HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-22, Page 6-
A Marked Ching, in Public
Feeling Concerning Dreyfus.
Iree Will no Sesta t• a speeire
Melleileatelea-Mse. gee tsetse Rh
MIMS R114 Mee Mem iteeeiter
el Wee la Promptly Med-
_ jtlhe Pealleg Asses -Sews
by cable.
Parte, Rept. 19. -At a meeting of tne
Cabinet Ministers Saturday Is was de
elded le submit the documents in the
Drayfuoicase to a commissien 10 be select
ed by the Minister of Justices M. ;My-
riam The Minister for War, General
Zurlinden, and the Mintiest of Public
Works. Senator Tillaye, left before the
Council adjourned, which la interprets's!
01 masoning that they do nos agree with
_ -.Meer creleagum lu this matter, and they
Intend to reign.
As he was leaving Elymo Palaoe, attar
the Cabinet meeting, n large crowd of
people cheered the Premier, M. liricsou,
with wise ot " Vim 14 revitsiou!"
apparently 'bowing that populist- henna
was changing in favor of a re-opouing of
the Droyfus oilao.
General Zerilnden has eons hie written
reeigneetion to Premier Brimon, ., fol-
low.: "I have the honer to bee you to
remove ley reoignittion ea Minister of
War. An exhauserve study of the paper*
In the Dreyfus cam has ormeineed sue too
fully of his guilt for nie to accept. ao
the bond of the arlffrAny oilier solution
than that of the maintrinanos of W.
judgment In its entirety."
Nevr Aprointiedi. -
Later In the 'lay another Cabinet
Council was hatd, at whites -Oteerel
Chanolue, commander of the find dirk.
Ion of the tine army ewe*, Department
of the North, anti -the Pas de Calve was
apoented Minister for War, in suoces•
Eon to "femme '/.urlititten, and Senator
Odin, repreoenting Trench India, was
appointed Minister of Public Workk,
suoceeding M. Tilley' who also re-
r 1. Conritiosery.
Loodon, Sept. 19 -From Cairo and
from an entirely independent ersurce the
Daily Mall lawns that France hoe es
named a conciliatory otetude towards
crest Britain and host Watered that the
----egnpadefeektoole-Merehmod- it 'enter fl
official. The Sirdar wt.' offer to take
Major Mercesand band -10-4& amtft
it i* cro-.
able th.st the Major will incept and that
Footed& will be oecupied by Keyptian
abet the Mumutenon Population of Crete
Jda•t Re Disarmed, Acceded to
by the sultan.
T11•41 Of Ceti; Sept. 19.-
d tirrier-roarlffie- Tffif ""firte4TRIfie -
mender here banded RJhem the
Turkish Governor, Friday evening. a
demand for the disarmament of the Mus
outman population. The Pasha is await-
ing the Intornctiono of the Turkish Cilov.
aliment on the subject.
Tb. Suiten Ar. -ed.. to the J)......4..
Candle, Island of Crete. Sept.19.9
The :sultan has ordered Domed Pad*
the military oommander In Crete, to
accede to the demand of British Adminti
Noel for dleatenement, thus complying
I witit the whole ultimatum of Me admiral.
A Bri.ish military detachment yesteniay
occupied the entrance to the fort and it
is rumored that the Ottoman troops will
be withdrawn sod British foroen will
A oche cupy ttown.
Among the prieoners already handed
over to Admiral Noel, are two who are
.`„.1 credited with being the ringleaders In
tbe attack on the British camp.
An Impremiere Ceremony at Vienna ea
Saturday Emperor William Wm
lo Attendance.
Vienna, Sept. l9 -Emperor Frannie
Joseph at 9 o'clock Saturday morning
received the medal representatives of
foreign sovereigns An hour later he re
ceived the •isit from the movereigus, with
the exception of the King of Saxony,
whom he personalty greeted at the rail-
road otation.
The funeral WES. milsierated welt tape
p51011,. Ostremolikei during the afternoon.
•n imposing promeelon proceeded elowly
frotn the liofburg chapel to the Church
of Capuchin'. The house" along the route
were deeply draped with black, and the
streets were crowded with people bearing
zoom -ring emblem..
The funeral car was drawn by eight
horses, and was meorted by a large force
of troops, and a long train of dignitarim
The church was draped with black,
and the Cardinal -Archbishop of Vienna.
Mgr.()mocha, °Mcleod.
The services wen. brief, and, when they
went finiohed, the realist wan lifted teem
the catafalque and borne down the emir
way to the vaults, where the final bene•
diction wax pronounced.
Ilmpoiror French' Joaeph, Prince Ho -
-the, the German Imperial l'henoel.
ler. and Baron Von Bestow, the Osman
Miniater for Foreign Affair's, removed
Emperor William at the railroad station
The Lmperors shook hands and kissed
Minh otber's cheeks three tirma
TbeVora .Are Still Dying la 55. Streets
of Cabala Towns.
H.,ana, via Key Wald, Sept. 19. -Re
porta from Matetneas state that dreadful
randitionot prevail there. The poor are
dying in the publio streets and high-
ways at an average of four or five daily
Besides tbe 97 nnburied bodies before
reported, the bodies of four men and
Soomen who have died from starvation
were found In the street; one rhilii
e inedead fmm !integer wan found clom
le the wall of El Oriente Fonndry. This
condition of thing* In the neighWi
Mespeetettemor MOMMIN ellitinfin
Remains With the rrrrr ment.
London, Sept 17. -The election held
loo-dny for the seat In Parliement tend"
vorant.b2: the _death of Mr Arthur easse_
et Mr. Pike -Pewee, the Liheral•Unioniet
ea edIda,,e, by a majority of 1,40/4 votes
ever hie Liberal °monolith Mr. Owom C.
Phillip'. The polling/ was as totemic Mr.
Plks Pease, Ltheral-letionIst, 8,447. Mr.
Churn CI. Phillips', Lineal, 3.0818. Liberal-
Oninnist Majority, 1,408. Al the Mat
elsolliori Mr. Arthur Press was meowed
o 8,064 mass against 2,897 east for ter
Theodore Fry. the Homo Rale rantedate.
As •ppallise fiesommi's List et Irstalltioa
la Om Alps A•
sad nald• 111151•4.
• London, Sept. 19 -The season's re
Mord a Alpha fatalities 1* appalling.
This week has widest wended to the list
1. shoo het/ere-ma ef the meet aplendid
'9.50501 01 herniate ever met
Prof name well known la Berths ea
ked ...leant a Prot. Ile-eman, rad th.
Berchardt, with two guides, the four
Vaell roped together, were crowing Dm
Pis 0.1141 over a snow bridge, whiob
war eocuddesed oaf* the gelds.. lite
Midge gave wry and the leseing guide
and Prot. Nam) fell into • overawe.
Name had the rope around his ohms and
hung in midair.
A half hour later, to relieve this Into!
erable strain, the loading guide out the
rope between himself and Prof. Name,
and dleappeared into the depths. The
other guide and Dr. itoestuirdt were then
able to pull Prof. Nesse up, bus was
11 is cheering to know that BM guide
wbo so willing!' effaced kis Me Wee not
killed, but was 14684 MUM" if Ile
rescue party.
Struck In Collision by the 9.411111.1"
Or Pacific of Coilingia‘0111.
Thom Pa•magers ea Hoard Ike Jonah
Together With Gm Crew, W.
Hayed by the rimiSe aim" -
Takeo to Gore Bay-Captala
hO4 Mom Renin sit -
the Wrook.
stagiteheaso. sad Meade Wiled.
Cbamounix, Sept. 19, -An Englishman
aatued MOM and • guide, wee acoone
peeled hint, while makitig the disavow, of
the Aiguille de Channoz, fell, and both
were killed.
Large peautitim elf Lairie awing ?tear
500girelek r
Rome, Sept 19.-Tbe eistivity of
Mount Yeenvius is increasing Deep
rumhengs and explosiono are heard In
the crater and these are followed by the
vomiting forth of great quantities' of lava
and ashes. A torrent of lays half a tulle
wide flowing near the crater. A little
way town the mountain the stream
divides into three branches, from 84. to
60 yards wide, with a velocity of 86
yards an bour. Alt the •Illage• in the
neighborhood are sprinkled with ashes.
Some of the wells hare dried ep. Many
pini groves and •ineyards have been
dessmoyed.-Tbe spectacle at night is
The obeereetory, whicb originally stood
et a height of 810 nietrea. la now only
27 metres above the sea level, owing to
the sinking of the ground. Seven new
motors have formal around the central
ono, and thie has not tended to diminish
the fears formerly felt, which were based
upon the eruption of stones and soar*
Similar So that whir% cesourted In 1871.
11111 Held Tranaferms4 Again. _
Madrid, Sept. 19. -The Official Gazette
publisher the' announcement of the
eppointment of Senor Montero Rios,
President of" the Senate; Senor A bazaru•
se, Senor Ifiurnica, General Centro and
Senor N'illarrutie as the Spanish Peace
Senors Du Bow and Arangureu, form
erly ftecreterles to the Spanish Legation
at Washingtom bare bettu_tzensilacrod
44htemlee Pmentrirg to 'Vienna.
Match Inymeted.
Londen,"Sept. 19.-Kohlmann Itosen•
thal, an Englishman, and Dr. Von
Komocki, • Berlin chemist, declare that
they have Invainted a match that wilt
strike anywhere and no phosphene is
used in it. This in•entlon, they any, will
do away with the borrors of necrosis, to
which employes in match fartortee
so beet
Penalty of Gettiht
Madrid, Preitt. 19 -Tb. Satellite
Council of War has decided to suspend
Admiral Montleand Major Seems,
director of the Cadiz Armee'.
Great New Tork Frmehyterian Divine
Away. at Ranger. Imbued,
Basta, Ireland, elope 19. -The Rev.
John Hall of New York died Saturday
mornlug at Bangor, County Down,
Dr. Hall was on Me ennual visit to
Europe. He died at his 'McGee residence.
His health has been broken down and h•
had been seriously 111 for two days before
his death. He had hoped to return to
New York shortly and had already se.
gaged passage on a steamer for himself
and whiz
Dr. Hall's 3eath was due to heart
(allure. His wife and mons, the Rev.
"Torn" Hall and l'rot. Robert Hall, were
present at the beeleide 01 ths deceased
when he paired away.
The Rev. John ,Hall Was born Id
County Armagh, Ireland, oa July 81,
1829 He was of Scotch descent. When
18 years of age young Hall entered Bel-
fast College. In 1/149 he was licensed to
presets. During tee year 1867 1.r. Hall
wan a delegate from the General
Anainnbly of the Presbyterian Church in
Ireland to the Presbyterian Church In the
United States. and 'elm his return to
Ireland he receive.] a call to the Fifth
Avenue Presbyterian Oburob tn New
Yerk He accepted it, and entered noon
Isis labor', In November, 1867. A new
ehurch edifice was erected for Dr. Hall
in 1876, at a cost of about 111,000,000. He
was an author of many devotional works,
and sem known In Canada by reason of
having preached many cherish dedicatory
sermons twenty yearn ago and prior to
that period.
Anglican Synod at Montreal Paas
Resolution for cemmitme
Montreal, Sept. 19.-T5.e motion made
by the Rev. Dr. Williams for • commit-
tee to enquire Into the cannel of the low
birth rate in Ontario was considered by
the Anglican Synod Saturday, Mr. Wil-
liam!, in support of th• motion, made
some very strong statement& He maid
that from enquiries he had made from
people In a position to know he bad been
informed that the low birth rate W.
largely doe to many women In Ontario
doing things they Mould not do, and
using means to prevent their having
children. H. had been informed that
thio practice was alarmingly nommen,
and he thought the matter should b.
looked into
The motion for. committee eo enquire
Into Me rubjeat wan carried.
Op a Chureh Steeple.
Two riggers in a western elty s few
years ago performed a feat that for dar-
ing and steadiness of nerve equals any•
thing on record.
it .pairs were nemmary at the Io e of •
'siert high church steeple. There was no
fteint-i'llit-itint fern the 1n414.
and the riggers procured a nutnber 01
light ladders and laded them, one abort
the other, to Om miter% of the steeple.
The topmost ladder, however, was now
high enongh to enable tbem reach the
fteittesi root, and as the upper part ot the
steeple was Inc .mall to permit the proper
hushing to it of a ladder • daring expel' •
ere wee resorted to.
one of the men, oarrying • pot of
melted *older, elimbed from one ladder
to •nether until to had 'earthed the last
ono, and then, bracing himself, boo raised
am eters Wear Mat the ether Hagar had
hanight up in him hand •rel loaned it
against the steeple, Then the man below
grasped nes Whew and hold it "toady
While the man •berme rneembed It en
point whom hie work was to be dom. He
beim the week at nnns, and all promised
well Nil andeionly h• emitted She *eider
pot, •nd the fiery stuff ran ont and foil
ever the hands of toe men who was hoitt•
1ng the ladder.
Rut the Mart follow did sot meta
With s premenee of mind and a unary
erertby of a monnment he maintained •
firm 1.404 of the ladder1 bie no=
len Meld mem terielif ffldfil
'Herten, 001., Some lie.-Tbe steamer
J. H. Jame of Weirton was sunk In •
collision off Kagwong, on Manitoulin
Island, with the steamer Paoli& of Cole
Ilogwood, about 12.05 eaturday morning.
The Peolfic was wooing out from K.g
wong; the Jones wee going Ia. She waa
struck by tee Pacific on the forward port
bow. mop ineuediateiy started to mole
and sank in about eight minutes. Only
three pamengers and mew were on board,
all of whom were saved and taken an
board the Pacific to Owe Bay. The Jones
had a large cargo of nserctiandtse and
supplies on board. also a considerable
sum of money, which was also lose The
captain and mate are still at Gm wreck.
The Jones Was inhered for 87,000.
The Pear Members of the 0
iheoled toy Iteolarsetien
Vancouver, 19.-A11 In"
masebers of the neerPromeseteeleamere•
meet except Hon. Dr. lIcKeohnie having
aocepted offer. of emolument, had to offer
themselves for re-election. Therefore Sat-
tordey tree nenrineeton day In Vancouver
olty, Wow Yale and the Nelson riding of
West Kootenai. 10 the byeeeectioass few
the return of the four membe.e. Hen.
Meagre cottou and Mastin were elmani
by acclamation in eanoou•or and Me
soma wlJI doebtler be the case with se.
geed to Premier Settees and Was.
As Abolished OMms.
Victoria, Sept. 19 -Tbe PPO'finehal
Librarian. Mr. le H. Goenell, has been
needed the position he coonpled with
great credit for 1100313 1/11141 has been
•boli.hed and his @erelong will be Me-
pensed with. Mime Wooled, stneographer
and typewriter in the secrete:1's °Moe,
has also Men dismissed.
ed and Mullane& of tones of glees bouts
Tbe Marne Ma of unproondenlisd
violence, and it le °Wooed Mgt webby
Ulm Ma hurricane has been expertemed
lime for 80 years. Trees Were broken,
windows skittered in all dirwekuis and
the wires were madly diserrenged. One
fatal and emend minor amittente are
reported. A young men named Jame,
t braes wander, took hold of
• Miming wire and was kilted Instantly,
18111/016• Stores Satullay After•••• WIdebe
ammhod Many Window&
Maltings, Ont., Sept. 19.-A terrine
16011 storm, moompanied with aghtnies
and n.ln, passed over this locality Sun-
day afternoon all II o'clock. Tb. hell
Motion varied In else from a °berry to •
hon's ego. Nearly way whalOW on the
north side of the Stores and dwellings
was damaged. The large window ou the
north end of the Catholic Clourob was
oompletely dentoliated and the rain.
pouring in, did conoldereble damage to
the altar furnishing,.
TW• Illimasted Pollee, y511411samsbea •
Year Age, Homo Arrived at tb•
Talton ally_m• Big Malt-
OWISIVa, Mope 19.-16 is reported here
Mat the Mounted Poitceinen wbo went
In by Edmonton • year ago have now
reached Dawson City.
Contractor Via, of Hull has taken out
an injunetion against the Chambers
manufacturers to prevent teem from con-
tinuing the work of reining the dans
situated above the K. B. Kddy paper
mills, ea the north shore. HE grievance"
are thee kits property, attested an the
shore near by, will be flooded and there
by loss much of lie value It Is said that
the two firma mostly intereased in this
begs work are the Ottawa Electric Com-
pany and the K. B. Eddy Company. TM
oe • length of over evil feet will be
raised two feet with lumber and stone.
A sixty -foot motion of the dam. which
WUF sernisil *Wig kiet ores, Ls being
,__111111111110•111 El STILL A MYSTERY.
- .
Ines Erma Peeking Walks l• Me Hier
MicidiJborn, Itsie., 8.pi. 19.-43B/irks
Bourne, the young men whams Daum has
been used in oirmestion with the Bridge-
por• runnier clam. returned bare Satur-
day. Bourne was accompanied by Miss
(]race Perkins, tee young lady who was
supposed to have Mee heendellieds. TeaIr
anleet areated a gr -8 'emotion and the
identity of the int/Mated remains found
in the mill pond s5111 referee • myteary.
So pesitive had Mr. Perkins been that
his daughter had been the Melm of the
crime that he had gone to Bridgeport to
get the remains and had sent word trout
there to his family to make every arrange -
Mont for the tuners!, which was to have
taken place Sunday. Just across tbe
street from the Perkins house is • little
Douglas at Which the First
Court In ilritIsh Columbia
Was 11.1,1.
Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 19.-Hlseoric
Fort Douglas, • town at the head of Har -
H im Hirer, has been completely Sertroy-
ed by fire. The first avert In British
Columbia was held there The fire w
started by a girl putting on too big • fire
In the stove, igniting a quantity of Ore
15 te seseeirewemeteseideme
Weamiester and Furt Demotes mem
burned about the same time. The larder
was named after Governer Douglas, and
the site 0 the for.ner waseemen asid
named by Governor DOuglal at the eons -
mend of the Queen.
Nam Wmtral sad Ito Proopmolls •
Week After We Firm
Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 19.-Jnat •
week has stapes] since the big fire In
New Westminster Although the None 10
the olty to -day is sufficiently heartbreak-
ing, it is evident everywhere that the
Royal City is ploctily rising tem its
mho'. Saturday, at a public roosting,
votes of thank were passed, expreseing
heartfelt gratitude to the citizens of Van•
°louver, Victoria. Sautes and all the
title" and town. In Eastern Canada from
whence help came.
The tire is not yet out. Smouldering
ashes still demand the attention of fire
brigade men, under the superintendenre
of Acting Chief Watson.
Preparations ere already under way for
commencing operation's immediately or
next erring on more than :5 substantial
and handoorne brick buildings, to take
the place of some of those destroyed, and
before long the indications are more 0
sash structured will be arranged for.
Tbe Dominion Government engineer
has received instruction* from Ottawa to
erect a temporary building et the rent of
the buried one, for the purpose of post
°Mee, onstoms house and land atlas
The Bank of Montreal has purchased
the lot on which tb Y.M.0 A. Hall
stood, and will start a solid brisk bend-
ing thereon for banking purpose'. Ths
bank manager In New Westmin'ter, lidL
0. D. Bremner, has written to the mayor
to say that he is inetrunted to plane to
the credit of the relief fend a first instal•
metit of 1600, and if more la needed he
will add to this •mouni.
Lord Ssrathoona and Mount Royal, the
president of the Bank p( Montreal, has
telegraphed 81,000 as subariptien
wand the relief fund.
The Bank of British Columbia has
contributed $600lowarria the relief fend.
The Province of Manitoba has sent
11,000, the wholesale grocer* of Toronto
1100 additional, and the Second Battal-
ion, Fifth Regiment Band, Vintoria, 164
towards the relief fepd.
Friday the Colanblan, the oldeeltals
ihred newspaper whom fortunes brie.
Men burned up with Shone of New Went
minicar, made its re appeeranak •
James Smythe of Petrels*. Oat.. Ifiemad
Dead he • Detroit Hotel.
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 19.-A middle
aged man, giving his name as James
Smylie of Petroles Ont., registered at
the Merchants' Hotel. Ile complained of
not feeling well and was shown to his
•0001 51 0001. At 0000 Saturday the
chambermaid reported that she could not
get into the rootn. The door was forced
09 0. Shiylies lay on the bed dead. Reside
hins was a piece of paper on wblob ite
Aad stareed, eir miss • noes, and ms
Stand wad an empty pill bole Coroner
Diekoon cheese of the remains, and
°Meted se ftnitteet fee to day.
1 brae Hen Were Drowned.
getekteeke, Fhtt,--riesst. 111,1 -Te the
Columbia River, a few einem north of
Revelstoke, nye men with a Met to od
with provision's, were going throogh •
rapids when they inet nontrol 01 t
beak which ronaked and the oonetint
and men were thrown in the "emit.
Three of the tnesa, owned Ha so II n
Doyle and alien, wets drowned. Vie
Welles have not est been reencorree. TWA
bat and frailest are a nomplete lora
10.thlwa telle• ter:Ileano That Thetted
Qnsbm, t la Taus
.1 imam IteRstoMe Mod.
Montle's!, Pepe 14.-Illontruol *epee
snood • fleets wind and reiesnerm Sun
day evening. Ilarront 5 n'elnrk . 1011001r
hurricane are lye renewed by a helletorm
Teri ban wee me 5.71 .01 nuts and nese
ed the swarm like mow. The wind me a
peat "Seel of ditiempe Raft bolo" uproot
oatmeal and only Saturday morning, in
response to the request of the uncle of
*.„1"1 Parittnes, wt. nen neon dee -kt.
tee -sawn le the faintly lot and the new
earth thrown uo beside oould be plainly
seen from the home. Half an bour atter
Mies Perkins arrived home a local under
taker's wagon drove up to the house and
In it was the coffin which bad been
ordered by the family. The funeral
arrangements bad even goes so far that
the family minister had been asked to
conduct the serve*
Neither Men Perkins nor young
Bourne will say a word as to theft recent
movementa. Miss Perkins declares that
she knew nothing 01 1?. sensation created
over her susported murder until Friday,
when she read of it In a Providence
Mr. Plert1111 arrived at his home at a
late hour Saturday night. The meeting
with bis daughter was very affecting and
was more than the old man could stand.
He is reported as being completely
broken down and in a serious condition.
Meanwhile the polite are eadeavorfng
to trace Use whereabouts of Dr. Nancy
Guilford, who on Saturday bought •
ticket from handle to Montreal.
Leuatood In /111••treaL
Montreal, Sept. 19. -Nothing has yet
been diseoveree to warrant the belief that
Mrs. Guilford, who is wanted In connote
Mon with tbe mystery at Bridgeport,
Conn., cam, ts In Montreal. The anther -
Wm, however, have received • wire from
Bridgeport lo be on the lookout for Mr
roserglit STARTS FOR 9111111111114
Dantherentall sg EIS Two Weeks else
Adjourn to Meet in Wastelowton.
Washington, Sept. 19. -Ex Secretary
John W. Foster, left Washington Satur•
lay for Qnebec, to be present at the ed
journal meeting of the United etates and
Canadian Joint Consmieslon, Tbe Pres-
ident hem selerted a swearer to yenstor
Grey as a member of this eximmittee, but
the announcement is withheld pending
the acceptance of the offer.
It le expected that this scasion of tbe
oommission will last about two Wenekli,
and 111 is probable that after • further
recent. the entire oommlovion will gather
In Washingten sonie time before tee
meeting of Congress.
TO. Dasibtoir of the Osiefederser Sue -
samba to Her Resent Hi ems.
learrelfesset, R.1., Sept 19. -Mho
Minnie Davis, daughter of Mrs. Jefferson,
and so widely known and beloved In the
Southern !bates of the union as tbe
Daughter of the Conlederam, died tet
noon yesterday et the Rockingham Hotel,
to which place she ram... a guest in
tee early part a the Pier's social esseon.
Bite had been 111 for amoral weeks, and •
fortnight ago bear ailment was diagnosed
as malarial gaitilthe
Teo Popular.
°We couldn't keep • wax figure of Dewey
let on? museum .5 .11."
"Why nett"
"The people wore it out shaideg beads
e am Doom% NAM is Whig teas.
When a man 1441111 0411 load to his wite
.15. 1. .0 101.0500 modelle him at nes
pronouncing word. Met dm doesn't loth
ow wheel be is reeding shout -Alehtotoo
Whoa He 14
"What le a port lamorms. Vrrele./alitesr
"A pnet laureate to the Knelled, hard
who writes the royal advertiminenta."-
Chicago &Fora
Webbed" leaseastes.
Ob. domineers' mato •-premlla,
Out I er mri go elms.
New," *47. 1, "1 don• • plenty
"If 1 keep Inereil fete wrong."
1didn't rules no protem.
Oase 5 reognmed ray agate
Vas 011011410 11e loop me bum
'Throe enstzia .p wit theism
bat whom dem low dew. Aimee&
tome beets is art eleskes amp
10115.4 saw 0.smpierre
re• ter em. • gena emu*
Sim der Wermie de mere settwahlume
het 1 heal de yetkeit day,
As es snare by mess prowls
b • Omit .wart
Some looms About 0. New and We 014
Faohlemed Ways.
It is generally agreed that butter
made by the deep setting or creamer
systaus does uot, as • rule, keep sweet
as loug as that made from cream raised
In paus in the old faahioned way. If
15.1. 1. tree -mei I MU quite ii.olined to
think it is -the reason is not difficult to
find. Let us look .5 15., points of dif-
ference in the two systems.
The old way of straining the milk in
to shallow pans aitt in • room wner• the
temperature was only moderately cool,
say 60' or thereabouts, gore an even
nese to the temperature of the hotter
from the tiwe it was set until t. waa
churued, and after that usually until it
was este... as refrigerators for keeping
butter and other articles of food cold
were not then so commonly tn nee.
There waa no forcing pruner from first
to last. The cream came to the top in
ita own time in moderate temperature.
The cream skimmed off when it was
sour, was already as a proper tempera-
ture for churning.
acclimated, .080 o to enable it to
Under thew the butter was
withstand in better condition the trans-
fer from the dairy to the grocery. and
thenowto the ointentuer who probably
had to cooler place than a cellar or
pantry in which to keep it. As this was
uot far from the temperature in which
was *4, 00 harm resulted for • oar-
Oderable length of time.
Now look at the new or deep setting
process. Ice is usually kept in the tanks.
15 least it is indispensable if the cream
us to be obtained between milking". If
not tbe water must he changed fre-
tuently in order to keep the tempera-
ture as low as possible. The cream is
removed and kept until churned.(except
cTord -for tisainepossia cot1. f:Itledaanriagagain after's&
churning by beiug placed in cold storage
obtained by ice and kept there until
taken to the grocer, or bent by rail to the
ccuamiesion man.
This butter will not bear a warming
eg gad ata firmer weed It that
which is made in open air subject In
only a natural degree of cold. If kept
continually In cold storage it keeps its
flavor almost if not quite as long as the
the other It is the changing from the
low temperature of the creamer and
Cien of the refrigerator to a w. r-ois •
one in stores, in transit by rail, and
finally in the homes of consumers, which
hasteus Its decay. creamery butter,
and all made in other ways than the
natural graritatiou of the cream, 1.
liraftlit lees foRt- TEIT -moonlit/611ot
its spoiling so soon when 'exposed to a
warmer air for any length of time. -
It is noticeable in speaking of the
keeping qualities of butter, that the
quantity of June butter now held over
until fall is very much less than former.
ly. One lemon for this is that the
creameries now gather op the milk or
cream from very nutuy farms which
formerly made up the butter at home.
Another is that nearly e-ery farmhouse
ta now supplied with the oold, deep.
setting plan in some way and that the
I utter does not keep well enough to AI'
low of storing it in cellars until falL
An experiment was made this pm"
summer with granular butter, placed
loosely in a new butter cloth bag (or •
bag made of new butter -cloth) and drop.
ped nto a crock contaiaing very strong
brine The butter waa weighted suffi-
ciently to keep it under the bnne and
securely tted with paper over the crook.
After it had been in the cellar two
months, it wail taken out and premed
sufficiently to exclude the brine. It was
found to be in good condition, with only
enough flavor of packed butter to make
it taste clunks fresh made. It had ex-
actly the flavor so many persons like, of
good packed butter. This experiment
I shall try again next year, keeping it
longer before opening. The butter be-
ing in granules the brine bad access to
each one perfecdy. This process is
similar to the one in vogue on the Paci-
fic coast where two pound rolls (the only
form butter ie ever put up) are wrapped
separately in butter cloth and subteen -
ed in cake of brine. This is called
pickling the butter, and while it cannot
be paid to retain the flavor perfectly,11
makes a very good way of keeping it -
IL E. Rockwood in Ohio Farmer.
IlMbory of Jersey tem;
The Western Agriculturist in h dis-
cussion of the merits, of the Jerseys has
the following to say in relation to their
'The Jersey cattle have unquestion-
ably originated from the Brittany breed
in France, where we find the counter-
part of the Jersey in appearance to day.
The best French authorities explain
how the Brittany cows were taken
across the narrow channel to the 1.
lands of Alderney. LiuMusey and Jer•
sey, until the further importation woe
prohibited and the Jersey breed arab-
lished by the breeding and feeding to
develop the special production of but-
ter. The rugged hills and scant fare of
Brittany on the coast of France in eight
of the little islands has maintained this
hardy race of cattle for hendreds of
pm*, which, like their little Brittany
home, an small in aim, and at the
French shows are to day esteemed above
the Jersey for Ch. -1r good dairy qualities.
Thonaands 01 thent have for many year'
teen taken to Zogiand.la the. Atelluiefa
that , all by Jersey and sold as pare
Jersey cattle. The Jersey breeders in
their close in -breeding have maintained
the ism&Il Moe and developed the early
precocity mid by their more liberal food
and kindly oars have developed the
butter making cepa,. ity. Bine* their
Introduction to America, the science a
pedigree, beesdlag and butter records
has developed far greater yields of bat.
ter than were ever attained la Jamey or
in ICI land. "
lanallas Phis Wasted.
Monism 01141-11 almeld on like to arc
You tete people nue I believed
Flottertnen-l'ise. morn That there'.
my mete/at at 111' drink
Revenuer oh, dear ma that's to,
airfoil Mil I'd he afraid eh go In that
Havetet roe any kteleetbealet-New Frei
Racing Whesollt
Abs._ after we are marred we mite
etormornem I Mali halm 557worn IIIMS6
18141 -Very well. darling. If roe realty
weal to do 11, I won't Meek but yeti
bother your little head shoat Oak
lag alas -firetelyn Lits
Whesse la thimbles mid elnete.
Mod leaseeseet-iihmaree 9.1111160.11
Askew were Tama abwort Priem
Saturday leventak Sem IL
Iles week's wiliest markets liar, ezbellit-
ed guars kgrogn611,117 with Ote tosdeney of
pear desededly upward. On the Ostrow()
ailbsanoe 448tor..idae „plazte tpci.tels negtabumwdliaboadhe
the Dec. sad March tititimas OW and 11
reesseenvetty. The cause a the upturn has
bora the felines of receipts to mere thee
newt astual requireserune tied • conaegueet
WI AB 01141 mete ter 40. 0,80 5,'
.101., werkete rangers iefc
bettered to ee Mackie( tete. wheat anti
pootponlag Wreathing until bettejaricat
mem thereto' ima fully mope and
011 5050 seasket mot red whiter 1. er-dee
tweed 44,ed per motel, the liept. eistivery
Ped and tee Derember option 14 higher
Riau • week ago.
As ter sew Outa1u wheat Om pries mile
ell.......1.fanamere to am awe" shame emote
item and constituently nome to love-
roilrarinere men, to be la a poeitho to
wait. Mou1.4 t* tem 'semi Moly to be We-
=re sr. timtbrrgg 114."1- at nortbili 'tired west
pow& fur current eupplies.
Leading Wilmot liarketos.
Following are the eloalag pr,cm lo -day at
important centres:
Clash. Vq. Dec May.
8!stl'e"v York • *Do tea .°0 tnetili$130 84
5.:Leila ...: 0 le% 0 Oti;% 0 11:1
liewseekes e la ....041554 •
T"I1)eel,"vitedpi :1: 6.669" 00"i 00 ""
t.S.Iirtheraierh. No. .i. et 0 63% o Cu%
hard ------000
MlemeapoLle 0 St% BONI -10 51*4
T. root°. No. '
Toros to. red.. 8 68 .••.
Temente IL Lowliest.* lintealet.
Ncealpis of grain &ad mime -Lena pew
duce were iarge to -day -4120 beekale 01
rein, Made of bay and a targe
of vegeta hem DMZ, better, epee auil
"Ibtio.e.-bemrYbv.tlia.reeerto eiotto215070x4a4basobete seakIlielomia.se foe
rreiarie7 digest° eneiy Peiesetee mils, el eke se
04•14 Maier: 1800 Imehele sold et Me to
376;m -roar loads mei at 87.30 per 104.
Potatoes arm at Kee to Stir per bag.
ilitAPTre; sitteillkAlto”ii:Metalostil-3°Itt rent"..."Ltas
bull foamy at 2tie to 21e.
Egg+ Mawr. orlitog at 160 to Hie and
Okrbe waatesikfmibctreveueler,a midi" ateb"Mathoutbrwliclaiplat
threemee 60rote Me ant darks dee twiner
per pair.
Cimewe Markets.
Cornwell, Ont., Kept. 17. -At the 0..'.
wall Cheese Board to -day. 17 factories
boarded 1010 white, 173 colored. 240 •useri-
can All sold on board. Malreirer, 537
wbit• at 111140 colored Amore
car4,66 WieriMe
btrN•41 136 coloreol. limetreal laspeetion
5. 1-160, Last 10 days of Ammo make, awl
shoat three days or' September. blv• bor-
ers prearat Mord •djeursed for ty.
1:Coe:skrablzatese0enlaeLle, Q0.0n.......t.I.L9Lot.irrl.7.1-10A
cheese Board to -day, 30 terterkos Offered
(-411.1, letie 61.1 - es. Wry 111/1
sold to J. (Abase for NOV. 30 MUM sold to
J Gibson for 545.1*-, WO tenni Sold to 2.
Othame for sac. 7o boxes We to .1 olbsos
ter Pao., FYI boxes mad to P. Permian'
for IMISte. 2611 buxom mld to If. _F. rem -mos
for See 413 Mare sold tte P. ir. Foreseen ter
elc. 7 boxes sold to P. F. Fermin,* fee
, 1,41, Week eg P. 1.1414ortreeit
7 terse: total italtat, boxes
inede te Met w..5 of AllglialraL
week et artemaiber. Adjourned to Sept 24
Lendok Ont. Sept, 17. --Twenty seven
factories offerea ear Aegtort make. Rile,
were all made ander the agreement; 2811 at
Pea, 1302 as 3 lee, 2300 •5 thse, 230 st
h... pi, 51,0 st NVbidding very brisk
ranging from fle to SWF.
I Melenshurg. N. T.. Sept. It -There ere
16 lots-LIM beim-offered; Thee bid; se
ealese Later ma street nearly ali sold at la
Mart RaRale tattle Market.
East naliam, teem, 17.-Ybe total sale re -
141111/ were Si luaus, of which only three
en foto blanche!, wear .14, tor Mager, ho.
ingsturkers held Hon.:at. 's market
(Allow were hi fair muply, moderate
eubd tower, 1'00.t.0 10 extra were
etietable •5 I17.25 to 41 goo4 te
44...80 to V.A.
Sheep sod Lambe Tbe total offerings
sienril.d•eue '11.1.•05 b.mb. was Yee!, 41111;
rower •nd lirrogZilar o. (0. (enemy': grad.*
sod Frady oe. slams.. 151, buds of mood
iamb pricey was $11.50 to 1775. with an we
mistook sale a entree at fie; good to Hole,
tames were quotable •t 33 to 112.60; cone
rh°070:*toralre'trti.:31811.Iio15, s 84m.-tirt'on'sr:otr;
fate el to VIM There eye only 0 moo -
mate clearence, mod the close was dell sad
British Marike0,.
lereeprel. l‘nrc. 17. 12 30- NO. 1 North..
swim stoek exhausted; red winter. be 114;
No. 1 tee, Se Id to tie 24: oons, 3. ied;
5. 14; pert. ms: :arm FIte ari: tat;
lee, les ; teem. heavy. I.e., 150e ;
hike SOs: short rat Om nig Mame white.
*brat moody with
red wetter •t 5. 11.1. restore 3. teed tor
110114tai,e11/40., .3•1..26.4,6544. fasairrge"osith
3.344 for Dee. Meet Ele MrIad 5.
The MeMedles Omeertmek
Toronto, Sept 19. -A fter an en I igblen•
leg dehate, the Blethodia Conference on
Saturday passed the committee', recont•
mendatiem that four married ministers
be transferred from Newfoundland yeerly,
with the rider that alter eight years'
residence In the Methodist minister's
colony they may he retramsferred to Can-
One hundred add two out of 140 voted
80 nensfer the NIpleseing and Sudbury
district* from Iffie Motored to the 'toma-
to Conference. '
A Hoare of Managetnent far the 90th'
century fund, with Kev. Dr. Carmen as
chaleman, waa. appointed, and tbe mo-
ral/ono" adlourned.
HalleiDeg Celloposs, Ill•ri'l•• la
Butte, Mont., Sept. 19 -The York
Building, • three-storey briek etructere
here, @oil/spied Satarelsy, rewrites down
sixteen proems, burying 0011141 of them,
tmt, so far as an be intone!, killing oe
Namborlog Heir, of Read.
Those who are thireting for the ktiowl•
edge of tee averrage number of mire en
the human head will now be able le ask
isfy their longing. A number of menet'
have not been orienting • square inch of
hair" an Ow heads of several persons, and
Mee tome to the tioneineion that the
aversive number le 1,00d heirs. Br inane
urine the airfare of the entire head it
will he Part to nalenlate the number of
halm ot, the average pate. Another ort of
"bolt eeleatalalie!' _have molds differetereet
ettlettons. According in them • head of
ratr hair is made op of 148.006 hairs ohs
six at the end of the round figure ie tine;
it might einem{ he reckoned &m0119 the
haireplIttIngio; a dark head premium'
108,000 hairs. and • red poll oaiy
Tlet reason for the differenee le that let
hair is of the finest and red hair et the
(marmot puelity.
A Good Kidney Stew.
For a kidney "Ow, spilt the kidners
into halve. and trim eft all the einewe
sod fat Maid* COI them into email
pienese DOS in • etempaw and never with
told waver; *Med neer a moderate Ms
and brlug •Inonet to toiling point Thais
the off, °over again web cold water and
heat again. Do *Ma three limes. Poi me
attimpronfiel ef hatter into • trying.pas
and MO nnhll • nine 0.ss then add
one estdeeponettni of flout and half • pint
of *Met er bnlllng /mem Sib mosetantly
with a II/0011011moil it lolls Add
one tattlespowilrir Wereasterthire
011000, tahleapnenrui moshrnmn
krtehttp, • seammeafol of kitchen bou-
quet, ash and pepper, and tee 10.1were.
Stir main entil tbe kidney 5. tberenghly
homed; take from lee Ore and erre las
• , "
Walking on
The feeling of buoyancy produced bp
the action of Dr. Ward's Blood and Nene
Pills is remarkable. One feels bright
and active, energetic and full of snap and
vim. Rich red blood 5111. the veiny, and
the nerves tingle with Use newton of
youthful life and vigor.
Ss*.,_ • 11W laDICIII.
1 haw" spent halt a fortune in doctors,
totile ell 10 00 avail, Them Pole mooed to
reacts th• SOW of disease at on',, and they
1110001111104 to pommies reaper Xs Ole tiallueSell
over toie. TM violent peelpitotioa ot tbe
heart the trembling of Dm bands, the lom of
Masculine rigor, the filghtial dreams, the
505S 01 memory mad general collapse of the
mane system les•• voodoo to Dr. Ward%
Blood and Nerve, Ptils. Great were the re.
au' ta from the use of lour beam of Dome Pilh.
1... majoring the very beat of health. 11
balls,* they are able 1. 0410, others as Muck
eathell"us Uw"aavaesed"eiserablegarwm.reekTeday""el as
a well maa.
Yeses truly,
TH011. !FLYNN. yr 110a &Li UaajJta, Q.
Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve P1111 ars Sold
at so cents per boa, s hoses for Ss ea. 4/
etruggisea or mailed on receipt of price ty
The Dr. Ward Co.. a Victoria St. Tersat,,
look of laforroatioa free.
Om of the Lobos* Mope la III•olusaleli
If Inventions continue to smitiply as
Me-pressee rale, Me My may speedily
Ilelite warm man will have to SIM will'
folded arms, while his work and even Ma
taalledy even us • marvel In the shape
ref are turned MI for him. Science
• seed meeting .neehl se. Two of Mere
must interesting aucometa now working
as. 48.13 for 'mimics 004 Mina Paola
likeesilito small bundles. Two of the
asaablnes a,,s ospable of counting 500.000
seeds in ten hours and wrapping and a
ins the sante in parkin/a of twenty-five
In this eperstion the paper 1. pulled
OR & drum by two long "angers" whisk
some up from below, and another mime
dips in a vat of gum and applies itself le
the wrapping paper la exactly the right
epos. Other pane ot the machine Moe
the paper 'ironed the pack of cards and
Mee a "thumb" prams over the spot
when the gum is, and the peel/age tied
WM the peer mile. -le awry belt ready for delivery. _ .
Wawa ledeasilis Omme Dm&
Wass Johnnie mom marching home agsla,
Harrah, bafrehl
We Weal do • that to the breve bey tem
Harrah. hieraht
The beads will play from niers tele abliht. "lb
°twi'f Ware Is 1. 5505.8,"
palm mum red
Mhos Jeannie eon's marehlese
Mum Jelinski moms marektag Mem male
Hurrah, hurrah!
Well rafts lit• praise wtth Magee and My.
Marsh, learrahl
The girls will Ides les bleating cheek well
allake Ws bead moll he Is woe. ead
• we'll all paint tluags red
Men Jelmale same, ~mine home!
-Cenelkose Pima deka
Lydis Fowler, P:iseists Sire*
Amber* N.8., tee' ies to the pod MOON
of the new sprite tor .11 heart sad mine
troubles: •• For 'tome time pest I have
bee troubled with • fluttering emenaliaa
la the region al my issort, hfilewed by
mob poem whish gem me great &06i -
and weakened 10. 50 times so eke I could
scarcely breathe. I was wiry mush nil
dans and felt nervous mad
"I had takes •
peat many remedies
without rimed • I ng
any benefit, • friend
Wooed me to try
Ifilbern's Heart and
Nerve Pills. I bad
ply been taking th
a short thee when
fait that they were
(Woe m. grigood; eta (retread their
mot and ROY, 111•1 AB HOC I ma heartily
recommend Kilburn's 'Heart and Nerve
Pills for nervous prostration "
Mn. Fowler adds: "My daughter,
sew fifteen years of sem wars pale, weak
and run down, and shoals* took Milburn',
Haan and Barre Pills for 1108041 Dina and
le now strong, healthy and vigorous.'
MI/born% Heart and Nerve Pills ewe
palpitation, smothering sensation, dim
Mad flaint spells, nermusneas, weakness,
fmnialot troubles. ele. Pries Or • boa sr
Ihree boxes for 8111. Bold by sa but
stele. T. Milburn It Om, Tercel* Olit
Ille.111.101le limmifert.fileterfer
asp 5 "Ileamtiver PItIe ludo • sew
.105 11 Pm I wee tresdAed wtth indigos -
Wes end pales le Ike smell of my book
*04 .461* taking Lairs-Lissr Ms for
ahead three beaks they marmftesolf
eared maw Mee ell dreselet&
"Pee mew dame* 711.1
after I taking five or Die bottles MS
irottrienod erioverielys •
wcZidDtVarehinkim"0, but sad
midi I started using Iletlifeeta jZ,L1.14.
littera had only -Sakes
ornmewred wriest beret eel -
entirety well, and have been 50 500?
since. 1 feel as if S. B. B. bed saved
my life." Mits. T. G. Joyce, Stanhope.
Headache, Sour Stomach, Dysp•P-
B. B. B. cures Biliousness, Sick
els, Constipation, Coated Tongue,
Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Kidney
Disease, and makes the blood
etch, red and pure. It Is a highly
cltratoe d •nefueei tainble compound.
the dose for adult*;
10 to 3o drops rot
0121)4414 Add the
wits, roomililit.
it wi