HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-9-8, Page 44 T1fomenav, Sept. K, 108. i E. B. J M. H. The SUMMER PEOPLE • e • are is appreciative people ; they know • good thing. They tell us our livery is the best they have ever patron- ized, and appreciate the easy running qualities of the wheels we keep and the attention given thew. Pleased custom- ers are the best advertise- ments ; that's the kind we have. 61CYCLE BAYhAINS at prices from $10 up in second head wheels, each one the very lest value to be procured. (:a11 and inspe.t them. EMERSON'S Mayo1. sad Music Hou.., and Cleveland Cy.I. Livery. $i naz, s septa•• EVERY THURSDAY MORNING . !S la. inessalasmani YOIIiRiO. !UUa8DAY. riff r. E MIL THE PLEBISCITE. • j• .'ev - IF the prohibition plebiscite excites no more attention elsewhere than it does in West Huron, there is not much to lead to the impression that a large vote will be polled in favor of prohibition on September 29th. There wet never • great public event that excited such small interest this section alt t6s oountry or creat- ed tern` di,cutr*ton amongst people; and, as a result, little or no interest has been aroused. The anti-piohibitionista are not do- ing a thing,and in this way they have shown their geod sense. Were they Aron to put up'. the' semblance of • fight the rum power would be pulver- ized out of all shape ; but by retain- ing • passive appearance their day of rest may be extended by the continu- ance of the apathetic feeling that now possesses the temperance folk. And an apathetic feeling does exist amongst the temperance voters, and of that there need 'be no mistake. Were the same spirit to animate the prohibitionists now that prevailed in this part of the country twelve or fif- teen jean tigo, the drink traffic vote would be strangled in the forenoon of voting day, for the benefits of temper- ance are more visible today than at any other period in the history of this country. Today it L generally conceded that the drurltard has no place in the building up of this new land, and in the development of the industries that go toward the making of a nation, In arts, science, religion, law, 'medicine, the iodusteial pursuits, and even in politica it has been de- monstrated that there is no place for the whiskey -head. And if this be the Gass with regard to drunkanis-and by thia we mew men who are liable to get drunk -what feeling can exist in the public mind in regard to the drunkard maker and the legally,' traffic which enables him to make drunkards 1 The liquor men are well aware of this feature of the situation, and are not trailing their coats on the ground and ,eking him, who would to step on the tail of it, so that E. KING DODDS and other paid champions of the liquor interests might make laugh- ing-etock• of the " long-haired men and short -haired wamen " who, it was claimed by the antis, represented) the head, tail and backbone of temper ance sentiment in Caned*. The men who are fighting for the life of the liquor business today are wiser in their day and generation. They seek not champions from the sporting fraternity and the platform plug-uglies-that would never do in this enlightened age -but they aim at getting some of the hrightest, if not best, amongst Comedian litteratean to advocate their cause and ask for an extension of time 'rein-- now and the period when the vending of liquor by license shall be • lost art The champion is now sought amongst certain members of the clergy who are looked upon se being " broad- Maatged," or who are open for engage - meet to furnish a defence of the traffic as se much per stray. If the hired Writer be • leading divias in • leading religious connection, and have a Mal big ;militias in a leading educational inst ntton, so •rash the better ; if not, then any old .hap, d may old denom- ination. who wears • black coat and • wbies neck -tis, and n willing to semen • fes OT reward fres "the tirade" whke isnot • trader -any mac of Ikisslem k seen say, will da, and if hs be ICBM treed sad akin is debate, iittliel 'tmalk m and pal! eft &Aka, licit `` 1 still 000sidered worth his pay if he oaly take refuge in the tact that his coat is black and his neck -tie white. Aud the prohibitionists what are they doing, whilst their opponents are doing their shooting from the long great? This is what they ate doing : They are palavering ; they are holding conventions at which they talk ; they make resolutions and votes of (mu- gratuletiou and beslobber oue another with language in print suit by word of mouth ; they think they are going to win iD a walk, and they are waking no effort to run,; they depend epos. the W.C.T. U., and other institutions that have no votes. to battle for them ; they appoint oommitteea to provide for the fight and examine the lists that do not look at a list, and would not know what to do with oue if they saw it., and who make no provision for the tight ; they are simply marking time --that is, they are doing nothing in the way of progress, and ars yet de- luding themselves in the belief that they are putting up a fight. These re- marks may not be flattering to our prohibition friends, but they are hon- est and oover the ground, and if any of the so-called leaden make an intro- spective examination they will find that the words written are words of soberness and truth. _ The matter stands in ..this shape The antis ars shooting from under cover, and, in the nee of preachers and other weans, are using smokeless powder. The prohibitionists are bring blank cartridges from old muzzle -load- ers, and because they get the taste of powder in their mouth from biting cartridges they imagine they are do- ing wonders on the fighting line, and will eget realize that they stand to lose until Ehe fight is lost. [hey have no geoer k1...btitt. i. host of uuderstrapp•re ;. they .1axe uo..laolumi.ua&r st ; they have • large amount of good ammunition of latest make, but prefer to bit) the blue paper front old cartridges ; they are resting on their past record. That is the case in Huron. How it is elsewher3 we do not know, but stripes front thethele old paint pot are tinnily of similar shade. 8N/1P SHOTS. -Is it the Industrial Fair or the cheap railway fare that causes the people to foregather at Toronto in the mild Sep- tember! -It is now colloquialized : "Re- member the Main Chance." -The Editor was away from hohie during the Week having a good time. This fact amounts for the present ignite of Tux Stustaa.-hrisg bcipWr.AhmiassaL-------- - CONTEMPORARY OPINION. - 4110 le ADORING " WENTERN CI%ILIIATION." Windsor Reoord : Chin has ordered 107 serlsadi of Amerce ' ben. She is evident - IV pr•par'ng for war, • Till AMENDI HONORABI •. Gderioh Star : The et•temeat in then c damns lett week that the breaks atm 004- treot had berm awarded on peva✓ bide was incorrect, as t Indere were called for, ' t an dverue'srnt ptblwhed in the usual way. " Tea yam w n wren es. • The No,.Fr ;trent t Y m Oaks to Utile OEM bueauea Das McGill - middy le an editor he knows nothing about dredging. Hes not his whole life been . ''out is elm -Hog the channel In which the tide ot public opinion roan! The editor who does not know all about dredging has O o business in the profession. • Vila MYNA .'4 (iOAMMAR 14 RATTER THAN ITN YOLlYi "l. H•mlitoe Spectator : Some of oor es- teemed ooatemporartes are discussing the old °metdao whether the " United States la .IDgalar or plural. W. take it that the n tine of one *wintry la singular, no matter if it contain nothing bot the letter S Wbeo the people of • country decide to call it " the Uultd States of Americo," that plasm becomes • proper name in the ' Mauler comber, and is not to be treated se of It were an ordinary descriptive sentences. s • • SNIPPING riot7R1$Hte UNDUE P150 TRADE. Deltas, (Tex.) News : Then was en Am- e rican oarryiag trade before the mental tried prot.otlo•, and then has been very lofts Ono*. Great Britain developed bee foreign trade by adopting an ., open door." It is these folly to attempt to deeor•ts the ss with American vessels so lose as we melanin the eland door .t born.. The free trade basis le the (pedimental Idea of sea- aerryfeg trade, sad It ie Impossible to rei,b limb coot. • commerce until the proteetioo eeeeem is abolished. lalnOH AND AMatlr'AN INTIM/Tit IN (MINA And IDttnCAL. Grand Replds Preto : Our •ympatbies and our Intonate are with Reiland. Eng lead seeks 1e draw the oommeree el China outward t►megh her see pert'. Russia wks to drew it tendw•rd say ,rem the ma peers B.glaad demands AMC all the world Aare in the trade of 4b. Orient. Rorie seek. • tn000polygoalie?' i ale IS psrr00 liberty. Rata's rule is ov4oer.tdo 501 enema P,erlaad ought te ea's'ed, bat nmiseta •rely Ramie te wee- mediae. eamediae. •' • e " a:170pa *SB PIRINHI,e ." RmaMmgs i le Tamale the other day a mane mem was omit 10 preen for Mertem yam. Ever eines be was foortam years Nage le has men, with • few Mtervls. N a Ho says he saver bed • Hasse 8n4 offence swede h modal porlab, w whom every pollee...'s s`ptslene wen Crested. mid he mays they .*tag per - *Mod him le !•N • .tsetise sr late a 'ares to gee ea the AAge% read. Tris le • ler ibk Marra t is N heel Idea M e.% be thee 5 tee may saws we nabs M'.r-herd spar eats lmisg l. regale their left passe r • 11111P1111alva AND DUMAN& Deb. MA MOM t Thee&('+Mrksas of lairlilp sore .den area lot Dais& MOW shads die yamssis. ttu..a. Thee„ t • TIM SIGNAL :TTODERICH ONTARIO is •• dNkp khat els kt trte•, 1( the people were ask to say ata piebseette if they de sired the ,.ands•. s et the steate they would vote easiest It. not amply bonen it M emotions, hal boause it servos no •o/.wty pennon. Wises it is e1 the nam. tarty stripe se the Commmue It N u .oho. Ween It M of the upeoet • part) strips itis 50 obatreottua The Looniness' represents the . auoual will Let the national will have its way. * • e A Tam*IILI W'raNU5, TRULY. Tercel. Weekly Sus : A oorrespesdeat of • medical pretest publis1t 1 in Toronto is to pursuit of • physician who, it appears, has bees guilty of • ante offence. Th. ot- fence appears that the masse mad telephone n umber of this pbydoi&s were tested by the side of • t tlpbo•. in • timeooes eetohlish• meat, with a direction that he be summoned at once in oafs of standout. " Surely," writes (4. iadigeant praogtioner, " this cannot be prot.rwoal" It le diftioult ta understand io what meaner the public out be said to sutler from a dinettes to mad promptly for a ce-' Os doctor in ossa of m- odest. Coder the Ontario Medical Aet, however, snob oonduot any to Motored by the council to be " infamous or disgraceful in • profs.looal respect." and the name of the offender removed from the roll of phy- sicians. TRK P01.It'1 MOR CANADIAN 1ARRxlnv Trceto Weekly Sun : The mistake is made, when disou*ag reciprocity, i0 estl- a etisg our trade with the Wilted States u that now show a by the flirts. in our official reports. As well might we, in disourslag Blithe trade. tike the retest prior to Ihe repeal of the oorn laws Oar ales under rooiprooity s„nid be a ter differs; metier from sur sales under our present tariff. Shat out of the United States, our farmers levo eaterttly had to took elsewhere for • market. Ilohke the manufacturer.. they bay not *ought for goyeromeet booatiss, bat they haws gone ,.to a markt were they am sekj.us t.wwad-wideenmpstiiun, and they have show .t their abiltts.,la bold their ..o. But their .uoo.• in Ike British market b•. not made b es advantageous a fro/ markt close at hand. where they mull de- liver their produce la a few hours, without rumours the risk el au ocean v.yeas and duotuatioos f0 prime. • e o Vita UNITED STATIO w'0UI.D LOOK ON. Harpec'e Weekly : Wi ober or net Keg land and Russia are to oaa to blows ov o r Chine 11 is dlftiontt to Way. It .some now se though the two nations are doomed, sooner or later, to Le armed oonfllot. Whether the obese of the oemmg war be Assuan •egression' in Chloe, or the policy elfin"open dear":plllntt the closed'dna; or a Roamer a.0Neemaae Me Bede Luba mea- t° Persia, it is the belief of the close observ- ers that the two rear bre bound to fight one another scooter or later. la that con- flict the sympathies ot the Ame.:oan people will be with the Koglisbmeo ; bat whether we take part in it or not will depend open oar material interests, end our materiel is. termite will be largely det.rimlaed by our holdings io the t'aoific. Today, Rn ,i,o poese+sio0 of Cities would be better tor es than Chinese paessrsioe, and while British posse/mos would los .1W hotter for ea, the pro would not tot groat as to warrant our partioipatlee is • war. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. 11AEP4R'4 MAO Az.INR. -The leading arti- cles to the September Harper's are: '• lays to the Arctic " Notes from the journal of Frederick G. Janson, illustrated wits thirty-three photographs thin by the author. " The New Focal Polios of the United States," by Worthington C. Ford " Some Thoughts on the Policy of di United Statev." by Jame. Btgx, author of " The Amerman Commonwealth." " The Kxperieese of the United S:too in Foreign Mbitsr7 lased %4,,, .," by Professor Albert Bushnell Hart ; Social UM in the British Army," Part I., by A British Officer, Illus- trated by R. Cans Woodville ; "The Turk at Hoa," by Sidney Whitman, F. R.O.S. " Mr. 0ladnmie," second paper. by George W. Smalley : and " The Romance ot • Md King, Ludwig II , of Reverie,' by the Rev. Alexander Mackay -Smith, D.U., illustrated by • poru,I1 engraved by K. Sohl•ditz. sad from drawing. by Harty Fenn and George Wharton Edwards. MrraoiI.NT MAGAZINE AND R•v1Ew roe SEprswo,r.-Three arwole• is this number aro very fully illustrated, "With the Fisher Folk," desorlbing the (lamellae toilers of the sea ; " Flemish Pictures," -Oberst end Bruges ; and " Hampton Court and its Memorise." " S.orles of the 1 iodergroaod Railway," is an Intorestiag paper by MIN M. Murray. Au able paper by Dr. Rees, on " That Other Mao's Coosoien e," will .how when the iodivldal responsibilitt to our fellow. rests. " The Geer -amental and Oommereial Relation. of Ors .5 liri'tie and the United Mister' iv s masterly riper by Roo. David A. Well.. The mooed part .d "What the Deanne -is says to the Churches," by M'i. I. Horton, is a touch Ig appeal on behalf of the oat -of -work and eat •of heart m.mt.n of t6. commonweal. F. s Spence, Rag., present. • practical paper on " The Prohibition Pleblesite-' Short article as " Wlllla. Th.opbuus Davison," by Rev. W. H, Adams, sad " Public Libraries," by the editor, and "lmporlant Oriental Feed.," with Solemn Acte., Current Tomos, etc., mak. op • reed otrebae. Toronto : Wm. Briggs. Montreal : C. W. Coates. Hall. fax : S. F. Horatio. 72.00 • year ; $i.00 for six mouth.. BI'RIRNNR'N FOR Sr•11sMRER -- The war articles Is Mortimer'. en led by Riohard Harding !Ueda moor it of "The Roush• girls' Fight at Out 'Huse " There ie no leformaoo at sewed hand is this artlole ; Mr. Davis was to the thlok of the fight and writes of what he saw. When he crush.., ones for .11, the story of • .urpripe, he doss it with positive knowled • of the previous orders given and roneived by Oea, Wheeler and Col. Wood. The 000vereatleue he had with the men la the fight re vivid Wit of dram•tlo dialogue The whole oriole in the tallest .s well se the most thdlllne •0000at of the (loaslmu fl,ht yet published, and will stand as the historical piotore of that famous event. The illustrations give many of the brit known mea in the Rough Rider. end views of the cased♦ ever *Hob they Might. There are aieo drawlers from life by the arttat, H. C. Christy, who was there. The greet serial festers et Soribner's are mistimed. Mr. Wyoko6's " The Workers --The West " dwortbss • rend -builder's as- partame on the World's Fair ground. S.•l.r Lodge'. " 8try of the Rsvelttioa " has reached Grosse's t.•mp•lva to the NM*. tMlh teee tame= lartise %f 0401ord Court Hoose and Eutaw Spriore Mr. Page's " Red Rook " osst•im. • daring pp►►uoe name. Other intim is Octave Tk•ms% '• story " The Coossiean of a &M- ONS Moa," with Fro/t. Illustrations. FALL FAIRS - (Male NoveritWOPTORW, Gejer(ok, Beet. p7` 20-. 21 lmdatrlal, Troato, Aa,. 90 tb Sept, I0. Wasters, tsmeaa, Sept. 8 to 17. Northers, Walkerton, nett 14, lb. Meth Hares, Rzetr, Sept. 19, 90. Harms Oeseral, Climes, tine. 90,:1. T.ek.eesslth, aWalerth, Rept 82, 9b. North Perth, Stretford, !tort ill♦, gl Hann T*yewebio. , lsp7k7. 557 20. Bast Ilawsessh, Bslarays, Sept. 9i, 30. [plea, Leanne Get, 4,6r Morrie, Blyth, Get. Xan Rama. Ramos. On. 6, 7. Ray,/sr'nh, A.W. 91, 94 Ylto1ll, Rept 27, 911, A hist (mbtvyMN': noes tarn 7..,N. LThem is the me. Q Is HMIs to p l l tiniest •1 • the le Me sesmealO t of w .ea'..sedan elm slim K LIGHT DAYS Of OCIDERI064. Win as lwies:ear 1 rise Writer T01*he or Oar Teem. " B..tria," • stall orreepeadest .l The Detroit Free Press, who rueostly spent 11.r vsaaU.a le Godrlek, writs as follows of OW good tetra ea Haroo's Math Whloa le the way from the crowded oily, Whet• le the path to Ituk rets'. laud r Where 0w may wear • shirt were eU d•► and seed sot be blloltues omi0.raasg her Wel This was the question we pondered, la pannier for oar 50.0.1 renueo kip. We sought rest sad aunt and freedom trete oo0reuoos. • plasm in which to " loaf, and invite the meal." There must 1 , wait-ao peed or runlet Ms.tited by the mos .1 lone or river, (or the greed stream that sweeps pant our city dwe.a all such -bol • orae 1 expanse from *blob should nom plenty 01 cool, szou.l*deo air, Not tee tar away, for e0000mioal remote ; not fethlosable, be - male people who went rest do.'t tied 11 la airing • lot of mere or less rumpled gowns, produced from trunks as big as a seams retort bedroom. And mo it ohanod that by reams of sot oaring very much where we wmi1 if It were only " somewhere," sad partly bemuse we bad often heard of Its marmots dtu•We, we oboes (,od.riob, Ontat.o, as • geed place to be lazy is. Aad snob we torsed it Ooderioh is • town of about five thousand i•b•bitaab, retested oL the east shore of Ltk• Huron, on blade 153 feet hob. Then is • traattion that about the time wheel the • soleus of Chicago was funning • Medial of hardy Scotch and Kuglish piooeare teased when Oodrtob now at ,ods, and that some of them, Trek u, westward sorer the blue water, debated whether they should push onward to the ether greet Wte or remota os tnis sightly spot. Tee> Netted to stay, and forum' flirted her ptatems died•InfuUy and flew away, to alight when is now the seooad city of Americo. These early rid - dente gave ob&r•ateristice to the tea.' white it ret►'.. to 1b•' day. They were oautioss, oos0•reaUv., quiet, eon; eseesse&--[e it. litaderloh. Nobody .arhnrsletteg at- Iy nobody ever worries, and orreries cake - 'sten on everyone else befog at lease half as boar behind bend. Even the railroad train don't start on name. People doe's trouble to look 100ur doors wheat they ge eat, sod tore are more rimio•L u adagio polio/ elation to Detroit la • week than are lodged to the substAaual county jut in a year. That'. nothing to brag of, though. 1 admit. Tb.r. are so sidewalks, nod cows roam at large in the .needs. Optimise • gate, you stumble modem • queer hall- sguars of p.l,ng, set within to 'nerd again/ bovine tnouraiou, and it your tint introdaa flee is a night, as em • wee, ono is apt to think things unutterable. Some et the wealthy real'-'. 1 w.... - a.pr•tiag Mbit of 0000eslisg their aa•.M1.1 Iowa and g.rd.etl,ehle4 Sigh 'bent i.sow, ss if tbey grudged their beauty to the pant -by. Yet there are water works, • sower velem and electric, lights ; the draws•e is sr ee- fsoi that the streets me dr, within am bear after a heavy rain, a0d the reek je the vioi.ity are pas best I ever sew. Goderiob is the carint % amt at Herne musty, sad the oovt house is the Msinses and geographical name of the town, It Med in the midst of • :title part, and almost bad is trees. And amend "the .leasee" -which le really an °engem with • street •1,Artk &.,I-tbe to is built. The streets LAW radiating from an e':ht-eidd centre, nod the outline beim/ preserved Io laying out other eu..ts, make It me of the moat bewildering Iso.. 1 was ever ie. 1 wee lest every time 1 turned resod. ?Wart off on • street you thought would take you t3 the tainted Beet you know you were waad.ring off in the as mor wines here Teen is . pretty 1ittie hobo( aider the bluffs, with docks, aced raft, •t lel,, and aim raters and mills, and olo.e by the dry bed of the Msitl.od river, sow te be crowd dry shod, but • r. ie* torrent •rust ter cl • mile side who fed by the W'ar *a.w• et .pro,. It. bed u almost see4 Itmnto.e, 1and os at moat have been breed • brand cobeautiful tin ten. The town nears bolt on • peiet, or at ler t1 a projection, of the sent ant from the bluffs a m•gutfausl view of 1,10. Hr -os ler.: before us. Ne descrip- tion of mine ori do jr Aloe to Its beauty and ',nuclear, tis ever-varyug ealoriog and its glorious nese. .• Sitting at Ligatbome Point one ems to have left do world be- hind and to recognize only the sublimity of the.000e--the broad, blue exp•n.•, flecked with fleeting whitens., the precipitous, evergreen clad heights and the white bluntly beach at their foot. Most of our pilgrim egos began end eroded a1 the lake, saver to les alike to es. How did we nate the mate desired haves et net ? By the (:ares.•, • ,resew tint makes weekly tripe to the lieorgia* Hay orbit li- ege via Godertoh and K•aoardlae. Altar• treed to leave Sarnia at 2 r M , we earned ourselves on the dock till 5 o'olee11. The agent at the office rebskd ovr "Asierioae harry " by being extremely deliberate 1' proper tg oov ticket., bat, ear seen mad residences once bled la to ais satietaotloa, and duly mitered fu 50 *Seel ledger, he homed upon s like s-' elderly t'okerek and, consulting the time cud, eu•v.ly re- marked, Yoe will reach (Iderioh a-mh yes, at 9 o'olook this evening." no first career .f the Cumooa, however, remarked that we woods'', get there beton 11. end as • mater of fan It wan far pant teidni,ht when, half frostn and hong. y, we scrambled up •o alined perpendicular gang. plank and were grested by friends mi shore We were domldled at • private hoarding house, the St. L►wranoe, with a shady lawn and ample piazzas, quiet and pleasant, pr.. aided over by 50 aml•b:• landlady who made triatas' inoaniboe into the dicing room to urge her boerdere to by • little of this and Woe • bit of that .ad "remit up" for wm.th'•s e1.,, and who never .eels. w perfeotly pleased 'sills as as whoa tie ate everylhis, in eight and eelld for more She told us ISM was sure we aepreelMed ear orale when we clawed oar plates. Ad whether it was the home mad. bread amd 1 the Jarmo 'letter, or the hears bre mf fresh air and outdoor life, sarisialy we all toad oar appetites, end 1 tithe that at she lean we quite sati.6ed god era Bak's hep• of us. And lb was se heavenly gale% to aline I However warm it might be at soon. the lake breeze tempered the and the •lgbts were mei and se.Mreabie-- se cool that oft.. before morning wo wore glad to draw op the light "doss,," at the feet of oar belie sad 00v01 omisdvea mr. warmly. Delicate children! What a source of anxiety they are! The parents wish them hearty and strong, but they keep thin and pale. To all these delicate chil- dren Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- phosphitet comes with the bat of ucw.. . It brings rich blood, strong bones, healthy nerves, and sound digestion. It is growth and prosperity to them. No matter how delicate the child, it is readily taken. Ps- end $,..e, sa &WSW& SCOTT a 'OWNS, Goshen, T*..se. nam el the M•1tLod river, The denim is Marmite ; several cottages are already built, and there is • entail 1.101. We mt •t,out the shed). lawn or bellowed the *tad - tog paths that lad doe .t the bleat, through '.he aiders and eodrbru.b to 4a10 be•eh, till tipper was served. And thee we had the delight o1 watching the omens/ .f s thunderstorm, *Me wind toe► ranted the eke with loam sad clam 1't gnu ants against the high beaks and thea abet high up above them, while Iisktrlag algsesged free the meant) till It seemed to be gersoMd 1n the lake at the homes Pm. And Mier the storm had blew• twee •way and evee the men (amid as Lagar feared, we led doer it, laughter d sksi ing, and waking up the k ; tees the try. (:odedob'e thief Industries are salt end summer boarders. Al one time the Gods rite mit walls supplied Cased& with that very ases.ury arbors. But the dbmery of the Bagime Walt territory sed the cheap. aw with which It meld be ma-,utwtured is the States led te the practical d..traoMoa of the bermes, se thin now there es but one salt well is operation. This produces Walt of • superior quoin', mrd lamed' the ooartesy of the eaporinteadene, Mr. Logo*, we were able be 'left it sad leave utes d. - WI of the preens explained te tee. Bitse hes hen pumped Out e1 the well - which is 1,150 fest deep -Ir twenty.sine ye irs, with so stoppages exespt for re sect ferSOdaya.... Tensility f U Ar.4+r,.d daily, sad Vie retest of ods he &beet 700 barrels • day. Ti. meshed el mklsg salt by evaporable' the brim is familiar to almost everyone, bot it was In- teresting to tee. the tinsel proems. TM Dr' ie is pumped late • large, .Mll.w pas over a Mentes fed with wed .•d seal N re care both hest and gam.. At the *.ter ev.por.iee the s11 rime be the surface is crystal. /ivory three hoar these *rentals art raked off to the sides of the pan sad 1.f1 to dela. The salt tbos m&ds se very white sad lute grained sad dose sot recount greed. ''1g ; that not up to the high. es grade r barreled for agricultural pa pow 1).w a In the etoreroos the piles up salt looked like her. saoodrlf5. The steeds of sale. vsr .1 that Boat over the per are rube, Meerut to inhale. bat 1 felt Perry fee the stoker who had to fed those Gee Bum's, months beuesti the Ina. Gdricb melt be made meet delightful resort ty • few lepr.vement.. There is • =arr. of park ragreed •l.., the .dge 11 the bluffs overloakisg the lake. Leen flights of steps give mew to the Meek .std the deso/•t is mewed with sweet briar swami (ram elMe•tlae, thet mists the eh delioutejy altar i► lata sand mem le rimy pretty when wasted with its pole Irak bloom o Jena. Bel • narrow plank laid acorns ewe pens ismn Menne ',ostensible esu In the world, sad yrs it is the *sly style of wt pr•vM.d. The:* one so lower. bedsor shrubbery 1 se trees east of satere's photles. Thi teed .WVslmply t.00md of ; 11 you Irk. t. M1 there and leak et the lase you're woks.., bet adNmg le demo M make 1t owmfort•Mo for yea H yes de o.me. The erase le saver en or ..teed, t• and mime seder Ter fen *Mr. sot treddmi short, .r1 1. this deg.mr•te age ams mast really leve •m and sky If oha site long mi • eft-lsmh plank mipporuag brush " by (he spine of her kook." Bet with im- provements weld doubtless nom the pass - lag of meek .f the as retNtlmmeae*., the slmplieity sad the quiet et the old tone, when steeple are so owtest.d and pl•.tel and kWapilable to M. •trans•'. m. Bight of time is sever es swift se dur- ing v.oaNes. Oar eight day d the gsees's dominion passed se giddily that already they seam eke • dream. -bet • meet pl..m- .at one. Rienzi( AUCTION HALES. eo parties setting elsic balls mimed latbsteisostheeatm of ••tee.inem d SATpinAr, Sept. 10th -Arnim sale of hoses, let aced heueehold frnisblare, at Ihe reddens* of I'. Lyon, St. G••er,.'. Cee•es.t, (4.d.rlok, se Saturday. Sept 10th. at 1 r JoOP Niro*, A.utiemar. THoutD•T, Sept. 8th.-Amotimi Wale of household ferlltare and fenishisge at the old MoD.rmott reside***, 8t. Gorge's Tor - rank oppoalte Homes'., es Thursday, Sept. 8th, at 1 o'olook r.r Taos. (vlsDir, Aastie ser. RICE'STAM DAM, fursiteTuier" .ram PURE/as��Aa, MOM MEN AMMAN &.arat,eE savla•.raw. sou Palmas - aootascn,olll What ald we de I Nothing. fee the than part. mad we ill le mast Industriously. Did yet ever Mew bow perfectly deltaloos I5It te tura •we7 from all tell sad oar., leave ell worries sue serpter111es behind, sad bells% usas yea treat to hs, footless thee yea Mnab- solueely see mf. or reep•eelbdNy-dad that yes'd shirk It if you had 1 Tate what to de em • v&matisn. nos env seal and body sad bra are rests and revt.i.d. We west le • "eon roast" ewe nett ane ked • jollyflee. The Frig dMag labile la the brean m-• ignite •ppetme t tat wasn't 4be least vneed.d with a seen sad mere et people in it -was N1d ►MI with re.Mwg ears lied 4he grate a11ed with &w- hen null. Breadloblag aa ear se the andel • sa,ew•d leek we toasted Iha ten mid ser omenteziene 5111 51. toroth of the min were hr.ww.d sad betetlag with dm* .we sweetaer. And 11 yea deme& Miltg oat eon thea messed Is gmwd te met, .ed • mire - read go f , jest sty tt flu. Me ream -.114 hd k•ea •ppreprlaisly deoor&t.d with e.►s.t•Iks and ton flowers- .was .roared end ta.omitag 6.ished with d50My. Leat sus aftern.n feert10 Orb •d wears piled lab the timed wage11 led rove 5' yeawtem Park, 4010 wiles fres sifting, dime w Ise 1e 'sal n .1 a ming renes, sloes seag r the bless We do All Kinds of noulding= and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice. and for little money. fie !Whim Bicjcle Ca., It.It.lydl h: GODERJCII BARGAJN CENT ew Fall Goods coming to hand daily. Call and Bee, and Oompare Quality and Price, NEW DRESS GOODS NEW MANTLES NEW TRIMMINGS We intend to make our new stock of Fa11 Goods move rapidly if low prices will do it. JAS. ROBINSON BLACKBERRY COMPOUND -_ ta ata sures. dem set Lep 1t in the l ji sy t Sam ter 71 -Teale 'mow. ALL KINDS OF INSECTICIDES: Try our own Perm Ply Paper, a Moms la an envelope ter le. bee Thee of all S. a-- 10.10, 1■ elillsI far Com- ..I-�81M .t ai atmiti es. to Aso•risaMU. Tele. . Lime Jake, boss of gum mats. 25. - Me. ail ata. GI60 E; .-Chemist, B �. I $ PRESCRIPTION -- WORK W• glee Ude our .1 saatrtli and • sanies worthy of rots gest Drum statussgsus HO O O•e•y earn a' Peresmd aMeett s. le Ye work •t W aeon fatuities t• ear began* • epmotalV, OUR MARCUM No la se way i*aNeNd bee the ewes erlty er wee service. Yoe pay Mtbins hr 1111011•1•- 11101111 IS extravagant experts, boss there nod Der way. Try es and ea .•tuned. NEW GRAIN ELEVATOR COLBORNE k BURROWS are patting a roalernly eonetructed grain elevator in their grain warehouse They are now in . position to huxlle all kinds of grain with the Inst possible labcr for farmers' delivery. They(wi11 pay the highest nearketprioes for all 'kinds d gran, mod will be in the market au the tints. COLBORN R k BURROWS. lkebt1 CHARCOAL We leve recently received ser bed d Charcoal, and • enable of Patent Charcoal Stoves for tea to Bummer, mud preps.. it in stook oontfausa. 4 u futurewe pet op in papw hags containing half bushel sari. It n an excellent fuel for tont, bruiting •, iranipg, starting nal firm, etc., and it is cheep -10c. per hag, or3bags for Mc. W are ales headquarters for an grades of Cosi and Wood. We ran several Drays in cornet boo. CARTAGE s FUEL CO., Phone 6R JOHN 8. 1 �, lead.ger. -The Best Soap for Cleansing Woodwork, 2 Paifited or Varnished Surfaces, Carries, Furniture, Metal, Marble The or Iiuilc Floors, Linoleum or Oil Cloth, /aw-iemmelliner PEERLESS SOFT OIL SOAP Because it removes all Grease, Smut, Dirt or Stain without injuring the varnish, paint or glaze, and keeps all surfaces beautifully bright and clean. FOR BALE AT ROUGVIE'S HARDWARE STORE. POR CUSTOM WORK FOR REPAIRING FOR THE SLATER FOR THE BEST IN BOOTS AND SHOES 1 r give SHARMAN TME PRACTICAL SNOERAKER a call. shoddyR a orou do gh workless, en, we cannot be 'mimed an by sellers of to sell es flat -erase iters. a' damaged goods, or bankruptow" -wre We keep the LAIDLAW, WATSON 8$OE 00'8 •GOODS, and as they are splendid wearers, good fitters, and of the latest styles, yon should give them a trial. "t77•244. S ' 71e - ream UST maim teem meat ax eine WAR, *ND 50 .e Urn •QOAai aeon seat tree .thews wove C( a IZC7/Ite. d hi rase Oftwees kit • Iliewder+Ail1 Taft 1, loraa Sew edit OW and ilittiOS • Weak and ^ �erarA e0y 4.e- ase.miesemtr • 1, S. ,.0 . t.,