HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-8-25, Page 2The Signal
a ruatt*asu
Tarim .teas Wrlpte. I
Exr...mouth, lit advi e*
year w ne
months 100
Psu•G�--"il/••eteated mad Pre••rr.d la
he ler the ravage,' ee
Practical People - Personal. Polities*
red 1',.dlabl..
he hlneaten bluder twine factory can-
not tutu nut gouda fust enough to meat
the dementia of the farmers.
Rev. Dr. Spencer of Brantford hat beam
ow end the position or superintendent of
toe Betimes Mistimes in British Columbia.
1'bs enipllyes of oho t;rnnd Trunk
Railway from every point between 'To-
ronto and Montreal will picnic at Guelph
en !ridgy.
1. A. Lamb, superintendent of the
United diadem mitt la Bis krauchwo,
Cal., estimates that the gold output of
the Klondike, this year has been only
about $6,006,000.
Tha (!rand Lodge at OddfalinwaitGa11
yesterday decided to mee'tdn Toronto at
dor next annual meeting.
Prentice Boys, `Orange Lodger and
Lady True_ BlgqerIn all .1t9ut 20 lodr.
wlih four bnncds,Laelnonstrated at •'Newer
onIo on jrffolu•.
Advertising Rate's
,caval aqd other caaurl aJvrrilseman4,, lar.
par iii, f•,r A,»t Inle,Ti••is 101 x •.•arm per Nus
for each subsequent A*ertlon. Measured by
Sloops. vd a -ale.
Business cards of six Ham and under, es per
year. . ._
AJve, seen. its cQ L'wt. yed.
mations t', -ant. Sim triune in and Sue •
OM Cason -so Wanted. tout exceeding t lin0
eon pat et! -• 1 per mouth. I
R ,usr .on hale audrerm* on Rale. not to ex-.
seed a tut, -m, H. for Min month, Sue. per subs*•
quant m 'nth. Larger advs. Iu petrol -tete.
Any s..ec1041 nutlet. 14I ..Noel .,f which Is to
prone't.e the p.eouuiary beanie of any heti, tdual
Or company,to be enosidrred an advertisement
sad chargeaecordinl; I y.
Loral notices du 40uelarell type oma cent per
word, no notice Me than ole.
L••al melees In ordinary readlne type two
Etoper word, _Ke notice for Teem tbsa-dr..
lves for cheat -see aid °titer rellaio011 and
evident Institutions, half rate.
ooleeribera who fall to receive Tat BM.ai
reguttrty by nett; 'wttt- confer -a favor br
qunt• ting us dY the fact at as early • date u
pN cru • change of address is dcalh.d, both the
Noland the new address should be given.
PaWlsher's Notice.
J. G Le Tuua&. of Uoderkh�Laa baa...•gt
need legal Travellln A tit for the Town•
beat peg/easter, over the disUict are also
earl.;»red to receive sDMrrtptlotta to TES
fame u. 1
All a•otagsnkatioes meet he a.l.lre.sed •
D. Mt(.Ii.Id41-011Y,
}�II aAL.
Telephone Call M. - -- or@ticl`t1fif._'
lir) SDAY, AUGUST 25, 1896,
Mulled Lepter
Midi isle ,tui aa p.rr!
Alex. Murry and whets of Woodstock
are asking the Government by p•Utton
to Inspect the town hooka
Manager dill of the Toronto Industrial
Exhlbltlou at '1'urooto li.sartabled an Io•
vltaticn to the Lord Mayor of London
and Miss Davies to /muse the Fair with
IOW presence.
lectors of =some have been is-
struoWd that bona fide trade eatalpguee
and price lilts of goos fur wholesale in
any 0)00147 beyond the limits of Can•
ata, not saoeeding throe to one address,
may be admitted free of customs duty
through the mails
The Berlin Sasngerfest ended Friday
night. It has been :e big succeed. The
following band ofllcerr were elected:
P.•esidsnt, Herman Becker, INtrolt; sloe -
president, 1)r. H. G. iiaekner, M.1'.0'.,
Berlin; ecretary. H. Kapr.hlnsky, De•
troll; treasurer, Loulo Wert, Bay City,
Several Hautlltonlaus are said to be in-
terested in the divlelun of a fortuue-ne
less than 1460,00W,000 -old to be laid
away In the Bank of England and await-
ing claimants. Those directly ooncrrnesl
are lir. 11. Dewe1, Mr. W. U. Moon,
Mn. Van Norman. Mrs. A. C. Turnbull
and Mrd, H. B. Ferries.
Some very ipawesting experiments are
tot present helm made by the Departinsn0
of Agriculture In • cold storage building
-Sere. 'Ire .rtlelee being experimented
with are beef, butter. eggs, berries and
cheese, and they are being tested especial-
ly with reference to the value of forma-
Jips, the antieep tic. -:ie far the expert•
mento tom to S1e-Ybib1 ver
Col. Ayltner, Adjutant General, has
been called to the command of the Cana•
Man militia, pending the arrival o! the
new general. ee
Cubans now occupy GMbara. The Span-
iards evacuated the town. leaving 1,14.40
sick and wounded. who aro being taken
can of by the Cuban commander.
Sir Thomas Lipton's challenge for the
America's Cap watt -his yacht Shamrock
hie t eeu aoospttd by 0be
Yacht Club.
1i.oe base Cornmorlore Amellus Jarvis of Toronto
1•=' 44.11• will Sall Henrlch Duggan'. 1 Montreal)
lo' I',ma'-Catamaran ball -rater ln.the seawanbaha-
Cneiathian city ranee at N -•fie Si. monis
bit •The
- - race !i in lotvaattonal
fl and Express ledd Expr).
•sr*aa. -
... r.ls s.at �r V
p•In. ens ,
+air t»aTAJ. 11U motel. .
Rooms opposite the Poet p ffial, p
Gold Filling, Crows* and Bridge Week •
gnaeYear perleece. ` -.
7 Ysen 1iY
. murgeon-Lit It and approved methods
lar.t11 dental opsratlo14a.. Preservation of the
nstu,rl teeth a .pecedty. Office Cor. West st.
•ad4quar0f (up stain. Entrance on West at
Gee. Sheppard's barns, implements and
masen'1 crops, situated near Burlington
been +Vat., have 3rd b
troyey lar . .
•Ziir sno, Cr+IF �r sweatiii ttoo'i6 �..�i X.. ,
ern Pacific reservatloe, from `Mariposa
street to'Hbptstreet. a distance of three i
blocks, and in a little mon than an
hour $500,000 worth of property went up
in smoke.
1*. Two Contort.. the 4tasol7 City Rae
S lumbered Iteee•th the Blu. ('arlbb••a.
Tot R... Now Iu C.lo. W.•tb.r thele
Sube.erg.d nulldisrm star lee mesa.
Under the clear blue waters of tiro Car-
ibtaetu sea sleeps the sunken city of Port
Royal, and lazily rocking on the waves la
a rod buoy which marks the spot where
the old city's cathedral sunk and where
the eplro .till machete up nearly to the
The traveler who visits the capital of
Jamaica should pry for clear weather,
without wind. When the water of the
harbor 1s ruNy1 by tare. t.cu, the hidden
city le °becurt,d from ,kw. But nu a
cloudless, still day, wilco the surftaw of
the sew le perfectly ,,,i,.,.1.. oho ruins of
the phantom city may Is. p4alnly emu ID
the depths of the trnrel•an•ut water.
The *pits of the old cathedral le the
must prominent object. lu the clear wa-
ter you can ecu the fishes btally swimming
In and out among the ruined turrets,
more suggt'stive of owl. and beta than of
the finny Inhabitants of the eta. Occa-
sionally glimpses can be had of the ruins
of. other buildings -buildings which for
more than two centuries have kept their
ghastly reetote and will keep them until
the end of time.
Down then In that peaceful depth 11e
Abe hones of 8,000 men, women and chil-
e sere'd down into the mea-witi-LheM
Jure In 10921
Deese With Artla.•Ial Lege and False
Teeth. •
In.0old.. Feab'7, London, Is an letter.
eating article on the curiosities of the
Royal Veterinary College, Camden '!'own.
Of the doge 1n the hospital at the Royal
aro many speelureue with artificial lege.
Some of these false lett. are silver, eons
wooden, some vutrnntte. In a few ranee
animals prefer to be without false leas,
for Ins.ance the little fellow shown In the
cut. This valuable whippet resembles the
kangar••x,).,In 1U .juethud of progn'e.lon,
whleh consists of hop+. The poor beast
lost both tnrnlertr
lrr- jumping through
window. Doubtless one of the most re -
James Brennan, a prominent farmer if
the and concession of '1yendinaga, died,
1 • M. TU -NH
RCLL. D.D.tt. L D.8: --DENTAL aged 09. Hie wife and ten children sur -
Surgeon. (Lately aasoclsted with Dr. vivo him.
Mon. of Montreal). Gold and porcelain. aro- reg golly, wife of James Cassidy,
ficial teeth mounted on gold or aluminum bases, mares y,
special aneaioo given to the preserv00on of the tied mother of the., weltAnown Toros•
natural teeth. (Mee In MCLeau's new block. Conlan.: the late Dean C dy, Be, J. J.
et Elf Cassidy, J. Frank Cassidy, W. I. Cas-
lady, Mn. O'Leary and, Hm Ctinldy, all
MEDICAL. of Toronto, save Frank, w66 realties In
IL HUNTER -PHYSICIAN, BURGEON, Pittsburg, Pa., died on Friday She lived
D le•. el Te
*Mee: Bees street. the residence yaws in Toronto, and was 79 yetis of
lately o •.-u .ted b y Dr. McLean. Night calls age.
Nom r'•sbleuce TrIcp''on,• sot. - Mr. Benjamin Freer, M. A.. Pubilo
ScboaA Inspector off' ilaliburtoq District,
LEGAL AND CONVRTANCIl0O. • ! died it Milndgn. Myra' 40 q.lir the Isle
of Mm some 61 years 'ugh and was
MO. CAIIF.RONI--BARRINTRII, ROLICI-- educated at Oxford University In the
. for, Ca.veyana•er, kr (rice: Da linehe - a xtt« taught school in Renfrew for a
Ikon street, Y doors east u( odborne Bros.' dr
goody i1)rt. ll-ly true and afterwards occupied the pool •
tor. Holum I ft1:11 -. I.1 radian Hash of
Demmer a Chambers. the Isl rre, d.,der1c O.
• tor, Notary, ac. lake over fleetest Hall,
Square, ,o.lerlrh. ,
0. JOHI)
Me Lw, (i,u,mireloner, ke. Money to loin:
Offices: Cor. Hamilton and fit Andrew's street*,
Ooderi.h, out t1µ
tins fie office. North st., next door MORAL
office. Private Funds to laud at townie retty-st
Interest. sero
Attorneys, Solicitors, kr., Galerlch. J. T
Darrow QC., W. Proudloot.
Ors. Solicitors In Chancery, ex., Ocdev .
. C Cameron, Q. C., R. Holt, Db
Dudley Holmes
-1 0. W ObNVEYANOIIR, flee.. AND
w • commi,lHoner for taking and receiving
recognllanccs of ball, agldavlta or affirmations,
depositions or solemn declarations In or eon-
- mitt or poor --Mat In the
111gqh Court of Justice. Hie Ceurt 'd Appel for
Ontario. or in any County or Division Court.
E11 transactions carefully and promptly exe-
cuted. Residence and P. 0. •ddresa--l7.ingan-
son, Ont. Olaf
?WONKY .1(--Im000.00 PRIVATE
Mper cent. umuatly.
iL e. Caeuwon, Norton's Block, opposite Col -
terns bier, Ocderle b. 40111
Mons te un. private funds; also first
GYM farms to breef or sell. Houses and Iota to
met Gr far MIG. R. N LEWIS, Barrister, (od-
serines Ake, opposite Martin's hand,
formerly In.pectur of `,choola len the
} County oI Bram
I Timothy Doheny of Toronto who et.
tacked P. C. Stephens and *tort. Hallo,
has been sentenced to five years In King-
ston penl$untiarr.
I W. 'J. Chapman of Hamilton baa been
arrested on • charge of assaulting Daniel
Baird. It le said Baird Is very seriously
injured and may deo.
Inspector Stewart is stale * Kingston
.to resume the investigation Into the
Tlteltges 11.10 by officers of the Peniten-
tiary against one another.
John F. Reynolds, private 10 Company
K, 6th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and
late minister of the Gospel at Riverton,
"hear .Springfield, 171-. bas leen made de
tendons In a sensational divorce suit, in
which he is charged with bigamy.
At Little Rook, Ark., 0.. regrow. two
women and three men, amused of the
murder of John T. Orr, sweetthy yoaug
merchant, were lynched. Hie wife,
charged with complicity In the (aime,
committed enfolds In her call, and Mir
Recbel Morrie, • prominent society wo-
man, also an a000mpure In the merchant's
murder, fes fugitive from jasgce.
markable operations which hes ever been
undertaken, and with cotuplete success,
Is that to which our second llluktration
refers. A Schfpperke dog beingeomewhat
advanced In years Lound It necessary to
consult a specialist with regard to having
• set of false teeth inserted In place of
hie decayed carnassial titulars.
Chloroform was given, rough models
or the mouth token, inti, finally, accurate
pewter impressions of the jaws obtained.
Twenty-four teeth «Tore attached to this
plate. which It should lee Mnerved has a
'.omelets palate. '1 he Isiah themselves are
made of Alh'i porcelain, with cutting
edges of thin platinum toll, upon which
gold solder was fused. Mr. Kdwud Mtre.
homes on that awful day
An earthqunkeereae telly and without
-warning emote the profiignte city of Port
ltoy1, which slid into the sea Tho wa-
1ltsopeneel and 'mellowest It up, and then
-411,eeth the elle1K wove* was hidden the
nod h.....e beer of- • eewatsr-
lefh• Jc.. ri ..1 by historian no being almost
without parallel.
The .nrvivurs said 1t was the vengeanee
of Creel and likenetl It to the destruction of
Bodoni and floenorrsh. And In very truth
;_lila history of_ the cit seems to show the
unsing writ Ot kine power. From
th0 Mahon city of 1t• thee 1t hes dwindled
Into insignificance, until now it 1e • moat
Wretched place, used'on'ly as a claval sta-
tion. Dla•sler after disaster has overtak-
en It.
1C cote
A •ribquake thb town chi' era -
buil to be eoutpreti•ry destroy -id -bit
ale In 17113. On Aug. 29, 1722. lit was
' *apt note the sat by ttitairrieane t wan
once mon reconstructed, but again, In
1816, 1t Wan redue,d to althea, end as re-
tg80-lt- w,se •-viele d- by e
sae. at
by groat !eras -o -1a
The city of Port Royal was originally
hunt upon a narrow strip of land extend-
ing out Into the sus, which autounts for
its strange dieuppeernmo et the time of
the earthquake. Like the hour of the
foolish than of Biblical lore, .which wee
bnllded upon the mud. 'It literally slid in-
to the water when the earthquake shock
Previous to that fateful 7th day et
Jule, 1892, Port Royal had been knows
e "the -tinted town lythe Weer Indies
and the richest spot In the world." It
was. a', it now le, a British colony, but
there Was little either in It+ gevernmest
or Its customs of British morality. We
are told that 1t w.. '1 place of luxurious
debauchery, that In their excesses the eol-
ontata rivaled the prutligates of ancient
Buocaneering and piracy were mog-
.nlxtrl Industries. The treasure ships of
Spain were legitimate prey The riches
of Mexico and Peru were levied upon, and
tiro people at J►plaka were literally roll-
ing In wealth and splendor. fico and de-
bauchery hold 'Why. Bsoebana fm, ee1a,,
which migll,t pul to shame tLe dwt11 i1 T
the Intent were of nightly occurrence.
There was no virtue. 1 '
And like the crack of dopm,camk t4
earthquake. The thunder of the elements
sounded in the ears of the heedless revel-
ers. The earth opened In gnat fissure.
and closed again like the jaws of a mighty
trap, and in closing It gripped many of
ire victims to the twiddle, leaving their
hands above ground. Then came the aw-
ful sliding. grinding noise ss the city,
built upon Its foundation of sand, sank
into the caressing embrace of the sea,
which forever closed upon Re wickedness
and will forever keep Its dread secreta.
The shock came close on to midday.
The air wee bot and sultry. The sky was
wttbout • cloud. A great stillness seemed
to hover over the citytand then, without
warning, the enrth trembled Men and
women left their Menses and ran Into the
etrettl, out,. to meet death to the bowels
of the earth or In the hidden recesses of
the sea
In his "Annals of JAM/Ilea," published
In 1828, Rev. George Wilson Bridges
quotes from • letter written by one of the
survivors, a motor, two or three days after
the disaster, which Is In part as follows:
-After I had been at church reading,
which I did every day since I wan rector
of thla plena, to keep up some show of re-
ligion, and esu gone toe plans hard by the
church where the merchants meet, and
whets the president of the council was,
who came Into my omnpany and engaged
me to take a glees of wormwood wine aa
a whet before dinner, he being my very
good friend, 1 staid with him, upon which
be lighted • pipe of tobacco; before that
was out 1 found the ground tolling and
moving under my feet, upon whtoh i said
unto him, 'Lord, sir, what 1s that?' He
replied, being • very grove man • 'It Y an
earthquake Bo not •'raid; 11 will soon
be over.' "
fleapits the president'■ sesarnoe, he
disappsred and was never heard of again
Continuing. the rector wrote- "1 made
toward Morgan's fort, Decatur I thought
to be then securest from falling hooses,
but as I was going I saw the earth open
and swallow np a multitude of people,
and the WA mounting In upon them over
the fortifications Moreover, the large
and famous burying ground was de-
stroyed, and the eco washed away the car-
ea.w'a The harhor War covered with lend
bodies, floating np and down "--New
York Herald
Odds and Ends.
Thr are 10.000 camels at work he
Alcg1pl L bainr used with mantel
I,mW to illuminati parts of Heflin'.
perk, the Thiergarten.
Austria la the only etaylre in the
*mid which has never had colonies torrs
et en tn.-marlue possessions.
Napoleon's cabbage palm at Long -
stood has bon blown dews. 11 was
the last tree of its kind on the I.Ltrul
species St. Helen. and the •pees has sot
been found elsewhere.
Of all the countries In the world 8ar-
♦ia confided, the most centen•riauq. in
that little country, which has fewer
1,300,000than 1,300.0inhabitants, there ore
to Wally 571, persists wbose age exceed*
loll years.
The cows to Belgium wear eatrin;e.
This Is la accordance with law, which
decrees that every ■nisei of the bovine
species, when It hos attained the age of
three months must have In its ear •
ring to which la attached a metal tag
bearing a number. The object is toer
preserve an exact record of the numb
of animals raised each'- year.
Wine*teat,'r. King Alfred's capitti,
baa lu
just celebrated its millenm u •
mcuic•ipel corpsretion. The mayor of
Winchester lays claim to authority Oft -
Unlinks, any royal grant. BeorDwulf
tineint awnened the goverameat et the
town In 898. It is only i raw 70 0U age
Hint - cit, ceTelnay trits seven hua-
drtdtb anniversary on the strength of
the carter granted hi Meir}'
You need not cough all night and dl+
+orb your friends ; there lino occ**ion for
-tou.lue4ion she lien-o>-eesi,..Mat[ tap,
fientmrtlon of the lungs or consumption,
while you can get hackles Aim -Con-
sumptive Syrup. This medicine cures
toughs, cohls, il.aan,mation of the lungs
end all throat and chest trouble& It pro-
motes a tree and easy expectoration, which
tnlmedtatety reit-ewes the throat &ad Innp
from viscid phlegm.
Last M•..at•.
The era of cruel persecution has see
In, and the charge .galn-t Nero of setting
to Home. Nero has determined *'
escape by patting It upon the Christian&
Paul Is brought to trial, and then Is nit
offence found In him, save only this, that
he Is A Christian. And now he has ne
hope -or shall 1 rather say, no fear! -of
ulttal; now he res that Dreemitl7 ha
11 Indeed oPert ano..4e witb t 4r1K.
which is far better; an(D "Innes up the
whole biography of his lite, all his put,
and the whole prophecy of his lite, all IM
forelooking, in on• luminous sentence In
his seoond letter to Timothy: "1 have
fbught a good fight, I have finished tee
mums, I have kept the faith; henceforth
then 1s laid up for me • crown of right-
eousness, which (God, the righteous
Sevlobr, will give to me, *nd not to me
only. but to all them that los His
anpesrfng." The whole of Paul's theol-
ogy is summed up In that last parting
word of histo his friends in Jams Christ.
Life le • battle -fight I\bravely; life a
Donne -run it •.gerly; life a faith keep.
Ing -hold It firmly; but do not think te
win righteoasnees by your battle, by yoat
race, or by your faith -keeping; God w111
give It to yo0; it Is Hb trey gift, if you
simply love Hint, and wish to Me Hien.
-Lyman Abbott, D. D.
ALL 6per e pcent. Notes dttpmreounted, O. REA.
*00101, OEee: Opposite Martin's Betel, (Mr
• dent Insurance Agent. at lowest rater.
Onee: Cor. North •t. and SquarerOod•rlek. to
saw of Private funds for Investment at lowest
on first .rrt
t elms Mgagea. Apply to OAR.
• Real Estate and /limey Leaning Agent.
Only Srllt•elasa companies reporreented. Money
le lend on 1s(ght lea,•.• at the Iowan rate ef
interest►dg en any way tomtit the borrower,
Slice: Seemed door from Square, West street,
(Dederick. snood
SEW 0A('HINE 01001*.
AM R"par Work J..... at Reasonable l'rleea
Farm! : Implement'. for sale Marhlnery. new
Saapd . I ,. ,d, ,..night and sold. Engines
and B rile,', for..'. Sand- Bates, old waggon
np •n.ner VfcbalA and Trafalgar streets. J.
La.ranee Agent, Gnder-rahOnt. Agreed
London • .d L►casb,re Fire Ira. On., the (ince
District Mutual Ins. Co. Sales *t4.de,4 to In
any part of the county. ao Iv
Td Valuator. (/,rderllh, Onl. Hey -
Ing hal considerable experience in the auctloe
erring trade, he l he a position to discharge
with thoropgh sauefaetlnn .11 co! lone .n -
Waked to him. Oram len .t '• hotel,
w lym11 o edar�eam,wpeb P 0..
As.nd M. 0Ra , County
ugh -u
• mot Colfl Rothe on prem lee Rea teaming,
*„e every ether r-4nlore. .m ent
11•vi.dank.41bloc!,telai•nto end mine bate m p»tet.nd••
The "divine healer" Schrader has
turned op In St. Thomas and is "topping
at the Dake House.
Wm. Adlington. Paderew.ki's agent,
says the statement that the pianist has
lost the use of two of his fingers le un-
Mr. Joseph Pope, tender Secretary of
State, has been appointed Joint Secretary
with Mr. N. Bourses', M.P., for the
Quebec conference.
Adelina Patti has been lately rwxlved
again Into full communion of the Cath•
olio Church. During the lifetime of Nice -
lint this was dented her, as the ohurcb
refused to recognise the divorce which
legally treed her from hkr first husband,
Marquis de Ganz.
A. F, Newlands, Kingston's writing
master, has .00epted the writing and
drawing mastership In the Normal and
Model school.. Ottawa. He IA one of the
originators of the Canadian vertical writ-
ing system. Mr. Newlands h•o returned
from Martha's Vineyard, when he took
pert In a trawing competition with am -
o nly supervisors of drawing, and wee
awarded first prise.
While loading hay at Thornhill Man.,
William Mordy wan throwb from a lead,
and renelved injuries from whfnh h•
A peesengsr train and • freight train
collided near Ponta Deolmo, Illy, and
n ine portions were killed and forty were
serfnu.ly Injured.
7 homes Rolston, • boy Working at
the 4:.P.14. freight shops, Toronto dime-
, Sou. caught his lett arm in • planer and
was bedly rut from the wrist to the
Jrr.,nk Travers. • 'reroute sesamfitt*r,
was working at • radiator a1 the Mimic*
Asylum. While on his knees detaching
ems pipe tilt radl.ter toppled over on
bits, fracturing his skull. An Ingna.t
wUl ba held
}err. Moors of ('()henry received •
were shaking np on `onnday and le sno-
w have hart some ribs broken. the
be was driving took frinht at a
le and threw horn and hie oompan
Nn, Mr W1eke, ort
By the nnlll.tnn of ea •lentrl* meter
oar and • 0.1*1 newt en Matn.t*y is Terea-
M Mee. Rime had her rtgbt log tenanted.
Christopher boa. ~Mead a severe Deily
wound, W1111ars Weddell, OM eeal sari
driver, received two bed sealg. fetwilido.
.ad • bay sam..1 Sernarel Medially. wbs
wee with biro, had Ids imp badly
meelsbn1 awe brained.
ly, L.D.S., was the gentleman under
whose guidance this unique operation
was so successfully performed
Little Irleka of til. Mind.
One of the most curious farts to cot
neotlon with the hog brain worker.%
that they are generally to be floored over
some trivial thing which might be con.
gaered by • child of eight. For finance,
one of our present-day writer' confessed
recently to an F;ngit•h reporter that from
his earliest boyhood he has never been
able t0 coons anything in threes. All
mental calculations he makes either in
twos or fours, and he experiences the
greeteee difficulty In rep.ating ;the three -
times multiplication table correctly from
memory. Almost se rurlops 1s the 41f1
e ult7 of s clever north country ex -mayor,
who man -t distinguish h.•tween s and
1, and constantly misplaces these lettere
In writing -a falling which has calmed
him a life-long annoyance. Two publls
school examination tellers@ Iasi year
were due to the word "Held" being
spelled "feild," and In Moth mess It esu
dlsoovered that the inability to spell this
Mantle& word bad gone against the boys
on almost every former .summation.
A Dlstr.aI.g Dated. Cared by the Use .r
Dr. William.' Pink P111..
From The Hartland, N.B., Advertiser.
Right 1. oar own village Is reported
another of the remarkable ether that
make i)r. Williams' Pink Pills popu-
lar throughout the land. The rase is
that of Mrs. E. W. hillier. The Ad-
vertiser interviewed her husband, whe
was glad to relate the eircumerthnces
for publkMIon. that othere might
read and have a remedy put Inln their
hauls, as it were. "F'ot five years."
said Mr. Miller, my wife was unable
to walk without aid. One physlclan
diagnosed bee rase a earning from a
sp`.nal affection. Other doctors called
the mandy nervous ptestratios. What-
ever the trouble wee site was weak and
n ervous. Tlot limbs had •o strengh
and could not support her boder here
also Oa. a terrible weskne.G 1. }fes
hack. Three moths ego she could not
walk, bnt ss a paw nwart, titer trylnt
many medicines, elle began to nee Dr.
Wllll.f»i Mak Pills. improvement wax
noted In a few days, and • few week'
bas done wonder,. in rest.sing her
health. Today she can walk without
aa*lstllnce. Yon eon imagine her de-
light a. well as my owe. We owe her
recovery to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
e nd D recommend them for any mag
of ncrvnus weakness or tennTell debility."
Mr. Miller la part owner and menater
of ono of MIT lumber .111. and Is well
known throngho,N the me1Mry,
Dr. Willlami Pink Pills err. hy go-
ing to Me r.nt of the Meese. They re-
ranew and brand Op the htnnk end
etrentthMe fila noerv. thus drlrinc •11. -
Noes from the system Aveld Imitations
by insisting that every hot .von put+,
cheat. la oweiaewl hr -a wrapper bearing
the 1044 olds mart. D)r, Witllama' Pink
Pills dor Pale P..iple,
Ceruse Culture.
Coffee culture lea longtime Inveetn.ent.
The expenditures for the Brit year on a
plantation of 100 acres come to 18,066,
with no return AL the end of the fourth
year the total expenditures will have
amounted to 117,726, with total receipts
at 114,400, leaving a net deficit of over
18,000 1'o any one whoa= hold out the
seventh year brings • credit of 391,775
Wedding presents nrlglrated la a feudal
trfbnte tem the metals to their lord
When feudalism mimed, the present* be
men voluntary In the days of ,meson
El v,heth a n
1 pair t knives or srlrars were
• common gift and symbolised the cutting
et untalthfnl lova
Cenid A1w.7. rarer• MI. In••eeew.,
The Rev. Saran -yen's, the Georgia
evangsllet, was holding • aeries of mess
Inge et a ohbreh whose pastor was noted
for hie leek of g..'rl Innk. One atoning
at • reetv.l serytoa, se he w.. talking
•Ment tM do M hypp.'rlay and dnpholty,
h• -In • midden gle.m of cherootwrlMie
hnmor--tnrne.l mond to the patter, sit-
ting -to ins potpie behind him, .wd MM.
amid • whirlwind of laughter:
"4011. John. your oongtegatIm non
never armies yen or being • two{•ps4
+Oak• AA they, For the lord knows Mat
N eel had another faceou'd wear IL
wouldn't you?"-IrHss' Roan Jo•,W
Son Feet, -Mr.. E J. Neill, New Arm-
agh, P. Q . writes: "For nearly six
months D was tronbled with burning
aches and paha In my feet to such an ex -
an my feet were holly swollen i eonld
sot wgsy qty IMO jy Xee)<ra. At Inst 1
got a bottle of Dr Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil
and resolved to try it and to my entonlnh-
ment I got almost1in-t*nt relief, and t11a
ea. bouts aceotri i -hal a perfect cure.
uu can bur. Ask an) ver using It If tills 1e out •o. Our fence has leen In use u years and D.
Mat 1a still 1u perfect cmaintop. Duu't experiment with the numerous imitations e..w 1u the
None of them are equal to the Page.
W e have some Illustrated advertlaing matter. Let us hear from you.
1 H I'AOR W1Ks: Fr;N I'R CO., W atk•rvell•, Oak
in Ontario Farmer Rescued by
Faine's Ce cry Compelled.
Welds & 1ti.hardwu Cu..
tleutlemen :-11 u with Tray great
plcaaure that I testify to the value of
) ullr gre•.0 mediciue, Value's Cele.7
Committed. For nearly two years I
.mart -d from indigestion and kidney
and liver trwble.• After trying several
mediciucs that did net effect a lure. I
decided to try your compound- Betuce
using It L W 8O Tow Its beillh that --
could not set or deep. I could not
tLg in bed owing tegwainitrany back,
nd it -Was only by resting OD m7 el-
bows and knees that 1 wail enabled to
obtain a dight degree of ease. Before
lanai (0107 taken owe battle of your
medicine 1 began to imVrove. 1 Imo,
cow taken la all fourteen bottles with
end results. 1 am a farmer tad am
now working every day. I am • ,living
witness to the worth or Palbe'e Celery
Compound. Yours sincerely,
Sh.64404d. Obs.
Th. rstrree.
Lord Russell, of Killowen, years bot-
.•h-re he task nick. wee sittrot in reat:
when another bare -biter, leaning semen
the troches during the hearing of •
trial for bigamy, whispered. "Russell,
what's the extreme penalty for !titans) Y"
"Two mothers -hi -law." replied Rumen.
without kart+ties
Exposed -
For some years e Indls aar
bare suflertd utuchthLos* 14r11.1of iuoCa.n,yesl.
.ace from use of deceptive boa dyes'
put up to look like the popular blain.
Dyed These imitation package 474
were sold w ices w .t•g
mentra[a at whoToryl0 turalaprmade hnmernm
woke on them *btu Auld__
wk.were na100r 44f'l7r.M3ueneed to
beg them.
These hi -Watkins' et Diamond Dye.
were never sold more than once to .a7
woman. They possessed Do fouwlrtua
Qualities or good points to make teaR-
taluaLle or leveler. They owe made
of the cheapest iugredleuts, the rola,
were deed, muddy and taillight's, and
they ruined all materials they crate
la lobtatt with. These 400344)❑ ,lyes
are tem so despised ■nd shunned that
storekeepers are tl0A--tn leu totem a{_
half price to be rid of them.
The Diamond i)yes ane .1111 marching
w to new victories, and have Always'
maintained heir position by true oar.
alone. Bowan! ot the intit:m.4a ca._
clkap dyes_ tial! still pushed au
unsuspecting by some drelcrs. If e
storekeeper value, your [ride he will
recommend you to use the ,bairn.
H.r K.l•r,,
Ethel -"Just look at that beautiful era
easement ring Tom MIT! me; but It's a
Maud-"Vevy pretty. but It was too
large for me."
To cure Catarrh use
vapors of Quickcure.
0.4 Another sm.,.
Wife -Dear, the doctor says It Ig
n ecessary (or we to take • trip across
the woter. ,Wt. it de jM-N{ak 1 shout('
better do? 1 `...
husband -Get another dogleg.
Th• ?t•w wan Must Rastl..
The colleges for women are said to
be 1•.•e4egvd with applicants toe the hith-
er (elevation. with the number con-
stantly increasing- This suggests two
farts --the possibilities of the race for
Intellectual development when the wo-
men are so eager for knowledge, ■nd
the absointe mce•.eity for the new man
to be no and thine to keep pace with
tb* feminine proreseion.
Then ran be no reel unbc'llnf, for who-
ever mllevea In the steadfestnees and
reliability of the laws of nature. whoever
believes In the supremacy of right over
wrong, whoever even plants a tree or
trusta to the tonna, thus bear. wltn,ws to
his own te1th In God, whom name, per-
haps• he nay find himself denying, and
his faith only needle expansion and to he
cone/dolts of Itself In order to be the sup-
port of a cone -dowdy religious life.
TN Worst.
The face of the Spaniel. queen blanched
with sodden fear, and her whole form
"Tell me the worst!" she cried.
Low the tired messenger hung his head.
"It esu another victory for us!" be
louaned.-New York Journal.
How to Cure Headache. -Some people
stiffer nntoid misery (ley afar day with
Headache. Then Is rest neither day or
night until the nerves ars all unstrung.
The cause is generally • dleordered stom-
ach, and a cure can he effected by using
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, oonaining
Mandrake and Dandelion. Mr. Finlay
Werk, Lysander, P. (.3, writes: 'I and
Parmelee, Pills a ibt-alar artiste fog
Bilious Headache."
Womanly Beanie.
I believe In the gymnasium. No, I ds
not believe In the dance. It may develop
Mone Meaolee In the Indy, but It develops
Ulm muscles 1s the soul. Health of soul
brings the highest and deepest beauty.
Our bodies give expression to the real
life of the soul." Hate, anger, jealousy,
Impurity, stinglne.e, frivolity, drunken -
nem and despair tell In the faoe, walk
and action and denimy beauty. hove,
kludness, peace, Joy, puny, genero.tty,
patience and hope find exprerlon here
%len, end whatever the features when
thou, dwell 1s the hoose of bs.nty. Soul
beauty wean. Some girle with aloe eyes
*cd golden hair seam very beautiful et
Int, but, lacking thin deeper beauty, 11
moon fades, while the plain girl who
posers• It grows more beautiful .. you
know her better. Beauty, pike that of the
far famed Helen or Poppase, will soon
fide, bus the twenty of the soul, when
Christ dwells, shalt last to make happy
the city of God.
Colic and Kidney i)Ifftaalty. -Mr. J. W.
Wilder. P , Iwfargevill., N Y., write,:
'1 am tin Wert to .mere nttacks of C'olle
and Kidney Difficulty, and find Perms
leer's Pi11e afford me great relief, *bile
all other remedies have failed. They are
the best medicine 1 have ever need. in
fact ao gnat la the power of tills malleins
aeleanse and purity, that dlmemso of all
most every news and nature are driven
from the body.
LINOS! xmlIHsr7 1.00I11gsaes
RoMfy--.Pam shat. dam )'aa nese i-
Monet snrnnder" mann?
Papa -18 moawe a caplt0*M(m with any
bomber of oondltteaa-Yowl Tople&
Irinud's Urines( W Lushes's:1 Trkst
A Theory.
"k�,' amid Plodding Pete. 'how r
is tat some of des* people ids work
day after day me sever sees to hal
"Well." replied Meandering Mike, re-
Redirelr- - "1 : ae.e 4*T,,,L aea.e.fl
roma •a' (Rets to be immune."
- l■ Ih• Kral 1.
Stranger -"Waiter, let tee have 1►
poached egg."
Bttlllgdi)kt next table -"One for me,
tr'o, plegeP riot Mee that It Isn't a bad
Waiter fin the kitchen) -'Two pone le
ed eggs; one good one."
1st for IIllud'e Liniment and tele mo other.
TssaNeR lewd et h 11en tile Skis.
Almond meal Is said to soften and
whiten the skin, it ie usually put Into
a bag made of nun's veiling or of sore
Ibantlng, and ns'.' as a cake of soap
would be when Lathing. After its ung
the skin should to bathed with dem
water.-Irdl(T; plume Journal.
L,craa (,'or7tr 'L.._ -`
Fame J. cexam unities oath hat w `ria
senior partner of the firm or I.J. Gn
aga 1 Or
dole/ be er lnIn the CIty M Toledo, County and
Eats aforesaid and that said Son will pay the
and every eaof C that cannot be eared
by the use Of HAW'* Ca..... ((am�u.
Fa* If[ J. CHOW.
Sworn to before me and subscribed is ftp
presence, this nth da of Demeter, A D Islf,
-4-- A. W. GLEASON,
{ SISAL Notary Public.
Ralf* Catarrh Onre 'oaken Integral!y and sets
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. fiend for testimonials, free.
I. J. CHENEY a CO, Toledo 0
'sr0old by Druggiata, Tec.
It Is estimated that the human family
living on earth tn-day consists el about
1.450,000,000 Individuals.
Til -fitting boots and shoe, mum corns.
Holloway's Corn Cnre is the article to seek,
Get a bottle at onto sod cure your corns.
Trots wine no easy rtetortea•
Zeal Y the dynamite of appeal
Trials are blessings in ddegnlse.
(Dphiteal hunger to heart prayer.
Adverwlty is God's pruning knife.
Arnica ae ggeated.
Rhockitt-Dora leArning the bicycle
r» -inks any particular application?
8prockltt-No; none le particular. Bit
arnica Is abort as trod as anything.
Use Quickcure for Lame
Prepared felt the Weest.
"Now. when you mak papa fee alt
be Filo Vi rhea the Oki a mai"
"You, bet I will. , Ile doesn't get gnichaeta at my beet K I can help 1L"
Take iAxagve WORN Q011011 TOWS.. AB
Drugg4Sto refoed the money 1 f It f&Lb M eve re
M• N.,.t nu.
MYonr adversary took his defeat grasp
?rile," said the painter's 'backer.
"Yea," ..seated the Ighteg. "I wow
struck a nicer fellow,"
Gaily ■. ChargwA.
Jnagte---"Ten gee charted with est.
ting Jasper Johnson with ■ rano, IIf0w
he had worsted Tont Is • friendly spat-
arsfatt moa. "
ner-"Yaw oath: i elegised 'dm.
b■t coos 'vegletl me Into heists' an'
•.bber tole me he was lot iY'.L"
eh11drea nus,,
warms, a them Mother. Greven'''
Rtterminator: ,:ale, sure and effectusi,
Try it, and mark the improvement luyear
.eel..• for the Young Il...
"Dab am few tinge." said Untie
Eten, "mo' dlecomfortin' den ter see
teenty-five-cent young man go out ter
swab wif a million dolah girl dat's pet
et twenty-doHah appetite."
Keep iinard's Umlaut 11 lb Heise.
At the S*roxai palace, In Rome, there
1s a book made of marble, the In rev
being of m orveloa thinness.
Rain falls more frequently between
8 o'clock and 8 o'clock in the rnorabg
than at any ether time during the dart
C. C. RICI(AIIDm & Co.
DEAR SIRS. -I have used MiN-
. in mysxee1Or
over i year and consider ,it the very
best for horseflesh I can get, and
`strongly recommend it
Livery Stables, Quebec.
T.b. rear.[..
Take courage, you who are faetag
exprtlen^es from which yon shrink, as1
which lou mai be conscious that yes
have not deserved. Be sure that. we
crpted as Jesus met Wa they will
glorify your life Instead of Milia/ IL
Charles M. Sheldon's Books
• Ips Mem t What Would Jews Do f.. x(e
ing the World: The Story of Mel-
eeien Kirk ge
Brother's Keeper rM
materiae of Phillip Strong He
Hardy's Seven flays ae
AamN e! these boob met post pied a
M4eM 1e Canada epee receipt of ter.
hooks postpaid to one addrwlor 11 *
TN Pools hhtll` CI.pm,. Mal,
1S and SO Melinda et.,
For (tale Or all Leading Howie.
Have a Good light
TER than Water
White American 011.
Ask 7ewr floater ran tile
Gen n. n e.
Owl Citi 011 Cs.,
S.m'l Legere, Pres., Trento,
00 YOU WANT W,h• to tM Nosrw/s
au•I1• , Cost•se, (hr•
TO LEARN IT ?�SouTnldLOOnt. 11 you ewe
h IThe.tl aid w • pwaetkwl D•*g/aaO�weos*r
ee* Car
Clecalan n•a G A. ?Lamina, Nadia
Believing HAItvw(DT ixouss (D0S
Ago' 111,1 mET1�M(DE IIT, INT. lfi1., w
_,. S lot mat NM
f ' N )s�
rerat 5.t-1s3s
1�en aft •date 1a 0•ewife, equip//. gear an
ferne ia• t1.1*ber " ii"•• emery 0* ve aasdee
Omaha tower parr�,rbtwfel SON