HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-22, Page 1stir • y J hJ TSE HEST 18 THE C1i1,APlf2lT AID 'tie • .re._..,.w^ t 'CUE slGNAI. IS THE bt81'. ONE DOLLAR A 1 E tR $ 1N ADVANCE -r` he twat. TO SECURE THR BEST ' RESULTS PLACE YOUR ADVERTIATNO IN MR COLUMNS Or THE SIGNAL ooUkltlelt. MT. p ,,y' T1327 LEADING 1ST37W8p.A.p R OF FIFTY-FIRST Y E UR ---2692 TO ADVilit'TUIRRO. Nodus of cheeRM mast be lett at this Oats not later than S.turday noon. The Copy for cheeses inset be LSH not later Ib&v Mon slay MOM Outaal Advertisements gaggidgd so M coon Wednesday of e dr000k• NO Hering reesshCE TO 14 •• gamete, of MAKERS - Hering bald from the lower Provioor. 1 nut to distribute them erode some trio olds but tis makers. 11 you .111 eels at oar store, Hamilbe$t.. ()deed. we will (1v. you W m(4.tit will pay yes m cell. W. J. yU Telt►MhSr W&ntild. fTgecHER WANTED TOR 8. 8 NO. 1 i West Wawaaenb. Mats aWltatbas sod Aare. I. a.0 is b 1* ea the led Jan.. Id. Added, W M. MCLLLIWI rtt ewe. M. AMaatlaeF 0.. OM. el it. ?Or IWO Or To Rent. stoma TO REST.-IMAJIT ROOMS. II 0111er, tows water. convent/soty t a Root modeeete. Ap01 to FII1Q D. Brraes erne, Mit a O tli d"bId 0? ° fwewr(.- We °r tor d is tier Wittn or pa r, fang beet,, en the 1Neededorate of Ned .mi Albert streets. IppfafflIi*Rt the r by mill to H `L F0 R BALE -SEVEN AND A HALF aerosol teed at foot of South sweet Alen • Mesas. barrow ppbbtr toe and ort. For parttesli0, empty to HOUR DUNLOP - M. HURON Obi j%WT T . t • GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : SEPT. ' 22, 1898, METHOD'S TS IN SESSION. Praeeedtea• es tie gement ('e0ferea°e of the th.nb at Torero. The pest yudreooiel gatheriuq t1 Methodism which has bed on couch at Tor. onto daring the past throe weeks hem bees intended w110 oo**ider•bl• Interest 10 people of all Christian denominations, and Its d•lIbsr•tloas hove ow -sated ',mesal at- ltatioo. Indeed. this could hardly fail 4. be the nese with • body which Ududes euoh ,almost men of the cloth •e Dr. Carman. gg•ehmeral superintendent of the °hoed : Dr. Burwsob, obsooellor of Victoria University; 1)r. Dowers, who °couplet, though uaotio- lally, • very high place la Methodism ; Ur. Mgrs. manager of the large publiehlog (4' (.15.10 of the oburob ; Dr. SolhrMud, gen- r.l missionary eeretary ; Dr. Porte. da- mned' **rocery . Dr. Shaw, frriaofp•I of Weaieyan Theologicel Jolligo, Measrool ; 0,. Hesdenon, Or. Onto and may other* 01 now, and laymen of rued Intellecta•1 vig- or as t0s Hoa. E. 1. 1).vis, Sehetor George A. lox, Edward Gorey, Dr. J. J. Mao lard, Senator Hanford, Joseph 'let sad &ileo able sou sol se well known )o this Province. The general ooefmosce has jurisdiction ever all of Cao•da, Newfoundland, the Be - oda Jellied" rod Jepao. 1ts sessions ere Id to the Metropolitan ohurob and age presided over by Dr. Carmen. who permits waste of time. The president', opening dress was given with the .oerpy which is arse•erMUo of him. The report a Dr. Footnote 00e edodesh. Interests of the church deplored the em - tweed 000dittoo ot all the ooltc,t•e. Vic- toria Calved' y was to the worse oddities, t the etpeeted paymesd within tee neer taro of the bequesn of {201,060 of the law A. Massey and the apportronmeat of d of the million dollar feed to education fled hope fee the future of VlaIorte. The membership of the ebrob hu in- aesrly Y,0i8 teams pee her Nees report preempted w tete *Deference pleoed he lay m•mherebtp at 280,537, •ad the mein steel. ,,menden[ probationers, at 2,031- 1, 282,568 The total value of uburob ✓ eport wen 115,429.934: immersed, 17,- 3.906 Tee total oharoh i°debtmined was ,402.280, a decrease o1 $280,126 in the eadreulum. Oae of the meet iumesta01 matters before • 000ferent* was 10. proposal to rale, ithin the Methoiis1 Monroe one willies elan as • spacial thenroetnn8 food to imulise the °lase of the petal w reoetvd by the d0eted-ew h premed! •Wtf10lty. hat 11srwrde many iferenoes of oplaice arose a retard to the maser la white the fund should be ex peened. This omemitte5 to which the met ter had bees referred r•oommmied the 101 lowing die.oaiuon of the faad : 46%, to the eight educational idlitotlooa of t0• °baroh: 2b°' to missies" ; 157, for the adv roped - monies and eopreamer•ry towards the dynast of the debt se its were 011 t• -•1•010d. Jamas' ohurob, Montreal, and 5%, for chs general ooatrettee sad saes thank relief fends. The report brought est • long and AROUND TOWN. sermon didosidee. "Eh Oren a1 o. lure• WY •Itrok•i by Wtwo nem LI''.NN*I.-The Iwe4d °om- • pe etc b education gates,ohne others spoke some et the delegates, ✓ tro.(17 In trope- of sets the fund to p47 off bail deed debts. Different debases advocated the granting el a Ire,, pee- owtsee to thio or that schema, the d18iioaity Mint that not mon them 10C per det.00ald be got cat o1 the total. is slow of the tact that the fame ben yet to be liaised, on50lon to some may 0..e seemed prema- ture bat very omelet •tgetion a this phase of the rehouse was esesssery that It might most with the wthesiastio approval of the Methodist people Finally it was decided to allow ooatribet- ore to the fund to datpaate the astern ter .hieb their.ub'oriottous *hall be tad, the d 1 the1 terata osexpled '1 () IT'N PROPERTY FORUSyALE OR 3' his rent R fie Reber' Rib wa. ex Mon the .. ea law 5801PI same emsMtllt of • 1 11 "tory brick house, et ttownpwith Mohr*, waa , 11 acres of well cultivated laid Iadodlsg valuable ,,,hard. frame bare, de1.- '0g shed, to ver farther particular" &Pols to R. R. REYNOLDS, Court Hoose Roderick. cep. 7, IIN. 1.3 10.1 base i . Mil0br FOR boas dooLE m en Lot It. COO. O. Town d Oodrlcb..11s eve or uire TThhere r et odes oe1Lr es pure-deer the might hoed. This Is • very desirable oeope't, for garden- ing sad fruit growing. Rood orchud oe preatlra- Boll. day sad suitable, for the men- efaceure of Wok. Trans to suit purchaser. Apply on premises is Onto Mr Smoot, 0110 Wm Oestrar.1„ leswtaace £mens. W..tst. flfarse FARM TO RENT. -THAT FARM OF 103 eons on Int L embossers 10 ('°16015• towe1hlp. Nemo aims am roared e5d w e good Mew of cultivation. Two sons ere 1. orchard palling stateliest !runt Hones a04 hem laag re ares -08010 abed la wood od- dities. 1.0.101!U Wade roil have ebe r.Ilegs lir further eelseeded shay to nuri= SALLOWM& hes tl. LMowr. W[ VOR BALK -Wm eY AND 70 1L' HmOa . Survey Is ■lesdthe well t ot ▪ tldhOtJ> cines which Lewdd hoed nth Mse1stober. 1111 Appt7 to °AMMHON.wROLT & HOLM1m. 1 A$ &l hebrbri TOWN esid ,.rr look01N the elver and lake farmrly ooe'pled be the ate A. Maetrrmett sq.. Mater In CbAd5er7 000 01 the most vel'dba and desirable pro pensee la tows. L The two -Morey frame dwelling ellingg hoe Brea Rig- id li .rest (10 .dM fgr ds *wooled b7 00 e. NWaddell. 11. The dwell la` boos sad di/steins wends d ee the R. T. R. Marisa. formerly dodged by the lase Jadite Tem.. Prbss ad teems of dement reateable. *o Ns to FOOT TR gtpw t Pg sheath . Q d4 rib. m be nod eh el be be f■ H per 0 0rae•06 A 0 P 07 $2 the e • NEWS James' oburob, whioh la te 80*moles straits and N to danger of being Ids to Methodism melees speedy reties be given. was expressed is • rssoluttoo whioh authorized the pester of the ohurob to canvass the aonnerio0 in its behalf. A rewlutloo was 00 01moaely pend expensing er•tifidNoo for the .meet 401 tende.cy to sub.Utute arbitration for war is the settlemest ot ntterudtiooel dlfferdoe. and for the imitable reatlone whioh now earl between the Benet Empire and the Vetted States. 1t was deoidd to obtain, if possible, the oo-opentlos of ot0r oberobes in presenting • memorial to the Secretary e1 State for the Colonies uktog that Her Majesty's Govrs- meat •boluh the preset order of preced- ed* ter ticw clergy m etas. tl•se.tn L.n.d•, wbioh the esonfraoolreg rdd as of- leesive is Its nojest disreeiostioir•0A at" hely opposed to the oonstilutnood retinues of oharoh and state to this country. The movement to fever of adsetttieet women to di.trlot meetings, annual 000tr- sed' and the Remora' 000frsnoe on the •ams 'auditions as moo did not receive the domed of the 000treooe. A iig.l8o•at Nature of the proceedings . as the veil to the °Dairen** of two rep - remounted of Cenadfen Presry1risaiam- Rev. Dr. Torra.d, modsa1or of the Pres- byterian Burd • tembly, and Rev. Its. Coven, priooip•I of Koos so1Ws. Troy were very cordially received and their ad' dresses Rave streets evidence of the i0ar00•- tog spirit of fraternity between the Method- ist and Proebytrlan org•01aAttons. After hearing them the ooul•renos adopted • res- olution declaring their high esteem and warm love for 1be Presbyterian oburob. A lively discussion arose err a mottos to altar the dIsoiplIDi of the ohurob by strik- ing one the epeoitto iejerea H0 agates pte'y - ism a trainee of (trod, d•ad5s, theatre. (mot, etc., and substitution, • claw allow- ing members more individual Iredom In re- gard to there maters. lb was etron0ly urged that it was • source of weakness to the oburob W Move in ite de -spec' • role wbi.h was not oeferosd, as some of the died agates said wee the ogre with the role is question. Another ergame01 was that many imminent people were kept out of the obanb by then restrtottow. An overwhelming majority, however, were opposed to any modtlio•Uoa of the rale, end the lolanot so *soilage these amusements remains le the dteolplio•. A delegate eroposd a motion for the..foroemenl of (be rule, but It was not enutrt•toed by the 000t.re0d. A strong ra• ioe d dune the liquor traffic was adopted, and members of the oharoe were urged to o1. their Infoenos for the nominative aid steroid of prohibition- ists to publlo offioe. The 0meelmea1 *Bean et the oburob t;ttuatiOn0 Vaerant. WANTED-- 0000 OENNRAL BSR- vent. ApN7 to Mtge ROUO West Barest. WANTl:D- 0001), GENERAL SEI( - vane wasted at Wes. Apply iso MRd. A M 8H(PRARD. Feet -f'. WANT ED-YOUND MEN AND women. et older ottee If 001dyurs( a diene of tt 4O.10 d eherater, (o. ant0 (1045 sett iodoei.lone. oro e.d employ root tot • good roue. with N t pee month end wpwarMr ,Ooeerdleg to alaht7• RSV. T. 8. LI '1'wrwwtw. WANTED -MF.N ANI) WOMEN WHO ado week bard .7n'klott and Written ten bows et w110 ten 4o11e s *ak sk 1. and Awill detron NNW IDSAS 00.. Temente. WANTED -TEACHERS AND OTHER srlgkt me4 ter vacation or p• ent- le to ssllelt for Camas : As tomoloPwdis of tie try," In aye royal quare volumes. Ke advert rrttgg ,,• edemfpmtesim paid weekly. TRILLS PUBLISHING 00., Tamed ABOUT is the county, ad is able to tura out tint. class work es short motto,. However. u there may be • rush rout week, It would be well for merchants or others wanting priot- tut; for the exbibitioo to place their orders as woo w peastble. First came, first served but all served .the u +•gird to NM ity of the work done . A nod eiroul•r, • teetotal card, or an 01(8.nw hud•bill may turn trade to the mew who issues it, --and The Sw8AL ellen is the beet pled to get 11. BUa11L or Mae. At.sur,-Leat Thurs- day from the G.T.R. station were buried the remains of Mrs. J. A. Ainsley. formerly Miss 'Reggie Methods, who did o0 Apr. 14th at Elizabeth Kay, at the early de al 36 Tile body wM bro5gbe from Ore Bay to Owen Soonby boat, Mend by rail to Osderlob, interred tat Meetlesd Come- , Bay.. Dr. Un j .U.s t firma! service crib /Wive. e • slater of Mn. Jobs Baker. William -et., end resided ben till het merrier* fear TWO • (o. She was • member e1 Kens .0.,o0 tor many years end was beloved by all who knew bor. The deceased was very papules amount • lerge drone 01 friends, the toner- I'LCDI li'Irx $aiTING Marcum( Evasina *1..Pane imply .twoded Bg-TiotredepT;-Mayr Holmes. o1 Cliotoa, sod D. The seedy was •001)111 oiedtry 0.p1. Angus MoOtllkseddv, of this WWII, will address • HOME. inaugurated -se aodmmd•tlm winch .Ul prove • grit , .uwe0t0d. 1* will be ex- o..duely useful, for Inwood, in *Mee of the necessity of • eight 0011 to • physician, end .Ill be • great addition to our ire protec- tion system. The denim .111 oeeeesitae tam employment of three opentore-day, eight and rellef---•ad also considerable alter- ations at the betel ex,n50ee. The tale - plume otic will be moved to the trout end to one side of Mr. Porter's store end will have • direct .01r0ed from the Square, m.kifg it an entirely *operate otic. It wall be fitted up with long distend tele - piteous, Dew sonod•proof ashrams and the soo*owrtes all through of • 8r.1 ol.ss mod. ern exchange ; end, by the way, the will be the 'mallet tows with • ooettoue0s service sop/bore In Ca5Ad* exoep* where th0y{poration pays • eeneidersble sum for u t pnwpli00 ervi0e. Messrs. Smith and Fetter eaur.d fifteen new soisertberr hers. and o0 Friday lest drove to Rayfield, interviewed the ooaoo*l there and made sr- rocgem•ato to amnion the village by tole- pbooe a ith the outside world. following heir[ is iced •o • from wbioh then choice shall he made : Rd• Dostiob•1 institutions, ml50400e (home or foreign) sepras0wtloe sod supernumerary Node, local drools debts. It is hoped 10.1 the °hangs d regard to the dtstributioa o1 the feed will potedar10e it and lead to the nontrlbSUon ef oven more than the ram orb glMlty proposed. The geosd!•tltu(ef sympathy with 81L Wild CLARA SHARMAN HA8 f31'1LL a t• voMedds for papas is peso • 4 thearl. (Metal artedeo° le (1055 to 'erhule theorems to psalm tory method, 1011.11 M188 MiLDRED CAMPBELL. PUPIL ef Toroslo CowrT•t iso of Roue, leather et Math sed theory. troche ..s'vTorre•"d e aehede end and 10aretoe. be hod cm seams- ade7s at essiether eonoe 0 Q4•MO1(. y 10LIN TUITION. Miss Loan ,Ash nes, Hell of 8*g..'N?, D1.M11 et the Target* Qseeerr.tr7o count -C W seder 1[r. Amnia* Ai leets or T 571104 • •1.w ter vteflo Iastrnetton. e1 aa 11e1ttsa at reeMelee. the or head std Brook et, or rodeos flog ifTM 1 ,deb P. O. Found. Meths,,, brother of the d , and his e ldest daughter. Annie, who the at present vetting la Mess. Li -t ow iron MINnIAroLle.-Geon• M. ('ox, an old Garfish boy, see of Semi Cos, St. P•trtak's street, last rook left Tll.on. berg, where he badlived Minn.romar l r TJ reside at Minneapolis,Wal pen to aoobarg Mr. Cox bol • prom the work of the Methodist chard, 'emoted Iy Is edieseties with the Epworth Le•t's. '10. Tilemburg pipers contain • full report o1 law week's meeting of the League. at which Mr. toe was presented wit h • seissiebers of Wast Hares held • meeting at ('llotoo on Monday A lidos. .0 grinned to Jahn Di.eley, Meehan. and • transfer of lioeoee Wee made from Odom Kling to .lames O'Leary, formerly of Brawls and new keeping betel to Wlo(tm. 1) U RB R FOUND -ON WEDNESDAY Sept stn. betweaa Whiteoba000mei Auburn a puree °octets's, • sum of moody. The owner may have It by Galling at IL. Oen. Pride boot and dos store, West aide Bowe rISM 1111MA ANDREWS bee of Piano Piro rog11 s0'1 Thrive. A ssiesb*t7 el the VMetirgil Practice .01. glwtoreartes Method for Toed rnl Metros w ll porno the 'Iyrpet y Conserve r yylnt on eppYcaU51 m the Riot Med 1 iW Re.saear Raid. ewer ... Sotto, to O1Mdbe»-. 0 T 1 C E TO ussuITOaa. tee ". ' eswe ef *M Qpwalg W Ina ! .,'... f. 010 veatr er Thee els Td • WON Mies a hereby gives, Nreenat N IL , 1ti, lee. ve. t t an 9.1•.00 b.vtnt 57 N egelese the weave of ON NM The ler, late of the Tarot .f A0A•Meh, gee deeded. ethernet en w about Ow d11, A. D., 1111t. roe reenned ie -ytpla. or deliver to I. -P-I tie evemetere. at N • tisk day of HeM., tK • 1 ere et their .W! ,S00 Mites Int 01171 mM0 kp the rte Web 401 Rept, Mate hated erode Lariat t•ierr1 war b theles Mal tithe have 4____ lay a oats.. ten, tor rivatnw Ofi anal. BARN Urn CLa•. °*4 1111 29TH - The Hon. Ft W Scott, 8eoretary of Suite, hos given the opinion trot o0 I quer o. be sold en polling day without beteg •ubjeot to e penalty of 8100 flee and imprioonmeet. The sixth ,,oboe of the Plebieeite Ant shows that the Dominion Elections Aot applies to the ands& o1 •11 proceeding" In .analt•ing the question. Havas dr R.roo..-Clte'on New Er. One of the iam.tee has bed trytsg the ex. peeimeet of living without food, end, al- thea/0i not .tsk,he has not tasted food tet tar shape or form glad Friday lot. Another ionises olalms to hay• willed s Manitoba fare to Ibe o0aety, ea ooadltion that be M wle1ind durum the reminder of his life; the matter is bang lnve.ttg*td to see if then really le *myth's, in his 'tory. Mrs. E'iasbetb Reid, of tneofortb, was • mew in- mate tills week 0 C 1. " Ler." p.Laortol•.-The *lentos of Literary Sooiety officers was held last Friday. reroltini se follows • Pros.. Miss J. ()theca ; 1st vice, Lye William. ; 2d yid, Mies R Sheppard ; seo'y, W. Hiles ; tress., Ju. Mason ; editor Collegiate Icarnet, Miss Ones Stteog : editor Model Scheel Journal, W. Regan ; reo'y of oommittee. F Munro ; oo,noillore, Wes Moron, Miss Whitton sd'Rr Holt The first literary may be held rete week, should then be no methane" mee01485. Tn. (labs SIAaON 1v ONTAat0 - e poe mimeos for groode, pheromone (lilt • xamotfoa of English one Mongollaa utal. partridge, woodoeok, wipe, plover, swans •n 1 g•.e., bleak and egalrrer.ad hares o.mmeeosd ea Thu Net. The seethe for quail does •et mail October 16th. Tbs epee season meet ot the game will last until Deed lbtb The dock ..seen opened slept 1 0, ..4 the tame laws owt•fn • reetri whiob ear Isoal gunners should be care oh,rve : No person Anil kill more 400 daub durtat the seams. Kerr 'Ma MoNST Ar Howe. -W. that The SIGNAL'S resorb lent week the mooed of buyiem Nada de et are endorsed by the reoeol experience townsmen. W bile la Toronto roper owe of the Mg dep•rtmu1l stores an phl00 he thought ooild not be had is riots. Nat long after. another mem the family bemsbt eight is town •stie the same 'tad 1114 got jest as good • gain as he bed procured In Toros nwTefi•ns hare would advertise as oarei as the Toros,. 'term do, aed keep the 11e as well lof wmd of the gems the to 111, a Mueller .mount et money find Its stay from town to the eity este meet,. meeting In the Tempras& Hall. Monday evening here, is the tensest of prohibition, bending at 8 o'olock. A full and free in- vitation is 'twee, and full time will be ex- tended to any opponent of prohibition r to any wobble, b (lee remotes for his op pattioo or for his wobtling. Mr. Holmes 1e • Gming man. and has opiates oo the publlo issue all the present McGlone u of greet t0eereet b the public). i .: L,LIOU»»-Y EDITOR. From f$l W ADVERTIISEMfINTO - • 22 lights sad the ,tient is very Pte,• A Poor t- . ADDRCte. Wednesday eve- ning of lest week the molt! club rooms were the moue of • farewell gathering to honor of Clement Pewlottoo, preeton to hie de• w oody tllamteeted address therewith, thie.Mrevarts w croon edited em doietwaPa •ppreouuon of the wroestnees, obese nose and belpfulse•s of his oh.rasber, Meir deep resent at his departure sod their fewest hops that, with God's Yelp, hie fitters eerier a ill be • noble one. The footprint of the address made an impressive reply. Toe SIGNAL desires to loin in the god words d id of M1. Cox and the wishes for his future ws1I-bdat- 7 He Poucs Couwr CAWING/it --Station .test Steelton last week laid an iotorm• tios against Wm. Dalin and J. Sl•pbard ohargtog there with disorderly oonduot at the stand. The oe•e same up on Monday bus was edjourod till T.dey in the wisp hell whoa the meglalrwts imposed • fine of $2 end Dente epee Shepherd end 11 and oats arm Dabs. L. E. Dsnoey, os behalf of Dabs, gave notice of appeal front the magistrate's derision.... Wm. Dabs had J. Stephrrd obargd with ,emelt 11814 battery. the oat000 • of some frloUm at the eolith tot Frid•v 105.141. The den was div mused with oosta....Jobo Pleasanter was obarged by Ades M. Cook, of BeomlU•r, with assault ■pen Ted 0.10, and Lotteries Plummer, wife et the 10 o with • .iaithe ahem sg t the pen ..t Lawrence Cook. The ems eaves se let hearing Mode/. hat mos eljsaAgi to W edeedae. _. Tiro Trcooil TgentatOat 111.11 The meeting bald TOeedoy areele1 i■ the Tempersooe Hall 1s the interests of prohi- bition was • thorough snoods. The hail .was well filled, end the .ndsoa ortainly got oto opportunity to (eke • nap between ecu, the meetre being of •wtai5ed inter- est throughout. Oo'metro of It. W. Ma- llen e, f) Mol;illionddy assented the do ies of the chair. Alter payer by Rev. W. Godwin, • solo was .00eputb'y cog by 'Rees Whitney, to whom Mrs R. W. Logan made • apa0lo •oeemp*miet. The ahem u s brieflyiotredoeed the gawkier of the eves• oseph °lbeoe, of Ingersoll, who a1 once upland the sedien05 and kept the is• tweet et the highest possible pitch for an hear sad • half. Ne eyDopeta would do jos. tiesto the address, and we shell ad uudr- taks to give oar. Suffice to say that from •tet 10 flesh he marshalled an array of fees, and reasoned out one of the strongest presentations of the duet of prohibition 1b•1 have ever bees given to • Gadmrieh se- diwd. oven illi Fmk time the Lobry will be workmR Hamllt a -S1 HUlisery-M Os 11is . - 8 overtime. Fall MUIWry ltealat 6 Alex J*hw.toes tioose,which :sea @o badly. Co eooroers • few .eeb •go, a bMw10016 MU1laery Opedsg-R. B. 8moth.. ,18 withers uppse story added to the wing- Asy Timm --Mise,• Yates 4 The butternut crop to 10ga1t•R the at, Welcome -Jae' Rd eblee4 toned r.f the ,mall Iwy dement. One Ouse -N. 1) Reagent 4 party of ex Nue last Saturday mads • baul The m . W. toall Math jV Dlob-% Geode Thomsen- 8 of . bagful each Many of oar readers will be pleased to Gal and Wod-Cartage L Coal Co1 6 hero that Rd. Pumon, who has been so The Cheap BW i an`JO. F. E rsen4 eertowly ill at S►r.ouee, N. Y., u cow en Sweeplam O. H. Groes the way to red•ry. Oran ro W W. Aebesos RSM IS Fall Opening- 8.rhee w ePrl-J. H. Pedder.„,,, • • 8 8 Clearing Sale-- W ood'e Voir 1 How to Rest -Mn. Dr. Melwsd ' 1 Servant Wasted -Mies Reagan How for 8sle or Rest --Mrs. E Fisher1 The erode solar phenomsaon res re. marked In' many on Mondry. 11. Gouda) appearance of the su0 u toaldent to the edveot of the equinoctial gales. Charles Elder, of Stratford. who has been 1n °50101104 with Wood's Fair, has been appointed to the ob0rge of the Odriah brenob of thin institution. Mayr Thompson 15 0moog the prominent Canadian mayor* wham ptoturee adorn one of the pages hi Morant's ('aooliu 'iodation row dead, " Our Lader of the Sometime. '. In the r.oset R. Q. T. road rad, Alex. Mol.or wee started by Q. Emerson, UM- W est -.t btoyote ono, and' sok" WtlliaYrir was similarly laked alter by Ben H. Robin - KM. The 1.11owiee militia rode hes been issued ; 33rd Herd banshee of infantry - No. 5 amps*',, to be doond heutecut,pro- vriearlly, Buries tblotest Great, gentle man, Moe BI►:reeetired. re( Glebe ins the following Mem twee to • feebler 0. 0, 1. boy _ MaMnrdie, who was the star o1 the eb•mpou Varsity 11. real( beck Alerted, will be a decided ao- pinnies to the senior tam this fall. There are quite • number of 0.05nt seats in the Hos.. r (ommo05, and it Is am 'cooed that the Govsrnmeot teemed' to hold all the bye elections upoo the same day. as soon Y possible after the Quebec caoterua. IV. Strang belts eiket07110tpNi1aat vet the 11110001111111 0•10444•10•0 11 the midsummer dep•rtmeotel examinations, and will mail them to thaw residing out of two who eeod ham their addressee, with • stamp for psstege. The dense pall al smoke ov.rbeoging the lake and land Mouths), was presumably awed by elteasive forest Bra in Michigan. The smoke wen so dense m to make it Im possible to sen more than about 0 mile out on the 1•ke RU8INRSB CHANCit-STORE TO reni I. the thriving rtaaeof Duegan- am. sittmt04 ea the male street In tile beet business part of the village. COmmodloo0 ■nd suitable for dal Masa of b**15egs. Has tautly been occupied is a *hoe storeWill be rested upon 80004.6*e term. to • enu5hle tem. nor partisans* apply to J. W 1on at06DD Tailor, D00te'1noe. Mho. Publ o lTOU S. NIARMIN0-7018 IS TO OIVE mottos that I will allow these to 'boot or hoot ea *he ilM.-1a Mab or*m• part of m1 property. An. me doles awill . DAT S( *oohed for treep. ag. MRS. Y. & TRiLL. Ridgewood Park. NOTICE TO 1DRPOSITOR8. The Hee on sod rody will reduce t0•emeeting ad t oo dodo to t thhewotree pen **rut from •0d .tier the err .f July. nett LOANS. Loans on A 1 vedette matinee to be made s INC and are arta • half per seat. Ist0r••t fmtlltl HORAC0 HORTON. TA=1e NO1ICR THAT THE 111.7N• vhfal 0040511 eft the corporation of the es walls ea this %inert, Mouth vee 1ol and Kan 04re01 t to 0001menne 51 the south met career .r M atesel etre-t d attend to the west .14. of Month .trent and commencing et the linrth e we ooener of Kleptoo mom and emending to the eolith Ode of Hat stets : at.0 on the tenth tide of lh.t street, Gmmr0Mng at the of the agave sad etteetin` reeftar Moe en tiesemt slrl Weld.Wil .nmenolonat A the et KWOO nr nr the ausv and madding seeth-edd MMS 1.41. •ad shall be of the width M eleven feet Me f.01101 : taw a gnedithte ✓ ldrmwd0 en the welt side of Routh dee, .omm4aditg at the 0010er or the *0 « 04 "steadier eolith M 1•40, Sea shall he width of 10 Mot and to ester *h* floel oast thereof thee tit* grocery •betelao thereon end to he Mb 81t•et the. and that a stat• UMessisUr14011. iso 4 10,the eedmes of the • tosay ew.ees tsots. N. se lar a they see be @en rwl.ed frees 10. lepL ,,gleed r..essm4 sroll sow Mae In the else theMorks5 4W tit 4 ethatiti 514 te eeTpabs 041.4sstl:ill of'he work le $I10 61, of wed 5101,0 le to he provided the 0[ tweed- iest hee d- oral feeds a the maelel.allty. • Overt et Revisers w111 he held e. Friday, eemp tows WI fres' the purpose a.m..mis t of b.arleg the pl•Ints adroit *0. , Sassed 1•0r.ae0t sot m*1 nW1 of the m.wreetene to nay other nemN•l*I peewee 10/eRes54 mayr W is 11 pps. abbe Ith No t>e NIL aerator for the C. P. It, at Moose J•w, N. W.T. The following address war reed by J. H. Nero Gdenob, Sept. 10th, 1898. To 7l•most Pemaiigto0, lip. Go this the eve of your departure prepar- atory repay.tory to eoo.pting a positlou in the far Wait, we feel that We dnoot let you de- part without @bowing you in wan small way the appreoiation in whioh you are held by the boys o1 the old towo. We take this opportunity of preessttn( you .i10 this umbrdl• as • email token of the retard and einem in whioh you are held by N1. Al. tbotagh we shall mine you ea the ball field end in meny otber.ports to which yen ai ways took • prominent pmt. we are pleased to knew fist you are making • change for the better ; sad you may rest •seared that Por-baid widow follow yon. 8i(aod Is behalf of the boys, B. D. GEANT A R. Ito.RT$ol WY. Thole rimN J H. NA1RN M. E DoMAN DAVID Menke Fred Shaman' preened the 0mtwella, and the reply el the suets of the ev.oiog was followed by the roasting of en impromptu program of .peeoh sad coag, D 1100111i - middy presidia:. The program 'Deeded addressee by J. it Naos. D. 14.0411*. caddy, Gene Eater.00, H. MoHardy end George Smith ; songs by J. A Haip•ay. Rd. Tilt end George Fraser; • durst by Hy Edwards and Fred Shen000 and • reoitatIo. by Mr. Hslpssy. closing with " Auld Long Sy.." and " He'. a Jolly Ood Fellow.' " Clem " left Friday •fternoo0 to spend • week al Toronto before pro0esdlag to the West The b the phase - may earthy oyes for tabor ember oti"o 1e1 to than pedtwtsh. 8apt. 111104 _ find 'p5 town of • *hand at *11(01* Ode. her ot les al bar - to if ally p'b- y have mt(ht blisb- A Ronal RIDR IN TONIC -R. C. Wal- ler. jr., • somber of 0.1...! BespsTslt's regiment of Routh Riden,retaraed from the war, was • visitor he town let week, the guest of his sister, Ides. R. P. Eckhart, L'gbehow et Mr. Waller resides at Cbl• oleo, bot .t the outbreak of hostilities was an undergraduate •t Y•M. Aloe, wits several Galore companions- although him• sell the only undergraduate --he jested 'Theodore Roosevelt", eavalry regimeat San Antonio. where it wits quartered before poor. to Cuba. He was with the Roach Rider. from start to dwell and waste the midst of eery engagement Atter own- ing through the whole campaign 'eeo.the4, 1. • minor .kirmieh he was wounded to the book of the heed by the bunting of • she11 -hie oompasloes on either hand bels, killed outright by the explosion,. Mr. Waller has bed numerous exalting eapsrienoes and has sot entirely recovered from the nervous ten- sion 1501dsnt to the ordeal whioh be hoe u.derlte'e,and M rather reticent In relating les udvestorss. Hs left town on Moody after • Telt of several days. is idiot 8t. Peter's 01pg15g5Ues wilt be • monument b the reverend - _.- men's leaumbeOOY here, wiled, 18 Muer-"" w111 datums for msoY years yec' - "Ree. Jas. A--A-oderasa, R.A., R... RAW- • doledaad by the l'eenbye ry M vMike Limbers and Union churches is VIM Make este of the •agmestaU00 fund. They ad• dressed the respsotlre charges on Moodsy and Tuesday evenings. ..ani weer, o0 the 000mioa of her end• ding to Dr. E. R. Hdosr, Mies Mlaoie Stretches wee ppreeeswd by bis fetbw•werk• ere in the Sabbath .drool and choir of Knox oharoh with a very handsome silver salver. .oumpsnied by as _address 100derl47 the rood wishes of the donors. The Re.. Mr. Young, of HemUtos. gave an istreitia1 lettere on "Trinidad" la Koos chant Sunday school last Moadsy evo.0g before an •udienoe of about three hundred. The lecture was Interspersed with some maim lantern .laws hearing epos the team', and was node the emptor of the W. F. M. S. T. Yreebytety r4 Wstos met is Waite oburob, Climes. op Tuesday, 13th test. The 8laed committee reported trot • rete of 10u. per family. wlthen the bouOd•,woald le euftoieot to meet business and travelling expend for the ensuing year. A 1e1tr from the foreign mission seetew+y of lee Chetah was reed, china thee the sum of 61,600 should. 11 passible, be rated by the oo egregetiose of this Pr.bywey la vied of the foreign missies toad for the press* eo- cleslastfoel Year Wm. Altobesee, of See - forth, was oerti8d to the sonata of Koos College, Toroow. as • etdeat of the second you preparatory dare. DeputatIme ware appointed to volt eld•raosiviag GOgrega- Roos, as follows -To Limbers and Ueda oburob. Uoderion township. J. A. Ander. .00, hobs. Henderson •0d P. Molwea ; N Hayfield and Hetbo.y, Waiter Malt, J. A. McDonald and Hector Raid ; to Dread W. M. Heid end Corbett, J. A. Headsmen', Martin end J. P. Ross. Remits from the Gen.1.1 Assembly were gent to osmmittw to prepare reporte for dissuades at the next regular meeting in Ne.smber. A .Iroog resolution 1a fever of the tolei probibttios of the tlquor traMe wag essSI ,seely adept - d. _. Hama %bef4Mivtat serve. will he held on Sunday nut at 8t. George'sobarob. and sermons pedalled bythe Rev. J. Ward, motor of Hartsville. he order •t eervid will be as follows :- 11 A.I., Matins sad AOI.-Comm00100 Vsalwg hymn 61, "Rh Gseeg..".. 9.lvsy Special psalm by Oros °slier W.04werd Te 1).am H.vbtas to 0 Decollate* Beethoven Delos hymn 52. •• Awcr+a, " Tia! Kyrie Klesoo ..... . ..... . Gloria Tibi Short Hyena before .rmoo, 48, " Meakls d." 8srmoo. Meek Of ertory hymn 372. " Al0.glvtaL"070.0.0 Sevenfold Amen Mather 7 p,w., Evenwo0g- Openine hymn 490," Old Hundredth." Proms ......... .....arranged by BB N Spooiel psalm oxly. of - -- --rr: s Memphieys M•goittal • .Gess 1a A Nuno 1)immittiu Anthem. " Praise the Lard." %seceder Hymn 499• " Mlles Lase,"$brsbsels Swathe. tether Hymn 214, " H Sevenfold Ames Suod•v evening eomeue was mean entomb to break the bit shank of coal, be 'onion( to F.Ilarlow Holmes, in front of his ohne. The lump weighs over 400 Ila end the break detracts from its value as an d• yet Wog exhibit. Our e0•erprWeft Iocal photogrsPben. Messrs. Sellows and Brophy, have been m• plat loom grand views 105 past few weeks. The mine of artistic material eat • roatdiag the town makes it as ides' haunt fur the photographer. Oa Wednesday of last week • Olsten cos ole -Fed Brews dud Miss Ida Rego -wen wedded in llodrieh. Both are members of the (lista. 8. 1. oorpi. The eewceremony the Wrforma y ltd. fr Viol ort. st. 'church parsonage. The Goderbh marble works ben 0ontr•011 for the erection of bands.. ie monuments at Maitiend cemetery to memory of Reee Price, W10•.111oLMe end Mrs..). P. Brows. The stone for *11 d them 1. 1e bored Swede, Imported directly from Sootlarl. Hamilton Nicholls, of Berlin, was to town last week end tuned the of 81. Pe•er'e and Knee ohurohes. The organ ot 8t. Peter', ohurob is said to be the otdr•t pips organ to the Huron (root. It was purohaeed stoat forty years ago. sod te still its good order. Two foreigners representing themselves as Wein of Jello, In Kard.swo, were in two lout week oolleotiog money to estab- lish an orphanage. They carried an ap- peal dead by Mar Stereos. Archbishop of Jello. bat then woe no evidenoe of anted. Batty, The judiciary oommitue of the Canadian L.oeoess Asso0atio0 bad before It last week the protest of theTeoomseh-Elms, of Toros - to, .pipet the Ineforth Reaves Is oou- ostld with the reeds metoh to Toronto be - trod the two tams.'the oommittee cls allowed the protest, and the Beavers now have the ohampimehlp with an anoloudd Utl.. Dr*Owlt0D I11 THa HAR IOL -A drowatag t.wlity e0mmd Monday evening at the better. David, the Wee year old eon of Robs. Roomiest'. Qoebeo street, 1. oempsoy with Harry, the five veer old coo of Harry Arautreog, of the same street, had gems down to toe harbor after school. sed had hese pIAvimg about the floating bridge to the island. A000rdieg to the tint story of little Harry, tbey had been playing for some time, when be loft his comp5oinn for home, the other lad saying he was roto• to "stay and boom the loge," at the same time walking over to the direction of the logs The eon • •ppear50te of the boy alarmed the pureed, and • carob was lmmedlatly (agtltat04. Working on the above olew, ►he tale* in the doers of the Mimed was draped and s.arob d .11 day Tuesday, the logs interfering oondderably in the work Not till 'lass day night meld little Armstrong be lo• duod to tell the real oiroumetands of the inoldenl. The two had been throwing snipe few the water from the brides when little Baobme fell to and, beteg unable to swim, was drowsed. His oompsoloo was usable to render soy i.Mtep** and too trigbtend to tell the whole story. Immd lately os learning this, search was made at the place ledlested and at the third 'topple the body was found by Capt. Wm. Robin - sen, jest at the .tern of the sohoe er Croftemso. The body. whioh had been In the water foe ever twenty-four boars, was carried to the elevator and from there 000- voyd home. The oirocmeweose incident to t1. tragedy are particularly sad, the drowned boy having been • lovableand ebdiest little fellow. The two Irons ones were 001)4'friendly, and alike food of the water. Only a few months ego they were plying .bout the logs together whim both fell in, but were resoled by men near at hand. The flay of the drowsing, little David had taken • ha( le whioh to gather Alpe; having 811d this he lett It 0e the dook, when It remain, • silent whom a of the little fellow's Industry and thoughtful- ness. for he took pleasure le the teak, though sol repaired to do it. The 1 1 teeb pi... yesterday .tter000e from tho. family redden** to Celborns oemetery. The bereaved fsp'lly have the sympathy of tis aommadly b their sorrow. LOOA$ N[W1Ite BRIEF. THev Do 81*88G. THINGS. -Another in- ternale( letter the boss remind from Geo. Bethune. d•srl•rtive of the doings to toe mew quarters in Cube. Under date of Aog. 31st, George writes that he is unite pleased with the dime -odd be taw drools. After 0051101 from the hill. 'rewriter/eau mach weaseled by .soosorsasad sed of food. but n ow molar boars, goad fend sad quarter" w ake • [rest Imprevememt, The efflen hours are dal ins the betroth part of the day -9 to 4, hat townie to press .f work le es- tablishing the sew depertmeat hoer have been longer, Hy six o'olok 11 is ea dark that no work o00 be done The last S'sdsy was the fire) en whioh work was net roue fee M. pivoted three mouths, Oe Sudsy evening the wrier acid fire eempsatons at. beaded a Y. M.C.A. wseeli6., the ettud1oe eesa1Msg e1 Ng ME/Ms, firs eefered *Weft from the 08porat, the m•jes ab4 cue alai - tae. An old intend matt Iwdloe the smog int Ira Tory ploe••t1 at the Iooreud later est to the wrk-id •1001Aan** et thirteen •operea0y alar ea wad event. It .some neer to see • man ti 1e right into be reuse w410.at ellosioasUet Quta .ten Iro berme an drives fob the stow sad the mestere re Idled to .flow Mem to p•ss- whethr into the kneed m net se not Yemen Msey this'll" aro alike peenli.r to the hew ensile. •'ENoAOID."-The caste for Gilbert's wile - heated oomedy, " Engaged." whleh .111 he Palm the beards by our leoa1 dramatic club, ha the following .150.op : Chariot Rill, a renew awn of property, Ches. Andrew": Release y. hie irlead, 1, D. O'000se111 SymperThoomson% Mf og1i11irrsy to Y eba) Bares. s Moo.l'fster. • Roodladder. Ahs. Me• Dorold; Belinda Tr.heree, Mir Rreek MB - Melt; Metals iy.nprsee. tees Fleeted R. Ball; Meted Mbeterlase, a Cowled lasts, MM Hate (%smp•Igse: Mn Melanesia, Maes A. Mel.sae. The ash teepees pre- seeti.7 the 067 here and la RIT*h. Add site date Ne the local .pgem.5* w0Nt be given the week. Mg.CNA11111 AND Twd OSSA? NOtTWWMr' RN, -With formable wether e.Sdltee0e, the (.11 deny men week premises to he sm• Stoutly eseset ful. There .ill M hit tweeds is tows. sad N wilt he • por*leularly geed time for beeste a wren to de ',mesas/ etas he the way of •leortWns With caw typo. swam ttn..seomel roamed* w.Nmea.Tto 101041. preside elite la the best equipped Se far not • great many of the special de- livery stamps meetly issued by the Post - office Department have Leen sold 00 the paf0Boe here. It always takes time to in Rodeos asythiD( new : •od the demand for thee* 'tamps will scored es time goai on. They are used • greet deal 4n the States, and ooaislonally they turn up at pabffice here on lettere mailed from the other ace by peness who do not .top to think that the United Stares does not dyer the whole ooeW*ot. CHURCH NOTES. NettSued•y evening he Vlotoria-e. Meth - dist oharoh Row. W. Ondwln will ponds from the •nbieot "The Fronoh'ee." The Cetholio obeli of Clinton. ander the leadership of Presseor ,loner, will eine at High Masa at 811. Peter's nut Sunday. Miss Mildred Campbell is soling u °rgam- let at North -86 Methodist churoh until • permanent appointment to the proton is made. About sovonty delegates are •zpeoted 10 attend the ooevestlon of the Methodist Woman's Mlsetioo•ry Society to be held here nett mouth. The monthly roll call end ro05eonsttos lRvtoe will M held ate Tumidity evening In Vietnr(•-N k worth i.sgeo. The weryld is to be Id by VV. Rened,.. Mtge isura Atheism has resumed bar vie. lin elms at Climbs Then are six ndpr eYp11a Isle{ hien, a.e t5 time chi. sem,m. W. J. Merrew shipped 1,000 dews .l eggs to Montreal the wed. Jobe Repaired Is talking of going to the 8teketohewu next year to beet for gold. L. R. Dewar), has the foundaMos he for • helm on W•8.eloo •'.,below the Naftali roe- Ideeer. The (all same- will oosa1eeee 0e Mae- da., 001ebr 3rd. .I asid Meredith .111 he the tel•I judge. A little entered waif tome In m the rompers Saterd.7 eight and emoted • arse armed by Ns lively *mHes. Desalt' Metsd left no Friday M hewed ae lomat' of the Heed of Ref... at Gime.. Josses Raid was le dente of hint. The family of J.heHt.n Irish es t• *hash the many d, .h.* s-Mbd Mew le tbar metes au* by ire. The Green fsdtdry Iweseete a novel pie - ten whim reswsa 4511 hast *l eight. Tire meep thele Whits. a lighted by ta.•ads.een11 bratiesl el the event. TM 'wasteful alder 1 fig , C. W Asiraw, mamma AN A 1 Tx:Armoire Saxvu'a. - nesse/It the ,thew of A. T. 6meh, wpert.seadoe* .< the Oscan, dep5rtm•5t of the Reil Tele- phone Co. , and (inerts Porter. the sem p50y'e heal manager, who have bees Wier- vtowleg seri of oar bad.em mon .0d Ssner- erg wow aehswl►twe, Oedmisb e to bare s tefepbaos ,sweet thee roll pot is ea as peal lutist with the s1/W le tide to 04. 0n ()plebe let a emsalau0 ee 5vla .4U e • ANNOUNCEMENTS - RIO.'. Pore Salt for table or ddlr7. For a Itylbh fall bat go to Smith Bros. The latest sailors and walking hats as Smith Bros. Ootoher Delineator and Fashions. W. Aoheeon & Hon. W. Acheson A Soo's d.ertisement la ,ipwrssliog reeding. Don't fail to •tel* R. B. Smith's mUllosey opening, Sept. 24 sad during Fair trek. 11. B. Smith's millinery °pain.. Sopt- 24 and following week, will now be the metre of attraction. 1 have reosived • oarload of British Cal. ambit shingles, whioh I am prepared to sell at pride to suit. F. SouTH. Wanted. - 200 tube shone dairy better. 140. Also 50 owe eggs weekly. O. S. KING, Wlogham. Miss H111ier's millinery opening take' plate Monday evening of nett week and the remainder of the week. Ladies, oleaa your kid gloves with Mil - lee's /levies; fee sale only by Smith Brea & 0o. Headgourin for gloves--Penle'e and all beet make, from $1 op, warranted, The altesM•s of 1he ladies et Oodorioh and vicinity M dlreeled to the millinery opening at Miss 6111 er's store, Kingston -et., ea Monday evening of soar week aid the days following. The Y.P.B C E. of Knox oharoh hold • reception social the evening for the students gad other Wastes in the tows,.. Piston C. E. has been invited 1 "stead. Next Buni•y morning Rey. Jas. A. An - deme. w111 speak p•rtlenlarly to patents ; 1a the afternoon to the ohildren, and le the solidest ►e *.po will he •' Temperance.' Nett Sondsy sfteneoe the leilded el Kae: obaroh will held • sp.otal servl.s, '• A Trinity of lire•* Logits,' to the body of the ehereh. Re.. 1r. Andersen .111 .d - dress the oblides. on the oo,salnn. Tae regular meeting of Viotri•-st Hp worth Ls•/0e .as djoer..4 to Friday eve- ning on rodent of 1he m.etie, in the Tac• 0eneee Hall on Tuesday .venle,. The topic' will be taken by Mien Minnie HBlla,. The regular moaner of Northet Kpwo.th Ie•(me, whioh was postponed Dorn Tweedy eveai55 m aeooset e1 the eleMtelte meet- i.g, will be held teburrow ( Pride yleventere Several speakers will deliver tampeneee ad- Aww, did emend made wl11 he given. li-*.,'.b.rgain hens., H•mNtos-et.,Oed* riot, for sew sad ..Deed -rood koasbold geode. Ladies' peokm books and m'efe cerrlers, new and very oheaD Mee me • sail wham yea vrittha Fab W.*bos.-rut .ss ......( Na. To Butter Makro. -W. J. Morrow has remised trent the Lower Petrtnoso • moot. bee of bedew hoses, wins be wishes to dla- tetted among first -olds hotter makers. (;all at be sten, H.mallsoe et., fr infer. mattes'. Oen. W. Thomson is et, buy that he 1111 be unable to here any goods es exhibition at the Northwestern this year. He will haves Importer stook 4a the 0)0.40.1 sad Moeda Ras at Ma eters ea the Aqure, robed he will be placed to we all lemmata, per- dtaila We lanes yes re ahead oar fall .1111- sery gem Saturday, Rept, With..md 1.11dw (Fair) week. whoa n a0,lay et - shave .tyles fe 1n. milllsmv • wvet- Ihs. The .9504. s sod well lighted sheer nems (Use lasted s the Wesel are here Hee pleserm oma apprw°rttm R R. Rev- Fethr West having mmplstd his tenth year 1. °berme e1 this perish. ervleen wme held reesutly Is Rt. Peter', deeds, ;Aerial' sad sad At..1 h'e, (line,', In i•d..