HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-8, Page 6American Commissioners Heard Many Conflicting Interests. Dor sed Rwlproclty the e.bjwts of the ('ommlulon.re' Dellboratl0•a It Is ata*d That lite Alaskan M.ssder7 Ossetia.. Will He Soot to Another Special ComW1,.i0. - Mu the Comm Ise Mem Omitted to Favor of U. a Timber ✓ 0? Quebec', Sept 9. -Yesterday was • day et delegations at Quebec, and the United Skates oommleslooere souls were grbw- •nely tried with the coulee{ of tntereste which the spokesmen of the various in- dustries represented developed. All the morning Froin halt -past nibs .clock until one in the afternoon the senimlvalo0ers of the tufted States sal fes their private parlor at the Chateau J'rou0oao cud listened with outward, pelmet and Inward dieraotion to the sondicting repeeentatioL5 of the several visiting delegates. First then were the members of obs blegatlon of American lumbermen, wbo want no reduction in the duty on sawn lam her. Last week the commissioner listened to Hon. Mr. Dickinson of Detroit, wbo wanted to seer lowering of terriers all round if that were the only way to ob• Win the ounoellation of the Onterlo ex- port t•eguetlone. Yesterday morning the commissions I8.ten.d to argument& cat quits a different Nature, and Congressman Tammy of Ylonseora, and Messrs.Smltb, ti Handal of -'sgu•ta. Manses, S. T. Knight of Micnapolia, and C. N. Goodyear of Buffalo, would have no lowering of the present high duties. /tut came Messrs. Stivrster Cunning- ham and dylvanus Smith of Gloucester. Mar., wbo did not want the United States market opened to Canadian ashen any oondlteone They were a000mpanled by K. G. Pres- ton, 11. C. Hall and 0: Howes of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, with Wants gaff at vertaneewilk abased -Use Ylouoseter men. Fre. Fish for Fre. FLhing. Free fish for free fishing was their slogan. They had other wants. too. The amallest.delewalon numerically, though number tar camber' there' seer Xiilihing small about it consisted In the portly figure of ex Senator Warner Miller, one time of Al, , now of Grand Mere, bhewanfgan and other places. Mr. Miller; Itte to see a masul d reelproct , n the two countries, and esp.ola • - • neon of the Unified Bastes duty . d paper. Mr. Th I general eastern manager tbe1 4' tan Pacific Rall• way, Mw a not Moon- serumsst tit Chateau yesterday morning. d pre. (nobly had an eye open to eat In ttsetlon with the bond{ng pre legs, matter on which the Boston men likedise Inter-med. The New En esel delegations took sip the greater portion of the United States eiommladons a time and in them the femme Merest centered. The Oleawater rleb.rme.- Tb» Gloucester then protested vigor/me ty against the Ameriran market being opened to Canadian fish In return for the right to American fishermen to flee In ren._ Canadian webers. They contended that the Canadian fnpbtlre fisheries wen of Utile value to them, and would go • small way towards compensation for the free admission of Canadian flab. The Gloucester fl.hermen are eom.- wbat anxious to effect an arra igement et some kind web Newfoundland. m It would enable thein to obtain necessary belt under better term. than at present. The propoil of the Halifax Board of Trade, contemplating the nooses of Cana- dian fishermen to the markets of Cuba and Porto Rioo, to return for Canadian sonowlons, the Gloucester man opposed wed all their might. sat.. cub 1.NprNlty. Amend the special Interest views of the Glonooster delegation the representa- tives of the Boston Chamber of Com• M.ro0 urged the advantages which a brad measure of reciprocity would bring 5. the people Of both the Dominion and i_._ Ib• United States. In training • eeotsrootirtin* they pointed out that it was obviously impos- e- - ddble that .5011 bndlvtduel indention both sides should be the gainer, and that the g eneral benefits should be the object Might. Messrs. Preston, Hall and Howes, as " Ilepr•eentdng the -views of the Chamber of Commerce of Beaton, would like recl- ▪ j emnlry on as brad lines as possible and Made w all -embracing as ern be. ^-• British rre0.ree,. Will Have to Oe. , 'jWhile the New Englanders are anxl- e ns however, that reciprocity In trade should be effected, they aro not sanguine that such a result will come from the present conference, and all three of the Boston delegation ay very emphatically fiat • nolproolty treaty between Canada and the United States L not possible with • Canadian tariff In force which extends • preference to British goals. Zither the roiproclty schedule will haw is be so Sweeping •s to bring the duties on American good. In every instance he flaw the present Brielsh prefersnllel basis, Oft then will be no reciprocity. In this oonneetton Hon. Warner littler excreted himself similarly. He would like to ase reofproeelty, he said, but that scald only come with the abandonment by Canada of any preferenne for Britain. If the United States entered Into not- proolty arrangements with Canada they did not Intend thereby to let in • lot of British goods over the bnrder that had Dome Into the Dominion at 26 per cent less than the regular tariff. The Alseta• 0o•.dary. The question of the Atlantic Inshore fisheries, which Is understood to have been the Subject of disenselop Ly the joint high oommlsefoners on Tuesday and Wed• faseday afternoon, was allowed to temper ashy Stand over yesterday afternoon, and to l8. Shad the Alaska boundary dispute 111 nnderetoed en have peen ekes hp. Although not nelclally announced, 10 is said that ah agreement ham been re•ch- edet .8 W the Joint C.nyrnlrlon and that the Basta meat a the nnnndary of Alaska will be left to an outside onmmlrton,,Io be eempeemd a torelgn arbitrators, or to • ernm/don nompesel of one from Drat 18rthtn, ons,from t1e lined Peden, one Aram Canada, and one from one of the fanign powers. Tits settlement of the buend•riss le sow merely • matte Of lns•rpretetion of the old treaty of RSI. asrveys have beer made by b)014 the Untied Master and Canada, and ao5 wales sew fully undreamed* the een- MMsa Of ebb other. side instead w 1 ng oompelled to out them Into tuna/swell, the Canadian side. I am rustled of ties because lion M. Uluk• Innen, wbo raprs,teused the American lumbermen in their petition to the eom- mlssioe praying for a modification of the new Canadle° tariff lave so as to panne thug who had interests to Canadlao lumber prior W the passage of the law te out their logs without being mines/lied to manufacture them into lumber in Can- ada, yesterday ala meeting of Fisher & Turner, the Bay City lumbermen. advised h1e client, the West brtlunal Bauk of Detroit, to allow Wither & Turner to (re- tinue their logging operations in Canada as • sure mama of paying their debte. Mum Here Mad a Tip. "Now, unless' Mr. Dickinson had a str•Igbt tip that the oommlrlun had 45 - edea in favor of the Anthem') luwhsr- Imo, be would never have offered his clients adrlos of that nature. lie 1s 1n • weltlon to know, and he does know. wbat the decision of the commission will be. At the present time It is being religi- ously kept secret, but this 1s the straw which shows which way the wind blows." D. R' A. -MATCHES. C a.ladI.g Doe's Work 1s Ca.ads'e Big sheet -Capt. Cartwright WI.. tie Oov.re.r's •ISO Cress Ottawa, Sept 1. -Yesterday was the .losing day of the Dointnioo Hifle Aro oletlon's maybes at Hoekllffe Manges. The 0towakl Military Challenge l'up presented by the late der Casimir lisowiki was won by the Royal Grenadiers team, The finish was as follows: 840 and ear. Royal Urenadten, 524; 830, 1301 Batt., 619; 895, 43rd Batt., 610; 820, 48th Hfgblanders, 486; 115, 6th N.C.A.. 470; 67th Batt., 443; 8rd 1 Ica., 41 Royal teem 41a; Prima of Wale. 411*; ,Queen's Own Rides, 382; lith Royal Hides, 320. - 'The first -lin Aggro - Rote, open only to oompetttOn to compete In Ninety match for aggregate in Nun ery, Banken', Mtnteter of Militia, and Kirkpatrick, went with 812 to Pte. Weitbrrbie, 83. with a mon of 2010. Thirty dollars and the Challenge Cup, presented by the Marquis of L snsdowoe, and 8100 added. open to testes of dye, to be •warded to named tams mating best snores In the Hankers', Minister of Militia, Victoria. and Kirkpatrick, 'rias won by tete Toronto Royal Grena- diers with • total more of 1,253. Tbe next four were: 896 -Guelph Hine Association 1 940 20-48rd Battalion l6•-.7'7th >ti sntniatp., . $•N. , .. ,,l 233 10-841 Royal Intim 1,431 Gillespie Challenge Cup -Terme of 6 men In the Bankers'. Macdougall, Lem. talon of Canada, Militia. Victoria and Kirkpatrick matches. Individual medal for the highest scorer. Score. at 600 and 600 yards to count. The cup was won by lit* 77th Wentworth Batt., with a more of 4,790. e •etheoral's Match. The Governor General's instal was shot under favorable clroumetanoes, and 1: was evident high boring was to M done. The wind was • light twelve A CBBINEI CRISIS (ERRED. Revelations In the Dreyfus Case Europe's Present Sensation. TM nervous. to Ohre the saeh.r.a/.bed Caplets et cite .F.eesb Arae u O pportaalty l rNpe.5*0 Jas...... and limier* Mb Liberte er.wlag in Itreegth What tis tided .f tee A.tl- Jewlsh C.epiraoy !oared. Parts, Sept 8.-A Cabinet crisis U sz• peed as • result of the Dreyfus affair. It is said Count K.terhaay will be arrer►- ed and that starill.lg revelations of the part he has taken in the case will soon be made at Berlin and Home. A R.rl.l.• of Dreyfus' Caw Ioerltable- London, Sept 9. -All the newspaper commies* in London, Bailin, Vienne sed slwwhere roped • revi•lon of the CAPT. DREYFUS. Dreyfus case as now Inevlmbto. The eel aide of Col. limey ..bag oreaINI quite • s.DaUon. THE SUICIDE AKRAYOlfgg. rreseb Military Authorities. It Is Sall. Med • Mud i• It. Parts, Sept 8 -It 1s now insinuated that the suicide of bide -Colonel Beare was connived at by the French army suthoritles 1n any oa.e, the suicide otenrred sbortly after the prlmner bad remelted a visit from an officer of the general stiff, who, on leaving, or lord the eatery Ml eery taken Colonel Henry's place of confinement 1101 to disturb the prisoner, as he had a lee of work to do. It Is recalled that a similar oppurtunity to commit sables was afforded to Drey- fus, who, however, declined to profit by it Weary 004 Aeeeaplseea. It appears that the Minister for War, M. Cavalgna0, Is convinced that Colonel Henry had accomplices In the forgery of the incriminating document, and there are persistent reports that Colonel Pally da Clam will shortly be arrested. In this connection It 1s reported that the Minister o'clock one, and the light bright Inter- of "suss, M. Barrien, las already takes est, of course, centred 00 the last nDge• steps to grant Dreyfus • retrial. TM prow winners are: Hanges 800. 500 and 600 yards, seven RUMORS MORE TIAN NEWS. rounds at eaab, possible 105. Special badge and $450 -Capt A. D. Cartwright, R.0 100 Badge and 8160 -Capt R Rennie, Q 0. R.... 99 Hedge and 8100 -Serge. -Lt T. A Bartram, 77th 99 Badge -Pte. Fes. ming. B,LC.. 991 no later having been removed from bine Badge -G{, J/. �t';rr.ljtsr•R. u-stec tet sem. melte Another report 1s tk ]Sf Crete . . Bed, flab 110 TO CUT THEIR LOOS. Fun of ate Mood of the French hp* Jewt.tt Army C.w.plraey. Paris, Sept. 2, -The Dreyfus came Iasi nicht presented no new features, bet then 1s a plentiful supply of rumors. The nest of these 1. that Dreyfus Is dad, Badge -Capt. J. E. ifutcbeeon, 48>rd.. 98 Brlge-Pte. J. H. Simpson, 8.0 98 Badge -Lt J. D. MoNaughbn, 80th. 98 Badge -Serge. J. Hro•dburxt 6th.... 97 7A. Aidq Tensa. The following aro the grit 30 in the Hasley 100: Lieut Blair, 491, Lieut. Llmpert, 9915, 489; Major Harte, Q.O.R., 489; Pte. Haller, H.O., 489; Capt. David eon, 8011 RH., 489; Capt, 0. W. Wet- more, 74111, 487; Color-Srgt. E. Sited - den, 1811, 487; Capt. A. Wilson, *5rd, 487; Berge. -Lieut. T. A. Bertram, 77th, 487; Lieut A. Robertson, 771e, 486; Bret. P. Armstrong, RU., 486; Sergi. C. R. Crowe, 1st H.F.A., 484; Capt. W. J. Sloane, 611 H.C.A„ 483; Pts. Flem- ing, B.1. Co., 488; Lima. R A. 14obere sen, 181h, 482; `large..1. Broadhurst, Sth R8., 489; Capt T. Mitchell, 12U, 481; Capt A. 0. Cartwright, R.01, 481; tiergt Major & J. Merging, ttlM'-1130; Serge A. Gnbam, 48th, 479; Gr. O. Turnbull. 5th R.G.A„ 479; Color•Altgi J. Drysdale, la P.W.R.F., 479; Lieut 0, B. Kinner, 8th Hussars, 478; Capt. R. Rennie. Q.O.R., 478; Capt. J. E. Hutcheson. 43rd, 477; Lieut. J. Ogg, 1d H.P.A., 476; Pte. J. Watherble hind. 476; Lint- Buckley, 82nd, 476; Capt. F. B. Rom, 18th 476; Capt. F. K. Roma, 1811, 476; Capt. W. C. King, 46th, 476. After luncheon Major General Hnttou presented the prizes to the suceeeetul cone etlton in the Uovernor General's match. 0rutlel. Ch.Ilenge 141.1.10. Shield presented by auxiliary foram of Great Britain and 8111 added by D.R,A.; open to teams of four, as 1n Osowskl matches. The first prize of 580 wee won by the 6th R.C. Artillery, wltb 76 b(8. and • soore of 286. Tb• Nealag Clo.ed. The Canadian Belay closed yesterday with the Provincial match, for teams of eight men, for the London Merrhants' Cup. The renew we 900, 500 and 600 yards, seven shots at ascii, and coaching Is allowed. The result was as follows: Cup and 660, Province re Ontario, 744: 540, British Colombia, 729; next In order, P.[.I. 797. Quebec 795, Manitoba 794, Nova Soothe 722, New Brunswick 717. In the evening the prises won In the Canadian RIfie League we df.trlbnted by Major -Oen. Laurie, rreddent; Maj.r Maws, Hamilton, In the 50.1,. The sem. .Seers a last year were eissl.d. A lemmas 0.wt.r Ray. ce•Nrsaee Mee Meed.a its r•....f e.a. LetlMsr- I.g t ata neerode •Math.. Rept2:•-'A gsbmtaent banker here nays ' Ton sap tabs It tee Sheeted that the Iabrnationel (bmmis- MMt bee weirdo ea an mgraattn la by rhieh Animism Iutwherraen eyeing 11'm- - lead. to CNade will 4e allowed ea ewer Inge MI dkdp them rem a d1. General de Holedeffre, wbo Pas just re signers the post ret Chief 81 the General Staff, has oomm►[ted suicide. Both rbcse rumors are undoubtedly without founda- tion: Col. Paty du Clam is on • vecatlod trip 1a Switzerland, and the is ne 000 deflation of the statement of La Petrie that be has been arromced for complicity In the /leery forgery. ■ sed of ate A.tl-Jewh.b Co..plraey. Col. Sandler?, who was then suffering from an kelpies' paralrel., seems to bate been the head of a general oonsplr- ao7 to hunt Jewish officers out of the French army. Dreyfus, a man of haughty demeanor, but of vast strategic knowl- edge, would naeurally be selected u • deem of theme machinations. It N smart- ed that Col. *andberr's last days were haunted by a far, amounting to terror, lest the Illegal and flippant nature ell the evidence Myth which Cep•ta-Drsytae Les. oond -mead . should be 'r.lod and waken tri prestige of the Intelligence demette •t end that be melted upon Henry, his subordinate, to guard the de putment's tradlttnn, at all wets. Twenty Cent. for . Conroe Manor. Por 50 yearn the e/ty oft (seeable, b France, has maintained • p•lcipsl restann.t and kltrhen, where meals are reeked and supplied at toff. T1. food le of the cwt (inslkyt the mobs are skilled and the servk0 Is seemliest. One tray diem there on breed sad seep for three cents and bar, his banger Wer- enghiy appeased. or any pay 12 cele and enjoy • course dinner. tees*.wt 0M.m.Mr. Tile t.rgest g.anwter in the word le .t least Greenwich. When fell k coa- ttails 12.000,00 enter feet .f gas. it weep 2,200 tone, and is 180 feet high, 800 feet la diameter. reveres 1,200 toot of root to 011 it wltfi gee, aad omit sear v $290,000. DU BOSC'S NERVE. t ens exerts I110Lalt w1M11 S0. L eet•Cet. cede", itt 1 e.m•MMt et MMI Team. Mase gorrectlea► Mootawl, Mope, 9. -Lieut. Col. Cooke, who commanded the Holey tam, re- turned W Montreal yesterday, and stew that leaned thus genera ley have been labor - Ing ender the erroneous belle1 that the Canadian shooting MM not ey0.1 W that of former years. As • matter of fret, Col l'etoke declares that 1t was better than ever before. He ergs they won 41118 1n the open matches In *some of lad year. TM. 1a tit. ouly year In which we had nvu men In the last mase of the Queen's, and when 1t L remembered that 1,800 men entered for the first +Lege aad when they were rrdeeed to 110 al the last doge and five of them were t'anadlaua, the excellence of the Canadians' ehootieg urn les realised. Lieut ()Ochres made 441 out of 60 In the 700 yards, which Is the highest mon ever made In England or anywhere else. Lieut. Hoes made 84 at 200 yards stand- ing, which has only been reached once bolero ors Insley Common, which has ex- isted Once 189,1.92. '!he Colonel says Mat Serge Broadhurst of tee Royal Soots was murdered to have made the best &bootie& at Belay during the year, The Prime of Wales ha. ooes»nted ta become Honorary Colonel of the Prime of Wales Fusilier H.(rfinent, which l'ol. Cooke commands, end his Royal Htgh• noes w111 be gaaetted at an early day. WHEAT FIRMNESS. T►• Yu'uree Took .. L pward TIMM .1 Malt R Gnat a D ehel al Claimant, ., TM rrem. Thunder Evealag. Sept. 1. Early to -day the eobteago ape ed is * whet' market was hulked to be weak In 'syopetby with table metres, and the limp presser; receipts alio had a bearish effect.- Later the Ismer E.:ropr.a markers and the scarcity of eoutract .brat for Immediate doily ery st re esthe 0ed pricer, and futures firmed Gtr' per bushel over Drsterday.* goal Scurfs. The Memo' eily Bulletin noire the significant fact teat September wheat hao fur sea •Imo been quoted higher In 8t. I.uole than 1■ Chicago, and asks wire threw" sitter•* are to get cheer coverlet wheat, if this datgarlty In price et Nu. red winter on. times. They must chews. Nee 1 Norte.. ere. and to bring tib sines( to Chicago they will have to. pay 21 over Delete' prices, On the Liverpool board September are December wheat declined led per cental for the der. Leading Wbeat markets. Following an the (moen6 pr.ess to -day at lmperta0t ceetrea leak. Sept Dec. May. Cele o•..4..• • 59 tees M 676. 00 04 dem Loaf e•.a,«1.►.. a it u 5. .06 -_ et.beneath'. ...-0 b 0 63 ••• Toledo .. ... 0 Wee O 4I(0k 0 414% Detroit.. .. 0 ilei 0 66 0 611%S M 11.'111,0 No. No.• 1 Northern .. O des 0 S.% 0 6164 1111e4 Umlaut. No. 1 The Rpulard Rau Lard Aberdeen ter 115e.,oee Damages for Alleged Abse of Authority. Waehln1tnn, Sept. 2.. -News has been received hero of an action brought by Senor Don Joan Du Boon, who ewe own - tory to the Spanish Legation at Washing- ton prior to the declaration of war, indent the Earl of Aberdeen, Governor- General of Canada, for his expnlaton from Canadian soil. Du Bow is now In London, and obarges the Canadian Governor-General with abuse of authority In expelling him fmw R.eidisn soil, as bat was in Cana•Ia eine ply ea • Spanbb rehieat, • private pr - son. and, therefore, amenable only to the civil laws, noun of whish be le Maned with breaking, and alio reparation from the British Government 1n the min of 5600.00(1. Colonial Secretary Chamberlain Me not filed hu answst Seethe snit. ( 4IINA MUST COMFLY. While Roasts 01va• A...raaeee That 55. 0111 Rap..t tm. British Spare. London, Sept. 9. -Tete oorrespnndent of the Standard •t Constantinople mays "M. B. Krenpee.ky of the Remise Em hey here w111 'noosed M. Falloff, the retiring Russian Charge d'Affaires' at Pekin. Roads, it 1s old, baa given satis- factory wurancee that she will teepee[ the British sphere in China. "it Is almo averted that the Brttl.h Admiral had orders to seise the remain- ing Chinese shipe and oosome hooses, In the event of the Tsang Lt Yemen refuse Ing to oon1p,y with 11.18805 4.ntands." Germany Must b.ossas Armed. Rerun, Sept 1. -The 85,111 er Pest in .eemingly Inspired article this morn- ing with velment» to aha French r•re•p- Ilon of tri disarmament pronla'uatlon of ,•.nipeI.w Nichola., ways: "Germany meat ramnln armed •Dd on guard until trona» IB willing to (revert bee weapons Ines sloUShshare. Bose 1.5 eve the New1NNe. leer! flute a R'..tan Mlnt.tr lees. Mose Isla eollesaue• are method of the jmsreee, 1teNd"S the Cannell of the am piss, the Cabinet of the Cenpr•,r, Ms [nrpin's (Mwperetlr ewd Pm rear., *h. geed Nynd, tee Snipernr'e Mllitery lisnr*ary, the kmpresm, the nnr,rnnre of 1neeme Vareavie, Khl!. Or , ad fermi tomSe •11 eppearanco When he reenter ebn data Wane" adlae.Mos 5114.r ria• e *.IR (Ami e •r haw .... v riutg .... • �• Mlunespolle.... 182 0 864 1 slit 1 .,cat,.. No •1 - - brrd teasel 0 72i4 .... .... Toronto, red.. 0 Ari .... .... .... Torquato at. 1•a Markel. Wheat stemd7; 1004) bu+Lelo sold is fo1- tows: White and rad cee, grit ex- to ebbe. Marley needy; 0141 bushels sellAg ad the to Wee,. Outs ender; 1100 buskers mid et to Peet halal. Cattle Marto[. East Buffalo, Net., Sept. 1. -Cattle -t• the absence of sale cattle the near Leo• 5.511na117 e•eliaage 1. Tat feeling is eu et Mt all tint -good fat rattle, welch an Mead!. The offerings of eel, es were .18111, ealy about 40 head, and the demand b• -.D0 gad prices were sasteeed at fats eaote- tlona. Choice toriff.' were quotable et i7.2. to $7.60, • bade weber for sehetad; -geed to,saulee ...7:. to $7 M. Moth t nN •L '8*4w n . t wWb u[.- 1 t. net weetttm etre m nod ,•'Pr6'jr. "aver-frnr•dtr..-mar' - Canada lambs. Natives, choice to extra. were quotable. MEI to 56.440; good its choice, d6 to 50.35; burkr Mu, 55.50 to de. Sheep were scarce sod wantnl. and ell good kinds were firm. Yearlings and sheep were quotable *4.60 t,i $4.86; •trlctly year ling.. L4 70 to pi. woe., and wetbrre. m.1ed. de eels H fere pposIttlo•The Tbr ones. off ada b xirae was 56, sales being at 56 and 16.8e Tie neer- Inge were well cleaned up seri the rose was steady at the best prices of the day. Cheese elarkete. Barrie. One. Sept. 1. -At the meeting of lye Cheese Board herr to -day 10500 hetes calmed ebebe were offered, sod ■I1 except e10) sold at prises ringing from tic to 1 lac. The market was erre and actor. Nett meeting of the board Sept. 22 •1 1.210 o'clock. Kingston, 0•`` Sept. 1.- At the ('her" Board !D-day 904 rolored and 600 whip, both Angeat make. wee boarded. A trw t old at se. Broekvllle, Oat.. Sept. L -At the Chess. Board today 57 factories offered 2772 eol - seed aad iota where. Lngn*t make: 71k(' offered for.white and Tee for mend; no taloa. TBE LEITER FAMILY. IT* MillifORT MAIMS 0000 AND 1NTLRTAMHMO READIrQ. rap Leiter as • M•...7 Maker and commas r•Yeat- Nome Weil I•ewa is Brltal.-As Msa 4..rge N. Careen, Mt. permitter eery will 0. Wee feel.. of Isdla n (Special Correspondence ) The other day I had • chat with an Eugllsh gentleman who ought b know oonslderable about the social life In the Uultod Bleeder). From Wm I learned teat one of the best known Aaorlaa0 names to the British metropolis le timed Letter -bot whether the publlo salad dwells on Lave Z., the founder of the, house, or his hopeful son Joseph, eke has just spent eersn millions or more la • futile effort W either the wheat mals• k.t. my Informant oould not specify. ()Id Leet '!.. Letter Is a wonderful mall -a i,ypfcal Cheeses's, although be now resldes at Wasbington. He cam. Se U. busy trade center at the foot of Lake Michigan before argent:el labor had trade -UHL S. Wein -- financial progress diMoule Being thrifty by nature and training, be managed Ila make • few dollars go a long way. la. stead of throwing sway Ms money 1a billiard balls and beer emporium. he pat it In merchandise and real estate; and before be knew It evolved into what all admiring multitude le pleased to call • nterchaut prince. Me beams a partner elf Mar.hal Field. the great dry goods same cheat, obtalued • oentrolling Interest la emend Cblc•go traasporatlou comp•• -.ad added galas llh.early to We 4letat» holdings. Ever,thing be touched turned Into gold, and finally be Wealth to rich that the west was no longer geed soough for the ladles of the family, whe yearned for a stately Mansion In the Mational coped. Beteg • model busb•nd and father, as Reit u • giant among moneymaker, Mr. Leiter yielded and shook the dust of Chicago from his test, retaining, how- ever, • fat lent roll 1a the OM which had made his fortune. When his son Joseph reached man's "Stale be forsook the temptations and vapidity of Waelengton society and en leaped to business 1n Ms native place. Joseph was well received by his old friends. He dabbled • little is stocks and g rain, looked after the letter real edam interes8. and became an ornamental col- onel on the Waft of His Excellency the Governor of 1111no1a. But • quiet lifelike this did nos stilt the young man. He wanted to be • power In the world .f trade and felt oonvinoed to les own mind 1 that destiny had called him to control tie price of what In all the world. He en towed Into a striate struggle with Philip '11. Artuour, *0. king and veerab of the Chicago Board of Trade and ons of the eleverest manipulators of markets In the United Slates. At the start .ve,ythfng seemed to go Joseph's way, but leer the gas ..eap•d •rom the overinflated what - balloon, and the waa • drop that was beard and tett from Greenland's icy mountains to India's coral strand. The whllom Napoleon a the grain trade found himself loess to the extent a 57,- 000,000 -and toot himself aad b1g dead b laropa. The old man Leiter, so all Chicago calls him, showed that be bed the true stuff In elm. Instead of disowning 811 hopeful nod enterprising descendant, he ams b hIl Waterloo sod began the settle ing-up pros. He sold the most value able parcel of real estate bis had, at the southeast corner or State and Madison streets, ei his former partner and later enemy, Menial yield. for something over 81,000,000, and mortgaged other holdings for 83.600,000 to • Milwaukee ilia Insurance company. H. may have thought • great deal, same things not flt for publication, bps • this public never nor tau sir 146110. The Mae rat oblides& as le the berm at blhhenzealda ars soenattsasu rather Ilni Iced. "Maggie," add • ictus gM nee long ere "bate you a heavy" "Wliy, of eo11fm 1 hats," melted Meg le d '*51, Mess," persisted the lithe OBS, "whet is M--. pnib Baas eM • dead ase Mdnatorr" _ teenage Pmt Mobag h Aga eadtrn.r Have ?on any old wined Dales We, bet 1 an sand meas • er home by m dlsMht messenger fury, and It Will �a Dread*, •wr by the time you gI et t hlverpoel, Rept- 1. -12.10. -No. 1 Norte, spring. ei Med; red dater, 6d 6641: No. 1 Cal., 6a 3d to tow 4d. corn, IM led; peas. 4e ltd: port. 50•; lard. 2Rs 9d; tallow. 1»e 6d; Mem, heavy, I.e.. 30a; light. 211. d1: Minn era. 218. 6d; cheese, white, 37s 641: colored, Abs 4M. 1.t.-.spool--t-Inec---Spot duet e(Ndy,wlth red winter at 5. INC No. 1 (MI., •t M 1M and No. 1 Northern Bt es a ; tnterm Dmeet e1 6. 'i4e1 for Rept. and , 2t,Ld for er. Maly. steely It 3e led for spot; fu- tures, 8a Ied for Rept.. as 2d fee Oct. and le 3d for Dec. Flour 21s. 000VER1'see IN SR.SION. Rete Dr. Ream of Guelph /s Chemin es the 5oeretcry for t5. Next Term. Toronto, 8.pt 9. -Yesterday In the Metropolitan Church the Metbodlst Gen o ral Conference began 1ta quadrennial seaslon. It is likely that the oonferenee will last over two weeks. Altogether there are 966 delegates eo the confrbnne They Dame from Newfoundland, Japan and an politic of Canada. The body of the Meerdpollasn was well filled with high dignitaries of the Methodist Church. Hey. Ih. Carman oncupted the chair. Many pointe of order were raised by the delegates relative to the °eremites', eta:. The method of appointment of the Nom• insane Committee and lta pinworm wen disensasd ■t length. 11 was deeded that the different conferences should `appoint [Mir members to the oommlMee at 2 o'clock. This committee will have the • ppnfntment of the Variantoommlteeee. Rev. Dr. J. B. Roes of Gnelpn was elected secretary of the ("anteroom by 101 ballots. The reel Of the voles were wide- ly scattered. Re will remain to office for tour years. A nommlttes wam nppoloted to gee that the delegates were properly billeted and looked ether. The afternoon .es.lnn adjourned at 6.45 steer settling UN Lonrg at whteh the non tomos Should mei. These are to be Met 9 In the morning until 12; from 2 in 1M eftsrnonn until 5, and from 8 to the evening nntll a motion of adjourn meat The evening ses■Inn WAS entirely creme pled with mottos trancnems, and French with equal fia.noy. Aod ea all these considerations has to be added •, still more important fact, Curson rally loved the girl, sad the girl remised he .ffeotlon. And, better let, the maple are Mill lovers and admirers of each other's aooumpllehmene and suooewa Prior to his marriage Corson, who is the son of Lord Nathaniel Curzon, was Under Secretary fur India, having made Ma own way through Parliament. He had bean a great traveler, espwsally In India, and was even then regarded as a promising student of orleaasl affales. He received the medal of the Rol4}a1 Gee stupidest Moiety. and was the eaten' of a bumber of prise *mays, 1pcluding one OD "Husala In Central Asia," another on "Penia and the Persian Qnestton" and • third ea the "Problems of the 1'..r Feast." Wb.• Salisbury returned to powot • few years ago he monied* Parliament- ary tioantary for the Foreign (Aloe, • position of vast responaileli1y and time T►e pollslatl summer of Carson pleaded the Leiters, of mums. Their money had contributed not a little to els progress, and that probably pleased them still more. Moreover their daughter was bappy, and that pleased them most of all. And just wb.n Joseph's wheat taantps- taUan threatened to make Wags dull .rule the report from London that the OOTtd•menl offered ee their mu in-law the Goveruor0eneralsblp of India, • po.1• W on ssoond only in splendor and Influence to that of the Queen hermit. Sorrow was turned to joy In-4he camp of the Leiters, even tbougb t5e new frailly honors may necessitate the hypothecation et more Chicago real estate. TM Uovernor-6on.nl el India receives • clary .f over 580,000 per year, but the e xpense. connected with the position are enormous. And .o aro the dignities. He rules over more than 800,000,000 people, and 1. lord over • land almost as large as the entire continent .f Australia. The supreme authority a lades is embed let the "Governor-General•in-Counoll," but the council U saw ly dominated by the adrlos and suggestion of the Viceroy, Y the Uovernor-(leoenl 1. called by the people. Mr. ('erten nes been ooafirmed In the appointment and It Is probable that Queen Victoria will bestow a dile CAN'T ENJOY LWB .04 Because of nervoustteu, dyspea, batt trouble, etc. Lots of peoppsi le just have to sit and look on while their healthy, ti us friends have ail the enjoyment oto Nsrntg and robwt body, Dr, N'erd's Pills will bring back health, strenguy snap, vim and energy to even the week. est and weariest of suffering bueianki0d. A IiUD INVESTMENT RADE GOOD. I have half a arsee of empty butt'. es upon �7r shelves. [vet ything my nalf bbu,s sed -fronds wumld tell m• to try I would go Straight away to dm drug •cure and par, ohms. 1 0u in • terrible co0dnu,n from dyspepsia and liver troubles and w.. Santo•s( seersa all the time. I was 30 ducoursese buying one medicine and the other .04 ,», osivt.g no bone*t that 1 was about plying op all hope of over getting better, when my hu•b.nd brought me home a box of Dr ward's blood and Nerve P1Ils, which b• said had butt highly recommended to hem, i began a•In1L them at.005, 05•., to my gr a *uryitm, 1 hit Dotter to a wry •hurt um• ..d conllnoed 15.10 tot .b•.1 two we•q mon .54.8 cued in• .•drely. 1 have not t110•0lean , td uhasew omf dysg[Wal t11dp.laSfreet,seorverllwalBerhrpotunrEd0b tltaa weightweed101E. GAUNTLET', T.- - Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills are •old ,o cents pereem, s bozos for 5 cg., at L I.1. or moiled on receipt ofpr .0. by • eget., or Co., 7 tsrfa 81..'fore', of hater of (Meta AMNN... M... Paul Bert di.euvered that the blond .N Nelmels living to high altitudes ahsorbsd Merl/ oxygen than that of similar meads at ordinary elevations, end lo fids observation Ice was soon eon5rmd by MIDAS, S, wbo removed rabbits tram Tarbes to de Pio du Midi de Bloom, is Mee Pyrenees (1,877 meters,) when they roweled does to the observatory me the summit of the mountain sad bred nMurrlly. This was ID 188*, aad 1480 Malar 41ala4Masr1 she 54.50 e rabbits born on the mountains with that of rabbit* of the plain, and fouod that the former was richer In hasntoglobin and absorbed more oxygen than the las SIR. Moult found that at high altitudes the red corpuscle' of the blood Increased 'oddly In Dumber' and out of propor- tion to the increase In bzemngebla. The work wee taken up by Edgar .ad Mercier of Arose sod Professes. Seeder a Bale, sod no doubt was left that tri red blood o,rpuseles notably increased soon atter residence In places el high •ltltuds. Egger found that the hesmoglu44s was likewise notably loeesssd, but net Jlekt►vely so much as the number of rd eerporbs. Whim residents a the mous- loins dr osnded to live In the pen, le found that the number of their red oor- pascles tell to the nerenaL Mercier cos - leered that the degree of increase to the n umber of corpuscles varied directly with the altitude. Se1110 tried the effect 0n animals of an stmospbere abnormally Mob 11, oxygen. Hle results wore doubt- ful but the oarefully conducted sepen- Moote of Regnant bi .self Seem to meth Die e h - Me fret that when Minds care Sept for a considerable tine In an atmosphere eontaintng too !Rech oxygen their rd •nrpuscies decrees* In number. -Nature RT. NOS. Awn mem. ()ZOOIDS N. CURIOS, en hiss, for OS man widest one has ens served as Viceroy. TM esly drwwbeck le the position is that lte acceptance ' shelves" the incumbent politically. ' However, with Lathe's millions 00 boat e lm, Corson an enter ibe diplomat, service on Lis return 1rem India, and Mary Leiter can shine m"Ambase.drew'e In one of the greet capitals a Europe. People a the United States are, d mune, pleased that tri girl wbo was born In their World's lair Miry t5 years ago should be placed upon • throws wbeee power is exceeded by bot few. That the will fulfill ler amid duties se as le re- , Soot mode en herself no One wee W e ver bad tri pleaded* of knowing her loub*. 0. W. W[1PPI[RT. A lamp exploded In the sewed stony et the Cowling Blnek, Toronto Junetlon, and the rill ran into the tmreen drawees. The human, with Its detente, wee boned M • ere" Marital Rt•t INR °fermate if i were a man, yens wouldn't flitch nisi staying at Acme in war genes Yr (4reymalr--it is mighty ssMn.n yon do stay es berme, anyhow--Clalaaaast Ito cele. tmadl.g 5.01.1 amen Reeler note Perim of Reweave* wenn have kwon speeding rem. time Is Crile will return horns .11.10)7 lenge SRI WAR MART 1.11T10. beard him grumble or oomplaln. He knew his duty sod did it The Loiters bed been squeeaed, and, as their head, be paid the penalty. A lone of 57,000,000 would cripple MOS of us financially, but the Miter poems atone .8111 rankamong the moot valnab0 In Chicago, and yield sten a large income that • taw yah hence they will again be free from all Inonmhranees. Leiter never was a popular man, bat hie promptness In settling up Joseph's what deal made him theaaan31 of friends among those who bad formerly looked upon hum with sold anepInlon. Mr. and Mee, letter's pot eh1141 1e their daegh4er Mary Weenies, wbo, la 1496, married Rt Hen. Osage N. (:arson, a member of one of 11e oldest and noblest famines of Carom Mr Cureon was a smart fellow, of pr.pnmeessing ■pp..r•ses and every Inch • gentleman. Bot he was pate as Lazarus. When the engagement of Mary Lahr was •unarmed In the n ewspapers the gawps wagged gels bads aad mid enmetbleg &bent anotbr Anisettes he;rem selling hemi( for a Mk But what the nl.i women of beth sexes aid made no difference b the W- ere, eke liked their proapasths gm•1n• law and 11s social prtminends, aad meld afford to give U. young ample • sleet In life. Mary Leber always w•S • pretty gfri. Her edneaton was of the beet and tM sen a her Acme wise *tweeted by her mental *harms quite as meets as be her ply.lal betty. Beteg • pnblh man, he wM muipell.4 by elrwometanoa to e dam • bride who woad twlewt erode ea 51s position and Mos earmeer whish he represated. He knew Mary leiter could do this and nine's, fer she was net only m emem$ltakd 1055Maa Irak .Is a per - 8M5 lltsguiet4 tp.ak1.g Sagilab, tisane nee Largest Library. The Imperial library of Ruasi•, male Babel by Peter tri Oram Is 1714, 1s the third amen[ tie 0.714. grad I I1 os•talns about 1,200,000 'domes, aad abed 15,005 manuscripts. It atalne a =in the front rank d the celebrated Id collection; Cent Zaleski W plleoted about 560,000 volumes and 85.000 MS8 On the suppression of the Jowle ardor in Ruda tri eolleottoa at hooks 1a their pse..essfoD was taken In charge by Prtamo Belinakf, and, amens ether libraries, Us Prlace transferred the Zaleski °ellection froze tri Jostle Cd lege at Warsaw Se St Petersburg. The mod Important of the manuscript. he ✓ M library 1s tri "Codex Sl0aitlouse M 05 Greek Bible brought from the CN• vent of St Catherine on Mount Mad by Prole Tlechendorf In 1669. • Bare. for "airy Auto,.... E. L Vincent, in the Ohio Fendi, says: I do not like a damp place for stabling cattle; and if I could not ar- range my barn so as to provide dry stables with good ventilation I would not bend • beak lava. I am of opinion that many dimeaapo among 0005 may be traced to improper methods to the construction of Terns. . I believe I have • barn which in mad reepe'cta combinee warmth, pure ventfl- Mie n ami freedom from damp. M barn has • nine -foot basement. In this -.table my cows, facing to the north. In the rear of the cattle u a shed runn- ing the whole length of the barn for re. °riving manure and this is snplemonted by a cher] joined to the baro on the west, extending southward, affording shelter for stock and storeroom for straw over- head. In this arena my cows ran on sunshiny days On the north side of my barn are the entrances from • sloping bank. About five feet from the barn I built a stone wall to support the bridge over which I drive into the hnilding. The barn itself being boarded up and so far removed from the wall, no damp- ness) comes to the stable from the stones while I get all the advantage possible from the bank. On the mat a row of windows admits light and sunshine. A similar row on the west side lets in the son in the afternoon. All the oracka being well battened, my stable is ea warm ea a house. In front of the cattle le My shoot for putting down hay. This also affords a way of escape for impure air, while still further ventilation is afforded bya cupola on the roof, pro- vided witshutters. On extremely cold negbta by clotting this shoot I can keep m stable exceedingly comfort- able. The air circulates ander the bridge between the wall and the barn. Altogether I believe little to be desired to lacking in my stables. My barn Was • great novelty here when I built ft four years ago, bot many have sine. ex- amined it and pronounced 1l excellent eeod Ad,1e.. "The scrub must got" That is the kind of • talk we should like to see dinned into the are of every farmer in the lend e.ery day in the year, and that le the kind of an Injnnction every young man rising to the farmer's vocation ought to buys deeply impr sem aappaaoo his mind every day of hes ed ecokes until gel scrub have disappeared from the face of the earth, and espeolaily from the dairy farina, lake the Wow. Lamb Wolk If the cows have their hair rubbed off, showing bare latches of akin, Mile Xs • little sulphur and lard. k Spate's ar.oeir•i*F• "Thom este trwmsndnei dt.appmeMel gone doors st Randy Ronk. 1 deal tette pow they Speen hat any 11M them." -Well, no, bort she hes disappearing 8seth "-Tows Tepiea ataeeattr.. `New IBI Jsas,rp feel when the me gums Mead M w•.n't appsadMttiet" "A geed awl eat or "-..Qswslasd Phis Dada A YOUNG GIRL'S EXAM tri from befit a hatch ■Bwliet IULBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS For the benefit a Canadian mean, who have daughter, who are mak pyo em down ler nervous, Mn Belanger. lu Mida.. Street, Ottawa, Ontario, made the following stet®at, so Sial no me Deed leder through ignorance of the right remedy to aes: "My d•sgbbr suffered match from hart bombes• a1 Lm'. the sem eo had that she oonld Del k but bed to sit . and pep for breath. Bite t►u so extremely MEMOS that 50 limbs would fairly duds and Kemble Frequently she would have to leave school; and finally dmm grew so weak that ere was much alarmed about her health. I pee Isar many remedies, but they did not ram ado her any good. Then I beard of Milburn's Hart sad Nerve Pills, and got • box of there, and they have indeed worked wonder•.with hee loan reoommend clam very highly e d the best remedy I ever beard of for eominte similar to those from which m daughter suffered." day Heart and Herm Pills 0500 bL to do good. They our. palpitation. faintness, dizziness, mothering sensation. weakness. nervousness, •Ieepleeenees, env mla, female troubles and general debility. Bold by all druggists •4 600. • box or three boxes for 51.26. T. Milburn dr Oe., Toronto, Ontario. LAXA-LIVER PILLS sus ""em M Ma easy and natural twannor. reut.vini III poisons and he - porkies. They ours Donatipa' tis., Wok Neadaobo, INNwr ease► Dyspop.h, hoar Stam- m& toe -ask tltilluwdioe and Liver 0ea' plebs(. Prise sift Travellers aaouid alwaya carry with them a boffliefDr. Fowler's Extra4. t of Wild Strawbcrl'l' The change of food and water to whl thou who travel ere subtlest. °fon u domes an Mesa of Mambas, whit unpleasant and dlaomter4•f s• N be daneetene A bottle d Dr.F0w'-- itxttaM of Wild 8tr.wberry a year finow is • parades O of Cramps, Cele DOs iarbbee llc•tios of Atanlps, May, taw dues will pioerS IT disk httker edema of thesei1ers•�e 15 l an all, roll. [tile remedy, el* wet beey year.' et Alae le to 'Mit, whose mer% ie w std eN 1k•! the d Itre easemmeed is pre/er,eM 4e all athero. 8Nd by madmen. Splen everywhere M BIN. • belittle ljatye Inside ext the germine, ss rase yyjle tatlkatime are highly 4•((Nre