HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-22, Page 4dam.
4 TtivesxA*, Sept. !t, 1696.
E.B. cE M.H.
sass sea
To clear out oar stook of
Wheels we are offering bar-
gains unheard of before in
we will rent good wheels
for -
10c. per hour,
7bc. per day, or
11'2 00 per week.
See us for anything in
Bbyole aad Mvfa Hew. aad
Ci.vel.ad ("yen Livery.
m roman=
sent nramanemone ,
THE PLEBI8C►T$.. ...-
A WEEK from today tLe Dominion
Plebiscite on the quentior of prohibi-
tion will be held, and up to the pres-
ent it cannot be said that much en-
thusiasm has been evoked on either
side. Perhaps the pot will begin to
boil during the corning week.,.
The battle thus far has AJ been
oonducted on different linea
from those of the Ontario plebiscite.
There have beta fewer meeting' held
by the prohibitionists, and the antis
have confined themselves to the dis-
tribution of the argument+ of Rev. G.
M. GRANT, D D., principal of Queen's
University ,of EDWARD FARRzR,of 1r E.
SUSPPARD, and .f other distinguished
writers. They have also plastered the
billboards with yellow literature, rais-
ing the question of direct taxation.
Up to tbe present little bas been
done but wig -wagging, although there
is no reason to believe that the prise.:
est rather ineffective attitude will be
held to the end. At other points we
find that more attention is being
cal .2. the question than has been
shown in this part, of Huron county,
and at Ottawa, we observe, Hon.
Sweat Pignut, Minister of Agricul-
ture, was on the platform with Hon.
Geo. E. FosTSR, in favor of prohibi-
Mr. FlsesR, although a mewbet of
the Government, differs from some of
the fai.Ghearieff Uierels in this cos
nor of the vineyards and tells his hear-
ers to work and vote in favor of pro-
hibition, aa he is doing and will do.
He isn't afraid that, atter the vote for
prohibition is suooe.sfolly aimed,
be will be a statesman out of a
job, and *has no tears as to direct
taxation or any other bugaboo that has
been set up. Hu words are, " If you
want prohibition vote for the plebis-
cite." There are no " ifs,''
" buts," " however' " or " neverthe.
knees " about Hoo. S(DR'T Flsnes'e
views, and neither Principal GRANT
nor any other literary giant hu taken
him captive with specious pleas.
Fear for the loss of revenue has no
terrors for Hon. G. E. Forrest, ex -
Minister of Finance. Said he to the
temperance people before him : It is
your duty to vote. You cannot afford
to do anything else. You ere chal-
lenged by the Government to a vote ;
you are asked to show up, and if you
do not do so you will be asked to shut
up." And then he said, " As to the
question of revenue, I will find you a
Finance Minister who will raise the
revenue. Wiest .re etatsmen for but
to carry out the well -understood
wishes of the people P"
Much statements su the above ought
to be a help to some of the week -kneed
brethren who, professing to believe in
the justice of prohibition, yet balk at
voting because they are fearful that
the Government wi11 not carry out
the will of the people. To repeat
Hoa- Mr. Vorr'es:'s words : What are
statesmen for but to carry out the
well-attderetned wises d the people
perhaps h.'. weiUag to lot it at reduced
letter rates.
--On the f9tb every voter has the
privilege ut saying by his vote whether he
favors prohibition or otherwise. Every
won should vote a...noding to his w a.ienue.
Th, rush who does not vote should be ilia
qualified. • -
--Some oI oar Reform oontempor-
arien claim that the pout office department,
which used to be oonducted at • toes ul over
half .-mullion per annum, is now epitom-
tat' ' g. If that be so, why tax the news•
papere, as Ma. Moines intends to do!
--Aren't some of our esteemed con-
temporaries, imperial fe deratiwttsta, hurtle
of trade, awl eiuh, plopping o,nr too much
on this MU1.OeI( brumes ` What fire he
dune, anyhow, that he should not have
dune! He hoe the job, and gets the salary,
Mid if ha didn't attend to the ',minicar he
0 oul1 deserve to be fired out.
-Referring to the rumor that was
afloat recently that Hem J. M. (limos was
looking to Erni fur a seat iu the Lopata.
tura, John Ault, M.PP., writes w the Am-
leretburg Echo : •" The EwNu amts are
taken fur the text four years and would not
l e swapped fur the beet Government job in
the Province." That's good straight Liber -
a ism, John, and we admire you for it.
-They tell a story of the late lair
Jou % MAe'DONAL.D which is a tnbute to the
Ulf Man'o diseernm0nt (hi owe noesei s s
deputation of Iiquor»UUera waited uposiim,
and said their business would be all right it
it were not fur the fanoticiem of the church -
members. "Stop right there,.' said the.
Olt Mall, sternly, "what you say is tot
•su. If the church people did only their
dutv,you would tis out ct your present bust-
Hamilton Retold : That the plebis-
dle e.mpaigs is .hent to bogie to wriest is
Indicated by the appearance w th. Hold of
several mild, unobtrusive little campaign
`1411f ° `I stn 5esewel : Aeerebiste ars haat
drnneroo. where they are least lean,!.
Keel mid, the only cooky y that crests them
uke anybody else, has les trouble with
!heat thaw any other. `---
• * •
u ate K& L grtCn.leinee WAT.
Philadelphia N.eoord : The tint thing
trauma' Kitchener did lifter retsina bin
troop into Omdurman w0 to get them oat
agate. His dsep•toa announcing his vic-
iatory oleo ',noontime that hu wounded sol-
diers are on their way down the river.
Hen is a general wbo understated. the art
of war.
was She .smabr .1 iamb Awls he * cram
katal pram regreesistatioos, when, Setea•
ages were o.tr%ged by Sherif) Hone ea MM
decanted b. 'name *esd.raem stmt, us•
pilled by the Iabwulslltyy'' of the teed. to
remota oaylds the jell walls, said epseslabs
for the beaegt of the piddle is general Gale
what was gob* ole beide.
It u ►ouod-sed by The Star it re be-
lieved -that
e.heed--that the pabite has become •u s-
iently civilised w great that detailed .e -
,oasts of • mardorer'e lost s.oine.es are set
bealtby or desirable readies. Sheriff Bette
b therefor* to be commended for ler reset:•
sines of the deoesoy of !Mage. .'ad lit
would be raeoh better if his oo.eidor.tion
fur the reporters were tiisalwd by them is
.00usider.tioo for the tastes of readers.
-The question of the hour : " Are
you • 'wet' or a 'dry'
-fie • man, nota monett. on Thurs-
day. 1b• MA of RepMmhnv. Vote for or
opine" pnhlblti.th. iton'1. straddle
--ft is said that Zen.A is to become
• • panne. Perhaps he bank. upon that me
smother way of Joining 11.e Immortals.
Brookville Recorder : Sir Charles Tapper
has gess wad dose it ague. After all the
hewn., of the organs about the raigalty of
balking reciprocity with Me United Sestet,
the bead of the Tupper dye.5ty hes told the
people of Halifax that " r2e great Coasrrv-
.tve party bed need every nutmeat to
Mills about • rsetprooityy treaty which
would weld the two great Eaglle6-speakb,
Peeples of the 000Uaool more da.sly r'
Who rear hallo, Ousrg. Friers
Dudes Tree Bauer : The mune of big.
.my brought against K. L. Mtddlats, the
f•k• railway promoter. b meoh more airkem
than deluding merobsnta let• eapplyieg
`ods for witch he did mot futeed to pay.
Middleton appears 2. be • half -mad genies
ef some sort. Hu Wad rens to doing
things en • Urger Scale than other peopfa.
Ewen le the matter of getting married he is
said te bar. Mien three or four wives I.
stead of beteg mutest with one Hie trial
will take pleas at Woodstock. It might sot
b. • bed idea, should he be land guilty,ir
stead of .eedbr him to the p.•it,mtlary, te
...segs him to live arab all hie deluded
wives et the mine time
Th. Drist.rtre betimes M sanfalaN
tavwrhl. in Franea. The !tats. claim that
Nos ete4-fess 1NtMage M the trouble M
(.bale In.t New.
The t11oM !lase Motous .rsra l
. • knighthood from the Old Lurk bet
neagrnta for Is that the didn't bee
• •
DNS *law 01 LANAI " 1Y.
Moastary Times : la response to the de
wade of Organised labor, the Conadtaa
Goverement greeted • holiday la September
el sub year. to be earned " labor Day."
Although •t the rims it was patted oat
that much lose would result to the bushman
oommuotty se • result of the closing doves
of shops sad fooleries. and the stoppage of
M rho for a day es the vary threshold of the
•utumo season, It Was waroely •alioIp.led
that !Abut Day would be • .•eros ot snob
Moonvsaleam sod lou as time has proves.
lo the Keret organieaslan of industry, It
is Impossible to c.loal•I• Ind what it sumacs
to have • rainier aeration of busier' ;
tho eff.cts aro far:reaching, .od extend I,e-
yead the loss of rename from ..bele day's
trade. 11 mud be remembered that, after
y21, the members of the tads anions repre-
sent • small part of die oommuoity. tie
hear oo all .ides of the t000avealasce flat
larwer• were pat to on Monday last Visits
were mode la some rosea from long dis-
saneee it. the villages ata towns for sup-
plies, only to tied the storm and shops
Shead by !'nose of Labor Day. There
might he some oompemeattuu for their Irse if
It were certain that wo,kmen appreciated
the holiday. We are advocates of r.•aoa-
able and s.ssm.ry recreates /or the mem
who labra with 2b hada, m well as for
h m who labors with his bride. Bat holi-
day -making by power of law may be over-
done. The teases and speech making io
ooammow= with the Toronto celebration of
the day were attended by sly • few ron-
dred moo. wows and obtldreo, while is
Moat:•el (ebIoh has had muck and napless -
/rat experteaeed with religions holidays/ the
holidaymakere divtded into two rival foo-
tmen to Garry (a their proosediare, sad to
co piece were the holiday 'estivate carried
out with the vim and spirit wbiob aurally
marks • (.•a•d*an holiday. The les-d.v
bad • decided)) art4oial flavor.
Hramptoo Caser,ater The ants are
oiroslanog three doosmeat a in Peel •*atw.1
prohih poo The first is • pamphlet 00. -
taring Pneoip*l Grant's lettere. There le
probably no rasa im 0a•ada today so papa -
with the .•loon -keeper ea the learned
Prmoipp••11 The seosd i. ea article from
Smtmrd•y Night by E. F.. Sheppard, the
mea who has proved •-traitor to everything
lee bas touched. H• bar been • Tory, •
Grit, an senexstioeb*, an Imperial leder.-
Morlet, • defeuder of Romanian' sod a most
violent opponent of the Church. Jmdgb/
by his past it is safe to my he would .Ldly
soupe pay from the prohibitionists if he
mala *at • job. The third is a Dari label-
led, " Ten Good Reason Why I Saoald
Vete No, ea Ora Plebiscite." Every rerun
should get thou deoom•ate. Their eiroala-
nee w111 help the vote is laver of prohlbi-
Hamilton Time• : New we know suns -
(brae .bout that "wave of popular isensR"
that " tweet Jobs Depts. from kloeeai"
It woe • oast of feeling for $5 bels waved
by Tory purifiers of our elsobloes. John
Dryden etasde yet ; Calder het bee. bowled
IF • •
Printer and Pabli•her : A creep of poll.
noises were chatting together in the ase•
✓ ider of tan Parliament bundle/a the other
day. sad a (A•eervatre M.P. told t81.
✓ ery at bile own septa*" Hs Am aaovar-
ug the meaty before an eleetls, fa whiob
the Liberal eaedld•te was • 0.18.11. He
himself le an UroeNm•o from &Met. He
!Solids old Irishman wbo hsd always
wend Tory, bet who was supposed to be
invests* .t Chet time. " Well, Jetty,"
g eld the M.P., " I mappens you will veto
umbrae a me this timer ' How is that, sir r'
Well. they have pmt up a good Irlokese
and a reed °ethnlle, like yourself, against
ma" "Ob," mild Jerry, " 1 dee'. know
abate tet Yee ere se good se i►tebm.e
ea tee is. Aa for the ether thing, I thbk
my °canalerm will let me vete ter yes
. *.tar --aa It awed* take mole rdtgts to
be • mimbet."
Rnr't►a(NTrT1 WITH 0A5•*A,
Buten Tr•neertpt : Canada is altogether
ear beet sear at -had omotemer, and ander
favorable eesditoe..h• eon be made worth
soma mere ten .5, while s • bmlew .erd
Lary we should prove mere saleable N her.
We shoal/ fled eve pant la the Arr.eg•-
adst, sad M hentato bas ase (!•sada would
Mee be a h•aefld.ry le sot stotesmas•hl ,
hat the *saggmated ...Boom el little
Mach Renee -wily would eery likely beet
Saeger benefit be New Enabled sham he sew
e ther stetd.se of the eo..try, bat a pelley
tits$ MIM sea.ntie. of time Gamey wllh•
eat barna/ nay .Mer dsearves the largest
eggs ereaemat. Is was d•.behs for matt
eu1MaI team Mae pvaothiat re•erw Moa
rselptedty Was tersest.5td he 1864. W.
mese la lea mist el ear Mail wee, and e5
redefine with (awl. wee sera•wk.l
ds.lsed. flat the pvej•Alees tat mw out
ed bha* eitWkrs might by this Mom t• lot
• • •
Amh•ntbsr* Eohe : (,`hart.. (alder, ebo
was dented for Smith Ontario in the last
Proemot•1 elsneae by •.esj.nty of 96, was
'sputed os '1'.0.4.7. we lower time la
carom of bribery Mile. preyed ie • trial Wt.
Ing two days W. Calder mot DE l the
outs. The punass guilty- of bri
he,teportd, sod they will he 8figaaLided
from Tote* ler several years. The mem
petit ua est Sea. Jobe Dryds i. dis-
missed. There will he a bye•eleoWse is
wbiob Hoe. John Dryden will be the L,b-
oral candidate.
1mlegeerr nett MST.
Tnes4sine t the lidelpememo fea.H.e
• Steals M-'waglIIMge yuWAey. whoa
Walla 4.1t fames! ISM • Me he a ll .
_1111 seartia
our mod progsres yeas' farmers, Js
Malone, yoeage.t me of Jogs Malos.. of
this towa•bip, end Mks Mame Armstrong.
of Stratford, ..re mads nee sad wile.
Bre•sels: Samuel B. Fraliek,.f Wtag-
ham. bee purchased been Yr. McCallum the
fifty acre farm part let 1, u is IL It rollm
south of Bno•els. Th. prim paid w.5
91900. Mn. Frmllok le • daarht.r of Mrs
8. Pearse., Brume*.
Rsmo.dvl6.: White O.ttop;" the
residence et Mrs. Muldrsw, wen aisle the
.coos of waddle* faint lure n. Wedaseday
of lest week. whoa her youngest daughter,
Mir Mm.5, seas matted fa marriage to
James Soot t, .t Kish aro.
Gerrie : Aa saddest ksppesed to F.
Rau, paeto,trapb.r, of (aorrie,l•st week. Rs
was as.tatieg to Teed • threshing mwb-oe b
How.ok toenails...ad his hood w.e.sught
tit the oyliseer sed I.eor.t.d so badly that
amputation was neeeea•ty.
Exeter Mn. tlMherd Sweat, of Moo::
dna, Manitoba, formerly of tibia plea*, died
at Morden, on Wednesday, the 7.h teat.,
•*.d 74 yuan. S2. was • doubter of the
Ists ti.orr. Wasnss$•. Urso.teld, sed •
sister of Mr.. Voang, Bgmosdvdle.
Uoderioh A very plesus* .vest
took pian. in Gederieh ea r'rrd.y, Sept. 9,
what John Stir. es. el Wm BI•ir, of tie
oat Ito., ()oder** township. and Framois,
yoasgses daughter et Jobo Porter, of ups.
3, war. used b the bonds of malrimwy.
(dates : Dr. W. Graham, of Toroaw,
formerly of Brame* has formed • o.-par8.
eer.kip with Dr. Tomball. ball, of Mika. mid
Ise moved to that Iowa. Th. 1)r. hes s
wide soymicee ee le Harm (.w. sad will.
in ase sense. be aiming beats is I..altag
Waweatsh : A very
caddies took plies ea W.desed•y. 14th
lest.,at 12. reeiderto..1 1). Beset. Best W a
i.aew6, whim his daughter, Amara H. B ,
was sailed is tee beds of matrtmemy to J.
. Fels, a prespsroea farmer of the 7th ee.
Browses I The Peet le Bony to bear that
Myrtle Wtless's limb, that has Deno •
.ouroe of livable to her for seas years, le
not mature the lmprevemeot derived. Slee
has gone to • Toronto hospital fer treat-
ment, which we bops will resale In speedy
JM•lorte : Jas. C. Laidlaw, or of alt
oldest 'parakeets of 8e•fortb, who has bees
ova of btutmes., however, for soma elm•.
leaves, for Currey, MiesesoM, where ate
takes • posit t os with . Mr. (Niftily, O di
frosted Who many years ago did bedew is
Gray . David W. Brow■ and wile sad
Miss Agw, of Hall'. Piaui*, British Col
umbo, ere visible, Mr. Brown'. sister. Mn.
4,&e..$41.wrt. fore gee.„ sad other lrtemda
lire. Brows is a daughter el the lam Mn.
Peter Stoolair. 141ih esu It M many yams
aim* they Int Orem
Tsekersmith : Oa Tuesday Jake Walk-
er. of vee. 2,T.okltrwhb, was ponder some
bona iu the stable wham ow of them kicked
kin in Om atoe•sk y the rjaNes were es
serious that alt►e.gh • doctor was sailed,
who did eventide, possible fet him, he
pored away two days later : be was •
young man of forty tears of age, sad un-
married, sed was mnob respected by all
who keeper bite.
Torrents Telegram : He.. John Drydea's
determiaaten to fid what he has deet le
the plasm be lust it, ..at oomm•sd respect
eves teem tk•w who are inclined to oritiobe
hie satins in holding hie portfolio after his
S cat to the Homes wee sone. 1f the fanner
•nn r-
gener•1 shows thee be wet defeated by en.
fair means and tees be can carry the mm.
.utaeooy ie • lair •!••tens, then he mot nary
justifies hie owe action to retin's* .1Sea,
bat adds twMd•reble strength to the party
w rsomeote le the other bye-eleotiaM. His
pink ia maim the versant iate.d of look -
lag for em Genet wt .oe.wb•ee elm will go
far toward* mvenng h.• alleged Gins in re.
gard to patine offices sad celeste relatives.
Wine/barn : Wm. Harmed it hevis* his
household ethers moved be Dauphin, Mea
where he Tweeds loostiss.
Constance : R E. Cooper, M. D , het
disposed of hie peactioe here to 1),. Walt-
er, formerly et Rheingau.
Morns : Eli Sellers has reefed the farm
of hie grandfather, 8. Hodder, on the led,
and has oommeaoed work there.
Stephen . Wm.,
sem ot Charles Disney,
Stephen, died at AL Pool, Miooerot•, s
Tuesday, the 1318 iso., aged 25 years.
Wiogbem : Pastor Freed of the Baptist
ehurob has lamed the residence of Jobe
Neelande opposite the Methodist oburoh and
mires poeeerdoe Oot. lot
!Whew Farrow Bros. neve sold their
flea farm for the hand.ome sum of 65,100,
to Wm. Plunkett, (Vest Waw•seeh, w8e
sold his farm to fib brother.
Clinton : 0. Tuesday while Thomas
Blacker woe .a*•ged in picking apples, be
fell from the tree. and had the misfortune
to break • maple of his ribs,
Moll/Hop : Mn Henry Cash met with •
palatal seotdst receaUy. She was +tad•
leg ea • hex, and is stipple, off She fail
and broke her arm et the wrist.
Saforth Adam Cray, •e old time rest.
dent and badness man of Se•tortb, but now
of Dakota, was here last week attaining(
tee lateral of his broth.,, Roderick Grey.
Grey : Wdsed•v of lora week W. L
MoQuarrie, 4th line, left for Prism Albert,
N. W,T„
where . he has secured • pennon se
tobar, donee to oomm.•ce on his arrival.
8tsley : (tee day u Mrs W. Moffatt
wee work's' eye looped tad tell, and ra
trying to eavt leme•Il 8.427 epreleed beg
wrist, w61ele IjM atederd bar arm metre
Londeehers : Damao Snell, b1.ok.mita,
is laid off this week with blond pmeening ten
filo right herd. He reenvd • dight.erstele
ea Pred•y Islet, bent took no wilco et it at
the time.
elision : issue INpew Deem of D etroi/
e a old elletenbee, .ad brother of Mrs. W.
Doherty, has just neve appointed aea.ymr
e t the fop meds more et Waite A Genre*
ojoemis, B. C.
Grey t J►wtee Lsarraest, fmrrauty ed
Grey, bat new of Memerl, spire eay.nl
Imola et J. and A. Stewart.'.,' of the MA
age. He will visit the Rookies before re.
Israieg be lie been•.
Seaeley t (1. Wedseedy memos of lap
week lime pasted easy Sae of the eldest
Monegre et the towsbip el 8toekee. i* the
pewees of Jobs Mo(`..ws. age' 84 ye•re,
Mem a Ione *Mattes Nosed by gemgrene.
Real rtb : Willa M. Loran, ►.Slew, el
M..r, Mertz. le Seaferth hey,
sees sasrv;sd •t M en o
Gng1, In the m at,
et Perth, en the Met ,tie Mime Margaemt.
daughter et William fenneltA, .f W.Mrr.
Zarb1. Dur M40era1k, the .ss&A and
.klielsa weev$oer of bio (..m.rniel hotel,
wee muds the happy prat of • hees.l.g
baby MT a few days •(n, and new Dna
fees g eeeesead dellen Haw titan he dM •
week hefer.
Me1t111wp A pretty merited* eemweesy
ws perfweimi ie St James' ohar, h, M.
fartk,aa wattmeter of tads mob,.8.. se. .f
Seaforth : Mr,. 12,. .106.5205, formerly
Mise Ellett, daughter of tee lets John
Elliott, formerly of McKillop, with beg
three obildree, are jot now voids( friends
i*.thla yiomity. Dr. Johnston has hese •
tel mimio5•ry is Mae ler the past
ante years ane he and Mrs. Mentes how.
bees eapy-iag • yew's larina*b with friends
i. the United States sed (%.sada, sad they
resirli•-8. Chia& shorty be reams their
duties teen
Fat is absolutely neces-
sary as an article of diet.
If it is not of the right kind
it may not be digested. Then
the body will not get enough
of it. In this event there
is fat -starvation.
Scott's Emulsion supplies
this needed fat, of the right
kind, in the right quantity,
and in the form already
partly digested.
As a result all the organs
and tissues take on activity.
yo,..M g..00.ot do igra
SCOTT • SOWN', Chrrau, Tvrw.•
SOU ht� -"- GODUKR.
When our many friends visit the Great North-
western Exhibition held in Goderich September 27th,
28th and 29th, we invite you to visit our store. It
will be a pleasure for us to have you call. If you are
tired, come and rest ; If you want to meet a friend,
make the appointment to meet them at our store ;
if you have any parc,els or wraps, leave them with us
until you are ready for home. We want you to use
us in any way that will add to your pleasure while
you are visiting our town. Make our store head-
quarters for the time you are in Goderich.
-emaltit-ve=ripe Varnish
THE OLD - as Hs name implies, beats all competitors IR the
RELIABLE. -AIWA important points. Brightest lustre, least
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25c., 5 for Take no other.
. • The Medical Herb To. best of herb medicines, 25c. -
COAL---- Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters, 50c.
The perfen Emulsion of Ood leiVer Oil, 35c.
MeV Benjamin Remo Ammo& trees • Tor.
Able Putties.
Tome* Amt. 19 -Mr. llospamis Ramo,
metterauta Se 160. la net omplor tne
!este Street Railway Os. tells thae followie"
dome meetweed sin delly
** 1 bees. far year pest, been • arose
enterer heel severe palm la lay ERA Ny
1)•sbor told am 1 had the Lot mos et
Night's Demo. B. amid am help
eor did the mem, edvortieed madames* de
Ritteey Pills • Wel. The resale is thee a -
day 1 MI IOW sea. assail sod wolf owl
Tea 1141suilliestore MO% Si
Agest for the Sirkbeck aati Loaa co. Lama on easy team
Scrallloillard Coal >‘t
„air.Onion loft at LIE k IIMPZAZDII
gsme promptly attended to Rijr
leerkee !Maim
If you want to learn to ride
the wheei,
Go to YULE'S.
If you want Repairs, you will
find a vulcanizer, a brasier, an
enameller, and a ounpetent
If you want Good Wheels
and Best Attention, be sure
end go to the old and reliable
Everybody is Talking about
no has Jest sisMved samba, am lead
from Manitoba. He bag new ea bead
twe et the tem breads et nom that
the world eso produce.
merman Niu.s.
Made trent we. Hare wheat
ise dee loses the beet breeder of Oaten°
PolOyew ERVIN, MINT will il0 well by mile"
ea D. Casteices. piestloal baker. Rad lio
ate tall Mead the Marinette mid
Ontario Timm together se se es have • hem
fed Family fleet at • tuessesele polo&
Orders srill be gimp* weeded WM
or OYSTER, PArnas
Ali Kinds a
and Repair
Machinery of
any description
at short notice,
and for little
Reim kick Co.,
If so, the following prices on a few lime 01
• GUNS .
will interest you :
A good 12 bore Double Barrel for - - E7•75
A Damascus Steel 12 bore Double Barrel for $12.00
A Damascus Steel 12 bore Double Barrel,with
AWLS !till line of tbe Winchester Arms Company's
Loaded Shells
examine tbe stack. No trouble to show
Rougvie's Hardware- Store.
Being • thorough workman, wit MIMS* be impaerd en by sellers
shoddy goods, and we do not buy seigille. &MOW goods, or bankrupt So"
to sell as tiret-oleas
We keep the LAIDLA.W, WATSON SHOE 001 0001)8,
and PM they are splendid wearers, good Sitars, and a tbe latest
iitylea, you should give them a trial.
17711Nrwmt SIX.41-1142441:61•7, TV -
00111011R nate 8•11411
:POO ma mamma saw.
"The Signal" for bal. of IN for only 15c
Wonderful Timis
1E11 limed, fit