSON. Mai& Dion.
f0. [MI Opening, we Will
L &eh day W111 re
For nate or To Rost.
KA Oh largo he wen. oar/ of Britannia
refir=4•091119. deplf to P. FOX.
11-10-Biart-thlt /JEW
se mr prer▪ ees, !ANN At M. New
Weft • it
✓ 474=Del ores far son or tor rest,
*AM or eaturaisted. her haat a
nis wrest ad Idompate sad Albert streets
ratchet resident* or Isy moil to Mit& N.
Agin. Godwin". ps.a
Daly a vary brie) summary of the adios
takes os those gasohol's of mat general in-
Boma ditlioalty hos beon 000aslos"d by .a
was to she supply of ministers over the
regalremasts, and the ooafereua sauna
re,elot"re which will tend to restore the
equilibrium between supply and demand.
Darla* tae .inning y uedrenniam ministers
or probatioars will nut bo raosived from
other churches or from &brood. Prom
stage tho candidata' removed by tib• en -
tool 000fsr.00es during Use qu&drtonrum
the .btioalog uommtetees ars to appoint
only as many w aro urgently Deeded to sup-
ply existlag'eMs. Alt other, ars to be put
upon • re.ervo list. from which the gs.eral
e.peslste.dent shall a'1eo1, on the renown
of may pr•sideot, impolite for vassals' Ilial
.y oacar.
It was also mated shot '• it is M M dia•
tautly understood that i asdidatee are re.
tared for the wtuistry of the Methodist
obarob, ad not merely tor th•t'of • pertio-
alar anteroom hod thwarts shill bsoder
oblation to proceed, whoa so
the proper tathortttes. to say part et Ib.
oo.ne:log where their ssrvtoes aro re-
' amerwee . tag discussion upoe miesloa
•orb, purtuwlsrly with relsre•oe to Japan.
There bas bea some friction to regard to
bh. wink In this Meld. and such • lack of
agra'me.t wse shown by thaw wbo took
pert is the dolour that • Jelsgau made the
Proposal tbat trey withdraw cosh mimiss-
srM►-iraes3•p.s additieleyl to bathos 61
boa", with which they Was batter w-
q•at0ted. 1t was finally decided that the
ooOrem* shr ate seisseseafntstowdiems of
memos work la Jame, and unanimity was
r"othsd to the e.leswon of the man to fill
Ne pontos, Rev. Ur. John Said, pri.elpal
of the Methodist collate in Japso, rao.iving
lbs appointment
la the maltar of systematics aivisr, it was
000udend is&dvtseble to lay down • hard
•ad Iset rs1e. The Jewish law of Uta-
stetoe was net sow binding, and whsle It
wetttd-i. +tees! _ta axtoLlhom some mem-
her. & tests of \bete income °theirs oo3td
wily give more Shoo • heath. It was re-
solved to draw the •Ct.ution of the mood
hors of the eburob to the tither giving s')r
tees r a_r.imallJP .taOKd for t belt °Q"-
theniTbe committee aseel'topMssf • -
omeoded vigilant over. ght of the euo-
ditIoss of labor that moo met/ hese wbola-
soote end pleasant surroundings ta their
work .0d ualbaot loins* for recreation and
for soctol, iatslleetaal &ad
or religious
of ret. TM Dwss b was area. and 0o
M rest sed worship
walla ball -holiday (prefmab1y on
was vsin Satur-
day) weducated se • ofd 1 Lord's Day.
and • 'ridable safeguard
Vsrioas WISIOUNS were saatested for the
Imotorisationt .1 smut oondttio0e.
The e.sf.reace esdettaed • ahem" ler the
la.ur&aos e@ mosioaleasi quasi
y0reby •
Joon stook oompssy in
with the °bnrch. R-.ks willbe minister's
ohurehes, eollegee,'•i&os4Res o
property. sad all the profits above a divi-
dend of 6 per gent. will bo dividd bowims
lb* ssperasmasties sad .apernemer&ry
mess a mod st fest of &nth wrest.
die. • 1414110. honor. pearoit and cart For
pettsuars, ripply to ourmop. "rasa.
it. raw
0 That Cori gelid bring heves situate ea
-101110•4 fah 0. Tema of Atadarloh, with Bye or
Ilea owes of laud aseedohearie yodel malt&
!hers s Are olase °elm ambit the haw
TM Is • very Merano pm= for pirates
log and fruit °roe ird on
es• ithre brick. Torsos to mitt parobaser.
Asoly es srmaises to Goo. Witham or to
taw▪ s** agree egwel•ered sad IA4
good slats of Two sores are ta
ardwai. yielding agollerat tram Hors and
hum Mildews es• ma la read ass
hem larostiag teams will hers the
Fir isiagintarouiars sooty to
Hamidansah lisarow in the Town of
tag • hoese.
Dated OM siottsm
tes avor sad hike toratinsiy *warded by the
ste A. Msollisnant sob. Mawr 11, Chelhehrf
ON of Ws Issas wiriest asill dasirahls pro-
perties tourers.
2. The twoomem home derolling mamas
Ora sweet immodiatell adjotoing the Wh-
ile 11•01104.11 Meliel.-M proviso awarded by
lir. Aedrew Waddell.
tho awnless house sod elbstalag armada
roar tea G. V. R. moths. tormarty occupied
bypthnIstate Judge Tans.
e nd tame of wisest rosinasislo. so
Situations lissant.
tote& stock Isis
Absolutely bit
rouble sow Odisn
111410.- is bur
Dont sod tight op
Nor 0nsetwt.l.s toowe.-di Yat .
orally hones that pitrrsm5 tisane
ales are legally 418504 to restore them to
bbo owner if they know biro. To bold them
or to sepr.te than 1s,under the new orimtoal
Dods. regarded se theft .0d punishable ee-
oordingly. A reward oasis be suouesdal-
ly demanded. If e.y trouble or ammo ta
nao.esarily iooarrd to oo0neotlo0 tenth the
toasd artiol.e. snob exposes Das be No
covered. Th. mew.paper 1. lbs proper
mdtum by whoa to dt.osvae lbs owosr.
amid the owner is expected to adeerti.s at
Taws ask
OLOAll FAITTOILY zee. - Th. organ fac-
tory employees for iota hoe hays boon put -
tine to Osiers hosts a day st their work -
for name and nipper. Saturday night lain
they worked until 11:30 r. N. There was
to Wit ths mon an opportunity of visiting
the fair. Id r. Ftrus. who hsa ben intr.
line tor the firm, i• apoodiog • few days in
the office this *sok. !Utast organs won
slirprod to Great Britais lict weak, sad
twenty fit. w.st on Tumidity. Geo. North -
lige. formerly of Os Komington funnier'
factory, has takes Fronk Baattis's pea sit
tho taming laths and the later has gas to
plain at the re.idMss of Alex Fr•.er,Lo(as
road. where the fosrth we0ddd b Johtor of hn ee4m
bosbotd, Miss Jais,wse
T. Newell, the owsss•wy bolas porforme4
by jay. W. A. Bradley, of the Mitobsll
Presbyterian ehurob. The titbits, wbo was
Frothily dressed (b white esg•adie with
pearl trim/uses, and was glee. away by
tier Miter, woe atatmd.d by her sista, Niel
Tracey ; and Frank Hale supported the
groom. The lam testa brought
th Mr.
Mrs, Nowell to odertab, bRhy Dave
mad" their home.
Yrs. Amte between la sad 11 a.ia.
tho floret tare factory
Dopartmont has art to all sowspapsr• in
(Sad& a oopy al time sow Postai" Ain.
which provide" for the redisposttios of post-
age on newspapers soot from °those of oub-
liette's in Canada addressed to regolor sub-
scribers. with the ezooptios of papers pub-
lished not mote frequeintly Wats ars a weak
and addressed to place not math Chau 20
Sallee di trom tho plea of pabliaatica
otor mot timooding 40 miles. The redie of
ant per pound from Jaw 1 to Jam 30 Pen,
and sais.balf into par rand than ttior.
The Dapartniont le &Co asking particulars
rosardior circulation, etc., frost sash news-
eskarr Two Dinatusn. -A gas( el
nivvies has boon busy laying new rails
from Holmes' out to town for tho past week.
o'clock freight, abouiTkirmffireMra new
Wee mat back to goo tba aloe
down over thematic'. of Irak beim laid.
W hither tho signal was not sees soes
orn,,..thr although the rote mar
lessoard mosiderably It woe
amens this derailment el the mobs Ind
one car, surtsion oars truss Soft on Ow lark.
Ali smithery was sasomened trom Stratford,
arriving shoat 2.30,m4 socoseJed is WW1'
Tim moil and passagers from the 1 83 tram
were traosfarod to • trate soot est hat la
station. The 2 30 troth dui not lays till
A SLIGVIDDYI'L Snow.- Up to the Ume of
tho holdtag of too Great ft or Lb western Itz.
Thom are no spirant attniours
this yew, asd tho &Hoodoo°, on Tumidity
out the moods is the daytime. The Marine
Band is furaelnag maw ot. the grounds.
Teo Was trilobite with ready In, public
fiat deploy Owing to .ur gohe to press
early the week, oar meet of._thie fair is
hold otter maul tho wort leas of Tag Stow AL.
Miss Whinny, 'Win slog a.solo in North•
114. Methodist thee Bandity moons.
His Numbs was l';`1, at ths turn ho was
96th. ond be darted in 19:11, position.
Iroise the rani le 67.32 4/5, arias, Freid
Graves time last year of 68.23."
lie trusses of 711ket.h.st Methodist church
Met • very impothant mating on Friday
iiniaiso of thin wash.
Kin. norm Wider roopiod the paint
lost after an •banos ut three worths 01 row.
ors) ocouiercnoe.
Th. monthly followthip menthe will be
bold at horth-St Methodist churoli on
atoning az it,tre osaimence at 10 o'clook.
Rov. W. J. Waddell will hats °barge
Row. R. Millyard ocroupiod the pulpit
morning sad immOswits•Vorsarta•nt Method •
ist church oa Salado,. Mr Godwin preach-
ed in r, Iddlyard's thatch is Chaim.
The topi for met Tuesday string la
Victoria -at Kparerth Laws* are "The Call
of Abraham. ' to betakes by Una Sotostas,
sod "Tito Victory el Israel." ts be was. by
Roy. W, Waddell. of Hamall. asd Roy.
J. Wilson, of North -at Methodist oharoh,
azolhangs pulpits oa Salida oat, that
th• latter may prancer -onsinissiwyt-
A veteran' Methodist preacher diod
Bohr. Todman is hauled up o0
for soma slight roper..
Tug Evelyn loft us Monday with
lumber for Mt. Joespb City_
The ear. Crafum00 h.a ban ohartsrsd N
go to Bysg Inlet to load lumber for Stroh.
Subs. Cori.&ads .meed o0 Sunday Irons
Tb.es.loo with 300.000 ft. of lumbar for
S hr Smith N. Post arrived on Monday
from Ct.velaad with 400 tons of ooal for the
Chemical Co,
The .team h.rg. 81. Aodr.w arrival on
Tuesday from Fort William with 38,000
of wheat forRicharM.o & Cim, Rea
will take busk tw.s►ynoae of bald bay.
the island
load of
It is exacted that la three works the
elevator spill be taking In grain. lb@ scales
&to in position -la us of them hamno •
°opacity ot 74000 Irately This big elevator
lari is bow being 'rooted Lad is • 'maroons!
snit. A largo number of visitors laspootod
oitoneet to the harbor }root list Friday
ettegOODe. Tbo tog HUMS was teaks ass
of the mows eat isto th• lak• ohm the
setting both &doh, and, to make matters
worse, became aneaaelod in the propellor of
the tog, th•-oby disabling it. TM log
Svolyn with th• oftrboat ie tow, mused by
Copt. Babb sod his crow. west to
ins Darr -sod inswoosaad. brillertalr
dmtting Grotto to port. Tho wow ha drift -
.4 about 3 miles down the lake bola* bathe
was aboard, but &patiently quita U000004411
oil as to his position. Whin' mitering tho
piers tho lino from tho Evsly• to Om Harm
ported, the former running isno the per,
but not beieg domagod to my extent. Os
Soturday the dodge hoisted the stern of
the Horns sad tho fool luso was takes off.
WOND•If 11111711T's WIIIIIINO. Spinal in Drees Goods- ft B Smith... 6
Groat Removal Seds-J. E. Davis 6
Now Goats' Faranhor-11.4.-Xelllery8
Sporting Goods -R. W. MoKeasis 6
"Sole-Traoked"-Yinaria Opera Maur 8
The last plotless srestlsg et tee prohib-
ition campaign was held white lempsr•uoe
Halt a Moed.y ees0log. s Auhe-
eaThe oh.tr was ooeuoisd by Ohorg
s, who, alter tie opeein4 saviour, loads •
low remarks upon the question at treu".
The people of stria oouotry, be said, had a
VW. prtvtlegs to beteg abler to express their
opinion in regard to la liquor trottiu. sod
the people of the Uinta States and
Oran Britain were anxiously 'mania our
verdicts. Whether the law would be pawed
or Dot was not for us to judger.
'powtbility rested with the reoordinr of our
votes one way or the other ; the mon who
did not vote was not doiou he duty. la ro-
gord to the queottoa of .0lorosme.i, a total
prohibition law should not be oompsrsd
with tb. Soot, Lot. which did not pruOtbit
the manulwiture or importvtio0 of liquor
For himself, he b'ltsved prohibition ouuld
be esloro.d.
At the 0000lusiou of 1115 brief oddrees,
tbe chairman wiled upon lists Roes Attk"rt',
who 1a • capital manner gave • routt►ttoo
very .pproprut• to the ocou100.
W y last la the renew ol Rey. lemon
WILL VIIOSATI10.-Itee will kW late
W•NTED-- GOOD, GENERAL 141111s. Robert Gibbose win probated List week
raid wasted et esos• •Pfil to MRS- The value of peressal ptoperty sod offeots
k. M. IIHIPHARD. Essiank tt. was divas at 432.139, ot whioh 46,099 was
WANTED -A U000 GENERAL SEBs. 4° 8601) `ad SAM ie book "a ("of stook •
mot *tidy to Mts. McnILLI• The /elite of real WIWI' le 0,000. Teo sr.
CUDDY, 77 Wort -et. motors el the setae are Horst» Hones.
Robk 0. Raysolds Lod R. S. Hays.
TN, INDIAN.' 00CCrAT1011.- A party of
Indians has boss romping is Goldthorpa's
anons lib. river, This objoot ot their
twit is to gather geation root, which they
soil to the drag trod.. The root, a gram
deal of which growestound bore, big vat-
uablo hi/Alessi properties sod. assoordiag
to the 'attestant ad re tbe Indians, coin.
meads • good prise, Teo party was hero
last year es Ow same errand.
lot lathy years dirk its !We'd dryrands
stars, loft os Friday loot ler Miles City,
Minima, where he will in totem reside.
Mr. Desoldmee two brother@ bole bees
there for twelve years. «waged in sloop.
rumba', Is whioh business ha will likely
fellow is his brotbars' footsteps. Albert is
• popular young follow; sod his Meads will
h op, te hear of hie foam nooses.
rismirsd from Messrs. Radnor k blow, of
Bartel, publishers of the wolf -snows lier-
mm annual, the Canada Kalonder. This
almeaso has bees bowl by the shows tirm
fet thirty.two ran past, aad it. popularity
ts sa *reit today ss ever. The book la Killed
with stories and other reading matter,
which will afford matins* aad eatottais•
mons at many a thermandloaadith fireside
daring the mount winter. Tee prim of the
almanac is NPR MOW.
death at James Romoryillo. of Loassow,
Ideaday, 19th. reniovia the Mien aed most
was born at Dionforliso, BootIond, in 1825,
sod am* to Canada with his parrots le
115 loomed trade he Gartishore's fousdry,
sod is HAI osatiod la the townitip of Wait
Wavranorth, Where ho built a saw and griat
mill I. 1PS7 h• porohowid from Ell Stauffer
the laud whereon new stands tic Mitosis of
Looknow, and this following year had the
plat strayed tato villa* lot.. Ifs was a
asindrar ol Hes. Edward Blake, anti is 1T1
hs orreeld dos Irma nits' of Hunts in
Ow Liberal interest against Thomas Yon...
hat time uneworstal. la 1882, boort. er.
is me abeam& somata st.ror.listittni 101'
Was Brass by rarly 1,900 mal°rity, had
after egielaise nowt three yours is the lime*
of Ceelootee be resigned his mat lo favor of
Mr. Maks. Ho was a Inas of stortHog
Mali sea to tho sarty days of the sottlessol
ad snsawy so or was boar Immo
mod mere thoroughly approolsdad thas.lanais
Ransorrilia for bio liberality sad Iriendly aid
to the medlars extaisded msay reit
w eer, sod his both will ha greatly regret.
led throaribost tha essatio• of Harr art
Bross. Ho maeriell le 1949 Miss Mary Nes-
Seat, of Medal, *WV 111 sarrivo him, to -
Para Lai. James H Postorvills, of Grad
forks, Dakota; Rohm* Boommillis, ogress
141011111, Mfe Wallas Cossall, of honk
re. Ho was • Amiss wesober both tin
Maros awl aldfsfirat lodges is tba
sad leo farad sat Thursday Wee order-
ed bs relates" totatoey.
wanes. welder mon If KW young is
whit. of nadoubted tharactor. 0°,1 tatters.
ane rodestrigno. cos dad movie?
a Owl east" with par moot,. mid
M ability. ItiV. T.
OWL wart bard fentletr wrtioig
mon daily for sit "ay. • week as& will be
manioc with ton dollars osaltl. Address
NIEW Wider Tomato.
of th• Country." la five tiothi ovate volumes.
N• deltlre414111 ereleiWislins mid meekly.
THZ LIPS 111. PUBLIOHING 00., Toronto
SI unto.
lay beak"
to oar large Line
re have added
rorid-wide known
)1, Thought
ant Home
sisdrel Dodarich of dims
✓ lam at Book's Stevan.
o s the goods of thy, follow%
Foundry Cm
411don Co.
"Was of pod, from Ihe *I
i sewn popular mason le
sre on Mir Munn*
IVA. • tow Tarries far pars la Oar asd
term Operosi attention le waves to Isabelle
HULAS= RICTCUffIS -The distress from
Clinton to Gainite by Ow Horan roar
la attest tartars rise, bat by wsy Mr-
okagnar it. is recoil doshio that &knew%
Men people would take the mos%
throw rests for holm whoa the sh•dows
are gathoriag. bet raw tbor• ars oho, la
thew endeavor to bo " atm," madam do
what their fellow -Icings would not do.
Two of oar yoaaa porta of the loner shade
ton Fair ese evening loot week. The how-
tios ova, ou their wash they stortod eat
es tho nears trip, bat by some incase took
the vines osnassidas. Pedalling briskly-
rillago of %waybill, wont in the dork
was mistaken for liobravitio. Purring
tho (aurae, they ovestaally landed at Matz
chestar. where with math ainstoiseat they
th• eir chagrin the belated Isloyoliste eteered
am• ple time for an early breakfast.
WM, SEM The Wawa took
plot* Meadow shunter at Stratford.
rho mumai portals ot the morsiog sad
stenos sermons M Bt. Poter's oburob os
Meaty monolith& by th• choir of St. Jos-
eph's obaroh, Clines. under the leadership
of Mr. Jamas. The moth moommainsests
mem doled b• Mies Jena.
Rev. J. F. Satollffe, who mad as sabott-
tute for MY. Jasper Wilms daring the
three wake of the lattor's absence st Toma-
to, returned lost ...oak to his brio at Cue -
hash Limier rusty. Mr. Sutaliffs is •
PON of good turrsonal q taloa*, and
deineeniera and ability lb his work
A rags LABIAILT Pannone -Last wool
the Moohonice tastiest"' Mrs was viefted'ht
Dr. May, Proyisoin inaPthfor of libraries
and Michaelis' Institutes. The chief ob-
ject of hia visit was to inaugurate • move -
mist te ham the town monad Mks over the
Mentagron' fastitate library sod mote it
• hoe library. Teis Ma boss dons in maay
other places in the Provisos, witb good re•
sults. A tom' of Ow size a Godwin'. Dr.
Nay says, Amid health thousand free
library Nader., la pleas of new Omni two
hundred weo soaks re sit tbo recession'
lasetate library. Thai mastics of torpors
is, of nouns, of importanoo. Teo tows mow
makes aa marl gnat of 11100 .ed bushes'
tight to 4* Isatitsts tho senstommes of
• tree librat7 would met from $100 to 4150
°otos. On tho other hoed, the flovornmest
groat would be Wormed to 4200. the lib-
rary wend be greatly loiprovod and would
be al meek grostor twowetil to the tows ot
large. A similar ol tows assactillers inn
Dr. May sod the WI eohanice' lostitate dime
ton WW1 tolkod the matter over, tic pro -
pail apparently beteg meteor] with favor.
The director. bay, appointod • deputation
to wafture the °oral at ono ot their isetto
isms asd ley the qmstios before thong TM
soggestios has hem mad* that the free
library nicht be located la the armory roma
in the tows hell, rhos *ovine the amosat
paid w resist of tho protons leering teen.
Th. county, it meow. and aot the taws,
should supply as armory for tho volunteers;
the owe hes boon dotes 18 of its own free
Howirrer, the armory remit, it MOMS
tO US, is hardly large eneush for the palms*
of • free library.
a Tomato Consiertatory wade.
tosoitor of Piro sod theory. tkooservotati
tim at rename* Si gametes&
Wes Lasts seetwonh. poen of Coot
Montt. of the Tomato Owletrysteu or maw
orra Mr ANIMAS *adores*. el Torsion ha.
wad Brook Most SId•Will ROI 1Pi, god" -
Wet F. O. rittlas.
Tatensr of Paws Pia Otter awl Th•wl:
• spensity or Use Simi' Practice Caviar
Aloe Itladisvgarion • Mothod foe Yoga
Mama rir 11 pursue the Tomei Cassette
1,0011401/46 at tho noselowson 11117
Briniest& Rai. Maria
ten ts tha ter:, si 'widow or Soave.
oesolotoetageowire‘oi,„„„,„..18 "it
=ruble fne :Ler Male 01 4.1001014. _111011
boss oommed se • shoe mom. "Cul
VW to JI, W, Derears.
Clinton" Now Era : A Dories of anima
;Aces ot both Methodist churelbes is town
sad Willis Proebytortha abort* will a th-
9.b ot °etcher. They tepee to roans
bore No about throe wort. sad toss go to
8t. Paul, Minn.
A p'.wasint social evening was giros is
Aso: church last Than& v eveniag by the
town. A program ooseisting mimic and
residing, was gives, alter which terse&
monta were served. Thom eissisting in the
musical program were Mimi, May Hoottanan
and Orme jimit.b, Muse. Mitcholl
Maggio Mtdray, Mrs. Loess and Oro
Stewart. Mrs. Tome aim ger two maw.
soloing readings. Two lead" of Climes& Es.
deayorets were pram* eslimesd Me
The fourth annual mostint el tlat-"WiagOO
RobOrt Holows. sesame of Clinton, was
thou e&IIM open, hts sportier toeing Arrest
od with &politico. Hs thought the moot
did not realize the Moonbeam al Use issue
or the miclionori that stheing would how
tom lorgor, and the enthusiasm throughoe
th• trashy grata. ti• laid dowel th
Propositioa tics or• bay• not to deal with
lag te tote bosoms It would -pertly_
firotneot to a hele.'' Although he was
Liberal hidtholf, ho was using eil infia
*Doe tIggfig,lat, to "put the ; overnment
the bolo,' ad kisi hoped there would be sue
• mato rit1 Clot no Goviwomout would dare
to with hold its sympathy from the movoman
Soda people Cake ihe ohjeoiloo that th
Bible dodo apt ithoollicialiy madam wino
mei tbet this statement is correct, he ooti
000deain into -beat lag or arson. I:giciridt7tir
say that leather (Woe tho BOW
el atotobtoies MrfeeletI LW* Bahia east
through the spirit of the age sod say
"Thou shalt," aod "Thou @bait not." The
were only two sides to tho question at Cr
ond *may mon should take one @ids or t
other. He only welted L04 imam h
'otos; if he emir got to Parliament he wou
do tos bat to have tho tranotao "'tad
to women. Pa "woks, said be wou
n ot dwell os the evils of t
liquor traffic; the misery cased by it w
well known to ovaryoce preload B• th
dealt -with- the aroma* thaepren
would toterforia with personal liberty.
homes system was half • syetom of pa
ed tea traffiu natil the point had now b
roterba at which tho pooplo wore rad,
to Iodate, or spa say vereal, the justifi
mon Wine that it with dose for the w
being of society. The liana law said t
liquor should sot be sold in this dist
Irma 11 p.m. until 6 o'olock next mot.
on attain days 04 tho week, ad trora
&tail we mond ham pralobitim for
dity in week ws °Nig have it for
dove in tho weak. Prohibition would
prohibit, said sane He did sot owl
that prohibition would wipe out the ha
and Posterns of • life time, but h• thou
thin ha difference ID regard to drin
that would briog about would be ams
Pot boon • total failure. Owing to the
or no attempt Wee mode to onforos it
item the okra of the throe year period
whioh It was onactod, and so worrier it
not snoossidul. Still, over an manliest
loos of liquor loss bad boon takm o
and daring tho threes years ot tho
Act tan to tho thr•• years pr000ding.
oorreoted the popular idea that the
th• number of counties in chit Mar
Provisoes ia wbioh it had been eneete
Sever repealed, including tho Ireat,
ty of the 'cooties in each ot the Prow
Polwad Island. Is Quebec the towel o
IWO Walt in tome In more parishes than
ant sitioatiso la Ontario. He then spo
Oho expends°, ot the, State of Maine
prohibition- A vote taken • tow years
iao prohibition part of ths Steno oo
Mon, ead since that time the Logislat
• •011s of 100 to 14, had refused to
to t h. request of the liquor -dealers to
Mit the onatios to the peuple. Tbe
to Globe had soot two oommi Mon
prohibitory lam. ()no of that wris
of. ths other mama, prohibition;
bettor on his return oandidly statod t
winced that ths Maine law had boon
mama. The speaker pointed on
there was one dean in the Maine
moot's% tor tho foot that liquor oo
bad in some places thoro-ties Sta
not prohibit the imperial:1m of Hilo
quoted the opinions of pr
men of Maine sad Kamm to
that the results of prohibitory
labia la that Stour had tea •
tory. Tondos again to Ow porsooal
geestles. he pointed out ev 'Ty
the statute book bit cfrit• n an or I
• sisn's liberty of action. No m
lowed to do as he pleases. Man has
t to d wont
R. W. Marin has boss isiid np for
D 8toddert, or., has been onto ill woh
an iittack of cholas. bat is now on the
Mr and Mrs Adolphus Natal arrived
Immo from their booty moos trip Friday
The wheat coming to markot this year ia
of rot! CoOd quality sad mos 62 Ilse. to Chit
Slope's Stonier, aad family sire moving
no weak isto Madeente new beak
resider of Mrs. Elwood, Wettest.
Jetta Kay. formerly ot this town, Ica Moo
removed trots the Book ot Commeroe broach
at Sault 8th. Mari* to the 'iimooe branch.
• prontonade moisert was held by the
Liewary Society at the Gollogi•te Institute
loot Friday oyeaing. A monad program
Not • bit of it. Drier Mom sir.
pr▪ .hilotiorr, I do not see much title in voting
turf rht." r Strang means that violatioo is •
waut of tato, °anent, then no law le inforo-
a, for all law is vtoleted. But no doubt
be means onfotooment full sod as 'led
cosafui thin of the present lianas law.
This, to my mind, would bo for from sate-
tautorv, sad • tare* majority of thaw who
have given the @tibial., cow itoratioo expect
etroog **ailment ia favor of soy law always
maks" the carrytow out of it all tho I001111
summits, ea the sympatby of the people la
with tho *this. °than; sad via versa.
The other otrournatame mentioned by Idr.
Straws, when he believes in the justices of
uraprobeibenisigitioo, my mio,.4,6..ailiar.a.d____..the very bidets:
partite ramcw-tor Innen ter-posististAti.
would not advance prohibition, As tosip-
"rano" people, or os moral people, wo should
woloono woes and boom' loge/etas. !ram
thot our duty is plaio-Dot to strum tor
arty, or for party odvonuemont, but; for
bdiouista, do oar utmost to roll up 'soh •
vets tholffittr to Ososessaishi
M. LocellART,
✓ e
ad M. C. Comoro° shod at thit rosidsrins of
ad 8:15 o'clook__W_trday morsiag. H• wont to
le ▪ succumbed. The fuooral took ploo• host
the Lsocly condones Wediesday of tercets,
and was Imply attanded. At this reptant
ot Premier Haultaln. Horace Hones, wt.
Si P., and Jamas thattiorlastl. M.P.. rows -
wood tho Goyim:moot of the North -woes
Tornio( y at the obor_onios.
Malcolm Colin Cameros was a son of the
mamba of the lanadia Government. Ho
was born at Perth. Ont , os April 12,
1831, Ho studied low, and was coiled to
the bar in 1860. and for many years prate
tiood in Godatioh. He was for some Limo a
samba town oounoll sod was thew
*broad Mayor of tiodetrioh. Dowasod oat
is the Hoses of liosnothos from 1,57 to 1882
and wits defestad to 1867 is Woo Huron.
H• moo onsnoossefolly ton simian Hos. J
C. Pottereoo, Sivorotory ot State, In mom
constituency is Fobtoory, 1892 Ho ilrehe
returned at soother by steatites Jasnory,
1896, and at the ireneral oleotosse two years
soo oraa re *looted. lie receive' the sp-
poistmest of Lientenaat-Goverser of the
Northwest Territories last ArrtU. Deceased
is 1865 married Jamie 11 , daseitor
Dr. John MoLmo, ot the Royal Navy.
Natcs.-The local wined la Ds
.1. P., oonveyanoe, to., who will rectories or-
ders for enbemiptloas. advertising sad Job -
work. and le authorised to eve 111011M11 fee
amounts pald for the woe.
‘...T• now will tint Dongsanon es Ist oad
Ird • riday of oath month. All modern moth.
ods of isztractino and 1111111g. WWI maxim WU-
fall show on Oot. 11 and 12 There will be
W. intood our deepest sysiintby and
000dolonos to our enamel oonfrent, J. G.
Ward, of Doomionon„ on tho roan loos of poy
his lif• partner. At his period in this Was. 4,,1'.4"
rent lifts the Dreamt grief will be hard te '
bow, but we bop. hie earnest trust la Him
who has said. " I sm with you alway," will
ammonium him is sheeting the blew with
Christian tortitiodo.
e ll -
at ▪ of
d and
Its of
y of
Toros -
ere to
n favor
h▪ at, as (worm of the October Harper's ars " The
as oon Santiago Campaign," by Gaper Whitry.
• grand illustrated from photographs by tho author,
t that James Barton, William Dtawiddle,
law to others ; " On the roof of the World," by
o ld le `ivies }Jodie, illastratiod after skewer arid
to 000ld photographs made by the author " Social
or flit Lite is the British army," Bersond Paper, by
imminent A Mesh Geoff, Illustrated by R Calms
allow Woodville ; " Our Fatore Paley." by the
14s. Hon. .1. G. Corlisle ; " Oar Navy ia Asters
Asiatic- Watorti," by William Elliot Griffis,
liberty woad la L. 1). Weidon, Gay Reek Harry
tau its Fens, T. K. Hanna, Jr., William Thome.
ass with Ilwry illoOorter. sod Otto H. Racher. and
SA al. from photograph,' aod prints • " He. Mad -
liberty omit, Reminiemoom, AneoCletei, and as
Foe Ettimato,'' Third Payer, by (Marge W.
P:11.1111? 1,CTI LATOIL -T0111 S Tory use-
ful book for hiekkeepors, students, lamb-
ent., manufaeurors, storekeepers, rosoban
hie, farmers, *to., showier short mot hods in
addition, subtraction, maltipllost ion and
division, &tonal. without extra figaraand
short Intermit methods for all stime and
tiaras Mt any pot oent. halm shows merch-
ants h. • to mark thotr goo ls mentally at
about dteen or moth &flora' advancer
oost, she It snahlos bousokospars to know
tiro tired number of yards to carpet their
rooms, sad the number of rolls of papa to
°over the walls of the same For nteohan-
ino their work; and, for fanners, roles for -
ell weights and prima, ospacrity of Motorist,
tanks &ad wells, awn oohs. waggon hems,
cordwood plea, eto.: oleo log mesenrionast,
board. riot, soostling, and sill moaanot:
builders micanromens, ea Al small,
oars of Menem Jobs Lovell & Boa, Moat-
wailaronos brooch of Ow Malhoilint
Woman's Ithemeaary &Platt will be bold in
North St. Methodist °hares es Tuesday,
45 oinseday sad Thursday of next week.
Th. Ant erring will begin st 2:30 o'itiock
ing commonoing et o'clock, the Antic'
dtlegatee will be formally welcomed. Throo
meetings will be held on emit of tho allow -
and 8 r.w. Theme mooting" are all ooss
those who web to staid, bet the Mario/
mating, on faroday amiss, wit' his
spootally for tho nubile. Rev. A. P. Moyer",
• returned mimionerv from Lana, will ad
dress ths mooting, and Mrs. Boyers will
sing. Vooal selsotions will oleo be given by
M re. God win , Mena Amebrook and
Whitney and Messrs fitoddart and Tholosou
Miss Mottle Boloher will give • recitation ;
sad the preeentotion of thie prim baser to
Is membership will Sake plam. on Tete
day evenisg, proviose to the open meeting.
• mooptiou to the members of the Sooiety
by the ladies of the Pomo will be given
la the lecture nor.
Douglas Morris, ma of the late Joaph
Morris, Ma born conlined to the hospital in
Winnipeg with typhoid fever. Ha has Moo
ill arena weeks, but la now moors:ring
low ly
H. Collins.relstIve of A. p. Molnar, who
to take up his resideoco tots Province,
bawl IMMO prepared by J. A. Fowler, of this
tows. Or of Wass is as expensive ma-
dames be When' by W. Doherty earth of
the woe buttery.
3as end Katharine Mamma, Moored
t Pipes.
!NUM, Notion
Area 61 gezto=trizr.d.•
Two WIDTITIMS 0118 D•r.-Wedoes-
day 'northing of last week • bappy *mint
took piths st the residents of Mr. sad Mrs
MsClymont, Fat Mast, ths 00014
Miag Om wedding of their eldest
ilasibter, Malteds A., tit Trask T. Halo, ot
inelph. third son of H. Hide. of the tows.
Theo broth, who was bezoloingly attired in
white orgasdio, with hat to inistoh, was
givon away by her hither. Nies Mood
Hale, sister of Oro groom. sited so brides-
maid, and se assisted by ma &nth Mo -
Mark wetter of the Was- -01we yeas
wee "covered by HAM. ildeClyment,
booths, oll the bride, sad John T. Newell.
was einassmall by most Minds of the esso
treader pariso Tho woddisg prorate
wets wary wed surnoress. antes' them b.-
Hamorlan ash, from the bride's broths' le
Grand Rapids, Woe.. sad a hosatifel
metre toblii &ad reeking Asir from the
milord. in whir* the aids had rives lath
shootre of ries sad /mod wilier, the Wing
sostil• UN es the 2.30 Weis lot tiorsh.
whir Owl will reeds, lia'• leavteo
e bibelot.. to the Ben tripe works. Mr.
Nowell wails with Mem Ite Milithall, and
by Adam Cook. ot fleamillor, with assault
ors Teta sad Lawrimos Cook, hays bean
oommittad tor trial te the nen oourt of
The Moms N•we-Rectorti Oates that
John Baker, e" Ooderich township, is still
tufforing from the effects of the maltrest•
meat to whia be wee subjects(' last spring.
His health has improved somewhat, bat he
i far from Orem sod is linable to work.
David Ball. of Went Wawanosh,laat week
brought in to S. Slans's washout's • load
of oata that breaks ths rsoord for weight.
Thom wore 176 bushels aad 10 ILL It was
only • team of ponies that hauled the big
load, but they Were raffia. If anyone
thioks he oso beat this, he's welooste to
try it,
Teat great mosso " Bids Trained," Ook
LAO week the 11 Q. T. rood rsoe author-
ities ortivod sit the denim that Ala.
Ivor wise is wood ainatear atoning end
alranisid to him the whioh hod
wes-a $100 parlor suits. Th. prizo-hvo
asd msy bit rein at O. T. Emerson's
at the Great Northwesters fair.
loft Satsrdoy for Toroote,whoto h. le ose of
• triplet horn which DIMS Aague htetwod
Woe t0 twenty miles. nativist mates off
se Oot. let : mosativas the riders aro stied.
hi of Mr meising sir tbir Mood
Weak. Maroc, by rears of hie am:MUM
stases& will be arida to pass is the 41..1
It is ratifying/ to be amear•A that this sea -
seat &Ominous st the Victoria Opus
those of last seaman under Mr. Forte's mos -
&earnest. The first this year will be A. Q.
newest mow and spoornlities. Pot down-
right fun and plenty it, "Sido•Trashod"
is sot oztellod. „,
We tattoo that Mrs. Colin Campbell, of
thla tows, captured • lase somber id prises
st the Clines tat, lost week, in the Iodise'
work. paistitog and poultry ohmage J. A.
Fowler's exhibit of water colors took all Use
prizes rives in the prolictimal olses, ond he
was awarded • diploma for an arehitooturs1
denten. Mrs. C.ampboll also woe • comber
of prises at Exeter is Goo arts and Ischia'
the ;AV, eat Soto reitceelled to the
ease Ste messed This leek
ha▪ ll slab with th. foliewies offison : Hon.
Halls, M.4.1 vies -pros., A. J. Moor. KA)
A. • riffle/roars ; esonswittes, A. Jaskoll, W.
whit Mahe Gonardaso loothall town for to -
That Many was sroverldal " dark
horse" in the Fewest R Q T. road rags la
burr oat by the fatal/tag Ham fess'
Mee coveted timo prise woo waned by A.
Melee,. et toodorloh. from the teer.stisses
Er. Ha est out ears bet. and emege •
Rioes l'are Malt for table or dairy.
Wawa.-- 200 tabs Morns dairy
14e. Also 50 ewe rim weekly.
saris ahlnalon..14101.140-Wrar" mil
at prism to salt . 8wwerrw
Laden. oleos yew kid doves with Mil-
lar'. fr lowifts, for sale wily by Booth Born &
all host maks, from $1 op. treoreated,
Mrs. Folsom, of Resew. will ba at 0 A.
day, Oth. /rd.. doinonadistisg this blooding
• flarsriso estimate, sad siva" ionisation
ars ▪ WOW to son te and here • talk wtth
her awl try bee enema, eta
to do fight, bat so
the law would not allow him to all,
or wren to give aWiy, diseased meat. The
ninnies quatido, h. °matadors& was Pot
worth a soap of tho Angora in lam of ths
Maas broken tth, the familial soottereel.tho
ruin sod mfitery mussel by the traffic'. Under
prohibition th• raisin* of ths rawer would
ast worry a finance militated Ho was ours
prohildtion could he tentorood If tho moral
sentiment of the pimple was behind the
law, and he hoped the orepreeeloo of opines
oo the 29th would bs en strong that there
would be ne Hfort nisii• to hinder Ito so
forcemeat. In oonoloston, he urged 1044
there should be • full yob,. The Govern-
ment had op to lb, presont toted io rood
fair and had asked for the pospied 61ffiffita
oe gootidoei and it should be given.
Metilllooddy took". and the
meeting wee brettiht to • oleos hy the sing
log el the Nsesaal Asthma
IfitIDAY, Drabs, 716. -monism sal*
an the premiss. tin hems et Sm. R. IR.
Nth*, Jolliet street, Gedootsi. Res ow*
tee. Noe. Owenay. iteseleseet.
,4p11111111 D4141014.
To the Ildttso of
Principal Ntrang's letter ts year hat lame
Teo proteins I wish to dirsot year roadies'
animation to an :
"For isy part, sot °sly do I fall to ea
how It err he 'storied soomestally nada
the etreamoseseee. hut 1 we no reason fog
Winkles that, *vas if rare should be a mis•
potty la favor al prohibition, th• Leonia
• Them wend be swept mot of °fano •
Would the sera prithihltion tam-
nassedne the Cenostratlyes mita
lieElllso Wm.
farm on the Harr
to James Orrin.
wins. sad wait sold
form. and Itse geed
newt. 19th. ifig&
team 9 menthe
Tartar ban told his
mad, is this township,
Mows mall ?I
swan dors.