HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-15, Page 2The Signal
• rostrum
oro,:, d. Punctuated tad rtresorved la
Teresa el tlsbserIpttea t rimy reragrepke for eke Perusal of
pI'akemonth 1• misname 1 16
•s months, td Peri i.ni P.opt• - r.rsoa.l. Polities!
ala months «10
Om year 100 ud rrontebt•.
Advetlsiag Rates.
�ra�t and other ...mei aoh, r1isentents, Mie.
periline for diet Itset tine. and 5 reirts per 111141
/,r ..eb sal eoolent Luerllou. Measured by a
n onpareil orale
BWinree cards of eta lines and under, S6 per
Ad•ertiscm•uts.lf Leat. Found. Strayed. 811-
aagousVa,ant Simmons %Vented. end Husl-
ease Chances %Vatted, n t eacredUue 5 lints
meaparel I. s 1 vet' klou t it
Roues ot, hale and Fertile of Sale, not to er-
▪ enanmonth,
quent iol, Lancer advtsIopitton
Any spet•1.1 notice the uhJet' of which is to
promote the pecuniary belied' u( auy individual
sr company, to be coueidered an advertisement
and charged aet'urdln,rly
Local neneea in tu.iarsll type one cent per
wird,i,ocnn notice less then $lc.
al lioticr iu orilttnry reading tyle two
Eata per word. No notice for ler than dee.
oticee for churches end other religious and
potent tnstItuuoee, hell rate.
results Iyhby hall, fwillt cont rl yae (va bm5A
quelnthyt as of the fact at as early a date as
When a ehaure of address is dceired. both 0.
*Id and the new address should 1c given.
Pabllsker'. Settee.
.1 C. Le Tense, of Ooderteh, has Men op
pointed Imes! Travelling Agent for the Tows -
ships of Ooderteb, Colborne, Ashfeld and Ws.
Loral poetmsieters over the district ars aka
tsAerento receive sutecriptiOns to Tag
All comiyy0featlon motet yI eLL1Crer•d
THE 80550,
Teleptwru C.0 b. - t:oderieb, Got.
l ti u ell0841.14thiX . 13, t8. .
Under the jurlsdtctlon of Toronto Cos-
feren..e of the MethudleI Church there am
48,111 m.mtere.
McGill and Montreal Cricket clubs
have choose • very strong tram of 15 10
meet the 'tatting Knglleh eleven.
Jennie Batterelll, an thane woman,
about 60 years of age, choked herself to
death at tie London Duette Asylum.
Prof. Brodie, entbmeiggket of the On-
tario Department of Agrloulturr, 1u.5 1eea
dlacovered a new bug welch attacks 1bo
pears. It promises to be extremely disas-
trous. Measure@ will to taken to stamp 1t
out wherever It is found.
The Supreme Lodge, Kulgt.a of Pyth
las, has cut official married 26 per Dent
Mr. George J. Bennett bas been ap-
pointed Grand Scribe K. et the Mattoon,
Grand Chapter; M. i Walsh of Ingersoll,
Grand Z. of the Grand Chapter of Canada.
Fifty dead and over 100 prcetrattons IR
one slay is the rmort of the heaS to New
Ms tint attempt to walk since he injured
h ie knee fix weeks ago.
It U now weemated .* Monuwl that
Sir Adolphe Cbapleal's estate will ba
between 131J0,000 uud'400.000.
Oen. Weyl.r now uropoes to be lode
pendent of loth the Government and the
Opposition. He gays the Carlisle have lop
of money.
Liout.-Col. H. K. MoCalluen, R.I.,
C.M.O., Governor ot Lager, will mooted
Sit Herbert Money as Governor of New-
foundland In October neat.
Rev. Dr. Morison, who recaatly resign-
ed the pastorate of the Oak Skeet Presb7-
torlan Church, 'Toronto, has gone to study
at the Unlverallte of lelpafg, Germany.
Charles Jeffrey was charged with per-
jury in ib. Toronto police court, and was
committed for trial.
A 'l'olonto teamster bas bean fined 16
and costs for • torrent of profanity that
he let hoose on a street owner.
Young Karn of E.ubro was held up at
Mltverton br two men who relieved him
of all hie Dash -$40. Chief Hartmler 1s
looking for them.
Joseph Heebner of Soarboro forged tbi
name of Ed. Cook to an order for 14.60
upon Enos Spring end collected the
amount. He 1e but 20 years old, and the
Magistrate gave him one year in the
C.Ltra. Preen.
A driver for the Patine Exprer Co. at
Omaha reported that while on bis
round., after oolleeting several parcels of
money, he found, upon coming out 0e •
jewelry house, the door of the little frog
safe in his wagon wide open and a pack-
age oontatuing 9O,OW gorse.
It Is understood that the capital ohm of
William .1. Hammond. awaiting exeou-
York City Saturday. in Ilarrla.jatl on Sept. 16th for the
murder of his wife, Kate Tougb, et
Toronto still keeps K up. Ninety eight- i ravenhurst, has been before oounetl. It
In the shade on Friday. Ottawa wap tit• p mailable that the law will be allowed
nrareet elr,Tat 90 in the shade. Ito take Im come', as the et oolty et -the.
A P. ' E. ISLAND' J.P.
Interviewed by The Patriot's
Speolat Correspondent
•,•rw •rk Yroae bt o. N • a raffia amid Skate
tend N.allh O 11y -rimed teeny
el.epl.ee Nights.
From ti. Gharlottetowa Patriot.
The Patriot's special correspondent
"Mac." beiug in the eastern section of
the island ou btrdners, heard many eotrt-
'almeutary remarks concerning Dr. Wil-
liams' I'iuk Pills, which appear to bet
fife favorite asedkiue in all parts of
Canada. Among thole who are •er7
emphatic Se the praise of this medicine
is nein Mclabee, J.I'., ot Olen Cerro -
dale. and our oollrespotident determined
to call upon bia and ascertain iron
his own lips his views in the matter.
Mr. McPhee was found at home, and
M Itis is a very entertaining OA. inte11F:
gent goutiema•, our correspondent was
soon "at home,' too. When questioned
about tbe benefits be was reported t•
have' received from the use of Dr. WA-
tnam•' Pink Pills, Mr• Mci'hee said:
"About four years age I got run down
from overwork on the farm. As there
is eoasidenthle timber land on my pr'-
perty. I thought I mild go into makLg
timber in addition to my farm work.
The task, however, moved too heavy
for my strength, and I soon began W
break down. 1 contracted a moire rid.
neuralgia foNowed, and i found my-
self in *battered bealth generstty. I
telt very emelt distressed and dt,ronr-
aged, and spent wetly sleepless rights.
I tried several very highly recommend -
fed mvdtdnee"but-•Tenered• no gerntan-
l1! belleOt ttgiSsmy of them. Ae Dr.
Wtfliams' Pink Pits were so highly
recommended throne, the press, I
thought I wotdd giro them a fair trial.
After ming a few hetes I found they
were ,hating the desired effect, mad I
began to find my wonted health and
strength gredustly returning. I kept
on using the pills until I had regained
my former vigor and had gained con-
siderably in deeb as well. Now I cea-
eider my.eli a healthier man and fed
as well ■s ever I did in my life. I e**
conscientiously' recommend Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pill. to any person suffer
into as I was I bare the utmost coafi-
deaMP-Ia fbtef5-*t1.t iffeeMtthe
Rheumatism. sciatica, neuralgia, pat•
tial paralysis. locomotor ataxia, neer-
one headache. nervous prostration ad
diseases depending upon humors he the
Cr; 11.60 as*.
1.W p.m.
10.50 p.4
and Express
Mali sod Express
yai) and Express 1.15 am.
Mall and txpres*
r So pm.
SSA p.m.
1-a�a` NICHOI.S„N. L. D. &
La5TAI. 5(150105.
ROOMS opposite the Poet Once.
GoldTilling, Crow.' and Bridge Work a
S pecialty.
• Yams BsperhaeL.
MI* burgeon -Latest and approved methods
for all dental operatinee. Preeervatlon of the
.•rural teeth a specialty ebacr : (. r. West '•.
g ad square sup sten,. 'Entrance on West st
DI • Suortro . (Labels radiated wltb Dr.
Dlro L of Yootrah. Weld and jsrrcvWn. artl-
Seel teeth mounted on gold or aluminum bases,
spaced atualo., ,vest to the -reservation els tis
spinal teeth. � In Me loan's hew k.
On Brldif .t New York there was • crime and tir.aridence of tba..man a
gradual Increase In temperature until 1t guilt lend to the ooneluslou that 1t Is not
monad 96 at noon. There were a num- • caw calling for executive clemency.
Dia eft. the fro heat.
e. Office: Bruce *met, the residence
lately occupied by Dr. McLean. Night eslls
trout residence. TeleF ate 6e.
i -
The United States have adopted emote -
The delegates of the Wleh miners utsS lees powder for the navy. * =
and forolntly Pet fie•1, oy a majority of The Royal Military College Opened
24,400, the aroeptante of the employers' with a recruiting class of 33 The steer
Mem*, which include an increase of •per cadets, 43 1n number, will report on
matin their wages. I Tuesday next ---_
Four hundred "lin, e'eint miners, , The War Department is advised that
ander Dirties President Dolan. marched General Miles deported for the United
from Monongahela "7 00 Friday to the Sates from Ponce on Thursday on the
tell and Cabburg mined In Pennsylvania,
and forced the defy taco at work b loth I The smbulance vhlp Shlnneoock, from
eiuolAdkf►,.- ._.....,. _._-_r. :y.�....lI1antemt Potut, w1. -da1..•olel -M:4 's
MUNICIPAL MAT JULIA en boar,, bas arrived at -New York.- ..01
Mount Forest's new waterworks have the 271 men. only about 90 are well
been tested and found efficient. enough to be granted furloughs.
The ratepayers of the townehlps el 1 Lieut G. H. Rotrt•rs, graduate of the
and Allred the County
transport Auckland.
4f -t Royal Military Collette. hep been gaseeted
Pointed Payapraphs.
Only a truthful mau knows bow math
he lice
The actions of • 13 -Inch gun speak
louder than words.
The gas meter has mors feet thou any
ether animated *lug.
Blau, a poor tame finds It harder to get
drunk than t• stay sober.
Consistency may be a jewel, but k L
apt to hare au alum flavor.
Kiaimg may be unhealthy, but every
girl roumdves herself an lmtrahe,
\Viten a man he ewetnied itt rpeeola
tins a put of wreckage corner to the sur
On old bachelor declares that even the
sweet girl graduate will ferment In time. Nature's Medicine Brings Health
It's tar easier to pi rchnse old jokes and Happiness toThoss In
In the comic solar than k i to sell Advanced Years.
The oda way some tserrl.d people -
manage to avoid quarrettng b by reins King David. the sweet 'lager of Israel
lug to make up. says: "The day. of our aeon are three -
matt, btte'as t tarda itis the rib of u store years and fru; attd it b7 reason et
tory, but M 50 the orlglu of ladles blr strength they be fourscore Tears, yet in
fury L painfully silent. their strength labor and sorrow."
Th. physical trouhl,e and homer. of
It b rumored her Mat seedosown swlifter
a 'Md propte are many. I)iwordercd nerYre.
new map of p)ersa05aionv offer the consupettun, flatulence, drowsiness, in -
war -that 1•. It she has any p'>soeslons dlgeetion, palpltatiuu cud impnrri.lred
lett bl«d seem to Peaky them ga'ow weaker
- Perhaps some people do not know 'hut tens dol todal.
the sphinx got its reputation for being Paine'. new" ComPMlnd le a p p.kone
very air, by keeping its mouth that [or and Invaluable medicine for old people.
_ years.
It le nature'■ true serve, tissue and
_ 9esb builder; 0 keeps 55. blood pure and
A POPULAR HOME WORKS �•h from day to day. regu►t:ee the
organs of digestion, and Lem, tete •p-
pletite natural and healthy. pIo other
SuccessfUt Only When the Dia- `medicine In the world .apo nuieniJ ta-
mond Dyes Are Used.- emit' the strength and w•nlhg eneegle5
.t men and women advanced in learn
Caledonia , 1n
Prescott, are face 1„ foe with 5 crop y .woad lieutenant of the Bedfordshire, blond, snob •a scrofula, chronic err*
law suite, based on alleged Irr'egularttlw Rug., regiment, and will leave on Sept. pelas, etc., all disappear ♦before a fair
In tit• work of hnproeing the meant 9 for England, then for India, to join treatment with Dr- Williams' Pink
course known as toe •'C'sledonla (.'eek." Fm a regiment.
Pour actions are pending against Caw- Presldent McKinley has conveyed le
done. one of which le now standing fee Admiral C , at Annapolis, Md.. the
judttutent ht the Court of Appeal; and orders of the Spanish Minster of Marine
Alfred Township hes sow two actions to that he and his officers and men must
face [Hake arrangements to proceed back So
THE DEAD. Spain at once.
Henry Zimmerman, the well-known pe
1 Tb. Spanish ace commissioner*"WW
proprietor of the Zimmerman Booed, be Senor Leon / Castillo, Spain's Ant..
Waterloo, for the peat sixteen mem Y It+rrder at Paris; Senor Urrutla, Span -
dead. lsh Minister at brussels; the Duke of
Dr. James F. Corlett, the oldest prep'.' Miters, the Governor of Cadiz; Senator
tftloner in the Belleville district, is deed. Mareemtu, and Senor Abatr.u•.
He was born In 1812 and practised medl The Chinese Government troops, It Is
eine for 50 years. reported, have been defeated to two
Tbs body of Catherine Doerr, wife of pitched battles during the last ten days
Peter Doerr, (edits' of the Lafayette by the Kwang-S1 rebels, losing 3,000
Bank, St Louis, Mo. who left home • mea. The rebels are said to Lumber 90,-
week ak pal been sound In a well. 000, and tbe provincial torose are power
Mrs. Margaret Shover ot Rowena la" lees aggtf,ttbem:' +.'c
dead. She was the nldeet person In Dun- VNCLASau.'IRD.
las County. hwuog been born In Novem= Hon. William Mulrak says that 1[ •
her, 1799, and was thus nearly 99 )ears iommos imperial penny stamp la not
o[ age• agreed upon Canada will have one of bee
THE tins: RECORD. sass to Issue on Christmas day.
- The details of the Infidel in the Bertram Mrs. "Mite" McConnell of the To -
Ship Yard. fire at 1 or into show the hem Nob "Hub," bas assigned. The 11abi11-
to have been $39, 700, covered by -inane- flog en 932,000 and the ayset. aro so light
anat. that creditors may not get more than 16
The reports of the Ore In the power seep on the dollar.
house of the London General Electric, Al Osgood* Hall, Toronto, ratepayers
Company were much exaggerated. Opera- I et Port Dalhousie obtained ■0 order Peon
tions will be resumed in • few day. j Chief Justice Meredith, quashing the by -
A lamp exploded In the aeoobd storey` 1 Lim by which the town granted a bonus
of the Cowling Block, 'toronto Junction, 1 g. the Toronto Robber Company.
and tie oil ran into the bureau drawers. Mr. Henniker Heaton please the total
The bureau, with Its contents, was loss to Britain by reason of Imperial
burned So a crisp, penny poetags at Ao9.724, and to the col -
Fire at Bristol, Reg., gutted several onles at E60,608. But there will be an
warehouses and other buildings, Includ- Increase of one- int_t9, the correspondence
Ing the peat Cobden Hall, where the the first year.
Trades Ot1fw Congr.ss hue Dean boldlog The first month of enetoms preference
lu eeseiona TM lays w .SNmated M 1 to British goods shows remarzable results
1760,000. --
______ 1 d Montreal, when the reoetpti for Au-
OAaPAVT1*5h rrgust were 9709.679 84 ea compared with
Mr. .1 W. Peart, agent of the G.T.R. . 11180.968.80 In August, 1897, an incomes
of 9128,721.68.
An agitation st Yokohama 1. growing
ant of the Sate purchase of the four
frank railroads, and reports are r.vhed
that the J.panea. (Internment Intends M
raise a foreign loan Pet' 180.000,000 in
order to complete public works.
II doers east of Colborne
tor, Notary Public. Cr,u1W1 Buck of
C.mmore s Cheru:Mere, the %quare, Ooderlch_
• tor, Nolarv. •e. °fat•. over M«Ik-al Ha11,
8gtarre, Godtrfch.
nin• tor, CovnuWalater. ac. Money uo luau.
Cor: ltamilton and tit Andrew's streets,
erkh. Ont.
R• t0 A00.. BNorrtl at., nut door Sioona
epee. Private Funds to lend at lowest rates of
Interest. fm0
ANoClWlkP1�n, he., Ouderkfi. J. T.
°arrow .dot.
ten, &Mettore 1n Chancerya. Ooderkh.
M. Q. Cameron. Q, C., P. Holt, Dudley Holmes.
.rra_.r,mmirluoer for undue a.4 rec.l hig
TeteRntranr•s d tail. ,S►dPer r 1rmatio a.
deposltlots of solemn declarations In or coo -
Hcorning any action. suit or proceeding In the
igh Court of Juser.. the Court of Appeal for
Ontario. or In sty Comity or Dlvteinn Court.
all transacnnw carefully and promptly exe-
cuted. Besldetice and 1. O. address --Dungan
re. Out. rent
non Funds tolend at 6j per cent annually.
M.S. Cameron, Horton'* Block, opposite Col-
borne hotel, O„derktt. 401st
Mone to Scan..lvate funds; afro Oraldam ferns Io rent or sell. Houses sad lou to
rest or WWe. IL N LEIN, Banister, lted-
sureties Dace. opp.its Martin's bolsi,
Ceoderkk. .
N per cent. Notre ( EA-
OER. Once: Opet,eite �u5 Hotel, &ode -
• dent Insurance, Agent; at lowest rate..
Office : Cor. North -at. and &mare,OSdsrle . 1a
of Private Funds ter Inv ailment at lowest
tst�e on aretrtasMiwtgags. Apply met II
is.• Heal Eet.te and Money booming Agent.
Only Antalem coma les rrprHrnted. Money
tolend on ;Arendt' 1., . at the lowest rate of
Interest going m any w.,) to Ault the borrower,
ppi�e.second door from Square, West street,
S0derlch. .?W, -d
7s.. _ _
W15W 1SACHI4a 4Rtil'8.
3* R,•Iir W,a-1L dun. at ai
,ade inieet
Fermi ig lapl.ns,ors t,r sale. Machinery. new
Bpd send -hued. tempted and sold. Engines
aid Boltha for ase, a;a., I Batas, old waggon
shop rnn,,'r ViSctesia s- el Trafalgar streets. J.
at Welland, wan .track nnnday afternoon
by • shunting engine and seriously In-
John Taggart. E. Robinson and W. .7.
Farley, Toronto firemeu, were badly In-
jured through the roof of a burning sable
falling en them.
Mrd. John Smltht, 10th contortion,
Sullivan, had the the of her stocking
horned out by lightning, but was not
otherwise tort, the other day.
Kenneth Wilbur, sixteen years of age,
while camping near Kingston, polled a
ride out of • skirt by the barrel. His lett
arm may have to be amputated.
The hospital ship Olivette was sunk
off Fernandina, Fla., through rime mys-
Sertous agency. A hospital corps of 85
and the crew of 46 were saved.
Wllllam Jackson and Miss Ethel Simp-
son, ,lsitors from Pennsylvania, were
eap.hzed out of a canoe in Toronto Bay
and had a narrow 'snap, from drowning.
William Actin, general agent for the
Northwest Tran
�ayptlon Co , bad his
leg broken by jadlp ng from a buggy .1 -
ached to a runaway horse at Centralia.
George T. Decker, pinup manufacturer
at Forest, has received word the. h1. eon
Welham had been drowned to bed uncle's
well about ten miles from Hornless,
Gordon Ralph, • fix Tear -old 'held, To-
ronto, tell into the 1)on from the King
street bridge and cess drowned, although
there were downs of man In the neigh -
mit at the stern
On the Crow's Nest Pass broad • wrwk
train was sanding on • high trestle when
It was crashed into by another train. A
5.te.r was thrown hem the 'rank *tib
Joe? p51. Three was iM1•4, tnulnding
Mr. Giles, the ro•dmaet
An hour late and running at high
speed, the New York bound train on the
New York, Ontario A Western was
ked near Fulton, N.Y., *0a the an
'Pit" "UNDRT. AIIC ih°111EEl AND
i t eNFtiortilt RI rllrhbo tih Alae
Dlstrle Y I - finger. Intend. 'rhe wreak was noosed
F, malklnn5ly, as the switch look was bre-
re re 05 a ore
t s l era Co. Bake attended to 'n ginner and fireman killed and many
asp panel the meaty. to it
and 1.•nA Vat.
t)alO.kw floderleh Rep
1agbad ro tet9vr.ble experience Is urno*
estlat Jots Is In a molten n a Meea .5
t1N•rnmr all enmmislonhe 4l
Orden lerffsttsssre�t tRexten'e h
M. JOHN IDIOT, WoderiehCounty
JTRiTsjtI.T, T011.0R1*1. ARTfg1. RM
• and OM/ Botha Pew premises Sae-ftanlrtg,
a ,endever.deer tromps.tent eadl
ibis to,aea4 nose hat romps. tent (rads
Talosre4 i,e5'S gen bhwk, Yeas deer le
_,-es.-lt-�r 'Mal :- orseassmiers
"edge MAatli$Aal.IlCENSI•.
bb. 11111emon
es • hags,
o is
ken and thrown away.
Sleeplew.ne'nes due 1-, hereon,. exert.
meet. The delicately constituted, the
financier, tin) bn.inew mea, and Glow
whom ecenpetion nervesttates great men-
tal strode or worry, all suffer lessor more
from it. Sleep is the greet restorer of a
worried brain, and to got sleep cleanse the
stomach frees all Impurities with • few
dome -of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, gels
tineeoated, eenMlning no mercury, and
M.! gnsranteod to give satisfaction 5r the
mosey will be refunded.
Pills. They glee a healthy glow to pole
and sallow complex ons. Bold by all
dealers and post Mid Pet 50 cents a box
or rix boxes for $2 :,O by addressing
the Dr. Williams Metlieinw Co., Brock-
ville. Ont Do not he persuaded to take
some substitute.
Nine's Celery Compound
gives the needed stimulus
to good digestion and
assimilation, la n d
keeps the blood
Neu Delivered.
Some time peps tbs Breslau gymna-
sium sent a peas, and addressed "To
the most beautiful girl in Sprottan."
The outer side was co0Aired in :be
pessionnte teras: "Ite.utttful Unknown
--we. the nodereigntsl, ■re drinking rout
health til we can drink no longer." It
was a striking instance of love without
first eight. and„the faith telt makes all
H►iag.»peeeibie•.-.-Its,-e•sappilp . k-- aria•
earned. The cant was relented to
Medan after a few days with the fol-
lowing comment: "There are many bead -
!find oriels. is Sternt::ut but beauty being
an affair of I,'rso'.al taste the poet oeice
gannet under. to deader this miea.re,•
There are M, tonne cough medicloes in
the nterkrt. that it is sometimes difficult
to tell which to buy; but 1f we had •
cough, • cold Per any affliction of the throat
or lungs. \\ a would try Sickle's Antl-
Consumpt,,e Syrup. Those wbo have
used 11 u,i,L it is far ahead of all ether
preparations recommended for such com-
plaints 'file tiotie folks like it as It b ea
pleasaa an nyrit
In tionsawb of ha _-attd-- thrifts �rtisers Calory Compound has added
homes ia.the limisiatiou at a jag Years to the 11,ee of eld
of Newfoundland the work of rug aipeople in the past, and to day thousands
nut making 1a becoming rst7 putt.tlar. - slag the praises of the wonderful taidi-
ilwrxsade ruga and mat° are more hl. S- eine. because it he. hestow.-t1 pease sad
ly esteemed just now than imported- 'comfort and kept them free hem the he-
gcods. This is not surprising wlteu we Brno ties of old age.
remember the fact that the home artfe155
ere tire- beat wearing and prettiest.
The Diamond Dye•% have given a pliant
Int wtus to the work of making Inoue -
made riga and mats. in teaser times
the troublesome part of etre work was
the dyeing, With the ofd fashioned vud
poorly prepared dyes the dyeing opera-
tion was long and nna•tisfactory. The
introduction of the Diamond Dyes with
their - ilpleta :..•diary 'tbv- ;'. •and-- tis'
output and mixed r!,ds, has been a b on
�' womankind. Old and hided rags and
'The King of Italy, like hs. Eamon
father, Victor Entntnnnel. takes only
one meal a dny when he takes • holi-
day from court pomps and ceremonies.
Iialird's Lief -meat Relieves Neuralgia.
feria for mats and rugs can now be
Aired any beautiful and brilliant limas _
with the Diamond Dyes eDadei *5M7 AGUINALDO'S FRIEND.
are, perfectly fast to man and soap. -
1f you wt.h to be •5 all times sum Geral WUdshea, Who Mao Ores* I5a5*aee
tenth' in dyeing for rug and coat mak-
With w e.lky Ck1.t.
Ing, we here utter a warning noes Rounesv1H.Wlldman,theAmerloan000-
againat the use of adnitereted package sol general to Hongkong. who has figured
and Poop Break dyes that only produce so conspicuously In the Philippines ba -
muddy and streaky colon that cannot cause of his groat lnfueooe over Agul-
ptasibly stand en ordinary washing: naldo, the balky insurgent chief, is • men
Ask for the Diamond Dyes. use them lees, energetic, plucky little man who has
as per directions. ami your success y • great many Mends and admirers nab,
teed all over the United States.
fora• Mr. Wildman was born In Now York
state, where his father was the president
o[ 'a theological seminary. He got his
education at the University of Syrsome
and, entering journalism, M removed be
Kangas City, where be kept up his literary
work for the New York papers He made
unguent tripe east, taking his contrib -
tions along with bpm, and atter selling
them would return by way of Syracuse,
whets he would spend what he had earned
Sr ".with •;Allah. hand.
Inter on he he a me edltor of The States-
man at Bolen City, ida. He next went to
Washington to urge comma. to grant
compulsory Veer'. ethos he Jepee.
By an pet of pal4ameot passed la 1
and rigid ltaaediately by fife milia 1,
revaccination at periods et five yon
w as mold, eimpuleury upon every Jaye*
e•e.'he matter what hite or her steeple
In life may be. Vaccination le dune week
lymph trots calves only. which Is Procur-
ed from vaccine eetabNahsenta owase
and controlled by the Government, rad
w hutt 1a distributed gratis. Any ae
tempt to evade reYecelnstfoo at the teat -
ed periods b made a serious demi tad
is tooted as a nave derellMlon against
pnblk health. The resort Is that smog
gals. once the curse of the Islands cos.
routing the reslw of Japan, le •few W
but unknown.
13e.•r .tr.er• at Mantle.
The streets of Manilla are so soden
as to be quite out of keeping with the
general appearance of the town. 1 hey
are perfectly straight, macedatai•rd. and
provided with ample remelt, walks. Of
these the Rsconta and the Rosario are
the beet. In both these are ',wettest
shops, kept principally by Chinese titer
chtidty;-weft-et when. roma trail( NINNY:
Tin -roofed houses line each side of both
The ('ot ghing and wheeautg of persons
troubled with bronchitis or the asthma
is excessively baraeviug to themselves
and annoying to others. Dr. Thomas'
F:clretric Oil obviates 511 this entirely,
Rarely end speedily. and is a benign
remedy for temente,. %ores, injuries, piles,
kidney and spinal troubles.
"It that notion you are neding" asked
Mrs. Itellonte of her husband.
"1 think it mod tae," replied Mr. Red -
gate. "It is • stray entitled 'The fee
Man's Conacienne_"-Dletsolt Frog Preen
A 91155,05 •e White en sero.
Is tite engem. of a renew:teflon De-
tween tare workingmen's wives. one hap-
pened to remark that her httahend al-
ways put on a clean white shirt on Sew
day morning. The iher remarked:
"Well, 1 never carr m mush about Sim-
dery but I elven.• me that be has •
*Inca sblrt every N.htrdey afternoon.
heehaw that'• the time he genre/WI
drink.. and if he ehrntid take off h;s coat
to light I like him is Innk clear. and
fi resat-"
Omer Jeffrey'■ left hand was naught In
WO playing rnachl,ts tonere, In the Phil.
lips' mill as Toronto J0001%on on Friday,
end was manglol in a most terrible man
nor right np to Reeve the sinew. There
was 0e one In the mill .t tie time, but
be pet mill hls right hone and stopped
tbe maeh(ntre him.e;f. The meehfn• Med
M be taken *part to mime. him.
PURELT maltreat.
Mon. WIlilam 1lartyweghs 45* prnnda,
$ gags et to pounds In one yean.
Mt. J. F. Mnnrk et Ham11Mm h.. hoof
•ppnlnt.d Junior ,judge for the County
of W.etwnrtb.
The Pries el Wates yseterday made
Qulckcur. for Cc,1'1. I',c , /fir., Sar,
fill ..f 5.,.rh•r E1.Aur-
TM Kennebec Journal prints a story
of • witness who refnewel to tell the
torment of hi. grow( Monte*. Finally,
wiles the Judy, ordered him to sneerer
the question. he mid: 'Tcnr bonne,
1 ha en nn gross inonme. I'm a fisher-
man •f Machias hey, end it's ali net."
fliaard'i UnIm.st ter ode everywhere.
Coddle* -�
whet'. In a Nam.'
L1 n ntatrpw)Igwyngllgogerycb wyrdrob.
w1111.rdisiltogogormeet appears in the
British post owe to isle M the name of
• pt Pt and telegraph office in the island
of Anglesey. It is said to meta% "'Ilse
(Vinnie of 8t. Mary in a bollrrw et
white hazel pear to the rapid whirlpool
end to 8t. Dis11M's cherub pear to a
red care."
A now field of employment Ler new
e.tie girls Ms fust hag opened. One
et the leading 1 nglbs golf clubs ►M
eoguge4 girl caddies.
Take La/Wye fermis° Quinine Table*P. All
ITstggl.n refund the n.a..y if It fat•toenr• rbc
Qntrkenre for Pl,r.in•. inn .18n. 00r.
It r a Vial woman who ren ealorn-
beethe 'Met moment when she nhontd
heg% aUlsg wile her beet in tha•pl/irt
Thee recent croons showed 62.006
Preteetaats amens t►e 11,000.000 at
Mme D1f r.aee.
Eager Inquirer -Ars then any good
mining locations still open up there
Returned Klondlker-I should my so
You can go there and take your pick.
Eager Inquirer -Great LiooetI It loan
go end take my choice --
Returned Klondiker-I didn't say that.
Jr amid pots could Asks Sour 1)1pJF _ t
you'll have to use 15 In somebody s
Sager Inquirer -Oh t -Chicago Tribune
Among the Pouttrr.
E=eretaa I. good for egg product.
Feed often alai enough to be rell.bed,
A supply of charmed will often pre.
veoi sickness.
Eggs are flavored to • greet extent by
what the hens eat,
Do not compel fowls to roost in tinea
Sot quarters during the summer.
The value of a breed depends largely
upon the purpose tree which It is tem
WOO4 ashes scattered over the door
of the poultry heap' often causes sere
Feed the poultry all the fallenieg
food they will eat a few days before
With turkeys ft is more important is
have fresh cocks each year thee wok
To mak. poultry PAY hate good stook
and contestable quarters and glye Lay
All fowls Intended to be billed he
market should be given whied kr Ili
borers before kitting.
While Dearly every bred her guy
merits, there is no breed that is gee
best w all *emaciate.
Late asoalDttg weakens lb* moths -
ties at • time when AMC w of the
Eraatlwt Importance. _ ---- __-
11i'bet feeding grain to fowls ,cadet
it well. This prevents greedy hens Uwe
securing more than their share sad
comfit!• them ■11 to hunt for it.
Turkeys are capable of ripid dlgeetie,
end are ewe's sppsrently hungry, sed
for this rime can rarely to kept roe
fined to advantage.
there never wes, and newer w111 be, a
oniver*el pmnseea, in one remedy, for al!
Ills to which flesh ie heir -the very nature
of many curatives being ouch that were
the germs of other and differently Seated
diereses rooted in the system of the
patient -what would relieve one ill in
tura would aggravate ib. other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for many and grevions i11.
By its gradual and judicious use. the
frailest systems are led into convalescence
end strength, by the influence which Qui-
nine exerts on Nature's own restorattres.
it relieves the drooping 'Oros of thee,
with wbom a chronic state of morbid dee
pondency and lack of interest in life Is s
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nervy.
4.9051.50 sound and refreshing sleep -
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, coursestbrough-
outelrevein*, strengthening the healthy
anions' functions of the system, thereby
making activity • necessary rennht,
strengthening ib. frame, and gfvlag life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased aub,tancs-result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rata,
and, ganged by the opinion of scientist',
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market All druggists sell it
From (mina $4150,000 worth of humus
hair is exported .anally. it comes
meds from rhe beads of malefactors,
map re and dead people.
(an'°Boum for Boil.., 11.., 115s.a 005.
••••• f• tw Oladeto.e.
Monumental m.•,norials of Mr. Glad-
stone are to he set Pep in the capitate of
Engin nal, RcMlsid and Ireland. 'heir
preeise form has not yet been determin-
ed on.
When Um trans -Siberian railroad 1s
compdtted it will be ray for • person
to go from London to Japan in 13 day.
Germans weien ne•erly ten pounds more
than Frenchmen.
The loftl,Pt cliff on the most of Eng
load li Beeohy Head, the h,. ;let or
irblek Is Gilt rat.
Simpleton le the scent of cunning.
A Christian only in name i% the
denN'e grime
As Meat thorium' is oar lova, ssif
T• Bright.^ a C.pp•r Rattle..
1151 Om kettle eomphtdy with boil-
ing water, to which has been added a
smith quantity of .0ch, and while the
water 1. In Me kettle cert, the outside
over briwkly with a Ssnnel dipped in
.nice sone milk. As a final measure
wipe the moll dry and polish k with
wash -Mather. t
tl.amb.rteta se • flraru,.tl.e.
in Order M divert his mind temporarily
,tom colonial & MenHNa, Mr. Chem
herl5in 4.5. written s play. th8 95.t of
which le had In the pont/mei world, earl
which wild be toned 011 private etas••
bottom strictly Husked embraces.
Pen. of Ream
Scene: Barber shop.
"Does the razor Burt lou?'
No reply.
L the draft too strong?"
No reply. -
Hball I shut the door?"
No reply.
Awful dr. last night."
No reply.
$bare you pretty close?'
No reply.
Gutting very warm now?'
No reply. ' .
"That was a very heavy MOM last
No reply.
No reply.
Brilliantine on the mustache?"
No reply.
"Bay nom?"
No reply.
Then the harbor, who was all alone 1,,
bb breezy shop, pit down greatly re
trashed. He bad been shaving himself!
Def real Sands.
"Is Grimes still held by his matrimonial
"Partially. But he la also ander bonda
so keep the peace and not whip kb wife
any mon."--Vim.
INstlaetly Park.
"Were then any marks abont him by
which you would know him again?" asked
the policeman who had strived a1 the
Beene tow late to he of any slireS..
Yee, sir,' raid the Indignant yon
woman whn.e pnck.tbnok had been
wrenched out of her hood by the daring
@sounded. "I left two long finger nail
marks on his face. 1'd know him ail right
'Bough."--Cblwagn Trlbnne.
They Never Fall - Mn. S M. Bough -
nee, Doogten, vernal: "for siltont twe
years i woe troubled with Toward Piles
but by using Parmelee'', Pitt., 1 wee ens
puteity cored, and although four years
bap dapasi wince then they bare wet re-
tetneeL" Rg vinfee, Pals ars antt-
billona And'&JWsfilffirellse Wean of Utes
and Kidney Oem.la blig. Dyap.pala. Cos-
tiveness, 1 ea4a4b11 IIR11ai ore , end will
mutate the eeetealese Bpd ream on
Milieu matter.
statehood to what was tben Idaho torn -
tory. Re made a favorable impression
*Lite at Washington, and President Har-
rison made him oronsul at Singapore,
when he remained three years, afterward
being transferred to Diemen. Cleveland
ousted him, and Wildman returned home.
He was commissioner of the Stroke Settle-
ments lathe World's fair and later Demme
editor of The Overland Monthly at Sae
Franelsoo, where he remained until PmN-
dent McKinley gave him the station .8
Hongkong. At first be was rorty • email,
but was sono promoted for 1ho vhltmble
ssrelose d• twmdered his government
Dant SIID,-1 hale put. fills
year I cured a horse of Ring bone,
with five bottles.
-Ill---blistered the horse, but in •
month there was no ringt,one and in
Four Falls, N. B.
An Apology.
"We wish to apologise," ears tis. 311119-
ewTitle Oasette, "for betting oalled Alderman
Bjoass • chomp politician. We hays been
reliably informed that be got 9100 for his
vote on the telephone ordinance, while the
ream of the gang went a1 from 908 M
941.1(0." -Cincinnati Enquirer,
1■ 15. Early rt•ral•g.
"I■ tie early sorotag, as goon mpg
awake to conecl000ness. rewrite
that you are In the rery preewlwebt►
her of God. *50 has been watching t»
gide you through the long, dark b.�t
leek fp Int. His face and thank Mgt
Consecrate to Him those first few re
Mite. Were you leave your emit.
Ltok on towards the coming day,
through the golden hale of the lilt
that streams from the angel of Hit pre
et nee. You can forecast very largely
what your dtmcultiee ■re likely to be
the quarters from whkh you may le
attacked, the burdens that may we
carrying. Take care not to view en.
•t these apart from God. Be man hest
He will be between you sod rhea, •
the ship is between the traveler est,
the ocean. be it fair or stormy.
Catarrh Cannot be Curet%
wfrh (A%CAL AP1'I.II: ATIONA, as the a-
nt rwrh the twat o' 11e C
11..e... •tarrb Is •
mood., a 0an a 1, N 1114441S• and to ord r M
Bare ft reentert.Reforteel t9rll�ltr W5114
Catarrh Cure le taken loaned! and sets dtr-
ectly on the meal and mucous enrfacea Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is ort • quack mMlelae. It was
lhleetle/ty Per areft . Pe jell:
matfettoo it tt-eanpo• d el the 5.01 test,s
k wn SCwn .ei w test blood
1.118* .tlr, oily nn 115. os c f pOrlA h.
,. b nor •cfi• •
perfect rims footles o' the tern Ineredf• ate b
What modem's mob w n terful troths In curtest
catarrh. Seed for ii •.ttmnnlaL, fro'
T. J. creamer 00o., Prof*, Wilda Ot
Need by dnggbr, price TIM
Of the 8.400 fine to wblrh Hie !Andes
Ire brigade wap called last year, as
fewer thee 186 were mused by poder
loom lamps.
Qnlrkenro for Breis'.. 11c., 98e., SOL
nuard's Ljuisesl Cures Barr, -eft.
Ma.1■ of stew as. 114*Pea...
The bash of the at. Lawrence OP
covers 630,000 square mhos. of wki*
400.000 are la Canada.
plan (married or widow pr►
(erred) in every city, tow
and village in Canada, to act as solidi
ing agent for a well advertised ad
established article. Easy to sell tad
satisfaction ensured. No deposit es,
quired. Give references when
ing. Address
E. A. SPRONO, Hamilton, Oat!
Ramo•-'•CbOe M always tbt stamp
of orlpnaltty about evrrythlsg Mandy
Piewy-"Toe; they 5'e the oily
stamps be ,vee bas abort, hist^-thae-
dNpttM Nath Ame''icaa.
nets Went Com kelkli lea
it hes toes 570554 as the MOO sf
erporlmesta ,Dae ere ennobling tilt
1M• Mad le affected b anima
8o'1th Mi h!S pp.ovrd and aur
rel ved tarsi prsgl
1 �� el
la ern O N'I•endn. Yli�h�
and North Dakota. 1 Oa IOlE time and gulp.
P AYMIY'tw, a 1 tele r. h IIeau, ('„m• •n4 ew
✓ err wilt,. Title TRUMAN 1Ogl,ert
BANE, Sadists ■Center. MIr4,/pr_
4a' Ctwwd vuei1101 0.ea . *ii.' t
A Oandosi ma Bald Nh.0 pet n.1
I Mastitis • erMte and P1404
FREE! pod oa your Name and A
nlv.5t15.5. and w. 0111
gleamed CIOSZ, te �tl kw klv ("5 "Sem
no ran)) among Merced..e Ida. per Wra
,Pea .old remit ea tis mem. mina s
Mord yea ft.s tie .5'?. drerlbed clot e
a4d1.5 51.510. ment1On flys paper l►
.1 Ask. Ooetls %turnable. 111•,ronte 5'
011.01515 proporllon 5n .mounl.nl,t
Emco Agency, et OcCad Brod. TOR
lamer. 'red
Terwe tw, 51.
X M CILarsl,e�•
ate F L "bIr
Otlt�ear:-.eg»'o�l w�. °,-al
� d 0S
'Pewit are ee
r d IovaaHaisNMSB 1 . new.
a d sMrs11
Sends Ani y, 11 McC.td Street,
wed to .11 O. -.,t•'•
ie, 1e 55, jp epaea, sweet •wr
oft 1, tt gra4•e n, 4c1 '
171 QII1011N.RMT O.-.... ane,