The Signal, 1898-9-8, Page 2e t'' The Signal ■ ruatasaKn fink THURSDAY MORNING ellY D. M.OILLII'VDDY. Terme of YutecNp41w pee mouth, In advauce Three mouths, Ike 11101i Liu Oar year II lb t.,.• le Ad moralising Ratest Leaa1 ad other sual a.tvertlsesebtl, 104 'CrHne ear 0,st Ican•erlhnl.-,Rd t eels' per We br each subsequent IuserUuu. Measured by a u,. roil scale. Business cards of Mx liana sad ender. le per yam. Advertisements of Lost. Fouad, Strayed. 811. astiuns Vacant. Situations {\'anted. and Rosi- ness Chances Waded. uut eiretdlug $ buss nonpareil. tl pee m,mth. Houses on this and Farm on lisle, not to ex. seed s linea. Il for ant month, too. per tutor neent month. Larger Mots In proportion. Asy special soar, the obleel of which N to promote the pecuniary beeeet of any Individual er company, to be considered so advertisement sad charged seowdingly. Local notices in noulgrell type we cent per word. Ro soba, ler than see. Local per 1 ordinary reading type two Ekesn elm r u.Atlsa for lar tem and Roaces for c a other religious and b evdeat Institutions, half rate. Suteeflbers who fall to retires Tea Murat regularly by man. -writ confer a favor by ac- quainting as of the fact at u early a dale es W hen a change of address is detiesd, both the W •gel tis new address sb,utd i.glv.a. Publisher's Nelle.. Vete C. Le Tomei, of Goderlch, has hese lips te OO.d.rteLocal b. OOolborrse. £s iMld ng Agent for the k Loral p1>•tmester• over the district are also empewe ed te minium mteefipale* M To ~U ammraleatlo•s mum be addressed D. Mu(i1LLICUDDY, - Tsa Moe he, Telephone Call M. • Ooderkh. Out. THURSDAY. SEPT. 8. HEE. ORANj1TRCNK RAILWAY. As•IYL lfllled 11eamm_ elsed ltxpresllf 1 Mixed 2 1.W p.m. Mall and Isere"' 10.10 pen TItATEUS GCl_DE. $&I tad Express I4d1 and,Express Mixed 0SrAIT. 1.11 a s*. LEO pea SI p.m DENTISTRY. burst eceees•r. Room*Ste the Poet Olde. Oold Felting, Crowwas and Bridge Work • S pecialty. ill Years litepeteaes M. MABEE, D.D.&, L.D.&-DERTAL ooe Surgeon -Latest sed approved mmeetehoodsss for all dental operadsae. Preservation of the satoral teeth a specialty Oahe: Cor. West at. sad Square (up stain,. Entrance on West st J• M. TURNBULL. D.D.B., LD.& -DENTAL Servos- (Lately associated with Dr Dixon. of Montreal). Gold and porcelain. are - g eld teeth mounted on gold or aluminum hare, special atte1ton elven to the preservation of the n atural teeth. Oire in McLean% new block. 16 sot NEDICAL. Doi HIINTE*r HTSICIAIC SUIT N. ec. Office :Bruce street, the ,reldenee lately *erupted b Dr. McLean. Night calls from realdeoca. by oue M" y LDf0Ai. AND CONVEYANCING. kg O. CAMERON -BARRISTER, 6OLICI- • • ter, Cenveysaee, ate Once: On Ham Mem st t,5 doors east of Colborne Be..' dry gs 1 Eter, Notary 1'ul,br. ('r.,adlan Bank of Commerce Chambers. the Square, Ooderlch. new -1y L'CAMPION, Q.C.-HoRRISTF.R, ROLid ▪ • ter, Notary, e. Once over Mrdf•■I Hall. Square, Coderieb. MeO. JOHNSTON-BARRII4TEB, agnate tor, Cummiefoner, le. Mono ,,to Javaa. Paces: Cor. Hamilton and M.stre•ta, Goderldh, 0.1. IM R• C HAYS -BARRISTER, 'OLICVTOR, • le. Osco'. North se, next Wr ea. mace. Private Funds to lend at lower rates el intermit. gin t1(y ARROW a PRoUUFOr, BARRISTER", Attorneys, Solicitors, kr., Oodericb. J. T °arrow Q.C., W. Proudfoot. CAtteen,SoltelttonLn Chas wry, tee., Boo �0 M. C Cameron, Q. C., P. Holt, Dudley Holme. JU. G. eoWARD. CONVEYANCER, Ike., AND mmiuLoner for taking and recrelug reeoenstanree of 1ta11. aflllaeIte or affirmations. dderpntlenitgbgj oorotsoollemn drelaratl"ns In ter tame High Conrrt of Justice. the Courtuit ur 4 A t Appeal the for Ontario. or In •ray County or Division Court. All transactboes rarefnlly and promptly el. toted. Resident% and P. O. address--Dunttau- n u•, Oat. trefoil LOAN, AAD lIs$V*AAC; MONEY TO WAN-IIM,SOSM ?R1Va•TE • Fends to lend at 04 per sent •n•.s g M.9. Cameron, Horton'* Sleekappalls Oe7- borne hotel, (dtrteb. 42011 MONEY TO LOAN -FIVE PER CENT Mor* to Loan. .wale fonds; Alan first as etfarms to reel or all. Homes asd lots to ✓ ent or for sale. E. N LEWIS. Batrrister, God- erN0. C"EAGER, CONVEYANCING AND IN. • surance once. opl.,eite Martin's hotel, Goderice. ,MONEY TO LEND ee MORTGAGE AT pecent. Notes d!erouuted. C. NEA• GER. Ogles:: Opposite Martin's Hotel, Gods- ✓ ich. odsrich. Ii J.T. NA/MIL-FINE. L1FE AND AOCI • dent 24141. A rut: at lowest rates. Oats: Celt. and NOSY..Ooderleh. it MO!4ET TO LERD-A LARGE, AMOUNT of Pel♦ ls Tends tar Investment at lowest Defeo L t elves Mortgages. Apps j to 001IMir - R. ReaaI Es to sad FNF.R AL Mo Money Loaning gen Only aret-slaes mingle:, lee represented. Money M roll lie• 4. at the lowest rat. of yae(01alg insayAWn tBogsa.alrt.t, isWbsotroer,=le. d *SW SACBINR WOOL W MAC -RIME RWttei-ALL KINOR Or (Repair ll'ork flow at Reasonable Prices. Imntemente Ott este. �� qM&hire .grea n •'FIr'A': i a 5 10-.1,, oLta wetter - rooter iagget raver'term r pod Trafalgar street AIOCTIONERa1RO. rfviOMAR SUNDRY. AUCTIONEER AND t i Ineureare Agent, Ooderl-h, Ont. Arent yondon and Ianeaehire Fire Ie.. On , the 0,r. Dlatl•let Detest Imt. Co. Salm araeded ass In any pet M tis eonnty. pre iy J0)101 KNOT[ °ENERAL A1y(.T10NRRR and Land Volumene, Otd.riele, Ont. Hav- ing had considerable esperluustw the •uet1.0- e.ring trade, he le In • parttime to dl.rharys with Woroagh satisfaction all eoremliMena en- truted to him. Orders left at Baton's hotel, Midi er seat by mall e adder., o. e!arrth O., oarefnlly attended to JOHN a 08. t1'onntl A nenseas, 1107.01 TOIISOSiAL ARTIST. MONTREAL'S CUSTOMS Remarkable Results of the Brit- ish Preference. GOVERNOR OF NEWF9UNDLAND. • Tim stadeau at 'Toronto sad e'ilt;• Normal Scheel. for the Yeas -A Nemlltoa Man stabbed --alma,.$ Meatresl Cricket Tuts Mt Newt t►. Ksgll.► Klemm - Met it utber. et• Supreme Lodge, KulgLtaa of Py1h. las, Lei cut official salaries 25 per Dent. Toronto single 41 :era w111 appropriately comw.Worate the birthday et Henry George 00 night. Then will be 198 students et 10• To• room Normal School this year, while Se will attend at Onowit Chinese "actors ' Cur Me Omaha Fair are now refused entry et San Francisco. Then were too many of thein. It Is now estlw•Isd at Montreal that Sir Adolphe Chapleau's estate w110 be between 8820,000 and 8400,000. McUHl and Montreal Cricket clubs have chosen a very strong teem of 16 to meet the visiting Kugllsh eleven. Thirty -Ave thousand ohlldren owned the Torun to Ind eights I Fair yesterday. To -day le Pioneers and Historical day. Henry Zimmerman; the wed kgown proprietor of the Zimmerman House, Waterloo, for the pant sixteen lean, Is dead. Aid. James Oowanlook of Toronto hs§ been Une•atd for the second date this year. He has not Molting property qualitloations. With the tbernionieter at 98 1n the shade Toronto was the hottest Canadian torr• again yesterday. Pavy Sound and Ottawa both reached 8& Because a wholeawle house want' Its letters dellvezed on Labor Day the To- ronto Post Office will co* observe this Dominion holiday. this tear. Lieut. -CDL 11. E. aloCallum, H.E., Governor of Lagos, will succeed Sb Herbert Murtny es -Governor of New- foundland :n Outu0er vox t. William Jackson and Mies Ethel Simp• son, visitors from Pennsylvania, were cepefred out of a anon to Toronto hilly slut bad a narrow escape from drow:ram-- _..1lev. t». :j *5.o feel0tft iFeilds d the pastorate of the Oak Street Presby. *Mian Church, Toronto, has gone to study at the Unlvenity of Lelp.ig, Germany. JU. FRITeELY, 10115020101. ARTIST Ned Cold Mobs tow premises. Reaeteamleg, skma n and every tidier rgatremeat eare� fwd7sr.n te,areora.het k, salt new daredrTwrtaYfeewMenk, wait Mor 4 RrMi Br beast. MAlata1Ae111 LICENSES. w•t Liss, PMA u iese�a► MIA sooty The duty collected at the port of To- ronto for the month of August just end - el was 9401,180.66, as against, Seale - 101.71 for the corresponding month er 1097. At the Toronto Fair yeeterday Lottie Ger broke her ankle by falling from the fence during the bombardment, and Richard Lumsden broke his knee ape la e ,peeing from bis wagon. , j At Osgood@ Hall, Toronto, ratepayers 1 Port Dalhousie obtained an order from Chief Justice Meredith. quashing the by- law by which the town grantod • bonus to the Toronto Rubber Company. Mr. Henniker Heaton places the total loss to Britain by reason of Imperial penny postage at £40.724, and to the col- onies at £50,008. But there will he an Increase of one-half in the oorresponddnoe The time • month of customs preference to Width goods shows remarkable results 68 1.84tssat, seswit Meteleaseipee for note gust were 8709.879 84 as compared with 11680,958.80 In August. 1897, an Morena" of 8188,721.58. The annual meeting of the Dominion Millers' Assoctatinn was halt mt the Board of Trade, 'Toronto, yesterday. Tbe asnelatlon will st:emp1 to (Intim some s.beme of uniformity in the laws of con- tract as between the several province.. David Donohue of Hamilton was stabbed four times in the shoulder by $ man wbo escaped after oommltting the deed last night. it was an unprovoked attack, but fortunately Donohue Is not seriously hurt unle.s blood pelsoning sets In. The Chinese Government troops, le to reported, have been defeated in two pitched battles daring the last ten days by the Kwang-SI rebels, losing 9,000 inen. The rebels are said to lumber 00,- 000, and the provincial formes aro power lees against thein. The Methodist Church Court of Appeal e et In Toronto ail yesterday afternoon. Among other deri.lone given wan one agslnat the appeal of Rev. Mr. Anti of Cobourg, and he mann now no more preach it. • Canadian Methodist pulpit. The matter will ilkely find Its way to the common courts. An hour late and running at high speed, the New York bound train on the New York, Ontario & Western was wrecked near Fulton, N.Y., ane the en gtnoer and fireman killed and many oweeengen Injured. The wreck was conned malfrlou.ly, as the ewltch lock Wall bro- ken and thrown away. THIS YEAR'S ItleLKT WINNING$. Lieut. -Col. Choke, the Commander of the Team, Makna Corrections. Montreal, Sept. 2.-L11int.-Col. Cooke, who commanded the Bosley team, re- turned to Montreal yesterday, and rete. that Canadians generally have been labor- ing ander the erroneone belief that the Canadian ahooting was not equal to that of forme: years. An s matter of fact, Col. Cooke der -lama that It was time* than ever before. He say. they won 11.2:1 In the open mntchee In aurae of last year. Thi. 1s the only year In which we had nye men In the Inst .mage of the Queen's, and when It le remembered that I,800 :nen Angered for the 01.at stage and wbou they we redn^ed to 110 •t the last stage and five of them were Canadians, the e ioellenoe of the Canadians' shooting coo be resifted. I.tsmt Gllohrlet made 49 out of 50 In the 700 yards, whfnh is the bighted snare ,soar made in 1Chgland.or *nimbus* -.las Limas Hese made a4 at 800 yards stand- ing, wb(d has as* beep method trace helms on Bigley Common, which ices ex feted ming 189.4-01. The ('olonel rye.. that Sergi BroadhurIt'ot toe Royal tiCote was eoudtlerel to have made the beat shooting a4 Bliley during the year. The Prince of Wales has temeentd M lbeoome Honorary Colonel of the Prince of N'nl.s Fusillor Regiment, which Col. Cooke commends, and his ltoy.il High Ilam will be gasetted at •n early day. Pointed Paragraphs. Snake tksnners ought to make ea- calleut barteuders. A thing vt comfort is ',below • Joy to the woDO•o of (ambito*. Soler men are a orth more Chau others and some are worth lees. Reformers should devote more of their tint, to refur Wen' *forma. Unless a man possesses self-t'atrol be r little better than a slave. There are times when the abeeace o[ ctaaltitteas shows the abeeuce of settee_ Summer girie think there should he 'tough ravel eugaktweuta W go reuu& It always hurts a girl when one of her old beaux marries Ler her girl ft heal. A tarn is firm when he acts according to your wishes aid obetiwte when As at* otherwise. It's • wise woman that can make her heatwnd believe he is boss when she is the power behind the throne. The great trouble with the majority at teen wtto bet oti sure things is that Obey always bet the wrong way. When a girl tells a young man that she dreamed of him the night before he should begin W save up money for the (11M-ture, When a married span hu to use • nail to connect his trousers with 015 e ueeco4 ws it'. a sure sign that he drew • Wane in t0. matrimonial lottery. Yaeta for rarm•r. Don't forget to cut the weedi along the roadside before they (nature their seed. Planting beans -the navy -In carat.), says a aubeclSil --$if i a double es» - on timetsad. - HOW TO BOWL. w M Mrlm ee Ilellvey nestata•d and Itimerai.d. Ben klsedonald mays that bowling re- quired three thing.- ready nerve, good judgment of Madame and accurate de11v ery. The that two aro plunked quall6oa- dons puearrrud to a greater or leas degree by all V.t's1. in fairly good health. but upon the third linger the hope. and Ours of bowlers. Perfect delivery of the ball 1n order that yoalllblo spares can iie made is tr0e one bright goal which all bowlers era striving to ya1[aln. In former years when • • • • • • • • • • e e CENTRE ,)TYLE • • • • • • • • • •0 4VRVe. The wet sad-etltervetsser•-ia- nlany localities' MIN you to value drainage. 14 is the tintti ng..=saa aihea man and bet et should be Shielded from the hot son as much as possible. Clover should he cat, au experienced grower says, before hardly any of the heads begin to turn brows. • It is claimed that lime fully slacked_ sprinkled on cabbage while the dew is en will 0111 cabbage worms. 11 a tree la dying or vines failing a*YSr rest until you find the cause. The tnuble will often be found 1a the toots. Hold your grain as long as you can. -4.et-the man who mut sett -do so -and 1 *et et w tette- with btm `ice pee can tied, it We bought seed Dorn Mia spring, and although planted, and replanted, only a quarter or 4 grew, a fact that ought to teach the Value oe testing seeds. - Western Pkowman. War We Wept. Tb' hn7 was crying bitterly What's wrong, my sour" the kind hearted man asked "1 ddldnY m mow the lawn wean pa told me tel." "A h, a.d • 0s pnnl•hd you thea, did bet" •'N no. not jest than; he *id he wnnld -wrnildn't ha.. no Insurgents around deep* place." And are yen weeping 0.0100.. be rolled yea an Insurgent)" 'T4 nn; 1 told him they w wrntM always It he lmoments when they w wee Sp Stone Melo STOMA Sevin to rote them That's when le hadeappesed."-Ch►.Maed tester: r COULD NOT DRESS ALONE. - N Nova Seotlan Parm•r Tell* of Rb Is - tow Suffering !From Hk•umnttsm and How H. round Relief. From the Bridgewater, N.8., Enterprise. Such wafering as rheumatism cau,es the victim upon whom it fastens itself la almost unendurable. Only those who writhe under its pangs can imagine res joy of oue who has been freed from Ste terrors. Mr. .1. W. I•-olkenham, of New Kim, N.S., is one of those- who have been retes•ed from pain, and who be- lieves it bit duty to let others know bow p cure can be (oayd. Mr. Folk's - ham u a farmer, and like all who fol- iar this arduous but honorable callimt is sohject:lnero0 to exposure. It was this 11- 'EMT DTOnalir--dif--1fM'-Ttiirtr'Lid and caused him so much suffering be- fore he was rid of it. He says: "In the spring of 1897 I contracted rhenottig.A 'Throughout the whole summer I suffer- ed from It. and about the first of Octo- ber tt became so bad that I could net est out of the house. Th. pains were located is my hip and back, and what I sCRered can hardly be expressed. I be- came so helpless I could not dress my- self without aid. Eventually the trou- ble spread to my hands and arms, and Mt doses these would Pre all feeling and become useless. In November I beg m t hing I)r. Williams' Pink Pills, arid after taking four boxes began to im. prove. After using six boxes the pains and serener had all gone and 1 wet able to do a hard day's work. I intend ruling • few more boxes as a pre- cautionary measure, and I would earn- e stly advise those suffering from this painful trouble to _gid_ -Dr. Willis0ne' Piak Pills a fair trial and be made well. 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills cure by go- ing to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen t0♦ wove., thus driving dis ease from the sAteno. Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you pur- chase is enelo•ed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills for Pale People. Dyspepsia or Indigestion is occasioned by the want of action, in the biliary ducts. loss of vitality in the-tom,,•h toaecretthe gastric juices, without which digestion ceu:et go ou ; also, being t-* principal COUP* of Headache. Par , rlee's Vegetable 1'Ulp taken before going to led,fora while, never (e11 to give relief arced effect a cure. Mr. F. W. Ashdown, Ashdown, Lint., writes: Parnmelee's Pills are Coking the lead against ten other makes which 1 have In stock." I Chrl•tlan Cnitare. And so we come to the answer 10 the question of whether 11 is worth while 05 Strive after eultnre, and we noneclentloue- ',1y answer, yes; believing that Instead of i lsdlug us away from the straight and I narrow path, the very Perm* of its bigh- esttthings will draw us nearer end Agee l firmly Into the singlenses of outpost 104 Ideal 10 life portrayed la tis New ;glop sass. A Poi.' metered. The facetious boarder had the trap all laid for a killing Joke. "it's s wow der," be sold, "dist 1oe didn't serve up t)ie hen fe•e1er§ sad '11." Tae acid kald the aTa�Ta�; wrRi emphasis "I'll a9pes'isr in MME -Si all." And the joke was rained. plel.wen haao0od and the IuBala balls were small balloons, it was Dob difficult to make strikes, but with the radical changes Introduced !Athos* of the plus and the establishment of fixed rules foe everything pertaining to the sport, the style changed and the game became morn scientific. As it grew more difficult tht players naturally studied harder to pro duce the best results. Players should never attempt to use s ball which he too heavy. /Select one seta can be wally controlled and which dura not lire the wrist Never take the bull with tbe tips of the fingers and hurl It half way down the alley in the blind hope that ft will take a straight course sue makes retire,. Itwttf maty proven fidtmr BaHe•t0anwn JR that meaner "effete Om' parable injury to good alleys. Player, should also deliver the ball at the fou line, and not 10 or 15 feet beyond. Thee are frequently, almost invariably, in fact. arrtd over the line in this way by refuse: of their own momentum, and a foul Cul lows. 1n delivering the ball stoop down anti; *the ball is Dot more than six inches from the surfaoe of the alley when it leaven the hand. It is almost lmpoeetble to "loft" the ball if this point 1a observed, and the player rapidly improves the strength of h1s game atter he acquires the habit of stoup - fns. Never turn the wrist as the ball is de- livered, as this Is sure to change Its dim Mon. The player In such cases attributes hie failure to make $ strike to detect in the alloy when, unknown to himself, be alone Is responsible. The beginner should never attempt a curve or side a hall. M- inuet be satlssed to bowl straight down the center until he has acquired ouch nMas eery ver h1■ delivery that he 1s able to pencil the style adopted by experts. He will th have to find the one he 01kee beet and t accordingly. 1'b+ syr ,lett nr e • aro 9150(1dt177 limited to two -the side boll and the ten- ter hall. The latter tern 1., however, idl though In general use, really a misnomer, es a true center ball could not, It the pins were properly .potted, produce • strike. OUR ATHLETES ABROAD. Aseerleu Repre••atetivee Captors the Cream of European L.a»1e. American .thletes are wfnning the heat laurels of Europe In their respective field,, of sport. Orton, the premier of Amerl:ar. distance runners, showed a clean pair of heels to the speediest In Greet Britain. Hobart and Paret, the tennis experts, mads an exceitent showing considering their disadvantages on the English courts. while Howell, the oarsmen, triumphed over all competitors In England's clime sculling event, winning the diamond chin Ignge moult& The American colon were agalp in the instil In the English amateur champion ships at S_tamfeiid Bridge. Georg.W. Or ton of the New York Athletic club gait his English competitors an object lemon In the two mile steeplechase, clearing ev cry hurdle with mechanical precision and winning ,baldly in 11 minutes 48 1-6 ter onds. J. Permly Pare' succeeded In winning the singles In the Irish championship ten nig tournament, and Clarence Hobart, ie Superior play, advanced to the eemfflnal. In the all England championship tenni- tournament trinities. He, with Nisbet reached the finale In the doubles. The Amertrans were greatly handicap pod by the new onndttlon. abroad, Thr balls In the English courts are much hetet than those In this country, and the turf 1. much herder. MINI Reade Moore, one of Amerlcree best lady tennis expert., hex a1i000m(rte,i abroad with more or less .Ileostss. She wear considerably handicapped owing to a tat l•. of knowledge of English tennis coerce. and her 'bowing was not up to her usual mark of oxoelleoos. Tenni. liervl.g. "At all the largo tour'natnent• thus far,' Saye Lawn Tennis. "1t hie been $ matt[., of much ir,temxt to see how far the nil, rule 1p regard to perving would affect Chet form of the verinnp players. The 1004- t complaint ofrtaln-t the role thus far fin• been that it materially tnereaaed Cho Inletr• and responsibilities of the umpire. but 0 one hes queetlened the efreettvener elf the rule In keeping the server from obtalnin: an undue advantage to running t, Ur net. Some laxity has been observed It enforcing the rule; but, on the whole, the eommittees and referee, hate been con eredwMew is seeing thee fhallaw was ear .lar s1>51t en/.! . r._. _ _ _. - �IAlfd'l LIclment Cares One, std. Naw Care for Ls 0J.w. Dr. Roux. er the Pasteur in§tttutuo ammeters the di.r every of as efficient envy for lockjaw. The antitetanlo .er- me used is Germany wood sot work till Per. Roux bit no Cho plan of In. jeeting It Into the brain nester the memo brume. His plan has hers tried with 000)9le to sucrose err a man. Quickcure beats Sores. tuts. Bruises, Burns. etc. Oe,vor•d. "Do yea mean M tell me," skid the peesseby m•pfofnuely, teal you wage woo:clad dnreg the wart" DM'. what i Intended M exprem," rel pled Meandering Mike unwell, Whoa, wheel and hewer' "Wal, only In a general way. Every M*§ 1 *'ought of Iellatln 11 lair{ -. MM. It's "-weaht.gto. Hier. • I Lem, Waybills LIMA TSlp. _ The longest trip eve made in a naphtha launch hoe Jost been eompleted, •Imon• without aenldent, In ber 8,000 mfle,tter round the gulf of Mextoo and up the M1: ieslppl to for great lakes the W.0101', only breakage wee In her last cane] befotr arriving hark at New York, and then .b damaged her propeller. The proposer mimeo, outside, from the gulf of 8t. Lew mons (1, New York, wed not taken. The tottered 1lwaaee. Ther. le • hewer who M 77 Entomb to take hhe se And .Cody eater* er t0 Mehl And think of wird Moe. Re hear. the thane 01 twin Aa they meth other ►t, 0.d that .h.e • tree dekk It make. a boom toe Olt. ♦ yoke of ores M *111 on With m.wy haws seed get, A01 their mletekes he vei11 argq When plowing tar h1. pp. Re MO. tore. eve math he And therefor. Ift•la e., •ltd when he Ones hip will by ,pots R. deo 1011. hu hem HENRI FOURNIER. 1188 of Chs A.8448ob/11o1a W►. Travels at the gem of Aa MIles .0 Roar. 1.1•. the queetlo0 of reduolng to three days the Slue It takes to moss the At- lantic, the lactose. of the bicycle's rimed W n palm when the rider can travel as speedily and as safely as 00 a railroad troth le one of ►h. tbings that seen bound W h attained. It lo as surely e mowing achievement that swells us la t he future as la the perfecting of tbe machinery of the uoeau greyhound so that the present speed of the marine Q7 - ere me be doubled. In the days when bicycles run et • speed of forty Ave wiles an hour a atlas track will be abeolutly neosuary, so that with locomotive engine paw w111 have to comm a special track fur Cho wbeolmen, • desirable Improvement that will be wet cowed by all lovers of the wheel. The attainment of the stood named for the bicycle teems to be In the hands of Henri Fournierwise has become known as the king of automobiliaO. In Paris, Prawn What Fournier does not know about the petroleum tricycle may as well be omitted from the wheeluun's education. At mensal Fournier, who uses the petroleum thieve* of t0e Doln-Bouton kind, with a one and s half bores power machin, averages tarty kilometers u hour. The martens he uses is oompera- livel7 :lgbt, easy of manfpulatlon and powerful. It 1■ fitted with • motor of from one to three horse power, Its hill climbing and speed capabilities befag gauged thereby. Tho big and heavysuto• mobile earrlages have trouble in mount Mg hills, bet the lowly and Dutch barn style of tricycle goes puffing right up to the top, and tta rider is to nowise affect- ed with fatigue 1n the task of making the argot. Fournier I to deadly earnest In his determination to .51.fa • speed of tosy- n ye miles an hour. He has made' series of tests with his automobile that show that, given • .ralght, smootb track and the maoblas workl:,g •t forced draught, the 'epee's train will And the petroleum teieyels • dsngsreo• rival in Hes matter of sped. To sae Fournier on one of these test tripe is a sight never to be forgotten. He thee along with bulglug oyes Axed os the ground over which he is flying, hair streaming in the wind and the puffing motor working at such • sped as to make Doe tremble to tnint of t0e fate of the rider should on untolterd accident cause a spill. Fournier seems to know no tsar when going like the wind oo tomes reeky trips. B7 constant practlee he 0as become an expert In the manipulation of the petreleuf tr1c cls. raid x111 tern p curve whileie.0yrtlls -dins wad of BgsRI steuse EL forty -Ave miles an hour with anMasens, liminess of a boy. Hie performanns suggests danger that would accompany Mph Seta en feta on a reed where Meell.r are dashing along. Fournier alone on e Nod, smooth road, with no one to MU but himself and no martens to smash but his own, is • sight suroclently thrilling. Multiply the sight by ten, and Imagine that number of Fournier. mounted es flying automobile tricycle*, and the .pes- tater cannot help :Milking that ChM would make a novel and sun method ass committal 1g suicide. tl +reeeeeeter PACE WIRE PEMOIMO Is THE CHEAPEST you can buy. Ask my 05.4 using It If this is nut w. Our fence has been t• tole 11 years ass lint Is still In perfect coudtlier Don't eaperlmeut with 10s numerous imitations now V •s markt Rene.1 them are aqui to the Page. W. My some illustrated adverUWag matter. Let ua hear from you. TRK YAWS wiRt5 'Chug CO., welkereille,bat METHOD'S OF OUSTING. 011mmertoa elopes That gems Dos Mee tells Vas Cloths as 0.mu De. "Man's dusting Implement 1s • feather duster "sold Mr. Uluumerton; "wuurah's It • dust cloth. ''here can be no doubt which Is the better but each clings to his own. Bub 1 think I hes sign, of • cluing* 1 maw • boy walk ens of • stare uptown this morning and walk •orots the sidewalk to the curb and stand there and shake • dust elutb, Judi as • womaa would shake este cut of the window. I don't know when the bol got this ac- tion, whether he made the discovery 0lm• self that, except under favorable condi- Mons, with doors and windows open al both ends gad wind blowing tbruugb, stirring up dust with a duster only serves to redistribute It, er whether then 1. • woman ID this More wile ludas. es duet Mottos and- has taught the bey alts use of Moue Maybe as the boy growa op and becomes 000flrmd In 101e way he w111 teach the use of the dost cloth Ie others, and to his children, and they will Meech It to their children, and so it may Anally come about In this simple manner that all men w1)1 sows to nee It, and that 10e feather duster w1U s 1' Ma T. J. Humea, Columbus, Ohio, write*: "1 aave beou afflicted fur coos time with Kidney and Liver Complaint, and dud Parmelee'' Pills the beet medi- cine for these distorter. These P111■ do pot cause pain or griping, and should be used when a cathartic Ls required. They an Gelatins rimmed,- .and ratt.t-Ya-tib. Roar at Lleone, to premiere theft *rarity; and give them A pleasant agreeable trete. Cala Coe swim. Oats ea. awls it they only ear, to exert themselves anf i ietly. The an- cient iigyptians used to bib with these w the N1ts, according to the repra•er- tations oa walls and ao forth that have eons down to us. Catarrh Cannot be Cured • with LI)CAL APPLICATION", as they maw ben reach Whet of the Ultima*. Catarrh le s bleed or roustltutN-tal abeam and la order le 'are h 700 meat tee. interest remedla Half. Catarrh Cure is take ludo sally , toad sets de- ecU7 ea W blood arid nineties •Grieeea Hall's Oat isrk Cure Y not • .peek m.dlrtae. It was pre.elti,ed by se of 0..e best pbysld.es Is leo. rnuatry for years. sad Y • regular pro stripeless'. 1t N.ed of the beet le' known, combined with ma the beat blued lerttlers, fellow dinette on the ammo surfares. The perfect eemblaatics of the two Ingredients is what prnduree s•eh w- aborted results lu curiae catarrh. Brad for t ettm,mlfdti free. I. J. CHENEY t CO., Props.. Toledo, O. ltd by druggists, pries 766 Ill.dws ON V.,.t•hl• /loop. 7 seep which tis. m0e in the crUhodox typs emp4oy la made ew- drely of vegetable products. Hut soup is IRO, used 1n India, being almost an unknow& luxury with the natives. • A BLESSING 1N DISGUISE. TheVastZe•la•d Rabbit fa a New Ro1.. A new phase has been given te the rabbit scourge in New Zealand by the emcees which bas attended tee experi- ment of freezing the rabbim and export- ing tbem, says the St. Louis Globe Dem• oorat. It would appear that oat of what leas hitherto men an apparently Irramdl- •ble cures, an important Iodu.ry may be developed. One exporter Is .aid to be 01 the receipt of between 15,000 end 90,000 rabbles per day, and is paying to trappers and In wages between $4,000 and $5,000 per week. H. bee 24,000 trend out, giv- ing .na lo'ment til •boot 600 trappers. His 'sports of rabbits last year was •boat 700.000, and Ch1m year be will In• crease It to 1,600,000. The scale on which this enterprising exporter is laying out his plans is further peen In Cha fart that 1* works up Into boxes, In which the frozen rabbit are shipped, about eight truckload.. of timber • week, and he pays over 89,000 • month for freight. It 1. estimated that thl. season's exportation of rabbit. will run to between 5.000,000 and 6,000,000. This, at the low prig of 6 meta per rabbit, will brine In mors than .11800,000 to the trappers, and the total amount revived In tee colony, as the proosede of she rabfbt export Industry for this season, will be. at a moderate maculation, 5700.009. Royal Aa'at.aeh Amateur pbofeg.sphy 1s bumming more and mere tn•.hlonaLle, and even monorehs dibble 1n the art The Penne* ed Wales takes some charming views. but the Empress of Au.trta haa the most in• treating oollertion, competed of over 1,000 radios of the horde of beautiful women and girls .hs has met in bar wan• dsriugs over Europe. Many of the types were forbad to remote parts of the Medi- terranean ,here., snrh as Corfu and Me Greek Ides. In Fettles the carvers leaven more popular than It Is in England and *be snapshot Is the favorite. Count Prl. moll, • descendant of 1.ndlen Bonaparte, makes • specialty of kodak views. and wherever he goes -to luncheon, *nab or ien-le alway. wady t0 MI •_.prel*Y. mesa me1` A C•rtnn• 14.*..rprnnf. �D leteneting form of waterproof, a• probably In existence long before the Minis of Mr. Mackintosh, Is that mewl by the Alaska Esklmoa It Is made of the entrails of the walrus Is quite Imp.evl eas to wet, and light an s teacher. The game subs/lane, V peed 10 make windows le Sher dwellings Instead of glass. • Ranted Ilea Washed. Mr. Pareadle-No, sir; I w$at • merited man for title pgltlon. Mr. Today --I arum you, dr, I have the hos/ elf ndareneue. Mr. Pakre.11e-That Isn't It. I often Mw work to do after home. I don't went • man who 's always In • Autry to gat kos& -Naw York Truth. Dtasppe4MwAt. easel's pmt the general who slid tot *mild des before yon wonld immuniser' inquired the taunting ln.urgant. " Yea." replied the Rpaniarl, ' bot nor gereenewmt del 1M mete.d letting 0.0 10. off foe as many roan mita, W heaped. "--wesh1ngion Mar. lilaard'l Wisest Relieve Neuralgia, ,ndrow tang s#ys there are 100.000 n ovelists in England whose weeks never got into print. The gnat demand for a pleasant, safe and reliable antidote (email affection■ of the throat and iungs is fully met with In Blekle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup. It is a purely Vegetable Compound, and acts promptly and metrically to sutduing all coagha, cold., bronchitis, Inflammation of the lung., etc. 1t is so palatable that • child will not refute@ it, And it le put at • price that will not exclude the poor from Ite beneath Palette of KIigaelto. Tnvltitirws to all formed stairs should bear the name of the boat as well as his wife. 11tis is the law, A girl of 16 or less has no poodle, use for viretng cards, since site le not yet in the social whirl. Yet some have them When one has a clergyman es a guest It M cnstrwnary to stork him to "oak a lemeing" upon the food, even if yeti are an unbeliever; k ia roor cous so to do. Never arrive at a hrneheon or dinner eerlfer than Ave minutes before the time set, arid upm no atroemt a me - men( later. A well hrtd ren who ells Open • family whet,re there are a camber eat ladles will pot only inquire for them, bu• leave his card for each. If you wish a man to repeat his Oak do not seek to detain him when he nae once Asan to depart. Ask film to cones • ]trip at some future time. Never omit • note of thanks to any p neon who hes Rent Inn s gift-- trent er trifling. 8brmld 701 do so yon an self-confessed ignore* of .11 rule§ d etiquette end gr.eitoele. YOM ran never beoosa • etu'ceeefel litotes. tf you do not keep informed none tae drinrlpeI hntfiea of the day. Reel .the best newspaper* and good literature. -No CURE A (e►LD IN ONE 0; *7 Tek. (.at,tIve Rr,h:tn Qnlnlne T.blete. A11 Druggists refund the In mey 1f It tette l eega Ma Doted RH /Mere .As.. AA.,r,�e_n't you ^shamed .at thaw .-"Star eessio sty hem en they et ll w` Waist the tttope "-- 4 0 leago R.esa, Kate telephones foe torpedo boot te taro's= are bele( tried by the Antis cavy. A kite Is sent up held lr toe strings, each attached to • d/-el,00w, along wbtcb the message Is sent, re whet pra'4lcal use in warfare 1111 de. alae V expected to be no luformathe 0. Can Rs000aneud It. -lir. Dau* Bon. berry, Tuscarora, writes: "I as planet o say that Dr. Thomas' Eolecttc 00 b all [het you claim it to be, as we haft been using 11'for years, both internally • ud externally, and have always receiver benefit from Ite use. It is our fatally medicine. and I take great pleasure recommending 1R" Deepest Lake. The &spool lab fi tis world b Lob Baikal, -.*")]its- -..h.wmee Part. g ✓ 6.201 1MTmealy Ids tomtit L l e SW. WNW an area of 15,000 equal oaths It le the largest lake in'A,y tad its gosh largest in the world. Use Vapors of Qulckcure for Throat Troubles. t'ad sa►i. Psl•tlup l.o.. Seevral valuable pictures on thee way b.* t de France went down b le Brwrgugme, the nett Impurta't r idem being "Crossing the Ford," b Jules Duprs wtbir,h was worth $1A(01 end had has bought by Georges Petit tosether...0.th the 'Zgidtaace" .n[ (ens .and tow canvases by Blbert, sa. tete lore amounting to about 820,000. eke 7u covered b7 laauraaco. /leud'1 Unlmeit Cures Dudraff. Horses sleep with one ear meat* a She front, trot why no man gra telt r -ruler N 0148 l• A tablespoonful of liquid air peers ego • fluid ounce oe whisky will (rtes 4 at one into bat stales. As an spot of destruction liquid air le ,•,eddy powerful, bit Do useful o12.et has Ma found for It as let. C. C. RICHARDS & Co. Dear Sin, -I have great faith 1 MINARD'S LINIMENT, u IIs year I cured a horse of Ring -bone, with five bottles. It blistered the horse, but in a month there was no ringbone and re Tameness. 0 DANIEL MORCHtsOs, Four Falls, N. B. Weather *tattoos. 11th Coked States Oovereater b ab of to establish on the Caribbean ea a complete system of weather endow for the benefit of all nations where . tercets lie In that direction. Mother Graves' µ'arm Kxtermlosta has the largest sale of any similar peeper melon sold in Canada. It always gives *defection by restoring health to tks little folks. Illlmd'a Unbolt ier sib 9, lists». cowls ••Yhs `Tisilso sat.. .. .. Nor list fleck G Scetektman have another gt4svias► They object to the adjective "8ee11b,• eepeiaily In official dornmenta• and 15 nand that "Scots" or "Bao z1ah" be ewe instead. It is only necessary to reed the IMA monists to be convinced that Hollowsfl Coro Con is unequalled for the remind of corn., warts, .tc. It is • complete se tllgnlsher. Kegl.wtp Mor he Careful. A Danish locomotive engineer IS been puai4d with a brae of 51.2.00°661 four months' impriaoome*t for lysed a railway saddest by 1W carelessness. A Handsome Reid Ring Set WO genuine gannets and Pea1'M FREE!Sand m loot Name ►rad A plaldv wrilt+tcen, and we will Emoted Qntg; to a l (..r emit "Senile �j Lep can) anion` gfriet . mat nno. and Me ^! n sold nr,,t Mss send yon free th. shoo. desert Aniilt addrees ar once mA,tl,, 101. p• r w'• lake sA risk. Gow. r.tnrnahie Han de,wte M a1Rm. to prnpnrtlon to .mutat sold Such Aaeaey, 90 McCaul Sorest, TORONTO, HAVE YOUR PALL STOCK WELL ASSORTED WiTH OECKN'S 69000* AND WOODENWAIE. 1Sealsf201.1.4 b ROSCR0 IMOL. a 00• T.rowes. Oat. sl Seeing Far, , 01 1 w out M see ! and y�i1d d odt Is the a Ca amt of b -wee tijoarla and the uce. an meth els w1►1 produce. Believing MARrSaT el:Cva•IOBS Will be tea s Ana. 3e*h, Rater0Ng Bahl Oct biet. a5d seri- tact. a Nov. 0110, two. 111/11 rAIN m 1"i't 1* tD,r/a *30 1I rel. 1• slant/les Y■ rksost T1wdN era,amass 0..leaata• 1 1111aew�•a 1 �/ tPsrsit Atwi 1 $36 sss /w•ewrlh �ed�r 1 fe ew•ow lPres lel*s01s RA foe. M °•..n Wear I ,Alt mo.ca roe M OnborM. Oneriag, emit so e• ratan apply ts She mama Ind rat Ag•n1, • le Amithall Seemed O. ah 11I.9►Ilaa.s►R. taw R mor��no rres.� t IO WATOH ''k•1 6 or 0111- , --a bra. k.. r -by .,Ulna b. demi r. -oto Cloth a Jegier�ak; Os .mrer mark or rovinngg no EN Gloves et•d. le look like new. Rend nano and address Sls.d. Appy, 9 /Meted Sf Osi. TORO0' BATE YOU TSiND TIER NSW LAM? OIL Tbe aMlra/WaMMIllsga�s g�NsdaM� oar ► lei ws►onld Mie iL tall Ovens CITT on. 00.. LteffrSA eamem 1Mgwre PreaNene. Toree•a amissi -p savpw e®eweasaM.(� T. N. U. ARNIA DA Lb. yea as Oa' s 1' 1 on fu to m+ al w poi lot d+ i du 11, op v, t8 51 7 5. a ID it D VMS° oma ate waa•a8 es a 9 teed ea70*. Gelber Neuss.. College de • r•a" t�eeaa u•.t M r'kreo Moe ram 1.ar.t roe are(.11mei C. s. FI.-`-` "ease Ile-,