HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-15, Page 1store
ling Prices.
ids, bordered Apron
Linen Towels, large
1r pair. See these
,h 40c. '
at Reduced Rates.
th *1.25, for 75e.
ask the Prices -the%
kktitit OUT, RTx1ARDIA
to our Large line
We have added
world-wide known
1py Thought
h iant Home
ole oonere in Gedsdb>i d ria
the, liams of Book's MX&
i i1w W Rends id WNW*
IT Foundry 00.
ty-Tilden Oo.
'W, Stewart & Kline
be elle*..' seeds from ars ef
mid mast repass makers le
'!gale ea lour risublat.
=Was and PIHRtltsf
Milton ivaitara co.
1.1 gWtlU.s. They are else 1
the market ter
:Im and Black Ash.
MAKE .a..,.,.,....
r and
rt Pipes
Notloe of ohawRes must be left at We
Omoe not liter than Saturday
noon. The Oopy for oheijiee
went be lett not later than Kew
day noon. Omuta 8.dreefilitlinemte
asoepted in to noon Wednesday of
ear& weak.
Booll1esss Ohanss.
rowels the thriving village of Dna
hos. Munn ea the main street. la the
womenpert of the .idea.. Oresund
andsultaels fer ear obese of bteli
lata, been eeoapld as • shoe .ton. W
rented ape raasssabls teen. m •
a P.1. W. MMEes DD eTailm�Du
Havlag received • quanity of butter
boxes from the lower Provisoes, I want to
t 'scribes* them siameget some 'inti -ala.. but
ser mak.'.. It yelltill salt at err mgr..
Hamilton -t, God71a\. we will give you W
tateneecii it will pay you se e.IL W. J.
FOP .leis ties TO Mat.
wires et land •t tent of South street.
Ago • bone hernesersenten and oars. ser
particulate. apply as HUGH DUNLOP. West.
et. Matt
by the Me Robert tib Mix -$herb
merevwith .p 1 I71 eterTbr•tok boo., St
dseli a llobt. hot air furnace and
town water, Il IMMO Of well cultivated ted
ladoding valuable embed. tratee tars. driv
, skdMr. •e. r further p•nio.larezzlto
8Sepp. 7PA T
MlNellrl. Goan Mao.►
Tia{ geese(.feedslet It, °bbl,
tee somof SOThra Is •Meet g
This is • von
lag and true
.?iess. EMIL
seer. et 1.4.1*.
*poly .5 Ssem4ee W ..
r ie Cour/MLR, tae sees lost. W.stat
with five oar Found
1 moss - -- -
th. P8ie8 1 FOUND -ON W EUNE8UAY
Sept. N•. esteem Whitehorse and
era M
f11geK W arm Adam •pure. ooctalby telling • sm 1 me.94. 1-
I1dMAmaM• P�ab nand .hoe Istw: es.id Mears 614
NMI 1. • .bort imolai melee and
Moab revenge 0eie.aess.r
A speobl meattoj of the town ooaaoil
wee called Tuesday miming by Mayer
Thompson for the eoosidenslea of the public
works oommltt. report, which required
preens totem. His Worship expl•ised that
as the regular mating was a near the
mined busbies ooald bides' at this meetlag,
thereby dismission with the former.
Rave (earthen tbo..ht that It was un-
fair to sail a mating so near the regular
eight, and objected that all the members
►d not been notified of any •uoh special
There were preen Mayor Thomp.os.
Nave Campbell. Deputy Rave Wilson and
sasseilton Dunlop, Malayan, Radolifl.,
elm, Martin, Oraleie and Tweedis.
tesaeUler l;oode un' oomty o.Moflor ME
Lean strolled to about 9 o'oloak• but were
surprised to fled the oottoall •dloarsud.
The minutes of the previou* msetiog were
read sod oentlrmed.
A rega5.1 from the management of the
Northwestern Fair for t wo ooutable, dar-
ts, gibe exhibition was greeted.
A oommutoalton from W. S. Stooge,
'skies for for her Information la regard to
detente 4e the sewer •yttem, was referred to
the noble 9t. 0 votes wm
The followtog account, were referred to
the Mame oemmittee : R W. MoKeezie,
13230 ; Sevens Maeofeetarlug Co , $34.00;
Hall Bros. & Co., $34 00; and Gotta Pemba
and Robber Co., 12 40.
Aa a0wuat of TH. SI.N*L for puttied
T OMT-asrWEl.it.e�s..gnq�,��dg.MM.,L��OCK CITY
he math a5tttl.."Tr'fiiN'
leivis * Hoary BMW. er W M111. A
reward .t fa will be dues ens present
slen a Bareeld Road. tour miles from
Galeria& ter Mrtb,We apply to JAMES
1DMU8810Ni. en W premises. or address
Uoderieh P.O. St les
Ise messes Mt fa .5aaanlan M Colbe so
towpthlp. N •n of awed SO sod1• e
Two amen ars le
t slimes and
stem tae and is rued oos-
dfeMe. t m.ot WIN lime obi
vine. b'1 pkreghisR •/hes
FRA NE SALLC• 7iirbox 4*. 14 ewel. ,*.it
Hitmrbluselt Server M the Tew. e
Gooderieeg..,bapse IMAM r •.Iw 4 veva
T1•ted 11k Seetembe
G ,017 is Cantata/Mg!,K e.
k 00Llett
• SALE -The hetet resin'ss everlookf.g
the river as..dd lake *..verb occupied by the
ate A. MeeD7mett seq.. Master 1■ Cemetery
Om et the meet valuable sod desirable *w
1. STM tw.Mmer trame dwelling house ma
birth Meet
er be B
sawjrstobly wt befeM
TkAnrew g_
Reara Mtlw, termer* ce.N•d
elese Jades
Mr *0 OAk R0 k P��IpIIDJ0'TUN
asters. ood.rmk.
Situations VaalNat.
IRAL Servos% wanted. Med wages.
Apply at met at Ray. Da, Use's rhe des
vaat wanted * esus. emir to MRS.
A. M. SHEPHARD, Fairs t4
'remsn. 7 old ease If still peen, la
5pirlt, ef smdooaed ebae.sl.r, mid talkers.
• mauves •ad *destr.w. eon Sid employ
meat in • goad came. with N 1 Par smooth and
}}ppward• sooerdlag to Mill1* . REV. T. 8.
LINSGO T, Terwst..
Me work hard tablas and writing ten
Mere daily fes six rem a week •.d will be
mutant with is dare weekly. Address
NEW IOCAS CO.. Termite.
Ire 'elicit for " nes 05 edr & : An 1.01:3=1
.f the Costry," la ere recd gearsumsa
�1a dslhMtitigg'� eowml5,l.0 petal weekl .
TAE 6188001'? PUBLISHING 00..1
IR ludo.
• raw Ise p1Y le rl.no • d
Cheery, 81ts�SttL Uri to •.•'halo
•s•ordda, t. t 11111•U
(evoker af��laas ..d°tb.erf. toBOateefervatery
mesbeds .5n'M t. Terme me
aas caw1s[brmy.ls_a.p be had es •pplhoa-
4ee at r.oY.s.s N (amber M. 1400.tf
V 10 re l lir TUITION. 1��.ia.M
lad of Mr. £Mmes. st tau bars
Il spa �� Isar 100. Ca
�tN�iee0 is. Et 1515.11..
Milts 81161• A' L)RILWBu
A _tied Thwirrr•
s.eotall/ it *1*. I'1t{f�~U promo choler
Abse R'n�erg•rNa 115Mked for Tome
child res
*tueiesee w 11 purse* the Trento 0.n•tra
tar Coons',
tln * ten R5bles', tetMame
Notfoe So Oroedttldrrs.
se. °wear me have sates et this
*Moe by todjatt met et thlg.•det Wit
Tsaehor Wanted.
a West Wwsos•b. State ea4Htloattons
and salar,. 1 mitm to begin on the 3rd Jan..
ISN. Addrw W M. McALLIWI Eli, leer. Rt.
Amulets* P. O., O.1. 91-31.
Publlo Nottee.
ARNiNO-TH18 14 TO (11VR
make that 1 w111 allow nom) to shoot
er But on the Piste -Wads cru• Dart of
Drepwt ll be
is netoseelesr me doing H, Y.
TRILLRidgewood Park. Mit
The Mak of Qmsateme hos given • hand
some Suver Med•1 is the Gres North West
ern EibiMtlon, which will he awarded to the
area ut or mossefeeturer making the best
sod mom attrsethe dhoti, during the fair.
lossm norep.tttya le Mod for, and Mr.
7. will MUM; Airl•oltural building
ea Monday, 101* last„ 1555, 1 o'olook. to allot
mime te those desirlag to resin • Moab,.
87y order of ten Simard.
=Wit JAMIE MITCHELL, Moret•*s.
1 eladerM..tett circulated ghost in
which is utterly fates and without 10sda40'.
Wandag Is hereby wen that the models
mos of this ela.der will 1 •d t, the ttrooso5.
its of any penes,Sbappa lti� the soma0.
andiron to the estate of Robert Oh -
boas, deesemed, are reques.ed to send 1■ their
emote* to the asdaalgaed as woe. R. 0.
REYNOLDS. tor the .:.mien. Ood
Sart r. lNa
privileges awl ten emaWhig of Mali
for **Nest Northwestern ExliMdes. Meet.
If to* will be 1.t by asalln at
Gesdry's Amities Roy . an mon-
li Soomay Li h,A w :aa..etee1kWRyass m Mgtle
eve. 7 to Janie MITUli S f ..it
The Herm and Bao. Lean and Investment
Compeer will rodeos the lemma cm deposits
le three per out. from and after the fire oe
July. next. LOANS.
jp.�s es A I security comtltue to be made
t.1 a mad five sad a halt per rent. littered.
MUNIOOO .I _Ca rH0802TH7 CO.
N Or
Notice le Mn even AAM 1 Mire trans-
it ▪ sections 6 Mil
of the Vetere' Ilett AMA,
the sops, required by odd 0541055 Me be W
tr.5a5,ttted 5r delivered of Mallet 11iM5 p}r
10. revs 6 of M peru5..0A}5r.e f
the lost revised ASsmaroent R5i 5r th5 seld
Men•tdiep4m�•d1tts I.o M tttle�tr mre.tem1*.. If a mid
Lee skttvs AaS.�M O at ■snmlepal aka
Bons. sal that saki w. Met stored ai M
my eines at tiede.bh es the Nh dry .t Ne-
* tic . ltat5. and resesisi *ere tor las
are ea retie e55 4.eir eitaiitsy ee .Id
Llet. Ne -
n idly t5.51. -dlSee,
stn ad therein' te
lap to hive said mean 5Mreoted
eet Mb. IMPS Qerk
lemma Wein
tot /M5 of Sad anent
t ooth eM• of that Greet. sem at the
renter of the Squire and extMdlno mils UI
tees ; a4e es the Earth -east side of Mup..s
eeeggs,svty at the coma 5f
g e5t ri. seerbeot *1*. ',Mil of einem
feet 1*1 Mem ; aro • g,u5*tthto
slime* es the woe side of Soot street
M 1.5 terser oinks eae.t. •M
N ism, sed shall be et the
and to mess
abode. swum
sod that a 54.40
4. p•, the mid
the ir5a et the
00 Im he
I. 1.
beustla. 110 S. IM
It "vs poem&.
ova s' vs^ t er
o Cleared 011I!
ZZs' .iaqdijs4e to eng,
Mat of New atolls ter SWIM
die AIM SM ■e.
net a.k 1/1.t.a4
Lbs.. IM, ---
*I▪ s▪ f � � Wefth- TLA. S. r �I
O. 0.
G I gs
i�enabead es FM%
a est
t1a �q sI 3 6:61pA'
OW done man all
weer r b r •e.fnl►
Mit try W Oa.a1 WM. 1 owhl.1..
YMirk& IsO late, 1156IMO
•May reveled. pee tato. er
emere' Iles was ordered M be pall. M wag
* he an a000sat of Hy. Areg.4rsR.
Mr. Coateloo presented ten onetime tett
" The clerk be authorised to Issue notes.
regarding the proposed new sidewalk. In
front of the Tilt and McLean blocks."
Mr. Campbell roes at this poise and
oh•rsoterisd the motion as absurd and en-
tirely out of order. Hs coateodd that ac-
oordir.i to statute tee bylaw required to be
passed before the nines were *rued.
What was the use of putting tea tows to
useless expense before the bytawe in the
matter were pared • He wee tends*
tbry scald not be stootleoed by Wares
fourths of the ooucotl, whiob majority was
n ansea1y.
Mr. UaaMloa olalad he was in line with
solbieoe Oarrow's epees, whom draft of
alis be now prwotd.
Mr. CompbslJ thwgk1 the sen verbal
legal opinion was not suUfdeat, and would
not be convinced till shows the written
lent resume of ten one. L the meaotfine
be (Mr. (iompbdl) had e.4 pssmtsgtss Io
gee the sWaw ad p5 1.Ned to .Iso hi•
A wordy warfare ensued Memos the
reeve and Mr. Cbstslos, • lively tilt sakiag
place when the former Its*lly affirmed. "I
kilos what
I am talking about," the latter
sallying book, " No, you don't." And tea
ooaaoll grimed.
After oosglderable ormolus, the motion
was out to a vete and carried.
The report of the moos works oemenstee
was do,.ted. It reoosmended the erection
of • fence at the show Rr000de at a oat of
130, as 11005.ed, and also that a roadway
be made as the wt side of the cemetery to
the gravel road.
Councillor Tweedie wished to know if the
Maus no* .wppend'-to Me ter dl * -1505-
wets to the park,or what share the agricul-
tural moiety amasses.
Councillor Martin replied that the
grounds bad been bought aid were owed
he the town. The society bad spat over
1400 in repairs and improvemeate and was
over $450 to debt, and he thought the tows
should pay for the pressst improvements.
The work will be remised through and will
be lot by Leader.
The ooisoil thea dimmed.
Oor INu To GODit.tcll. -Tbe Berlin Nen
Res red of lest week says : Hy. 1 tLlogr,
bat. of H Hyu men's el•ff, will start • Iatd-
w•re and plumbs/ establishment h Code -
nob shortly. He is is Toronto beylag k4
Braisarts Beim. -J. A. Halpany will
open • game' tsnrbi.g store is toe Mo1ean
relook shortly Mooers. Finnic on Hy
Robtaeca are opening no • tin .ad plumbing
set•bliobment in Joe. Robin.'s old stand,
eve. West-*. sod Sgs•re.
Preteens MIETINo.-A mu who ma
Mae tales warm on ten plotters is Joe
Gihmea.of invasion, . wen•keem time•
hibitiea.. eraser. Mr Gibes is to address
• meetly to Oederbk next Tuesday even -
leg. The pine of seethe de mot yet de-
eded ; b will he either the Teammate'
Hall or North-st. Methodist shorn.
Toe Mayo.b AO.ID1NT -His Worship
Meyer Tbompeoe is gulag about with his
lett ares in • shag. While driving • toed
of apple barrels to his farm fa Godwie1*
township, be fell from the load and dislo-
cated his arm The dojo', did mot, how-
e ver, preen His Warship from .M0adlag
the reception Monday evening, for as he
eeriest( says, " I'm slightly dleegsrd. but
d ill is the rim." His man) friends hope
to see him tom with the full use o1 both
DUD i5 MouNT roa.er,-Robl. Nevins,
bother of Jobs Neves et tea tows, din
at his bone la Mont Forest this week,
death haul mused by sheen nimbus. TM
body was brought bare for lawmen, the
fomwd taking pion from the O.T.R.asatim
se Friday to Maitland Cemetery. Re.. J.
A. Aderoos ooadaoted t8 .mise at the
grata A number of the triads cumber
with tot reales arrived at 1:30 and *eft es
lo\. 3;30 train, after .ttesd1n the obe.-
q e...
Ss.rowTs'e Nsw Tai.sreoia Seavice.-
Thin k i es that the pr.v.illeg telepbene rates
art too Milt. a mamba' et 8eat.rth smpiW-
Me have organised what le termed the
People's Telephone Co. They propose ..p.
p11197 • t.lepb.e. 07,1.5 tress 8 A M. to
11 I. r daily, for 60o. • mouth or 17.20 per
einem. The poles of the Mesfwth Electrle
Cr. have been eeonred for the ll..., and
work will bsgla shortly. All the intro
musts will be fined with the Satin miwe-
phew, enebling on N b., a whisper at
e rre muss 41.5... rr
Two ?tam* to A Dar.-Dmrlag Mamie,
mom two 1•eplet arse ooerrod ab Slush -
mess & Rhymes* *War .111 &ow*
.4Mr seen Wei. MMus . la passing..Nbsd
a Moo es the reef ef ahs swiss hasoe and
WM the storm. 4 ahessiml Sie at.latpib•
er wn 0IM1bt late flay old IM amass wee
quashed le *en seder. Wit m, en was
retied ea the reef of the tarsier hon..,
whish glee me .,Mmgo(obed without math
doglegs Both fires were shooed by sparks
hem the .Mwy Melee ea the roofs,
whisk wage Ary ae nadir.
Tee WAG AT MoaK.- A pro.M.l joke
was played ear day lair week epee ems of
our b.Mese mese se Hseillie-.t which
wagen by p.Rtmby •ed 0116...• le
that While so ea business, the
promisee, of this pairtkonlar plass plias op
a 0l ie w*dow a placard, "Oat 61 the (3...
Mr) " Some was, 'meek with a Milner
idea, procured • mrd with " Cone e be an
Angel " la large letters, .md stla.b.d it le-
afew the other nerd. The [whereas oembM-
wt*pe .ought the lewd, and sesegel 15
esy. the proprietor ea retarehg was ten
leas in removing Me nine of .ats.meL
Otrrmear.- As .red mildest .f W
nostrils of Ashdod- Rashers, wife .f
James B MaLess-ym sed .way on fled
coeds*, luso* Ria SM wet the mot be
.f Re. M. Matey,M 0odw4.1*. Antlerma, Wm. if ML.y, .witted from Detroit
to ..toed Mee fess., whhb sok Oen ea
the lollewlsg hide, M Dammam.. Other
n ag, he Nkomo. Kaolnira a l Mlthl,a,
este Mb be essonsfi.Md with la Mme
hr Nem la eased Ides Neal. mad a cheek
We Is
sa woe sobesseseely Ise
b make Nom. honor hes. TIM Maass*
hyeti .reasbed the ep.sd .li ma M digit,
lhuit,T Iwir 1[M lltrrtK.-Mae Gels
Pub .saes 0503 n5 -Ler IM RMas Se*
wen nide' Mn s.owml yews men .ad re
moved l H•Ndlsea. We eons to bees
6106/ Nett Moss. ams of the Rho imams,
.amps' Som. me w45lo • petal is1idge,,
owed Ms 'ren n Mi as.mnsd .54.1*. did
He talker and NOW. were eamap f•B M
Seat W*., sssMy of FnsMss.. Mr.
Him naa,ed 1M Ism .f tic.rpl.M*1Y M
N. It... W Y new M buns tNldge the
etre et 1)r. Storms, who expose" le bare
blm armed again to • few days. At first
It was feared net his eight would be de
strayed, bot hen phydoi•o says tb* danger
is pest.
Coop 8rUEsno.-M..61ap In the inter
est of the prohibttioo plebiscite were
144 lath. temporaries Hall Tneed•y and
Wedooeday 50.100s of then week. They
were addressed by Mines Vtooent and
Cousin, ten Australis' orantoers and
round -the -world mtwloa•r*ee of the W.C.
T. U. The •ttsdwoe at the tint meeting
was not largo, but mon preens were given
sound and ihooghtlul addresses on tee prot-
ect *woes la the temperMoe ases by the
lady'p•akos. The meeting Wednesday
wase • see .what different oh•reot.r. Rim
Vincent gave the story of her life, which
proved to be • vivid portrayal of the thrai•
dem of the drink habit sod a *roes plea
for prohtbitla
THx 1896 Vorsa.' Lucy. -Tho voters' list
of the town of Godertob for the year 1898
has been misted and posted op. 'following
aro the 1umbeta of the *oter. 10 to differ -
sot sub dishing.: he. 1 -Pan 1. (persons
antidotal, yelp at elesione to the Iega-
lative a<saM'yr and at municipal elootions I.
106 ;--P1ert" • 11. (peens entitled to
me at municipal elections only),
66. No. 2 -Part I., 122 ; Part 11., 56.
No. 3 --Part L, 124 ; Part 1I. 76. No. d-
ean 1.. 115; Part 11, 27. No. 5 -Part I.,
110; Part IL, 66 No. 6 -Part 1., 146 ;
Part II., 58 No 7 -Part L, 77 ; Pan II.,
40. Total -Port I , 799 ; Part II., 377.
0. ten 1807 4it the totals were: Pan L,
791 ; Part II., 349. The •ggrer.1e elm*
of jurors s tido Year'. het le 362
Y 0 U T p I0I. DgrasDATune.- Wham
thessalttatMtn -agime. tea •siseam/is-belt
poesresd its ewe peouli•r sweetness, eo the
youthful tempted mind. Several youngsters
were arraigned before the police n aideirate
last Monday, charged with stealing fruit m
yueday, was they should have ban at
oburoh. Whether thee oommital of the act
on that particular day planed the deed be
yood inside., et eobsneed the quality of
the fruit in the eyes of the Totter depreda-
tor* ie not knows, but that the old adage
" The meter the day, the better the deed,"
might have he meet liberal modesties, •
tempting ord.. belonging eo • well kanwe
reverend ge.Memaa, wee Meson by the
ysaoptors as the objective, point, What-
ever ouatraeMn was planed upon the
ds.d,the oo.plairst was loath to prosecute
and Wooed the mum in other hands
The mlpnts appeared in polies ooart sod
.iter a severe reprimand were diaobari ed.
Tits Music Dip Nor CHAsr.- Under
ordinary olroaansao. the Oodertoh Marine
Bead dieoeants fires -slam music, out o0
Monday evening • Dolt belengieg to Thos.
Guidry, made • heap of trouble for le own-
er, by •besistely refusing to listen to the',
pleasing .tress. The animal had not been
to bnrsew'At coma Mute sad en below driver
• shat distance wee inellad le be irntfu,
Thiakleg the baro.n eliti t be the no•e of
irritation, Mr. Oa.dry .hared tic est ad
drove eat, bot the onas u.... a as &/Wenn...
WIN Branding ea C•mhna 13o seer limit
st. the band paned ad frighten] the oolt.
It reared, the owner and • friend jump*,
to its heed to control It, bat the animal
longed an tote the *id1e from off its head.
Owes free It bolted .lass the rod to
lirittul. Rad down which It termed, and
darted op • side street where it was Melly
severed. While running away, the strew
e a nate ware 011.7.d la abort order, the
farina pare of the highland animal mak.
me It deep.rw for syoo. (a le way. TM
oro.. -tree et the buggy was noires and the
harness badly 10mah.1d.
A L.errem Fame MANITONe.- U. M.
E111on, vele lase been talons • res from the
carr of business out la IM Prairie Provisos
writes as tenon from Nlsp, Menton,
ander die o1 Sept. 8th : Since aiming est
hen I have b.n amen the (omen con -
adorably sued I find Meson, are ferly geed
ban. The 'TOM is not snarly all et, sad
t 1-u.lisg has mot y* .torted, The
weather for the lase few days ken bees any-
thing but ase--ebewery, odd and windy
but .o frost yet, •Uhoneb paaph expire it
attar the sky clean. i wish M mention one
farmer in pationlar whom I have ..eit.d
frequently oboe coming here -Wm. Nay,
formerly of Huron. He is. fist-olese tar -
mer and • prosperous o... He had 210
aeries to crop. started to out It slaw 1 sane
ben and out the lot la tea and en0-belt
days with one binder. This le se ash story;
I know It's • fact, for 1 drove the binder •
little myself. 1 sail the hustling. Mr.
Nay need . four horse team sad Maned
every four Mare. Th. wheat Is b.a.tllul,
e snoty .ores is nae pine will yield about
thirty bushels to the eon. Mr. Nay nye
on a 'beef whin I intend to bring bone as
• sample. I rather like the wuotry bre
for homing. 1 have vatted several Norm
here, bat I edge jenny N* my a7eoaoes
bap n.5 been Inns away from ear old
town of Gd rloh. I omen re be home in
• few days sod pt dews N *piases with
resewed •.7Ry, when I will be pleased to
enterer any question that may be asked
about the 0000try se the eneny Oscario
people that I have met bora Your neper
te • welcome visitor is may b.mb eat
here •ad we Sod ms treble is unities it to
TIINT " Weimar, " His.- Donnelly
Jeb.wone has bees 515 eafortas•e lent of
no wheels within ten past year -.sac .teles
last year and the other ams destroyed la the
n oon tiro. Donnelly is • erne fellow,
and popular -his 0oateroee friends stlakin
by him closer the' do his wheels. At the
statim he I• . prime favorite-- • fast tb*
w r1ened last Wedoesd•y ermine.
The 0. T. R. employers. te • to••, eyrlps-
tlohed with him le a mere t.* ible mare.,
thea le ...re verbal exprresioa and they
same te the oo•elasim that to molal the
Mosel wood las • vert fittim Wed grans
fel set. Aeeordla,ly the strode was steeend
•ed M wo dd.sd d te maks 1M
Mee a asrprle& party tar Moe sed Meade
Mr. Straltee- we " : $ solo spirit
M ten affak-ktedly veered y5 rides.
.d mess. Nr the 0ssesign, tied Wide..
lay rubs the praimtallan- gobs isr
prop.* --w.. made la the preemie Mahout
Mad.. As 6110 rofrob em were
ea labial is sloe atm and the
Mbq repot wen mesh en sada the
hs4►ladn woes Adloolss, M'. 14...
515, a.mp1Nly taboo by .1pr4aa, was meted
te rete. hast. Mr. toeless akteg • kap�y
Issr5dsedes noels. Ifs .spd tlo.ee
w mp•*y a all toward ten J.bostsee Sao
III is ONO roma% miketems. Ie wee a
(5051** pleasure fes Wm I speak of sin es
teem sad mord a wt& Ade. JaknMw_
was paid b •11 his IsOo . sad as a Agee
mapreNMn of Bas, M biped /M EBMIaNas
Mid oleo .f the Wyss te rapine Ms
4ss/ etw, Al ibis jetsrter. Saha fib.
hoose Sean the wend. • MrO sly lea --a besolyT-sod es& the �7
Ln' D.es.11y wsd.'1 ha SOW* I.wasb.
hie annisi trw• new no bends at ibis
point. Reou,eausg hie equilibrium, be
made • teeing reply cad thaked kis friends
tram his begirt her *tit leadoer, For the
remainder of the evens*, music and .weal
sjoyment was the order and the happy
amenably brake up about 11 1- M. Amon*
eke :nature Glenn present were :-Mr.and
Mn. Peter MaRwan, .r. ; Mr. and Mee. A.
P. Mohan ; Mr. hard Mrs. Allis MoLeso ;
Mr. aid Mts. War000k ; Mr. and Mrs. St.
Om. Price ; Mr. and Mrs. Evans ; Mr. and
Mn. Algia ; Mr. and Mn. MoClare ; Mr.
sod Mrs. 0. C. Whitely ; Mr. and Mn,
Wi i''VIisRD'er HtM. - Ales,. Wiest
west *Termite last Nttday to take a whirl
le the R, Q T. road rase. " Aleck " was
eery modest about b ; he was not commie of
any big game. bet. Hoosier -like, he voe me-
mo 10 put t0 his beet Usha. Aon' he did.
The pax he est literally played the deur
with 186 rough riders who started out 1n
the big race, and dogzled the spectators
,earally. Although taking 20th place in
the Gain, he mptard the time prize, hav-
ing negotiated the onuses is 57. 32, 4 5 and
that from the four minute mirk. For his
effort be.soares • 1100 parlor suite. To
e • Mei eemo. tido of w
gee kit the ride
mese, the following olipples from the
Globe u taken : " You oan talk of Kitchen-
er at Khartoum, or Hobsoa'..xploit at San-
tiago, bad they are not to be oomper d wltb
the R Q T. road race for down -right floe
t ramples ot Anglo-Saxon Plock. A man
hes to b. • here to take his 11N la his heads
and bine theloggielegidiegilmignem red,
Heed as it is beth dewe
_ l\
r. with .
dust flying in dense clouds, surrounded by
scores of blinded riders, soorohteg like mad,
all actuated with the me thought, teat of
arriving at *0. gest first. Oa Saturday 187
heroes, rough rider. al that, started the
last race that wi.l be 000duotd .cedes the
. uspioes of the R. Q. T., and 157 &Mind."
fiw•rdlog the finish the rinse paper says
"A Meteor, of Oodertob, toe winner of the
time prase, striated strongly at the tap.,
beating out R. Cassidy, of
the Tourists, by
• wheel for .in.tesotlt plane. ' It has been
learned stow wide, the stove that Ma-
loof has been prolemionabsr1. This, we
regret, may metre him out of the pries
ebioh hese valiantly won.
FAaswgu. Ricr,Ai. - Goder4+h has tees
Doe of the most talented and efficient or.
Rapists whiob It hoe had ten good forams
to hove within Ire borders. We refer to the
✓ ecent orpaout of North -al, Methodist
oburoh, who 0o Sunday e.et9R last mode
her farewell appeonoee before • 0od.riob
congregation. Mies Chat. hes hien is Ono
rloh almost one year, sad duan[ teat time
she had done remarkable work. la the
dual role of or5a0et and ohoir leader, hes
g od work is way apparent The present
efftoieeoy of ten choir 1s ample testimony to
the progress made within the net term.
Retarding her ability to preside at the
erten, those bearing her Sunday
will have a good criterion from whin o
form w opinion of her oap•bilities. Muy
attended from the other oborshee of the
tows and to say the program wee approelat-
d, par it mildly. indeed. The ales*,
voluntary of the evasion servioa, Bohahrrt's
Military March, was followed by the metal
program as follows : The Story of • Lala
told In Mash ; A Cradle Song by Delbraok;
Mariners' Hymn (Fantasia) by Lex; Melody
byWest ; W ddie / M arab (Lobsgrie)
• agner ; Home, Sweat Home, Dudly Beck;
Lost chord, Sullivan ; Funeral March.
Chopin ; and lastly !Indere Hallelujah
(betas. '1h. oeleetloo Include erne difTi-
onit numbers, but the entire program was
executed dminbly, the fact that the 0m-
gratatlm remained throughout the closing
voluntary showed they were indeed loath to
leap. Moa Ohne received many ea-
comteme on the Bones of the recital and
bade farewell to • large number of trfenda.
MO left Monday thermos for Aabe.Ule.
N.C., where she will imams the dotes In
Mr ams sphere.
Hutto Taos rms WAR_ -Tom Chilton,
.w of U. 8. Cool R. 8. Chilton, is whiting
hill parents Is Nva. haveo obtained his die
oherre treat the U. 8. ms.y, M which he
served dtuiag the meat war. Mr. Chilton
resides is Now York, and for Ms years was
an neve mSeber of the New York Naval
Remy. Whoa war was declared the re.
serves were ready to a moo for active sae -
ice, bat anti the •uxlllary Beet was dratted
they wenn duty patrolling New York bar-
ber. Whim the auxiliaries were transferred
to the miry and given their armament the
reserves were owned to osier work
aboard, Mr. Chilto. found him.lt shear 1
the Yankee, formerly the KI Norte, het
transformed MN an auxiliary amber. The
first tasted petrel duty wad deemed off
Rink Wind, *flowing which the endear
wee diepaNked N Southern Cuba and lay
off Semmes de Cuba for son. Mme Tbe
Smash 854 was at this Mm. "bottled no,"
the Yaak.. being • lacer ie the oork4g
ace. Howrvor, S\o was moos ordered 1.
Key West with mail, sad while there was
unfortunate 1s hasg quarantined, a patient
with uuspienue symptoms being discovered
aboard. Welk Se woe 1.1d bore the de-
molitions of the 8panbh fleet was .eoom-
pished, the Yankee bele prevented from
participating In the fight. Leer on, the
amine was •gale diepatoled to Santiago,
and while here Mr. jellies bad several oto -
premier to rot • glimpse et the Wand
and els people. 01 the forme, b• was mach
Impr000ed with ie fertility and rioaeoe,
bond the later his epsilons ars ane ea very
nailed nature. From els observaUone, the
wive Coban r • lasy, *levier .arsadrel,
who can exalts no sympathy frees the Am
.beam monies. Mr. CbUeon visited the
wrecked Spanish .raiser, Johan Marto
Therm lad ...aced .,oral latere.Mae
relies. 11e km a Smith 4 Wenn revolver
-38 ealibrs -tasted sad authored. taken
from the wreeled Imt.le001p, ales • swerd-
bay.ss used by the 8p004sb .arkr.5.ad
.11.itd N ten dewily Meuse, relive A
trpesed Opel hes 1M Yoko le else an 1.•
wh55.5 Thr 1 eh... shell.
then, nM Span-
krh omen bake Ernes from Moir pan by
the hell et swalfprge5Ybs Thi Intrepid
posse Am rioan Mee furies with him •
tt•hmsd with " Ideate Marla Terve • 1.
geld beers wlddb was limed after the
boss. Ms. Mhos Wain the Omer and
"Mei el war m dl 1Btt ba, • mase\ of real
servo. Mep5BMe any sash airy Ideas. He
w411 mans te Waw York saint the end of
Me week.
Haorea-Srsarese--4iadfrhk h. MN
sartker ed Its nest setiaobie eel popular
yeses ladies tkr tics poems d MM Misak,
ddas* dasl4Nod a it 0. RMuubaa, seb•eol-
teser et thn psis, who vaslord.y et MO
assn h..tm. Yrs (D►) E. Ralph Woopas,
Tbe seas{. wee • mese happy .ms, .4d
Ns sipt.elw of goodwill towards the M-
topeed pre. was 4555-1 554 speat.
sus TM emeetesso sw
Jew A. &Amo , sssi.Md by Ree Dr.
seq., ltlllsr d 4fm efarnus awl tk. R.e,
fR. Um, D. D. The presean of the kW,
ws • plerfy tenure of the •v.o4 The
bride, wbo 0015*1ee away by hes (.tbore
was a guns of brides, :oaring • handsome
nen of golden brown silk, trimmed with
wee satin, with a large vette ptoture hit,
and oarryiag • bouquet of white roses.
Mies Nina Straiten was bridesmaid, and
looked lovely In a °rimier' of white silk.
brimmed with were ohifed. sad married •
bouquet of pink roses. bias Straohae, the
bride's seat, .on black brocaded silk, and
Mrs. Hooper, motes of the groom, was at.
tired in blaok satin trimmed with yellow.
The groom was supported by Dr. A. C.
Hooter. Atter the marriage ceremony esu
performed, about one hundred guess par
took of •o elaborate dejeaoer. Tbe inte-
rior of the house woe tasteful)] demoted
with white obrysanthemsms mind eras. Im•
mediately following the oer.mo.y, MW
Eva Acheson son " The Palma," with ex•
quints tete, Mies Auesbrook following
with •'The Carnival," with her usual sweet-
n ess of woes, Wm. Logan played the wd•
deg march, w ish was exo.edi.rly well
tendered. Amuogst the premeds wee •
h•adeom• silver sal, sr, presented to the
bride by hes admiring friend• in Koos
ehuroh Mow. of which body she had bee •
leading member. Cbequse from the uncle
of the bride, Geo. B. Seymour, New York,
and I M. Sbepperd, Ood.rtoh, for sub -
' bestial .moue, were ootiod among* •
bewilderm e
en of dainty baa oh silver v•
c sit•
testa, gifts of the hats of well webers.
The gifts of s0• vroom to the bride esu •
sapphire ring, and to the bridesmaid, an
opal ring. The tridai party left at
2:30 P.N. for • trip to J4itagare Falls and
other potato before roturniov to their home
is Toronto. Tb. turnout of friends to Md
nein goodbye woe flattering, belied, bat
to mo moaner undeeeryed. The quests from
outside potato were : Rev. Ur. and Mrs.
Hooper, of Toronto, parents of the groom;
Mn. and Mtn Moleosan, Hamilts; Mrs
Meek sad Mrs. Moi.4a. derdM; .seed*
of the bride; Mn. Roe and Mrs. C. W.
Ellis, Leeds; Mn. A. M. Kay, Stratford;
sad W. W. tint sion, 'roroato. Tog Si; -
Nat. wishes the young couple every hepps.
sem ia titer. Muse through life.
AT Tit. Horn Cor lei.- Whoa it became
known that Alex. Molvor bad won the time
prise out of • field of 187 riders at the R.
Q. T. road raoe, the boys hen oould not
mania themselves for delight. The only
manner la which to work off the .0191.ts w•
tau rum was a give the hen • reentries ie
honor of hisperformance, and it was so de -
odd to pablldy weloo.. elm home. The
H. B. C., of which the winter was • mem•
les, was the moving sprit, and was ably
mended by the friends of Aleck in vetting
up an impromptu receptloa. By 7:30 there
wen several hundred at the dation, and
till the thio arrived the tweed kept las
ore•.le, every enemata. A wait of over half
an hour was pettedly endured, the band
meanwhile favoring the gathering with some
seleetions order the electric light. The
orowd was on the tip toe of Impeolation
when aha whWl• anoouooed the appra. h
of the train. The scythe ro.dd the oars,
ponied' late the station web a few box oars,
kN Nr esie'M were smarm" in ba .es.
Some wv •ofou.oed that the oe•o1M
weed not las is for fifteen minutes, which
auoocrmeol pat • delap.r on the orowd.
However, after a string of flat non Ed filed
past, the machos Deme into view and •
mighty Meer rest the air. Every estnooe
was ...robed 1111 the hero of the hour was
discerned. and in leas than no time he was
borne aloft on the shoulders of his friends
"Yank'"Thompson and Pally Tom. "J ask"
Williams was similarly shouldered by his
friends The move was th.one for • parties
ovations which the recipient' trop very mod -
o nly. They were earned along by • throng
of delighted friends and put aboard hanks is
waiting in which were Hie Worship Mayor
Thome °, 1) Moe lilliouddy, Praldeot of
the H R C., N. McIver, the proud father ot
the bey, and R W. Logan. The band
formed es, and striking op • familiar air,
the ptomain started for the Square. Alter
parading the Square ono., during which
mauls enthusiasm prevailed, • halt was
made opposite toe Hnlbab Exohange. and,
•0oempanld by prominent citizen., Aleck
made his •ppeanoa en the baloney, the oo-
maim for another oatbaret of applause.
The orowd olamored for a speeob, and with
pleasing modesty Aleck *topped forward
and thanked hie frieds for their flattering
reception. " It 1. not proudest moment of
my 111.." quote Aleck as he waved diet to
the •udieem i). MaCtlllomddy on behalf
of the MB C., next addressed the tethering
and kept it to pod humor. Ood.rioh was
Proud of Molver, as was the H.BC.; he
had bees sept to Brantford to uphold the
good same of the olnb. He bad done so,
and now ee hid cleared out the whole oom-
blnetion on the R.Q T. deal. Williams.
who bed •0oomp•oled McIver to the R Q T.