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The Signal, 1898-9-22, Page 5
You will be Satisfied d you get your hoots and Shote here. There is no reason why you shouldn't be a customer of ours. A u16U select- ed stock, best goods, lowest prices and courteous treatment are the induce- ment* offered you. The fall stork is complete, and will be soid at Lower Prices thio you have been accustomed to pay. ST. OEO. PIKE, Codes' Work West Olid.1 tl �, sad Begsirias THE PLEBISCITE. A rroe.** from rrtadeal a tzmed. of the 0e110.1.a. Wtitate. To the Editor ot Tax Bloomt. 9tx : -Allow me to protest against • part e 1 year editorial on the plebiscite u hut wee. ' That there way be clergymen who have Wien tress Maar high selling aid have leered the liquor Wariest les bare 1 will sot .entire to deny. bat that you have any good grounds ter ImplrlDg tint any olergy• MO is geed.Mndtag in their dinemin•ttons lilies, are questions that Mr. Strang or the odder of Tx■ SU.4u. have seething on earth le do with a1 present. se 'thither of them is gaily gained of all the biota in the ease. What we do know is that the Government is Incurring an expense of abouts quarter of • million of dollar* lel getting the people oo the gaieties, sod if that votos w loud and wont', one wsy er the other, the lioverameal of Canada will have 10 ae- eeps the re•poo•iWlity. They bed to do 11 ow the Manitoba echos.' quesIea, end they would have to do it on the prohibition gaie- ties, it the people so decreed. Mr. Strang protease to " believe to the patios of pro toItiea." but will not vote as he believe., and yet he Mg/he t.m.ritr to lecture ether men (t♦naem they " talk the way and rote another." Prob•ely he will take shelter on this point 1y *taping the'. "eir.ddline" is more manly team voting one err or the other. But Mr. Strang's prim:deal protest theme to be that although some preachers may be hired to adv.t•t. • mule. only weak broth- res coal) be t0d.o.d to do so,1ad that .lasts of the tateilectael .te.derd of Rev. Dr. Grant were not remunerated tor their ad - name, of nae gide or the other of public gelato/a. Mr. Straw gays w* iaslaasta Mat mash ewe are paid. W• don't 1D.10 u • n th it, Mr. Strang, -we plainly mute that Nor are paid, sod you ere oot much of • teas ortbs world or you would not rush ID • to print to deny the .[element. Grant u• litter•yar, Just as hewed Far- rar se • public writer, and both of them •eetlemao bare give° their undoubted tall - e ste Aestepasuig ai- este•.eppaaat pntb,b.tioo. They may tar Immo is their pr..esutton of the Note. e ither ol them ruid easily put u • • strong plea for the other aide, ware they se is - Ores man dresses in black, end the es other parade. beears t drub of tb means, as wed e others wo might s.me, make • smug s- ac10y from their writings, and teedtecugalos of public question., for a 000sidersLico, is always in tear law. Of coarse, there are men ir.yery ease. moistly. p•.e.med oto itch for wrieiog,wbo are waling to air what they aro planed to gall their " coovtetioaa," without money amd ',litmus prise, but they mo usodly smelt try --the big deb coot money. Avid right here we might nay that when Mr. Strang elates that we tenao•td that "all who op - pole prohibition are is the hire of the liquor hsterssts,"he .1.91 aside trout that fairness of pr..mat•uore of three upon whioh he hme bees wool to Mame Maisel( lite vote meat 1 absolutely metro.. As • gam is psis►. we do sot .,1ty. that Mr. S'ranr wee ►trs.i to write the argument aerosol prohibitic■ which appears inmthis immieeesta•ver sr kis sig stare. The pamp Grass 101 the enra/0t5 of Ras- Dr. mid Marra F. Forret end 6. K. Sheppard would to looked apes by 14.. ‚.11111 .‚.ro- •r mbar, mid would do better &errie&-Sd. Stumm. ) _ • Uapmetty et Vete* Ora MIR M To the Editor of Ten siOOAL i01erm, Lisa 810,- Will you please 11roogh the .ol0mw el THa SiosAL, it the moose sou on Prohihitfoa o. the 29th last. will he det.rmued for 10.01.e es the me irlty of votes 0151 oa that day. Of 41 It hos . be a majority of the voter on the voters' list. 'fb.re le mach talk le .erten circles on that pilot end an answer from you will be mach •ppreoietd e J yo Lx Toortl_ [The oov•rumest , he. asked for 00 oz. premtos of opialo0 on this question from she people A majority of the votes east will signify Nat the people desire prohibi- tory rohibctory legislature at the Mad. of the Govern. meat. If the majority • Ila large than se nisei ibe bette•r.- write or are .i'11ag to write In defence of the bgom itrai5o, 1 do not believe, .Ld 1 eb.11e.to you to state them. Aims, your word., ' 11 the hired writer be • le.du sad have a Medinvi peacesng o • ▪ I..d1s ed.natt.s•1 institution, so meth the better." oat, 1a stew of retest events, beer slily ono latorpret•tlea, newly, thea PrlSapel Went ire referred to ; and. tf ee, 1 .4.11.51. yes acme to produces ugle par - trete ef evetheee u Venues yes to ladalgieg 100104.4.011" How le It that .esgib's advocates of • prohibiwy (tremor law .asses tlstdendawd ed l site grea▪ at .• IOW why be fully ta reoalWI k Um ligs rstr•mo ..d yet bo.estiy desbs whether the pro• peered remedy would os the whole heeler scarfs. ? 11 they would devote their @Atoa- ties • Utile mega to .howing the testability .5d pr.babihty of ..forcing .nota • law prier W, ori set pate( isat: m.mttat, and wee - graphical areametanou of the Dominion, mod • little less to sneer:as at basest doubters, they weald h.wtiae store w1•ay. For my pars. sat only do 1 fad to om how It main be refereed s000ee.fully ander the 01rosm.tasem, bet 1 .om no reams for tbtnk• tag that eves U Wiwi, should b. • majer117 u laver of prohibition the Lousier (lovers - mess ad/Irma aprobib.tory 1.w, er that, emma If they do, they would eafesee N with Me vigor and pmai.tesee ceetssary ls ea - tar. timmems. Why 'Mould they ! Politl- oally, they would se fools it they dad. Tbey would make ~miss of thoossods el their prems4 moppet 1.rs. sad bow massy Conservative tempe1aa5 Yours staid rally te their support te make up for aria leer! D. Tea hone three In thee tows or ell l this he that lou believe woold de so! weald be sweet est of West t tthea . Thew nuke. Nxe election. Weald the Dosm of ptobibitien be sd• asses by_ rwe.rtsg the Ces.ervMY.o to power? Nes Si. .1 !a It Wit plea/est a any or to road it, but it le just as well tat we .Meld r.00aois, the fan. that Ger- e r0wt1 are sempes5d el ps4tlo.aw mid .( m set erallda, sod that as loaf me A MIMt1.a1Ms talk we way and vete •antler 14 IS idle la Mi met an7 Ge'eromeat. Liberal er Cssaw'DUve. N oaartfl.s l4. pel(11oai I- terest5 Is the acres etmoral 1 believe s Is the. Under • elnata*taseea, a tootle» of prohibition. 1 de set am musk see la voting for It. 1 ob•U set Toto swims 1t, Immerse, sad 1 weal sea ha yoard • word pahlioly against It het tailed ler hdsseties Mbit all who oppose proh(Wtios aro 1a tae hired the issuer is. tweets. Years, eta, H. I. &Takeo. G.derlok, fleet. 14. [Whether • prebibltory law ass be mewled eat or net, .lad what emcee the Oever.meae mar ,aka Amid th. p1Msalte fever peshtb- W. ACHESON & SON. FALL oPENrnio O8' ,J ackets,F u rs,Dress Qood s CARPETS_ . APPALLING DEATH From Kldney Disease Prevented by Dodd's dney rfllet Only. Couiinencing to -day, we devote ourselves to a Dress Goods and Jackets display. We call it a Fall opening. (]oods we have been keeping back for the pant week or two eine- their arrival all now opened for inspection. DRESS GOODS A gorgeous display of New Styles in Suitings and Single Costumes. LADIES' JACKETS : The great quantity are of direct import, wh to u at a vinthis country fully 20 per cent. less than if' p West of. England All - Wool -Black Be.aver' Clot tailor -made • ffeta lined, Black only, at English All -Wool Frieze Curl Cloth Jackets, Black Jackets, heavy weight, and Blue, nicely trim'd 6a4ancy buttons, Fawn, with fancy braid and Navy and Black, 25 In. stitched seams, sizes 32' length, sizes 32 to 38, to 38, at S5 special, $3.25 .75 Ladies' Fur Capes, 15 only? and a 1 -leader at the price, 3 sweep size and satin lined, Astrachan Lamb, quality gttaran special at NEW CARPETS ra $141.50 VISIT OUR IIZBIBIT-OUR FIRST DISPLAY AT THE GREAT NORTH - ,....m...._. -sersozstasys...,ATESTIRN FAIR-NE%T WEEK.. Our Usrpst Departaies is very young, but of sudden growth. Everything new and bright. There 51 a richness about our Stock that will delight shtm►perl. NOTHING TOO ©©OD - - T ►.-- Entire second floor of our Store contains Carpets, Linoleums, Oil Cloths. . We eaanot attempt to give. suggeotuana of the full range. From Irish Hemp Carpets at 10c. a yard, to English Az- minster and Bruaeele at $1.25. " Kidney Dish" Do you know what it means? It means that the kid- Deys are either rotten, or rotting;t e blood is full of poisonous, dealing corruption; that the Kidneys can't do their work ; that the victim is a walking charnel -house ; that his hours are numbered; that the victim MUTT take Dodd's Kidney Pills if he does Dot want to die. Have you Kidney Disease P U skin hot and dry ; memory u fail - breath short; urine, colored; does it scald when ung ; fa your appetite changeable ; do your ankles swell ; have you bitter taste in the mouth on getting up mornings ; is there a btickdust d► posit in your urine? Any of these signs is proof positive of Kidney Disease. Will yeu be cured. or will you die? Dodd's Ki dney that AM are the only means on earth will cure you. They never tail. We The Cheap Stove Man. Aiel 5111 too busy putting in • number of the celebrated Howard Furn.ces, and doing the iron work on the new churches at Loudeaboro nod St. Helena, I will not be able to make my usual '&play at the U. N. W. Exhi titan this year, hut I will have a full line of choice COOKING and HEATING D RU(6 AND .,. C;HEMICALQ` IN THE KITOHHN STOVE S and Furnaces at uty store, which I will sell ata great reduction during fair week. So come along and get bargains from WORSELL, TU 0a14AP STOVE MAN cJODERIC I VANILLA For Ice Cream, for instance, and RAKING POW DER Yet Oakes. One is a • of coarse. the other a C emical, and there are still others : SPICES, CREAM of 'TARTAR, ETC. The best place to buy Drugs is at a Drug Store. The druggist knows more about ahem than other people do. We keep a good drug store. Come and see ue about " Kitchen Drugs." J. E. DAVIS, MEDI('AL HALL. PHM. B. HURONHURONMEATUT STORE UNDER ACETYLENE LIGHT. EXCELLENT LOCAT$OII ----- --- WELL Llfi iTED MD SN,BIDIDLY APPOINTED SNOW HOTS. UNEQUALLED FACILITIES FOR BUYING. EXPERT KNOWLEDGE OF THE MILLINERY BUSINESS. AMPLE CAPITAL. GENEROUS IfIETRODS. CLOSE PRICES. "• mane ne sooty lea4}.ca -ata the IDi11it19r3. trade... 337-7TTERICK'S PATTTRN carry complete stock. Subscriptions taken for " Delineator" and single copies for sale at counter. I At our Carpet Exhibit at Exhibition we will present free to every lady a copy of " Tbe Delineator," regular price, 15c. The leading ,journal of Fash- ion, Culture and Fine Arte. We invite inspection. W. ACHESON & SON. YOUR MISSION - T e line., the mesio for which was com- ported by 8. M. Granata, berme Abraham tAneeln a favorite. and at • Sunday school committees at Virasbtoa•oo, to 1863, he e0• oored the singers *amoral teats, and request- ed • repetition of 4he msg.-Gleba, Sew Te Pv.sensm•-J'1iIS a1e'- . MIME et Tun 811OKAL 811,-I would like to know how the word p.I+b-i so -Int -e should b. pronounced? I have heard It pronounced pleabi.eils. pieb.l-at, pl.h-1 feet sod p'eb-4 Pity. Pee goodness mak., help me eat. Yours tioly. Jooll S.5FTH. [The 8ttd•rd diotiowrr gives the pre - forum te pleb -i sit, with the &mast on the trot syllable, but the editor et this iourool peelers pleb -fish, Mit gives the tongue • better grip of the weed fere and aft. Ws hare 'thews motile to prosthesis it • fraud. -ED 9io1IAI. 1 • r•te4.se rses•o01. '•seal" AND SwAs" 1e an uf•IUble, Dainties e1d 0.5. 0001 remedy for the mere el CellOe, Girths/intim Caren, Sore Throat .� • variety of skin Mews-. It cures 'thaw' to any pert of the body where the i Ugsld me rem* U. Seed for 011001•, civ. Mg instructions how • t t. 3wppl apply kalif pint Bold at 60o per pia 4Nte. McLEOL'S LABORATORY, Gd.rlob Rice's Pure sen fee taw or dairy. 11 yen o•ano4 on the ocean Sail smogs the swiftest fleet, Rocking on the btgbes billows, toughing at the storms yon soot. You ono stand emporia the sailor', Authored yet within the bey ; You ma lend • head to bele teem, As they launch their boats away. 11 you are ton weak to tourney Up the moentam, steep sed high, Yoe ata stand within the paltry, While the multitudes go by, Yon mm chant 10 happy reassert, As they slowly trees .loot Thesgb they may forget the singer. They will Dot forget the wog. 11 yes have tot gold and .tl•er liver ready to command, jfyo 000004 toward the needy Demob ea aver -open band, a Tee me trait the .minted, O'er the striae you con weep : You mn be • true dim:dole Sitting .t the Savior's feet. If you cannot In the harvest Garner up the richest obsess, Melly • grate both ripe and golden W ill the oeslees reapers leave. Go and also° emote the brier., Growing rank against the wall, For it may be that their shadows Hide the heaviest wheat of all. Ifa Bans 4 is the oo0fliot, Prey* yourself • soldier tree If when fire and smoke are thiske.4 There's no work far yes to do ; Whoa the battlefield le .11001 You ma so with careful tread, Yes oso bee away the wea.ded, Yes nae moor op the dead. Do Det, thee. steed Idly wasting. Ter some greater work to do ; Fortune im • lazy redeem, ht. will ..,Sr Dome to you. Go and tell le any .mtyard. Do not fear to do or dare : Ii von want a field of labor. You ma Bud it anywhere. SCHOOL BOOKS t the Dinilsiee Albano,. That ( match, or • runnier, matoh. or • boxier, I.10001(01 0 proviooe b being 1011y n-'onized by the i.,+fah, have to keep their bodies from env 1 tampon's*. people. The reports from 011.1- swmulae but that which is gorse by food ons matrices throughout Coterie are elle of prepared is the nmplcet webs* es to sort met egceunging osaraoor to the temper- the meet me not simply thae t Iet • mat's body most *tee workers. be in good order itself ; what Is needled is x04111 mots spa 11101100210 r4AID5 'tibiae. that . man shall be ready and able to govern lits body. He shell try " Torooto World (te-prohibitionist) : No. * and hes defy t an .hail go. H5 shall nv " Jo faster, 'and his thing o5gbt to give oar probibitioa 1riesd1 body shell go faster. His will, his power to tn6re bops and .0000, gement than 14. nds on kesping himself pers.w Revr S. E. Hale in Temper growth of temperance during the past few dm1110* ides. wdse. What • °hanfTe gs has been ectod _____ is ilio habit* and opintoes of the people dur- wuaxt PaoutIITfeR wo0l.o ins the life of the preterit (*aeration ! 'lhir• s' o.ta►vL. 17 yeas. • ei • mart might 0055 as r.tp.ot- Detroit Free Press : Sneaking of the over- ."' 4°4 .1111 mlks • b.o.Uy ezhihitioi of wheimiDg superiority in marksmanship and Wowed in public. To -day taw men the bold execution exhibieed by the American crews 1 • position of any kind who are addicted to deinking, even moderately. It is 001 hexes over the Spatial) to the great fight of July eery that • man becomes actually draok to 3rd, motho light may be thrown moon the disoredit bum. The smell of l quote 00 his subject by the statement of nos of the men breath is enmesh to dame ar y man le the *Vol of the t;louossor ooneernio4 abs ooudition of .005s employers 9 he growth of the pyo- ot the Spanish sailors take. off the beth or pie oloog the Hoes of genuine temperance rammed from the water, to which they had daring the past quarter of • rotary has oewtmitted themselves when their ships b.- been Mealy n ozisllev, mew untenable. " Nearly every one of .��. them was beestly drunk, and while their A pa•IR *Ser. swim had sobered them somewhat few Among the .troatemb leflaennss toweds'O0044 reed. Their oonhtloe before they bad t° joverboord mast liaise been ser prohibition are such oases se the recant fol. Voaumpkoow>4. Hpaoied when h. isl death, in Toronto, of James J'Do0obae. Bronpht up b comfort, the son of • thriving THE TEMPERANCE COLLUM. [LDrTlD AT TH1 W. C. T. Oa :OPENING DAYS which will be JtnnouIi n tweet; are sure to prove sE Winsome enelem Tbe storeservice, up stairs and down, belong to you. B- SMIT.I. 0. W. ANDREWS, Manager. '0 FOR THE HOLIDAYS: At ti.--soract thing is to have the beat for your visitors, and ion tan get the beet GROCERIES - ST-RDY BROS.. THE SQUARE, GIODERICH- CLEARING WALL SALE of PAPER citizen, and the nephew •sd namesake of • Demleloe senator, IYDonohne began life w.th every pr°��!� f sitcoms and prosper- ity, ity, hot early jprhWeltiler M fell • ytotim to-4ri0k 1t He Int offioe •iter effioe ad loot each thresch-drink ! He 4.herited • .mall fortune and diestpot- ed it in -drink He boom. • tramp, a •.grant and • wanderer through -dri.k ! At hot, staggering alone the street, enp- dteit 6.1.540 two diesclute and elan ewed women, ha stumbled. fell helplessly epee his facie, ireoinrd his .k011 and died, through -drink !--Trento Keelung.. wHAT IR lel PLalIMC.r97! Thu 2914 of September is p1140 _ , Is t Eli to Mild nesse wtry sereaNbess by salmis 145UId eesUs5'1 The biggest MAW Nob is tee drMakera. Then why lineage iia 5151111 et.** MMstet L.t ee cath ? We have tlid s s hese are a few of our prices: : Chamber's Dictionary, reg. $1.25,' for Ssa Webster's Dictionary, reg. $1.25, for 85e. Faber's Drawing Pencils, 10c. dost, or lc. each. Porter's Best Value. 1 for 5c. or 80. eaeb. 100 -page Scribbler, la • - Teis plieeie 100 200 -page Scribbler, 3G Special 200 -page. 2 for 5a or Sc. each. The greattest value cs O!arth : Cloth back 500 -page Sctlbbler for 5a There prices are Strictly Caah. Ruler* and Blotter* given away with school ,applies PORTER'S BOOKSTORE 1',tur4 adMtM egUars, 0OOERIOH The word plebiscite simply means • vote o1 the people. Th. gnsstios wo aro to vote epee it whether or sot the Government should maks a low to prohibit the manu- facture importation and sale of alcoholic drunk is • dangerous man, or, rather, • beam., end we fiend out on pretty god authority that the sailors were plied with ram before the ve.eele come out of the har- bor, so me to screw up their courage to the stickier point " No wonder that Ce '■ battleship., fine fighting machines though they were, and supplied with an sbuadaor of modern armament and •mmuoition, were unable to stand before the splendidly manoeuvred ships .d their enemy. No wonder the Span- ish guns, though tired with feverish rapid- ity, d,4 so little ezroutioo. It takes • oleos, bests to menage • modern warship io satires, and s steady o man the modern meobaoism of the big glens effectively, The Spaniard. had " screwed up their courage to the stinking point," It is true, bot it wee • brute courage that goaded them on in their rookies* dun for liberty, and petered to be 5o matte for the calm and discipli,ed cour- age that opposed them. Peters the Span- iards win • navel battle they will b••s o place more dependeooe on that sk111 i0 handling ships and guns which Domes from practice and discipline cod Zees upon the "peerage" that tomes from ram. FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS We will offer our Stock of Well Paper at • very large reduction in prices. Now is your time to get your house papered for very little money. Come and get -Bargains. liquors as • beverage. Many have meld that • majority of the voters wish 1t. The government at Ottawa is tuitions to know 1t It is Nae, end bat promised o prow tmob 5 law it • majority wish it. The day an - panted for tattier the veto se Rept. 29. sad bee wire can e•ese ewe those whose wore on the voters' list for the provbeeitl elections el 1898. Earth mee goes to the poll where he voted thee. A11 f'sn•d• le 'quiver with the momentous geestiea, . Shall the sateen be ebolysd ! esu lata is ......�:_ =71: 1. use Toa set to fail to vols one way et There le one thteg lJMt M 1r iW M the ether on that day, i1 yon are • voter ; ea to er hese o1 the me 11i/ WOds' ":M7 I aged, tt not, that yea ergo your husband, sew, brothers, or friends to dleoharge their Baty sa tuna. JAMES YATES, a., BOOKSELLI&R in STATIONER. Next Jeer to O. W. Thomson's Music Store. Tete am they posy. if v°0 adrenals the "sous door" fee liq.or 400'5 eesolems year telly whin year son le draws humid* the ' epee deer." ▪ may thee the I. are wet ready tor roh 4Itleff• They might jest sa well soy. the twee le eel toady fear tim bath. Yea may set seed to obit the rem sap deer es lest ems 5051054, bet yea •r• year brother's keeper. whether you t►1.t me a . 14. i. there see sea who appear prohibition wits would rejeisa l oast baa wif550 his the, se hie daughter same • este near a heoeeed bar' The Tweets tzar says &feels° ie be Nye se • ~pose whim Om pr°h4Mti m pistol* site le twee, asemrdine le the 5tatemmat d IEe M. Assts. of easileed. QM, beim aha Tal .Ml' Or Vamoose Themes Alva iidlom was Imes asked why he was • total abetei...' H. aid :' "1 thought i bad • tatter nee for my head. ' The answer is worth rem.mberleg to any 7,004 fellow who insane to use his !wales. A woa.f.rfnl battery they make. Every morale• they teke up th.i. week sad scut ea sea nor daily plower**. daily duty. If we trey. net tried this stlm.Jns or that s1im- aloe net la the plan for .hie8 they were mad.. The yang rare gibe Manns on ds the beat pee.ible work his body 05d mind nu de bees his body nett Wad eery. ea free tress eMmb RMA s Rdleson keope his heals. Thy im shot is sass• when we aro 10141 o bs�.0ega1•ee asM5 pas lints o4llaren ere. 'I11d mer1 arhs eirt trstnien tar • ti0bd) nadian Pacific - Ry. 18 THE DT S ALLIREC-CANFAADIAT N ONLY - LINE TO TAKE FIM Manitoba, the Nc rthwest,� KlondikeandYukon ukon Gold Fields. INDOW SCREENS DOOR SCREENS ELEPHANT -WHITE LEAD BINDER TWINE . - Q'OLD =DAL and OTIE R BRANDS HAY FORKS - MACHINE - OILS ETC., ETC., FITC. ALL PERSONS comcimplating BUILDIN.Qhs8uson LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. ACCOMMOt3AIION UNSURPASSED. 3 TOURIST CARS A WtEK TO THE PACIFIC COAST. I •; will find it to their advan- tage to purchase from his up-to-date hardwares establishment. . I am selling Blacksmith's Hard. ware very low. My motto is to please all persons wanting goods in my line. I intend quality, price, and fair dealing to be my best advertisement. Tull intermit. lee and 0.mphl.4 " Kloa4k. Seit d Yokes 45111 Yields. Apeb . W. M°KENZIEj_ _ R- R1�Df�LIFF111, OF THE OHSAP H&RDWASI IMO=A.d5112tET, 1:21.01:131131‘10311111. 0 • •