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;!81110 BE PERCE OR WAR?
The Great Question Between
England and Russts.
A-Deealea Lithely !lila Week-Spealah.
laerle.e War, It la Sold. Upset Ibe
Tattoo of Ra.el.-lt Pissed V••1• Seas
and Joh. Bail on Friendly Teras
Fir Herbert Rlte\es.r's Adverse., da
Mb.rtoum C.blo
London, Aug. 96. -The New York
Port's oorreepoudent telegraphs to his
repot iM following: We may expect next
Week to hear that England and Russia
h ave come to • division es to their future
sdationa, but the nature of the decielun,
pace or war, tu-day hangs In the Iwlanoo.
1 bear on eutnbent authority that load
Salisbury his at lass gelded this, slbce
China does not object to dlamemberruunt,
M Idle for England to attempt to save
ki< front that fate. Lord eallabury falls
Mick. therefore, on options of Influence,
Carefully delimited if }tuella refuses to
Mind berself to reuwin wlthto the limits
agreed upon. she must take the conse-
British FI.•t R•.d,.
The British Aust 10 nwdy at this mo-
ment for all eventualities. Others on
him have been warned to hold them -
Selves ready so rejoin their ships on sum -
Its the meantllue Sallabury is awaiting
Raela's decision. but Houle has not yet
(mads up her minL ,
--..atm .....whnoaum in. e- asitlea-6►kuaw
WAWA W*tma oto etaad.a4 Ahab Boma.
1i1okrw and accept Salisbury's
*ns. basing their ooefid see on their
. epee-ksewledge that ltaoetawMt not be
seedy for a Oonfllci for three years at
beet Upset mush•. Pleas.
A well known Iingliihm•n, hag resi-
dent of St. Petersburg, mays that the
@punish-AnterlosD_war. .Waing au 50011
•sd unexpectedly atter the Chloe.. -
Japanese war, has ep.st Russia's plats
la the tar bast entirely. The &agent of a
sawreut great power at Man11a df friendly
(terms with England bad created oowtern-
Won among the military advisers of the
(lar, wqo urge European intervention,
end hope that IM disputa between Ryan•
eh and A marloan datspetea to We Punts
]Ikea Cost twooe will yet afford an op-
portunity for it. Men wbo know Sagaste
WW1 ey that he reckon. upon this. and
that AosSrl.n ta5wence, ametne* fount
Golucbowakl's uryen%AAldoe..it.Jirnmpt-
heirhim to this course.
The Advaa•• N Khartoum.
London. Aug. 119. -Sir Harbert Kitch-
ener's advance on Khartoum 1s oond0ot.4
with clockwork. Khalifs' bre withdrawn
from his entrenchments at 8hebluks Cow
meat, but the War Office here Is oon:d.nt
that he will fight at Omdurman. The
auntry is rising behind blm and he dam
not now retreat.
Alprte.. Sale.. of English Stabilities
Flight for Their Ne.b•.da
London, Aug. 22. -Women are playing
• prominent part In the eleeton oontest
M Southport, near Liverpool, for the
Parliamentary seat vacated by George N.
Curzon on his appointment to the View
roysblp,of Iudta.
Mrs Cursou has been through several
campaigns to the district, and row en•
situ American woman is electioneering
theta She L lady Naylor -Leyland, who
was Jennie Chamberlain of Cleveland
before tar marriage.
lasrd-dksimerettste te aim • fly
his wife, who got into the Held first and
was making • decided hit with the voters
u ntil Lady Leyland hastened to be bus
band's side to vanquish her rival by her
superior beauty, wit and charm; for 515•
le counted the hest hootese In England.
Both Indies attended 5oeett•ge halm i
day night
for an American engagement Manger
A•rurls offers Se,bee • week ago, Mw.
Rlgu 4 huldlas out for 1600 a day. Mass-
ager Aaron. Is determined to take Mr to
New Yore eves at her own seems.
LSM M.ro Net Ceasing.
London, Aug. Pt. -The contemplated
visit to the United States and Canada of
th. Lord Mayor of London, Lieut Col.
lloratio'llasld 1)awles, whlob bad already
been postponed, 1a Anally ab*udoned ow-
ing to the oontlnued 111nees of the Indy
The tl I 5*.N.ge row t■ New
York Cheered by the M.....- An
I.d.erlbabie Din.
New York, Aug. SL -The reception
given to Admiral Samp.ou'a squadron
by the people of Oreewr Vow York tan
Saturday was a mogniteent one, and
was partlolpated In by hundreds of thou-
sands of wildly enthuslaetlo olttsene
There was very little friction In.lhe carry
tn* out of the programme and no delay.
At Tomokln,ville the Mayor and ooru-
mitpee emharkest on the tlsgsblp New
York, where the Mayor read en address
leoderlug oongratuletion' and the free-
dom of the silty, and Admiral :tampion
duly replied. The welcome ceremonies
wore short but lnlpresslte.
'I ben came the event of the day. 1M
battleship., at 10.10 a.m. began toslowly
move up the tray. '1 he salvo of cannon
and the cheers of the people and the toots
''of thousands of whistles made an in•
divert liable din. Soon the wouster pageant
wee In Ilea first conte Adlulral Semp-
eou's flagship, New York, then Rear•
Admiral Sehley'sILgshlp, Brooklyn, then
the ManNithugetii. Lbs Oregon. the lulaar
the-Iaetian* atter-eher-9'watr and -attar
them amine • me,$ng mace of all sizes
and de.ortptlons of emit with flags way-
2ag.411M prlple ekeerag. Ae Governor's
Island was pasawf there wee a tremend-
ohs report from the guns that did so
much •;eeution at Santiago. The people
on the shore and afloit fairly went wild.
They yelled and screamed, waved ear
and jumped up and down In p•arlOSIS
fervor. ..
And 00 15 was all the way to Graairs
tomb, where there was a Anal dement/We-
tion of pairiotiam, such as New York
Ms never wlto sed before.
Tb. 014 Ckuwller Left a Good Deal
Mere Tinian First Reported.
Berlin, Aug. 98.-A D.ntsig nape
publishes an outline of Prtnoe HI.marok's
will. The paper mark that the estate
amounts to 90,000,000 narks, although 1t
was sworn *1 8,000,000.
Cont WSUfam $lanlarek Wheelie the
Pomeranian .tete, with the exception of
Rbelnteld, which Prince Herbert His-
isSarok gate. Prince Herbert also receives
the valuables deposited in the Hletohrod-
t i Bank, estimated at 1,000,000 marks,
15r wbleb be pays Count W1llIam 8110
nooks. Countess Von Rantsau receives
900,000 mark., and each of Count Wil.
Ham's thtee daughters pets 100,000 marks.
Australian Premars Mel .ad Dees ed
That They Would Chip fa.
/Sydney, N.B.W., Aug. 99. - Rich t Hon.
161* Hugh Mute Nelson, Premier of
Queensland; Right Hon. 81r George H.
Lieut, Premier of New South Wales, end
Hight Hon. *51r George Tarns, Premier
of Victoria, met In oonferenoe on Satur-
day, and dleonesed the plane for . Paelfle
table. They dude' to make the definite
offer that 1f Great Britain and Canada,
.•Restively, would guarantee Avsnlnthe
.f the oast of laying the new rattle, shay
Would reoommend to their respective
Legislatures to oontrlbuteone ninth each,
asking New Zealand to .setae. Vr •s.
ssalning one -ninth.
TM" Pep. H•Id • 111•se00...
Rome, Aug. 69. -Tb. Pope yesterday
bald • reevptlon In honor of his saint's
day. Many prelates, noble and represent-
atives et Caddie assoctattons were to at-
tsudanee. His Holiness appeared to be la
G ood health and spirits. and in mete of
10. length of the renrptfon, which lasted
a• hone a0d • half, showed no signs of
Wig e. Hf was the recipient of • large
•ember of glfta-
IS tb Rete 5.o Nearly Over t
London, Ang. 92. -TM London Finan-
cial Times. in Inn editorial column, oon-
Mdea that the heavy purchase of Grand
Trunk and Canadian Palfle .teak by
ilootralers seam to iodinate that the
rote war Is settled, or at least points to •
e ttlement of the trouble to the near
*5.. *1.3.51, Witt ween. Th.m.
Tatwldon, Ang. l*. -'PM fAmAon enrrcw-
pendant of the Aberdeen Journal eve
Mat Iron. Willie'', Mnlolch, I'oet,ua.ter.
Guarel of Centel,. will he knot:Me,l, and
01st /dr .1 Ilrn*P..r Nwtton, )11', et
1Se11 known as an adv.lo•to of pommy pais-
astega, will he made a pen.
Hut•r Palrba.k. Nee Arrived -C*.$.
dl.. Delegates Mad a LIMN
caeca,. ea Saturday.
Quebec, Aug. 22,-8.ealor O. 7.*-
tlanks, on• of the rafted' Stales Oommie-
44otems. aeosmpaeNd by **att-
end a pansy of friends, is at tbs Chateau
Fronten*e glow Saturday.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir 15.3. Cart-
wright, Sir Louis Iatvlee and John Carl-
ton. M.P., the Canadian representatives
on the International Conferenoe, after
having •leite4 the rerliarnent Buildings,
Mid a privates conference to Sir R. J.
Cartwright'■ room at the Front ne° Att-
end/1y morning.
Mr. T. V. Powderley, U. 8. Conlrnls•
sIoner-General of Immigration, M In Qss
bleu to attend me International Confer-
ence. He Is registered at the Frontenae.
Five Known to Have Been Killed
and • Number Injured.
Tee DI•..ler was u. tn• n•5. turn, Naar
Mateo a MNtMN geed R.., cars
or • P.m•.g•r Trois T.1e.r typed - A
List et t1.• Areert.leed Killed sad
1.Jor•d Ono Report Ploy.. the Nam -
Mr of Victims at Forts.
Canton, Mans., Aug. 95. -Word was
received ■1 7.80 leas night of a fearful
railroad aocldent at Sharon, on the New
York, New Haven & H.rttord road, and
ell urgent request ores made for physician.
• id undertakers' wagons. A11 the physi-
cian. In town, es well as three under•
talkers •nd their wagons, were lmmedl
ately despatched to the scene of the MAI.
dent, followed by is large crowd of elgbt-
seers. The .urruundlug country has !leen
sboroughly aroused and a large quantity
of 'bootee bedding and rude hospital sup-
plies were deip.tched frorn this town to
Sharon, a (1211140041 of Mani four miles.
The details of the accident are not as yet
known, but frorn meagre report* whloh
have leen received. it ie believed to have
bean one of the won" that hat+ ever oc-
curred in this Sate. Among the tied
Tet• Deed.
C. T. Rowe, Weymouth House, Booth
Bay, Me; Mrs. J. Fitzpatrick and child
of 915 Huntington OIOnue, litlslon; a
1501051 bli lareal 10.be Sirs. WaihLurn-
Wssserly._ ILL; ]tri Bristol of Wlnthrnp.
Moss., thusband Injured); 31r. Water. of
Somerville, identified from r3Celiat found
to pocket.
Th. Injured.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitcomb of the Ctstle
Square Hotel, 150.51,0, badly injured;
James Fitzpatrick, .on of Mra Fitzpat-
rick, who was killed, badly injured; U.
H, 1ir1ao1 of Wtnttirnp: A. C. teryelt
Revers; M. Crockett of *aobingsoo street
Somerville: Mrs. Bernard of 464 Salt
Third street, South Boston; Another
child of Mr.. Fliapatrlck (besides James
. Teloseeped the Rear Care.. '-
Sharon, Masa.. Aug. 98. -in the dark
nese and terrible excitement little bead•
way appear. to be made la clearing swav
the wreckage to determine the los. 01 life
and Um b. . _--
The accident L now eiplained as fel-
Uwe.. wk. Tie first seettrelt of s train from
Mansfield, called the Manstleld local, was
due to arrive here at 7.15. 1t got In 13
minutes late and hod just stopped when
the New Bedford train carne In on thus
and crasbed Into the roar of the local,
eale.00ping the rear curs.
An Ottawa Rarber sad • 1petbk
Termer Probably l•ta117 irttared.
Ottawa, 'Aug. 22. -There were two bi-
cycle accidents on Saturiay. which will
probably prove fatal. William S. Cbar-
h aneaa, a barber, while wheeling, ool-
Ilded with • milkman's rig. He had him
chest bone broken into five piers. the
vessel' and arteries of his cheat ruptnrr•d,
and Me-1'$fs'about itts heart severely in-
jured Hs is now lying between life and} t.le.00ped the Arm secti.ln, ill. asslna.
4*515 $* 2I atset(m+r. plunging through the near ears. There Is
Peter Cavanagh, • termer frorn mann- great anxiety here. as many 1Sunton
tick, while rushing to cateb a street car, people are known to hove been on the
was run Into by Alfred Templeton, a bl- train, but It le aho.et Imps*slble td get
cyclist. Cavanagh watt thrown to the particulars from the rnllna.l officials
asphalt pavement and he la now In a pre
larleas eindittos, sallert*g„trem veneer
INS el Ms Male. -
Number of Victims 40.
isuntuo. Mase.. Aug. 22.-A message
was .ret to the railway ofllus here y.eksr-
d,v of the frightful rnl!roud accident *5
Sharon. The :1st of dead was placed at
three, and the Injured at 18. A later tele
phone me5mage from • survivor of the
week Mores the i1.1 of victims at 40 or
The running of the teslas yesterday Is
explained ns follows: The train which
leaved Taunton at n 26 runs to Msn•n.ld,
where It le general!! met by the train
which leaves Providenee at 6.05. The
latter train usually takes up the two rear
ears of the Taunton train. Owing to the
heavy trued yesterday, it Is said that the
Providence train was run In two amnions.
At Sharon, senor -ling to the reports re -
calved here, the rear *talon ran Into and
Reglaad Weer.., RspraSatl•.,
Madrid, Aug. 98. -In tM amiss of an
Meadow hod tel night wltb • etemhi
at the O•I1MMt try a repv.eentaleve of
A•sptSe I Tres., the Witham said Kng-
lewd ydt5d • *GM he Spits, mat.
sod 1. tl natioe.. an the aebjeet ret
being waned W Spain novae
whirl, the nets dMlar'ae, ere
le TMt of the 1.11 relation.
* h......a the tris £ t..
T. R.KI•fl {ie frrteat as oa1Ma7-
Aug. .S --ASIA AMOK the
feed-tasm•ger at Now Y.6 "1r new
with the Primes Chimey
T\. *h1■ Edge of the Wades.
Detroit, Aug. 2'2. --Hon. D. M. Leckie -
son, who 1. now In New York. will ap-
pear before the Joint commission of Greet
Britain and the United State., which
begins ita sitting's in Quebec to -morrow.
I5 Is understood here that hi. mission Is
to lay before the rnnrnlalon certain pa-
pers which he Mm prepared praying for •
modification of the Been Bigot treaty, so
u to allow lake Ship builder. to build
ve.sels of war for the United States Gov -
Lightning Struck Three Floe.. i. Mark-
ham. and Dr. Trawl.. f• Prostrated -
C.P.R. Washout Wear Locust 51111.
Markham, Ont., Aug. 29. -One of the
Aernest and most peculiar eleetrlo storms
aeon here In years passed over Mils town
yesterday. Only once In eight weeks hae
rein fallen here. and everything -wad
perched. At .bout 4.30 yesterday the
storm broke 1n .l1 Its fury and tor five
hour. the rain come down In torrents,
accompanied at time* with ball as big N
robin'. eggs. The observatory of Mrs.
ernment, and for other Governments, if Burke; residence was shuck snit badly
they too desire. Bhattarai, the chimney of Mr.. 'Phoma'
house. 40 test awe. was also struck. The
A11 the Heed. Were Dlsch.rged. reetdence of Dr. I( T. Trawls 5.0 shock,
Chatham, Ang. 22. -When the Rete & lightning entering the house and pros
Huron Rallwev dtreotoraa met the old
Board rwlgned and were succeeded by
the dlr.ctors of the lake Erie & Detroit
River Hallway Company. This finally
consummated the purchasing deal of the
IL & H. Railway hy the Walker road.
AU th. heeds of departments of the 12.1.
& Huron have been dl.peneed with. 1'M
Lake Erie .reclaim el W.Ikervllle have
aroma roll (enirol, the agents Ming
Instructed to report direct to Walkervlile
Instead of Chatham se heretofore.
A Tem -Year -Old .e...mbelh.t.
Kingston, Aug. 88. -Mabel Pollitt, the
10 year-old daughter of Frances Polllit,
arose horn bit ted and while 1n ■ nnm
namballstle condition walked to a win-
dow on the .pond floor, failing ■ distend"'
of twenty fw1.. She alighted upon • can-
vas tent, whlob partly broke her f.1L Her
parents beard the tall, .red upon invertl-
gation found their daughter In an anoon-
anems e5mdltlm. She 1s fortunately not
seriously Injured.
-- ,
Resin.... Agates 1■ 0004 ah.p• •ed
HOMO R•t5t(e.. Happy -51st. Now
York Th.gs Get Him
Winnipeg, Aug. 82. -An afternoon
popes nsys that W. H. Pambrum, man-
ager of the Hank of Horhelage in this
town, Me disappeared, 'meteor no twos
of his wheresboutd. He arrived in New
York from England on Jame 4 and for-
warded 1011 baggage, whloh arrived all
right, hnt he SImssl( did not arrive at
She Stade speolfi.d III 54. tette". 1t la 5111•
der.tood that the dlsenporance la entirely
Inexplicable, As there was nothing what-
ever to warrant 1t. HIS Imams" affairs
ate 1n fiord shape, ami his Mme relations
moat baggy. He carried • targe amount
of trituration on 1119 lite. but ft/section 1..n
be taken until something definite 4
leaned of what happened to him. In the
meantime his wife and family are anRer-
Ing the moat Intense an■pense on account
of having no tale of him.
The Crew's 4..t P.m 71.11...,
R. O. 01055, Q.O., the eommlsa/oner
e ppolneed a mealy' fMet %became of the
death of Mentioned and Fraser In the
Crow'. Neat, resr.hed Banff on Monday
evening and held ■ noting on Taesdav,
when the evidence of Dr. Tunas!! of
Vaneoaver wee taken.
Woo It as Aeddealf
Al. Themes, A*g. ea, -The body .f
0an'ge Boats.*. cake a.j0A'leOtd/ d1maF-
5*. Pert Mtaalgyha0kbr* 8 l04 Rleei
lag. It le oppose! he Mahar sta5.Mid
and M1 overheard, el met teeth foal play
while the Air. Plow n1. -evMa5 ha was
i Meat ',machinist, we tad epee the pert.
Wisest Votaries 94111 4 wrUse. Uepr•..ed
- As Urpreoedeoted U•ero... In the
V1.110. -The Louses Yrleea
Saturday *eeulus. Avg. 90.
Tie speculative *karat a.rkets on bole
sidee of tee lila/tile bars been ebaracten
mod try soave Irregu.rtty , 04 week, hut
they bier ou the abut, oboes a .egg ug
asd thl. es. Hee of ea eepteee-
nrn,ad epleilun of stuck. aired a marked rs-
u.aace us the part of farwcrs to big IA
forward their new crop Dow low ole
storks Lave fallen may be judgt'd from the
statement tbat the v1► le .i'Dply ut wheat
In Casede Aosta the Ile told litotes a week
ago wile only 6,11V7;ed buee.la, and that
nest Monday`s statistic. ore expected 'o
lade:ate a fertber shrinkage of dyer 1,01.0.-
(X0 bushels. Tbla last reduction will wake
the Odin. sous. 5,000,000 bushels below
the previous lowest record. Sud there are
only two polntl on title eoullarnt where
.tocks veered the halt-tnllltou mark, .191.,
M,nuespW2. std Delatb.
in the above tendinous and In the very
large Mounting crop pre to b.: sees toe me-
sons for the present liftman., In ca•h .uJ
early deliveries over tee September and De
"Luberoptions Chicago tredea who an
bull. on nearby deliveries m-, utats • beer -
lett attitude lowarde aril w„nib's and tba
more remote options.
It Is pointed out, however. that farmer'
.,r ehowlug au usual rrluccance to nine-
en4•, their new crop. and Goat unless tee
volume of shipments phenomenally lie
creases there will be• an ac 1, a .erembte for
wheat before the rod of September, and $
etre. •gnrnt advance la prices. The farm-
Inr, r.:mmnnhie with the v,•ar's big crop
seem to held the key of ter situation lard*
ly In their own bases.
Legates Wiliest Markets.
Following are the dosing pr cc' to -day st
Important centres: t. _
c i dcago . ...� ah. $0 Atm.
66 pit 66%$0 ea
New York.....1loliday.
h Latin , ... 11 711 a fin
tracing the Doctor, who 1s still under a
physician'. caro. Three trao.formere In
the tow0'a electric light .75tem were
burnt out and last night the town was
In darkness.
A large Are is seen burning about two
miles M the west.. 1'he bridge to the
south of the village was swept away with
the flood. and Mllne's bridge over the
Rouge Riva 1. 1n danger.
Washout R•eert•d emir Locust •111.
o *14 00
Toledo .. .. 0 11 0 till 0 05 0
1•rtrolt ... 0 et 0 07'9 0 64th 0 M
iaalsi0, No t --
--Nrrrtbern - 0 Ol-.-_... 0 9264_11 _
Lid.tt as f -
hard 0,,,j1
Minneapolis�, 6'4 0.05- #--
hard .. 0 M
Toronto, red.. 0 71
ThilitTitrrns Show That Spaniards
etiro With War Honors.
Tisa Halted State. 0•*Yi.a.el 05.151.5*
Ceatrol et t1.• eito$tlea- 011 Q.satl.as
rtelai.g to the M.F.4rlaUrth of th.
Oae•r. rad M•s of Sas Spanish r.r«.
S han be Referred t. W..u.gte•-Th.
%Nestle.. o1 Arm. sad Fvaa..tlon.
Washington, Aug. 96.-0.0. Merritt's
cablegram gives the terms of capitula -
aloe. 11 .bows Out the Spanish, by u-
lnas Wren., .urrendered the city snd
defence. of Ilaolle and 11a suburbs, to -
settler with the ei..onlsh tomes stationed
therein. The 8par:1a11 ere permitted to re-
tire with the honors of war.
Terme of . apltulatlun
Following are the berme of the capitu-
The undereigu*sl having been appointed a
couint I$Wn to determine the data is of the
capltulatlou of the city at 5 defence* of
Yanlla .W its *utterer and the Spanish
forces stationed therelu, to accorteure with
agreement entered Into the prevlouo day
by Ma jur(deeeret W,vlty- Merritt U.S.A.,
Awerlcae t:uwmlulonvr to ( hlei In the
I'ulllpWues, and Hle Kicrllency Lou tier-
ed& Jardeua, Aviles Ueu.ral In Chief of
the /Wealth Armrr In the I'bll.pplues, hare
agreed upou the following:
1. The Stealth !mope, Kuroprun and na-
tive, eepltelate with res city and dcfruee*,
with all hours of war. depuau:ag their
arum In the places desIgua*.•,1 t,y the au-
thorities of the United Stun-, remaining
la the q*arters drslgn.ted .r„I loader the
officers tad subject to tag
the aforesaid C. 8. authorities
lou rt a treaty of peace fi -
■ the two belllgereut nations. All per-
-asnbrb/l is Ike nptrulatioa remelts at
liberty, the Officers rewaluing la lbeir re-
spective' homes, whelk *Mall he respected
as long as they observe the regulations
prescribed for their Government and the
laws In force.
2. Officers @Sall retain their ■Ids arm+,
horses and private property. All pnbile
eorew and public property of all ►lode
s5a11 be turned over to *toff °Meets desig-
naled by the United Stales,
3. Complete triers* lu duplicate of mea
hy organisations and full flats of pub1M
properly and stores shall be rendered to
the United Slates within tea day• from
this date.
4. Aleepleetlons relating to the r.patel•-
tion Of .the officer* ate! men 97 the
for.'iei sob Ortheir Tomas' and et ea-
proses wblcb said repatriation may O.M--
. lon shall be referred to the Clereallignellitli
of the United *farce et Washington.tett ramifies may leave Manila at alq
convenient to them. Tse Totem et the
arm sorreudrred. br_tee epeeist' farces
@ hall take place wheal they evacuate the
Men -met was *5.' Antietam mom Neer.
5. Officer@ and men dacluded In the ea
pltu101on obeli be supplied by the United
Mates .eeording to their molt, with rations
and necessary ■1d as thnogb thee were pel-
t/Poem of war, note the tronelusion of a
treaty of peace between the Petted ata• ,
and Spain. All the funds In the Spanish
tr*.'sury and all other public funds .ball
be turned over to the $rthor'tles of t5e
United (pates.
6.-Tbis 477, Its Inhabitants, Its ebnr0bes
and religious worship. In educational es-
t*bltohment. and Ira private property of
al, description ate plaeed ander the •pro
lel safeguard of the faith and boater of
the American army.
P. 1' (Deem. Brigadier Ortsersl of
Vomnteers. U.S.A.: B. L. Lamberton,
Captain, r -II -:T.: Merles A. Whittier.
Lient.na.t-nnloeei sod In.pe•etor'O •n.
oral: 6. H. Crowder. Lipstein at -col -
panel ■ed Jodie A irecate; N'ebo;as de
Le Pena. Andl'nrfitmeral, 51eta.; err•
los 11.-*.., Colonel de Involve. O.5.;
3os. Marla Olgoen Foil. de Retado.
(Signed) Merritt.
Toronto at. Law195111941. Market.
Rec*pts of farm erud•es:eerirlarge, 3100
bushels of grain. 40 loads of hay and a
'rental supply .( better. ‚Us •ad Pew'
est amid: 1001 Mario .old L fol•
intro: Well, 73c to 74tee, red 73* to 74
Sad /mem 11c to 61414'
Oats steady; 2000 busbe's old st 961 is
*1*. .
Better was more plentiful. The mar-
ket open.d 5ra at lite to 23e per 15. but
e'owd weaker at 17c to 21c.
f w .IIx uttioLat.12c..la-115¢-pet dos.. 10*
-5.1k g. ag at 13e to 14e.
(•hictelu, 4r5* t0 See per pair.
Ducks 351 to 70e per p.lr.
Apple. sold at 61 to *1.25 per bbl. for
ehoke band picked aim as low its 76e tot
windfalls. and 15e to 20c per basket.
Plnno_.D•t-DasksLioa_tn.lac_ .._....
Cblestge Lava, Hoek.
._:.t"itcki•. -Ac'. .'cgs-8etfmitteli t '
eelpts to -day, 11,000; tett over. 22*5*: mar-.
ket active, 5e to 10e blgnet: lights, $3.00 to
14; mixed. $5416 to $4.02%; heavy, 1560 to
13,15224: rough, 13.SO to 4.175.
Cattle--RScelpts 900; da11 ■nd unchanged,
sew York Lave Steen.
New York, Ang. 20,-Beeves-Recelpts,
249; feeling firm, with uo trading cable,
to -dal; exports, 635 cattle and 14:4 quar-
ters of beef.
(.`elves-Reeelpts, 221: market steed!.
VeadR t5 to 65.75 ; Westerns, 16.75 ; city
dressed weals, $9 to 69.1141,
stuffy and Iambs-Reeelpt5, 8663; sheep
firm; lambs slow and lower; sheep. Mt to
$(. 75; choice esthete, $5; lamb.,$5 to 621.50;
cells, el.
Hoyt•--Ree.lpte, 1556; notr'ntIty atelier
$4.20 to 64.50.
l'\ecce Market..
Watertown, N.Y., Aug. W. --Sales of
ebrese on the board of Trade to -day. 40"0
noxa at 7c to TV; bulk, 7'-e, Sa104 In-
clude last week of 4517 and tint week of
1 owan.v8le, (Joe.. Aug. 20.--A( the
Cheese Board to -day 43 fartortes offered
2704 oozen cheese: one creamery 76 bete*
bntirr; lh.• offered for hotter; n0 sale. ;
9011/ Mare cheese .old to le wringing at Sr;
OM wean to J. Whom for 7's,'; 66:1 to P. e'
e. rgu..n for 7tv : :+0 to G. W. Brack or
714,,; tut•I sold. 1.44* tot,'. Board ad -
j .revel -to- .two -See metwe"s - -
~ fleet half -August.
Canton. N.Y.. Aeg. 21. -Rix hundred small
cheese mold at 7cy; IOW large at 71ec; 400
fobs batter, 17tic
Bast Senate Cattle Market.
East Buffalo, Aug. 20. -Cattle --Arrivals
liberal ; fair demand for the best ht Cotte
on rale. A number of Iodide of Canada
stokers were unsold up to noon.
Vests and Calves- -Itrcelpta M bt ; market
easier ; best veste sold. at *6. to 56,30;
cull■ to good, 54 to M.
Hogs -Supply fn Irly liberal. Market
opened stow and p, i. ea for all grades were
o shade lower. Good Yorkers, 54.10 to
14.15; fair to good light Yorker's. 84.00 to
*4.07; mixed p.eker., 114.10 to 64.12; med'-
mum, $4.12; heavy, 14,10 to 64.15• roughs.
63.36 to 13,66; sap, 6275 to $3; pigs, $2.75
to 13.'sad sad Iambs -Market was decidedly
slow aid tower for all grades of tames,
wife sheep ■.d yearlings about steady.
Spring Iambs, choler to extra, *6.30 to
118.15; Sockeye and fair, $6.25 to 53.06; cull+,
14.25 to t; common to eholce yearlings.
to'elected'elected WNato...
G r.v c4.75ed 5.00; choicWeed
64• .t to 1190: Weed
1g to $4.10; 1014 And remmnn
419911,. .
Toronto Jnnotton, Ang. 99.-A wash-
out norurree between 'meant Hill and
Aglntlorari, the resn)t of the downpour of
rain yesterday afternoon. A r.gneet wait
renelved here for an engineer to go o01
and bring 0p engineer Foley's train, u
he was unable to do 1t. Whether he was
lnjn.ed Iq accident or took deli on ba
Journey could not be learned. No damage
1s reported .4x1 tt was selected that t5e
freak would be repaired In three bourn.
Altogether five and one-quarter Inches
of rain fell.
Mr, Iotg►to. MaCletky Qet. It.
Toronto, Aug. 22. -TM McCsrthylet
eln,entici In North Mimeos will be held
at Stayner on Aug. 51, when Mr. Leigh-
ton Me(t.rahy will he Alvin the unanlmons
nomination. It 4 anelerstnod that Mr.
McCarthy will not he opposed by either
the ('nn.srvattves or the Government.
Ae Oft -Tried Foolish Art.
Windom, Ont., Ang. 82. --John Yuman
of Chatham $Nempsel to Jump from e
train three miles cot, of Windsor last
night. And was badly injured In him head
and one hand. T'he hand wit amputated.
He will recover.
Caught er . Circular Saw,
Hespeler, Aug 91.-A. (leiter of Drew
Ian, whits operating a elrilar saw See-
urdey afternoon, had his right hand seri
entity injured by coming In contest with
the waw. Two of his knuckle were com-
pletely sewn off.
Mate ler Ouargla, It From tae Urdu
.1 Oat et Deo. lets.
8uashine and summer weather, how
delightful they and But, like amity
other charming things, they are atwum-
panted by oertalu drawbacks to these
who poems a delicate skis. Poi thew'
the summer months bold a certain
dread. They have a presentiment that
their daiutirrt gowns and prettieat head-
gear will tease to be becoming whim
ouoe the wayward heckle ,Ia11 placed ifd
marks upon their face& Fair women
suffer froeu, there visitants perhaps Moro
thou w.uueu who are brunettes. Bct
these latter are not free front Sheol if
they have a clear white akin. Some-
time' a few of these tiuy spate only add
to the ohirm ut a pretty woawn, but as
a rule they spread over the skin to such
an exteut am to spoil the complexion el -
together. 1t should be borne in miud
that it is not only the direct rays of the
sun that are answerable for there spots.
Reflected glare, either from water or
buildings, has the same effect on a deli-
cate skin. Erste the sterids tight is said
b affect tope complexions in this way.
The first precaution W be observed i.
to select a hat whose brim L wide
enough W give a real shade, esi�mil
when bostiug, cycling or riding. A veil
mart always be Worn, but to be of any
use it should be of gauze and not of
either net or tulle. Blue 1s the best
color 10 wear, but no doubt this is
slightly uubeeoming. White is the next!
hest soles' -or a dark cream. - As to a
parasoLor es tout cam it Mould be your
invariable companion in your walks
abroad, A &cart(et parasol is the beet, ay
by some odd means the skin is not w'
apt to freckle when shielded %thin
Yon must wash your face as seldom,
as possible. When traveling, only do
this at night, and add W the water a
few drops of tincture of benzoin. Before
ping out of doors lightly powder the
hoe with finely pulverized rice or starch
powder. At night yon must apply 50111*
.boon W the face that will have a di-
*5dt action on the freckles, and see that
foot bedroom window is well shaded
'from the light and sunshine and sleet:
with your window open.
One of the simplest remedies is to
wash the faoe in buttermilk before go-
11lglto bei, -'Phis, however, is only suit-
able 1 to " akin tlDd aboald be left
severely eke* if the akin L at all in-
clined to he greasy. A lotion sometimes
used is one-quarter of a pint of oil of
turpentine, in which are dissolved
grams of powdered camphor and elite
pant of sweet almond oil. This most
be painted oto each spot lightly and sep-
arately with a tidy camel's hair brush.
An old time freckle wash. when the
skin is greasy. consists of one cunt•* of
alum, two tablespoonfuls of tenon;
juice, a pint of elder flower water, one
ounce of vinegar, and the ..me amount
of Jamaica rum and alcohol. Another
much tried recipe is al ammoniac, one
dram; distilled water, one pint, and Sao
de oolugne, two fluid drams.
Peel. *1.m Still rt•yl•g Nag Wk.. We
Ceases t• Caaadl.aa .
Port Ilaroax Ills •. Sag 2d.-Uettad
tem Imrnigrans In.peotnr Petit 1s pre-
venting Canadian laborers from Doming
to Ole emintrysnd working during the
harvest, intending afterward to return to
thei, former homes. Saturday he turned
back 26 men who had tickets purchased
over the Grand Trunk to North hikoma
points, refusing them entrance on the
ground that they were violating the alien
labor law.
e.mas»res T. -Day -True 11111 Rendered
by Orad Jerors,
Corny Ionian, N.H., Atag. *I -Supreme
Court of Ronnvmntors 4 Mader al New
Caseate. and the ns. et Thertdu* Potreo
of Se Al.zl. la Ming teed nn a sharp
of murders On Ap*I R last Th.min4
Polder of Bt. AI.,%. 4. Kwtapedia,
Orwinty et Itoaaveetere, dam laid arid
tilled JglSktS Martin shins 1e eldest at
eight ii a Mamma between bee two,
yeome Martis 'tete! Pottier sod 1m re-
cur. 1'nlr1er stabbed Nm 1n t5e seek,
evering an artery. ile.ath WM almost
inetantslwwla Pdiri.r le Orme 10 seam
oM. A true hill was tendered by the
greed juror[. Tee trial will bugle trd•y,
0r5H.5 6lsrkete.
Liverpool, Aug.11-1to. 1 North. spry
&1 to 6s MLittINA' red w�corn,. Se Sed;
pees,! 5l 0- Os
ppoorrtt 6Ia id; lord, les *4: 757,.15 /9s dd
hacoo, heavy, Inc., lbs; neat, 20* 6d; abort
cnt, 10s 06; aerie, white, 37s 6d; colored,
18a 6d.
Llverpnot-Close- eget wbe.t stead at 6+
6d for No. 1 Cal., 6. 2d for Well, Ile 241,1
foe red winter. dr Weed for No. 1 Nor:b-
ern and b Id for lndl.n• futures steady at
6+ Pad ter Sept. and 3s feed for nee. Mat'.
steady at be 154 fen Spot: nature.. 8i rid
for Rev. and M lied for Oct. Plater
305 ed.
Cared .t St•. Atone d• B•.opre.
Ottawa, Ang. fel.-Patrlek J. Holmes,
who for the pail five yeses has b.so a
cripple. returned on Saturday from Bis.
Ann. de Beaaere, praouaily eared. Ten
days ago he went to Ste, ♦sou He was
then unable to walk. having b drag his
feet, with the aid of two crutches To-
day, however, be was able Ie plant both
fest firmly on *aground and had nothing
to aid him but a ams Moreover, h. 1.
able to kneel down, a thing which, oleo.
be wag crippled, he wit never able to do.
Holmes 5.0 • trainmen 011 the Canadian
Paola. Railway.
Killed by an res Wag.. -
Pnint "Awned, Ane. 28.-Ab.On1 6.50
am Setnnisv o bop ,hnnt 7 pare of age
flautist Kee eon of Engineer Kee of the
O.T.H.. at Point Kdwnr'i, was run over
try an lox wa7nn and Iniantly tilled.
Tho aeeeee of mg.•e5*•.
The merit of swoon is oon.ent5atfent
wherever there hail been a great Iib, or ft
;rotas work, that has gone before. Taste
everything $ little, look at everything •
little, but 11.• for ons thing. Anything
Is poesfble to • mag who knows his end
cad moves "'might fee te. and tat u
Ginty • RIa5•*r,
Bather -what sea 1 de ter yen, young
Yoa.gleer--Col dose enrl.e&. M. may.
jtii t beetle on, 'fon no ma 15 gonnin la
.-New York JottwaL
Mam Put the Semapb•rs.
Ingersoll, Ont., Aug. 22.-A collision
took plea 1n the 'yards of the Grand
Trunk Railway at shim place Saturday
eventng, between etpreas train No. 6,
going weer, and a through freight special,
loaded with Chicago meat. The freight
engine 1s a oomplete wreck and the pass-
enger engine 11 partially wrecked. Seversi
cors of mea: were Clothed. The fireman
of the passenger engine 5.a. .lightly in-
jured, .crotched about the had. Traffic
was delayed .11 hours. res wreck was
caused by the passenger trete passing a
semaphore while fall against it. Many of
the p.emeng.ra were shaken up, but no
one was hurt.
A Whale Ceanl,,.ldo Indignant.
Newmarket, Aug. 92. -Owing to the
license having been ent off, bemuse the
town had one ton many hotels for the
population. the North America Hotel
wag practically shot 0p on Satorley, and
the streets were crowded with farmers'
he5'.te'and wagon. which could not get
a000moodatlon elsewhere. A gnat deal
of indignation was mermaid agatn.t the
lienee eomm'sseionee, the Inspector and
the Government -and both parties tipper
eptly Joined In it More aetlon. .11aaa-
(ions are made agaln.t the Inspector than
the commissioners, who see wild practfo-
ally 50 register his will.
e\et In the Body.
Hamilton, Ang. In. -Arthur, the 7 -
year old
•year-old son of Mr. Charles Raymond,
reporter on the Herat/Lents city, was shot
In the stomach Sonday morning et. Mr,
Raymond's borne In Guelph. TM boy was
fimiriebine • revolver, when It went off
and the bullet lodged in his body. Mr.
Raymond happened to he Malting his
family at the time. It Is feared the shoot-
ing will end fatally.
A nes well 5.. been streak on the
farm of Mr. Jaooh Smith, near Ryck-
m511's Corners Mr. Janne Marshall of
Barton is the owner of the Inn.
Rrle4h *tla,n., Wont flown,
Falmouth, lCnglatd, Ang. 21. -TM
Hrltltth stwtm.r 'Inl.win CapS WL hart,
whin* as11ed from Gslve.ton nn .Tuly 90
1or . Roieadant, . gepaylt••'a AMM RO4
5ollly Nand., ystnnlsy night Ina dense
fog, and foundered allured immediately
In 5t fathoms of water. ''Hers was Inst
time to Lunch a haat, end all were rived,
many clad In their night *loth...
With Lipton's r h,,II.e..
Quebec. Aug 23.-Hnn Cherie Ros-
'ell. who tams mer on the Dominion, L
the roam) of Hon. (Tarlo. ritspatrlck. H.
brings with him Sir Thomas Lipson's
@Whinge for the Anisette's
F15►eraa.•s toy Ibwweed.
Port Stanley, Aug. 00.-Mr.Brom
Hnwe, fisherman it, fart Besee, took hie
4-7511r•e14 M 1111115114 i111180rd1"y down M
Lake Ma ANN 9 MNoek Mr. Howe
told the beg b ge beim. 0..tert.4, end
In stepping from one file en another fs11
In and was downed. TM trey was net
mired for an hoar $tter*ud, when the
father went hams A •marsh was 1501111 -
toted and the body reeo*esed.
Little e..eSe Teem Drained
raine dlsgasell. Aug 51, -Oa Ilalmrday .ves-
ing leastst$, the two-ywradd eon el
George Tea" YMt6Pls sweet, was drown -
se iu IM slops se hts pa law Mom
(Bruen Totoolo 0 *id.j
oasts Forth • Story.
, We, the undersigned,
certify that the health
of the Rev, It A-
Bilkey Ma for moon's
been deteriorating,
and that he m now
suffering from revere
1115gyon$ pr.wtration
sad arplstly requires tmmeltate and
prvlgngid mut. J. W. ILoL&ughhw,11 1)
A. B.ith, M.D., L. HuHutd !tad,
M. R.C.S., No.
A reporter called on the Rey It A
Bilkey, rooter 811. John's (Epi.a poli
Cherub, Bowtoaovilte, Ontario, donut
•'thumb 100012on, and on oongratulatmg
him ou the great clutuge for the better In
his appearance, the reverend gentleman
said, '• 11 is due rottenly to Dr. Ward •
Blood and Nerve Pills
" 1 suffered tor over three years from
extreme nervousness, weakness and `,rue
tratiom, and oould 1101 obtain relief. A
few months •eo 11 hso•m only leo ap-
parent that extreme nervous prostration
had set in, as I loot flesh and *pietas
rapidly. Three of oar four medical men
pronounced me in urgent need of tnnnrdi-
ate and prolonged red in order to build
up my nervous system, Riving res a (:ertrA-
eate to that effect. About this tone, by
pure oxidant, Dr Ward's Blond I and
Bores Pills were brought to my notice.
1 decided to try them, and on doing s.1 a
deaided change for the better took plea
$$ once. I hate since continued taking
the pills, with continued and marked lanes
44.red taiproyeateat. My $ppetlte by "
returned ant gaining in flesh aseaddy,
sad my paws& health is now gored.
Yorthee. r as are that thea results
am due to the action of Dr. Word's
Blood and Nerve Pills, and I have every
confidence that tb.y will do for others eft
that they have Joos for me "
nen care'. mad W Nem FIM se eda et Ilk R Itst
{ lose ter K Y pr*.,Ina w •ryys,05 1
s. , r Used Oe., 71Ylcada U5*0, :re J a{! tf
l r•olisa p5. - - -
Sew te Weak Oates ram
Under ordinary conditions, the fare
needs washing but once a day, and that
1n the morning. A rotary motion with
the hands during the bath 15 6zailent
A stooping position over the begin tr
ball. tuc.lhe tuna lea 41f the lan. 71-•
fate should be held erect during manip-
ulation. The face should be dried with
a oft tr7w1, also with a rotary motion.
The tldly skin may be improved by fre-
quent manipulation. It helps to normal•
Wo have read in aorta sad story
Of 'the mail behind the gal."
!e 1. give. .Ii the glory
of tlr wttlea teal are weft,
They are Alums up the ~WO ----
Bub his apotheo.la,
Aad doer tell about hes esters
wbtls the .bells above him Ida
51.4 behind the ertmy gamier,
St•.dfrt through tee wild ledge *
Wanda • greater god df bettlia -
'Tl, the *.s who desks the gestin
When bbd sky le rat with 15us4r
A •, 1 15. •halt screws. teroegh tM s4,.
WI eel.. fort le rent meads?
A.,; dwtruatloS revels there.
when the men la Ilse get rethinks
oto glory er to wee
11115 W saddened charges eras\i1g
Zeroed elm are lying low,
There is es* bet foe whose laborjs,
There could be so wild babbitt,
Aad the grossest god of betties
Is the man who desks t5. grub.
That of metre with armee plating?
15551 of castled on the Might •
Blum of .n11ou• captains out Ing
While the careful maser sights?
what of .0 tha foot rats rites?
What of ma vette valiant averts?
Tamm were bat 10100Mut 1I'1t1N,
But in.on.•gwentlsl part
Of (h• whole. wttbsst the fellow
Who meat moor, scraps and serail.
For t5• greatest ger of battles
Is the m.11 who embus the grab.
-Cleveland leader
'Trau sa% l.g e
Oa **western coast of Promos there la
.114 MleMsmmlty a strange phemetwou•
5.14071 Iii dmllbgl 11 Ma maw ghee w
"Swami , e
Ise the porta. The movement should be
upward and outward. A paste of fine
fable salt is excellent for a healthy akin,
but should not be used under other con-
ditions. It should be moistened with
or water. Rub it well over the
not oftener than once a week.
Wei oft thoroughly, and dry with n
salt newel Thie sandpapers off some of
the cuticle and stimulates the papilla'
5.d capillary circulation and promotes
.healthyenodition, my. a complexion
sip c3aiLot wbo gives the foregoing ad -
..dean KIM5•a rumen..
Wooden kneading boards are declared
unsanitary. In their plsoe in the modern
kitchen are found heavy marble or glass
trays, which are more easily kept clean.
The molding board is now declared to
be one of the places where cl inspec-
tion fs needed by boasewive wbo .pl
prtx'iate the ubiquitousness of germs
and microbes. Indeed, arsine housewives
who have made domestic science their
hobby will not allow dough to be knead-
ed et all by land, bat insist that the
same process, or very nearly, be accotn-
pltebed by a large spoon, says an ex.
51.w .ad leeeoadeg C•Ifar..,
Signs of a modification of the present
style of hairdressing are indicated by
the original coiffures shown in the ant.
Their charming effect hardly need. de-
scription. The light fringe of slightly
curled hair over the forehead, the grace-
ful waves gathered into% knit set quite
low st the heck or slightly higher, so -
WITS C llnifi l 18770*.
coding to the taste of the wearer, form
am srra.gemcnt with mush to venom
mead it from an artistic point of view.
Its simp118lty and softness also give a
most becomingly youthful air. Some of
oar English crossing, with whom this
method If dlorpotdng the front hair °rig -
be tted, have appropriately dabbed it the
"aherah "
'reliably B. t.. Il lifer. Rea.
"I have made one man unhappy tot -
day," ofd the.nonemfnl author.
' Whom," .eked hie wife.
"Old Rgneeezeflint. He asked for my
aatngreph, and 1 mode oil • check fa
a dollar gird signed it. 1 know he is in
misery thinking of that dollar heeded
have "-Indianapolis Jaunts'.
Clow sod aM10e.
The First Taiste--How clear sod
bright it Is lathe west
The Seated Yate --Why mot; The
raptaia bee bomb sweepthg the hada*
with kit glad..-Indtanapotis iouefal
At Hemmen the jury's verdict was
that Dr. Htllyer came to 1.4 doth frim
an unknown rause. Tom (onion swore
they could not veli the cause of death M-
enus the body was 50 badly deeompmed.
Buffered ten years from weak bent
action and nervousness.
Cured by Wilburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills
No trade or pofeasio$ is .maompt from
disease or derangement of the beset and
sena The preemie of work -id the
mental worry aro bo.lnd to predate mina
odssequeoose sooner or Lbs.
Yr. Oeste Campbell. the wea•ksows
aerda. raker of 21sni boa, Ont., said 1
"I have bass troubled off sad on for ten
yeses with weak action of m heart and
nervousness. Frequently my heart would
palpitate and flatter with peat violence.
alarming t5. .za.edingly Often I eharp pada in my beam mid ooald not sleep
well et night. I got • box of Mahone*
Hart and !terve Fills end from them de-
rived almost Imm•diata benefit. ITh They
-stored vigor to my nerTea•nd egrergtheae4
mirrors rve or bort trouble, and suablieg me
lo_get re•tfal, healthy slep
Milbara'e Heart tied Nees. Pills eery
pib�o• 16ropbty, dlwy and faint
rp.1L, nervousness, sl.apMaem5s5t w.ek'
nem, female lroablec•tter.f obofpipp1r
.Se. Pito 601 a box or 6 for 51.1111, Man
druggists. T. Milburn &0e., Toronto, Out.
LAZA-LIVES PILLS tirea /S6MNeastlp'
ilea•psre • MaM
Prim lee. st ell
ver• nes