HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-8-25, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THUU»AT, Aug. 25, 1898. f, CLEARING SALE OF SUMMER FOOTWEAR ST. N. Itt.uNe to Shaw gods. O O O In order to make room for our large stook d Fall and Winter Goods now arriving, we have decided to sell every pair of L.diea Mines' and Child- ren's Colored Low Shoes at coat. Here aro a few prices : Ladies' two -button ,trap,silk vesting front Oxfords, were `2.00, sale prior $1.75. Ladies' Ch000late Oxfords, patent tip and facing, were $2.00, sale price $1.76. O 0 0 GEO. PRICE War Side of Square, Ooderbh. COMING AND GOING. Chao. (Jarrow was In Clinton se Sant - day. Wes. Campbell was is Clinton oft Satsr- J. L. Killers., ef Salortb, was la tows P ridgy. Mr. Me#tls, a Sarnia, .Wind trioode be teen We week. W. Priestliest mode a short vim; to Sarna last week. Miss McKoy, of Salmi, yi..d frauds a tows net week. Vast Clark. of Cbatbii. Miss Bartle Yetis Miss MAW (ktdt has retaried frees • vans to Pert Hares. A. Lamest. a Mesa* ieint, wee la tows Moran ..d Tessdoy. Mrs. Goo. Crewman sad child, of Toron- to, are violin, to tows. • H. J. D. Coate, bsrrbur, el Hunan, was is tows as Meade,. Peter Dass, of Tursberry, b visiting his snughter, Mea Venetia. mei Jessie Slaan, of Toronto, is the guest of ter mea%, f3. 81.•.. Mies D•vb bee gime to Mistrwl to take • nesse .1 tesla sg as earn. Wes. Benny is sit Loodea, where be will resale for several weeks. J. M. Best. barrister, of Seaforth, spat S..aey with kis family a tows. Mims Georgia De Bus of Berlin. is vbtMag her him& Miss Jessie Thomson. es. C. V. Shannon /aft as Suedav worsts' Io make • two weeks' vide at Detroit. P. Dasa, sed a Thea Deas, Wanton, is vldtbag ler awn, Me. V•nallor. S. F. Garrey, a T.ueslp, is opesdky • psetlne .f the holidays ot his home hers. a J. A. Boyd. whines' of the B.Ueet rialto eebeel, was is tows se Saturday last. John Tighe teak the alp to Bush Ste Marie end r.tun es the Cumene Int week. isms 01lisp, el Pert Albert public arhoi, ate la tows Saturday sad Sumday. J. T. Carrow, M. P1'., reamed to Tres - to Me•d•y afters',. after • saes` say in tetra - - Mim. Bess wt.. Momdsy to nand the femoral of ber Sober. Mrs. Brows, •1 Credit Fleets. W 1'. uncleas amid wile, of New York, are vilifies has brother la-isw,Ress lt•stall, o f thb tows. Mara Wm. Moisten .ed Mn. Cha* Raid retuned S•arday .walling from • vide to Peet Rowse. Mr. H•Ipewy, ef TerwaP. fgeitiragg Mw days is Sew•. r ..spaey friend. Alias MesM,,,__;;- Jos. Sestet`, of asks, w. Is few. Saturday. pcauatuyle etwdine the Vel - Milan l nsrets b/.A Will Browess, d laserth, who b wash - Ise is Sbopvrdlw. woo a tows S•tgd•y, ✓ emewag sag aeintanees. Min Genie. wee epee. s.vwat mambo le hews wile her Brother. W. 0. Geed., has Mama to B.wmenville. T. L. Armstrong, of 'EJ..nbsrg. wa the g••M el W !rimes. Ow. M. Cox, while visiting here the pose week. Heath A. Bale left limb week for Whits TWIN TORTURERS! Lumbago and Rheumatism made H by Dodd's Kidney s. Lumbago teed Rheumatism cause endless pain and suffering. Every man and woman who runs chances of getting wet, or catching cold, is liable to suffer from one or both. Our hospitals are full of sufferers from these diseases ; none are more pain- ful. Every serve is on fire ; every joint is a centro of agony ; every mus - de an area of torture. To move band or foot makes the victim shriek with agony- Rheumatism gonyRheumatism makes more cripples than all the railroad accidents that ever happened. Twisted, mis-shapen caricatures of humanity, who cannot walk without misery, are to be seen every day. The kidneys are to blame. If they are healthy you needn't fear Rheumatism or Lum Dodd's Kidney Pills keep the • healthy and cure Rheumatism and mbego. Dodd's, Kidney Pills ALWAYS cuss bah Point, Lake Sopsrier, to sat as share bard for the Booth Fuh Co. Mims Ai/grand Master Wills Knox have returned bate after • pleasant •Ido te Weeds In Huller at Silverbta Hall. Roy Mateo returned to his home at Ayr on Saturday atter • mit of several weeks is tows. While her* he was the guest of 8. Wean. Mugu Ada sad Olive Maleprioe,who have WOO vioaing at Jetta Baa. s. left Monday for hits sad Blyth Wore returning to thou home in $taO..ls. J. M.Multea, M.P.,of Mount Forest,pald Uoderue a brief vat thin west. During his say tar tows be ma . goodly moans a ear prominent reakbesa. Mrs. D. M. Cards sad .Andral, of Lachine, are goods(' west. milk Mr. sed Mn. W. A. Harrison. Dr. Masa wee to tows for • suet time. Kim N.lito Soyd.r. .1 Conestoga, tad Mw Alta Snyder, of 8t. Jacobs, who ,isms u p to attend the Chautauqua Assembly, left mi Moody afternoon. W bole here they wore tee goers .1 tat Misses M.K.e ie. Allis Moore. of Itownmaville, is visiting the old town after au absence of several years. Our old tiod.etob boy is row one o1 ire progressive basis.' ma of ifiwma.- vllis and is proprietor of • flet-ol•es hvwy. Geo. R. Bsob•nsa, son of James Radian ea of ibis town, woo ha tom with the Am. eri.ms ray u Cub., u oa his way bomn seed will kiwi visit his bow bare before reesul0g W dating at Seals Ste. Barn. W • regret te lain that Ed Pawnor., re orally ef 1)ovat, Ms bars takes down► meth typhoid fever is Syracuse, N.Y., sad w n 8t. Joseph's hospital of that pity. He le, however, Neth,` along roily. Ed has bees transferred to Syracuse, assuming the sus• .gamest of that brasoh. H. tropia. a•meyer of Vancouver, B.C., with his wife sed family, arrived recently from the (oast, sad intends to roman hast. Mr. Collies has goes to visit potato farther met, and leu family are the gone of A. P. Moises. Hares rued. G. M. Elliott, who lett on the harvesters' exsermos net week, will visit a outer is Mantas and another in Dsketa during his easy oat West, which w111 extend over Ove or sx woks. Mr. Elliott'. heath has nos ben geed aid be upsets it to be bendlttod by the trip. J. A. Gregory lett op Saturday to spend • few days at hie home at Exeter. He lave* this week for the West, bus Immediate d/rNeatea beteg Regina. W e andewetsad that Mr. Gregory is inclined inwards the study of taw sed may eater the legal pro - forma is the West W hat..., Dallier be ry.been, end wherever he may pursue M we wish bhp aje•sd•nt s•eoess. Imbmq, I.smedy s.aelp•l el the fisa,elsb phjae Wheels and sew iup.otr d w pas d8ssbi of Feel scanty, is w we.dlsR end days la town emus Il Blade bas aegsalansae. This is ler. leglerpieutvisit to Men shie mama w Nearly tea years ago, sed 1• remarks spas the many improve. swats eibeeid a the awn dartos tbo period of hie absentee. His .on Leo 1. now • low stadeet, sad !'rod. is is the M.rohsats' Bank at B••mpton. A NOVA SCOTIA CASE. Ngmtaeaaby •'Wdeeabaa flil.e.. x114 M.asgns., N. 8., Aug. 22- Ne man is hewer hewn to the travels, sad own - 1 111•111111•, is fait provisos than is W▪ UYset Gerston, proprietor of the Ray V bed Hotel here. A• int 'sting sietsmet is made by Mr. Gerona, sed reads this 1 bake pleasure is entifytng to the mer - ib. .l Dsdd's Kidney Pills. Two yeah ago. I was safaris, trees severe pains is my hook erased by Kidney trouble. I an two bones of Dodd's Kidney Pills sad meed thew, mod my oompislnt was com- pletely entad. I have not had the sliahtest pais dare." To s11 vlotims of Kidney Compal`` there 1e Ilse way of "soaps from their suffering. That is by. osis, Dodd's }tidally Pills. Th., always oars FALL FAIRS. G*.AT NORTHWESTERN. Ooderioh, Sept. 27, 28. po. 1.dastri.1. Termite. Aur. 29 to Sept. 10. Western, Ledo., Sept. 8 to 17. Northers, Waikato'. )opt. 14, 15. South Ham. Rana, Sept. 19, 20. Hares 0..Mal. Clinic., Sept. 90, 21. T.otereoitb. Beaf.rtb, Rept. 22, 23. North Perth, Stir•tford, Sopa 22. 23. 't.rnbeny, WI.gb•m, Sept. 27, 28. Her.. Township, Ripley, Sept. 27, 28. Stint Wwwosh, B.Ignv., Sept. 29, 30. Merrle, Bflyeb, Oot. 4, 6. Bfaet Maros, Braman, (ht. 6, 7. Rites Pare Halt for table or dairy. - CHEgP - SCHOOL BOOKS FOR SCHOOL OPENING. THEE TCMPtRANOE OOLUMN• /WITS') sY THS W. C. T. U. TWaage uss to law • great sthis aehkta8. Ws seed the stop, the school, uhurobes, factories sad elbow., all thew for the ea hgbtam eai, the oumfort sad the uu, build ing of our people, but we hate so nod for the sicca. " The poises habits of s natio. eau be oared by an appeal to the intellect, through reason be the beam, thruu,h sympathy, sed to the uos.cleuw, through the moN•es o1 robotics.. `fat the tr.tho in thio poisons ens W bat oesuolled by lar,"-lrasols W UI•rd. W.UI.1, as BO tAL,oNs. Rev. Georg. IJ. Bleak, Mia•apoke :-I1 o ur Cbristiaa peol.le is this city were half as ei•lwert as they oomelima thank they are, sad if tiny had the mo .r via« oa this, the greatest of ell ganMa., that they dis- play on some tri.W mattrs,tb.re would be so saloons is Iltmseemolb. THS 11a0T DAY. Frssoes WIUard:-Ws Ohribttaos, whoa we unite our forces, are simply Irresistible. Let us, Oleo, in tan r•m0 el red and ham - mit), oomlioe heartily ata4net slavery, druakeaoeee, lust, rambling, Igeoraaa, pauperism. Mormonism, and war. Afar then vtotorles are won we will an bine moots dilhoulty in settling all our `boom``' al od 000latattcal differences, and the glory of Cod, which Is the happiness es mos, Intl Ell the whole earth. - Tile POTATO NUG AND !neo -.-~W. Temprssee Caw : - Hem wash injure my business! Ask y.m/W..s the gaieties. how dose the potato bug injure the pirate swopand the .Dower will be : 11 seeks tie Iag aid snbetaase tress the vine sad laves a poor, impoverished and sant swop where Wight have bosh, bad it n ot bees for the bag, • large crop of good potatoes. The same wlt0 saloons. They would mit up the money that oats fated its way to the shoe store, for comtort•ble footwear, end the result would b., bushiest would be led active and eosin. who sow l •bust with their feet well olsd, would tee he obliged to to almost barefooted. .A031E130N & SON C pc(s Hilleor -UM l English Tapestry Carpets, 27 inches wide, in neat patterns, for Parlor, Dining Room or Hall, regular 60c., all cut and double linen sewed, at 50c. a yard. All -wool 36 inch wide Oarpets, at 50c. a yard, regular 75c. Yard wide Floor Oil Cloths in new pat- terns, at 16c., regular 20c. Scotch Linoleums, 2 yds wide, in any pattern, special at 45c. yard. INSPECTION INVITED. Butterick's Famous Patterns. W. ACHESON. & SON MILLING A BIRTHRIGHT. Bishop Doss : -A `hint mar he bat it onset be made right by soy earthly law whoa it is wrong a000rdu.g to bigbe i•w. The solo of Liquor on Snaday b worse lbw say ot►rr day bans the works ins mag in thou at Ieisa.• sad the mon subs j.at to taeptetioa, sad b.osok Doi has 1 reoeived has week's w Itis moperil. e>r thee the ate df dyosmtt. re or potooa ; Leman dysamits and poison are flagged, a it were, by the red fly of danger ; but whiskey has no snub donor sago•!. The laborer is selling W brtbrigbt of aed.nsn- dosoe nor for n N a patage, bot for • mat of law. Priem are what speak in School Supplies. We have special advantages In buying, and if you want to save money read carefully this advertisement of School Books and School Sapplies. C6. b r'sDeitm netiar , reg. 111.25, school op Zobrist's Ndionary, reg. 111.25, aehool operas( pries Rhe. High School Grammar, reg. 75e, High reboot opening a price Roe. Reader, reg. 60c., school opening price 54e. Spud& discounts on Public School Books. Faber's Drawing Pencils, 10e. don, ins la seep. Perkee Sept Ya1ns, 2 for be or de. auk Ti ON* ilii Al*HNSNI's AND `A AIM, British Temperance Advocate :-Abstis- oco from straw drink would inevitably result Ino Screwed dossed for necessaries and l.gitimete luxuries ; this iooroased demand would mean loorsased pi-oda:Ana ; taore•asd products(' would meso anore•ned wage- psymg, with • large number of wags earoers. sod then extra wigs-eerserrs would, in their tura, booms snore sed sea- sute ra 8o would the wage 'arrogate *se- ises to rise until the whole area of avail- able labor would be drawn apo iI. order to .apply motel wants, and thus would be resoled the highest possible plans of uob• versa, oomfort. ea far se that comfort oam be abased by the atter of wages. W H.L5 THE aeOPONUINILITY &RBD4. The minister' of the 'harsh are especially reepenehlsi ler the weave eosoolemse a the people on all moral giantess. They. ot .11 others, reflect, energies, and patrol the seatimosto of the commselty, and they ought to pee and realise what God and bum• wity require as their hands on this most momentous ouesttso. The obroh should lad on morel questions, net be led ; and the oburoh meet me that there is we other gaieties so intimately assented with our moral raponeibdlty a this. We ose.ot keep morals oat of religloo any more than we ao tee, the son out of the alar system or water out of the ocean, and on this quo - Mon of liquor selling tt ie .01 so much the west of knowledge e. It is the want of morel courage. 29! Pen Points, 4 for lc. 6 Slate Pencils for lc. Covered Slates, Sc., 10c., 1$c., 15c. The biggest valve ever offered in Scribbling and Exercise Books : 100 -page Scribbler, le. 820p0eW ge Scribbler, fib. pecisl 800 -page, 1 for 5e. or 3c. Basil' . Special 500 -page, 50. each. These prices aro Strictly Cash. Rulers and Blotters given away with school •upplie.s PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, Court louse Square, QODIRICH THS TINT Or GHRIBTIAN I'.HARAITRR. The individual meenbsn of the Christians church are under special obligations to orry out the dooeremes "ad triton's o1 ()twist. Not to do this would profs that they had no olaim to ,disslpleobbp or sal sympathy with Him or His ch'ee`r. Tb. an this, `ba* Christ Christ t•.gbt showe all other', ams welch He required net only as the test of character, bus as the test et love ,cid devotion to Him, was doses good to others ; and Ibis was to .how er•otlally se interest in the welfare of others. Hts severest de isouttoos were against these who ads ealy • protases of this devotion. ommerning whom H. said : " Ye pay tithe of mist, anise sed oumof., and have omitted the weightier atter of the law- jodgm.at sad mercy. These oath• ye to have dose, and not to leave the other oedema" 1• Smokers' Requisites: Sc Cigars: Perfecto General Brock Marietta . Cigars : Boston Irving Vail (MY `1 oGaccos : Capstan Royal Club Pioneer T. & B. Myrtle Cut Tonka, etc. F. IL DUNiAll, • Pianist. STILL ON DECK t BICYCLE LIVERY II you want to learn to ride the: wheel, fig., YULE']. If you want Repair*, Tou will find a vulcanizer, a brazier, an enameller, and a competent workman PROHIBITION TH. DUTY or OUR DAY. Cando Presbyterian :-The liquor Traf- fic le gsserslly .dmlwsd to be the In= evil of ear day. The Hoa Wm. R Clod• "tone gays. " It destroys meds live* oho war, famine and postilions." Charles Wag• ter. gig , a lading writer ef /reran Is his '.cont work " Youth," P. 117.119, speaks out ,tronrly of the evils of the bar. a.4 its fearful results la Fres.' and en the On - theist of Karel., s say prohibitionist t■ Cuda amid d., and he ears tbseeovbbere a the (Moreno thee. A11 the aerobes of ear Dominos academes It. Ths Presby• win (,'baron gays : "Ths general trete is Intexlatieg Ilq.ors h oonlr•ry to the Wird of (Bed sed to the spirit of the Mere Mae religious. No ozone en be offered for legailrlor a 'waffle that is fruitful ally Ie miswy sed crams. Loth, `hos, at tin ,:- tent of this tnfBe and the misoblet It does. Loather authorities snob as Oases Wilber - fan oud Aro8dssoo. Farrar este the sem. her of drainards destroyed y.•Hy I. &'sails toad Irdeed se at lent 65,000. Aad the Now York 0.0115(1. Review. of Oita, 1802, rookie* the ember in the Dated swam .ane 80,000 wad dote my '7,000 a Owlets I that le ever 150,000 In the three steinCiliMores omelette is the wer4d I them It w. .44 nearly 100,000 far the reef of the world we bare setae 260,000 'p.n..s des- troyed yearly by the &leer tress. And this awful destruction gees es veer by year set of ea army of 800,000 be 4,000,000 drwbsrda This the liquor tease fame.. `sere mbwy thea alt ether sills that .yb s. This tnOe oleo is w neatest kl.itsmo te the awveroles ef nal world to Arise 'rbtkttampruSe io 4W ef..'slw Aswlw sense% t.ldiw. aid traders le ht.t'w,teds etre found le M the greatest Nmhssee a the .al•wesem of the barba i{f. weeder that they seownheen retsina eslasb.aTiss that they have bore seed le ewvsrt thele ewe people 1W to maMQr1111ase el thea ma* s emelt Om be fin eMWhrhM v* ea theft *ea esaialtveiii 8e tin touted Mw ((77yyreY1lw Math marrying rmi limier late laths AM sea. oast bea*bo. dsaa*fles, .e.mtet• dos tin Ate, d the mb>tbi.r4« le 05.5.- 54.04.5581 asthma Everybody is Talking about CANTELON'S J'LOTTR _Wirt received another oar load hobs. Fie ha sow on hand - the best brands or Flour that the world ma prod uoe, LABS OF THE WOODS Alfa - OGILVIE'S rams wuslwsci WILY. Made frog` No. I Hud Wheat. He also keep the beet broads of Ontario 'Flour. rPeople buying flour will do well by calling oo D. Natal**. Mb wtioal baker. sed 88 will tell 1o. how to blend the Manitob• and OrAs vs t*le'sr tagothw w Min haw • Meati - tel Family lion ata reaeoade price. Orden wlU be promptly attended to in PUFF PASTRY, ROLLS or OYSTER PATTIES At YULE'S. If you want Good Wheels and Best Attention, be sure and go to the old and reliable YULE'S BICYCLE LIVERY Ohms i The wee d sweat Rabe. ;pleb Mies**hes hew es Mies** health fee mass tine, t w ga*ilei e mob t lige wee be ken • tee bet Miwlial MW w11twfAsles itell KINGSTON STREET. GODERICH. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TKR BEST gars Scrailly Coal IN TH0 M.LRKRT Ail (assl wed ea the Nernst Scales, wbor you net MOO flea ter • ton. arra. LEE. Orders WY •t I.ii . i Stere 'inaptly ansedd be. CkTTLE BROS Plumbers wedding takes with Algaend Icing • specialty. Steam -Fitters .. Tinsmiths Have removed to West gide of the Spuare, next Sturdy Bros'. Grocery, where they will be pleased to see all their customers, and sea many mere aa will favor them with a call. West aide Sg6see, D. CANTELON. PL.tNI( fi. cei SILL. EITAKIINE llucliaualls & liliyuas trAaVPAt7TVRsme BABEL DOOR and BLIND Dealers Is all `tads h1 LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES Amit h.0atlte Wlisi4•i ef ever/ deet lodes Moor FarMitare a Snecialtl Iron Peuei. BBRXILLER NURSERIES mon Trait sad Ornaaaaatal Trees at lands Price. EVER( IREEN8 A SPECIALTY. Our 'took ot Frult Trees belay Complete. we will be able to Ili Weirs at .otic., se we bare the Best sad Ing Verbatim et Apple. rear, Plass. Cher'')', ins Para Trees. Mae . Large .seek of Small resits. ()all and .xsmine !took sad be convinced. Lem Stook of Choico Spring Rodding Plants. Pries lAtt mailed se •pplleatlea. Address JOHN STEWART ESTATE RUMMILL= P.*. we iialiateetry M+ ay Ih•1 els has .>M M e1N.esg bus Inseam l 8. Meant • GODERICH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. OHRYSTAL, l/wesnar to Okrsuial ♦ 81at, m•aataotarsr of all kinds of BOILERt3, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc., Aad Dale' le - Engine, Machinery C•stlags, Aa, A11 Mese of Pipes •md Pip. Flttlmgr Steam amd Water (Baan,. Globe Velvet, Valves, Isuplrators, Sinters sed In• }soon 0.0.amtdy al Hasid .1 Lowes P0... A spsdal IL' of Steel Water and Hos s for use of farmers sad other. Rosslr'ltg promptly trended to A. L OESTSTAL. 00.1. P. 0. Box A. Go4erteh. Canadian Pacific Ry. IS THE DIRECT FAST ONLY - ALL•CANADIAN - LINE T1 TUE FON Manitoba, the Northwest, KlondikeandYukon Gold Fields. I am Agent for the "Dennis" Iron Fenc- ing ; also all kinds of Gas Pipe Fencing put up sub- stantially. Samples of Fencing can be seen at Mr. S. P. Halls' residence on North-st. ; also at Mr. P. Lynn's new residence. Prices and workman- ship the best. Give me a call for Iron Fencing. J. ILWORSELL TI= XA Ci ODERIGH DRUG AND CHEMICA L8 APS 1(*WD.D SVIRT DAY IN THE MTC VANILLIN F'or Ice Cream, f instance, and BAKING POWDER For Cakes. One is a Drug,of course, the other a Chmical, and there are still others : SPICES, CREAM of TARTA ETC. The beet place to buy Drugs is at a Drug Store. Tko druggist knows more about them than other people do. We keep a good drug store. •, and see us abuse'" Kitchen Dugs. J. E. DAVIS, ]¥DECAL HALE. PHM. 50c. on the $. R. Be, SMIIi. C. W. ANDREWS, !'tanager. HURON'S GREATEST STORE WATCII US UNLOAD! Great Clearing Sale of General and Fancy Dry Goods at R. B. SMITH'S. Balance of the Snowden (Berlin) Stock to be sold FOR THE HOLIDAYS: At LOWEST RATES. FASTEST TIME. ACOOMMODAiION UNSURPASSED. 3 TOURIST CARS A WtEK TO THE PACIFIC COAST !snn ed.reatg •fid welch. " Rlndlks end Tahoe Bell FNM. tree. Apply to R. PtADC II..IFFE O zarr. - ceomatinzo5&. INSPIAlises Sill tat fNl• ass chug. correct thing is to have the best your visitors. and you can get the GROCERIES STURDY BROS. THE SQUARE, GODERICH. OP CLEkRINC WALL SALE or PAPER FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS We will offer oar Stock of Well Paper ata very large redaction in peke. Now is your time to get your house papered for very little money. Oof111s and get Bargains. JAMES YATES, BOOKSELLER AND, STATION'S. Next loor to G. W. Thomson's Music Store. WINDOW SCREENS DOOR SCREENS ELEPHANT WHITE LEAD BINDER TWINE GOLD MEDAL and OTHER BRANDS HAY FORKS MACHINP3 OILS ETC., ETC., DTC. ALL-- PERSONS BththING this Season contemplating • will find it to their advan- tage to purchase from this up-to-date hardware establishment. am selling Blacksmith's Hard- ware very low. My motto is to please all persons wanting goods in my line. intend quality, price, and fair dealing to be my best advertisement. R. W. M°KENZIE OF TBS OBSAP BARDYARZ MILL taatit:.. a