HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-8-25, Page 4Mg a platform speaker of more thus
ordinery abilityand as one of her
numbers during the convention will
be • " parliamentary drill,' we believe
it would not be out of place for the
aspiring politicians who hanker after
the West tfuron nomination to
fo,m • clam and ,o ander the good
lady's instruction.
--There is more than one Man ill -
at the Philippines [hese days.
-We would like to bear the con
*table's opinion on the eaistabloe' vote.
-Admiral Dawnr'e name is now
pronounced Ihd_It by troop ly loil Americium
-Now that prohibition has become
a live que.tiou Hon. (;Rutwt: Et•I..tM Ferree
shows gigue of having been att:ukul *ilh
another " moment of weeklies.-
-It isn't settled yet whether
Rootage of Melil4r.z will 6creafter be
known ea the Tam's 1j ;i,,,, or the ram be
kiiowi, as Hop;,Nb' ram; but as the ram has
proved an alibi, it look, as if the laugh
would Is tau Hop:tia.
4 fitments, Aug. 35, 1$96.
E.B. ff M.H.
are an appreciative people;
they know • good thing.
They tell ua our livery is the
beat they have ever patron-
ised, and appreciate the easy
running qualities of the wheels
we keep and the attention
given them. Pleased custom-
ers are the best advertise -
manta ; that's the kind we
at prions from $10 up in second
band wheels, each onotite very
Lest value to be procured.
Call and in.pe:;t them.
Wapiti &ad Music House, and
(Cleveland ('yule Livery.
r roicmarn . . -
-Things ere getting beautifully
miimt. It now turn out that. there was
either no ram Dean at the Agricultural Col
lege, Guelph, or if there was a ram there, it
lasn't-Howinn'Taertho lint &Other Ta,
versa. IL/boyars not metal hi -iieslliug
time things they will drop into profanity.
--1be two beat advertised men. ire
aurora county just cow aro J. T. MARROW,
M.PP., and D. MdiILLlcopay. The one,
it is claimed by the Tory press, pinched a
einatituency from the Tories at the last
election, and the other is alleged to have
*moped a dredging contract quite recently.
It to uuneveesery to say that m aoah grow
the Tory press is wrong, ea MatayL
H0001NS' RAM.
THIS L tbs skry of H0001116' ram :
Away 1r4bg 401:yids of the past,
Honours, who is now the representa.
tive for North Middlesex intheLngia-
lature, was the proud possessor of a
ram which had grown old and infirm
in the eervioe of his master on the
(rolling meedoyland.._91 NArtft Mid.
'""'"H ; wbsn the- ram sli;1.6e. n,
his best days, a stranger passing that
way offered to take him, with a con-
sideration attached, in exchange for a
horse, and HooGINg, of that ilk, quick-
ly made a lead -pipe cinch on the offer,
fearful lent the stranger should re-
cover his senses and balk.
There was an interval between the
purchase of the ram by the itinerant
stronger and a visit of Mr. HOUOIete
to the Agricultural College at Guelph
-it may have been years, and it may
have been decades, but that is not
pertinent to the story. At the Agri-
cultural College Honoriiu site • ram,
and after doing a lot of thinking lie
came to the conclusion that it was the
ram between whom anti himself the
wily stranger had stepped in.
The ram that Hon(;Ietl saw was in
good condition, but, believing it to be
the animal which he had disposed of,
Monona) thought his age was against
him for practical purposes at the
Agricultural College ; besides, what
did the animal cost the Government
in good Canadian scrip I
The ram was aged, but well looking
withal, and as M000INM gazed upon
his fine proportions he could not get
oat of his mind the well-known lines
on " Darby's Ram " which the poet
had given to the world :
This ram was fat hehind, sir,
This ram wee let before ;
This ram was tea years old, sir,
Indeed, it was no more ;
The meat upon this ram, sir,
Fed forty thousand men,
Three times hither and over,
And over and hither again.
The wool upon has hack, sir,
Hong down to the ground,
And this ram wr mold to Darby,
For furty thousand pound.
At the March electrons Honours
was elected to the Legislature, and
one ot his first acts at the session now
sitting was to make hie statement in
the matter of the ram which he had
disposed cf to the stranger in the
sweat long ago, and to ask for partic-
ulars as to the ram which he had met
r when be visited the O.A.C. at Guelph,
r a guest of the Province, with the
visiting contingent from North Mid-
dles= Farmer.' institute.
We have not followed the ramifies -
Nom of the case lately, but we are
pleased to learn that H000tws now ac-
ges that he was mistaken in
beliefs and opinions concerning
aged ram that he disposed of in
that the animal he saw at the
A.C. was not one and the mine
that famous prise getter at North
x fall fairs, and that the ram
now follows that of the calf
the Dough, and the hog with the
gently down 'the stream of tune.
county convention of the) W.C.
whish will he held in the Tem -
Hall Ther.day and Friday of
week. ppoeias to be an import
is claimed that every part of the
will be represented, and if that
an impatient eassting will re -
the pe'omibeet temper -
will be Mn, Tioatrtay,
PtovindWl Prsshlent, and
Of WIndlis., Osuaty
bomb of idiom will be hi
the sserrentien.
He menu ma A sue'K DNR.
Hamilton Theis ; The fellow who ma
get hardheaded John Hull to believe that
by reetriotia' or otetrnoting the free adios-
j-breadstuIIa into Orem Bruen* be would
not be working toward scarcity and dear -
near is fitted xo Make •.loses, moos.s m
the gold brick or flim darn business
* * *
Paris Trensoript : Another tramp has
been emrishine a revolver near 1Desrsoll.
The sumer of a murderous pegleg at Lon.
don Wu emboldened the fraternity. The
law should be so amended as tamed any
vat down for five years found catryieg •
ebootiog.troo No use in that " profsrioo"
carries it for • lawful purpose.
New York Sun : Jams Keyes, the dm-
ungoiehed historian, In • sossoh the other
day tabulated the ways to athletics might
be enjoyed. A man might • 1, play the
gime himself ; 2, look at other people play -
log it ; 3, read about it •Iterwarde in the
eswepapera. Mr. B,yoo is in favor of •s
many of tae •e possible miming La ander the
first division.
s o g,
MAYtON ram DO.ma.
Winnipeg Free Press : Iwo vein to office,
and already the (iaverameat u lean. bat
given, as ostributions to imperial noity,
oreterenual trade and imperial penny post-
age. Our Conservative friend. bad eight-
een year. to work io ; they did as immense
amount of talking, but their doing meld be
put into the shell of a humming -bird's egg.
Guelph Mercury : During the debate on
the address kir. Beatty. of Parry Sound,
made a sugeeetion rat moon more value than
the questions of ooaet•bles' votes or the
price of a ram. He urged the Government
to seed an ,.@'total to Great Britain. with
specimens of the iroa ore which is found in
such quantities in Ontario, and that it be
placed before the maeufacturen of the
Mother Country. We have in Ontario the
two kinds of ore and niokle nnormry for
the manufacture of the Onset steel. The
great dr•wbaok is the lack of ooal in the
vtotntty of our iron deposits. if British
investors had their atteatlon called to the
richness of oar deposits in some each way
a. Mr. Beatty proems. It tight led to
Feeder development of our iron Industrie-.
1 s .
The Weekly Sot : Both the two elate -
ten (Drydee and (lumen) ben gjslgg1ef
the election, nod it is therefore poi"est
cattalo, that either of them hos lost his seat
The less, however, such yoestiooe ere set-
tled by precedents, the value of which most
depend on semi similarity of oirenmetanoes,
or by reference to eeli oestituted oracle.
@.oh u Hourinot or Todd ; and the more
they are settled by common sense and the
plan requirements of the public service, the
better. reit the publa envoi" has in •&y
way outlined, or le likely to @offer, by the
temporary absence of two departmental
Ministers from the Horse nobody bas yet
attempted to show. The Prime Minister is
re'ponsiMs for all the departments, and, if
oidled on, can answer for them alt,
• s s
Tomato Keening Ater : The Coneervaeive
aswapaper editors are filling their columns
with jocular or sneering references to the
fact that Mr Danis! Moliilllonddy, propels.
tor of the HURON MInNAI. has received •
oestract on the new harbor works at (;ode -
rim. Their attitude le ungenerous They
mein profit by the example set them by
Liberal editor, when tM(Joa,ervatiy.. were
in power at ()Wawa to these days, when
• Coeeerv.tive editor received same Om -
sideration at the hanJ..1 the (hennmed,
the Liberal papers did net •neer .1 Ulm.
Joereelietto eeert.sy Red them from
callrag any more atteetion to the mailer
than was mammary in the public interest
It b Rot esgtsted that jenmaletie emir -
my 'Mould t• M tb* length of marten/11r.
Md01111owddy if he his done anytbiam
wrung, or 11 he had brooms implicated in
a 4aestteaable trRemot4RPat he Mu
done soiling wrest. There le ne evidence
that be eyes mod his political idiom°, M
Revere the aeatraci. H. tendered with
many others, of .11 shades of pelINes, aid
we. the prise 1n stratyhl competition, if
Aid this Is not the eely point es wbIoh
the fussy men of the Cese.r•.ti•e papers
are betray. They are o.esaatly jibe/ at
the Rete editor'' dr.reise plant They
cease to he lg.ss•st of N. fiat that the me -
treat 1R gaieties in me • dredging osier et
at all. What Mr. Mo(1(tttoedJj• is be de 1.
is MW • berttekwater. ler Nie settees
be bas a wised with Mem a emitted ass.
Aram ern •.d Mew ie every smarm( gaesse-
tee riot t►e a erk will M well dry, le
view of en the Mete, It le plain that the
is as ser1ly rumen by Mr. Me(;illieeddy
should ael sera eritrooter. It defog ••e
im le as mere remakoMe than wore see sell
of Mr Mists wb.0 they monad • tea-ysp
to their i.sta•1MMe enterprise
Wets Pst*i1tY fbr mise la dairy.
.YN Tisa 0IAMOR0.
A very few tamed ap Friday Miasma et
the ba.ebell mai ch at Into Agrioeltival Park,
whir. Blyth rad tloderiub wore the oppos-
ing teams. For the Bret four Melees the
game wee quite oleo, only one tan beteg
*Gored- Tee • better use of the bat by
the Blyth ploys'., sad loom playieq by the
home teem reeve the vieiture three rase.
(;oderioh went to work to their half and
scored tour Blyth got one to the ninth.
Allteo.'e arm having glue out, Hi.1ey,
Blyth', pram bicycle rider, was put La the
bun whoa Geist -Joh wet "19 bat for the
sixth time, The bone teem deed. tbemere
8 to 4 Mime they eels cot. '1'bo game
then ended, the Blyth boys apparently
tnmkiog that baseball ea. .not the only
Uttar worth living fir and going off to tow
what other fun they could pink up Kph.
Dowsing, of lirus•ele, was the empire, tad
filled the position setisfaotorily. Following
is the snore :
W. McConnell, 11*.
l Mow,, r.l ,
Warm, 3b
Kelly, 2b
p and •e
Cltamb.rislo, o.l
W. Emile, It
Pallaletyaq, u
Higley, as. and p
F. Shannon, 2b
A. iiobertson, 3b
Black, s.•
Melcomes, o 3 1 1
Straituu, r.t3 0 0
Thompson, 1a -.3 0 ' 0
liumberr 8-.-•.5--.-
Tam, _ - I
R. H.
1 1
O 0
1 1
O 0
1 1
1 1
Moe" Pure Holt for tabb or SeIry.
Climes : A stew douter has Duets te
rladda the home end *alarms the prixIta
of Dr. Shaw.
Rioter : A oaf beleswiae to Mr. Meknes,
died this week from the weer of poimalea
by Paris Gnaw
Wiagbmen : Mks Mte;a4e has boos
oho... h.•obsr ter 8. g. Ivo. 7, Morrie,
where Mi.. Cereya Iambi
Meter : ltd. Magaero has been appointed
meua.er of the salt work., ao roommate to
Leona, removed to Brantford.
Wiaghem . A. Murray'. horse slipped
tate the river while taking • drink, and
bad to be hauled out with • team.
Craobreeke : Last Monday Joo McRae
lett fee Veoonnvor, ash.,. ho suture the tom•
ploy of the Nelms Drag Storm ( ompe.y,
Chalon ; Walter Irwin i. ehowiag •
mammoth rads.b grows la hie father's gar -
deo, which weighs over three quarters of •
Genie . Mise Carrie Mot;uire has left
1 'or Huley?etry, Lake T.mlocamm ase. where
1 she has been re mewed as towhee- for the
coming year.
28 4 6
-rk B. R. H.
3 2
4 1 2
2 0 1
8'ytb 000031-4
Goderieb 1 0 0 0 4 3-8
fieess on balls -Shannon, Maloumeoa,
Straiton, Heaton. Bases on hit bj pitched
ball.-Inatb (2). Atsook out by Loy le, 8 ;
by Allison: 1.
S6 8 8
I. ll
.... Tae aowuIu OW N.
On the bowling club'. b.antital groes ea
Vhd•y, two risks of Kiscerdine plays
and 1,.s from ('lento° showed their prowess
=lf�ihm bowls m uompetttrea with *erne of
the Godenob players. The score toile the
tele of the borne plcyen' victories
Chaim. Goderiob.
I) McCorvie (1. Eliot
John Wiseman Ju. Robinson
K. 1! Ohre 1). Holmes
J.Jbbneitoq r 1klp.13 R W. Logan, skip, 19
i tnosrdle� Goderiob.
D. H. Meted ' Wm. Campbell
3.M.MsoKesdriek John Galt
J. B. Norris J. M. Shepherd
W. M. Bisbop,.kip.19 A.C.Huoter, skip, 19
A. G. Moletyre F. Jordan
1),. MoCrimwoo D. C. Stieoban
J. W. Moffett ,)oho Wynn
M. Murray, eaip, 20 J.R.Shannoo,skip, 24
Total 39 Total
.mi 16th one ,leA.(.n171*, S.(unea', 9thand
Sharp were •away theexaamoaiete to Man
nobs a the 1611*.
11' Imola : G. A. Deadman sod eon Rooter
ere away on a wheeling tour to Loado.,
I).1•w•re, Chatham, Detroit and other
places for • week,
Morris : Potatoes are almost a complete
failure in Mortis. Peas ere turnioyout from
five to ten bushels to thm load whore thresh•
Mg has bun done.
Exeter : Capt. G.o. Kemp, while paesi
out of his yard -the other morning slip/q4
en the wet gr.ss, and is lalling sprained
me of Melva badly.
Wiogham : Miss Liotti. Oummiage lett
oe Tuesday morning for Poplar, Manitoulin
!Maud, where she k..'essured a school.
Her father •000mpanied horn
Croy : Frank Neal end George Bacban-
an were ruoa.mful la their writing for Zed
Claes certificates and are to be congratela•
ted on their merited suocees.
Grey : ISlij.1i Jeoklin and wife .re home
from a holiday visit with old friends la tis
locality of Perth. It is twenty-one years
eine" Mr. Jacktln wag there before.
Grey : On the 16th Joseph .thaw and
Jim. Bishop, ss of Petr Bishop, lett for
Manitoba They Inte.d. visiting Arthbr
Shaw at Kat Portage fog. while tau the wej
Brussels : D. J. Hartley. formerly o1
Broegele, and eon of Rev. A. Y HertIey, at
one time pastor of t1*. Btmey1. I'resbyt
church, is now editor of the Qa' Appetit(
Morrie : Wm. Wilma, jr., tali line, h.s
bees laid off with a sore bead. A thione or
something of the tort started te fester is his
thumb and the disabled member gave him a
good deal of pain.
Grey : llnnoto Robert/roe, of W ewsstak,
and sea Jame, of Arizona. U.S., visited
friends on the 3rd and 411 ems*., during the
past week. Mr. Robine.s, jr., ie railroad-
- Int in the U.S.
43 Gerrie : Thom. Puree, et tail) viU.ge,
died from iceamaum of the bowels,
on Muad•v ea 9 1.'01044 aftr e
beta yet severe illness of one week. De-
emed was bora i. ('lough Jordan, ye...'.
Courtly, Inland, and was in hie siztheiatb
Wingh•m : Wm. Sutton, G. T. R., Op-
erator here, a relieving the agent at Bros.
eels, who is suffering from blood poisoning,
Fred Faskin is asking Wei Steam's plata
bore and Mr. Parker, of Clifford, le roller•
tog all the Junotion during Rebt. M.rti.'s
Lc d.,boro : The following parties left
for the West from Londestore elation es
Tuesday :---- L. needy, J. Opyiesa,
J . NoaoUlnpbd.1 Weymouth, for Hea.e ,
N. D ; J. (ertwrtght, for Wnnalpet, Man
R. Waite, A. Webster, A. Roberts and J.
Moon, for Brandon, Mao.
Clinton : TI e other day ,Jesse Uneford
met with • painfat sootdent. While sitting
on the front railing of he wages telklog to
• friend, another wagon Dame aloe[ and
struck hie wagon behind, median Ludford
Mee wards, heels over head, he falling 1.
mob a way ee to bruise bimself oomrtlder-
Morrie : George Jackson and wife and
Mrs. (Harry Jackson ere heck from • very
pleasant outing to Manitebe. They visited
relatives. and friends at Winnipeg, (lrinrold,
Arden, Melita, Deleran'ssod other looslities
sad alloyed themselves very mioh. Mn.
Clark and Miss Jackem, who went out
with them are still in the %Vest.
We learn from the secretary of the bowl-
ing olab that 11 is proposed to hold a tour-
nament on the club's grounds on the 1st and
2ad of September. This ie an undertaking
in which we think the bowlers should be
e000ursged in every way possible, especially
es they inteod to make it an annus)
A toeroament of this kind mesas • two or
three days' •tett to the town of about one
hu.dred players, from all the important
cm". and towns in Western Uetario, as far
east as Hamilton. Thew players a,. elweym
representative men of the different teems io
which they reside, and ars generally men of
faintly and position- jest the clam that the
people of (;oderioh wish to attract as sem
est viatica. TO. etomhere deserve (bearer
maim for the way they haus worked up
their Dash, and now that they are spending
• large sum of roomy in • way that will .d-
eletes the town and bring it forcibly to the
notice of just the very people we want they
should roost's cordial wetaao'. 4Ve an-
dentand that the town coosotl barn been
&eked to contribute 1125 toward, defraying
the expense of the entertainment of the
visitors and paying for the priree to be com-
peted for. The granting of this .wall sum
would, in our opinion, osmtite.. • tudi-
omous expenditure by the council, and es the
bowling alai) pay quite o Terme Sam for taxes
and water rates the rerinest is entitled to
favorable ssaedera tis.
Oa Friday last • tennis match was played
with Blyth on the 000rt of the (;odenoh
tennis club. The more was es follows
1. Tait ( B. ) beat Diokeon (G. ), 6 3, 3 6,
2 Holmes and (Jarrow (G. ) beat Cook
sad Moms (B. ), 3.6, 6 b, 6 4. •
3 Gerrow (0.) best Sloan (B ), 6 4, 6 3.
4 Diokeee end Pasgman ((J. ) beat Tait
and ('ook (S 1, 7 9, 8 6, 6-2
6. Pangman (0.) beat Cook (8 ), 6 3, 6 4.
THIS w rind.
A remedy arced bulletin of the I' %V. A.
contained the following announcement
The following riders oompeted for cob et
Wroi.Sr, Ontano, July 1st, and, therefore,
are professionals: -F. Dunbar, D. Molvor,
D. Fletcher, George Temple, Dan Basks.
Allen Rae, H. Brawn, O. E!liett and M.
The past week has hese • busy one for
Alen. Melvin, Ooderloh's fait rider. Gu
Saturday he broke the red reoord for forty-
five miles by • quick run between Goderieh
and Mtrattord. He left Cattle Brom.' stere
at 1:07 o'olook and arrived et Stratford at
3:36, making a reoord of two boars and
ewenty.etght minutes for the forty-five
miles. The previous bust time was two
hours and thirty.one mieut .. As Alex.
telt pretty fresh he wheeled hack and cam -
plated • owtary *way within the tea -hoar
allowance -namely, in seven hours and ten
mamma by a short run on the Bayfield
rod. He hie entered a oempetbUon ender
the sesames of the Candle. Read Club,
who offer a price tor the largest Dumber of
aenlurles made by one rider this season, and
Intends to mets three oenturles m week.
Mire Rape O► MORT
The bluebell olob to behind several dollars
en the game with Blyth last Friday.
The Keeler Turf f;l.1, will bold a meeting
m Lah-,r 1).c There will be a fres-for all
trot, • 9:35 trot and a running rim, as well
as boyole races.
The match between the Realertk std
Orsee vflle 1•oros« teams tomorrow will be
a battle royal. The result will gm a Irmo
way towards dtalding the C L A. amide
ohampi.sehtp. A ■Rmher from toss w
going t* 9eeforlh to ..e the game.
ha weird (It m few people may properly
he called • crowd) at the Agrisiteral Park
Iasi Friday was a lMr map(. of the &ttmd-
uaw at the beset all matches able year. The
intermit of the townspeople la tis game,
which • few yearn ago eras at lever best, 1.
sew &s • very low .bb, mad Hireat.m le
disappear altogether H esery.ste evea.a/r
ere em take. to eremite agile. Ti,. mem-
bers of the bensbeil .dnh them.efvee de set
bused te *dome-- baseball, we 111&&1,--•.
they 414 to. .e three year. ago. We bops
.Moria will sags 11' made as the bs*asda
of Anel .gams M firm • jmaim Mares 1a
hews. witch would to the moue el sever.
tag resdte ter the seater Sam sad ml wart•
leg ■p femme S rim flea& gees mese,
Iieeseeb , 8. R Rook 1. *alio the
WOK rtriNiy tailored by 1
vis eke osier will mm be reedy fee Des:
piss assts se need as ',se. A. 1MwWa-
tlysYale, ersleld W A. ill„ le dela, the
Londeebore : The residence of R. G.
Webb, near hers was the seems of s lovely
wedding on Wednesday •fteroses The
day was perfect, and promptly at the .p -
pointed time the bride, Mw Nettle Webb,
took her plata oo the lawn beside the
groom, Dr. Herb Bell, of Mootgomory,
Mich., while Mies Mary Webb played the
wedding march.
Grey : Emit Maturdey evosleg the people
el this locality were very damply graved on
Maris* [het Albert, eon oft se• Cu.. 14th
sen., had lost his lite ,y drowsing- The
little fellow, who was eleven menthe old,
had Leen t a Hrateele with his lather ie the
loretroa and *bout 4 r,H, while playing
with a orook ooat•iniag some water tell le
bead first, end whim discovered • few min•
ate* afterward Ile was eittiDot. The funeral
took place on M yoday afternoon. Mr. and
Mrs (Nolo ani fatally are tendered the ,.'y
sincere sympathy of the community in their
sudden and very sad bereswmenr
Rrueeels : We miles by Honolulu paper.
that Ghee H. Waters, the timbered of Miss
Maggie Campbell, eldest deu.bter of John
Campbell, a 000e well-known resident of
Hro..el., and a niece of Mn. Alexander
Davidson, of Se•forth, died at Honolulu on
the 2091 of July, when os hie way fresh Bee
Freneieoo to Mamas with the Americas
troop.. Mr. Watson oeotr•eterd typhoid
fever tale leaving Baa'Fraooi.co, and was
removed (rem the reimport stowage es
reaching Bambini ed was plated ia the
hospital then .h.ws ha died and where the
remains were interred. H. was a reddest
oI Minosepelle and was h•ndmseter et the
Thirteenth Minnesota' regiment. H. wet
eeiv thirty -fear years of •g.,
MONDAY', Aagais 22, 1822,
Conned met Aigu.t 18th. Member. all
present. Mlantse of lame Ms•Usg read sod
adeps.. The rates were meek. County
rale, 1,3/10 mtlh en the $ ; loweeblp rage
2,1/10 os the $ with nese mhoient for
&steel porpeees.
Tas l e if iu'i / a ; un~ ona. were paid : Jam
R. 9 e 10, $73,27Chas 10 Was tie?.12 le
N••theg.$l 60; D. MoKenste, er.v.l, $3.601
i). Melatyre lespsetin 5100: Mserise
Wanes,, Irg, $.60t Hall Ms�7:11.115
swwty and 1 y8bridges L K nes. 12 • sf
Egrvel ill 70 ; A. McDeeeid, rep,
00 ; Jetta WKmde gravel due b
Melees and Renee &} d, McNutt Sod
Selieweld, 016 39 , Wm. iewis, rap, �
media, an
se hsdery, $1 00; JambMidengrerte� 2
sad ta, R., 9 e.d 10-d y
$22 02 ; Wm. lit.at,, tee D. Aidair's@ its`
Jamie Webster peg bgseti.g, 22 00 : Jets
Leeman. gravel. M Ws Job. MaKmiee. pp
sbev5Risg gravel des a Me,Rll, J.ypggg
sod Boy 111260 : Reber* Dns.an,
sod rep. D lver% NU 80 1 Rash Pr
f1e67. 511 $01 ar Ando dWw. Reuterr de. ,tyro, eei Qkli•
iddJeemph Reba for work
pl dt• $4.00 ; Peevish M&N
ersr•1St se D. L, $1876 , Thee, Jobe.
01see, rep• kriree 8. R, 6 sod 7, 56,00
Jobe R. Renison Afton se., 7, tap
, sedi
Pry hed's%, $3 60 , Job. Ks* hep.
After coughs and colds
the germs of consumption
often gain a foothold.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-
liver Oil with Hypophos-
phitee will not cure ever
case; but, if taken in time,
it will cure many.
Even when the disease is
farther advanced, some re-
markable cures are effected.
In the most advanced stages
it prolongs lifts, and makes
the days far more comfort-
able. Everyone suffering
from consumption needs this
food tonic.
tor. sad t,:s ..11 erwggW,
SCOTT i DO W Nb, cam", Tweet.
*alien. 50e ; Jeremiah thallium, sew**
statute ares' team*, 54.50 ; Gee. Carrell
for Moak healing, plank •ad patellas.
56.75 ; Geo. Barrows, 1000 ft ere pima,
27 00 ; 1). MoLsod, iwpwueg, red Woke
end for (ravel, $11 08 ; Geo. Ijita�sar
drain, $1.50 ; Richard Cousins, rep. ML
S. R. 3 and 4, 52.00 ; John M ardsa.
travel, $13.60 ; John F.rg..e., grading it
R. 6 cad 7, $b 26 t Hoary Homey. gravy
19.90; A1.a.s.Uob rep• sal., 83.00 ; Albert
Tue say and
August 30th & 31st
M.Im. draw. 8. R. 3 sad 4, 52 00.
Om nit'CmM oes
aid rsods on Set-
nrdq, al.,1K, W. evevelme, tow Qedi- COMPOUND
The tee West mares 11vm"lde
Views M um Mmes.
The fo110 witty Is the Globs'. report of the
spe.h dole v.r.d by 1. ()mem,. ()w, M. PP.,
k on lest we. the tactic of the Opposition in
the mitter of theesta
ooble.' votes :
Mr. Darrow (West Hors) ezpremed
surprise that with a measure so plain
simple in int purpose it should be difhwl
get tee hon. Rmtleman opposite to
with the merits of the Due, bat [bat 1
Mould go all emend it and abuse the L
etnMl and sae., the bill, white they
sot Um= apes use manta West e
It a • boll a pre
party from commit
pityhesee ; sprevent the Conserve
penylilliellife a mbo.By in Om Prov
from sully the treasury beaches. f
getup* w the Dovemmeet side of
Howse by Was pretences. (Cheers ) Tim
was what the bill woad o.00sipl0, mored
mg to their ow. ehewime. The y ertles
sot the rfgbte of a tow posy members,
it is the larger right el the oe.slablei
Tote, and thee. is the still larger yams
involved, whether the majority dell gov
la the Previnca, whether Um 7,000 IA
majority of the popular 'oleo( theProvi
&hell rale. H. dated one of the boa
g.atlemm appetite se my that the ewe
bee met • richt menUy and seerdIa,
law to 'eta He was aerprieed [bit t0.
should be tbu beating of party tem -tea&
the nos, eentlmmes opposite, and thte d
eerier Nat they did not desire to d.prt
the oowublee of their votes and at t
ma tam demanding Nat their yob's
straok off. 'J he Government, m tits e
Seed, by Mk bill made it .leer Nat
eenetablee have the right obi* eke hem
restl.m.e dimvow.d any desire a depri
Mem W. He ob•h.aged tbo hes. gest)
see M chow anything Iadiootisg the intim
Yet .f the Leeslat.re to dste•sahibs th
oeaabbi . Hoa. geatl.taes.sotesdmd
oiler the law ea M•rob 1 the .oestabl
had se right t. vet.. The Goverment Ole
traded Met [boy had. Was It not • fa
sad lasttlllag fee I0. Home to remove t
clothe, ewes .td lar all ? They all coot
that the oeass.Nm .bool.1 b. allowed
.eta. Why sot my ee by the ler ? 11*
tt would prevent • lot of money befog apes
is ecets--eartely. oo0eider•tim..l vital 1.
tenet to Use dxtyedd merchant who hey
txoteite naafis, over their head.. Wb
the Liberals gets praoedget that memo
fit, the C.amervsyvee will spit upon 1
author, and yet they objoted if they aro
mrd of precedent. H. p.faMd opt the
so series of facto maid be found email
similar to the present, bat teat the ball w
justified in pricoipl.. (Applause,)
thing In pa/limber welch made it dation!
M find • precedent exactly oorrespaudisg
the pressen was that nowhere 1n the wort
would they fled an Oppoeitloa that would
descend M epee • paltry attempt be
0... mode Dere to .teal into power. (U1*
oral •pplaaes) H. did not think then [bey
would asywksw fad so Gppesiuoa whims
had, in hie opinion .t Last, se mlemlealated
their duty, and es misapplied their @sow «
e the present oppsedtlos had doom tad wee
dol.g. (Cheery. H. decried violent part..
tomo and aeserted *bet h. ras shtoer.lr. h.
belief, after fall omuideratto., the L1** bUl
wee a righteous sad proper one aa4 should
be tarried. They were willing to abide by
the decoke' of she merle whether for or
amine" them, but they had rights as well
ea the defeated candidates. end he (misted
that they should be pet ie t0.ma Dimities
that they ware in on the firal of !{a . lamb
((Soon.) In c000lmion Mr. Gamow riser -
.1 that he was not .gglom le sit, ,Chem .r
ioywhere Alegi where be could sot.it w '
Moor. (Applause.)
ami! MIR
Tait! Y
ruin use
We do
All Kinds of
and Repair
Machinery of
any description
at short notice,
and for little
Heade kick Co.,
ild otS4)
In the market
M•Itta Oel I• Summer C
gene, dem Roe •msYNte, relieves. ops.
Kota it in the Hoose - it may
says a life.
ffi=i Trade .applled-
Try our own lbi.m Sty Paper, a pieces la
an envelope tot 6., Bet value of all.
memo attendee to Arerteaa Tenet Artl.
Lim. Jule. best ere user drinks, to..
Mo. and too.
core, sad provide • eent-'wedy ew g o-
date seemmeml osmoses.
Lemma emoseemeis ma tee me purity of
Personal a this wort at W beam
Attestaa our • ggeYtb.
are fa oe Way lietssmd by tbe Ilapsrlarth of
ear service. Toe mu sallag Err wessts.
.tete or •ztton g atMe--tha's
aot oar w. Try ea d emvterod.
Everything ani V ted M . .
The ------
for Cleansing Woodwork,
Painted or Varnished Surface*,
Marble Tile or
18 Mosaic Floors,
Linoleum or
Oil Cloth,
Because it removes all Grease, $ant, Dirt or Stein without injuring
the varnish, paint or glass, and' )resp' All surfaces beautifully bright
and clean.
-•: calls
ahodd eing • thorough workman, ore mot be imposed on by 5eilsn ai
7 goods, and we do not buy misfits, damaged goods, or bankrupt stocks
to sell as firut-clam lines.
and atl they are oplenr'/id wearers,
styles, you should glee. them a trial. good fitters, and of the latest
wez`z- s , TM.
0011Rp or us: Dean*
AR. eQe.ertg
'rat ragertclt WHOM War, /Mb ems
tamer roe vets entre MOOT,
Fair, London.
sEPT8WBSR 8th to 17th. lag&.
Entries olase 7th 8sps-osier.
Our aetractippt will Space allotted (>o receipt of entry•
all that other* do .terl be tom, tad exhibits uawttpaimd. ' you cam ties
nl that a Jain, 8ie Hyrum better advantage, Royal Dragoon*, Prince
••° Ben Ali'* Rolling, and many ether speak* the
t by ton r • 'direworks each evening, "Blowing ap the blab*""'
ug and stage attractions,
stay the 08Pec° trains leave London at 10 p.m, and after, se you eon
RrsutAu tion at 2 Bake of Booths and Prf W
p.m. • Prise Lister Programmes.
dye SNP*SNP*"till,"till,on the
LT. -COL W. �. , Pt"OR�IS. Me., apply be
d GART8H()RS, T808. A. BROWNS,
Alit yew easimg
rOndl�� 40,0
r Tiny
and l!!!j2!. fir
al/ 1.1 1118041.r,1
I siI User Tile
remo•,wiao .w 4. U. we.
Nlet. fit,