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Otic DOLLAR A I E kit
THE S.77APINQ 24"3111W8p.1.- 'ER OF 11131ROZT 001:714"1"Sr.•
CANADA : SEPT. 8, 1898.
NiNoe of chimps mut be left at this
Omo. not later than Saturday
noon, The Copy for changes
mut be lilt not later than Mon
day noon. Orono/ Advertisements
.coepbd up to noon Wednesday of
each week.
- Business Olisnell.
res• is the thriven 'Moire of Dungen
Doo. 0twted w IAA malu street. In tit•. hest
b0.ine.e pert of the outage . Commodious
sod rullanle foe any clots of Noon... Has
1.104 been occupied .e • shoe more will be
rooted upon reseooebl• terms to • mash e
1..5,pt. Pow•-elue at Doer. pee part Manse
soggy to J. W. 41ADU, T•ila, Duer&aaoa
N la
having r.eslye4 • qu 1.1417 of batter
boxes from the lower Frontons., I want to
yatrlbnts them s'.Sr% t wane int Oats but
ter .ukase If you will Dalt es our riors,
tiudorioh. we 0111 rias you al
lator.n•tloa. It wed pat 7.s w eat. W. J.
For suis or To Rent. _.
1 Nemesia I. Ood.rloh, nosed, emu -
mod by Jaale Wiley* 4pply to 11. C.
HAYS. it
soros of 'seed at fox of South •trout.
AW • larm btu., ea and Deet. Per
eartl•.1•ele, googly te OMR VUN WP Weer.
1 to rest.- The promises recent) oainpted
by ill late It,b•rt t.tbbda., .z-Shant, I4.
wow sn0•lseat sl s 1 Ll purl bc4M Mount, fit
• 104 up with rl. stria 14rbt 4tet a r 751.01 • sod
town WAIN, 11 sores of well 0.111 ..teid toad
lncl,.dlot v•tasble or. hard. tritium barn. Arty
'me shed. le. rue further particulars emir to
R O. REtNO1.V8, Coon Hoo.. uodarleb.
Sep 7, tee. U.
tJ TMt isms •alld bunk b ,ase slam•• on
Lot 14, Cm. 0. Tows of Oodsrlcb, with Ivo or
w •ores id load as ear -oho tar m ght require.
Tber. M • Ira Mem collar o sdr . he home.
This lea very desie0b4 property for gar '.m -
Ing lad fruit growing. Gond oreb ad os
pers1t. 8111 Mused mlab. tor Ihe man-
er etnn et Slob. Tarr to suit purchaser.
Agty en premise. to Rao Mr Yuacin, er
Wu �rnuu. lemmas' Agent. Wood -•e
dYado1.44.preform CeMfru. O. laWage te
fit cm.. ts, W. n.. oa-
borea oonsteleo of 41 ammo. wall (row.
will .•nerd. free from all sox ilea weeds and
is • huh este of cultivation. Thor. 1. • 0011I-
fortable tram boom wl b woodshed sed
rood basso aad outbuMtsea The orebard is
pl.nted with amine motion. plum. peen,
rMrrIee and perches and IL. sesta/ea
different varieties et narr•et. berries sd
groper. It has sever been r..ted. Yee fer-
oetile, Dorm -tem o ea the prob
letter to MRA. 011014.111e se w 11 MORRIS. tidrieb
P. 11, Q-1.
lies& $s74sId Road. tour miles from
lowelselare stay to JAMCS
R. M eke premise.. or inkhorn
w loot A somminen m 0.41esss
same w el-5ntd sad la e
eslUvtas. Two amen are is
ea *readout h i't. Hones sod
es•8rs1elme and la god oos-
lggt�t uslvlsm lad plwgiaaafter
en. Per hinter psetMa0s apply to
PRANK &&LLOW&. hex 13. Lielow•L 1041
bin•eal hoerh the Tows eapSgsM�eNwide\Isemoted. Mise awa 0-
CAMs1011. MOLT 5 l*OLMiS.
eALi --The brisk r' -e mnowp inerloolias
Mini MaeDD. t Iso, lane Mink. f. Astsisrwy
Oso ef the meet valuable and desirable pew
pieties Mame.
s 1. The
ttsw.al•etseq ems dwelling beat 17
isi )brSMm•pp�prttsaN oweesptm b/
lb. 74. dwelling in house and adNhtag monads
sew the O. T. It. formerly oes.pied
47 the late Juga. 'time."'''
Priem •sal 11s.egmspeg pefmest resmmM. &p
7144 atheism". Oodetleh.
fittalaiises Vass.*.
_♦a5$, warted et saes. ADM a $111e.
4. lot. IHIPHARD. ilseset tf.
pet. beats.. Os. tram 14 a Y
mit al ai.• who W paned the est11•oe
• profaned. Apply at Tim 8 01111
SOMA, OP l yeas( in
W rit,alt .a4q.MM Meea go of
▪ Mtsad MOmrh.fled with wawa ed
LapYwra Tenets.
� to ability. RIM. T. R
ma work hardybeen daily mid d Irl len
Helm*W�yI1* Ing dittoes
*Getty. Addek mod w
7fltlr W1AR 00.. Tomato.
men kir vueu{oo
Irsr Oen•d• : As l.Opsi
try." la Averia,•iq aMwN
et Toronto Ceseervatery ef Nene,
4eaebw •f pass W Oswry Merl
01048s *mod sod M OO..ts'ircbt.
PUB or Ntnue
Ma lot
and d r. urea* a art grout.. tr
N.se4 • Anse for vl Tress
401,11e•t1•m at ewe. of restive
Road •via Brook el.. or lot 114 Gods
Kelt P. 0.
L99 EMMpAyOAg1IDR*W8Ba vi
A Nw
rer rte vfm 14sMteeed C
AAd�s.re,.. Ytsawgar.Me. mhM•NM tee Foam
otti no.
tlM.s% win moos the Versate OOssrvs
et s et W trilitlResia k/7
rt_Po doth•
N °TIas.
The Mord to held et Dab
I - ' M. 191k oft e• wilherl
Mr bees
gime atey- ' NetkM rr sew dew wt�0pk��*''tygMyew
W*. e5pnaify.
OMs. tom Wrote might M ahem 41ke.
pew frpwl ffed•S a *-we will
l� 5.
men R. A 1 A
4.10.10. .f the $.seine 4.000105 .1 That
'1'h. regular ut..11ag of dm town uouowl
w.e held lase Friday evening. 1M mem-
ben were all meant with the szo.ptlo0 .f
tad deputy reeve Holmm sod ueuncillors
Colw.11, Tweedie and Mole•.. Hu Wor
.lIit Mayor Thompson wse is the oheir.
lb* ttoa.nrer a autumn* tar Jaly as fol
lows was .alerted to the 8s.no. cemmiltes:
0..1 r'nt.
Selma from July $ 1582 37
Nin -resident foxes....$ 21 13
W sr rete. 86 75
Leonia light rete.... , 221 12
Varese" 25 00
B.IIs p.vb1. (rssswds) 16000 00
Mtsoeilassoes . • • • • • • 4 00
Msivand owedy6 W
Godsrtoh slip her 6000 00 21364 00
992946 67
Wlaglos :. „ 149 25
Plinth's eseeeieseses
F u• dep•rt.ost ...... , 12 50
robin week,...,,.....- 275 49
Charity 10 00
D.lenture 1si.e.s$ . , 896 00
Bits' payable.... 14500 00
8•.k 1.temet.,...rr., 277 77
Meta works
Watrw'ke mtst5tMw 417 18
Kleetrlo light .......,... 84 76
Pablo, rbools • 389 77
Mlace' lot eHas 26 85
Gods/rich elevate. 5000 CO
$22191 66
R.:ance. $ - 754 71
- -A etsnimtwe tr. m- L.1_.Momrs, of
ilh Uodertoh Elevates Co.. re cell ter 500
. i arm of stook, was te'erred to the buanoe
Oomm tire.
B.'t:amg4110 wrote the 000nnl, adviewg
of Mw ism•sg of an .nano against the town
to the 11-L..0 manor unless the alum was
settled. The matter *as referred to the
bosom eemmluN t0 mak. the b.t mettle-
o,est they could.
Appbeaiiooe from Wu. Gloomy and Mrs
Rol. Joan for nonunion of dog axes
w.0relarred 10 the court of rsyiawo
- -- 4.0.1 l eer& Tull's narokr.
The nowt of the impertr of the Caned
Ma Fin Uaderwritar•' Association ors the
town'. Bre applisnom woo nitrated to the
tlrs oo.mit1.s. A• the following report,
timed Jolt'' 26A','-sbewo. there are several
* orioles defeoa which should be oorreotd
brio • out elassific&UGe, whioh takes plass
shortly :
Lest previous 10eptotioe was ea July 6,
1897. 'She present c lee a "C".
Cheng. -A standpipe et .teed °aminoo-
ties, 100 f•. Mab by 16 ft. Maws, ctpaoity
126,000 gala, Mos Moo oomplated ; it is lo -
rotted &ear the 0 T.1: rat dos and dye. 42
Ito. premiere to tb aqu.re rhea full. 300
feet of boss methanol last tall. Goo by -
dram aetd. Tetaphow la sachem's
dwel4m5, ep•eativ from pare bow •t all
Imes --Aha.* oiod48w.hat. 27 ah. OE
won dieemred .k the G T. R. elevator,
whish, with Hyten►'. and R.toen'e lumber
was de•wyd and other property dammed,
1.v.lvh5 a lose of 1141,000. Al 9:10 A r„
OM. 17th, ea .lore was re•0ived from
Swede's plaaiag mill : result, total dinette -
nu, lose .bout 415,000 Rome other Erse
of •mallr.xa01.
Test --(leve alarm from are hall bell 9:351
A.r , hoes *agog and Bye Ines rriya
9:37f, two 100-11 Maes throwing weber
9:401, four such 9.43 ; horizontal distaste'
thrown from the fear was 100 feet .t Mete
prewan.ld 110 foot w4en pumping direst
R*.sater fin lit 10:41, had 75 11.. steam at
10:50, could sot get to metal work 1411 11:30
owise to gearing bet&µ olosgd by nagl•M
and dims*. The horizontal dicta o. ulti-
mately thrown tbrourb ow 400 foot line and
1I lash souls was 130 feet, with steam '40
sod water 146 lbs. (See define007 No. 9 )
81mesry of appliances is w-Watr-
For Rent.
month. • Wretwttb Om, wide* ha..
1550 is Me bot one year. Terms THOY80N'8
to P. 0. Rex 1e1. or at O. W,It.
meek eters
Pubtls xotiss•
seederses p.1 circulated .bout me
widish' Is uteri" false .d without foand•tloo.
Wanda( a hereby poen that than motion
ages of this seeder will Ind to the promsea-
tem of &o7_ppeenon ciroustins the same. J.
H. 14134,111°E. 8kepp•rdtm. lt.
',editors to the 5eesa of Rohn 0,b
bons. Mussed. are rOq..sied to red In their
&moans to the asdersigasd at nam. R. 0.
E O-LJB, YNter the asmd.e0.
assentors. OBert rt.
=Wee sal the supptrlag of straw
roe the OOeewooslt Northwestern itztitbities, Sept
Irt MS. Oadr7'w� buetba Rooms, ore S.tby aviation uprday onto.
t.5. 8eot 17th, at t s'oplpook. further parties-
t llostioo to the
to JAM1e MITOHSLL, teserstan.x samba -
VOTER 9' LIST, 1898.
0OD1440*. HURON 00.
Nouse 1. homy sive. that 1 hove trees
ental or &Messed to the_persons utlened
he motions A and.. ef the Vtm
ote.•' Lists Ae%,
that cremes required by s ld•.lottm' to be se
~omitted Or delivered of the Il.t tads pur-
suant lamed Ant of •11 perms. &merino M
.5 )wet rinsed Assermeet Rol of the said
1(ustslpalttr, to he ..tltI.d to safe in the
sold MaleipWtl ie elution. for mambas
.g((tb.ktlwtlimths Assembly .,1d at Nonni
atesMes. ad that rid list was first 90.4.4
s1 M m1 sloes et Oodorl.8 oe tM 17111 er
Avast. 4p, and remains there for 40a0400
R.w,tprs ape paled upon to er mlw the sold
1.444 ago If W or any other armee
ore heed nicel se ISM.Iam.dlate premed -
Inge • My said wren sameered •oe 'dhg
to laic WM. MITCHRLb,
lopt. 0, IM P. Tone 0100.
t/ mo Whereby 18. IdvM that mM�(au� '�1
be moat Iarema I.•tsz a the
pProvtses of O4Mrie ter 1 ss•sisl •et sailer
Islip Me Tows ()ousel! of tko Tows of Gods
• to 0aar she heads r detesters of
the Ged hevtwr .d Transit 0.001.57,
Limited. sad a demon. op to Me sop
5f fifty themmi Ik.smi�is Poo or the sub.
MP�pa00Mw Mad 'Ms, sal 1.tontrpmseawnire boron .Oise
aMM ersetl% all aerreellerp g50e.Me
listed Um lad A.704 *4.4.
GOA eslnitre foe Am Veers of oelrtoe
Tot Harm and Orme lean as/ t.vm5,m•nt
Oresppoeey * 11 .Mme the louvred 0. 4550.14
to Ihiee pee cost term sed arm the lira of
lair. swot
LOAN • .
arg! .'parity nrrtl505 to be rne4e
5. 5.0 Oft ..4 • half per cwt. tamest
*111 NOIR ACV 1T0R1.O14.
works, sMadplp aid duvet pumping, 67
bydr•ots, swam 8twjsegln., which, howev.,
1• wai0 regslr1ng repairs, *as hoes w.goe,
1800 feet of hose, book and ladder crook,
alarm from pull hell os court house. sight
patrol, °trrtla5 w•tehm•n'e clock, 15 Ore -
IMO, Done fully paid or ideating ie fire hall,
but • aam*r is town's employ who drive.
the hose wagon at nights tree. • few feet Is
the rear of bre h.14.
Dehumanise in l'a5 "C" -No bylaw for
he •cons* of ocel oil, powder, oto. Otos
w as sell to be before tit* oouaol at proviso.
tsepeou.a (2 ) N..lsctriu 8n alarm 1t
e roughly nauseated that the out would
bo 'brut 11200 and tido, It eras Raid, would
bo taken up after the improvements In pro -
grew a. previous inspection war • completed
(3) Ivo M.mioal fin ezti.guis4ere. They
w en acquiring prime. with • view of buy40g
at pievisua i•.peuum (4.1 The Mist lo
n et • tally pied man (6) Tbree man to
deep M fire boll -zoo* do at puma& Tows
t az s or, she drives wagon at nights, lives
io rear, but is me: • Bruton He sbould be
• uol:*d mod provided with • gong. (6.)
Hoek and I• Iden equipment requires soon
•ttmtlet ; they me It to of oo use. 17 ) Th.
hue is hsafbnest at proemial, 200 feet re
attired. (8. )A glazed door with tr0aeem lipbt
W WI two wisdom' between pomp mod dynamo
room b• properly pretsoad. (9.) bteamr
•esld oat to 5135 to work for 49 Mantas.
It had not ben cat for aver • year and
• bald be to rigid at least mos month. Tb•
value of the steamer is sot •pprsc4ated, and
4t should in ov.rb.b'ed sod b* in charge of
▪ test tenon. end M •vadal.l• in ease
rr, reps:tally .t t1. whereat.
A reouort from 1ho bowling club for •
et ant of $25 ru commotion with the pro-
posed t.a59amrnt was set/ranted.
orgigallE11111144Milleide week* o5m.IH.o,
wag adopted. The street inepsolor wiU
make • mooth:v report oo tb. 000c*uoo et
street•, sewers and saki/dos ; the oink
rel write Mr. Broagb re dottc's is sewer,
as t. rSeti8osroh 0f same; ibis town will pay
25% of the pmt of laying granelitbio wall•
on the butie..e streets in tows.
Rebs Mama& will be allowed to address
the ooesoll in the atter of haying eti8oal
some sidewalks 4s frost of the British Ex-
obaoge and old Crabb blocks.
Tim report of the water and light com-
mittee was adopted. Ratardlsg the Menses
of the tl.otrio light plant infotmtios is he -
tog Fathered whioh will be pr.1mtd a the
o ousod ; the psrebaae el tk* ozone from
Mr. Kelly ler Lite electric plus'. will be made
for $140, provld.J • (0.ranws is give :
p.omit of boat hire to (opt fluter, in
nonagons With repairs to 10taks pipe. *as
ordered: J. N,oboaoo will be paid amount
of his o.Serast for l.Nog Dips to the elevat-
or as sees as the work u done satiefeetorlly;
Sir. Lyon., who had the 000treat for .M ta-
nks mw, will be oommaotwtd with re
the bomb iu same ; as agreement 4a refer -
ems to water supply for the Gr•sd Truitt
has bees drafted and will be .W for SW.
tel ret
the 554004.1 the Amines eammiMas woo
adopted, Th. ..Gatee for tM arrest
year were prometd. Th. estimated expeed-
.t0n is $39.238.36. isr4odio $7x60 tee p.b-
le aid sp•rate schools and Collegian I0-
eslato. The estimated resap%fres manes
otb.r than this year's taxa will amuse to
410,961.98, whioh leaves the sum of $28,-
276 37 to be r•ieed on rho ase .mens of this
year, regeirtno a rate of 25 colla on tits dol -
ler ; • bylaw authorising M. followhi rates
will be adopted • for remora . parpoi
14 8/10 mills, Consent. Iastitate 2 3/10
,,i4*.. pebli. sad .or•a •eboola 4 9/10
milks, 05w.ty n% 9/10 mill. masoUd•ted de•
Mesters* and iet.rest 2 1/10 mills.
18. fofowlsg aao oto will he paid troth•
with: Edward Shannon, $61.09 ; W. A.
MoClysost. $10 66 : Cottle Koos., $34.73 ;
Comedian lateral Slsslr$a Co..413.61; Glare
Mere A Thumpers, $101 47 ; Paokard Klee
tris Co., $10 33 ; J. Woman, $36 88 1 Gd. -
rick !amber Oo., $46 52 ; James Ragtag, $9;
Harry Thompes, $560.
As applta•Uoo from Jae- Sutherland for
ismer service was referred to MMs wmter end
hese es.mittes with power to tot.
Bylaw No. 8 of 1898, orders to levy of
rens ter ebe year, was rood the require
somber of times and pined. TM atonal
value of e1 •esamibls real and pormeal pro-
perty Is 11,131,066.
Re eommnafostion front Northwestern
Fair m.oag•rnent as to condition of ezh►M-
t4o0 proper v (4 won decided to eek party ec-
onpyiug same to ..k. repairs imm•dalely
and vena premises. The material Wild-
ing • fame to item back the weird from the
gravid stead to male rugs will be reported
the 0050044 then djosred.
SROT res Dvoi. -Friday afternoon last
• Mooting m•Mb for 4.oks was held ser
the amenity, Me following b•ggis, mum •
i'•oniegtes 6, N•woombs 3, Nano, 2, Devi -
e on 2, Wanes 2, Leithw.y 1, Resents 1.
Nsw AO.TTLIN1 Pt -um -The firm et R.
B. Smith her Metalled N it. etre • very
sp-to-dew acetylene gleet for lighting.
There are thirty-two Larsen distributed
throughout the Ware, sad the offset a sight
is very hrill1.4. I. istimelty the I15bt
me • oleos rt,el be Old Sas radiuses.
Orta LOCA.. TRIMPIAwu.-TM Gdrtab
Amateur Dramitio Company will shortly
ere•eot the eslaheated drama " Engaged,
the prodsotlon of *blew Is already aider
way. The praised' will be .pplled to •
wertby *blest which will esteemed Itself to
every loyal sinner. The .Nag*srent bops
to proems O. play what& • frtelgph�k
Now *kat wooer in horning np I•rgs Mfen
the Gder*eb Rlevtr Co., many applies -
hone fey the stook of the company are be-
ing r.w•ived. Ro 44ttie of the eteek remain.
nae.hwlbd that the Creators aro over -
eels, nom ore 4u Its slimmest, that th5
w mesof moos bet pound 8nanni•l people may
get ee the stook let.
Hos A MILITARY CmaT7rii'ATi--R. D.
Grant, who had been •Itendlee the school
el military Iw/notles at London, hes n-
ursed to town and r..smed Ms duties at
Met Cellwriate Isstit.to. He .mord •
fireeelem os•Wfieato at Lnedm, and u .o*
folly ge•tttled beth se drill instructor .1
the Cellid•to wad fee Moo esmmlss400 *bleb
he holds as fires llewtss.nt le N. 6 ses-
palsy (Br.00•lsj of 580 33rd MtteJlen.
A " Sonar n " 8no*moin.-1. IM ste-
les of O. F. Emerges, West -es., Y etb(Mt-
d sit. Marred r..alN a whet tvM fernier -
I lively Jebn.*es's wheal. ft 0551
t1re.5b the fire es Ready moraln5 sed
mralsly ease est mooed Lest In the
so.rsfl•R awe 1.sryt84*, nemhwetible
went p le ameiRe. ally a Mot •sal
Mastered home mod • Magi. of twisted
spokes re..t.4.o to rewind its wnlmramies
sows of IM termer Nke....
Ti. &favi. Onto -cm I res*TAtl$ t
-Owls. to oho .Moses of leader Horn" ib
ThlwasS, tai. bemire weekly nes.o$ vie
est it,.. last week until Friday evening,
when • splendid program wan dieoo•reed
from the blowy of the BritLb Exchange
botel. The b•hd'e play tog le •!ways op-
preol•Wd, but perhaps more so thea usu•1
last Friday alibi : It had been se excessive-
ly bot all day that Duple were Jost ready
for some diversion suds u the music •1•
Tun GROAT NORTH%neT..N.- A full
meeting a the board of directors of the
Groat Nerthweetero Exhibition will be held
on Tuesday sant to make noel arrangements
for the approardour fur. This year this•
will be • greet Improvement h the liability
ul the fur grounds. The dtreotore have
secured • dye•mo from he tows and w111
have at ruooiag right oo the grounds. Ad-
ditional lights .111 be planed moor the
. abler, and the whole arsuds will be bet-
ter lighted than tefon. -
„ Klr" id MOUND Annie:=Yea M8 -
loss Rini* W Mime, better knows as "Kit."
the oMvu-NriMrler TAs..Teesate Ig•l1 had
Empire, was married •t Wasbiestriti,'1SC:;
"o Tbaredsy, Aug. 2., to Dr Tbee. Cole.
man, of Tomato. Th. groan is • brother
.f the Messrs (iM.uus, oaf 8e•torth, and is
••id to he the gilem.sor of an ample fort use.
He is well 4.ona and very popular Is Ter
onto, when, •ems years we, he 0r prom -
mint N Tomato Uoiwersily moles. Hen•
turned may a few months ago from Europe,
. here he meet three or tour years in the
o g hospitals el Oerm•oy.u4 Great Britain.
Tem Poises Cot -or (.0.wr - -Jobs Johns-
ton was charged with furious driving one
.1. y last week and • fine of (l2 and oats wee
imposed. . ..Hy. Young had Oboe Greg
O D io must over e5me di. u:o in .oeoectloo
• ith. face, whir* had developed Into a
Terror.' /sadBab pantie Wi d bound
eve to keep the peace for • pia" to 4100
mount Gee. Bradford, of Saltlord,
was warned by oea•table McL'od several
times one smooth, last week against Immod•
• rate driving, bat paid oo head He was
b-os5bt up wit's • sudden perk in the polio.
,cart and satisfied the deemed. of iusuos
by p•yieg ever • fine el 99 and seep.
1.701.4.101451 INttlITt Ts Norm -There ore
145 pupils already In attendance at the Col•
'exist' lasLtale-• number oosaidar*bly
l.rgr than at this time last year- .4 •
god many elan are expeetsd to nano is
now. As.00g the new •tadente 111 Weed -
thee are the feUeweg : Mie. Helm Grant.
of Mull 'mom of wisest manse Grant);
1.1,11 Gr.ery, et Eut. ; Me. W.loh, of
W inoham ; Miss Buchoosa, ot Zunch ;
Mees Reid. of Lecksow ; Mise Josh Ster-
ling. of Bayfield; M4.. Jeb.sten, of Col -
bone towasbip ; Miss Flo. Cosnolly, of
Gderieb township ; Ming MoVittis, of
Nilo ; Brows Dao**. of D•egwoen ; W.
L. Rackeetl, of Belfast ; Wilfrid Heli and
tV m.
Wagon, of Ood•riok township ; Edgar
Downs, of Ushers,.
Foo. 501 81.0 Swim --W,,bave before
e s • eery of TM Daily Sproy, of Adm..,
Put, N.J., sent sinter an amount of to
anneal baby pard• at the great a •t* n-
oon. Two bin of •' spray " which we get
tram the lease bring w it. lullowinw Intal
Iigeece : " Harry Ie Tommi and V.0oent
Sohuno.. of New York city, former attaob*s
of Toe Spray, struck town this •larnoon
with return tick ea in their pessimist
They .re here to •5• the baby p&ted., aka
• wash and whams tM free pictures .t the
besot this •vesing." "Hugh M. Browsi.g,
• wealthy real emote owner of Brooklyn, is
down to leek after the intonate of his torts
babies. who are entered in to -day's parades"
The laster item refers to m termer reddest
of Chetan.
A SUNDAY Mo*tNINo Fru -Jost •$ 11
o'clock es 8u•day .005)05 the alarm wee
nor far • fire as Ate*. Jobseto.'. boom,
Elgin avenue. The firemen were on the
scam is • tow Mauro, but ea the hoose
was • frame one and everytkier was so dry
ek. flames hal already made great hood.
way. It took m hour to extinguish the
Mose, and by that time the kiteben was
goes, the wkrg of *M bones was badly
bored and the ecun part won damaged oon•
adorably. TM fin •torted from the khoben
sloes, and was discovered first by Ile.
Maggio .tobanon, *no was Mese in the
house, the red of the Welly Wvlot N000 to
oburoh. The lees was about 4700 end there
was no t.*.nres Meeh sympathy a felt
with Mr. JdD.ten and his family in the
loos ef Moor pretty reddeem.
Boas AT TOR OluAN FAOro.r.-Last
week Ins le hay bees devoted to steek-
Mkteg at tee organ Watery, bet 4.4..'0
was so embleg that 45 woe fogad lmpessibls
to Mut down. For um m.m reason -tee
buoy -the oompsy is mato/ se display at
Toronto during the exbibitloa. Berm of the
. mesa, however, are preparing to make ex-
h ibit. of tb• oompanys geode 1e their loa•1-
Ities, wt.bly u Sherbrooke, Qo. and Hal-
ifax. N.8. The mmoley will make Is
meal display as the Orse1 Northwestern
Rxhibities. On Friday. the interior fittings
for 4,. ,Mos of the James Robertson Co. .M
8t Jeb., N. B , were shipped • they will
mike • hadseme affirm. Mashes' Saunders
is think:Mg of going out sf the •ad similar
of 000011001011, out .toomot of the great
Warsaw 1si the organ Susi,•es ot lata
8vea.wrtowe rot Batman/4.-TM song•
melees is mode Mao fe'mere should put
their manes eie the beet genes of their
If the idea ware erlod out, drive
sad cycling threa5h the oonotry would
be mach mon interesting. I5 *sold sites he
• greet ee lesion, tee, as anyone wi11 d•
mit who bas walked back forty yards or so
him the road to the farm how. to dad est
when he got then M hod streak the wrong
Maas. Another ides, whisk The Clinton
Nsw Kra advances, le that tur..t. 'mould
pay ters atastlon ee their /root premises
to the erelof having Sower nudes' or trees
lawns. The outmoding' of seine (em-
bosses ape b..letifoly !opt, hot ton sites
the WWI le•o.Ite. MIN MOW, Sur
berms tM rod or at the amt fans. Towns-
people, tee, might be.mb. from IM5 swiplsa•
Rrtot-rrto0 or Cowt.Ot.aw(7.,-At IM last
enertlq the Men8nle.' I.stitwts beard w
mit..sly mood • ressfetles IasWnotleg •
committee to draw .p and tr.ee.dt to Mies
Hamilton sea ether memb•re of the family
• letter of eo•delesee es *AMY h re•ws.e.►.
menage( for the mstme sad the m.er•1
Dahl(' of Oderieh *sir esgselified intim
(*0Mes with Mr. R•sll*oo's ten years' eer-
'4oe se their librarian. sed MMB appreste
Mas a mi. Iea111gm1 and kindly] spirit,
geniality tied eap.billty in the prformanes
ot fes defies whish a ordered him to the
fng.tero of ►be Na nos .0001. 8eldo,
haled.m4, *1 55144 *he •gs .1 84 • min 005
.lost mentally. se itbwot moi en adw..eed
In hie views as 5.g hats rearrest., fellow.
trios.., who otW.ed both the emoted
!Mirth ef days mid ea honorable and se -
blemishes .mond.
Tito btrav &SOTO4.1CA4 $1Dow.ete -Hers
e what Pro,teeW r..d Imspsees C.wphoU
W to say Mimi tbo es.p.'.tiye sed of
1 told fret the sod was only • matter Of •
short time. Mrs. Meese wee • daughter of
John Mo.Sbrty, of Newry, lnla•d, a•d
was bore then In 1840. Site unto to lise-
da.lom with the rest of the family to 1848
ad settled in Wbitby, whore she lived for
• time, afterwards n5ovi51 to Uoderiob
sod subsequently to Clinton. HMI* the
temth lived h Uoderioh she was married to
Jame. Kraus, sad along with Mw husband
removed to Clint.* to 1.868, whose me ro-
d ded ever sines. Some years .go she out •
Need .0 •ooide0t„ b•rtog he leg broken,
from the effects of which *has bad been gaits
lame et or sinus, and 000segeastly was not
seen much outride of her home. 8M was of
• kind, genorou opno-bearttd dupe.itioo
sod was 5 mod
Ieaves behind h
husband sad •4.
dissident One
deo, Mae., owtttg to poor ties eoaoeot)ope,
Daly ..rived is time for the fuperal ; •a•
other too is with Om Rough Bolus, ('.v•
airy Dept., Amerism Army, at Porto Hum,
and 00.1044 ently 000ld met get tome. The
family have 14. .yopstby of tier usmerous
friends le Asir y aid 1M•snmeat.
WILL Rufus o Cone -A letter was
received here nay 17 Mir May
Buchanan from rather. fisorrs R ,*he
has bre with tit Ameno.o troops is Sio•
Woo de Cuba. bot is now on the staff of
the depot meet of Cabs. The envelops
bears Ow post moth " Mi1R.ry Station,
Se.tiago de Cuba, Aug. 23," whioh shows
that the dry is still 000upled by U. 8.
troop'. We glee portions of the letter
which are doomed of public interest
'480tlago de Cub•. Aag. U. '98.
This Is the Brat time 1 bays hod an rip-
portuelty to writ* shoe Aug. 9th. You
will be surprised to hoar that I Novo decid-
ed to stay down Mn. 1 received my di•
oh,rg. Aug. 19•11 and am bow employed in
the deportment of Santiago as °lark. The
regiment left for Montauk P.iut, Lem is-
sland, yeetrd•y mers+0r. I a. the *My
sae out of the ro nesse Malay Aero.: Tits
flioe ben is to the palace and mut have
been a beautiful place before the war. It is
magnificent r it k The ocher is &boat
ihlrtt feet high. eroding it very 000l. The
etme floor', heavy dr.pisp and oomfort-
. be °hairs and desk. moks 11 an ideal office
budding. The room the general com'Dmid-
101 the deputies..% is in was, I bellow*, 'so -
mooed by ems Governor of the province.
1 .m quartered io the arsenal about two
blot r. •way. TM night ',etre last was
the first time I More sem • had nom last
April. 1 ooald s•rdly deep in it the first
n ight r it was so soft. Of mune row •II,
or pr•atioally all, dame, of stakeouts put
With a god 000l room out of the oma and
good sanitary oomditinos, there is sot muob
to tsar from deme.. 11 is .o dif creat from
sleeping on the ground. often .mk,g wet
and only • "pup" teat which is really not
n early big enough to .000mmod•te two
mon. Tbeo when the sun was bones' there
was pn0t1ooily no shade In camp. Here
we are not N t6• .n0 at all. I wish I had
had • photo taken the ant day I m51 in.
My hat all bettered up is any or no *rope,
• toll beard, • blw shirt, torn rialto badly
In the back, no out, • pair of pants with
seat ..arty out and badly tore to (root, the
Ings mot rooming to my oho. top. My shoes
were gout but muddy. I did not look any
we -se than thousands o1 others and did not
feel embarrassed till 1 got .bard and
deemed up. Then 1 did hate to 'how try•
self to the boys, but 1 took thsr goyim'
quite god-a.terdly to saying good-bye.
At present I have not any definite ddrsss
but will write as soon as possible.
plash sed cornets : " Pl•ske en not •a
eeo•emio•l.u.,hl toe sidewalk. T1mlor
subject to &Herbst* moisture from 110
groeod &ad rain, and heat from the sun cen-
not but decay rapidly. A plash walk prop-
riety con•trooted wi11 lest toe'rakn, then
repairs oommeoce. At the end of *1(1. 1
yen the walk has poet as much for repaint
ea it coot in the hntt place, therefore the
aroma' life of • plank walk is seem years.
The best material for sidewalks is •rti4ot•I
stone. The brat poet of this is nearly three
tomes tb.t of plonk. Plank overarm about
Bre mato nor square toot, •ru8o1.1 done
12o. a square foot The Moor oboe prop-
erly lddar411 last • oe0tury. 1t kas been on
mane Toronto stream now :or thirty years
..d is apparently as good ss ever.
Ginindro PRI OWBL-Oar Emden will
le interested In any news 0000erdng.the
travels of our own miseiooary, lien. naiad
Yotitttivrey, who reomtly spat a porion
of his furlough with montes ha li.dr*oh.
1be.meta.y of the Peeeb7teri.a-Yen4..
liiestpu Board. lien. R P. Mechayi,, has n-
otated word from Rev. Donald MoO,114vr•y,
who reoently left hero to fel tun 10 Homs,
Chi.., that be telt London for the Comeli-
est on Aug.'18. Re will wheel ammo
France and part of 8wt►zerl•0d. and take
the •Y. A 0..tamer at Brt.disi, Italy. 0.
arrival .1 Bombay he will visit the mission,
ants In that district, and travel overland to
the Comedian mission at tloaen, where he Is
doe on Noy. 1. He will then bare .00irol•d
the globe. Mr. MoOillivny has spent dight
4aero in Homme, previous to taking the fur
lough, *blob be is now aiding with Ms Ir
teroaUobal cycling tour. Hs has fora trav-
eling comp.. ion in the Onset, • Crescent
wheel, wh1ob be "urchti11d "Mlle here from
the well-kaoon de dor, Geo. W. Thomsen
MINS (`RtTrs L**TINn TowN.-I:oderi-h
i• lsea5 one of the mom efficient musicians
it •ver bad within it+ borders In the re•
'novel of Mum Rota Chute, who 8.e received
the appointment of director of voice collars
is Ms Asheville College for Yonne Women
at Asheville, North Carolh•. Miss Chute
has been organist and (noir leader in North-
st. Methodist church for about sloven
montho and has shown great ability 4o her
dual poeitt00. Those who have observed
her geed work is 4:odenoh, though regret-
ting hr departure, will be pleased to know
'bat in her Dow position her exceptional
soelo.l poefgo..ill be Onto (hi tog poops.
The Asheville dile[. is • fully -equipped
one. with • faculty of twenty to thirty
members. AsheviIle itself is reputed to be
delightfully situated, • Mom of laterest to
the seighborbood Ming the oelebraled Vee•
derbat estate. The terms on wbioh Mae
Chute 4t es5wed aro, we uadentaod, very
r.ananerntive. Next Sunday will be the m-
outon of her last &pert•rales here, as she
leaves for the South on the 13th Iwo
Tun Cu..l•o`'IAN 1,*.i i. -A ouster of
4)•r awn•people drove ap to Idolises last
meth to .tine the creat •muni° pubes -tog
of the o4 . The y.r'a program was • big
euooea -Among tit. array of stblea• who
ewtpoteidii(7as- Stewart, known to 'rimy
lgaderteh le, came In for • big share of
ploi4d.r. lo putting the light ■tow
391. 1140. he took first -rims to • local
e vent, as also wooed place to a Inwl 200.7d -
ram. le the open sweats bs out the 11/h►
BOUM 4011.8'a.,defootie, champion' (:goodie'
Stewart by 2 Isobes. In throwing the light
hammy, Charlie obtained 'mood plate with
• throw of 8311. 41.., Stewart of the High -
loaders having first place at 117ft. la vault-
ing with the pole ebe "Stewarts" tied for
w ooed pima at 9 ft., 8 in. Al the hurdle
and 100-yrd room ober Stewart took third
place In mots even (.en•idering the pres-
tige of • number of the oompetIog .1.blew,
the Woe Waw...b boy Mas doe. remark-
ably welL The omen of attraction .t Om
game. was the form of Private (Harm
Stewart, of the 4818, whose teem of debit-
ing the lower of the Stitl.4 army is the
bayonet oonwl has mode hint.Joghtes.
In as exhibition thee* lasli wosk be hewed
Me heavy Yammer a Abbas. e1 Ulf Mak
T111 Nzw COM JwmOs toe SarTne
C0LDruA.-42 Ottawa dlopiish elves the
ln(ormt(on that the ...many to the Chief
Jostloeebip of British Columbia, mused by
the death of the tato Chat J..1ce Davie,
Mas berm tilled by the promotion of Mr.
Justice MouoU, of the Supreme Court of
British Colombia, to that high j.4iotal
station. Cbiel Ju.Uoe McColl becomes at
the some time Jodie in Admiralty, • poet
of ooasidsr.be fmportenos on the Corset,
when there are large .hipping Iswr.st..
That the seleotioo will give satisfaction to
the Marsh and for of the Provisos ,anis
assured. Chief Jetties Angus John Mo -
Cell 11 • see of Rev. 1)r. M,Co11, of Ghat-
bam. He was called to the ()mono bar la
1879, &red Meer pi -satires at Rroxeel.,Horoo
musty, be removed to Winnipeg, when
he bombe • member of the firm of Bain,
B1.sob•ed & Mo('oi!. In 1882 Ms rsmovd
to British Colombia, taking ep ens residen0.
at New Westminster. He was .Isoad •
bomber of tM few S.eiety, and is 1892 was
rooted • Q C. by the Earl et Derby. At
the time of Ms appointment ea Judge of the
Supreme Chart of British C•fambt*, Oo*. 13,
1896 m d
, he was looked spas ebe leer of
the bar el British Columbia I. eolith prase
Tog SPUDDING NuosANt•1. - Wsln,d.y
arming et last week . very serene bisects
liaise moaned on the &mare opposite
CASH* Rtes.' ober. Mn- 11, • ledy
lately removed from Moisten and reddlw
es Wsllt.gtoese. was tiding behind two
eecrlaree and had jos. Marled out from be
bind to wheel ahead when .lad was run into
by • rig driven by Oe. Bradford, of Ralt-
tord, cashier In 1M opposite eirwatlee. The
setliding rig was said to have leen going at
an Immd..t.wto of speed and the *trash
*as very .nen. TM wheill et 014 **Idols
aw0et /he bloyole, demolishing both wheel.
Sed belly )tyo1at Me /nese. Th. lady
. {der, thatch not aware of It at ther t
Mined • fw.ten o1 Um arm aur the .hool-
�.. The driver did sot poll sp when the
eadd.at 000arrd, bat dray* right on. set
mkleg the trouble toed• If any Injury hal
bees dose and .r4 pv1(1450 I5 ea sppaatmos
for mute Mute. The &artae* was clearly
aeeesd, se manly sestod. by fast &Mim-
T la 110.00o has bees r(►ierred reportedly,
hot apparently It lame Mew of no avail. Tse
IW resource ll. 1• the polio, norm. Sett
fee damages to Me whorl, whish helmeted
to Mn. O2.ere., • trlond of the rider, has
bees wtsred by (40,.'.s, Helm 1 Holmes.
narrow & Permafrost have aeon armed so -
wars maim the driver for mahout Mesod-
erm, en beg.If of Mrs. Small.
Into and motb•r. She
to mourn (ter lose her
ly of three eoos and 6v.
a, Chris Maas, of Mor -
Mott of our o44..5 observed Libor Day
by taking • quiet holiday.
Fred Sb.phard Is sow able to be about -
le the doli.ht ot his many friend.
J. W. Brderlok last week purchased •
stook et groceries at Toronto at 60 0.04. on
the dollar.
A lug* verandah adds greatly to the ap-
poseanee of A. D. MoLean'a now house on
Elgin .venae.
Stephen 8tothes' new house en Trafalgar
.serest to emirs, eeneplotioe, sad Mr. 81ota-
etroxpsoa to 0000py it in about three week.
1h• (lederioh dr.m.tie olob has nerved
an Invitation from Hlyth to pat on • play
there oe the evening of the fall fait next
W. W. Harrison, tb• Exeter mon who
ran the deem laundry on Hamilton at. for
• while, has started an apple evaporator at
P. A. Meloemeoe, our old (loderioh boy,
was • member of the oommittes whioh mad•
artan5emeets for the a000esefal (,•144001.0
game. at Looknew last work.
Wm. McCarthy had .Inhn Driscoll before
trio polioe magistrate last week charged
with assault. The defendant admitted the
obarn and was fined /b, 'minding outs
W. W. Taman, of Blyth, won thn prize
offered for titm most handsome man on the
recent Orange exoarllon to Bands. TM
judges were throe ladies. The prise was •
The stook of the estate of Jas. A. Rad,
amounting to shoot $6,500, was sold at Tr -
onto last week te J. H. Pedder, of Doom
Waterloo musty. If brought 73 mots es
the dollar.
Tim 'easy Mende of Ed. limon, 0t S r-
soa*o,will ..arse to learn that hie orinclitIde
is not improwlo,, bet "hot he le very low .t
present. Hh molar era constant Wood -
moo upon him.
The 0. T. R. M kyles heavier sills all
• lou, the Ilse between Gdevieh and Strat-
ford. A large quantity of the heavier rolls
arrived at this dation • few days aro to he
Islet on the Mght miles east of Clod mirth.
In nporttni the nidal matted last week,
the name of Mrs Logan, the obeyer and ob.
Ilgiag &000mpanists, was lo•dvra*Uy
°ml►to& Tbaf she d14 her work ero.ed-
legie well on the ooeaston goes without
DRAT@ Or Mas, JAMa KHAOO.-L1(.tem
New Sea : Mn James 01161144, a tows. of
whose serious 111.0m sesNlae woe made lest
week, died it the holly rs0dene. en
Thursday •vent.$. NM hs. i.ew M dentin•
Mg health for s... .east., bet It was esly
duns/ the pe tow wombs that beg Mame
101*. /.g11iss tors. eni/oat war-
*. w•. bore she be q roe w.•4•14.4
r8.gs, mond WN peeegly r.l4md when
Notice Wm. Cots 1
Po.tpo"d-A. Saunders
Heron's Ur.1 Stoea-1l # andtb. Pg- 6
Entertainment - 8t (lingo's Yams
People's Guild 1
W srd•g-J. H. Simpson, Sbopp•rdtos 1
Nebo. to Butter atskors-W J. Morrow 1
hardness ('h nos -J. W. Medd ... 1
House to Let -E. C. Heys-
48aao for Rss►-P. 0. hex 103... ... 1
Mario Teeobw-Miss Mildred Campbell 1
Re-opealm of Reid Stow -J. R. Pedder 8
Sweeping R-duotioos-J. MaNswhtos, 1
More about Submit Books -Geo. Porter 5
Booth Privileges -Jos Mitoboll 1
Voters' LIM for 1898 -Wm. Mitchell1
For 14.1e --Barb Dunlop . 1
Violin Tuttle. -We. Lava Atriums „ 1
20 , Dtsoosut Rale -J. W. Itroderiek 1
Norse -R. (:, Reynolds 1
Property for Selo -R. O. Reynolds 1
Arttoles for Sale -0. N. Davis 1
Sooty leas G&. -Cattle Boos 1 _._-
AT the request of Sir WiIasil
LAo.flt the Liberal Co.ys.tles.8248load
bra pilled for Monday, Sept. 12th, at Mis-
gauges has Imo postponed. Doe notice
will be hits. M M the data whop 44 will Ota
held. • .
Friday MOW. mN4ior of the local Re-
former, aloe Is oohed .1.
Taros oo ez1 bibities. It eras het situ gb bare,
but to Trona w wa
Friday it g 97' is Ms;
shade .t the observatory, which would mean
oerhap. 100' is the shade doe's town.
..OUNCEMENT3- -.;---•=7:•;".
E1.s'e Pare Balt for table or dstry.
I have remitted • oarlo.d ot British Co1-
umbla.bio,le., which 1 am prepared to sell
at prloes a suit F. Sr11T11.
Wanted. 200 tuba ohoios dairy batter.
14o. Also 60 passe eggs weekly. G. IC,
Ktt.u, Wioghom.
Mire O'Brien, milliner at Smith Bros.. has
returned to Mimi to Sim Charge of their
millibar', department for the fall.
J. MoNangbtoi nom • sweepu5 re.
duction In the prem of boots and shoat. The
stock must be redooed, and if members/
prime will do it customers may expect beg
h trtd
Bros. on Saturday lett iast•lled is
R. B. Smith's store • oompl.le metyl.oe
ran plant. Any person wanting • good
light in store or'sM►*s would do well to 4a-
sp`eot this plant and moll gees Cattle Bios.
N.w Bo.iNpme Flom --.1. H. Yodeler, of
Dong, bas purchased the .Nook of rho Reid
*stow at a low raw on the dello,, and is
offering big Isdaoe51Da in dry good. sad
ready -mode olotbiog. Hie ad•whammed' w
Paso 8 is this tune spoke for Itself.
TM Yse.g$ Parolee Guild .f lit. (ie .505 'a
March purpose bonito an entartal.maat is
the Sunday school on Tumidity 'yenag, the
13th instant, of half -put seven o'olewk.
There will be vooal wd iaslrameetal must.
re.dfoge and rwtatio05. Admssies, ties
I1 1 do got sell out my stook in block I
will oontinue to sell at •aorifloe prion Until
Wye whole is disposed of ; and 1 trust that
those who are Indeb►d tom w411 Dell and
amble. 1 have • .00ad-nand safe, • phut.
ton and • .par hooey to disposer of. G. N.
DA y ton.
Tw.My per 0eat darn.ut ot. lr Doe
wank •t J. W. Brodwk'. obeop •ton,
W • went to will est the ato04,and the above
duoount will he offered for 5mgr Mime of
any pair of shoes or snit of clothe" In the
van. J. W. Bunn .1100.
P. S. -The stook of boots and oboes is leg
Ween Woo, at • rate os the dollar.
TosovTo'e (10.1451rr Arr1Acr!ON. -'1'M
sew Cyelwoms, .iernml.m on the day of
Cruoillzles, a drawiog large number. of
visitors doily, who all semen themselves se
grsUy pleased with the mag018oen► and
ls.troo►ive view. Everybody going to To-
ronto should avail themselves of tit* oppor-
tunity of amts" •' Jerusalem" .t the Cyelo-
r.ma. Open daily from 8 A.M. to 7 It r.
Vetoes of admission. adults, 25 oenw ;
diadem, under 15 yeses, 10 ees%. Next
southwest nor. Front and Yeek-et..
TM r•tirohg allows f. Hume tenuity
for the •dilsolta oro : For Rest Harne,
Finlay S. Soon, Brvi.ene ; for Rooth Heron,
Thomas Fraser, Be* s .ld : and, as we
sated last week, for West Hares, ,lames
Yat.., Oederiob.
if Gm good work dose by the oomml1ees
of mused .t the Miller park this you be
maus.ed. • errant Impr.vemest 1. Its so -
mambos may be .fb°4i In • few yeah.
A eempar(son of the Pgnare new with the
✓ em* pima fifth.. you" ago or en shows
what ears be dose es this Roe.
A elt,ree haa dra*$o,r.5onotIo. to mm•
armee nmp.ring the prior et floor now and
• year ago. He draw. • centrum% hetw..n
the rdeetien a over 27,'which them
tigers. dew and the lno,,... M 1ho pnns
of breed 1. the .ame pried Perhaps the
bakers wan 5.44.41. 400 se '.n t4Il whynms
of the threes..
TM 1•Mar pert el Itl1 week w.* am of
Me very beueeo owe& of 5ke 'eases
Whom tdoib to aikllita r bag Mw e1 dl.•
essatier.. Ihs peep* who bol 1./. for
Stumm Carmon& made her o.nal call o•
Owing to the blab wind yesterday, work
es the elevator obnmney was dktm.Mnaed.
Tug Fvoly■ lowed a Isom raft of logo
from titer river to the harbor mw mill on
John MODonald. ir., has pnrohased •
eoboomw at Saodwloh and will .agape fe
the fruit traffto with northern ports.
11 la expected the elevator ohlmn.y will
be finished .bout the end of the week. It
Is weeping upward at the rate of 10tt •
The COrmooa bas Moes storm -staid 400.
Tuesday evenlnr and her passengers ere
h aving ample time to t.k• in the eights of
the town
The 72ft. bine In the emir elevator are
about oompleted. There are yet fear storeys
to be added to the structure, whioh .Ul be
• veritable ekysoreper.
The elegant steam yacht Skylark whioh
visited here last May while on her way
from Georgian Bay to Me home of the swm-
.e, Mt. Corby, Bolisvillo, was struck and
badly damaged by ligbhry se Saturday
last. Nes will need el*Odr egenstn,wbel
will he sonde et o.ee. • ,se...• . .
Hector Hays. John Redford and 1.10.50- --_•---
Bond tiomir44s er. Colorado, errn'd
5ater11g •Mord the yaeht Dewey, the pprroo-
perty sl Jen. Willie, ed Port Horns. Tr.
trio have hew vieftleg relative. and floods
here. and had to watt • few dere for • f.v•
Noble wind to return.
Naretse. Castle, the profaner of 8t,
Jorreph City, anompaeied by Alex. i1e.o y
and kir- Inmost, of the sauna plasm, lunged
hers ht5oht no Mantras,. bet, owing to
voble whole. wore worth'. to Mora by
water. Owing to noisome of Inatome they
bad M drive Molt on Monday, Capt. Dee.
Wlgrfse bkleg the yacht downon Wader -
Tuesday afternoon • .,earn berg. •ed rat
a logs was sighted o8 to the Nrehwset,
end for 'may hours •op.rmtly made no
Medway. TM same evening • yawl ease
mease for peo.4sinse, bet tito eat wen se
high fist • tag had to maks the meow
trip. The bete was the Ohm. from 1}010
loin. with 4.000,000 foot o/ Ines. 71w
ma'%ad that derist 180 Mew es 81*11
day •boat 1,000,000 (1 oon Ieet Tester
do. bores and reit My off the llgbtheeee
501st, to hmvy vee melee it Irpremils
to 1rte1.d,