HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-8, Page 81
Tau.s,Ar, Sept. 8, UM.
The Goderich Department Store
We can supply all your needs, as our Departments cover all the lines of
wearing apparel :
For lhe Indies
Dress Goods
Furs and Jackets
Hosiery, Gloves, etc.
For the lea
Gents' Furnishings
Caps and Furs
etc., etc.
For the Boma
Oil Cloths
etc., etc.
cn the
To -day
.. =
yet Firm
and I'itb, fadeless, exquisite in design-
PriestleLs plain and figured Black Gtenadiaes
are id
In Silk and Wool, all Silk and Silk Mohair
-used over a silk foundation in thot effect"
the result is incomparable.
Black Grenadines
are distinctly
aigill�l in the speCial_delfigns of open work
shown. Exquisite-dtialbie.
Smith Bro's & Co'
W111 Crate* left last week for Buffalo,
Miss Wabtogtes a visiting the Osseo
W. 1). Tye visited H•y.ville the past
J. P. Brews west to Tomato noonday
at r.iag.
'Vats. '(5(/Mt ish ler • brisk s Mundsy
Peter Rad made • sheet visit be Toronto
the post week.
Wilber Guest has returned from his .1.11
te CIeadeboye
W. lkostes, of Stratford, visited Gdo
rink title week.
Mr Russ Tye hos Hamed from bur
visit le Haysville.
Rey. Jos. Carrie 1s visiting relatives and
friends la Leaden.
Mrs. and the mimes Oliver left S.terJ•y
ea a visit te Torino.
MM Ltxx'• Martin, •f KI.rsbridge, hos
boos voting la town.
M1.. Orme 1Leeld,.l Colbirne, wear to
Tenet° ea Saturday.
Theo, Barrows lett es Saturday to visit
et Mary. .ed Loudest.
Walter Btlehea s has gess es a trip to
Iitem•ville and Teems..
Chas. D. Williams bu resumed him meat.
sal studies .1 Cl.vdaad.
Miss Male (Lsspball, of Soderelb, vuitd
Me beets how this wi.8.
Mone Emma Jehastow sad Flo listen we
Aida, la the Qeeea City.
Hayden Williams. .1 1se.MrOh, .peat
Leber Day .t bls hoes. here.
Melvin Hewell mored te teen from W
boas .t Onead•ga ea Friday.
Mr. ead'Mrs. N. Dao rteb Mit 8.inrd.y
soewnla, es a visit to [Astaire'.
Miss Lacy Brews was enc e1 tie essay*
al nhan be Toronto on Saturday. •
Mr,. Bladder% and MM. Mamie BNdtLrt
lel es Thursday to MW/ Toro.b,.
W. bobwanx and Wei. Restage were
pamererrs ter Tweets Monday.
WWI. M.Ew.a left ea Moeday to coke In
the dg8ne at the laduetrW Fair.
Moo Lily Agus, of Toronto, if visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Rees, Vioseria• at.
Jet Horton, el Detrelt, visited his par.
eats bre on Senday ..d Mea day.
kern hods Gibson returned ea Friday
browvisit te relatives is Erie, Pa
TCM Camples, of Galt, whined his home
here tor several days the past week.
Mir Id. Vanet•as retorool to Baffle en
Friday deer • Moth to her home hen.
Mks Emily llso►.eme ro"oomm..od work
s .obeel Washer at Ktngenlle this week.
Moo Key Williams lett Wdveeday of
hat week fa Orilibe after • short Mals here.
M. O. Cameron &tb.sd.d the Caledonian
ilexes at kaokaow Wednesday of last week.
a. It. ()arrow returned to Toronto lost
week alter speed's, part .f his v.o.tiea
Alex. WaLeed leek t. theRI Mead rot
braise. .t Lsek.ow Wanedy of lee/
R... E. F. Araatre.m, el Tsekeraltb,
paid a Balt vitt as his home here lea
Harry Claes. of Landon, dropped la oo
Me old trl..d• for • ample of day. lost
Mrteatimes, el the Mathew. Ho...,
WwM.rd, email • few days fa tows this
Mr. Raster, o1 the Gold/. Mo ;.Ureb
Ox'. weeks, Oen, made •'sit to tow* alio
Mule Emma CarsOell arrived from Can-
tos fl.tordsy row sm to .pews Seedy at
.1. D. 8w.eeea, barrister, 01 Carberry,
Mw., be yids .s8t/sg 18. seesaw of hs
'•tide (Mb... end daughter, .1 St IN*
More .re vwti.m Mr. (118.es'. fisher. Oket.
Miss Olhei( tee arrived frets L.eksew
sesame bee sondem al the (bllagiw$ 1.-
L*8.. Wawa lase rot•tes.s hen
WbIteohorcb to &toe ld the Collegiate 1s- I
Mrs. Alex. Jehostou end Mise JennieI
MoK•sxi• returned Iron Toronto Monday
Alex. McCabe, of West W•w&ooeh, left
Friday lest en • tong to Georgetown and
Miss MoLeilao, of the Collegiate lost.itote
(�. eataraed to tots Wednesday snob.
Iasi week.
Mir Franks, of the public eobool staff,
returned from Made Weel.eady evening of
Wt week.
Mr marl Mrs George Close and obildlid
of otratford, visited relattvee is tows the
past week.
R Mo Pride, of the Go1Ji.-Mc('ulleob
Ca's works, Galt, was ese of our visitor,
this week.
Mss Marion Marten. of Whitacburoh, has
returned to her studies .t the Collegiate 1e
•Utut• bare.
R H. MoKenste reitarod'• to C;ioto.
Tuesday mooing .fvw mending. few d•y
op tin. way.
Mr,. H Reltoo, of Windsor• is eolith
her p•reaa, Mr. ited Mr. Carruthers
Huron Read.
Mn. Peamore lett on Frid•y to see her
ors, Edward, who lies dl in the hospital at
Syraosss, N.Y.
Mir Wlr1lne returned from her visit to
Loode...d ether plaor Wed.esdy sees
tag of het week.
WUI Black, Chas. McIntosh and Cocoa
de P•sdry wont to Toronto on Saturday to
spend a few days.
Moss Hattie Townson arrived Saturday
e vening from Manville to .peed two or
throe weeks to town.
Ms. Mary Sharman loft on Wednesday
e t last weak to take up again her defies as
bowbor at Ridgeway.
Miss Rusk, who had Mon veiling at
Orangeville. returnee home Wednesday
evening of last week.
Mee. Wm_ Sharman, jr., and M.es Ethel
Sharman hove returned from • visit to
Guelph and Georgetown.
Mises Alice and Von Snot's. who spent
moors' weeks in town, returned on Friday
b their home is Detroit.
Mn. Fysh and two dau,bten, .f 11.
theater, have been visltiog the (ii 0M
ter, Mrs. James kditohell.
Mee, Frank Cade, of Wisdom, left on
Tuesday .fres • three weeks' visit to rela-
tives in (Iodwlob and violsity.
I. H. Smith hos retuned from Toronto,
where he underwent an operation on him
hand for the removal of • felon,
Clement Penults/ton returned last week
from hoodoo to make • short May Is town
before leaving tor Raffelo, N. Y.
Mia A. Winnlfrde Hill loft es Wdoes•
day of lest week to take her new peanuts as
teacher in the How pub's° school.
Thea Story, of the Stratford O.T.R.
engem" *hope, took advantage of this lobar
Day holiday to Men the old home ban.
Mir Maggie Wilkieson retorted on Fn.
day free' 18.0a.ew•,t..oe, WOWS' Wso'-
the year at Stave Island, net Gaeanrgne
the liledames Wilde and Mise Grace
Wisl•, of Emit musty, aro MOO.. (anAi-
rioh, sad are the guests of Mrs. Gen. Cor.
C A. Humber attaod.4 the .•eat•. of
Creat Priory of KnigRht Templ.re is limn -
Mos 'rwoodsy and Wdn.ed•v of this week.
Rev. Wm. Godwin is In Tnresb &tied.
ins the me.Uag of the Methodl.M Osamu'
(, .ferenoe. He will return before Sunday.
Remy H. Hamby, of Sealorth, .Peet
8..1.y sod Mosdy with hie parents hare
sial tele Tuesday m.rstng for the Toronto
Mr. sad Mrs George Carswell, of De-
troit*, ore visiting relatives Is tows mad are
tiro guest. of the lady'. mother, Yrs. Math -
MOW .1 M fleet sod children, who bate
hese "pendia. the .ammo. t•suths is taws,
'Weisel to their ken. In N"afeoq host
MW Mary Miles, n/ Wyemly, b, •gala
vattisa as the residese. of Mr.. J. C. Her.
Hess, sod will remain here for *nine
George Ht1R.w, mho had hem Oohing
hie, lets Friday with hie N OMs, Will
HYMal..1 Mors. be titan t• ►a hen. la
--- - - ---rte.
Wood.tooL. They went by bay:le, gad
Will wheeled os to Teresto to von the ex
hi Altioo.
of itressels, was 4, tows es
Mn ('.tleton visited friend. at Cockney
✓ soentty.
8lswod Camougne was in Tomato for .
few day..
Itis lfagglirEsstst lrl vt.w.giri T•reste
thin week
Mies Pearl Videeo voited Clothes last
Moo Ethel Yemenite has retarsed from
Peter 1,8wen, jr., is attendiog Toronto
Harry Spence returned 1'ue•d.y night
from • trip to'1'erooto.
Mies Swaf6eld left yesterday morning t.
Men the IndustrialIndustrialFan.
oho -b mad after the resales .swiss in the
•twins Ow erUl give • abort arms e.dtai.
Next aesd*y •veelo4f la t• eters ••t.
Methodist rtero1, Row. W. Uodwla will
prooth frees the subjoin " The evils of is-
aesp•r•ao• with respat to the nation .sd
to society "
Rev, 8 F. Armstrong, of Teokeromlth
Orson, supplies every 8oaday evening for
Rev. B. Oteme.t, pastor of Ootariorot.
Uethedlat ubarob, Moon, during the 1.1
we'll Memos at (lamest ('ud•rseoe.
Rev. W. A. Headley, e1 the Fresh) torten
oburob. Muobell, and Rev. Jas. A Audio
sou, of Koos °hoorah, will •xob•ore pulpit*
uo Suod•y Alexi Rev. Mr. Asder.on will
000duot saivenary memo* est Idituhell
Oatvber 4th, fink and bth are the dates
of • oo.v.oUos M he bold la N•rtbat.
Methodist oh•r*b by the Woman'. Mission -
et) 800lety of the hood's easferemoe.
Prep•raUene for the osa.eotioa are already
well •dvenoed.
Last week ibe Melliliivray Mime. Bead
et Koos church wt ofra large box el airily
to lsdore. Indo. and another bu. 000tain•
lap olotbluj, books, doll., toys. oto. , to the
Northwest TI. oonte*U are to he distrib-
uted by mirlw worker. is the r.sp•olle•
The Epworth League of North .t. Metho-
dlet shurob will bold an " at home " ea
Ts d.y evening next is the bseelaent of
[be church. The y .nog people of the coa-
r•,tatloo and the student. in atteadwoe at
.he model school and the Collegial• l.eli-
a'r ore lorded to be p 1
I • .cover in the pr.. deocy of Nortb•
h:paorth L -ego• cawed by the r.moval
1 the late proudest, .1 A 1: emery. to the
Northwest. was ffll•d Toraday •vsuap I .t
by the elation of Maes Mary S.1kel,1 to the
rffi:t Mia Franke wee elected viw•tesei
dent, taking Miss 8.11teld's pieviosi calix.
"A miry f•N8.ld dab was formed lot
,s-e.k at lM.ltwth.
a lass been made (8.t s'
�[ftti-piib oUArettiass obldntese
heels will M as low at $75
The 13oderiob bowling olub. touroameot,
ti At was to have b on held last Thunder
d Friday, was postponed for • week on
°oust of the t•aroamat .t Walkervtle,
• .d will commence t.od•y.
Will Blackford loft Friday aflame. to
i .a the Seelwtb Beavers for the genie with
' • Tsameeh Elm. at Tor"..'o. " Crow "
.44 the Bt.Mess selm:dated en w:aaiag; sad
'.. y oarrid out their program
- The pa.cnd or mpel Uea 'hong tie lewd
I-rulers for • pair of bowls has bees do-
ke1, ,the oonoludtng game bong bet woes
1.• C. M Heater, D., and lobo Wyss.
aFa.drwtal,egtewitd a amara of Otos-1Y •
Da8wtys soid•I.s. pacer, Tinny, lase
•••s ea: E a: to be cab Sited at the fall
:tire 'Mouth, at N.w 'lock State He
ewe as exhibition of speed is Quos'. Pok.
hoodoo, recently, dente the 8.41 mil. is
1:03 sod themile la2:101
The g .•1 net widish has Dome into use
Piro year is heroes games is • vely medal
unstravanw. 1t ia jest bebtod the goal, to
*Which it ewrespooda in height and width,
.d is .1100h•d to the Beal stokes la such a
IAshion that • ball which Pres b,tw•es
the stakes ia aught, whether it passe•
through straight or at an angle. T. thoe•
who have witnessed the frequent dirystes
•bout doab'foI goals la lacrosse games ria
t •w device comiende itself street')
Miss Wyon returned Tuesday sight after
• laagthy May is Toronto.
Miss Ages Fletcher, of hew York, ie
. pending • vacation is town.
Mir Laey Brows returned on Tuesday
from • pleasant riot w Toroato.
Will Smith, of Chicago, h.. been •isbt-
log .t the old boom the pot wok.
Aroh. Sn,d., of SsItford, was • p.neoger
for she Industrial Fair yesterday morning,
Mise Charles, B.A., returned to town .t
the expiry of the school variation last week.
Mir Nettie Boast, of Wyoloiog, 1A the
g uest of Mr.. .1. 4'. Harrison, Elgin avesse.
George Gibson, of Hawick, was in tows
Wednesday, sod vlsited his brother, the
registrar, who i. in • poor .tate of health,
we regret to .tete.
Miss MoLs.d, of RiImre%, who had
teen sinning for 'moral week. at the leen•
denoe of Edward Sharman, Ent street, re-
turned home lost week.
Mir Gerbil 011, who has I, -. n vieiei•*
among friend. for ..me time pod, ;yore err
Tuesday per .tr. Carmnna for her home in
Sault lies Marie, Mioh.
.1. h. MoKsndricb, of Galt, ass is town
lost week, the guest of Jan. 4%ilk loom. His
little daughter, Non, who has been visiting
Mrs. returned with her father.
The Misses Edith sod Evelya Reid visite
ed with friends is town over Sunday. Th.
were 0a0ompanied by their .ieyr, Ethel,
the M attending the 1)nlleet ire 1o.thate,
J. H. Ehlers, of Dashwood, was in town
anis for • few day. this Rees. He intends
leaving home on the 14 h for Naperville,
iII , to resume hM'Ytedien at the college
Mir Blur and Will Blair, ef 1',ne River,
sad Mr. Hooey, of Ripley, visited friends
io town and vicinity the past week. We
Gadentaod that Mr. Blair is to leave short
,y for Chicago, to study datstry.
E. Heaton, barrister, will leave for the
Old Country tt•torday Met, having been
unexpsotdly summoned, by ands, to Eng.
tend la connection with family affairs there.
He will b. absent about ox weeks.
C. M. Hays, et The Walkerton Telesonpe,
wee la towe this week and gave Tu. Soo
wet-`* prewar o•Lt. Mrs. Hoye and eon
slave been 'belting for some time with the
forsier'e mother, Mrs. (Capt.) Gibson.
Ren. H. Robinson, formerly of MM.'
dreg stet., left yeeterdey ter Toronto,
where w will aimed W Oatart* fM►ool .f
Pharmacy. He iv the only Goder1k buy
prevent tbb year, and kis many friends wi.8
him every themes he upholding the record.
Mrs. I. H. Ranh is ageeiat et At Porter's
shank 1n tbsabenoe of Mies Sheaves.
Mr. Keleher rendered • heeotlfsl sele by
review .t Kaes ohoreh no Sunday events,.
The Sunday *ohne) of At. (lar,.'s cherish
is eosin moots* In she afternoon, at 3
Th. Presbyters, of Herne will meet .t
1111nee. en 'Pe.sd.1, .iept•mM. 13th, at
10-30 A ire
Rey i'revnd Wei hies, M Iesdoa,
preenhwd to At. O••rgcs eburob l..t SO. -
day, hntn morning *add •'eni•q.
The Ratblie ohetek .t Leek ante hoe boos
ren&Inted shly oaA rho •tosowerk has bees
colored neer, improviser very aneh the so.
pear&see ef the building.
Next Seeds, will b. Mies Mete'. lam
Seedy ae mem* la Ntwt►w. Methodist
There 1. joy is Sealorth Oa 8mtsrdy,
l.y defeating the T.eumeeb Elm., of Toros•
to, oo the latter'• own ground, Seaforlb woo
.be senior obampionebip of the Candlsa
Limos.e Association. 1' wee a compere
lively ..ay victory, &eocrdieg to the Teron
to popes. The Se•lorth team was own
posed of the fellewisg pley,re : Mulcahy.
Hawkshaw, limbos*. Morrow, Mir/mm.11,
Blnekford, 14rierley, H.Wba, Jost, loth -
0190. Jeok00A..lttn..R, X. Aeolus* eeptaia.
The game was played et the Dhoti and w as
wllnewd by • loft. number .f people.
The some w.. 6 to 4, the goals berg...urd
is the following order : First, &Worth,
14 ono. ; esoon&, Sesforth, 3 lois. ; third,
Tecumseh Elm., 1 min. ; fourth, iimiertb,
3 lam. ; fifth, Tecum.eb•Fllo., 4 eels ;
. ixth, 8o•fnrtb, 'ti min.: seventh, tlesferth,
61 min. ; eighth, Teoumc.-Elm., 18; min.;
math, Sb
.fortb, 4{ nits. ; tenth, Tecumseh -
Elms, 12 min. Tree Heaven have pl.ycd
the fall aeries of eight mums, loving wee
. ix anti lest two The other teams in the
senior competition hare all lest three or
MONDAY, Aug. 29.
1t. Johwtoo, of Scranton. P.., yea tM
guest of Garp McPhee Saturday last
Rtab•rd Morrow, of Aekdeid, threshed
960 bushels of este Is owe hours and • had
Saturday lot •t Mr Clerkis.
A Bomber of our y'.tasg people attended
an at home neer Sanford, at the minimum
ef Mr. MoNefl, Wedsotday evening. All
reported • moat enjoyable time.
The largest crop .f wheat grown in tide
viomity was threshed by Wm. Young. H.
had 780 bushels from twenty acres, and al
en threshed o.. sere .f oats which yielded
116 bushels.
Mosnsr, Sep. b
Miss Mery Creeby ie at pretest influent/.
Mies Clare Hoyt, of C.rlow, spent Labor
D.y here
Ne one some alibi to deny that i1 was
hot last week
A number intend seeing the indwtrl•I
Fair the week
Mr, Hawthorne. •f Walkers°, was here
ea bat inem Fndsy.
Fall wheel word grass are looking fresh
and gems after this morning's shower.
Rd. Mol.eaa loot three sheen while drtr-
i.g Mien from Ihrwgsntta to Laokeow ea
Saturday. Th.ee were the largest and fat-
test wbioh enocombed to the hese
Morn H•ek•ti..d Irwin, graduate• of
oat pablt t school, have gess to Ooderioh to
*Mood the Collegiate Institute. Alf Mo-
Lgss, another of our primary graduates. le
e ngaged is the Bank of H&nfltow, Look•
The many friends of Jobs R. Weather.
Mad, larm•rly of 8t Helms, sew of Mentos
es, will be pleased to leans that be to re
mists/ hi t old t(tse beelib and vigor. AI-
theigb a sejearser is • twigs laud, he
still tray. • kind word Iso Csaadw.
MONDAY, .14s0. �.
Wee Reobel Cordes, of Climes, sum H -
newly old aogsalatanoes here during 1b•
•arty part of this week.
Wm. Graham *tad Jar. McNse with Mhrir
wives and Y.mllts Misbrand " Catechists
Day," the Alit nle. by DMsraMmg the gamel
at l.00k.ew,
Mn. (:ode, ( nee Renee ), now of Wind.
sen bet tensely of Embers, west • few
days of Met week with her son.ln, Mies
Mary Maw.
hailer by the Mee of the plum Drop end
rho yya.n unify of sugar 8.4.4 soou
sold by r
esr.b.se there ere sweet Wogs In stere
ler mash led this wiat,r.
Mrs. Thos. Doherty, Mrs. Jasoe HyAea,
John Henwett, Ir. sad 3. fl. Rimpeoe
loft hese Mond•yJ morelsg lest to take la
the eights of the Toronto sthrhotiou.
Our Mx threaten, who were all with ■s
het ems Mort week *nee, ..sort to hove fled
M the sttermost pane of the townships ;
benne quietness sauna eeprewe nor I8.
The westhey Aeries the pus wrk ha.
hese the warmest ee rated fee able 555..0.
If she impression may h• properly W Ws ease, A.ga•t, tools, some l iv:
Iamb aid west on Iib • lieu
Rev. .1 R 1. MUly.zd ga." se as orad -
'met fall es Kusdsy aftersees. tacky es
oft.Reid Store
Thle Present Stock to be disposed of at Startling Prices,
Ladies' Blouses
154., worth 5('c. and 75c.
50e., worth $1 and $1.50
Dress Goods
Double flub(
35c. and 40c. Goods ton 20e.
1 case of extra wide, hesvy
Flaunelette, worth 1Q dam_
the Opening Rale, 3c.
Extra wide, heavy Table
-- en, 25c., worttr.50c,.._.
Extra wide, bordered Apron
Giughams, 9c.
Heavy Linen Towels, large
size, 25c. per pair. See these;
they are worth 40c.
Tweeds and
Gents' Furnishings
at Reduced Rates.
Umbrellas, worth $1.15, for 75e,
Ready -Made Clothing'
('a11 and ask the Price, --they
are less than wholesale.
bre subject "Godliness " Next Saaday the 1 PICKLE AND CATBUP.QPICEB �
..rvlee will b. conducted by T.R. Courtiers, 1 \J N
pria3tpal of h.le publ,oschool. -
Taros b thassedinen of the Christie het CLOVES, -_-,,• _Y D.
leaver moony mod the Stolidity ecbools, the
probit i *mists el r' inns sub din ie os ho. 4,
A.hfi.ld, ore b.vw` their first series el
.0.mFI'S0,411etbbt!) d4klbatrd,
Water Me bees no ding ea the market
•v.a our town rump bavirg three:.med a
n dry. As it was, *ono of our tewa.IMIa
had to drive their settle to the lake, where-
.,, ethers bo•rewd smoke and drew water
to put le their wells • E
Flocs !-Rob'. McC heel, brother of Wet.
McConnell, of this place. met with a very
s'rioes loss ea Saturday ►iterso,.o last when
. lame part of Ma sawn'. Drop was de -
o rey.d by fin. Mr. Mo loenell sod Hash
Blake bad rented the Fudlay pi.. ca
.bares, WO harvested the orop mod were
tact started tnreebie& their whet whoa, it
is supposed, • spark from the engine 13 on
cos of the stooks and in & to. monolith the
whole stack was • lames of II .mss. 1 he mss
worked heroically to save the groin, but to
so avail. 11 o estimated that the owssn
w ill Tose shout 1000 ba.bels of este, 800
basherg of wheat and tea teas of hay. No
ts.urasce. If there ie .nob • thing se look,
Goo piece oataioly ha. ,is More of that
particular kind of lack coaled bed luck O wM l
'I bee. boom b..n no fewer Gums , is Ores em
the premises end the end was nor y.t, ea
this tire will m.k. tb. •..end\ Tb.y may
Wates to • oemplete somber ; i1 so, ps.bap.
Waw amp saw bs sser►MsA. W. hope
MOWER, . r
ALL'JI'ICE.. t. . r•
a .--
CHILLIES, _. - r • r
CORIANDER, " 0 - a
PEPPBII. - w _. a
IMILIP110811 EL • I
Nonce. -The local agency la Duopeenes
for Ton Sloe at... at the eines et J. O. Ward
J. P., oonve seer, to, wbo will receive or -
awe for subscriptions, adver+i.Lw sad Job.
work. sad in authorised 4 ts.. re°Mso tar
antcunta weld for the sane.
. now will visit Dssganaen as to and
3,4 Friday of such .110.41. Au modern me.h-
d. oe extracting and !Wag. sod miaow artl-
d.:lal teeth. Oma. next door to Medd'. tailor
shop. H,ura O..s, to Rat.
TDso*r, Sept 6, 1898. in all sizes,
Amens or Council. . -Tore wall he •
series of the municipal fathers of Nest
W.waneeh la the weal place oo Monday,
the 19.b of September. All oonoeroed will I ---
please take seta OFFICZ-In Campbell's Omos,
Having purchased the Coal Basins
of -
and having made very ...usf.ctory
arrangements with extensive Coal
dealer.,'1iwill be able to .apply cus-
uttomes with the best quality of the re-
Lehigh Valley Coal
At the Lowest Cash Price.
WAG. %' Ave -Br &Loot two or tine nor. West -.t and !)quare.
west. post czoerlve wersstb has been ex
p.ro...ed throughout tb!s asctim of ems -
try At the time of writing, the weather is
ob•ag•d and s ooml.rtab'y Dolor.
Oct At:AMR.-Tee abmorow lriris`.1
William Bailie, who had recently s dale
call sad resoled severe Joliette'. will b.
pleased to hear that, although not quite
wdl, h• i. gradually reoovaiog. A. he i.
the bo.swd president of the Ashfield and
Mammoth Agricultural Society, w• bops
bat by the time of the annual .Mw he w111
be so for Hoovered ae se Undertake the
duties devolving on kilo.
Cortlto AND (Joico -Q.Ito • number of
ens Oilmen. took In tee CaMdoni&o o.l•br.-
Goa at Cockney sad report hayloft bed •
good time Some of our Obsene.000..ded
In belying honor le our village by ,aurin,
• goodly number of prises. W• heartily
on0,ratulate them . Mn. Jobs Hamlin,
of t;odrioh, who Ma been for seem time on
a vu1Uar tour to relatives at Clinton, 9.e.
forth, Winghmn sad Doegnesee, returned
hem. last week Mies M. Molotyrs, M
Gedaioh, was reostly the gaol of r.1•• in
Hese here and la the vbei.ity Yom. of . tp4- .4*VS ramend tQ West
our Obsess ars *skim ie tb. Isda.trial Sr.
hibitlon Master William Crawford,
alta having • three week.' visit to friend.
.t the Forest City, retorted I.y week. He
reports having esjoyd hie visit immesesly,
sod likes the ally Rev. T. L Arm-
strong and wit., atter having • week's Malt
to friends at Owen "Send and other polite,
returned bene es Friday la.e, mite% bene.
Steed by the kip Mrs. McNally aid
Owe daughter,, after bevies a week's visit at
bee mother's residence sear the Port, tars
returned home
Steam -Fitters
• e that
til.•'. Poe 6.14 tet bible er dors,
DAWN - CHy. �ApI•'tMAN, by Rev
Guelph, ea
OleesfN, of C �xOObehae etk. Ohs eh, P•leoJ.ee
Devrese. et the City of Toronto. to Rose
M. Cb*pmes, et Wlnshsm. atwe. (to,
BAPTIST, - WJLLIS- At 86 Luke'. Church,
the Reetwy.Halifax. r0 b Os the floe.
ypf Anson. be
A.dolphat . J, Natal P. Crawford,
Mt, to Heartens. eldest oo i.w of the
Rev. Ce'AM t 91116, formerly of R. M.
44L 5.d r b Reslr.est sad rgrrtt
4WMtes0 Mt. R.v, Robert WI1(4...
H.D..1 500 R• Peer's Church, murext°' 11L et Nev. Meda
THE waaltL♦ mamma *•ORT
nestmere. Am. 10. nmig.
0 &•. rn 0 M
Per *wt........... t se to I M
Me cwt I 60 to I e0
N f0ir0 tete to
N se tots hi
*9M 1(Ipa1
19 tsle
fide of the Sponse, next
Sturdy Bros'. Grocery,
where they will be
pleased to sen all their
customers, and an many
more av Will favor them
with a call.
Woet nide Square,
tlnderhker & Embalmer
Success°, 70
w IiresMfM
Rd•erl pr+rw is a
ee•mT b $10 a bign,.
t...'t' t
9100 oadetbs.thentite• in. we wow ninths.e
b u"..."-.7
sow + to leN• a•
lsrF lea
■IEE L' �. ■1■
to our Large Line
We have added
the world-wide known
Happy Thought
Radiant Home
Ws have eels •enftre1 V Uod•rlab et them
and all the Mbar Ilse el Beck'. Stoves.
MOMPLIM theiga is of the ',nevi's
large army
Gurney Foundry Co.
Gurney -Tilden Co.
Burrow. Stewart & 11111n
Clare Brew.
Givine you the ramie d goads hem do d
the •rtten and meet popular makers Y
Let ns Ylgsse (tai year Plombine.
Eeatt>sg. wonkier Bad Palnt8BT
The Kensinzton Funiture Co.
In la mon geeatlttr. They are .leo 1
tb• market tor
Green Elm and Black Ash.
yy U .waMf�i.ts.
Culvert Pipes
as Oft 0=4near
swerrlt POP ~OMB.
t.a. ..prassr
last IoeCl: ; 1 i 0111!
ill ert.t.l•ed Seeds, sad well .email *p. ! 11
be seed at remar r*Nprices ir
y tow pris to •
et A sole
Aerne oomW
.m'tant .f New owns. for ring
t tlssssnw loser.
vett, Awe OM NR
1 Team.
- fly "(